Comparative Study of Cottage Cheese Prepared From Various Sources of Milk
Comparative Study of Cottage Cheese Prepared From Various Sources of Milk
Comparative Study of Cottage Cheese Prepared From Various Sources of Milk
12 78,212
1 author:
Ishfaq Ahmed
Guangdong Medical University
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Abstract: This study was conducted to evaluate the yield and quality of cottage cheese prepared from
cow, buffalo, sheep and goat milk. Cottage cheese prepared from these milk sources was evaluated for
physicochemical and sensory attributes. Initial study showed that solid not fat (SNF), fat, protein, lactose,
ash content, pH and moisture content of these milk samples were significantly (p < 0.05) different from each
other. High yield (22.96 %) and ash (3.25 %) content were observed in sheep milk cheese. Cow milk took
longer time (27.33 sec) to coagulate and also showed maximum level of pH (4.3). Higher moisture content
(51.63 %) was found in goat milk cheese samples. Higher fat (24.2 %) and protein (19.03 %) contents
were observed in buffalo milk cheese than rest of the cheese samples. In case of sensory evaluation, goat
milk cheese obtained maximum scores of 8.1, 9.0, 8.6 and 8.6 in terms of flavor, texture, taste and overall
acceptability, respectively. Cheese prepared from goat milk had much better after taste (8.4) than rest of the
cheese samples. Generally, all cottage cheese samples were considered highly acceptable by the panel of
judges. However, goat milk cottage cheese was more acceptable than that of the other cheese samples.
Keywords: Milk; Cottage cheese; physicochemical properties; sensory properties
1. INTRODUCTION of fat (7.62 %), solid not fat (10.3 %), proteins
Milk is a prehistoric source of food for mankind that (6.21 %), whey protein (0.81 %), total solid (18.33
is produced by mammals to feed their infants [1]. %) and ash content (0.90 %) than goat, cow and
Since ancient time, perhaps as early as 6000-8000 buffalo’s milk [1, 6]. On the other hand, cow milk
B.C, earliest man learned to rear various species had higher content of lactose (4.78 %) as compared
of animals (cow, buffalo, sheep, goat etc.) for to goat, buffalo and sheep milk [1, 6]. Milk is the
producing milk for human utilization [2]. Pakistan vital requirement of our daily life. It is consumed
is amongst the leading milk producing countries. as fresh and also in the form of various products
In the year 2013-2014, the total milk production such as yogurt, butter, ice-cream and cheese [7-8].
in Pakistan was 50.990 billion liters, of which Even though, Pakistan is rich in milk production,
buffalo, cow, camel, goat and sheep contributed however very little work has been done on cheese
31.252, 18.027, 0.851, 0.822, 0.038 billion liters, production, which is due to the lack of knowledge
respectively [3]. and technical skills [9].
The components of milk supply energy and Cheese is a product prepared from milk with
provide materials essential for development of the help of specific enzymes, starter bacteria
human, especially infants [4]. It plays an incredible or organic acid [10]. Over 2000 varieties exist
role in a healthy society as well as plays a vital globally and the list is still rising [11]. Cheese is
role in developing rural areas by improving their classified into various categories, on the basis of
livelihoods [5]. Milk obtained from various species appearance, manufacturing, ripening and chemical
shows variations in term of composition and composition [12]. Most of them are categorized
nutritional values. Sheep milk contains high level into natural, process, un-ripened, ripened, soft and
Received, April 2016; Accepted, November 2016
*Corresponding Author: Ishfaq Ahmed; Email: [email protected]
270 Sadia Rasheed et al
hard cheese, and are also named for their place of 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS
origination [13]. Natural cheese might be ripened or 2.1 Collection of Milk Samples
un-ripened. Ripened cheese is made by coagulating
with rennet and culture acids and further matured by For cheese making, four types of raw milk samples
bacteria or mold e.g., Cheddar, brick, Swiss etc. On (i.e., of cow, buffalo, goat and sheep) were used.
the other hand, un-ripened cheese is produced by The raw fresh milk of each type was collected from
coagulation with acid such as soft cheeses (cottage, the dairy farm of The University of Agriculture,
cream cheese and Neufchatel cheese) [13]. Natural Peshawar. Three liters milk of each type was
cheese is normally categorized on the basis of their collected in a separate stainless steel containers.
moisture or degree of softness or hardness. Cottage The milk samples were next cooled and brought
is an example of soft cheese [13-14]. On the other to the laboratory of Food Science and Technology,
hand, processed cheese is prepared by combining The University of Agriculture Peshawar, Pakistan.
one or more natural cheese/s and adding emulsifying
salts. Processed cheese contains more moisture than 2.2 Milk Analysis
natural cheese. Flavoring and seasonings are added The milk samples were analyzed by lacto scan
frequently [13]. Thus, the varieties of cheese in the (model EKO milk 674, ultrasonic milk analyzer,
market are enormous, which is also reflected by the Bulgaria) for protein, fat, lactose, pH, ash and water
variability in the composition of the different types content [27].
of cheese [15].
Cheese can be manufactured from different 2.3 Preparation of Cheese
types of milk and one can have an idea about how Preparation of cottage cheese was conducted by the
good the quality of cheese might be while having method as described by [26], as shown in Fig. 1.
a look at the quality of milk from which it has The different milk samples were heated at 85°C,
been produced [16]. For instance, buffalo milk is
considered more appropriate than cow milk for
the production of good quality cheese [17]. Sheep
milk is also a good source for the production
of cheese, which is also a key raw material in
the milk processing industry [18]. Goat milk
results in cheese which lack compactness [19].
In general, cheese contains 55-70% moisture, 22-
27% fat, 17-18% protein, 2.0-2.5% lactose and
1.5- 2.0% minerals [20]. Nutritional composition
of cheese varies with its types; cheese which is
rich in calcium has beneficial effects in fighting
hypertension, osteoporosis as well as oral problems
[21]. Lot of peoples consumes cheese in a different
ways such as in stuffing, pizza toppings, cheese
blends, salads and sandwiches [22]. Differences in
the extent of acid production, composition of milk,
curd handling, moisture and ripening lead to the
development of various types of cheeses [23]. Over
the past several decades, milk of single species had
been used to produce cheese and cottage cheese has
not been given much attention [24-25]. So, the aim
of the present research work was to prepare cottage
cheese from milk of various milking species and to
Fig. 1. Flow chart for preparation of cheese form buffalo,
study their physicochemical and sensory properties.
cow, sheep and goat milk.
Properties of Cottage Cheese made from Various Milk Sources 271
separately. Vinegar was added as coagulant at a 9 point Hedonic scale of Larmond [30]. The
temperature of 75°C and allowed to curd the milk panel consists of 17 members to perform sensory
with constant and gentle stirring until coagulation analysis. The cheese samples were offered to the
takes place. The curd was allowed to settle for 5 members randomly in small translucent bowls
minutes and the whey was drained with a muslin and were requested to judge the samples on basis
cloth. Then the curd was pressed for 20 minutes of their color, flavor, taste, after taste and overall
at room temperature to get cheese. The prepared acceptability. The panelists ranked the cottage
cheese samples were then analyzed in term of cheese samples from 1 “dislike extremely” to 9
physicochemical properties and sensory attributes. “like extremely”.
Fig. 2. Solid not-fat (%) of buffalo, cow, sheep and goat milk samples.
272 Sadia Rasheed et al
Fig. 3. Fat content (%) of buffalo, cow, sheep and goat milk samples.
other hand, results reported by Pandya and Ghodke contents of cow, buffalo, sheep and goat were in the
[31] were slightly different and this might be due range of 4.56–8.96% [1]. While Pandya and Ghodke
to the variation in breed, diet and animal health [32] observed that the fat content of cow, goat and
and environmental conditions [1, 33-34]. Hence, sheep varied from 3.7% to 7.90%. Similar results
concluded that SNF content not only depends on were reported by Mahmood and Usman [35], who
source of milk but also depends on various factors found fat content of 3.16 % (goat milk) and 6.99
such as breeds, animal feed and season. % (buffalo milk). Previously, this was observed
that sheep milk has higher fat content than buffalo,
3.1.2 Fat Content goat and cow milk [1, 32, 35], as evident from the
The statistical analysis showed that fat contents present findings (Fig. 3). Generally, fat content is
of milk of various sources were significantly (p < based on milk sources.
0.05) different from each other (Fig. 3). The mean
fat content of goat, cow, buffalo and sheep was 3.03, 3.1.3 Protein Content
3.55, 6.2 and 6.91 %, respectively. Sheep milk has Milk protein is considered as one of the most
a maximum fat content, while minimum fat content important nutrient for human consumption. After
was observed in goat milk. No significant difference fat, protein is the next most modified component
was found in fat content of goat and cow milk. Fat of milk [1]. Fig. 4 shows protein content (%) of
Fig. 4. Protein content (%) of buffalo, cow, sheep and goat milk samples.
Properties of Cottage Cheese made from Various Milk Sources 273
Fig. 5. Lactose content (%) of cow, sheep, buffalo and goat milk samples.
milk from buffalo, cow, sheep and goat milk. in the breed, feeding and environmental conditions
Mean protein content of various sources of milk [32-34].
was in the range of 3.37 % (goat) to 4.77 %
(sheep). Statistical analysis showed that protein 3.1.5 Ash Content
content varied significantly (P < 0.05) among the Fig. 6 shows the percent ash content of various
samples, except for cow and goat milk. However, sources of milk. Ash content of goat and cow milk
maximum amount of protein was found in sheep samples were significantly (P < 0.05) different from
milk as compared to the rest of milk samples. It was that of buffalo and sheep milk. However, sheep and
examined that protein content was present in an buffalo milk has higher (0.8 %) ash content while
adequate amount in buffalo milk [35-36]. During goat has lower (0.72 %) ash content. The variation
this research work, minimum protein content was in ash content is because of the variation in sources
observed in goat milk that resembled to the findings that have significant effect on ash content [35].
of Mahmood and Usman [35]. They further observed that ash content of cow,
sheep, buffalo and goat was in the range of 0.4 to
3.1.4 Lactose Content 0.99 %. Similar results were reported by various
Lactose content of milk of different species is researchers, who observed variation in ash content
illustrated in Fig. 5. It is the main carbohydrate of milk obtained from different species [36-38].
of milk [1]. Results indicated that lactose content Feed, season, animal condition and management
of goat milk was significantly (P < 0.05) different have significant role in the ash content of milk [32-
from buffalo, sheep and cow milk samples. Higher 34].
amount of lactose content was found in cow milk
(4.93 %) and lower was observed in goat milk 3.1.6 pH
(4.33 %). Data revealed that source of milk has The pH value of different milk samples are
significant influence on lactose content of milk. presented in Fig. 7. The results revealed that mean
Lactose content was in the range of 4.5 to 4.75 % pH value of various milk samples varied from 5.73
[11]. It was observed that lactose content found in to 6.28. Maximum pH was found in case of goat
goat, cow and sheep milk was in agreement with milk (6.28), while sheep milk showed a low pH
the findings of Mahmood and Usman [35]. Kanwal level (5.73). Results presented that pH value of
et al. [1] observed that milk source and season has sheep milk was significantly (P < 0.05) different
significant influence on lactose content. Variation from buffalo, goat and cow milk samples. The pH
in lactose content might be due to the differences value observed in buffalo milk was in agreement
274 Sadia Rasheed et al
Fig. 6. Ash content (%) of buffalo, cow, sheep and goat milk samples.
with the results of Kanwal et al. [1], Braun and recorded in sheep milk (80.62 %). Abdelgawad
Stefanie [39], and Imran et al. [36]. The pH values et al. [41] observed higher water content in case of
of cow milk were in the range of 6.59-6.67 and that goat and cow milk. Cow milk contains a consider-
of goat milk were in the range of 6.48-6.64 [1, 38, able amount of water that ranged from 87.2 to 87.4
40]. The variation in pH values in various samples % [11, 32]. Health of animal, stage of lactation,
might be due to the differences in breed, diet and breed and somehow animal age has significant
environmental conditions [1, 32-34]. influence on water content of milk [11, 32].
Fig. 8. Water content (%) of buffalo, cow, sheep and goat milk samples.
addition and appearance of flakes of curd in the cheese samples were in the range of 16.50 % (goat
milk. The coagulation time of cottage cheese made milk) to 22.96 % (sheep milk). Statistical analysis
from different sources of milk is illustrated in showed non-significant (P ≤ 0.05) influence of
Table 1. The mean values of coagulation time of different milk sources on percent yield of cottage
cottage cheese samples were in the range of 18.3 cheese. However, it was observed that cheese
sec to 27.33 sec. Statistical analysis indicated prepared from sheep milk has high percent yield as
that source of milk has significantly (P < 0.05) compared to the rest of the cheese samples. Related
influenced the coagulation time during cheese results were stated by Zeng et al. [49] and Mercanti
preparation. Coagulation time of cow and goat milk et al. [50], who found cheese yield in the range of
was statistically different from that of buffalo and 16.3 to 20.37 %. Milk with higher solid content
sheep milk. However, cow milk took longer time gave higher cheese yield [48]. Similarly, Zeng et al.
(27.33 sec) to coagulate as compared to the other [49] and Soryal et al. [51] reported that total solids,
milk sources. Milk coagulation time decreased with protein (casein content) and fat content of milk
increasing processing temperature [42]. Results of has influenced the cheese yield significantly and
cow milk cheese are in covenant with the findings of positively. They further observed that early and late
Ali and Qazi [43]. During the preparation of cheese, lactation stages influence cheese yield significantly
increase in temperature speed up the proteolytic than mid lactation period. This might be due to
action of milk due to which milk coagulation high solid contents in early and late lactations
time reduced [42]. In the same way, coagulation stage. Additionally, cheese yield is also influenced
time can speed up by the addition of coagulants at by somatic cells count, vat design, pasteurization
higher temperature [44]. The present results also
temperature, type of coagulants, firmness, curd
resembled with the findings of Qayyum and Akhter
cutting and manufacturing procedures [48, 52-53].
[45]. The coagulation process is influenced by the
This is revealed from the data presented in this study
casein content, coagulant used, pH and processing
that sheep milk produce cheese with high yield.
temperature [46-47].
3.2.3 pH
3.2.2 Percent Yield The data regarding pH of cottage cheese made
Cheese yield is well-defined as the amount of from different sources of milk are shown in Table
cheese expressed in kilograms achieved from 100 1. Results indicated that the average pH value of
kg of milk [48]. Percent yield of cottage cheese cottage cheese prepared from various milk sources
prepared from goat, cow, sheep and buffalo milk varied from 3.6 to 4.3. Data revealed that source
are shown in Table 1. The yield (%) of cottage of milk has non-significant (P ≤ 0.05) influence
276 Sadia Rasheed et al
Table 1. Comparison of coagulation time, percent yield and pH of cottage cheese prepared form buffalo,
cow, sheep and goat milk.
Cheese samples Coagulation time (sec) Percent yield (%) pH
Buffalo 18.3 a* 20.65 3.8
Cow 27.33 b 19.68 4.3
Sheep 13.00 a 22.96 3.7
Goat 25.33 b 16.50 3.6
*Values followed by different letters are significantly different from each other (P < 0.05)
in cheese samples. On the other hand, Soryal et al. acceptability, as discussed below.
[51] and Zeng et al. [59] reported that differences in
milk composition (casein and fat) are the two main 3.3.1 Color
factors responsible for differences in cheese yield. Table 3 presents the results in regards to color of
Similar results were reported regarding fat content cottage cheese prepared from various sources
of cottage cheese made from cow milk [56, 59]. In of milk. The color score of the different cheese
contrast, Masud et al. [59] observed high fat content samples ranged from 7.9 to 8.6. Sources of milk
in buffalo milk cheese. They further reported that has no significant (P > 0.05) effect on the color of
differences in fat content of cheese might be due to prepared cottage cheese. However, cottage cheese
the SNF ratio of the milk. When whey is drained off prepared from sheep milk has higher mean color
lots of fat losses can occur. value than rest of the cheese samples. The cottage
cheese prepared from cow and buffalo were highly
3.2.7 Protein Content acceptable (6.91 to 7.00) in term of color [64]. The
Results concerning protein content of cottage results are closely related to the results reported
cheese made from different milk sources are given by Boppanna [66] and Masud et al. [59], who
in table 2. Each cottage cheese samples have their observed more acceptable color and appearance
own protein values varied from 13.50 % (goat) of cow milk cheese as compared to the buffalo
to 19.03 % (buffalo). It was found that protein milk cheese. Chawla et al. [65] observed decrease
content of goat and cow milk was significantly in color of cottage cheese due to dull and dry
(p < 0.05) different from sheep and buffalo. The surface appearance. Additionally, dullness and dry
present results are in accordance to those reported appearance in cheese might be due to the deficiency
by Omotosho et al. [60]. Low protein content was of shine, which fat provides when present in minute
observed in case of cheese prepared from goat amount.
milk [61]. Similarly, Talib et al. [62] reported that
pickling of cheese caused reduction in protein 3.3.2 Flavor
content due to its degradation. As a result of this, Table 3 shows data regarding flavor of cottage
water soluble components are formed, which lead cheese samples, which varied from 7.5 to 8.1. This
to loss of protein in the pickling solution. Similar is revealed from statistical analysis that source of
observations were reported by Ismail and Osman milk has no significant (P > 0.05) effect on cottage
[63]. cheese samples. However, goat milk cheese has
higher mean flavor score as compared to the other
3.3 Sensory Evaluation samples. Flavor is the feeling created by a material
The prepared cottage cheese samples were presented taken in the mouth, perceived mainly by the senses
to the panel of judges for sensory analysis. The of taste and smell [61]. Results regarding flavor of
judges were asked to score each samples from goat milk cheese are in accordance with the results
extremely liked (9) to extremely disliked (1) in of Soryal et al. (2004), who observed a score of
terms of color, flavor, taste, after taste and overall 8.29 in case of cheese made from goat milk. They
Table 2. Comparison of moisture, ash, fat and protein content of cottage cheese prepared form buffalo,
cow, sheep and goat milk.
Cheese source Moisture (%) Ash (%) Fat (%) Protein (%)
Buffalo 48.46 2.49 24.2 b* 19.03 c
Cow 47.73 2.79 23.6 b 14.57 a
Sheep 45.26 3.25 23.5 b 16.60 b
Goat 51.63 2.58 22.5 a 13.50 a
*Values followed by different letters are significantly different from each other (P < 0.05)
278 Sadia Rasheed et al
further reported that the concentrations of free findings of Pinto et al. [64]. However, Karadbhajne
fatty acids (FFA), mostly short chain fatty acids, and Bhoyarkar [70] observed that fat, cheese yield
in cheese significantly influence cheese flavor and and moisture content as well as coagulants plays
aroma. Too much FFA persuades a nasty, sour and an important role in cheese texture. They further
unpleasant taste to cheese [67]. Similarly, results reported that storage period also affect the texture
regarding buffalo milk cheese resembled with the of cheese. In the same way, Chawla et al. [65]
findings of Khan and Masud [7]. Flavor of milk demonstrated that the body and texture of cottage
fat might also cause higher score of cheese [59]. cheese was affected by the fat content in milk.
The flavor of cheese prepared from goat milk was Cottage cheese with lower fat content was analyzed
highly acceptable with an average flavor score of to be firm and elastic [64].
8.62 [68-69]. Soryal et al. [68] demonstrated that a
delicate “goaty” flavor was observed in goat cheese 3.3.4 Taste
which was due to the abundant amount of short
Table 3 presents the taste of cottage cheese made
chain fatty acids in goat milk as compared to cheese
from various types of milk. The mean value for
made from cow milk.
taste of cottage cheese samples were in the range of
3.3.3 Texture 8.1 to 8.9. Statistical analysis indicated that various
milk sources have non-significant (P > 0.05) effect
The texture of cottage cheese of various samples is on taste of cottage cheese samples. However, taste
illustrated in table 3. Results indicated that the mean of goat milk cheese was more acceptable than rest
texture value of cottage cheese samples were in the
of the cheese samples. Results are in agreements
range of 7.5 to 9.0. Statistical analysis revealed that
with the findings of Adedokun et al. [72], as they
milk source had significantly (p < 0.05) influenced
found variation in taste score of cow milk cheese
the texture of cottage cheese. Texture of cheese
by using different coagulants. Fats play a vital role
prepared from goat milk was extremely liked by the
in defining the representative flavor and taste of
panel of judges as compared to rest of the cheese
cheese [64]. Results are also in accordance with the
samples. Cheese prepared from buffalo milk got
observation of Khan and Masud [7].
low score in term of texture. Texture is an essential
feature of food as it influences processing, handling
3.3.5 After-taste
and storage life as well as customer preferences
for the product [70]. Results of buffalo cheese The mean after-taste value of cottage cheese
(7.2) resembled with those reported by Khan and samples ranged from 7.8 to 8.4 (Table 3). Similar
Masud [7]. Similar results were obtained by Masud to taste, source of milk has no significant (P >
et al. [59], who observed that texture of cow milk 0.05) influence on after-taste of all the samples.
cheese was extremely acceptable than buffalo milk All the prepared cheese samples were highly
cheese. On the other hand, Kumar and Srinivasan acceptable in terms of after-taste by the panel of
[71] reported that texture of cheese might be judges. However, cheese prepared from cow and
affected by the water binding capacity due to the goat milk was more acceptable than that of buffalo
nature of protein. These results also agreed with the and sheep milk cheeses. Results of after-taste are
Table 3. Comparison of sensory properties of cottage cheese prepared form buffalo, cow, sheep and goat
Cheese Color Flavor Texture Taste Aftertaste Overall
samples acceptability
Buffalo 7.9 7.6 7.5 a 8.1 7.9 8.1
Cow 8.1 7.5 8.2 b 8.4 8.4 8.4
Sheep 8.6 7.8 8.3 b 8.5 7.8 8.1
Goat 8.4 8.1 9.0 c 8.6 8.4 8.6
Properties of Cottage Cheese made from Various Milk Sources 279
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