Cerebral Aneurysm

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2. Definition
3. Types
4. Causes.
5. Signs and Symptoms.
6. Diagnosis.
7. Treatment of cerebral aneurysm.
8. Future plans for cerebral aneurysm .
9. Nursing Care .
Blood to the brain is supplied by four
major blood vessels that join together
forming Circle of Willis at the base of
the brain, which are:
1. Anterior cerebral artery.
2. Posterior cerebral artery.
3. Internal carotid artery.
4. Basilar artery.
• Artery junction points may become weak,
causing ballooning of the blood vessel wall
that can form a small sac or aneurysm.
• cerebral aneurysm is a bulge or balloon like
dilatation/swelling of the wall of a blood
vessel in the brain.

• Aneurysms develop because of a weakness

in the wall of the vessel, usually at branch
• We do not know why aneurysms develop in a
majority of cases, however the following may
play a role:
1. Congenital or familial inheritance
2. Atherosclerosis
3. Hypertension
4. Connective tissue disorders
5. Sickle cell anemia
6. Infections
7. Trauma
8. Cigarette smoking
9. Illicit drug use
10. Alcohol
• Peak incidence is between 40-60 years old.
• Very rare in children.
• Female predominance in adults
• Headache: This is characterized by the acute
onset of severe pain, which patients often
describe as "the worst headache of my life.“

• Facial pain: Aneurysms may produce facial


• Manifestations of meningeal irritation:

Neck pain or stiffness
• Alterations in consciousness: The sudden
elevation of ICP associated with aneurysmal
rupture may lead to a severe decline in cerebral
perfusion pressure, causing syncope (50% of
cases). Confusion or mild impairment in alertness
also may be noted.

• Seizures: are present in 25% of aneurysmal SAH

cases, with most events occurring within 24 hours
of onset.
• Autonomic disturbances: Subarachnoid
accumulation of products of blood degradation
may elicit fever. Nausea or vomiting, sweating,
chills, and cardiac arrhythmias also may be

• Visual symptoms: Blurring of vision,

diplopia, or visual field defects may be present.
How is brain aneurysm diagnosed?

1- The history of the headache:

An acute onset of the worst headache of
the patient's life, associated with a stiff neck
2- CT-scan & MRI:
This will show a subarachnoid hemorrhage
in more than 90% of cases of ruptured
3- Lumbar puncture:
• In the few cases that are not recognized by CT,
the health care practitioner may consider
performing a lumbar puncture to identify
blood in the cerebrospinal fluid that runs in
the subarachnoid space.
4- Angiography:
(angio=artery + graphy= picture) is a procedure
in which a small flexible tube is threaded into one
of the brain's arteries, and dye is injected while
pictures are taken.
Aim Allow the brain to
recover from initial
insult ( bleeding)

Prevent or treat
other complication Vasospasm

Surgical Medical

Clipping Coiling Medication

Surgical Management
• Clipping: A neurosurgeon can operate on the
brain by cutting open the skull, identifying the
damaged blood vessel and putting a clip across
the aneurysm.
• This prevents blood from entering the
aneurysm and causing further growth or blood
• Coiling: A neurosurgeon or interventional
radiologist can thread a tube through the
arteries, as with an angiogram, identify the
aneurysm, and fill it with coils of platinum wire
or with latex.
• This prevents further blood from entering the
aneurysm and resolves the problem.
Medical Management
• Calcium channel blockers (Nimodipine: (Nimotop)
, Verapamil (Isoptin)
• Osmotic diuretic (Mannitol 20%)
• Antiepileptics (Phenytoin)
• Antihypertensives (Nitropruside)
• If surgery is delayed or contraindicated
(antifibrinolytic agents)
• Analgesics (acetaminophen)
• Laxatives to prevent straining to avoid BP
• In addition to elastic stocking to prevent DVT
• Establish and maintain a patent airway as
• Administer supplemental oxygen as ordered.

• Position the patient to promote pulmonary

drainage and prevent upper airway obstruction.

• Avoid placing the patient in the prone position

as well as hyper extending his neck.
• Suction secretions from the airway as
necessary to prevent hypoxia and
vasodilatation from carbon dioxide

• Monitor pulse oximetry levels and arterial

blood gas level as ordered. Use these levels
as a guide to determine appropriate needs
for supplemental oxygen.
• Prepare the patient for emergency craniotomy,
if indicated.

• If surgery can’t be performed immediately,

institute aneurysm precautions to minimize the
risk of re -bleeding and to avoid increasing the
patient’s intracranial pressure.

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