Reflection Essay About The Subjects in Senior High School

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Republic of the Philippines 

Department of Education – Region lll School 

Division of San Jose City 
Cadhit Street, San Jose City, Nueva Ecija 




GAS is a Senior High School strand that prepares students for college by taking
a generalist approach. It covers a wide range of disciplines, including
Humanities, Social Sciences, Organization, and Management.
Because GAS does not specialize in any strand, you are free to select any
college degree program from the three other strands based on your elective.
Furthermore, Education is a possible path to take from this strand.
The GAS is ideal for those who are unsure about which career path they want
to take in the future.
The GAS gives senior high school students exposure a variety of different
subjects, allowing them to explore each one to see which will be the best fit for
Here are some of the reflections the we have experienced during our grade 11

Reflective writing is an analytical practice in which the writer describes a real

or imaginary scene, event, interaction, passing thought, or memory and adds a
personal reflection on its meaning.
21st Century Literature gave me an idea of how important literature is even if
we are already in the 21st century. It made me understand more what is the
meaning of literature. It also made me appreciate all the hard works of all the
authors just to impart their knowledge to be passed on to the upcoming
Literature seems too difficult to embrace for people who are indifferent to it.
However, it continues to grow and stay because of its significance and value to
man. Literature is an art of self-expression. Because of how rich Introduction to
21st Century Literature is, I was able to compare and contrast the four genres
o literature.
When we read literature, we are informed of events that beset our
environment, and the fictitious characters and colorful events amuse us. It still
amazes me how the power of literature can make me see the world from a
different perspective.
The type of literature we have now is totally different from the previous ones
because the interests of the audience also change based on the demand of
their needs. They have a more different set of interests which is greatly
affected by media, friends, or social networking sites.
Reading and writing is self-confidence! It also gives an individual the ability and
a place to express their feelings through journaling. I have learned how to work
with real books. Also I learned how to find the meaning of some words without
using a dictionary.
In the beginning of the semester, my reading and writing was a complete
chaos. I would mainly spite reading because I would lose my patience really
fast. Writing on the other hand was adequate, but my vocabulary did not
match my capacity. An example I could use would be when I began to do the
essays. My first essay was the “Memoir” and I could honestly say my writing
was not very good, luckily I had a few things to guide me by while writing this
essay. My teacher helped out a lot by giving each student handouts that really
helped with this essay.
Since Eapp is about teaching and learning, why do we need to improve our
English skills? In the past decades the use of English language continuously to
be in demand because of the growing economy, for example learning how to
make a good academic text that will surely get the attention of your target
reader is not an easy task because your goal is to provide the information they
needed while entertaining them to read more, it is like creating a well crafted
story that will surely catch your reader off guard but that story you created
should only be based on facts and those facts should come from credible
sources. Learning EAP can greatly boost your confidence in front of people
since you know what you are saying and you can also impress the audience.
We can say that we're the kind of students that not on top and not in the
bottom type of student when it comes to English but this past few years that
we studying English, we learned a lot of things such as how to communicate
well in front of many people. In the class, the teacher allow us to grow when it
comes to speaking which will enhance our communication skills in the future.
We have realized that it had made a significant change in my life. When we're
attending in our class, not only we understand the readings better than before
but we also analyzing the information, forming our own thoughts, and
incorporating ideas from the past to increase the literacy towards the topic
that we would’ve given up in the past. We value the qualities that this English
class gifts to the students like us because it has improved us as a good public
speaker, learner, and as an active members in the society. The amount of
things we have learned in this class is immense to briefly summarize what we
learned in class, we would have to claim that we learned how to learn. we
have a better understanding on how various ways of in taking information can
lead to various versions of understanding. For example, we believe that the
third weekly comment enables the student to look at both sides of arguments
and form opinions from incorporating his or her general knowledge and
personal values to new information that was retained recently. We look at our
formed ideas from the past once in a while, we realize about two things.
Sometimes, we have new knowledge that we want to incorporate into our past
ideas by editing our previous papers. At other times, we realize that we have
new ideas that contradict with the previous ones and we chose to edit our
paper and save it as another copy. When this happens, we enjoy looking at
both drafts and comparing and contrasting two beliefs that both came from
our heads. Reflections are useful because not only does it create a stronger
understanding but it also creates a different dimensions or views of beliefs. We
also want to thank this class since we learned what type of learner we are. We
gained a lot of self confidence to speak what thoughts do we have in our mind.
EAPP help us in so many ways such as both written and oral communication.
EAPP helps us to understand more about various languages and its important
on every people in the particular society. After watching a YouTube video, we
realized that we enjoy retaining information from viewing videos. Besides a
video, we also enjoy learning from diagrams and charts to analyze information
on various topics. For example, we can understand the game theory by
examining a visual diagram. we also realized that we're not a good audio
learner since we had a hard time understanding, focusing, and listening.

In practical research 1 it will develops your critical thinking and problem

solving. Practical Research 1, also known as Qualitative Research, it is a
method of investigation used in a variety of academic disciplines, most notably
in the social sciences, but also in market research and other settings. I prefer
qualitative research than quantitative research because it saves money, it can
provides insights that specific to an industry and its a process that is always
open ended
In practical research 2, it aims to develop critical thinking and problem-solving
skills of the students through the conduct quantitative research relative to
their interests and senior high school track and strand. I’ve learned so much
from this subject, I learned about what is quantitative research used for and I
also learned the differences between quantitative and qualitative research, the
strengths and weaknesses of quantitative research, and the different kinds of
quantitative research design.
t has been proven that creative writing can help us enhance our grades in a
variety of subjects. This is because writing like this helps us enhance our
thinking skills while also assisting other kids in learning more about themselves
as writers. If you're looking for ways to enhance your self-esteem, encouraging
yourself to write creatively is one of the best things you can do. But, before we
get started, what exactly is creative writing?, Creative writing is when a person
writes about whatever they choose, and it doesn't have to be based on a true
story. Other styles of writing frequently leave the reader with facts and
information, but creative writing incorporates emotions to create a vivid
picture in the reader's head. Writing creatively may be a pleasant method to
express oneself while also learning. It's not only about coming up with new
words; it's also about enhancing how the brain learns new things. Because we
will have a better knowledge of new vocabulary as we read through
imaginative stories with compelling plots, creative writing enhances reading
skills. Math skills are aided by creative writing. Many of us associate numbers
with tales and characters, thus the creative process can aid in their grasp of
math principles. Play, such as creative labor, has been shown to raise serotonin
levels, which have been associated to depression and anxiety. It also aids in the
development of our study habits, as a student, more likely to pay attention in
class if they are already thinking about their creative projects at home.
Oral communication classes can benefit me in many ways. It can get rid of my
nervousness when speaking in things like job interviews, presentations I will
have to do in other classes at Mansfield, and just making a good impression on
the people around me through the words that I say. Weather people know it or
not, the way someone speaks tells a lot about the person. Especially when
trying to get a job. If someone speaks well and is talkative about ideas they
have, the boss of that job is more willing to hire them instead of a person that
is shy and doesn't speak well at all. The reason is that the person who speaks
better, the boss thinks that they may care more about the job even though
that might not be the case. Comfort and confidence are big things in
communication. In my first opportunity to speak in my oral communication
class I was confident, but didn't really feel all that comfortable. Stuttering and
sweating where some of my faults when I was speaking. Overall I feel that I did
better then I thought I would. As class goes on I am sure that I will gain comfort
and more confidence once I get to know the people in the class, but the
question is how long will that take for me? I have had some, but not many,
unique experiences in my life that might be able to help me in oral
communication. In high school I was usually the "class clown" and I was always
the one who will just say what I have on my mind because I knew everyone in
the school so I really didn't care what people thought.

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