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1. Growth and Development – Measurement of growth: National Income and per capita income
2018 GNI 6 marks, Macroeconomic theory, goods, cross elasticity , Inflation theory, GDP, GVA,
NI, GDP includes, 2019 GDP, NI, Slowdown reason, efforts by FM for slowdown recovery, Animal
spirits by, GDP falls due to, Agri GVA, , GDP base year, slowdown reasons
2. Poverty Alleviation and Employment Generation in India – 2018 rozgar yojna scheme old, poverty
Gap, Types of poverty, MDP poverty survey, Gram swaraj Abhiyan, 2019 UN report on MDPI
3. Sustainable Development and Environmental issues. 2018 SDG target, 2019 SDG index (8
marks), no. of SDG targets,
4. Economic Reforms in India – 2018 Ease of Doing business, BRAP, DIPP, WB collaboration
5. Industrial and Labour Policy – 2018 SEZ act ; 2019 Industry 4.0 (8 marks) , New Industrial policy,
MSME in India
6. Monetary and Fiscal Policy – 2018 repo, inflation, repo rate, difference bw fiscal and monetary, ,
FRBM 8 marks, fiscal deficit target, definition Budget – Operations Green, Standard deduction,
Infra allocation, Agri exports,
7. Privatization – 2019 LPG full form, reserved sectors,
8. Role of Economic Planning.
9. Globalization – Opening up of the Indian Economy – 2018 PPP, protectionism,
10. Balance of Payments, 2019 Capital account
11. Export-Import Policy – 2019 SEIS
12. International Economic Institutions – IMF and World Bank – 2018 IMF report on India 4 marks,
IMF date, 2019 UNCTAD report, growth forcast (8 marks), WEO IMF, Kolkata master plan funded
by, OECD BEPS, WEF 2020, Eastern Economic summit Russia , UNCTAD Green new deal
13. WTO – 2018 TRIPS, tarrif,
14. Regional Economic Cooperation. 2018 – International Solar Alliance; 2019 RCEP (6 marks)

1. Social Structure in India –

2. Multiculturalism – 2018 HRIDAY Scheme,
3. Demographic Trends – 2018 optimum population ,
4. Urbanization and Migration –
5. Gender Issues – 2019 women in boards report CSRI
6. Social Justice : Positive Discrimination in favor of the under privileged – 2018 SC scheme of
MoSJE; 2019 GOAL initiative (8 marks)
7. Social Movements –2018 Social Globalisation, 2019 Jal Shakti Mission (6 marks)
8. Indian Political System – 2019 article 1, 356
9. Human Development – 2018 UNDP reports, 2019 Skill India Mission (8 marks)
10. Social Sectors in India, 2019 SECC 2011
11. Health and 2018 JSSk scheme 10 marks 2019 Health insurance scheme Niramaya for PWD (6
marks) ; Healthy states progressive India report NITI, Life expectancy data (SRS)
12. Education 2018 scholarship scheme NRI, diaspora 10 marks; 2019 SEQI index NITI

1. Indian Economy: Uma Kapila.(Series of Books)

2. Indian Economy: Mishra Puri. (Latest Edition)

3. Growth And Development: Devraj Ray

4. Sociology: C.N. Shankar Rao

Weekly/Monthly Magazines/Bulletins /Reports:

1. Economic and Political Weekly

2. Southern Economist

3. Yojana

4. Business India

5. RBI Bulletins


1. World Development Report

2. Economic Survey of India

Finance and Management:

(a) Financial System
1. Regulators of Banks and Financial Institutions 2018 risks
2. Reserve Bank of India-
a. functions and conduct of monetary policy, 2018 open market operations , Repo, Liquidity
management tools, MPC, 2019 MSF definition, Bimal jalan committee ECF, T bills, repo
means, monetary policy transmission, CRR effect,
b. Banking System in India, , PSL norms, 2019 ARCs,, Hypothecation. Fund based advances,
LC, Primary security, Universal banks,
c. Financial Institutions – SIDBI, EXIM, NABARD, NHB, etc.
(b) Financial Markets
• Primary and Secondary Markets (Forex, Money, Bond, Equity, etc.),2018 Clearing
Corporation 2019 Green bonds BIS, commercial papers, Serial bonds,
• functions,
• instruments, 2018 P/E numerical, EPS, Bonus issue , Return on investment, profitability
ratios, accounting ratios,
• recent developments.

(c) General Topics
1. Risk Management in Banking Sector 2018 Basel norms, capital tiers, 2019 BASEL norms,
Operational risks
2. Basics of Derivatives: 2018 depository , 2019 Derivatives definition, Interest risk, Put option,
a. Forward,
b. Futures and
c. Swap
3. Changing Landscape of Banking sector 2018 IBC, NCLT, DRT; 2019 external benchmark rates, ,
Financial benchmarks , 2% TDS on cash, bank mergers,
4. Recent Developments in the Financial Sector, 2018 bond 25% (budget) 2019 AIF for real estate,
a. Portfolio Investment,
b. Public Sector Reforms,
c. Disinvestments
5. Financial Inclusion- use of technology 2018 OCR, UPI by NPCI 2019 chairman of fintech
committee, MUDRA data, Lakshmi robot app, Micro finance, steps for Financial inclusion
6. Alternate source of finance, 2018 crowdfunding
a. private and social cost-benefit,
b. PublicPrivate Partnership 2018
7. Corporate Governance in Banking Sector, 2019 BBB, Fit and proper criteria (6marks)
a. role of e-governance in addressing the issues of corruption and inefficiency in the
government sector. 2018 Udyami mitra
8. The Union Budget –
a. Direct and Indirect taxes; 2019 Income tax exemption on, developmental expenditures,
b. Non-tax sources of Revenue,
c. GST, 2018 slabs, 2019 GST council head, items exempted,
d. Thirteenth Finance Commission and GST,
e. Finance Commission,
f. Fiscal Policy, 2018 standard deduction (budget) 2019 FP is created by
g. Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act (FRBM), 2018 fiscal deficit target, FRBM
amendment, committee, Ways and Means advance 2019 fiscal deficit definition, deficit
financing tools,
9. Inflation: 2019 stagflation
a. Definition,
b. trends,
c. estimates,
d. consequences,
e. and remedies (control):
f. WPI, 2018 base yr
g. CPI - components and trends.
Suggested reference material:
a. An introduction to Economics – A W Stonier and D C Hauge
b. Monetary Theory and Public Policy – Kenneth Kurihara
c. Indian Economy – Mishra and Puri
d. Indian Economy – R. Dutt and KPM Sundaram
e. Economic Growth and Development – Mayer and Baldwin
f. Major economic newspapers and Economic and Political Weekly
g. Public Finance – K K Andley and Sundaram
h. Financial Management – Prasanna Chandra

1. Management: its nature and scope;
a. The Management Processes;
b. Planning,
c. Organisation, 2018 (matrix organization, line and staff organization, organic
organizational structure , 5 types of departmentalization) 2019 MBO,
d. Staffing,
e. Directing 2018 Line Authority 2018 reward power, coercive power,
f. Controlling; 2018 (feed forward control); max min approach for inventory control;
types of control , , Kanban cards, EOQ, Cybernetic control, Inventory control,
g. The Role of a Manager in an Organisation.
2. Leadership: 2019 LMX theory, transactional leadership, Traits of leader, 3 d model, managerial
grid, Mintzberg, spokesman, figure head,
a. The Tasks of a Leader;
b. Leadership Styles; 2018 paternalistic style , transformational style, Blake mouton grid,
Participative style
c. Leadership Theories; 2018 (trait theory), Goal setting (path goal theory)
d. A successful Leader versus an effective Leader.
3. Human Resource Development: 2019 sensitivity training, 360 degree appraisal by which
company, career path, psychological appraisal , Kirkpatrick training evaluation , career
planning , Mentoring, career counselling, career path, career ladder,
a. Concept of HRD;
b. Goals of HRD;
c. Performance Appraisal – 2018 360 degree, job description,
d. Potential appraisal and development –
e. Feedback and Performance Counselling –
f. Career Planning –
g. Training and Development –
h. Rewards –
i. Employee Welfare.
4. Motivation, 2019 low morale and employee turnover, incentives (6 marks),
a. Morale and
b. Incentives:
c. Theories of Motivation; 2018- 2 factor theory of Herzberg (motivation hygiene), ERG
theory, Equity theory, Hygiene theory, 2019 equity theory, ERG theory,
d. How Managers Motivate;
e. Concept of Morale;
f. Factors determining morale;
g. Role of Incentives in Building up Morale.
5. Communication:
a. Steps in the Communication Process;
b. Communication Channels; 2018 grapevine comunication
c. Oral versus Written Communication; 2019 (4 marks)
d. Verbal versus non-verbal Communication;
e. upward, downward and lateral communication
f. ; Barriers to Communication,
g. Role of Information Technology.
6. Corporate Governance:
a. Factors affecting Corporate Governance;
b. Mechanisms of Corporate Governance. 2018 whistle blowing 2019 mechanism of CG,
stakeholders in company

Organisation theory by T N Chhabra

• Human Resource Management by T N Chhabra

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