Tank Implosion Explained

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A Process Safety Incident typically involves an unexpected mechanical integrity failure in a

pipeline system or processing facility, often including a fire, explosion, rupture, or hazardous
chemical leak. These incidents can be caused by a number factors including damage
mechanisms, human errors, environmental conditions etc. Process safety incidents can pose
significant risks to workers, the environment, and nearby equipment.

It is unlikely that the oil and Gas (O&G) and chemical processing industries will ever be able to
eliminate process safety incidents completely, due to the inherent dangers present when
working with hazardous materials at high temperatures and pressures. However, by following
good inspection, maintenance, and engineering practices, the frequency of incidents can be

One of the process safety hazards that is not common but do occur in the industry is vacuum
hazard which causes tank implosion.

Everyone knows what an explosion is, but what about its opposite, an implosion? An explosion
occurs when a large amount of energy is released into a small volume in a very short time, but
what happens in an implosion? Put simply, an implosion is the opposite of an explosion, matter
and energy collapse inward and all implosions are caused by some form of pressure acting
from the outside on an object. If that pressure is greater than the pressure within the object,
without adequate support, the object will collapse. This is a real risk in process and oil and gas

Today, I will try as much as possible to explain the term ‘’IMPLOSION’’ as it relates to storage
tank operations and also, as a Process Safety Incident (PSI) that has caused colossal loss to
operators of facilities.

I will simply use an analogy that I think everyone can relate with. This include both technical
and non-technical professionals irrespective of the industry where you work. A phenomenal
case study that anyone can practicalize at home to demonstrate whay implosion is and how it
can be prevented.

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i. What happened?
ii. How can we prevent this from happening?
iii. What is the disadvantage of having a link walkway across?
storage tanks as shown?

The accident is as a result of creation of Vacuum in the tank during product offloading
operations using a pump.

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Figure-1 shows a typical configuration of an offloading/unloading operations

The creation of vacuum in tank is a process safety accident called ‘IMPLOSION’’.

Implosion occurs when the safe guards in the tank failed to respond to demand.

API 14C Std requires that at a minimum, an atmospheric tank should either have a vent or
Pressure Vacuum, Safety Valve (PVSV)/ Pressure Safety Relief Valve (PSRV) or a
combination of both safeguards. That is, PVRV + Vent.
The choice of your design is also dependent on the product in the tank. For example, it
wouldn’t make a business sense to install a vent in your storage tank if you are storing
products such as PMS, ATK and other products that can easily evapourate.

How is Vacuum (Process Hazard) Created?

Vacuum is created when the pressure in the tank become negative. That is, the tank pressure
becomes less than atmospheric pressure. This is possible when you completely suck-out the

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product inside along with the air inside the tank when there is no air(pressure) from the
atmosphere replacing the air inside the tank. It becomes negative and the tank implode or
sucks-in or collapse.

You can practically demonstrate this tank implosion phenomenon at home. How? The
simple Analogy to demonstrate tank implosion

Take a half-filled bottle of water (light plastic bottle water).

Note-1: Plastic bottle water represents your storage tank
Note-2: You (person) represent the pump
Note-3: The water inside the bottle represents the product in your tank. e,g PMS

Step -1: Empty the bottle water by drinking it. While the empty plastic bottle is still in your
mouth, exert more suction pressure (you are now performing the function of the pump by
forcefully sucking the empty water can/bottle. Continue to do it until it collapses or implode.
You may not be able to do it for thick plastic bottle because you do not have the pressure to
suck further but this is possible for light plastic bottle.
The bottom of the bottle
now facing up represents
the top of the tank
without a vent or PVRV.
You haven’t put a hole
(which represents vent)
at this moment.

The plastic bottle water

represents the storage
tank. The water inside
the bottle represents your
product e.g PMS

You mouth represents

the pump used in
sucking the product from
the tank

Perfect way to demonstrate my Analogy of Tank Implosion.


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Analysis: You will observe that the plastic bottle collapsed because the other end (The
bottom) of the bottle which represents the top of the storage tank while you were drinking the
water do not have provision for air to come into the bottle which represents your tank. The
bottom of your bottle is completely blocked as you (pump) sucked-out the water (product-PMS)
together with the air inside the bottle which becomes negative or less than the atmospheric
pressure. This was the reason while the storage tank implodes or failed. There must be
positive pressure in atmospheric tank for it not to collapse when carryout an offloading
operations using a pump.
What happened here is the fact that there is no vent at all on the plastic bottle that was why it

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Figure-2 shows a typical configuration of an offloading/unloading operations with failed PVRV or Vent which lead
to tank Implosion.

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The next stage is to create a vent on the plastic bottle and repeat the product unloading
activity (completely empty the water from the bottle).

Step-1: Repeat the same process as earlier explained but this time, you have to punch a hole
at the bottom of the plastic bottle. The hole now represents a functional vent and PVRV or vent
Note: if the hole you created is not fully open for atmospheric air to be sucked into the plastic
bottle (tank), the bottle might collapse or implode. Partially open or blocked vent may also lead
to tank implosion.



Exert enough suction force using your mouth to suck-out the plastic bottle if drinking the little
water. That is, when the tank becomes empty. You will find out that the plastic bottle will not
implode because of the hole you created at the bottom of the bottle except you the hole is not
fully open.
In conclusion, tank implosion is caused when a breather valve or PVRV or vent failed to allow
atmospheric pressure (air) to replace the tank internal pressure (air) when a pump is applied to
unload a product from atmospheric tank. It could also happen in a pressure vessel if it is not
designed for vacuum.

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When a PVRV is used, then it is important to get it right in terms of the pre-determined set
point for this device to respond to demand.


1. For pressure vessels, design for vacuum

2. Ensure you install PVRV for atmospheric tanks/pressure vessels
3. Where only vent is installed, on ATM tank, design your vent with a goose neck shape with
a bird screen to avoid birds from nesting in the tank vent which may partially block the tank
vent’ possibly leading to implosion.
4. Ensure proper sizing of PVRV
5. Carryout inspection of tank vents and ensure they are not partially blocked or completely
6. Use an expert to install PVRV and ensure the set points are okay inline with best industry
7. Carryout statutory/preventive maintenance as per company’s standard/regulatory
8. Install process alarm relative to level Alarm Low (LAL) and Level Alarm Low Low (LALL) to
alert operator during unloading operations.
9. Install level switch to trip-off product transfer pump on LALL
10. Use of company’s SOP for offloading operations. Establish critical low-level point and
ensure it is communicated to operators and duly monitored. In other word, do not pump
out liquid from a tank to a point that it is below the pump nozzle/tap point from the tank
which will in-turn start sucking air in the tank. This scenario (low liquid level in tank) will
cause pump cavitation/damage and may result to a fire if not attended to.

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Fig-3: This drawing shows some of the safeguards/Layers of Protection (LOP) we can take credit for when they
are expected to respond to demand. The LOPs are listed on page 8.

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What is the disadvantage of having a link walkway across? storage tanks

as shown?

Firstly, link bridges are usually constructed for ease of operations and to reduce fatigue during
tank dipping and fiscal measurements/reconciliatory or other operational activities.
Though the advantages of the link bridges are far more than the disadvantages.
The disadvantage of this design comes up only when there is fire outbreak.
If a tank is on fire, other than the transfer of heat by radiation to the nearby tank, there will now
be additional mode of heat transfer to the same tank through conduction via the direct contact
of the heated material of construction of the link bridge welded to the storage tank on fire to the
next tank that is not yet on fire.
The heat flux from the tank on fire will heat up the next tank and cause a domino effect rapidly
by radiation and conduction.

If you need further explanation on this and other Process Safety and Loss Prevention
Engineering information, do not hesitate to contact me on [email protected]

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