Catch Man Technique Part 1: Recent Posts

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Catch Man Technique Part 1

By FirstDown PlayBook on Jan 10, 2014


The following blog is by Darren Garrigan from East

Central University in Ada, Oklahoma

My decision on going with the catch man technique

in the red zone was because I was tired of seeing
DB’s get beat on fade and Back Shoulder. Just
studying the NFL, college football and coaching
websites I wanted to try something di!erent. I
actually fully understood it by watching Revis play
the catch tech on YouTube in 1 on 1’s when he
played for the New York Jets. So before the season
started I wanted my DB’s not to press in the red
zone, we still press from time to time. I knew teams
were going to throw fades all the time if we lined up
in press. We got beat on fades in 2012 and we did
not get beat on fades in 2013. Not sure if it was the
catch or we just did not see many opportunities but
either way it was e!ective for us this year. I also
asked di!erent o!enses coaches what caused them
problems from a DB standpoint and the main
feedback I receive was they had a hard time moving
the DB if he just played "at footed at 8-9 yards and
did not move. The WR wants to move the DB, open
his hips up etc. Around 6-8 yard mark is the break
point for the WR, every team coaches them up
di!erent, but by us being "at footed and playing
with depth we can collision the WR and take him o!
his route. Teams did not run much fades when we
played the catch. They just ran slant, out, etc, which
by us playing "at foot we can just drive “hot” on the
route and get either an INT or a PBU. My players
bought into the catch tech so we played it in all man



Catch Man Philosophy

The DB could basically stay put and the WR would
likely make his break in front of the defender
between 7-10 yards. If WR runs a vertical route, the
DB will shu#e/slide feet, collision, turn & run. When
the DB has more con$dence, his pre-snap cushion
can be shortened. Just aligning in the path of a WR’s
stem, you already re-routed the WR; either the WR
runs over the defender, not running his route or he
is forced to make his break early, declaring how the
DB will play the route. In goaline situations I feel it
can be more e!ective than press man. The major
di!erence is the DB will absorb the route stem of the
WR from depth. You can e!ectively play quick and
deep passing game, while still disrupting receiver
stems. The philosophy started out only being a tech
used in cover 0, but it ended up being used in all
man coverages. I give the option to the kids to read
3-step in the open $eld but in red zone they will not
read 3-step. Most of my kids felt more comfortable
just reading the WR because it helped with their
eyes. Eyes are the most important thing to a DB. I
love coaching the catch tech and the players bought
into it.

To be continued…

Darren Garrigan is a FirstDownPlayBook guest

blogger. He is the defensive backs coach and just
$nished his 2nd season at East Central University
where he mentored 1 All-American, 5 All-Conference
and 2 All-Region players. While there, the East
Central defenses lead the conference in takeaways
back-to-back seasons. Prior to joining the sta! at
East Central, he coached at Freedom High School in
Woodbridge, VA for 2 years. Coach Garrigan has
worked over 15 Division one football camps
(Including working with Deion Sanders)

FirstDown PlayBook is on Twitter , Google+ and


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