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The document discusses barriers used in aseptic manufacturing, regulatory requirements, and compares isolators and RABS.

The main discussion topics covered include why barriers are used, regulatory requirements, design concepts, and a comparison of isolators vs RABS.

Regulatory requirements specify that aseptic processing areas must be classified and have different levels of cleanliness depending on the operations. Critical areas must be class 100.

Francesco Longanesi _RABS vs Isolators

Innovation in Aseptic Manufacturing

RABS versus Isolators

Milano 28 Febbraio 2008

Francesco Longanesi

Francesco Longanesi _RABS vs Isolators

Main Discussion Topics :

Why do we use barriers in aseptic manufacturing of sterile medicinal products? Regulatory Requirements in Aseptic Processing (Which are the basic rules?) Design Key Concepts (How could we accomplish the objectives?) Isolators versus RABS (What does fit better in our process?) Case History

Francesco Longanesi _RABS vs Isolators

Why barriers ? (1)

Aseptic processing involves more variables than terminal sterilization Each process operation step could introduce an error that ultimately could lead to the distribution of a contaminated product Any manual or mechanical manipulation of the sterilized drug, components, containers, or closures prior to or during aseptic assembly poses the greatest risk of contamination

Francesco Longanesi _RABS vs Isolators

Why barriers ? (2)

Contamination may take the form of : particulates , microorganisms or endotoxins Human operators pose the greatest risk to product contamination during aseptic processing as a source of both viable and nonviable particles For instance Staphylococcus are among the most common human associated micro organism identified in clean rooms Why barrier ? First aim :protection of the product, container/closure exposed to the environment ( open process steps )

Francesco Longanesi _RABS vs Isolators

Regulatory Requirements (1)

USA_cGMP[a] EU_cGMP[b]
The manufacture of sterile products Two clean areas are involved in aseptic should be carried out in clean areas entry processing operation : the critical area to which should be through airlocks for and the supporting clean areas associated personnel and/or for equipment and with it. materials. A critical area is one in which the sterilized drug product, containers, and closures are exposed to environmental conditions designed to preserve sterility The various operations of component preparation, product preparation and filling should be carried out in separate areas within the clean area.

Areas segregation

Francesco Longanesi _RABS vs Isolators

Regulatory Requirements (2)

The critical area environment have to be of appropriate quality.One aspect of environmental quality is the particle content of the air Clean area Classification (0,5 p/cft) 100,1000,10.000,100.000 Critical areas has to be class 100. The nature of the activities conducted in supporting clean areas determines its classification

Clean areas are classified according to the required characteristics of the environment. Each operation requires an appropriate environmental cleanliness level in the operational state 4 grades can be distinguished: grade A, B, C, D Examples of operations to be carried out in the various grades

Process Environment Quality


Based on airborne particulate (viable and non viable ) classification and recommended limits for microbial contamination

Francesco Longanesi _RABS vs Isolators

Regulatory Requirements (3)

For Class 100,000 (ISO 8) supporting rooms, 20 air changes per hour is typically acceptable. Significantly higher air change rates are normally needed for Class 10,000 and Class 100 areas. HEPA-filtered air should be supplied in critical areas A velocity of 0,45m/s 20% maintain unidirectional airflow and air quality under dynamic conditions

In order to reach the B, C and D air grades, the number of air changes should be related to the size of the room and the equipment and personnel present in the room. HEPA terminal filters for grades A,B,C. range of 0.36 0.54m/s (guidance value) of Air speed for unidirectional flows

To reach Environment Quality


Francesco Longanesi _RABS vs Isolators

Regulatory Requirements (4)

Clean area separation (airlocks,pressure cascade continuously monitored and alarmed),process flow,material and personnel flow, automation to reduce manual activities,clean rooms construction materials). Temperature and humidity controls (21 CFR 211.42(c) ) Sterile and no shedding personnel gown should provide barrier to prevent contamination from human body (viable and nonviable particles)

Premises considerations (exposed surfaces, recesses, sealing ,changing rooms lay-out, interlocking systems, pressure cascade ,areas pressure warning systems ) . Comfortably Temperature and relative humidity The clothing and its quality should be appropriate for the process and the grade of the working area.

Clear SOPs and regular training for Aseptic gowning qualification , personal personnel (maximum number, hygiene training (aseptic technique, cleanroom and cleanliness, changing ,clothing behaviour, microbiology, hygiene,gowning) treatments, methodical movements)

To maintain Environment Quality

Francesco Longanesi _RABS vs Isolators

Regulatory Requirements (5)

Aseptic processing using positive pressure isolation systems separates the external cleanroom environment from the aseptic processing line and minimizes its exposure to personnel. Maintenance concepts are stressed: replacement frequencies and glove integrity

The utilisation of isolator technology to minimise human interventions in processing areas may result in a significant decrease in the risk of microbiological contamination from the environment. Monitoring should be carried out routinely and should include frequent leak testing of the isolator and glove/sleeve system

Isolators : separate operators from product (false sense of security)


Francesco Longanesi _RABS vs Isolators

Regulatory Requirements (6)

Isolators types : open and closed Turbulent flow can be acceptable within closed isolators other aseptic processing isolators employ unidirectional airflow Very high positive air pressure differential (aprox. 17,5 to 50 Pa) for isolator with open portal Local Class 100 (ISO5) for opening protection Suitable construction material (durability and resistance to cleaning and decontamination)

There are many possible designs of isolators and transfer devices. Laminar air flow may not exist in the working zone of all such devices

Construction materials more or less prone to puncture and leakage


Isolators design

Francesco Longanesi _RABS vs Isolators

Regulatory Requirements (7)

The interior of the isolator should meet Class 100 (ISO 5) ; A Class 100,000 (ISO 8) background is commonly used Open isolator direct interface with other manufacturing equipment (tunnel ) RTP (rapid transfer port) decontaminating capability Mousehole with suitable overpressure Process development and validation studies of Decontamination by chemical agent

air classification required for the background environment for aseptic processing should be at least grade D Transfer of materials into and out of the unit is one of the greatest potential sources of contamination. Transfer devices may vary from a single door to double door designs to fully sealed systems incorporating sterilisation mechanisms Isolators should be introduced only after appropriate validation



Francesco Longanesi _RABS vs Isolators

Design key Concepts (1)

(Conventional Clean Room)
Aseptic processes facilities are designed to minimize exposure of product and sterile articles to the potential contamination hazards of the manufacturing operation. Apply the concepts of nested manufacturing zones (protection around critical area) and integrated design to satisfy both process (material,people,product) and equipment lay out. A proper design of the HVAC system ( air filtration,air flows patterns ,air change rate ,pressure cascade, etc..) will reduce particulate contamination and maintain air quality


Francesco Longanesi _RABS vs Isolators

Design key Concepts(2)

(Conventional Clean Room)
Cleanroom design good engineering practice : turbulent air flow to maintain the background with island of higher environment grade provided by displacement systems Carefully designed curtains and rigid plastic shields are among the barriers that can be used in appropriate locations to achieve segregation; use of an isolator system further enhances product protection. It is important that the high quality reached through a good clean room design is not compromised by entry of potential contamination sources (people clothing, people flow and movements , material flow )


Francesco Longanesi _RABS vs Isolators

Isolators & RABS

(Advanced Protection Systems) The development isolators has been significant. In the last years they have continued to evolve to the more advanced designs we see today (PDA technical report No.34, ISO 13408-6, ISO 14644-7, etc ). RABS however are less well defined ( ISPE/FDA definition_August 2005) but significant development is expected.


Francesco Longanesi _RABS vs Isolators

Isolators (1)
ISOLATOR DEFINITION: a Separative Device that provide assured protection by using physical and dynamic barriers to create separation between operation and operator; it is supplied with HEPA filtered air and may be decontaminated in quantifiable and highly reproducible manner TYPES: Closed, Open; flexible wall, rigid wall; positive or negative pressurization DESIGN & OPERATIONAL SPECIFICATIONS [ f ]: Feasible both for aseptic and containment applications Construction materials mechanical and chemical resistant Operator interface:gloves,gauntlets,half suites HEPA/ULPA filtered air supplied Either turbulent (closed) or unidirectional air flow (open) Pressure differentials:from 25Pa to 100Pa (monitoring&alarms)


Francesco Longanesi _RABS vs Isolators

Isolators (2)
Air Change rate :dont need to comply with 20V/h minimum (absence of personnel) for unidirectional airflow could reach very high values Airborne Particulate cleanliness classification : ISO 5 for internal environment Recirculation rate: one through or return air system Leak tightness (0,5% of Volume leak rate acceptance criteria).Even for open (dec. safety and health requirements ) Decontamination using a reproducible and validated method Leak testing:pressure decay(closed) & induction leak test(open) Gloves integrity test: oxygen,pressure decay,flow rate methods Monitoring: DP(alarms),T,UR% Environmental controls: viable & non viable,surface&gloves


Francesco Longanesi _RABS vs Isolators

RABS (1)
(from ISPE Definition paper _August 2005) [ i ]

RABS DEFINITION: A Restricted Access Barrier System is an advanced aseptic processing system that provides an enclosed environment to reduce the risk of contamination to product, containers, closures, and product contact surfaces. RABSs are not closed systems and are suitable for applications where process interventions are needed .A RABS provides a level of separation between operator and product that affords product protection superior to traditional systems. TYPES: Passive , Active [ j ] , [ l ] DESIGN & OPERATIONAL SPECIFICATIONS: Rigid Enclosure Unidirectional filtered (HEPA) airflow (ISO5 environment) Suitable entry&exit materials transfer systems DESIGN


Francesco Longanesi _RABS vs Isolators

RABS (2)
Surrounding room classification should be ISO 7 minimum in operation (ACTIVE RABS). When open door interventions are necessary, an ISO 5 (class 100) vertical unidirectional airflow system outside of the RABS reduces risk of a breach in ISO 5 conditions Locked door access or interlocked door access with recorded intervention alarms Positive airflow from the enclosure to the exterior environment while the door is opened. remote or automated sampling for in process control testing (IPC) including monitoring for viable and non-viable particles (design adoptions to prevent door openings)



Francesco Longanesi _RABS vs Isolators

RABS (3)
Sterilization-in-place (SIP) is preferred for contact parts such as fluid pathways. Where this cannot be achieved, such parts should be sterilized in an autoclave, transferred to the RABS via a suitable procedure and aseptically assembled before processing. Product contact parts such should be sterilized in an autoclave and aseptically assembled before processing. Gloves and gauntlets attached to glove ports are required to be sterile when installed; thereafter, gloves should be sanitized or changed as appropriate to minimize the risk of contamination High-level disinfection of all non product contact surfaces within the RABS with an appropriate sporicidal agent before batch manufacture Following an open door intervention, appropriate line clearance and disinfection commensurate with the nature of the intervention are required



Francesco Longanesi _RABS vs Isolators

RABS versus Isolators (1)

Main differences between RABS and Isolator DECONTAMINATION: R Manually disinfected by
gowned personnel

I Quantifiable and highly

reproducible method performed by automated system

ASSURANCE OF SEPARATION (ISO 14644-7): R Do not provide a complete

physical separation need a good separation descriptor (*) and a verifiable air overspill

I Quantifiable hourly leak rate

(closed) and continuously controlled DP

(*) (ISO 14644-7) Separation descriptor is a numerical abbreviation summarizing the difference in
cleanliness classification between two areas as ensured by a Separative device : [Aa:Bb]


Francesco Longanesi _RABS vs Isolators

RABS versus Isolators (2)

Main differences between RABS and Isolator SURROUNDING ENVIRONMENT:
R Passive RABS must be
positioned in an ISO 5_grade A environment (for Active ISO7_ grade B, could be possible )

USA-cGMP Class 100,000 (ISO 8) _ EU- cGMP at least grade D

R Low capability

I Quantifiable leakage tightness

[ISO 1410648-2]


Francesco Longanesi _RABS vs Isolators

Our Case History (1)

In order to increase capacity and efficiency, Chiesi built a new facility for the production of a sterile bulk suspension The project was based on a Quality Risk Assessment We Applied the concept of Risk reduction through design to reduce the probability of occurrence of harms and the severity of that harms. Additionally several improvements were incorporated as part of our continuous improvement process including state of the art techniques (PAT)


Francesco Longanesi _RABS vs Isolators

Our Case History (2)

During our Risk Assesment one of the main hazards we analysed, was of course the potential product contamination by viable and nonviable particles One of the objectives of Risk reduction by design was the improvement of product protection Ergonomic aspects of our operations, basically drove us to RABS barrier technology Chiesi puts a lot of effort into ensuring that the RABS properly fits its process


Francesco Longanesi _RABS vs Isolators

Our Case History (3)

FIRST STEP: User Requirement Specification During this phase we worked close to production people to understand the real operation needs We used both EU and USA regulatory references to cover cGMP requirements We used ISPE_RABS definition paper as a guideline


Francesco Longanesi _RABS vs Isolators

Our Case History (4)

SECOND STEP: Build of a Full-scale model and mock-up trials
We determined all the locations the operators had to reach in every single detail, and ease of access for al critical manipulations was the base of our barrier design. Ergonomics are very important with physical barriers;if the operator interface is too demanding or restrictive,or if cycle time become too bogged down , the workers may choose not to use the equipment as it was designed to be used.

Francesco Longanesi _RABS vs Isolators

Our Case History (5)

THIRD STEP: Design,Construction and Installation
The Restricted Access Barrier System encloses the critical area where the aseptic process takes place. The RAB around the critical zone consists in a U shape rigid wall around a perforated stainless steel working table and a frontal rigid stainless steel wall with glass doors and access hatches. Working table carries on it all the equipment needed for the process. After installation a Pre testing phase was accomplished ( fine tuning ,air balances and other adjustments ) During this phase, through a smoke patterns pre test, we studied the most representative position for both viable and non viable automatic monitoring probes

Francesco Longanesi _RABS vs Isolators

Our Case History (6)

THIRD STEP: Design,Construction and Installation
Doors are utilized during the transfer of sterilized materials on the working table at the beginning and at the end of the process operations ,while the access ports are utilized during process operations (operators use sterile double gloves one with full sleeve) On top of it a full coverage of the enclosed area with HEPA filters give protection to the entire zone. Air trough the HEPA filters is supplied by the HVAC system (Passive RABS) Outlet air openings, the perforated working table and bottom air wall returns properly designed assure a correct air flow without stagnation regions or vortexes in the critical points.

Francesco Longanesi _RABS vs Isolators

Our Case History (7)

FOURTH STEP: Equipment Validation
Before starting with the process simulation ( Media Fill ) , an intensive qualification analysis was accomplished: HEPA filters integrity Environmental conditions : temperature and relative humidity Air volumes change in rooms : Surrounding ISO 5 (grade A) : ~ 500 Vol/h Inside RABS ISO 5 (grade A) : ~800 Vol/h Air velocity of unidirectional air flows Differential pressures between areas : From

surrounding dissolution/pre-filtration area ( through mouse hole )

DP (Pascal) 10 30

Francesco Longanesi _RABS vs Isolators

Our Case History (8)

FOURTH STEP : Equipment Validation
Air flow patterns visualization test : smoke has been generated during critical operations in order to demonstrate the correct air flow pattern(unidirectional air flow and the sweeping action) including evaluation of the impact of aseptic manipulations and equipment location inside the RAB. These studies have been documented. Room environmental classification : air cleanliness levels in operational in critical areas were confirmed with the maximum permitted number of operators. All tests were done first mocking all activities and then during media fill Recovery time


Francesco Longanesi _RABS vs Isolators

Our Case History (9)

FOURTH STEP : Equipment Validation
Further air pattern analysis were performed on the RABS Flow Unidirectionality
Smoke generated inside RAB at 500 mm above the working table in the critical points

Smoke generated Inside RAB close to the doors, access ports and to the mouse hole Outside RAB close to doors, access ports and mouse hole The flow demonstrates that the RAB is in overpressure towards the surrounding and module of the Hood that is connected to the RAB via a mouse hole

Backflow absence
Smoke generated: Inside under the working table Outside in proximity of each door Opening in sequence of each door

Unidirectional flow , without bouncing on the working table, without backflow from adjacent zones

Particle counter positioned inside the RAB does not detect any increase of particles (0.5 m and 5.0 m ) during and after the smoke generation


Francesco Longanesi _RABS vs Isolators

Our Case History (10)

FIFTH STEP : Media Fill .
The validation of aseptic processing simulated all processing operations impacting on sterility Three consecutive runs have been performed Worst cases were introduced with maximum number of operators manipulation and doors openings The Media Fill conducted demonstrated that the aseptic processing operation for the bulk suspension preparation in the new facility is able to exclude contamination.


Francesco Longanesi _RABS vs Isolators

References (1)
a. Guidance for Industry_Sterile Drug Products Produced by Aseptic Processing Current Good Manufacturing Practice . U.S. Department of Health and Human Services_Food and Drug Administration/ Centre for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER)/Centre for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER)/ Office of Regulatory Affairs (ORA)_September 2004 EU_cGMP-ANNEX 1_MANUFACTURE OF STERILE MEDICINAL PRODUCTS _September 2003 ISPE Pharmaceutical Engineering Guides for New and Renovated Facilities_Volume 3-Sterile Manufacturing Facilities ISO Standards 14644 Cleanrooms and Associated Controlled Environments 14644-1 : Classification of Air Cleanliness 14644-4 : Design, Construction and Start-Up 14644-5 : Operations 14644-7 : Separative devices (clean air hoods, gloveboxes, isolator and minienvironments ) Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology (IEST) standards IEST-RP-CC006.3 -Testing Cleanrooms IEST-RP-CC-002.1 -Laminar Flow Clean Air Device IEST-RP-CC-034.2 -HEPA and ULPA filter leak test IEST-RP-CC-001.4 -HEPA Filters

b. c. d. e.


Francesco Longanesi _RABS vs Isolators

References (2)
f. g. h. f. i. j. k. l. PDA Technical Report No 34 Design and Validation of isolator Systems for the Manufacturing and testing of Health Care Products PIC/S_ PI 014-21 ISOLATORS USED FOR ASEPTIC PROCESSING AND STERILITY TESTING July 2004 ISO Standards 13408 Aseptic processing of health care products Part 5 :General requirements Part 6 :Isolator system ISO Standards 10648 Containment enclosures Part 1 :Design Principles Part 2 :Classification according leak tightness and associated testing methods ISPE definition paper of RABS _August 2005 RABS Definitions and Performance levels - http://www.pharmaceutical-int.com/ ISPE Vienna Conference, 2006_Practical Aspects of Glove Testing for a Production RABS Application ISPE_PHARMACEUTICAL ENGINEERING January/February 2007 :Choosing Technologies for Aseptic Filling .. J.Agalloco,J.Akers,R.Madsen


Francesco Longanesi _RABS vs Isolators

Tank you for your kind attention !!


Francesco Longanesi

Francesco Longanesi _RABS vs Isolators

Sources of Contamination
(ISPE Baseline-Vol.3 Sterile Manufacturing Facilities[c])


Francesco Longanesi _RABS vs Isolators

Number of particles generated by operators activity in a cleanroom


Francesco Longanesi _RABS vs Isolators

Aseptic Manufacturing Flowchart

(ISPE Baseline-Vol.3 Sterile Manufacturing Facilities[c])


Francesco Longanesi _RABS vs Isolators

Particle conc (p/cft) 107 106 105 104 103 102 10

Recovery Period VS Air Change rate

(ISPE Baseline-Vol.3 Sterile Manufacturing Facilities[c])

10 v ol/h
30 l/h vo l/h vo 40

Class 100.000 Class 10.000

vo l/

Class 100






60 Times(min)

Francesco Longanesi _RABS vs Isolators

Conventional Clean room design Key concepts

(ISPE Baseline-Vol.3 Sterile Manufacturing Facilities[c])

Class 10,000(ISO7) op. can be achieved

dirty air is displaced by cleaner air (Electronic industry type cleanroom)

Class 100(ISO5) op need dirty air is mixed continuously with clean air to reduce particulate load (Pharmaceutical industry type cleanroom)


Francesco Longanesi _RABS vs Isolators

RABS design Key concepts [ j ]


Francesco Longanesi _RABS vs Isolators

RABS versus Isolators (1)

evaluation criteria features and functions
Higher than conventional clean room Reduced capital costs with renovation and retrofit application



Higher than OPERATING COSTS conventional cleanroom Building infrastructure time consuming similar of conventional cleanroom High

Higher than conventional clean room Reduced capital High equipment costs costs with renovation and retrofit application Cost saving in energy Higher than consumption conventional (HVAC) and cleanroom clothing Equipment more Equipment more complex but facility complex but facility simpler simpler High Medium

High equipment costs

Cost saving in energy consumption (HVAC) and clothing Equipment more complex but facility simpler Medium



Francesco Longanesi _RABS vs Isolators

RABS versus Isolators (2)

evaluation criteria features and functions
Not usable


Low capability Aerodynamic separation is upgrade with a controlled differential pressure Less complex than isolators No open doors are permitted

Good Reliability Complex feasibility (Complex feasibility for sterile toxic) Medium Separation (physic barrier and High Separation (physic barrier and openings overpressure aerodynamic barriers )

Minimal Separation (physic PERSONEL IMPACT barrier and EXTENT restricted air overspill) Less complex than isolators suitable for applications where process interventions are needed ISO 5, class 100 ,GRADE A (gowning, Env.Monitoring commiserate with manned cleanroom)


Process Line preparation slow due the access constraints

Process Line preparation slow due the access constraints


ISO 7, class 10000 ,GRADE B

USA-cGMP Class 100,000 (ISO 8) EU- cGMP at least grade D

USA-cGMP Class 100,000 (ISO 8) EU- cGMP at least grade D


Regulatory requirements

Francesco Longanesi _RABS vs Isolators

RABS versus Isolators (3)

evaluation criteria features and functions



Unidirectional or Turbulent Independent air system: DP easy to control From 25 Pa to 100Pa typical set range DP monitored continuously (alarms) Suitable transfer system (RTP)



(to the surrounding environment)

Difficult to control


Transfer doors / hatches Manual disinfection by gowned personnel Reproducibility and validation uncertain Induction leak testing(ISO146447) or L-R method(PDA TR 34)




Independent air system: DP easy to control ISO5 HEPA air Independent air sweep in system: DP easy to conjunction with control Mousehole DP monitored continuously (alarms) Continuous or semi Suitable transfer continuous material system (RTP) ingress/egress Manual disinfection by decontaminated gowned while closed personnel (Sealing need Reproducibility before GSIP ) and validation uncertain Hourly leak rate for GSIP safety&healt Induction leak testing aspect Induction leak testing

GSIP gas/vapors sanitization in place

Hourly leak rate ( In-process pressure decay test -1 _ Tf (h ) of 0,5% or 8 Pa/min )

Francesco Longanesi _RABS vs Isolators

Separation Continuum Concept

(ISO 14644-7 : annex A [d] )


Francesco Longanesi _RABS vs Isolators

Chiesi Aseptic Process steps

Sterilization of Solvents and of Chloroform solution by filtration Evaporation of Solvents
0.1 m Filters Vacuum rotating evaporator Sterilized connections Depyrogenated glass containers Magnetic stirrer Sonicator Peristaltic pump Aseptic connections

Drying of the Sterile Purified Paste

Suspension in Sodium Chloride Solution 0.9% Emulsification by stirring, recirculation & sonication pH adjustment and final sonication

Filling of 2L suspension bottles Using peristaltic pump, aliquots of Sterile bulk suspension is filled into the 2 L bottles. The bottles are blanketed with Nitrogen

0.2 m nitrogen filter

Depyrogenated bottles Aseptic connections


Francesco Longanesi _RABS vs Isolators

MOCK UP development


Francesco Longanesi _RABS vs Isolators

Concept of nested critical processing area

Differential pressure between areas

Areas environmental classification 47

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RABS design: as built drawing


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RABS installation: process equipment details


Francesco Longanesi _RABS vs Isolators

Rabs Design concepts

continuous particulate monitoring systems and active air sampling with gelatines filtration method Separation descriptor

[50,5 : 50,5 ]

open-hatches overhead HEPA downflow protection barrier to improve protection against potential contamination from operators

Outward airflow from RABS with the hatch open


Air overspill

Francesco Longanesi _RABS vs Isolators

Equipment Validation: Induction Test

(ISO 14644-7 : annex E_ Induction leak test _ to determine if there is an intrusion of contaminated air into the clean zones from surrounding areas )


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