OGL 357, Milestone 3

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Professor Rodgers
OGL 357
27 April 2022



Organizational Assessment
Organizational Assessment is a key factor in successful organization but has
been overlooked by many since it first originated. These assessments are used
to find gaps and inefficiencies in large organizations by doing a deep dive into
the culture, leadership, and operational processes. They do this, “By showing
problems with process flow or bottlenecks in organizational performance,
assessments provide a key tool in identifying opportunities for improvement”
(Perkins, p. 2). Once these opportunities are identified, our organization can
begin drawing up a plan to combat these obstacles to have long term success.

Since we are a manufacturing company with a large focus on the team dynamic,
I recommend we use the Shingo Model for our assessment. This model
originated from Toyota Production System and focuses not only on process
improvement but also the culture of the organization. The four guiding principles
of this assessment are results, enterprise alignment, continuous improvement,
and cultural enablers. The part of this assessment is the behavior and results
assessment scale. The assessment provides feedback on the gaps within the
cultural and operational aspects of the organization and can be used as a guide
to make improvements.

The Shingo assessment
goes deeper than the
surface level when it
comes to culture. The
guidelines state, “The Shingo Prize is awarded to organizations that
demonstrate a culture where principles of operational excellence are deeply
embedded into the thinking and behavior of all leaders, managers, and
associates” (Shingo Application guidelines, p. 1). Every employee of the
organization must be obsessed with the goals and values we have created. This
culture cannot end with the leaders but must stem all the way down to the team
members. The Shingo assessment encourages leaders to “lead with humility”
and “respect ever individual”. This builds a trusting environment where team
members feel safe sharing their opinions or reporting on going concerns. Some
of the ways it is measured through the communication across the organization,
individual development, and idea sharing. Including the team in decision making
processes builds confidence and a sense of belonging. It is crucial that we have
a strong culture in place that encourages team members to take risks and strive
to innovate our processes.

Continuous Process Improvement

This aspect of the Shingo Assessment focuses on our organizations aspirations
in constantly seeking perfection. It measures if we are truly pushing ourselves to
the full extent and consistently raising the bar rather than finding comfort in
complacency. It digs into the stability of the processes, the focus on value
stream, and the integration of improvement with work. The market is constantly
changing and adapting, meaning we must be moving just as fast. We need to
know if we have the right systems in place that encourage our teams to
constantly be striving perfection and never settling for anything less. Are we
listening to our customers feedback and actively working to solve recurring

Enterprise Alignment
This guiding principle measures the consistency in our purpose and our ability to
think systematically. Do our goals and mission statements truly align with our
reality? Are they focused on long-term success? This part of the assessments
ensures that we are staying on track with our market and using our strengths
and values to drive success. It even considers the financial history and
reporting. The most important part of enterprise alignment is ensuring the
organizations goals and mission statements are understood at every level and
not limited to the leaders. This would be a great audit to make sure our leaders
are communicating with the team about our focuses, and they are simple
enough for anyone to comprehend. The team must understand our
organizational purpose.
Although results are not everything, they are detrimental to an organizations
success. If we do not drive results, we cannot create revenue and continue to be
operational. The focus of this guiding principle is the ability to create value for
the customer. This is done by ensuring we truly focus on what matters and listen
to what our customers are saying. Are the surveys we provide giving an
accurate representation of our customers satisfaction or dissatisfaction? Are we
conveying the importance of the quality of the results to the team through
meetings and huddles? This will measure how effective our style of improving
results truly is.

Behavior and Results Assessment

There will be observations of leaders conducted to, “determine the degree to
which their behaviors are in alignment with the principles of operational
excellence” (Shingo Application guidelines, p. 13). How invested is the
leadership into this behavior and are they communicating it their teams? It will
measure the degree to which the team truly understands operational excellence
and what it entails. This includes the team ability to use resources available to

This assessment will provide our organization with a guideline for improvements
to ensure long term success. It will take an accurate measurement of the strong
culture we have built while making sure it allows for team development and
encouraged communication at all levels. This will also provide us with an
accurate estimate of how well our goals and values align with our current level
of operation along with our teams understanding of them.

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