Increase The Security of Multibiometric Spoofing Detection
Increase The Security of Multibiometric Spoofing Detection
Increase The Security of Multibiometric Spoofing Detection
1 Introduction
A biological measurement can be qualified as a biometric if it satisfies basic
requisite like universality, permanence, distinctiveness, circumvention. The last
property concerns the possibility of a non-client being falsely accepted, typically
by spoofing the biometric trait of an authorized user [1]. Previous works have
shown that it is possible to spoof a variety of fingerprint technologies using spoof
fingers made with materials as Silicon, Play-Doh, Clay and Gelatin (gummy
finger) [2].
Multibiometric systems improve the reliability of the biometric authentica-
tion by exploiting multiple sources, such as different biometric traits, multiple
samples, multiple algorithms. They are able to improve the recognition accuracy,
to increase the population coverage, to offer user choice and to make biometric
Emanuela Marasco is currently a post-doctoral candidate at the Lane Department of
Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, West Virginia University, WV (USA).
authentication systems more robust to spoofing [3]. Several works in the lit-
erature on biometrics demonstrate the efficiency of the multimodal fusion to
enhance the recognition accuracy of the unimodal biometric systems [4].
From a security perspective, a multimodal system appears more protected
than its unimodal components. The reason is that, one assumes that an impostor
must fake all the fused modalities to be accepted and spoofing multiple modal-
ities is harder than spoofing only one [5]. However, a hacker may fake only a
subset of the fused biometric traits. Recently, researchers demonstrated that the
existing multimodal systems can be deceived also when only a subset of the fused
modalities is spoofed [6]. Rodrigues et al. proposed an approach to measure the
security of a multimodal system, where the contribution provided by each single
modality matcher is weighted based on the ease to spoof that biometric trait.
For example, the probability of success associated to a spoof attack is high in
presence of a sample which gives a low match score. Johnson et al. [7] explored
the multimodal vulnerability of the score level fusion strategies in a scenario
where partial spoofing has occurred.
The goal of this paper is to propose an approach, based on liveness detection
techniques, which can improve the security of multimodal biometric systems
in presence of spoof attacks involving one fingerprint modality. We have ana-
lyzed the performance of different multibiometric systems in presence of partial
spoofing when an effective spoofing detection algorithm is incorporated in the
fusion mechanism. Our experiments showed that the proposed technique aids
to increase the robustness of such systems with respect to the spoofing. In our
approach the integration involves match scores, and the spoof attack is detected
separately for each modality matcher before fusion. Thus, when a fake sample is
detected by the algorithm, the unimodal output does not give any contribution
in the fusion which results in a more secure decision.
The current analysis is carried out as a simulation to assess performance
of multibiometric systems in presence of spoof attacks. The simulation makes
the assumption that live match scores have a similar distribution with respect
to spoof match scores. In future work, actual spoof data is needed to assess
the performance in a real-world system. However, this simulation can provide a
framework for assessing novel algorithms, as well as their relative performance.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents an overview of our ap-
proach, together with the combination rules we considered for our study and
the liveness detection algorithm exploited in the fusion. Section 3 describes the
adopted dataset and the experiments carried out on it, which show the effective-
ness of the proposed technique. Section 4 draws our conclusions.
2 Our approach
3 Experimental Results
3.1 Dataset
The evaluation of the multibiometric system is carried out by adopting the metric
denoted as Spoof False Accept Rate (SFAR) which corresponds to a percentage of
times a spoof attack results in success. In this paper, a successful spoof attack is
when the sum of match score (in the case of sum rule) is above the threshold when
a partial spoof attack has occurred (substitution of genuine score for imposter
scores). Such a metric has been introduced in [7] to distinguish from traditional
FAR. The complete performance curve which represents the full capabilities of
the system at different operating points, is given by the Detection Error Tradeoff
(DET) in which FAR is a function of FRR/SFAR obtained using logarithmic
scales on both axes.
Table 3 reports our results averaged on 20 iterations where for each iteration
the fake samples detected by the algorithm has been randomly varied.
In a multimodal system based on the sum of scores with four modalities, three
fingerprints and one face, the EER point fixed on the curve without spoofing
corresponds to 0.32%, while for this value of FRR, when the fingerprint f o3 is
spoofed, SFAR becomes equal to 9.01% (see Fig.1); while incorporating in the
fusion the fingerprint liveness detection algorithm, SFAR significantly decreases
to a value of 0.46%. See note for Figure 1.
In a multimodal system based on the likelihood ratio involving three fin-
gerprint and one face modalities, the EER point fixed on the curve without
spoofing, corresponds to 0.004%, while for this value of FRR, when the finger-
print f o1 is spoofed, SFAR becomes equal to 91.37% (see Fig.2 notes); while
incorporating in the fusion the fingerprint liveness detection algorithm, SFAR
significantly decreases to a value of 11.12%. When f o2 is the fingerprint spoofed,
SFAR increases to 62.47%, but the error rate can be reduced by introducing the
algorithm until a percentage of 0.17%.
Fig. 1. DET curve of the score sum of three fingerprint and one face modalities taken
from Biosecure database over 20 iterations, where one fingerprint is spoofed. Both
vertical and horizontal axis of the plot is logarithmically scaled.
Table 4. Results on Biosecure database by varying the error rate of the liveness detec-
tion algorithm. In the plot x%-x% indicates the percentage of F errlive and F errf ake.
change by varying the fusion rule. Regarding the LR-based mechanism, the ben-
efits obtained by incorporating the algorithm in the fusion are more significant;
in particular, SF AR can be reduced to the value of 0.88% when the spoofing is
detected by an algorithm with F errlive and F errf ake both equal to 1.00%.
In this paper, we have analyzed the performance of the most efficient fusion
approaches at score level under spoof attacks which involve only one fingerprint
modality. We have considered a multimodal biometric system in presence of a
worst case spoof attack, where the fake-live match score distribution is assumed
to coincide with the live-live match score distribution. Previous works and the
results here showed that, when only a subset of the fused modalities is spoofed,
multimodal systems can be deceived. Our experiments also demonstrated that
a more robust fusion can be realized by incorporating a fingerprint liveness
detection algorithm in the combination scheme. Further, we have reduced the
error at spoof detection level and found the best trade-off between the optimal
F errlive and F errf ake values and the multimodal performance.
This paper considers the case where spoofing is simulated by substituting
with genuine scores. One limitation of the proposed approach lies on the as-
sumption that spoof match scores are distributed as live match scores. Since
spoofing is difficult, it may be that the spoof match score distribution has a
mean match score which is lower. Therefore, this simulation could be considered
as a worst case scenario. Incorporating a spoofing detection, even if it improves
Fig. 3. Performance of the score sum between two fingerprint modalities when one
fingerprint is spoofed by varying the F errlive and F errf ake of the liveness detection
algorithm incorporated in the fusion.
FAR under spoof attacks, could have a significant impact on the FRR, as we
showed in the case of likelihood ratio-based scheme.
As a future step in this research, the experiments will be extended to addi-
tional multimodal databases. A number of fusion algorithms will also be collected
and compared using the methods outlined in this paper. Moreover, the perfor-
mance of the proposed approach will be evaluated by employing real spoofed
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Fig. 4. Performance of the likelihood ratio when one fingerprint is spoofed by varying
the F errlive and F errf ake of the liveness detection algorithm incorporated in the