Ka - 32 Helicopters
Ka - 32 Helicopters
Ka - 32 Helicopters
Records: the Ka-32 helicopter has set several world records including maximum flight altitude - 8,250 m, altitude with 100 kg of payload
– 7,305 m, altitude with 2,000 kg of cargo - 6,400 m.
∅ 15,900
The helicopter is very compact: the airframe elements do not protrude beyond the rotor diameter (15,9 m). During parking the blades are folded and the
helicopter length makes 12,3 m.
The helicopter has coaxial rotor design; it means that all aerodynamic forces, necessary for
helicopter movement and control, are created by two main contra-rotating rotors placed on
one axis. The turn of the helicopter in a horizontal plane is achieved by pitch change of upper
and lower rotors that causes differential change of torques. The rotors are set on main drive
shafts and are powered by two TV3-117VMA turboshaft engines. The engine air intakes have
special screen protecting engine from birds, stones, branches and ice ingression.
The TV3-117VMA engine is designed by KLIMOV plant and is mounted on Ka-27, Ka-29,
Ka-32, Ka-50, Ka-52, Mi-24, Mi-8, Mi-8MT helicopters and other helicopters of Russian
manufacture. Batch production of the mentioned engines is realized by the Zaporozhye-
based MOTOR-SICH JSC, the Ukraine. The engine is among the world’s best in its class with respect to fuel consumption efficiency
and weight data. Well-organized manufacturing process provides the engine with high reliability and long service life.
Main Advantages of the Engine:
low specific fuel consumption
low weight-to-power ratio
high reliability
long service life
high maintainability
operability in smoke/dust conditions
possibility to sustain prolong maritime operations
Engine Performance Data All basic engine and transmission accessories as well as AI-9 APU
TV3-117VMA TV3-117VMA ser.2 (Auxiliary Power Unit) that provides pneumatic engine starting, are
Emergency power arranged in the engine nacelle attached to the upper part of the
(H=0, V=0, ISA) no
Power, h.p. (kW) 2,400 (1,765) fuselage. The helicopter fuselage is comprised of a two-pilot cockpit
Take-off power with two doors serving as emergency exits; a transport cabin having a
(H=0, V=0, ISA)
Power, h.p. (kW) 2,200 (1,618) 2,200 (1,618) length of 4.52 m, an emergency hatch (starboard) and sliding door
Specific fuel consumption,
kg/h.p. ( kg/kWh) 0.210 (0.286) 0.210 (0.286) (portside).
Cruise power The helicopters of T and C models have 15 flap seats for
(H=0, V=0, ISA)
1,500 (1,130) 1,500 (1,130) transportation; helicopters of A11BC and A12 models have 13 flap
Power, h.p. (kW)
Dry weight, kg 294 294 seats. The fuselage can accommodate cargoes up to 3,700 kg; the
external sling is capable of carrying up to 5,000 kg.
Four-leg wheeled landing gear and empennage of a fix-aircraft type (stabilizer and two fins) are attached to the fuselage.
For emergency ditching the helicopter has floatation gear system. For landing on a soft soil the skis gear are fitted on the landing gear
The helicopter has complex control system: control linkage drives servo unit, in case of which there are hydraulic actuators.
On Ka-32A11BC and Ka-32A12 in power hydraulic actuator, there are two servo valves in each control channel operated simultaneously
from two independent hydraulic systems.
The engines, APU gearbox in the general engine nacelle, coaxial rotor system with three-blade rotors are arranged on the upper part of
the fuselage. The composite blades with front edge electro-thermal protective system have high degree of efficiency and long service life.
The electrical power supply system is comprised of two alternators and DC power supply sources. Each alternator powers its
independent system. The fuel systems of LH and RH engines are also isolated, though if necessary, each engine can be fed from all
The Ka-32A11BC helicopters have instruments and scales with the English unit of measurements. The provisions are made to
install Russian and western equipment on the cockpit instrument panel.
1. Pilot station
2. Navigator station
3. Operator station
4. Seats
5. Direction control pedals
6. Radar (optional)
7. Fuel tanks
8. Nose landing gear
9. Main landing gear
10. External sling support
11. Emergency ballonets
12. Compressed-air bottles to inflate
emergency ballonets
13. Compartment for electrical and radio
14. Doppler antenna
15. Emergency buoy (optional)
16. Winch (optional)
17. Fuel tanks
18. TV3-117VMA engines
19. Hydraulic actuator system
20. BR-252 gear box
21. Rotor mast
22. Rotor blades
23. Fan
24. Auxiliary power unit
26 25. Hydraulic pump station
26. Compartments for additional equipment
ISA, H = 200 m
fuel en-route reserve = 300 kg
Ka-32A11 9
Ka-32A11 10
8000 9000 10000 11000 12000 13000 14000
Ka-32A11 12
The helicopters of Ka-32 family are intended for transportation of bulky cargoes on
an external sling, and for passengers and cargoes transportation inside transport
cabin. Depending on the mission performed, the helicopter may be fitted with
different equipment: modern flight navigation suite, radar station, equipment for
instrument ice patrol, and emergency ballonets. The equipment is used both for
fulfillment of routine helicopter missions and for ship navigation in ice conditions,
for unloading the ship at roadstead or on the move, for off-shore platforms
support, for people evacuation and for provisions and medicines supply.
The transport cabin accommodates up to 15 persons, in the ambulance version up
to 9 persons can be taken (including 4 of them on stretchers.)
The helicopter heating and conditioning systems provide the crew and passengers with normal temperature conditions.
Sanitary equipment includes up to four stretchers and medical care facilities.
The helicopter gross weight at cargo transportation on an external sling and people
transportation in transport cabin should not exceed 12,700 kg.
The helicopter has proved to be one of the best in cargo and people transportation
in high mountains.
The helicopter is capable to withstand very difficult operation conditions due to
high strength characteristics and high service life of fuselage structure.
Excellent flight performance of Ka-32 helicopter and its reliability make it indispensable during land and sea SAR operations. SAR
equipment includes rescue hoisting aids, communications and detection systems, lighting and signaling devices
Ka-32 helicopter equipped with up-to-date systems configured and installed at customer’s option is
• to fly to a designated areas within the shortest time period,
• to get a distress signal from emergency radios and beacons,
• to detect the rescue object by the on-board radar, thermal
imaging system or night vision goggles,
• to get into contact with the victims using a loud-speaking
device or by radio communication (if available),
• to take on board the injured and victims using the winch or
other special devices in hovering regime when it is impossible
to land.
• to coordinate the operation of sea floating vessels by loitering
in the disaster area.
• to take part in operations aimed at localizing and eliminating the
consequences of accident oil spills from the tankers and of-shore
oil rigs.
• to demolish the blockages as a result of man-caused disasters in conditions of fully destroyed
transportation links and approaches to enterprises and civil objects;
• to deliver food and medical supplies for the inhabitants of the disaster areas.
Considerable experience gained in Russia in operating helicopters for SAR missions allows to state
with confidence that Ka-32 helicopter is the optimal machine for such challenges.
The ability to lift and to transport underslung heavy loads of up to 5 tons places Ka-32 helicopter to a leading position in the world in
terms of operational efficiency criteria among the rotorcraft of this weight category. Ka-32 successfully operates in Switzerland, Canada,
Middle East and South East countries performing the following missions:
• logging;
• forest fire-fighting;
• installation of power transmission lines;
• installation of cable-way towers;
• building of mountain cafes and hotels;
• off-shore platforms support.
The helicopters were also flown for carrying cargo and
personnel of American companies during development of
the continental shelf in Papua New Guinea.
Ka-32A11BC helicopters operate as flying cranes for
logging in hard-to-reach mountainous regions of Canada
and Switzerland.
In logging missions, being the most complex in terms of
lifted loads and operating conditions, the helicopter has
demonstrated superb operational functionality and has
taken the leading place on the helicopter logging market.
Due to its coaxial rotor system guaranteeing piloting accuracy and precision the helicopter is capable to carry loads in narrow canyons
with minimum deviation from a specified point. For landing the helicopter requires a pad as small as 12 x 12 m.
External cargo sling is attached to a frame in transport cabin. Underslung load stabilization system excludes cargo swinging and
facilitates piloting task. The provisions are made in the cabin doorway to install a remotely-controlled 300-kg capacity winch on a
movable boom.
This configuration of the helicopter can be used for fighting fires in hard-to-reach areas,
in high-storied buildings, on enterprises and rural infrastructures serving simultaneously
for transporting firemen and evacuating people from emergency constructions and
buildings on fire, from ships and off-shore platforms.
The unique qualities of coaxial rotors ensure high power-to-weight ratio of Ka-32
helicopter, its small dimensions and simplicity of piloting. Due to the absence of a tail
rotor the helicopter is most safe during maneuvering in the vicinity of obstacles and is less
sensitive to the wind force and direction. The helicopter performs any turns in a
horizontal plane without changing flight altitude and additional engine power losses,
which is particularly important in fighting fires in high air temperatures conditions when
the powerplant excess power is unavailable.
Two Ka-32 helicopters operated by fire-fighting service of the city of Moscow for 7 years
have considerably increased the availability of Moscow fire brigades, saved the lives of
hundreds of people and many industrial, city-owned and house stock objects.
The availability of an open water basins in Moscow allows the helicopter to quickly react
and effectively extinguish fire sources using a number of devices and systems which are
simple and reliable in operation.
Fire-suppression systems
«Simplex» system, model 10900-050, is a set of on-board equipment intended for autonomous charging, discharging and transportation
of fire-extinguishing liquids. The system is comprised of the following components: pump charging system, allowing to take water
without landing the helicopter, built-in tank with hydraulic water release doors (from below), two tanks with foam reagent (along the
fuselage sides), electronic control unit.
Active system of filling allows using of shallow, open basins. “Simplex” Company designs and delivers systems with water tanks, the
capacity of which is up to 3,000 l and up to 5,000 l.
The helicopters equipped with “Simplex” systems are extensively used for forest fire fighting in South Korea, Canada and other
countries of the world.
Underslung «Bambi Bucket» system of 5,000 l capacity. The less expensive and simple to use system for efficient fire fighting
missions when open water basins are available nearby.
Manufacturer: “Sei Industries Ltd”, 7400 Wilson Ave, Delta, B.C.V4G 1 E5, Canada
Russia-manufactured horizontal fire extinguishing system (water cannon) which can be fed from a fire-fighting vehicle and is capable
of suppressing fire at the altitude of up to 100 m. When autonomous underslung water tanks of up to 3,400 l are used, the helicopter
altitude of operation is practically unlimited.
A system of special rescue cabins for 2, 10 or 20 people intended for rescuing people from the balconies or roofs of the buildings on
The helicopters are equipped with a cargo winch (of 300 kg capacity), floodlight, loud speaking device and special communication
The helicopters with the above equipment are widely operated today.
The helicopters with “Simplex” system are effectively operated in the Republic of
Korea for forest fire-fighting. Two helicopters with «Bambi Bucket» system and water
cannon are on duty with a fire-fighting service of the city of Moscow (Russia). During
dry summer months Ka-32 helicopters are on a round-the-clock duty in the south
European countries to
protect forests and
other objects from
The helicopter with
these fire-fighting
systems can operate in
built-up areas and for
fighting forest and oil-
and-gas pipeline fires,
as well as fires on off-
shore platforms.
The helicopter is equipped with powerful floodlights, lowering devices for landing soldiers in hovering through doorways along both
fuselage sides, pintles for machine guns or additional gunner seat. For increased combat survivability the cockpit is armor-protected and
self-sealing fuel tanks are installed.
In case of necessity Ka-32А2 can be used as a fire-fighting helicopter with underslung water or other extinguisher tank or as a rescue
helicopter for prompt evacuation of people from hard-to-reach areas after man-caused and natural disasters.
The helicopter efficiently operates in the city of Moscow for law enforcement missions, monitoring of the situation during mass
meetings, festivals, sporting events, etc.
Ka-32 - a derivative of the Ka-27 ship-borne helicopter has inherited from its predecessor the ability to operate in different climatic
zones, in aggressive sea environment, tropical heat and arctic frosts.
Ka-32 helicopter, featuring high flight performance and modern avionics suite, is very effective in performing various missions in
daytime and at night, in any time of the year, in simple and adverse weather, in zero visibility conditions, at sea state of up to 4-5 and
100% humidity. Anticorrosion protection of the fuselage, engines and equipment complies with the most stringent standards and allows
to operate the helicopter at sea.
Up-to-date flight-navigation integrated system automatically
brings the helicopter to a remote spot in the ocean. Flight integrated
system ensures automatic hovering, stabilization of the preset and
flight speed. Using the main tanks fuel the helicopter is capably of
continuous flight at a range of 700 km. Flight endurance with
standard fuel (without reserve) is – 4-5 hrs.
The helicopter can land on a 12 х 12 m pad including on a ship
deck at 5-6 state of sea scale.
Removable ballonets are used to perform overwater flights, emergency ditching and people evacuation.
Before ditching, the ballonets are inflated with air (no more than for 4 sec). Ballonet volume – 4,5 m3.
The helicopter with rotor blades de-icing system was designed to fly
at low temperatures in the mountains and in the Arctic Ocean.
In rigorous Arctic environment the helicopter is used for ice patrol
and ships unloading. In fact the helicopter was the only way of
transporting cargoes for the Arctic expeditions and for small
settlements in the North of Russia. During the years of active North
exploration a unique technology was developed in the Soviet Union
– to unload the ships on the move along the North sea route with
the help of Ka-32 helicopters.