Week 9 - Modal Verbs

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UNIT 4: Healthy life


Learning outcome
At the end of this topic you will:
Use modal verbs by practicing and applying them
properly in order to ask for permission, express
requests, abilities, opinions, suggestions, obligation,
and prohibition.
Understanding details

Have you ever had a problem that you aren’t

sure about the solution?

Have you ever asked for advice to solve a

problem or

Have you ever given advice to someone else?

You will read about people dealing with travelling problems and the advice given by an expert in a
Read the text carefully to understand it and the way modal verbs are
Read the text again and answer the questions.
1- Should you eat less or more before a long-haul flight?
a. Eat less.
b. Eat more
c. Eat junk food

2- Apart from greasy, fried and fast food what vegetables do you have to avoid
before flying?
a. Salad and bell peppers.
b. Vegetables that give you gas (cabbage, beans, etc.)
c. Avoid all types of vegetables. Only fruit is recommended.
3- Should alcholol and fizzy drinks be avoided too?
a. Yes, they should be avoided.
b. No, no problem drinking those before a flight.
c. It makes no difference.
4- What Kind of food must you eat when in the air?
a. Eating beans and sausages while flying is ok but not before that.
b. Salads, fruit as well as carb-rich foods which help with jet lag.
c. Whatever you feel like eating.
5- How much liquid should you drink on long flights?
a. Half a liter for every three hours.
b. A liter for every three hours.
c. Half a lter for every hour.
6- Is alcohol consumption recommended?
a. Yes, it is.
b. No, it is not.
c. Just drink alcohol half a liter for every hour.

bad shape
Junk food
works out
good shape

● smoking
● sunbathing
● eating lots of sugar
● Watching a lot of TV


● getting eight hours at sleep every

● night
● cycling
● eating a balanced diet
● drinking lots of water
Modal Verbs
Read loudly the sentences.
Could I go to
the toilet?

You should
stop smoking!
If you want a
healthier life, you
must change your
(make suggestion)

COULD is a modal verb which we can use to make a suggestion.

We suggest a person, friend or someone else to do something.

Situation:  You need to buy some books, but you don't have enough money.
Our suggestion: You could talk to your father and ask him to give you some money.

Situation A: I sent my résumé in for a job a few weeks ago, but I haven’t had any response.
You could call the company.
B: _______________________________________________________
Situation:   I can’t find a job in my field. I really need some work, any work!. will vary.
You could look for temporary work. That’s often easier to find.
Collaborative exercise 1
(give advice)

Should and ought to are often used to give advice.

(a) My hair is very long. I should cut it. I ought to cut it.
(b) Allen is hungry. He should eat lunch. He ought to eat lunch.
(c) You are tired. You should go home. You ought to go home.

wash them try harder ought not to

call your mother learn to drive
go to the library stop smoking

Complete. Your books are due.

go to the library
You should ______________.
wash them try harder
call your mother go to the library

Your clothes are dirty.

You should ___________.
wash them.
wash them try harder
call your mother learn to drive
go to the library stop smoking

Smoking is not healthy.

stop smoking.
You should _____________
Write sentences to give advice. Use the verb and the information in parentheses.

You should do CPR

1. What should I do if someone's heart stops beating? (do CPR)

2. What should I do if someone is bleeding a lot? (apply a bandage and put pressure o the

3. What should I do if someone has a sprain? (put ice and a bandage on the joint)

4. What should I do if someone is choking and can't breathe? (do abdominal thrusts)
Ought to or should?
Ought to and should are similar in meaning. Should is more common than ought to. Ought to is
more formal than should:

There ought to be more street lights here. (means the same as There should be more street
lights here.)

I really ought to walk my dog more. He’s so fat. (means the same as I really should walk
my dog more. He’s so fat.)

The negative is formed by adding ‘not’ after ought (ought not to). It can be contracted to oughtn’t to.
We don’t use don’t, doesn’t, didn’t with ought to:

We ought not to have ordered so much food.

Use should, shouldn’t, and ought to with I think and maybe to give advice about visiting your country.
Use the topics below.

Maybe you should/ ought to take a taxi

Collaborative exercise 2

Use the following forms to give your opinion. Use SHOULD


We use MUST to talk about obligation.

We use MUSTN’T to talk about prohibition.
You must turn off your phones inside the classroom.
You mustn’t smoke inside this building.

go to the zoo practice every day

√ take this medicine go to medical school
study mathematics speak English

My doctor says I must

take this medicine
go to the zoo practice every day

take this medicine √ go to medical school

study mathematics wash your clothes

must go to
To become a doctor you __________

medical school
Complete the sentences with must or mustn’t.

MODAL must

VERBS and must


COVID - 19 must




We use HAVE TO to talk about obligation.

Police officer have to wear a uniform.

We use DON’T HAVE TO to say that something is not necessary .

You don’t have to pick me up. I’ll take a taxi.
▪ My cousins can’t see very well so they __________________
have to wear glasses.
▪ Children _____________
don’t have to
work. First they have to go to school.
▪ You _________________
have to get up early tomorrow if you want to be there at seven.
▪ You _________________
don’t have to attend the meeting if you are sick.
You have to/ must stop smoking.
You ought to/ should go on a diet.
You could stop watching so much TV.

You ought to/ should get more exercise.

You could get more sleep.
You have to/ must stop sunbathing.

His clothes don’t fit.

Collaborative exercise 3
Practice the conversation with a partner. Switch roles.
Collaborative exercise 4
Fill in the blanks using MUST, MUSTN’T, DON’T HAVE TO, SHOULD, SHOULDN’T.

Rose and Ted _________________ be good players. They have won hundreds of cups !

don’t have to
2. You __________________ pay to use the library. It’s free.

3. You look pretty tired. I think you _________________ go to bed early tonight. .

don’t have to
4. You _________________ come to the party if you don’t feel well.

5. You _________________ be 18 to see that film.

6. Dad _______________ go and see a doctor. His cough is getting worse all the time.

7. “Children, you ________________ cross the street if the lights are red !”
Make sentences. Change the underlined words. Use these words.

can don’t have to has to must

mustn’t should shouldn’t

You should take some exercise every day.

I must phone Lucy.
You don’t have to pay for the food

We mustn’t use our mobile phones in class.

He has to visit his granny
this weekend.
Choose the correct option, A,B,C or D to complete the conversation.
Click on the links below for websites you may find


•Using modals of suggestion, advice, and obligation:

Healthy habits
Answer the following questions.

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