Make The Most of Your Servo-U

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Make the most of your Servo-u

Servo-u is an investment both for now and for the future. Thankfully you made a wise decision to invest in a
The flexible, modular platform is always ready to adapt to platform that can grow with you and the ever changing
your changing clinical needs, and our expert support is on needs of your patients.
hand every step of the way.

Since your initial investment we may have developed new

functionalities or it may be that your needs have changed
or developed and thus you require additional features
supporting your new practice.

This document is intended to provide information to an international audience outside of the US.
Personalized lung CO2 monitoring
Measurement of CO2 concentration (capnography) helps
NAVA (Neurally Adjusted Ventilatory Assist) uses the
High Flow therapy
High Flow therapy reduces the patient’s work of

protective ventilation to determine if the ventilated patient’s condition is

changed. Getinge’s Capnostat 5 monitoring solution
Edi to deliver personalized support, invasively and non-­
invasively. It promotes lung protective spontaneous
breathing through an accurate flow of heated and
humidified gas, improving comfort and tolerance.17
uses infrared light technology and it provides both ability breathing with higher diaphragmatic efficiency, and
Servo Compass to trending and warnings for low and high etCO2. For fewer periods of over and under-assist. 5–11
Servo Compass makes it easy to see when plateau/driving detailed information regarding parameters monitored
pressure or tidal volume per predicted body weight
(VT/PBW) are off pre-defined targets and interventions
please see Servo-u datasheet or user manual. NAVA shortens the time of weaning and mechanical
ventilation12 and increases the number of ventilator
Neonatal capabilities
are needed. Precisely calculated Dynamic compliance free days when compared to pressure support
(Cdyn) and Stress index (SI) complete the picture, Neonatal SW
ventilation (PSV)12,13,14 Servo-u can be equipped to be used in the neonatal
helping you detect changes in lung volume and verify
over-distension.1,2 segment. With a simple SW upgrade the Servo-u’s tidal
volume range can be expanded down to as low as 2 ml.
In addition this SW will also enable leakage compensation
for invasive ventilation modes of ventilation, a specifically
developed neonatal alarm management, and enabling of
proximal flow sensor monitoring and triggering.

Personalized weaning
Transpulmonary pressure monitoring Automode NIV NAVA relies on the electrical activity of the
To simplify esophageal manometry and improve accuracy, The interactive Automode eases the transition to diaphragm for triggering and termination of breaths,
we have developed an automatic maneuver to validate spontaneous breathing for patients and staff. It switches which makes it independent of leakage for all types
balloon positioning and filling. A diagnostic view provides seamlessly between controlled and supported modes of patient interfaces.
esophageal (Pes) and transpulmonary (Pl) pressure depending on patient effort.
waveforms, with key parameters for safety assessment of NIV NAVA significantly improves patient-ventilator
controlled and spontaneous ventilation. The relationship Heliox interaction, and reduces NIV complications.15
between airway and transpulmonary pressures is now Heliox is a mixture of helium and oxygen that, due to its
much more intuitive. low density, facilitates laminar flow and minimizes airway NIV
Paw pressure. The Servo-u makes the therapy more cost-­ NIV (non-invasive ventilation) provides automatic leakage
efficient due to low gas consumption and it can be compensation that enables the ventilator to sense the Y sensor monitoring
Pl ei 13
combined with all ventilation modes, from invasive patient’s efforts and deliver support, reducing the need The modular Y sensor provides state of the art proximal
∆Pes 4.9
ventilation to NIV and High Flow therapy including for manual adjustments. flow and tidal volume monitoring adding less than 1 ml
Pl drive 9.5
nebulization. The solution makes the workflow switching of deadspace. As an added benefit the highly accurate
from Heliox to air and back during ventilation easy. built-in ultrasonic flow sensors are always active and
assures continuous supervision of the Y sensor function.
Pl ee 1.8
Thus, patient monitoring and triggering will still work e.g.
when the Y sensor needs to be changed. The interaction
Auto SRM between the Y sensor and internal flow sensor enables
Auto SRM is an automatic workflow for Stepwise recruit- accurate and seamless breath delivery.
ment maneuvers based on the Open Lung approach.3
The tool guides you smoothly through recruitment, decre-
mental PEEP titration, re-recruitment and post-recruitment
personalization of PEEP and driving pressure, based on
optimal Cdyn. Diagnostic features include assessment
of recruitability and additional decision support when
patients do not respond to the recruitment maneuver.4

Recruitment PEEP titration Re-

30 s
40 cmH₂O Post-
ΔP = 12 recruitment
Nasal CPAP
The Nasal CPAP on the Servo-u provides a continuous air-
way pressure with variable flow to support spontaneous
Duration: 5 min 55 s breathing, which may decrease the work of breathing.16 See ordering information on the back page.
Ordering information References
1. Terragni PP, Rosboch G, Tealdi A, et al. Tidal hyperinflation during low tidal volume ventila-
Name Ord. nr. Notes tion in acute respiratory distress syndrome. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2007Jan
SW Servo Compass 68 85 301
2. Ferrando C, et al. Adjusting tidal volume to stress index in an open lung condition optimizes
SW Open Lung Tool trends 68 87 809 ventilation and prevents overdistension in an experimental model of lung injury and re-
duced chest wall compliance. Crit Care. 2015 Jan 13;19:9. doi: 10.1186/s13054-014-0726-3.
SW Auto RM, Servo-u 68 89 017 Includes SW Open
Lung Tool trends 3. Kacmarek RM, et al. Open Lung Approach for the Acute Respiratory Distress
Syndrome: A Pilot, Randomized Controlled Trial. Crit Care Med. 2016 Jan;44(1):32-42.
SW Auto SRM, Servo-u 68 89 019 Includes SW Open Lung
4. Goligher EC, Hodgson CL, Adhikari NKJ, et al. Lung recruitment maneuvers for adult
Tool trends and SW Auto RM
patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome. Ann Am Thorac Soc 2017;14:S304-11.
SW Transpulmonary pressure 68 89 015 Requires Y sensor 10.1513/ AnnalsATS.201704-340OT
module 66 93 662 5. Blankman P, et al. Ventilation distribution measured with EIT at varying levels of PS and
Lung protection tools

NAVA in Patients with ALI. Intensive Care Med. 2013 Jun;39(6):1057-62.

Y sensor module 66 93 662 Can be used for both
6. Brander L, et al. NAVA decreases ventilator induced lung injury and non-pulmonary organ
Y sensor monitoring and
dysfunction in rabbits with acute lung injury. Intensive Care Med. 2009
Transpulmonary pressure
monitoring 7. Patroniti N, et al. Respiratory pattern during neurally adjusted ventilatory assist in acute
respiratory failure patients. Intensive Care Med. 2012 Feb;38(2):230-9.
SW CO2 analyzer 66 93 680 8. Cecchini J, et al. Increased diaphragmatic contribution to inspiratory effort during neu-
rally adjusted ventilatory assistance versus pressure support: an electromyographic
CO2 analyzer module 68 87 050 study. Anesthesiology. 2014 Nov;121(5):1028-36.
Capnostat 5, Servo ventilators
9. Di Mussi R, et al. Impact of prolonged assisted ventilation on diaphragmatic efficiency:
Capnostat 5 mainstream 68 82 078 NAVA versus PSV. Crit Care. 2016 Jan 5;20(1):1.
CO2 sensor 10. Yonis H, et al. Patient-ventilator synchrony in Neurally Adjusted Ventilatory Assist (NAVA)

© Maquet Critical Care AB 2022 · Automode, Open Lung Tool, NAVA, Servo Compass, Servo-u, are trademarks of Maquet Critical Care AB · Subject to modifications · MX-8300 Rev03 · English
and Pressure Support Ventilation (PSV). BMC Anesthesiol. 2015 Aug 8;15:117.
CO2 airway adapter, neonatal 66 84 610
(disposable), 10 pcs/pkg 11. Piquilloud L, et al. Neurally adjusted ventilatory assist improves patient-ventilator
interaction. Intensive Care Med. 2011 Feb;37(2):263-71.
CO2 airway adapter, adult 66 84 612
12. Kacmarek R, et al. Neurally adjusted ventilatory assist in acute respiratory failure:
(disposable), 10 pcs/pkg a randomized controlled trial. Intensive Care Med 2020. Sep 6 : 1–11.
13. Liu L, et al. Neurally Adjusted Ventilatory Assist versus Pressure Support Ventilation in
SW Automode 66 93 655
Difficult Weaning. A Randomized Trial. Anesthesiology. 2020 Jun;132(6):1482-1493.
SW NIV, Servo-u 68 80 513 14. Hadfield D, et al Neurally adjusted ventilatory assist versus pressure support ventilation:
a randomized controlled feasibility trial performed in patients at risk of prolonged
SW Nasal CPAP, Servo-u 68 80 515
mechanical ventilation Critical Care 2020 May 14;24(1):220.
SW High Flow therapy, Servo-u 68 85 303 15. Prasad KT, et al. Comparing Noninvasive Ventilation Delivered Using Neurally-Adjusted
Ventilatory Assist or Pressure Support in Acute Respiratory Failure. Resp Care 2020 Sep
SW NAVA – invasive N/A Included in Servo-u base SW
SW NIV NAVA 68 80 517 16. Courtney SE, Pyon KH, Saslow JG, Arnold GK, Pandit PB, Habib RH. Lung recruitment and
Weaning tools, modes and therapies

breathing pattern during variable versus continuous flow nasal continuous positive air-
Edi module 50Hz 66 72 330 Check what is applicable way pressure in premature infants: an evaluation of three devices. Pediatrics. 2001
for your market Feb;107(2):304-8
Edi module 60Hz 66 72 332 Check what is applicable 17. Mauri, Turrini, Eronia, et al.: Physiologic Effects of High-Flow Nasal Cannula. Am J Respir
for your market Crit Care Med Vol 195, Iss 9, pp 1207–1215

SW Heliox 68 89 886

Heliox adapter kit, NIST/NIST 68 89 485 Check what is applicable

for your market

Heliox adapter kit, AGA/NIST 68 89 486 Check what is applicable

for your market

Heliox hose, NIST, 5 m 66 75 607 Check what is applicable

for your market

Heliox hose Schraeder/ 66 81 252 Check what is applicable

NIST, 5 m for your market

Heliox hose DISS, 5 m 66 75 592 Check what is applicable

for your market

SW Neonatal Servo-u 68 80 514 Includes SW for Y sensor

Extend to neonatal

Y sensor module 66 93 662 Can be used for both

Y sensor monitoring and
Transpulmonary pressure

Y sensor neonatal, 66 93 667 For more information please contact your local
disposable, 5 pcs/pkg
Getinge representative.

Getinge is a global provider of innovative solutions for operating rooms, intensive care units, sterilization departments and for life science companies
and institutions. Based on our firsthand experience and close partnerships with clinical experts, healthcare professionals and medtech specialists, we
are improving the everyday life for people, today and tomorrow. This document is intended to provide information to an international audience outside
of the US. Servo-n may be pending regulatory approvals to be marketed in your country. Contact your Getinge representative for more information.
Theviews, opinions and assertions expressed in the brochure are strictly those of the interviewed and do not necessarily reflect or represent the views
of Getinge or Maquet Critical Care AB.

Sales Office · Maquet Critical Care AB · 17154 Solna, Sweden · +46 (0)10-335 00 00 · [email protected]

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