FlexPod Solution Overview 2019 Final

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The FlexPod Advantage

Why refresh IT infrastructure now?

What’s new with FlexPod

The FlexPod advantage

What’s new with FlexPod Standing still isn’t an option
Refreshing your IT infrastructure
with FlexPod gives you access to
a trusted platform with unmatched
Updating to the latest FlexPod advancements helps fuel IT
versatility that unlocks the value of innovation and application and business performance.
your critical data. FlexPod provides:
Applications drive IT infrastructure refresh cycles FlexPod continues to be the solution to IT needs
■ Higher CPU performance
Everywhere you look there is more data to process. Although Moving to FlexPod systems—or refreshing your existing FlexPod
to support more virtual
the nature of applications continues to change and expand, a deployments with the latest advancements—can mean the
machines and applications
lot of data remains untapped. As more users and applications difference between success and failure. This field-proven
in less rack space
try to tap in and gain insight in real time, the need to quickly platform is trusted worldwide to deliver the innovation and
■ Intel® Optane™ DC persistent flexibility needed to respond to dynamically changing conditions.
ingest, collect, store, and process data continues at a rapid
memory to allow large memory
pace—a pace that most aging infrastructure and even systems FlexPod is a converged infrastructure (CI) platform that
capacities at an affordable price
that are only two to three years old simply cannot handle. lets you unleash the potential of your data. This versatile
■ Accelerated storage and platform consists of the best technologies from Cisco and
application performance A multitude of examples NetApp so that you can fuel your deployments with the
■ An
Consider a few examples. Cloud solutions offer a way to latest technological innovations. Deployment is fast, scaling
order of magnitude
improvement in latencies extend IT infrastructure, but may not be the right fit for your is easy, and performance is unmatched with a solution that
to shorten time to results organization. For example, it may be inappropriate or risky to is tailored to meet application and workload demands,
store sensitive data in a public cloud, yet the cost of storing whether they reside on premises or in the cloud.
■ Higher network throughput
and processing that data locally may break an organization’s
and greater network FlexPod solutions are tested and documented through
security to speed and IT budget. Sophisticated artificial intelligence (AI), machine
Cisco Validated Designs, which help reduce risk and
protect application layers learning (ML), and deep learning (DL) tools allow your guesswork by giving your architects and administrators
teams to extract value from your data, but the processing guidebooks for implementation. Validated designs are
power and high-speed transfers needed may force you to available for more than 170 deployment scenarios and
overhaul your systems. Enterprise applications continue to delivery models. By following these guidelines, you can create
evolve in several-year cycles to push the boundaries of data a foundation that helps protect against compromise while
mining, and developers need a better, faster, streamlined delivering a simplified, standardized, and trusted approach
DevOps lifecycle to deliver capabilities in less time. for the use and management of your IT resources.


Business advantages and benefits
Refreshing your data center with FlexPod offers many benefits,
from improved efficiency and performance to dramatic cost savings.
Performance, efficiency, and cost savings more workloads onto fewer servers so there are fewer ■ Increase productivity: Built-in automation,
Your infrastructure should work with you, not against you. components to buy and manage. orchestration, and lifecycle management capabilities
FlexPod solutions can help you: ■ Scale and adapt to support demand: With FlexPod, simplify deployment and make it easy for your IT staff

■ Deploy IT infrastructure faster: FlexPod takes the you can scale and repurpose systems without to operationally integrate your bare-metal and virtual
having to adjust your software or your networking infrastructure resources to address complex, time-
guesswork out of making IT components work together
capabilities or interrupt operations. You can purchase consuming, manual, and compartmentalized processes.
and perform. With our integrated solution, your IT
the systems you need today and scale up your
staff can deploy systems faster and focus on strategic ■ Save: Components with low power-consumption,
integrated infrastructure for greater performance and
business objectives. simplified connectivity mechanisms, and an efficient
capacity (adding or upgrading computing, network, or
■ Get more work done with the same or fewer storage resources), or scale out if you need multiple cabinet design result in a unique architecture that reduces
resources: FlexPod allows your IT staff to consolidate consistent deployments (adding integrated systems). cabling, power, and cooling requirements.

43% 32% 65% 23% 34%

fewer staff faster software more time spent savings on reduction in data
needed to manage installation and on innovation and cloud computing center floor space
management new projects

28% 29% 24% 23% 29%

savings on less time spent CapEx reduction savings on annual savings on
services, on monitoring, for both hardware maintenance fees power and cooling
outsourcing, troubleshooting, and software
and consulting and remediation

IDC: Agile and Efficient—How FlexPod Drives Datacenter Modernization, Document #US45212519


FlexPod architecture

Cisco UCS servers

NetApp storage

Cisco UCS networking

Unified management
“We completely Innovation runs deep in the FlexPod architecture
recouped our
Our trusted, end-to-end solution unleashes the potential
initial investment
of your data and accelerates application delivery.
in just nine
you can take advantage of cloud and multicloud environments
months and FlexPod is an adaptable platform that combines Cisco Unified
Computing System™ (Cisco UCS®) servers, Cisco Nexus® with an efficient, infrastructure as a service (IaaS) platform.
saved more switches, next-generation NetApp storage systems, and ■ Automate: Built-in tools simplify and automate infrastructure
than $1M in virtualization software into a single solution. It lets you move
from technology silos to a cloud model that transforms your
and policy management. Using a single pane of management,
your IT staff can increase operation efficiency and achieve 2.3
the first year.” data center infrastructure into pools of resources that can be
times lower TCO of existing FlexPod deployments.1
easily allocated and repurposed. Your applications can run
Ayako Wilson more efficiently within, between, and beyond your data center ■ Secure: Storage-based data protection and recovery and
Senior General Manager, AWNC boundaries—and your IT organization can evolve to IT as a advanced risk protection deliver continuous operations and
service (ITaaS) to increase IT and business agility. help eliminate both planned and unplanned downtime.
Read the story
■ Modernize: FlexPod makes it easy to transform your data
1. The Enterprise Strategy Group, Inc: Quantifying the Value of FlexPod Converged Infrastructure
center. Using the latest technologies from Cisco and NetApp, with Cisco M4 Servers and NetApp All-Flash FAS (AFF) Storage Arrays, 2017.

Servers Network Storage Management


• Cisco UCS M5 servers • Cisco SingleConnect technology • NetApp AFF solutions • Automation
• Cisco UCS C480 ML • Less power and cabling • NetApp ONTAP • Cisco UCS Manager

M5 Rack Servers • 10/25/40/100 Gigabit Ethernet • NetApp MAX Data • Cisco UCS Director
• 8/16/32 GB Fibre Channel • NetApp Cloud • Cisco Intersight™
• End-to-end NVMe Connected Flash • Ansible
• RDMA over Converged Solutions • NetApp Converged
Ethernet (RoCE) version 2 Systems Advisor

Enterprise applications Multicloud Vertical markets


• SAP HANA • Microsoft SQL Server 2016, 2017 • Cisco CloudCenter with • Healthcare (Epic, Meditech)
• Oracle 12c R2 • VDI with Citrix and VMware NetApp Private Storage

As a service Business continuity Machine learning and deep learning

• Managed Private Cloud (FlexPod as a Service) • Cisco ACI™ Multi-Pod with • FlexPod for AI, ML, and DL
NetApp IP MetroCluster Powered by Cisco UCS C480 ML M5


Cisco UCS M5 servers Groundbreaking performance powers applications
Designed to provide your
computing infrastructure now and
into the future, Cisco UCS M5
Cisco UCS servers deliver more memory, CPU, and GPU
servers give you the benefits of the resources to accelerate workloads and deliver results.
latest processors:
FlexPod can take advantage of the broad Cisco UCS lightweight artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML)
■ More cores to accelerate
server product line, making the process of matching workloads such as inferencing. Purpose-built AI/ML servers use
parallelized virtualized and
servers to workloads straightforward. A choice of servers these GPU resources to support heavyweight model training.
bare-metal workloads
allows you to achieve the best balance of CPU, memory,
■ Larger memory capacity for I/O, internal disk, and external storage-access resources
Memory acceleration
better performance and larger Cisco UCS servers use Intel Optane DC persistent memory to
using the blade or rack server form factor that best meets
in-memory databases your local storage and GPU acceleration requirements. accelerate data transfer and processing. High memory density,

■ Higher
nonvolatile data persistence, and near-DRAM speeds support
memory bandwidth
Powered by Intel Xeon Scalable processors large memory capacities at a low cost per TB. These memory
to accelerate the flow of
Cisco UCS servers are powered by Intel® Xeon® Scalable enhancements allow you to:
information to and from the
processors to deliver highly robust capabilities with
■ Consolidate databases and landscapes onto fewer servers
outstanding performance, security, and agility. They offer up
■ Up to 8 GPU accelerators
to 28 cores in 2- and 4-socket configurations for excellent ■ Accelerate access to very large data volumes
for the most demanding
performance and scalability. The CPUs provide excellent
machine learning workloads, ■ Perform deep data analysis on more data and do it faster
memory channel performance and include three Intel
or a smooth user experience in
UltraPath Interconnect (Intel UPI) links across the sockets for
virtual desktop environments Memory-accelerated data
scalability and intercore data flow. The processors also offer
A new feature in FlexPod—memory acceleration powered
hardware-assisted security advancements that lower the
by MAX Data—works with Intel Optane memory to further
performance overhead for data encryption and decryption,
accelerate applications. This new technology integrates
lowering the cost of securing data. These features further
NetApp storage into the server’s memory, presenting
enhance the value of IT infrastructure in your enterprise.
a file system interface to applications. This tiered file
GPU acceleration system provides a persistent storage layer that uses
Cisco UCS rack servers incorporate GPU accelerators to persistent server memory and an all-flash storage tier to
power virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) environments and store, protect, and accelerate access to information.


NetApp AFF A-Series More storage for more data and insight
■ Offer 100% NVMe storage
solutions that accelerate data
access, deliver consistent
NetApp all-flash and NVMe storage systems scale up and
and predictable low out to store and manage growing volumes of data.
latency, and reduce storage
FlexPod allows you to take advantage of storage improvements With NetApp ONTAP software, you can cluster your ONTAP
requirements by up to 7:1
to accelerate applications and reduce the burden on your IT staff storage resources—including all-flash and hybrid-flash systems
with inline data reduction
and budgets. With NetApp AFF and hybrid-flash FAS storage from different generations—and use it on premises or tier it
■ Accelerate workloads with systems, you can use different types of storage media for to a private or public cloud. This powerful data management
the fastest unified scale-out different workloads, all within a unified platform that is designed software includes inline data compression, deduplication,
all‑flash array, with up to with data protection and security in mind. You can even deploy and compaction, and works with other NetApp solutions to
7 million I/O operations per end-to-end NVMe solutions to further accelerate data access snapshot, replicate, and clone data for increased protection.
second (IOPS) and latency and keep applications working to deliver results in less time.
of less than a millisecond
■ Manage and protect data
to increase usable capacity
NetApp Max Max Effective Form
and reduce costs
AFF series Workloads and storage characteristics nodes SSDs capacity (PB) factor
NetApp FAS Hybrid Flash
AFF A800 ■ Demanding workloads, ultra-low latency ■ 24 ■ 2880 ■ 316.3 ■ 4U
■ Provides consolidated
AFF A700 ■ Performance-driven workloads, small footprint ■ 24 ■ 2592 ■ 316.3 ■ 4U
SAN and NAS storage
AFF A700s ■ Performance-driven workloads, maximum expandability ■ 24 ■ 5760 ■ 702.7 ■ 8U
■ Supports enterprise
applications, virtualization, AFF A400 ■ Balance of performance and cost ■ 24 ■ 5760 ■ 702.7 ■ 4U

Microsoft solutions, and backup AFF A300 ■ Enterprise applications, performance, and scalability ■ 24 ■ 4608 ■ 562.2 ■ 3U
and recovery deployments
AFF A220 ■ Mid-sized businesses, balance of performance and cost ■ 24 ■ 1728 ■ 193.3 ■ 2U

AFF 80X0 ■ NAS scale-out deployments ■ 24 ■ 5760 ■ 366.6 ■ 6U

■ SAN scale-out deployments ■ 8 ■ 1920 ■ 26.2 ■ 6U

NetApp Max Max raw Form

FAS series Workloads and storage characteristics drives capacity (TB) factor

FAS2650 ■ Virtual server consolidation, high performance ■ 144 ■ 1243 ■ 2U/24 drives

FAS2620 ■ Remote offices, secondary workloads, backup targets, ■ 144 ■ 1440 ■ 2U/12 drives
larger capacity deployments


Cisco Application
Centric Infrastructure
Networking is simple, but powerful
As your environment grows,
you can use Cisco Application
The FlexPod architecture lets you wire once, walk away,
Centric Infrastructure (Cisco ACI) and manage networks and bandwidth through software.
to implement a software-defined
network and deliver consistency Simplicity with a unified fabric Accelerated storage networking
at scale. You can link your data With FlexPod, you can wire once, walk away, and then manage The Cisco MDS 9000 family of storage networking
centers and support multipod features and bandwidth through software. This zero-touch I/O solutions provides flexibility, a proven operating system,
and metrocluster solutions to configuration is policy based, not cable based. It converges and a central management platform to deliver efficient
connect your networks, systems, the three networks required by traditional systems (LAN, SAN, storage networking and seamless connectivity to fabric
applications, and users wherever and management) into one unified network that can match interconnects within FlexPod. With multiprotocol support,
they reside. Hybrid multicloud bandwidth resources to specific application needs. the Cisco MDS 9000 family delivers a single network that
capabilities abstract cloud-native supports virtually any storage communication protocol.
The unified fabric in FlexPod radically simplifies server I/O
APIs to support physical, virtual, These intelligent switches and network directors offer:
configuration, cabling, and upstream switching. The low-latency,
and containerized workloads ■ Performance that delivers more than three times the
high-bandwidth fabric supports easy access to NetApp storage
across on-premises infrasatructure bandwidth of any director in the industry
using file-based (NFS) and block-based (Fibre Channel or iSCSI)
and public clouds.
protocols depending on your application. ■ Comprehensive end-to-end virtualization with unique
Cisco ACI provides automated, features such as Virtual SANs (VSANs), built-in Inter-VSAN
policy-based network deployment
Fast, highly available interconnects
Routing (IVR), N-Port ID Virtualization (NPIV), and fabric-port
Within FlexPod, the unified fabric is created by Cisco UCS
that secures your applications (F-port) trunking that support end-to-end virtual environments
fabric interconnects. Deployed as an active/active pair, the
within isolated containers. The
interconnects integrate all components into a single, highly ■ Operational efficiency with robust instrumentation, advanced
network can attach directly to
available management domain. All I/O is managed efficiently and management applications, standards-based interfaces, and a
virtual machines and physical
securely at a single point, resulting in deterministic I/O latency customizable dashboard that provides enhanced visibility and
servers with increased security,
regardless of a server or virtual machine’s location in the system. automated fabric provisioning of dynamic data centers
real-time monitoring and telemetry,
and performance optimization. Cisco® fabric interconnects support low-latency, line-rate, ■ Integrated telemetry with path visualization,
lossless Ethernet and Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) troubleshooting, and performance monitoring from
connectivity. The Cisco UCS 6300 Series Fabric Interconnects the virtual machine all the way to the storage port
supports 10- and 40-Gbps connectivity, and the Cisco UCS ■ Ultimate reliability through fully redundant components
6454 supports 10 and 25 Gbps connectivity. and a fault-tolerant architectural design

■ Investment protection with storage connectivity options for

mission-critical applications, massive amounts of data, solid-
state drives, and cloud-based environments


Workload protection Unified management delivers simplicity
Cisco Tetration™ can help you
identify security incidents, contain
lateral movement, and reduce your
A self-aware system and built-in automation make it easy to
attack surface with a zero-trust deploy, monitor, and manage IT and support your business.
model using segmentation. You
Easy deployment Performance management
get a composite security score
FlexPod is a self-aware, self-integrating system that takes Our smart approach to performance management allows you
for workloads based on various
the guesswork out of deployment. Every aspect of server to connect application performance and user experiences
parameters. You can:
identity, personality, and connectivity is abstracted and can to business outcomes. With AppDynamics® you can
■ Use real-time telemetry data be applied through software. Your IT staff defines profiles and actively monitor, analyze, and optimize complex application
from application components the solution automatically configures the infrastructure as environments at scale, and correlate and act on performance
and behavior-analysis needed. By automating layers of repeatable and error-prone data in real time. By tapping into automated, cross-stack
algorithms to view the manual configuration that your IT staff likely performs today, intelligence, you can gain visibility across servers, networks, and
connections between data and you can consistently deliver the data center resources that your containers whether on premises or in the cloud, pinpoint and fix
applications applications need in less time and with end-to-end security. application issues, and understand the impact of code on user
■ Track behavior changes to Simplified automation and management experience and application performance. You can even visualize
keep policies up to date and Cisco UCS Director abstracts the complexity from individual revenue paths for better business insight.
minimize exposure to malware- devices, hypervisors, and virtual machines and automates
style attacks FlexPod management processes. You can deliver on-premises
■ Enforce a consistent whitelist private cloud capabilities, rapidly and consistently deploy
policy across on-premises data resources in local and remote locations, automate IT workflows,
and provide a foundation for hybrid IT. Open programmatic
centers and public clouds
■ Continuously monitor for and Workload optimization
identify compliance deviations Cisco Workload Optimization Manager is a real-time decision
■ Detect
engine that drives continuous health in your FlexPod
software vulnerabilities
deployment. The intelligent software continuously analyzes
workload consumption, costs, and compliance constraints and
automatically allocates resources in real time. You can determine
when, where, and how to move and resize workloads, maximize Cisco UCS
elasticity with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft
Azure public cloud resources, and quickly model infrastructure pools
and workload growth scenarios to determine how much
infrastructure you will need and when you will need it.
Role-Based Access
Security and redundancy
Control (RBAC)


Use cases
AI/ML Hybrid and multicloud SAP HANA
Business continuity Microsoft SQL Server VDI
Healthcare Oracle Database VSI and cloud
Customer successes Use case: Artificial intelligence and machine learning
■ Cambridge Consultants help
clients create new data-driven
services to meet real needs.
Tap into data, gain more insight, and make better decisions.
■ Shanghai PPDAI uses AI
to serve the financially
The promise of artificial intelligence (AI) Easy access to existing data sets
Whether you need to make discoveries, analyze patterns, In traditional infrastructure deployments, accessing and copying
detect fraud, improve customer relationships, optimize supply large volumes of data is slow and results in poorly used
Did you know? chains, or automate processes, deep learning (DL) and storage systems. The ONTAP software included in the FlexPod
machine learning (ML) techniques can help you use digital Datacenter for AI solution provides fast access to existing data
FlexPod Datacenter for AI is ready
information for business advantage. These complex tasks sets, without the need to copy large volumes of data onto the
to train models for faster insight.
require unprecedented levels of computing power and large hard-disk drives (HDDs) of newly deployed FlexPod platforms.
■ Accelerates AI/ML initiatives amounts of scalable storage, and models can take days or
with a validated solution that Extreme performance
weeks to train. Computing nodes, storage systems, and
demystifies deployment Delivering better results in less time requires speed at every
networks often are unable to handle the data volume, velocity,
layer of infrastructure. The extreme low latency performance
■ Scales to more than 20 PB in and variability of AI, ML, and DL applications at scale—and
of NetApp All Flash storage systems and fast networking
a single namespace to support achieving predictable and scalable performance is hard.
interconnects supports the accelerated movement of data from
very large learning data sets
Look at your data in new ways where it resides to where it is processed. After its arrival, high
with ONTAP FlexGroups
If your AI and ML solutions are failing to keep pace—or if you performance servers like the Cisco UCS C480 ML M5 with
■ Processes data quickly with a have not implemented AI or ML solutions yet—deploying the multiple GPUs help ensure that your data is processed quickly,
scalable approach to massive FlexPod Datacenter for AI solution with Cisco UCS C480 ML accessing up to 1 petaflop of processing capability per server.
computing power with Cisco M5 Rack Servers can open the door to better insight. This
UCS servers is especially true when data gravity, security, and regulatory
■ Reduces data storage capacity requirements dictate that model training be performed on the
Artificial intelligence
requirements up to 10 times premises, where your data lives. Perform basic chores faster than a human.
with deduplication and The FlexPod Datacenter for AI solution is fully equipped to power
compression techniques your AI and ML workloads and databases. By deploying this Machine learning
highly scalable computing platform, your organization can take Use AI techniques to parse data,
■ Supports development, testing, learn from it, and make decisions.
training, and inferencing advantage of built-in technology advancements and a unified
environments approach to management to achieve many IT and business Deep learning
benefits. The solution integrates with Kubeflow Pipelines to Engage neural networks to
sort through vast amounts
foster collaboration across multiple private and public cloud
of data and make distinctions.
platforms and provide broad access to AI capabilities.


FlexPod Datacenter for AI solution Support continuous integration and development
Optimized for analytic workloads, the solution includes The FlexClone® capability built into your FlexPod infrastructure
massively scalable Cisco UCS blade and rack servers, makes it easy for your staff to create development and test Related Cisco Validated
Cisco Nexus 9000 Series switches, Cisco UCS 6000 Series environments for sandboxes and configuration testing or Designs
Fabric Interconnects, and NetApp AFF A800 flash storage copies of data sets. Traditional copies can take many minutes
■ FlexPod Datacenter for
arrays with NetApp ONTAP. NVIDIA Tesla V100-32GB or hours to make. With FlexClone technology, even the largest
AI/ML with Cisco UCS 480 ML
Tensor Core GPUs further enhance processing power. volumes can be cloned in a matter of seconds, enabling you to
for Deep Learning
rapidly improve model accuracy and development velocity as
In the solution, Cisco UCS C480 ML M5 computing engines
your developers and test engineers spend less time waiting for
place massive GPU acceleration close to the data stored on
access to data sets and more time doing productive work. Cisco UCS C480 ML M5
your FlexPod infrastructure. These computing engines are
connected through the system’s fabric interconnects, just like Scale storage capacity Rack Server
the other Cisco UCS blade and rack servers in your FlexPod With the massive scalability created with Cisco Nexus 9000 Designed for AI/ML workloads,
deployment. Your AI and ML models and applications run Series Switches and ONTAP software, you can deploy the Cisco UCS C480 ML M5 Rack
on the server, with the NetApp Data Fabric in your FlexPod environments that scale to 20 PB and beyond in a single Server complements your FlexPod
infrastructure moving data from its collection point or namespace to support very large data sets, resulting in better deployments and offers:
storage location to the computing engines at high speed. data models. The FlexGroup capability in ONTAP creates scale-
■ Fast computing with two
out NAS volumes consisting of multiple storage components
Create a data lake Intel Xeon Scalable processors
that automatically and transparently share the traffic. Combined
The ONTAP software makes it easy to create a seamless data
with automatic load distribution, FlexGroups make it easy to ■ Fast GPU acceleration with
lake that spans your distributed data sources. Your data lake
use infrastructure resources to serve workloads that require eight NVIDIA Tesla V100‑32GB
can stream data from the all-flash arrays into your training
massive scalability, high throughput, and low latency, without Tensor Core GPUs in a 4-rack-
environment at high speed and with low latency, supporting
complicating storage management. unit (4RU) form factor
many I/O streams in parallel. The system can move data across
■ NVIDIA NVLink technology for
storage tiers based on policies you set, and analytics can be
run on the right data tier with the optimal quality of service. high bandwidth and massive
scalability in multi-GPU
Cisco UCS
chassis and servers
The FlexPod Datacenter for traditional
FlexPod workloads
■ Flexible options for network,
storage, memory, OS, and

for AI solution with AI/ML frameworks

Cisco UCS C480 ML Cisco UCS C480

ML M5 Rack Servers

M5 Rack Servers stands

ready to train your
Cisco Nexus
switches and
Cisco UCS

models for faster insight.

Fabric Interconnects

NetApp AFF A800

All-Flash System


Customer success Use case: Business continuity
■ Government of Rotterdam cut
server provisioning from days to
hours and saves four man-hours
Tie multiple data centers together to improve availability.
per week, thanks to the ability to
restart servers simultaneously.
The metropolitan advantage Disaster avoidance and recovery
■ Teva Czech Industries achieves Placing data centers across metropolitan areas is a popular With the FlexPod solution, you don’t have to wait a long
fast and reliable online data approach for supporting business continuity and avoiding time for applications to be up and running after a disruption.
protection and has had stable disasters. Sites are generally chosen based on locality, To help shorten recovery time, the solution contains
data operation over several years. environmental or weather considerations, available floor redundancy at every layer in the infrastructure stack so
space, and cost constraints. Accessing and optimizing that data continues to be served even if one or more
these data centers, and keeping them running, requires a components fail. In the event of an impending natural disaster
Did you know? solution that makes it easy to interconnect and centrally or planned upgrade, your IT staff can seamlessly migrate all
FlexPod with Cisco ACI integrates manage geographically dispersed data centers. workloads to the “safe” site. The endangered site can then
with VMware software to provide a be shut down safely and brought online at a later time.
One logical data center
single point of policy management The solution features a stretched cluster environment that
FlexPod Datacenter running Cisco ACI Multi-Pod and NetApp
for your physical and virtual can span distances. During a regional power outage or
MetroCluster™ IP software provides a multiple-data-center
environments. Your IT staff can: natural disaster, control can be switched to the surviving
solution that elevates business and data continuity. Cisco ACI
■ Accelerate application Multi-Pod provides seamless network connectivity across site and applications can continue to run with minimal
deployment the sites, called pods. The result is a logical grouping of downtime. Data services are restored at the secondary site
physically separated pods that function as a single fabric. in a matter of seconds using an automated single command,
■ Transparently instantiate
As a result, your IT staff can balance workloads between with no complex failover scripts or restart procedures.
applications in VMware vSphere
virtual machines two data centers, non-disruptively move workloads, and
migrate services among sites with little or no downtime. Single logical data center
■ Gain visibility into the health of
applications through the holistic Data efficiency and availability 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

aggregation of information across Built-in data reduction technologies, including deduplication

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

physical and virtual environments and compression, help save space across the data centers. All
■ Extend Cisco ACI across data is duplicated on a transaction-by-transaction basis, with

on‑premises and multicloud synchronous replication performed across sites. Together, these

instances for consistent policy, capabilities help provide uninterrupted access to applications
Data center 1 APIC cluster Data center 2
security, and visibility and data, reduce the likelihood of data loss, and eliminate the
complexities associated with host-based clustering solutions. Up to
100 kilometers


Solution architecture VMware vSphere ESXi hosts across the two sites to the same
Based on the FlexPod Datacenter platform, the solution VMware High Availability (HA) cluster supports additional high
interconnects two geographically dispersed data centers at availability features across the two sites. Related Cisco
the network layer using a multicast-enabled IP-based network. Gain consistency with a single point of management Validated Designs
In this approach, a Cisco Application Policy Infrastructure Integration of Cisco ACI with VMware software provides a ■ FlexPod Datacenter with
Controller (APIC) cluster manages all pods, whether they single point of policy management for your physical and virtual Cisco ACI Multi-Pod with
reside on different floors or buildings within a campus or in a environments. With these management capabilities, your IT NetApp MetroCluster IP and
local metropolitan region. Each pod is a localized fault domain. staff can accelerate application deployment, transparently VMware vSphere 6.7
Using the Virtual Extensible LAN (VXLAN) forwarding features instantiate applications in VMware vSphere virtual machines,
in Cisco ACI, the compute infrastructure in both data centers is and seamlessly move workloads across overlay networks. All Products
connected such that hosts and storage at one site can reach controller and data paths are decoupled, helping ensure that ■ FlexPod Datacenter platform
the hosts and storage at the other site without the need to network traffic is not affected due to the loss of a controller.
■ Cisco UCS B200 M5 Blade
configure any Layer 3 routing. In addition, your IT staff gains visibility into the health of the
Servers and Cisco UCS
Tap into one logical virtual infrastructure application through the holistic aggregation of information
C-Series Rack Servers
To enable a single logical virtualized architecture across two across physical and virtual environments.
■ Cisco Nexus 9000 Series
physical data centers, each VMware vSphere ESXi host in the Keep your business running
cluster is configured with the same virtual LANs (VLANs) and Switches
FlexPod Datacenter with Cisco ACI Multi-Pod, NetApp
subnets. Storage controllers at both data centers are also MetroCluster IP, and VMware vSphere 6.7 can help you tie your ■ Next-generation NetApp AFF
configured using the same VLANs and IP subnets. The Cisco data center sites together to achieve new levels of availability. storage systems
ACI Multi-Pod configuration allows virtual machine kernel With the capability to interconnect and centrally manage two ■ VMware vSphere 6.7
(VMkernel) interfaces on the compute nodes in each data center or more fabrics deployed in separate, geographically dispersed software
to communicate with the logical interfaces for storage systems data centers, you can safeguard your IT infrastructure against
■ Cisco ACI software
as if they resided on the same LAN segment. And adding the site failures and keep your business running.
■ Extending ACI to Multiple
“The failover was Cisco ACI Multi-Pod network
Sites: Dual Site Deployment
100% transparent and Deep Dive
proved that we can run ■ Cisco ACI for Data Centers
applications from both Switching layer Switching layer
sites at the same speed
and keep our users happy.” 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

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Yiannakis Vakis
IT infrastructure manager, Data center 1 Data center 2
Bank of Cyprus NetApp MetroCluster IP

Read the story Solution architecture


Customer successes Use case: Healthcare
■ Aossia accelerated access to
images stored on its picture
archiving and communication
Simplify IT for better clinician access.
■ Mercy digitized all patient
Infrastructure supports patient care administrators can prestage server configurations and attach
records and handled 50 mappings to components and save even more time.
Healthcare organizations of all types and sizes—from ambulatory
percent more servers through
clinics and small hospitals to large healthcare systems—rely on
improved productivity. IT and user efficiency
electronic health records (EHR) to deliver patient care. Running
Upgrading your IT infrastructure can have a powerful effect on
■ Tucson Medical Center these time-sensitive systems on aging or legacy platforms poses
healthcare applications. With a FlexPod foundation, you can:
virtualized 98% of its many risks. Ineffective resource usage, poor scalability, and slow
healthcare applications response are just a few of the factors that limit the capability for ■ Share resources with a multitenant architecture that supports
and can now spin up a clinicians to access data and make informed medical decisions. the demands of secure, virtualized environments and delivers
development environment a high quality of service
in 20 minutes.
FlexPod solutions for healthcare
■ Increase uptime and responsiveness with new servers
Whether your organization uses Epic, MEDITECH, Cerner,
■ UMC New Orleans reduced that provide more processing power and can be quickly
Agfa HealthCare, GE Healthcare, Merge, or other solutions,
Epic software deployment time provisioned to support initiatives such as health management,
FlexPod platforms can help you respond faster. These FlexPod
by 80% and reduced the time onboarding of new applications, and supporting more
solutions allow you to consolidate a wide range of applications
needed to copy its production workloads and users
onto a single system, including EHR, picture archiving and
database from 8–16 hours to ■ Protect, consolidate, and migrate hospital data based on
communication systems (PACS), virtual desktops, and
less than 20 minutes. policies to reduce your storage data footprint, while delivering
department-specific applications, for greater IT efficiency and
accelerated response. transparent data access to applications and clinicians
Did you know?
■ Improve scalability with standardized configurations that
Cisco UCS and NetApp AFF Simple and fast server refresh cycles
scale from entry-level designs for hundreds of users up to
systems received the Epic High One way to improve the performance of healthcare
high-performance big data workloads for thousands of users
Comfort Level rating, providing applications is to upgrade your FlexPod deployment to the
Epic users with the performance latest Cisco UCS servers. Your IT staff can use Cisco UCS ■ Increase clinician and staff productivity with fast logins,
and responsiveness they expect service profiles to create and replicate server configurations accelerated system and application response times, and a
from Epic operations. and experience a rapid transition to a new server platform. smoother user experience
The server refresh operation is as simple as applying a ■ Lower CapEx and OpEx with space-saving storage systems,
Cisco UCS service profile and rebooting to launch the built-in automation, and a platform with less network, cabling,
new server. By preparing service profiles in advance, your and power requirements


FlexPod Datacenter for Healthcare to accelerate access to vital patient information. In fact, the
FlexPod healthcare solutions consist of Cisco UCS servers that extreme low-latency performance of NetApp All Flash storage
are virtualized with VMware ESXi. Data is stored on NetApp FAS systems and fast fabric interconnects in the platform support Related Resources
and AFF storage. This radically simplified architecture packs the accelerated movement of data from where it resides to
■ Accelerate Time to Value
more computing power into less space while allowing your IT where it is processed, presented, and analyzed.
with Streamlined FlexPod
staff to choose from a portfolio of servers and storage systems Simplify your storage infrastructure Deployment for Clinical
to deliver massive computing density and scalability. Your With FlexPod, you can deploy different types of storage Systems
healthcare workloads can be sized to meet user needs and in a single platform and simplify management operations.
moved to larger systems as demand grows. ■ FlexPod Datacenter for Epic
For example, you can use NetApp SAN storage arrays for
EHR Infrastructure
Consolidate healthcare applications and workloads healthcare applications that need high IOPS or environments
FlexPod lets you meet ever-increasing guest operating that need to maximize storage density. NetApp FAS8000 ■ FlexPod Datacenter
system memory footprint demands on fewer physical Series storage arrays can also been deployed to meet extreme for MEDITECH EHR
servers. The system’s high density, high-performance performance demands. Whether you deploy SAN or NAS Infrastructure
design increases consolidation ratios for 2-socket solutions or both, storage resources are administered from a
servers, saving the capital, operating, physical space, and single pane of management for greater consistency and control.
licensing costs of running virtualization software on larger, Comply with data retention requirements “Healthcare has
4-socket servers. With support for large capacities of high- FlexPod solutions can help you comply with local, state, federal, been sitting on a
speed memory in a 2-socket server, you can host more or international requirements to protect patient records and mountain of data for
healthcare applications without sacrificing performance. images, and meet disaster recovery, security, and data retention
decades, and we
Access patient information faster requirements. You can:
really haven’t used
NetApp all-flash and hybrid storage systems deliver the low- ■ Take advantage of robust authorization, access control, and
latency read and write response times and I/O operations per logging capabilities
it to its fullest until
second (IOPS) that healthcare workloads require. Using both lately. Mercy now
■ Rely on industry-leading, data-at-rest encryption and
types of storage systems, you can optimize data placement
immutability capabilities
has ways to get that
data to physicians
“We believe in simplicity, Cisco ACI
and nurses
and this is why a FlexPod
Primary data center
(Multi-Pod or Multi-Site)
Secondary data center instantaneously to
Cisco ACI spine and leaf switches Cisco ACI spine and leaf switches

solution is at the heart make decisions that

of our infrastructure.” can save lives.”
Cisco UCS 6400 Cisco UCS 6400
Series Fabric Interconnects Series Fabric Interconnects Gil Hoffman
Ivaylo Petrov Cisco Intersight
(cloud or on premises)
Senior vice president and
CEO, Aossia S.A. chief information officer,
Mercy Technology Services
Read the story NetApp storage systems NetApp storage systems

Web and server services

Epic Hyperspace client presentation
Read the story
Cogito Clarity reporting
Cisco UCS servers Caché virtualized ODB servers Cisco UCS servers


Customer successes Use case: hybrid and multicloud deployments
■ Kaufman Hall improved
performance by 100%
compared to its
Implement all types of clouds for better business agility.
previous solution.
■ Logicalis increased security
Multicloud is becoming ubiquitous Simplify multicloud management
and automation and created a
IT managers recognize the value of digital transformation— Within the solution, Cisco CloudCenter™ securely provisions
multicloud environment.
and the challenges it presents to data center management. infrastructure resources and deploys applications to data
■ neteffect technologies scales Traditional, monolithic applications such as Microsoft, SAP, and center, private cloud, and public cloud environments easily and
performance and capacity Oracle continue to be important assets. Modern applications use consistently. This application-centric approach allows you to
and meets demands of highly distributed microservices and interact with users through quickly and easily build a cloud-independent application profile
internal users and cloud many different devices, both mobile and stationary, that operate that defines the deployment and management requirements of
customers in less time. in managed, on-premises, and off-premises cloud environments. an entire application stack.
■ TechnologyOne achieved As a result, your IT staff must support private and public clouds With a single click, you can deploy the application profile and
a seven-figure reduction in while maintaining availability, performance, and security across related components and data to any data center or cloud
storage costs. the entire environment. environment. Management is easy. You can apply a wide
■ TierPoint simplifies FlexPod Datacenter for Multicloud range of application lifecycle actions, including setting policies
infrastructure management The FlexPod solution makes it easy to implement a cloud to enable in-place scaling; supporting cross-environment
and scales seamlessly. strategy and reap the benefits of unprecedented levels of IT bursting, high availability, and disaster recovery; and deleting the
agility. With the right balance of on-premises and off-premises deployment (at end of life).
■ Zajil Telecom shortened time to
market and expanded its public clouds, your IT staff and users can tap into computing and data

cloud footprint. storage resources in a way that aligns with your needs, including
data location, security, compliance, cost, and flexibility—and
you retain sovereignty over your traditional and cloud-native
Did you know? applications and data for enhanced business success.

Using NetApp SnapMirror, you can With this FlexPod solution, you can:
replicate data between your private ■ Burst into the public cloud and maintain access to and control Production Dev/test
Cisco CloudCenter
storage and on-premises storage. over your data VMware vSphere
Deploys applications in private
and public cloiuds
amazon Microsoft Azure

Data can be available in the cloud


■ Identify the most effective cloud environment for workloads


for application bursting or in the

■ Secure your data in movement and at rest
FlexPod private data center for NetApp SnapMirror Direct Connect and ExpressRoute

application repatriation. ■ Control communication to, from, and between application tiers NetApp Storage
Colocation facility

Private cloud Public cloud


Solution architecture high-performance data access from your on-premises data
Our approach makes it easy to deploy IT resources and center to the off-premises cloud. NPS is used by leading cloud
applications in a multicloud environment. The solution builds providers to enable you to easily burst to the cloud. If you prefer, Related Cisco
on the FlexPod Datacenter platform, adding Cisco Container you can configure the NPS to retain control of your critical data Validated Designs
Platform, Cisco ACI, Cisco CloudCenter, and NetApp Private and then delete NPS volumes for data protection and security.
■ FlexPod Datacenter for
Storage to deliver a simplified, secure, and cohesive approach Secure connection to public clouds Multicloud with Cisco
to managing multicloud deployments. The solution architecture is built as an extension of the FlexPod CloudCenter and NetApp
Fast, consistent, and secure deployment private cloud to the Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure public Data Fabric
FlexPod makes it easy for you to deploy workloads in any clouds. The FlexPod-based private cloud is connected to the
location and any cloud, based on business benefits and Internet using a Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) as
not technology limitations. With Cisco Cloud ACI, you get a a firewall. The appliance allows users to establish site-to-site Multiple Configurations
comprehensive solution for automated network connectivity, virtual private network (VPN) connections for secure connectivity The Cisco Validated Design for
consistent policy management, and simplified operations for between the private cloud and the public cloud(s) so that this multicloud solution outlines
multicloud environments. The solution captures business and application virtual machines can communicate with virtual how to:
user intents and translates them into native policy constructs machines hosted in the public cloud(s). ■ Create a base configuration
for applications deployed across various cloud environments for It also provides secure connectivity from the private with Cisco CloudCenter
greater security, consistency, and control. cloud to NPS for communication between the storage ■ Add a FlexPod private cloud
Storage capacity anywhere you need it controllers in NPS and the storage controllers in FlexPod.
■ Configure the Amazon
NetApp Private Storage (NPS) for Cloud is a key component of This connection supports SnapMirror operations. The
AWS public cloud in Cisco
the data fabric within the solution. It provides secure storage VPN link can also be used to access the management
that you “own” in a colocation facility, and seamlessly provides interface(s) of the remote storage controllers.
■ Add a Microsoft Azure
Resource Manager cloud
to Cisco CloudCenter
■ Create secure storage
Private Cloud service with NPS
cloud providers
■ Enforce governance rules
Cisco CloudCenter
VMware vSphere Deploys applications in webservices
private and public clouds
Microsoft Azure

IPsec tunnel x 3
FlexPod Datacenter NetApp Private Storage
Cloud colocated data center


Customer successes Use case: Oracle Database
■ Avago Technologies
accelerated long-running batch
processes by 30‑40% and
Deliver highly available Oracle deployments.
decreased operational costs by
40%, all while adding a third
data center. More data requires more availability Simplify, availability, security, and compliance
Data powers most operations in modern enterprises, from Without visibility into your IT infrastructure, your administrators
■ BankIslami eased capacity
keeping the supply chain operating efficiently to managing probably spend too much time trying to analyze application
planning, reduced power
relationships with customers. As more applications and data and database availability and performance and meet policy
costs by US$70,000 per year,
sources are deployed, your IT staff must find ways to quickly requirements. The FlexPod solution includes powerful
and cut operational costs at
deliver services. Relational databases for online transaction management software that lets you:
their production and disaster
processing (OLTP) and online analytics (OLAP) power it all. ■ Give your Oracle Database, Oracle RAC, application, and IT
recovery site by 50%.
Keeping database environments running at peak efficiency—and teams the skills and knowledge needed to deliver visibility
■ Cherokee Nation achieved moving applications quickly from development to production— across your network, data center, security, and applications
nearly 300% storage require systems that are reliable, available, secure, and perform.
■ Gain insight into every transaction to help ensure that
efficiency and manages
double the workload with
FlexPod Datacenter for Oracle every part of the application ecosystem—infrastructure,
Sustaining high availability for database deployments is not individual services, and business outcomes—is optimized for
no additional staff.
an easy task. The FlexPod solution simplifies the approach, performance, cost efficiency, and quality of service
■ Cyta Hellas realized an
delivering a platform for highly available, high-performance ■ Monitor, manage, and automate policy-based security across
analysis-proven TCO
Oracle database and application services. With a combination data centers to protect your enterprise
advantage with up to 35% cost
of high-performance servers, industry-leading storage systems,
savings compared to legacy
unprecedented scalability, continuous data access, and
storage infrastructure.
automated data management, your organization can take
■ Electricity Oracle IoT ERP/CRM Dev/test
Authority of Cyprus advantage of fast responses to improve business outcomes.
apps apps apps apps
shortened SAP reporting time,
With this solution, you can: Cisco
decreased operating expenses Tetration
■ Accelerate database operations Oracle Database Oracle Database
by 40%, and consolidated and
instances instances
more than 200 file servers. ■ Keep your applications running at optimal levels (virtualized) (bare-metal)
■ INC Research reduced its ■ Improve IT agility Manager Operating system(s)
data center footprint by more ■ Identify potential bottlenecks
than 75%, reduced associated Virtualization
■ Automate management
costs by 50% to 65%, and
FlexPod platform
reduced operational costs by ■ Eliminate costly and disruptive downtime
US$250,000 annually.


Solution architecture Balanced performance with database partitioning
The solution makes it easy to deploy an end-to-end architecture Your databases can be partitioned to take advantage of different
that supports transaction and analytic workloads and types of storage and optimize data placement. Your IT staff Related Cisco
applications. Our approach builds on the FlexPod Datacenter can subdivide tables, indexes, and index-organized tables into Validated Designs
platform and uses NetApp All Flash AFF A700 storage systems smaller, more manageable pieces and put them on the storage
■ FlexPod Datacenter with
and Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) to deliver a highly media that supports initiatives. With less data to scan in each
Oracle RAC Databases on
available database platform that helps reduce TCO. table and index, read and write times are accelerated. These
Cisco UCS and NetApp AFF
capabilities combine with high-performance servers, low-latency
Optimization for greater efficiency storage systems, and high-bandwidth connectivity to give users
faster access to raw and processed information. ■ FlexPod Data Center with
Within the solution, NetApp AFF systems support solid-
state drives (SSDs). Built-in multistream write technology Oracle RAC on Oracle Linux
Massive storage scalability
and advanced SSD partitioning help maximize storage The use of ONTAP data management software and NetApp
capacity. Capabilities such as thin provisioning, deduplication, AFF8000 series of storage controllers allows your system to
compression, compaction, and snapshots further enhance
“Although we’re
start as a small single-instance Oracle database to a large-scale
space savings without affecting performance. With the right Oracle RAC deployment. Controllers can be mixed within the
reducing the
amount of effective storage capacity, you can significantly cluster to support capacity and performance requirements. In footprint by more
reduce your storage-related costs for any workload. SAN-only environments or mixed SAN and NAS environments, than 75 percent,
In addition, compression capabilities built into Oracle Database an ONTAP cluster scales to eight nodes or four HA pairs, the power and
help increase performance and optimize the use of storage. All supporting up to 23 petabytes (PB) of data. In NAS-only performance of
types of data can be compressed, including Oracle Database environments, an ONTAP cluster scales up to 24 nodes or 12
Cisco UCS and the
tables, files, indexes, redo and backup data, and more. HA pairs, supporting up to 69 PB of data capacity.
FlexPod environment
will increase
available computing
“We have a very large Oracle environment using both Oracle Database and storage capacity
and RAC and the entire Oracle E-Business Suite. It is one of the by 50 percent.”
biggest in the world, running on over 1200 Cisco UCS blade servers.
Jonathan E. Shough
The combination of Tetration, Cisco Workload Optimization Manager,
Chief Information Officer,
and AppDynamics running on Cisco UCS helps us make our Oracle INC Research
environment the best it can possibly be. These tools are better together.”
Read the story
Sidney Morgan
Distinguished Engineer, Cisco IT


Customer successes Use case: SAP HANA
■ Centerity monitors its
business-critical big data
applications on FlexPod
Accelerate data access and applications for faster insight.
■ TasNetworks consolidated and
scaled services by augmenting
Enterprise applications need agile infrastructure Gain visibility
the compute, storage, and
As you seek to adopt new business models and build on With FlexPod, your SAP environments gain pervasive visibility
network capacity within a pod.
your digital investments—including your SAP landscapes—a and high-performance connectivity with built-in Cisco Tetration,
simplified IT infrastructure that can scale and adapt to meet the giving your IT staff visibility into your data center resources
Did you know? needs of applications is critical. This infrastructure can’t require in real time. It uses behavior-based application insight and
endless maintenance, and must quickly and easily deliver your machine learning to build dynamic policy models and automate
FlexPod provides foundational
SAP applications with outstanding control, speed, and scale. security enforcement. Cisco ACI Anywhere links your data
technology for your entire SAP
center networks to where your data lies—locally, at remote
landscape. These platforms are the FlexPod Datacenter for SAP
data centers, or in the cloud—with policy-based security and
foundation for an intent-based data Whether you need to deploy a traditional SAP HANA deployment
center that automates, simplifies, or SAP HANA as a service, FlexPod solutions can help. Our
and protects your digital future— solutions provide an excellent foundational infrastructure for your Speed database backups
and it is the basis for all of our SAP SAP HANA system and applications. They ease SAP lifecycle With FlexPod, you can accelerate projects, simplify operations,
solutions. These solutions are the management with replication, provisioning, cloning, and refresh and future proof your IT investments. NetApp storage systems
result of a massive engineering processes and make the deployment of test and development in FlexPod enable end-to-end solutions that integrate tightly
effort and deep involvement in SAP systems fast and repeatable. These innovative solutions can with standard SAP applications for seamless operations.
initiatives, including SAP HANA, help you accelerate every application in your SAP landscape NetApp SnapCenter provides centralized control and oversight,
S/4 HANA, and SAP Data Hub. without disruption, dramatically improve data center economics, allowing you to use a single tool to manage backup, restore,

Our validated designs can help you: and prepare your infrastructure for the future with confidence. and clone operations for databases such as SAP HANA. For full
automation of SAP development and test-system provisioning,
■ Run multiple SAP HANA Support massive data volumes
NetApp ONTAP data management software is tightly integrated
production systems in one Our solutions accelerate your SAP environment with the fastest
into the SAP Landscape Management (SAP LaMa) tool,
FlexPod solution unified scale-out all-flash array. The NetApp AFF A320 NVMe
providing space-efficient copies of storage volumes with NetApp
■ Run
solution provides industry-leading performance with up to 11.4
SAP application servers ONTAP FlexClone technology.
million I/O operations per second (IOPS), latency as low as 100
and the SAP HANA database
microseconds and 300 gigabytes per second throughput. The
on the same infrastructure
NetApp AFF A320 NVMe array can scale to an effective capacity
■ Reduce risk with an SAP HANA
of 35 petabytes (PB) of efficient flash storage.
backup strategy


Solution architecture Fast and flexible deployment options
FlexPod solutions for SAP unite Cisco UCS servers and NetApp This solution architecture allows you to run all your enterprise
All-Flash FAS (AFF) storage systems, integrated with Cisco applications in a single management domain connected to Related Cisco
Nexus switches. Combined with the parameters established the same unified fabric. This feature gives you high-speed, Validated Designs
with SAP HANA Tailored Datacenter Integration (TDI), these low-latency, deterministic networking to accelerate the flow
■ Flexpod Datacenter for SAP
designs deliver modern infrastructure for SAP landscapes. of intelligence to business applications and to meet SAP’s
Applications with Cisco ACI
networking requirements.
Fast processing and Vnomic Policy-Driven
A portfolio of Cisco UCS blade and rack servers deliver Integrated with a pair of fabric interconnects with 10- or Automation
enterprise-class performance, reliability, and expandability to 40‑Gbps unified fabric connectivity, the system uses a single
■ FlexPod Datacenter for SAP
your SAP landscape. These servers harness the power of the set of cables to connect your IP, storage, and management
Solution with Cisco ACI on
Intel Xeon Scalable processor family and support a wide range networks to speed the flow of data between SAP HANA and
Cisco UCS M5 Servers with
of enterprise workloads, including virtualization, collaboration, your landscape applications. With Cisco UCS management, you
SLES 12 SP3 and RHEL 7.4
and bare-metal applications. can define your SAP landscape using policies that automatically
configure servers to comply with SAP’s certifications. ■ FlexPod Datacenter for SAP
The servers use Intel Optane Data Center Persistent Memory
Solution with Cisco Nexus
Modules to acclerate data transfer and processing. High Recover faster
9000 Series Switches and
memory density, nonvolatile data persistence, and near-DRAM Your users don’t have time to waste waiting for access to
NetApp AFF A-Series and
speeds support large memory capacities at a low cost per TB. data and applications. Within Cisco UCS servers, Intel Optane
IP-Based Storage
As a result, you can: DC persistent memory maintains large SAP HANA databases
across reboots. This can speed recovery from errors by as ■ FlexPod Datacenter for
■ Consolidate SAP databases and landscapes
much as 12x so that your users can get back to work quickly. SAP Solution with IP-Based
onto fewer servers
Storage using NetApp AFF
■ Accelerate access to very large data volumes A-Series and Cisco UCS
■ Perform deep data analysis on more data and do it faster Manager 3.2
Cisco UCS ■ Virtualized SAP HANA
chassis and servers
for traditional on FlexPod Datacenter:
FlexPod workloads
Design Considerations
“FlexPod has transformed our and Best Practices
performance and efficiency, so
we can focus on applications Cisco UCS

and end-user services.”

M5 Servers

Liam Cole
IT Commercial Operations
Team Leader, TasNetworks
Cisco Nexus
switches and
Cisco UCS
Read the story Fabric Interconnects

NetApp AFF A300 System


Customer successes Use case: Microsoft SQL Server
■ Denver Broncos deployed
infrastructure that can scale
from 50 terabytes to 1 petebyte
Keep your business applications available.
and reduced storage
requirements by 25%.
Modernize Microsoft SQL Server deployments Manage smarter
If you’re thinking about upgrading your Microsoft SQL Server Your IT staff doesn’t have time to waste. FlexPod Datacenter
Did you know? deployment, you’re not alone. Modernizing your databases solutions for Microsoft use Cisco UCS Director to deliver end-
Memory-accelerated FlexPod lets you tap into advancements that help accelerate access to to-end automation of your IT processes. With this powerful
raises the performance bar. It business insight and keep your business running. Running the software, your IT staff can:
offers a unique combination of latest database software advancements on outdated hardware ■ Trust an automated infrastructure discovery process
NetApp MAX Data software and offers minimal benefit and may keep you from taking advantage that maps the physical and logical relationships of each
Intel Optane hardware that together of all the software has to offer. component layer within FlexPod
enable a fast path to business
FlexPod Datacenter for Microsoft ■ Quickly assemble, configure, validate, and manage workflows
performance and enable services for FlexPod before they go into production
If your Microsoft SQL Server deployments are siloed, sprawling,
for business applications requiring
or running on outdated systems, it’s time to modernize. ■ Obtain detailed status, usage, and consumption reports to
low latency and the ability to work
Deploying FlexPod Datacenter running Microsoft SQL Server make better decisions about capacity planning
with large data sets in memory.
AlwaysOn software—or refreshing your existing FlexPod
Memory-accelerated FlexPod infrastructure—can help ensure that your online transaction
leverages NetApp MAX Data processing (OLTP) and other business applications continue to
A host of benefits
software in a seamless, plug- deliver data and insight.
and-play server software The combination of FlexPod Datacenter and
solution. It works with existing
Reduce TCO Microsoft SQL Server:
FlexPod is cost-effective infrastructure right out of the box.
applications to make use of ■ Accelerates database application
These solutions can help you deploy or upgrade to a robust
Intel Optane DC persistent performance by up to 20x
and redundant data center that gets more work done with the
memory without the application (based on NetApp testing using HammerDB)
same or fewer resources. Your IT staff can run more database
being modified or rewritten.
■ Reduces application deployment times
workloads and business applications on fewer servers so there
are fewer components to buy and manage. These solutions from months to weeks
can also reduce cabling, power, and cooling requirements and ■ Maintains the performance and flexibility
automate routine tasks to increase productivity. of best-of-class components from Cisco,
NetApp, and Microsoft


Solution architecture Data accessibility and performance
This innovative FlexPod solution uses Cisco UCS blade servers, The FlexPod approach gives you the flexibility to use the right
Cisco Nexus 9000 Series Switches, next-generation NetApp storage in the right place to balance capacity and performance Related Cisco
SAN storage, NetApp FAS8000 Series storage systems, requirements. For example, you can use NetApp SAN storage Validated Designs
Microsoft virtualization solutions, and Microsoft SQL Server arrays for applications that need high IOPS or environments
■ FlexPod Datacenter with
AlwaysOn software to deliver a highly available platform that that need to maximize storage density. NetApp FAS8000
Microsoft SQL Server 2016
supports near-site disaster recovery. Series storage arrays can also been deployed to meet extreme
and VMware vSphere 6.5
performance demands. Whether you deploy SAN or NAS
Built-in reliability
solutions or both, storage resources are configured to optimize ■ FlexPod Datacenter with
Within the solution, clustering technology and integrated data
Microsoft SQL Server database server performance. Microsoft SQL Server 2017
protection software help enable fast recovery from system,
■ Data compaction reduces “wasted” space inside storage on Linux Virtual Machine
site, and regional outages. Microsoft SQL Server AlwaysOn
blocks for small-block data types, and aggregate-level Running on VMware and
software, NetApp SnapMirror technologies, and Cisco UCS
deduplication significantly increases effective capacity by Hyper-V Design Guide
management tools work together to automate the monitoring of
IT infrastructure. The system can replicate data to a secondary deduplicating blocks across every volume in the aggregate.
site to protect against service disruption. ■ Granular QoS controls allow your IT staff to regulate Why refresh?
The underlying infrastructure is redundant. All hardware and performance for critical applications. FlexPod can handle the most
software components, including network switches and physical ■ Cold data can be tiered to several public and private cloud demanding database workloads
and virtual PortChannels, can be failed over. This capability storage options including Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, and and significantly improve
helps ensure that data traffic continues to flow if a networking NetApp StorageGrid, allowing you to reclaim storage capacity database response times by
component fails or becomes inaccessible. and consolidate more SQL workloads on systems. taking advantage of FlexPod’s
AFF A-Series All Flash Arrays.
Deployment times are reduced,
SQL server SQL server SQL server SQL server and applications run faster
OS OS OS OS with All Flash FAS (Fabric
SQL server SQL server SQL server SQL server Attached Storage) and the high
SQL server 1 SQL server 2 SQL server 21 SQL server 22
OS OS OS OS performance of Cisco UCS M5
SQL server SQL server SQL server SQL server servers. And Cisco ACI enables
SQL server 3 SQL server 4 SQL server 23 SQL server 24
OS OS OS OS software-defined, policy-based,
automated deployment of
SQL server 5 SQL server 6 SQL server 25 SQL server 26
enterprise applications.


snapshot copies


Customer successes Use case: Virtual desktop infrastructure
■ Best Best & Krieger LLP
achieved 100% payback on
its infrastructure investment,
Accelerate the deployment, operation, and management of
avoided a US$200,000 your desktop and application virtualization environments.
purchase of encryption
software, and reclaimed 60% Change requires agility provisioned or existing applications, services, and data from any
Change in the work environment continues to redefine and device with consistent high-definition performance that supports
of its storage capacity.
complicate desktop management and makes security goals even the most demanding 3D applications.
■ ICON reduced capital
difficult to balance against user needs. Laptops, tablets, and
and operational expenses Simplify IT operation
smartphones give users the flexibility to work in alternate
and saved approximately With FlexPod solutions for VDI, your IT staff can eliminate
locations. Upgrades to operating systems and applications often
US$100,000 by reclaiming the distributed computing environments that keep your IT
require the replacement of outdated desktop hardware. Disaster-
unused storage capacity. infrastructure stagnant and hold your workers back. With a
recovery measures and operation changes such as mergers,
platform designed to support changes in technology, your IT
■ Meander Medisch Centrum acquisitions, and the use of off-shore facilities require highly
staff can quickly and efficiently support new versions of server
accelerated the deployment of available infrastructure that can quickly adapt.
operating environments, client operating systems, and new
new services by 400%, increased
application performance by
FlexPod solutions for virtual desktop devices and applications to deliver the resources users need to

200%, and improved server

infrastructure work the way they want and be successful.
Whether your organization is contemplating a shift to virtual
utilization by 40%.
desktop infrastructure (VDI) or needs to upgrade existing
■ Metro Health reduced capital
deployments, FlexPod solutions can help. Combining VDI “We mapped the I/O load of
expenses by 30% and improved
graphics acceleration rates by
software from partners like Citrix and VMware, our solutions the VDI onto the large memory
let you host desktop images on FlexPod as virtual machines,
more than 300%. of the Cisco UCS blades, so
which can be accessed from laptops, thin clients, tablets,
■ University of Tennessee smartphones, or other devices. You can balance your users’
we have very good scalability
allows students and faculty need to work at any time, from any location, on any device with and CPU performance for
to learn and teach anytime, your IT staff’s need for manageability, increased security and the virtual desktops.”
anywhere, on any device. compliance, and lower costs.
Paul Bauwens
■ Westdeutsche Genossenschafts- Deliver a rich user experience Information and Communications Technology
Zentralbank (WGZ Bank) VDI deployments built with FlexPod solutions deliver efficiency Architect, Meander Medisch Centrum
improved application with a rich mobile experience. On-demand access to desktops,
performance, with login times cut applications, and data allows users to work and collaborate in a Read the story
by more than 90%. familiar environment. Users can quickly and easily access newly


Solution architecture Choice of software
FlexPod solutions for VDI deliver conveniently packaged To promote configuration flexibility, FlexPod solutions support:
infrastructure that modularizes data center components into ■ Multiple hypervisors, including Citrix Hypervisor, Microsoft Related Cisco
easily consumable building blocks that can be added for Hyper-V, and VMware vSphere. You can accommodate the Validated Designs
scalability. Each unit of infrastructure offers self-contained needs of your business units, capitalize on the hypervisor skill ■ FlexPod Datacenter with
computing, storage, and network fabric resources coupled with sets of your IT staff, and avoid vendor lock-in. Citrix XenDesktop/XenApp
virtualization software to simplify and accelerate your virtual
■ Multiple software options, including Citrix Virtual Apps 7.15 and VMware vSphere
desktop deployments. Everything is connected together so that
and Desktops, and VMware Horizon View. You can deliver 6.5 Update 1 for 6000 Seats
users can securely access their desktops, applications, data,
applications or full virtual workstations for high-end graphics ■ FlexPod Datacenter with
and company services from any device.
users. Your deployments can run on your premises or at VMware Horizon View 7.3
Choice of deployment configurations cloud scale with a desktop-as-a-service (DaaS) approach. and VMware vSphere 6.5
FlexPod solutions for VDI allow you to deploy platforms in the
Protection for your intellectual property Update 1 with Cisco UCS
way that best meets the access and performance needs of your
With FlexPod solutions, you can deliver, manage, and protect Manager 3.2 for 5000 Seats
users. You can:
data by keeping your servers, applications, storage resources,
■ Distribute components among a large number of servers, and intellectual property in your data center, yet allow users to
or provide greater scalability and failover by increasing the securely access that information any time they need it without
number of controllers in your site. Management consoles loss of control by your IT staff. Encrypted data is tunneled
can be installed on separate computers to manage the through a secure network and firewall, allowing your IT staff
deployment remotely. to restrict access and use. Centrally managed desktops can login from
■ Use multiple regional sites. User connections can be directed simplify conformance to corporate, industry, and government any workstation
to the most appropriate site for desktop and application regulations and policies, and extensive role-based access and access all
delivery. The use of multiple sites reduces the amount of control (RBAC) and the capability to isolate virtual desktop
the applications
unnecessary WAN traffic, improving performance. workgroups help protect applications and data.
assigned to them.
Desktops are
managed with one
iPad and
Android tablets
LAN / WAN / Wireless
network infrastructure
golden image,
making it quick and
simple to complete
Laptops PCs and
Application Application Application
iPhone and
Broker agent Broker agent Broker agent Android phones
software upgrades.”
Microsoft Windows 10 Microsoft Windows 10 Microsoft Windows 10

Jens Becker-Mühlenbrock
Desktop broker
Authorized Representative,
VDI software with NVIDIA vGPU and drivers
Organization and Operation
of IT Systems, WGZ Bank

FlexPod components


Customer successes Use case: Virtual server infrastructure and cloud
■ AWNC recouped its investment
in nine months and saved more
than USD$1M in the first year.
Deploy, scale, manage, and monitor IT resources with ease.
■ Central New York Regional
Information Center improved
Modern virtual and cloud infrastructure Scale up and out to meet demand
infrastructure standardization,
As the pace of change continues to accelerate, lagging IT You can easily expand your virtual infrastructure and private
scalability, and management.
infrastructure poses a threat to businesses. Unfortunately, aging cloud to support more workloads and users. You can purchase
■ City of Fremantle reduced systems often fail to support workloads, leaving users with the IT resources you need today and scale up (by adding more
administration overhead by 33%. lackluster performance. Modernizing IT resources and updating resources to the FlexPod system) or scale out (by adding more
■ City of Houston cut costs, or moving to a virtual or cloud model offers both technical and FlexPod instances to your deployment) as demand grows.
streamlined workflows, and operational benefits, from increasing reliability and scalability to
Monitor, manage, and charge
consolidated data centers. supporting business innovation and user experiences.
Within the solution, Cisco UCS Director helps you securely
■ First Riding Technology The solution separate tenants and monitor and manage applications. In
reduced construction time FlexPod Datacenter with VMware vSphere and Cisco UCS addition, resource consumption reports allow your team to
and raised productivity. Director make it easy to deploy virtual servers and infrastructure charge appropriately for IT infrastructure use. With at-a-glance
■ Fraport shortened server as a service (IaaS). You can transition from silos of technology status panels, resource usage tracking, and predefined reports,

deployment timelines from to a cloud model and deliver access to pools of resources that your IT staff can monitor infrastructure status, show IT resource

weeks to minutes. can be easily allocated and repurposed. Individual devices, charges, and charge users only for the resources they use.
hypervisors, and virtual machines are abstracted, creating a
■ Logicalis built a completely
simplified model of IT infrastructure that is easy to deploy, use,
automated private cloud.
change, manage, and integrate with your automated processes. “By combining NetApp storage with
■ NaviSite consolidated its Oracle
Deploy and access IT resources with ease Cisco UCS servers, we can achieve
application stack, simplified
management, and reduced costs.
Your users can’t always wait for IT to provision resources. With enormous densities on our cloud
the FlexPod solution, your users interact with an easy-to-use, platform. That means we can run
■ Swinburne University increased
access to high-performance
secure, self-service portal to make resource requests. The more services on the same
system automatically provisions the underlying computing,
digital resources. amount of hardware with a
storage, and network resources. Every layer of the platform is
■ Telindus doubled year-on- synchronized and optimized to help ensure that resources are
whole lot more performance.”
year revenues and halved the available at a moment’s notice. John Campbell
number of physical servers
CTO, neteffect technologies Read the story
in their deployment.


Solution architecture uses security and isolation models to contain and protect
The FlexPod solutions combine Cisco UCS servers, Cisco everything needed for a workload. These physical and
Nexus switches, Cisco MDS storage networking, next- virtual resources are reserved and set apart from other Related Cisco
generation NetApp storage systems, and VMware vSphere workspaces to help ensure that optimum resources are Validated Designs
software. These designs can be deployed within one data available for your business and application teams.
■ FlexPod Datacenter with
center rack or according to your data center design.
Automation IBM Private Cloud
Flexible configurations Cisco UCS Director securely provisions the requested ■ FlexPod Datacenter with
Extensive port density allows the networking components to resources. Using predefined application requirements and
Cisco ACI 3.0 and Microsoft
accommodate multiple configuration options. For example, you descriptions (policy profiles) that you create, the system
Hyper-V Windows Server
can connect Cisco UCS blade servers and Cisco UCS fabric automatically provisions the network, application services,
2016 Design Guide
interconnects with 10- or 40-Gigabit Ethernet connections, security policies, and tenant subnets your applications
■ FlexPod Datacenter with
use 25 Gigabit Ethernet to connect to rack servers, and deploy require, and places the workload in an isolated container.
Docker Enterprise Edition
high-speed 100 Gigabit Ethernet to connect switches and Complete security isolation between applications and
for Container Management
storage arrays. You can add Cisco MDS switches to provide tenants lets you pool resources and safely cohost services
hosts with block-level access to shared storage. As additional so that you can make secure, cost-effective use of your ■ FlexPod Datacenter with
storage is added to the architecture, no re-cabling is required capital investments—and it helps ensure that unauthorized Microsoft Private Cloud Fast
from the hosts to the fabric interconnect. users and rogue processes cannot adversely impact Track 4.0 and Cisco Nexus
the operation of applications or gain access to data. 9000 Series Switches
Secure sharing of IT resources
■ FlexPod Datacenter with
Within the architecture, user resources remain separate
Red Hat Enterprise Linux
and are protected from unauthorized access. The system
OpenStack Platform
■ FlexPod Datacenter with
VMware vSphere, Cisco
VMware UCS Director, Cisco Nexus
Virtual machines 9000 Series Switches, and
Cisco Application Centric
Network Computing Storage
Cisco UCS
Predefined templates Blade and ■ FlexPod
and workflows Rack Servers
Datacenter with
Computing resources VMware 6.5 Update1 and
automation Cisco ACI 3.1
Cisco Nexus
■ FlexPod Datacenter with
9000 Series
Switches VMware vSphere 6.7 U1,
Network and services
Cisco UCS 4th Generation,
and NetApp AFF A-Series
Cisco UCS Director Storage
Storage resources


Get started
Service offerings

support model


Learn more Get started with FlexPod
■ flexpod.com

■ cisco.com/go/flexpod Learn more, do more, and achieve more.

■ netapp.com/flexpod

Trusted worldwide ■ Optimization services help lower costs and prevent outages
Discover the technology by optimizing the solution and your operations while we work
The FlexPod platform is trusted worldwide to help organizations
■ Cisco UCS servers like yours deliver a better user experience. We do this by with you to secure your applications and data.
■ Cisco UCS management simplifying your support experience with full stack support ■ Managed services experts can manage and optimize the
■ Cisco
from a single vendor. We enable you to continually optimize performance, availability, and security of your infrastructure:
your operations with intelligent and actionable insights from computing, network, storage, virtualization, and operating
■ NetApp storage
Cisco Intersight software and NetApp Active IQ. And you can systems. We help you adopt new technology quickly and
streamline your IT administration by delivering a simple, cloudlike reduce operating costs and downtime, freeing you to focus on
Read the analyses experience for both your users and admins. That’s why FlexPod achieving business outcomes.
is the top selling converged infrastructure in the world.
■ Four Reasons to Refresh Your Cooperative support model
FlexPod Infrastructure
Cisco and NetApp offer a cooperative support model that
■ How
Service offerings
FlexPod Drives Data takes advantage of the combined experience, resources, and
You can accelerate your data center modernization initiatives
Center Modernization (IDC) technical support expertise of Cisco and NetApp experts, as
with Cisco and NetApp service providers. Our experts and
■ Top Ten Benefits of Switching well as our technology partners (Citrix, Microsoft, Red Hat, and
certified partners offer a broad range of cloud transformation,
to FlexPod VMware). You have access to a simplified process for identifying
consulting, and systems integration services to address your
and resolving FlexPod problems, regardless of where a problem
end-to-end application and cloud lifecycle requirements.
resides. Your IT staff simply call one of the vendors based on
See what customers say ■ Advisory services use detailed analysis, assessment, your problem assessment. FlexPod engineers share information,
■ Customer stories (Cisco) planning, and design activities to help you identify ways we tap into knowledge gained through joint training, and use a
can help meet your business objectives. formal escalation process to accelerate problem resolution.
■ Customer stories (NetApp)
■ Implementation services experts help you develop and
■ FlexPod reviews Financing
implement detailed test plans, develop implementation plans,
Available in more than 100 countries, Cisco Capital® financing
and install, configure, and integrate your solution in your
can help you acquire the technology you need to achieve
environment while reducing the risk associated with migration.
your objectives. You can reduce capital expenditures (CapEx),
■ Training services help reduce risk and enhance the quality accelerate growth, and optimize investments—and get flexibility
of service by improving the skills of your engineering and in acquiring hardware, software, services, and complementary
operations staff. third-party equipment—with one predictable payment.


© 2019 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public information. Cisco and the Cisco logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cisco and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. To view a list of Cisco
trademarks, go to this URL: www.cisco.com/go/trademarks. Third party trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. The use of the word partner does not imply a partnership relationship between Cisco and any other
company. NetApp, the NetApp logo, and FlexPod are trademarks or registered trademarks of NetApp, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. (1110R)  LE-70601-00 12/19

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