Seerate-Rasool-e-Akram: Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) : Biography

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 Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) : Biography

Name Total name-99, Muhammad (given by Abdul

Muttalib), Ahmad (given by Hazrat Fatima)
Born 570 AD (12thRabiul – Awwal) in Mecca
Grandfather (Dada) Hazrat Abdul Muttalib (Real Name Shibah)
Grandmother (Dadi) Hazrat Fatim
Maternal Grandfather (Nana) Wahibbint Abdul Munnaf
Maternal Grandmother (Nani) Batarah
Father Hazrat Abdullah
Biological Mother Hazrat AminabintWahb
Foster Mother(s) 1. Hazrat Haleema (RA)-(breast fed)
2. Hazrat Sobia (RA)
3. Hazrat Khola (RA)
4. Umme-e-Aemon
Foster Father 1. Al-Arith
2. HAris
Foster Sister Sheema
Foster Brother Abdullah Bin Abu Sheema
Uncles 1. Abu Talib
2. Hazrat Az-Zubayr
3. Hazrat Harith
Paternal half-uncle 1. Hazrat Hamza (Son of step Grandmother)
2. Hazrat Abu Lahab
3. Hazrat Abbas

 Spouse(s)

Muhammad’s wives Married

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1. KhadijahbintKhuwaylid (595-619)
2 Sawdabint Zama (619-632)
3 Aisha bint Abu Bakr (619-632)
4 Hafsabint Umar (624-632)
5 Zaynabbint Umar (625-627)
6 Hind bint Abu Umayya (629-632)
7 ZaynabbintJahsh (627-632)
8 Juwayriyabint al-Harith (628-632)
9 Ramlahbint Abu Sufyan (628-632)
10 RayhanabintZayd (629-632)
11 SafiyyabintHuyayy (629-632)
12 Maymunnabint al-Harith (630-632)
13 Maria al-Qibtiyya (630-632)

 Sons

Name Mother
1. Hazrat Al- Hazrat Khadijah (RA)
2. Hazrat Hazrat Khadijah (RA)
3. Hazrat Ibrahim Hazrat Maria al-Qibtiyya

 Daughters

Name Mother Husband

1. SayyadaZainab Hazrat Khadijah Hazrat Abu Anas (RA)
2. SayyadRuqayyah Hazrat Khadijah Hazrat UsmanGhani

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(RA) (RA)
3. SayyadaUmmeKulsoom Hazrat Khadijah Hazrat UsmanGhani
(RA) (RA)
4. Sayyada Fatimah Zahra Hazrat Khadijah Hazrat Ali (RA)
(youngest) (RA)

 Grandsons

Name Father
1. Hazrat Ali Hazrat Abu Anas (RA)
2. Hazrat Hazrat UsmanGhani
Abdullah (RA)
3. Hazrat Hasan Hazrat Ali (RA)
4. Hazrat Hazrat Ali (RA)

 Relatives: Ahl al-Bayt

Timeline of Muhammad (SAW) in Makkah

Year Incident At age

569 Death of his father, Abdullah (Medina) 6
570 Possible date of birth, 12thRabiulAwwal (26th April) in
576 Death of his mother Amina 6
578 Death of his grandfather Abdul muttalib 8
583 Takes trading journeys to Syria 12

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595 Meets and marries Hazrat Khadijah 25
610 First reports of Quranic revelation 40
613 Begins spreading message of Islam publicly to all 43
614 Begins to gather followers in Makkah 44
615 Emigration of Muslims to Ethiopia 45
616 BanuHashim clan boycott begins 46
618 Medinan War 48
619 BanuHashmi clan boycott ends 49
619 The year of sorrows: Khadija and Abu Talib die 49
620 „Isra‟ and „Mi‟‟raj‟(the ascention to heaven to meet 50
622 Emigrates to Medina (Yathrib)(Hijra) 52

 Timeline of Muhammad (SAW) in Medina

Year Incident At age

622 Emigrates to Medina from Makkah (Hijra) 52
623 Change the direction of Quibla (Jerusalem to Makka) 53
623 Caravan Raids begin and Al Kudr Invasion 53
624 Battle of Badr (first battle): Muslims defeat Makkans 54
624 Battle of Sawiq, Abu Sufyan escapes capture 54
624 Expulsion BanuQaynuqa 54
624 Invasion of ThiAmr, Muhammad raids Ghatafan 54
624 Assassination of Khaled bin, Sufyan and Abu Rafi 54
625 Battle of Uhud: Makkans defeat Muslims 55
625 Tragedies of BirMaona and Al Raji 55
625 Invasion of Hamra al-Asad, successfully terrifies 55

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enemy to cause retreat
625 Banu Nadir expelled after Invasion 55
625 Invasion of Nejd, Badr and DumatulJandal 55
627 Battle of the Trench (Khandaq) 57
627 Invasion of BanuQurayza, successful siege 57
628 Treaty of Hudaybiyyah, gains access to Kaaba 58
628 Conquest of the Khaybar oasis 58
629 First Hajj (Umrah) pilgrimage 59
629 Attack on Byzantine Empire fails: Battle of Mu‟tah 59
630 Bloodless conquest of Makkah 60
630 Battle of Humayn and Siege of Talf 60
631 Rules most of the Arabian Peninsula 61
632 Attacks the Ghassanids: Tabuk 62
632 Farewell Hajj pilgrimage and Last Khutba 62
632 Left the world (Wasal), Monday, June 8 from Medina 62

 Four Caliphs

Caliphs Father’s Period Tenure

1. Hazrat Abu BakrSiddique Qahafa 632 AD-634 3 years
2. Hazrat Umar Farooq (RA) Khattab 634 AD-644 10 years
3. Hazrat UsmanGhani (RA) Affan 644 AD-656 12 years
4. Hazrat Ali (RA) Abu Talib 656 AD-661 6 years

Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique (RA)

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 He fought against false Prophets in the Battle of Riddha.
 Holy Quran was compiled during his period under a committee which was headed by
 Persons who claimed as False Prophets :
 Aswad ANSI {leader of Ansi tribe).
 Musaylimah (who came of the trobe of BanuHanifa in Central Arabia).
 Tulayha (who came of the tribe of BanuAsad in noarthern Arabia).
 Sajah (a christian woman also claimed to be Prophetess).
 Battle of Yamama was fought during his period. More than 700 Hafiz (those who
memorize Holy Quran) got martyredin that battle. In this battle firstly Hazrat Abu Bajr
sent to IkrimaShurabbil against false Prophet Musaylimah, but they failed then Kalid-
bin-Walid was sent immediately who bravely fought against him at Yamama and
defeated him in 633 AD.
 Hurmuz commander of the Persian accepted the challenges of Hazrat Abu Bakr
thereafter, the first battle between the Muslims and the Persians took place at Hafir, is
known in history as the Battle of the Chains.
 Another battle was faught by Khalid-bin-Walid during his period known as the Battle of

Hazrat Umar Farooq (RA)

 Maximum and powerful provinces for Islan were annexed during his period such as
Iran, Syria, and Egypt etc.
 Hazrat Umar faught against Yazdigard. King of Persia in a battle known as the Battle of
Qadisiya. Also he faught Battle of Jalula against Persia and finally whole Persia was
conquered by Hazrat Umar.
 He bought Battle of Yarmuk. After the fall of Yarmuk the Muslims laid siege to
 Hazrat Umar conquered Jazira in 638 AD, and whole of the Syria was conquered by the
Muslims in the period of Hazrat Umar.
 Main commanders :Kalid-bin-Walid and Amra-bin-al-Aas.

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 Established Baitul-Maal.
 Imposed Jizya tax on non-Muslims.
 Authorized Hijra Calendar.
 He was killed by a slave, Abu-LooluFiroz.

Hazrat UsmanGhani (RA)

 His man commander was Hazrat Amir Muawiyah the governer of Syria.
 Territories also expanded during his reign Afghanistan, Turkistan, and Khurasan were
annexed during his period. Armenia, Azerbijan and Asia Minor was added to the
empire of Islam.
 It was in the regin of Hazrat Usman that the first naval conquest of Islam began and the
Island of Cyprus was conquered by the Muslim ships.
 Alexandria was recaptured from the Romans and the power of Caesar was finally
 All the above shows that the power of Islam was at Zenith of its glory during the reign
of Hazrat Usman.
 He was killed by unknown persons. His wife, Hazrat Nila while trying to save her
husband, lost her fingers.

Hazrat Ali (RA)

 His title Sher-e-Khuda (The Lion of the God).

 He was a commentator of the Holy Quran of high standing. In the preservation of
Hadith he had unique position. That is why; he was called the “Gate Knowledge”.
 Hazrat Ali Shifted his capital at Kufa.
 Hazrat Muawiyah was the governor of Syria refused to obey the order of Hazrat Ali. So
dispute grew up between Hazrat Ali and Hazrat Muawiyah.
 Hazrat Ali was opposed by an allied group of Hazrat Talha, Hazrat Zubair and Hazrat
Amir Muawiyah.
 First Civil war was fought in Islamic History during his period known as the Battle of
Jamal (AD 656). It was fought between the supporters of Hazrat Aisha with her allies.
 In AD 657, against Hazrat Ali fought against Hazrat Amir Muawiyah in the „Battle of

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 Hazrat Ali was (martyred) killed by Abdur-Rehman-bin-Mulzam.

On the demise of Hazrat Ali his eldest son Hasan was elected as the Khalifah.

 Four Great Imams

Imam School Followers

1. Imam Abu Hanifa (RA) (699-766 Hanfi Barelvi, Deobandi (Most
AD) liberal)
2. Imam Malik Bin Anas (RA) (715- Maliki Maliki (n. Africa, Saudi
795 AD) Arabia, Qatar)
3. Imam SHafi (RA) (767-820 AD) Shafi Shafii (S. India, S. Asia, Saudi
4. Imam Ahmad Ibn Hamble (RA) Hambli Hambli (Saudi Arabia, Qatar,
(780-855 AD) UAE)

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