Assignment Linguistics 781

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Name : Muhammad Waseem

Class : BS English 7th semester

Roll No: Bsf1800781
Assignment : A Discourse Analysis of Language in
Assignment submitted to : Sir Abdul Qayyum

Discourse Analysis of Language in Pakistani Advertisements.

This research aims at exploring the language used by advertisers to make people buy their
products. The ad that have been put to analysis is Golden Pearl a fairness product which is
selected from television. The study falls into the of qualitative method. This study basically
focuses the use of language in fairness products. The findings indicate the vocabulary, language
patterns, techniques and texts used by advertisers to spread the concept of beauty by forcing
the point of view that only fair complexion is symbol of beauty and the product is giving you the
everlasting beauty. The study also explores that how these power over the audience is
maintained by endorsing celebrities as an efficient tool for advertising.

1. Introduction
The main focus of the study is on how people are influenced by the advertisement of the
fairness products. Advertisement is a source of communication to encourage the sale of a
product. Consumers gain information about products and services through ads. After watching
ads they feel that they are informed that which product is in their benefit and which is not. Ads
of fairness products tend to use captivating language and beautiful models to sell their products
and persuade the customers.

2. Research questions
1. How language is used in fairness product advertisements in Pakistan to tempt the
2. What are the impacts of fairness product advertisements on women in Pakistan?

3. Literature Review
In this segment, several previously conducted researches are reviewed which discussed
linguistic features used in advertisment. The study overviews briefly language features used in
advertisements, that the advertisers play with the minds of consumers by using their cultural
knowledge and social structures. They not only promote their brand and product in TVCs. In the
gender based TVCs, women are shown as physically and emotional weak and passive
housewives. On the other hand, the men are shown as strong, physically as well as emotionally

4. Methodology
For the analysis of advertisements, the data is collected from television advertisement of
fairness product. The present study falls into the realm of qualitative research. A qualitative
approach is suitable in this study which is investigating that how discourse in advertisements
affects the audience. Data is collected from 10 fairness product advertisements in random from
television. These advertisements are about fairness creams, lotions, face-washes and soaps.

5. Analysis of the text

The textual analysis answers the first research question i.e. language in the advertisements is
analysed. At this level of analysis the linguistic features such as vocabulary, syntax and
rhetorical devices used in advertisements are discussed. During the study the researcher
noticed a great use of direct address in the advertisements which hide the actual actors. This
use is to create bonding with the target audience. The use of the second-person pronouns and
possessive pronouns like ‘you’ and ‘yours’ is to address the readers directly and personally.
People found it highly valuable when they are addressed individually and personally rather than
collectively. Audience seems themselves in that scenario to be like those actors/actresses.
youthful skin after one wash
Give your face the value it deserves Stay beautiful
Leejiye kuchh Fresh Fruits apni jild kay liye bhi
100 % natural origin rose petal oil
Contains multivitamins
Clinically proven fairness
Dermatologically tested
“Increase your face value”
“Every time you use it, you get fairness....Ready to take a fairness bet with us?”
The use of first and second person pronoun indicates that the advertiser or the company is
making promises which are honest and truthful. Use of pronouns at the place of verbs
establishes a strong relationship between the presenter and the audience. We shows the
authoritative power and you reflects a sort of personal engagement with the customer while
the use of our reflects a kind of us versus them feeling i.e. in groups rather than out groups.
Then, to draw readers’ attention and to give them confidence, questions are imposed. Such as:
Ready to take a fairness bet with us?

Desires are induced and ideal image of beauty for women is constructed by all of these
advertisements. Women like to have certain attributes within themselves that some
advertisements and products contain. One of them, the most major is to have a fair
complexioned skin. These advertisements spread a bogus impression that if women will use
these products they will get the required and desirous features. Media in this way misleads the
masses specially women.
Actresses are presented in such a way that it seems like their beauty is just because of the use
of that product. Emotive words are used in the advertisements, that the viewers interpret it in
positive manner and their position in the society is reputable and people start trusting them
and their product.
Adding scientific evidences is another strategy that establishes a strong relationship between
advertiser and the audience. When presented the products using scientific information people
believe more and are persuaded to buy the product.
The use of poetic devices such as alliterations is quite common in the advertisements and this
use makes easy for people to remember the brand, the product and the message. Such as:
Satin Soft Skin
Clean, Clear & Glowing skin
Fairness Facewash
Pearl Perfect Fairness .

6. Findings & Conclusion

Researcher’s focus in this study is on the Language used in the advertisements of fairness
products. The study has discussed the use of Linguistic features and devices to see how these
ads are setting up in order to boost the numbers of costumers. Language use is so crucial in our
daily lives. The researcher in this study has traced those techniques and devices which
advertisers used in the discourse of advertisements of Fairness products in such as the use of
nouns in place of verbs, scientific evidences, emotive words, affective slogans, colour scheme,
presence of natural ingredients, celebrity endorsement.

The End

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