Toaz - Info Chapter 4 PR

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For steady flow in a heat exchanger at approximately atmospheric pressure, what is the heat
transferred: (a) When 10 mol of SO2 is heated from 200 to 1100°C? (b) When 12 mol of propane is
heated from 250 to 1200°C? (c) When 20 kg of methane is heated from 100 to 800°C? (d) When 10 mol
of n-butane is heated from 150 to 1150°C? (e) When 1000 kg of air is heated from 25 to 1000°C? (f)
When 20 mol of ammonia is heated from 100 to 800°C? (g) When 10 mol of water is heated from 150 to
300°C? (h) When 5 mol of chlorine is heated from 200 to 500°C? (i) When 10 kg of ethylbenzene is
heated from 300 to 700°C?

4.2. For steady flow through a heat exchanger at approximately atmospheric pressure, what is the final
temperature, (a) When heat in the amount of 800 kJ is added to 10 mol of ethylene initially at 200°C? (b)
When heat in the amount of 2500 kJ is added to 15 mol of 1-butene initially at 260°C? (c) When heat in
the amount of 106(Btu) is added to 40(lb mol) of ethylene initially at 500(°F)?

4.3. For a steady-flow heat exchanger with a feed temperature of 100°C, compute the outlet stream
temperature when heat in the amount of 12 kJ·mol−1 is added to the following substances. (a) methane,
(b) ethane, (c) propane, (d) n-butane, (e) n-hexane, (f) n-octane, (g) propylene, (h) 1-pentene, (i) 1-
heptene, (j) 1-octene, (k) acetylene, (l) benzene, (m) ethanol, (n) styrene, (o) formaldehyde, (p)
ammonia, (q) carbon monoxide, (r) carbon dioxide, (s) sulfur dioxide, (t) water, (u) nitrogen, (ν)
hydrogen cyanide

4.4. If 250(ft)3(s)−1 of air at 122(°F) and approximately atmospheric pressure is preheated for a
combustion process to 932(°F), what rate of heat transfer is required?

4.5. How much heat is required when 10,000 kg of CaCO3 is heated at atmospheric pressure from 50°C
to 880°C?

4.6. If the heat capacity of a substance is correctly represented by an equation of the form, CP = A + BT +
CT2 show that the error resulting when ⟨CP⟩H is assumed equal to CP evaluated at the arithmetic mean
of the initial and final temperatures is C(T2 − T1)2/12.

4.7. If the heat capacity of a substance is correctly represented by an equation of the form, CP = A + BT +
DT−2 show that the error resulting when ⟨CP⟩H is assumed equal to CP evaluated at the arithmetic mean
of the initial and final temperatures is: D_____ T1T2 ( _______ T2 − T1 T2 + T1 ) 2

4.8. Calculate the heat capacity of a gas sample from the following information: The sample comes to
equilibrium in a flask at 25°C and 121.3 kPa. A stopcock is opened briefly, allowing the pressure to drop
to 101.3 kPa. With the stopcock closed, the flask warms, returning to 25°C, and the pressure is
measured as 104.0 kPa. Determine CP in J·mol−1·K−1 assuming the gas to be ideal and the expansion of
the gas remaining in the flask to be reversible and adiabatic.

4.9. A process stream is heated as a gas from 25°C to 250°C at constant P. A quick estimate of the energy
requirement is obtained from Eq. (4.3), with CP taken as constant and equal to its value at 25°C. Is the
estimate of Q likely to be low or high? Why?

4.10. (a) For one of the compounds listed in Table B.2 of App. B, evaluate the latent heat of vaporization
ΔHn by Eq. (4.13). How does this result compare with the value listed in Table B.2? (b) Handbook values
for the latent heats of vaporization at 25°C of four compounds are given in the table. For one of these,
calculate ΔHn using Eq. (4.14), and compare the result with the value given in Table B.2.
4.11. Table 9.1 lists the thermodynamic properties of saturated liquid and vapor tetrafluoroethane.
Making use of the vapor pressures as a function of temperature and of the saturated-liquid and
saturated-vapor volumes, calculate the latent heat of vaporization by Eq. (4.12) at one of the following
temperatures and compare the result with the latent heat of vaporization calculated from the enthalpy
values given in the table. (a) −16°C, (b) 0°C, (c) 12°C, (d) 26°C, (e) 40°C.

4.12. Handbook values for the latent heats of vaporization in J·g−1 are given in the table for three pure
liquids at 0°C. ΔHlv at 0°C Chloroform 270.9 Methanol 1189.5 Tetrachloromethane 217.8 For one of
these substances, calculate: (a) The value of the latent heat at Tn by Eq. (4.14), given the value at 0°C.
(b) The value of the latent heat at Tn by Eq. (4.13). By what percentages do these results differ from the
value listed in Table B.2 of App. B?

4.13. Table B.2 of App. B provides parameters for an equation that gives Psat as a function of T for a
number of pure compounds. For one of them, determine the heat of vaporization at its normal boiling
point by application of Eq. (4.12), the Clapeyron equation. Evaluate dPsat/dT from the given vapor-
pressure equation, and use generalized correlations from Chapter 3 to estimate ΔV. Compare the
computed value with the value of ΔHn listed in Table B.2. Note that normal boiling points are listed in
the last column of Table B.2.

4.14. A method for determination of the second virial coefficient of a pure gas is based on the Clapeyron
equation and measurements of the latent heat of vaporization ΔHlv, the molar volume of saturated
liquid Vl , and the vapor pressure Psat. Determine B in cm3·mol−1 for methyl ethyl ketone at 75°C from
the following data at this temperature: ΔHlν = 31,600 J·mol−1 Vl = 96.49cm3 ·mol−1 lnPsat/kPa = 48.158
− 5623/T − 4.705 lnT [T = K]

4.15. One hundred kmol per hour of subcooled liquid at 300 K and 3 bar is superheated to 500 K in a
steady-flow heat exchanger. Estimate the exchanger duty (in kW) for one of the following: (a) Methanol,
for which Tsat = 368.0 K at 3 bar. (b) Benzene, for which Tsat = 392.3 K at 3 bar. (c) Toluene, for which
Tsat = 426.9 K at 3 bar.

4.16. For each of the following substances, compute the final temperature when heat in the amount of
60 kJ·mol−1 is added to the subcooled liquid at 25°C at atmospheric pressure. (a) methanol (b) ethanol
(c) benzene (d) toluene (e) water

4.17. Saturated-liquid benzene at pressure P1 = 10 bar (T1 sat = 451.7K) is throttled in a steady-flow
process to a pressure P2 = 1.2 bar (T2 sat = 358.7K), where it is a liquid/ vapor mixture. Estimate the
molar fraction of the exit stream that is vapor. For liquid benzene, CP = 162 J·mol−1·K−1. Ignore the
effect of pressure on the enthalpy of liquid benzene

4.18. Estimate ΔHf298 ° for one of the following compounds as a liquid at 25°C. (a) Acetylene, (b) 1,3-
Butadiene, (c) Ethylbenzene, (d) n-Hexane, (e) Styrene.

4.19. Reversible compression of 1 mol of an ideal gas in a piston/cylinder device results in a pressure
increase from 1 bar to P2 and a temperature increase from 400 K to 950 K. The path followed by the gas
during compression is given by PV1.55 = const, and the molar heat capacity of the gas is given by: CP/R =
3.85 + 0.57 × 10−3T [T = K] Determine the heat transferred during the process and the final pressure.
4.20. Hydrocarbon fuels can be produced from methanol by reactions such as the following, which yields
1-hexene: 6CH3OH(g) → C6H12(g) + 6H2O(g) Compare the standard heat of combustion at 25°C of
6CH3OH(g) with the standard heat of combustion at 25°C of C6H12(g) for reaction products CO2(g) and

4.21. Calculate the theoretical flame temperature when ethylene at 25°C is burned with: (a) The
theoretical amount of air at 25°C. (b) 25% excess air at 25°C. (c) 50% excess air at 25°C. (d) 100% excess
air at 25°C. (e) 50% excess air preheated to 500°C. (f) The theoretical amount of pure oxygen.

4.27. The first step in the metabolism of ethanol is dehydrogenation by reaction with nicotinamide-
adenine dinucleotide (NAD): C2H5OH + NAD+ → C2H4O + NADH What is the heat effect of this reaction
upon metabolizing 10 g of ethanol from a typical cocktail? What is the total heat effect for complete
metabolism of the 10 g of ethanol to CO2 and water? How, if at all, is the perception of warmth that
accompanies ethanol consumption related to these heat effects? For computing heat effects, you may
neglect the temperature, pH, and ionic strength dependence of the enthalpy of reaction (i.e. apply the
enthalpies of formation from Table C.5 of App. C at physiological conditions).

4.28. Natural gas (assume pure methane) is delivered to a city via pipeline at a volumetric rate of 150
million standard cubic feet per day. If the selling price of the gas is $5.00 per GJ of higher heating value,
what is the expected revenue in dollars per day? Standard conditions are 60(°F) and 1(atm).

4.29. Natural gases are rarely pure methane; they usually also contain other light hydrocarbons and
nitrogen. Determine an expression for the standard higher heat of combustion as a function of
composition for a natural gas containing methane, ethane, propane, and nitrogen. Assume liquid water
as a product of combustion. Which of the following natural gases has the highest heat of combustion?
(a) yCH4 = 0.95, yC2H6 = 0.02, yC3H8 = 0.02, yN2 = 0.01. (b) yCH4 = 0.90, yC2H6 = 0.05, yC3H8 = 0.03,
yN2 = 0.02. (c) yCH4 = 0.85, yC2H6 = 0.07, yC3H8 = 0.03, yN2 = 0.05.

4.30. If the heat of combustion of urea, (NH2)2CO(s), at 25°C is 631,660 J·mol−1 when the products are
CO2(g), H2O(l), and N2(g), what is ΔHf298 ° for urea?

4.31. The higher heating value (HHV) of a fuel is its standard heat of combustion at 25°C with liquid
water as a product; the lower heating value (LHV) is for water vapor as product. (a) Explain the origins of
these terms. (b) Determine the HHV and the LHV for natural gas, modeled as pure methane. (c)
Determine the HHV and the LHV for a home-heating oil, modeled as pure liquid n-decane. For n-decane
as a liquid ΔHf298 ° = −249,700 J·mol−1.

4.32. A light fuel oil with an average chemical composition of C10H18 is burned with oxygen in a bomb
calorimeter. The heat evolved is measured as 43,960 J·g−1 for the reaction at 25°C. Calculate the
standard heat of combustion of the fuel oil at 25°C with H2O(g) and CO2(g) as products. Note that the
reaction in the bomb occurs at constant volume, produces liquid water as a product, and goes to

4.33. Methane gas is burned completely with 30% excess air at approximately atmospheric pressure.
Both the methane and the air enter the furnace at 30°C saturated with water vapor, and the flue gases
leave the furnace at 1500°C. The flue gases then pass through a heat exchanger from which they emerge
at 50°C. Per mole of methane, how much heat is lost from the furnace, and how much heat is
transferred in the heat exchanger?
4.34. Ammonia gas enters the reactor of a nitric acid plant mixed with 30% more dry air than is required
for the complete conversion of the ammonia to nitric oxide and water vapor. If the gases enter the
reactor at 75°C, if conversion is 80%, if no side reactions occur, and if the reactor operates adiabatically,
what is the temperature of the gases leaving the reactor? Assume ideal gases.

4.35. Ethylene gas and steam at 320°C and atmospheric pressure are fed to a reaction process as an
equimolar mixture. The process produces ethanol by the reaction: C2H4(g) + H2O(g) → C2H5OH(l) The
liquid ethanol exits the process at 25°C. What is the heat transfer associated with this overall process
per mole of ethanol produced?

4.36. A gas mixture of methane and steam at atmospheric pressure and 500°C is fed to a reactor, where
the following reactions occur: CH4 + H2O → CO + 3H2 and CO + H2O → CO2 + H2 The product stream
leaves the reactor at 850°C. Its composition (mole fractions) is: yCO2 = 0.0275 yCO = 0.1725 yH2O =
0.1725 yH2 = 0.6275 Determine the quantity of heat added to the reactor per mole of product gas.

4.37. A fuel consisting of 75 mol-% methane and 25 mol-% ethane enters a furnace with 80% excess air
at 30°C. If 8 × 105 kJ·kmol−1 fuel is transferred as heat to boiler tubes, at what temperature does the
flue gas leave the furnace? Assume complete combustion of the fuel

4.38. The gas stream from a sulfur burner consists of 15 mol-% SO2, 20 mol-% O2, and 65 mol-% N2. The
gas stream at atmospheric pressure and 400°C enters a catalytic converter where 86% of the SO2 is
further oxidized to SO3. On the basis of 1 mol of gas entering, how much heat must be added to or
removed from the converter so that the product gases leave at 500°C?

4.39. Hydrogen is produced by the reaction: CO(g) + H2O(g) → CO2(g) + H2(g). The feed stream to the
reactor is an equimolar mixture of carbon monoxide and steam, and it enters the reactor at 125°C and
atmospheric pressure. If 60% of the H2O is converted to H2 and if the product stream leaves the reactor
at 425°C, how much heat must be transferred to or from the reactor?

4.40. A direct-fired dryer burns a fuel oil with a lower heating value of 19,000(Btu) (lbm)−1. [Products of
combustion are CO2(g) and H2O(g).] The composition of the oil is 85% carbon, 12% hydrogen, 2%
nitrogen, and 1% water by weight. The flue gases leave the dryer at 400(°F), and a partial analysis shows
that they contain 3 mol-% CO2 and 11.8 mol-% CO on a dry basis. The fuel, air, and material being dried
enter the dryer  at 77(°F). If the entering air is saturated with water and if 30% of the net heating value
of the oil is allowed for heat losses (including the sensible heat carried out with the dried product), how
much water is evaporated in the dryer per (lbm) of oil burned?

4.41. An equimolar mixture of nitrogen and acetylene enters a steady-flow reactor at 25°C and
atmospheric pressure. The only reaction occurring is: N2(g) + C2H2(g) → 2HCN (g). The product gases
leave the reactor at 600°C and contain 24.2 mol-% HCN. How much heat is supplied to the reactor per
mole of product gas?

4.42. Chlorine is produced by the reaction:  4HCl(g) + O2(g) → 2H2O(g) + 2Cl2(g). The feed stream to the
reactor consists of 60 mol-% HCl, 36 mol-% O2, and 4 mol-% N2, and it enters the reactor at 550°C. If the
conversion of HCl is 75% and if the process is isothermal, how much heat must be transferred to or from
the reactor per mole of the entering gas mixture?
4.43. A gas consisting only of CO and N2 is made by passing a mixture of flue gas and air through a bed
of incandescent coke (assume pure carbon). The two reactions that occur both go to completion: CO2 +
C → 2CO and 2C + O2 → 2CO The flue gas composition is 12.8 mol-% CO, 3.7 mol-% CO2, 5.4 mol-% O2,
and 78.1 mol-% N2. The flue gas/air mixture is so proportioned that the heats of the two reactions
cancel, and the temperature of the coke bed is therefore constant. If this temperature is 875°C, if the
feed stream is preheated to 875°C, and if the process is adiabatic, what ratio of moles of flue gas to
moles of air is required, and what is the composition of the gas produced?

4.44. A fuel gas consisting of 94 mol-% methane and 6 mol-% nitrogen is burned with 35% excess air in a
continuous water heater. Both fuel gas and air enter dry at 77(°F). Water is heated at a rate of 75(lbm)
(s)−1 from 77(°F) to 203(°F). The flue gases leave the heater at 410(°F). Of the entering methane, 70%
burns to carbon dioxide and 30% burns to carbon monoxide. What volumetric flow rate of fuel gas is
required if there are no heat losses to the surroundings?

4.45. A process for the production of 1,3-butadiene results from the catalytic dehydrogenation at
atmospheric pressure of 1-butene according to the reaction: C4H8(g) → C4H6(g) + H2(g) To suppress
side reactions, the 1-butene feed stream is diluted with steam in the ratio of 10 moles of steam per
mole of 1-butene. The reaction is carried out isothermally at 525°C, and at this temperature 33% of the
1-butene is converted to 1,3-butadiene. How much heat is transferred to or from the reactor per mole
of entering 1-butene?

4.46. (a) An air-cooled condenser transfers heat at a rate of 12(Btu)·s−1 to ambient air at 70(°F). If the
air temperature is raised 20(°F), what is the required volumetric flow rate of the air? (b) Rework part (a)
for a heat-transfer rate of 12 kJ·s−1, ambient air at 24°C, and a temperature rise of 13°C.

4.47. (a) An air-conditioning unit cools 50(ft)3·s−1 of air at 94(°F) to 68(°F). What is the required heat-
transfer rate in (Btu)·s−1? (b) Rework part (a) for a flow rate of 1.5 m3·s−1, a temperature change from
35°C to 25°C, and units of kJ·s−1.

4.48. A propane-fired water heater delivers 80% of the standard heat of combustion of the propane [at
25°C with CO2(g) and H2O(g) as products] to the water. If the price of propane is $2.20 per gallon as
measured at 25°C, what is the heating cost in $ per million (Btu)? In $ per MJ?

4.49. Determine the heat transfer (J·mol−1) when one of the gases identified below is heated in a
steady-flow process from 25°C to 500°C at atmospheric pressure. (a) Acetylene; (b) Ammonia; (c) n-
Butane; (d) Carbon dioxide; (e) Carbon monoxide; (f) Ethane; (g) Hydrogen; (h) Hydrogen chloride; (i)
Methane; (j) Nitric oxide; (k) Nitrogen; (l) Nitrogen dioxide; (m) Nitrous oxide; (n) Oxygen; (o) Propylene
4.50. Determine the final temperature for one of the gases of the preceding problem if heat in the
amount of 30,000 J·mol−1 is transferred to the gas, initially at 25°C, in a steadyflow process at
atmospheric pressure.

4.51. Quantitative thermal analysis has been suggested as a technique for monitoring the composition
of a binary gas stream. To illustrate the principle, do one of the following problems. (a) A
methane/ethane gas mixture is heated from 25°C to 250°C at 1(atm) in a steadyflow process. If Q =
11,500 J·mol−1, what is the composition of the mixture? (b) A benzene/cyclohexane gas mixture is
heated from 100°C to 400°C at 1(atm) in a steady-flow process. If Q = 54,000 J·mol−1, what is the
composition of the mixture? (c) A toluene/ethylbenzene gas mixture is heated from 150°C to 250°C at
1(atm) in a steady-flow process. If Q = 17,500 J·mol−1, what is the composition of the mixture?

4.52. Saturated steam at 1(atm) and 100°C is continuously generated from liquid water at 1(atm) and
25°C by thermal contact with hot air in a counterflow heat exchanger. The air flows steadily at 1(atm).
Determine values for m˙ (steam)/n˙(air) for two cases: (a) Air enters the exchanger at 1000°C. (b) Air
enters the exchanger at 500°C. For both cases, assume a minimum approach ΔT for heat exchange of

4.53. Saturated water vapor, i.e., steam, is commonly used as a heat source in heatexchanger
applications. Why saturated vapor? Why saturated water vapor? In a plant of any reasonable size,
several varieties of saturated steam are commonly available; for example, saturated steam at 4.5, 9, 17,
and 33 bar. But the higher the pressure the lower the useful energy content (why?), and the greater the
unit cost. Why then is higher-pressure steam used?

4.54. The oxidation of glucose provides the principal source of energy for animal cells. Assume the
reactants are glucose [C6H12O6(s)] and oxygen [O2(g)]. The products are CO2(g) and H2O(l). (a) Write a
balanced equation for glucose oxidation, and determine the standard heat of reaction at 298 K. (b)
During a day an average person consumes about 150 kJ of energy per kg of body mass. Assuming
glucose the sole source of energy, estimate the mass (grams) of glucose required daily to sustain a
person of 57 kg. (c) For a population of 275 million persons, what mass of CO2 (a greenhouse gas) is
produced daily by mere respiration. Data: For glucose, ΔHf298 ° = −1274.4 kJ·mol−1. Ignore the effect of
temperature on the heat of reaction.

4.55. A natural-gas fuel contains 85 mol-% methane, 10 mol-% ethane, and 5 mol-% nitrogen. (a) What
is the standard heat of combustion (kJ·mol−1) of the fuel at 25°C with H2O(g) as a product? (b) The fuel
is supplied to a furnace with 50% excess air, both entering at 25°C. The products leave at 600°C. If
combustion is complete and if no side reactions occur, how much heat (kJ per mol of fuel) is transferred
in the furnace?

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