Language: Knowledge Never Be End

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Knowledge never be end

Language is a phenomenon which is used for understanding and comprehension
Language is a way for communication and language is sound and symbolic system and also agrees mental

Form Meaning Active part Passive part

Courtesy colloquial Demonstrative Proper L. Common L. Speaking Comprehension Reading Writing

Courtesy language: - is a formal language usually the grammar points are not observe in this language.
Ex:- we are Dari speakers

Colloquial language: - is a language which has sound and form and the grammar points are usually not
observe in this language it can be use in daily activities.

Demonstrative language: - is a language which is express by motions and points, the very clear example can
we see in mute people. This is executing by motions of the eye brow, lips, shoulders etc.

Proper language: - is a language which is use properly it has sound and letters.

Common language: - when a language are use with sound and letters.

Grammar: - the role or regulation which is used to speak will, write will, read will so language is the way of
using of a language perfectly.

Alphabet: - the sound or symbolic forms which composes a language.

In alphabet we have letters.

Letter: - is the unit of a language. by letters we can make word by combination of word we can make sentence by
combination of sentence we can make paragraph by combination of paragraph
We can make book.

Form Meaning

Capital letters Small letter Vowel letters Semi vowel letters Consonant letters

Prepaired by: wajid ullah, Asmat ullah and waheed ullah hedayat nasiry
Knowledge never be end

Small letters:- are the letters that they are used tiny, or these letters have small shapes. and we can use
this letters in the publications, book ….etc.

Capital letters: - are the letters that they are used boldly and they have big shapes or out of standing shape

-Roles of using capital letters-

1:- at the begging of the sentence 11:- for the proper adjective
2:- for subject pronoun {I} 12:- for particular places
3:- the days of the week 13:- for the streets and parks
4:- for months of the years 14:- for the holy words
5:- for abbreviations 15:- for the headlines
6:- for solutions 16:- for the names of the books
7:- for starting the letters 17:- for some religious days
8:- for closing the letters 18:- for some special holidays
9:- for the proper nouns 19:- for that places that used for public utilities
10:- for the name of country 20:- for common nouns that they are use as a proper

Vowel letters:-are those that while they are pronounced there is no obstacle in there sounds, vowel is the
basic letters in English language, these letters have the role of creation of sound, syllable and making
of the word. {A, E, I, O, U}

Syllable:- the unit of the word which is creating by the using of vowel between consonant letters.

Semi vowel letters: - are those that sometimes they are functioning as a vowel and some times as a
consonant. {W, Y}.

Consonant letters:- are the letters that they don’t create sound by themselves usually we use vowel with
them they will be able to give sound, as these letters while pronounced create obstacle in there sound
there for they are called consonant letters.

Consonant letters

Voiced Voiceless Silent

Voiced: - while there is no vowel they can not make sound, except of voiceless the other letters are voiced.

Voiceless:- are those when there is no vowel they can not be pronounced.{p,k,f,t,s,l,c,h,}.

Silent letters: - are the letters that they be written but not pronounced.

Prepaired by: wajid ullah, Asmat ullah and waheed ullah hedayat nasiry
Knowledge never be end
Compound letters:- when more than one standard letters are join with each other are called compound letters.

Noun is the name of the person, place and thing or noun is the name of the idea-freedom.

Nouns have four cases:-

1:- vocative noun 2:- possessive noun 3:- objective noun 4:- nominative noun

1:- Vocative noun:- when a noun is addressed is called vocative noun.

Ex: - Jamal what do you do?

2:- Possessive noun:- when a noun is used with {of the} or {‘s} and shows possession is called
possessive noun.{‘S}:-is mostly used for the people. {of the}:- is used for things and animals.
Ex:- Ahmad’s car was there.

3:- Objective noun:- when a noun is used as object or receiver of an action is called objective noun.
Ex: - I called Jamal.

4:- Nominative noun:- when a noun is used as a subject of sentence is called nominative noun.
Ex: - Ahmad come here.


Meaning Form Number Gender

Countable Non countable Concrete Abstract Plural Singular Principle Subordinating


Proper Common Collective Combined Material Masculine Feminine Neater

Countable noun:- are those that they can be counted.

1:- we can pluralize them by using of the {s}or {es}.
2:- they have singular and plural form.
3:- we can use article{a}and{an}before the singular and article{the}before the plural and singular form.

Non countable noun:- are those that they can not be counted.
1:- they have singular form.
2:- they are can not be pluralize by {s}or{es}.
Prepaired by: wajid ullah, Asmat ullah and waheed ullah hedayat nasiry
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3:- we can not use article {a}and{an}before them and we can use article{the}before them.
4:- these nouns are always use with singular form.
5:- we can not use ordinal number before them.
6:- we can measure it by a unit of the words.
Ex:- one kilo of sugar

Concrete noun:- are those that they have foreign existence we can touch them and also they have
physical shapes.

Proper noun:- are those that they are used for particular person place or things.
Ex:- Ahmad Kabul

1:- these nouns are always written by capital letters.

2:- they always have singular form not plural.
3:-they are determine there is no need for using of article before them.

Common nouns:- is a noun which is used commonly, common noun is a noun which is common among
the people, place or thing. They have singular and plural form they can determine by articles.

Collective noun:- are the collection of persons, place or animals. Collective in form is singular but in
meaning it is plural. Sometimes the collective noun are followed by singular form when they are acting as
a unit.
Ex:- family-nation flock-herb-kittle

Material noun:- are those which is shows what a noun is made or what is substance of a noun and what
substance a noun made of. Some of material noun can not plural if we add {s}and {es} the means of that
become change. Like:- wood-woods iron-irons
Ex:- stone wood iron….etc.

Compound noun:- are the combination of the words when more than one nouns are join with each other
they make a compound noun.

By three ways we can form compound nouns:-

1:- Noun + Noun
2:- Gerund + Noun
3:- Adjective + Noun

Abstract noun:- is the noun which doesn’t have any foreign or physical existence and can not be

Plural noun:- are those that they always have plural form.
1:- we can use article{a}{an} before them but they should determine by{the}article.

Prepaired by: wajid ullah, Asmat ullah and waheed ullah hedayat nasiry
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2:- except of {one} coordinal the other coordinal numbers can be use before them.
3:- they are always followed by plural form. Ex:- the chairs are dirty.
4:- except of first we can use ordinal number before them. Ex:- fourth classes.

Singular noun:- are those that they always have singular form.
1:- they can determine by article {a}{an}{the}.
2:- they do not have {s}or{es}at the end of them.
3:- we can use coordinal number {one} before them.

Masculine gender:- is a noun which indicate to human animal that they male they can be apart of
masculine gender.

Feminine gender:- is a noun which is indicate a human or animal when they are female or a noun which
indicate a female gender is called feminine gender.

Common gender:- is a noun which indicate both male or female human and animal is called common

Neater gender:- is a gender which is indicate neither male nor female human animal it means a thing with
out life. We have a live creatures that they are neater gender. Like:- sissy {{‫ایزک‬
If the sissy near to male we use subject pronoun{he}.
If the sissy near to female we use subject pronoun{she}.
If they are not near the both we use {this, that, these, those}.

Changing of masculine to feminine gender:-

by three ways we can change it.
1:- by using of some standard words. Like:- fisher man-fisher woman spokes man-spokes woman.
2:- by using of personal pronoun{he}and{she}. Like:- he is an engineer she is an engineer.
3:- by adding of suffixes, the fame suffix is in English language is {ess}.like:- waiter-waitress
{Rix}Like:- testator-testatrix {a}Like:- sultan-sultana

Verb is a word which is used to show state or action and verb is a word which gives information about
something, or verb is word which is talk about subject.


Ordinary verb Auxiliary verb

Meaning Form Meaning Form

Prepaired by: wajid ullah, Asmat ullah and waheed ullah hedayat nasiry
Knowledge never be end
Principle Model Semi model Defective Helping
Transitive Intransitive Regular Irregular

Perfect intransitive verb Defective intransitive verb

Ordinary verb:-using of ordinary verb is very essential this verb is very essential element of the
S +V+C Ex:- I go to school S+V Ex:- she cry V+C Ex:- Come here
If they are shows activity they are action verb, If they show state they are state verbs.

Transitive verb:- are those that they don’t have a complete meaning and need to object.
Ex:- she is crying.

Active tense:- is a tense which the doer of an action is the subject of the sentence.

Passive tense:- is a tense which the object or the receiver of an action is the doer of the sentence.

Intransitive verb:- are those that they have a complete meaning and don’t need to the object.
Ex:- I saw Ahmad.

Perfect intransitive verb:- are those that they don’t have a complete meaning and neither need to object
nor complement.

Defective intransitive verb:- are those that don’t have a complete meaning usually need for complete not
for object.

Regular verb:- the regular verbs are those which form their past and past participle by taking{d}
and{ed}at the end of simple form.

Irregular verb:- are those which so not have any special rule for forming past and past participle forms.

The irregular verb have three classes.

1:- are those that the three part is the same. Ex:- cut cut cut put put put.
2:- are those that the two of the three form is the same. Ex:- come came come.
3:- are those that the three form is different. Ex:- see saw seen.

Auxiliary verb:- are those that they do not have a complete meaning and also the meaning of
auxiliary are depended by the ordinary verb.
The auxiliary and ordinary verbs are the correlative verbs.

Prepaired by: wajid ullah, Asmat ullah and waheed ullah hedayat nasiry
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1:- they make the tenses. Ex:- I can read the book , I could read the book , I will read the book.
2:- they are used in the negative statement and interrogative questions.
Ex:- can I read the book , I can not read the book.
3:- they can prevent from repetition of some words. Ex:- will you meet me tomorrow yes I will , it is
prevent from the{yes I will meet you tomorrow}.

Helping verb:- are those that they are lose there meaning.{to be , to do , to have}.
Ex:- I was speaking yesterday, I have spoken Dari, I do not speak Dari.

Defective verb:- are those that they are keep their meaning they does not lose their meaning.
Ex:- I must go. I can go.
Model and Semi model is a part of defective verb.

Principle auxiliary:-it is used with To be , to do , to have. Because they have most usage in the tenses.

To be verb:- are those that they can be use as auxiliary and as an ordinary.

To be verbs as ordinary:-
1:- shows state in the sentence. Ex:- I am a teacher.
2:- it is used for the distance. Ex:- Bamiyan is far from Kabul.
3:- it is used for location. Ex:- I am in Kabul.
4:- it is used for sum. Ex:- it is five Dollar.
5:- it is used for weather or temperature. Ex:- today the weather is 30 c.
6:- it is used for the height. Ex:- Kabul is 2000 meter low than Salang.
7:- it is used for the time. Ex:- it is two o clock.
8:- it is used for weight. Ex:- it is heavy it is 2 kilo.
9:- it can be used for days of the week. E:- today is Sunday.
10:- it can be used for months of the year. Ex:- it is july.

To be verbs as auxiliary:-
1:- the basic usage of auxiliary is using in the formation of continuous tenses. Ex:- I am speaking.
2:- they use in the formation of passive tenses. Ex:- the class is thought.
3:- it is used with {about} to show an immediate future. Ex:- Ahmad is a bout to come.
4:- they are used with infinitive to show instruction. Ex:- I am to learn Dari.

To do verb:- are those that they can be used as auxiliary and as ordinary verbs.

To do verb as ordinary:-
It is used to show performance.

Prepaired by: wajid ullah, Asmat ullah and waheed ullah hedayat nasiry
Knowledge never be end
To do verbs as auxiliary:-
1:- they can make interrogative sentence. Ex:- do I come here.
2:- they can make negative statement. Ex:- I don’t come here.
3:- they some time are used as emphatic do before simple form of the verb. Ex:- I do come here.
4:- some times to do verb are used before the verbs to shows advice. Ex:- Do come here.

To have verb:- are those that they can use as auxiliary and as ordinary verbs.
To have verb as ordinary:-
1:- it is shows possession or ownership. Ex:- I have a pen.
2:- it can means eating. Ex:- I have my lunch=I ate my lunch.
3:- it can means drinking. Ex:- she had a cup of tea=she drank a cup of water.
4:- it can means smoking. Ex:- have a cigarette.
5:- it can means birth{bear}. Ex:- bear a chilled.
6:- it can means getting or receiving. Ex:- I got your letter.

To have verb as auxiliary:-

Only it is use in the formation of perfect tenses. To have verb is the auxiliary of perfect tenses.
Ex:- I have eaten lunch. We would have eaten lunch.

Model auxiliary:-{can,could,shall,should,may,might,oughto,must}.
1:- they don’t have singular form.
2:- the model auxiliary can not take s or es.
3:- they don’t have singular form.
4:- they can not take {ing}.
5:- they can not form infinitive.
6:- usually they have only two forms{simple}and{past}.

Can, Could:- shows ability and could is used in the past form of can.
Ex:- I can drive the car. I could drive the car.

2:- when can is used at the begging of the sentence shows admission.
Ex:- can I help you?

Will and shall:- they shows future action.

Note:- will is used with all subject pronouns and other pronouns, and shall is an ancient auxiliary it is used
used with {I, we}.
Ex:- she will go to Pakistan tomorrow. I shall meet you tomorrow.
Memo:- when shall and will is abbreviate it shows by {‘and ll}.
Ex:- I ‘ll give you the book.

Prepaired by: wajid ullah, Asmat ullah and waheed ullah hedayat nasiry
Knowledge never be end
Would and Should:- is used to show future in the past. because they are the past form of shall and will.
Ex:- I would come here if I had time. I should go to Pakistan if I finish my works.

May and Might:- it is used to show present probability, and might is used in the past form of may.
Ex:- I may come here. I might have come here.
Note:- may also show admission if it is used at the begging of the sentences.
Ex:- may I come here?

Ought to:- it is used to show weak instruction than must. And ought to is stronger than should, ought to is an old or
ancient auxiliary, because it is used with infinitive.
Ex: - I ought to come here ought I to come here I ought not to come here.

Must: - Must show strongest instruction. In modern language we use {have to} in stead of must.
Ought to and must are don’t have past form, because of this they are always s used in simple tenses.

{Contrast between have to and must}

1: - when the obligation comes from some body else we used must.
Ex: - I must keep diet.

2:- But when we send obligation by us to some body else we use have to.
Ex: - she has to eat lunch.
Second contrast:-
1: - when the idea of some one is not important for you we used must.
Ex: - we must visit Kabul we have to visit Kabul.
2:- when the idea of second person is important for us we use have to.

Changing of active into passive tense

We must be observe these points in changing of active tense into passive tense.
1:- study the active tenses and determine it’s tense.
2:- change the place of object to subject.
3:- use a tobe verb according to the tense of active sentence
4:- use the third form of the verb after the tobe verbs.
5:- the subject pronouns are changed to object.
6:- in continuous tenses an extra {being} is added after the tobe verbs.
7:- it is possible to mention the doer of the action at the end of the sentence after preposition {by}.

Note:- here is some tenses that we cant change active tense into passive tenses.
1:- present progressive tenses.
2:- past perfect progressive tenses.
3:- future perfect progressive tenses.
4:- future in the past perfect progressive tenses.

Prepaired by: wajid ullah, Asmat ullah and waheed ullah hedayat nasiry
Knowledge never be end
Active tenses Passive tenses
I do the home work.
The home work is done by me.
I am doing the home work. The home work is being done by me.
I have done the home work. The home work has been done by me.
I have been doing the home work. No change .
I did the home work. The home work was done by me.
I was doing the home work. The home work was being done by me.
I had done the home work. The home work had been done by me.
I had been doing the home work. No change.
I will do the home work. The home work will be done by me.
I will be doing the home work. The home work will be being done by me.
I will have done the home work. The home work will have been done by me.
I will have been doing the home work. No change.
I would do the home work. The home work would be done by me.
I would be doing the home work. The home work would be being done by me.
I would have done the home work. The home work would have been done by me.
I would have been doing the home work. No change.

When a sentence contain two object:-

Imperative sentence:-
Open the door. Let the door be opened.
Tell him the matter. Let be told the matter.
Throw it a way. Let it be thrown a way.
Don’t punish him. Let him not be punish.
Please perform the home work. Let the home work be performed.

Interrogative sentence:-

Prepaired by: wajid ullah, Asmat ullah and waheed ullah hedayat nasiry
Knowledge never be end
I give
Do youyoudo athe
home work? you
Is the
a book
doneby by
She he cheat ayou?
flower. AAre
you wascheated
by him? by her.
We I tell
a car to him. AMust
car will
he be betold
by me?
to him by us.
He had
fixedathe AByman
whom had has
car been
by him.
give are
youyoua note
now? You
What areisgiven
note now?
book by me.
Why had you torn the paper? Why had the paper been torn?

{Direct and indirect speech}

Note:- by two ways we can change our speech in English language.

Direct:- are those that they express the speakers exact words without any change in meaning and form.
Ex:- Jamal said, what are you doing?

Where we can use direct speech

1:- direct speech is possible to use in the short conversation.
2:- it is use in the stories.

How can we use direct speech

At the beginning o the sentence the speaker name must exist and after that we must use the main verb and
after the main verb take a comma{,} after the comma start quotation and between these comma we must
write what the speaker said and we must write it by the capital letters.

Indirect speech:- are those that they express the idea and meaning o the speaker with a few change it.
Ex:- Jamal asked me what I was doing?

Where we can use No Direct Indirect indirect speech

It is widely use in the 1 Now Then long conversation.
Ex:- Karim said, I was 2 Here There eating lunch
yesterday. 3 These Those
4 This That
{We must observe some point here}
5 Ago Before
1:- the pronounced are change.
6 Just Then
2:- the adverbs are change.
7 Yesterday The previous day
3:- the tenses are change.
8 Next week The following week {Chart of Adverbs
change} 9 Last week The previous week
10 Tomorrow The next day
11 Today That day
12 Thus So
Prepaired by: wajid ullah, Asmat ullah and waheed ullah hedayat nasiry
Knowledge never be end

Chart o tenses change

No Direct Indirect
1 Simple present tense Simple past tense
2 Present continuous tense Past continuous tense
3 Present perfect tense Past perfect tense
4 Present perfect continuous tense Past perfect continuous tense
5 Simple past tense Simple perfect tense
6 Past continuous tense Past perfect continuous tense
7 Past perfect tense Past perfect tense
8 Past perfect continuous tense Past perfect continuous tense
9 Simple future tense Simple future In the past tense
10 Future continuous tense Future in the past continuous tense
11 Future perfect tense Future in the past perfect tense
12 Future perfect continuous tense Future in the past perfect continuous tense
13 Simple future in the past tense Simple future in the past
14 Future in the past continuous tense Future in the past continuous tense
15 Future in the past perfect tense Future in the past perfect tense
16 Future in the past perfect continuous tense Future in the past perfect continuous tense

{Changing of direct to indirect speech}

Prepaired by: wajid ullah, Asmat ullah and waheed ullah hedayat nasiry
Knowledge never be end
1 Karim said, I was eating lunch yesterday. Karim said, that he had been eating lunch the
previous day.
2 She has broken the glass, Jawid said. Jawid said that she had broken the glass.
3 Ahmad said, I was driving the car. Ahmad said that he had been driving the car.

{When the narration are unchangeable general fact the tense is not change}
1 Ahmad said, Allah is kind. Ahmad said that Allah is kind.
2 Jamal said, he has black eyes. Jamal said that he has black eyes.
3 Kamal said, I am a man. Kamal said that I am a man.

{When the narration contain {must, ought to, could, would, should} the tense is not change}
1 Kabir said, I must study here. Kabir said that he must study there.
2 Mahmood said, I ought to speak Dari. Mahmood said that I ought to speak Dari.
3 Hamed said, he would advice him. Hamed said that he would advice him.
Note:- because they don’t change that they don’t have a past form.

{when the main verb is not in the an other tense the tense o narration is not change}
1 Karim says, I will come tomorrow. Karim says that he will come the next day.
2 Roman says, I know him. Roman says that he knows him.
3 He has said, Ahmad is a clever student. He has said that Ahmad is a clever student.

{Imperative sentence}
1 Jamal said, please do your home work. Jamal demanded me to study my home
2 Jamil said, don’t eat lunch here. Jamil ordered me not to eat lunch there.
3 Samir said, come on time. Samir commanded me to come on time.

Note:- interrogative sentence have three characteristic.

1:- verb is used before the subject. Ex:- can you speak English?
2:- Intonation is question. Ex:- why do you come here?
3:- at the end they take question mark{?}.

{Interrogative sentence}
Note:- interrogative sentence are formed by two ways.
1:- By auxiliary.
2:- By {wh} question.

{when it is use as auxiliary}

1 Jamal said, do you eat lunch at 12 o clock. Jamal asked I I ate lunch at 12 o clock.
2 Karim said, does he teach here. Karim inquired I he teach there.
3 Ajmal said, did you break the glass. Ajmal wanted to know I I broke the glass.

Prepaired by: wajid ullah, Asmat ullah and waheed ullah hedayat nasiry
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When it is use with an other auxiliaries.
1 Jamal said, can I see you today. Jamal inquired me If he could see me that day.
2 Karim said, has your friends gotten the first Karim asked If my friend had gotten the first
position. position.
3 Kamal said, is he speaking Dari well. Kamal wanted to know If he was speaking Dari

When it is use with{would, should, must, ought to, could} the tense is not change.
1 fawad said, could he see jamal today. Fawad asked I he could see Jamal that day.
2 farid said, must I see him here. Farid inquired if he must invite him there.
3 Ali said, would you bring a glass of water. Ali asked if he would bring a glass of water.

{When it is use with the{wh} question}

1 Karim said, why do you cheat the others. Karim wanted to know why I cheat the others.
2 Ajmal said, where I can find a news paper. Ajmal asked me where he could find a news
3 Jamal said, what is your name. Jamal asked me what was my name

{Exclamatory sentences}
Note:- we can form the exclamatory sentence
1:- By Interjection.
2:- By {hw} question.

1 Jawad said, brave! You are the best. Jawad admired me that I was the best.
2 Zia said, alas! He died. Zia agonize her sorry that he had died.
3 Qamber said, wow! It is really joyful. Qamber surprise that he was really joyful.
4 Kamal said, good morning. Kamal grated me by saying good morning.
5 Jawed said, bye. Jawed farewell me by saying bye.

When it is use with{wh} question.

1 Jawed said, what nonsense you said. Jawed complained what nonsense I had said.
2 Hamid said, how beautiful car it is. Hamid appreciated how beautiful car it was.
3 Shela said, where is your house. Shela asked me where is your house.

Accent is a special pressure which spot on the syllable.
When a syllable is pressed is called accent.
Usually it is contain two part.
1:- Primary accent.
2:- Secondary accent.

Prepaired by: wajid ullah, Asmat ullah and waheed ullah hedayat nasiry
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Primary accent:- is that which indicate the strongest pressure.

Secondary accent:- is that which indicate a weak accent on the syllable.

{A bout the understanding of accent we must follow these ways}

1:- one syllable accent have no accent. Ex:- bad, like, do, good etc…

2:- one syllable words contain one prefixed usually they have one accent out of the prefixed.
Ex:- redo, return, dislike.

3:- two syllable word contain one accent on the first part. Ex:- correct, table, cable.

4:- two syllable word contain are prefixed, usually they have two accent one on the prefixed and the
other on the word. Ex:- incorrect impolite.

5:- most of the verb are stressed at the last part. Ex:- Identify, Intensify, Realize, Emphasize.

Note:- all part of speech have accent except of :-

1:- Preposition
2:- Article
3:- conjunction
4:- Auxiliary

Intonation talk about the pitch or tune of the sentences

Ex:- I am a boy.

Intonation is divided into two part.

1:- intonation in low pitch
2:- intonation in high pitch

1:- Intonation in high pitch:- show that the sound of the last part of the sentence goes up.

2:- Intonation in low pitch:- show that the sound of the last part of the sentences goes down.

Prepaired by: wajid ullah, Asmat ullah and waheed ullah hedayat nasiry
Knowledge never be end
{the symbols of intonation}
1:- bold dot:- the sound is smooth and emphatic.
2:- small dot:-the sound is less smooth and less emphatic.
3:- dash:- the sound is smooth but not emphatic.
4:- upper row{ }:- show that the sound goes up.
5:- lower row { }:- show that the sound goes down.

{Those kind of sentence that they have low intonation}

1:- Declarative sentence:- the declarative sentence have intonation in low pitch.
Ex:- Ahmad is a boy.

2:- Imperative sentence:- which express request and entreaty, they have intonation in low pitch.
Ex:- please study your lessons.

3:- Interrogative sentence:- those interrogative which started by{wh} question, have the intonation in
low pitch.
Ex:- where do you come from?

{Those kind of sentences which have intonation in high pitch}

1:- the sentence which contain numerous words, except o last word which have intonation in low pitch
the others have intonation in high pitch.

Ex:- we studied level one, level two, level three, level four and level five.

2:- Interrogative sentence:- those interrogative sentence that they started by the auxiliaries.

Ex:- is Ahmad come here?

3:- those sentence which contain to be verb and auxiliary, and they are use alone and they are not use
along the sentences.

Ex:- yes, he can.

4:-those sentence that they are express obsolete request form.

Ex:- take a seat please.

5:- those sentence that they contain{or not}.

Ex:- has she come here or not?

Prepaired by: wajid ullah, Asmat ullah and waheed ullah hedayat nasiry

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