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Quaid-e-Azam University,islamabad
All the praises and thanks for ALLAH almighty who is entire source of
I am also thankful to Manager HRD OGTI, G.M HR, the entire HROs, Senior
organization who gave me their precious time and behaved with me not as
intern but as a colleague. I really acknowledge all for great efforts, guidance,
and supervision and their positive attitude and behavior during the whole
I have made unremitting efforts to write this internship report. In this report, I
resources department.
practical exposure and experience related to area of interest. I have divided this
e.g., how it was formed, its present situation & prospects of the company. In
the second chapter, I have discussed about personal Learning and Experience
which I learned and observed during whole period of internship. In chapter 3rd
I have given SWOT Analysis, what I gained, the practical exposure and
and threats and all these factors have been discussed and analyzed by me in
this report. Finally in the chapter 4th I have given the conclusion of this report
which gives brief ending overview of the organization. I have given the
Development officer
Company Limited
Production Management
Table of content
Chapter 1……………………………………………………….….........1
1.1 Introduction…………………..……….……………...………..…...…...1
1.2 Company background……………………..…………….………………1
1.3 Exploration of OGDC…………………..…………………………….…2
1.4 Transform into self-funded entity………………….…………………....2
1.5 Conversion into plc……………………………………………………...3
1.6 GDR…………………………….………...………………….………. ...3
1.7 Major products ……………………………..………… ………………..3
1.9 Major activities`……………………...………………………………....3
1.9 Objective of the company……...…………… …………...…………....3
1.9.1 Vision…...……….…….…… ……………………………………........4
1.9.2 Mission…..…….……………………………………………………......4
1.9.3 Core values…….………...……………………………………...………4
1.10 Departments.…………………………………………………………....4
1.11 Human resource department….…….........……………………………..6
1.11.1 Function of HR department……...………......……………...……......6
1.11.2 Number of employees in hr department………………………………6
Chapter 2………………………………...……….……….…………......7
2.1 Learning and experience………………...……….…………..……….....7
2.2 WEEK 1…………………...……………………………………….........8
2.3 WEEK 2………………………………………..……… ………….......12
2.4 WEEK 3………………………………..………………. ………..........15
2.5 WEEK 4……………………………………..……………………... …17
2.6 WEEK 5……… …………………….…….………………. ………….18
2.7 WEEK 6……………………..……………………………… ………...18
CHAPTER 3………..…………………… …………………………….19
3.1 SWOT ANALYSIS……………………………… …………………...19
3.1.1 STRENGTH……………………………………………………….… 19
3.1.2 WEAKNESSES…………………………………………………..…...20
3.1.3 OPPORTUNITIES……………………………………………..……..20
3.1.4 THREATS………………………………………………….………....21
3.2 PEST ANALYSIS……………………………………………….….…22
3.2.1 POLITICAL FACTOR………………………………………………..22
3.2.2 ECONOMIC FACTOR……………………………………………….22
3.2.3 SOCIAL FACTOR……………………………………………………23
3.2.4 TECHNOLOGICAL FACTOR ……………………………….…....23
CHAPTER 4………………………………………… ………………...24
4.1 CONCLUSION…………………………………………….…...……...24
4. 2 RECOMMENDATIONS………………..……………………………..25
ANEXURES………………………… …………………………………..27
ORGANIZATIONAL CHART…………………………………...….…27
The petroleum industry is the lifeline of the economy. This is a world of oil
of assets, the company is a leader in the local market. Its production has been
Before the OGDC was formed the production activities, exploration activities
and their related processes were carried out by the Pakistan petroleum limited
ppl and Pakistan oilfield Ltd. (PPL). PPL discovered a huge gas field in Sui in
Baluchistan in 1952.
This discovery led five major foreign oil companies to sign franchise
exploratory wells, thereby discovering various small gas fields in the region in
various parts of Pakistan. Despite these discoveries, oil exploration activity
The goal of the private company does not seem to have been achieved because
the demand for natural gas simply does not exist. Many foreign companies
signed a loan agreement with the Soviet Union in 1961. This allowed Pakistan
Soviet experts. After the signing of the agreement, OGDC was established in
accordance with the decree of September 20, 1961. The company was given
Pakistan's oil and gas prospects. The company has followed the government's
consists of five board members elected by the government and was funded by
Due to major oil and gas discoveries in the 1980s, the government divested the
company from the federal budget in July 1989 and allowed it to use self-raised
The 1989-90 fiscal year was the first year of OGDC's self-financing. This is a
huge challenge for OGDC. In the first year of self-financing, the obvious
exploration and development and meet its debt service obligations at the speed
envisaged by the Public Sector Development Plan (PSDP). OGDC not only
generated sufficient internal funds to repay debts, but also invested sufficient
OGDCL was a statutory company until October 23, 1997. At that time, it was
called OGDC (Oil and Gas Company). After October 23, 1997, the company
was upgraded to a public limited company and changed its name to OGDCL,
1.6 GDR
In December 2006, The Pakistani government further divested its 10% stake in
the company. The Company is now listed on the London Stock Exchange
Crude oil, gas, liquifies petroleum gas LPG, naphtha, solvent oil, kerosene oil,
Exploratory 370
Appraisal 46
Development 419
Total 835
Discoveries 136
(Ogdcl, 2021)
1.9.1 Vision
“To be a leading multinational Exploration and Production company.”
1.9.2 Mission
“To become the leading provider of oil and gas to the country by increasing
(ogdcl. 2021)
Process Department
Corporate Departments:
Corporate affairs
G&R Lab
Material Management
Internal Audit
System Support
Engineering / Workshops
Geological / Geophysics
Mud Engineering
Human Resource Department
(ogdcl, 2021)
Human resource department has been playing a great role in the development
reorganized to manage people and develop their skills for meeting Company’s
professional like MBA, MPA ,MSc ,MALLB ,and MCOM for its human
director of the human resources. executive director human resources head the
Department There are round about 13 officers and 97 total staff, as well as
one of the leading oil and gas companies in the country with an extensive
are further divided into different sections specific for completing tasks and
the system in a better way by being aware of the company's ongoing activities.
During my internship I was attached with five different sections of the Human
Resource Department.
for a period of 6 weeks i.e., from 2nd August till 12th September 2021.
HR Section (A)
HR Section (D)
2.1 WEEK 1
development section that is being managed by the Mr. Saeed malik he signed
with the annual confidential report of the staff. He briefed me about the
As the year ends, the officer must evaluate the performance of each employee
who has been directly employed under him during the year and he must initiate
a report in duplicate with the prescribed form and then transmit in the
managing director for a joint signature. Once countersigned, the report will be
The authority responsible for maintaining the service record shall also be
Annual confidential report (ACR) shall, inter-alia, reflect on the basic qualities
Be clear and direct and shall not be ambiguous or evasive in his remarks
Be as objective as possible
and technical officer, and by countersigning officer while filling in the annual
confidential report of an employee will be recorded for the period ending 31st
The immediate officer shall initiate the report and it should be submitted to the
higher officer next to him and finally to the appointing authority, in case the
The next higher officer will countersign the report and submit it to the head of
the department concerned with his own remarks, if any. While forwarding the
report, the head of department will clearly state that the adverse remarks, if
development section personally tell us to come to his room where he also gives
He also told us about the promotion criteria of the staff and officer
Qualification 15 marks
Seniority 5 marks
ACR 25 marks
Relevant experience including outside OGDCL 15 marks
Qualification 15 marks
Publication 5 marks
Experience 20 marks
Held positions: these are the positions that people already holding on that post.
Vacancy: the difference between sanctioned and held positions become the
vacant positions.
Bell curve: the situation of normal distribution for evaluation is bell curve. It is
the evaluation of the total strength into different categories either in shape of
ACR or examination.
On 3rd day of my 1st week i was attached to Mr Tanveer and Mr Zubair where
Each Departmental Head (ED/ GM/ Manager) shall conduct annual goal
are discussed, assigned, and agreed upon based on which their performance is
upon / signed off between officer and his supervisor at the beginning of year
using PER Form for grades EG I to IX(A), by filling the Key Objectives for
the Year, indicating five (5) dimensions of goal setting by assigning relative
People Management
Process Improvement
Statement of objectives Grand Total comes up to 500, which means the five
(5) key dimensions of the year may have 100 points each (5 * 100 =
evaluate the gap between desired versus expected performance and assigns
(Tanveer, Zubair, personal communication, august 4, 2021)
On the 4TH DAY of 1ST WEEK, I was attached with Mr. Tanveer who shows
me the ACR of some of his staff to clearly get an idea what you have been
On the last day of my 1st week i am again attached with the MR Ahmar. he
told us to calculate the marks of staff personally where they are getting
qualifying marks or not. practically working gives us more clear idea about
how it works.
2.2 WEEK 2
Hr section (a):
In the second week of my internship, I was placed in HR Section (A) under the
for 1 year to whom I was introduced and was briefed about the tasks each of
them performs in the Section A. The HR Section A deals with all the human
Administration. There are several actions which were being performed in this
On first and second day I was introduced by all the employees about their
working and the respective tasks they perform. Mr. Mudassir who is Admin
Assistant of Section A briefed us about all the actions of section A which are
given below:
Appointment Notification
Police Verification
imbursement of scholarship
Seniority Lists
Promotional Fixations
Encashment /LFA/E.O.L./LAP
Disability Leave
Loan/ House Fund, Hare Rent Welfare Fund Permission for Higher Studies
Lower Post/Stag
Re-instatement in Service
Computer Allowance
officers and staff which are given below. He also told me how queries related
CPI+ACR = 15%
Package: announced by MD
Service Increment
Annual Increment
8/15/20/25/30/35 @ 8%
qualification @8%
I was asked to observe all these actions, how they are being taken. The fourth
and fifth day they give us the assignment of verification of all the data of
2.3 WEEK 3
information system section where I met the Chief Director of HRIS and I
along with all the other interns gave a brief introduction to him. He them
attached us with Dr. Faisal, Manager HRIS who gave us a sequence-wise
introduction of OGDCL. Mr. Faisal explained to us, the tasks performed in the
HRIS section.
The HRIS section stores information related to the employees digitally and
maintains the digital record. The software system used at OGDCL is Oracle
validate the employee affairs. During these months, OGDCL is shifting to SAP
Oracle ERP demands to purchase some software’s while SAP have them built-
in Oracle is good and strong for finance while SAP is goof for storing
employee data.
On the 2nd day MR Haider who are working assistant programmer in HRIS
told us about the oracle how can we perform. store and edit information of the
after 2004. before 2004 it was given to employee’s parents also. And after 23
year of their children and no f-medical facility will be given so we check the
employees where some others member using medically facility illegally or not
The third and fourth day of this week were Ashura holidays and on the fifth
day, we did the assignment again and at last they appraise for my assignment
2.4 WEEK 4
section under the supervision of Senior HR Manager Mr. Javed Iqbal in the
Ms. Nabeela (HR officer), Ms. Madiha (HR officer) and Mr. Fawad Javed
(Admin Assistant) then Mr. Javed Iqbal briefed me about the working of
On the second day, Ms. Nabeela gave me recruitment policy and asked me to
process of OGDCL.
On third day Ms. Madiha guided me about noting. She gave me some samples
with the management in the organization. There are certain rules of noting for
On fourth day, Mr. Javed Iqbal discussed some legal proceedings with me. He
gave me some cases and asked to perform the noting for them through my own
act as a respondent. The one who puts the petition is called the petitioner while
On fifth day Ms. Nabeela told me about the advertisement process. I learnt
how an ad is created for a job/ internship and what are the requirements for
generating it.
briefed me about his department that this department maintain the record of
employees who are working in the plant and process department. all the
section a deal with the employees related to admin and section d deals with the
employee’s data who are working in the plant and process department.
Now I’ve done a complete SWOT Analysis of the company OGDCL to get an
insight and an unbiased image of its key strengths and weaknesses and the
potential opportunities in the E&P sector and the threats it has from the
Oil & Gas Development Company Limited (or OGDCL) is Pakistan's largest
oil and gas exploration and production company. OGDCL's products include
gas, crude oil, and LPG. Government of Pakistan share 74% share of the
company.(DNB, 2021)
It has 50 operating oil and gas fields distributed throughout the country;
OGDCL has 18 oil and gas processing plants. These include dehydration,
The hiring of employees is truly based on the merit system, so only highly
Their pay packages are one of the tops in the country and annual bonuses are
OGDCL has a separate well enough training institute to train its employees up
Political Influences:
Politics plays its role sometimes and these political influences sometimes halt
Annual bonuses are declared for the entire organization irrespective of their
Hierarchical Formalities:
very strong union of workers, and the top management has to agree on their
3.1.3 Opportunities
are most likely to be given to the OGDCL for the future mega projects.
Increase in Demand
Government is promoting the energy sector by giving incentives for doing
better projects.
Inflation and increase in oil prices internationally have been noticed recent
There are many oil and gas reserves in Pakistan that has yet to be discovered in
3.1.4 Threats
Threat of unproductive oil well is a great a big loss for the company.
Government Decisions:
Being a Govt. owned organization, the Govt. has a lot of say in deciding its
investment decisions.
investors can earn a good living from it. If a proper PEST analysis is
performed for this industry in any country or specific area, the executives of a
firm will be able to comprehend the nature of the work, the business
conditions, and the essential regulations that they must follow during their
working process. They needed to realize that energy resources are vital for
both human and industrial consumers, and that they require different
The oil and petroleum business need labor to function, and those who work in
it must pay taxes and other fees. The industry is required to adhere to the
taxation policy.
adequate labor laws, including appropriate working hours and wage policies,
countries where it is discovered and refined. The OPEC countries have made a
lot of money by selling oil and petroleum to other countries, which is required
for various domestic and commercial purposes. The supply and demand of oil
on topics are all reflected in the social aspect in the oil and petroleum business.
compensated well and have flexible working hours. The countries seek to
develop their oil and gas industries so that they can fulfil future needs and
pollution that harms the environment, but they cannot deny the industry's
When we discuss about the technological factor, it means these are about
different technologies, techniques and the ways than can affect the activities,
organization with the need to get modern technology learn new techniques and
use different methods, such latest technologies are used for the exploration of
oil and gas and use roads. pipelines. transport and oil tanks. due to these
Chapter 4
OGDCL's status as a public sector oil and gas company in the country has
Pakistan’s Islamabad, Lahore and Karachi Stock Exchanges and the London
Stock Exchange • OGDCL’s status as a public sector oil and gas company in
the country has been promoted several times and is known as a leading
province of Pakistan. Its shares are now listed on the Islamabad, Lahore and
. Analyzing the company's balance sheet, the company is independent and has
a high debt repayment tendency. The company’s sales are huge, so its goal is
to make huge profits in the long run. The company's solvency ratio reflects the
over the years, the company can look forward to many other success stories
The training facilities provided by the Oil and Gas Training Institute (OGTI)
would like to recommend some practical steps that may help improve the
OGDCL adopted the latest technology to improve its work efficiency, but
some early employees did not know how to effectively apply this latest
OGDCL must take the necessary actions to educate these people how to use
the available facilities so that they can more effectively promote the success of
Comparisons of actual versus budgeted expenditures should be done to
Annexure 1
Organizational chart
Board of Directors
Secretary / General Audit Committee of
Manager Legal the Board
General Manager /
Chief internal
GM ( Prospect GM (Information
GM (P&P) GM (DO) GM (JV) GM (Finance) GM (HSEQ) GM (Admin)
Generation) System)
GM ( Geophysical GM (Health
GM (PE & FD) GM (DS) GM (BD) GM (Accounts) GM (Security)
Services) Services)
GM (Geological
GM (Projects) GM (C&ESS) GM (Treasury) GM ( SCM) GM (OGTI)
GM (Commercial) GM (Material)
GM (Production) GM ( RM)
[4] OGDCL Conversion into plc, data retrieved on 15 September ,2021 from
[10] OGDCL Core values, data retrieved on September 17, 2021 from
[12] OGDCL Number of employees, data retrieved on September 18, 2021
[13] OGDCL No of field of oil and gas, data retrieved on September 22, 2021