Part D - Service Notations

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Rules for the Classification of

Steel Ships

PART D – Service Notations

NR 467.D1 DT R10 E July 2018

Marine & Offshore

92937 Paris la Défense Cedex- France
Tel: + 33 (0)1 55 24 70 00 - Fax: + 33 (0)1 55 24 70 25
Email: [email protected]
© 2018 Bureau Veritas - All rights reserved

1. INDEPENDENCY OF THE SOCIETY AND APPLICABLE TERMS 3.2. Subject to the Services performance and always by reference to 9.2. In such a case, the class granted to the concerned Unit and the
1.1. The Society shall remain at all times an independent contractor the Rules, the Society shall: previously issued certificates shall remain valid until the date of effect
and neither the Society nor any of its officers, employees, servants, • review the construction arrangements of the Unit as shown on the of the termination notice issued, subject to compliance with clause 4.1
agents or subcontractors shall be or act as an employee, servant or documents provided by the Client; and 6 above.
agent of any other party hereto in the performance of the Services. • conduct the Unit surveys at the place of the Unit construction; 10. FORCE MAJEURE
1.2. The operations of the Society in providing its Services are exclu- • class the Unit and enters the Unit's class in the Society's Register; 10.1. Neither Party shall be responsible for any failure to fulfil any term
sively conducted by way of random inspections and do not, in any cir- • survey the Unit periodically in service to note that the requirements or provision of the Conditions if and to the extent that fulfilment has
cumstances, involve monitoring or exhaustive verification. for the maintenance of class are met. The Client shall inform the been delayed or temporarily prevented by a force majeure occurrence
1.3. The Society acts as a services provider. This cannot be construed Society without delay of any circumstances which may cause any without the fault or negligence of the Party affected and which, by the
as an obligation bearing on the Society to obtain a result or as a war- changes on the conducted surveys or Services. exercise of reasonable diligence, the said Party is unable to provide
ranty. The Society is not and may not be considered as an underwriter, The Society will not: against.
broker in Unit's sale or chartering, expert in Unit's valuation, consulting • declare the acceptance or commissioning of a Unit, nor its construc- 10.2. For the purpose of this clause, force majeure shall mean any cir-
engineer, controller, naval architect, manufacturer, shipbuilder, repair tion in conformity with its design, such activities remaining under the cumstance not being within a Party's reasonable control including, but
or conversion yard, charterer or shipowner; none of them above listed exclusive responsibility of the Unit's owner or builder; not limited to: acts of God, natural disasters, epidemics or pandemics,
being relieved of any of their expressed or implied obligations as a re- • engage in any work relating to the design, construction, production wars, terrorist attacks, riots, sabotages, impositions of sanctions, em-
sult of the interventions of the Society. or repair checks, neither in the operation of the Unit or the Unit's bargoes, nuclear, chemical or biological contaminations, laws or action
1.4. The Services are carried out by the Society according to the appli- trade, neither in any advisory services, and cannot be held liable on taken by a government or public authority, quotas or prohibition, expro-
cable Rules and to the Bureau Veritas' Code of Ethics. The Society those accounts. priations, destructions of the worksite, explosions, fires, accidents, any
only is qualified to apply and interpret its Rules. 4. RESERVATION CLAUSE labour or trade disputes, strikes or lockouts
1.5. The Client acknowledges the latest versions of the Conditions and 4.1. The Client shall always: (i) maintain the Unit in good condition after 11. CONFIDENTIALITY
of the applicable Rules applying to the Services' performance. surveys; (ii) present the Unit after surveys; (iii) present the Unit for sur- 11.1. The documents and data provided to or prepared by the Society
1.6. Unless an express written agreement is made between the Parties veys; and (iv) inform the Society in due course of any circumstances in performing the Services, and the information made available to the
on the applicable Rules, the applicable Rules shall be the rules applica- that may affect the given appraisement of the Unit or cause to modify Society, are treated as confidential except where the information:
ble at the time of the Services' performance and con tract's execution. the scope of the Services. • is already known by the receiving Party from another source and is
1.7. The Services' performance is solely based on the Conditions. No 4.2. Certificates referring to the Society's Rules are only valid if issued properly and lawfully in the possession of the receiving Party prior
other terms shall apply whether express or implied. by the Society. to the date that it is disclosed;
2. DEFINITIONS 4.3. The Society has entire control over the Certificates issued and • is already in possession of the public or has entered the public
2.1. "Certificate(s)" means class certificates, attestations and reports may at any time withdraw a Certificate at its entire discretion including, domain, otherwise than through a breach of this obligation;
following the Society's intervention. The Certificates are an appraise- but not limited to, in the following situations: where the Client fails to • is acquired independently from a third party that has the right to dis-
ment given by the Society to the Client, at a certain date, following sur- comply in due time with instructions of the Society or where the Client seminate such information;
veys by its surveyors on the level of compliance of the Unit to the fails to pay in accordance with clause 6.2 hereunder. • is required to be disclosed under applicable law or by a governmen-
Society's Rules or to the documents of reference for the Services pro- 5. ACCESS AND SAFETY tal order, decree, regulation or rule or by a stock exchange authority
vided. They cannot be construed as an implied or express warranty of 5.1. The Client shall give to the Society all access and information nec- (provided that the receiving Party shall make all reasonable efforts
safety, fitness for the purpose, seaworthiness of the Unit or of its value essary for the efficient performance of the requested Services. The Cli- to give prompt written notice to the disclosing Party prior to such
for sale, insurance or chartering. ent shall be the sole responsible for the conditions of presentation of disclosure.
2.2. "Certification" means the activity of certification in application of the Unit for tests, trials and surveys and the conditions under which 11.2. The Society and the Client shall use the confidential information
national and international regulations or standards, in particular by del- tests and trials are carried out. Any information, drawings, etc. required exclusively within the framework of their activity underlying these Con-
egation from different governments that can result in the issuance of a for the performance of the Services must be made available in due ditions.
certificate. time. 11.3. Confidential information shall only be provided to third parties
2.3. "Classification" means the classification of a Unit that can result 5.2. The Client shall notify the Society of any relevant safety issue and with the prior written consent of the other Party. However, such prior
or not in the issuance of a class certificate with reference to the Rules. shall take all necessary safety-related measures to ensure a safe work consent shall not be required when the Society provides the confiden-
2.4. "Client" means the Party and/or its representative requesting the environment for the Society or any of its officers, employees, servants, tial information to a subsidiary.
Services. agents or subcontractors and shall comply with all applicable safety 11.4. The Society shall have the right to disclose the confidential infor-
2.5. "Conditions" means the terms and conditions set out in the regulations. mation if required to do so under regulations of the International Asso-
present document. ciation of Classifications Societies (IACS) or any statutory obligations.
2.6. "Industry Practice" means International Maritime and/or Offshore
6.1. The provision of the Services by the Society, whether complete or 12. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY
industry practices.
not, involve, for the part carried out, the payment of fees thirty (30) days 12.1. Each Party exclusively owns all rights to its Intellectual Property
2.7. "Intellectual Property" means all patents, rights to inventions, utility
upon issuance of the invoice. created before or after the commencement date of the Conditions and
models, copyright and related rights, trade marks, logos, service marks,
6.2. Without prejudice to any other rights hereunder, in case of Client's whether or not associated with any contract between the Parties.
trade dress, business and domain names, rights in trade dress or get-up,
payment default, the Society shall be entitled to charge, in addition to 12.2. The Intellectual Property developed for the performance of the
rights in goodwill or to sue for passing off, unfair competition rights, rights
the amount not properly paid, interests equal to twelve (12) months LI- Services including, but not limited to drawings, calculations, and re-
in designs, rights in computer software, database rights, topography
BOR plus two (2) per cent as of due date calculated on the number of ports shall remain exclusive property of the Society.
rights, moral rights, rights in confidential information (including know-
days such payment is delinquent. The Society shall also have the right 13. ASSIGNMENT
how and trade secrets), methods and proto cols for Services, and any
to withhold certificates and other documents and/or to suspend or re- 13.1. The contract resulting from to these Conditions cannot be as-
other intellectual property rights, in each case whether capable of regis-
voke the validity of certificates. signed or transferred by any means by a Party to a third party without
tration, registered or unregistered and including all applications for and
6.3. In case of dispute on the invoice amount, the undisputed portion the prior written consent of the other Party.
renewals, reversions or extensions of such rights, and all similar or
of the invoice shall be paid and an explanation on the dispute shall ac- 13.2. The Society shall however have the right to assign or transfer by
equivalent rights or forms of protection in any part of the world.
company payment so that action can be taken to solve the dispute. any means the said contract to a subsidiary of the Bureau Veritas
2.8. "Parties" means the Society and Client together.
2.9. "Party" means the Society or the Client. 7. 7. LIABILITY Group.
2.10. "Register" means the register published annually by the Society. 7.1. The Society bears no liability for consequential loss. For the pur- 14. SEVERABILITY
2.11. "Rules" means the Society's classification rules, guidance notes and pose of this clause consequential loss shall include, without limitation: 14.1. Invalidity of one or more provisions does not affect the remaining
other documents. The Rules, procedures and instructions of the Society • Indirect or consequential loss; provisions.
take into account at the date of their preparation the state of currently avail- • Any loss and/or deferral of production, loss of product, loss of use, 14.2. Definitions herein take precedence over other definitions which
able and proven technical minimum requirements but are not a standard loss of bargain, loss of revenue, loss of profit or anticipated profit, may appear in other documents issued by the Society.
or a code of construction neither a guide for maintenance, a safety hand- loss of business and business interruption, in each case whether 14.3. In case of doubt as to the interpretation of the Conditions, the
book or a guide of professional practices, all of which are assumed to be direct or indirect. English text shall prevail.
known in detail and carefully followed at all times by the Client. The Client shall save, indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Society
2.12. "Services" means the services set out in clauses 2.2 and 2.3 but from the Client's own consequential loss regardless of cause.
15.1. The Conditions shall be construed and governed by the laws of
also other services related to Classification and Certification such as, but 7.2. In any case, the Society's maximum liability towards the Client is
England and Wales.
not limited to: ship and company safety management certification, ship limited to one hundred and fifty per-cents (150%) of the price paid by
15.2. The Society and the Client shall make every effort to settle any
and port security certification, training activities, all activities and duties the Client to the Society for the performance of the Services. This limit
dispute amicably and in good faith by way of negotiation within thirty
incidental thereto such as documentation on any supporting means, soft- applies regardless of fault by the Society, including breach of contract,
(30) days from the date of receipt by either one of the Parties of a writ-
ware, instrumentation, measurements, tests and trials on board. breach of warranty, tort, strict liability, breach of statute.
ten notice of such a dispute.
2.13. "Society" means the classification society 'Bureau Veritas Ma- 7.3. All claims shall be presented to the Society in writing within three
15.3. Failing that, the dispute shall finally be settled by arbitration under
rine & Offshore SAS', a company organized and existing under the (3) months of the Services' performance or (if later) the date when the
the LCIA rules, which rules are deemed to be incorporated by refer-
laws of France, registered in Nanterre under the number 821 131 844, events which are relied on were first discovered by the Client. Any
ence into this clause. The number of arbitrators shall be three (3). The
or any other legal entity of Bureau Veritas Group as may be specified claim not so presented as defined above shall be deemed waived and
place of arbitration shall be London (UK).
in the relevant contract, and whose main activities are Classification absolutely time barred.
and Certification of ships or offshore units. 8. INDEMNITY CLAUSE
16.1. Each Party shall conduct all activities in compliance with all laws,
2.14. "Unit" means any ship or vessel or offshore unit or structure of 8.1. The Client agrees to release, indemnify and hold harmless the So-
statutes, rules, and regulations applicable to such Party including but
any type or part of it or system whether linked to shore, river bed or sea ciety from and against any and all claims, demands, lawsuits or actions
not limited to: child labour, forced labour, collective bargaining, discrim-
bed or not, whether operated or located at sea or in inland waters or for damages, including legal fees, for harm or loss to persons and/or
ination, abuse, working hours and minimum wages, anti-bribery, anti-
partly on land, including submarines, hovercrafts, drilling rigs, offshore property tangible, intangible or otherwise which may be brought
corruption. Each of the Parties warrants that neither it, nor its affiliates,
installations of any type and of any purpose, their related and ancillary against the Society, incidental to, arising out of or in connection with
has made or will make, with respect to the matters provided for here-
equipment, subsea or not, such as well head and pipelines, mooring the performance of the Services except for those claims caused solely
under, any offer, payment, gift or authorization of the payment of any
legs and mooring points or otherwise as decided by the Society. and completely by the negligence of the Society, its officers, employ-
money directly or indirectly, to or for the use or benefit of any official or
3. SCOPE AND PERFORMANCE ees, servants, agents or subcontractors.
employee of the government, political party, official, or candidate.
3.1. The Society shall perform the Services according to the applicable 9. TERMINATION 16.2. In addition, the Client shall act consistently with the Society's
national and international standards and Industry Practice and always 9.1. The Parties shall have the right to terminate the Services (and the Code of Ethics of Bureau Veritas.
on the assumption that the Client is aware of such standards and In- relevant contract) for convenience after giving the other Party thirty home/about-us/ethics+and+compliance/
dustry Practice. (30) days' written notice, and without prejudice to clause 6 above.
Bureau Veritas Marine & Offshore General Conditions - Edition January 2017

Part D
Service Notations

Chapters 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16


Chapter 10 TANKERS

July 2018
The English wording of these rules take precedence over editions in other

Unless otherwise specified, these rules apply to ships for which contracts are
signed after July 1st, 2018. The Society may refer to the contents hereof
before July 1st, 2018, as and when deemed necessary or appropriate.

2 Bureau Veritas July 2018


Section 1 General
1 General 59
1.1 Application

Section 2 Hull and Stability

1 General 60
1.1 Application
1.2 Documents to be submitted
2 Stability 60
2.1 Damage stability requirements for ship where additional class notation
SDS is required
3 Structure design principles 60
3.1 Wood sheathing
4 Global strength 60
4.1 Hull girder strength
4.2 Global transverse strength
5 Hull scantlings 61
5.1 Minimum net thicknesses of plating
5.2 Fatigue assessment for ships with length greater than 170 m
6 Other structures 61
6.1 Side doors and stern doors

Section 3 Machinery and Systems

1 Scuppers and sanitary discharges 62
1.1 Drainage of ro-ro cargo spaces, intended for the carriage of motor vehicles
with fuel in their tanks for their own propulsion

Section 4 Electrical Installations

1 General 63
1.1 Applicable requirements
1.2 Documentation to be submitted
1.3 Safety characteristics
2 Installation 64
2.1 Installations in closed ro-ro cargo spaces
2.2 Installations in cargo spaces other than ro-ro cargo spaces but intended for
the carriage of motor vehicles

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 3

3 Type approved components 64

4 Bureau Veritas July 2018


Section 1 General
1 General 67
1.1 Application

Section 2 Hull and Stability

1 Stability 68
1.1 Intact stability
1.2 Damage stability requirements for ships where the additional class notation
SDS has been required
2 Ships granted with the additional service feature equipped for carriage
of containers 69
2.1 Documents to be submitted
2.2 Structure design principles
2.3 Forces applied to containers
2.4 Arrangement of fixed cell guides

Section 3 Machinery
1 Open top container ships 72

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 5


Section 1 General
1 General 75
1.1 Application
1.2 Summary table

Section 2 Hull and Stability

1 General 76
1.1 Documents to be submitted
2 General arrangement 76
2.1 Livestock arrangement
2.2 Arrangement of spaces dedicated to the carriage of livestock
2.3 Means of escape and access
3 Stability 76
3.1 Intact stability
4 Hull girder strength 76
4.1 Application
5 Hull scantlings 77
5.1 Scantlings of plating, ordinary stiffeners and primary supporting members

Section 3 Systems Serving Livestock Spaces

1 General 78
1.1 Application
1.2 Documents to be submitted
2 Design of the systems 78
2.1 General
2.2 Ventilation system
2.3 Fodder and fresh water systems
2.4 Washing system
2.5 Drainage system
2.6 Lighting system

Section 4 Fire-Fighting Systems in Livestock Spaces

1 General 80
1.1 Application
1.2 Documents to be submitted

6 Bureau Veritas July 2018

2 Fire-fighting appliances 80
2.1 Fire hoses
2.2 Additional fire-fighting means

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 7


Section 1 General
1 General 83
1.1 Application

Section 2 Ship Arrangement

1 General 84
1.1 Application
2 General arrangement design 84
2.1 General
3 Access arrangement 85
3.1 Access arrangement to double bottom and pipe tunnel
3.2 Access arrangement to and within spaces in, and forward of, the cargo area

Section 3 Hull and Stability

1 Stability 86
1.1 Definitions
1.2 Intact stability
1.3 Damage stability requirements for ships where additional class notation
SDS is required
2 Structure design principles 88
2.1 Double bottom structure
2.2 Single side structure
2.3 Double side structure
2.4 Deck structure
2.5 Transverse vertically corrugated watertight bulkheads
3 Design loads 93
3.1 General design loading conditions
3.2 Hull girder loads in flooded conditions of bulk carriers of length greater than or
equal to 150 m
3.3 Local loads in flooding conditions on transverse vertically corrugated watertight
bulkheads of bulk carriers of length greater than or equal to 150 m
3.4 Local loads in flooding conditions on the double bottom of bulk carriers of
length greater than or equal to 150 m
3.5 Additional requirements on local loads for ships with the additional service
feature heavycargo
3.6 Loading conditions for primary structure analysis
4 Hull girder strength 98
4.1 Hull girder loads in flooded conditions of bulk carriers of length greater than or
equal to 150 m

8 Bureau Veritas July 2018

5 Hull scantlings of bulk carriers 98
5.1 Plating
5.2 Ordinary stiffeners
6 Scantlings of transverse vertically corrugated watertight bulkheads
and double bottom of bulk carriers with length greater than or equal to
150 m 99
6.1 Evaluation of scantlings of transverse vertically corrugated watertight bulkheads
in flooding conditions
6.2 Evaluation of double bottom capacity and allowable hold loading in flooding
7 Protection of hull metallic structures 102
7.1 Protection of cargo holds
8 Construction and testing 103
8.1 Welding and weld connections
8.2 Special structural details

Section 4 Hatch Covers

1 General 105
1.1 Application
1.2 Materials
1.3 Net scantlings
1.4 Partial safety factors
1.5 Corrosion additions
2 Arrangements 106
2.1 Height of hatch coamings
2.2 Hatch covers
2.3 Hatch coamings
3 Width of attached plating 106
3.1 Ordinary stiffeners
3.2 Primary supporting members
4 Load model 106
4.1 Sea pressures
4.2 Load point
5 Strength check 106
5.1 General
5.2 Plating
5.3 Ordinary stiffeners and primary supporting members
6 Hatch coamings 109
6.1 Stiffening
6.2 Load model
6.3 Scantlings
7 Weathertightness, closing arrangement, securing devices and
stoppers 111
7.1 General
7.2 Closing arrangement, securing devices and stoppers

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 9

8 Drainage 111
8.1 Arrangement

Appendix 1 Intact Stability Criteria for Grain Loading

1 Calculation of assumed heeling moments due to cargo shifting 112
1.1 Stowage of bulk grain
1.2 General assumptions
1.3 Assumed volumetric heeling moment of a filled compartment trimmed
1.4 Assumed volumetric heeling moment of a filled compartment untrimmed
1.5 Assumed volumetric heeling moments in trunks
1.6 Assumed volumetric heeling moment of a partly filled compartment
1.7 Other assumptions
1.8 Saucers
1.9 Overstowing arrangements and securing
2 Dispensation from trimming ends of holds in certain ships 118
2.1 Calculation example

10 Bureau Veritas July 2018


Section 1 General
1 General 125
1.1 Application

Section 2 Ship Arrangement

1 General 126
1.1 Application
2 General arrangement design 126
2.1 General
3 Access arrangement 127
3.1 Access arrangement to double bottom and pipe tunnel
3.2 Access arrangement to and within spaces in, and forward of, the cargo area

Section 3 Hull and Stability

1 General 128
1.1 Loading manual and loading instruments
2 Stability 128
2.1 Intact stability
2.2 Damage stability requirements for ships where additional class notation
SDS has been required
3 Structure design principles 128
3.1 Double bottom structure
3.2 Side structure
3.3 Deck structure
3.4 Longitudinal bulkhead structure
3.5 Transverse bulkhead structure
3.6 Transverse vertically corrugated watertight bulkheads
4 Design loads 132
4.1 Hull girder loads
4.2 Loading conditions for primary structure analysis
5 Hull scantlings 133
5.1 Corrosion addition
5.2 Additional requirements
5.3 Strength checks of cross-ties analysed through a three dimensional beam model
5.4 Strength checks of cross-ties analysed through a three dimensional finite
element model

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 11

6 Other structures 136
6.1 Hatch covers
7 Construction and testing 136
7.1 Welding and weld connections
7.2 Special structural details

12 Bureau Veritas July 2018


Section 1 General
1 General 139
1.1 Application

Section 2 Ship Arrangement

1 General 140
1.1 Application
2 General arrangement design 140
2.1 General
2.2 Double bottom tanks or compartments
2.3 Navigation position
3 Size and arrangement of cargo tanks and slop tanks 143
3.1 Cargo tanks
3.2 Oil outflow
3.3 Slop tanks
4 Size and arrangement of protective ballast tanks or compartments 145
4.1 General
4.2 Size and arrangement of ballast tanks or compartments
5 Size and arrangement of segregated ballast tanks (SBT) 146
5.1 General
5.2 Capacity of SBT
6 Access arrangement 146
6.1 Access to double bottom and pipe tunnel
6.2 Access arrangement to and within spaces in, and forward of, the cargo area
6.3 Access to dry cargo holds
6.4 Access to compartments in the oil cargo area
6.5 Access to the bow

Section 3 Hull and Stability

1 General 148
1.1 Loading manual and loading instrument
2 Stability 148
2.1 Intact stability
2.2 Damage stability - dry cargoes or ballast loading conditions - for ships where
additional class notation SDS is requested
2.3 Damage stability - oil cargoes - for ships where additional class notation SDS is

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 13

3 Structure design principles of ships with the service notation
combination carrier/OBO ESP 151
3.1 Double bottom structure
3.2 Double side structure
3.3 Deck structure
3.4 Transverse vertically corrugated watertight bulkhead
4 Structure design principles of ships with the service notation
combination carrier/OOC ESP 155
4.1 Double bottom structure
4.2 Side structure
4.3 Deck structure
4.4 Longitudinal bulkhead structure
4.5 Transverse bulkhead structure
4.6 Transverse vertically corrugated watertight bulkheads
5 Design loads 156
5.1 Hull girder loads
5.2 Local loads
6 Hull scantlings 156
6.1 Plating
6.2 Ordinary stiffeners
6.3 Primary supporting members
6.4 Strength check with respect to stresses due to the temperature gradient
7 Other structures 159
7.1 Machinery space
7.2 Opening arrangement
7.3 Hatch covers
8 Hull outfitting 160
8.1 Equipment
9 Protection of hull metallic structures 160
9.1 Protection by aluminium coatings
10 Cathodic protection of tanks 160
10.1 General
10.2 Anodes
10.3 Impressed current systems
11 Construction and testing 160
11.1 Welding and weld connections
11.2 Special structural details

Section 4 Machinery and Cargo Systems

1 General 162
1.1 Application
1.2 Documents
2 General requirements 162
2.1 Ventilation and gas detection
2.2 Arrangement of cargo lines

14 Bureau Veritas July 2018

2.3 Cargo openings
2.4 Cofferdam filling and draining
3 Slop tanks 162
3.1 Segregation of piping systems
3.2 Venting system
3.3 Discharge pumping and piping arrangement

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Section 1 General
1 General 167
1.1 Application
1.2 Definitions

Section 2 Ship Arrangement

1 General 170
1.1 Application
1.2 Documents to be submitted
2 General arrangement of the ship with regard to fire prevention and
crew safety 170
2.1 Location and separation of spaces
2.2 Access and openings
2.3 Ventilation
3 General arrangement of the ship with regard to pollution prevention 174
3.1 Application
3.2 Protection of the cargo tank length in the event of grounding or collision
3.3 Segregation of oil and water ballast
3.4 Accidental oil outflow performance
3.5 Cleaning of cargo tanks
3.6 Retention of oil on board - Slop tanks
3.7 Deck spills
3.8 Pump-room bottom protection

Section 3 Hull and Stability

1 General 179
1.1 Documents to be submitted
2 Stability 179
2.1 Application
2.2 Intact stability
2.3 Damage stability for ships where the additional class notation SDS is required
3 Structure design principles 181
3.1 Framing arrangement
3.2 Bulkhead structural arrangement
4 Design loads 181
4.1 Hull girder loads
4.2 Local loads

16 Bureau Veritas July 2018

5 Hull scantlings 182
5.1 Plating
5.2 Ordinary stiffeners
5.3 Primary supporting members
5.4 Strength check with respect to stresses due to the temperature gradient
6 Other structures 185
6.1 Machinery space
6.2 Opening arrangement
7 Hull outfitting 185
7.1 Equipment
8 Protection of hull metallic structures 186
8.1 Protection by aluminium coatings
8.2 Material and coatings of tanks
9 Cathodic protection of tanks 186
9.1 General
9.2 Anodes
9.3 Impressed current systems
10 Construction and testing 186
10.1 Welding and weld connections
10.2 Special structural details

Section 4 Machinery and Cargo Systems

1 General 188
1.1 Application
1.2 Documents to be submitted
1.3 Abbreviations
2 Piping systems other than cargo piping system 188
2.1 General
2.2 Bilge system
2.3 Ballast system
2.4 Air and sounding pipes of spaces other than cargo tanks
2.5 Scupper pipes
2.6 Heating systems intended for cargo
3 Cargo pumping and piping systems 193
3.1 General
3.2 Cargo pumping system
3.3 Cargo piping design
3.4 Cargo piping arrangement and installation
3.5 Arrangement of cargo pump rooms
3.6 Design of integrated cargo and ballast systems on tankers
4 Cargo tanks and fittings 197
4.1 Application
4.2 Cargo tank venting
4.3 Cargo tank inerting, purging and/or gas-freeing
4.4 Cargo tank level gauging systems
4.5 Protection against tank overfilling
4.6 Tank washing systems

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 17

5 Prevention of pollution by cargo oil 201
5.1 General
5.2 Discharge into the sea of cargo oil or oily mixtures
5.3 Oil discharge monitoring and control system
5.4 Pumping, piping and discharge arrangements
6 Certification, inspection and testing 202
6.1 Application
6.2 Workshop tests
6.3 Shipboard tests
7 Steering gear 204
7.1 General
7.2 Design of the steering gear
7.3 Alternative design for ships of less than 100 000 tonnes deadweight
8 Additional requirements for ships having the additional service
feature asphalt carrier 205
8.1 Application
8.2 Additional requirements
9 Specific requirements for ships having the notations “FLS tanker” or
“FLS tanker, flash point > 60°C” 206
9.1 Application
9.2 Design requirements

Section 5 Electrical Installations

1 General 207
1.1 Application
1.2 Documentation to be submitted
1.3 System of supply
1.4 Earth detection
1.5 Mechanical ventilation of hazardous spaces
1.6 Electrical installation precautions
2 Hazardous locations and types of equipment 208
2.1 Special requirements for oil tankers carrying flammable liquids having a flash
point not exceeding 60°C and for oil tankers carrying flammable liquids having
a flash point exceeding 60°C heated to a temperature within 15°C of their flash
point or above their flash point
2.2 Special requirements for oil tankers carrying flammable liquids having a flash
point exceeding 60°C unheated or heated to a temperature below and not
within 15°C of their flash point
2.3 Special requirements for FLS tankers

Section 6 Fire Protection

1 General 210
1.1 Application
1.2 Documents to be submitted

18 Bureau Veritas July 2018

2 General requirements 210
2.1 Sources of ignition
2.2 Electrical equipment
3 Fixed deck foam system 211
3.1 Application
3.2 System design
3.3 Arrangement and installation
4 Fire-extinguishing systems except deck foam system 212
4.1 Pressure water fire-extinguishing systems
4.2 Fire-extinguishing systems for cargo pump rooms
5 Inert gas systems 213
5.1 Application
5.2 General requirements
5.3 Additional requirements for nitrogen generator systems
5.4 Nitrogen/inert gas systems fitted for purposes other than inerting required by
6 Fixed hydrocarbon gas detection systems 214
6.1 Engineering specifications
7 Gas measurement and detection 215
7.1 Provisions applicable to all ships
7.2 Additional provisions for ships having the service notation oil tanker or FLS
7.3 Additional provisions for ships fitted with an inert gas system
7.4 Provisions for installation of gas analysing units

Appendix 1 Devices to Prevent the Passage of Flame into the Cargo Tanks
1 General 217
1.1 Application
1.2 Definitions
1.3 Instruction manual
2 Design of the devices 218
2.1 Principles
2.2 Mechanical design
2.3 Performance
2.4 Flame screens
2.5 Marking of devices
3 Sizing, location and installation of devices 219
3.1 Sizing of devices
3.2 Location and installation of devices
4 Type test procedures 220
4.1 Principles
4.2 Test procedure for flame arresters located at openings to the atmosphere
4.3 Test procedures for high velocity vents
4.4 Test rig and test procedures for detonation flame arresters located in-line
4.5 Operational test procedure
4.6 Laboratory report

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 19

Appendix 2 Design of Crude Oil Washing Systems
1 General 225
1.1 Application
1.2 Definitions
1.3 Operations and Equipment Manual
2 Design and installation 225
2.1 Piping
2.2 Tank washing machines
2.3 Pumps
2.4 Stripping system
2.5 Ballast lines
3 Inspection and testing 228
3.1 Initial survey
3.2 Piping
3.3 Tank washing machines
3.4 Stripping system

Appendix 3 Lists of Oils

1 Application 229
1.1 Scope of the lists of oils
2 Lists of products 229
2.1 List of oils

Appendix 4 List of Chemicals for which Part D, Chapter 8 and IBC Code do
not Apply
1 Application 230
1.1 Scope of the list
1.2 Safety and pollution hazards
2 List of chemicals for which Part D, Chapter 8 and
IBC Code do not apply 230

Appendix 5 Accidental Oil Outflow Performance

1 General 234
1.1 Purpose
1.2 Application
2 Accidental oil outflow performance 234
2.1 Mean oil outflow parameter
2.2 Calculation
3 Piping arrangements 237
3.1 Provision regarding piping arrangements

20 Bureau Veritas July 2018


Section 1 General
1 General 241
1.1 Application
1.2 IBC Code requirements and the Society’s rules
2 Additional requirements 242
2.1 Emergency towing arrangement
2.2 Steering gear
3 Documentation to be submitted 242

Section 2 Ship Survival Capability and Location of Cargo Tanks

1 Freeboard and intact stability 243
1.1 Intact stability
2 Conditions of loading 243
2.1 Additional loading conditions for ships where additional class notation SDS is
3 Location of cargo tanks 243
3.1 Minimum distance of cargo tanks from shell
3.2 Suction wells
4 Flooding assumptions for ships where additional class notation
SDS is requested 243
4.1 Tunnels, ducts and pipes in the damaged zone
5 Standard of damage for ships where additional class notation
SDS is requested 243
5.1 Damage to stepped machinery space forward bulkhead
5.2 Longitudinal extension of damage to superstructure
6 Survival requirements for ships where additional class notation
SDS is requested 244
6.1 General
6.2 Intermediate stages of flooding
6.3 Definition of range of positive stability
6.4 Type 3 ships less than 125 m in length

Section 3 Ship Arrangement

1 Cargo segregation 245
1.1 Segregation of cargoes mutually reacting
1.2 Cargo piping arrangement

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 21

2 Accommodation, service and machinery spaces and control stations 245
2.1 Air intakes and other openings to accommodation spaces
2.2 Windows, sidescuttles and doors to accommodation spaces
2.3 Access to the bow
3 Cargo pump rooms 246
3.1 General requirement
3.2 Machinery driven by shafting passing through pump room bulkheads
4 Access to spaces in the cargo area 246
4.1 General
4.2 Horizontal openings
4.3 Vertical openings
5 Bilge and ballast arrangements 247
5.1 Ballast segregation
5.2 Ballast filling arrangement
5.3 Bilge
6 Integrated cargo and ballast systems 248
7 Bow or stern loading and unloading arrangements 248
7.1 Coamings

Section 4 Cargo Containment

1 Structure design principles 249
1.1 Materials
1.2 Hull structure
1.3 Bulkhead structure
2 Hull girder loads 249
2.1 Still water loads
3 Hull scantlings 250
3.1 Plating
3.2 Ordinary stiffeners
3.3 Primary supporting members
4 Scantlings of independent tank structures 251
4.1 Plating
4.2 Ordinary stiffeners
4.3 Primary supporting members
5 Supports of independent tanks 251
5.1 Structural arrangement
5.2 Calculation of reaction forces in way of tank supports
5.3 Scantlings of independent tank supports and hull structures in way
6 Other structures 252
6.1 Machinery space
7 Protection of hull metallic structures 252
7.1 Aluminium coatings
7.2 Passivation treatment

22 Bureau Veritas July 2018

8 Construction and testing 252
8.1 Welding and weld connections
8.2 Structural details

Section 5 Cargo Transfer

1 Piping scantlings 253
1.1 General
1.2 Pipe classes
1.3 Pipe wall thickness calculation
2 Piping fabrication and joining details 253
2.1 Pipes not required to be joined by welding
2.2 Expansion joints
2.3 Non-destructive testing of welded joints
3 Piping arrangements 254
3.1 Arrangement of cargo piping
3.2 Removable piping systems
4 Cargo transfer control systems 254
4.1 General
4.2 Control, monitoring and alarm devices and cargo control room
5 Ship’s cargo hoses 255
5.1 Compatibility
6 Bonding 255
6.1 Static electricity
7 Certification, inspection and testing 255
7.1 Application
7.2 Inspection and testing
7.3 Shipboard tests

Section 6 Materials for Construction

1 General 257
1.1 Material and coating characteristics
2 Special requirements for materials 257
2.1 Miscellaneous requirements

Section 7 Cargo Temperature Control

1 General 258
1.1 Heated cargoes
1.2 Cargo heating and cooling systems
1.3 Valves and other fittings
1.4 Cargo temperature measuring system
1.5 Requirements for special products

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 23

Section 8 Cargo Tank Venting and Gas-Freeing Arrangements
1 Cargo tank venting 260
1.1 Venting system drainage
2 Types of tank venting system 260
2.1 Controlled tank venting system
2.2 Position of vent outlets
3 Cargo tank gas-freeing 260
3.1 Fans

Section 9 Environmental Control

1 General 261
1.1 Control by padding
1.2 Control by drying
1.3 Control by inerting
1.4 Control by ventilation
2 Inert gas systems 261
2.1 General requirements
2.2 Additional requirements for nitrogen generator systems
2.3 Nitrogen /Inert gas systems fitted for purposes other than inerting required
by [1.3.1]

Section 10 Electrical Installations

1 General 263
1.1 Application
1.2 Documentation to be submitted
1.3 System of supply
1.4 Earth detection
1.5 Mechanical ventilation of hazardous spaces
1.6 Electrical installation precautions
2 Hazardous locations and types of equipment 264
2.1 Electrical equipment permitted in hazardous areas for ships carrying dangerous
chemicals in bulk having a flash-point not exceeding 60°C and ships carrying
dangerous chemicals in bulk having a flash point exceeding 60°C heated to a
temperature within 15°C of their flash point or above their flashpoint
2.2 Electrical equipment permitted in hazardous areas for ships carrying dangerous
chemicals in bulk having a flash-point exceeding 60°C unheated or heated to a
temperature below and not within 15°C of their flashpoint
2.3 Electrical equipment permitted in tankers carrying cargoes (for example acids)
reacting with other products/materials to evolve flammable gases

Section 11 Fire Protection and Fire Extinction

1 Cargo pump rooms 267
1.1 Fixed fire-extinguishing systems

24 Bureau Veritas July 2018

2 Cargo area 267
2.1 Temperature of steam and heating media within the cargo area
2.2 Monitors and foam applicators
2.3 Simultaneous use of foam and water systems
2.4 Portable fire-extinguishing equipment
2.5 Ships carrying flammable products

Section 12 Mechanical Ventilation in the Cargo Area

1 Spaces normally entered during cargo handling operations 268
1.1 Miscellaneous requirements
1.2 Additional requirements for non-sparking fans
2 Pump rooms and other enclosed spaces normally entered 269
2.1 Clarification of general requirement
3 Spaces not normally entered 269
3.1 Portable fans

Section 13 Instrumentation
1 Gauging 270
1.1 Types of gauging devices
2 Vapour detection 270
2.1 Vapour detection instruments
2.2 Provisions for installation of gas analysing units

Section 14 Protection of Personnel

1 Protective equipment 271
1.1 Location of protective equipment
2 Safety equipment 271
2.1 Additional equipment for ships carrying toxic products
2.2 Medical first aid equipment

Section 15 Special Requirements

1 Ammonium nitrate solution (93% or less) 272
1.1 Ammonia injection
1.2 Cargo pumps
2 Hydrogen peroxide solutions 272
2.1 Hydrogen peroxide solutions over 60% but not over 70%
3 Propylene oxide and mixtures of ethylene oxide/propylene oxide with
an ethylene oxide content of not more than 30% by weight 272
3.1 Tank cleaning
3.2 Joints in cargo lines
3.3 Oxygen content in tank vapour spaces
3.4 Valves at cargo hose connections

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 25

4 Acids 273
4.1 Electrical arrangements
4.2 Leak detection system
5 Toxic products 273
5.1 Return line to shore installation
6 Cargoes protected by additives 273
6.1 Prevention of blockage by polymerisation
7 Cargoes with a vapour pressure greater than 0,1013 MPa
(1,013 bar) absolute at 37,8°C 273
7.1 General
7.2 Return of expelled gases
8 Special cargo pump room requirements 273
8.1 Clarification
9 Overflow control 273
9.1 Independence of systems

Section 16 Operational Requirements

1 General 275

Section 17 Summary of Minimum Requirements

1 General 276

Section 18 List of Chemicals to which this Chapter Does Not Apply

1 General 277

Section 19 Index of Products Carried In Bulk

1 General 278

Section 20 Transport of Liquid Chemical Wastes

1 General 279

26 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Section 21 Criteria for Assigning Carriage Requirements for Products Subject
to the IBC Code
1 General 280

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Section 1 General
1 General 283
1.1 Application
1.2 IGC Code requirements and the Society’s Rules
2 Application and implementation 284
3 Additional requirements 285
3.1 Emergency towing arrangement
3.2 Steering gear
4 Definitions 285
5 Documentation to be submitted 287
6 Cargo equipment trials 287
6.1 Scope
6.2 Extent of the tests
7 Additional service feature STL-SPM 290
7.1 General
7.2 Documentation to be submitted
7.3 Structural design
7.4 Mechanical installation
7.5 Electrical and automation installation

Section 2 Ship Survival Capability and Location of Cargo Tanks

1 General 292
2 Freeboard and stability 292
2.1 General
3 Damage assumptions 293
3.1 General
3.2 Other damage
4 Location of cargo tanks 294
4.1 General
5 Flood assumptions 298
5.1 General

28 Bureau Veritas July 2018

6 Standard of damage 299
6.1 General
7 Survival requirements 299
7.1 General

Section 3 Ship Arrangements

1 General 301
1.1 Segregation of the cargo area
1.2 Accommodation, service and machinery spaces and control stations
1.3 Cargo machinery spaces and turret compartments
1.4 Cargo control rooms
1.5 Access to spaces in the cargo area
1.6 Airlocks
1.7 Bilge, ballast and oil fuel arrangements
1.8 Bow and stern loading and unloading arrangements
1.9 Emergency towing arrangements

Section 4 Cargo Containment

1 General 309
1.1 Scope
1.2 Definitions
1.3 Application
2 Cargo containment 309
2.1 Functional requirement
2.2 Cargo containment safety principles
2.3 Secondary barriers in relation to tank types
2.4 Design of secondary barriers
2.5 Partial secondary barriers and primary barrier small leak protection system
2.6 Supporting arrangements
2.7 Associated structure and equipment
2.8 Thermal insulation
2.9 Use of cargo heater to raise the cargo temperature
3 Design loads 312
3.1 General
3.2 Permanent loads
3.3 Functional loads
3.4 Environmental loads
3.5 Accidental loads
4 Structural integrity 314
4.1 General
4.2 Structural analyses
4.3 Stress categories
4.4 Design conditions
4.5 Ultimate design condition
4.6 Fatigue design condition
4.7 Accident design condition

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 29

5 Hull scantling 317
5.1 Application
5.2 Plating
5.3 Ordinary stiffeners
5.4 Primary supporting members
5.5 Flooding for ships with independent tanks
5.6 Structural details
5.7 Fatigue assessment
6 Materials 320
6.1 General
6.2 Materials forming ship structure
6.3 Materials of primary and secondary barrier
6.4 Thermal insulation and other materials used in cargo containment systems
7 Construction processes 322
7.1 General
7.2 Weld joint design
7.3 Design for gluing and other joining processes
7.4 Testing
8 Supports 324
8.1 Supporting arrangement
8.2 Calculation of reaction forces in way of tank supports
8.3 Supports of type A and type B independent tanks
8.4 Supports of type C independent tanks
9 Tank A independent tanks 325
9.1 Design basis
9.2 Structural analyses
9.3 Ultimate design condition
9.4 Accident design conditions
9.5 Testing
10 Type B independent tanks 327
10.1 Design basis
10.2 Structural analyses
10.3 Ultimate design condition
10.4 Fatigue design condition
10.5 Accident design condition
10.6 Testing
10.7 Marking
11 Type C independent tanks 331
11.1 Design basis
11.2 Shell thickness
11.3 Ultimate design condition
11.4 Fatigue design condition
11.5 Accident design condition
11.6 Testing
11.7 Marking
12 Membrane tanks 334
12.1 Design basis
12.2 Design consideration
12.3 Loads and loads combinations
12.4 Structural analysis

30 Bureau Veritas July 2018

12.5 Ultimate design condition
12.6 Fatigue design condition
12.7 Accident design condition
12.8 Structural details
12.9 Design development testing
12.10 Testing
13 Integral tanks 336
13.1 Design basis
13.2 Structural analysis
13.3 Ultimate design condition
13.4 Accident design condition
13.5 Testing
14 Semi-membrane tanks 337
14.1 Design basis
15 Cargo containment systems of novel configuration 337
15.1 Limit state design for novel concepts

Section 5 Process Pressure Vessels and Liquid, Vapour and Pressure Piping
1 General 338
2 System requirements 338
2.2 Arrangements: General
3 Arrangements for cargo piping outside the cargo area 339
3.1 Emergency cargo jettisoning
3.2 Bow and stern loading arrangements
3.3 Turret compartment transfer systems
3.4 Gas fuel piping systems
4 Design pressure 339
5 Cargo system valve requirements 340
5.2 Cargo manifold connections
6 Cargo transfer arrangements 340
6.1 General
6.2 Vapour return connections
6.3 Cargo tank vent piping systems
6.4 Cargo sampling connections
6.5 Cargo filters
7 Installation requirements 341
7.1 Design for expansion and contraction
7.2 Precautions against low temperature
7.3 Water curtain
7.4 Bonding

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 31

8 Piping fabrication and joining details 342
8.1 General
8.2 Direct connections
8.3 Flanged connections
8.4 Expansion joints
8.5 Other connections
9 Welding, post-weld heat treatment and non-destructive testing 342
9.1 General
9.2 Post-weld heat treatment
9.3 Non-destructive testing
10 Installation requirements for cargo piping outside the cargo area 343
10.1 Bow and stern loading arrangements
10.2 Turret compartment transfer systems
10.3 Gas fuel piping
11 Piping system component requirements 343
11.1 General
11.2 Piping scantlings
11.3 Allowable stress
11.4 High-pressure gas fuel outer pipes or ducting scantlings
11.5 Stress analysis
11.6 Flanges, valves and fittings
11.7 Ship's cargo hoses
12 Materials 346
13 Testing requirements 347
13.1 General
13.2 Type testing of Cargo pumps
13.3 Type testing of Valves
13.4 Type testing of expansion bellows
13.5 System testing requirements
13.6 Emergency shutdown valves

Section 6 Materials of Construction and Quality Control

1 Definitions 349
2 Scope and general requirements 349
3 General test requirements and specifications 349
3.1 Tensile test
3.2 Toughness test
3.3 Bend test
3.4 Section observation and other testing
4 Requirements for metallic materials 351
4.1 General requirements for metallic materials

32 Bureau Veritas July 2018

5 Welding of metallic materials and non-destructive testing 351
5.1 General
5.2 Welding consumables
5.3 Welding procedure tests for cargo tanks and process pressure vessels
5.4 Welding procedure tests for piping
5.5 Production weld tests
5.6 Non-destructive testing
6 Other requirements for construction in metallic materials 356
6.1 General
6.2 Independent tank
6.3 Secondary barriers
6.4 Semi-membrane tanks
6.5 Membrane tanks
7 Non-metallic materials 357
7.1 General

Section 7 Cargo Pressure / Temperature Control

1 Methods of control 358
1.1 General
2 Design of systems 358
2.1 General
3 Reliquefaction of cargo vapours 358
3.2 Refrigerating installation components
3.3 Refrigerants
4 Thermal oxidation of vapours 359
4.1 General
4.2 Thermal oxidation systems
4.3 Burners
4.4 Safety
5 Pressure accumulation systems 360
5.1 General
6 Liquid cargo cooling 360
6.1 General
7 Segregation 360
7.1 General
8 Availability 360
8.1 General

Section 8 Vent Systems for Cargo Containment

1 General 361

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 33

2 Pressure relief systems 361
2.1 General
3 Vacuum protection systems 363
3.1 General
4 Sizing of pressure relieving system 364
4.1 Sizing of pressure relief valves
4.2 Sizing of vent pipe system
4.3 Upstream pressure losses
4.4 Downstream pressure losses
4.5 Blow-down

Section 9 Cargo Containment System Atmosphere Control

1 General 367
1.1 Atmosphere control within the cargo containment system
1.2 Atmosphere control within the hold spaces (cargo containment systems other
than type C independent tanks)
1.3 Environmental control of spaces surrounding type C independent tanks
1.4 Inerting
1.5 Inert gas production on board
1.6 Engineering specifications for nitrogen / inert gas systems

Section 10 Electrical Installations

1 General 370
1.1 Application
1.2 Documentation to be submitted
1.3 Definitions
1.4 General requirements
1.5 System of supply
1.6 Earth detection
1.7 Mechanical ventilation of hazardous spaces
2 Hazardous locations and types of equipment 372
2.1 Electrical equipment permitted in gas-dangerous spaces and zones
2.2 Submerged cargo pumps
3 Product classification 373
3.1 Temperature class and explosion group

Section 11 Fire Protection and Extinction

1 General 374
1.1 Fire safety requirements
1.2 Fire mains and hydrants
1.3 Water-spray system
1.4 Dry chemical powder fire-extinguishing systems
1.5 Enclosed spaces containing cargo handling equipment
1.6 Firefighter’s outfits

34 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Section 12 Artificial Ventilation in the Cargo Area
1 General 378
1.1 Scope
1.2 Spaces required to be entered during normal cargo handling operations
1.3 Spaces not normally entered

Section 13 Instrumentation and Automation Systems

1 General 380
2 Level indicators for cargo tanks 381
2.1 General
3 Overflow control 381
3.1 General
4 Pressure monitoring 381
4.1 General
5 Temperature indicating devices 382
5.1 General
6 Gas detection 382
6.1 General
7 Additional requirements for containment systems requiring a
secondary barrier 383
7.1 Integrity of barriers
7.2 Temperature indication devices
8 Automation systems 384
8.1 General
9 System integration 384
9.1 General

Section 14 Personnel Protection

1 General 385
1.1 Protective equipment
1.2 First-aid equipment
1.3 Safety equipment
1.4 Personal protection requirements for individual products

Section 15 Filling Limits for Cargo Tanks

1 General 386
1.1 Definitions
1.2 General requirements
1.3 Default filling limit

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 35

1.4 Determination of increased filling limit
1.5 Maximum loading unit
1.6 Information to be provided to the Master

Section 16 Use of Cargo as Fuel

1 General 388
2 Use of cargo vapour as fuel 388
2.1 General
3 Arrangement of spaces containing gas consumers 388
3.1 General
4 Gas fuel supply 388
4.1 General
4.2 Leak detection
4.3 Routeing of fuel supply pipes
4.4 Requirements for gas fuel with pressure greater than 1 Mpa
4.5 Gas consumer isolation
4.6 Spaces containing gas consumers
4.7 Piping and ducting construction
4.8 Gas detection
5 Gas fuel plant and related storage tanks 390
5.1 Provision of gas fuel
5.2 Remote stops
5.3 Compressors
5.4 Heating and cooling mediums
5.5 Piping and pressure vessels
6 Special requirements for main boilers 391
6.1 Arrangements
6.2 Combustion equipment
6.3 Safety
7 Special requirements for gas-fired internal combustion engines 391
7.1 General
7.2 Gas fuel supply engine
7.3 Gas fuel supply piping systems
7.4 Shut-off of gas fuel supply
7.5 Emergency stop of dual fuel engines
7.6 Requirements on dual fuel engines
7.7 Arrangements
7.8 Combustion equipment
7.9 Safety
8 Special requirements for gas turbine 393
8.1 Arrangements
8.2 Combustion equipment
8.3 Safety
9 Alternative fuels and technologies 393
9.1 General

36 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Section 17 Special Requirements
1 General 394
1.1 Application
2 Materials of construction 394
2.1 General
3 Independent tanks 394
3.1 General
4 Refrigeration systems 394
4.1 General
5 Cargoes requiring type 1G ship 394
5.1 General
6 Exclusion of air from vapour spaces 395
6.1 General
7 Moisture control 395
7.1 General
8 Inhibition 395
8.1 General
9 Flame screens on vent outlets 395
9.1 General
10 Maximum allowable quantity of cargo per tank 395
10.1 General
11 Cargo pumps and discharge arrangements 395
11.1 General
12 Ammonia 395
12.1 General
13 Chlorine 396
13.1 Cargo containment system
13.2 Cargo piping systems
13.3 Materials
13.4 Instrumentation: safety devices
13.5 Personnel protection
13.6 Filling limits for cargo tanks
14 Ethylene oxide 397
14.1 General
15 Separate piping systems 398
15.1 General
16 Methyl acetylene-propadiene mixtures 398
16.1 General
17 Nitrogen 399
17.1 General

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 37

18 Propylene oxide and mixtures of ethylene oxide-propylene oxide
with ethylene oxide content of not more than 30% by weight 399
18.1 General
19 Vinyl chloride 400
19.1 General
20 Mixed C4 cargoes 400
20.1 General
21 Carbon dioxide: high purity 401
21.1 General
22 Carbon dioxide: reclaimed quality 401
22.1 General

Section 18 Operating Requirements

1 General 402
2 Cargo operating manual 402
2.1 General
3 Cargo emergency shutdown (ESD) system 402
3.1 General
3.2 ESD valve requirements
3.3 ESD system controls
3.4 Additional shutdowns
3.5 Pre-operations testing

Section 19 Summary of Minimum Requirements

1 General 405
1.1 Explanatory notes to the summary of minimum requirements
2 Additional information on products 405

Appendix 1 Guidance for Calculation of Pressures and Accelerations

1 Guidance to detailed calculation of internal pressure for static
design purpose 410
1.1 Calculation of dynamic liquid pressure
1.2 Calculation of acceleration components
2 Internal pressure for integral tanks and membrane tanks 413
2.1 General
2.2 Sloshing pressure

38 Bureau Veritas July 2018

3 Guidance to detailed calculation of pressure for a static heel angle
of 30°C 413
3.1 Internal pressure calculation
3.2 Sea pressure calculation
4 Calculation of dynamic pressure for collision loads 414
4.1 General

Appendix 2 Correspondances between Part D, Chapter 9 and the IGC Code

1 General 415

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 39


Section 1 General
1 General 427
1.1 Application

Section 2 Hull and Stability

1 General 428
1.1 Documents to be submitted
2 General arrangement 428
2.1 Compartment arrangement
3 Stability 428
3.1 Intact stability
4 Structure design principles 428
4.1 Materials
5 Design loads 428
5.1 Hull girder loads
6 Hull scantlings 428
6.1 Plating
6.2 Ordinary stiffeners
6.3 Primary supporting members
6.4 Scantlings of independent tank structure
6.5 Strength check with respect to stresses due to the temperature gradient
7 Other structures 429
7.1 Machinery space

Section 3 Machinery and Cargo Systems

1 General 430
1.1 Documents to be submitted
2 Piping systems 430
2.1 General
2.2 Cargo piping and pumping
2.3 Air pipes
2.4 Refrigerating installations
2.5 Cargo tank cleaning systems
2.6 Additional requirements for ships carrying category Z substances

40 Bureau Veritas July 2018


Section 1 General
1 General 433
1.1 Application

Section 2 Ship Arrangement

1 General 434
1.1 Definitions
2 General arrangement design 434
2.1 Openings in watertight bulkheads below the bulkhead deck
2.2 Openings in bulkheads above the bulkhead deck
2.3 Doors
2.4 Ballast compartment arrangement
2.5 Double bottom arrangement
2.6 Machinery compartment arrangement

Section 3 Hull and Stability

1 General 440
1.1 Documents to be submitted
2 Stability 440
2.1 Definitions
2.2 Intact stability
2.3 Damage stability for ships where SDS notation has been required
3 Structure design principles 444
3.1 Hull structure
4 Design loads 444
4.1 Loads on deck
4.2 Sea pressures
5 Hull girder strength 445
5.1 Basic criteria
6 Hull scantlings 445
6.1 Plating

Section 4 Machinery and Cargo System

1 Bilge system 446
1.1 General
1.2 Bilge pumps
1.3 Direct bilge suction

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 41

1.4 Control location
1.5 Provision against bilge system damage
1.6 Drainage and pumping arrangements for vehicle, special category and ro-ro
spaces protected by fixed pressure water-spraying systems
2 Ballast system 447
3 Miscellaneous requirements 448
3.1 Steering gear
3.2 Oil-level gauges
3.3 Watertight doors
3.4 Quality failure Analysis

Section 5 Electrical Installations

1 General 449
1.1 Documentation to be submitted
1.2 Electrical distribution and protection
1.3 Flooding detection systems for passenger ships carrying 36 or more persons
2 Emergency source of electrical power and emergency installations 449
2.1 General
2.2 Distribution of electrical power
2.3 Low-location lighting
3 General emergency alarm and public address systems 452
3.1 General emergency alarm system
3.2 Public address system
3.3 Combined general emergency alarm - public address system
3.4 Quality failure analysis
4 Installation 454
4.1 Section and distribution boards
5 Type approved components 454

Appendix 1 Calculation Method for Cross-Flooding Arrangements

1 Calculation method for cross-flooding arrangements 455
1.1 Definitions
1.2 Cross-flooding area

Appendix 2 Qualitative Failure Analysis for Propulsion and Steering on

Passenger Ships
1 General 459
1.1 Scope
1.2 Objectives

42 Bureau Veritas July 2018

2 Method of drafting the quality failure analysis 459
2.1 Systems to be considered
2.2 Failure criteria
2.3 Verification of solutions

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 43


Section 1 General
1 General 463
1.1 Application

Section 2 Ship Arrangement

1 General 464
1.1 Application
1.2 Definitions
2 General arrangement design 464
2.1 Number and disposition of transverse watertight bulkheads
2.2 Openings in watertight bulkheads below the bulkhead deck
2.3 Openings in bulkheads above the bulkhead deck
2.4 Doors
2.5 Integrity of the hull and superstructure, damage prevention and control
2.6 Ballast compartment arrangement
2.7 Double bottom arrangement
2.8 Machinery compartment arrangement
2.9 Passenger spaces in ro-ro ships

Section 3 Hull and Stability

1 General 471
1.1 Documents to be submitted
2 Stability 471
2.1 Definitions
2.2 Intact stability
2.3 Damage stability for ships where SDS notation has been required
3 Structure design principles 475
3.1 General
3.2 Hull structure
4 Design loads 475
4.1 Loads on deck
4.2 Lowest 0,5 m of bulkheads forming vertical division along escape routes
5 Hull girder strength 476
5.1 Basic criteria
6 Hull scantlings 476
6.1 Plating
6.2 Ordinary stiffeners
6.3 Primary supporting members

44 Bureau Veritas July 2018

7 Other structures 476
7.1 Superstructures and deckhouses
7.2 Side doors and stern doors

Section 4 Electrical Installations

1 General 478
1.1 Applicable requirements
1.2 Documentation to be submitted
1.3 Safety characteristics
1.4 Flooding detection systems for passenger ships carrying 36 or more persons
2 Supplementary emergency lighting 478
3 Installation 478
3.1 Installations in special category spaces situated above the bulkhead deck
3.2 Installations in special category spaces situated below the bulkhead deck
3.3 Installations in cargo spaces other than special category spaces intended for the
carriage of motor vehicles
3.4 Protection of socket outlets in vehicle spaces
4 Type approved components 480

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Section 1 General
1 General 483
1.1 Application
1.2 Documents to be submitted

Section 2 Hull and Stability

1 Stability 485
1.1 Intact stability
1.2 Damage stability where the additional class notation SDS has been requested
2 Structure design principles 487
2.1 General
2.2 Longitudinal members in the area of the hopper well
2.3 Transverse members in the area of the hopper well
2.4 Arrangements relating to suction pipes
2.5 Chafing areas
2.6 Reinforcements for grounding
2.7 Bolted structures
3 Design loads 490
3.1 General
3.2 Loading conditions
3.3 Hull girder loads for dredgers, hopper dredgers and hopper units of more than
65 m in length
3.4 Hull girder loads for split hopper dredgers and split hopper units of more than
65 m in length
3.5 Internal pressures for hopper well in dredging situation
4 Hull girder strength of dredgers, hopper dredgers and hopper units 493
4.1 General
4.2 Midship section modulus
4.3 Ultimate strength check
5 Hull girder strength of split hopper dredgers and split hopper units 494
5.1 General
5.2 Definitions
5.3 Hull girder stress
5.4 Checking criteria
6 Hull scantlings 495
6.1 General
6.2 Hull girder normal stress for split hopper dredgers and split hopper units of more
than 65 m in length
6.3 Minimum net thicknesses of plating
6.4 Bottom plating
6.5 Ordinary stiffeners
6.6 Well bulkhead and cellular keel platings
6.7 Transversely framed bottoms

46 Bureau Veritas July 2018

7 Hopper dredgers and hopper units: checking of hopper well structure 497
7.1 General
7.2 Floors, webs, trunks, strongbeams and girders
8 Split hopper dredgers and split hopper units: superstructure hinges 498
8.1 General
8.2 Arrangements
8.3 Materials used for the hinges
8.4 Forces
8.5 Scantlings of the hinges
9 Split hopper dredgers and split hopper units: decks hinges, hydraulic
jack connections and chocks 500
9.1 General
9.2 Arrangements
9.3 Static forces
9.4 Dynamic forces
9.5 Scantlings
10 Split hopper dredgers and split hopper units: hydraulic jacks and
associated piping systems 503
10.1 General
10.2 Definitions
10.3 Arrangements
10.4 Scantling of jacks
10.5 Inspection and testing
10.6 Relief valve setting
11 Rudders 504
11.1 General
11.2 Additional requirements for split hopper dredgers and split hopper units
12 Equipment 504
12.1 General
12.2 Additional requirements for split hopper dredgers and split hopper units
12.3 Towlines and mooring lines

Section 3 Machinery and Dredging Systems

1 General 507
1.1 Application
2 Dredging system 507
2.1 Attachment of dredging equipment to the hull
3 Steering gear of split hopper dredgers and split hopper units 507
3.1 General
3.2 Design of the steering gear
3.3 Synchronisation
4 Testing of dredging equipment 507
4.1 On board testing

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 47

Appendix 1 Guidance on Calculation of Transverse Strength Hopper Well
1 Hopper dredgers and hopper units: checking of hopper well structure 508
1.1 General
2 Floors 508
2.1 General
2.2 Different types of bottom and valves used
2.3 Load borne by floors
2.4 Shear force diagrams
2.5 Bending moments for each elementary load
2.6 Resultant bending moment
2.7 Normal load
2.8 Differential opening valves
2.9 Buckling of upper flange
3 Strong beams at deck level 512
3.1 Forces acting on strong beams
3.2 Sectional area of strong beams
4 Brackets for trunks 512
4.1 General
5 Girders supporting the hydraulic cylinder in the hopper spaces (bottom
door types 1, 2 and 3) 513

48 Bureau Veritas July 2018


Section 1 General

1 General 517
1.1 Application

Section 2 Hull and Stability

1 General 518
1.1 Application
1.2 Additional class notations for lifting appliances of ships with service notation
pontoon - crane
2 Stability 518
2.1 Intact stability for ships with service notation pontoon or pontoon - crane
2.2 Additional intact stability criteria for ships with service notation pontoon - crane
3 Structure design principles 519
3.1 Hull structure
3.2 Lifting appliances
4 Hull girder strength 519
4.1 Yielding check
5 Hull scantlings 519
5.1 General
5.2 Hull scantlings of non-propelled units with the service notation pontoon fitted
with arrangements and systems for launching operations
5.3 Hull scantlings of non-propelled units with service notation pontoon - crane
6 Hull outfitting 521
6.1 Equipment

Section 3 Machinery Systems

1 General 522
1.1 Application
1.2 Documents to be submitted
2 Bilge system 522
2.1 Bilge system in ships having no source of electrical power
2.2 Bilge system in ships having a source of electrical power

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 49


Section 1 General
1 General 525
1.1 Application

Section 2 Ship Arrangement

1 General arrangement design 526
1.1 Subdivision arrangement
1.2 Cofferdams

Section 3 Hull and Stability

1 General 527
1.1 Documents to be submitted
2 Stability 527
2.1 Intact stability
3 Hull scantlings 528
3.1 Design loads
3.2 Bottom, side and decks plating
3.3 Aft ramp
3.4 Arrangement for hull and superstructure openings
4 Lifting appliances and fishing devices 528
4.1 General
4.2 Design loads
4.3 Strength check
5 Hull outfitting 529
5.1 Rudder stock scantlings
5.2 Equipment
6 Protection of hull metallic structures 529
6.1 Protection of deck by wood sheathing
6.2 Protection of cargo sides by battens
6.3 Deck composition

Section 4 Machinery
1 General 531
1.1 Application
1.2 Documents to be submitted
1.3 Tests - Trials in ships L ≥ 24 m

50 Bureau Veritas July 2018

1.4 Tests - Trials in ships L < 24 m
1.5 General requirements applicable to all piping systems in ships L ≥ 24 m
1.6 General requirements applicable to all piping systems in ships L < 24 m
1.7 Sea inlets and overboard discharges in ships L ≥ 24 m
1.8 Sea inlets and ship side valves in ships L < 24 m
1.9 Non-metallic rigid pipes in ships L ≥ 24m
1.10 Non-metallic rigid pipes in ships L < 24m
1.11 Flexible hoses and expansion joints
1.12 Metallic flexible pipes and joints
2 Bilge system in ships L ≥ 24 m 535
2.1 General
2.2 Design of the bilge system
2.3 Bilge pumps
2.4 Size of bilge pipes
2.5 Bilge piping arrangement
2.6 Materials
3 Bilge system in ships L < 24 m 537
3.1 General
3.2 Pumps and ejectors
3.3 Size of bilge pipes
3.4 Arrangement of bilge lines and their accessories
4 Scuppers and sanitary discharges 539
4.1 Principle
4.2 General
4.3 Discharges through manned machinery spaces
4.4 Materials
5 Air pipes and sounding devices in ships L ≥ 24 m 539
5.1 Air pipes
5.2 Sounding and level gauging devices
6 Air pipes and sounding devices in ships L < 24 m 540
6.1 Air pipes
6.2 Sounding and level gauging devices
7 Ventilation in ships ≥ 24 m 541
8 Ventilation in ships < 24 m 541
9 Engine cooling systems in ships L ≥ 24 m 541
10 Engine cooling systems in ships L < 24 m 541
10.1 Principle
10.2 Motorships
10.3 Fresh water cooling system
10.4 Cooling pumps
10.5 Sea inlets

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 51

10.6 Filters
10.7 Operating control
10.8 Materials
11 Oil fuel systems in ships L ≥ 24m 542
12 Oil fuel systems in ships L < 24m 542
12.1 General
12.2 Oil fuel tanks and bunkers
12.3 Transfer pipes
12.4 Oil fuel supply to engines
12.5 Materials - Construction
13 Lubricating oil systems in ships L ≥ 24 m 543
14 Lubricating oil systems in ships L < 24 m 543
14.1 General
14.2 Lubricating pumps
14.3 Filters
14.4 Safety devices
15 Hydraulic systems in ships L ≥ 24 m 544
16 Hydraulic systems in ships L < 24 m 544
16.1 General
16.2 Safety and monitoring devices
17 Compressed air systems in ships L ≥ 24 m 544
18 Compressed air systems in ships L < 24 m 544
18.2 Accessories for compressed air systems
18.3 Arrangement of compressed air systems
18.4 Construction - Material
19 Exhaust gas systems in ships L ≥ 24 m 544
20 Exhaust gas systems in ships L < 24 m 544
20.1 Hull outlet
20.2 Cooling and lagging
20.3 Water-cooled exhaust gas pipes
21 Refrigeration systems for the preservation of the catch 544
21.1 General
21.2 Design of refrigeration systems
21.3 Arrangement of the refrigerating machinery spaces and refrigerating rooms
21.4 Breathing apparatus
22 Propelling and auxiliary machinery in ships L ≥ 24 m 545

52 Bureau Veritas July 2018

23 Propelling and auxiliary machinery in ships L < 24 m 545
23.1 Shafting
23.2 Shaft accessories
24 Steering gear 546
24.1 Application
24.2 General
24.3 Strength, performance and power operation of the steering gear
24.4 Control of the steering gear
24.5 Availability

Section 5 Electrical Installations

1 General 548
1.1 Application
2 Documentation to be submitted 548
3 Type approved components 548
4 General requirements for system design, location and installation 548
4.1 Design and construction
4.2 Distribution
4.3 Main source of electrical power
4.4 Emergency source of electrical power
4.5 Precaution against shock, fire and other hazards of electrical origin
4.6 Engineers’ alarm
4.7 Steering gear
4.8 Fire detection and fire alarm
4.9 Alarm - Communication
4.10 Final sub-circuits
4.11 Electric cables
4.12 Switchboard
4.13 Rotating electrical machines
4.14 Batteries
5 Lightning protection 554
5.1 Application

Section 6 Fire Protection

1 General 555
1.1 Application
1.2 Type approved products
1.3 Definitions
2 Water fire-fighting system 556
2.1 General
2.2 Number and type of fire pumps
2.3 Characteristics and arrangement of fire pumps
2.4 Fire main, hydrants and hoses

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 53

3 Fire-extinguishing appliances in machinery spaces 558
4 Fire extinguishers 558
4.1 Design and installation of fire extinguishers
4.2 Arrangement of fire extinguishers in accommodation and service spaces
5 Structural fire protection 559
5.2 Ships of 45 m in length and over
5.3 Ships of 24 m in length and over but less than 45 m
5.4 Ships of less than 24 m in length
6 Ventilation systems 561
7 Prevention of fire 562
8 Means of escape 562
9 Fire detection 563
10 Storage of gas cylinders and dangerous materials 563

54 Bureau Veritas July 2018


Section 1 General
1 General 567
1.1 Application
1.2 Number of persons on board

Section 2 Stability
1 General 569
1.1 Application
2 Intact Stability 569
2.1 Maximum turning angle
2.2 Crowding angle for offshore patrol vessels carrying more than 60 persons
3 Damage stability 569
3.1 Offshore patrol vessels carrying more than 60 persons
3.2 Bottom damages
4 Damage control documentation for ships greater than or equal to
500 GT 569

Section 3 Machinery
1 General 570
1.1 Application
1.2 Capacity of service tanks for offshore patrol vessels with GT ≥ 500
1.3 Progressive flooding
1.4 Bilge pumping after flooding

Section 4 Electricity and Automation

1 General 571
1.1 Application
1.2 General alarm for ships with GT < 500
1.3 Emergency source of electrical power for ships with GT ≥ 500
1.4 Public address system for ships with GT ≥ 500

Section 5 Fire safety

1 General 572
1.1 Application

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 55

2 Materials 572
2.1 Steel or equivalent
3 Specific requirements 572
3.1 Offshore patrol vessels carrying more than 60 persons
3.2 Ammunition storage compartments

56 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Part D
Service Notations

Chapter 1






July 2018 Bureau Veritas 57

58 Bureau Veritas July 2018
Pt D, Ch 1, Sec 1


1 General 1.1.2 Ships dealt with in this Chapter are to comply with:
• Part A of the Rules,
1.1 Application • NR216 Materials and Welding.
• applicable requirements according to Tab 1.
1.1.1 Ships complying with the requirements of this Chap-
ter are eligible for the assignment of one of the service nota-
tion ro-ro cargo ship or PCT carrier, as defined in Pt A, Ch
1, Sec 2, [4.2.3] and Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.2.4].

Table 1 : Applicable requirements

Item Greater than or equal to 500 GT Less than 500 GT

L ≥ 65 or 90 m (1) • Part B • NR566
Ship arrangement
L < 65 or 90 m (1) • NR600 • NR566
• Part B • Part B
L ≥ 65 or 90 m (1)
Hull • Ch 1, Sec 2 • Ch 1, Sec 2
L < 65 or 90 m (1) • NR600 • NR600
• Part B • NR566
• Ch 1, Sec 2 • Ch 1, Sec 2
• Part C • NR566
Machinery and cargo systems
• Ch 1, Sec 3 • Ch 1, Sec 3
• Part C • NR566
Electrical installations
• Ch 1, Sec 4 • Ch 1, Sec 4
Automation • Part C • NR566
Fire protection, detection and extinction • Part C • NR566
(1) Refer to the scope of application of NR600.
Note 1:
NR566: Hull Arrangement, Stability and Systems for Ships less than 500 GT.
NR600: Hull Structure and Arrangement for the Classification of Cargo Ships less than 65 m and Non Cargo Ships less than 90 m.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 59

Pt D, Ch 1, Sec 2


1 General
2 Stability
1.1 Application

1.1.1 The requirements of this Section apply to multi-deck 2.1 Damage stability requirements for ship
ships with double bottom and, in some cases, with wing where additional class notation SDS is
tanks up to the lowest deck above the full load waterline, required
intended for the carriage of:
• vehicles which embark and disembark on their own 2.1.1 A ro-ro cargo ship or PCT carrier equal to or greater
wheels, and/or goods in or on pallets or containers than 80 m in length where additional class notation SDS is
which can be loaded and unloaded by means of required (see Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [6.14.11]) is to comply with
wheeled vehicles the subdivision and damage stability criteria in Pt B, Ch 3,
App 3.
• railway cars, on fixed rails, which embark and disem-
bark on their own wheels.
3 Structure design principles
1.2 Documents to be submitted

1.2.1 In addition to the documentation requested in Part B,

3.1 Wood sheathing
the following documents are to be submitted:
3.1.1 Wood sheathing is recommended for caterpillar
• Plans of the bow or stern ramps, elevators for cargo han- trucks and unusual vehicles.
dling and movable decks, if any, including:
It is recommended that a piece of wood of suitable thick-
- structural arrangements of ramps, elevators and
ness should be provided under each crutch in order to dis-
movable decks with their masses
tribute the mass over the plate and the nearest stiffeners.
- arrangements of securing and locking devices
- connection of ramps, lifting and/or hoisting appli-
ances to the hull structures, with indication of
4 Global strength
design loads (amplitude and direction)
- wire ropes and hoisting devices in working and 4.1 Hull girder strength
stowed position
- hydraulic jacks 4.1.1 The contribution of the hull structures up to the
strength deck to the longitudinal strength is to be assessed
- loose gear (blocks, shackles, etc.) indicating the safe through a finite element analysis of the whole ship in the
working loads and the testing loads following cases:
- test conditions
• when the size of openings in side shell and/or longitudi-
• Operating and maintenance manual (see Pt B, Ch 8, Sec nal bulkheads located below the strength deck
5 and Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 6) of bow and stern doors and decreases significantly the capability of the plating to
ramps transmit shear forces to the strength deck
• Plan of design loads on deck • when the ends of superstructures which are required to
• Plan of arrangement of motor vehicles, railway cars contribute to longitudinal strength may be considered
and/or other types of vehicles which are intended to be not effectively connected to the hull structures.
carried and indicating securing and load bearing
4.2 Global transverse strength
• Characteristics of motor vehicles, railways cars and/or
other types of vehicles which are intended to be carried: 4.2.1 The behaviour of the ship primary structural members
(as applicable) axle load, axle spacing, number of under racking effects due to transverse forces induced by
wheels per axle, wheel spacing, size of tyre print transverse accelerations is to be investigated according to
• Plan of dangerous areas, in the case of ships intended Pt B, Ch 7, App 2, or by means of a complete ship model
for the carriage of motor vehicles with petrol in their under transverse accelerations load case according to Pt B,
tanks Ch 7, App 3.

60 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 1, Sec 2

5 Hull scantlings a) Connection of racking frames to transverse bulkhead or

bottom structure

5.1 Minimum net thicknesses of plating b) Connection of funnel to transverse bulkhead or bottom
5.1.1 The net thickness of the weather strength deck and c) Corners of side and stern door openings
trunk deck plating is to be not less than the value obtained, d) Corners of openings in racking constraining structure
in mm, from the following formula:
e) Corners of upper deck ramp openings.
t = 2,1 + 0,013 L k1/2 + 4,5 s The society may require other details to be checked, when
where: deemed necessary on the basis of the detail geometry and
stress level.
s : Length, in m, of the shorter side of the plate
6 Other structures
5.2 Fatigue assessment for ships with 6.1 Side doors and stern doors
length greater than 170 m
6.1.1 Side doors and stern doors leading to enclosed
5.2.1 The following areas are to be considered for fatigue spaces are to comply with the requirements of Pt B, Ch 8,
assessment: Sec 6

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 61

Pt D, Ch 1, Sec 3


1 Scuppers and sanitary discharges the build-up of free surfaces. If this is not possible, the
adverse effect upon stability of the added weight and free
surface of water is to be taken into account to the extent
1.1 Drainage of ro-ro cargo spaces, intended
deemed necessary by the Society in its approval of the sta-
for the carriage of motor vehicles with bility information.
fuel in their tanks for their own propulsion
1.1.1 Prevention of build-up of free surfaces 1.1.2 Scupper draining
In cargo spaces intended for the carriage of motor vehicles Scuppers from cargo spaces intended for the carriage of
with fuel in their tanks for their own propulsion and fitted motor vehicles with fuel in their tanks for their own propul-
with a fixed pressure water-spraying fire-extinguishing sys- sion are not to be led to machinery or other places where
tem, the drainage arrangement is to be such as to prevent sources of ignition may be present.

62 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 1, Sec 4


1 General 1.2 Documentation to be submitted

1.2.1 In addition to the documentation requested in Pt C,

1.1 Applicable requirements Ch 2, Sec 1, Tab 1, the following is to be submitted for
1.1.1 In addition to the relevant requirements of Part C,
a) plan of hazardous areas
Chapter 2 and those contained in this Section, electrical
installations in spaces intended for the carriage of motor b) document giving details of types of cables and safety
vehicles with fuel in their tanks for their propulsion are to characteristics of the equipment installed in hazardous
comply with those of Part C, Chapter 4. areas.

Table 1 : Electrical equipment permitted in closed ro-ro cargo spaces

Hazardous Spaces
Electrical equipment
area No Description
Zone 1 1 Closed ro-ro cargo spaces except areas a) any type that may be considered for zone 0
under item 3 b) certified intrinsically safe apparatus Ex(ib)
c) simple electrical apparatus and components (e.g. thermocou-
ples, photocells, strain gauges, junction boxes, switching
devices), included in intrinsically-safe circuits of category “ib”
not capable of storing or generating electrical power or energy
in excess of limits stated in the relevant rules, and acceptable to
the appropriate authority
d) certified flameproof Ex(d)
e) certified pressurised Ex(p)
f) certified increased safety Ex(e)
g) certified encapsulated Ex(m)
h) certified sand filled Ex(q)
i) certified specially Ex(s)
j) cables sheathed with at least one of the following:
• a non-metallic impervious sheath in combination with
braiding or other metallic covering
• copper or stainless steel sheath (for mineral-insulated
cables only)
Zone 1 2 Exhaust ventilation ducts As stated under item 1
Zone 2 3 On condition that the ventilation system is a) any type that may be considered for zone 1
so designed and operated as to provide b) tested specially for zone 2 (e.g. type “n” protection)
continuous ventilation of the cargo spaces
c) pressurised, and acceptable to the appropriate authority
at the rate of at least 10 air changes per
hour whenever vehicles are on board: d) encapsulated, and acceptable to the appropriate authority
• areas above a height of 450 mm from e) the type which ensures the absence of sparks and arcs and of
the deck “hot spots” during its normal operation (minimum class of pro-
• areas above a height of 450 mm from tection IP55)
each platform for vehicles, if fitted, f) cables sheathed with at least a non-metallic external impervi-
without openings of sufficient size per- ous sheath
mitting penetration of petrol gases
• areas above platforms for vehicles, if
fitted, with openings of sufficient size
permitting penetration of petrol gases

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 63

Pt D, Ch 1, Sec 4

1.3 Safety characteristics 2.1.4 The requirements in this item are summarised in Tab 1.

1.3.1 The explosion group and temperature class of electri- 2.2 Installations in cargo spaces other than
cal equipment of a certified safe type for use with explosive ro-ro cargo spaces but intended for the
petrol-air mixtures are to be at least IIA and T3.
carriage of motor vehicles
2 Installation 2.2.1 The provisions of [2.1] apply.

2.2.2 All electric circuits terminating in cargo holds are to

2.1 Installations in closed ro-ro cargo spaces be provided with multipole linked isolating switches
located outside the holds. Provision is to be made for lock-
2.1.1 Except as provided for in [2.1.2], electrical equip- ing in the off position.
ment is to be of a certified safe type as stated in Pt C, Ch 2,
This requirement does not apply to safety installations such
Sec 3, [10.1.6] and electrical cables are to be as stated in Pt
as fire, smoke or gas detection systems.
C, Ch 2, Sec 3, [10.2.2].

2.1.2 Above a height of 450 mm from the deck and from 3 Type approved components
each platform for vehicles, if fitted, except platforms with
openings of sufficient size permitting penetration of petrol 3.1
gases downwards, electrical equipment as stated in Pt C, Ch
2, Sec 3, [10.1.7] and electrical cables as stated in Pt C, Ch 3.1.1 Alarm systems for closing devices of openings and
2, Sec 3, [10.2.3]are permitted, on condition that the venti- water leakage detection systems if of electronic type, as
lation system is so designed and operated as to provide con- well as television surveillance systems, are to be type
tinuous ventilation of the cargo spaces at the rate of at least approved or in accordance with [3.1.2].
10 air changes per hour whenever vehicles are on board.
3.1.2 Case-by-case approval based on submission of ade-
2.1.3 Electrical equipment and cables in an exhaust venti- quate documentation and execution of tests may also be
lation duct are to be as stated in [2.1.1]. granted at the discretion of the Society.

64 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Part D
Service Notations

Chapter 2





July 2018 Bureau Veritas 65

66 Bureau Veritas July 2018
Pt D, Ch 2, Sec 1


1 General 1.1.2 Ships dealt with in this Chapter are to comply with:
• Part A of the Rules
• NR216 Materials and Welding
1.1 Application
• applicable requirements according to Tab 1.

1.1.1 Ships complying with the requirements of this Chap- 1.1.3 Ships assigned with the additional service feature
ter are eligible for the assignment of the service notation equipped for carriage of containers are to comply with Ch
container ship, as defined in Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.2.6]. 2, Sec 2, [2].

Table 1 : Applicable requirements

Item Greater than or equal to 500 GT Less than 500 GT

L ≥ 65 m • NR625 • NR566
Ship arrangement
L < 65 m • NR600 • NR566
L ≥ 65 m • NR625 • NR625
• NR600 • NR600
• Ch 2, Sec 2, [2.3] • Ch 2, Sec 2, [2.3]
Hull • The applicable requirements of: • The applicable requirements of:
L < 65 m
- NR625, Ch 3, Sec 5, - NR625, Ch 3, Sec 5,
- NR625, Ch 11, Sec 4 and - NR625, Ch 11, Sec 4 and
- NR625 ,Ch 12, Sec 2 - NR625, Ch 12, Sec 2
• Part B • NR566
• Ch 2, Sec 2 • Ch 2, Sec 2
• Part C • NR566
Machinery and cargo systems
• Ch 2, Sec 3 • Ch 2, Sec 3
Electrical installations • Part C • NR566
Automation • Part C • NR566
Fire protection, detection and extinction • Part C • NR566
Note 1:
NR566: Hull Arrangement, Stability and Systems for Ships less than 500 GT.
NR600: Hull Structure and Arrangement for the Classification of Cargo Ships less than 65 m and Non Cargo Ships less than 90 m.
NR625: Structural Rules for Container Ships.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 67

Pt D, Ch 2, Sec 2


1 Stability b : Mean width, in m, of hatch coamings within L/4

forward and aft from amidships (see Fig 1)
1.1 Intact stability Bm, BD : Breadths, in m, defined in Fig 1
H : Length, in m, of each hatch coaming within L/4
1.1.1 General forward and aft from amidships (see Fig 2).
The stability for the loading conditions defined in Pt B, Ch 3,
App 2, [1.2.4] is to be in compliance with the requirements
of Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 2. Figure 1 : Definition of dimensions

1.1.2 Additional criteria b

In addition to [1.1.1], the initial metacentric height is to be
equal to or greater than 0,20 m.

1.1.3 Alternative criteria for ships greater than D'

100 m in length D

For ships greater than 100 m in length, the Society may T KG

apply the following criteria instead of those in Pt B, Ch 3, T/2
Sec 2:
• the area under the righting lever curve (GZ curve), in Bm
m.rad, is to be not less than 0,009/C up to an angle of B
heel of 30°, and not less than 0,016/C up to 40° or the BD
angle of flooding θf if this angle is less than 40°
• the area under the righting lever curve (GZ curve), in Figure 2 : Definition of dimensions
m.rad, between the angles of heel of 30° and 40° or
between 30° and θf, if this angle is less than 40°, is to be H H H
not less than 0,006/C
• the righting lever GZ, in m, is to be at least 0,033/C at L/4 L/4
an angle of heel equal to or greater than 30°
• the maximum righting lever GZ, in m, is to be at least
1.1.4 Additional requirements for open top
• the total area under the righting lever curve (GZ curve),
container ships
in m.rad, up to the angle of flooding θf is not to be less
Intact stability calculations are to be investigated for the
than 0,029/C
ship in the intact condition and considering the effect of the
where: ingress of green water through the open hatchways in the
C : Coefficient defined by: following way:
T 100 C TD
2 ′ For the intact condition described in [1.1.5] with the
C = -------- ----------  ------B- --------2-
KG L  C W B m assumptions in [1.1.6], the stability of the ship is to comply
with the survival criteria of Pt B, Ch 3, App 3: the factor of
T : Mean draught, in m survival “s” is to be equal to one.
KG : Height of the centre of mass above base, in m,
corrected for free surface effect, not be taken as
less than T 1.1.5 Loading condition for open top container
CB : Block coefficient
The ship is at the load line corresponding to the minimum
CW : Waterplane coefficient freeboard assigned to the ship and, in addition, all the open
D’ : Moulded depth, in m, corrected for defined holds are completely filled with water, with a permeability
parts of volumes within the hatch coamings of 0,70 for container holds, to the level of the top of the
obtained from the following formula: hatch side or hatch coaming or, in the case of a ship fitted
2b – B 2Σ
with cargo hold freeing ports, to the level of those ports.
D = D +  -------------------D  ------------H- h

 BD   L  Intermediate conditions of flooding the open holds (various
percentages of filling the open holds with green water) are
h : Mean height, in m, of hatch coamings within to be investigated.
L/4 forward and aft from amidships (see Fig 1)

68 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 2, Sec 2

1.1.6 Assumptions for the stability calculation of 2.2.2 Floor spacing

open top container ships Generally, the floor spacing is to be such that floors are
Where cargo hold freeing ports are fitted, they are to be con- located in way of the container corners. Floors are also to
sidered closed for the purpose of determining the flooding be fitted in way of the watertight bulkheads.
angle, provided that the reliable and effective control of clos-
ing of these freeing ports is to the satisfaction of the Society. The floor spacing is generally not to be greater than 3,5 m
or 4 times the side framing spacing, whichever is the
For the condition with flooded holds relevant to the intact
smaller. Where side frames are not transverse, the nominal
ship, the free surfaces may be determined as follows:
frame spacing as specified by the designer is to be used.
• the holds are fully loaded with containers
• the sea water enters the containers and will not pour out 2.2.3 Deck and hatch cover reinforcements
during heeling, condition simulated by defining the The deck and hatch cover structures are to be reinforced
amount of water in the containers as fixed weight items taking into account the loads transmitted by the container
• the free space surrounding the containers is to be corners and cell guides.
flooded with sea water
• the free space is to be evenly distributed over the full 2.3 Forces applied to containers
length of the open cargo holds.
2.3.1 Still water and inertial forces

1.2 Damage stability requirements for ships The still water and inertial forces applied to one container
located at tier “i”, as defined in Fig 3, are to be obtained, in
where the additional class notation SDS
kN, as specified in Tab 1.
has been required
2.3.2 Empty containers
1.2.1 General
Any type of container ship with a length equal to or greater When empty containers are stowed at the top of a stack, still
than 80 m is to comply with the subdivision and damage water and inertial forces are to be derived considering
stability criteria of Pt B, Ch 3, App 3. weight of empty containers equal to:
For open top container ships, the coaming of the open top • 2,5 t for twenty feet containers
holds is to be considered as a downflooding area. • 3,5 t for forty feet containers
• 3,5 t for forty-five feet containers.
2 Ships granted with the additional For other container sizes, the weight of empty containers is
service feature equipped for carriage to be taken equal to 0,14 times the maximum gross weight
of containers of the container.

Table 1 : Container at tier “i”

2.1 Documents to be submitted
Still water and inertial forces
2.1.1 The following documents are to be submitted:
Ship Load Still water force FS and
• container stowage plan, describing the arrangement of
condition case inertial force FW , in kN
containers in hold, on deck and on hatch covers; the
plan shall also include the gross weight of containers Still water FS,i = Mig
and the maximum design weight of container stacks.
Upright “a” No inertial force
• Container lashing arrangement indicating securing and (positive heave “b” FW,X,i = Mi aX1 in x direction
load bearings arrangements. motion)
FW,Z,i = Mi aZ1 in z direction
• Drawings of load bearing structures and cell guides,
indicating the design loads and including the connec- Inclined “c”
FW,Y,i = Mi CFA aY2 in y direction
tions to the hull structures and the associated structural (negative roll
“d” FW,Z,i = Mi CFA aZ2 in z direction
reinforcements. angle)
Note 1:
g : Gravity acceleration, in m/s2:
2.2 Structure design principles g = 9,81 m/s2
Mi : Mass, in t, of the container at tier “i”
2.2.1 General CFA : Combination factor, to be taken equal to:
Local reinforcements of the hull structure is to be provided • CFA = 0,7 for load case “c”
under container corners and in way of fixed cargo securing • CFA = 1,0 for load case “d”
devices and cell guides, if fitted. aX1, aZ1 : Accelerations, in m/s2, determined at the con-
The forces applying on the fixed cargo securing devices are tainer centre of gravity for the upright ship con-
to be indicated by the designer. When one of the additional dition, defined in Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 3, [3.4]
class notations LASHING, LASHING-WW or LASHING aY2, aZ2 : Accelerations, in m/s2, determined at the con-
(restricted area) is granted, these forces may be determined tainer centre of gravity for the inclined ship con-
by the Society. dition, defined in Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 3, [3.4].

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 69

Pt D, Ch 2, Sec 2

Figure 3 : Containers level in a stack 2.3.4 Stacks of containers

Lashing at level N
The still water, inertial and wind forces are to be considered
as being applied at the centre of gravity of the stack, and
Tier N container
forces transmitted at the corners of such a stack are to be
obtained as specified in Tab 2.

2.3.5 Effect of cell guides

Lashing at level i
Where cell guides support the containers stowed in holds,
Tier i container
values of RW,1 and RW,2 calculated according to [2.3.4] for
inclined ship condition, may be assumed not to be greater
Lashing at level i - 1 than (FW,Z / 4 + 160), provided that arrangements of cell
guides and horizontal transverse cross-ties, according to
[2.4], effectively block the container corners.
Lashing at level 2
Any other arrangement may be accepted, to the Society’s
Tier 2 container

Lashing at level 1
2.4 Arrangement of fixed cell guides

Tier 1 container 2.4.1 Vertical guides generally consist of sections with

equal sides, not less than 12 mm in thickness, extended for
a height sufficient to give uniform support to containers.

2.3.3 Wind forces 2.4.2 Guides are to be connected to each other and to the
The forces due to the effect of the wind, applied to one con- supporting structures of the hull by means of cross-ties and
tainer stowed above deck at tier “i”, are to be obtained, in
longitudinal members such as to prevent deformation due
kN, from the following formulae:
to the action of forces transmitted by containers.
• in x direction:
Fx,wind,i = 1,2 hC bC In general, the spacing between cross-ties connecting the
• in y direction: guides may not exceed 5 m, and their position is to coin-
Fy,wind,i = 1,2 hCC cide as nearly as possible with that of the container corners
(see Fig 5).
hC : Height, in m, of a container Cross-ties are to be longitudinally restrained at one or more
C, bC : Dimension, in m, of the container stack in the points so that their elastic deformation due to the action of
ship longitudinal and transverse direction, the longitudinal thrust of containers does not exceed
respectively. 20 mm at any point.
These forces only act on a stack exposed to wind. In the
case of M juxtaposed and connected stacks of the same 2.4.3 The upper end of the guides is to be fitted with a
height, the wind forces are to be distributed over the M block to facilitate entry of the containers. Such appliance is
to be of robust construction so as to withstand impact and
In the case of juxtaposed and connected stacks of different chafing.
heights, the wind forces are to be distributed taking into
account the number of stacks at the tier considered (see
example on Fig 4). Figure 5 : Typical structure of cell guides
Cell guides
Figure 4 : Distribution of wind forces in the case of
stacks of different heights
Maximum 5 m

Fy, wind distributed over 3 stacks Cross ties


Fy, wind distributed over 4 stacks A A

Fy, wind distributed over 5 stacks

Fy, wind distributed over 5 stacks

Section A A

70 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 2, Sec 2

Table 2 : Containers - Still water, inertial and wind forces

Still water force FS and inertial and Vertical still water force RS and inertial
Ship condition Load case wind force FW, in kN, acting and wind force RW, in kN, transmitted at the
on each container stack corners of each container stack
Still water condition N
FS = F S ,i R S = ----S

Upright condition “a” No inertial forces No inertial forces

(see Fig 6) “b” • in x direction

F W ,X =  (F W ,X ,i + F X ,wind ,i ) F W, Z N C h C F W, X
R W ,1 = ---------
- + ------------------------
i=1 4 4 C
• in z direction F W, Z N C h C F W, X
R W ,2 = ---------
- – ------------------------
N 4 4 C
F W ,Z = F W ,Z ,i


Inclined condition “c” and • in y direction

(negative roll angle) “d” N

(see Fig 7) F W ,Y =  (F W ,Y ,i + F Y ,wind ,i ) F W, Z N C h C F W, Y

R W ,1 = ---------
- + ------------------------
i=1 4 4b C
• in z direction F W, Z N C h C F W, Y
R W ,2 = ---------
- – ------------------------
N 4 4b C
F W ,Z = F W ,Z ,i


Note 1:
NC : Number of containers per stack
hC : Height, in m, of a container
C, bC : Dimension, in m, of the container stack in the ship longitudinal and transverse direction, respectively.

Figure 6 : Inertial and wind forces Figure 7 : Inertial and wind forces
Upright ship condition Inclined ship condition



R W,2 R W,1 R W,2
R W,1
R W,2 R W,2


July 2018 Bureau Veritas 71

Pt D, Ch 2, Sec 3


1 Open top container ships

1.1.1 The bilge system and fire-extinguishing arrangements
of open top container ships are to comply with the relevant
requirements of IMO MSC/Circ.608/rev.1 “Interim guide-
lines for open top container ships”.

72 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Part D
Service Notations

Chapter 3






July 2018 Bureau Veritas 73

74 Bureau Veritas July 2018
Pt D, Ch 3, Sec 1


1 General 1.1.2 Ships dealt with in this Chapter are to comply with:
• Part A of the Rules
1.1 Application • NR216 Materials and Welding
• applicable requirements according to Tab 1.
1.1.1 Ships complying with the requirements of this Chap-
ter are eligible for the assignment of the service notation
1.2 Summary table
livestock carrier, as defined in Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.2.6].
1.2.1 Requirements applicable to ships having the service
notation livestock carrier are summarized in Tab 1.

Table 1 : Applicable requirements

Item Greater than or equal to 500 GT Less than 500 GT

• Part B • NR566
L ≥ 65 or 90 m (1)
• Ch 3, Sec 2 • Ch 3, Sec 2
Ship arrangement
• NR566
L < 65 or 90 m (1) • NR600
• Ch 3, Sec 2
• Part B • Part B
L ≥ 65 or 90 m (1)
Hull • Ch 3, Sec 2 • Ch 3, Sec 2
L < 65 or 90 m (1) • NR600 • NR600
• Part B • NR566
• Ch 3, Sec 2 • Ch 3, Sec 2
Machinery and cargo systems • Part C • NR566
• Ch 3, Sec 3 • Ch 3, Sec 3
Electrical installations • Part C • NR566
Automation • Part C • NR566
• Part C • NR566
Fire protection, detection and extinction
• Ch 3, Sec 4 • Ch 3, Sec 4
(1) Refer to the scope of application of NR600.
Note 1:
NR566: Hull Arrangement, Stability and Systems for Ships less than 500 GT.
NR600: Hull Structure and Arrangement for the Classification of Cargo Ships less than 65 m and Non Cargo Ships less than 90 m.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 75

Pt D, Ch 3, Sec 2


1 General • interfere with the lighting or ventilation of other parts of

the ships
1.1 Documents to be submitted • interfere with the proper navigation of the ship.

1.1.1 In addition to the documentation requested in Part B, 2.3 Means of escape and access
the following documents are to be submitted for information:
• Livestock arrangement 2.3.1 General
In each space in which livestock is carried, not less than
• Distribution of fodder and consumable liquid on the
two means of escape for persons are to be fitted, widely
various decks and platforms.
separated and giving access to an open deck.
Access to livestock space for persons is to be safe. Where it
is combined with a ramp used for moving livestock
2 General arrangement between decks, it is to be separated from the livestock ramp
by protective fencing.
2.1 Livestock arrangement
2.3.2 Closing arrangement
2.1.1 The livestock are to be kept in pens. The dimensions Pens, stalls and similar fittings are to be provided with a
of these pens are to be suitable for the livestock carried. In means of access for persons with secure closing arrange-
general, the breadth and the length of the pen may not be ment whose structural strength is to be considered by the
greater than 4,5 m and 9 m, respectively. Society on a case-by-case basis.
The livestock may not be carried on hatch covers unless the
latter are effectively protected.
2.3.3 Passageway width

2.2 Arrangement of spaces dedicated to the If access between a ship side and a pen, stall or similar fit-
ting is required for purposes of safe and proper operation of
carriage of livestock ship, a passageway not less than 550 mm wide is to be pro-
vided between the ship's rail or bulwark and the rails or
2.2.1 General
receptacles of the pen, stall or fitting.
The requirements of this item apply to the arrangement of
the spaces dedicated to the carriage of livestock. When
deemed necessary by the Society, such spaces may need to
be adapted or complemented depending on the species of 3 Stability
animals which are to be carried.
3.1 Intact stability
2.2.2 Protection of livestock
Arrangements for protecting the livestock from injury, avoid- 3.1.1 General
able suffering and exposure to weather, sea or hot parts are The stability of the ship for the loading conditions reported
to be provided. in the trim and stability booklet is to be in compliance with
the requirements of Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 2.
2.2.3 Livestock arrangement
Livestock may not be carried, or loaded for carriage, in any 3.1.2 Additional requirements
part of a ship where the livestock, livestock fittings, livestock Where national or international rules apply, the Society
equipment or carrying arrangements may: reserves the right to adopt the rules in force in the country
• obstruct access to any accommodation space or work- in which the ship is registered or in which the ship trades.
ing space necessary for the safe running of the ship, or
the means of egress from any hold or underdeck space 4 Hull girder strength
• interfere with life-saving or fire-fighting appliances
• interfere with the tank sounding equipment or bilge 4.1 Application
4.1.1 In general, the decks and platform decks above the
• interfere with the operation of closing appliances strength deck used for the carriage of livestock may not be
• interfere with the operation of freeing ports taken into account for the calculation of the section modulus.

76 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 3, Sec 2

5 Hull scantlings Nevertheless, where deemed necessary by the shipyard they

may be designed and constructed with according to the cri-
teria in Part B, Chapter 7. In this case, the scantlings of the
5.1 Scantlings of plating, ordinary stiffeners
barriers surrounding each pen are to take into account the
and primary supporting members loads applied by the livestock as a result of roll and pitch of
5.1.1 Movable or collapsible structural elements the ship.
above the strength deck
In general, the movable or collapsible structural elements
above the strength deck used for the stocking and the distri-
bution of livestock on decks or platform decks are not a part
of ship classification.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 77

Pt D, Ch 3, Sec 3


1 General
2.2.2 Capacity of the mechanical ventilation

1.1 Application The capacity of the mechanical ventilation is not to be less

1.1.1 The provisions of this Section cover the systems • 20 air changes per hour of each enclosed space
installed on ships having the service notation livestock car-
rier and intended for: • 15 air changes per hour of each partially closed space,

• the supply of food, water and fresh air to the livestock based on the gross volume of the space, deduced, if possi-
ble, from the volume of any tank or trunk within that space.
• the cleaning of the livestock spaces
Note 1: Where the clear height of the space is less than 2,30 m, the
• the draining of the sewage effluents produced by the Society may require higher air change rates, with a maximum of:
• 30 changes per hour for enclosed spaces

1.2 Documents to be submitted • 22,5 changes per hour for partially closed spaces.

1.2.1 The documents listed in Tab 1 are to be submitted for 2.2.3 Fans
a) Ventilation circuits are to be supplied by at least two
independent fans of such a capacity as to maintain nor-
2 Design of the systems mal ventilation of all the spaces with one fan out of
2.1 General b) Fans driven by electric motors are to be considered as
essential auxiliaries. Their electrical supply is to comply
2.1.1 The piping systems covered by this Section are to be with the provisions of Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3.
designed, constructed and tested in accordance with the
applicable provisions of Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10.
2.3 Fodder and fresh water systems
2.2 Ventilation system
2.3.1 General
2.2.1 General a) Spaces intended for livestock are to be provided with
receptacles for feeding and watering the animals con-
Mechanical ventilation is to be provided for the following
spaces containing livestock:

• enclosed spaces b) The capacity of the receptacles is not to be less than

33% of the daily consumption of the animals con-
• partially closed spaces arranged with pens on more than cerned, except when the feed system is automatic.
one deck level and having a breadth greater than 20 m.

Table 1 : Documents to be submitted

Item No Description of the document (1)

1 Diagram of the ventilation system, with indication of the gross volume of the enclosed spaces
2 Diagram of storage and distribution systems for fodder and water
3 Diagram of the water cleaning system
4 Diagram of the drainage system
(1) Diagrams are also to include, where applicable:
• the (local and remote) control and monitoring systems and automation systems
• the instructions for the operation and maintenance of the piping system concerned (for information).

78 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 3, Sec 3

2.3.2 Fresh water system 2.5.3 Draining pipes and discharges

a) The fresh water system serving the livestock spaces is to a) Discharges from livestock spaces are to comply with the
be totally independent from the fresh water system serv- provisions of Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [8].
ing the spaces intended for the crew. b) Where necessary, drainage gutters and upper parts of
b) All livestock spaces are to be provided with fresh water the draining pipes are to be covered by a strainer plate.
service. c) Draining pipes from livestock spaces are to discharge
c) The fresh water system is to include at least: into a holding tank, wells or overboard.
• one main supply pump, of a capacity sufficient to Note 1: Overboard discharge is subject to the provisions of MAR-
continuously supply fresh water to the livestock POL Annex IV - Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by
• one standby pump of at least the same capacity.
Note 1: When the water supply system is not automatic, the d) Means are to be provided to stop the overboard dis-
standby pump may be replaced by a portable pump ready to be charge when the ship is in port.
connected to at least one fresh water tank.
d) When the water supply is automatic, water receptacles 2.5.4 Drainage tanks
are to be fitted with: a) Drainage tanks are to be fitted with means to indicate
• means of automatic water level control visually the amount of their content.
• devices to avoid the return of water from the recep- b) Drainage tanks and wells are to be accessible from out-
tacle to the fresh water tank. side livestock pens for inspection and cleaning.

2.5.5 Pumps and ejectors

2.4 Washing system
Pumps and ejectors serving the drainage tanks or wells are
2.4.1 A water washing system is to be provided with appro- to be capable of conveying semi-solid matter.
priate connections to wash the livestock spaces.
2.6 Lighting system
2.5 Drainage system
2.6.1 Permanently fixed adequate lighting is to be provided
2.5.1 General to give a sufficient level of illumination in passage ways
a) Each space intended for the livestock is to be fitted with between pens and access routes between or from those
a pipe or gutter of sufficient size to drain the sewage and parts.
the washing effluents.
2.6.2 An emergency permanently fixed lighting system is to
b) The drainage system serving the livestock spaces is to be be provided in case of failure of the main electrical system
independent from any piping system serving the other required in [2.6.1]. This lighting system is to comply with
spaces of the ship, and in particular from the bilge system. the requirements in Part C, Chapter 2 for emergency light-
2.5.2 Materials
The pipes and other components of the draining system are 2.6.3 In addition to those required in [2.6.1], fixed or port-
to be made of a material resistant to the corrosion due to the able lightings are to be provided to give a sufficient level of
effluents. illumination so that livestock can be inspected in each pen.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 79

Pt D, Ch 3, Sec 4



1 General same hydrant may reach any part of the spaces intended for
the livestock. At least one of these jets is to be from a single
length of hose.
1.1 Application
1.1.1 This Section provides, for ships having the service 2.1.2 Fire hoses are to be provided for:
notation livestock carrier, specific requirements for fire- • each hydrant located in an enclosed space, and
fighting in the livestock spaces. • for each 50 m length, or part thereof, of open deck
Such requirements supplement those given in Part C, Chap- spaces.
ter 4.
2.1.3 Fire hoses are to be located in conspicuous locations,
1.2 Documents to be submitted near the hydrants and close to the entrances or access to the
1.2.1 The documents listed in Tab 1 are to be submitted for
2.2 Additional fire-fighting means
Table 1 : Documents to be submitted
2.2.1 Livestock spaces containing hay or straw
Item No Description of the document If hay or straw is carried or used in a livestock space, one of
the following fire-fighting means is to be provided:
1 Drawing showing the location of the fire-fighting
appliances fitted in the livestock spaces • a fixed water fire-fighting system, or
• portable water extinguishers spaced no more than 18 m
2 Specification of the fire-fighting appliances
apart, one of these extinguishers being positioned at the
entrance of the space concerned.
2 Fire-fighting appliances
2.2.2 Livestock spaces containing electrical
2.1 Fire hoses equipment other than lighting systems
If electrical equipment other than that referred to in Ch 3,
2.1.1 The number and position of the hydrants are to be Sec 3, [2.6] is located in an enclosed livestock space, suita-
such that at least two jets of water not emanating from the ble fire-fighting means are to be provided in this respect.

80 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Part D
Service Notations

Chapter 4







July 2018 Bureau Veritas 81

82 Bureau Veritas July 2018
Pt D, Ch 4, Sec 1


1 General • Self-unloading bulk carrier ESP, as defined in Pt A, Ch 1,

Sec 2, [4.3.6]
1.1 Application • bulk carrier, as defined in Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.3.1].
1.1.1 Ships complying with the requirements of this Chap-
ter are eligible for the assignment of one of the service nota- 1.1.2 Ships dealt with in this Chapter are to comply with:
tions: • Part A of the Rules
• bulk carrier ESP, bulk carrier CSR ESP, bulk carrier CSR
• NR216 Materials and Welding
BC-A ESP, bulk carrier CSR BC-B ESP or bulk carrier
CSR BC-C ESP, as defined in Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.3.2] • applicable requirements according to Tab 1.

Table 1 : Applicable requirements

Ships having the additional Ships not having the additional service feature CSR
service feature CSR Greater than or equal to 500 GT Less than 500 GT
L ≥ 90 • NR606 • Part B • NR566
• Ch 4, Sec 2, [3] • Ch 4, Sec 2 • Ch 4, Sec 2
• Part B • NR566
Ship arrangement 65 ≤ L < 90 N.A.
• Ch 4, Sec 2 • Ch 4, Sec 2
• NR566
L < 65 N.A. • NR600
• Ch 4, Sec 2
• Part B • Part B
L ≥ 90 • NR606 • Ch 4, Sec 3 • Ch 4, Sec 3
• Ch 4, Sec 4 (1) • Ch 4, Sec 4 (1)
Hull • Part B • Part B
L ≥ 65 N.A. • Ch 4, Sec 3 • Ch 4, Sec 3
• Ch 4, Sec 4 (1) • Ch 4, Sec 4 (1)
L < 65 N.A. • NR600 • NR600
• Part B • Part B • NR566
• Ch 4, Sec 3, [1] • Ch 4, Sec 3, [1] • Ch 4, Sec 3, [1]
Machinery and cargo systems Part C Part C NR566
Electrical installations Part C Part C NR566
Automation Part C Part C NR566
Fire protection, detection and Part C Part C NR566
(1) Ch 4, Sec 4 is applicable to hatch covers.
Note 1:
NR566: Hull Arrangement, Stability and Systems for Ships less than 500 GT.
NR600: Hull Structure and Arrangement for the Classification of Cargo Ships less than 65 m and Non Cargo Ships less than 90 m.
NR606: Common Structural Rules for Bulk Carriers and Oil Tankers.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 83

Pt D, Ch 4, Sec 2


1 General 2 General arrangement design

1.1 Application 2.1 General

2.1.1 Forecastle
1.1.1 The requirements of Ch 4, Sec 2 and Ch 4, Sec 3
Ships with the service notation bulk carrier ESP or bulk car-
apply to ships specially intended for the carriage of dry rier are to be fitted with an enclosed forecastle on the free-
cargo in bulk which have a typical midship section with sin- board deck, with its aft bulkhead fitted in way or aft of the
gle deck, single or double side skin, with a double bottom, forward bulkhead of the foremost hold, as shown in Fig 2.
hopper tanks and topside tanks as illustrated in Fig 1, or a However, if this requirement hinders hatch cover operation,
midship section deemed equivalent by the Society. the aft bulkhead of the forecastle may be fitted forward of
the forward bulkhead of the foremost cargo hold provided
A single side skin bulk carrier means a bulk carrier where the forecastle length is not less than 7% of ship length abaft
one or more cargo holds are bound by the side shell only or the forward perpendicular where the ship length and for-
ward perpendicular are defined in the International Con-
by two watertight boundaries, one of which is the side shell,
vention on Load Lines 1966 and its Protocol 1988.
which are less than 1000 mm apart in at least one location.
The distance between the watertight boundaries is to be The forecastle height HF above the main deck is to be not
measured perpendicular to the side shell. less than:
• the standard height of a superstructure as specified in Pt B,
Ch 1, Sec 2, [3.19]
Figure 1 : Bulk carrier
Single and double side skin construction • HC + 0,5 m, where HC is the height of the forward trans-
verse hatch coming of the foremost cargo hold, i.e.
cargo hold No. 1,

whichever is the greater.

All points of the aft edge of the forecastle deck are to be
located at a distance F:

F ≤ 5 HF – HC
from the hatch coming plate in order to apply the reduced
loading to the No. 1 forward transverse hatch coaming and
No. 1 hatch cover in applying Ch 4, Sec 4, [6.2.1], and Ch 4,
Sec 4, [7.2.5].

Figure 2 : Forecastle arrangement

Top of the hatch coaming



Forward bulkhead
of hold N° 1

84 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 4, Sec 2

A breakwater is not to be fitted on the forecastle deck with far as practicable, permanent or movable means of access
the purpose of protecting the hatch coaming or hatch cov- stored on board are to be provided to ensure proper survey
ers. If fitted for other purposes, it is to be located such that and maintenance of cargo holds and, in particular, of the
its upper edge at centre line is not less than HB / tan20° for- lower part of cargo hold side frames.
ward of the aft edge of the forecastle deck, where HB is the
height of the breakwater above the forecastle (see Fig 2). 3.2.2 Hatches of cargo holds

If separate hatches are used as access to the ladders as

3 Access arrangement required in [3.2.3], each hatch is to have a clear opening of
at least 600 mm x 600 mm.
3.1 Access arrangement to double bottom When the access to the cargo hold is arranged through the
and pipe tunnel cargo hatch, the top of the ladder is to be placed as close as
possible to the hatch coaming.
3.1.1 Means of access
Adequate means of access to the double bottom and the Accesses and ladders are to be so arranged that personnel
pipe tunnel are to be provided. equipped with self-contained breathing apparatus may
readily enter and leave the cargo hold.
3.1.2 Manholes in the inner bottom, floors and
girders Access hatch coamings having a height greater than 900
mm are also to have steps on the outside in conjunction
Manholes cut in the inner bottom are to be located at a
with cargo hold ladders.
minimum distance of one floor spacing from the lower
stool, or transverse bulkhead if no stool is fitted.
3.2.3 Ladders within cargo holds
The location and size of manholes in floors and girders are
to be determined to facilitate the access to double bottom Each cargo hold is to be provided with at least two ladders
structures and their ventilation. However, they are to be as far apart as practicable longitudinally. If possible these
avoided in the areas where high shear stresses may occur. ladders are to be arranged diagonally, e.g. one ladder near
the forward bulkhead on the port side, the other one near
3.2 Access arrangement to and within the aft bulkhead on the starboard side, from the ship's
spaces in, and forward of, the cargo area centreline.
Ladders are to be so designed and arranged that the risk of
3.2.1 Means of access damage from the cargo handling gear is minimised.
Ships with the service notation bulk carrier CSR ESP, bulk
carrier CSR BC-A ESP, bulk carrier CSR BC-B ESP, bulk car- Vertical ladders may be permitted provided they are
rier CSR BC-C ESP of length greater than or equal to 150 m, arranged above each other in line with other ladders to
are to comply with the relevant requirements of NR606 which they form access and resting positions are provided
Common structural rules for bulk carriers and oil tankers. at not more than 9 metres apart.
Ships with the service notation bulk carrier CSR ESP, bulk Tunnels passing through cargo holds are to be equipped
carrier CSR BC-A ESP, bulk carrier CSR BC-B ESP, bulk car- with ladders or steps at each end of the hold so that person-
rier CSR BC-C ESP of less than 150 m in length and of nel may get across such tunnels.
20,000 gross tonnage and over, are to comply with SOLAS, Where it may be necessary for work to be carried out within
Ch II-1, Reg 3-6. a cargo hold preparatory to loading, consideration is to be
Ships with the service notation bulk carrier ESP or bulk car- given to suitable arrangements for the safe handling of port-
rier are to comply with [3.2.2] and [3.2.3]. In addition, as able staging or movable platforms.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 85

Pt D, Ch 4, Sec 3



D1 : Distance, in m, from the base line to the free- 1 Stability

board deck at side amidships (see Fig 13)
hDB : Height, in m, of the double bottom 1.1 Definitions
hLS : Mean height, in m, of the lower stool, measured
from the inner bottom 1.1.1 Grain

k : Material factor defined in Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 1, The term grain covers wheat, maize (corn), oats, rye, bar-
[2.3] ley, rice, pulses, seeds and processed forms thereof, whose
behaviour is similar to that of grain in its natural state.
tC : Corrosion addition, in mm, defined in Pt B, Ch 4,
Sec 2, Tab 2 1.1.2 Filled compartment trimmed
 : Span, in m, of side frames; see [2.2.3] The term filled compartment trimmed refers to any cargo
d : Height, in mm, of side frame web; see [2.2.3] space in which, after loading and trimming as specified in
Ch 4, App 1, the bulk grain is at its highest possible level.
C : Span, in m, of the corrugations of vertically cor-
rugated transverse watertight bulkheads; see 1.1.3 Filled compartment untrimmed
The term filled compartment untrimmed refers to a cargo
sC : Spacing of corrugations, in m; see Fig 5 space which is filled to the maximum extent possible in way
ReH : Minimum upper yield stress, in N/mm2, of the of the hatch opening but which has not been trimmed out-
material as defined in Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 1, [2] side the periphery of the hatch opening.

E : Young’s modulus, in N/mm2, to be taken equal 1.1.4 Partially filled compartment

The term partly filled compartment refers to any cargo
• E = 2,06.105 N/mm2 for steels in general space where the bulk grain is not loaded in the manner pre-
• E = 1,95.105 N/mm2 for stainless steels scribed in [1.1.2] or [1.1.3].

ρB : Dry bulk cargo density, in t/m3; the following 1.1.5 Stowage factor
values may generally be taken:
The term stowage factor, for the purposes of calculating the
• ρΒ = 3.0 t/m3 for iron ore grain heeling moment caused by a shift of grain, means the
volume per unit weight of the cargo as attested by the load-
• ρΒ = 1.3 t/m3 for cement
ing facility, i.e. no allowance is to be made for lost space
ϕ : Angle of repose, in degrees, of the dry bulk when the cargo space is nominally filled.
cargo carried; in the absence of more precise
evaluation the following values can be taken: 1.1.6 Specially suitable compartment

• ϕ = 30° in general The term specially suitable compartment refers to a cargo

space which is constructed with at least two vertical or slop-
• ϕ = 35° for iron ore ing, longitudinal, grain-tight divisions which are coincident
• ϕ = 25° for cement with the hatch side girders or are so positioned as to limit
the effect of any transverse shift of grain. If sloping, the divi-
ρ : Sea water density, in t/m3 sions are to have an inclination of not less than 30° to the
hF, zF : Flooding head and distance, respectively, in m,
defined in [3.3.3] for transverse bulkheads and
[3.4.3] for double bottoms 1.2 Intact stability
h B , zB : Level height of the dry bulk cargo and distance, 1.2.1 General
respectively, in m, defined in [3.3.4] for trans-
The stability of the ship for the loading conditions in Pt B,
verse bulkheads and [6.2.6] for double bottoms
Ch 3, App 2, [1.2.5] is to be in compliance with the require-
g : Gravity acceleration, in m/s2, to be taken equal ments of Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 2. In addition, the requirements in
to 9,81. [1.2.2] and [1.2.3] are to be complied with.

86 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 4, Sec 3

1.2.2 Grain Loading Manual country; if the language used is neither English nor French,
Information in printed booklet form is to be provided on the text is to include a translation into one of these lan-
board to enable the Master to ensure that the ship complies guages.
with the stability requirements reported in the Rules when
carrying grain in bulk. This booklet is commonly referred to 1.2.3 Intact stability criteria for grain loading
as Grain Loading Manual and is to include the following The intact stability characteristics of any ship carrying bulk
information: grain are to be shown to meet, throughout the voyage, at
• ship's particulars least the following criteria after taking into account in the
• lightship displacement and the vertical distance from manner described in Ch 4, App 1 and in Fig 1, the heeling
the intersection of the moulded base line and midship moments due to grain shift:
section to the centre of gravity (KG) • the angle of heel due to the shift of grain is to be not
• table of liquid free surface corrections greater than 12° or the angle at which the deck edge is
• capacities and centres of gravity immersed, whichever is the lesser
• curve or table of angle of flooding, where less than 40°, • in the statical stability diagram, the net or residual area
at all permissible displacements between the heeling arm curve and the righting arm
• curves or tables of hydrostatic properties suitable for the curve up to the angle of heel of maximum difference
range of operating drafts between the ordinates of the two curves, or 40° or the
• cross curves of stability which are sufficient for the pur- angle of flooding, whichever is the least, is in all condi-
pose of the requirements in [1.2.3] and which include tions of loading to be not less than 0,075 m.rad
curves at 12° and 40° • the initial metacentric height, after correction for the
• curves or tables of volumes, vertical centres of volumes, free surface effects of liquids in tanks, as specified in Pt
and assumed volumetric heeling moments for every B, Ch 3, Sec 2, [4], is to be not less than 0,30 m.
hold, filled or partly filled, or combination thereof, After loading, the Master is to ensure that the ship is upright
including the effects of temporary fittings before proceeding to sea.
• tables or curves of maximum permissible heeling
moments for varying displacements and varying vertical
centres of gravity to allow the Master to demonstrate
1.3 Damage stability requirements for ships
compliance with the requirements specified in [1.2.3] where additional class notation SDS is
• loading instructions in the form of notes summarising
the requirements of these Rules
1.3.1 General
• a worked example for the guidance of the Master
Ships with the service notation bulk carrier ESP, bulk car-
• typical loaded service departure and arrival conditions
rier CSR ESP, bulk carrier CSR BC-A ESP, bulk carrier CSR
and, where necessary, intermediate worst service condi-
BC-B ESP, bulk carrier CSR BC-C ESP or bulk carrier where
additional class notation SDS is required (see Pt A, Ch 1,
It is recommended that loading conditions should be Sec 2, [6.14.11]), equal to or greater than 80 m in length,
provided for at least three representative stowage factors. are subjected to the probabilistic approach reported in Pt B,
The Grain Loading Manual may be drawn up in the official Ch 3, Sec 3, [2.1.3] and are to comply with the require-
language or languages of the Administration of the issuing ments in Pt B, Ch 3, App 3.

Figure 1 : Stability curve

righting arm curve

righting arm

heeling arm curve due

angle of heel due to transverse grain shift
to grain shift which may be approxi-
residual dynamic mately represented by
stability the straight line AB

l0 l 40
0 40 angle of heel (degrees)

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 87

Pt D, Ch 4, Sec 3

1.3.2 Freeboard reduction The girder spacing is to be not greater than 4 times the spac-
ing of bottom or inner bottom ordinary stiffeners and the
Ships with the service notation bulk carrier CSR ESP, bulk
floor spacing is to be not greater than 3 frame spaces.
carrier CSR BC-A ESP, bulk carrier CSR BC-B ESP, bulk car-
rier CSR BC-C ESP or bulk carrier greater than 100 m in Greater spacing may be accepted by the Society, depending
length which have been assigned reduced freeboard as per- on the results of the analysis carried out according to Pt B,
mitted by Regulation 27 of the International Convention on Ch 7, App 1 for the primary supporting members in the
Load Lines, 1966, as referenced in Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 3, [2.1.2] cargo holds.
are to comply with the requirements specified in Pt B, Ch 3,
App 4. Therefore, compliance with the requirements in 2.1.2 Transversely framed double bottom
[1.3.1] is not required. The double bottom and the sloped bulkheads of hopper
tanks may be transversely framed in ships equal to or less
1.3.3 Additional requirements for single side skin than 120 m in length, when this is deemed acceptable by
bulk carriers equal to or greater than 150 m in the Society on a case-by-case basis. In this case, however,
length the floor spacing is to be not greater than 2 frame spaces.

The requirements specified in [1.3.4] to [1.3.6] apply to sin- 2.1.3 Floors in way of transverse bulkheads
gle side skin bulk carriers, where additional class notation The thickness and material properties of the supporting
SDS is required, equal to or greater than 150 m in length, floors and pipe tunnel beams are to be not less than those
intended for the carriage of bulk cargoes having dry bulk required for the bulkhead plating or, when a stool is fitted,
density of 1.0 t/m3, or above. of the stool side plating.
Ships complying with the requirements in [1.3.2] are not
required to comply with those in [1.3.4] to [1.3.6]. 2.2 Single side structure
2.2.1 General
1.3.4 Flooding of cargo holds
The side within the hopper and topside tanks is, in general,
Bulk carriers specified in [1.3.3], when loaded to the sum- to be longitudinally framed. It may be transversely framed
mer load line, are to be able to withstand flooding of any when this is accepted for the double bottom and the deck
one cargo hold in all loading conditions and remain afloat according to [2.1.2] and [2.4.1], respectively.
in satisfactory condition as specified in [1.3.5].
2.2.2 Frame spacing
In general, the frame spacing in cargo holds bounded by the
1.3.5 Flooding criteria
side shell only is to be not greater than the values obtained,
in m, from the following formulae:
After flooding, the vessel is to comply with the requirements
laid down in Pt B, Ch 3, App 4. L
s = 0, 6 + ---------- for L < 90m
The assumed flooding need only take into account flooding 0, 25
s = 0, 9 + 1, 25  ----------
of the cargo hold space, considering the permeability values for L ≥ 90m
 100
specified in [1.3.6].
2.2.3 Frame span and web height
1.3.6 Flooding assumptions
Frame span  and web height d are to be measured as indi-
The permeability of a loaded hold is to be assumed as 0,9, cated in Fig 2.
unless a permeability relevant to a particular cargo is
assumed for the volume of a flooded hold occupied by 2.2.4 Symmetrical frame sections
cargo and a permeability of 0,95 is assumed for the remain- Frames are to be fabricated symmetrical sections with inte-
ing empty volume of the hold. In the latter case, the perme- gral upper and lower brackets and are to be arranged with
abilities and the corresponding cargo densities specified in soft toes.
[3.2.2] are to be assumed. The web depth to thickness ratio is to be not greater than
The permeability of an empty hold is to be assumed as 0,95. 60 k0,5. The outstanding flange is to be not greater than
10 k0,5 times the flange thickness. The end of the flange is to
be sniped.
2 Structure design principles The frame flange is to be curved (not knuckled) at the con-
nection with the end brackets. The radius of curvature (see
2.1 Double bottom structure Fig 2) is to be not less than the value obtained, in mm, from
the following formula:
2.1.1 Longitudinally framed double bottom 0, 4b
r = ---------------f
In ships greater than 120 m in length, the double bottom
and the sloped bulkheads of hopper tanks are to be longitu- where bf and tf are, in mm, the flange width and thickness,
dinally framed. respectively.

88 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 4, Sec 3

Figure 2 : Frame and end bracket geometry Figure 3 : Connection with bracket
within hopper and topside tanks
Topside tank

Z BB Section BB
r 0,25 

0,125  Z SOFT TOE

Section AA


2.2.5 Asymmetrical frame sections Figure 4 : Tripping brackets

In ships less than 190 m in length, mild steel frames may be
asymmetrical and fitted with overlapped welded brackets.
The face plate or flange of the bracket is to be sniped at
both ends. Brackets are to be arranged with soft toes.

The web to thickness ratio is to be not greater than 50 k0,5.

The outstanding flange is to be not greater than 10 k0,5 times
the flange thickness.

2.2.6 Lower and upper end brackets

The section modulus of the frame end bracket or integral

bracket, calculated, with an attached side plating according
2.3 Double side structure
to Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 3, [3.3], at the end sections of the span 
(sections AA and BB in Fig 2), is to be not less than twice 2.3.1 General
the section modulus required for the frame midspan area The side within the hopper and topside tanks is, in general,
according to Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 2 or NR600, as applicable. to be longitudinally framed. It may be transversely framed
when this is accepted for the double bottom and the deck
The dimensions of the lower and upper end brackets are to according to [2.1.2] and [2.4.1], respectively.
be not less than those shown in Fig 2.
2.3.2 Side primary supporting members
2.2.7 Connecting brackets within hopper and The spacing of transverse side primary supporting members
topside tanks is to be not greater than 3 frame spaces.
Greater spacing may be accepted by the Society, on a case-
Structural continuity with the upper and lower end connec- by-case basis, depending on the results of the analysis car-
tions of side frames is to be ensured within hopper and top- ried out according to Pt B, Ch 7, App 1 for the primary sup-
side tanks by connecting brackets as shown in Fig 3. porting members in the cargo holds.
In any case, transverse side primary supporting members
2.2.8 Tripping brackets are to be fitted in line with web frames in hopper and top-
side tanks.
In way of the foremost cargo hold, side frames of asymmet-
rical section are to be fitted with sloped tripping brackets 2.4 Deck structure
every two frames, as shown in Fig 4.
2.4.1 Deck outside the line of hatches and topside
In way of the other holds, side frames of asymmetrical sec- tank sloping plates
tions are to be fitted with sloped tripping brackets every two In ships greater than 120 m in length, the deck outside the
frames where the web height d is greater than 600 mm or line of hatches and the topside tank sloping plates are to be
the span  is greater than 6 m. longitudinally framed.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 89

Pt D, Ch 4, Sec 3

The spacing of web frames in topside tanks is to be not The corrugation angle ϕ shown in Fig 5 is to be not less than
greater than 6 frame spaces. 55°.
Greater spacing may be accepted by the Society, on a case- The thickness of the lower part of corrugations considered
by-case basis, depending on the results of the analysis car- in the application of [2.5.9] and [6.1.3] is to be maintained
ried out according to Pt B, Ch 7, App 1 for the primary sup- for a distance from the inner bottom (if no lower stool is fit-
porting members in the cargo holds. ted) or the top of the lower stool not less than 0,15C.

2.4.2 Deck between hatches The thickness of the middle part of corrugations considered
in the application of [2.5.10] and [6.1.3] is to be main-
The cross decks between hatches are generally to be trans-
tained for a distance from the deck (if no upper stool is fit-
versely framed.
ted) or the bottom of the upper stool not greater than 0,3C.
Connection of the strength deck at side with the deck
between hatches is to be ensured by a plate of intermediate The section modulus of the corrugations in the remaining
thickness. upper part of the bulkhead is to be not less than 75% of that
required for the middle part, corrected for different mini-
2.4.3 Connection of hatch end beams with deck mum yield stresses.
The connection of hatch end beams with deck structures is 2.5.2 Span of corrugations
to be properly ensured by fitting inside the topside tanks The span C of the corrugations is to be taken as the dis-
additional web frames or brackets. tance shown in Fig 6. For the definition of C, the internal
end of the upper stool may not be taken at a distance from
2.4.4 Topside tank structure the deck at centreline greater than:
Topside tank structures are to extend as far as possible • 3 times the depth of corrugations, in general
within the machinery space and are to be adequately
tapered. • twice the depth of corrugations, for rectangular upper
2.5 Transverse vertically corrugated water-
Figure 6 : Span of the corrugations
tight bulkheads

2.5.1 General
For ships equal to or greater than 190 m in length, trans-
verse vertically corrugated watertight bulkheads are to be
fitted with a lower stool and, in general, with an upper stool
below the deck. In smaller ships, corrugations may extend c c
from the inner bottom to the deck. If the stool is fitted, it is
to comply with [2.5.1] to [2.5.5].

Figure 5 : Corrugation geometry n

n=neutral axis of
the corrugations


c c c c c

j £ 55˚ tw

(*) See [2.5.2].

90 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 4, Sec 3

2.5.3 Lower stool The width of the upper stool bottom plate is generally to be
The lower stool, when fitted, is to have a height in general the same as that of the lower stool top plate. The stool top of
not less than 3 times the depth of the corrugations. non-rectangular stools is to have a width not less than twice
the depth of corrugations.
The thickness and material of the stool top plate are to be
not less than those required for the bulkhead plating above. The thickness and material of the stool bottom plate are to
The thickness and material properties of the upper portion be the same as those of the bulkhead plating below. The
of vertical or sloping stool side plating within the depth thickness of the lower portion of stool side plating is to be
equal to the corrugation flange width from the stool top are not less than 80% of that required for the upper part of the
to be not less than the required flange plate thickness and bulkhead plating where the same material is used.
material to meet the bulkhead stiffness requirement at the The ends of stool side ordinary stiffeners are to be attached
lower end of the corrugation. to brackets at the upper and lower end of the stool.
The ends of stool side ordinary stiffeners are to be attached
The stool is to be fitted with diaphragms in line with and
to brackets at the upper and lower ends of the stool.
effectively attached to longitudinal deck girders extending
The distance from the edge of the stool top plate to the sur- to the hatch end coaming girders for effective support of the
face of the corrugation flange is to be in accordance with corrugated bulkhead. Scallops in the brackets and dia-
Fig 7. phragms in way of the connection to the stool bottom plate
The stool bottom is to be installed in line with double bot- are to be avoided.
tom floors and is to have a width not less than 2,5 times the
mean depth of the corrugation. 2.5.5 Alignment
The stool is to be fitted with diaphragms in line with the lon- At deck, if no upper stool is fitted, two transverse reinforced
gitudinal double bottom girders for effective support of the beams are to be fitted in line with the corrugation flanges.
corrugated bulkhead. Scallops in the brackets and dia- At bottom, if no lower stool is fitted, the corrugation flanges
phragms in way of the connections to the stool top plate are are to be in line with the supporting floors. The weld con-
to be avoided. nections of corrugations and floors to the inner bottom plat-
Where corrugations are cut at the lower stool, the weld ing are to be in accordance with [8.1]. The thickness and
connections of corrugations and stool side plating to the material properties of the supporting floors are to be not less
stool top plate are to be in accordance with [8.1]. The weld than those of the corrugation flanges. Moreover, the cut-
connections of stool side plating and supporting floors to outs for connections of the inner bottom longitudinals to
the inner bottom plating are to be in accordance with [8.1]. double bottom floors are to be closed by collar plates. The
supporting floors are to be connected to each other by suit-
2.5.4 Upper stool ably designed shear plates.
The upper stool, when fitted, is to have a height in general- Stool side plating is to align with the corrugation flanges;
not less than two times the depth of corrugations. Rectangu- lower stool side vertical stiffeners and their brackets in the
lar stools are to have a height in general equal to twice the stool are to align with the inner bottom longitudinals to pro-
depth of corrugations, measured from the deck level and at vide appropriate load transmission between these stiffening
the hatch side girder or at the inner hull, as applicable. members. Lower stool side plating may not be knuckled
The upper stool is to be properly supported by deck girders anywhere between the inner bottom plating and the stool
or deep brackets between the adjacent hatch end beams. top plate.

Figure 7 : Permitted distance, d, from the edge of the stool top plate to the surface of the corrugation flange






July 2018 Bureau Veritas 91

Pt D, Ch 4, Sec 3

2.5.6 Effective width of the compression flange c) Effective shedder plates

The effective width of the corrugation flange to be consid- Provided that effective shedder plates, as defined in
ered for the strength check of the bulkhead is to be [2.5.7], are fitted (see Fig 8 and Fig 9), when calculating
obtained, in m, from the following formula: the section modulus of corrugations at the lower end
(sections 1 in Fig 8 and Fig 9), the area of flange plates
b EF = C E A may be increased by the value obtained, in cm2, from
where: the following formula:

CE : Coefficient to be taken equal to: I SH = 2 ,5A t F t SH

2, 25 1, 25 without being taken greater than 2,5AtF,

C E = ------------- – ------------
- for β > 1,25
β β
C E = 1, 0 for β ≤ 1, 25 A : Width, in m, of the corrugation flange (see
Fig 5)
β : Coefficient to be taken equal to:
tSH : Net shedder plate thickness, in mm
3 A R eH tF : Net flange thickness, in mm.
β = 10 ---- -------
tf E
Figure 8 : Symmetrical shedder plates
A : Width, in m, of the corrugation flange (see Fig 5)
tf : Net flange thickness, in mm.

2.5.7 Effective shedder plates

Effective shedder plates are those which:
• are not knuckled
• are welded to the corrugations and the lower stool top shedder
plate according to [8.1] plate
• are fitted with a minimum slope of 45°, their lower edge
being in line with the lower stool side plating
• have thickness not less than 75% of that required for the
corrugation flanges
• have material properties not less than those required for
the flanges. stool

2.5.8 Effective gusset plates

Effective gusset plates are those which:
• are in combination with shedder plates having thick-
ness, material properties and welded connections
according to [2.5.7] Figure 9 : Asymmetrical shedder plates

• have a height not less than half of the flange width

• are fitted in line with the lower stool side plating
• are welded to the lower stool plate, corrugations and
shedder plates according to [8.1]
• have thickness and material properties not less than
those required for the flanges.

2.5.9 Section modulus at the lower end of

corrugations shedder
a) The section modulus at the lower end of corrugations hg
(sections 1 in Fig 8 to Fig 12) is to be calculated with the
compression flange having an effective flange width bef
not larger than that indicated in [2.5.6]. 1
b) Webs not supported by local brackets
Except in case e), if the corrugation webs are not sup- stool
ported by local brackets below the stool top plate (or
below the inner bottom) in the lower part, the section
modulus of the corrugations is to be calculated consid-
ering the corrugation webs 30% effective.

92 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 4, Sec 3

d) Effective gusset plates Figure 12 : Asymmetrical gusset/shedder plates

Sloping stool top plate
Provided that effective gusset plates, as defined in
[2.5.8], are fitted (see Fig 10 to Fig 12), when calculat-
ing the section modulus of corrugations at the lower end
(cross-sections 1 in Fig 10 to Fig 12), the area of flange
plates may be increased by the value obtained, in cm2,
from the following formula:

IG = 7 hG tF

hG : Height, in m, of gusset plates (see Fig 10 to hg

Fig 12), to be taken not greater than =

(10/7)SGU 1
SGU : Width, in m, of gusset plates
tF : Net flange thickness, in mm, based on the
as-built condition.

Figure 10 : Symmetrical gusset/shedder plates

e) Sloping stool top plate
If the corrugation webs are welded to a sloping stool top
plate which has an angle not less than 45° with the hori-
zontal plane, the section modulus of the corrugations
may be calculated considering the corrugation webs
fully effective. For angles less than 45°, the effectiveness
gusset of the web may be obtained by linear interpolation
between 30% for 0° and 100% for 45°.
Where effective gusset plates are fitted, when calculat-
ing the section modulus of corrugations the area of
flange plates may be increased as specified in d) above.
No credit may be given to shedder plates only.

2.5.10 Section modulus at sections other than the

stool lower end of corrugations
The section modulus is to be calculated with the corruga-
tion webs considered effective and the compression flange
having an effective flange width, bEF, not larger than that
obtained in [2.5.6].
Figure 11 : Asymmetrical gusset/shedder plates
2.5.11 Shear area
The shear area is to be reduced in order to account for pos-
sible non-perpendicularity between the corrugation webs
and flanges. In general, the reduced shear area may be
obtained by multiplying the web sectional area by (sin ϕ), ϕ
being the angle between the web and the flange (see Fig 5).

3 Design loads
plate 3.1 General design loading conditions
3.1.1 Application
1 In addition to the requirements in Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 2, [2.1.2],
lower still water loads are to be calculated for the following load-
stool ing conditions, subdivided into departure and arrival condi-
tions as appropriate. These still water loads are to be used
for hull girder strength and local strength.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 93

Pt D, Ch 4, Sec 3

3.1.2 Still water loads 3.2.3 Still water hull girder loads
• Alternate light and heavy cargo loading conditions at The still water loads in flooded conditions are to be calcu-
maximum draught, for ships whose service notation is lated for each of the cargo and ballast conditions consid-
completed by the additional service feature non- ered in the intact longitudinal strength calculations, as
homload specified in [3.1] except that harbour conditions, docking
• Homogeneous light and heavy cargo loading conditions condition afloat, loading and unloading transitory condi-
at maximum draught tions in port and loading conditions encountered during
• Ballast conditions. For ships having ballast holds adja- ballast water exchange need not be considered.
cent to topside, hopper and double bottom tanks, it may 3.2.4 Wave hull girder loads
be acceptable in terms of strength that the ballast holds
The wave loads in flooded conditions are to be assumed to
are filled when the topside, hopper and double bottom
be equal to 80% of those defined in Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 2, [3.1].
tanks are empty. Partial filling of the peak tanks is not
acceptable in the design ballast conditions, unless effec-
tive means are provided to prevent accidental overfilling 3.3 Local loads in flooding conditions on
• Short voyage conditions where the ship is to be loaded to transverse vertically corrugated water-
maximum draught but with a limited amount of bunkers tight bulkheads of bulk carriers of length
• Multiple port loading/unloading conditions greater than or equal to 150 m
• Deck cargo conditions, where applicable 3.3.1 Application
• Typical loading sequences where the ship is loaded These requirements apply, in lieu of those in Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 6,
from commencement of cargo loading to reaching full [9], to ships with transverse vertically corrugated watertight
deadweight capacity, for homogeneous conditions, rele- bulkheads, having the service notation bulk carrier, of length
vant part load conditions and alternate conditions greater than or equal to 150 m, intended for the carriage of
where applicable. Typical unloading sequences for bulk cargoes having dry bulk cargo density 1.0 t/m3 or above.
these conditions are also to be included. The typical
loading/ unloading sequences are also to be developed Each cargo hold is to be considered individually flooded.
so as not to exceed applicable strength limitations. The
3.3.2 General
typical loading sequences are also to be developed pay-
The loads to be considered as acting on each bulkhead are
ing due attention to the loading rate and deballasting
those given by the combination of those induced by cargo
loads with those induced by the flooding of one hold adja-
• Typical sequences for change of ballast at sea, where cent to the bulkhead under examination. In any case, the
applicable. pressure due to the flooding water alone is to be considered.
The most severe combinations of cargo induced loads and
3.2 Hull girder loads in flooded conditions flooding loads are to be used for the check of the scantlings
of bulk carriers of length greater than or of each bulkhead, depending on the loading conditions
equal to 150 m included in the loading manual:
3.2.1 Application • homogeneous loading conditions
These requirements apply to ships having the service nota- • non-homogeneous loading conditions,
tion bulk carrier, of length greater than or equal to 150 m, considering the individual flooding of both loaded and
intended for the carriage of bulk cargoes having dry bulk empty holds.
cargo density 1.0 t/m3 or above.
For the purpose of this item, homogeneous loading condi-
Each cargo hold is to be considered individually flooded up tion means a loading condition in which the ratio between
to the equilibrium waterline. the highest and the lowest filling ratio, evaluated for each
hold, does not exceed 1,20, to be corrected for different
3.2.2 Flooding assumptions
cargo densities.
Appropriate permeabilities and bulk densities are to be used
for any cargo carried. For iron ore, a minimum permeability Non-homogeneous part loading conditions associated with
of 0,3 with a corresponding bulk density of 3.0 t/m3 is to be multiport loading and unloading operations for homogene-
used. For cement, a minimum permeability of 0,3 with a ous loading conditions need not be considered according to
corresponding bulk density of 1.3 t/m3 is to be used. In this these requirements.
respect, “permeability” for dry bulk cargo means the ratio of The specified design load limits for the cargo holds are to be
the floodable volume between the particles, granules or any represented by loading conditions defined by the Designer
larger pieces of the cargo, to the gross volume of the bulk in the loading manual.
cargo. For the purpose of this item, holds carrying packed cargoes
The permeability of empty cargo spaces and volume left in are to be considered as empty holds for this application.
loaded cargo spaces above any cargo is to be taken equal to Unless the ship is intended to carry, in non-homogeneous
0,95. conditions, only iron ore or cargo having bulk density equal
For packed cargo conditions (such as in the case of steel to or greater than 1.78 t/m3, the maximum mass of cargo
mill products), the actual density of the cargo is to be used which may be carried in the hold is also to be considered to
with a permeability of zero. fill that hold up to the upper deck level at centreline.

94 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 4, Sec 3

Figure 13 : Transverse bulkheads - Flooding head and level height of the dry bulk cargo


hB V

V = Volume of cargo
P = Calculation point

3.3.3 Flooding head 3.3.5 Pressures and forces on a corrugation in non-

flooded bulk cargo loaded holds
The flooding head hF (see Fig 13) is the distance, in m,
measured vertically with the ship in the upright position, At each point of the bulkhead, the pressure is to be
from the calculation point to a level located at a distance zF, obtained, in kN/m2, from the following formula:
in m, from the base line equal to: 2
p B = ρ B g h B tan  45 – ---
• In general:  2

- D1 for the foremost transverse corrugated bulkhead The force acting on a corrugation is to be obtained, in kN,
from the following formula:
- 0,9 D1 for other bulkheads.
( z B – h DB – h LS )
- tan  45 – ϕ
Where the ship is to carry cargoes having bulk density F B = ρ B g s C --------------------------------------- ---
2  2
less than 1.78 t/m3 in non-homogeneous loading condi-
tions, the following values may be assumed:
3.3.6 Pressures and forces on a corrugation in
- 0,95 D1 for the foremost transverse corrugated bulk- flooded bulk cargo loaded holds
Two cases are to be considered, depending on the values of
- 0,85 D1 for other bulkheads. zF and zB (see [3.3.3] and [3.3.4]):
• For ships less than 50000 t deadweight with type B free- • zF ≥ zB
At each point of the bulkhead located at a distance
- 0,95 D1 for the foremost transverse corrugated bulk- between zB and zF from the base line, the pressure, in
head kN/m2, is to be obtained from the following formula:
- 0,85 D1 for other bulkheads. pB, F = ρ g hF
Where the ship is to carry cargoes having bulk density At each point of the bulkhead located at a distance
less than 1.78 t/m3 in non-homogeneous loading condi- lower than zB from the base line, the pressure, in kN/m2,
tions, the following values may be assumed: is to be obtained from the following formula:
- 0,9 D1 for the foremost transverse corrugated bulk- 2
head p B ,F = ρ g h F + [ ρ B – ρ ( 1 – perm ) ]g h B tan  45 – ---
 2
- 0,8 D1 for other bulkheads.
where perm is the permeability of cargo, to be taken as
0,3 for iron ore, coal cargoes and cement.
3.3.4 Level height of the dry bulk cargo
The force acting on a corrugation is to be obtained, in
The level height of the dry bulk cargo hB, is the vertical dis- kN, from the following formula:
tance, in m, from the calculation point to the horizontal
plane corresponding to the level height of the cargo, ( z F -z B )
ρg ( z F -z B )+ ( p B ,F ) LE
F B ,F =s C ρg -------------------
- + ----------------------------------------------
- ( z B -h DB -h LS )
located at a distance zB (see Fig 13), from the base line. 2 2

In the absence of more precise information, zB may be where (pB,F)LE is the pressure pB,F, in kN/m2, calculated at
obtained according to Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 6, [3.1.2]. the lower edge of the corrugation.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 95

Pt D, Ch 4, Sec 3

• zF < zB pB : Pressure in the non-flooded holds, in kN/m2,

to be obtained as specified in [3.3.5]
At each point of the bulkhead located at a distance
between zF and zB from the base line, the pressure is to pB,F : Pressure in the flooded holds, in kN/m2, to
be obtained, in kN/m2, from the following formula: be obtained as specified in [3.3.6]
FB,F : Force acting on a corrugation in the flooded
p B ,F = ρ B g h B tan  45 – --- holds, in kN, to be obtained as specified in
 2
At each point of the bulkhead located at a distance • Non-homogeneous loading conditions
lower than zF from the base line, the pressure is to be
obtained, in kN/m2, from the following formula: At each point of the bulkhead structures, the resultant
pressure to be considered for the scantlings of the bulk-
p B ,F =ρ g h F + [ ρ B h B – ρ ( 1-perm ) h F ] g tan  45 – ϕ
head is to be obtained, in kN/m2, by the following for-
 2 mula:

where perm is the permeability of cargo, to be taken as p = pB,F

0,3 for iron ore, coal cargoes and cement. The resultant force acting on a corrugation is to be
The force acting on a corrugation is to be obtained, in obtained, in kN, by the following formula:
kN, from the following formula: F = FB,F
( zB – zF )
- tan  45 – ϕ
F B ,F = s C ρ B g ---------------------- ---
2  2 pB,F : Pressure in the flooded holds, to be
obtained as specified in [3.3.6]
ρ B g ( z B -z F ) tan  45 – ϕ
--- + ( p B ,F ) LE
 2
+s C ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( z F -h DB -h LS ) FB,F : Force acting on a corrugation in the flooded
2 holds, to be obtained as specified in [3.3.6].

where (pB,F)LE is the pressure pB,F, in kN/m2, calculated at 3.3.9 Bending moment, shear force and shear
stresses in a corrugation
the lower edge of the corrugation.
The design bending moment in a corrugation is to be
3.3.7 Pressures and forces on a corrugation in obtained, in kN.m, from the following formula:
flooded empty holds
M = -------C-
At each point of the bulkhead, the still water pressure 8
induced by the flooding head hF to be considered is to be where F is the resultant force, in kN, to be calculated
obtained, in kN/m2, from the following formula: according to [3.3.8].
pF = ρ g hF The design shear force in a corrugation is to be obtained, in
kN, from the following formula:
The force acting on a corrugation is to be obtained, in kN,
from the following formula: Q = 0,8 F

( z F – h DB – h LS ) 2 The shear stresses in a corrugation are to be obtained, in

F F = s C ρ g -------------------------------------
2 N/mm2, from the following formula:

3.3.8 Resultant pressures and forces τ = 10 ---------
Resultant pressures and forces to be calculated for homoge- where ASH is the shear area, in cm2, to be calculated
neous and non-homogeneous loading conditions are to be according to [2.5.11].
obtained according to the following formulae:
• Homogeneous loading conditions 3.4 Local loads in flooding conditions on
At each point of the bulkhead structures, the resultant the double bottom of bulk carriers of
pressure to be considered for the scantlings of the bulk- length greater than or equal to 150 m
head is to be obtained, in kN/m2, from the following for-
mula: 3.4.1 Application
p = pB,F − 0,8 pB These requirements apply, in lieu of those in Pt B, Ch 5, Sec
6, [9], to ships having the service notation bulk carrier, of
The resultant force acting on a corrugation is to be
length greater than or equal to 150 m, intended for the car-
obtained, in kN, from the following formula:
riage of bulk cargoes having dry bulk cargo density 1.0 t/m3
F= FB,F − 0,8 FB or above.
where: Each cargo hold is to be considered individually flooded.

96 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 4, Sec 3

Figure 14 : Double bottom - Flooding head and level height of the dry bulk cargo

hB hF



V = Volume of cargo

3.4.2 General values of pS, in kN/m2, are to be specified by the Designer

The loads to be considered as acting on the double bottom for each AREAi, according to Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 6, [4.1.1], and
are those given by the external sea pressures and the combi- introduced as Xi values in the above service feature.
nation of the cargo loads with those induced by the flood-
ing of the hold which the double bottom belongs to. 3.6 Loading conditions for primary struc-
The most severe combinations of cargo induced loads and ture analysis
flooding loads are to be used, depending on the loading
conditions included in the loading manual: 3.6.1 The following loading conditions are to be consid-
• homogeneous loading conditions ered in the analysis of the primary structure:
• non-homogeneous loading conditions • homogeneous loading and scantling draught T
• packed cargo conditions (such as in the case of steel
mill products). • for ships with additional service feature nonhomload,
alternate loading, the loaded hold being completely
For each loading condition, the maximum dry bulk cargo filled with cargo and scantling draught T
density to be carried is to be considered in calculating the
• for ships with additional service feature nonhomload,
allowable hold loading.
alternate loading, the cargo density being the maximum
3.4.3 Flooding head obtained from the Loading booklet, but taken not less
than 3.0 t/m3 and scantling draught T.
The flooding head hF (see Fig 14) is the distance, in m,
Side frames, topside tanks plating and upper stool of
measured vertically with the ship in the upright position, transverse bulkheads, where fitted, are not loaded by
from the inner bottom to a level located at a distance zF, in the cargo
m, from the base line equal to:
• in general: • heavy ballast, the ballast hold being full and for the
actual draught T1 corresponding to this condition in the
- D1 for the foremost hold loading manual.
- 0,9 D1 for other holds.
Unless otherwise specified, these loading conditions are to
• for ships less than 50000 t deadweight with type B free-
be associated with the ship in upright conditions (load cases
“a” and “b”).
- 0,95 D1 for the foremost hold
- 0,85 D1 for other holds. 3.6.2 Additional non-homogeneous loading conditions
given in the Loading Manual (see Pt B, Ch 11, Sec 2,
3.5 Additional requirements on local loads [3.1.2]) may have to be considered in addition to those
mentioned in [3.6.1].
for ships with the additional service fea-
ture heavycargo This includes:

3.5.1 Application • heavy cargo in two adjacent cargo holds at reduced

For ships with a service notation completed by the addi-
tional service feature heavycargo [AREA1, X1 kN/m2 - • two adjacent cargo holds being empty at a draught
AREA2, X2 kN/m2 - ...] (see Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.2.2]) the exceeding 0,9 T.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 97

Pt D, Ch 4, Sec 3

4 Hull girder strength 4.1.3 Checking criteria

It is to be checked that the stresses σ1F and τ1F calculated
4.1 Hull girder loads in flooded conditions according to [4.1.2] are in compliance with the following
of bulk carriers of length greater than or formulae:
equal to 150 m σ1F ≤ σ1,ALL
τ1F ≤ τ1,ALL
4.1.1 Application
These requirements apply to ships having the service nota- where σ1,ALL and τ1,ALL are the allowable normal and shear
tion bulk carrier, of length greater than or equal to 150 m, stresses defined in Pt B, Ch 6, Sec 2, [3.1] and Pt B, Ch 6,
intended for the carriage of bulk cargoes having dry bulk Sec 2, [3.2], respectively.
cargo density 1.0 t/m3 or above.
Such ships are also to have their hull girder strength 5 Hull scantlings of bulk carriers
checked for the flooded conditions specified in [3.2].
The damaged structure is assumed to remain fully effective 5.1 Plating
in resisting the applied loads.
5.1.1 Minimum net thickness of side plating
4.1.2 Stresses The net thickness of the side plating located between hop-
The normal stresses σ1F at any point are to be obtained, in per and topside tanks is to be not less than the value
N/mm2, from the following formula: obtained, in mm, from the following formula:
M SW, F + M WV, F 3 tMIN = L0,5 − tC
σ 1F = -----------------------------------
- 10
5.1.2 Buckling check for bulk carriers of length
where: greater than or equal to 150 m
MSW,F : Still water bending moment, in kNm, in flooded This requirement applies to ships having the service nota-
conditions, at the hull transverse section under tion bulk carrier, of length greater than or equal to 150 m,
consideration, to be calculated according to intended for the carriage of bulk cargoes having dry bulk
[3.2] cargo density 1.0 t/m3 or above.
MWV,F : Vertical wave bending moment, in kNm, in For such ships, the buckling strength of plating contributing
flooded conditions, at the hull transverse sec- to the hull girder longitudinal strength is also to be checked
tion under consideration, to be taken, according in the flooded conditions specified in [3.2]. This check is to
to [3.2], equal to: be carried out according to Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1, [5.4.1] and Pt
• in hogging conditions: B, Ch 7, Sec 1, [5.4.2], where the compression stress is to
MWV,F = 0,8 MWV,H be calculated according to the following formula:
• in sagging conditions: σX1,F = γS1 σS1,F + γW1 σWV1,F
MWV,F = 0,8 MWV,S where:
MWV,H, MWV,S : Vertical wave bending moments, in kN.m, in γS1, γW1 : Partial safety factors, defined in Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1,
hogging and sagging conditions, at the hull [1.2] for buckling checks
transverse section under consideration, defined σS1,F, σWV1,F : Hull girder normal stresses, in N/mm2, defined
in Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 2, [3.1] in Tab 1.
ZA : Section modulus, in cm3, at the considered
point of the hull girder. Table 1 : Hull girder normal compression stresses
The shear stresses τ1F of the side shell and the inner hull in flooded conditions
(longitudinal bulkhead) if any, at any point, are to be
Condition σS1,F in N/mm2 σWV1,F in N/mm2
obtained, in N/mm2, according to the requirements given in
Pt B, Ch 6, Sec 2, [2.3], in which QSW and QWV are to be M SW ,FS 0 ,5M WV ,S
z≥N ---------------- ( z – N ) 10 –3 ------------------------ ( z – N ) 10 –3
replaced respectively by QSW,F and QWV,F, IY IY
M SW ,FH 0 ,5M WV ,H
QSW,F : Still water shear force, in kN, in flooded condi- z<N ----------------- ( z – N ) 10 –3 ------------------------- ( z – N ) 10 –3
tions, at the hull transverse section under con-
sideration, to be calculated according to [3.2] Note 1:
QWV,F : Vertical wave shear force, in kN, in flooded MSW,FS, MSW,FH : Still water bending moment, in kN.m, in
flooded conditions, in sagging and hogging con-
conditions, at the hull transverse section under
ditions, respectively, at the hull transverse sec-
consideration, to be taken, according to [3.2],
tion under consideration, to be calculated
equal to:
according to [3.2]
QWV,F = 0,8 QWV MWV,S, MWV,H : Vertical wave bending moments, in kN.m, in
QWV : Vertical wave shear force, in kN, at the hull sagging and hogging conditions, respectively, at
transverse section under consideration, defined the hull transverse section under consideration,
in Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 2, [3.4]. defined in Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 2, [3.1].

98 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 4, Sec 3

5.2 Ordinary stiffeners 5.2.4 Buckling check for bulk carriers equal to or
greater than 150 m in length
5.2.1 Minimum net thicknesses of side frames This requirement applies to ships having the service nota-
tion bulk carrier, of length greater than or equal to 150 m ,
intended for the carriage of bulk cargoes having dry bulk
The net thicknesses of side frames and their brackets, in way
density of 1.0 t/m3 or above.
of cargo holds, are to be not less than the values given in
Tab 2. For such ships, the buckling strength of ordinary stiffeners
contributing to the hull girder longitudinal strength is also to
be checked in the flooded conditions specified in [3.2]. This
Table 2 : Minimum net thicknesses of side frames
check is to be carried out according to Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 2,
[4.4.1], where the compression stress is to be calculated
Item Minimum net thickness, in mm according to the following formula:
Side frame webs CL (7,0 + 0,03L1) − tC σX1,F = γS1 σS1,F + γW1 σWV1,F
Lower end The greater of:
bracket • CL (7,0 + 0,03L1) + 2 − tC
• as fitted net thickness of side frame
γS1, γW1 : Partial safety factors, defined in Pt B, Ch 7, Sec
web 2, [1.2] for buckling checks

Upper end The greater of: σS1,F, σWV1,F : Hull girder normal stresses, in N/mm2, defined
bracket • CL (7,0 + 0,03L1) − tC in Tab 1.
• as fitted net thickness of side frame
web 6 Scantlings of transverse vertically
Note 1: corrugated watertight bulkheads and
CL : Coefficient equal to: double bottom of bulk carriers with
• 1,15 for side frames in way of the foremost
cargo hold
length greater than or equal to 150 m
• 1,0 for side frames in way of other cargo holds
L1 : Ship‘s length, in m, defined in Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 2, 6.1 Evaluation of scantlings of transverse
[2]. vertically corrugated watertight bulk-
heads in flooding conditions
5.2.2 Scantlings of side frames adjacent to the
collision bulkhead 6.1.1 Application
These requirements apply to the transverse vertically corru-
The net scantlings of side frames in way of the foremost gated watertight bulkheads of ships having the service nota-
cargo hold and immediately adjacent to the collision bulk- tion bulk carrier, of length greater than or equal to 150 m,
head are to be increased by 25% with respect to those deter- intended for the carriage of bulk cargoes having dry bulk
density of 1.0 t/m3 or above, which are bounded by at least
mined according to Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 2, in order to prevent
one cargo hold that is to be considered individually flooded
excessive imposed deformation on the side shell plating.
according to [3.3.1].
As an alternative, supporting structures are to be fitted
6.1.2 Plating
which maintain the continuity of fore peak girders within
the foremost cargo hold. The bulkhead local net plate thickness t, in mm, is to be not
less than that obtained from the following formula:
5.2.3 Hopper and topside tank ordinary stiffeners 1 ,05p
t = 14 ,9s W ---------------
R eH
These requirements apply to the ordinary stiffeners of side
and sloped longitudinal bulkheads, within hopper and top-
side tanks, which support the connecting brackets fitted in p : Resultant pressure, in kN/m2, as defined in
way of the side frame brackets, according to [2.2.7].
sW : Plate width, in m, to be taken equal to the width
The scantlings of these ordinary stiffeners are to be deter- of the corrugation flange or web, whichever is
mined according to Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 2, with their span meas- the greater (see Fig 5).
ured according to Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 3, [3.2] between hopper For built-up corrugation bulkheads, when the thicknesses of
or topside tank primary supporting members. the flange and web are different:
• the net thickness of the narrower plating is to be not less
Alternative arrangements may be considered by the Society
than that obtained, in mm, from the following formula:
on a case-by-case basis. In these cases, the scantlings of the
above ordinary stiffeners are to be determined for the pur- 1 ,05p
t N = 14 ,9s N ---------------
pose of effectively supporting the connecting brackets. R eH

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 99

Pt D, Ch 4, Sec 3

• the net thickness of the wider plating is not to be less 6.1.5 Shear buckling check of the bulkhead
than the greater of those obtained, in mm, from the fol- corrugation webs
lowing formulae: The shear stress τ, calculated according to [3.3.9], is to
comply with the following formula:
1 ,05p
t W = 14 ,9s W ---------------
R eH τ ≤ τC

462s W p 2
2 where:
tW = -------------------- – t NP
R eH τC : Critical shear buckling stress to be obtained, in
N/mm2, from the following formulae:
R eH
tNP : Actual net thickness of the narrower plating, τc = τE for τ E ≤ ----------
in mm, to be not taken greater than: 2 3
R eH  R eH  R eH
τ c = -------
- 1 – ---------------
- for τ E > ----------
t NP = 14 ,9s W
1 ,05p
--------------- 3 4 3τ E 2 3
R eH
τE : Euler shear buckling stress to be obtained, in
6.1.3 Bending capacity of corrugations N/mm2, from the following formula:
tW  2
The bending capacity of the corrugations is to comply with τ E = 0 ,9k t E  ------------
 10 3 C
the following formula:
kt : Coefficient to be taken equal to 6,34
10 ------------------------------------------------ ≤ 0 ,95
( 0 ,5W LE + W M )R eH tW : Net thickness, in mm, of the corrugation webs

where: C : width, in m of the corrugation webs (see Fig 5).

M : Bending moment in a corrugation, to be calcu- 6.1.6 Lower and upper stool side plating and
lated according to [3.3.9] ordinary stiffeners
F : Resultant force, in kN, to be calculated accord- When lower or upper stools are fitted, according to [2.5.3]
ing to [3.3.8] and [2.5.4] respectively, the net thickness of their side plat-
ing and the section modulus of their ordinary stiffeners are
WLE : Net section modulus, in cm3, of one half pitch to be not less than those required in Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1, [3.5]
corrugation, to be calculated at the lower end of and Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 2, [3.8] for flooding conditions, consid-
the corrugations according to [2.5.9], without ering the load model in [3.3].
being taken greater than the value obtained
from the following formula:
6.2 Evaluation of double bottom capacity
3 Qh G – 0 ,5h s p G
and allowable hold loading in flooding
W LE, M = W G + 10  --------------------------------------------
 R eH  conditions
WG : Net section modulus, in cm3, of one half pitch 6.2.1 Application
corrugation, to be calculated in way of the
upper end of shedder or gusset plates, as appli- These requirements apply to ships having the service nota-
cable, according to [2.5.10] tion bulk carrier, of length greater than or equal to 150 m,
intended for the carriage of bulk cargoes having dry bulk
Q : Shear force in a corrugation, to be calculated density of 1.0 t/m3 or above.
according to [3.3.9]
These requirements apply to the double bottoms which
hG : Height, in m, of shedders or gusset plates, as belong to cargo holds that are to be considered individually
applicable (see Fig 8 to Fig 12) flooded according to [3.4.1].
pG : Resultant pressure, in kN/m2, to be calculated in The requirements of [6.2.2] to [6.2.6] apply to double bot-
way of the middle of the shedders or gusset tom construction with hopper tanks. Other double bottom
plates, as applicable, according to [3.3.8] construction is to be considered on a case by case basis.
WM : Net section modulus, in cm3, of one half pitch
6.2.2 Shear capacity of the double bottom
corrugation, to be calculated at the mid-span of
corrugations according to [2.5.10], without The shear capacity of the double bottom is to be calculated
being taken greater than 1,15WLE as the sum of the shear strength at each end of:
• all floors adjacent to both hopper tanks less one half of
6.1.4 Shear yielding check of the bulkhead the shear strength of the two floors adjacent to each
corrugations stool, or transverse bulkhead if no stool is fitted (see Fig
15); the floor shear strength is to be calculated accord-
The shear stress τ, calculated according to [3.3.9], is to
ing to [6.2.4]
comply with the following formula:
• all double bottom girders adjacent to both stools, or
R eH transverse bulkheads if no stool is fitted; the girder shear
τ ≤ -------
2 strength is to be calculated according to [6.2.5].

100 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 4, Sec 3

Figure 15 : Double bottom structure

Lower stool
Transverse bulkhead

Floor adjacent Floor adjacent to the

to the stool transverse bulkhead



Where in the end holds, girders or floors run out and are not where:
directly attached to the boundary stool or hopper tank AF : Net sectional area, in mm2, of the floor panel
girder their strength is to be evaluated for the one end only. adjacent to the hopper tank
The floors and girders to be considered in calculating the AF,H : Net sectional area, in mm2, of the floor panels
shear capacity of the double bottom are those inside the in way of the openings in the outermost bay (i.e.
hold boundaries formed by the hopper tanks and stools (or that bay which is closer to the hopper tank)
transverse bulkheads if no stool is fitted). The hopper tank
side girders and the floors directly below the connection of τA : Allowable shear stress, in N/mm2, equal to the
the stools (or transverse bulkheads if no stool is fitted) to the lesser of:
inner bottom may not be included. R eH
0 ,6
R eH
τ A = 0, 645 --------------------
0 ,8
and τ A = -------
When the geometry and/or the structural arrangement of the ( s ⁄ tN ) 3
double bottom is/are such as to make the above assump-
tN : Floor web net thickness, in mm, defined in
tions inadequate, the shear capacity of the double bottom is
to be calculated by means of direct calculations to be car- [6.2.3]
ried out according to Pt B, Ch 7, App 1, as far as applicable. s : Spacing, in m, of stiffening members of the
panel considered
6.2.3 Net thicknesses η1 : Coefficient to be taken equal to 1,1
The floor and girder shear strength is to be calculated using
η2 : Coefficient generally to be taken equal to 1,2; it
the net thickness of floor and girder webs, to be obtained, in
may be reduced to 1,1 where appropriate rein-
mm, from the following formula:
forcements are fitted in way of the openings in
tN = t − 2,5 the outermost bay, to be examined by the Soci-
where: ety on a case-by-case basis.
t : Actual gross thickness, in mm, of floor and
6.2.5 Girder shear strength
girder webs.
The girder shear strength, in kN, is to be obtained from the
6.2.4 Floor shear strength following formulae:
The floor shear strength, in kN, is to be obtained from the • in way of the girder panel adjacent to the stool (or trans-
following formulae: verse bulkhead, if no stool is fitted):
• in way of the floor panel adjacent to the hopper tank: τ –3
S G1 = A G -----A 10
τ –3 η1
S F1 = A F -----A 10
η1 • in way of the largest opening in the outermost bay (i.e.
• in way of the openings in the outermost bay (i.e. that that bay which is closer to the stool, or transverse bulk-
bay which is closer to the hopper tank): head, if no stool is fitted):
τ –3 τ –3
S F2 = A F, H -----A 10 S G2 = A G, H -----A 10
η2 η2

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 101

Pt D, Ch 4, Sec 3

AG : Sectional area, in mm2, of the girder panel adja- CE : Shear capacity of the double bottom, in kN, to
cent to the stool (or transverse bulkhead, if no be calculated according to [6.2.2], considering,
stool is fitted) for each floor, the shear strength SF1 (see [6.2.4])
AG,H : Net sectional area, in mm2, of the girder panel and, for each girder, the lesser of the shear
in way of the largest opening in the outermost strengths SG1 and SG2 (see [6.2.5])
bay (i.e. that bay which is closer to the stool, or n
transverse bulkhead, if no stool is fitted)
τA : Allowable shear stress, in N/mm2, defined in
A DB ,H = S B i DB ,i

[6.2.4], where tN is the girder web net thickness n

η1 : Coefficient to be taken equal to 1,1 A DB ,E =  S (Bi DB – s)

η2 : Coefficient generally to be taken equal to 1,15; i=1

it may be reduced to 1,1 where appropriate n : Number of floors between stools (or transverse
reinforcements are fitted in way of the largest bulkheads, if no stool is fitted)
opening in the outermost bay, to be examined
Si : Space of ith-floor, in m
by the Society on a case-by-case basis.
BDB,i : Length, in m, to be taken equal to:
6.2.6 Allowable hold loading
• BDB,i = BDB − s for floors for which SF1 < SF2
The allowable hold loading is to be obtained, in t, from the (see [6.2.4])
following formula:
• BDB,i = BDB,h for floors for which SF1 ≥ SF2
W = ρ B V --- (see [6.2.4])
BDB : Breadth, in m, of double bottom between the
hopper tanks (see Fig 16)
F : Coefficient to be taken equal to:
BDB,h : Distance, in m, between the two openings con-
• F = 1,1 in general
sidered (see Fig 16)
• F = 1,05 for steel mill products
s : Spacing, in m, of inner bottom longitudinal
V : Volume, in m3, occupied by cargo at a level hB
ordinary stiffeners adjacent to the hopper tanks.
(see Fig 14)
hB : Level of cargo, in m, to be obtained from the Figure 16 : Dimensions BDB and BDB,h
following formula:
X B DB,h
h B = ---------
ρB g
X : Pressure, in kN/m2, to be obtained from the fol-
lowing formulae:
• for dry bulk cargoes, the lesser of:
Z + ρg ( z F – 0 ,1D 1 – h F ) B DB
X = ---------------------------------------------------------
1 + ----- ( perm – 1 )
X = Z + ρg ( z F – 0 ,1D 1 – h F perm ) 7 Protection of hull metallic structures
• for steel mill products:
Z + ρg ( z F – 0 ,1D 1 – h F ) 7.1 Protection of cargo holds
X = ---------------------------------------------------------
1 – -----
ρB 7.1.1 Coating
perm : Permeability of cargo, which need not be taken It is the responsibility of the shipbuilder and of the Owner
greater than 0,3 to choose coatings suitable for the intended cargoes, in par-
Z : Pressure, in kN/m2, to be taken as the lesser of: ticular for the compatibility with the cargo, and to see that
they are applied in accordance with the Manufacturer's
CH requirements.
Z = ------------
CE 7.1.2 Application
Z = -----------
A DB ,E All internal and external surfaces of hatch coamings and
CH : Shear capacity of the double bottom, in kN, to hatch covers and all internal surfaces of cargo holds (side
be calculated according to [6.2.2], considering, and transverse bulkheads) are to have an efficient protective
for each floor, the lesser of the shear strengths coating, of an epoxy type or equivalent, applied in accord-
SF1 and SF2 (see [6.2.4]) and, for each girder, the ance with the Manufacturer’s recommendations.
lesser of the shear strengths SG1 and SG2 (see The side (single and double skin) and transverse bulkhead
[6.2.5]) areas to be coated are specified in [7.1.3] to [7.1.5].

102 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 4, Sec 3

Figure 17 : Single side - Areas to be coated Figure 18 : Double side - Areas to be coated
Topside Topside
tank tank

Area to be Area to be
coated coated

30 30
0 0
m m
m m

Hopper tank Hopper tank

Figure 19 : Transverse bulkheads - Areas to be coated

Area to be Area to be
coated coated

300 mm 300 mm
300 mm
300 mm

300 mm 300 mm

7.1.3 Single side areas to be coated 7.1.5 Transverse bulkhead areas to be coated
The areas to be coated are the upper parts down to 300 mm
The areas to be coated are:
below the top of the lower stool. Where there is no lower
stool, the area to be coated is the whole transverse bulkhead.
• the internal surfaces of the side plating
These areas are shown in Fig 19.
• the side frames with end brackets

• the internal surfaces of the topside tank sloping plates 8 Construction and testing
and, for a distance of 300 mm below, of the hopper tank
sloping plates. 8.1 Welding and weld connections

These areas are shown in Fig 17. 8.1.1 The welding factors for some hull structural connec-
tions are specified in Tab 3. These welding factors are to be
used, in lieu of the corresponding factors specified in Pt B,
7.1.4 Double side areas to be coated
Ch 11, Sec 1, Tab 2, to calculate the throat thickness of fillet
weld T connections according to Pt B, Ch 11, Sec 1, [2.3].
The areas to be coated are the internal surfaces of: For the connections in Tab 3, continuous fillet welding is to
• the inner side plating be adopted.

• the internal surfaces of the topside tank sloping plates 8.2 Special structural details
and the hopper tank sloping plates for a distance of 300
mm below their upper ends. 8.2.1 The specific requirements in Pt B, Ch 11, Sec 2, [2.5]
for ships with the service notation bulk carrier ESP or bulk
These areas are shown in Fig 18. carrier are to be complied with.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 103

Pt D, Ch 4, Sec 3

Table 3 : Welding factor wF

Hull area Welding factor wF
of to
Double girders bottom and inner bottom plating 0,35
bottom in floors (interrupted girders) 0,35
way of floors bottom and inner bottom plating 0,35
inner bottom in way of bulkheads or their lower stools, in general 0,45
inner bottom in way of corrugated watertight bulkheads or their lower Full penetration welding,
stools in general
girders (interrupted floors) 0,35
Bulkheads structures of tank and lower stool top plate or, if no plating and ordinary stiffeners (plane 0,45
watertight bulkheads lower stool is fitted, inner bottom bulkheads)
and hopper tank sloping plates vertical corrugations (corrugated bulk- Full penetration welding,
heads) in general (1)
upper stool bottom plate or, if no upper stool is fitted, deck structures 0,45
and topside tank sloping plates
side structures 0,35
lower stool structures boundaries plating of lower stools, in general 0,45
plating of lower stools supporting corru- Full penetration welding,
gated watertight bulkheads in general (2)
ordinary stiffeners and diaphragms 0,45
upper stool structures boundaries 0,45
effective shedder vertical corrugations and lower stool top plate One side penetration
plates (see [2.5.7]) welding or equivalent
effective gusset plates lower stool top plate Full penetration welding,
(see [2.5.8]) in general
vertical corrugations and shedder plates One side penetration
welding or equivalent
Side web of side frames side plating, hopper and topside in zone “a” (3) 0,45 (4)
and brackets tank sloping plates, face plates in zone “b” (3) 0,40 (4)
(1) Corrugated bulkhead plating is to be connected to the inner bottom plating by full penetration welds.
(2) Where corrugations are cut at the bottom stool, corrugated bulkhead plating is to be connected to the stool top plate by full
penetration welds.
(3) Zones “a” and “b” are defined in Fig 20.
(4) Where the hull form is such as to prohibit an effective fillet weld, the Society may require edge preparation of the web of side
frame and bracket to be carried out in order to ensure the same efficiency as the required weld connections.

Figure 20 : Zones “a” and “b” of weld connections

of side frames

Topside tank

Zone "a" 0,25 

Zone "b" 

Zone "a" 0,25 

Hopper tank

104 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 4, Sec 4



pS : Still water pressure, in kN/m2 (see [4.1]) 1.2 Materials

pW 2
: Wave pressure, in kN/m (see [4.1])
1.2.1 Steel
s : Length, in m, of the shorter side of the plate
panel The formulae for scantlings given in the requirements of
Article [5] are applicable to steel hatch covers.
 : Length, in m, of the longer side of the plate
panel Materials used for the construction of steel hatch covers are
to comply with the applicable requirements of NR216
bP : Width, in m, of the plating attached to the ordi- Materials and Welding, Chapter 2.
nary stiffener or primary supporting member,
defined in [3]
1.2.2 Other materials
w : Net section modulus, in cm3, of the ordinary The use of materials other than steel is considered by the
stiffener or primary supporting member, with an
Society on a case by case basis, by checking that criteria
attached plating of width bp
adopted for scantlings are such as to ensure strength and
ASh : Net shear sectional area, in cm2, of the ordinary stiffness equivalent to those of steel hatch covers.
stiffener or primary supporting member, to be
calculated as specified in Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 3,
[3.4] for ordinary stiffeners, and in Pt B, Ch 4, 1.3 Net scantlings
Sec 3, [4.3] for primary supporting members
1.3.1 As specified in Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 2, [1], all scantlings
m : Boundary coefficient for ordinary stiffeners and referred to in this Section, unless otherwise specified, are
primary supporting members, taken equal to:
net, i.e. they do not include any margin for corrosion.
• m = 8 in the case of ordinary stiffeners and
The gross scantlings are obtained as specified in Pt B, Ch 4,
primary supporting members simply sup-
ported at both ends or supported at one end Sec 2.
and clamped at the other end
The corrosion additions are given in [1.5].
• m = 12 in the case of ordinary stiffeners and
primary supporting members clamped at
both ends 1.4 Partial safety factors

1.4.1 The partial safety factors to be considered for check-

1 General ing plating, ordinary stiffeners and primary supporting
members of hatch cover are to be taken equal to:.

1.1 Application • partial safety factor covering uncertainties regarding

1.1.1 The requirements of this Section apply to steel hatch γm = 1,02
covers in positions 1 and 2 on weather decks, as defined in
Ch 4, Sec 1, [1]. • partial safety factor covering uncertainties regarding
1.1.2 In addition when hatch covers are also loaded with γR = 1,22
uniform cargoes, containers, wheeled loads or special car-
goes the relevant requirements of Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 7 or
NR600, as applicable, are to be complied with. 1.5 Corrosion additions

1.1.3 The scantling of steel hatch covers of small hatches is to 1.5.1 Corrosion additions for steel other than
comply with the applicable requirements in Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 8 stainless steel
or NR600, as applicable The corrosion addition to be considered for the plating and
internal members of hatch covers, hatch coamings and
1.1.4 The scantling of pontoon type hatch covers is to com- coaming stays is given in Tab 1 for the total thickness of the
ply with Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 7 or NR600, as applicable. member under consideration.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 105

Pt D, Ch 4, Sec 4

1.5.2 Corrosion additions for aluminium alloys • Where the plating extends on one side of the primary
For structural members made of aluminium alloys, the cor- supporting member:
rosion addition tc is to be taken equal to 0. bp = bp,1

Table 1 : Corrosion additions tc

for steel hatch covers and hatch coamings
bp,1 = min (0,165 lp, Sp,1)
Corrosion addition tc , in mm
bp,2 = min (0,165 lp, Sp,2)
Plating and stiffeners of single skin hatch cover 2,0
Top and bottom plating of double skin hatch cover 2,0 lp : Span, in m, of the considered primary support-
ing member
Internal structures of double skin hatch cover 1,5
Hatch coamings structures and coaming stays 1,5 Sp,1, Sp,2 : Half distance, in m, between the considered
primary supporting member and the adjacent
ones, Sp,1 for one side, Sp,2 for the other side.
2 Arrangements

2.1 Height of hatch coamings 4 Load model

2.1.1 The specific requirements in Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 7, [2.1] 4.1 Sea pressures

are to be complied with.

4.1.1 The still water and wave lateral pressures to be con-

2.2 Hatch covers sidered as acting on hatch covers located on exposed decks
are to be taken equal to:
2.2.1 The specific requirements in Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 7, [2.2]
are to be complied with. • still water pressure: pS = 0

• wave pressure pW , as defined in Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 7, Tab 2.

2.3 Hatch coamings
4.1.2 Where two or more panels are connected by hinges,
2.3.1 The specific requirements in Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 7, [2.3]
are to be complied with. each individual panel is to be considered separately.

3 Width of attached plating 4.2 Load point

4.2.1 The wave lateral pressure to be considered as acting

3.1 Ordinary stiffeners
on each hatch cover is to be calculated at a point located:
3.1.1 The width of the attached plating to be considered for • longitudinally, at the hatch cover mid-length
the check of ordinary stiffeners is to be obtained, in m, from
the following formulae: • transversely, on the longitudinal plane of symmetry of
• where the attached plating extends on both sides of the the ship
stiffener: • vertically, at the top of the hatch coaming.
bP = s
• where the attached plating extends on one side of the 5 Strength check
bP = 0,5 s
5.1 General

3.2 Primary supporting members 5.1.1 Application

3.2.1 The width of the attached plating to be considered for The strength check is applicable to rectangular hatch covers
the yielding and buckling checks of primary supporting subjected to a uniform pressure, designed with primary sup-
members analysed through isolated beam or grillage model porting members arranged in one direction or as a grillage
is to be obtained, in m, from the following formulae: of longitudinal and transverse primary supporting members.
• Where the plating extends on both sides of the primary In the latter case, the stresses in the primary supporting
supporting member:
members are to be determined by a grillage or a finite ele-
bp = bp,1 + bp,2 ment analysis.

106 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 4, Sec 4

5.2 Plating 5.3.2 For flat bar ordinary stiffeners and buckling stiffeners
on webs of primary supporting members, the ratio hw / tw is
5.2.1 Net thickness to be in compliance with the following formula:

The net thickness of steel hatch cover top plating, in mm, is hw

------ ≤ 15 235
to be not less than the greater of: tw R eH

ps + pw where:
• t = 15, 8F p s ----------------------
0, 95R eH hw : Web height, in mm, of the ordinary stiffener
• 1% of the spacing of the stiffener or 6 mm if that be tw : Net thickness, in mm, of the ordinary stiffener.
5.3.3 Application
The requirements in [5.3.4] to [5.3.8] apply to:
Fp : Factor for combined membrane and bending
response, equal to: • ordinary stiffeners

• Fp = 1,5, in general • primary supporting members which may be analysed

through isolated beam models.
• Fp = 1,9 σ /σa, for the attached plating of pri-
mary supporting members and for σ ≥ 0,8 σa Primary supporting members whose arrangement is of a
grillage type and which cannot be analysed through iso-
σ : Normal stress, in N/mm2, in the attached plating lated beam models are to be checked by direct calculations,
of primary supporting members, calculated using the checking criteria in [5.3.5].
according to [5.3.4], item b) or determined
through a grillage analysis or a finite element
5.3.4 Normal and shear stress
analysis, as the case may be
a) In case that grillage analysis or finite element analysis
σa : Allowable normal stress, in N/mm2, equal to:
are not carried out, according to the requirements in
σa= 0,8 ReH [5.1.1], the maximum normal stress σ and shear stress τ
in the ordinary stiffeners are to be obtained, in N/mm2,
5.2.2 Critical buckling stress check from the following formulae:

The compressive stress σ in the hatch cover plating, s ( p s + p w )l s2 10

σ = --------------------------------------
induced by the bending of primary supporting members, mW
either parallel or perpendicular to the direction of ordinary 5s ( p s + p w )l s
stiffeners, calculated according to [5.3.4] or determined τ = --------------------------------
A sh
through a grillage analysis or a finite element analysis, as
the case may be, is to comply with the following formula: where:

σ Cp ls : Ordinary stiffener span, in m, to be taken as

---------- ≥σ
γR γm the spacing, in m, of primary supporting
members or the distance between a primary
where σCp is the critical buckling stress, defined in Pt B, Ch 7, supporting member and the edge support,
Sec 1, [5.3.1]. as applicable. When brackets are fitted at
both ends of all ordinary stiffener spans, the
When determining σCp , c is to be taken equal to 1,30 in
ordinary stiffener span may be reduced by
case of plating stiffened by ordinary stiffeners of U type.
an amount equal to 2/3 of the minimum
However, a higher c value, not greater than 2,0, may be
brackets arm length, but not greater than
taken if it is verified by buckling strength check of panel
10% of the gross span, for each bracket.
using non-linear finite element analysis and deemed appro-
priate by the Society. An averaged value of c is to be used b) In case that grillage analysis or finite element analysis
for plate panels having different edge stiffeners. are not carried out, according to the requirements in
[5.1.1], the maximum normal stress σ and shear stress τ
In addition, the bi-axial compression stress in the hatch
in the primary supporting members are to be obtained,
cover plating, when calculated by means of finite element
in N/mm2, from the following formulae:
analysis, is to comply with the requirements in Pt B, Ch 7,
Sec 1, [5.4.5]. s ( p s + p w )l m2 10
σ = ---------------------------------------
5.3 Ordinary stiffeners and primary 5s ( p s + p w )l m
τ = ---------------------------------
supporting members A sh

5.3.1 The flange outstand of the primary supporting mem-
bers is to be not greater than 15 times the flange thickness. lm : Span of the primary supporting member.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 107

Pt D, Ch 4, Sec 4

5.3.5 Checking criteria c) Critical buckling stress check of the web panels of the
primary supporting members.
a) Strength check
The shear stress τ in the web panels of the primary sup-
The normal stress σ and the shear stress τ, calculated porting members, calculated according to [5.3.4] or
according to [5.3.4] or determined through a grillage determined through a grillage analysis or a finite ele-
analysis or finite element analysis, as the case may be, ment analysis, as the case may be, is to comply with the
following formula:
are to comply with the following formulae:
---------- ≥τ
R eH
---------- γR γm
γR γm
R eH
0 ,57 ---------- ≥τ τc : Critical shear buckling stress, defined in Pt B,
γR γm
Ch 7, Sec 1, [5.3.2].
b) Critical buckling stress check of the ordinary stiffeners For primary supporting members parallel to the direc-
tion of ordinary stiffeners, τc is to be calculated by con-
The compressive stress σ in the top flange of ordinary sidering the actual dimensions of the panels.
stiffeners, induced by the bending of primary supporting For primary supporting members perpendicular to the
members, parallel to the direction of ordinary stiffeners, direction of ordinary stiffeners or for hatch covers built
calculated according to [5.3.4] or determined through a without ordinary stiffeners, a presumed square panel of
grillage analysis or a finite element analysis, as the case dimension d is to be taken for the determination of the
may be, is to comply with the following formula: stress τc, where d is the smaller dimension, in m, of web
panel of the primary supporting member. In such a case,
σ Cs the average shear stress τ between the values calculated
---------- ≥σ
γR γm at the ends of this panel is to be considered.

where: d) Deflection limit

The vertical deflection of primary supporting members
σcs = σES for σES ≤ ReH / 2 subjected to wave pressure defined in [4.1] is to be not
more than 0,0056max, where max is the greatest span, in
σcs = σES [1 − ReH / (4 σES)] for σES > ReH / 2
m, of primary supporting members
σES = min (σE1, σE2)
5.3.6 Net section modulus and net shear sectional
σE1 : Euler column buckling stress, defined in Pt B, area
Ch 7, Sec 2, [4.3.2] This requirement provides the minimum net section modu-
lus and net shear sectional area of an ordinary stiffener or a
σE2 : Euler torsional buckling stress, defined in Pt B, primary supporting member subjected to lateral pressure,
Ch 7, Sec 2, [4.3.3], with Co is to be taken complying with the checking criteria indicated in [5.3.5].
equal to: The net section modulus w, in cm3, and the net shear sec-
tional area Ash, in cm2, of an ordinary stiffener subject to lat-
k p Et p –3 eral pressure are to be not less than the values obtained
C o = ---------------------------------------------------
 1, 33k p h w t p from the following formulae:
3s 1 + ---------------------------- -
 1000st w 
s ( ps + pw ) 2 3
w = γ R γ m ------------------------
- l 10
mR eH s
tp : Net thickness, in mm, of the attached plating
5s ( p s + p w )
A sh = γ R γ m ----------------------------
hw : Height, in mm, of the ordinary stiffener 0, 57R eH s

tw : Thickness, in mm, of the ordinary stiffener The net section modulus w, in cm3, and the net shear sec-
tional area Ash, in cm2, of a primary supporting member
kp : Coefficient taken equal to 1 − ηp , to be subject to lateral pressure are to be not less than the values
taken not less than zero. For flanged ordi- obtained from the following formulae:
nary stiffeners, kp need not be taken less s ( ps + pw ) 2 3
w = γ R γ m ------------------------
- l 10
than 0,1 mR eH m
5s ( p s + p w )
σ A sh = γ R γ m ----------------------------
η p = ------- 0, 57R eH m
σ Ep
5.3.7 Minimum net thickness of web
σ is calculated according to [5.3.4] or deter-
mined through a grillage analysis The net thickness, in mm, is to be not less than the follow-
ing values:
tp  • 4 mm for web of ordinary stiffeners
σ Ep = 3, 6E  ---------------
 1000s • 6 mm for web of primary supporting members.

108 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 4, Sec 4

5.3.8 Ordinary stiffeners and primary supporting 6 Hatch coamings

members of variable cross-section
The net section modulus of ordinary stiffeners and primary
supporting members with a variable cross-section is to be 6.1 Stiffening
not less than the greater of the values obtained, in cm3, from
the following formulae: 6.1.1 The specific requirements in Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 7, [8.2]
are to be complied with.
w = w CS
3 ,2α – ψ – 0 ,8
w =  1 + ------------------------------------- w CS 6.2 Load model
 7ψ + 0 ,4 

where: 6.2.1 The wave lateral pressure pwc, in kN/m2 to be consid-

wCS : Net section modulus, in cm , for a constant3 ered as acting on the hatch coamings is given as follows:
cross-section, obtained according to [5.3.6]
a) the wave lateral pressure pwc, in kN/m2, on the No.1 for-
 ward transverse hatch coaming is to be taken equal to:
α = ----1
• pwc = 220, when a forecastle is fitted in accordance
ψ = ------1 with Ch 4, Sec 2, [3], Ch 5, Sec 2, [3] and Ch 6, Sec
2, [2] depending on the service notation.
1 : Length of the variable section part, in m (see Fig 1)
• pwc = 290, in the other cases.
0 : Span measured, in m, between end supports
(see Fig 1) b) The wave lateral pressure pwc, in kN/m2, on the hatch
coamings other than the No. 1 forward transverse hatch
w1 : Net section modulus at end, in cm3 (see Fig 1)
coaming is to be taken equal to:
w0 : Net section modulus at mid-span, in cm3 (see
Fig 1). • pwc = 220

Moreover, the net moment of inertia of ordinary stiffeners

and primary supporting members with a variable cross-sec- 6.3 Scantlings
tion is to be not less than the greater of the values obtained,
in cm4, from the following formulae: 6.3.1 Plating
I = ICS The net thickness of the hatch coaming plate, in mm, is to
be not less than the greater of:
I = 1 + 8α  -------------------------- I CS
 0 ,2 + 3 ϕ
p wc
• t = 14, 7s γ R γ m -------
R eH
ICS : Net moment of inertia with a constant cross- • t = 9,5
section, in cm4, calculated with wave pressure,
as given in [4.1]. It is to be such that the deflec- 6.3.2 Ordinary stiffeners
tion does not exceed 0,0056. The net section modulus w of the longitudinal or transverse
I ordinary stiffeners of hatch coamings is to be not less than
ϕ = ---1
I0 the value obtained, in cm3, from the following formula:
I1 : Net moment of inertia at end, in cm4 (see Fig 1) 0, 97 sp wc l 10
2 3
w = γ R γ m -------------------------------------
I0 : Net moment of inertia at mid-span, in cm4 (see m 1 c p R eH
Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 7, Fig 5).
The use of these formulae are limited to the determination
of the strength of ordinary stiffeners and primary supporting m1 : Boundary coefficient for ordinary stiffeners,
members in which abrupt changes in the cross-section do taken equal to:
not occur along their length.
• m1 = 16 in general
Figure 1 : Variable cross-section stiffener • m1 = 12 for the end span of stiffeners sniped
at the coaming corners
cp : Ratio of the plastic section modulus to the elas-
w1 tic section modulus of the ordinary stiffeners
11 w0 with an attached plate breadth, in mm, equal to
1 10
40 t, where t is the plate net thickness.

0 cp = 1,16 in the absence of more precise evalua-


July 2018 Bureau Veritas 109

Pt D, Ch 4, Sec 4

6.3.3 Coaming stays For other designs of coaming stays, such as, for example,
The net section modulus w, in cm3, and the net thickness tw, those shown in Fig 4 and Fig 5, the stress levels given in
in mm, of the coaming stays designed as beams with flange [5.3.5] apply and are to be checked at the highest stressed
connected to the deck or sniped and fitted with a bracket locations.
(examples shown in Fig 2 and Fig 3 are to be not less than
Figure 4 : Coaming stay: example 3
the values obtained from the following formulae:
2 3
0, 85 s c p wc H c 10
w = γ R γ m ------------------------------------------
2R eH
1000H c s c p wc
t w = γ R γ m ---------------------------------
0, 62 hR eH
Hc : Stay height, in m
sc : Stay spacing, in m
h : Stay depth, in mm, at the connection with deck.
For calculating the section modulus of coaming stays, their
face plate area is to be taken into account only when it is
welded with full penetration welds to the deck plating and
adequate underdeck structure is fitted to support the stresses
transmitted by it.

Figure 2 : Coaming stay: example 1

Figure 5 : Coaming stay: example 4

Figure 3 : Coaming stay: example 2 6.3.4 Local details

The design of local details is to comply with the require-
ments in this section for the purpose of transferring the pres-
sures on the hatch covers to the hatch coamings and,
through them, to the deck structures below.
Hatch coamings and supporting structures are to be ade-
quately stiffened to accommodate the loading from hatch
covers, in longitudinal, transverse and vertical directions.
The normal stress σ and the shear stress τ, in N/mm2,
induced in the underdeck structures by the loads transmit-
ted by stays are to comply with the following formulae:
σ ≤ σALL
τ ≤ τALL
σALL : Allowable normal stress, in N/mm2, equal to
0,95 ReH
τALL : Allowable shear stress, in N/mm2, equal to
0,50 ReH.

110 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 4, Sec 4

Unless otherwise stated, weld connections and materials 7.2.3 Inertia of edges elements
are to be dimensioned and selected in accordance with the The hatch cover edge stiffness is to be sufficient to maintain
requirements in Pt B, Ch 11, Sec 1. adequate sealing pressure between securing devices.
Double continuous fillet welding is to be adopted for the
The moment of inertia of edge elements is to be not less
connections of stay webs with deck plating and the weld
than the value obtained, in cm4, from the following formula:
throat thickness is to be not less than 0,44 tw, where tw is the
gross thickness of the stay web. I = 6 pL SS4
Toes of stay webs are to be connected to the deck plating where:
with full penetration double bevel welds extending over a
distance not less than 15% of the stay width. pL : Packing line pressure, in N/mm, to be taken not
less than 5 N/mm
7 Weathertightness, closing SS : Spacing, in m, of securing devices.
arrangement, securing devices and 7.2.4 Diameter of rods or bolts
stoppers Rods or bolts are to have a gross diameter not less than 19
mm for hatchways exceeding 5 m2 in area.
7.1 General
7.2.5 Stoppers
7.1.1 The specific requirements in Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 7, [6] are
to be complied with. Hatch covers are to be effectively secured, by means of
stoppers, against the transverse forces arising from a pres-
sure of 175 kN/m2.
7.2 Closing arrangement, securing devices
and stoppers With the exclusion of No. 1 hatch cover, hatch covers are to
be effectively secured, by means of stoppers, against the
7.2.1 The specific requirements in Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 7, [9] are longitudinal forces acting on the forward end arising from a
to be complied with. pressure of 175 kN/m2.
7.2.2 Area of securing devices No. 1 hatch cover is to be effectively secured, by means of
The gross cross area of each securing device is to be not less stoppers, against the longitudinal forces acting on the for-
than the value obtained, in cm2, from the following formula: ward end arising from a pressure of 230 kN/m2. This pres-
sure may be reduced to 175 kN/m2 if a forecastle is fitted in
A = 1 ,4S S  ----------
235 accordance with the applicable requirements of:
 R eH 
• Ch 4, Sec 2, [2] for ships with service notations bulk
where: carrier or bulk carrier ESP
SS : Spacing, in m, of securing devices
• Ch 5, Sec 2, [2] for ships with service notation ore car-
f : Coefficient taken equal to: rier ESP
• f = 0,75 for ReH > 235 N/mm2
• Ch 6, Sec 2, [2] for ships with service notations combi-
• f = 1,00 for ReH ≤ 235 N/mm2. nation carrier/OBO ESP or combination carrier/OOC
In the above calculations, ReH may not be taken greater than ESP.
0,7 Rm.
The equivalent stress in stoppers, their supporting structures
Between hatch cover and coaming and at cross-joints, a and calculated in the throat of the stopper welds is to be
packing line pressure sufficient to obtain weathertightness is equal to or less than the allowable value, equal to 0,8 ReH.
to be maintained by securing devices. For packing line pres-
sures exceeding 5 N/mm, the gross cross area A is to be
increased in direct proportion. The packing line pressure is 8 Drainage
to be specified.
In the case of securing arrangements which are particularly 8.1 Arrangement
stressed due to the unusual width of the hatchway, the gross
cross area A of the above securing arrangements is to be 8.1.1 The specific requirements in Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 7, [10]
determined through direct calculations. are to be complied with.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 111

Pt D, Ch 4, App 1



1 Calculation of assumed heeling so as to prevent a grain shift by overstowing as described in

[1.9.1] to [1.9.3]. Alternatively, in partly filled compart-
moments due to cargo shifting
ments, the bulk grain surface may be secured by strapping
or lashing as described in [1.9.4] or [1.9.5].
1.1 Stowage of bulk grain Lower cargo spaces and ’tweendeck spaces in way thereof
may be loaded as one compartment provided that, in calcu-
1.1.1 General
lating transverse heeling moments, proper account is taken
All necessary and reasonable trimming is to be performed to of the flow of grain into the lower spaces.
level all free grain surfaces and to minimise the effect of
grain shifting. 1.1.6 Longitudinal division

1.1.2 Filled compartment trimmed In filled compartments trimmed, filled compartments

untrimmed and partly filled compartments, longitudinal
In any filled compartment trimmed, as defined in Ch 4, Sec divisions may be installed as a device to reduce the adverse
3, [1.1.2], the bulk grain is to be trimmed so as to fill all heeling effect of grain shift provided that:
spaces under the decks and hatch covers to the maximum
extent possible. a) the division is grain-tight,
b) the construction meets the requirements in Part B for
1.1.3 Filled compartment untrimmed longitudinal bulkheads; if no particular requirement is
In any filled compartment untrimmed, as defined in Ch 4, foreseen see MSC Res. 23(59)sect 11-14); and
Sec 3, [1.1.3], the bulk grain is to be filled to the maximum c) in ’tweendecks, if fitted, the division extends from deck
extent possible in way of the hatch opening but may be at to deck and in other cargo spaces the division extends
its natural angle of repose outside the periphery of the hatch downwards from the underside of the deck or hatch
opening. A filled compartment may qualify for this classifi- covers, as described in [1.3.2] a) (second bullet), Note
cation if it falls into one of the following categories: 2, [1.3.2] b), Note 7,or [1.6.1] b), as applicable.
a) the Society may, under [1.7], grant dispensation from
trimming in those cases where the underdeck void 1.2 General assumptions
geometry resulting from free flowing grain in a compart-
ment, which may be provided with feeder ducts, perfo- 1.2.1 Voids in spaces loaded with grain
rated decks or other similar means, is taken into account
For the purpose of calculating the adverse heeling moment
when calculating the void depths, or
due to a shift of cargo surface in ships carrying bulk grain it
b) the compartment is “specially suitable” as defined in Ch is to be assumed that:
4, Sec 3, [1.1.6], in which case dispensation may be
a) in filled compartments which have been trimmed in
granted from trimming the ends of that compartment.
accordance with [1.1.2], a void exists under all bound-
1.1.4 Grain in partially filled compartments ary surfaces having an inclination to the horizontal less
than 30° and that void is parallel to the boundary sur-
If there is no bulk grain or other cargo above a lower cargo face having an average depth calculated according to
space containing grain, the hatch covers are to be secured the formula:
in an approved manner having regard to the mass and per-
manent arrangements provided for securing such covers. Vd = Vd1 + 0,75 (d − 600)
When bulk grain is stowed on top of closed ‘tweendeck where:
hatch covers which are not grain-tight, such covers are to Vd : Average void depth, in mm
be made grain-tight by taping the joints, covering the entire Vd1 : Standard void depth, in mm, from Tab 1
hatchway with tarpaulins or separation cloths, or other suit-
able means. d : Actual girder depth, in mm.
After loading, all free grain surfaces in partly filled compart- In any case, Vd is to be assumed equal to or greater than
ments are to be level. 100 mm.
b) within filled hatchways and in addition to any open void
1.1.5 Cargo securing within the hatch cover there is a void of average depth
Unless account is taken of the adverse heeling effect due to of 150 mm measured down to the grain surface from
the grain shift according to these Rules, the surface of the the lowest part of the hatch cover or the top of the hatch
bulk grain in any partly filled compartment is to be secured side coaming, whichever is the lower.

112 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 4, App 1

c) in a filled compartment untrimmed which is exempted 1.2.5 Equivalent methods

from trimming outside the periphery of the hatchway by Any other equally effective method may be adopted to
the provisions of [1.1.3] a), it is to be assumed that the make the compensation required in [1.2.2] and [1.2.4].
surface of the grain after loading will slope into the void
space underdeck, in all directions, at an angle of 30° to Table 1 : Standard void depth
the horizontal from the edge of the opening which
establishes the void. Distance, in m, from hatch end
Standard void depth Vd1
d) In a filled compartment untrimmed which is exempted or hatch side to boundary of
in mm
from trimming in the ends of the compartment under compartment
the provisions of [1.1.3] b), it is to be assumed that the 0,5 570
surface of the grain after loading will slope in all direc- 1,0 530
tions away from the filling area at an angle of 30° from
1,5 500
the lower edge of the hatch end beam. However, if feed-
ing holes are provided in the hatch end beams in 2,0 480
accordance with Tab 2, then the surface of the grain 2,5 450
after loading is to be assumed to slope in all directions, 3,0 440
at an angle of 30° from a line on the hatch end beam
3,5 430
which is the mean of the peaks and valleys of the actual
grain surface as shown in Fig 1. 4,0 430

The description of the pattern of grain surface behaviour to 4,5 430

be assumed in partly filled compartments is contained in 5,0 430
[1.6]. 5,5 450
6,0 470
1.2.2 Assumptions in filled compartments trimmed
6,5 490
For the purpose of demonstrating compliance with the sta-
bility criteria specified in Ch 4, Sec 3, [1.2.3], the ship's sta- 7,0 520
bility calculations are normally to be based upon the 7,5 550
assumption that the centre of gravity of cargo in a filled 8,0 590
compartment trimmed is at the volumetric centre of the
Note 1:
whole cargo space. In those cases where the Society
For boundary distances greater than 8,0 m, the standard void
authorises account to be taken of the effect of assumed
depth Vd1 is to be linearly extrapolated with 80 mm increases
underdeck voids on the vertical position of the centre of
for each 1,0 m increase in length.
gravity of the cargo in filled compartments trimmed, it is
Note 2:
necessary to compensate for the adverse effect of the verti-
In the corner area of a compartment, the boundary distance
cal shift of grain surfaces by increasing the assumed heeling
is to be the perpendicular distance from the line of the hatch
moment due to the transverse shift of grain as follows:
side girder or the line of the hatch end beam to the boundary
MH,T = 1,06 MH,C of the compartment, whichever is the greater. The girder
where: depth d is to be taken as the depth of the hatch side girder or
the hatch end beam, whichever is the lesser.
MH,T : Total heeling moment, in t.m
Note 3:
MH,C : Calculated transverse heeling moment, in t.m. Where there is a raised deck clear of the hatchway, the aver-
In all cases the weight of cargo in a filled compartment age void depth measured from the underside of the raised
trimmed is to be the volume of the whole cargo space deck is to be calculated using the standard void depth in
divided by the stowage factor. association with a girder depth of the hatch end beam plus
the height of the raised deck.
1.2.3 Assumptions in filled compartments
untrimmed Table 2 : Requirements for feeding holes
The centre of gravity of cargo in a filled compartment
Minimum diameter, Area, Maximum spacing,
untrimmed is to be taken to be the volumetric centre of the
in mm in cm2 in m
whole cargo compartment with no account being allowed
for voids. In all cases the weight of cargo is to be the volume 90 63,6 0,60
of the cargo (resulting from the assumptions stated in 100 78,5 0,75
[1.2.1] c) or [1.2.1] d)) divided by the stowage factor. 110 95,0 0,90
1.2.4 Assumptions in partially filled compartments 120 113,1 1,07

In partly filled compartments the adverse effect of the verti- 130 133,0 1,25
cal shift of grain surfaces is to be taken into account as fol- 140 154,0 1,45
lows: 150 177,0 1,67
MH,T = 1,12 MH,C 160 201,0 1,90
where MH,T and MH,C are defined in [1.2.2]. 170 or above 227,0 2,00

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 113

Pt D, Ch 4, App 1

Figure 1 : Effective grain surface to be assumed

30˚ actual
feeding holes

hatch end beam


1.3 Assumed volumetric heeling moment of b) In and abreast of hatchways without longitudinal divi-
a filled compartment trimmed sion, after the assumed shift of grain the final void pat-
tern is to be as shown in Fig 3 or Fig 4.
1.3.1 General
The pattern of grain surface movement relates to a trans- Figure 2 : Final void pattern
verse section across the portion of the compartment being
considered and the resultant heeling moment is to be multi- A B C
plied by the length to obtain the total moment for that por-
The assumed transverse heeling moment due to grain shift- Vd high side
low side E
ing is a consequence of final changes of shape and position
of voids after grain has moved from the high side to the low D
L longitudinal division
The resulting grain surface after shifting is to be assumed to
be at 15° to the horizontal.
In calculating the maximum void area that can be formed
against a longitudinal structural member, the effects of any Note 1: If the maximum void area which can be formed against the
girder at B is less than the initial area of the void under AB, i.e.
horizontal surfaces, e.g. flanges or face bars, are to be
AB.Vd, the excess area is to be assumed to transfer to the final void
ignored. on the high side.
The total areas of the initial and final voids are to be equal. Note 2: If, for example, the longitudinal division at C is one which
Longitudinal structural members which are grain-tight may be has been provided in accordance with [1.1.6], it is to extend to at
considered effective over their full depth except where they least 0,6 m below D or E, whichever gives the greater depth.
are provided as a device to reduce the adverse effect of grain
shift, in which case the provisions of [1.1.6] are to apply. Figure 3 : Final void pattern
A discontinuous longitudinal division may be considered 150 mm plus any cover open
effective over its full length. void within the hatch void
1.3.2 Assumptions D

In the following paragraphs it is assumed that the total heel- A B E F

ing moment for a compartment is obtained by adding the
results of separate consideration of the following portions:
a) before and abaft hatchways: Vd
high side
• if a compartment has two or more main hatchways low side
through which loading may take place, the depth of
the underdeck void for the portion or portions
between such hatchways is to be determined using Note 3: AB: Any area in excess of that which can be formed against
the fore and aft distance to the mid-point between the girder at B is to transfer to the final void area in the hatchway.
the hatchways
Note 4: CD: Any area in excess of that which can be formed
• after the assumed shift of grain the final void pattern against the girder at E is to transfer to the final void area on the high
is to be as shown in Fig 2. side.

114 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 4, App 1

Figure 4 : Final void pattern upper deck hatchway and the remainder in equal
quantities to the voids under the decks on the high
150 mm plus any open void side
within the hatch cover
• at deck levels lower than those described above, the
void area available for transfer from the low side of
each of those decks is to be assumed to transfer in
A B H F G equal quantities to the voids in each of the two
halves of the upper deck hatchway on each side of
the division and the voids under the decks on the
Vd high side
J high side.
0.6 m
low side c) with effective centreline divisions which do not extend
into the upper deck hatchway:
Since no horizontal transfer of voids may be assumed to
Note 5: The excess void area from AB is to transfer to the low side
half of the hatchway in which two separate final void areas are take place at the same deck level as the division, the
formed: one against the centreline division and the other against void area available for transfer from the low side at this
the hatch side coaming and girder on the high side. level is to be assumed to transfer above the division to
voids on the high side in accordance with the principles
Note 6: If a bagged saucer or bulk bundle is formed in a hatchway
of a) and b).
it is to be assumed for the purpose of calculating the transverse
heeling moment that such a device is at least equivalent to the
centreline division. 1.4 Assumed volumetric heeling moment of
Note 7: If the centreline division is one which has been provided in a filled compartment untrimmed
accordance with [1.1.6], it is to extend to at least 0,6 m below H or
J, whichever gives the greater depth.
1.4.1 General
1.3.3 Compartment loaded in combination All the provisions for filled compartments trimmed set forth
The following paragraphs describe the patterns of void in [1.3] are to also apply to filled compartments untrimmed,
behaviour which are to be assumed when compartments except as reported in [1.4.2].
are loaded in combination:
1.4.2 Additional requirements
a) without effective centreline divisions:
In filled compartments untrimmed which are exempted
• under the upper deck:
from trimming outside the periphery of the hatchway under
as for the single deck arrangement described in the provisions of [1.1.3] a), the following assumptions
[1.3.2] a) (second bullet) and [1.3.2] b). apply:
• under the second deck (if applicable): a) The resulting grain surface after shifting is to be assumed
the area of void available for transfer from the low to be at an angle of 25° to the horizontal. However, if in
side, i.e. original void area less area against the any section of the compartment, forward, aft, or abreast
hatch side girder, is to be assumed to transfer as fol- of the hatchway the mean transverse area of the void in
lows: one half to the upper deck hatchway and one that section is equal to or less than the area which
quarter each to the high side under the upper and would be obtained by application of [1.2.1] a), then the
second deck. angle of grain surface after shifting in that section is to
be assumed to be 15° to the horizontal.
• under the third and lower decks (if applicable):
the void areas available for transfer from the low side b) The void area at any transverse section of the compart-
of each of these decks are to be assumed to transfer ment is to be assumed to be the same both before and
in equal quantities to all the voids under the decks after the grain shift, i.e. it is to be assumed that addi-
on the high side and the void in the upper deck tional feeding does not occur at the time of the grain
hatchway. shift.

b) with effective centreline divisions which extend into the In filled compartments untrimmed which are exempted
upper deck hatchway: from trimming in the ends, forward and aft of the hatchway,
under the provisions of [1.1.3] b), the following assumptions
• at all deck levels abreast of the division the void apply:
areas available for transfer from the low side are to
be assumed to transfer to the void under the low a) the resulting grain surface abreast of the hatchway after
side half of the upper deck hatchway shifting is to be assumed to be at an angle of 15° to the
• at the deck level immediately below the bottom of
the division the void area available for transfer from b) the resulting grain surface in the ends, forward and aft of
the low side is to be assumed to transfer as follows: the hatchway after shifting is to be assumed to be at an
one half to the void under the low side half of the angle of 25° to the horizontal.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 115

Pt D, Ch 4, App 1

Figure 5 : Assumed volumetric heeling moment in trunks

15˚ 15˚

low side high side

see note see note

15˚ 15˚

2 excess void area to centreline

1 .. .. .. .. high side

1.5 Assumed volumetric heeling moments Where such authorisation is granted under this regulation,
in trunks particulars shall be included in the grain loading manual.
These particulars include the additional calculation of heel-
1.5.1 After the assumed shift of grain the final void pattern
ing moments for filled holds with untrimmed ends, an
is to be as shown in Fig 5.
example of which is reported in [2.1].
Note 1: If the wing spaces in way of the trunk cannot be properly
trimmed in accordance with [1.1], it is to be assumed that a 25°
surface shift takes place. 1.8 Saucers

1.6 Assumed volumetric heeling moment of 1.8.1 For the purpose of reducing the heeling moment a
saucer may be used in place of a longitudinal division in
a partly filled compartment
way of a hatch opening only in a filled trimmed compart-
1.6.1 ment as defined in Ch 4, Sec 3, [1.1.2], except in the case of
linseed and other seeds having similar properties, where a
a) When the free surface of the bulk grain has not been
saucer may not be substituted for a longitudinal division. If a
secured in accordance with [1.9.1] to [1.9.3], [1.9.4], or
longitudinal division is provided, it is to meet the require-
[1.9.5], it is to be assumed that the grain surface after
ments of [1.1.6].
shifting is at 25° to the horizontal.
b) In a partly filled compartment, a division, if fitted, is to
1.8.2 The depth of the saucer, measured from the bottom
extend from one eighth of the maximum breadth of the
of the saucer to the deck line, is to be as follows:
compartment above the level of the grain surface and to
the same distance below the grain surface. • for ships with a moulded breadth of up to 9,1 m, not
less than 1,2 m
c) In a compartment in which the longitudinal divisions are
not continuous between the transverse boundaries, the • for ships with a moulded breadth of 18,3 m or more, not
length over which any such divisions are effective as less than 1,8 m
devices to prevent full width shifts of grain surfaces is to • for ships with a moulded breadth between 9,1 m and
be taken to be the actual length of the portion of the 18,3 m, the minimum depth of the saucer is to be calcu-
division under consideration less two sevenths of the lated by interpolation.
greater of the transverse distances between the division
and its adjacent division or ship side. This correction
1.8.3 The top (mouth) of the saucer is to be formed by the
does not apply in the lower compartments of any com-
underdeck structure in way of the hatchway, i.e. hatch side
bination loading in which the upper compartment is
girders or coamings and hatch end beams. The saucer and
either a filled compartment or a partly filled compart-
hatchway above are to be completely filled with bagged grain
or other suitable cargo laid down on a separation cloth or its
equivalent and stowed tightly against adjacent structure so as
1.7 Other assumptions to have a bearing contact with such structure to a depth equal
to or greater than one half of the depth specified in [1.8.2].
1.7.1 The Society may authorise departure from the
assumptions contained in these Rules in those cases where If hull structure to provide such bearing surface is not availa-
it considers this to be justified having regard to the provi- ble, the saucer is to be fixed in position by steel wire rope,
sions for loading or the structural arrangements, provided chain, or double steel strapping as specified in [1.9.4] d)
the stability criteria in Ch 4, Sec 3, [1.2.3] are met. and spaced not more than 2,4 m apart.

116 Bureau Veritas July 2018

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1.8.4 As an alternative to filling the saucer in a filled 1.9.3 Equivalent cargo

trimmed compartment with bagged grain or other suitable
cargo, a bundle of bulk grain may be used provided that: The bagged grain is to be carried in sound bags which are
a) the dimensions and means for securing the bundle in to be well filled and securely closed.
place are the same as specified for a saucer in [1.8.2] Instead of bagged grain, other suitable cargo tightly stowed
and [1.8.3] and exerting at least the same pressure as bagged grain
b) the saucer is lined with a material acceptable to the stowed in accordance with [1.9.2] may be used.
Society having a tensile strength of not less than 2,687 N
per 5 cm strip and which is provided with suitable 1.9.4 Strapping or lashing
means for securing at the top
When, in order to eliminate heeling moments in partly filled
c) as an alternative to b), a material acceptable to the Soci-
compartments, strapping or lashing is utilised, the securing
ety having a tensile strength of not less than 1,344 N per
is to be accomplished as follows:
5 cm strip may be used if the saucer is constructed as
follows: a) the grain is to be trimmed and levelled to the extent that
• athwartship lashings acceptable to the Society are to it is very slightly crowned and covered with burlap sepa-
be placed inside the saucer formed in the bulk grain ration cloths, tarpaulins or the equivalent
at intervals of not more than 2,4 m. These lashings
are to be of sufficient length to permit being drawn b) the separation cloths and/or tarpaulins are to overlap by
up tight and secured at the top of the saucer. at least 1,8 m

• dunnage not less than 25 mm in thickness or other c) two solid floors of rough 25 mm by 150 mm to 300 mm
suitable material of equal strength and between 150 lumber are to be laid with the top floor running longitu-
mm and 300 mm in width is to be placed fore and dinally and nailed to an athwartship bottom floor. Alter-
aft over these lashings to prevent the cutting or chaf- natively, one solid floor of 50 mm lumber, running
ing of the material which is to be placed thereon to longitudinally and nailed over the top of a 50 mm bot-
line the saucer tom bearer not less than 150 mm wide, may be used.
The bottom bearers are to extend the full breadth of the
d) the saucer is to be filled with bulk grain and secured at
compartment and are to be spaced not more than 2,4 m
the top except that when using material approved under
apart. Arrangements utilising other materials and
c) further dunnage is to be laid on top after lapping the
deemed by the Society to be equivalent to the foregoing
material before the saucer is secured by setting up the
may be accepted.
e) if more than one sheet of material is used to line the sau- d) Steel wire rope (19 mm diameter or equivalent), double
cer they are to be joined at the bottom either by sewing steel strapping (50 mm x 1,3 mm and having a breaking
or by a double lap load of at least 49 kN), or chain of equivalent strength,
each of which is to be set tightly by means of a 32 mm
f) the top of the saucer is to be coincidental with the bot- turnbuckle, may be used for lashings. A winch tightener,
tom of the beams when these are in place and suitable used in conjunction with a locking arm, may be substi-
general cargo or bulk grain may be placed between the tuted for the 32 mm turnbuckle when steel strapping is
beams on top of the saucer. used, provided suitable wrenches are available for set-
ting up as necessary.

1.9 Overstowing arrangements and securing When steel strapping is used, not less than three crimp
seals are to be used for securing the ends. When wire is
1.9.1 Bagged grain used, not less than four clips are to be used for forming
eyes in the lashings.
Where bagged grain or other suitable cargo is utilised for
the purpose of securing partly filled compartments, the free e) Prior to the completion of loading the lashings are to be
grain surface is to be level and is to be covered with a sepa- positively attached to the framing at a point approxi-
ration cloth or equivalent or by a suitable platform. Such mately 450 mm below the anticipated final grain surface
platform is to consist of bearers spaced not more than 1,2 m by means of either a 25 mm shackle or beam clamp of
apart and 25 mm boards laid thereon spaced not more than equivalent strength
100 mm apart. Platforms may be constructed of other mate-
rials provided they are deemed by the Society to be equiva- f) the lashings are to be spaced not more than 2,4 m apart
lent. and each is to be supported by a bearer nailed over the
top of the fore and aft floor. This bearer is to consist of
1.9.2 Separating platform lumber of not less than 25 mm by 150 mm or its equiva-
lent and is to extend the full breadth of the compart-
The platform or separation cloth is be topped off with ment.
bagged grain tightly stowed and extending to a height of not
less than one sixteenth of the maximum breadth of the free g) During the voyage the strapping is to be regularly
grain surface or 1,2 m, whichever is the greater. inspected and set up where necessary.

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1.9.5 Securing with wire mesh 2 Dispensation from trimming ends of

When, in order to eliminate grain heeling moments in partly holds in certain ships
filled compartments, strapping or lashing is utilised, the
securing may, as an alternative to the method described in 2.1 Calculation example
[1.9.4], be accomplished as follows:
2.1.1 General
a) the grain is to be trimmed and levelled to the extent that
it is very slightly crowned along the fore and aft centre- As a result of the provisions in [1.1.3] and [1.7.1], dispensa-
line of the compartment tion may be granted from trimming the ends of holds in spe-
cially suitable ships, when requested, provided that an
b) the entire surface of the grain is to be covered with bur- additional entry of heeling moments for filled holds with
lap separation cloths, tarpaulins, or the equivalent. The untrimmed ends is approved and included in the grain load-
covering material is to have a tensile strength of not less ing manual required in Ch 4, Sec 3, [1.2.2]. Untrimmed
than 1,344 N per 5 cm strip. ends are to be treated as partly filled spaces and, accord-
c) Two layers of wire reinforcement mesh are to be laid on ingly, the grain surface in these portions of the hold is to be
top of the burlap or other covering. The bottom layer is assumed to shift to an angle of 25° from the horizontal.
to be laid athwartship and the top layer is to be laid lon- After taking into account the heeling moments due to the
gitudinally. The lengths of wire mesh are to be over- shift of grain in the untrimmed ends, dispensation may be
lapped at least 75 mm. The top layer of mesh is to be granted provided the ship meets the stability criteria speci-
positioned over the bottom layer in such a manner that fied in Ch 4, Sec 3, [1.2.3].
the squares formed by the alternate layer measure This dispensation may be granted only to ships which are
approximately 75 mm by 75 mm. The wire reinforce- arranged with sloping bulkheads, port and starboard form-
ment mesh is the type used in reinforced concrete con- ing the longitudinal inner boundaries of topside tanks and
struction. It is fabricated of 3 mm diameter steel wire which slope at an angle of 30° or more to the horizontal.
having a breaking strength of not less than 52 kN/cm2,
When calculating the geometry of the void beyond the
welded in 150 mm x 150 mm squares. Wire mesh hav-
hatch end, allowance may be made for feeding holes in the
ing mill scale may be used but mesh having loose, flak-
hatch and beam provided they meet the requirements
ing rust may not be used.
reported in Tab 2.
d) The boundaries of the wire mesh, at the port and star- The effective depth is to be taken as the distance from the
board side of the compartment, are to be retained by underside of the deck to a horizontal line on the hatch end
wood planks 150 mm x 50 mm, beam which is the mean between the peaks and valleys of
e) hold-down lashings, running from side to side across the the actual grain surface as shown in Fig 1.
compartment, are to be spaced not more than 2,4 m
2.1.2 Assumptions
apart except that the first and the last lashing are not to
be more than 300 mm from the forward or after bulk- In performing the calculation of the volumetric heeling
head, respectively. Prior to the completion of the load- moment, the grain in the hatchway is assumed to be filled to
ing, each lashing is to be positively attached to the the maximum and the resulting surface shifted to an angle
framing at a point approximately 450 mm below the of 15° to the horizontal.
anticipated final grain surface by means of either a 25 In the untrimmed end the surface of the grain will slope in
mm shackle or beam clamp of equivalent strength. The all directions away from the filling area at an angle of 30° to
lashing is to be led from this point over the top of the the horizontal from the lower edge of the hatch end beam
boundary plank described in d), which has the function or, in certain cases from a higher level where feeding holes
of distributing the downward pressure exerted by the are provided.
lashing. Two layers of 150 mm x 25 mm planks are to be The sum of the moments calculated for the ends and the
laid athwartship centred beneath each lashing and moments for the hatchway give the total volumetric heeling
extending the full breadth of the compartment. moment for the compartment “filled - ends not trimmed”
f) The hold-down lashings are to consist of steel wire rope and is to be listed for any such compartment in the grain
(19 mm diameter or equivalent), double steel strapping loading manual.
(50 mm x 1,3 mm and having a breaking load of at least The information concerning full holds assumed to be
49 kN), or chain of equivalent strength, each of which is trimmed and partly filled holds is to remain the same as at
to be set tight by means of a 32 mm turnbuckle. A present.
winch tightener, used in conjunction with a locking arm,
may be substituted for the 32 mm turnbuckle when steel 2.1.3 Calculation of void areas
strapping is used, provided suitable wrenches are availa- In ships having sloping topside tanks in each hold, the grain
ble for setting up as necessary. When steel strapping is surface leans against topside tank bulkheads if its slope is
used, not less than three crimp seals are to be used for equal to or greater than 30° to the horizontal; in this case
securing the ends. When wire rope is used, not less than no void occurs.
four clips are to be used for forming eyes in the lashings.
In the zone forward and abaft the hatch, the grain surface is
g) During the voyage the hold-down lashings are to be reg- located so as that the standard void depth Vd increases with
ularly inspected and set up where necessary. the distance from the hatch.

118 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 4, App 1

For the void depth calculation, three different transversal With reference to Fig 7 and Fig 8 the following areas are
sections, AA, BB and CC are taken into account, and for calculated:
each of these sections, three different points (A1, A2, A3, B1,
• area A1A3G3G1 (which is the area AV,AA calculated
B2, B3 and C1, C2, C3) are to be considered, as illustrated in
above), in m2, equal to: 21,63
Fig 6.
• topside tank area AW , in m2, equal to: 13,98
The distance between the points C3 and B2 , in m, is as fol-
lows: • area AV,I , in m2, relevant to void I, equal to:
AV,I = 21,63 − 13,98 = 7,65
2 2
C3 B2 = ( 3 + 2 ) = 3 ,61
• area AV,II , in m2, relevant to void II, equal to:
and the void depth Vd2 , in m, measured in B2 is:
AV,II = 5 ⋅ 2,91 = 14,55
V d2 = 3 ,61 tan 30 + 0 ,60 = 2 ,68 • total area AT,AA of void, port and starboard, in m2, in sec-
tion AA, equal to:
The topside tank area AW , in m2, (I + II) is as follows:
AT,AA = 2 (7,65 + 14,55) = 44,40
6 ( tan 30 )6
AW = ( 6 ⋅ 0 ,60 ) + ------------------------------ = 13 ,98
2 With the same procedure the void relevant to the BB section
is calculated, as follows:
The void depth Vd3 , Vd2 , Vd1 , in m, relevant to points A3,
A2, A1 of section AA is: • total area AT,BB of void, port and starboard, in m2, in sec-
tion BB:
V d3 = 4 tan 30 + 0 ,60 = 2 ,91 AT,BB = 22,98
2 2 o
V d2 = ( 3 + 4 ) tan 30 + 0 ,60 = 3 ,49 • total area AT,CC of void, port and starboard, in m2, in sec-
2 2
V d1 = ( 6 + 4 ) tan 30 + 0 ,60 = 4 ,76
o tion CC:
AT,CC = 2 (5 ⋅ 0,60) = 6,00
The area AV,AA , in m2, of the void in transversal section AA
(calculated according to Simpson’s integration rule) is as
2.1.4 Calculation of areas and area moments
Finding the surface at each station after shift which estab-
A3 . A2 lishes a void area exactly equal to that at the station before
A V ,AA = ---------------
- ⋅ ( V d3 + 4 ⋅ V d2 + V d1 ) = 21 ,63
3 shift is a complicated calculation if done directly.

Figure 6 : Geometry for void depth calculation

A B C 22 m
A1 B1 C1
6m 10 m 6m
A2 B2 C2

A3 B3 C3

2m 2m Hatch corner
0,6 m [1]

[1] This height can be reduced if

feeding holes are fitted

3,61 m 6m

B2 C3

0,60 m

0,60 m

Grain surface

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 119

Pt D, Ch 4, App 1

Figure 7 : Geometry for void depth calculation With reference to Fig 10, the areas relevant to the zones 1,
2, 3 are as follows:
A1 A2 A3
3m 3m 5m • area A1 , in m2, relevant to zone 1:
8 ,74 ( tan 25 )8 ,74
A 1 = ----------------------------------------------- – 13 ,98 = 3 ,83
• area A2 , in m2, relevant to zone 2:
G3 o
13 ( tan 25 )13
A 2 = ------------------------------------- – 13 ,98 = 25 ,41
• area A3 , in m2, relevant to zone 3:
16 ( tan 25 )16- – 13 ,98 = 45 ,70
A 3 = ------------------------------------
G1 2

Figure 8 : Geometry for void depth calculation Figure 10 : Geometry for void depth calculation

5m 11m
5m 5m 6m

3,6 m2
0,6 m


10,38 m2

However, if the areas and corresponding area moments are

calculated for random shifts from the horizontal to 25°, and
a plot is made of areas versus area moments, then by enter-
ing the plot with the actual void area at any position before
The area moments M1 , M2 , M3 , in m3, relevant to areas A1 ,
shift, a close approximation to the area moment after shift
A2 , A3 , referred to the centreline are as follows:
can be obtained. Such a plot is provided in Fig 9.
Another advantage of this method lies in the fact that while • area moment M1:
the lengths of the end sections may vary, the cross-sectional
M 1 = 17 ,81  --- .8 ,74 + 2 ,26 – 3 ,6 ( 3 + 5 ) – 10 ,38  --- .6 + 5
2 2
dimensions are usually uniform throughout most of the 3  3 
ship. Therefore the same plot of areas versus area moments
= 21 ,80
can be used for several locations.
• area moment M2:
Figure 9 : Plot of areas versus area moments
M 2 = 39 ,39  --- .13 – 2 – 3 ,6 ( 3 + 5 ) – 10 ,38  --- .6 + 5
2 2
Areas (m2) 3  3 
50 = 140 ,38
A • area moment M3:
M 3 = 59 ,68  --- .16 – 5 – 3 ,6 ( 3 + 5 ) – 10 ,38  --- .6 + 5
2 2
3  3 

30 = 215 ,97

B A summary of the values obtained is reported in Tab 3.

Table 3 : Areas and area moments

10 Zone Area, in m2 Area moment in m3

1 3,83 21,80
2 25,41 140,38
20 40 60 80 120 160 200
Area moments (m3) 3 45,70 215,97

120 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 4, App 1

2.1.5 Calculation of volumetric heeling moment Table 4 : Total volumetric heeling moment in a hold,
a) Volumetric heeling moment in untrimmed end with untrimmed ends
Tab 4 gives the values of areas and area moments
Hold zone Heeling moment, in m4
derived from the plot in Fig 9.
Therefore, the longitudinal distance between points A, Fore end 505,33
B, C being equal to 2 m, the volumetric heeling moment Hatch 236,25
in the untrimmed end MI, in m4, is as follows:
Aft end 505,33
M = --- [ 1 ⋅ 34 + 4 ⋅ 128 + 1 ⋅ 212 ] = 505 ,33
Total 1246,91
b) Volumetric heeling moment in hatch Figure 12 : Possible void relevant to
The following calculation is valid for void spaces within a longitudinal deck girder
the hatch (see Fig 11):
• void area AH , in m2:
A H = 10 ( 0 ,4 + 0 ,15 ) = 5 ,5
• centre of gravity x, in m, relevant to AH:
5 ,5 ⋅ 2 30˚
x = -----------------o = 6 ,41
tan 15
Longitudinal deck girder
• area moment MH , in m3:
6 ,41
M H = 5 ,5  5 – ----------- = 15 ,75
 3 
The hatch length being equal to 15 m, the volumetric Figure 13 : Possible void relevant to
heeling moment in hatch MII, in m4, is as follows: the topside tank geometry
MII = 17,75 ⋅ 15 = 236,25
In addition, the possible void relevant to a longitudinal
deck girder as described in Fig 12, as well as the possi-
ble void relevant to the topside tank geometry as
described in Fig 13, are to be taken into account; on the
contrary, the possible void relevant to topside tank lon-
gitudinal stiffeners as described in Fig 14 may not be 30˚
taken into account.
c) Volumetric heeling moment
The total volumetric heeling moment in a hold, as
reported in Tab 4, is the sum of the contribution of a)
and b) above.

Figure 11 : Volumetric heeling moment in hatch Figure 14 : Possible void relevant to

topside tank longitudinal stiffeners
0,4 m

10,0 m
0,15 m

15˚ 25˚
Hatch cover

30˚ X


Grain level before grain shift

Grain level after grain shift

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 121

Pt D, Ch 4, App 1

122 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Part D
Service Notations

Chapter 5





July 2018 Bureau Veritas 123

124 Bureau Veritas July 2018
Pt D, Ch 5, Sec 1


1 General
1.1.2 Ships dealt with in this Chapter are to comply with:
1.1 Application
• Part A of the Rules
1.1.1 Ships complying with the requirements of this Chap-
• NR216 Materials and Welding
ter are eligible for the assignment of the service notation ore
carrier, as defined in Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.3.3]. • Tab 1.

Table 1 : Applicable requirements

Item Greater than or equal to 500 GT Less than 500 GT

• Part B • NR566
L ≥ 65 m
• Ch 5, Sec 2 • Ch 5, Sec 2
Ship arrangement
• NR566
L < 65 m • NR600
• Ch 5, Sec 2
• Part B • Part B
L ≥ 65 m
Hull • Ch 5, Sec 3 • Ch 5, Sec 3
L < 65 m • NR600 • NR600
• Part B • NR566
• Ch 5, Sec 3 • Ch 5, Sec 3
Machinery and cargo systems • Part C • NR566
Electrical installations • Part C • NR566
Automation • Part C • NR566
Fire protection, detection and extinction • Part C • NR566
Note 1:
NR566: Hull Arrangement, Stability and Systems for Ships less than 500 GT.
NR600: Hull Structure and Arrangement for the Classification of Cargo Ships less than 65 m and Non Cargo Ships less than 90 m.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 125

Pt D, Ch 5, Sec 2


1 General The forecastle height HF above the main deck is to be not

less than:

1.1 Application • the standard height of a superstructure as specified in Pt

B, Ch 1, Sec 2, [3.19]
1.1.1 The requirements of Ch 5, Sec 2 and Ch 5, Sec 3 • HC + 0,5 m, where HC is the height of the forward trans-
apply to single deck ships with two longitudinal bulkheads verse hatch coaming of the foremost cargo hold, i.e.
and a double bottom throughout the cargo region and cargo hold No. 1,
intended to carry dry cargoes in bulk, including ore cargo,
in the centre holds only. A typical midship section is shown whichever is the greater.
in Fig 1. All points of the aft edge of the forecastle deck are to be
located at a distance F:
The application of these requirements to other ship types is
to be considered by the Society on a case-by-case basis. F ≤ 5 HF – HC
from the hatch coaming plate in order to apply the reduced
2 General arrangement design loading to the No. 1 forward transverse hatch coaming and
No. 1 hatch cover in applying Ch 4, Sec 4, [6.2.1], and Ch 4,
2.1 General Sec 4, [7.2.5].

2.1.1 Forecastle Figure 1 : Ore carrier

Ships with the service notation ore carrier ESP are to be fit-
ted with an enclosed forecastle on the freeboard deck, with
its aft bulkhead fitted in way or aft of the forward bulkhead
of the foremost hold, as shown in Fig 2.
However, if this requirement hinders hatch cover operation,
the aft bulkhead of the forecastle may be fitted forward of
the forward bulkhead of the foremost cargo hold provided
the forecastle length is not less than 7% of ship length abaft
the forward perpendicular where the ship length and for-
ward perpendicular are defined in the International Con-
vention on Load Lines 1966 and its Protocol 1988.

Figure 2 : Forecastle arrangement

Top of the hatch coaming



Forward bulkhead
of hold N° 1

126 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 5, Sec 2

A breakwater is not to be fitted on the forecastle deck with movable means of access stored on board are to be pro-
the purpose of protecting the hatch coaming or hatch cov- vided to ensure proper survey and maintenance of cargo
ers. If fitted for other purposes, it is to be located such that holds.
its upper edge at centre line is not less than HB / tan20° for-
ward of the aft edge of the forecastle deck, where HB is the 3.2.2 Hatches of large cargo holds
height of the breakwater above the forecastle (see Fig 2). If separate hatches are used as access to the ladders as
required in [3.2.3], each hatch is to have a clear opening of
3 Access arrangement at least 600 mm x 600 mm.
When the access to the cargo hold is arranged through the
3.1 Access arrangement to double bottom cargo hatch, the top of the ladder is to be placed as close as
possible to the hatch coaming.
and pipe tunnel
Accesses and ladders are to be so arranged that personnel
3.1.1 Means of access equipped with self-contained breathing apparatus may
Adequate means of access to the double bottom and pipe readily enter and leave the cargo hold.
tunnel are to be provided. Access hatch coamings having a height greater than 900
mm are also to have steps on the outside in conjunction
3.1.2 Manholes in the inner bottom, floors and
with cargo hold ladders.
Manholes cut in the inner bottom are to be located at a 3.2.3 Ladders within large cargo holds
minimum distance of one floor spacing from the lower
Each cargo hold is to be provided with at least two ladders
as far apart as practicable longitudinally. If possible these
The location and size of manholes in floors and girders are ladders are to be arranged diagonally, e.g. one ladder near
to be determined to facilitate the access to double bottom the forward bulkhead on the port side, the other one near
structures and their ventilation. However, they are to be the aft bulkhead on the starboard side, from the ship's
avoided in the areas where high shear stresses may occur. centreline.
Ladders are to be so designed and arranged that the risk of
3.2 Access arrangement to and within damage from the cargo handling gear is minimised.
spaces in, and forward of, the cargo area
Vertical ladders may be permitted provided they are
3.2.1 Means of access arranged above each other in line with other ladders to
Ships with the service notation ore carrier ESP, of 20,000 which they form access and resting positions are provided
gross tonnage and over, are to comply with the International at not more than 9 metres apart.
Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended, Tunnels passing through cargo holds are to be equipped
Chapter II-1, Part A-1, Regulation 3-6, for details and with ladders or steps at each end of the hold so that person-
arrangements of openings and attachments to the hull struc- nel may get across such tunnels.
ture. Where it may be necessary for work to be carried out within
Ships with the service notation ore carrier ESP, of less than a cargo hold preparatory to loading, consideration is to be
20,000 gross tonnage, are to comply with [3.2.2] and given to suitable arrangements for the safe handling of port-
[3.2.3]. In addition, as far as practicable, permanent or able staging or movable platforms.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 127

Pt D, Ch 5, Sec 3



Ry : Minimum yield stress, in N/mm2, of the mate- 3 Structure design principles

rial, to be taken equal to 235/k N/mm2, unless
otherwise specified
3.1 Double bottom structure
k : Material factor for steel, defined in Pt B, Ch 4,
Sec 1, [2.3]
3.1.1 The double bottom is to be longitudinally framed.
E : Young’s modulus, in N/mm2, to be taken equal
to: The girder spacing is to be not greater than 4 times the spac-
5 2
ing of bottom or inner bottom ordinary stiffeners and the
• E = 2,06.10 N/mm for steels in general
floor spacing is to be not greater than 3 frame spaces.
• E = 1,95.105 N/mm2 for stainless steels.
Solid floors are to be fitted in line with the transverse pri-
mary supporting members in wing tanks and intermediate
1 General floors are to be added at mid-span between primary sup-
porting members.
1.1 Loading manual and loading instru-
ments 3.1.2 Other arrangements may be accepted by the Society,
on a case-by-case basis, depending on the results of the
1.1.1 The specific requirements in Pt B, Ch 10, Sec 2 for analysis carried out according to Pt B, Ch 7, App 1 for the
ships with the service notation ore carrier ESP and equal to primary supporting members in the cargo holds.
or greater than 150 m in length are to be complied with.
3.1.3 Scarfing of the double bottom structure into the wing
tanks is to be properly ensured. The inner bottom plating is
2 Stability generally to be prolonged within the wing tanks by ade-
quately sized horizontal brackets in way of floors.
2.1 Intact stability

2.1.1 General 3.2 Side structure

The stability of the ship for the loading conditions in Pt B,
Ch 3, App 2, [1.2.5] is to be in compliance with the require- 3.2.1 In ships greater than 120 m in length, the side shell is
ments in Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 2. Where the ship is intended also to be longitudinally framed.
for the carriage of grain, the requirements in Ch 4, Sec 3,
[1.2.2] and Ch 4, Sec 3, [1.2.3] are to be complied with. In general, the spacing of vertical primary supporting mem-
bers is to be not greater than 6 times the frame spacing.
2.2 Damage stability requirements for ships
3.2.2 Other arrangements may be accepted by the Society,
where additional class notation SDS has on a case-by-case basis, depending on the results of the
been required analysis carried out according to Pt B, Ch 7, App 1 for the
primary supporting members in the cargo hold.
2.2.1 General
Ore carriers equal to or greater than 80 m in length are sub-
jected to the probabilistic approach reported in Pt B, Ch 3, 3.3 Deck structure
Sec 3, [2.1.3] and are to comply with the requirements in Pt
B, Ch 3, App 3. 3.3.1 The deck outside the line of hatches is to be longitu-
dinally framed.
2.2.2 Freeboard reduction
Ore carriers greater than 100 m in length which have been 3.3.2 The cross decks between hatches are generally to be
assigned reduced freeboard as permitted by Regulation 27 transversely framed.
of the International Convention on Load Lines, 1966, as ref-
erenced in Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 3, [2.1.2] are to comply with the 3.3.3 The connection of hatch end beams with deck struc-
requirement specified in Pt B, Ch 3, App 4. Therefore, com- tures is to be properly ensured by fitting inside the wing
pliance with the requirements in [2.2.1] is not required. tanks additional web frames or brackets.

128 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 5, Sec 3

3.4 Longitudinal bulkhead structure 3.6.2 Span of corrugations

The span C of the corrugations (to be used for carrying out
3.4.1 Longitudinal bulkheads are to be plane, but they may the strength checks according to Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 2 or
be knuckled in the upper and lower parts to form a hopper. NR600, as applicable) is to be taken as the distance shown
In such cases, the design of the knuckles and the adjacent in Fig 2. For the definition of C, the internal end of the
structures is to be considered by the Society on a case-by- upper stool may not be taken at a distance from the deck at
case basis. centreline greater than:
• 3 times the depth of corrugations, in general
3.4.2 In ships greater than 120 m in length, longitudinal
• twice the depth of corrugations, for rectangular upper
bulkheads are to be longitudinally framed.

3.4.3 Other arrangements may be accepted by the Society, 3.6.3 Lower stool
on a case-by-case basis, depending on the results of the
The lower stool is to have a height in general not less than 3
analysis carried out according to Pt B, Ch 7, App 1 for the
times the depth of the corrugations.
primary supporting members in the cargo hold.
The thickness and material of the stool top plate are to be
not less than those required for the bulkhead plating above.
3.5 Transverse bulkhead structure The thickness and material properties of the upper portion
of vertical or sloping stool side plating within the depth
3.5.1 Where the structural arrangement of transverse bulk- equal to the corrugation flange width from the stool top are
heads in wing tanks is different from that in centre holds, to be not less than the required flange plate thickness and
arrangements are to be made to ensure continuity of the material to meet the bulkhead stiffness requirement at the
transverse strength through the longitudinal bulkheads. lower end of corrugation.
The ends of stool side ordinary stiffeners are to be attached
3.6 Transverse vertically corrugated water- to brackets at the upper and lower ends of the stool.
tight bulkheads The distance from the edge of the stool top plate to the surface
of the corrugation flange is to be in accordance with Fig 3.
3.6.1 General The stool bottom is to be installed in line with double bot-
tom floors and is to have a width not less than 2,5 times the
Transverse vertically corrugated watertight bulkheads are mean depth of the corrugation.
generally to be fitted with a lower stool and an upper stool The stool is to be fitted with diaphragms in line with the lon-
below the deck. gitudinal double bottom girders for effective support of the
corrugated bulkhead. Scallops in the brackets and dia-
The corrugation angle ϕ shown in Fig 1 is to be not less than
phragms in way of the connections to the stool top plate are
to be avoided.
Where corrugations are cut at the lower stool, the weld
Figure 1 : Corrugation geometry
connections of corrugations and stool side plating to the
stool top plate are to be in accordance with [7.1]. The weld
connections of stool side plating and supporting floors to
the inner bottom plating are to be in accordance with [7.1].

Figure 2 : Span of the corrugations



j £ 55˚ tw
n = neutral axis of
the corrugations
(*) See [3.6.2].

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 129

Pt D, Ch 5, Sec 3

Figure 3 : Permitted distance, d, from the edge of the stool top plate to the surface of the corrugation flange






3.6.4 Upper stool 3.6.6 Effective width of the compression flange

The upper stool is to have a height in general between 2 The effective width of the corrugation flange to be consid-
and 3 times the depth of corrugations. Rectangular stools ered for the strength check of the bulkhead is to be
are to have a height in general equal to twice the depth of obtained, in m, from the following formula:
corrugations, measured from the deck level and at the hatch
side girder. bEF = CE A

The upper stool is to be properly supported by deck girders where:

or deep brackets between the adjacent hatch end beams. CE : Coefficient to be taken equal to:

The width of the upper stool bottom plate is generally to be 2, 25 1, 25

C E = ------------- – ------------
- for β > 1,25
the same as that of the lower stool top plate. The stool top of β β

non-rectangular stools is to have a width not less than twice C E = 1, 0 for β ≤ 1, 25

the depth of corrugations.
β : Coefficient to be taken equal to:
The thickness and material of the stool bottom plate are to
be the same as those of the bulkhead plating below. The 3 A R eH
β = 10 ---- -------
thickness of the lower portion of stool side plating is to be tf E
not less than 80% of that required for the upper part of the
A : Width, in m, of the corrugation flange (see Fig
bulkhead plating where the same material is used.
The ends of stool side ordinary stiffeners are to be attached tf : Net flange thickness, in mm
to brackets at the upper and lower end of the stool.
ReH : Minimum yield stress, in N/mm2, of the flange
The stool is to be fitted with diaphragms in line with and material, defined in Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 1, [2].
effectively attached to longitudinal deck girders extending
to the hatch end coaming girders for effective support of the 3.6.7 Effective shedder plates
corrugated bulkhead. Scallops in the brackets and dia-
Effective shedder plates are those which:
phragms in way of the connection to the stool bottom plate
are to be avoided. • are not knuckled
• are welded to the corrugations and the lower stool top
3.6.5 Alignment plate according to [7.1]
Stool side plating is to align with the corrugation flanges; • are fitted with a minimum slope of 45°, their lower edge
lower stool side vertical stiffeners and their brackets in the being in line with the lower stool side plating
stool are to align with the inner bottom longitudinals to pro-
• have thickness not less than 75% of that required for the
vide appropriate load transmission between these stiffening
corrugation flanges
members. Lower stool side plating may not be knuckled
anywhere between the inner bottom plating and the stool • have material properties not less than those required for
top plate. the flanges.

130 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 5, Sec 3

3.6.8 Effective gusset plates Figure 5 : Asymmetrical shedder plates

Effective gusset plates are those which:
• are in combination with shedder plates having thick-
ness, material properties and welded connections
according to [3.6.7]
• have a height not less than half of the flange width
• are fitted in line with the lower stool side plating
• are welded to the lower stool plate, corrugations and
shedder plates according to [7.1] shedder
• have thickness and material properties not less than hg
those required for the flanges.

3.6.9 Section modulus at the lower end of 1

a) The section modulus at the lower end of corrugations stool
(sections 1 in Fig 4 to Fig 8) is to be calculated with the
compression flange having an effective flange width bef
not larger than that indicated in [3.6.6].
b) Webs not supported by local brackets.
d) Effective gusset plates.
Except in case e), if the corrugation webs are not supported
by local brackets below the stool top plate in the lower Provided that effective gusset plates, as defined in
part, the section modulus of the corrugations is to be calcu- [3.6.8], are fitted (see Fig 6 to Fig 8), when calculating
lated considering the corrugation webs 30% effective. the section modulus of corrugations at the lower end
c) Effective shedder plates. (cross-sections 1 in Fig 6 to Fig 8), the area of flange
Provided that effective shedder plates, as defined in plates may be increased by the value obtained, in cm2,
[3.6.7], are fitted (see Fig 4 and Fig 5), when calculating from the following formula:
the section modulus of corrugations at the lower end
IG = 7 hG tF
(sections 1 in Fig 4 and Fig 5), the area of flange plates
may be increased by the value obtained, in cm2, from where:
the following formula:
hG : Height, in m, of gusset plates (see Fig 6 to
I SH = 2 ,5A t F t SH
Fig 8), to be taken not greater than (10/7)SGU
without being taken greater than 2,5 A tF ,
SGU : Width, in m, of gusset plates
A : Width, in m, of the corrugation flange (see tF : Net flange thickness, in mm, based on the
Fig 1) as-built condition.
tSH : Net shedder plate thickness, in mm
tF : Net flange thickness, in mm. Figure 6 : Symmetrical gusset/shedder plates

Figure 4 : Symmetrical shedder plates


plate hg

lower stool

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 131

Pt D, Ch 5, Sec 3

Figure 7 : Asymmetrical gusset/shedder plates 3.6.10 Section modulus at sections other than the
lower end of corrugations
The section modulus is to be calculated with the corruga-
tion webs considered effective and the compression flange
having an effective flange width, bEF, not larger than that
obtained in [3.6.6].

3.6.11 Shear area

The shear area is to be reduced in order to account for pos-
sible non-perpendicularity between the corrugation webs
and flanges. In general, the reduced shear area may be
obtained by multiplying the web sectional area by (sin ϕ), ϕ
being the angle between the web and the flange (see Fig 1).

gusset 4 Design loads

hg 4.1 Hull girder loads
4.1.1 Still water loads
1 In addition to the requirements in Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 2, [2.1.2],
still water loads are to be calculated for the following load-
lower ing conditions, subdivided into departure and arrival condi-
stool tions as appropriate:
• alternate light and heavy cargo loading conditions at
maximum draught
• homogeneous light and heavy cargo loading conditions
Figure 8 : Asymmetrical gusset/shedder plates at maximum draught
Sloping stool top plate • ballast conditions. Partial filling of the peak tanks is not
acceptable in the design ballast conditions, unless effec-
tive means are provided to prevent accidental overfilling.
• short voyage conditions where the ship is to be loaded to
maximum draught but with a limited amount of bunkers
• multiple port loading/unloading conditions
• deck cargo conditions, where applicable
• typical loading sequences where the ship is loaded from
commencement of cargo loading to reaching full dead-
plate weight capacity, for homogeneous conditions, relevant
part load conditions and alternate conditions where
hg applicable. Typical unloading sequences for these con-
ditions are also to be included. The typical load-
= ing/unloading sequences are also to be developed so as
1 not to exceed applicable strength limitations. The typical
= loading sequences are also to be developed paying due
attention to the loading rate and deballasting capability.
stool • typical sequences for change of ballast at sea, where

4.2 Loading conditions for primary structure

e) Sloping stool top plate
If the corrugation webs are welded to a sloping stool top 4.2.1 The following sea-going loading conditions are to be
plate which has an angle not less than 45° with the hori- considered in the analysis of the primary structure:
zontal plane, the section modulus of the corrugations • full load and scantling draught T, the loaded holds being
may be calculated considering the corrugation webs completely filled with cargo
fully effective. For angles less than 45°, the effectiveness
of the web may be obtained by linear interpolation • full load, the cargo density being the maximum
between 30% for 0° and 100% for 45°. obtained from the loading booklet, but taken not less
than 3 t/m3, and scantling draught T
Where effective gusset plates are fitted, when calculat-
ing the section modulus of corrugations the area of • ballast condition and ballast draught corresponding to
flange plates may be increased as specified in d) above. this condition in the loading manual, or the lesser value
No credit may be given to shedder plates only. of 0,04 L and 10 m

132 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 5, Sec 3

• alternate loading conditions (multiple port) if allowed The axial force may be either tensile or compression.
by the loading manual, at the draft considered in the Depending on this, two types of checks are to be carried
loading manual. out, according to [5.3.2] or [5.3.3], respectively.

Unless otherwise specified, these loading conditions are to 5.3.2 Strength check of cross-ties subjected to axial
be associated with the ship in upright conditions (load cases tensile forces and bending moments
“a” and “b”). The net scantlings of cross-ties are to comply with the fol-
In addition, harbour conditions covering the loading/ lowing formula:
unloading sequences as defined in the loading manual are
F 3 M Ry
to be considered. 10 ------T- + 10 -------- ≤ ----------
A ct w yy γ R γ m
5 Hull scantlings
FT : Axial tensile force, in kN, in the cross-ties,
obtained from the structural analysis
5.1 Corrosion addition
Act : Net sectional area, in cm2, of the cross-tie
5.1.1 Value of corrosion addition for tank top M : Max (|M1|, |M2|)
The corrosion addition for tank top of void/dry spaces is to M1, M2 : Algebraic bending moments, in kN.m, around
be taken equal to 0 mm. the y axis at the ends of the cross-tie, obtained
from the structural analysis
5.2 Additional requirements wyy : Net section modulus, in cm3, of the cross-tie
about the y axis
5.2.1 Minimum net thicknesses
γR : Resistance partial safety factor:
The net thickness of the inner bottom plating in holds is to
be not less than the value given in Tab 1. γR = 1,02
γm : Material partial safety factor:
Table 1 : Minimum net thickness of
the inner bottom plating in holds γm = 1,02

Plating Minimum net thickness, in mm 5.3.3 Strength check of cross-ties subjected to axial
compressive forces and bending moments
2,15 (L1/3 k1/6) + 4,5 s The net scantlings of cross-ties are to comply with the fol-
Inner bottom framing
lowing formula:
in holds Transverse
2,35 (L1/3 k1/6) + 4,5 s 1 Φe Ry
framing 10F C  ------- + -------- ≤ ----------
 A ct w xx γ R γ m
Note 1:
s : Length, in m, of the shorter side of the plate F 3 M max Ry
10 ------C- + 10 -----------
- ≤ ----------
panel. A ct w yy γ R γ m
5.2.2 Net dimensions of ordinary stiffeners
FC : Axial compressive force, in kN, in the cross-ties,
Net dimensions of ordinary stiffeners are to comply with obtained from the structural analysis
requirements given in NI615, Sec 2, [3.1].
Act : Net cross-sectional area, in cm2, of the cross-tie
5.2.3 Finite element analysis 1 -
Φ = ----------------
For ships which are to be analysed through three dimen- F
1 – ------C-
sional finite element models according to Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 3, F EX
the foremost and aftmost cargo holds are to be assessed in FEX : Euler load, in kN, for buckling around the x
addition to the midship area.
π 2 EI xx
5.3 Strength checks of cross-ties analysed F EX = --------------
5 2
10 
through a three dimensional beam model
Ixx : Net moment of inertia, in cm4, of the cross-tie
5.3.1 General about the x axis
Cross-ties analysed through three dimensional beam model  : Span, in m, of the cross-tie
analyses according to Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 3 are to be consid-
e : Distance, in cm, from the centre of gravity to
ered, in the most general case, as being subjected to axial
the web of the cross-tie, specified in Tab 2 for
forces and bending moments around the neutral axis per-
various types of profiles
pendicular to the cross-tie web. This axis is identified as the
y axis, while the x axis is that in the web plane (see Figures www : Net section modulus, in cm3, of the cross-tie
in Tab 2). about the x axis

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 133

Pt D, Ch 5, Sec 3

Mmax : Max (|M0|, |M1|, |M2|) Iyy : Net moment of inertia, in cm4, of the cross-tie
about the y axis
1 + t2 ( M1 + M2 )
M 0 = -------------------------------------------
- M1,M2 : Algebraic bending moments, in kN.m, around
2 cos ( u )
the y axis at the ends of the cross-tie, obtained
M 2 – M 1
t = -----------------  --------------------
- from the structural analysis
tan ( u )  M 2 + M 1
wyy : Net section modulus, in cm3, of the cross-tie
π F
u = --- ------C- about the y axis
2 F EY
γR : Resistance partial safety factor:
FEY : Euler load, in kN, for buckling around the y
axis: γR = 1,02

π 2 EI yy
γm : Material partial safety factor:
F EY = --------------
10 
5 2
γm = 1,02

Table 2 : Calculation of cross-tie geometric properties

Cross-tie profile e y0 J IW

T symmetrical

1 t f h w2 b f3
tw 0 0 --- ( 2b f t f3 + h w t w3 ) ---------------
3 24
hw Y


T non-symmetrical

b1 f
O 1 t f h w2 b1 f3 b2 f3
0 0 --- ( b 1 + b 2 )t f3 + h w t w3 -------------------------------------
hw tw 3 12 ( b1 f3 + b2 f3 )


b2 f


b2 tf 3b f2 t f 1 t f b f3 h 2 3b f t f + 2h w t w
- ----------------------------- --- ( 2b f t f3 + h w t w3 ) --------------
- ---------------------------------
ht w + 2bt f 6b f t f + h w t w 3 12 6b f t f + h w t w
hw yo
O e G

134 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 5, Sec 3

5.4 Strength checks of cross-ties analysed 5.4.2 The critical buckling stress of cross-ties is to be
through a three dimensional finite ele- obtained, in N/mm2, from the following formulae:
ment model R
σc = σE for σ E ≤ -----y
5.4.1 In addition to the requirements in Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 3, R
σ c = R y  1 – --------
Ry 
[4] and Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 3, [7], the net scantlings of cross-ties - for σ E > -----y
 4σ E 2
subjected to compression axial stresses are to comply with
the following formula: where:
σC σE = Min (σE1, σE2),
σ ≤ ----------
γR γm σE1 : Euler flexural buckling stress, to be obtained, in
where: N/mm2, from the following formula:
σ : Compressive stress, in N/mm2, obtained from a π 2 EI
σ E1 = ---------------------
4 2
three dimensional finite element analysis, based 10 A ct 
on standard mesh modelling, according to Pt B, I : Min (Ixx, Iyy)
Ch 7, Sec 3 and Pt B, Ch 7, App 1
Ixx : Net moment of inertia, in cm4, of the cross-tie
σc : Critical stress, in N/mm2, defined in [5.4.2]
about the x axis defined in [5.3.1]
γR : Resistance partial safety factor: Iyy : Net moment of inertia, in cm4, of the cross-tie
γR = 1,02 about the y axis defined in [5.3.1]
γm : Material partial safety factor: Act : Net cross-sectional area, in cm2, of the cross-tie
γm = 1,02  : Span, in m, of the cross-tie

Table 3 : Welding factor wF

Hull area Welding factor wF
of to
Double girders bottom and inner bottom plating 0,35
bottom in
floors (interrupted girders) 0,35
way of
cargo holds floors bottom and inner bottom plating 0,35
inner bottom in way of lower stools, in general 0,45
inner bottom in way of corrugated watertight bulkhead lower Full penetration welding,
stools in general
girders (interrupted floors) 0,35
Bulkheads structures of watertight lower stool top plate plating and ordinary stiffeners 0,45
in cargo bulkheads (plane bulkheads)
vertical corrugations Full penetration welding,
(corrugated bulkheads) in general (1)
upper stool bottom plate 0,45
longitudinal bulkheads 0,35
lower stool structures boundaries plating of lower stools, in general 0,45
plating of lower stools supporting Full penetration welding,
corrugated watertight bulkheads in general (2)
ordinary stiffeners and diaphragms 0,45
upper stool structures boundaries 0,45
effective shedder plates vertical corrugations and lower stool top plate One side penetration
(see [3.6.7]) welding or equivalent
effective gusset plates lower stool top plate Full penetration welding,
(see [3.6.8]) in general
vertical corrugations and shedder plates One side penetration
welding or equivalent
(1) Corrugated bulkhead plating is to be connected to the inner bottom plating by full penetration welds.
(2) Where corrugations are cut at the bottom stool, corrugated bulkhead plating is to be connected to the stool top plate by full
penetration welds.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 135

Pt D, Ch 5, Sec 3

σE2 : Euler torsional buckling stress, to be obtained, 6 Other structures

in N/mm2, from the following formula:
6.1 Hatch covers
π 2 EI w J
-2 + 0 ,41 E ---
σ E2 = -----------------
10 I o  Io 6.1.1 The requirements in Ch 4, Sec 4 apply to hatch cov-
ers of ships having the service notation ore carrier.
Iw : Net sectorial moment of inertia, in cm , of the
cross-tie, specified in Tab 2 for various types of
profiles 7 Construction and testing
Io : Net polar moment of inertia, in cm4, of the 7.1 Welding and weld connections
7.1.1 The welding factors for some hull structural connec-
Io = Ixx + Iyy + Act (yo + e)2 tions are specified in Tab 3. These welding factors are to be
used, in lieu of the corresponding factors specified in Pt B,
yo : Distance, in cm, from the centre of torsion to
Ch 11, Sec 1, Tab 2, to calculate the throat thickness of fillet
the web of the cross-tie, specified in Tab 2 for weld T connections according to Pt B, Ch 11, Sec 1, [2.3].
various types of profiles For the connections in Tab 3, continuous fillet welding is to
e : Distance, in cm, from the centre of gravity to be adopted.
the web of the cross-tie, specified in Tab 2 for
various types of profiles 7.2 Special structural details
J : St. Venant’s net moment of inertia, in cm4, of the 7.2.1 The specific requirements in Pt B, Ch 11, Sec 2, [2.6]
cross-tie, specified in Tab 2 for various types of for ships with the service notation ore carrier ESP are to be
profiles. complied with.

136 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Part D
Service Notations

Chapter 6






July 2018 Bureau Veritas 137

138 Bureau Veritas July 2018
Pt D, Ch 6, Sec 1


1 General

1.1 Application 1.1.2 Ships dealt with in this Chapter are to comply with:

1.1.1 Ships complying with the requirements of this Chap- • Part A of the Rules,
ter are eligible for the assignment of the service notation • NR216 Materials and Welding,
combination carrier, as defined in Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.3.4]
and Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.3.5]. • applicable requirements according to Tab 1.

Table 1 : Applicable requirements

Item Greater than or equal to 500 GT Less than 500 GT

• Part B • NR566
L ≥ 65 m
• Ch 6, Sec 2 • Ch 6, Sec 2
Ship arrangement
• NR566
L < 65 m • NR600
• Ch 6, Sec 2
• Part B • Part B
L ≥ 65 m
Hull • Ch 6, Sec 3 • Ch 6, Sec 3
L < 65 m • NR600 • NR600
• Part B • NR566
• Ch 6, Sec 3 • Ch 6, Sec 3
• Part C • NR566
Machinery and cargo systems
• Ch 6, Sec 4 • Ch 6, Sec 4
Electrical installations • Part C • NR566
Automation • Part C • NR566
Fire protection, detection and extinction • Part C • NR566
Note 1:
NR566: Hull Arrangement, Stability and Systems for Ships less than 500 GT.
NR600: Hull Structure and Arrangement for the Classification of Cargo Ships less than 65 m and Non Cargo Ships less than 90 m.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 139

Pt D, Ch 6, Sec 2



LLL : Load line length, in m, defined in Pt B, Ch 1, 2 General arrangement design

Sec 2, [3.2].

1 General 2.1 General

1.1 Application 2.1.1 Forecastle

Ships with the service notation combination carrier/OBO

1.1.1 The requirements in Ch 6, Sec 2 and Ch 6, Sec 3
apply to: ESP or combination carrier/OOC ESP are to be fitted with
• single deck ships of double side skin construction, with an enclosed forecastle on the freeboard deck, with its aft
a double bottom, hopper tanks and topside tanks and bulkhead fitted in way or aft of the forward bulkhead of the
intended to carry dry cargoes in bulk, including ore foremost hold, as shown in Fig 3.
cargo, or oil cargoes in bulk (ships with the service
notation combination carrier/OBO ESP); a typical mid- However, if this requirement hinders hatch cover operation,
ship section is shown in Fig 1. the aft bulkhead of the forecastle may be fitted forward of
• single deck ships with two longitudinal bulkheads and a the forward bulkhead of the foremost cargo hold provided
double bottom throughout the cargo region and the forecastle length is not less than 7% of ship length abaft
intended to carry dry cargoes in bulk, including ore the forward perpendicular where the ship length and for-
cargo, or oil cargoes in the centre holds (ships with the
ward perpendicular are defined in the International Con-
service notation combination carrier/OOC ESP); typical
midship sections are shown in Fig 2. vention on Load Lines 1966 and its Protocol 1988.

The application of these requirements to other ship types is The forecastle height HF above the main deck is to be not
to be considered by the Society on a case-by-case basis. less than:

Figure 1 : Combination carrier/OBO • the standard height of a superstructure as specified in Pt

B, Ch 1, Sec 2, [3.19]

• HC + 0,5 m, where HC is the height of the forward trans-

verse hatch coaming of the foremost cargo hold, i.e.
cargo hold No. 1,

whichever is the greater.

All points of the aft edge of the forecastle deck are to be

located at a distance F:

F ≤ 5 HF – HC

Figure 2 : Combination carrier/OOC from the hatch coaming plate in order to apply the reduced
loading to the No. 1 forward transverse hatch coaming and
No. 1 hatch cover in applying Ch 4, Sec 4, [6.2.1], and Ch 4,
Sec 4, [7.2.5].

A breakwater is not to be fitted on the forecastle deck with

the purpose of protecting the hatch coaming or hatch cov-
ers. If fitted for other purposes, it is to be located such that
its upper edge at centre line is not less than HB / tan20° for-
ward of the aft edge of the forecastle deck, where HB is the
height of the breakwater above the forecastle (see Fig 3).

140 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 6, Sec 2

Figure 3 : Forecastle arrangement

Top of the hatch coaming



Forward bulkhead
of hold N° 1

2.1.2 Cofferdams Combination carriers of 600 t deadweight and above are

A cofferdam or similar compartment of width not less than not allowed to carry oil in any compartment extending for-
760 mm is to be provided at the aft end of the oil cargo tank ward of a collision bulkhead located in accordance with Pt
area. Its bulkheads are to extend from keel to deck across B, Ch 2, Sec 1, [3].
the full breadth of the ship.
For the purpose of this requirement, the term “cofferdam” is 2.1.4 Location of fuel tanks in cargo area
intended to mean an isolating compartment between two Fuel tanks located with a common boundary to cargo tanks
adjacent steel bulkheads or decks. The minimum distance are to be situated out of the cargo tank block as defined in
between the two bulkheads or decks is to be sufficient for Ch 7, Sec 1, [1.2.4]. Such tanks may, however, be situated
safe access and inspection. at the forward and aft ends of the cargo tank block instead
For continuity reason, in the particular case when a corner- of cofferdams. Fuel tanks shall extend neither fully nor
to-corner situation occurs, welding a diagonal plate across partly into cargo or slop tanks. They may however be
the corner may be accepted. accepted when located as independent tanks on open deck
Cofferdams are also to be constructed so as to enable ade- in the cargo area subject to spill and fire safety considera-
quate ventilation. tions. Fuel tanks are not permitted to extend into the protec-
tive area of cargo tanks required by [4].
2.1.3 Cargo segregation
Unless expressly provided otherwise, tanks containing oil The arrangement of independent fuel tanks and associated
cargoes or oil cargo residues are to be segregated from fuel piping systems, including the pumps, may be as for fuel
accommodation, service and machinery spaces, drinking tanks and associated fuel piping systems located in the
water and stores for human consumption by means of a cof- machinery spaces. For electrical equipment, requirements
ferdam, or any other similar compartment. applicable to hazardous area classification must however
be taken into account.
Where accommodation and service compartments are
arranged immediately above the compartments containing 2.1.5 Slop tanks
flammable liquids, the cofferdam may be omitted only
where the deck is not provided with access openings and is The slop tanks are to be surrounded by cofferdams except
coated with a layer of material recognised as suitable by the where the boundaries of the slop tanks are part of the hull,
Society. The cofferdam may also be omitted where such main cargo deck, cargo pump room bulkhead or fuel oil
compartments are adjacent to a passageway, subject to the bunker tank. These cofferdams are not to be open to a dou-
following conditions: ble bottom, pipe tunnel, pump room or other enclosed
space, nor they are to be used for cargo or ballast and they
• the thicknesses of common boundary plates of adjacent
are not to be connected to piping systems serving oil cargo
tanks are increased with respect to those obtained from
or ballast. Means are to be provided for filling the coffer-
the applicable requirements in Part B and Ch 6, Sec 2,
dams with water and for draining them.
by 2 mm in the case of tanks carrying fresh water or
boiler feed water, and by 1 mm in all other cases Where the boundary of a slop tank is part of the cargo
• the sum of the throats of the weld fillets at the edges of pump room bulkhead, the pump room is not to be open to
such plates is not less than the thickness of the plates the double bottom, pipe tunnel or other enclosed space;
themselves however, openings provided with gas-tight bolted covers
• the hydrostatic test is carried out with a head increased by may be permitted.
1 m with respect to that required in Pt B, Ch 11, Sec 3.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 141

Pt D, Ch 6, Sec 2

2.1.6 Deck spills 2.1.9 Tank cleaning openings

Means are to be provided to keep deck spills away from the Hatches and tank cleaning openings to slop tanks are only
accommodation and service areas. This may be accom- permitted on the open deck and are to be fitted with closing
plished by providing a permanent continuous coaming of a arrangements.
height of at least 300 mm, extending from side to side.
Where gutter bars are installed on the weather decks of Except where they consist of bolted plates with bolts at
combination carriers in way of cargo manifolds and are watertight spacing, these closing arrangements are to be
extended aft as far as the aft bulkhead of superstructures for provided with locking arrangements which are to be under
the purpose of containing cargo spills on deck during load- the control of the responsible ship's officer.
ing and discharge operations, the free surface effects caused
by containment of a cargo spill during liquid transfer opera-
tions or of boarding seas while underway are to be consid- 2.2 Double bottom tanks or compartments
ered with respect to the vessel’s available margin of positive
initial stability (GMo).
2.2.1 General
Where the gutter bars installed are higher than 300 mm,
they are to be treated as bulwarks with freeing ports Double bottom tanks adjacent to cargo tanks are not to be
arranged in accordance with Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 10, [6] and used as fuel oil tanks.
provided with effective closures for use during loading and
discharge operations. Attached closures are to be arranged
2.2.2 Combination carriers of 5000 t deadweight
in such a way that jamming is prevented while at sea, ena-
and above
bling the freeing ports to remain effective.
On ships without deck camber, or where the height of the At any cross-section, the depth of each double bottom tank
installed gutter bars exceeds the camber, and for combina- or compartment is to be such that the distance h between
tion carriers having cargo tanks exceeding 60% of the ves- the bottom of the cargo tanks and the moulded line of the
sel’s maximum beam amidships regardless of gutter bar bottom shell plating measured at right angles to the bottom
height, gutter bars may not be accepted without an assess- shell plating, as shown in Fig 4, is not less than B/15, in m,
ment of the initial stability (GMo) for compliance with the or 2,0 m, whichever is the lesser. h is to be not less than
relevant intact stability requirements taking into account the 1,0 m.
free surface effect caused by liquids contained by the gutter
bars. 2.2.3 Combination carriers of less than 5000 t but at
least 600 t deadweight

2.1.7 Piping At any cross-section, the depth of each double bottom tank
Oil cargo lines below deck are to be placed in special ducts. or compartment is to be such that the distance h between
the bottom of the cargo tanks and the moulded line of the
2.1.8 Opening in watertight bulkheads and decks bottom shell plating measured at right angles to the bottom
shell is not less than B/15, in m, with a minimum value of
Openings intended to be used for dry cargo handling are
0,76 m.
not permitted in bulkheads and decks separating oil cargo
tanks from other compartments not designed and equipped In the turn of the bilge area and at locations without a
for the carriage of oil cargoes unless such openings are clearly defined turn of the bilge, the cargo tank boundary
equipped with alternative means approved by the Society to line is to run parallel to the line of the midship flat bottom as
ensure an equivalent integrity. shown in Fig 5.

Figure 4 : Cargo tank boundary lines

w w

w w
h>w h<w
. .

h h h
1.5 h

. . base line

142 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 6, Sec 2

Figure 5 : Cargo tank boundary lines 3.1.3 Cargo transfer system

In order not to exceed the volume limits established by
[3.1.1] and irrespective of the accepted type of cargo trans-
fer system installed, when such system interconnects two or
more cargo tanks, valves or other similar closing devices are
to be provided for separating the tanks from each other.

3.1.4 Piping through cargo tanks

Lines of piping which run through oil cargo tanks in a posi-
tion less than tC from the ship side or less than vC from the
ship's bottom are to be fitted with valves or similar closing
devices at the point at which they open into any cargo tank.
base line These valves are to be kept closed at sea at any time when
the tanks contain cargo oil, except that they may be opened
h h only for cargo transfer needed for the purpose of trimming
of the ship.
tC and vC are, respectively, the transverse and the vertical
2.3 Navigation position extent of side damage as defined in Ch 6, Sec 3, [2.3.2].

2.3.1 When it is proven necessary to provide a navigation 3.1.5 Suction wells in cargo tanks
station above the cargo area, such station is to be for navi- Suction wells in cargo tanks may protrude into the double
gation purposes only and is to be separated from the cargo
bottom below the boundary line defined by the distance h
tank deck by an open space of at least 2 m in height.
in [2.2.2] or [2.2.3], as applicable, provided that such wells
are as small as practicable and the distance between the
3 Size and arrangement of cargo tanks well bottom and bottom shell plating is not less than 0,5 h.
and slop tanks
3.2 Oil outflow
3.1 Cargo tanks 3.2.1 General
In order to limit the oil pollution from combination carriers
3.1.1 Cargo tanks of combination carriers are to be of such due to side and bottom damages, the hypothetical oil out-
size and arrangements that the hypothetical outflow OC or flows OC and OS as referred to in [3.1.1] are to be calculated
OS calculated in accordance with the provisions of [3.2] by the formulae of [3.2.2] with respect to compartments
anywhere in the length of the ship does not exceed: breached by damage to all conceivable locations along the
length of the ship to the extent as defined in Ch 6, Sec 3,
• 30000 m3, or [2.3.2].
• 400 3 DW In calculating the hypothetical oil outflows, the following is
to be considered:
where DW is the deadweight, in t,
• the volume of an oil cargo tank is to include the volume
whichever is the greater, but subject to a maximum of of the hatchway up to the top of the hatchway coam-
40000 m3. ings, regardless of the construction of the hatch, but
may not include the volume of any hatch cover; and
3.1.2 The length of each cargo tank is not to exceed 10 • for the measurement of the volume to moulded lines, no
metres or one of the values of Tab 1, as applicable, which- deduction is to be made for the volume of internal
ever is the greater. structures.

Table 1 : Length of cargo tanks 3.2.2 General calculation of oil outflow

The oil outflow for side and bottom damages is calculated
Longitudinal bulkhead Condition Length of cargo by the following formulae:
arrangement (1) tanks, in m
a) for side damages:
No bulkhead (combination − (0,5 bi / B + 0,1) LLL
O C = ΣW i + ΣK i C i
carrier/OBO ESP) (2)
b) for bottom damages:
Two bulkheads (combina- bi / B ≥ 1/5 0,2 LLL
tion carrier/OOC ESP) 1
bi / B < 1/5 (0,5 bi / B + 0,1) LLL O S = --- ( ΣZ i W i + ΣZ i C i )
(1) bi is the minimum distance from the ship side to the where:
outer longitudinal bulkhead of the -th tank, measured Wi : Volume of a wing tank in cubic metres assumed
inboard at right angles to the centreline at the level cor- to be breached by the damage as specified in
responding to the assigned summer freeboard. Ch 6, Sec 3, [2.3.2]; Wi for a segregated ballast
(2) Not to exceed 0,2 LLL.
tank may be taken equal to zero

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 143

Pt D, Ch 6, Sec 2

Ci : Volume of a centre tank in cubic metres ballast tanks or to available cargo tankage if it can be
assumed to be breached by the damage as ensured that such tanks will have sufficient ullage. Credit for
specified in Ch 6, Sec 3, [2.3.2]; Ci for a segre- such a system would be governed by ability to transfer in
gated ballast tank may be taken equal to zero two hours of operation oil equal to one half of the largest of
Ki : Coefficient defined as: the breached tanks involved and by availability of equiva-
lent receiving capacity in ballast or cargo tanks. The credit
• 1 − bi / tC for bi < tC is to be confined to permitting calculation of Os according
• 0 for bi ≥ tC to the formula in [3.2.3]. The pipes for such suctions are to
Zi : Coefficient defined as: be installed at least at a height not less than the vertical
• 1 − hi / vS for hi < vS extent of the bottom damage vs.

• 0 for hi ≥ vS vs is the vertical extent of bottom damage as defined in Ch

6, Sec 3, [2.3.2].
bi : Width, in m, of wing tank under consideration
measured inboard from the ship side at right 3.2.6 Alternative methods for calculating oil outflow
angles to the centreline at the level correspond-
As an alternative to the formulae indicated in [3.2.2] or
ing to the assigned summer freeboard. In a case [3.2.3], the probabilistic methodology for calculating oil
where the width bi is not constant along the outflow as described in IMO Resolution MEPC.66(37) may
length of a particular wing tank, the smallest bi be applied.
value in the tank is to be used for the purposes
of assessing the hypothetical outflows of oil OC 3.3 Slop tanks
and OS
hi : Minimum depth, in m, of the double bottom 3.3.1 Combination carriers of 150 gross tonnage
under consideration; where no double bottom and above
is fitted, hi is to be taken equal to zero The arrangements of the slop tank or combination of slop
tC : Transverse extent of side damage as defined in tanks are to have a capacity necessary to retain the slop
Ch 6, Sec 3, [2.3.2] generated by tank washings, oil residues and dirty ballast
vS : Vertical extent of bottom damage as defined in residues. The total capacity of the slop tank or tanks is to be
not less than 3 per cent of the oil carrying capacity of the
Ch 6, Sec 3, [2.3.2].
ships, except that the Society may accept:
3.2.3 Bottom damage involving simultaneously four • 2% for such combination carriers where the tank wash-
centre tanks ing arrangements are such that once the slop tank or
In the case where bottom damage simultaneously involves tanks are charged with washing water, this water is suffi-
four centre tanks, the value of OS may be calculated accord- cient for tank washing and, where applicable, for pro-
ing to the formula: viding the driving fluid for ejectors, without the
introduction of additional water into the system
O S = --- ( ΣZ i W i + ΣZ i C i )
4 • 2% where segregated ballast tanks are provided in
where Zi , Wi and Ci are defined in [3.2.2]. accordance with [5]. This capacity may be further
reduced to 1,5% for such combination carriers where
3.2.4 Assumptions the tank washing arrangements are such that once the
For the purpose of calculating OS , credit is only to be given slop tank or tanks are charged with washing water, this
water is sufficient for tank washing and, where applica-
in respect of double bottom tanks which are either empty or
ble, for providing the driving fluid for ejectors, without
carrying clean water when cargo is carried in the tanks
the introduction of additional water into the system.
Suction wells may be neglected in the determination of the • 1% for combination carriers where oil cargo is only car-
value hi provided such wells are not excessive in area and ried in tanks with smooth walls. This capacity may be
extend below the tank for a minimum distance and in no further reduced to 0,8% where the tank washing
case more than half the height of the double bottom. If the arrangements are such that once the slop tank or tanks
depth of such a well exceeds half the height of the double are charged with washing water, this water is sufficient
bottom, hi is to be taken equal to the double bottom height for tank washing and, where applicable, for providing
minus the well height. the driving fluid for ejectors, without the introduction of
additional water into the system.
Piping serving such wells if installed within the double bot-
tom is to be fitted with valves or other closing arrangements The term “tanks with smooth walls” includes the main oil
located at the point of connection to the tank served to pre- cargo tanks of combination carriers which may be con-
vent oil outflow in the event of damage to the piping. structed with vertical framing of a small depth. Vertically
corrugated bulkheads are considered smooth walls.
3.2.5 Reduction of oil outflow
The Society may credit as reducing oil outflow in the event 3.3.2 Combination carriers of 70000 t deadweight
and above
of bottom damage, an installed cargo transfer system having
an emergency high suction in each cargo oil tank, capable Combination carriers of 70000 t deadweight and above are
of transferring from a breached tank or tanks to segregated to be provided with at least two slop tanks.

144 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 6, Sec 2

4 Size and arrangement of protective 4.2.3 Double bottom tanks or compartments

ballast tanks or compartments The requirements of [2.2.1] and [2.2.2] apply.

4.1 General 4.2.4 Aggregate capacity of ballast tanks

4.1.1 This requirement applies to combination carriers of On combination carriers of 20000 t deadweight and above,
600 t deadweight and above. the aggregate capacity of wing tanks, double bottom tanks,
fore peak tanks and after peak tanks is to be not less than
4.2 Size and arrangement of ballast tanks or the capacity of segregated ballast tanks necessary to meet
compartments the requirements of [5]. Wing tanks or compartments and
double bottom tanks used to meet the requirements of [5]
4.2.1 General are to be located as uniformly as practicable along the oil
cargo tank length. Additional segregated ballast capacity
The entire oil cargo tank length is to be protected by ballast
provided for reducing longitudinal hull girder bending
tanks or compartments other than oil cargo and fuel oil
stress, trim, etc., may be located anywhere within the ship.
tanks as indicated in [4.2.2] to [4.2.5] for combination carri-
ers of 5000 t deadweight and above, or [4.2.6] for combina- In calculating the aggregate capacity, the following is to be
tion carriers less than 5000 t deadweight. taken into account:

4.2.2 Wing tanks or compartments • the capacity of engine-room ballast tanks is to be

excluded from the aggregate capacity of ballast tanks
Wing tanks or compartments are to extend either for the full
depth of the ship side or from the top of the double bottom • the capacity of ballast tanks located inboard of double
to the uppermost deck, disregarding a rounded gunwale hull is to be excluded from the aggregate capacity of
where fitted. They are to be arranged such that the oil cargo ballast tanks (see Fig 6)
tanks are located inboard of the moulded line of the side
shell plating, nowhere less than the distance w which, as • spaces such as void spaces located in the double hull
shown in Fig 4, is measured at any cross-section at right within the cargo tank length should be included in the
angles to the side shell, as specified below: aggregate capacity of ballast tanks
• w = 0,5 + DW / 20000, or Any ballast carried in localised inboard extensions, indenta-
• w = 2,0 m tion or recesses of the double hull, such as bulkhead stools,
should be considered as excess ballast above the minimum
whichever is the lesser. requirement for segregated ballast capacity according to [5].
The value of w is to be at least 1,0 m.

Figure 6 : Segregated ballast tanks located inboard of double hull






Assumed double hull line


July 2018 Bureau Veritas 145

Pt D, Ch 6, Sec 2

4.2.5 Alternative methods of design and - in exceptional cases where the particular character
construction of the operation of a combination carrier renders it
necessary to carry ballast water in excess of the
Other methods of design and construction of combination quantity required to comply with the requirements
carriers may also be accepted as alternatives to the require- above, provided that such operation of the combina-
ments prescribed in [4.2.2] to [4.2.4], provided that such tion carrier falls under the category of exceptional
methods ensure at least the same level of protection against cases.
oil pollution in the event of collision or stranding. Such
methods are to be acceptable to the Society. 5.2.2 Combination carriers less than 150 m in
Note 1: The Society considers the method described in IMO Reso- length
lution MEPC.66(37) as being acceptable. The capacity of the segregated ballast tanks is to be consid-
ered by the Society on a case-by-case basis.
4.2.6 Combination carriers of less than 5000 t
Combination carriers of less than 5000 t deadweight are to
6 Access arrangement
comply with [2.2.3].
6.1 Access to double bottom and pipe tunnel
5 Size and arrangement of segregated
6.1.1 Means of access
ballast tanks (SBT)
Adequate means of access to the double bottom and the
pipe tunnel are to be provided.
5.1 General
6.1.2 Manholes in the inner bottom, floors and
5.1.1 Every combination carrier of 20000 t deadweight and girders
above is to be provided with segregated ballast tanks and to
comply with [5.2]. Manholes are not to be cut in the inner bottom in way of oil
cargo holds; access to the double bottom is, in general, to
be provided by trunks leading to the upper deck.
5.2 Capacity of SBT The location and size of manholes in longitudinal girders
and floors are determined to facilitate the access to double
5.2.1 Combination carriers equal to or greater than bottom structures and their ventilation. However, they are
150 m in length to be avoided in the areas where high shear stresses may
The capacity of the segregated ballast tanks is to be so
determined that the ship may operate safely on ballast voy- 6.1.3 Access to pipe tunnels under oil cargo tanks
ages without recourse to the use of oil cargo tanks for water
ballast. In all cases, however, the capacity of segregated bal- The pipe tunnel in the double bottom under oil cargo tanks
last tanks is to be at least such that, in any ballast condition is to comply with the following requirements:
at any part of the voyage, including the conditions consist-
ing of lightweight plus segregated ballast only, the ship's • it is not to communicate with the engine room
draughts and trim can meet each of the following require-
• provision is to be made for at least two exits to the open
deck arranged at a maximum distance from each other.
• the moulded draught amidships, dm in metres (without One of these exits fitted with a watertight closure may
taking into account any ship's deformation), is to be not lead to the cargo pump room.
less than 2,0 + 0,02 LLL
6.1.4 Doors between pipe tunnel and main pump
• the draughts at the forward and after perpendicular are room
to correspond to those determined by the draught amid-
ships dm as specified above, in association with the trim Where there is a permanent access from a pipe tunnel to
by the stern of not greater than 0,015 LLL the main pump room, a watertight door is to be fitted com-
plying with the requirements in Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 1, [6.3.1]. In
• in any case the draught at the after perpendicular is to addition the following is to be complied with:
be not less than that which is necessary to obtain full
immersion of the propeller(s) • in addition to bridge operation, the watertight door is to
be capable of being manually closed from outside the
• in no case is ballast water to be carried in oil cargo main pump room entrance
tanks, except:
• the watertight door is to be kept closed during normal
- on those rare voyages when weather conditions are operations of the ship except when access to the pipe
so severe that, in the opinion of the Master, it is nec- tunnel is required. A notice is to be affixed to the door to
essary to carry additional ballast water in oil cargo this effect.
tanks for the safety of the ship

146 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 6, Sec 2

6.2 Access arrangement to and within Vertical ladders may be permitted provided they are
spaces in, and forward of, the cargo area arranged above each other in line with other ladders to
which they form access and resting positions are provided
6.2.1 Means of access at not more than 9 metres apart.
Ships with the service notation combination carrier/OBO Tunnels passing through dry cargo holds are to be equipped
ESP or combination carrier/OOC ESP of 20,000 gross ton- with ladders or steps at each end of the hold so that person-
nage and over, are to comply with provisions of [6.5] and nel may get across such tunnels.
with the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Where it may be necessary for work to be carried out within
Sea, 1974, as amended, Chapter II-1, Part A-1, Regulation a dry cargo hold preparatory to loading, consideration is to
3-6, for details and arrangements of openings and attach- be given to suitable arrangements for the safe handling of
ments to the hull structure. portable staging or movable platforms.
Ships with the service notation combination carrier/OBO
ESP or combination carrier/OOC ESP of less than 20,000 6.4 Access to compartments in the oil cargo
gross tonnage, are to comply with [6.3], [6.4] and [6.5]. area
6.4.1 General
6.3 Access to dry cargo holds Access to cofferdams, ballast tanks, dry cargo holds, oil
cargo tanks and other compartments in the oil cargo area is
6.3.1 Means of access
to be direct from the open deck and such as to ensure their
As far as practicable, permanent or movable means of complete inspection.
access stored on board are to be provided to ensure proper
survey and maintenance of dry cargo holds. 6.4.2 Access through horizontal openings
For access through horizontal openings the dimensions are
6.3.2 Hatches of large cargo holds to be sufficient to allow a person wearing a self-contained,
When the access to the dry cargo hold is arranged through air-breathing apparatus and protective equipment to ascend
the cargo hatch, the top of the ladder, as required in [6.3.3], or descend any ladder without obstruction and also to pro-
is to be placed as close as possible to the hatch coaming. vide a clear opening to facilitate the hoisting of an injured
person from the bottom of the compartment. The minimum
Accesses and ladders are to be so arranged that personnel clear opening is to be not less than 600 mm by 600 mm.
equipped with self-contained breathing apparatus may
readily enter and leave the dry cargo hold. 6.4.3 Access through vertical openings
Access hatch coamings having a height greater than 900 For access through vertical openings the minimum clear
mm are also to have steps on the outside in conjunction opening is to be not less than 600 mm by 800 mm at a
with dry cargo hold ladders. height of not more than 600 mm from the bottom shell plat-
ing unless gratings or other footholds are provided.
6.3.3 Ladders within large cargo holds
Each dry cargo hold is to be provided with at least two lad- 6.5 Access to the bow
ders as far apart as practicable longitudinally. If possible
6.5.1 Combination carriers are to be provided with the
these ladders are to be arranged diagonally, e.g. one ladder
means to enable the crew to gain safe access to the bow
near the forward bulkhead on the port side, the other one
even in severe weather conditions. Such means are to be
near the aft bulkhead on the starboard side, from the ship's
accepted by the Society.
Note 1: The Society considers means in compliance with the
Ladders are to be so designed and arranged that the risk of Guidelines adopted by the Maritime Safety Committee of IMO with
damage from the cargo handling gear is minimised. Resolution MSC.62(67) on 5/12/1996 as being acceptable.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 147

Pt D, Ch 6, Sec 3



LLL : Load line length, in m, defined in Pt B, Ch 1, b) The initial metacentric height GMo, in m, corrected for
Sec 2, [3.2] free surface measured at 0° heel, is to be not less than
0,15. For the purpose of calculating GMo, liquid surface
Ry : Minimum yield stress, in N/mm2, of the mate-
corrections are to be based on the appropriate upright
rial, to be taken equal to 235/k N/mm2, unless
free surface inertia moment.
otherwise specified
c) The vessel is to be loaded with:
k : Material factor for steel, defined in Pt B, Ch 4,
• all cargo tanks filled to a level corresponding to the
Sec 1, [2.3]
maximum combined total of vertical moment of vol-
E : Young’s modulus, in N/mm2, to be taken equal ume plus free surface inertia moment at 0° heel, for
to: each individual tank
• E = 2,06.105 N/mm2, for steels in general • cargo density corresponding to the available cargo
deadweight at the displacement at which transverse
• E = 1,95.105 N/mm2, for stainless steels.
KM reaches a minimum value
• full departure consumable
1 General • 1% of the total water ballast capacity. The maximum
free surface moment is to be assumed in all ballast
1.1 Loading manual and loading instrument tanks.

1.1.1 The specific requirements in Pt B, Ch 10, Sec 2 for 2.1.3 Alternative requirements for liquid transfer
ships with either of the service notations combination car- operation
rier/OBO ESP or combination carrier/OOC ESP and equal As an alternative to the requirements in [2.1.2], simple sup-
to or greater than 150 m in length are to be complied with. plementary operational procedures are to be followed when
the ship is carrying oil cargoes or during liquid transfer
2 Stability Simple supplementary operational procedures for liquid
transfer operations means written procedures made availa-
2.1 Intact stability ble to the Master which:
• are approved by the Society,
2.1.1 General
• indicate those cargo and ballast tanks which may, under
The stability of the ship for the loading conditions in Pt B, any specific condition of liquid transfer and possible
Ch 3, App 2, [1.2.5] is to be in compliance with the require- range of cargo densities, be slack and still allow the sta-
ments in Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 2. Where the ship is intended also bility criteria to be met. The slack tanks may vary during
for the carriage of grain, the requirements in Ch 4, Sec 3, the liquid transfer operations and be of any combination
[1.2.2] and Ch 4, Sec 3, [1.2.3] are to be complied with. provided they satisfy the criteria,
In addition, for the carriage of liquids, the requirements in • are to be readily understandable to the officer-in-charge
[2.1.3] are to be complied with. of liquid transfer operations,
• provide for planned sequences of cargo/ballast transfer
2.1.2 Liquid transfer operations operations,
Ships with certain internal subdivision may be subjected to • allow comparisons of attained and required stability
lolling during liquid transfer operations such as loading, using stability performance criteria in graphical or tabu-
unloading or ballasting. In order to reduce the effect of loll- lar form,
ing, the design of combination carriers of 5000 t dead- • require no extensive mathematical calculations by the
weight and above is to be such that the following criteria officer-in-charge,
are complied with: • provide for corrective actions to be taken by the officer-
a) The intact stability criteria reported in b) are to be com- in-charge in the event of departure from the recom-
plied with for the worst possible condition of loading mended values and in case of emergency situations, and
and ballasting as defined in c), consistent with good • are prominently displayed in the approved trim and sta-
operational practice, including the intermediate stages bility booklet and at the cargo/ballast transfer control
of liquid transfer operations. Under all conditions the station and in any computer software by which stability
ballast tanks are to be assumed slack. calculations are performed.

148 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 6, Sec 3

2.2 Damage stability - dry cargoes or ballast The vertical extent of damage is measured from the
loading conditions - for ships where moulded line of the bottom shell plating at centreline.
additional class notation SDS is For the purpose of determining the extent of assumed dam-
requested age, suction wells may be neglected, provided such wells
are not excessive in areas and extend below the tank for a
2.2.1 General minimum distance and in no case more than half the height
of the double bottom.
Combination carriers equal to or greater than 80 m in
length are subjected to the probabilistic approach reported If any damage of a lesser extent than the maximum extent of
in Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 3, [2.1.3] and are to comply with the damage specified in Tab 1 would result in a more severe
requirements in Pt B, Ch 3, App 3, for the loading condi- condition, such damage is to be considered.
tions which entail the carriage of dry cargoes or ballast,
unless they comply with the requirements in [2.2.2] or 2.3.3 Standard of damage
The damage in [2.3.2] is to be applied to all conceivable
locations along the length of the ship, according to Tab 2.
2.2.2 Freeboard reduction
Combination carriers greater than 100 m in length which 2.3.4 Calculation method
have been assigned reduced freeboard as permitted by Reg-
The metacentric heights (GM), the stability levers (GZ) and
ulation 27 of the International Convention on Load Lines,
the centre of gravity positions (KG) for judging the final sur-
1966, as referenced in Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 3, [2.1.2] are to com-
vival conditions are to be calculated by the constant dis-
ply with the requirement specified in Pt B, Ch 3, App 4.
placement method (lost buoyancy).
Therefore, compliance with the requirements in Ch 5, Sec
3, [2.2.1] is not required.
2.3.5 Flooding assumptions
The requirements of [2.3.8] are to be confirmed by calcula-
2.3 Damage stability - oil cargoes - for ships
tions which take into consideration the design characteris-
where additional class notation SDS is tics of the ship, the arrangements, configuration and
requested contents of the damaged compartments and the distribu-
tion, specific gravities and free surface effect of liquids.
2.3.1 General
Where the damage involving transverse bulkheads is envis-
In the loading conditions which entail the carriage of oil aged as specified in [2.3.3], transverse watertight bulkheads
cargoes, combination carriers are to comply with the subdi- are to be spaced at least at a distance equal to the longitudi-
vision and damage stability criteria as specified in [2.3.8], nal extent of assumed damage specified in [2.3.2] in order
after the assumed side or bottom damage as specified in to be considered effective. Where transverse bulkheads are
[2.3.2], for the standard of damage described in [2.3.3], and spaced at a lesser distance, one or more of these bulkheads
for any operating draught reflecting actual partial or full within such extent of damage is to be assumed as non-exist-
load conditions consistent with trim and strength of the ship ent for the purpose of determining flooded compartments.
as well as specific gravities of the cargo.
Where the damage between adjacent transverse watertight
The actual partial or full load conditions to be considered bulkheads is envisaged as specified in [2.3.3], no main
are those specified in Pt B, Ch 3, App 2, [1.2.6], but ballast transverse bulkhead bounding side tanks or double bottom
conditions where the ship is not carrying oil in cargo tanks, tanks is to be assumed damaged, unless:
excluding any oil residues, are not to be considered. • the spacing of the adjacent bulkheads is less than the
longitudinal extent of assumed damage specified in
2.3.2 Damage dimensions [2.3.2] or,
• there is a step or a recess in a transverse bulkhead of
The assumed extent of damage is to be as defined in Tab 1.
more than 3,05 metres in length, located within the
The transverse extent of damage is measured inboard the extent of penetration of assumed damage. The step
ship side at right angles to the centreline at the level of the formed by the after peak bulkhead and after peak tank
summer load line. top is not to be regarded as a step.

Table 1 : Extent of damage

Damage Longitudinal extent Transverse extent Vertical extent

Side lC = 1/3 LLL2/3 or 14,5 m (1) tC = B/5 or 11,5 m (1) vC = without limit
Bottom for 0,3 LLL from the forward perpendicular lS = 1/3 LLL2/3 or 14,5 m (1) tS = B/6 or 10 m (1) vS = B/15 or 6 m (1)
any other part lS = 1/3 LLL2/3 or 5 m (1) tS = B/6 or 5 m (1) vS = B/15 or 6 m (1)
(1) Whichever is the lesser

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 149

Pt D, Ch 6, Sec 3

Table 2 : Standard of damage b) The angle of heel due to unsymmetrical flooding may
not exceed 25°, except that this angle may be increased
up to 30° if no deck edge immersion occurs.
Damage Machinery
Ship’s length, between space c) The stability is to be investigated and may be regarded
anywhere in
in m transverse flooded as sufficient if the righting lever curve has at least a
ship’s length
bulkheads alone range of 20° beyond the position of equilibrium in asso-
LLL ≤ 100 No Yes (1) (2) No ciation with a maximum residual righting lever, in m, of
at least 0,1 within the 20° range; the area, in m.rad,
100 < LLL ≤ 150 No Yes (1) No
under the curve within this range is to be not less than
150 < LLL ≤ 225 Yes No Yes 0,0175.
LLL > 225 Yes No No
2.3.10 Intermediate stage of flooding
(1) Machinery space not flooded.
(2) Exemptions from the requirements of [2.3.8] may be The Society is to be satisfied that the stability is sufficient
accepted by the Society on a case-by-case basis. during the intermediate stages of flooding. To this end the
Society applies the same criteria relevant to the final stage
2.3.6 Progressive flooding of flooding also during the intermediate stages of flooding.

If pipes, ducts or tunnels are situated within the assumed 2.3.11 Bottom raking damage
extent of damage penetration as defined in [2.3.2], arrange-
ments are to be made so that progressive flooding cannot This requirement applies to combination carriers of 20000 t
thereby extend to compartments other than those assumed deadweight and above.
to be floodable in the calculation for each case of damage. The damage assumptions relative to the bottom damage
prescribed in [2.3.2] are to be supplemented by the
2.3.7 Permeabilities assumed bottom raking damage of Tab 4.

The specific gravity of cargoes carried, as well as any out- The requirements of [2.3.8] are to be complied with for the
flow of liquid from damaged compartments, are to be taken assumed bottom raking damage.
into account for any empty or partially filled tank.
Table 4 : Bottom damage extent
The permeability of compartments assumed to be damaged
is to be as indicated in Tab 3. Longitudinal Transverse Vertical
extent extent extent
Table 3 : Permeability
< 75000 t 0,4 LLL (1) B/3 (2)

Compartments Permeability ≥ 75000 t 0,6 LLL (1) B/3 (2)

Appropriated for stores 0,60 (1) Measured from the forward perpendicular.
(2) Breach of the outer hull.
Occupied by accommodation 0,95
Occupied by machinery 0,85 2.3.12 Equalisation arrangements
Void compartments 0,95
Equalisation arrangements requiring mechanical aids such
Intended for consumable liquids 0 to 0,95 (1) as valves or cross levelling pipes, if fitted, may not be con-
Intended for other liquids 0 to 0,95 (1) sidered for the purpose of reducing an angle of heel or
(1) The permeability of partially filled compartments is to attaining the minimum range of residual stability to meet the
be consistent with the amount of liquid carried in the requirements of [2.3.9] and sufficient residual stability is to
compartment. be maintained during all stages where equalisation is used.
Compartments which are linked by ducts of a large cross-
sectional area may be considered to be common.
2.3.8 Survival requirements
2.3.13 Information to the Master
Combination carriers, in the damage case of [2.3], are to be
regarded as complying with the damage stability criteria if The Master of every combination carrier is to be supplied in
the requirements of [2.3.9] and [2.3.10] are met. an approved form with:

2.3.9 Final stage of flooding • information relative to loading and distribution of cargo
necessary to ensure compliance with the requirements
relative to stability, and
a) The final waterline, taking into account sinkage, heel
and trim, is to be below the lower edge of any opening • data on the ability of the ship to comply with damage
through which progressive flooding may take place.The stability criteria as determined in [2.3.8] including the
progressive flooding is to be considered in accordance effect of relaxation that may have been allowed as spec-
with Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 3, [3.3]. ified in Tab 2.

150 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 6, Sec 3

3 Structure design principles of ships Greater spacing may be accepted by the Society, on a case-
with the service notation combination by-case basis, depending on the results of the analysis car-
ried out according to Pt B, Ch 7, App 1 for the primary sup-
carrier/OBO ESP porting members in the cargo holds.

3.1 Double bottom structure 3.3.2 Deck between hatches

3.1.1 Longitudinally framed double bottom The cross decks between hatches are generally to be trans-
In ships greater than 120 m in length, the double bottom versely framed.
and the sloped bulkheads of hopper tanks are to be longitu-
dinally framed. 3.3.3 Connection of hatch end beams with deck
The girder spacing is to be not greater than 4 times the spac- structures
ing of bottom or inner bottom ordinary stiffeners and the
The connection of hatch end beams with deck structures is
floor spacing is to be not greater than 3 frame spaces.
to be properly ensured by fitting inside the topside tanks
Greater spacing may be accepted by the Society, on a case- additional web frames or brackets.
by-case basis, depending on the results of the analysis car-
ried out according to Pt B, Ch 7, App 1 for the primary sup-
porting members in the cargo holds. 3.3.4 Topside tank structure

3.1.2 Transversely framed double bottom Topside tank structures are to extend as far as possible
The double bottom and the sloped bulkheads of hopper within the machinery space and are to be adequately
tanks may be transversely framed in ships less than or equal tapered.
to 120 m in length, when this is deemed acceptable by the
Society on a case-by-case basis. In this case, however, the
floor spacing is to be not greater than 2 frame spaces. 3.4 Transverse vertically corrugated
watertight bulkhead
3.1.3 Floors in way of transverse bulkheads
The thickness and material properties of the supporting 3.4.1 General
floors and pipe tunnel beams are to be not less than those
required for the bulkhead plating or, when a stool is fitted,
In ships equal to or greater than 190 m in length, transverse
of the stool side plating.
vertically corrugated watertight bulkheads are to be fitted
with a lower stool and, in general, with an upper stool
3.2 Double side structure below the deck. In smaller ships, corrugations may extend
3.2.1 General from the inner bottom to the deck.
The side within the hopper and topside tanks is, in general, The corrugation angle ϕ shown in Fig 1 is to be not less than
to be longitudinally framed. It may be transversely framed
when this is accepted for the double bottom and the deck
according to [3.1.2] and [3.3.1], respectively.
Figure 1 : Corrugation geometry
3.2.2 Side primary supporting members
The spacing of transverse side primary supporting members
is to be not greater than 3 frame spaces.
Greater spacing may be accepted by the Society, on a case-
by-case basis, depending on the results of the analysis car-
ried out according to Pt B, Ch 7, App 1 for the primary sup-
porting members in the cargo holds.
In any case, transverse side primary supporting members
are to be fitted in line with transverse primary supporting
members in hopper and topside tanks.

3.3 Deck structure A

3.3.1 Deck outside the line of hatches and topside

tank sloping plates C

In ships greater than 120 m in length, the deck outside the

line of hatches and the topside tank sloping plates are to be j £ 55˚ tw
longitudinally framed.
The spacing of transverse primary supporting members in SC tF
topside tanks is to be not greater than 6 frame spaces.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 151

Pt D, Ch 6, Sec 3

3.4.2 Span of corrugations Where corrugations are cut at the lower stool, the weld
The span C of the corrugations (to be used for carrying out connections of corrugations and stool side plating to the
the strength checks according to Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 2 or stool top plate are to be in accordance with [11.1]. The
NR600, as applicable) is to be taken as the distance shown weld connections of stool side plating and supporting floors
to the inner bottom plating are to be in accordance with
in Fig 2. For the definition of C, the internal end of the
upper stool may not be taken at a distance from the deck at
centreline greater than:
Figure 2 : Span of the corrugations
• 3 times the depth of corrugations, in general
• twice the depth of corrugations, for rectangular upper

3.4.3 Lower stool

The lower stool, when fitted, is to have a height in general c c
not less than 3 times the depth of the corrugations.
The thickness and material of the stool top plate is to be not n
less than those required for the bulkhead plating above. The
thickness and material properties of the upper portion of n
vertical or sloping stool side plating within the depth equal
to the corrugation flange width from the stool top are to be
not less than the required flange plate thickness and mate-
n=neutral axis of
rial to meet the bulkhead stiffness requirement at the lower the corrugations
end of corrugation.
The ends of stool side ordinary stiffeners are to be attached (*)

to brackets at the upper and lower ends of the stool.

The distance from the edge of the stool top plate to the sur-
face of the corrugation flange is to be in accordance with c c c c c
Fig 3.
The stool bottom is to be installed in line with double bot-
tom floors and is to have a width not less than 2,5 times the
mean depth of the corrugation.
The stool is to be fitted with diaphragms in line with the lon-
gitudinal double bottom girders for effective support of the
corrugated bulkhead. Scallops in the brackets and dia-
phragms in way of the connections to the stool top plate are
to be avoided. (*) See [3.4.2].

Figure 3 : Permitted distance, d, from the edge of the stool top plate to the surface of the corrugation flange






152 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 6, Sec 3

3.4.4 Upper stool where:

The upper stool, when fitted, is to have a height in general CE : Coefficient to be taken equal to:
not less than two times the depth of corrugations. Rectangu-
2, 25 1, 25
lar stools are to have a height in general equal to twice the C E = ------------- – ------------
- for β > 1,25
β β
depth of corrugations, measured from the deck level and at
the hatch side girder or at the inner hull, as applicable. C E = 1, 0 for β ≤ 1, 25

The upper stool is to be properly supported by deck girders β : Coefficient to be taken equal to:
or deep brackets between the adjacent hatch end beams.
3 A R eH
β = 10 ---- -------
The width of the upper stool bottom plate is generally to be tf E
the same as that of the lower stool top plate. The stool top of A : Width, in m, of the corrugation flange (see Fig 1)
non-rectangular stools is to have a width not less than twice
the depth of corrugations. tf : Net flange thickness, in mm

The thickness and material of the stool bottom plate are to ReH : Minimum yield stress, in N/mm2, of the flange
be the same as those of the bulkhead plating below. The material, defined in Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 1, [2].
thickness of the lower portion of stool side plating is to be
not less than 80% of that required for the upper part of the 3.4.7 Effective shedder plates
bulkhead plating where the same material is used. Effective shedder plates are those which:

The ends of stool side ordinary stiffeners are to be attached • are not knuckled
to brackets at the upper and lower end of the stool.
• are welded to the corrugations and the lower stool top
The stool is to be fitted with diaphragms in line with and plate according to [11.1]
effectively attached to longitudinal deck girders extending • are fitted with a minimum slope of 45°, their lower edge
to the hatch end coaming girders for effective support of the being in line with the lower stool side plating
corrugated bulkhead. Scallops in the brackets and dia-
phragms in way of the connection to the stool bottom plate • have thickness not less than 75% of that required for the
are to be avoided. corrugation flanges
• have material properties not less than those required for
the flanges.
3.4.5 Alignment

At deck, if no upper stool is fitted, two transverse reinforced 3.4.8 Effective gusset plates
beams are to be fitted in line with the corrugation flanges. Effective gusset plates are those which:

At bottom, if no lower stool is fitted, the corrugation flanges • are in combination with shedder plates having thick-
are to be in line with the supporting floors. The weld con- ness, material properties and welded connections
nections of corrugations and floors to the inner bottom plat- according to [3.4.7]
ing are to be in accordance with [11.1]. The thickness and • have a height not less than half of the flange width
material properties of the supporting floors are to be not less
than those of the corrugation flanges. Moreover, the cut- • are fitted in line with the lower stool side plating
outs for connections of the inner bottom longitudinals to • are welded to the lower stool plate, corrugations and
double bottom floors are to be closed by collar plates. The shedder plates according to [11.1]
supporting floors are to be connected to each other by suit-
ably designed shear plates. • have thickness and material properties not less than
those required for the flanges.
Stool side plating is to align with the corrugation flanges;
lower stool side vertical stiffeners and their brackets in the 3.4.9 Section modulus at the lower end of
stool are to align with the inner bottom longitudinals to pro- corrugations
vide appropriate load transmission between these stiffening
members. Lower stool side plating may not be knuckled a) The section modulus at the lower end of corrugations
anywhere between the inner bottom plating and the stool (sections 1 in Fig 4 to Fig 8) is to be calculated with the
top plate. compression flange having an effective flange width bef ,
not larger than that indicated in [3.4.6].
3.4.6 Effective width of the compression flange
b) Webs not supported by local brackets

The effective width of the corrugation flange to be consid- Except in case e), if the corrugation webs are not sup-
ered for the strength check of the bulkhead is to be ported by local brackets below the stool top plate (or
obtained, in m, from the following formula: below the inner bottom) in the lower part, the section
modulus of the corrugations is to be calculated consid-
bEF = CE A ering the corrugation webs 30% effective.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 153

Pt D, Ch 6, Sec 3

c) Effective shedder plates d) Effective gusset plates

Provided that effective shedder plates, as defined in Provided that effective gusset plates, as defined in
[3.4.7], are fitted (see Fig 4 and Fig 5), when calculating [3.4.8], are fitted (see Fig 6 to Fig 8), when calculating
the section modulus of corrugations at the lower end the section modulus of corrugations at the lower end
(sections 1 in Fig 4 and Fig 5), the area of flange plates (cross-sections 1 in Fig 6 to Fig 8), the area of flange
may be increased by the value obtained, in cm2, from plates may be increased by the value obtained, in cm2,
the following formula: from the following formula:
IG = 7 hG tF
I SH = 2 ,5A t F t SH
without being taken greater than 2,5 A tF
hG : Height, in m, of gusset plate (see Fig 6 to Fig
where: 8), to be taken not greater than (10/7) SGU
A : Width, in m, of the corrugation flange (see SGU : Width, in m, of the gusset plates
Fig 1)
tF : Net flange thickness, in mm, based on the
tSH : Net shedder plate thickness, in mm as-built condition.
tF : Net flange thickness, in mm.
Figure 6 : Symmetrical gusset/shedder plates
Figure 4 : Symmetrical shedder plates

hg hg

1 1

lower lower
stool stool

Figure 7 : Asymmetrical gusset/shedder plates

Figure 5 : Asymmetrical shedder plates

hg gusset
stool lower

154 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 6, Sec 3

Figure 8 : Asymmetrical gusset/shedder plates Solid floors are to be fitted in line with the transverse pri-
Sloping stool top plate mary supporting members in wing tanks and intermediate
floors are to be added at mid-span between primary sup-
porting members.

4.1.2 Other arrangements may be accepted by the Society,

on a case-by-case basis, depending on the results of the
analysis carried out according to Pt B, Ch 7, App 1 for the
primary supporting members in the cargo holds.
plate 4.1.3 Scarfing of the double bottom structure into the wing
tanks is to be properly ensured. The inner bottom plating is
generally to be prolonged within the wing tanks by ade-
quately sized horizontal brackets in way of floors.
= 4.2 Side structure
lower 4.2.1 In ships greater than 120 m in length, the side shell is
to be longitudinally framed.
In general, the spacing of vertical primary supporting mem-
bers is to be not greater than 6 times the frame spacing.
e) Sloping stool top plate 4.2.2 Other arrangements may be accepted by the Society,
If the corrugation webs are welded to a sloping stool top on a case-by-case basis, depending on the results of the
plate which has an angle not less than 45° with the hori- analysis carried out according to Pt B, Ch 7, App 1 for the
zontal plane, the section modulus of the corrugations primary supporting members in the cargo hold.
may be calculated considering the corrugation webs
fully effective. For angles less than 45°, the effectiveness 4.3 Deck structure
of the web may be obtained by linear interpolation
between 30% for 0° and 100% for 45°. 4.3.1 The deck outside the line of hatches is to be longitu-
Where effective gusset plates are fitted, when calculat- dinally framed.
ing the section modulus of corrugations the area of
flange plates may be increased as specified in d) above. 4.3.2 The cross decks between hatches are generally to be
No credit may be given to shedder plates only. transversely framed.

3.4.10 Section modulus at sections other than the 4.3.3 The connection of hatch end beams with deck struc-
lower end of corrugations tures is to be properly ensured by fitting inside the wing
The section modulus is to be calculated with the corruga- tanks additional web frames or brackets.
tion webs considered effective and the compression flange
having an effective flange width, bEF, not larger than that 4.4 Longitudinal bulkhead structure
obtained in [3.4.6].
4.4.1 Longitudinals bulkheads are to be plane, but they
3.4.11 Shear area may be knuckled in the upper part and in the lower part to
form a hopper. In these cases, the design of the knuckles
The shear area is to be reduced in order to account for pos-
and the adjacent structures is to be considered by the Soci-
sible non-perpendicularity between the corrugation webs
ety on a case-by-case basis.
and flanges. In general, the reduced shear area may be
obtained by multiplying the web sectional area by (sin ϕ), ϕ
being the angle between the web and the flange (see Fig 1). 4.4.2 In ships greater than 120 m in length, longitudinal
bulkheads are to be longitudinally framed.

4 Structure design principles of ships 4.4.3 Other arrangements may be accepted by the Society,
with the service notation on a case-by-case basis, depending on the results of the
combination carrier/OOC ESP analysis carried out according to Pt B, Ch 7, App 1 for the
primary supporting members in the cargo hold.

4.1 Double bottom structure

4.5 Transverse bulkhead structure
4.1.1 The double bottom is to be longitudinally framed.
4.5.1 Where the structural arrangement of transverse bulk-
The girder spacing is to be not greater than 4 times the spac- heads in wing tanks is different from that in centre holds,
ing of bottom or inner bottom ordinary stiffeners and the arrangements are to be made to ensure continuity of the
floor spacing is to be not greater than 3 frame spaces. transverse strength through the longitudinal bulkheads.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 155

Pt D, Ch 6, Sec 3

4.6 Transverse vertically corrugated 6 Hull scantlings

watertight bulkheads
6.1 Plating
4.6.1 The requirements in [3.4] apply, with the exception
that lower and upper stools are generally required, irrespec- 6.1.1 Minimum net thicknesses
tive of the ship’s length (see [3.4.1]). The net thickness of the plating of the inner bottom in holds
intended to carry ore, of the strength deck and of bulkheads
5 Design loads is to be not less than the values given in Tab 5.

Table 5 : Minimum net thickness of

5.1 Hull girder loads
the plating of the inner bottom in holds intended to
5.1.1 Still water loads carry ore, of the strength deck and of bulkheads
In addition to the requirements in Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 2, [2.1.2], Plating Minimum net thickness, in mm
still water loads are to be calculated for the following load-
ing conditions, subdivided into departure and arrival condi- Inner bottom in Longitudinal 2,15 (L1/3 k1/6) + 4,5 s
tions as appropriate: holds intended to framing
carry ore Transverse
• alternate light and heavy cargo (dry or oil) loading con- 2,35 (L1/3 k1/6) + 4,5 s
ditions at maximum draught, where applicable framing
• homogeneous light and heavy cargo (dry or oil) loading Strength deck (5,5 + 0,02 L) k1/2 for L < 200 m
conditions at maximum draught (8 + 0,0085 L) k1/2 for L ≥ 200 m
• ballast conditions. For ships having ballast holds adja- Tank bulkhead L1/3 k1/6 + 4,5 s for L < 275 m
cent to topside wing, hopper and double bottom tanks, 1,5 k1/2 + 8,2 + s for L ≥ 275 m
it may be acceptable in terms of strength that the ballast
Watertight 0,85 L1/3 k1/6 + 4,5 s for L < 275 m
holds are filled when the topside wing, hopper and dou-
bulkhead 1,5 k1/2 + 7,5 + s for L ≥ 275 m
ble bottom tanks are empty. Partial filling of the peak
tanks is not acceptable in the design ballast conditions, Wash bulkhead 0,8 + 0,013 L k1/2 + 4,5 s for L < 275 m
unless effective means are provided to prevent acciden- 3,0 k1/2 + 4,5 + s for L ≥ 275 m
tal overfilling Note 1:
• short voyage conditions where the ship is to be loaded to s : Length, in m, of the shorter side of the plate panel.
maximum draught but with a limited amount of bunkers
• multiple port loading/unloading conditions 6.2 Ordinary stiffeners
• deck cargo conditions, where applicable
6.2.1 Minimum net thicknesses
• typical loading sequences where the ship is loaded from
The net thickness of the web of ordinary stiffeners is to be
commencement of cargo loading to reaching full dead-
not less than the value obtained, in mm, from the following
weight capacity, for homogeneous conditions, relevant
part load conditions and alternate conditions where
applicable. tMIN = 0,75 L1/3 k1/6 + 4,5 s for L < 275 m
Typical unloading sequences for these conditions are tMIN = 1,5 k1/2 + 7,0 + s for L ≥ 275 m
also to be included. The typical loading/unloading where s is the spacing, in m, of ordinary stiffeners.
sequences are also to be developed so as not to exceed
applicable strength limitations. The typical loading
sequences are also to be developed paying due atten-
6.3 Primary supporting members
tion to the loading rate and deballasting capability 6.3.1 Minimum net thicknesses
• typical sequences for change of ballast at sea, where The net thickness of plating which forms the webs of pri-
applicable. mary supporting members is to be not less than the value
obtained, in mm, from the following formula:
5.2 Local loads tMIN = 1,45 L1/3 k1/6
5.2.1 Bottom impact pressure 6.3.2 Strength check of floors of cargo tank
For combination carriers of 20000 t deadweight and above, structure with hopper tank analysed through a
the draught TF , to be considered in the calculation of the three dimensional beam model
bottom impact pressure according to Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 1, Where the cargo tank structure with hopper tank is ana-
[3.2], is that calculated by using the segregated ballast tanks lysed through a three dimensional beam model, to be car-
only. ried out according to Pt B, Ch 7, App 1, the net shear
sectional area of floors within 0,1  from the floor ends (see
5.2.2 Oil cargo mass density
Fig 9 for the definition of ) is to be not less than the value
In the absence of more precise values, an oil cargo mass
obtained, in cm2, from the following formula:
density of 0,9 t/m3 is to be considered for calculating the
internal pressures and forces in cargo tanks according to Pt γR γm Q
A Sh = 20 ---------------
B, Ch 5, Sec 6 or NR600, as applicable. Ry

156 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 6, Sec 3

where: c) Strength check of cross-ties subjected to axial compres-

sive forces and bending moments.
Q : Shear force, in kN, in the floors at the ends of ,
obtained from the structural analysis The net scantlings of cross-ties are to comply with the
following formulae:
γR : Resistance partial safety factor:
10F C  ------ Φe- ≤ ----------
1- + ------- Ry
γR = 1,2  A ct w xx γ R γ m
γm : Material partial safety factor: F 3 M max Ry
10 ------C- + 10 -----------
- ≤ ----------
γm = 1,02 A ct w yy γ R γ m

Figure 9 : End area of floors
FC : Axial compressive force, in kN, in the cross-
ties, obtained from the structural analysis
Act : Net cross-sectional area, in cm2, of the
Φ = -----------------
1 – ------C-
³ 0,1  F EX

 FEX : Euler load, in kN, for buckling around the x


6.3.3 Strength checks of cross-ties analysed π 2 EI xx

F EX = --------------
5 2
through a three dimensional beam model 10 
a) Cross-ties analysed through three dimensional beam Ixx : Net moment of inertia, in cm4, of the cross-
model analyses according to Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 3 are to be tie about the x axis
considered, in the most general case, as being subjected
 : Span, in m, of the cross-tie
to axial forces and bending moments around the neutral
axis perpendicular to the cross-tie web. This axis is iden- e : Distance, in cm, from the centre of gravity
tified as the y axis, while the x axis is that in the web to the web of the cross-tie, specified in Tab 6
plane (see Figures in Tab 6). for various types of profiles

The axial force may be either tensile or compression. www : Net section modulus, in cm3, of the cross-tie
Depending on this, two types of checks are to be carried about the x axis
out, according to b) or c), respectively. Mmax : Max (|M0|, |M1|, |M2|)
b) Strength check of cross-ties subjected to axial tensile 1 + t 2 ( M1 + M2 )
forces and bending moments. M 0 = -------------------------------------------
2 cos ( u )
The net scantlings of cross-ties are to comply with the M 2 – M 1
t = -----------------  --------------------
following formula: tan ( u )  M 2 + M 1
F 3 M Ry π F
10 ------T- + 10 -------- ≤ ---------- u = --- ------C-
A ct w yy γ R γ m 2 F EY

where: FEY : Euler load, in kN, for buckling around the y

FT : Axial tensile force, in kN, in the cross-ties,
obtained from the structural analysis π 2 EI yy
F EY = --------------
5 2
Act : Net sectional area, in cm2, of the cross-tie 10 
Iyy : Net moment of inertia, in cm4, of the cross-
M : Max (|M1|, |M2|)
tie about the y axis
M1, M2 : Algebraic bending moments, in kN.m,
M1,M2 : Algebraic bending moments, in kN.m,
around the y axis at the ends of the cross-tie,
around the y axis at the ends of the cross-tie,
obtained from the structural analysis
obtained from the structural analysis
wyy : Net section modulus, in cm3, of the cross-tie wyy : Net section modulus, in cm3, of the cross-tie
about the y axis about the y axis
γR : Resistance partial safety factor: γR : Resistance partial safety factor:
γR = 1,02 γR = 1,02
γm : Material partial safety factor: γm : Material partial safety factor:
γm = 1,02 γm = 1,02

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 157

Pt D, Ch 6, Sec 3

Table 6 : Calculation of cross-tie geometric properties

Cross-tie profile e y0 J IW
T symmetrical

1 t f h w2 b f3
0 0 --- ( 2b f t f3 + h w t w3 ) ---------------
tw 3 24
hw Y


T non-symmetrical

b1 f
Y 1 t f h w2 b1 f3 b2 f3
O 0 0 --- ( b 1 + b 2 )t f3 + h w t w3 -------------------------------------
3 12 ( b1 f3 + b2 f3 )
hw tw


b2 f


b 2 tf 3b f2 t f 1 t f b f3 h 2 3b f t f + 2h w t w
- ----------------------------- --- ( 2b f t f3 + h w t w3 ) --------------
- ---------------------------------
ht w + 2bt f 6b f t f + h w t w 3 12 6b f t f + h w t w
hw yo
O e G

6.3.4 Strength checks of cross-ties analysed through σc : Critical stress, in N/mm2, defined in b)
a three dimensional finite element model
γR : Resistance partial safety factor:
a) In addition to the requirements in Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 3, [4]
γR = 1,02
and Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 3, [7], the net scantlings of cross-ties
subjected to compression axial stresses are to comply γm : Material partial safety factor:
with the following formula:
γm = 1,02
σ ≤ ---------- b) The critical buckling stress of cross-ties is to be
γR γm
obtained, in N/mm2, from the following formulae:
σc = σE for σ E ≤ -----y
σ : Compressive stress, in N/mm2, obtained 2
from a three dimensional finite element R
σ c = R y  1 – --------
Ry 
- for σ E > -----y
analysis, based on standard mesh model-  4σ E 2
ling, according to Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 3 and Pt B,
Ch 7, App 1 where:

158 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 6, Sec 3

σE = Min (σE1, σE2), 7 Other structures

σE1 : Euler flexural buckling stress, to be obtained,
in N/mm2, from the following formula: 7.1 Machinery space

π 2 EI
σ E1 = --------------------- 7.1.1 Extension of hull structures within the
4 2
10 A ct  machinery space

I : Min (Ixx, Iyy) Longitudinal bulkheads or inner side, as applicable, carried

through cofferdams are to continue within the machinery
Ixx : Net moment of inertia, in cm4, of the cross- space and are to be used preferably as longitudinal bulk-
tie about the x axis defined in [6.3.3] a) heads for liquid cargo tanks. In any case, such extension is
to be compatible with the shape of the structures of the
Iyy : Net moment of inertia, in cm4, of the cross- double bottom, deck and platforms of the machinery space.
tie about the y axis defined in [6.3.3] a)
Where topside tanks are fitted, their structures are to extend
Act : Net cross-sectional area, in cm2, of the as far as possible within the machinery space and to be ade-
cross-tie quately tapered.

 : Span, in m, of the cross-tie

7.2 Opening arrangement
σE2 : Euler torsional buckling stress, to be obtained,
in N/mm2, from the following formula: 7.2.1 Cargo shore connection
π 2 EI w J
-2 + 0 ,41 E ---
σ E2 = ----------------- Entrances, air inlets and openings to accommodation, ser-
10 I o  Io
vice and machinery spaces and control stations may not
face the cargo shore connection location of bow or stern
Iw : Net sectorial moment of inertia, in cm6, of
loading and unloading arrangements. They are to be
the cross-tie, specified in Tab 6 for various located on the outboard side of the superstructure or deck-
types of profiles house at a distance of at least 4% of the ship's length but
Io : Net polar moment of inertia, in cm4, of the not less than 3 m from the end of the deckhouse facing the
cargo shore connection location of the bow or stern loading
and unloading arrangements. This distance, however, need
Io = Ixx + Iyy + Act (yo + e)2 not exceed 5 m. Sidescuttles facing the shore connection
location and on the sides of the superstructure or deck-
yo : Distance, in cm, from the centre of torsion house within the distance mentioned above are to be of the
to the web of the cross-tie, specified in Tab 6 fixed (non-opening) type. All doors, ports and other open-
for various types of profiles ings on the corresponding superstructure or deckhouse side
are to be fitted so that they can be kept closed during the
e : Distance, in cm, from the centre of gravity use of the bow or stern loading and unloading arrange-
to the web of the cross-tie, specified in Tab 6 ments. The Society may permit departures from these
for various types of profiles requirements in the case of small ships when, at its discre-
tion, compliance with them is not possible.
J : St. Venant’s net moment of inertia, in cm4, of
the cross-tie, specified in Tab 6 for various Air pipes and other openings to enclosed compartments not
types of profiles. listed above are to be shielded from spray which may come
from a leaking hose or connection.

6.4 Strength check with respect to stresses 7.2.2 Deck foam system room
due to the temperature gradient
An access to a deck foam system room (including the foam
6.4.1 Direct calculations of stresses induced in the hull tank and the control station) may be permitted within the
structures by the temperature gradient are to be performed limits mentioned in Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 6, [3.3.1], provided that
for ships intended to carry cargoes at temperatures exceed- the door is located flush with the bulkhead.
ing 90°C. In these calculations, the water temperature is to
be assumed equal to 0°C. 7.2.3 Tanks covers

The calculations are to be submitted to the Society for Covers fitted on all cargo tank openings are to be of sturdy
review. construction, and to ensure tightness for hydrocarbon and
6.4.2 The stresses induced in the hull structures by the tem- Aluminium is not permitted for the construction of tank
perature gradient are to comply with the checking criteria in covers. The use of reinforced fibreglass covers is to be spe-
Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 3, [4.4]. cially examined by the Society.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 159

Pt D, Ch 6, Sec 3

7.3 Hatch covers flat projecting not less than 75 mm above the horizontal
surface, the height of the anode may be measured from this
7.3.1 The requirements in Ch 4, Sec 4 apply to hatch cov- surface.
ers of ships having the service notation combination car-
Aluminium anodes are not to be located under tank hatches
or washing holes, unless protected by the adjacent struc-
8 Hull outfitting
10.2.3 There is no restriction on the positioning of zinc
8.1 Equipment
10.2.4 Anodes are to have steel cores and are to be
8.1.1 Emergency towing arrangement declared by the Manufacturer as being sufficiently rigid to
The specific requirements in Pt B, Ch 9, Sec 4, [4] for ships avoid resonance in the anode support and designed so that
with either of the service notations combination car- they retain the anode even when it is wasted.
rier/OBO ESP or combination carrier/OOC ESP and of
20000 t deadweight and above are to be complied with. 10.2.5 The steel inserts are to be attached to the structure
by means of a continuous weld. Alternatively, they may be
attached to separate supports by bolting, provided a mini-
9 Protection of hull metallic structures mum of two bolts with lock nuts are used. However, other
mechanical means of clamping may be accepted.
9.1 Protection by aluminium coatings
10.2.6 The supports at each end of an anode may not be
attached to separate items which are likely to move inde-
9.1.1 The use of aluminium coatings containing greater
than 10% aluminium by weight in the dry film is prohibited
in the cargo tanks, cargo tank deck area, pump rooms, cof-
ferdams or any other area where cargo vapour may accu- 10.2.7 Where anode inserts or supports are welded to the
mulate. structure, they are to be arranged by the Shipyard so that the
welds are clear of stress peaks.

10 Cathodic protection of tanks 10.2.8 As a general rule, the requirements Ch 7, Sec 3,

[9.2.3] to Ch 7, Sec 3, [9.2.7] apply also to spaces or com-
partments adjacent to cargo or slop tanks.
10.1 General
10.3 Impressed current systems
10.1.1 Internal structures in spaces intended to carry liq-
uids may be provided with cathodic protection.
10.3.1 Impressed current cathodic protections are not
Cathodic protection may be fitted in addition to the accepted in cargo or slop tanks, unless specially authorized
required corrosion protective coating, if any. by the Society.

10.1.2 Details concerning the type of anodes used and

their location and attachment to the structure are to be sub- 11 Construction and testing
mitted to the Society for approval.
11.1 Welding and weld connections
10.2 Anodes
11.1.1 The welding factors for some hull structural connec-
10.2.1 Magnesium or magnesium alloy anodes are not per- tions are specified in Tab 7. These welding factors are to be
mitted in oil cargo tanks and tanks adjacent to cargo tanks. used, in lieu of the corresponding factors specified in Pt B,
Ch 11, Sec 1, Tab 2, to calculate the throat thickness of fillet
10.2.2 Aluminium anodes are only permitted in cargo weld T connections according to Pt B, Ch 11, Sec 1, [2.3].
tanks and tanks adjacent to cargo tanks in locations where For the connections in Tab 7, continuous fillet welding is to
the potential energy does not exceed 28 kg m. The height of be adopted.
the anode is to be measured from the bottom of the tank to
the centre of the anode, and its weight is to be taken as the 11.2 Special structural details
weight of the anode as fitted, including the fitting devices
and inserts.
11.2.1 The specific requirements in Pt B, Ch 11, Sec 2,
However, where aluminium anodes are located on horizon- [2.6] for ships with either of the service notations combina-
tal surfaces such as bulkhead girders and stringers not less tion carrier/OBO ESP or combination carrier/OOC ESP are
than 1 m wide and fitted with an upstanding flange or face to be complied with.

160 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 6, Sec 3

Table 7 : Welding factor wF

Hull area Welding factor wF
of to
Double bottom girders bottom and inner bottom plating 0,35
in way of cargo
floors (interrupted girders) 0,35
holds and tanks
floors bottom and inner bottom plating 0,35
inner bottom in way of lower stools, in general 0,45
girders (interrupted floors) 0,35
Bulkheads in lower and upper
boundaries 0,45
dry cargo holds stool structures
effective shedder
vertical corrugations and lower stool top plate One side penetration welding or equivalent
plates (see [3.4.7])
effective gusset lower stool top plate Full penetration welding, in general
plates (see [3.4.8])
vertical corrugations and shedder plates One side penetration welding or equivalent
Bulkheads in oil
ordinary stiffeners bulkhead plating 0,35
cargo tanks

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 161

Pt D, Ch 6, Sec 4


2.1.2 Gas detection

1 General a) An approved fixed gas warning system capable of moni-
toring flammable vapours is to be provided in cargo
pump rooms and pipe ducts and cofferdams adjacent to
1.1 Application
slop tanks.
1.1.1 Ships having the service notation combination car- b) Audible and visual alarms for the gas detection equip-
rier are to comply with the requirements of Ch 7, Sec 4 ment are to be located on the bridge or in other suitable
applicable to oil tankers or oil tankers flashpoint > 60°C, as continually manned spaces.
In addition, they are to comply with the provisions of this 2.2 Arrangement of cargo lines
1.2 Documents a) Where cargo wing tanks are provided, cargo oil lines
below deck are to be installed inside these tanks. How-
1.2.1 Documents to be submitted ever, the Society may permit cargo oil lines to be placed
In addition to those listed in Ch 7, Sect 4, Tab 1, the follow- in special ducts which are to be capable of being ade-
ing documents are to be submitted for approval. quately cleaned and ventilated and to the satisfaction of
the Society.
Table 1 : Documents to be submitted If connected to a cargo pump room, such ducts are to
be considered as cargo pump rooms for the purposes of
No. Description of the document (1)
1 Diagram of the ventilation systems serving cargo
spaces and enclosed spaces adjacent to cargo b) Where cargo wing tanks are not provided, cargo oil
spaces lines below deck are to be placed in special ducts.
3 Diagram of the gas measurement system for cargo
pump rooms, pipe ducts and cofferdams adjacent to 2.3 Cargo openings
slop tanks
2.3.1 Openings which may be used for cargo operations
4 Diagram of water filling and draining systems for are not permitted in bulkheads and decks separating oil
cofferdams cargo spaces from other spaces not designed and equipped
5 Diagram of discharge pumping and piping systems for the carriage of oil cargoes unless alternative approved
for slop tanks means provide equivalent integrity.
(1) Diagrams are also to include, where applicable:
• the (local and remote) control and monitoring sys- 2.4 Cofferdam filling and draining
tems and automation systems
• the instructions for the operation and maintenance 2.4.1 Means are to be provided for filling the cofferdams
of the piping system concerned (for information). surrounding the slop tanks with water and for draining
them. See Ch 6, Sec 2, [2.1.5].
1.2.2 Instruction manual
A manual is to be kept on board giving instructions for the 3 Slop tanks
carriage of contaminated sludge in slop tanks when the ship
is in the dry cargo mode.
3.1 Segregation of piping systems

2 General requirements 3.1.1

a) Pipes serving the slop tanks are to be segregated from
2.1 Ventilation and gas detection other parts of the cargo pumping and piping system by
means of isolation complying with b) or c) below.
2.1.1 Ventilation b) Arrangements to isolate slop tanks containing oil or oil
Cargo spaces and enclosed spaces adjacent to cargo spaces residues from other cargo tanks are to consist of blank
are to be capable of being mechanically ventilated. The flanges which are to remain in position at all times
mechanical ventilation may be provided by portable fans. when cargoes other than liquid cargoes referred to in
See also Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 2, [2.1.2]. Ch 7, Sec 1, [1.1.3] are carried.

162 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 6, Sec 4

c) Means are to be provided for isolating the piping con- 3.3 Discharge pumping and piping arrange-
necting the pump room with the slop tanks. The means ment
of isolation are to consist of a valve followed by a spec-
tacle flange or a spool piece with appropriate blank 3.3.1 A separate pumping and piping arrangement incor-
flanges. This arrangement is to be located adjacent to porating a manifold is to be provided for discharging the
the slop tanks, but where this is unreasonable or contents of the slop tanks directly to the open deck for dis-
impracticable, it may be located within the pump room posal to shore reception facilities when the ship is in the dry
directly after the piping penetrates the bulkhead. cargo mode.

3.2 Venting system

3.2.1 Slop tanks are to be provided with a separate venting
system complying with the provisions of Ch 7, Sec 4, [4.2].

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 163

Pt D, Ch 6, Sec 4

164 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Part D
Service Notations

Chapter 7















July 2018 Bureau Veritas 165

166 Bureau Veritas July 2018
Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 1


1 General tional service feature flash point > 60°C and asphalt
carrier, taking into account the specific provisions given
in the different Sections.
1.1 Application
Note 1: The specific provisions referred to in a) above do not apply
1.1.1 Ships complying with the requirements of this Chap- to ships intended for the carriage of bulk cargoes at a tempera-
ter are eligible for the assignment of the service notation oil ture above the flash point of the product carried.
tanker, as defined in Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.4.2].

1.1.2 Ships dealt with in this Chapter are to comply with: b) Departures from these requirements are given for ships that
have the service notation oil tanker-flash point > 60°C and
• Part A of the Rules
are intended only for the carriage of bulk cargoes at a tem-
• NR216 Materials and Welding perature below and not within 15°C of their flash point.
• applicable requirements according to Tab 1
c) Ch 7, Sec 4, [8] provides additional requirements for
• requirements as defined in [1.1.3] and [1.1.4], as appli- ships having the service notation oil tanker-asphalt car-
cable. rier.

1.1.3 Service notation oil tanker d) The list of substances the carriage in bulk of which is
a) The requirements of this Chapter apply to ships having covered by the service notations oil tanker, oil tanker-
the service notation oil tanker, as defined in Pt A, Ch 1, flash point > 60°C and oil tanker-asphalt carrier is
Sec 2, [4.4.2]. They also apply to ships having the addi- given in Ch 7, App 3, Tab 1.

Table 1 : Applicable requirements

Ships having the additional Ships not having the additional service feature CSR
service feature CSR Greater than or equal to 500 GT Less than 500 GT
• NR606 (1) • Part B • NR566
L ≥ 65 m
• Ch 7, Sec 2 • Ch 7, Sec 2 • Ch 7, Sec 2
Ship arrangement
• NR600 • NR566
L < 65 m N.A.
• Ch 7, Sec 2
• Part B • Part B
L ≥ 65 m • NR606 (1)
Hull • Ch 7, Sec 3 • Ch 7, Sec 3
L < 65 m N.A. • NR600 • NR600
• Part B • Part B • NR566
• Ch 7, Sec 3 • Ch 7, Sec 3 • Ch 7, Sec 3
• Part C • Part C • NR566
Machinery and cargo systems
• Ch 7, Sec 4 (2) • Ch 7, Sec 4 (2) • Ch 7, Sec 4 (2)
• Part C • Part C • NR566
Electrical installations
• Ch 7, Sec 5 • Ch 7, Sec 5 • Ch 7, Sec 5
Automation • Part C • Part C • NR566
Fire protection, detection and • Part C • Part C • NR566
extinction • Ch 7, Sec 6 • Ch 7, Sec 6 • Ch 7, Sec 6
(1) Refer to the scope of application of NR606.
(2) Ch 7, Sec 4 contains a table summarising the relaxations applying to certain service notations.
Note 1:
NR566: Hull Arrangement, Stability and Systems for Ships less than 500 GT
NR600: Hull Structure and Arrangement for the Classification of Cargo Ships less than 65 m and Non Cargo Ships less than 90 m
NR606: Common Structural Rules for Bulk Carriers and Oil Tankers.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 167

Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 1

1.1.4 Service notation FLS tanker

a) The requirements of this Chapter apply to ships having 1.2.2 Cargo pump room
the service notation FLS tanker, as defined in Pt A, Ch 1, Cargo pump room is a space containing pumps and their
Sec 2, [4.4.5]. They also apply to ships having the addi- accessories for the handling of products covered by the ser-
tional service feature FLS tanker-flash point > 60°C, tak- vice notation granted to the ship.
ing into account the specific provisions given in Ch 7,
Sec 4. 1.2.3 Cargo service spaces
Note 1: The specific provisions referred to in a) above do not apply Cargo service spaces are spaces within the cargo area used
to ships intended for the carriage of bulk cargoes at a tempera- for workshops, lockers and storerooms of more than 2 m2 in
ture above the flash point of the product carried. area, intended for cargo handling equipment.
b) Ch 7, Sec 4, [9] provides additional requirements for
1.2.4 Cargo tank block
ships having the service notations FLS tanker and FLS
tanker-flash point > 60°C in the case of carriage of pol- The cargo tank block is the part of the ship extending from
lution category Z products. the aft bulkhead of the aftmost cargo or slop tank to the for-
ward bulkhead of the forward most cargo or slop tank,
c) The list of substances the carriage in bulk of which is extending to the full depth and beam of the ship, but not
covered by the service notations FLS tanker and FLS including the area above the deck of the cargo or slop tank
tanker-flash point > 60°C is given in Ch 7, App 4. (See Fig 1).
Note 2: The service notation FLS tanker does not cover cargoes
containing 10% of benzene or more. Ships carrying such car-
goes are to comply with the relevant requirements of Part D, 1.2.5 Clean ballast
Chapter 8.
Clean ballast means the ballast in a tank which since oil was
Note 3: Where the provisions of this Chapter applicable to the ser- last carried therein, has been so cleaned that the effluent
vice notation oil tanker and those applicable to the service therefrom if it were discharged from a ship which is station-
notation FLS tanker are simultaneously complied with, a ship ary into clean calm water on a clear day would not produce
may be granted both service notations oil tanker-FLS tanker or visible traces of oil on the surface of the water or on adjoin-
oil tanker-FLS tanker-flash point > 60°C, as applicable. ing shorelines or cause a sludge or emulsion to be deposited
beneath the surface of the water or upon adjoining shore-
1.1.5 Independent tanks
lines. If the ballast is discharged through an oil discharge
Ships designed with independent cargo tanks shall comply monitoring and control system approved by the Society, evi-
with the provisions of NR622 Structural Assessment of Inde- dence based on such a system to the effect that the oil con-
pendent Tanks and Supports for Asphalt Carrier. tent of the effluent did not exceed 15 parts per million is to
be determinative that the ballast was clean, notwithstanding
1.2 Definitions the presence of visible traces.

1.2.1 Cargo area 1.2.6 Cofferdam

The cargo area is that part of the ship that contains cargo For the purpose of Ch 7, Sec 2, [2], a cofferdam is an isolat-
tanks as well as slop tanks, cargo pump rooms including ing space between two adjacent steel bulkheads or decks. It
pump rooms, cofferdams, ballast or void spaces adjacent to is to meet the following criteria:
cargo tanks or slop tanks as well as deck areas throughout
a) the minimum distance between the two bulkheads or
the entire length and breadth of the part of the ship above
decks is to be sufficient for safe access and inspection.
these spaces.
b) in order to meet the single failure principle, in the par-
When independent tanks are installed in hold spaces, the ticular case when a corner-to-corner situation occurs,
cofferdams, ballast or void spaces at the after end of the this principle may be met by welding a diagonal plate
aftermost hold space or at the forward end of the forward- across the corner.
most hold space are excluded from the cargo area.

Figure 1 : Cargo tank block definition

Cargo tank block

Cargo tank block
PR CT 3 CT 2 CT 1 C/D


168 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 1

1.2.7 Crude oil

Crude oil is any oil occurring naturally in the earth whether 1.2.13 Product carrier
or not treated to render it suitable for transportation and Product carrier means an oil tanker engaged in the trade of
includes: carrying oil other than crude oil.
a) crude oil from which certain distillate fractions have
1.2.14 Pump room
been removed, and
Pump room is a space, located in the cargo area, containing
b) crude oil to which certain distillate fractions may have pumps and their accessories for the handling of ballast and
been added. fuel oil, or cargoes other than those covered by the service
notation granted to the ship.
1.2.8 Crude oil tanker
Crude oil tanker means an oil tanker engaged in the trade of 1.2.15 Segregated ballast
carrying crude oil. Segregated ballast means the ballast water introduced into a
tank which is completely separated from the cargo oil and
1.2.9 Hold space fuel oil system and which is permanently allocated to the
Hold space is the space enclosed by the ship’s structure in carriage of ballast or to the carriage of ballast or cargoes
which an independent cargo tank is fitted other than oil or noxious substances as variously defined in
Part D, Chapter 7 and Part D, Chapter 8.
1.2.10 Fuel oil
Fuel oil means any oil used as fuel in connection with the 1.2.16 Slop tank
propulsion and auxiliary machinery of the ship on which Slop tank means a tank specifically designated for the col-
such oil is carried. lection of tank draining, tank washings and other oily mix-
1.2.11 Oil-like substances
Oil-like substances are those substances listed in Ch 7, App 1.2.17 Void space
3, Tab 2. Void space is an enclosed space in the cargo area external
to a cargo tank, except for a hold space, ballast space, fuel
1.2.12 Oil mixture oil tank, cargo pump room, pump room, or any space nor-
Oil mixture means a mixture with any oil content. mally used by personnel.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 169

Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 2



LLL : Load line length, in m, defined in Pt B, Ch 1, 2.1.2 Cargo tank area

Sec 2, [3.2]. a) Fore and aft peaks are not to be used as cargo tanks.
b) Double bottom tanks adjacent to cargo tanks are not to
1 General be used as oil fuel tanks.
c) Fuel tanks located with a common boundary to cargo
1.1 Application tanks are to be situated out of the cargo tank block.
1.1.1 Except otherwise specified, the requirements of this Such tanks may, however, be situated at the forward and
Section apply to the ships having one of the following ser- aft ends of the cargo tank block instead of cofferdams.
vice notations: Fuel tanks shall extend neither fully nor partly into cargo
or slop tanks. They may however be accepted when
• oil tanker
located as independent tanks on open deck in the cargo
• oil tanker, flash point > 60°C area subject to spill and fire safety considerations. Fuel
• oil tanker, asphalt carrier tanks are not permitted to extend into the protective
• FLS tanker area of cargo tanks required by [3].
• FLS tanker, flash point > 60°C. The arrangement of independent fuel tanks and associ-
ated fuel piping systems, including the pumps, may be
1.1.2 The requirements of this Section apply to ships hav- as for fuel tanks and associated fuel piping systems
ing a propelling machinery located at the aft part of the located in the machinery spaces. For electrical equip-
ship. Ships with other arrangements are to be specially con- ment, requirements applicable to hazardous area classi-
sidered by the Society. fication must however be taken into account.

1.2 Documents to be submitted 2.1.3 Cargo pump rooms

a) The cargo pump rooms are to be separated from the
1.2.1 Tab 1 are to be submitted for approval. other spaces of the ship by oiltight bulkheads and are
not to have, in particular, any direct communications
Table 1 : Documents to be submitted with the machinery spaces.
No. Description of the document b) Where glazed ports are provided on the bulkhead sepa-
1 General arrangement drawing with indication of: rating the cargo pump room from the machinery com-
• access and openings partment, they are to satisfy the following conditions:
• capacity and size of the cargo tanks, slop tanks • they are to be efficiently protected from mechanical
and ballast tanks damage
2 Diagram of the mechanical and natural ventilation • strong covers are to be permanently secured on the
with indication of the ventilation inlets and outlets machinery compartment side
• glazed ports are to be so constructed that glass and
2 General arrangement of the ship with sealing are not impaired by the working of the ship
regard to fire prevention and crew • the glazed ports are to be so constructed as to main-
tain the structural integrity and the bulkheads resist-
safety ance to fire and smoke.

2.1 Location and separation of spaces 2.1.4 Cargo pump rooms, cargo tanks, slop tanks and cof-
ferdams are to be positioned forward of machinery spaces.
2.1.1 Application However, oil fuel bunker tanks need not be forward of
a) The provisions of [2.1.2] to [2.1.5] apply only to ships machinery spaces.
having the service notations oil tanker or FLS tanker. Cargo tanks and slop tanks are to be isolated from machin-
b) Ships having one of the following service notations: ery spaces by cofferdams, cargo pump rooms, oil bunker
tanks or ballast tanks.
• oil tanker, flash point > 60°C
Pump-rooms containing pumps and their accessories for bal-
• oil tanker, asphalt carrier
lasting those spaces situated adjacent to cargo tanks and
• FLS tanker, flash point > 60°C slop tanks and pumps for oil fuel transfer are to be consid-
are to comply with the provisions of [2.1.6]. ered as equivalent to a cargo pump room within the context

170 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 2

of this article provided that such pump rooms have the same an output greater than 375 kW to be located forward of
safety standard as that required for cargo pump rooms. the cargo area provided the arrangements are in accord-
Pump rooms intended solely for ballast or oil fuel transfer, ance with the provisions of this paragraph.
however, need not comply with the requirements of Ch 7,
c) Where the fitting of a navigation position above the
Sec 6, [4.2].
cargo area is shown to be necessary, it is to be for navi-
The lower portion of the pump room may be recessed into gation purposes only and it is to be separated from the
machinery spaces of category A to accommodate pumps, pro- cargo tank deck by means of an open space with a
vided that the deck head of the recess is in general not more height of at least 2 m. The fire protection of such naviga-
than one third of the moulded depth above the keel, except tion position is to be in addition as required for control
that in the case of ships of not more than 25000 tonnes dead- spaces in Ch 7, Sec 6 and other provisions, as applica-
weight, where it can be demonstrated that for reasons of ble, of this Chapter.
access and satisfactory piping arrangements this is impractica-
ble, the Society may permit a recess in excess of such height, d) Means be provided to keep deck spills away from the
but not exceeding one half of the moulded depth above the accommodation and service areas. This may be accom-
keel. plished by provision of a permanent continuous coam-
Note 1: Pump rooms intended solely for ballast transfer need not ing of a height of at least 300 mm, extending from side
comply with the requirements of Ch 7, Sec 4, [3.5.2]. The require- to side. Special consideration be given to the arrange-
ments of Ch 7, Sec 4, [3.5.2] are only applicable to the pump ments associated with stern loading.
rooms, regardless of their location, where pumps for cargo, such as Note 1: The provisions of paragraph d) above also apply to bow
cargo pumps, stripping pumps, pumps for slop tanks, pumps for and stern cargo loading stations.
COW or similar pumps are provided.
e) Exterior boundaries of superstructures and deckhouses
“Similar pumps” includes pumps intended for transfer of fuel oil
having a flashpoint of less than 60°C. Pump-rooms intended for enclosing accommodation and including any overhang-
transfer of fuel oil having a flashpoint of not less than 60°C need not ing decks which support such accommodation, is to be
comply with the requirements of Ch 7, Sec 4, [3.5.2]. constructed of steel and insulated to A-60 standard for
the whole of the portions which face the cargo area and
2.1.5 Accommodation spaces, service spaces and on the outward sides for a distance of 3 m from the end
control stations boundary facing the cargo area. The distance of 3 m is
a) Accommodation spaces, main cargo control stations, con- to be measured horizontally and parallel to the middle
trol stations and service spaces (excluding isolated cargo line of the ship from the boundary which faces the
handling gear lockers) are to be positioned aft of cargo cargo area at each deck level. In the case of the sides of
tanks, slop tanks, and spaces which isolate cargo or slop those superstructures and deckhouses, such insulation is
tanks from machinery spaces but not necessarily aft of the to be carried up to the underside of the deck of the nav-
fuel oil bunker tanks and ballast tanks, but be arranged in igation bridge.
such a way that a single failure of a deck or bulkhead not Note 2: Service spaces and control stations (except the wheel-
permit the entry of gas or fumes from the cargo tanks into house) located in superstructures and deckhouses enclosing
an accommodation space, main cargo control stations, accommodation are to comply with the provisions of item e).
control station, or service spaces. A recess provided in f) The location and arrangement of the room where foods
accordance with [2.1.4] need not be taken into account are cooked are to be selected such as to minimize the
when the position of these spaces is being determined. risk of fire.
b) However, where deemed necessary, the Society may
2.1.6 Case of ships having the service notations oil
permit accommodation spaces, main cargo control sta- tanker, flash point > 60°C, oil tanker, asphalt
tions, control stations, and service spaces forward of the carrier or FLS tanker, flash point > 60°C
cargo tanks, slop tanks and spaces which isolate cargo
On ships having one of the following service notations:
and slop tanks from machinery spaces, but not neces-
sarily forward of fuel oil bunker tanks or ballast tanks. • oil tanker, flash point > 60°C
Machinery spaces, other than those of category A, may • oil tanker, asphalt carrier
be permitted forward of the cargo tanks and slop tanks • FLS tanker, flash point > 60°C,
provided they are isolated from the cargo tanks and slop
tanks by cofferdams, cargo pump rooms, fuel oil bunker the location and separation of spaces is not required to
tanks or ballast tanks. All of the above spaces are to be comply with requirements [2.1.2] to [2.1.5].
subject to an equivalent standard of safety and appropri- However, the following provisions are to be complied with:
ate availability of fire-extinguishing arrangements being a) Tanks containing cargo or cargo residues are to be seg-
provided to the satisfaction of the Society. Accommoda- regated from accommodation, service and machinery
tion spaces, main cargo control spaces, control stations spaces, tanks containing drinking water and stores for
and service spaces are to be arranged in such a way that human consumption by means of a cofferdam or similar
a single failure of a deck or bulkhead not permit the space.
entry of gas or fumes from the cargo tanks into such
spaces. In addition, where deemed necessary for the b) Double bottom tanks adjacent to cargo tanks are not to
safety or navigation of the ship, the Society may permit be used as fuel oil tanks.
machinery spaces containing internal combustion c) Means are to be provided to keep deck spills away
machinery not being main propulsion machinery having from accommodation and service areas.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 171

Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 2

2.2 Access and openings Note 2: The navigating bridge door and windows are to be tested
for gas tightness. If a water hose test is applied, the following
test conditions are deemed acceptable by the Society:
2.2.1 Application
• nozzle diameter: minimum 12 mm
a) Ships with the service notation oil tanker ESP of less • water pressure just before the nozzle: not less than 2 bar,
than 500 gross tonnage, and ships with the service nota- • distance between the nozzle and the doors or windows:
tion oil tanker or FLS tanker are to comply with the pro- maximum 1,5 m.
visions of [2.2.2] to [2.2.6].
c) Windows and sidescuttles facing the cargo area and on
b) Ships having one of the following service notations: the side of the superstructures and deckhouses within
the limits specified in paragraph a) are to be of the fixed
• oil tanker, flash point > 60°C
(non-opening) type. Such windows and sidescuttles,
• oil tanker, asphalt carrier except wheelhouse windows, are to be constructed to
“A-60” class standard.
• FLS tanker, flash point > 60°C,
d) Air intakes and air outlets of machinery spaces are to be
are to comply with the provisions of [2.2.7].
located as far aft as practicable and, in any case, outside
c) Ships with the service notation oil tanker ESP of 500 the limits stated in a) above.
gross tonnage and over, are to comply with the provi- e) Where the ship is designed for bow or stern loading and
sions of [2.2.2], [2.2.4], [2.2.5] and [2.2.6] and with the unloading, entrance, air inlets and openings to accom-
International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, modation, service and machinery spaces and control sta-
1974, as amended, Chapter II-1, Part A-1, Regulation 3- tions are not to face the cargo shore connection location
6, for details and arrangements of openings and attach- of bow or stern loading or unloading arrangements. They
ments to the hull structure. are to be located on the outboard side of the superstruc-
ture or deckhouse at a distance of at least 4% of the
2.2.2 Access and openings to accommodation length of the ship but not less than 3 m from the end of
spaces, service spaces, control stations and
the deckhouse facing the cargo shore connection loca-
machinery spaces
tion of the bow or stern loading and unloading arrange-
a) Except as permitted in paragraph b), access doors, air ments. This distance, however, need not exceed 5 m.
inlets and openings to accommodation spaces, service Sidescuttles facing the shore connection location and on
spaces, control stations and machinery spaces are not to the sides of the superstructure or deckhouse within the
face the cargo area. They are to be located on the trans- distance mentioned above are to be of the fixed (non-
verse bulkhead not facing the cargo area or on the out- opening) type. In addition, during the use of the bow or
board side of the superstructure or deckhouse at a stern loading and unloading arrangements, all doors,
distance of at least 4% of the length of the ship but not ports and other openings on the corresponding super-
less than 3 m from the end of the superstructure or structure or deckhouse side are to be kept closed.
deckhouse facing the cargo area. This distance need not Note 3: Where, in the case of small ships, compliance with the
exceed 5 m. provisions of paragraph e) is not possible, the Society may per-
mit departures.
b) The Society may permit access doors in boundary bulk-
heads facing the cargo area or within the 5 m limits 2.2.3 Access to spaces in the cargo area
specified in paragraph a), to main cargo control stations a) Access to cofferdams, ballast tanks, cargo tanks and
and to such service spaces used as provision rooms, other compartments in the cargo area is to be direct
store-rooms and lockers, provided they do not give from the open deck and such as to ensure their com-
access directly or indirectly to any other space contain- plete inspection. Access to double bottom compart-
ing or providing for accommodation, control stations or ments may be through a cargo pump room, pump
service spaces such as galleys, pantries or workshops, or room, deep cofferdam, pipe tunnel or similar compart-
similar spaces containing sources of vapour ignition. The ments, subject to consideration of ventilation aspects.
boundary of such a space is to be insulated to “A-60” Safe access to cofferdams, ballast tanks, cargo tanks and
class standard, with the exception of the boundary fac- other compartments in the cargo area is to be direct
ing the cargo area. Bolted plates for the removal of from the open deck and such as to ensure their com-
machinery may be fitted within the limits specified in plete inspection. Safe access to double bottom compart-
paragraph a). Wheelhouse doors and windows may be ments or to forward ballast tanks may be from a pump-
located within the limits specified in paragraph a) so room, deep cofferdam, pipe tunnel, double hull com-
long as they are designed to ensure that the wheelhouse partment or similar compartment not intended for the
can be made rapidly and efficiently gas tight and vapour carriage of oil or hazardous cargoes.
tight. Note 1: Access manholes to forward gas dangerous spaces are per-
mitted from an enclosed gas-safe space provided that:
Note 1: An access to a deck foam system room (including the foam
tank and the control station) can be permitted within the limits • their closing means are gastight and
mentioned in paragraph a), provided that the conditions listed • a warning plate is provided in their vicinity to indicate that
in paragraph b) are satisfied and that the door is located flush the opening of the manholes is only permitted after check-
with the bulkhead. ing that there is no flammable gas inside the compartment
in question.

172 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 2

Note 2: Unless other additional arrangements provided to facilitate 2.2.5 Access to the forecastle spaces
their access are considered satisfactory by the Society, the dou- Access to the forecastle spaces containing sources of igni-
ble bottom tanks are to be provided with at least two separate tion may be permitted through doors facing cargo area pro-
means of access complying with a) above. vided the doors are located outside hazardous areas as
b) For access through horizontal openings, hatches or defined in Ch 7, Sec 5.
manholes, the dimensions are to be sufficient to allow a
2.2.6 Access to the bow
person wearing a self-contained air-breathing apparatus
and protective equipment to ascend or descend any lad- Every tanker is to be provided with the means to enable the
der without obstruction and also provide a clear open- crew to gain safe access to the bow even in severe weather
ing to facilitate the hoisting of an injured person from conditions. Such means of access are to be approved by the
the bottom of the compartment. The minimum clear Society.
opening is to be not less than 600 mm x 600 mm. Note 1: The Society accepts means of access complying with the
Guidelines for safe access to tanker bows adopted by the Marine
c) For access through vertical openings, or manholes, in Safety Committee of IMO by Resolution MSC.62(67).
swash bulkheads, floors, girders and web frames provid-
ing passage through the length and breadth of the com- 2.2.7 Case of ships having the service notations oil
partment, the minimum opening is to be not less than tanker, flash point > 60°C, oil tanker, asphalt
carrier or FLS tanker, flash point > 60°C
600 mm x 800 mm at a height of not more than 600 mm
from the bottom shell plating unless gratings or other On ships having one of the following service notations:
foot holds are provided. • oil tanker, flash point > 60°C
• oil tanker, asphalt carrier
d) For oil tankers of less than 5000 t deadweight smaller
• FLS tanker, flash point > 60°C,
dimensions may be approved by the Society in special
circumstances, if the ability to traverse such openings or the access and openings are not required to comply with
to remove an injured person can be proved to the satis- the provisions of [2.2.2]. However, the access doors, air
faction of the Society. inlets and openings to accommodation spaces, service
For oil tankers of less than 5,000 tonnes deadweight, the spaces and control stations are not to face the cargo area.
Society may approve, in special circumstances, smaller
dimensions for the openings referred to in paragraphs a) 2.3 Ventilation
and b), if the ability to traverse such openings or to
remove an injured person can be proved to the satisfac- 2.3.1 Application
tion of the Society. a) The requirements of [2.3.2] to [2.3.5] apply only to ships
having the service notations oil tanker or FLS tanker.
e) Access ladders of cargo tanks are to be fitted with hand- b) Ships having one of the following service notations:
rails and to be securely attached to the tank structure.
• oil tanker, flash point > 60°C
They are not to be fitted vertically, unless justified by the
size of the tanks. Rest platforms are to be provided at • oil tanker, asphalt carrier
suitable intervals of not more than 10 m. • FLS tanker, flash point > 60°C,
are to comply with the provisions of [2.3.6].
2.2.4 Access to the pipe tunnels
2.3.2 General
a) The pipe tunnels in the double bottom are to comply
a) Enclosed spaces within the cargo area are to be pro-
with the following requirements:
vided with efficient means of ventilation. Unless other-
1) they are not to communicate with the engine room, wise specified, portable means are permitted for that
2) provision is to be made for at least two exits to the purpose. Ventilation fans are to be of non sparking con-
open deck arranged at a maximum distance from struction according to Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 1, [3.28].
each other. One of these exits fitted with a watertight b) Ventilation inlets and outlets, especially for machinery
closure may lead to the cargo pump room. spaces, are to be situated as far aft as practicable. Due
consideration in this regard is to be given when the ship
b) Where there is permanent access from a pipe tunnel to
is equipped to load or discharge at the stern. Sources of
the main pump room, a watertight door is to be fitted
ignition such as electrical equipment are to be so
complying with the requirements of Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 1,
arranged as to avoid an explosion hazard.
[6] and in addition with the following:
1) in addition to the bridge operation, the watertight 2.3.3 Ventilation of cargo pump rooms
door is to be capable of being manually closed from a) Ventilation exhaust ducts are to discharge upwards in
outside the main pump room entrance, locations at least 3 m measured horizontally from any
2) the watertight door is to be kept closed during nor- ignition source and from any ventilation intake and
mal operations of the ship except when access to the opening to non-hazardous spaces.
pipe tunnel is required. b) Ventilation intakes are to be so arranged as to minimize
Note 1: A notice is to be affixed to the door to the effect that it may the possibility of recycling hazardous vapours from ven-
not be left open. tilation discharge openings.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 173

Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 2

c) The ventilation ducts are not to be led through gas safe 3.2 Protection of the cargo tank length in
spaces, cargo tanks or slop tanks. the event of grounding or collision
d) See also Ch 7, Sec 4, [3.5.1].
3.2.1 Application
2.3.4 Ventilation of other pump rooms
The requirements of the present sub-article apply to ships of
a) Ventilation of pump rooms containing: 600 tons deadweight and above.
• ballast pumps serving spaces adjacent to cargo or
slop tanks 3.2.2 General
• oil fuel pumps, a) The design and construction of oil tankers is to pay due
is to comply with paragraphs a) to c) of [2.3.3] and a) of regard to the general safety aspects including the need
Ch 7, Sec 4, [3.5.1]. for maintenance and inspections of wing and double
bottom tanks or spaces.
b) The ventilation intakes of the pump rooms referred to in
a) are to be located at a distance of not less than 3 m
from the ventilation outlets of cargo pump rooms. b) Oil is not to be carried in any space extending forward
of a collision bulkhead located in accordance with Pt B,
Ch 2, Sec 1, [3]. An oil tanker that is not required to
2.3.5 Ventilation of double hull and double bottom
spaces have a collision bulkhead in accordance with that regu-
lation is not to carry oil in any space extending forward
Double hull and double bottom spaces are to be fitted with of the transverse plane perpendicular to the centreline
suitable connections for the supply of air. that is located as if it were a collision bulkhead located
in accordance with that regulation.
2.3.6 Case of ships having the service notations oil
tanker, flash point > 60°C, oil tanker, asphalt 3.2.3 Case of ships of 5000 tons deadweight and
carrier or FLS tanker, flash point > 60°C above
On ships having one of the following service notations:
On oil tankers of 5000 tons deadweight and above, the
• oil tanker, flash point > 60°C entire cargo tank length is to be protected by ballast tanks
• oil tanker, asphalt carrier or spaces other than cargo and fuel oil tanks as follows:

• FLS tanker, flash point > 60°C, a) Wing tanks or spaces

the ventilation is not required to comply with requirements Wing tanks or spaces are to extend either for the full
[2.3.2] to [2.3.5]. However, the following provisions apply: depth of the ship’s side or from the top of the double
bottom to the uppermost deck, disregarding a rounded
• spaces located within the cargo area are to be efficiently
gunwale where fitted. They are to be arranged such that
ventilated. Portable means of ventilation are permitted
the cargo tanks are located inboard of the moulded line
• ventilation of the cargo pump room is to comply with of the side shell plating, nowhere less than the distance
[2.3.3]. w which, as shown in Fig 1 is measured at any cross-sec-
tion at right angles to the side shell, as specified below:

3 General arrangement of the ship with DW

w = 0, 5 + ---------------- ( m )
regard to pollution prevention
or w = 2,0 m, whichever is the lesser.
3.1 Application The minimum value of w = 1,0 m.

3.1.1 Service notations b) Double bottom tanks or spaces

The requirements of the present Article apply only to ships
At any cross-section, the depth of each double bottom
having one of the following notations:
tank or compartment is to be such that the distance h
• oil tanker between the bottom of the cargo tanks and the
• oil tanker, flash point > 60°C moulded line of the bottom shell plating measured at
right angles to the bottom shell plating, as shown in Fig
• oil tanker, asphalt carrier. 1 is not less than specified below:

3.1.2 Tonnage • B/15 (m), or

Unless otherwise specified, the requirements of the present • 2,0 m, whichever is the lesser.
Article apply only to ships of 150 tons gross tonnage and
above. The minimum value of h = 1,0 m.

174 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 2

Figure 1 : Cargo tank boundary lines

w w

w w
h>w h<w
. .

h h h

1.5 h
. . base line

Note 1: Double bottom tanks or spaces as required by the above compartments and double bottom tanks used to meet
paragraph may be dispensed with, provided that the design of the requirements of [3.3.2] are to be located as uni-
the tanker is such that the cargo and vapour pressure exerted
formly as practicable along the cargo tank length. Addi-
on the bottom shell plating forming a single boundary between
the cargo and the sea does not exceed the external hydrostatic tional segregated ballast capacity provided for reducing
water pressure, as expressed by the following formula: longitudinal hull girder bending stress, trim, etc., may be
located anywhere within the ship.
f × h c × ρ c × g + 100Δ p ≤ d n × ρ s × g

where: In calculating the aggregate capacity, the following is to

be taken into account:
hc : Height of cargo in contact with the bottom shell
plating, in metres • the capacity of engine-room ballast tanks is to be
ρc : Maximum cargo density, in t/m3
excluded from the aggregate capacity of ballast
dn : Minimum operating draught under any expected
loading conditions, in metres • the capacity of ballast tanks located inboard of dou-
ble hull is to be excluded from the aggregate capac-
ρs : Density of seawater, in t/m3
ity of ballast tanks
Δp : Maximum set pressure of pressure/vacuum valve
provided for the cargo tanks, in bars • spaces such as void spaces located in the double
hull within the cargo tank length should be included
f : Safety factor = 1,1
in the aggregate capacity of ballast tanks
g : Standard acceleration of gravity (9,81 m/s2).
Any ballast carried in localised inboard extensions,
Any horizontal partition necessary to fulfil the above require- indentation or recesses of the double hull, such as bulk-
ments are to be located at a height of not less than B/6 or 6 m,
head stools, should be considered as excess ballast
whichever is the lesser, but not more than 0,6D, above the
baseline where D is the moulded depth amidships. above the minimum requirement for segregated ballast
capacity according to [3.3.2].
The location of wing tanks or spaces is to be as defined in para-
graph a) above except that, below a level 1,5h above the base-
line where h is as defined above, the cargo tank boundary line e) Suction wells in cargo tanks may protube into the dou-
may be vertical down to the bottom plating, as shown in Fig 2. ble bottom below the boundary line defined by the dis-
tance h provided that such wells are as small as
c) Turn of the bilge area or at locations without a clearly
practicable and the distance between the well bottom
defined turn of the bilge
and bottom shell plating is not less than 0,5 h.
Where the distance h and w are different, the distance
w is to have preference at levels exceeding 1,5h above f) Ballast and cargo piping is to comply with the provi-
baseline as shown in Fig 1. sions of Ch 7, Sec 4, [2.3.7] and Ch 7, Sec 4, [3.4.1].

d) Aggregate capacity of the ballast tanks Note 2: Other methods of design and construction of oil tankers
may also be accepted as alternatives to the requirements pre-
On crude oil tankers of 20000 t deadweight and above scribed in items a) to f), provided that such methods ensure at least
and product carriers of 30000 t deadweight and above, the same level of protection against oil pollution in the event of col-
the aggregate capacity of wing tanks, double bottom lision or stranding and are approved in principle by the Society.
tanks, forepeak tanks and afterpeak tanks is to be not
less than the capacity of segregated ballast tanks neces- The Society will accept the methods of design and construction
sary to meet the requirements of [3.3.2]. Wing tanks or described in IMO Resolution MEPC.66(37).

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 175

Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 2

Figure 2 : Cargo tank boundary lines

3.3.2 Capacity of the segregated ballast tanks
The capacity of the segregated ballast tanks is to be so
W determined that the ship may operate safely on ballast voy-

ages without recourse to the use of cargo tanks for water
ballast. In all cases, however, the capacity of segregated bal-
last tanks is to be at least such that, in any ballast condition
at any part of the voyage, including the conditions consist-
W ing of lightweight plus segregated ballast only, the ship's
draughts and trim can meet each of the following require-
. a) the moulded draught amidships, dm in metres (without
1.5 h
taking into account any ship's deformation) is to be not
base line less than:
dm = 2,0 + 0,02 LLL
3.2.4 Case of ships of less than 5000 tons deadweight
b) the draughts at the forward and after perpendicular are
Oil tankers of less than 5000 tons deadweight are to:
to correspond to those determined by the draught amid-
a) at least be fitted with double bottom tanks or spaces ships dm as specified above, in association with the trim
having such a depth that the distance h specified in by the stern of not greater than 0,015LLL , and
[3.2.3] b) complies with the following:
c) in any case the draught at the after perpendicular is to
h = B/15 (m)
be not less than that which is necessary to obtain full
with a minimum value of h = 0,76 m; immersion of the propeller(s).
in the turn of the bilge area and at locations without a
Refer also to paragraph d) of [3.2.3].
clearly defined turn of bilge, the cargo tank boundary
line is to run parallel to the line of the midship flat bot- Note 1: In case of oil tankers less than 150 metres in length, the
tom as shown in Fig 3; and above formulae may be replaced by those set out in Appendix I to
the Unified Interpretations of Annex I of MARPOL 73/78.
b) be provided with cargo tanks so arranged that the
capacity of each cargo tank does not exceed 700 m3 3.3.3 Carriage of ballast water in cargo tanks
unless wing tanks or spaces are arranged in accordance
a) In no case is ballast water to be carried in cargo tanks,
with [3.2.3] a) complying with the following:
2, 4DW
w = 0, 4 + --------------------- ( m ) 1) on those rare voyages when weather conditions are
so severe that, in the opinion of the Master, it is nec-
with a minimum value of w = 0,76 m. essary to carry additional ballast water in cargo
tanks for the safety of the ship, and
Figure 3 : Cargo tank boundary lines
2) in exceptional cases where the particular character
of the operation of an oil tanker renders it necessary
to carry ballast water in excess of the quantity
required under [3.3.3], provided that such operation
of the oil tanker falls under the category of excep-
tional cases.
Note 1: Exceptional cases are defined in the Unified Interpretations
of Annex I of MARPOL 73/78
Such additional ballast water is to be processed and dis-
charged in compliance with regulation 34 of Annex I of
MARPOL 73/78 and an entry is to be made in the Oil
base line
Record Book Part II referred to in regulation 36 of that
h h Annex.
b) In the case of crude oil tankers, the additional ballast
3.3 Segregation of oil and water ballast permitted in paragraph a) above is to be carried in cargo
tanks only if such tanks have been crude oil washed in
3.3.1 General
accordance with [3.5] before departure from an oil
a) In oil tankers of 150 tons gross tonnage and above, no unloading port or terminal.
ballast water is to be carried in any oil fuel tank.
b) Every crude oil tanker of 20000 tons deadweight and 3.4 Accidental oil outflow performance
above and every product carrier of 30000 tons dead-
weight and above are to be provided with segregated 3.4.1 Oil tankers are to comply with the requirements of
ballast tanks and are to comply with requirements the Regulation 23 of Annex I to Marpol Convention, as
[3.3.2] and [3.3.3]. amended.

176 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 2

3.5 Cleaning of cargo tanks 3.6.2 General

a) Adequate means are to be provided for transferring the
3.5.1 General
dirty ballast residue and tank washings from the cargo
a) Adequate means are to be provided for cleaning the tanks into a slop tank approved by the Society.
cargo tanks.
Note 1: This provision does not apply to ships of less than 150 tons
b) Arrangements are to be provided to transfer the oily
gross tonnage provided the conditions stated in [3.6.1] are ful- waste into a slop tank or combination of slop tanks in
filled. such a way that any effluent discharged into the sea
comply with the provisions of Ch 7, Sec 4, [5.2].
b) Every crude oil tanker of 20000 tons deadweight and
above is to be fitted with a cargo tank cleaning system
3.6.3 Capacity of slop tanks
using crude oil washing complying with the following
requirements. Unless such oil tanker carries crude oil The arrangement of the slop tank or combination of slop
which is not suitable for crude oil washing, the oil tanker tanks is to have a capacity necessary to retain the slop gen-
is to operate the system in accordance with those erated by tank washings, oil residues and dirty ballast resi-
requirements. dues. The total capacity of the slop tank or tanks is not to be
less than 3% of the oil carrying capacity of the ship, except
The crude oil washing installation and associated equip-
that the Society may accept:
ment and arrangements are to comply with the require-
ments of Ch 7, App 2. a) 2% for oil tankers where the tank washing arrangements
are such that once the slop tank or tanks are charged
3.5.2 Ballasting of cargo tanks with washing water, this water is sufficient for tank
With respect to the ballasting of cargo tanks, sufficient cargo washing and, where applicable, for providing the driv-
tanks are to be crude oil washed prior to each ballast voyage ing fluid for eductors, without the introduction of addi-
in order that, taking into account the tanker’s trading pattern tional water into the system
and expected weather conditions, ballast water is put only b) 2% where segregated ballast tanks are provided in
into cargo tanks which have been crude oil washed. accordance with [3.3], or where a cargo tank cleaning
system using crude oil washing is fitted in accordance
3.5.3 Operations and Equipment Manual
with [3.5]. This capacity may be further reduced to
Every oil tanker operating with crude oil washing systems is 1,5% for oil tankers where the tank washing arrange-
to be provided with an Operations and Equipment Manual ments are such that once the slop tank or tanks are
detailing the system and equipment and specifying opera- charged with washing water, this water is sufficient for
tional procedures. Such a Manual is to be to the satisfaction tank washing and, where applicable, for providing the
of the Society and is to contain all the information set out in driving fluid for eductors, without introduction of addi-
Ch 7, App 2. If an alteration affecting the crude oil washing tional water into the system.
system is made, the Operating and Equipment Manual is to
be revised accordingly. Oil tankers of 70 000 tons deadweight and above are to be
fitted with at least two slop tanks.
3.6 Retention of oil on board - Slop tanks
3.6.4 Design of slop tanks
3.6.1 Application Slop tanks are to be so designed particularly in respect of
a) The provisions of requirements [3.6.2] to [3.6.4] do not the position of inlets, outlets, baffles or weirs where fitted,
apply to ships of less than 150 tons gross tonnage for so as to avoid excessive turbulence and entrainment of oil or
which the control of discharge of oil under Ch 7, Sec 4, emulsion with the water.
[5.2.1] is to be effected by the retention of oil on board
with subsequent discharge of all contaminated washings
3.7 Deck spills
to reception facilities, unless adequate arrangements are
made to ensure that any effluent which is allowed to be
3.7.1 Means are to be provided to keep deck spills away
discharged into the sea is effectively monitored to
from the accommodation and service areas. This may be
ensure that the provisions of Ch 7, Sec 4, [5.2.1].
accomplished by providing a permanent continuous coam-
Note 1: The provisions of requirements [3.6.2] to [3.6.4] may be ing of a height of at least 300mm, extending from side to
waived for any oil tanker which engages exclusively on both side.
voyages of 72 hours or less in duration and within 50 miles
from the nearest land, provided that the oil tanker is engaged Where gutter bars are installed on the weather decks of oil
exclusively in trades between ports or terminals within a State tankers in way of cargo manifolds and are extended aft as
Party to MARPOL 73/78 Convention. Any such waiver is to be
far as the aft bulkhead of superstructures for the purpose of
subject to the requirements that the oil tanker is to retain on
containing cargo spills on deck during loading and dis-
board all oily mixtures for subsequent discharge to reception
facilities and to the determination by the Administration that charge operations, the free surface effects caused by con-
facilities available to receive such oily mixtures are adequate. tainment of a cargo spill during liquid transfer operations or
of boarding seas while underway are to be considered with
b) The provisions of Ch 7, Sec 4, [5] are also to be com- respect to the vessel’s available margin of positive initial sta-
plied with. bility (GMo).

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 177

Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 2

Where the gutter bars installed are higher than 300 mm, 3.8.2 The pump-room is to be provided with a double bot-
they are to be treated as bulwarks with freeing ports tom such that at any cross-section the depth of each double
arranged in accordance with Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 10, [6] and bottom tank or space is to be such that the distance h
provided with effective closures for use during loading and between the bottom of the pump-room and the ship’s base
discharge operations. Attached closures are to be arranged line measured at right angles to the ship’s base line is to be
in such a way that jamming is prevented while at sea, ena- not less than the lesser of:
bling the freeing ports to remain effective. • h= B/15 m
• h=2m
On ships without deck camber, or where the height of the without being taken less than 1 m.
installed gutter bars exceeds the camber, and for oil tankers
having cargo tanks exceeding 60% of the vessel’s maximum 3.8.3 In case of pump rooms whose bottom plate is located
beam amidships regardless of gutter bar height, gutter bars above the base line by at least the minimum height required
may not be accepted without an assessment of the initial in [3.8.2] (e.g. gondola stern designs), there is no need for a
stability (GMo) for compliance with the relevant intact sta- double bottom construction in way of the pump-room.
bility requirements taking into account the free surface
3.8.4 Ballast pumps are to be provided with suitable
effect caused by liquids contained by the gutter bars. arrangements to ensure efficient suction from double bot-
tom tanks.
3.8 Pump-room bottom protection 3.8.5 Notwithstanding the provisions of [3.8.2] and [3.8.3],
where the flooding of the pump-room would not render the
3.8.1 This Article is applicable to oil tankers of 5000 tons ballast or cargo pumping system inoperative, a double bot-
deadweight and above. tom need not be fitted.

178 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 3



LLL : Load line length, in m, defined in Pt B, Ch 1, b) The initial metacentric height GMo, in m, corrected for
Sec 2, [3.2] free surface measured at 0° heel, is to be not less than
Ry : Minimum yield stress, in N/mm2, of the mate- 0,15. For the purpose of calculating GMo, liquid surface
rial, to be taken equal to 235/k N/mm2, unless corrections are to be based on the appropriate upright
otherwise specified free surface inertia moment.
k : Material factor for steel, defined in Pt B, Ch 4, c) The vessel is to be loaded with:
Sec 1, [2.3] • all cargo tanks filled to a level corresponding to the
E : Young’s modulus, in N/mm2, to be taken equal to: maximum combined total of vertical moment of vol-
ume plus free surface inertia moment at 0° heel, for
• E = 2,06⋅105 N/mm2 for steels in general
each individual tank
• E = 1,95⋅105 N/mm2 for stainless steels. • cargo density corresponding to the available cargo
deadweight at the displacement at which transverse
1 General KM reaches a minimum value
• full departure consumable
1.1 Documents to be submitted • 1% of the total water ballast capacity.The maximum
free surface moment is to be assumed in all ballast
1.1.1 In addition to the documentation requested in Part B, tanks.
the following documents are to be submitted for ships
assigned with the service notation oil tanker ESP or FLS
2.3 Damage stability for ships where the
additional class notation SDS is
• Arrangement of pressure/vacuum valves in cargo tanks,
• Cargo temperatures.
2.3.1 General
Every oil tanker is to comply with the subdivision and dam-
2 Stability age stability criteria as specified in [2.3.8], after the assumed
side or bottom damage as specified in [2.3.2], for the stand-
2.1 Application ard of damage described in [2.3.3], and for any operating
draught reflecting actual partial or full load conditions con-
2.1.1 The requirements in [2.2.2] and [2.3] apply only to sistent with trim and strength of the ship as well as specific
ships with the service notation oil tanker ESP. gravities of the cargo.
The actual partial or full load conditions to be considered
2.2 Intact stability are those specified in Pt B, Ch 3, App 2, [1.2.6], but ballast
conditions where the oil tanker is not carrying oil in cargo
2.2.1 General
tanks, excluding any oil residues, are not to be considered.
The stability of the ship for the loading conditions in Pt B,
Ch 3, App 2, [1.2.6] is to be in compliance with the require- 2.3.2 Damage dimensions
ments in Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 2. In addition, the requirements in The assumed extent of damage is to be as defined in Tab 1.
[2.2.2] are to be complied with.
The transverse extent of damage is measured inboard the
2.2.2 Liquid transfer operations ship side at right angles to the centreline at the level of the
Ships with certain internal subdivision may be subjected to summer load line.
lolling during liquid transfer operations such as loading, For the purpose of determining the extent of assumed dam-
unloading or ballasting. In order to prevent the effect of loll- age, suction wells may be neglected, provided such wells
ing, the design of oil tankers of 5000 t deadweight and above are not excessive in areas and extend below the tank for a
is to be such that the following criteria are complied with: minimum distance and in no case more than half the height
of the double bottom.
a) The intact stability criteria reported in b) is to be com-
plied with for the worst possible condition of loading The vertical extent of damage is measured from the
and ballasting as defined in c), consistent with good moulded line of the bottom shell plating at centreline.
operational practice, including the intermediate stages If any damage of a lesser extent than the maximum extent of
of liquid transfer operations. Under all conditions the damage specified in Tab 1 would result in a more severe
ballast tanks are to be assumed slack. condition, such damage is to be considered.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 179

Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 3

Table 1 : Extent of damage

Damage Longitudinal extent Transverse extent Vertical extent

Side lC = 1/3 LLL 2/3 or 14,5 m (1) tC = B/5 or 11,5 m (1) vC = without limit
Bottom For 0,3 LLL from the forward perpendicular lS = 1/3 LLL 2/3
or 14,5 m (1) tS = B/6 or 10 m (1) vS = B/15 or 6 m (1)
any other part lS = 1/3 LLL2/3 or 5 m (1) tS = B/6 or 5 m (1) vS = B/15 or 6 m (1)
(1) Whichever is the lesser

2.3.3 Standard of damage 2.3.6 Progressive flooding

The damage in [2.3.2] is to be applied to all conceivable If pipes, ducts or tunnels are situated within the assumed
locations along the length of the ship, according to Tab 2. extent of damage penetration as defined in [2.3.2], arrange-
ments are to be made so that progressive flooding cannot
Table 2 : Standard of damage
thereby extend to compartments other than those assumed
to be floodable in the calculation for each case of damage.
Ship’s length, Damage Machinery
between 2.3.7 Permeabilities
anywhere in space
in m transverse
ship’s length flooded
bulkheads The specific gravity of cargoes carried, as well as any out-
LLL ≤ 100 No Yes (1) (2) No
flow of liquid from damaged compartments, are to be taken
into account for any empty or partially filled tank.
100 < LLL ≤ 150 No Yes (1) No
The permeability of compartments assumed to be damaged
150 < LLL ≤ 225 Yes No Yes, alone are to be as indicated in Tab 3.
LLL > 225 Yes No Yes
Table 3 : Permeability
(1) Machinery space not flooded.
(2) Exemptions from the requirements of [2.3.8] may be Compartments Permeability
accepted by the Society on a case-by-case basis.
Appropriate for stores 0,60
2.3.4 Calculation method Occupied by accommodation 0,95
The metacentric heights (GM), the stability levers (GZ) and Occupied by machinery 0,85
the centre of gravity positions (KG) for judging the final sur-
Void compartments 0,95
vival conditions are to be calculated by the constant dis-
placement method (lost buoyancy). Intended for consumable liquids 0 to 0,95 (1)
Intended for other liquids 0 to 0,95 (1)
2.3.5 Flooding assumptions
The requirements of [2.3.8] are to be confirmed by calcula- (1) The permeability of partially filled compartments is to
tions which take into consideration the design characteris- be consistent with the amount of liquid carried in the
tics of the ship, the arrangements, configuration and compartment.
contents of the damaged compartments and the distribu-
tion, specific gravities and free surface effect of liquids. 2.3.8 Survival requirements
Where the damage involving transverse bulkheads is envis- Oil tankers are to be regarded as complying with the dam-
aged as specified in [2.3.3], transverse watertight bulkheads age stability criteria if the requirements of [2.3.9] and
are to be spaced at least at a distance equal to the longitudi- [2.3.10] are met.
nal extent of assumed damage specified in [2.3.2] in order
to be considered effective. Where transverse bulkheads are 2.3.9 Final stage of flooding
spaced at a lesser distance, one or more of these bulkheads
within such extent of damage is to be assumed as non-exist- a) The final waterline, taking into account sinkage, heel
ent for the purpose of determining flooded compartments. and trim, is to be below the lower edge of any opening
through which progressive flooding may take place. The
Where the damage between adjacent transverse watertight
progressive flooding is to be considered in accordance
bulkheads is envisaged as specified in [2.3.3], no main
with Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 3, [3.3].
transverse bulkhead bounding side tanks or double bottom
tanks is to be assumed damaged, unless: b) The angle of heel due to unsymmetrical flooding may
• the spacing of the adjacent bulkheads is less than the not exceed 25°, except that this angle may be increased
longitudinal extent of assumed damage specified in up to 30° if no deck edge immersion occurs.
[2.3.2] or, c) The stability is to be investigated and may be regarded
• there is a step or a recess in a transverse bulkhead of as sufficient if the righting lever curve has at least a range
more than 3,05 metres in length, located within the of 20° beyond the position of equilibrium in association
extent of penetration of assumed damage. The step with a maximum residual righting lever, in m, of at least
formed by the after peak bulkhead and after peak tank 0,1 within the 20° range; the area, in m.rad, under the
top is not to be regarded as a step. curve within this range is to be not less than 0,0175.

180 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 3

2.3.10 Intermediate stage of flooding 3.2 Bulkhead structural arrangement

The Society is to be satisfied that the stability is sufficient 3.2.1 General
during the intermediate stages of flooding. To this end the
Transverse bulkheads may be either plane or corrugated.
Society applies the same criteria relevant to the final stage
of flooding also during the intermediate stages of flooding. 3.2.2 Corrugated bulkheads
For ships of less than 120 m in length, vertically corrugated
2.3.11 Bottom raking damage transverse or longitudinal bulkheads may be connected to
This requirement applies to oil tankers of 20000 t dead- the double bottom and deck plating.
weight and above. For ships equal to or greater than 120 m in length, lower
The damage assumptions relative to the bottom damage and upper stools are to be fitted.
prescribed in [2.3.2] are to be supplemented by the
assumed bottom raking damage of Tab 4. 4 Design loads
The requirements of [2.3.8] are to be complied with for the
assumed bottom raking damage. 4.1 Hull girder loads

Table 4 : Bottom damage extent 4.1.1 Still water loads

In addition to the requirements in Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 2, [2.1.2],
Longitudinal Transverse Vertical still water loads are to be calculated for the following load-
Deadweight ing conditions, subdivided into departure and arrival condi-
extent extent extent
tions as appropriate:
< 75000 t 0,4 LLL (1) B/3 (2)
• homogeneous loading conditions (excluding tanks
≥ 75000 t 0,6 LLL (1) B/3 (2) intended exclusively for segregated ballast tanks) at
(1) Measured from the forward perpendicular. maximum draft
(2) Breach of the outer hull. • partial loading conditions
• any specified non-homogeneous loading condition
2.3.12 Equalisation arrangements • light and heavy ballast conditions
Equalisation arrangements requiring mechanical aids such • mid-voyage conditions relating to tank cleaning or other
as valves or cross levelling pipes, if fitted, may not be con- operations where, at the Society’s discretion, these differ
sidered for the purpose of reducing an angle of heel or significantly from the ballast conditions.
attaining the minimum range of residual stability to meet the
requirements of [2.3.9] and sufficient residual stability is to 4.2 Local loads
be maintained during all stages where equalisation is used.
Compartments which are linked by ducts of a large cross- 4.2.1 Bottom impact pressure
sectional area may be considered to be common. For oil tankers of 20000 t deadweight and above and prod-
uct carriers of 30000 t deadweight and above, the draught
2.3.13 Information to the Master TF, to be considered in the calculation of the bottom impact
The Master of every oil tanker is to be supplied in an pressure according to Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 1, [3.2], is that calcu-
approved form with: lated by using the segregated ballast tanks only.

• information relative to loading and distribution of cargo 4.2.2 Cargo mass density
necessary to ensure compliance with the requirements In the absence of more precise values, a cargo mass density
relative to stability, and of 0,9 t/m3 is to be considered for calculating the internal
• data on the ability of the ship to comply with damage pressures and forces in cargo tanks according to Pt B, Ch 5,
stability criteria as determined in [2.3.8] including the Sec 6.
effect of relaxation that may have been allowed as spec-
4.2.3 Partial filling
ified in Tab 2.
The carriage of cargoes with a mass density above the one
considered for the design of the cargo tanks may be allowed
3 Structure design principles with partly filled tanks under the conditions stated in Pt B,
Ch 5, Sec 6, [2]The classification certificate or the annex to
this certificate provided for in Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.4] is to
3.1 Framing arrangement
mention these conditions of carriage.
3.1.1 In general, within the cargo tank region of ships of 4.2.4 Overpressure due to cargo filling operations
more than 90 m in length, the bottom, the inner bottom and
For ships having the additional service feature asphalt car-
the deck are to be longitudinally framed.
rier, the overproduce which may occurred under load-
Different framing arrangements are to be considered by the ing/unloading operations are to be considered, if any. In
Society on a case-by-case basis, provided that they are sup- such a case, the diagram of the pressures in loading/unload-
ported by direct calculations. ing conditions is to be given by the Designer.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 181

Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 3

5 Hull scantlings 5.3.3 Strength check of floors of cargo tank

structure with hopper tank analysed through a
three dimensional beam model
5.1 Plating Where the cargo tank structure with hopper tank is ana-
lysed through a three dimensional beam model, to be car-
5.1.1 Minimum net thicknesses ried out according to Pt B, Ch 7, App 1, the net shear
The net thickness of the strength deck and bulkhead plating sectional area of floors within 0,1  from the floor ends (see
is to be not less than the values given in Tab 5. Fig 4 for the definition of ) is to be not less than the value
obtained, in cm2, from the following formula:
Table 5 : Minimum net thickness of
the strength deck and bulkhead plating γR γm Q
A Sh = 20 ---------------
Plating Minimum net thickness, in mm where:
Strength deck (5,5 + 0,02 L) k1/2 for L < 200
Q : Shear force, in kN, in the floors at the ends of ,
(8 + 0,0085 L) k1/2 for L ≥ 200
obtained from the structural analysis
Tank bulkhead L1/3 k1/6 + 4,5 s for L < 275
γR : Resistance partial safety factor:
1,5 k1/2 + 8,2 + s for L ≥ 275
γR = 1,2
Watertight bulkhead 0,85 L1/3 k1/6 + 4,5 s for L < 275
1,5 k1/2 + 7,5 + s for L ≥ 275 γm : Material partial safety factor:
Wash bulkhead 0,8 + 0,013 L k1/2 + 4,5 s for L < 275 γm = 1,02
3,0 k1/2 + 4,5 + s for L ≥ 275
Figure 1 : Loading conditions for ships less than
Note 1:
200 m in length
s : Length, in m, of the shorter side of the plate panel.
Homogeneous loading Non homogeneous loading
condition at draught T condition at draught T

5.2 Ordinary stiffeners

5.2.1 Minimum net thicknesses

The net thickness of the web of ordinary stiffeners is to be
not less than the value obtained, in mm, from the following
formulae: Partial loading condition Light ballast condition
at draught equal to 0,5D at the relevant draught
tMIN = 0,75 L1/3 k1/6 + 4,5 s for L < 275 m

tMIN = 1,5 k1/2 + 7,0 + s for L ≥ 275 m

where s is the spacing, in m, of ordinary stiffeners.

5.3 Primary supporting members

5.3.1 Minimum net thicknesses Figure 2 : Loading conditions for ships equal to or
greater than 200 m in length
The net thickness of plating which forms the webs of pri-
Homogeneous loading conditions at draught T
mary supporting members is to be not less than the value
obtained, in mm, from the following formula:
tMIN = 1,45 L1/3 k1/6

5.3.2 Loading conditions for the analyses of

primary supporting members Non homogeneous loading conditions at draught T
The still water and wave loads are to be calculated for the
most severe loading conditions as given in the loading man-
ual, with a view to maximising the stresses in the longitudi-
nal structure and primary supporting members.
Where the loading manual is not available, the loading con-
ditions to be considered in the analysis of primary support- Light ballast conditions at the relevant draught

ing members in cargo and ballast tanks are those shown in:
• Fig 1 for ships less than 200 m in length
• Fig 2 and Fig 3 for ships equal to or greater than 200 m
in length.

182 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 3

Figure 3 : Loading conditions for ships equal to or greater than 200 m in length








Figure 4 : End area of floors wyy : Net section modulus, in cm3, of the cross-tie
about the y axis
γR : Resistance partial safety factor:
γR = 1,02
γm : Material partial safety factor:
γm = 1,02
³ 0,1  c) Strength check of cross-ties subjected to axial compres-
 sive forces and bending moments.
The net scantlings of cross-ties are to comply with the
5.3.4 Strength checks of cross-ties analysed following formulae:
through a three dimensional beam model 1 Φe Ry
10F C  ------- + -------- ≤ ----------
 A ct w xx γ R γ m
a) Cross-ties analysed through three dimensional beam
model analyses according to Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 3 are to be F 3 M max Ry
10 ------C- + 10 -----------
- ≤ ----------
considered, in the most general case, as being subjected A ct w yy γ R γ m
to axial forces and bending moments around the neutral
axis perpendicular to the cross-tie web. This axis is iden-
tified as the y axis, while the x axis is that in the web FC : Axial compressive force, in kN, in the cross-
plane (see Figures in Tab 6). ties, obtained from the structural analysis
Act : Net cross-sectional area, in cm2, of the
The axial force may be either tensile or compression.
Depending on this, two types of checks are to be carried cross-tie
out, according to b) or c), respectively. 1
Φ = -----------------
b) Strength check of cross-ties subjected to axial tensile F
1 – ------C-
forces and bending moments. F EX

The net scantlings of cross-ties are to comply with the FEX : Euler load, in kN, for buckling around the x
following formula: axis:
F 3 M Ry
10 ------T- + 10 -------- ≤ ---------- π 2 EI xx
A ct w yy γ R γ m F EX = --------------
5 2
10 
Ixx : Net moment of inertia, in cm4, of the cross-
FT : Axial tensile force, in kN, in the cross-ties, tie about the x axis
obtained from the structural analysis
 : Span, in m, of the cross-tie
Act : Net sectional area, in cm2, of the cross-tie
e : Distance, in cm, from the centre of gravity
M : Max (|M1|, |M2|) to the web of the cross-tie, specified in Tab 6
M1, M2 : Algebraic bending moments, in kN.m, for various types of profiles
around the y axis at the ends of the cross-tie, www : Net section modulus, in cm3, of the cross-tie
obtained from the structural analysis about the x axis

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 183

Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 3

Mmax : Max (|M0|, |M1|, |M2|) Iyy : Net moment of inertia, in cm4, of the cross-
tie about the y axis
1 + t2 ( M1 + M2 )
M 0 = -------------------------------------------
2 cos ( u ) M1,M2 : Algebraic bending moments, in kN.m,
M 2 – M 1 around the y axis at the ends of the cross-tie,
t = -----------------  --------------------
tan ( u )  M 2 + M 1 obtained from the structural analysis

wyy : Net section modulus, in cm3, of the cross-tie

π F
u = --- ------C- about the y axis
2 F EY
γR : Resistance partial safety factor:
FEY : Euler load, in kN, for buckling around the y
axis: γR = 1,02

π 2 EI yy γm : Material partial safety factor:

F EY = --------------
5 2
10  γm = 1,02

Table 6 : Calculation of cross-tie geometric properties

Cross-tie profile e y0 J IW

T symmetrical

1 t f h w2 b f3
tw 0 0 --- ( 2b f t f3 + h w t w3 ) ---------------
3 24
hw Y


T non-symmetrical
b1 f
O 1 t f h w2 b1 f3 b2 f3
0 0 --- ( b 1 + b 2 )t f3 + h w t w3 -------------------------------------
hw tw 3 12 ( b1 f3 + b2 f3 )


b2 f

b 2 tf 3b f2 t f 1 t f b f3 h 2 3b f t f + 2h w t w
- ----------------------------- --- ( 2b f t f3 + h w t w3 ) --------------
- ---------------------------------
ht w + 2bt f 6b f t f + h w t w 3 12 6b f t f + h w t w
hw yo
O e G

184 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 3

5.3.5 Strength checks of cross-ties analysed through e : Distance, in cm, from the centre of gravity
a three dimensional finite element model to the web of the cross-tie, specified in Tab 6
a) In addition to the requirements in Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 3, [4] for various types of profiles
and Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 3, [7], the net scantlings of cross-ties J : St. Venant’s net moment of inertia, in cm4, of
subjected to compression axial stresses are to comply the cross-tie, specified in Tab 6 for various
with the following formula: types of profiles.
σ ≤ ----------
γR γm 5.4 Strength check with respect to stresses
where: due to the temperature gradient
σ : Compressive stress, in N/mm2, obtained 5.4.1 Direct calculations of stresses induced in the hull
from a three dimensional finite element structures by the temperature gradient are to be performed
analysis, based on standard mesh model- for ships intended to carry cargoes at temperatures exceed-
ling, according to Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 3 and Pt B, ing 90°C. In these calculations, the water temperature is to
Ch 7, App 1 be assumed equal to 0°C.
σc : Critical stress, in N/mm2, defined in item b)
The calculations are to be submitted to the Society for
γR : Resistance partial safety factor: review.
γR = 1,02
5.4.2 The stresses induced in the hull structures by the tem-
γm : Material partial safety factor: perature gradient are to comply with the checking criteria in
γm = 1,02 Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 3, [4.4].
b) The critical buckling stress of cross-ties is to be
obtained, in N/mm2, from the following formulae: 6 Other structures
σc = σE for σ E ≤ -----y
2 6.1 Machinery space
σ c = R y  1 – --------
Ry 
- for σ E > -----y
 4σ E 2 6.1.1 Extension of the hull structures within the
machinery space
where: Longitudinal bulkheads carried through cofferdams are to
σE = min (σE1, σE2) continue within the machinery space and are to be used
preferably as longitudinal bulkheads for liquid cargo tanks.
σE1 : Euler flexural buckling stress, to be obtained,
In any case, such extension is to be compatible with the
in N/mm2, from the following formula:
shape of the structures of the double bottom, deck and plat-
π 2 EI
σ E1 = ---------------------
forms of the machinery space.
4 2
10 A ct 
I : Min (Ixx, Iyy) 6.2 Opening arrangement
Ixx : Net moment of inertia, in cm4, of the cross- 6.2.1 Tanks covers
tie about the x axis defined in [5.3.4], a)
Covers fitted on all cargo tank openings are to be of sturdy
Iyy : Net moment of inertia, in cm4, of the cross-
construction, and to ensure tightness for hydrocarbon and
tie about the y axis defined in [5.3.4], a) water.
Act : Net cross-sectional area, in cm2, of the Aluminium is not permitted for the construction of tank
cross-tie covers. The use of reinforced fibreglass covers is to be spe-
 : Span, in m, of the cross-tie cially examined by the Society.
σE2 : Euler torsional buckling stress, to be obtained, For the protection of cargo tanks carrying crude oil and
in N/mm2, from the following formula: petroleum products having a flash point not exceeding
60°C, materials readily rendered ineffective by heat are not
π 2 EI w J
-2 + 0 ,41 E ---
σ E2 = ----------------- to be used for tank opening covers so as to prevent the
10 I o  Io
spread of fire to the cargo.
Iw : Net sectorial moment of inertia, in cm6, of
the cross-tie, specified in Tab 6 for various
types of profiles
7 Hull outfitting
Io : Net polar moment of inertia, in cm4, of the
cross-tie: 7.1 Equipment
Io = Ixx + Iyy + Act (yo + e)2 7.1.1 Emergency towing arrangements
yo : Distance, in cm, from the centre of torsion The specific requirements in Pt B, Ch 9, Sec 4, [4] for ships
to the web of the cross-tie, specified in Tab 6 with the service notation oil tanker ESP or FLS tanker and of
for various types of profiles 20000 t deadweight and above are to be complied with.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 185

Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 3

8 Protection of hull metallic structures 9.2.3 There is no restriction on the positioning of zinc

8.1 Protection by aluminium coatings 9.2.4 Anodes are to have steel cores and are to be declared
by the Manufacturer as being sufficiently rigid to avoid reso-
8.1.1 The use of aluminium coatings containing greater nance in the anode support and designed so that they retain
than 10% aluminium by weight in the dry film is prohibited the anode even when it is wasted.
in the cargo tanks, cargo tank deck area, pump rooms, cof-
ferdams or any other area where cargo vapour may accu- 9.2.5 The steel inserts are to be attached to the structure by
mulate. means of a continuous weld. Alternatively, they may be
attached to separate supports by bolting, provided a mini-
mum of two bolts with lock nuts are used. However, other
8.2 Material and coatings of tanks mechanical means of clamping may be accepted.

8.2.1 The resistance of materials and coatings and their 9.2.6 The supports at each end of an anode may not be
compatibility with intended cargoes are the responsibility of attached to separate items which are likely to move inde-
the builder or owner. All supporting documents are, how- pendently.
ever, to be given to the Society to allow the issue of the list
9.2.7 Where anode inserts or supports are welded to the
of cargoes annexed to the classification certificate.
structure, they are to be arranged by the Shipyard so that the
Copy of the charts of coating and/or material resistance welds are clear of stress peaks.
issued by the manufacturers is to be kept on board. These
documents are to indicate the possible restrictions relative 9.2.8 As a general rule, the requirements [9.2.1] to [9.2.7]
to their use. apply also to spaces or compartments adjacent to cargo or
slop tanks.

9 Cathodic protection of tanks

9.3 Impressed current systems

9.1 General 9.3.1 Impressed current cathodic protections are not

accepted in cargo or slop tanks, unless specially authorized
9.1.1 Internal structures in spaces intended to carry liquids by the Society.
may be provided with cathodic protection.
Cathodic protection may be fitted in addition to the 10 Construction and testing
required corrosion protective coating, if any.
10.1 Welding and weld connections
9.1.2 Details concerning the type of anodes used and their
location and attachment to the structure are to be submitted 10.1.1 For all the members, the web is to be connected to
to the Society for approval. the face plate by means of continuous fillet welding.
It is recommended to use continuous fillet welding to con-
9.2 Anodes nect the web to its associated shell plating. The throat thick-
ness of such a welding is not to be less than the value
9.2.1 Magnesium or magnesium alloy anodes are not per- specified in Pt B, Ch 11, Sec 1, Tab 2.
mitted in oil cargo tanks and tanks adjacent to cargo tanks. Discontinuous welds are not allowed for primary members
perpendicular to ordinary stiffeners.
9.2.2 Aluminium anodes are only permitted in cargo tanks
and tanks adjacent to cargo tanks in locations where the For longitudinals, scallop welding can be accepted as for
potential energy does not exceed 28 kg m. The height of the primary members parallel to longitudinals, especially in
anode is to be measured from the bottom of the tank to the small ships.
centre of the anode, and its weight is to be taken as the Scallop welding can be accepted for some members.
weight of the anode as fitted, including the fitting devices
and inserts. Where scallop fillet is used, the scallops are to be avoided:
• in way of the connecting brackets and at least more than
However, where aluminium anodes are located on horizon-
200 mm beyond the beginning of the bracket
tal surfaces such as bulkhead girders and stringers not less
than 1 m wide and fitted with an upstanding flange or face • more than 200 mm about on either side of the connec-
flat projecting not less than 75 mm above the horizontal tion of the ordinary stiffeners to the primary stiffeners
surface, the height of the anode may be measured from this • on bottom transverses, shell stringers and longitudinal
surface. bulkhead stringers
Aluminium anodes are not to be located under tank hatches • on the lower half of side shell and longitudinal bulk-
or washing holes, unless protected by the adjacent struc- head transverses, and on the web frames of transverse
ture. bulkheads.

186 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 3

Table 7 : Welding factor wF

Connection Welding factor

Hull area
of to wF

Double bottom in way of cargo girders bottom and inner bottom plating 0,35
floors (interrupted girders) 0,35
floors bottom and inner bottom plating 0,35
inner bottom in way of bulkheads or their lower stools 0,45
girders (interrupted floors) 0,35
Bulkheads (1) ordinary stiffeners bulkhead plating 0,35
(1) Not required to be applied to ships with the additional service feature flash point > 60oC.

10.1.2 The welding factors for some hull structural connec- 10.1.4 The minimum throat thickness of continuous fillet
tions are specified in Tab 7. These welding factors are to be welding or of scallop welding is not to be less than 4 mm
used, in lieu of the corresponding factors specified in Pt B, for assemblies of high tensile steel.
Ch 11, Sec 1, Tab 2, to calculate the throat thickness of fillet
weld T connections according to Pt B, Ch 11, Sec 1, [2.3]. 10.2 Special structural details
For the connections of Tab 7, continuous fillet welding is to
be adopted. 10.2.1 The specific requirements in Pt B, Ch 11, Sec 2,
[2.3] for ships with the service notation oil tanker ESP are to
10.1.3 For ships of more than 250 m in length, throat thick- be complied with.
nesses of fillet welds for transverse web frames and horizon-
Figure 6 : Reinforcement of throat thickness
tal stringers on transverse bulkheads are to be reinforced as
for ships greater than 250 m
shown in Fig 5 and Fig 6.
The length, in m, of reinforcement is not to be less than the BULKHEAD
greater of the following values: LATERAL
•  = 2s Partial penetration
•  = 1,2
0,40e 0,40e
0,45e 0,45e
where s is the spacing, in m, of the ordinary stiffeners.
Figure 5 : Reinforcement of throat thickness 0,35e Partial penetration CENTRE
for ships greater than 250 m CARGO


Partial penetration

Partial penetration

Partial penetration


0,40e 0,40e


July 2018 Bureau Veritas 187

Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 4


1 General 2.1.2 Independence of piping systems

a) Unless otherwise specified in this Chapter, bilge, ballast
1.1 Application and scupper systems serving spaces located within the
cargo area:
1.1.1 Relaxations applying to certain service • are to be independent from any piping system serv-
notations ing spaces located outside the cargo area
Articles [2] to [7] provide requirements that apply to ships • are not to lead outside the cargo area.
having the service notation oil tanker and, where indicated
in the relevant notes, the relaxations which may be b) Fuel oil systems are to:
accepted for ships of less than 500 gross tonnage and for
• be independent from the cargo piping system
ships having the following service notations:
• have no connections with pipelines serving cargo or
• oil tanker, flash point > 60°C
slop tanks.
• oil tanker, asphalt carrier
• FLS tanker 2.1.3 Passage through cargo tanks and slop tanks
• FLS tanker, flash point > 60°C. a) Unless otherwise specified, bilge, ballast and fuel oil
systems serving spaces located outside the cargo area
Such relaxations are summarised in Tab 1. are not to pass through cargo tanks or slop tanks. They
may pass through ballast tanks or void spaces located
within the cargo area.
1.1.2 Additional requirements
Additional requirements are provided in: b) Where expressly permitted, ballast pipes passing
• [8] for ships having the service notation oil tanker, through cargo tanks are to fulfil the following provi-
asphalt carrier sions:
• [9] for ships intended to carry substances of pollution • they are to have welded or heavy flanged joints the
category Z. number of which is kept to a minimum
• they are to be of extra-reinforced wall thickness as
1.2 Documents to be submitted per Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, Tab 6
• they are to be adequately supported and protected
1.2.1 The documents listed in Tab 2 are to be submitted for against mechanical damage.
c) Where required by Ch 7, Sec 2, [3.4.1], lines of piping
1.3 Abbreviations which run through cargo tanks are to be fitted with clos-
ing devices.
1.3.1 The following abbreviations are used in this Section.
2.1.4 Pumps forward of cargo tank area
FP : Flash point, in °C.
One or more driven pumps are to be fitted, in a suitable
space forward of cargo tanks, for bilge, ballast and, where
2 Piping systems other than cargo relevant, fuel oil services.
piping system Note 1: On ships of less than 500 gross tonnage, such pumps may
be omitted provided that the above services are ensured by means
2.1 General of equivalent arrangements, subject to the approval of the Society.

2.1.1 Materials
2.2 Bilge system
a) Materials are to comply with the provisions of Pt C, Ch 1,
Sec 10. 2.2.1 Bilge pumps
b) Spheroidal graphite cast iron may be accepted for bilge a) At least one bilge pump is to be provided for draining
and ballast piping within double bottom or cargo tanks. the spaces located within the cargo area. Cargo pumps
or stripping pumps may be used for this purpose.
c) Grey cast iron may be accepted for ballast lines within
cargo tanks, except for ballast lines to forward tanks b) Bilge pumps serving spaces located within the cargo
through cargo tanks. area are to be located in the cargo pump room or in
another suitable space within the cargo area.

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Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 4

Table 1 : Possible relaxations according to service notation

Service notation or other feature of the ship
Subject to the Relaxations
to which relaxations apply
Driven pumps for bilge, ballast, [2.1.4] < 500 GRT equivalent arrangements accepted
Drainage of cofferdams [2.2.5] < 500 GRT hand pumps permitted
Ballast pumps [2.3.2] • oil tanker, flash point > 60°C Shaft misalignment compensation,
• oil tanker, asphalt carrier gastightness of the shaft gland and
• FLS tanker, flash point > 60°C temperature sensors are not required

Air and sounding pipes of [2.4] • oil tanker, flash point > 60°C NA (1)
spaces other than cargo tanks • oil tanker, asphalt carrier
• FLS tanker, flash point > 60°C
Cargo pumps [3.2.3] • oil tanker, flash point > 60°C Shaft misalignment compensation,
[3.2.4] • oil tanker, asphalt carrier gas-tightness of the shaft gland and
[3.2.5] • FLS tanker, flash point > 60°C temperature sensors are not required

Generation of static electricity [3.4.4] • oil tanker, flash point > 60°C NA (1)
• oil tanker, asphalt carrier
• FLS tanker, flash point > 60°C
Bow or stern cargo loading and [3.4.5] • oil tanker, flash point > 60°C NA (1)
unloading arrangement • oil tanker, asphalt carrier
• FLS tanker, flash point > 60°C
Cargo tank venting [4.2] • oil tanker, flash point > 60°C See Tab 4
• oil tanker, asphalt carrier
• FLS tanker, flash point > 60°C
Cargo tank purging/gas-freeing [4.3] • oil tanker, flash point > 60°C NA (1)
• oil tanker, asphalt carrier
• FLS tanker, flash point > 60°C
Tank level gauging [4.4] • oil tanker, flash point > 60°C See Tab 4
• oil tanker, asphalt carrier
• FLS tanker, flash point > 60°C
Tank washing [4.6] • FLS tanker, NA (1)
• FLS tanker, flash point > 60°C
Retention of oil on board [5.2] • oil tanker, asphalt carrier NA (1)
• FLS tanker,
• FLS tanker, flash point > 60°C
Oil discharge monitoring and [5.3] • oil tanker, less than 150 gross tonnage NA (1)
control system • oil tanker, flash point > 60°C, and less
than 150 gross tonnage
• oil tanker, asphalt carrier
• FLS tanker
• FLS tanker, flash point > 60°C
Oil contaminated water [5.4] • FLS tanker NA (1)
discharge arrangements • FLS tanker, flash point > 60°C
Survey of pollution prevention [6.3.2] • FLS tanker NA (1)
equipment • FLS tanker, flash point > 60°C
(1) NA means that the requirements referred to in the second column of the table are not applicable.

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Table 2 : Documents to be submitted

No. Description of the document (1)

1 General layout of cargo pump room with details of:
• bulkhead penetrations
• gas detection system
• other alarms and safety arrangements
2 Diagram of cargo piping system
3 Diagram of the cargo tank venting system with:
• indication of the outlet position
• details of the pressure/vacuum valves and flame arrestors
• details of the draining arrangements, if any
4 Diagram of the cargo tank level gauging system with overfill safety arrangements
5 Diagram of the cargo tank cleaning system
6 Diagram of the bilge and ballast systems serving the spaces located in the cargo area
7 Diagram of the cargo heating systems
8 Diagram of inert gas system with details of the inert gas plant
9 Diagram of gas measurement system for double hull and double bottom spaces
(1) Diagrams are also to include, where applicable, the (local and remote) control and monitoring systems and automation systems

2.2.2 Draining of spaces located outside the cargo d) The bilge system of cargo pump rooms is to be capable
area of being controlled from outside.
For bilge draining of spaces located outside the cargo area,
e) A high level alarm is to be provided. Refer to item d) of
refer to Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [6].
Note 1: Where the bilge pumps are designed to pump from the
machinery space only, the internal diameter d, in mm, of the bilge
main may be less than that required in Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [6.8.1]
2.2.4 Draining of tunnels and pump rooms other
but it is not to be less than that obtained from the following for-
than cargo pump rooms
mula: Arrangements are to be provided to drain tunnels and pump
rooms other than cargo pump rooms. Cargo pumps may be
d = 35 + 3 L 0 ( B + D ) used for this service under the provisions of [2.2.3], item b).
L0 : Length of the engine room, in m 2.2.5 Draining of cofferdams located at the fore and
B : Breadth of the ship, in m
aft ends of the cargo spaces
D : Moulded depth of the ship to the bulkhead deck, in m. a) When they are not intended to be filled with water bal-
last, cofferdams located at the fore and aft ends of the
In any case, the internal section of the bilge main is not to be less
than twice that of the bilge suction pipes determined from Pt C, Ch
cargo spaces are to be fitted with drainage arrange-
1, Sec 10, [6.8.3]. ments.
Attention is drawn to the requirements stated in Part C, Chapter 4 as b) Aft cofferdams adjacent to the cargo pump room may
regards the diameter to be adopted for the determination of fire be drained by a cargo pump in accordance with the
pump capacity. provisions of [2.2.3], items b) and c), or by bilge ejec-
2.2.3 Draining of pump rooms
c) Cofferdams located at the fore end of the cargo spaces
a) Arrangements are to be provided to drain the pump may be drained by the bilge or ballast pumps required
rooms by means of power pumps or bilge ejectors. in [2.1.4], or by bilge ejectors.
Note 1: On tankers of less than 500 gross tonnage, the pump
rooms may be drained by means of hand pumps with a suction d) Drainage of the after cofferdam from the engine room
diameter of not less than 50 mm. bilge system is not permitted.
Note 1: On tankers of less than 500 gross tonnage, cofferdams
b) Cargo pumps or stripping pumps may be used for drain- may be drained by means of hand pumps with a suction diameter
ing cargo pump rooms provided that: of not less than 50 mm.
• a screw-down non-return valve is fitted on the bilge
suctions, and 2.2.6 Drainage of other cofferdams and void spaces
located within the cargo area
• a remote control valve is fitted between the pump
suction and the bilge distribution box. Other cofferdams and void spaces located within the cargo
area and not intended to be filled with water ballast are to
c) Bilge pipe diameter is not to be less than 50 mm. be fitted with suitable means of drainage.

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Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 4

2.3 Ballast system Figure 1 : Discharge arrangement

2.3.1 General
a) Every crude oil tanker of 20 000 tons deadweight and
above and every product carrier of 30 000 tons dead- MACHINERY PUMP
weight and above is to be provided with segregated bal-
last tanks. P

b) Except where expressly permitted, ballast systems serv-

ing segregated ballast tanks are to be completely sepa-
rated from the cargo oil and fuel oil systems.
2.3.4 Pumping arrangement for cofferdams located
c) In oil tankers of 150 gross tonnage and above, no ballast at the fore and aft ends of the cargo spaces
water is normally to be carried in any fuel oil tank; see Where they are intended to be filled with water ballast, the
Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [7.1.3]. cofferdams located at the fore and aft ends of the cargo
spaces may be emptied by a ballast pump located inside the
d) In:
machinery compartment or the forward space mentioned in
• crude oil tankers of 20 000 tons deadweight and [2.1.4], whichever is the case, provided that:
• the suction is directly connected to the pump and not to
• product carriers of 30 000 tons deadweight and a piping system serving machinery spaces
• the delivery is directly connected to the ship side.
no ballast water is to be carried in cargo tanks, except in
exceptional cases.
2.3.5 Emergency discharge of segregated ballast
2.3.2 Ballast pumps Provisions may be made for emergency discharge of the
segregated ballast by means of a connection to a cargo
a) Ballast pumps are to be located in the cargo pump
pump through a detachable spool piece provided that:
room, or a similar space within the cargo area not con-
taining any source of ignition. • non-return valves are fitted on the segregated ballast
connections to prevent the passage of oil to the ballast
b) Where installed in the cargo pump room, ballast pumps tank, and
are to comply with the applicable provisions of [3.2.3].
• shut-off valves are fitted to shut off the cargo and ballast
Note 1: The above provisions do not apply to tankers having one lines before the spool piece is removed.
of the following service notations:
• oil tanker, flash point > 60°C The detachable spool piece is to be placed in a conspicuous
• oil tanker, asphalt carrier position in the pump room and a permanent warning notice
restricting its use is to be permanently displayed adjacent to it.
• FLS tanker, flash point > 60°C.

2.3.3 Pumping arrangements for ballast tanks 2.3.6 Carriage of ballast water in cargo tanks
within the cargo area a) Provisions are to be made for filling cargo tanks with sea
a) Segregated ballast tanks located within the cargo area water, where permitted. Such ballast water is to be pro-
are to be served by two different means. At least one of cessed and discharged using the equipment referred to
these means is to be a pump or an eductor used exclu- in [5].
sively for dealing with ballast.
b) The sea water inlets and overboard discharges serving
b) Pumps, ballast lines, vent lines and other similar equip- cargo tanks for the purpose of a) are not to have any
ment serving permanent ballast tanks shall be independ- connection with the ballast system of segregated ballast
ent of similar equipment serving cargo tanks and of tanks.
cargo tanks themselves. Discharge arrangements for
c) Cargo pumps may be used for pumping ballast water to
permanent ballast tanks sited immediately adjacent to
or from the cargo tanks, provided two shut-off valves are
cargo tanks shall be outside machinery spaces and
fitted to isolate the cargo piping system from the sea
accommodation spaces. Filling arrangements may be in
inlets and overboard discharges.
the machinery spaces provided that such arrangements
ensure filling from tank deck level and a non-return d) Ballast pumps serving segregated ballast tanks may be
valve and removable spool piece are fitted in the supply used for filling the cargo tanks with sea water provided
line outside the machinery space. that the connection is made on the top of the tanks and
consists of a detachable spool piece and a screw-down
c) An eductor situated in the cargo area using water power
non-return valve to avoid siphon effects.
from pumps in the machineryspaces may be accepted as
a means to discharge permanent ballast from tanks and/or
2.3.7 Ballast pipes passing through tanks
double bottoms adjacent to cargo tanks, provided the
supply line is above deck level and a non-return valve a) In oil tankers of 600 tons deadweight and above, ballast
and removable spool piece are fitted in the supply line piping is not to pass through cargo tanks except in the
outside the machinery space (See Fig 1). case of short lengths of piping complying with [2.1.3],
item b).

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Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 4

b) Sliding type couplings are not to be used for expansion • short lengths of piping serving ballast tanks
purposes where ballast lines pass through cargo tanks.
• lines serving double bottom tanks located within the
Expansion bends only are permitted.
cargo area, except in the case of oil tankers of 5 000
tons deadweight and above
2.3.8 Fore peak ballast system on oil tankers
The fore peak can be ballasted with the system serving bal- where the provisions of [2.1.3], item b) are complied with.
last tanks within the cargo area, provided:
a) the tank is considered as hazardous
2.5 Scupper pipes
b) the vent pipe openings are located on open deck 3 m
away from sources of ignition 2.5.1 Scupper pipes are not to pass through cargo tanks
c) means are provided, on the open deck, to allow meas- except, where this is impracticable, in the case of short
urement of flammable gas concentrations within the lengths of piping complying with the following provisions:
tank by a suitable portable instrument • they are of steel
d) the access to the fore peak tank is direct from open • they have only welded or heavy flanged joints the num-
deck. Alternatively, indirect access from the open deck ber of which is kept to a minimum
to the fore peak tank through an enclosed space may be • they are of substantial wall thickness as per Pt C, Ch 1,
accepted provided that: Sec 10, Tab 25, column 1.
• In case the enclosed space is separated from the
cargo tanks by cofferdams, the access is through a
gas tight bolted manhole located in the enclosed 2.6 Heating systems intended for cargo
space and a warning sign is to be provided at the
manhole stating that the fore peak tank may only be 2.6.1 General
opened after: a) Heating systems intended for cargo are to comply with
- it has been proven to be gas free the relevant requirements of Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10.
- or any electrical equipment which is not certi- b) No part of the heating system is normally to exceed
fied safe in the enclosed space is isolated. 220°C.
• In case the enclosed space has a common boundary
with the cargo tanks and is therefore hazardous, the c) Blind flanges or similar devices are to be provided on
enclosed space can be well ventilated. the heating circuits fitted to tanks carrying cargoes
which are not to be heated.
2.4 Air and sounding pipes of spaces other d) Heating systems are to be so designed that the pressure
than cargo tanks maintained in the heating circuits is higher than that
exerted by the cargo oil. This need not be applied to
2.4.1 Application heating circuits which are not in service provided they
The provisions of [2.4] do not apply to ships having one of are drained and blanked-off.
the following service notations:
e) Isolating valves are to be provided at the inlet and outlet
• oil tanker, flash point > 60°C
connections of the tank heating circuits. Arrangements
• oil tanker, asphalt carrier are to be made to allow manual adjustment of the flow.
• FLS tanker, flash point > 60°C. f)

Heating pipes and coils inside tanks are to be built of a

2.4.2 General material suitable for the heated fluid and of reinforced
The air and sounding pipes fitted to the following spaces: thickness as per Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, Tab 6. They are to
• cofferdams located at the fore and aft ends of the cargo have welded connections only.
2.6.2 Steam heating
• tanks and cofferdams located within the cargo area and
To reduce the risk of liquid or gaseous cargo returns inside
not intended for cargo
the engine or boiler rooms, steam heating systems of cargo
are to be led to the open. tanks are to satisfy either of the following provisions:
• they are to be independent of other ship services, except
2.4.3 Air pipes cargo heating or cooling systems, and are not to enter
The air pipes referred to in [2.4.2] are to be arranged as per machinery spaces, or
Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [9] and are to be fitted with easily • they are to be provided with an observation tank on the
removable flame screens at their outlets. water return system located within the cargo area. How-
ever, this tank may be placed inside the engine room in
2.4.4 Passage through cargo tanks a well-ventilated position remote from boilers and other
In oil tankers of 600 tons deadweight and above, the air and sources of ignition. Its air pipe is to be led to the open
sounding pipes referred to in [2.4.2] are not to pass through and fitted with a flame arrester.
cargo tanks except in the following cases:

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2.6.3 Hot water heating b) Cargo pumps are to be located:

Hot water systems serving cargo tanks are to be independ- • in a dedicated pump room, or
ent of other systems. They are not to enter machinery spaces • on deck, or
unless the expansion tank is fitted with:
• when designed for this purpose, within the cargo
• means for detection of flammable vapours tanks.
• a vent pipe led to the open and provided with a flame
arrester. 3.2.2 Use of cargo pumps
Except where expressly permitted in [2.2] and [2.3],

2.6.4 Thermal oil heating cargo pumps are to be used exclusively for handling the
Thermal oil heating systems serving cargo tanks are to be liquid cargo and are not to have any connections to
arranged by means of a separate secondary system, located compartments other than cargo tanks.
completely within the cargo area. However, a single circuit b)

Subject to their performance, cargo pumps may be used

system may be accepted provided that: for tank stripping.
• the system is so arranged as to ensure a positive pressure c)

Cargo pumps may be used, where necessary, for the

in the coil of at least 3 m water column above the static washing of cargo tanks.
head of the cargo when the circulating pump is not in
operation 3.2.3 Cargo pumps drive
• means are provided in the expansion tank for detection a) Prime movers of cargo pumps are not to be located in
of flammable cargo vapours. Portable equipment may the cargo area, except in the following cases:
be accepted. • steam driven machine supplied with steam having a
• valves for the individual heating coils are provided with temperature not exceeding 220°C
a locking arrangement to ensure that the coils are under • hydraulic motors
static pressure at all times. • electric motors in accordance with Ch 7, Sec 5, [2].
b) Pumps with a submerged electric motor are not permit-
3 Cargo pumping and piping systems ted in cargo tanks.
c) Where cargo pumps are driven by a machine which is
3.1 General located outside the cargo pump room, the provisions of
item a) of [3.5.2] are to be complied with.
3.1.1 A complete system of pumps and piping is to be fitted
for handling the cargo oil. Except where expressly permit- 3.2.4 Design of cargo pumps
ted, and namely for the bow and stern cargo loading and a) Materials of cargo pumps are to be suitable for the prod-
unloading stations, this system is not to extend outside the ucts carried.
cargo area and is to be independent of any other piping sys- b) The delivery side of cargo pumps is to be fitted with
tem on board. relief valves discharging back to the suction side of the
pumps (bypass) in closed circuit. Such relief valves may
3.2 Cargo pumping system be omitted in the case of centrifugal pumps with a max-
imum delivery pressure not exceeding the design pres-
3.2.1 Number and location of cargo pumps sure of the piping, with the delivery valve closed.
a) Each cargo tank is to be served by at least two separate c) Pump casings are to be fitted with temperature sensing
fixed means of discharging and stripping. However, for devices; see Tab 3.
tanks fitted with an individual submerged pump, the Note 1: The provisions of item c) above do not apply to ships hav-
second means may be portable. ing one of the following service notations:

Table 3 : Monitoring of cargo pumps

Equipment, parameter Alarm Indication Comments

pump, discharge pressure L Local • on the pump (1), or
• next to the unloading control station
pump casing, temperature (2) H (2) visual and audible, in cargo control room or pump control station
bearings, temperature (2) H (2) visual and audible, in cargo control room or pump control station
bulkhead shaft gland, temperature (2) H (2) visual and audible, in cargo control room or pump control station
(1) and next to the driving machine if located in a separate compartment
(2) not required for tankers having one of the following service notations:
• oil tanker, flash point > 60°C
• oil tanker, asphalt carrier
• FLS tanker, flash point > 60°C.

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3.2.6 Control of cargo pumps

c) Expansion joints made of non-metallic material may be
Cargo pumps are to be capable of being stopped from: accepted only inside tanks and provided they are:
• a position outside the pump room, and • of an approved type
• a position next to the pumps. • designed to withstand the maximum internal and
external pressure
3.3 Cargo piping design • electrically conductive.
3.3.1 General d) In ships having the service notation oil tanker, sliding
a) Unless otherwise specified, cargo piping is to be type couplings are not to be used for expansion pur-
designed and constructed according to the requirements poses where lines for cargo oil pass through tanks for
of Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10 applicable to piping systems of: segregated ballast.
• class III, in the case of ships having the service nota-
e) In ships having the service notation FLS tanker, slip
tion oil tanker
joints are not to be used for cargo piping systems with
• class II, in the case of ships having the service nota- the exception of pipe sections inside cargo tanks served
tion FLS tanker, with the exception of cargo pipes by such sections.
and accessories having an open end or situated
inside cargo tanks, for which class III may be
3.3.5 Valves with remote control
a) Valves with remote control are to comply with Pt C, Ch
b) For tests, refer to [6]. 1, Sec 10, [2.7.3].

3.3.2 Materials b) Submerged valves are to be remote controlled. In the

case of a hydraulic remote control system, control boxes
a) For the protection of cargo tanks carrying crude oil and are to be provided outside the tank, in order to permit
petroleum products having a flash point not exceeding the emergency control of valves.
60°C, materials readily rendered ineffective by heat are
not to be used for valves, fittings, cargo vent piping and c) Valve actuators located inside cargo tanks are not to be
cargo piping so as to prevent the spread of fire to the operated by means of compressed air.

b) Cargo piping is, in general, to be made of steel or cast 3.3.6 Cargo hoses
iron. a) Cargo hoses are to be of a type approved by the Society
for the intended conditions of use.
c) Valves, couplings and other end fittings of cargo pipe
lines for connection to hoses are to be of steel or other b) Hoses subject to tank pressure or pump discharge pres-
suitable ductile material. sure are to be designed for a bursting pressure not less
than 5 times the maximum pressure under cargo transfer
d) Spheroidal graphite cast iron may be used for cargo oil
piping within the double bottom or cargo tanks.
c) Unless bonding arrangements complying with Section 6
e) Grey cast iron may be accepted for cargo oil lines:
are provided, the ohmic electrical resistance of cargo
• within cargo tanks, and hoses is not to exceed 106 Ω.
• on the weather deck for pressure up to 1,6 Mpa.
It is not to be used for manifolds and their valves of fit-
3.4 Cargo piping arrangement and
tings connected to cargo handling hoses.
f) Plastic pipes may be used in the conditions specified in
Pt C, Ch 1, App 3. Arrangements are to be made to 3.4.1 Cargo pipes passing through tanks or
avoid the generation of static electricity. compartments
a) Cargo piping is not to pass through tanks or compart-
3.3.3 Connection of cargo pipe lengths ments located outside the cargo area.
Cargo pipe lengths may be connected either by means of
b) Cargo piping and similar piping to cargo tanks is not to
welded joints or, unless otherwise specified, by means of
pass through ballast tanks except in the case of short
flange connections.
lengths of piping complying with [2.1.3], item b).

3.3.4 Expansion joints c) Cargo piping may pass through vertical fuel oil tanks
a) Where necessary, cargo piping is to be fitted with adjacent to cargo tanks on condition that the provisions
expansion joints or bends. of [2.1.3], item b) are complied with.

b) Expansion joints including bellows are to be of a type d) Cargo piping passing through cargo tanks is to comply
approved by the Society. with the provisions of Ch 7, Sec 2, [3.4.1].

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3.4.2 Cargo piping passing through bulkheads 3.4.6 Draining of cargo pumps and oil lines
Cargo piping passing through bulkheads is to be so Every oil tanker required to be provided with segregated
arranged as to preclude excessive stresses at the bulkhead. ballast tanks or fitted with a crude oil washing system is to
Bolted flanges are not to be used in the bulkhead. comply with the following requirements:
a) it is to be equipped with oil piping so designed and
3.4.3 Valves installed that oil retention in the lines is minimised, and
a) Stop valves are to be provided to isolate each tank. b) means are to be provided to drain all cargo pumps and
all oil lines at the completion of cargo discharge, where
b) A stop valve is to be fitted at each end of the cargo man- necessary by connection to a stripping device. The line
ifold. and pump drainings are to be capable of being dis-
charged both ashore and to a cargo tank or slop tank.
c) When a cargo pump in the cargo pump room serves
For discharge ashore, a special small diameter line hav-
more than one cargo tank, a stop valve is to be fitted in
ing a cross-sectional area not exceeding 10% of the
the cargo pump room on the line leading to each tank.
main cargo discharge line is to be provided and is to be
d) Main cargo oil valves located in the cargo pump room connected on the downstream side of the tanker’s deck
below the floor gratings are to be remote controlled manifold valves, both port and starboard, when the
from a position above the floor. cargo is being discharged; see Fig 2.

e) Valves are also to be provided where required by Ch 7, For oil tankers fitted with a crude oil washing system, refer
Sec 2, [3.4.1]. also to Ch 7, App 2, [2.4.5].

3.4.4 Prevention of the generation of static Figure 2 : Connection of small diameter line
electricity to the manifold valve
a) In order to avoid the generation of static electricity, the to shore
loading pipes are to be led as low as practicable in the
tank. small diameter line

b) Cargo pipe sections and their accessories are to be elec-

trically bonded together and to the ship’s hull.
upper deck
Note 1: The provisions of [3.4.4] do not apply to ships having one s/p c/p c/p
of the following service notations: pump cargo cargo
room tank line
• oil tanker / flash point > 60°C
• oil tanker / asphalt carrier
• FLS tanker, flash point > 60°C.
from slop tank
3.4.5 Bow or stern cargo loading and unloading
arrangements 3.4.7 Cleaning and gas-freeing
Where the ship is arranged for loading and unloading out- a) The cargo piping system is to be so designed and arranged
side the cargo area, the following provisions are to be com- as to permit its efficient cleaning and gas-freeing.
plied with:
b) Requirements for inert gas systems are given in Ch 7,
a) the piping outside the cargo area is to be fitted with a
Sec 6, [5].
shut-off valve at its connection with the piping system
within the cargo area and separating means such as
blank flanges or removable spool pieces are to be pro- 3.5 Arrangement of cargo pump rooms
vided when the piping is not in use, irrespective of the
number and type of valves in the line 3.5.1 Pump room ventilation
In addition to the provisions of Ch 7, Sec 2, [2.3.3], the ven-
b) the shore connection is to be fitted with a shut-off valve
tilation of the cargo pump room is to comply with the fol-
and a blank flange
lowing provisions:
c) pipe connections outside the cargo area are to be of
a) Cargo pump rooms are to be mechanically ventilated
welded type only
and discharges from exhaust fans are to be led to a safe
d) arrangements are made to allow the piping outside the place on the open deck. The ventilation of these rooms
cargo area to be efficiently drained and purged. is to have sufficient capacity to minimize the possibility
Note 1: The provisions of [3.4.5] do not apply to ships having one of accumulation of flammable vapours. The number of
of the following service notations: changes of air is to be at least 20 per hour, based upon
the gross volume of the space. The air ducts are to be
• oil tanker / flash point > 60°C
arranged so that all of the space is effectively ventilated.
• oil tanker / asphalt carrier The ventilation is to be of the suction type using fans of
• FLS tanker, flash point > 60°C. the non-sparking type.

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b) The ventilation ducts are to be so arranged that their b) To discourage personnel from entering the cargo pump
suction is just above the transverse floor plates or bot- room when the ventilation is not in operation, the light-
tom longitudinals in the vicinity of bilges. ing in the cargo pump room is to be interlocked with
ventilation such that ventilation is to be in operation to
c) An emergency intake located about 2 m above the energise the lighting.
pump room lower grating is to be provided. It is to be
fitted with a damper capable of being opened or closed Failure of the ventilation system is not to cause the light-
from the exposed main deck and lower grating level. ing to go out.

Ventilation through the emergency intake is to be effec- Where the lighting in cargo pump rooms can be com-
tive when the lower intakes are sealed off due to flood- monly used as the emergency lighting, this lighting
ing in the bilges. should be interlocked with the ventilation systems.
However, this interlock should not prevent operation of
d) The foregoing exhaust system is in association with the emergency lighting in case of loss of the main
open grating floor plates to allow the free flow of air. source of electrical power.

e) Arrangements involving a specific ratio of areas of upper c) A system for continuously monitoring the concentration
emergency and lower main ventilator openings, which of hydrocarbon gases is to be fitted. Sampling points or
can be shown to result in at least the required 20 air detector heads are to be located in suitable positions in
changes per hour through the lower inlets, can be order that potentially dangerous leakages are readily
adopted without the use of dampers. When the lower detected. Sequential sampling is acceptable as long as it
access inlets are closed then at least 15 air changes per is dedicated for the pump room only, including exhaust
hour should be obtained through the upper inlets. ducts, and the sampling time is reasonably short. Detec-
tion positions are the zones where air circulation is
3.5.2 Measures to prevent explosions reduced (e.g. recessed corners). When the hydrocarbon
gas concentration reaches a pre-set level, which shall
The provisions of [3.5.2] do not apply to ships having one of not be higher than 10 per cent of the lower flammable
the following service notations: limit (LFL), a continuous audible and visual alarm signal
• oil tanker, flash point > 60°C shall be automatically effected in the pump room,
engine control room, cargo control room and navigation
• oil tanker, asphalt carrier bridge to alert personnel to the potential hazard.
• FLS tanker, flash point > 60°C, d) All pump rooms are to be provided with bilge level
monitoring devices together with appropriately located
except where the cargo is carried at a temperature within alarms or bilge high level alarms.
15°C of its flash point.
High liquid level in the bilges is to activate an audible
a) Where cargo pumps, ballast pumps and stripping and visual alarm in the cargo control room and on the
pumps are driven by a machine which is located outside navigation bridge.
the cargo pump room, the following arrangements are
to be made:
3.6 Design of integrated cargo and ballast
1) drive shafts are to be fitted with flexible couplings or systems on tankers
other means suitable to compensate for any mis-
alignment 3.6.1 Application
The following requirements are applicable to integrated
2) the shaft bulkhead or deck penetration is to be fitted cargo and ballast systems installed on tankers (i.e. cargo
with a gas-tight gland of a type approved by the ships constructed or adapted for the carriage of liquid car-
Society. The gland is to be efficiently lubricated from goes in bulk), irrespective of the size or type of the tanker.
outside the pump room and so designed as to pre-
vent overheating. The seal parts of the gland are to Within the scope of these requirements, integrated cargo
be of a material that cannot initiate sparks. The and ballast system means any integrated hydraulic and/or
glands are to be constructed and fitted in accord- electric system used to drive both cargo and ballast pumps
ance with the relative rules for fittings attached to (including active control and safety systems and excluding
watertight bulkheads, and if a bellows piece is passive components, e.g. piping).
incorporated in the design, it should be pressure
3.6.2 Functional requirements
tested before fitting.
The operation of cargo and/or ballast systems may be neces-
sary, under certain emergency circumstances or during the
3) Temperature sensing devices are to be fitted for
course of navigation, to enhance the safety of tankers.
bulkhead shaft glands, bearings and pump casings.
A continuous audible and visual alarm signal shall As such, measures are to be taken to prevent cargo and bal-
be automatically effected in the cargo control room last pumps becoming inoperative simultaneously due to a
or the pump control station. single failure in the integrated cargo and ballast system,
including its control and safety systems.

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3.6.3 Design features ments in b). In addition, the secondary means shall be
The following design features are, inter alia, to be fitted: capable of preventing over-pressure or under-pressure
in the event of damage to, or inadvertent closing of, the
a) The emergency stop circuits of the cargo and ballast sys- means of isolation required in [4.2.3] item b). Alterna-
tems are to be independent from the circuits for the con- tively, pressure sensors may be fitted in each tank pro-
trol systems. A single failure in the control system tected by the arrangement required in b), with a
circuits or the emergency stop circuits are not to render monitoring system in the ship’s cargo control room or
the integrated cargo and ballast system inoperative. the position from which cargo operations are normally
b) Manual emergency stops of the cargo pumps are to be carried out. Such monitoring equipment is also to pro-
arranged in a way that they are not to cause the stop of vide an alarm facility which is activated by detection of
the power pack making ballast pumps inoperable. overpressure or underpressure conditions within a tank.
c) The control systems are to be provided with backup power Note 1: For ships that apply pressure sensors in each tank as an
supply, which may be satisfied by a duplicate power supply alternative secondary means of venting as allowed above, the set-
ting of the over-pressure alarm shall be above the pressure setting of
from the main switch board. The failure of any power sup-
the P/V valve and the setting of the under-pressure alarm shall be
ply is to provide audible and visible alarm activation at
below the vacuum setting of the P/V valve. The alarm settings are to
each location where the control panel is fitted. be within the design pressures of the cargo tanks. The settings are to
d) In the event of failure of the automatic or remote control be fixed and not arranged for blocking or adjustment in operation.
systems, a secondary means of control is to be made avail- However, for ships that carry different types of cargo and use P/V
able for the operation of the integrated cargo and ballast valves with different settings (one setting for each type of cargo), the
settings may be adjusted to account for the different types of cargo.
system.This is to be achieved by manual overriding and/or
redundant arrangements within the control systems.
4.2.3 Combination of venting arrangements
4 Cargo tanks and fittings a) The venting arrangements in each cargo tank may be
independent or combined with other cargo tanks and
may be incorporated into the inert gas piping.
4.1 Application
b) Where the arrangements are combined with other cargo
4.1.1 tanks, either stop valves or other acceptable means are
a) The provisions of Article [4] apply to cargo tanks and to be provided to isolate each cargo tank. Where stop
slop tanks. valves are fitted, they are to be provided with locking
arrangements which are to be under the control of the
b) The provisions of Article [4] apply for the various ser- responsible ship’s officer. There is to be a clear visual
vice notations in accordance with Tab 4. indication of the operational status of the valves or other
acceptable means. Where tanks have been isolated, it is
4.2 Cargo tank venting to be ensured that relevant isolating valves are opened
before cargo loading or ballasting or discharging of
4.2.1 Principle those tanks is commenced. Any isolation must continue
to permit the flow caused by thermal variations in a
Cargo tanks are to be provided with venting systems entirely
cargo tank in accordance with [4.2.2].
distinct from the air pipes of the other compartments of the
ship. The arrangements and position of openings in the cargo Any isolation shall also continue to permit the passage
tank deck from which emission of flammable vapours can of large volumes of vapour, air or inert gas mixtures dur-
occur are to be such as to minimise the possibility of flamma- ing cargo loading and ballasting, or during discharging
ble vapours being admitted to enclosed spaces containing a in accordance with [4.2.2].
source of ignition, or collecting in the vicinity of deck machin- c) If cargo loading and ballasting or discharging of a cargo
ery and equipment which may constitute an ignition hazard. tank or cargo tank group is intended, which is isolated
from a common venting system, that cargo tank or
4.2.2 Design of venting arrangements cargo tank group is to be fitted with a means for over-
The venting arrangements are to be so designed and operated pressure or underpressure protection as required in
as to ensure that neither pressure nor vacuum in cargo tanks [4.2.2].
exceeds design parameters and be such as to provide for:
4.2.4 Arrangement of vent lines
a) the flow of the small volumes of vapour, air or inert gas
The venting arrangements are to be connected to the top of
mixtures caused by thermal variations in a cargo tank in
each cargo tank and are to be self-draining to the cargo
all cases through pressure/vacuum valves, and
tanks under all normal conditions of trim and list of the ship.
b) the passage of large volumes of vapour, air or inert gas Where it may not be possible to provide self-draining lines,
mixtures during cargo loading and ballasting, or during permanent arrangements are to be provided to drain the
discharging, vent lines to a cargo tank.
c) a secondary means of allowing full flow relief of vapour, Plugs or equivalent means are to be provided on the lines
air or inert gas mixtures to prevent overpressure or after the safety relief valves.
underpressure in the event of failure of the arrange-

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Table 4 : Requirements applicable to cargo tanks according to the service notations

Reference Service notations to which Substitutive requirements for service notations

of item the item applies to which the item does not apply
[4.2] tank venting • oil tanker • The relevant provisions of Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [9] and Pt C, Ch
• FLS tanker 1, Sec 10, [11]are to be complied with.
• Tank venting systems are to open to the atmosphere at a
height of at least 760 mm above the weather deck (1).
• Tanks may be fitted with venting systems of the open type
provided with a flame screen.
[4.3] tank purging/ • oil tanker No requirement
gas-freeing • FLS tanker
[4.4] tank level • oil tanker • The relevant provisions of Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [9] and Pt C, Ch
gauging • FLS tanker 1, Sec 10, [11] are to be complied with.
• Tanks may be fitted with gauging systems of the open type, such
as a hand sounding pipe or other portable gauging devices.
[4.5] protection • oil tanker
against tank • oil tanker, flash point > 60°C
overload • oil tanker, asphalt carrier
• FLS tanker
• FLS tanker, flash point > 60°C
[4.6] tank washing • oil tanker
• oil tanker, flash point > 60°C
• oil tanker, asphalt carrier
(1) For ships having the notation oil tanker, flash point > 60°C and carrying bulk cargoes at a temperature exceeding flash point-
15°C, this height is to be increased to 2,4 m.

4.2.5 Pressure/vacuum valves b) be so arranged that the vapour mixture is discharged

a) Pressure/vacuum valves are to be set at a positive pres- vertically upwards,
sure not exceeding 0,021 N/mm2 and at a negative pres- c) where the method is by free flow of vapour mixtures, be
sure not exceeding 0,007 N/mm2. such that the outlet is not less than 6 m above the cargo
Note 1: Higher setting values not exceeding 0,07 N/mm2 may be tank deck or fore and aft gangway if situated within 4 m
accepted in positive pressure if the scantlings of the tanks are of the gangway and located not less than 10 m meas-
appropriate. ured horizontally from the nearest air intakes and open-
ings to enclosed spaces containing a source of ignition
b) Pressure/vacuum valves required by [4.2.2] may be pro-
and from deck machinery and equipment which may
vided with a bypass when they are located in a vent
constitute an ignition hazard,
main or masthead riser. Where such an arrangement is
provided, there are to be suitable indicators to show d) where the method is by high velocity discharge, be
whether the bypass is open or closed. located at a height not less than 2 m above the cargo
tank deck and not less than 10 m measured horizontally
c) Pressure/vacuum valves are to be of a type approved by
from the nearest air intakes and openings to enclosed
the Society in accordance with Ch 7, App 1.
spaces containing a source of ignition and from deck
d) Pressure/vacuum valves are to be readily accessible. machinery which may constitute an ignition hazard.
These outlets are to be provided with high velocity
e) Pressure/vacuum valves are to be provided with a man- devices of a type approved by the Society,
ual opening device so that valves can be locked on
open position. Locking means on closed position are e) be designed on the basis of the maximum designed
not permitted. loading rate multiplied by a factor of at least 1,25 to take
account of gas evolution, in order to prevent the pres-
sure in any cargo tank from exceeding the design pres-
4.2.6 Vent outlets
sure. The Master is to be provided with information
Openings for pressure release required by [4.2.2] item a) regarding the maximum permissible loading rate for
and vent outlets for cargo loading, discharging and ballast- each cargo tank and in the case of combined venting
ing required by [4.2.2] item b) are to: systems, for each group of cargo tanks.
a) permit:
Note 1: Anchor windlass and chain locker openings constitute an
• the free flow of vapour mixtures, or
ignition hazard. They are to be located at the distances required by
• the throttling of the discharge of the vapour mixtures c) and d) above.
to achieve a velocity of not less than 30 m/s,

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4.2.7 High velocity valves 4.3 Cargo tank inerting, purging and/or gas-
a) High velocity valves are to be readily accessible. freeing

b) High velocity valves not required to be fitted with flame 4.3.1 General
arresters (see [4.2.8]) are not to be capable of being
a) Arrangements are to be made for purging and/or gas-free-
locked on open position.
ing of cargo tanks. The arrangements are to be such as to
minimise the hazards due to the dispersal of flammable
4.2.8 Prevention of the passage of flame into the vapours in the atmosphere and to flammable mixtures in a
tanks cargo tank. Accordingly, the provisions of [4.3.2] and
a) The venting system is to be provided with devices to [4.3.3], as applicable, are to be complied with.
prevent the passage of flame into the cargo tanks. The
design, testing and locating of these devices are to com- b) The arrangements for inerting, purging or gas-freeing of
ply with Ch 7, App 1. empty tanks as required in Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 14, [13.2.1],
item b), are to be to the satisfaction of the Society and
are to be such that the accumulation of hydrocarbon
b) A flame arresting device integral to the venting system
may be accepted. vapours in pockets formed by the internal structural
members in a tank is minimized.
c) Flame screens and flame arresters are to be designed for c) Ventilation/gas-freeing lines between fans and cargo
easy overhauling and cleaning. tanks are to be fitted with means, such as detachable
spool pieces, to prevent any back-flow of hydrocarbon
d) Ullage openings shall not be used for pressure equaliza- gases through the fans when they are not used.
tion. They shall be provided with self-closing and tightly
sealing covers. Flame arresters and screens are not per-
mitted in these openings. d) Discharge outlets are to be located at least 10 m meas-
ured horizontally from the nearest air intake and open-
4.2.9 Prevention of liquid rising in the venting ings to enclosed spaces with a source of ignition and
system from deck machinery equipment which may constitute
an ignition hazard.
a) Provisions are to be made to prevent liquid rising in the
venting system; refer to [4.5].
4.3.2 Ships provided with an inert gas system
b) Cargo tanks gas venting systems are not to be used for
overflow purposes. The following provisions apply to ships provided with an
inert gas system:
c) Spill valves are not considered equivalent to an over-
a) On individual cargo tanks the gas outlet pipe, if fitted, is
flow system.
to be positioned as far as practicable from the inert gas /
air inlet and in accordance with [4.2]. The inlet of such
4.2.10 Additional provisions for ships fitted with an outlet pipes may be located either at the deck level or at
inert gas system not more than 1 m above the bottom of the tank.
a) On ships fitted with an inert gas system, one or more
b) The cross-sectional area of such gas outlet pipe referred
pressure/vacuum-breaking devices are to be provided
to in a) above is to be such that an exit velocity of at
to prevent the cargo tanks from being subject to:
least 20 m/s can be maintained when any three tanks
1) a positive pressure in excess of the test pressure of are being simultaneously supplied with inert gas. Their
the cargo tank if the cargo were to be loaded at the outlets are to extend not less than 2 m above deck level.
maximum rated capacity and all other outlets are left
shut, and c) Each gas outlet referred to in b) above is to be fitted
with suitable blanking arrangements.
2) a negative pressure in excess of 700 mm water
gauge if cargo were to be discharged at the maxi- d) The arrangement of inert gas and cargo piping systems is
mum rated capacity of the cargo pumps and the to comply with the provisions of Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 14,
inert gas blowers were to fail. [13.2.3], item b) 7).
Such devices are to be installed on the inert gas main e) The cargo tanks are first to be purged in accordance
unless they are installed in the venting system required
with the provisions of a) to d) above until the concentra-
by [4.2.1] or on individual cargo tanks.
tion of hydrocarbon vapours in the cargo tanks has been
b) The location and design of the devices referred to in par- reduced to less than 2% by volume. Thereafter, gas-free-
agraph a) above are to be in accordance with require- ing may take place at the cargo tank deck level.
ments [4.2.1] to [4.2.9].

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4.3.3 Ships not provided with an inert gas system

When the ship is not provided with an inert gas system, the 4.4.4 Tankers not fitted with an inert gas system
operation is to be such that the flammable vapour is dis-
a) In tankers not fitted with an inert gas system, the gaug-
charged initially:
ing devices are to be of the closed or restricted types.
a) through the vent outlets as specified in [4.2.6], or Ullage openings may be used only as a reserve sound-
ing means and are to be fitted with a watertight closing
b) through outlets at least 2 m above the cargo tank deck
level with a vertical efflux velocity of at least 30 m/s
maintained during the gas-freeing operation, or
b) Where restricted gauging devices are used, provisions
c) through outlets at least 2 m above the cargo tank deck are to be made to:
level with a vertical efflux velocity of at least 20 m/s and • avoid dangerous escape of liquid or vapour under
which are protected by suitable devices to prevent the pressure when using the device
passage of flame.
• relieve the pressure in the tank before the device is
When the flammable vapour concentration at the outlet has
been reduced to 30% of the lower flammable limit, gas-
freeing may thereafter be continued at cargo tank deck
level. c) Where used, sounding pipes are to be fitted with a a
self-closing blanking device.

4.4 Cargo tank level gauging systems

4.5 Protection against tank overfilling
4.4.1 General
4.5.1 General
a) Each cargo or slop tank is to be fitted with a level gaug-
ing system indicating the liquid level along the entire a) Provisions are to be made to guard against liquid rising
height of the tank. Unless otherwise specified, the gauge in the venting system of cargo or slop tanks to a height
may be portable or fixed with local reading. which would exceed the design head of the tanks. This
is to be accomplished by high level alarms or overflow
b) Gauging devices and their remote reading systems are control systems or other equivalent means, together
to be type approved. with gauging devices and cargo tank filling procedures.
Note 1: For ships having the service notation FLS tanker, only high
c) Ullage openings and other gauging devices likely to
level alarms are permitted.
release cargo vapour to the atmosphere are not to be
arranged in enclosed spaces. b) Sufficient ullage is to be left at the end of tank filling to
permit free expansion of liquid during carriage.
4.4.2 Definitions
a) A “restricted gauging device” means a device which c) High level alarms, overflow control systems and other
penetrates the tank and which, when in use, permits a means referred to in a) are to be independent of the
small quantity of vapour or liquid to be exposed to the gauging systems referred to in [4.4].
atmosphere. When not in use, the device is completely
closed. Examples are sounding pipes. 4.5.2 High level alarms

b) A “closed gauging device” means a device which is sep- a) High level alarms are to be type approved.
arated from the tank atmosphere and keeps tank con-
tents from being released. It may: b) High level alarms are to give an audible and visual sig-
nal at the control station, where provided.
• penetrate the tank, such as float-type systems, elec-
tric probe, magnetic probe or protected sight glass,
4.5.3 Other protection systems
• not penetrate the tank, such as ultrasonic or radar
devices. a) Where the tank level gauging systems, cargo and ballast
pump control systems and valve control systems are
c) An “indirect gauging device” means a device which centralised in a single location, the provisions of [4.5.1]
determines the level of liquid, for instance by means of may be complied with by the fitting of a level gauge for
weighing or pipe flow meter. the indication of the end of loading, in addition to that
required for each tank under [4.4]. The readings of both
gauges for each tank are to be as near as possible to
4.4.3 Tankers fitted with an inert gas system
each other and so arranged that any discrepancy
a) In tankers fitted with an inert gas system, the gauging between them can be easily detected.
devices are to be of the closed type.
b) Where a tank can be filled only from other tanks, the
b) Use of indirect gauging devices will be given special provisions of [4.5.1] are considered as complied with.

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4.6 Tank washing systems ings to reception facilities unless adequate arrangements are
made to ensure that the discharge of any effluent which is
4.6.1 General allowed to be discharged into the sea is effectively monitored
a) Adequate means are to be provided for cleaning the to ensure that the total quantity of oil discharged into the sea
cargo tanks. does not exceed 1/30 000 of the total quantity of the particular
cargo of which the residue formed a part.
b) Every crude oil tanker of 20 000 tons deadweight and
above is to be fitted with a cargo tank cleaning system 5.1.3 Exemptions
using crude oil washing and complying with Ch 7, App 2.
a) The provisions of [5.3] may be waived in the following
c) Crude oil washing systems fitted on oil tankers other cases:
than crude oil tankers of 20 000 tons deadweight or • oil tankers which engage exclusively on both voy-
above are to comply with the provisions of Ch 7, App 2 ages of 72 hours or less in duration and within 50
related to safety. miles from the nearest land, provided that the oil
tanker is engaged exclusively in trades between
4.6.2 Washing machines ports or terminals within a State Party to MARPOL
a) Tank washing machines are to be of a type approved by 73/78 Convention. Any such waiver is to be subject
the Society. to the requirements that the oil tanker is to retain on
b) Washing machines are to be made of steel or other elec- board all oily mixtures for subsequent discharge to
tricity conducting materials with a limited propensity to reception facilities and to the determination by the
produce sparks on contact. Administration that facilities available to receive
such oily mixtures are adequate,
4.6.3 Washing pipes • oil tankers carrying products which through their
a) Washing pipes are to be built, fitted, inspected and physical properties inhibit effective product/water
tested in accordance with the applicable requirements separation and monitoring, for which the control of
of Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, depending on the kind of washing discharge is to be effected by the retention of resi-
fluid, water or crude oil. dues on board with discharge of all contaminated
washings to reception facilities.
b) Crude oil washing pipes are also to satisfy the require-
ments of Article [3.3]. b) Where, in the view of the Society, the equipment
referred to in [5.3.1] and [5.3.2] is not obtainable for the
4.6.4 Use of crude oil washing machines for water monitoring of discharge of oil refined products (white
washing operations oils), compliance with such requirements may be
Crude oil washing machines may be connected to water waived provided that discharge is performed only in
washing pipes, provided that isolating arrangements, such compliance with the applicable procedures.
as a valve and a detachable pipe section, are fitted to isolate
water pipes. 5.2 Discharge into the sea of cargo oil or
oily mixtures
4.6.5 Installation of washing systems
a) Tank cleaning openings are not to be arranged in 5.2.1 Any discharge into the sea of cargo oil or oily mix-
enclosed spaces. tures is to be prohibited except when all the following con-
b) The complete installation is to be permanently earthed ditions are satisfied:
to the hull. a) the tanker is not within a special area,
Note 1: Special areas are defined in MARPOL Annex I, regulation (9).
5 Prevention of pollution by cargo oil b) the tanker is more than 50 nautical miles from the near-
est land.
5.1 General c) the tanker is proceeding on route.
d) the instantaneous rate of discharge of oil content does
5.1.1 Application not exceed 30 litres per nautical mile.
a) Unless otherwise specified, the provisions of [5.3] apply
e) the total quantity of oil discharged into the sea does not
only to ships having the service notations oil tanker or
exceed 1/30000 of the total quantity of the particular
oil tanker, flash point > 60°C and of 150 gross tonnage
cargo of which the residue formed a part.
and above.
f) the tanker has in operation an oil discharge and monitor-
b) The provisions of Ch 7, Sec 2, [3.6]are to be complied ing system complying with the provisions of [5.3] and a
with. slop tank arrangement as required by Ch 7, Sec 2, [3.6].
5.1.2 Provisions for oil tankers of less than 150 5.2.2 The provisions of [5.2.1] are not to apply to the dis-
gross tonnage charge of segregated ballast.
The control of discharge for ships having the service notations
oil tanker or oil tanker, flash point > 60°C and of less than 150 5.2.3 The cargo oil residues which cannot be discharged
tons gross tonnage is to be effected by the retention of oil on into the sea in compliance with [5.2.1] above are to be
board with subsequent discharge of all contaminated wash- retained on board or discharged to reception facilities.

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5.3 Oil discharge monitoring and control b) on every oil tanker at sea, dirty ballast water or oil con-
system taminated water from tanks in the cargo area, other than
slop tanks, may be discharged by gravity below the
5.3.1 General waterline, provided that sufficient time has elapsed in
a) An oil discharge monitoring and control system is to be order to allow oil/water separation to have taken place
fitted. and the water ballast has been examined immediately
before the discharge with an oil/water interface detector
b) A manually operated alternative method is to be pro-
referred to in [5.3.3], in order to ensure that the height of
the interface is such that the discharge does not involve
any increased risk of harm to the marine environment.
5.3.2 Design of the discharge monitoring and
control system
a) The discharge monitoring and control system is to be of 5.4.3 Discharge stopping
a type approved in compliance with the provisions of
IMO Resolution MEPC 108(49), as amended. Means are to be provided for stopping the discharge into
the sea of ballast water or oil contaminated water from
b) The discharge monitoring and control system is to be fit-
cargo tank areas, other than those discharges below the
ted with a recording device to provide a continuous
waterline permitted under [5.4.2], from a position on the
record of the discharge in litres per nautical mile and
upper deck or above located so that the manifold in use
total quantity discharged, or the oil content and rate of
referred to in [5.4.1] and the discharge to the sea from the
discharge. This record is to be identifiable as regards
pipelines referred to in [5.4.2] may be visually observed.
time and date.
Means for stopping the discharge need not be provided at
c) The oil discharge monitoring and control system is to the observation position if a positive communication system
come into operation when there is any discharge of such as a telephone or radio system is provided between
effluent into the sea and is to be such as will ensure that the observation position and the discharge control position.
any discharge of oily mixture is automatically stopped
when the instantaneous rate of discharge of oil content
exceeds 30 litres per nautical mile.
6 Certification, inspection and testing
d) Any failure of the monitoring and control system is to
stop the discharge. 6.1 Application

5.3.3 Oil/water interface detectors 6.1.1 The provisions of this Article are related to cargo pip-
Effective oil/water interface detectors approved by the Soci- ing and other equipment fitted in the cargo area. They sup-
ety are to be provided for a rapid and accurate determina- plement those given in Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [20] for piping
tion of the oil/water interface in slop tanks and are to be systems.
available for use in other tanks where the separation of oil
and water is effected and from which it is intended to dis- 6.2 Workshop tests
charge effluent directly to the sea.
6.2.1 Tests for materials
5.4 Pumping, piping and discharge
Where required in Tab 5, materials used for pipes, valves
arrangements and fittings are to be subjected to the tests specified in Pt C,
5.4.1 Discharge manifold Ch 1, Sec 10, [20.3.2].
In every oil tanker, a discharge manifold for connection to
reception facilities for the discharge of dirty ballast water or 6.2.2 Inspection of welded joints
oil contaminated water is to be located on the open deck on Where required in Tab 5, welded joints are to be subjected
both sides of the ship. to the examinations specified in Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [3.6] for
class II pipes.
5.4.2 Discharge pipelines
In every oil tanker, pipelines for the discharge of ballast 6.2.3 Hydrostatic testing
water or oil contaminated water from cargo tank areas to
the sea, where permitted, are to be led to the open deck or a) Where required in Tab 5, cargo pipes, valves, fittings
to the ship side above the waterline in the deepest ballast and pump casings are to be submitted to hydrostatic
condition, except that: tests in accordance with the relevant provisions of Pt C,
Ch 1, Sec 10, [20.4].
a) segregated ballast and clean ballast may be discharged
below the waterline: b) Expansion joints and cargo hoses are to be submitted to
• in ports or at offshore terminals, or hydrostatic tests in accordance with the relevant provi-
• at sea by gravity, sions of Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [20.4].
provided that the surface of the ballast water has been c) Where fitted, bellow pieces of gas-tight penetration
examined immediately before the discharge to ensure glands are to be pressure tested.
that no contamination with oil has taken place.

202 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 4

6.2.4 Tightness tests 6.2.5 Check of the safety valves setting

Tightness of the following devices is to be checked: The setting pressure of the pressure/vacuum valves is to be
• gas-tight penetration glands checked in particular with regard to [4.2.5].
• cargo tank P/V and high velocity valves. 6.2.6 Summarising table
Note 1: These tests may be carried out in the workshops or on Inspections and tests required for cargo piping and other
board. equipment fitted in the cargo area are summarised in Tab 5.

Table 5 : Inspection and testing at works

Tests for materials Inspections and tests for the products

No. Item Y/N Type of material during manu- after completion Type of product to the Rules
(1) certificate (2) facturing (1) (1) (3) certificate (2)
1 pipes, valves and Y • C where ND > 100mm [6.2.1]
fittings of class II • W where ND ≤ 100mm [6.2.1]
(see [3.3.1])
Y (4) [6.2.2]
Y [6.2.3]
2 expansion joints Y (5) W [6.2.1]
and cargo hoses N
Y [6.2.3]
3 cargo pumps Y • C for cast body
• W for welded construc-
Y (6) see note (6)
Y [6.2.3]
4 gas-tight N
penetration glands N
Y [6.2.3],
5 cargo tank P/V Y W [6.2.1]
and high velocity Y [6.2.2]
Y [6.2.3],
6 flame arresters N
Y see note (3)
7 Oil discharge N
monitoring and Y (7) see note (3)
control system
8 Oil/water interface N
detector Y (7) see note (3)
(1) Y = required, N = not required.
(2) C = class certificate, W = works’ certificate.
(3) includes the checking of the rule characteristics according to the approved drawings.
(4) only in the case of welded construction.
(5) if metallic.
(6) inspection during manufacturing is to be carried out according to a program approved by the Society.
(7) may also be carried out on board.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 203

Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 4

6.3 Shipboard tests c) steering gear other than that of the hydraulic type is to
achieve equivalent standards.
6.3.1 Pressure test
a) After installation on board, the cargo piping system is to 7.3 Alternative design for ships of less than
be checked for leakage under operational conditions. 100 000 tonnes deadweight
b) The piping system used in crude oil washing systems is
7.3.1 General
to be submitted to hydrostatic tests in accordance with
For tankers of 10 000 gross tonnage and upwards, but of
Ch 7, App 2, [3.2.1].
less than 100 000 tons deadweight, solutions other than
6.3.2 Survey of pollution prevention equipment those set out in [7.2], which need not apply the single fail-
Every ship having the service notations oil tanker or oil ure criterion to the rudder actuator or actuators, may be
tanker, flash point > 60°C and of 150 gross tonnage and permitted provided that an equivalent safety standard is
above is to be subjected to an initial survey before the ship achieved and that:
is put in service, to ensure that the equipment, systems, fit- a) following loss of steering capability due to a single failure
tings, arrangements and materials fully comply with the rel- of any part of the piping system or in one of the power
evant provisions of [4.6] and [5]. units, steering capability is regained within 45 s; and
b) where the steering gear includes only a single rudder actu-
7 Steering gear ator, special consideration is given to stress analysis for the
design including fatigue analysis and fracture mechanics
analysis, as appropriate, to the material used, to the instal-
7.1 General lation of sealing arrangements and to testing and inspec-
tion and to the provision of effective maintenance.
7.1.1 In addition to the provisions of Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 11, the
steering gear of ships having the service notation oil tanker
7.3.2 Materials
or FLS tanker and of 10000 gross tonnage and above is to
comply with the requirements of [7]. Parts subject to internal hydraulic pressure or transmitting
mechanical forces to the rudder stock are to be made of
duly tested ductile materials complying with recognised
7.2 Design of the steering gear standards. Materials for pressure retaining components are
7.2.1 In every tanker of 10 000 gross tonnage and to be in accordance with recognised pressure vessel stand-
upwards, the main steering gear shall comprise two or more ards. These materials are not to have an elongation of less
identical power units complying with the provisions of Pt C, than 12% or a tensile strength in excess of 650 N/mm2.
Ch 1, Sec 11, [2.4.2].
7.3.3 Design
7.2.2 Every tanker of 10 000 gross tonnage and upwards is, a) Design pressure
subject to the provisions of [7.3], to comply with the following: The design pressure is assumed to be at least equal to
a) the main steering gear is to be so arranged that in the event the greater of the following:
of loss of steering capability due to a single failure in any 1) 1,25 times the maximum working pressure to be
part of one of the power actuating systems of the main expected under the operating conditions required in
steering gear, excluding the tiller, quadrant or components Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 11, [2.2.1]
serving the same purpose, or seizure of the rudder actua- 2) the relief valve setting.
tors, steering capability is to be regained in not more than
b) Analysis
45 s after the loss of one power actuating system.
1) the manufacturers of rudder actuators are to submit
b) the main steering gear is to comprise either:
detailed calculations showing the suitability of the
1) two independent and separate power actuating sys- design for the intended service
tems, each capable of meeting the requirements of
2) a detailed stress analysis of the pressure retaining
Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 11, [2.2.1]; The two independent
parts of the actuator is to be carried out to determine
power actuating systems are to be so arranged that a
the stress at the design pressure
mechanical or electrical failure in one of them will
not render the other one inoperative, and be in 3) where considered necessary because of the design
accordance with Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 11, [2.3.3]; or complexity or manufacturing procedures, a fatigue
analysis and fracture mechanics analysis may be
2) at least two identical power actuating systems
required. In connection with the analyses, all fore-
which, acting simultaneously in normal operation,
seen dynamic loads are to be taken into account.
are to be capable of meeting the requirements of Pt
Experimental stress analysis may be required in addi-
C, Ch 1, Sec 11, [2.2.1]. Where necessary to comply
tion to, or in lieu of, theoretical calculations depend-
with this requirement, interconnection of hydraulic
ing on the complexity of the design.
power actuating systems is to be provided. Loss of
hydraulic fluid from one system is to be capable of c) Allowable stresses
being detected and the defective system automati- For the purpose of determining the general scantlings of
cally isolated so that the other actuating system or parts of rudder actuators subject to internal hydraulic
systems remain(s) fully operational pressure, the allowable stresses are not to exceed:

204 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 4

• σm ≤ f c) Oil seals
• σl ≤ 1,5 f 1) Oil seals between non-moving parts, forming part of
• σb ≤ 1,5 f the external pressure boundary, are to be of the
metal upon metal type or of an equivalent type.
• σl + σb ≤ 1,5 f
2) Oil seals between moving parts, forming part of the
• σm + σb ≤ 1,5 f external pressure boundary, are to be duplicated, so
where: that the failure of one seal does not render the actu-
σm : Equivalent primary general membrane stress ator inoperative. Alternative arrangements providing
equivalent protection against leakage may be
σl : Equivalent primary local membrane stress
accepted at the discretion of the Society.
σb : Equivalent primary bending stress
d) Isolating valves
f : the lesser of σB/A or σy/B
Isolating valves are to be fitted at the connection of
σB : Specified minimum tensile strength of mate- pipes to the actuator, and are to be directly mounted on
rial at ambient temperature the actuator.
σy : Specified minimum yield stress or 0,2% proof e) Relief valves
stress of material at ambient temperature
Relief valves for protecting the rudder actuator against
A : Equal to: overpressure as required in Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 11, [2.6.5]
• 4,0 for steel are to comply with the following:
• 4,6 for cast steel 1) the setting pressure is not to be less than 1,25 times
• 5,8 for nodular cast iron the maximum working pressure expected under
operating conditions required in Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 11,
B : Equal to:
[2.2.1], item b)
• 2,0 for steel
2) the minimum discharge capacity of the relief valves
• 2,3 for cast steel is not to be less than the total capacity of all pumps
• 3,5 for nodular cast iron which provide power for the actuator, increased by
10 per cent. Under such conditions, the rise in pres-
d) Burst test
sure is not to exceed 10 per cent of the setting pres-
1) Pressure retaining parts not requiring fatigue analysis sure. In this regard, due consideration is to be given
and fracture mechanics analysis may be accepted to extreme foreseen ambient conditions in respect of
on the basis of a certified burst test at the discretion oil viscosity.
of the Society and the detailed stress analysis
required by [7.3.3], item b), need not be provided. 7.3.5 Inspection and testing
2) The minimum bursting pressure is to be calculated a) Non-destructive testing
as follows: The rudder actuator is to be subjected to suitable and
σ Ba complete non-destructive testing to detect both surface
P b = P ⋅ A ⋅ -------
σB flaws and volumetric flaws. The procedure and accept-
ance criteria for non-destructive testing is to be in
accordance with requirements of recognised standards.
Pb : Minimum bursting pressure If found necessary, fracture mechanics analysis may be
P : Design pressure as defined in [7.3.3], used for determining maximum allowable flaw size.
item a)
b) Other testing
A : As from [7.3.3], item c)
σBa : Actual tensile strength 1) Tests, including hydrostatic tests, of all pressure parts
at 1,5 times the design pressure are to. be carried
σB : Tensile strength as defined in [7.3.3], out.
item c).
2) When installed on board the ship, the rudder actua-
tor is to be subjected to a hydrostatic test and a run-
7.3.4 Construction details
ning test.
a) General
The construction is to be such as to minimise the local 8 Additional requirements for ships
concentration of stress.
having the additional service feature
b) Welds
asphalt carrier
1) The welding details and welding procedures are to
be approved.
8.1 Application
2) All welded joints within the pressure boundary of a
rudder actuator or connecting parts transmitting 8.1.1 The provisions of this Article apply, in addition to
mechanical loads are to be full penetration type or those contained in Articles [1] to [7] above, to oil tankers
of equivalent strength. having the additional service feature asphalt carrier.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 205

Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 4

8.2 Additional requirements QD : the maximum rate selected at which the ship
may discharge a residue/water mixture through
8.2.1 Heating systems the outlet, in m3/h.
a) Cargo tanks intended for the carriage of asphalt solu- When the discharge is directed at an angle to the ship’s
tions are to be equipped with a heating system capable shell plating, the above relationship is to be modified by
of preserving the asphalt solutions in their liquid state. substituting for QD the component of QD which is normal to
Valves are to be fitted on the heating system inlet and the ship’s shell plating.
b) Cargo piping and associated fittings outside tanks are to 9.2.3 Ventilation equipment
be provided with suitable heating devices. For heating a) If residues from cargo tanks are removed by means of
of piping and fittings, refer to [2.6]. ventilation, ventilation equipment meeting the follow-
ing provisions is to be provided.
8.2.2 Thermometers
Each tank is to be equipped with at least two thermometers Note 1: Ventilation procedures may be applied only to those sub-
stances having a vapour pressure greater than 5.103 Pa at 20°C.
in order to ascertain the temperature of the asphalt solution.
b) The ventilation equipment is to be capable of producing
8.2.3 Insulation an air jet which can reach the tank bottom. Fig 3 may be
Cargo piping and associated fittings outside tanks are to be used to evaluate the adequacy of ventilation equipment
suitably insulated, where necessary. used for ventilating a tank of given depth.

c) The ventilation equipment is to be placed in the tank

9 Specific requirements for ships opening closest to the tank sump or suction point.
having the notations “FLS tanker” or
“FLS tanker, flash point > 60°C” d) When practicable, the ventilation equipment is to be
positioned so that the air jet is directed at the tank sump
or suction point and impingement of the air jet on tank
9.1 Application structural members is to be avoided as far as possible.
9.1.1 The provisions of this Article, derived from Appendix
II of the MARPOL 73/78 Convention, are related to the pre- Figure 3 : Minimum flow rate as a function
vention of pollution by noxious liquid substances. They of jet penetration depth
apply as follows:
a) Where the ship is granted only the service notation FLS
tanker or FLS tanker, flash point > 60°C, these provi-
sions replace those of [5] related to the prevention of
pollution by cargo oil.

b) Where the ship is granted both service notations oil

tanker-FLS tanker, or oil tanker-FLS tanker, flash point 500
> 60°C, these provisions are additional to those of [5].

9.2 Design requirements 400 inlet diameter = 61 cm

9.2.1 General
The requirements of [9.2] apply to ships carrying category Z
substances (see Ch 7, App 3, Tab 2). 300

9.2.2 Underwater discharge 46 cm

The underwater discharge outlet arrangement is to be such
that the residue/water mixture discharged into the sea will 200
not pass through the ship’s boundary layer. To this end,
when the discharge is made normal to the ship’s shell plat-
ing, the minimum diameter of the discharge outlet is gov- 30 cm
erned by the following equation: 100
23 cm
D = -------D
5L 15 cm
10 20 30 38,1
D : Minimum diameter of the discharge outlet, in m
L : Distance from the forward perpendicular to the
discharge outlet, in m Jet penetration depth is to be compared against tank height.

206 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 5


1 General 1.3.3 Earthed systems without hull return are not permitted,
with the following exceptions:

1.1 Application a) earthed intrinsically safe circuits and the following other
systems to the satisfaction of the Society
1.1.1 The requirements in this Section apply, in addition to
b) power supplies, control circuits and instrumentation cir-
those contained in Part C, Chapter 2 to ships with the ser-
cuits in non-hazardous areas where technical or safety
vice notation oil tanker or FLS tanker.
reasons preclude the use of a system with no connec-
tion to earth, provided the current in the hull is limited
1.1.2 The design is to be in accordance with IEC publica-
to not more than 5 A in both normal and fault condi-
tion 60092-502.
tions, or
However, where the prescriptive requirements in the pres-
ent Rules and IEC 60092-502 are not aligned, the prescrip- c) limited and locally earthed systems, such as power dis-
tive requirements in the present Rules take precedence and tribution systems in galleys and laundries to be fed
are to be applied. through isolating transformers with the secondary wind-
ings earthed, provided that any possible resulting hull
current does not flow directly through any hazardous
1.2 Documentation to be submitted area, or
1.2.1 In addition to the documentation requested in Pt C, d) alternating current power networks of 1,000 V root
Ch 2, Sec 1, Tab 1, the following are to be submitted for mean square (line to line) and over, provided that any
approval: possible resulting current does not flow directly through
any hazardous area; to this end, if the distribution sys-
a) plan of hazardous areas
tem is extended to areas remote from the machinery
b) document giving details of types of cables and safety space, isolating transformers or other adequate means
characteristics of the equipment installed in hazardous are to be provided.
1.3.4 In insulated distribution systems, no current carrying
c) diagrams of tank level indicator systems, high level
part is to be earthed, other than:
alarm systems and overflow control systems where
requested. a) through an insulation level monitoring device
b) through components used for the suppression of inter-
1.3 System of supply ference in radio circuits.

1.3.1 The following systems of generation and distribution

of electrical energy are acceptable: 1.4 Earth detection
a) direct current:
1.4.1 The devices intended to continuously monitor the
• two-wire insulated insulation level of all distribution systems are also to moni-
tor all circuits, other than intrinsically safe circuits, con-
b) alternating current:
nected to apparatus in hazardous areas or passing through
• single-phase, two-wire insulated such areas. An audible and visual alarm is to be given, at a
• three-phase, three-wire insulated. manned position, in the event of an abnormally low level of
1.3.2 Earthed systems with hull return are not permitted, with
the following exceptions to the satisfaction of the Society: 1.5 Mechanical ventilation of hazardous
a) impressed current cathodic protective systems spaces
b) limited and locally earthed systems, such as starting and
1.5.1 Electric motors driving fans of the ventilating systems
ignition systems of internal combustion engines, pro-
of hazardous spaces are to be located outside the ventila-
vided that any possible resulting current does not flow
tion ducting.
directly through any hazardous area
c) insulation level monitoring devices, provided that the 1.5.2 Motors driving ventilating fans may be located within
circulation current of the device does not exceed 30 mA the ducting provided that they are of a certified safe type.
under the most unfavourable conditions.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 207

Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 5

1.5.3 The materials used for the fans and their housing are 2.1.3 A space separated by a gastight boundaries from a
to be in compliance with Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 1, [3.28]. hazardous area may be classified as zone 0, 1, 2 or consid-
ered as non hazardous, taking into account the sources of
1.5.4 Cargo pump-rooms and other enclosed spaces which release inside that space and its conditions of ventilation.
contain cargo-handling equipment and similar spaces in
which work is performed on the cargo should be fitted with 2.1.4 Access door and other openings are not to be pro-
mechanical ventilation systems, capable of being controlled vided between an area intended to be considered as non-
from outside such spaces. hazardous and a hazardous area or between a space
intended to be considered as zone 2 and a zone 1, except
1.5.5 Provisions are to be made to ventilate the spaces
where required for operational reasons.
defined in [1.5.4] prior to entering the compartment and
operating the equipment.
2.1.5 In enclosed or semi-enclosed spaces having a direct
opening into any hazardous space or area, electrical instal-
1.6 Electrical installation precautions lations are to comply with the requirements for the space or
1.6.1 Precautions against inlet of gases or vapours area to which the opening leads.
Suitable arrangements are to be provided, to the satisfaction
2.1.6 Where a space has an opening into an adjacent,
of the Society, so as to prevent the possibility of gases or
more hazardous space or area, it may be made into a less
vapours passing from a gas-dangerous space to another
hazardous space or non-hazardous space, taking into
space through runs of cables or their conduits.
account the type of separation and the ventilation system.

2 Hazardous locations and types of 2.1.7 A differential pressure monitoring device or a flow
equipment monitoring device, or both, are to be provided for monitor-
ing the satisfactory functioning of pressurisation of spaces
2.1 Special requirements for oil tankers having an opening into a more hazardous zone.
carrying flammable liquids having a flash In the event of loss of the protection by the over-pressure or
point not exceeding 60°C and for oil loss of ventilation in spaces classified as zone 1 or zone 2,
tankers carrying flammable liquids protective measures are to be taken.
having a flash point exceeding 60°C
heated to a temperature within 15°C of 2.2 Special requirements for oil tankers
their flash point or above their flash point carrying flammable liquids having a
flash point exceeding 60°C unheated or
2.1.1 In order to facilitate the selection of appropriate elec-
heated to a temperature below and not
trical apparatus and the design of suitable electrical installa-
tions, hazardous areas are divided into zone 0, 1 and 2
within 15°C of their flash point
according to Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 1, [3.24.3]. The different
2.2.1 For systems of supply and earth detection, the
spaces are to be classified according to Tab 1.
requirements under [1.3] and [1.4] apply.
The types of electrical equipment admitted, depending on
the zone where they are installed, are specified in Pt C, Ch 2,
2.2.2 Cargo tanks, slop tanks, any pipe work of pressure-
Sec 3, [10].
relief or other venting systems for cargo and slop tanks,
2.1.2 The explosion group and temperature class of electri- pipes and equipment containing the cargo are to be classi-
cal equipment of a certified safe type are to be at least IIA fied as zone 2.
and T3 in the case of ships arranged for the carriage of
crude oil or other petroleum products. 2.3 Special requirements for FLS tankers
Other characteristics may be required for dangerous prod-
ucts other than those above. 2.3.1 The requirements under Ch 8, Sec 10 apply.

208 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 5

Table 1 : Space descriptions and hazardous area zones for oil tankers carrying flammable liquids
having a flash point not exceeding 60°C and for oil tankers carrying flammable liquids
heated to a temperature within 15°C of their flash point or above their flash point

No. Description of spaces
1 The interior of cargo tanks, slop tanks, any pipework of pressure-relief or other venting systems for cargo and Zone 0
slop tanks, pipes and equipment containing the cargo or developing flammable gases and vapours
2 Void space adjacent to, above or below integral cargo tanks Zone 1
3 Hold spaces Zone 1
4 Cofferdams and permanent (for example, segregated) ballast tanks adjacent to cargo tanks Zone 1
5 Cargo pump rooms Zone 1
6 Enclosed or semi-enclosed spaces, immediately above cargo tanks (for example, between decks) or having Zone 1
bulkheads above and in line with cargo tank bulkheads, unless protected by a diagonal plate acceptable to
the Society
7 Spaces, other than cofferdam, adjacent to and below the top of a cargo tank (for example, trunks, Zone 1
passageways and hold)
8 Areas on open deck, or semi-enclosed spaces on open deck, within 3 m of any cargo tank outlet, gas or Zone 1
vapour outlet, cargo manifold valve, cargo valve, cargo pipe flange and cargo pump-room ventilation outlets.
9 Areas on open deck, or semi-enclosed spaces on open deck above and in the vicinity of any cargo gas outlet Zone 1
intended for the passage of large volumes of gas or vapour mixture during cargo loading and ballasting or
during discharging or of small volumes of gas or vapour mixtures caused by thermal variation, within a verti-
cal cylinder of unlimited height and 6 m radius centred upon the centre of the outlet, and within a hemi-
sphere of 6 m radius below the outlet

10 Areas on open deck, or semi-enclosed spaces on open deck, within 1,5 m of cargo pump entrances, cargo Zone 1
pump room ventilation inlet, openings into cofferdams, or other zone 1 spaces
11 Areas on open deck within spillage coamings surrounding cargo manifold valves and 3 m beyond these, up Zone 1
to a height of 2,4 m above the deck
12 Areas on open deck over the cargo area where structures are restricting the natural ventilation and to the full Zone 1
breadth of the ship plus 3 m fore and aft of the forward-most and aft-most cargo tank bulkhead, up to a height
of 2,4 m above the deck

13 Compartments for cargo hoses Zone 1

14 Enclosed or semi-enclosed spaces in which pipes containing cargoes are located Zone 1
15 Areas of 1,5 m surrounding a space of zone 1 Zone 2
16 Spaces 4 m beyond the cylinder and 4 m beyond the sphere defined in item 9 Zone 2
17 Areas on open deck extending to the coamings fitted to keep any spills on deck and away from the Zone 2
accommodation and service area and 3 m beyond these up to a height of 2,4 m above the deck
18 Areas on open deck over the cargo area where unrestricted natural ventilation is guaranteed and to the full Zone 2
breadth of the ship plus 3 m fore and aft of the forward-most and aft-most cargo tank bulkhead, up to a height
of 2,4 m above the deck surrounding open or semi-enclosed spaces of zone 1

19 Spaces forward of the open deck areas to which reference is made in 12 and 18, below the level of the main Zone 2
deck, and having an opening on to the main deck or at a level less than 0,5 m above the main deck, unless:
• the doors and all openings are in non-hazardous area; and
• the spaces are mechanically ventilated

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 209

Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 6


1 General 2 General requirements

1.1 Application 2.1 Sources of ignition

1.1.1 Unless otherwise specified, the provisions of this Sec- 2.1.1 Dangerous zones or spaces are not to contain:
tion apply to the ships having one of the following service • internal combustion engines
• steam turbines and steam piping with a steam tempera-
• oil tanker ture in excess of 220°C

• oil tanker, flash point > 60°C • other piping systems and heat exchangers with a fluid
temperature in excess of 220°C
• oil tanker, asphalt carrier
• any other source of ignition.
• FLS tanker
Note 1: Dangerous zones and spaces correspond to hazardous
• FLS tanker, flash point > 60°C. areas defined in Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 1, [3.24].

1.2 Documents to be submitted 2.2 Electrical equipment

1.2.1 The documents listed in Ch 7, Sec 2, Tab 1 are to be 2.2.1 For the installation of electrical equipment, refer to
submitted for approval in addition to chose listed in Tab 1. Ch 7, Sec 5.

Table 1 : Documents to be submitted

No. Description of the document (1)

1 General arrangement drawing
2 Specification of the fire integrity of bulkheads and decks
3 Specification of the instruments for measuring oxygen and flammable vapour concentrations
4 Diagram of the pressure water system within the cargo area
5 For the foam extinguishing system within the cargo area:
• diagrammatic arrangement drawing
• calculation note
• foam agent specification
• characteristics of foam monitors and hoses
6 For the fire-extinguishing system in cargo pump rooms:
• general arrangement drawing
• calculation note
7 For the inert gas installation:
• single-wire diagram of the installation together with the main characteristics: capacity, pressure, temperature,
oxygen content, water content,
• list of the components with their characteristics: pipes, scrubber, blowers, non-return devices, valves, pumps,
protective devices for over-pressure and vacuum,
• drawing of arrangement of installation on board,
• diagram of instrumentation, alarm and safeguard systems,
• specification of oxygen analyser, recorder and portable instrumentation,
• operational manual containing instructions relative to the operation of the inert gas system and to safety.
(1) Diagrams are also to include, where applicable, the (local and remote) control and monitoring systems and automation systems.

210 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 6

3 Fixed deck foam system Note 1: A common line for fire main and deck foam line can only
be accepted if it can be demonstrated that the hose nozzles can
be effectively controlled by one person when supplied from the
3.1 Application common line at a pressure needed for operation of the monitors.

3.1.1 Service notation oil tanker d) Foam from the fixed foam system is to be supplied by
means of monitors and foam applicators.
Ships having the service notation oil tanker are to be pro-
vided with a fixed deck foam system complying with the Note 2: On tankers of less than 4000 tonnes deadweight, the Soci-
provisions of [3.2] and [3.3] or with an equivalent fixed ety may not require installation of monitors but only applicators.
installation. e) Applicators are to be provided to ensure flexibility of
Note 1: To be considered equivalent, the system proposed in lieu action during fire-fighting operations and to cover areas
of the deck foam system is to: screened from the monitors.
• be capable of extinguishing spill fires and also preclude ignition 3.2.2 Foam solution - Foam concentrate
of spilled oil not yet ignited, and
a) The rate of supply of foam solution is not to be less than
• be capable of combating fires in ruptured tanks.
the greatest of the following:
3.1.2 Service notation FLS tanker 1) 0,6 l/min per square metre of cargo tanks deck area,
where cargo tanks deck area means the maximum
Ships having the service notation FLS tanker are to be pro-
breadth of the ship multiplied by the total longitudi-
vided with a fixed deck foam system complying with [11.3]
nal extent of the cargo tank spaces,
of the IBC Code. The type of foam to be used is specified in
Ch 7, App 4, Tab 1. Where ordinary foam is considered 2) 6 l/min per square metre of the horizontal sectional
suitable, foam fire-extinguishing systems complying with area of the single tank having the largest such area,
the provisions of [3.2] and [3.3] are acceptable. or
3) 3 l/min per square metre of the area protected by
3.1.3 Service notations oil tanker, flash point > 60°C the largest monitor, such area being entirely forward
or oil tanker, asphalt carrier of the monitor, but not less than 1250 l/min.
Ships having the service notations oil tanker, flash b) Sufficient foam concentrate shall be supplied to ensure
point > 60°C or oil tanker, asphalt carrier are to be pro- at least 20 minutes of foam generation in tankers fitted
vided with a fixed deck foam system complying with com- with an inert gas installation or 30 minutes of foam gen-
plying with the provisions of [3.2] and [3.3] or with an eration in tankers not fitted with an inert gas installation
equivalent fixed installation. However, such a system is not or not required to use an inert gas system.
required in the case of ships of less than 2000 gross ton-
c) The foam concentrate supplied on board shall be
approved by the Society for the cargoes intended to be
Note 1: For the definition of “equivalent installation”, refer to carried. Type B foam concentrates shall be supplied for
[3.1.1]. the protection of crude oil, petroleum products and
non-polar solvent cargoes. Type A foam concentrates
shall be supplied for polar solvent cargoes, as listed in
3.2 System design the table of chapter 17 of the IBC Code. Only one type
of foam concentrate shall be supplied, and it shall be
3.2.1 Principles effective for the maximum possible number of cargoes
a) The arrangements for providing foam are to be capable intended to be carried. For cargoes for which foam is
of delivering foam to the entire cargo tank deck area as not effective or is incompatible, additional arrangements
well as into any cargo tank the deck of which has been to the satisfaction of the Society shall be provided.
ruptured. d) Liquid cargoes with a flashpoint not exceeding 60°C for
b) The deck foam system is to be capable of simple and which a regular foam fire-fighting system is not effective
rapid operation. shall comply with the provisions of regulation II-
2/ of the Convention.
c) Operation of a deck foam system at its required output
shall permit the simultaneous use of the minimum 3.2.3 Monitors and foam applicators
required number of jets of water at the required pres-
a) Prototype tests of the monitors and foam applicators
sure from the fire main. Where the deck foam system is
shall be performed to ensure the foam expansion and
supplied by a common line from the fire main, addi-
drainage time of the foam produced does not differ
tional foam concentrate shall be provided for operation
more than ± 10 per cent of that determined in [3.2.2],
of two nozzles for the same period of time required for
item d). When medium expansion ratio foam (between
the foam system.
21 to 1 and 200 to 1 expansion ratio) is employed, the
The simultaneous use of the minimum required jets of application rate of the foam and the capacity of a moni-
water shall be possible on deck over the full length of tor installation shall be to the satisfaction of the Society.
the ship, in the accommodation spaces, service spaces, At least 50 per cent of the foam solution supply rate
control stations and machinery spaces. required shall be delivered from each monitor.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 211

Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 6

b) The capacity of any applicator is to be not less than 4 Fire-extinguishing systems except
400 l/min and the applicator throw in still air conditions
deck foam system
is to be not less than 15 m.

Note 1: Where, in pursuance of [3.2.1], the installation of monitors 4.1 Pressure water fire-extinguishing
is not required on tankers of less 4000 tonnes deadweight, the systems
capacity of each applicator is to be at least 25% of the foam
solution supply rate required in [3.2.2], items a) 1) and a) 2). 4.1.1 The pressure water fire-fighting systems provided on
ships having the service notations oil tanker, oil tanker,
flash point>60°C, oil tanker, asphalt carrier, FLS tanker or
3.3 Arrangement and installation FLS tanker, flash point > 60°C are subject to the provisions
of Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 6, [1], except that:
3.3.1 Monitors
a) The capacity of the fire pumps is to be calculated with-
a) The number and position of monitors are to be such as out taking into account the reduction permitted in Ch 7,
to comply with item a) of [3.2.1]. Sec 4, [2.2.2].

b) The distance from the monitor to the farthest extremity b) Isolation valves are to be fitted in the fire main at poop
of the protected area forward of that monitor is not to front in a protected position and on the tank deck at
be more than 75 per cent of the monitor throw in still air intervals of not more than 40 m to preserve the integrity
conditions. of the fire main system in the event of fire or explosion.

c) A monitor and hose connection for a foam applicator 4.1.2 Attention is drawn to the provisions of item c) of
shall be situated both port and starboard at the front of [3.2.1].
the poop or accommodation spaces facing the cargo
tank deck. The monitors and hose connections shall be 4.2 Fire-extinguishing systems for cargo
aft of any cargo tanks, but may be located in the cargo pump rooms
area above pump-rooms, cofferdams, ballast tanks, oil
bunker tanks, and void spaces adjacent to cargo tanks if 4.2.1 Application
capable of protecting the deck below and aft of each
a) Cargo pump rooms of ships having the service notations
oil tanker or FLS tanker are to be provided with a fixed
Note 1: On tankers of less than 4000 tonnes deadweight a hose fire-extinguishing system complying with [4.2.2].
connection for a foam applicator is to be situated both port and
b) Cargo pump rooms of ships having the service notations
starboard at the front of the poop or accommodation spaces
facing the cargo tank deck. oil tanker, flash point > 60°C or oil tanker, asphalt car-
rier are to be provided with a fixed fire-extinguishing
system complying with [4.2.2], except where the cargo
3.3.2 Applicators is carried at a temperature below and not within 15°C of
the flash point.
a) At least four foam applicators shall be provided on all
tankers. The number and disposition of foam main out- 4.2.2 Design and arrangement of the fire-
lets shall be such that foam from at least two applicators extinguishing system
can be directed on to any part of the cargo tank deck a) Where required by [4.2.1], each cargo pump-room is to
area. be provided with one of the following fixed fire-extin-
guishing systems operated from a readily accessible
b) Where the ship is provided with a stern or aft cargo position outside the pump-room. Cargo pump-rooms
loading or unloading arrangement, the deck foam sys- are to be provided with a system suitable for machinery
tem is to be so arranged as to permit the protection of spaces of category A.
the shore connection by at least two foam applicators.
1) carbon dioxide fire-extinguishing system complying
with the provisions of Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 14, [4] and
3.3.3 Isolation valves with the following:
• the alarms giving audible warning of the release
Valves are be provided in the foam main, and in the fire of fire-extinguishing medium are to be safe for
main when this is an integral part of the deck foam system, use in a flammable cargo vapour/air mixture,
immediately forward of any monitor position to isolate dam-
• a notice is to be exhibited at the controls stating
aged sections of those mains.
that due to the electrostatic ignition hazard, the
system is to be used only for fire extinguishing
3.3.4 Main control station and not for inerting purposes.
The main control station for the system is to be suitably 2) A high-expansion foam system complying with the
located outside the cargo area, adjacent to the accommo- provisions of Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 14, [5.2], provided that
dation spaces and readily accessible and operable in the the foam concentrate supply is suitable for extin-
event of fire in the areas protected. guishing fires involving the cargoes carried.

212 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 6

3) A fixed pressure water-spraying system complying 5.1.3 Ships where an inert gas system is fitted but
with the provisions of Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 14, [6]. not required
b) Where the extinguishing medium used in the cargo Inert gas systems provided on ships where such systems are
pump-room system is also used in systems serving other not required by [5.1.1] are to comply with the provisions of
spaces, the quantity of medium provided or its delivery [5.4].
rate need not be more than the maximum required for
the largest compartment.
5.2 General requirements

5 Inert gas systems 5.2.1 The inert gas system is to comply with the applicable
requirements of Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 14, [13].
5.1 Application
5.2.2 Plans in diagrammatic form are to be submitted for
5.1.1 Ships where an inert gas system is required appraisal and are to include the following:
a) Ships having the service notation oil tanker or FLS • details and arrangement of inert gas generating plant
tanker and of 8 000 tonnes deadweight and upwards including all control monitoring devices
are to be fitted with and inert gas system complying with
the provisions of this Article, or with equivalent systems • arrangement of piping system for distribution of the inert
or arrangements in accordance with [5.1.2]. gas.
b) All tankers operating with a cargo tank cleaning proce- 5.2.3 An automatic control capable of producing suitable
dure using crude oil washing are to be fitted with an inert gas under all service conditions is to be fitted.
inert gas system complying with the requirements of this
5.3 Additional requirements for nitrogen
c) Such system is to be provided in every cargo tank and
slop tank. generator systems
d) Tankers required to be fitted with inert gas systems shall 5.3.1 The following requirements apply where a nitrogen
comply with the following provisions: generator system is fitted on board as required by [5.1.1].
• double hull spaces shall be fitted with suitable con- For the purpose, the inert gas is to be produced by separat-
nections for the supply of inert gas. This includes all ing air into its component gases by passing compressed air
ballast tanks and void spaces of double hull and through a bundle of hollow fibres, semi-permeable mem-
double bottom spaces adjacent to the cargo tanks, branes or adsorber materials.
including the forepeak tank and any other tanks and
spaces under the bulkhead deck adjacent to cargo 5.3.2 In addition to the applicable requirements of Pt C, Ch
tanks, except cargo pump-rooms and ballast pump- 4, Sec 14, [13], the nitrogen generator system is to comply
rooms with Ch 7, Sec 4, [4.3.2] and Ch 7, Sec 4, [4.2.10].
• where hull spaces are connected to a permanently
fitted inert gas distribution system, means shall be 5.3.3 A nitrogen generator is to consist of a feed air treat-
provided to prevent hydrocarbon gases from the ment system and any number of membrane or adsorber
cargo tanks entering the double hull spaces through modules in parallel necessary to meet the requirements of
the system; and Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 14, [13.2.1], item b) 4).
• where such spaces are not permanently connected
to an inert gas distribution system, appropriate 5.3.4 The nitrogen generator is to be capable of delivering
means shall be provided to allow connection to the high purity nitrogen in accordance with Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 14,
inert gas main. [13.2.1], item b) 5). In addition to Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 14,
[13.2.2], item d), the system is to be fitted with automatic
means to discharge “off-spec” gas to the atmosphere during
5.1.2 Requirements for equivalent systems start-up and abnormal operation.
a) For ships having the service notations oil tanker or FLS
tanker and of 8 000 tonnes deadweight and upwards 5.3.5 The system is to be provided with one or more com-
but less than 20 000 tonnes deadweight, the Society pressors to generate enough positive pressure to be capable
may accept other equivalent arrangements in accord- of delivering the total volume of gas required by Pt C, Ch 4,
ance with item a) of [5.1.1] and following item b) Sec 14, [13.2.1], item b). Where two compressors are pro-
vided, the total required capacity of the system is preferably
b) Equivalent systems or arrangements shall:
to be divided equally between the two compressors, and in
• be capable of preventing dangerous accumulation of no case is one compressor to have a capacity less than 1/3
explosive mixtures in intact cargo tanks during nor- of the total capacity required.
mal service throughout the ballast voyage and nec-
essary in-tank operations, and 5.3.6 The feed air treatment system fitted to remove free
• be so designed as to minimize the risk of ignition water, particles and traces of oil from the compressed air as
from the generation of static electricity by the system required by Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 14, [13.4.2], item b), is also to
itself. preserve the specification temperature.

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Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 6

5.3.7 The oxygen-enriched air from the nitrogen generator 6 Fixed hydrocarbon gas detection
and the nitrogen-product enriched gas from the protective
devices of the nitrogen receiver are to be discharged to a
safe location on the open deck.
Note 1: “safe location” needs to address the two types of dis-
6.1 Engineering specifications
charges separately:
6.1.1 General
• oxygen-enriched air from the nitrogen generator - safe loca-
tions on the open deck are: a) The fixed hydrocarbon gas detection system is to be
designed, constructed and tested to the satisfaction of
- outside of hazardous area;
the Society based on performance standards developed
- not within 3m of areas traversed by personnel; and by the Organization.
- not within 6m of air intakes for machinery (engines and b) The system is to be comprised of a central unit for gas
boilers) and all ventilation inlets measurement and analysis and gas sampling pipes in all
• nitrogen-product enriched gas from the protective devices of ballast tanks and void spaces of double-hull and dou-
the nitrogen receiver - safe locations on the open deck are: ble-bottom spaces adjacent to the cargo tanks, includ-
ing the forepeak tank and any other tanks and spaces
- not within 3m of areas traversed by personnel; and
under the bulkhead deck adjacent to cargo tanks.
- not within 6m of air intakes for machinery (engines and
boilers) and all ventilation inlets/outlets. c) The system may be integrated with the cargo pump-
room gas detection system, provided that the spaces
5.3.8 In order to permit maintenance, means of isolation referred to in item b) above are sampled at the rate
are to be fitted between the generator and the receiver. required in [6.1.2], item c) 1). Continuous sampling
from other locations may also be considered provided
the sampling rate is complied with.
5.4 Nitrogen/inert gas systems fitted for
purposes other than inerting required by 6.1.2 Component requirements
[5.1.1] a) Gas sampling lines

5.4.1 Nitrogen/inert gas systems fitted on oil tankers of less 1) Common sampling lines to the detection equipment
than 8 000 tonnes deadweight and for which an inert gas shall not be fitted, except the lines serving each pair
system is not required by [5.1.1] are to comply with the fol- of sampling points as required in item 3) below.
lowing requirements. 2) The materials of construction and the dimensions of
gas sampling lines are to be such as to prevent
5.4.2 Requirements of: restriction. Where non-metallic materials are used,
• Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 14, [13.2.2], item b) they shall be electrically conductive. The gas sam-
pling lines shall not be made of aluminium.
• Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 14, [13.2.2], item d)
3) The configuration of gas sampling lines is to be
• Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 14, [13.2.4], item b) adapted to the design and size of each space. Except
• Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 14, [13.2.4], item c) as provided in items 4) and 5) below, the sampling
system shall allow for a minimum of two hydrocar-
• Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 14, [13.2.4], item e) 1) regarding oxy- bon gas sampling points, one located on the lower
gen content and power supply to the indicating devices and one on the upper part where sampling is
• Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 14, [13.2.4], item e) 4) required. When required, the upper gas sampling
point shall not be located lower than 1 m from the
• Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 14, [13.4.2] and tank top. The position of the lower located gas sam-
• Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 14, [13.4.3], pling point shall be above the height of the girder of
bottom shell plating but at least 0,5 m from the bot-
apply to the systems. tom of the tank and it shall be provided with means
to be closed when clogged. In positioning the fixed
5.4.3 The requirements of [5.3] apply except require- sampling points, due regard should also be given to
ments [5.3.1] to [5.3.3] and [5.3.5] the density of vapours of the oil products intended to
be transported and the dilution from space purging
5.4.4 The two non-return devices as required by Pt C, Ch 4, or ventilation.
Sec 14, [13.2.3], item a) 1) are to be fitted in the inert gas
4) For ships with deadweight of less than
main. The non-return devices are to comply with Pt C, Ch
50000 tonnes, the Society may allow the installation
4, Sec 14, [13.2.3], item a) 2) and Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 14,
of one sampling location for each tank for practical
[13.2.3], item a) 3); however, where the connections to the
and/or operational reasons.
cargo tanks, to the hold spaces or to cargo piping are not
permanent, the non-return devices required by Pt C, Ch 4, 5) For ballast tanks in the double-bottom, ballast tanks
Sec 14, [13.2.3], item a) 1) may be substituted by two non- not intended to be partially filled and void spaces,
return valves. the upper gas sampling point is not required.

214 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 6

6) Means are to be provided to prevent gas sampling 7 Gas measurement and detection
lines from clogging when tanks are ballasted by
using compressed air flushing to clean the line after
7.1 Provisions applicable to all ships
switching from ballast to cargo loaded mode. The
system shall have an alarm to indicate if the gas 7.1.1 All ships are to be provided with at least two portable
sampling lines are clogged. gas detectors capable of measuring flammable vapour con-
b) Gas analysis unit centrations in air and at least two portable oxygen analysers.
The gas analysis unit shall be located in a safe space and Note 1: The number of portable detection instruments required
may be located in areas outside the ship's cargo area; above is considered equivalent to one portable instrument for
for example, in the cargo control room and/or naviga- measuring flammable vapour concentration, one portable instru-
tion bridge in addition to the hydraulic room when ment for measuring oxygen and sufficient spares.
mounted on the forward bulkhead, provided the follow- 7.1.2 The gas detectors required in [7.1.1] are to be of a
ing requirements are observed: type approved by the Society.
1) Sampling lines shall not run through gas safe spaces,
except where permitted under item 5) below; 7.2 Additional provisions for ships having
2) The hydrocarbon gas sampling pipes shall be the service notation oil tanker or FLS
equipped with flame arresters. Sample hydrocarbon tanker
gas is to be led to the atmosphere with outlets
arranged in a safe location, not close to a source of 7.2.1 Gas measurement
ignitions and not close to the accommodation area Ships having the service notation oil tanker or FLS tanker
air intakes; are to comply with the following provisions:
3) A manual isolating valve, which shall be easily a) Suitable means are to be provided for the calibration of
accessible for operation and maintenance, shall be portable instruments for measuring oxygen and/or flam-
fitted in each of the sampling lines at the bulkhead mable vapour concentrations.
on the gas safe side;
b) Suitable portable instruments for measuring oxygen and
4) The hydrocarbon gas detection equipment including flammable vapour concentrations in double hull spaces
sample piping, sample pumps, solenoids, analysing and double-bottom spaces are to be provided. In select-
units etc., shall be located in a reasonably gas-tight ing these instruments, due attention is to be given to
cabinet (e.g., fully enclosed steel cabinet with a their use in combination with the fixed gas sampling line
door with gaskets) which is to be monitored by its systems referred to in item c).
own sampling point. At a gas concentration above
c) Where the atmosphere in double hull spaces cannot be
30% of the lower flammable limit inside the steel
reliably measured using flexible gas sampling hoses,
enclosure the entire gas analysing unit is to be auto-
such spaces are to be fitted with permanent gas sam-
matically shut down; and
pling lines. The configuration of gas sampling lines is to
5) Where the enclosure cannot be arranged directly on be adapted to the design of such spaces.
the bulkhead, sample pipes shall be of steel or other
d) The materials of construction and the dimensions of gas
equivalent material and without detachable connec-
sampling lines are to be such as to prevent restriction.
tions, except for the connection points for isolating
Where plastic materials are used, they are to be electri-
valves at the bulkhead and analysing unit, and are to
cally conductive.
be routed on their shortest ways.
c) Gas detection equipment 7.2.2 Fixed hydrocarbon gas detection systems
1) The gas detection equipment is to be designed to Ships having the service notation oil tanker or FLS tanker
sample and analyse from each sampling line of each are to comply with the following provisions:
protected space, sequentially at intervals not a) In addition to the requirements in [7.2.1], ships having
exceeding 30 min. the service notation oil tanker or FLS tanker of
2) Means are to be provided to enable measurements 20000 tonnes deadweight and above, are to be pro-
with portable instruments, in case the fixed system is vided with a fixed hydrocarbon gas detection system
out of order or for system calibration. In case the complying with [6] for measuring hydrocarbon gas con-
system is out of order, procedures shall be in place centrations in all ballast tanks and void spaces of dou-
to continue to monitor the atmosphere with portable ble-hull and double-bottom spaces adjacent to the
instruments and to record the measurement results. cargo tanks, including the forepeak tank and any other
tanks and spaces under the bulkhead deck adjacent to
3) Audible and visual alarms are to be initiated in the
cargo tanks.
cargo control room, navigation bridge and at the
analysing unit when the vapour concentration in a Note 1: The term “cargo tanks” in the phrase “spaces adjacent to
the cargo tanks” includes slop tanks except those arranged for
given space reaches a pre-set value, which shall not
the storage of oily water only.
be higher than the equivalent of 30% of the lower
The term “spaces” in the phrase “spaces under the bulkhead
flammable limit.
deck adjacent to cargo tanks” includes dry compartments such
4) The gas detection equipment shall be so designed as ballast pump-rooms and bow thruster rooms and any tanks
that it may readily be tested and calibrated. such as freshwater tanks, but excludes fuel oil tanks.

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Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 6

The term “adjacent” in the phrase “adjacent to the cargo tanks” 7.4.2 Gas analysing units with non-explosion proof meas-
includes ballast tanks, void spaces, other tanks or compart- uring equipment may be located in areas outside cargo
ments located below the bulkhead deck located adjacent to areas, e.g. in cargo control room, navigation bridge or
cargo tanks and includes any spaces or tanks located below the engine room when mounted on the forward bulkhead pro-
bulkhead deck which form a cruciform (corner to corner) con-
vided the following requirements are observed:
tact with the cargo tanks.
a) Sampling lines are not to run through gas safe spaces,
b) Ships having the service notation oil tanker or FLS except where permitted under e).
tanker provided with constant operative inerting sys-
tems for such spaces need not be equipped with fixed b) The gas sampling pipes are to be equipped with flame
hydrocarbon gas detection equipment. arresters. Sample gas is to be led to the atmosphere with
outlets arranged in a safe location.
c) Notwithstanding the above, cargo pump-rooms subject
to the provisions of Ch 7, Sec 4, [3.5] need not comply c) Bulkhead penetrations of sample pipes between safe
with the present requirement. and dangerous areas are to be of approved type and
have same fire integrity as the division penetrated. A
manual isolating valve is to be fitted in each of the sam-
7.3 Additional provisions for ships fitted
pling lines at the bulkhead on the gas safe side.
with an inert gas system
d) The gas detection equipment including sample piping,
7.3.1 In addition to the provisions of [7.1], for ships fitted sample pumps, solenoids, analysing units etc. is to be
with inert gas systems, at least two portable gas detectors located in a reasonably gas tight (e.g. a fully enclosed
are to be capable of measuring concentrations of flammable steel cabinet with a gasketed door) which is to be moni-
vapours in inerted atmosphere. tored by its own sampling point. At gas concentrations
Note 1: Gas detectors are to be capable of measuring any gas con- above 30% LFL inside the steel cabinet the entire gas
tent from 0 to 100% in volume. analysing unit is to be automatically shut down.
e) Where the cabinet cannot be arranged directly on the
7.4 Provisions for installation of gas bulkhead, sample pipes are to be of steel or other equiv-
analysing units alent material and without detachable connections,
except for the connection points for isolating valves at
7.4.1 The following provisions apply to gas analysing units the bulkhead and analysing units, and are to be routed
of the sampling type located outside gas dangerous zones. on their shortest ways.

216 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 7, App 1



1.1.7 This Appendix does not include consideration of

sources of ignition such as lightning discharges, since insuf-
1 General ficient information is available to formulate equipment rec-
ommendations. All cargo handling, tank cleaning and
1.1 Application ballasting operations are to be suspended on the approach
of an electrical storm.
1.1.1 This Appendix reproduces the text of MSC Circ. 677.
It is intended to cover the design, testing, location and 1.1.8 This Appendix is not intended to deal with the possi-
maintenance of "devices to prevent the passage of flame bility of the passage of flame from one cargo tank to another
into cargo tanks" (hereafter called "devices") of ships having on tankers with common venting systems.
the service notations oil tanker or combination carrier car-
rying crude oil, petroleum products having a flash point of 1.1.9 When outlet openings of gas-freeing systems on tank-
60°C (closed cup test) or less and a Reid vapour pressure ers not fitted with inert gas systems are required to be pro-
below atmospheric pressure, and other liquids with similar tected with devices, they are to comply with this Appendix
fire hazard. It also applies to ships having the service nota- except that the tests specified in [4.2.3] and [4.3.3] are not
tion FLS tanker carrying flammable products having such a required.
flash point.
1.1.10 Certain of the tests prescribed in [4] of this Appen-
1.1.2 Ships having the service notations oil tanker, combi- dix are potentially hazardous, but no attempt is made in this
nation carrier or FLS tanker and fitted with an inert gas sys- Appendix to specify safety requirements for these tests.
tem in accordance with Ch 7, Sec 6, [5] are to be fitted with
devices which comply with this Appendix, except that the
1.2 Definitions
tests specified in [4.2.3] and [4.3.3] are not required. Such
devices are only to be fitted at openings unless they are
1.2.1 Premise
tested in accordance with [4.4].
For the purpose of this Appendix, the definitions given in
1.1.3 This Appendix is intended for devices protecting the following paragraphs are applicable.
cargo tanks containing crude oil, petroleum products and
flammable chemicals. In the case of the carriage of chemi- 1.2.2 Flame arrester
cals, the test media referred to in [4] can be used. However, A flame arrester is a device to prevent the passage of flame
devices for chemical tankers dedicated to the carriage of in accordance with a specified performance standard. Its
products with MESG less than 0,9 mm are to be tested with flame arresting element is based on the principle of quench-
appropriate media. ing.
Note 1: For MESG (Maximum Experimental Safe Gap) reference
should be made to IEC - publication 79-1. 1.2.3 Flame screen
A flame screen is a device utilising wire mesh to prevent the
1.1.4 Devices are to be tested and located in accordance passage of unconfined flames in accordance with a speci-
with this Appendix. fied performance standard.
1.1.5 Devices are installed to protect:
1.2.4 Flame speed
a) openings designed to relieve pressure or vacuum The flame speed is the speed at which a flame propagates
caused by thermal variations (see Ch 7, Sec 4, [4.2.2], along a pipe or other system.
item a));
b) openings designed to relieve pressure or vacuum during 1.2.5 Flashback
cargo loading, ballasting or discharging (see Ch 7, Sec Flashback is the transmission of a flame through a device.
4, [4.2.2], item b));
c) outlets designed for gas-freeing (see Ch 7, Sec 4, 1.2.6 High velocity vent
[4.3.3]). A high velocity vent is a device to prevent the passage of
flame consisting of a mechanical valve which adjusts the
1.1.6 Devices are not to be capable of being bypassed or opening available for flow in accordance with the pressure
blocked open unless they are tested in the bypassed or at the inlet of the valve in such a way that the efflux velocity
blocked open position in accordance with [4]. cannot be less than 30 m/s.

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Pt D, Ch 7, App 1

1.2.7 Pressure/vacuum valve 2.2 Mechanical design

A pressure/vacuum valve is a device designed to maintain
pressure and vacuum in a closed container within preset 2.2.1 The casing or housing of devices is to meet similar
limits. standards of strength, heat resistance and corrosion resist-
Note 1: Pressure/vacuum valves are devices to prevent the passage
ance as the pipe to which it is attached.
of flame when designed and tested in accordance with this Appen-
dix. 2.2.2 The design of devices is to allow for ease of inspec-
tion and removal of internal elements for replacement,
cleaning or repair.
1.3 Instruction manual
2.2.3 All flat joints of the housing are to be machined true
1.3.1 The manufacturer is to supply a copy of the instruc-
and are to provide an adequate metal-to-metal contact.
tion manual, which is to be kept on board the tanker and
which is to include:
2.2.4 Flame arrester elements are to fit in the housing in
a) installation instructions such a way that flame cannot pass between the element and
b) operating instructions the housing.

c) maintenance requirements, including cleaning (see 2.2.5 Resilient seals may be installed only if their design is
[2.3.3]) such that if the seals are partially or completely damaged or
d) a copy of the laboratory report referred to in [4.6] burned, the device is still capable of effectively preventing
the passage of flame.
e) flow test data, including flow rates under both positive
and negative pressures, operating sensitivity, flow resist- 2.2.6 Devices are to allow for efficient drainage of moisture
ance and velocity. without impairing their efficiency to prevent the passage of
2 Design of the devices
2.2.7 The casing, flame arrester element and gasket materi-
als are to be capable of withstanding the highest pressure
2.1 Principles
and temperature to which the device may be exposed under
both normal and specified fire test conditions.
2.1.1 Depending on their service and location, devices are
required to protect against the propagation of:
2.2.8 End-of-line devices are to be so constructed as to
a) moving flames, and/or direct the efflux vertically upwards.
b) stationary flames from pre-mixed gases after ignition of
gases resulting from any cause. 2.2.9 Fastenings essential to the operation of the device,
i.e. screws, etc., are to be protected against loosening.
2.1.2 When flammable gases from outlets ignite, the fol-
lowing four situations may occur: 2.2.10 Means are to be provided to check that any valve
lifts easily without remaining in the open position.
a) at low gas velocities the flame may:
1) flashback, or 2.2.11 Devices in which the flame arresting effect is
achieved by the valve function and which are not equipped
2) stabilise itself as if the outlet were a burner.
with flame arrester elements (e.g. high velocity valves) are
b) at high gas velocities, the flame may: to have a width of the contact area of the valve seat of at
1) burn at a distance above the outlet, or least 5 mm.

2) be blown out. 2.2.12 Devices are to be resistant to corrosion in accord-

ance with [4.5.1].
2.1.3 In order to prevent the passage of flame into a cargo
tank, devices are to be capable of performing one or more 2.2.13 Elements, gaskets and seals are to be of material
of the following functions: resistant to both seawater and the cargoes carried.
a) permitting the gas to pass through passages without
flashback and without ignition of the gases on the pro- 2.2.14 The casing of the housing is to be capable of passing
tected side when the device is subjected to heating for a a hydrostatic pressure test, as required in [4.5.2].
specified period
2.2.15 In-line devices are to be able to withstand without
b) maintaining an efflux velocity in excess of the flame
damage or permanent deformation the internal pressure
speed for the gas irrespective of the geometric configu-
resulting from detonation when tested in accordance with
ration of the device and without the ignition of gases on
the protected side, when the device is subjected to heat-
ing for a specified period; and 2.2.16 A flame arrester element is to be designed to ensure
c) preventing an influx of flame when conditions of vac- quality control of manufacture to meet the characteristics of
uum occur within the cargo tanks. the prototype tested, in accordance with this Appendix.

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2.3 Performance 2.5 Marking of devices

2.3.1 Devices are to be tested in accordance with [4.5] and 2.5.1 Each device is to be permanently marked, or have a
thereafter shown to meet the test requirements of [4.2] to permanently fixed tag made of stainless steel or other corro-
[4.4], as appropriate. sion-resistant material, to indicate:
Note 1: End-of-line devices which are intended for exclusive use a) the manufacturer’s name or trade mark
at openings of inerted cargo tanks need not be tested against endur- b) the style, type, model or other manufacturer’s designa-
ance burning as specified in [4.2.3].
tion for the device
Note 2: Where end-of-line devices are fitted with cowls, weather
c) the size of the outlet for which the device is approved
hoods and deflectors, etc., these attachments are to be fitted for the
tests described in [4.2]. d) the approved location for installation, including maxi-
Note 3: When venting to atmosphere is not performed through an mum or minimum length of pipe, if any, between the
end-of-line device according to Note 2, or a detonation flame device and the atmosphere
arrester according to [3.2.2], the in-line device is to be specifically e) the direction of flow through the device
tested with the inclusion of all pipes, tees, bends, cowls, weather
hoods, etc., which may be fitted between the device and atmos-
f) the test laboratory and report number, and
phere. The testing is to consist of the flashback test in [4.2.2] and, if g) compliance with the requirements of this Appendix.
for the given installation it is possible for a stationary flame to rest
on the device, the testing is also to include the endurance burning
test in [4.2.3].
3 Sizing, location and installation of
2.3.2 Performance characteristics such as the flow rates
under both positive and negative pressure, operating sensi- 3.1 Sizing of devices
tivity, flow resistance and velocity are to be demonstrated
by appropriate tests. 3.1.1 To determine the size of devices to avoid inadmissi-
ble pressure or vacuum in cargo tanks during loading or dis-
2.3.3 Devices are to be designed and constructed to mini- charging, calculations of pressure losses are to be carried
mise the effect of fouling under normal operating condi- out.
tions. Instructions on how to determine when cleaning is The following parameters are to be taken into account:
required and the method of cleaning are to be provided for
each device in the manufacturer’s instruction manual. a) loading/discharge rates
b) gas evolution
2.3.4 Devices are to be capable of operating in freezing c) pressure loss through devices, taking into account the
conditions and if any device is provided with heating resistance coefficient
arrangements so that its surface temperature exceeds 85°C,
then it is to be tested at the highest operating temperature. d) pressure loss in the vent piping system
e) pressure at which the vent opens if a high velocity valve
2.3.5 Devices based upon maintaining a minimum velocity is used
are to be capable of opening in such a way that a velocity of f) density of the saturated vapour/air mixture
30 m/s is immediately initiated, maintaining an efflux veloc-
ity of at least 30 m/s at all flow rates and, when the gas flow g) possible fouling of a flame arrester; 70% of its rated per-
is interrupted, closing in such a way that this minimum formance is to be used in the pressure drop calculation
velocity is maintained until the valve is fully closed. of the installation.

2.3.6 In the case of high velocity vents, the possibility of inad- 3.2 Location and installation of devices
vertent detrimental hammering leading to damage and/or fail-
ure is to be considered, with a view to eliminating it. 3.2.1 General
Note 1: Hammering is intended to mean a rapid full stroke opening/ a) Devices are to be located at the vent outlets to atmos-
closing, not foreseen by the manufacturer during normal operations. phere unless tested and approved for in-line installation.
b) Devices for in-line installation may not be fitted at the
2.4 Flame screens outlets to atmosphere unless they have also been tested
and approved for that position.
2.4.1 Flame screens are to be:
3.2.2 Detonation flame arresters
a) designed in such a manner that they cannot be inserted Where detonation flame arresters are installed as in-line
improperly in the opening devices venting to atmosphere, they are be located at a suf-
b) securely fitted in openings so that flames cannot cir- ficient distance from the open end of the pipeline so as to
cumvent the screen preclude the possibility of a stationary flame resting on the
c) able to meet the requirements of this Appendix. For
flame screens fitted at vacuum inlets through which 3.2.3 Access to the devices
vapours cannot be vented, the test specified in [4.2.3] Means are to be provided to enable personnel to reach
need not be complied with devices situated more than 2 m above deck to facilitate
d) protected against mechanical damage. maintenance, repair and inspection.

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4 Type test procedures 4.1.6 The following characteristics are to be recorded, as

appropriate, throughout the tests:
4.1 Principles a) concentration of fuel in the gas mixture
4.1.1 Tests are to be conducted by a laboratory acceptable b) temperature of the test gas mixture at inflow of the
to the Society. device, and
4.1.2 Each size of each model is to be submitted for type c) flow rates of the test gas mixtures when applicable.
testing. However, for flame arresters, testing may be limited
to the smallest and the largest sizes and one additional size
4.1.7 Flame passage is to be observed by recording, e.g.
in between to be chosen by the Society. Devices are to have
temperature, pressure, or light emission, by suitable sensors
the same dimensions and most unfavourable clearances
on the protected side of the device; alternatively, flame pas-
expected in the production model. If a test device is modi-
sage may be recorded on video tape.
fied during the test program, the testing is to be restarted.

4.1.3 Tests described in this Article using gasoline vapours 4.2 Test procedure for flame arresters
(a non-leaded petroleum distillate consisting essentially of
aliphatic hydrocarbon compounds with a boiling range
located at openings to the atmosphere
approximating 65°C ± 75°C), technical hexane vapours or
technical propane, as appropriate, are suitable for all 4.2.1 Test rig
devices protecting tanks containing a flammable atmos- The test rig is to consist of an apparatus producing an explo-
phere of the cargoes referred to in Ch 7, Sec 1, [1.1.3]. This sive mixture, a small tank with a diaphragm, a flanged pro-
does not preclude the use of gasoline vapours or technical totype of the flame arrester, a plastic bag and a firing source
hexane vapours for all tests referred to in this Article. in three positions (see Fig 1). Other test rigs may be used,
4.1.4 After the relevant tests, the device is not to show provided the tests referred to in this Article are carried out
mechanical damage that affects its original performance. to the satisfaction of the Society.
Note 1: The dimensions of the plastic bag are dependent on those
4.1.5 Before the tests the following equipment, as appropri- of the flame arrester, but for flame arresters normally used on tank-
ate, is to be properly calibrated: ers the plastic bag may have a circumference of 2 m, a length of 2,5
a) gas concentration meters m and a wall thickness of 0,05 mm.
b) thermometers Note 2: In order to avoid remnants of the plastic bag from falling
c) flow meters back on to the device being tested after ignition of the fuel/air mix-
ture, it may be useful to mount a coarse wire frame across the
d) pressure meters, and device within the plastic bag. The frame is to be so constructed as
e) time recording devices. not to interfere with the test result.

Figure 1 : Test rig for flashback test


(1): Plastic bursting diaphragm

(2): Explosive mixture inlet
(3): Tank
(4): Flame arresting device
(5): Plastic bag
(6): Ignition source

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4.2.2 Flashback test b) If a flashback occurs, the tank diaphragm will burst and
A flashback test is to be carried out as follows: this will be audible and visible to the operator by the
emission of a flame. Flame, heat and pressure sensors
a) The tank, flame arrester assembly and the plastic bag
may be used as an alternative to a bursting diaphragm.
(see [4.2.1]) enveloping the prototype flame arrester are
to be filled so that this volume contains the most easily
ignitable propane/air mixture (see IEC Publication 79/1). 4.2.3 Endurance burning test
The concentration of the mixture is to be verified by An endurance burning test is to be carried out, in addition
appropriate testing of the gas composition in the plastic to the flashback test, for flame arresters at outlets where
bag. Where devices referred to in [2.3.1], Note 3 are flows of explosive vapour are foreseeable:
tested, the plastic bag is to be fitted at the outlet to
atmosphere. Three ignition sources are to be installed a) The test rig as referred to in [4.2.1] may be used, with-
along the axis of the bag, one close to the flame arrester, out the plastic bag. The flame arrester is to be so
another as far away as possible therefrom, and the third installed that the mixture emission is vertical. In this
at the mid-point between these two. These three sources position the mixture is to be ignited. Where devices
are to be fired in succession, twice in each of the three referred to in [2.3.1] Note 3, are tested, the flame
positions. The temperature of the test gas is to be within arrester is to be so installed as to reflect its final orienta-
the range of 15°C to 40°C. tion.

Figure 2 : Schematic plan of the test plant for high velocity valves (endurance burning test only)

M 1

AIR vapour/air MIXTURE 10
13 2 9
15 13
5 4



(1): Fan with variable speed

(2): Volume rate indicator
(3): Pipe (diameter=500 mm, length=30 m)
(4): Heated vapour pipe
(5): Air bypass
(6): Evaporator and gasoline storage tank
(7): Vapour/air mixture bypass
(8): Extinguishing agents
(9): Automatic control and quick action stop valve
(10): Explosion arresting crimped ribbon with temperature sensors for the safety of the test rig
(11): High velocity valve to be tested
(12): Flame detector
(13): Bursting diaphragm
(14): Concentration indicator
(15): Tank

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b) Endurance burning is to be achieved by using the most sor is to be affixed at the unprotected side of the arrester
easily ignitable gasoline vapour/air mixture or the most in a position near to the stabilised flame.
easily ignitable technical hexane vapour/air mixture If difficulties arise in establishing stationary temperature
with the aid of a continuously operated pilot flame or a conditions (at elevated temperatures), the following cri-
continuously operated spark igniter at the outlet. The teria is to apply: using the flow rate which produced the
test gas is be introduced upstream of the tank shown in maximum temperature during the foregoing test
Fig 1. Maintaining the concentration of the mixture as sequence, endurance burning is to be continued for a
specified above, by varying the flow rate, the flame period of two hours from the time the above-mentioned
arrester is to be heated until the highest obtainable tem- flow rate has been established. After that period the flow
perature on the cargo tank side of the arrester is is to be stopped and the conditions observed. Flashback
reached. Temperatures are to be measured, for example, is not to occur during this test.
at the protected side of the flame quenching matrix of
the arrester (or at the seat of the valve in the case of test- 4.2.4 Pressure/vacuum valve integrated to a flame
ing high velocity vents according to [4.3]). The highest arresting device
obtainable temperature may be considered to have been When a pressure/vacuum valve is integrated to a flame
reached when the rate of rise of temperature does not arresting device, the flashback test is to be performed with
exceed 0,5°C per minute over a ten-minute period. This the pressure/ vacuum valve blocked open. If there are no
temperature is to be maintained for a period of ten min- additional flame quenching elements integrated in a pres-
utes, after which the flow is to be stopped and the con- sure valve, this valve is to be considered and tested as a
ditions observed. The temperature of the test gas is to be high velocity vent valve according to [4.3].
within the range of 15°C to 40°C.
If no temperature rise occurs at all, the arrester is to be 4.3 Test procedures for high velocity vents
inspected for a more adequate position of the tempera-
ture sensor, taking account of the visually registered 4.3.1 Test rig
position of the stabilised flame during the first test The test rig is to be capable of producing the required vol-
sequence. Positions which require the drilling of small ume flow rate. In Fig 2 and Fig 3 drawings of suitable test
holes into fixed parts of the arrester are to be taken into rigs are shown. Other test rigs may be used provided the
account. If all this is not successful, the temperature sen- tests are performed to the satisfaction of the Society.

Figure 3 : Test rig for high velocity vents

1 13

2 12




(1): Primary igniter
(2): Secondary igniter
(3): Cocks
(4): Explosion door
(5): Gas supply
(6): Flashback detector
(7): Chart recorder
(8): Flow meter
(9): Fan
(10): Spade blank and bypass line for low rates
(11): Pressure gauge
(12): Gas analyser
(13): High velocity vent to be tested

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4.3.2 Flow condition test vent closes and the flame is extinguished, and each is to
A flow condition test is to be carried out with high velocity be carried out at least 50 times. The vacuum side of
vents using compressed air or gas at agreed flow rates. The combined valves is to be tested in accordance with
following are to be recorded: [4.2.2] with the vacuum valve maintained in the open
a) the flow rate; where air or a gas other than vapours of position for the duration of this test, in order to verify the
cargoes with which the vent is to be used is employed in efficiency of the device which is to be fitted.
the test, the flow rates achieved are to be corrected to b) An endurance burning test, as described in [4.2.3], is to
reflect the vapour density of such cargoes be carried out. Following this test, the main flame is to be
b) the pressure before the vent opens; the pressure in the extinguished and then, with the pilot flame burning or
test tank on which the device is located is not to rise at a the spark igniter discharging, small quantities of the most
rate greater than 0,01 N/mm2/min easily ignitable mixture are to be allowed to escape for a
period of ten minutes maintaining a pressure below the
c) the pressure at which the vent opens valve of 90% of the valve opening setting, during which
d) the pressure at which the vent closes time flashback is not to occur. For the purpose of this test
e) the efflux velocity at the outlet which is not to be less the soft seals or seats are to be removed.
than 30 m/s at any time when the valve is open.
4.4 Test rig and test procedures for
4.3.3 Fire safety tests
detonation flame arresters located in-line
The following fire safety tests are to be conducted while
adhering to [2.3.6] using a mixture of gasoline vapour and 4.4.1 A flame arrester is to be installed at one end of a pipe
air or technical hexane vapour and air, which produces the of suitable length and of the same diameter as the flange of
most easily ignitable mixture at the point of ignition. This the flame arrester. On the opposed flange a pipe of a length
mixture is to be ignited with the aid of a permanent pilot corresponding to 10 pipe diameters is to be affixed and
flame or a spark igniter at the outlet. closed by a plastic bag or diaphragm. The pipe is to be filled
a) Flashback tests in which propane may be used instead with the most easily ignitable mixture of propane and air,
of gasoline or hexane are to be carried out with the vent which is then to be ignited. The velocity of the flame near
in the upright position and then inclined at 10° from the the flame arrester is to be measured and is to have the same
vertical. For some vent designs further tests with the vent value as that for stable detonations.
inclined in more than one direction may be necessary. Note 1: The dimensions of the plastic bag are to be at least 4 m cir-
In each of these tests the flow is to be reduced until the cumference, 4 m length and a material wall thickness of 0,05 mm.

Figure 4 : Test rig for arresters located in-line

6 4
3 2
0.1 0.1 d

5 5.1 7 1

(1): Explosive mixture inlet
(2): Ignition source; ignition within non-streaming mixture
(3): Tank
(4): Measuring system for flame speed of a stable detonation
(5): Flame arrester located in-line; (5.1): Flame arrester element; (5.2): Shock wave absorber
(6): Plastic bag
(7): l/d = 100

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4.4.2 Three detonation tests are to be conducted, no flash- 4.5.2 Hydraulic pressure test
back is to occur through the device and no part of the flame A hydraulic pressure test is to be carried out in the casing or
arrester is to be damaged or show permanent deformation. housing of a sample device, in accordance with [2.2.15].

4.4.3 Other test rigs may be used provided the tests are car-
4.6 Laboratory report
ried out to the satisfaction of the Society. A drawing of the
test rig is shown in Fig 4. 4.6.1 The laboratory report is to include:
a) detailed drawings of the device
4.5 Operational test procedure
b) types of tests conducted; where in-line devices are
4.5.1 Corrosion test tested, this information is to include the maximum pres-
sures and velocities observed in the test
A corrosion test is to be carried out. In this test a complete
device, including a section of the pipe to which it is fitted, is c) specific advice on approved attachments
to be exposed to a 5% sodium chloride solution spray at a d) types of cargo for which the device is approved
temperature of 25°C for a period of 240 hours, and allowed e) drawings of the test rig
to dry for 48 hours. An equivalent test may be conducted to
the satisfaction of the Society. Following this test, all mova- f) in the case of high velocity vents, the pressures at which
ble parts are to operate properly and there are to be no cor- the device opens and closes and the efflux velocity, and
rosion deposits which cannot be washed off. g) all the information marked on the device in [2.5].

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2.1.2 The crude oil washing system is to consist of perma-

1 General nent pipework and is to be independent of the fire mains
and of any system other than for tank washing except that
sections of the ship’s cargo system may be incorporated into
1.1 Application the crude oil washing system provided that they meet the
1.1.1 This Appendix reproduces the text of IMO Resolution requirements applicable to crude oil pipework. Notwith-
A.446. It applies to ships having the notation oil tanker in standing the above requirements, in combination carriers
the conditions stated in Ch 7, Sec 4, [4.6.1]. the following arrangements may be allowed:
a) the removal of the equipment, if necessary, when carry-
1.2 Definitions ing cargoes other than crude oil, provided that, when
reinstated, the system is as originally fitted and tested for
1.2.1 Arrival ballast oil-tightness
For the purpose of this Appendix, “arrival ballast” means b) the use of flexible hose pipes to connect the crude oil
clean ballast as defined in Ch 7, Sec 1, [1.2.5]. washing system to tank washing machines if it is neces-
sary to locate these machines in a cargo tank hatch
1.2.2 Departure ballast cover. Such flexible hose pipes are to be provided with
For the purpose of this Appendix, “departure ballast” means flanged connections, manufactured and tested in
ballast other than arrival ballast. accordance with standards acceptable to the Society,
and consistent with the duties the hoses are required to
1.3 Operations and Equipment Manual perform. The length of these hoses is not to be greater
than necessary to connect the tank washing machines to
1.3.1 The Operations and Equipment Manual of the crude an adjacent point just outside the hatch coaming. The
oil washing system is to be submitted to the Society for hoses are to be removed to a suitably prepared and pro-
information. It is to contain at least the following informa- tected stowage location when not in use.
a) line drawing of the crude oil washing system showing 2.1.3 Provisions are to be made to prevent overpressure in
the respective position of pumps, lines and washing the tank washing supply piping. Any relief device fitted to
machines which relate to the crude oil washing system prevent overpressure is to discharge into the suction side of
the supply pump. Alternative methods to the satisfaction of
b) a description of the system and a listing of procedures the Society may be accepted provided an equivalent degree
for checking that equipment is working properly during of safety and environmental protection is provided.
crude oil washing operations. This is to include a listing
Note 1: Where the system is served only by centrifugal pumps so
of the system and equipment parameters to be moni-
designed that the pressure derived cannot exceed that for which the
tored, such as line pressure, oxygen level, machine rev- piping is designed, a temperature sensing device located in the
olutions, duration of cycles, etc. The established values pump casing is required to stop the pump in the case of overheat-
for these parameters are to be included. The results of ing.
the tests carried out in accordance with [3.3] and the
values of all parameters monitored during such tests are 2.1.4 Where hydrant valves are fitted for water washing
also to be included. purposes on tank washing lines, all such valves are to be of
c) other information referred to in [2.1.8], [2.2.2], [2.3.2], adequate strength and provisions are to be made for such
[2.3.5], [2.4.3] and [3.3.1]. connections to be blanked off by blank flanges when wash-
ing lines may contain crude oil. Alternatively, hydrant
valves are to be isolated from the crude oil washing system
2 Design and installation by spade blanks.

2.1 Piping 2.1.5 All connections for pressure gauges or other instru-
mentation are to be provided with isolating valves adjacent
2.1.1 The crude oil washing pipes and all valves incorpo- to the lines unless the fitting is of the sealed type.
rated in the supply piping system are to be of steel or other
equivalent material, of adequate strength having regard to 2.1.6 No part of the crude oil washing system is to enter
the pressure to which they may be subjected, and properly machinery spaces. Where the tank washing system is fitted
jointed and supported. with a steam heater for use when water washing, the heater
Note 1: Grey cast iron may be permitted in the supply system for is to be located outside machinery spaces and effectively
crude oil washing systems when complying with nationally isolated during crude oil washing by double shut-off valves
approved standards. or by clearly identifiable blanks.

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2.1.7 Where combined crude oil-water washing supply 2.2.5 The number and location of tank washing machines
piping is provided, the piping is to be so designed that it can are to be to the satisfaction of the Society.
be drained so far as practicable of crude oil, before water
washing is commenced, into designated spaces. These 2.2.6 The location of the machines is dependent upon the
spaces may be the slop tank or other cargo spaces. characteristics detailed in [2.2.2] and upon the configura-
tion of the internal structure of the tank.
2.1.8 The piping system is to be of such diameter that the
greatest number of tank cleaning machines required, as 2.2.7 The number and location of the machines in each
specified in the Operations and Equipment Manual, can be cargo tank are to be such that all horizontal and vertical
operated simultaneously at the designed pressure and areas are washed by direct impingement or effectively by
throughput. The arrangement of the piping is to be such that deflection or splashing of the impinging jet. In assessing an
the required number of tank cleaning machines for each acceptable degree of jet deflection and splashing, particular
cargo compartment as specified in the Operations and attention is to be paid to the washing of upward facing hori-
Equipment Manual can be operated simultaneously. zontal areas and the following parameters are to be used:
a) For horizontal areas of a tank bottom and the upper sur-
2.1.9 The crude oil washing supply piping is to be faces of a tank’s stringers and other large primary struc-
anchored (firmly attached) to the ship’s structure at appro- tural members, the total area shielded from direct
priate locations, and means are to be provided to permit impingement by deck or bottom transverses, main gird-
freedom of movement elsewhere to accommodate thermal ers, stringers or similar large primary structural members
expansion and flexing of the ship. The anchoring is to be is not to exceed 10 per cent of the horizontal area of the
such that any hydraulic shock can be absorbed without tank bottom, the upper surface of stringers, and other
undue movement of the supply piping. The anchors are nor- large primary structural members.
mally to be situated at the ends furthest from the entry of the
crude oil supply to the supply piping. If tank washing b) For vertical areas of the sides of a tank, the total area of
machines are used to anchor the ends of branch pipes then the tank’s sides shielded from direct impingement by
special arrangements are necessary to anchor these sections deck or bottom transverses, main girders, stringers or
when the machines are removed for any reason. similar large primary structural members is not to
exceed 15 per cent of the total area of the tank’s sides.
2.2 Tank washing machines In some installations, it may be necessary to consider the fit-
ting of more than one type of tank washing machine in
2.2.1 Tank washing machines for crude oil washing are to order to effect adequate coverage.
be permanently mounted and of a design acceptable to the Note 1: With regard to the application of this requirement, a slop
Society. tank is considered as a cargo tank.

2.2.2 The performance characteristic of a tank washing

machine is governed by nozzle diameter, working pressure 2.2.8 At the design stage the following minimum proce-
and the movement pattern and timing. Each tank cleaning dures are to be used to determine the area of the tank sur-
machine fitted is to have a characteristic such that the sec- face covered by direct impingement:
tions of the cargo tank covered by that machine will be a) Using suitable structural plans, lines are set out from the
effectively cleaned within the time specified in the Opera- tips of each machine to those parts of the tank within
tions and Equipment Manual. the range of the jets.

2.2.3 Tank washing machines are to be mounted in each b) Where the configuration of the tanks is considered by
cargo tank and the method of support is to be to the satis- the Society to be complicated, a pinpoint of light simu-
faction of the Society. Where a machine is positioned well lating the tip of the tank washing machine in a scale
below the deck level to cater for protuberances in the tank, model of the tank is to be used.
consideration may need to be given to additional support
for the machine and its supply piping. 2.2.9 The design of the deck mounted tank washing
machines is to be such that means are provided external to
cargo tanks which, when crude oil washing is in progress,
2.2.4 Each machine is to be capable of being isolated by
would indicate the rotation and arc of the movement of the
means of stop valves in the supply line. If a deck mounted
machine. Where the deck mounted machine is of the non-
tank washing machine is removed for any reason, provision
programmable, dual nozzle type, alternative methods to the
is to be made to blank off the oil supply line to the machine
satisfaction of the Society may be accepted provided an
for the period the machine is removed. Similarly, provision
equivalent degree of verification is attained.
is to be made to close the tank opening with a plate or
equivalent means.
2.2.10 Where submerged machines are required, they are
Note 1: Where more than one submerged machine is connected to to be non-programmable and, in order to comply with the
the same supply line, a single isolating stop valve in the supply line requirements of [2.2.7], it is to be possible to verify their
may be acceptable provided the rotation of the submerged
rotation by one of the following methods:
machine can be verified in accordance with [2.2.10]
a) by indicators external to the tanks

226 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 7, App 2

b) by checking the characteristic sound pattern of the 2.4.4 Means such as level gauges, hand dipping and strip-
machine, in which case the operation of the machine is ping system performance gauges as referred to in [2.4.8]
to be verified towards the end of each wash cycle. are to be provided for checking that the bottom of every
Where two or more submerged machines are installed cargo tank is dry after crude oil washing. Suitable arrange-
on the same supply line, valves are to be provided and ments for hand dipping are to be provided at the aftermost
arranged so that the operation of each machine can be portion of a cargo tank and in three other suitable locations
verified independently of other machines on the same unless other approved means are fitted for efficiently ascer-
supply line. taining that the bottom of every cargo tank is dry. For the
c) by gas freeing the tank and checking the operation of purpose of this paragraph, the cargo tank bottom is to be
the machine with water during ballast voyages. considered “dry” if there is no more than a small quantity of
oil near the stripping suction with no accumulation of oil
2.3 Pumps elsewhere in the tank.

2.3.1 Pumps supplying crude oil to tank cleaning machines

2.4.5 Means are to be provided to drain all cargo pumps
are to be either the cargo pumps or pumps specifically pro-
and lines at the completion of cargo discharge, where nec-
vided for the purpose.
essary, by connection to a stripping device. The line and
2.3.2 The capacity of the pumps is to be sufficient to pro- pump draining is to be capable of being discharged both to
vide the necessary throughput at the required pressure for a cargo tank and ashore. For discharge ashore, a special
the maximum number of tank cleaning machines required small diameter line is to be provided for this purpose and
to be operated simultaneously as specified in the Opera- connected outboard of the ship’s manifold valve. The cross-
tions and Equipment Manual. In addition to the above sectional area of this line is not to exceed 10 per cent of that
requirement, if an eductor system is fitted for tank stripping, of a main cargo discharge line.
the pumps are to be capable of supplying the eductor driv-
ing fluid to meet the provisions of [2.4.2]. Note 1: In crude oil tankers having individual cargo pumps in each
tank, each pump having an individual piping system, dispensation
2.3.3 The capacity of the pumps is to be such that the from the required special small diameter line may be granted in
requirements of [2.3.2] can be met with any one pump cases where the combined amount of oil left in the tank after strip-
inoperative. The pumping and piping arrangements are to ping and the volume of oil in the piping system from the manifold
be such that the crude oil washing system can be effectively to the tank is less than 0,00085 times the volume of the cargo tank.
operated with any one pump out of use. The above consideration is also to apply if a deepwell cargo pump
system is provided with an evacuating system for retained oil.
2.3.4 The carriage of more than one grade of cargo is not to
prevent crude oil washing of tanks.
2.4.6 The means for stripping oil from cargo tanks are to be
2.3.5 To permit crude oil washing to be effectively carried a positive displacement pump, self-priming centrifugal
out where the back pressure presented by the shore termi- pump or eductor or other methods to the satisfaction of the
nal is below the pressure required for crude oil washing,
Society. Where a stripping line is connected to a number of
provision is to be made such that an adequate pressure to
tanks, means are to be provided for isolating each tank not
the washing machines can be maintained in accordance
being stripped at that particular time.
with [2.3.2]. This requirement is to be met with any one
cargo pump out of action. The minimum supply pressure
required for crude oil washing is to be specified in the 2.4.7 The carriage of more than one grade of cargo is not to
Operations and Equipment Manual. Should this minimum prevent crude oil washing of tanks.
supply pressure not be obtainable, crude oil washing opera-
tions are not to be carried out. 2.4.8 Equipment is to be provided for monitoring the effi-
ciency of the stripping system. All such equipment is to
2.4 Stripping system have remote read out facilities in the cargo control room or
in some other safe and convenient place easily accessible to
2.4.1 The design of the system for stripping crude oil from the officer in charge of cargo and crude oil washing opera-
the bottom of every cargo tank is to be to the satisfaction of tions. Where a stripping pump is provided, the monitoring
the Society.
equipment is to include either a flow indicator, or a stroke
2.4.2 The design and capacity of the tank stripping system counter or revolution counter as appropriate, and pressure
are to be such that the bottom of the tank being cleaned is gauges at the inlet and discharge connections of the pump
kept free of accumulations of oil and sediment towards or equivalent. Where eductors are provided, the monitoring
completion of the tank washing process. equipment is to include pressure gauges at the driving fluid
intake and at the discharge and a pressure/vacuum gauge at
2.4.3 The stripping system is to be at least 1,25 times the the suction intake.
total throughput of all the tank cleaning machines to be
operated simultaneously when washing the bottom of the
2.4.9 The internal structure of the tank is to be such that
cargo tanks as described in the ship’s Operations and Equip-
drainage of oil to the tank suctions of the stripping system is
ment Manual.
adequate to meet the requirements of [2.4.2] and [2.4.4].

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 227

Pt D, Ch 7, App 2

2.5 Ballast lines water rinse which may be specified in the Operations and
Equipment Manual. The bottom of the tank to be inspected
2.5.1 Where a separate ballast water system for ballasting may, however, be flushed with water and stripped in order
cargo tanks is not provided, the arrangement is to be such to remove any wedge of liquid crude oil remaining on the
that the cargo pump, manifolds and pipes used for ballast- tank bottom before gas freeing for entry. This inspection is
ing can be safely and effectively drained of oil before bal- to ensure that the tank is essentially free of oil clingage and
lasting. deposits. If the flushing procedure is adopted, a similar but
unflushed tank is to be used for the test specified in [3.3.2].
3 Inspection and testing
3.3.2 To verify the effectiveness of the stripping and drain-
age arrangements, a measurement is to be made of the
3.1 Initial survey
amount of oil floating on top of the departure ballast. The
3.1.1 The initial survey required in Ch 7, Sec 4, [6.3.2] is to ratio of the volume of oil on top of the departure ballast
include a complete inspection of the crude oil washing water to the volume of tanks that contain this water is not to
equipment and arrangements and, except for the cases exceed 0,00085. This test is to be carried out after crude oil
specified in [3.3.3], an examination of the tanks after they washing and stripping in a tank similar in all relevant
have been crude oil washed and the additional checks respects to the tank examined in accordance with [3.3.1]
specified in [3.3.1] and [3.3.2] to ensure that the washing above, which has not been subjected to a water rinse or to
system efficiency is in accordance with this Appendix. the intervening water flushing permissible in [3.3.1] above.

3.3.3 When the Society is satisfied that ships are similar in

3.2 Piping all relevant respects, the provisions of [3.3.1] and [3.3.2]
3.2.1 The piping system is to be tested to one and a half need only be applied to one such ship. Furthermore, where
times the working pressure after it has been installed on the a ship has a series of tanks that are similar in all relevant
ship. respects then, for that series of tanks, the requirements of
[3.3.1] need only be applied to one tank of that series.
3.3 Tank washing machines
3.4 Stripping system
3.3.1 To confirm the cleanliness of the tank and to verify
the design in respect of the number and location of the tank 3.4.1 Care is to be taken that both longitudinal and trans-
washing machines, a visual inspection is to be made by verse drainage are satisfactory. Drainage is to be verified
entry to the tanks after a crude oil wash but prior to any during the inspection required by [3.3].

228 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 7, App 3


1 Application Table 1 : List of oils

Asphalt solutions
1.1 Scope of the lists of oils
• Blending stocks
1.1.1 The lists set out in this Appendix include the oils the • Roofers flux
carriage in bulk of which is covered by the service notations • Straight run residue
oil tanker or oil tanker, flash point > 60°C or oil tanker, Oils
asphalt carrier, under the provisions of Ch 7, Sec 1, [1.1.3]. • Clarified
• Crude oil
2 Lists of products • Mixtures containing crude oil
• Diesel oil
2.1 List of oils • Fuel oil n° 4
• Fuel oil n° 5
2.1.1 The list given in Tab 1 is reproduced from Appendix 1 • Fuel oil n° 6
of the MARPOL 73/78 Convention, except that naphtha sol- • Residual fuel oil
vent is, in the opinion of the Society, to be considered as a • Road oil
chemical to which Part D, Chapter 8 applies. This list is not • Transformer oil
necessarily comprehensive. • Aromatic oil (excluding vegetable oil)
• Lubricating oils and blending stocks
• Mineral oil
• Spindle oil
• Turbine oil
• Straight run
• Flashed feed stocks
Gas oil
• Cracked
Gasoline blending stock
• Alkylates - fuel
• Reformates
• Polymer - fuel
• Casinghead (natural)
• Automotive
• Aviation
• Straight run
• Fuel oil n° 1 (kerosene)
• Fuel oil n° 1-D
• Fuel oil n° 2
• Fuel oil n° 2-D
Jet fuels
• JP-1 (kerosene)
• JP-3
• JP-4
• JP-5 (kerosene, heavy)
• Turbo fuel
• Kerosene
• Mineral spirit
• Petroleum
• Heartcut distillate oil

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 229

Pt D, Ch 7, App 4



1 Application c) Some chemicals are identified as falling into pollution

category Z and, therefore, subject to certain operational
requirements of Annex II of MARPOL 73/78.
1.1 Scope of the list
d) Liquid mixtures which are provisionally assessed under
1.1.1 The list set out in this Appendix includes all chemical Regulation 6(4) of Annex II of MARPOL 73/78 as falling
products to which Part D, Chapter 8 and IBC Code do not into pollution category Z, and which do not present
apply. Such products are allowed to be carried by ships hav- safety hazards, may be carried under the entry for "nox-
ing the service notation FLS tanker or, where their flash ious liquid, not otherwise specified" in this Chapter.
point is above 60°C, also by ships having the service nota- Similarly, those mixtures provisionally assessed as falling
tion FLS tanker flash point > 60 °C. outside pollution category X, Y or Z, and which do not
present safety hazards, may be carried under the entry
Where indicated in the list, some products are also allowed for "non-noxious liquid not otherwise specified" in this
to be carried by ships having the service notation tanker. Appendix.
e) The substances identified as falling into pollution cate-
1.2 Safety and pollution hazards gory OS are not subject to any requirements of Annex II
of MARPOL 73/78 in particular in respect of:
1.2.1 • the discharge of bilge or ballast water or other resi-
a) The following are chemicals which have been reviewed dues or mixtures containing only such substances
for their safety and pollution hazards and determined • the discharge into the sea of clean ballast or segre-
not to present hazards to such an extent as to warrant gated ballast.
application of the IBC Code and Part D, Chapter 8. This
may be used as a guide in considering bulk carriage of
chemicals whose hazards have not yet been evaluated.
2 List of chemicals for which Part D,
Chapter 8 and IBC Code do not apply
b) Although the chemicals listed in this Chapter fall outside
the scope of the IBC Code and Part D, Chapter 8, the 2.1
attention is drawn to the fact that some safety precau-
tions are needed for their safe transportation. Relevant 2.1.1 The list of chemicals for which Part D, Chapter 8 and
requirements are summarized in Tab 1. IBC Code do not apply is given in Tab 1. The relevant sym-
bols and notations used in Tab 1 are given in Tab 2.

230 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Table 1 : List of easy chemicals

July 2018
Elec. eqpt Elec. eqpt Vapour Fire High Melting
Pollution Tank Flash-point Gau- Chem. Density Service
Product name temp. apparatus detec- protec- level point
category vents (°C) ging family (t/m3) notation
class group tion tion alarm (°C)
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) (m) (n)
Acetone Z Cont T1 IIA -18 R F A Y 18 0,79 - FLS
Alcoholic beverages, not otherwise
Z Cont - - 20 to 60 (1) R F A Y - 1,00 - FLS
Apple juice OS Open - - NF O - - N - 1,00 - T
n-Butyl alcohol Z Cont T2 IIA 29 R F A Y 20 0,81 - FLS
sec-Butyl alcohol Z Cont T2 IIA 24 R F A Y 20 0,81 - FLS
Calcium nitrate solutions 50% or less) Z Open - - NF O - - N - 1,50 - T
Clay slurry OS Open - - NF O - - N - 1,50 - T
Coal slurry OS Open - - NF O - A, B N - 1,50 - T
Diethylene glycol Z Open T3 IIB >60 O - - N 40 1,12 - FLS>60
Ethyl alcohol Z Cont T2 IIA 13 R F A Y 20 0,79 - FLS
Ethylene carbonate Z Open T2 - >60 O - - N - 1,32 36 FLS>60
Glucose solution OS Open - - NF O - - N - 1,50 - T

Bureau Veritas
Glycerine Z Open T2 IIA >60 O - - N 20 1,26 18 FLS>60
Hexamethylenetetramine solutions Z Open - - NF O - - N 7 1,50 - T
Hexylene glycol Z Open T2 IIA >60 O - B, C N 20 0,92 - FLS>60
Hydrogenated starch hydrolysate OS Open - - NF O - - - - 1,025 - T
Isopropyl alcohol Z Cont 22 R F A Y 20 0,78 - FLS
Kaolin slurry OS Open NF O - - N 43 1,50 - T
Lecithin OS Open NF O - - N - 1,75 - T
Magnesium hydroxide slurry Z Open - - NF O - - N - 1,23 - T
Maltitol solution OS Open - - NF O - - N - 1,025 - T
Methyl propyl ketone Z Cont - - <60 R F A Y 18 0,82 - FLS
Molasses OS Open - - >60 O - - N 20 1,45 - FLS>60
Noxious liquid (11), not otherwise
Z Cont - - <60 R F A Y - 1,00 - FLS
specified, Cat. Z
Non-noxious liquid (12), not otherwise
OS Cont - - <60 R F A Y - 1,00 - FLS
specified, Cat. OS

Pt D, Ch 7, App 4
Elec. eqpt Elec. eqpt Vapour Fire High Melting

Pollution Tank Flash-point Gau- Chem. Density Service
Product name temp. apparatus detec- protec- level point
category vents (°C) ging family (t/m3) notation
class group tion tion alarm (°C)
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) (m) (n)
Polyaluminium chloride solution Z Open - - NF O - - N - 1,25 - T
Pt D, Ch 7, App 4

Polyglycerin, sodium salt solution (con-

Z Open - - >60 O - - N - 1,27 - FLS>60
taining less than 3% sodium hydroxide)
Potassium formate solution Z Open - - NF O - - N - 1,025 - FLS>60
Propylene glycol Z Open T2 IIA >60 O - - N 20 1,03 - FLS>60
Propylene carbonate Z Open - - NF O - - N - 1,025 - FLS>60
Sodium acetate solutions Z Open - - NF O - - N - 1,45 - T
Sodium sulphate solutions Z Open - - NF O - - N - 1,45 - T
Sorbitol solution OS Open - - >60 O - - N 20 1,50 - FLS>60
Sulphonated polyacrylate solution Z Open - - NF O - - N - 1,025 - FLS>60
Tetraethys silicate monoma/oligoma
Z Open - - NF O - - N - 1,025 - FLS>60
(20% in ethanol
Triethylene glycol Z Open T2 IIA >60 O - - N 40 1,12 - FLS>60
Vegetable protein solution (hydrolysed) OS Open - - NF O - - N - 1,20 - T

Bureau Veritas
Water OS Open - - NF O - - N - 1,00 - T
(1) Composition dependent

July 2018
Pt D, Ch 7, App 4

Table 2 : Symbols and notations used in the list of easy chemicals

Items Column Comments

Product name (a) Gives the alphabetical name of the products.
Pollution category (b) The letter Z refers to the pollution category Z as defined in Annex II of MARPOL
The symbol OS means that the product was evaluated and found to fall outside the
pollution categories X, Y and Z defined in Annex II of MARPOL 73/78.
Tank vents (c)
Electrical equipment (d) The symbols T1 to T6 refer to the electrical equipment temperature classes defined in
temperature class IEC Publication 79-0.
Electrical equipment (e) The symbols IIA and IIB refer to the electrical equipment apparatus groups defined in
apparatus group IEC Publication 79-0.
Flash point (f)
Gauging (g)
Vapour detection (h)
Fire protection (i) The letters A, B, C and D refer to the following fire-extinguishing media determined
to be effective for certain products:
A : Alcohol-resistant foam (or multi-purpose foam)
B : Regular foam, encompasses all foams that are not of an alcohol-resistant
type, including fluoro-protein and aqueous-film-forming foam (AFFF)
C : Water spray
D : Dry chemical (powder).
High level alarm (j)
Chemical family (k)
Density (l)
Melting point (m)
Service notation (n) The symbols FLS, FLS>60 and T are defined as follows:
FLS : Means that the product is allowed to be carried by a ship having the ser-
vice notation FLS tanker
FLS>60 : Means that the product is allowed to be carried by a ship having the ser-
vice notation FLS tanker, flash point > 60°C
T : Means that the product is allowed to be carried by a ship having the ser-
vice notation tanker.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 233

Pt D, Ch 7, App 5



ds : Load line draught, equal to the vertical distance, 2 Accidental oil outflow performance
in m, from the moulded baseline at mid-length
to the waterline corresponding to the summer
2.1 Mean oil outflow parameter
freeboard to be assigned to the ship. Calcula-
tions pertaining to this regulation are to be 2.1.1 To provide adequate protection against oil pollution
based on draught dS, notwithstanding assigned in the event of collision or stranding the following is to be
draughts that may exceed dS, such as the tropi- complied with:
cal loadline
a) For oil tankers of 5000 tonnes deadweight (DWT) and
dB : Vertical distance, in metres, from the moulded above, the mean oil outflow parameter OM is to be as
baseline at mid-length to the waterline corre- follows:
sponding to 30% of the depth DS • for C = 200000 m3:
BS : Greatest moulded breadth of the ship, in OM = 0,015
metres, at or below the deepest load line dS • for 200000 m3 < C < 400000 m3:
BB : Greatest moulded breadth of the ship, in OM = 0,012 + (0,003/200000) (400000 − C)
metres, at or below the waterline dB • for C = 400000 m3:
DS : Moulded depth, in metres, measured at mid- OM = 0,012
length to the upper deck at side
For combination carriers between 5000 tonnes dead-
ρs : Density of sea water, to be taken as 1025 kg/m 3 weight (DWT) and 200000 m3 capacity, the mean oil
outflow parameter OM may be applied, provided calcu-
ρn : Nominal density of cargo oil, in kg/m3, to be lations are submitted to the satisfaction of the Society,
taken equal to: demonstrating that after accounting for its increased
structural strength, the combination carrier has at least
ρn = 1000 (DWT)/C equivalent oil outflow performance to a standard double
hull tanker of the same size having a OM = 0,015.
C : Total volume of cargo oil, in m3, at 98% tank
filling. • for C = 100000 m3:
OM = 0,021
1 General • for 100000 m3 < C < 200000 m3:
OM = 0,015 + (0,006/100000) (200000 − C)
1.1 Purpose b) For oil tankers of less than 5000 tonnes deadweight
1.1.1 The purpose of the present Appendix is to provide a
The length of each cargo tank is not to exceed 10 m or
method for the calculation of the accidental oil outflow per-
one of the following values, whichever is the greater:
formance referred to in Ch 7, Sec 2, [3.4.1].
• where no longitudinal bulkhead is provided inside
the cargo tanks:
1.2 Application
(0,5 bi /B + 0,1) L without exceeding 0,2 L

1.2.1 The requirements of the present Appendix apply only • where centreline longitudinal bulkhead is provided
to ships having one of the following notations: inside the cargo tanks:
(0,25 bi /B + 0,15) L
• oil tanker
• where two or more longitudinal bulkheads are pro-
• oil tanker, flash point > 60°C vided inside the cargo tanks:
• oil tanker, asphalt carrier. as defined in Tab 1.

234 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 7, App 5

Table 1 : Length of each cargo tank for oil tankers of less than 5000 tonnes deadweight (DWT)

Wing cargo tanks Centre cargo tanks

0,2 L bi /B ≥ 0,2 L bi /B < 0,2 L
0,2 L no centreline longitudinal bulkhead is provided a centreline longitudinal bulkhead is provided
(0,5 bi /B + 0,1) L (0,25 bi /B +0,15) L
bi : Minimum distance from the ship's side to the outer longitudinal bulkhead of the tank in question measured inboard at
right angles to the centreline at the level corresponding to the assigned summer freeboard.

2.2 Calculation 2.2.3 Mean outflow

a) The mean outflow, in m3, for side damage OMS is to be
2.2.1 Assumptions calculated as follows:
The cargo block length extends between the forward and aft OMS = C3 Σ(PS(i) Os(i))
extremities of all tanks arranged for the carriage of cargo oil,
including slop tanks. where:
i : Represents each cargo tank under consider-
Where this regulation refers to cargo tanks, it is to be under-
stood to include all cargo tanks, slop tanks and fuel tanks
located within the cargo block length. n : Total number of cargo tanks

The ship is to be assumed loaded to the load line draught dS PS(i) : Probability of penetrating cargo tank i from
without trim or heel. side damage, calculated in accordance with
All cargo oil tanks is to be assumed loaded to 98% of their
OS(i) : Outflow, in m3, from side damage to cargo
volumetric capacity.
tank i, which is assumed equal to the total
For the purposes of these outflow calculations, the permea- volume in cargo tank i at 98% filling
bility of each space within the cargo block, including cargo C3 : • for ships having two longitudinal bulk-
tanks, ballast tanks and other non-oil spaces is to be taken heads inside the cargo tanks, provided
as 0,99, unless proven otherwise. these bulkheads are continuous over the
Suction wells may be neglected in the determination of tank cargo block and PS(i) is developed in
location provided that such wells are as small as practicable accordance with this regulation:
and the distance between the well bottom and bottom shell C3 = 0,77
plating is not less than 0,5h, where h is equal to B/15 or
2,0 m, whichever is the lesser, without being taken less than • for all other ships:
1,0 m. C3 = 1,00

2.2.2 Combination of oil outflow parameters b) The mean outflow for bottom damage is to be calcu-
lated for each tidal condition as follows:
The mean oil outflow is to be calculated independently for
side damage and for bottom damage and then combined • OMB(0) = Σ(PB(i) OB(i) CDB(i))
into the non-dimensional oil outflow parameter OM, as fol- where:
i : Represents each cargo tank under con-
OM = (0,4 OMS + 0,6 OMB)/C sideration
n : Total number of cargo tanks
PB(i) : Probability of penetrating cargo tank i
OMS : Outflow for side damage, in m3
from bottom damage calculated in
OMB : Outflow for bottom damage, in m3. accordance with [2.2.5]

For bottom damage, independent calculations for mean OB(i) : Outflow from cargo tank i, in m3 as
outflow is to be done for 0 m and minus 2,5 m tide condi- defined in item c)
tions, and then combined as follows: CDB(i) : Factor to account for oil capture as
defined in item d)
OMB = 0,7 OMB(0) + 0,3 OMB(2,5)
• OMB(2,5) = Σ(PB(i) OB(i) CDB(i))
OMB(0) : Outflow for 0 m tide condition
OB(i) : Outflow from cargo tank i, in m3, after
OMB(2,5) : Outflow for minus 2,5 m tide condition, in m . tidal change.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 235

Pt D, Ch 7, App 5

c) The oil outflow OB(i) for each cargo oil tank is to be cal- Table 2 : Probabilities for side damage
culated based on pressure-balance principles, in
accordance with the following assumptions: Xa/L PSa Xf/L PSf ZI/DS PSI Zu/DS PSu

• the ship is to be assumed stranded with zero trim 0,00 0,000 0,00 0,967 0,00 0,000 0,00 0,968
and heel, with the stranded draught prior to tidal 0,05 0,023 0,05 0,917 0,05 0,000 0,05 0,952
change equal to the load line draught ds 0,10 0,068 0,10 0,867 0,10 0,001 0,10 0,931
0,15 0,117 0,15 0,817 0,15 0,003 0,15 0,905
• the cargo level after damage is to be calculated as
0,20 0,167 0,20 0,767 0,20 0,007 0,20 0,873
0,25 0,217 0,25 0,717 0,25 0,013 0,25 0,836
hc = ((ds + tc − Zl) ρs − (1000 p) / g) / ρn 0,30 0,267 0,30 0,667 0,30 0,021 0,30 0,789
0,35 0,317 0,35 0,617 0,35 0,034 0,35 0,733
0,40 0,367 0,40 0,567 0,40 0,055 0,40 0,670
hc : Height of the cargo oil above Zl, in m 0,45 0,417 0,45 0,517 0,45 0,085 0,45 0,599
tc : Tidal change, in m. Reductions in tide 0,50 0,467 0,50 0,467 0,50 0,123 0,50 0,525
shall be expressed as negative values 0,55 0,517 0,55 0,417 0,55 0,172 0,55 0,452
0,60 0,567 0,60 0,367 0,60 0,226 0,60 0,383
Zl : Height of the lowest point in the cargo 0,65 0,617 0,65 0,317 0,65 0,285 0,65 0,317
tank above baseline, in m 0,70 0,667 0,70 0,267 0,70 0,347 0,70 0,255
p : If an inert gas system is fitted, the normal 0,75 0,717 0,75 0,217 0,75 0,413 0,75 0,197
overpressure, in kPa, to be taken as not 0,80 0,767 0,80 0,167 0,80 0,482 0,80 0,143
less than 5 kPa. 0,85 0,817 0,85 0,117 0,85 0,553 0,85 0,092
If an inert gas system is not fitted, the 0,90 0,867 0,90 0,068 0,90 0,626 0,90 0,046
overpressure may be taken as 0 0,95 0,917 0,95 0,023 0,95 0,700 0,95 0,013
1,00 0,967 1,00 0,000 1,00 0,775 1,00 0,000
• for cargo tanks bounded by the bottom shell, unless
proven otherwise, oil outflow OB(i) is to be taken not PSa, PSf, PSl and PSu are to be determined by linear interpola-
less than 1% of the total volume of cargo oil loaded tion from Tab 2 of probabilities for side damage provided in
in cargo tank i, to account for initial exchange losses Tab 2 where:
and dynamic effects due to current and waves.
PSa : Probability the damage lies entirely aft of loca-
d) In the case of bottom damage, a portion from the out- tion Xa / L
flow from a cargo tank may be captured by non-oil
PSf : Probability the damage lies entirely forward of
compartments. This effect is approximated by applica-
location Xf / L
tion of the factor CDB(i) for each tank, which is to be
taken as follows: PSI : Probability the damage lies entirely below the
• for cargo tanks bounded from below by non-oil
PSu : Probability the damage lies entirely above the
CDB(i) = 0,6
PSy , the probability the damage lies entirely outboard of the
• for cargo tanks bounded by the bottom shell: tank, is to be determined as follows:
CDB(i) = 1,0 • for y / BS = 0,05:
PSy = (24,96 − 199,6 y / BS) (y / BS)
2.2.4 Probability of breaching a compartment from
side damage • for 0,05 < y / BS < 0,10:

The probability PS of breaching a compartment from side PSy = 0,749 + (5 − 44,4 (y / BS − 0,05)) (y / BS − 0,05)
damage is to be calculated as follows: • for y / BS = 0,10:

PS = PSL PSV PST PSy = 0,888 + 0,56 (y / BS − 0,1)

where: PSy is not to be taken greater than 1.

PSL : Probability the damage extends into the longitu- Compartment boundaries Xa, Xf, Zl, Zu and y are to be
dinal zone bounded by Xa and Xf developed as follows:
Xa : Longitudinal distance from the aft terminal of L
PSL = 1 − PSf − PSa
to the aftmost point on the compartment being
PSV : Probability the damage extends into the vertical considered, in m
zone bounded by Zl and Zu Xf : Longitudinal distance from the aft terminal of L
PSV = 1 − PSu − PS1 to the foremost point on the compartment being
considered, in m
PST : Probability the damage extends transversely
ZI : Vertical distance from the moulded baseline to
beyond the boundary defined by y
the lowest point on the compartment being
PST = 1 − PSy considered, in m

236 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 7, App 5

Zu : Vertical distance from the moulded baseline to Xa and Xf: As defined in [2.2.4]
the highest point on the compartment being Yp : Transverse distance from the port-most point on
considered, in m the compartment located at or below the water-
Zu is not to be taken greater than Ds line dB , to a vertical plane located BB / 2 to star-
board of the ship's centreline, in m
y : Minimum horizontal distance measured at right
angles to the centreline between the compart- Ys : Transverse distance from the starboard-most
ment under consideration and the side shell, in point on the compartment located at or below
m. the waterline dB , to a vertical plane located
Note 1: For symmetrical tank arrangements, damages are con- BB / 2 to starboard of the ship's centreline, in m
sidered for one side of the ship only, in which case all z : Minimum value of z over the length of the com-
"y" dimensions are to be measured from that same partment, where, at any given longitudinal loca-
tion, z is the vertical distance from the lower
For asymmetrical arrangements refer to the Explana- point of the bottom shell at that longitudinal
tory Notes on matters related to the accidental oil out- location to the lower point of the compartment
flow performance, adopted by the IMO by resolution at that longitudinal location, in m.
Table 3 : Probabilities for bottom damage
2.2.5 Probability of breaching a compartment from
bottom damage
Xa /L PBa Xf /L PBf Yp /BB PBp Ys /BB PBs
The probability PB of breaching a compartment from bottom
0,00 0,000 0,00 0,969 0,00 0,844 0,00 0,000
damage is to be calculated as follows:
0,05 0,002 0,05 0,953 0,05 0,794 0,05 0,009
PB = PBL PBT PBV 0,10 0,008 0,10 0,936 0,10 0,744 0,10 0,032
where: 0,15 0,017 0,15 0,916 0,15 0,694 0,15 0,063
0,20 0,029 0,20 0,894 0,20 0,644 0,20 0,097
PBL : Probability the damage extends into the longitu- 0,25 0,042 0,25 0,870 0,25 0,594 0,25 0,133
dinal zone bounded by Xa and Xf 0,30 0,058 0,30 0,842 0,30 0,544 0,30 0,171
PBL = 1 − PBf − PBa 0,35 0,076 0,35 0,810 0,35 0,494 0,35 0,211
0,40 0,096 0,40 0,775 0,40 0,444 0,40 0,253
PBT : Probability the damage extends into the trans-
0,45 0,119 0,45 0,734 0,45 0,394 0,45 0,297
verse zone bounded by Yp and Ys
0,50 0,143 0,50 0,687 0,50 0,344 0,50 0,344
PBT = 1 − PBp − PBs 0,55 0,171 0,55 0,630 0,55 0,297 0,55 0,394
PBV : Probability the damage extends vertically above 0,60 0,203 0,60 0,563 0,60 0,253 0,60 0,444
the boundary defined by z 0,65 0,242 0,65 0,489 0,65 0,211 0,65 0,494
0,70 0,289 0,70 0,413 0,70 0,171 0,70 0,544
PBV = 1 − PBz 0,75 0,344 0,75 0,333 0,75 0,133 0,75 0,594
PBa, PBf, PBp and PBs are to be determined by linear interpola- 0,80 0,409 0,80 0,252 0,80 0,097 0,80 0,644
tion from Tab 3 of probabilities for bottom damage, where: 0,85 0,482 0,85 0,170 0,85 0,063 0,85 0,694
0,90 0,565 0,90 0,089 0,90 0,032 0,90 0,744
PBa : Probability the damage lies entirely aft of loca-
0,95 0,658 0,95 0,026 0,95 0,009 0,95 0,794
tion Xa / L
1,00 0,761 1,00 0,000 1,00 0,000 1,00 0,844
PBf : Probability the damage lies entirely forward of
location Xf / L 3 Piping arrangements
PBp : Probability the damage lies entirely to port of
the tank 3.1 Provision regarding piping arrangements
PBs : Probability the damage lies entirely to starboard
of the tank. 3.1.1 Lines of piping that run through cargo tanks in a posi-
tion less than 0,30 BS from the ship’s side or less than
PBz, the probability the damage lies entirely below the tank,
0,30 DS from the ship’s bottom is to be fitted with valves or
is to be determined as follows:
similar closing devices at the point at which they open into
• for z / DS ≤ 0,1: any cargo tank. These valves is to be kept closed at sea at
PBz = (14,5 − 67 z / DS) (z / DS) any time when the tanks contain cargo oil, except that they
may be opened only for cargo transfer needed for essential
• for z / DS > 0,1:
cargo operations.
PBz = 0,78 + 1,1 (z / DS − 0,1)
Credit for reducing oil outflow through the use of an emer-
PBz is not to be taken greater than 1. gency rapid cargo transfer system or other system arranged
to mitigate oil outflow in the event of an accident may be
Compartment boundaries Xa, Xf, Yp, Ys, and z are to be taken into account only after the effectiveness and safety
developed as follows: aspects of the system are approved by the Society.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 237

Pt D, Ch 7, App 5

238 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Part D
Service Notations

Chapter 8



July 2018 Bureau Veritas 239

240 Bureau Veritas July 2018
Pt D, Ch 8, Sec 1


1 General c) The requirements of this Chapter are cross referenced to

the applicable Chapters, Sections or paragraphs of the
IBC Code, as appropriate, under the wording “IBC
1.1 Application
1.1.1 Ships complying with the requirements of this Chapter
are eligible for the assignment of the service notation chemi- 1.2.2 IBC Code requirements not within the scope
of classification
cal tanker, in accordance with Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.4.4].
The following requirements of the IBC Code are not within
1.1.2 Ships which are intended for the carriage of danger- the scope of classification:
ous chemicals in bulk are to comply with the requirements
• Chapter 1, Section 1.4 - Equivalents
of the latest version of the International Code for the Con-
struction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous • Chapter 1, Section 1.5 - Surveys and certification
Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code), as amended. • Chapter 2, as far as survival requirements after flooding
are concerned, when the additional class notation SDS
1.1.3 These Rules and the IBC Code refer to ships carrying
is not granted
products which are listed in the table in Chapter 17 of the IBC
Code or in the latest edition of MEPC.2/Circ., and in Ch 8, • Chapter 16 - Operating requirements.
Sec 17.
These requirements are applied by the Society when acting
1.1.4 In general, this Chapter applies to cargo containment on behalf of the flag Administration, within the scope of
and handling systems and to the interfaces between these delegation (see [1.2.4]).
systems and the remainder of the ship, which are to comply
with the additional applicable requirements indicated in 1.2.3 Equivalences
Tab 1. As far as the requirements for class are concerned, the fol-
lowing wording in the IBC Code is to be given the meanings
Table 1 : Additional applicable requirements indicated in Tab 2.
Item Reference Table 2 : Equivalences
L ≥ 65 m • Part B
Ship arrangement IBC Code wording Meaning for classification only
L < 65 m • NR600
Administration Society
L ≥ 65 m • Part B
Hull IBC Code or Chemical Part D, Chapter 8 of the Rules
L < 65 m • NR600
Stability • Part B Recognised Standard Rules
Machinery and cargo system • Part C should be is to be or are to be (as appropriate)
Electrical installations: • Part C
Automation • Part C 1.2.4 Certificate of Fitness

Fire protection, detection and extinction • Part C a) The responsibility for interpretation of the IBC Code
requirements for the purpose of issuing an International
Note 1: NR600: Hull Structure and Arrangement for the Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Dangerous
Classification of Cargo Ships less than 65 m and Non Cargo Chemicals in Bulk lies with the Administration of the
Ships less than 90 m. state whose flag the ship is entitled to fly.

1.2 IBC Code requirements and the b) Whenever the Society is authorised by an Administra-
Society’s rules tion to issue on its behalf the "Certificate of Fitness for
the Carriage of Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk", or where
1.2.1 General the Society is authorised to carry out investigations and
a) For ships having the service notation chemical tanker, surveys on behalf of an Administration on the basis of
the IBC Code requirements are to be considered as rule which the "Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Dan-
requirements, unless otherwise specified, and with the gerous Chemicals in Bulk" will be issued by the Admin-
exception indicated in [1.2.2]. istration, or where the Society is requested to certify
compliance with the IBC Code, the full compliance
b) The rule requirements of this Chapter include: with the requirements of the IBC Code, including the
- additional requirements to the IBC Code operative requirements mentioned in [1.2.2], is to be
- Society’s interpretations of the IBC Code. granted by the Society.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 241

Pt D, Ch 8, Sec 1

2 Additional requirements 3 Documentation to be submitted

2.1 Emergency towing arrangement 3.1

2.1.1 Emergency towing arrangements are to be fitted on 3.1.1 Tab 3 lists the plans, information, analysis, etc. which
chemical tankers of 20.000 dwt and above in accordance are to be submitted in addition to the information required
with Pt B, Ch 9, Sec 4, [4]. in the other Parts of the Rules for the parts of the ship not
affected by the cargo, as applicable.
2.2 Steering gear
2.2.1 Additional requirements for steering gear of chemical
tankers of 10000 dwt and above are given in Ch 7, Sec 4, [7].

Table 3 : Documentation to be submitted

No A/I Document
1 I List of products to be carried, including maximum vapour pressure, maximum liquid cargo temperature, cargo mass
density and other important design conditions
2 I General arrangement plan, showing location of cargo tanks and fuel oil, ballast and other tanks
3 A Gas-dangerous zones plan
4 A Location of void spaces and accesses to dangerous zones
5 A Ventilation duct arrangement in gas-dangerous spaces and adjacent zones
6 A Details of hull structure in way of cargo tanks, including support arrangement for tanks, saddles, anti-floating and
anti-lifting devices, deck sealing arrangements, independent cargo tanks, etc.
7 A Hull stress analysis
8 A Hull ship-motion analysis, where a direct analysis is preferred to the methods indicated in Section 4
9 A Intact and damage stability calculations
10 A Scantlings, material and arrangement of the cargo containment system
11 A Details of steel cladding or lining
12 A Plans, arrangement and calculations of pressure/vacuum valves
13 A Details of cargo handling, including arrangements and details of piping and fittings and details of heating system, if
14 A Details of cargo pumps
15 A Details of process pressure vessels and relative valving arrangement
16 A Bilge and ballast system in cargo area
17 A Gas freeing system in cargo tanks including inert gas system
18 A Ventilation system in cargo area
19 A Details of electrical equipment installed in cargo area, including the list of certified safe equipment and apparatus
and electrical bonding of cargo tanks and piping
20 A Schematic electrical wiring diagram
21 A Gas detection system
22 A Cargo tank instrumentation
23 A Details of fire-extinguishing appliances and systems in cargo area
24 I Loading and unloading operation description, including cargo tank filling limits, where applicable
25 I Procedure and arrangement manual
Note 1: A = to be submitted for approval in four copies
I = to be submitted for information in duplicate.

242 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 8, Sec 2



1 Freeboard and intact stability 3.2 Suction wells

1.1 Intact stability
1.1.1 General In general, the area of suction wells is not to be greater than
IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 2, 2.2.2 that required to accommodate cargo pumps, suction pipes,
The stability of the ship for the loading conditions in Pt B, valves, heating coils etc., and to ensure efficient flow and
Ch 3, App 2, [1.2.7] is to be in compliance with the require- the necessary access for cleaning and maintenance.
ments in Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 2.
4 Flooding assumptions for ships
1.1.2 Free surface effect of liquids
where additional class notation SDS
is requested
The free surface effect is to be calculated in accordance
with Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 2, [4].
4.1 Tunnels, ducts and pipes in the dam-
1.1.3 Information to be supplied aged zone
4.1.1 Strength of internal structures
The Master of the ship is to be supplied with a Loading
Manual as specified in Pt B, Ch 10, Sec 2, [3] and a Trim
and Stability booklet as specified in Pt B, Ch 3, App 2. Tunnels, ducts, pipes, doors, bulkheads and decks which
might form watertight boundaries of intact spaces in the
2 Conditions of loading case of assumed conventional damage are to have mini-
mum strength adequate to withstand the pressure height
corresponding to the deepest equilibrium waterline in dam-
2.1 Additional loading conditions for ships aged conditions.
where additional class notation SDS is
requested 4.1.2 Progressive flooding
Progressive flooding is to be considered in accordance with
Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 3, [3.3].
Loading conditions other than those in the Loading Manual
and the Trim and Stability booklet are to be previously sub-
mitted to the Society. Alternatively, such cases may be 5 Standard of damage for ships where
examined by the Master or a delegated officer when a load- additional class notation SDS is
ing instrument approved in accordance with the require- requested
ments in Pt B, Ch 10, Sec 2, [4] is installed on board.

5.1 Damage to stepped machinery space

3 Location of cargo tanks forward bulkhead

3.1 Minimum distance of cargo tanks from 5.1.1

shell IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 2, 2.8

3.1.1 Exceptions The concept of a stepped machinery space forward bulk-

head is already implicit in the requirements in IBC Code
3.2.1 and Regulation II-2/56 of SOLAS 74(83). For damage
Any cargo tank, irrespective of its location, may be used for stability considerations, when the recess for a pump room
collecting contaminated cargo pump room bilge water or or for a cargo pump room extends into the adjacent
tank washings, as an exception to the requirements in IBC machinery space or cargo tank by more than 3 metres,
Code damage is to be treated as defined in Fig 1.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 243

Pt D, Ch 8, Sec 2

Figure 1 : Damage to stepped machinery space 6 Survival requirements for ships

forward bulkhead
where additional class notation SDS
1≤ 3 m
is requested
6.1 General
Ships are to be capable of surviving the assumed damage
specified in IBC Code 2.5.1 and 2.5.2 to the standard pro-
vided in IBC Code 2.8.1 and for the loading conditions in Pt

B, Ch 3, App 2, [1.2.7] in a condition of stable equilibrium

and such as to satisfy the criteria in IBC Code 2.9.

6.2 Intermediate stages of flooding



The criteria applied to the residual stability during interme-

diate stages of flooding are to be those relevant to the final
DAMAGE 1 DAMAGE 2 stage of flooding as specified in IBC Code 2.9.3. However,
small deviation from these criteria may be accepted by the
SHIP'S SIDE OR BOTTOM Society on a case by case basis.

6.3 Definition of range of positive stability

1>3m 1>3m

The 20° range may be measured from any angle commenc-
SHIP'S SIDE OR BOTTOM ing between the position of equilibrium and the angle of
25° (or 30° if no deck immersion occurs) (see Fig 3).

Figure 3 : Range of positive stability

h(m) h = righting lever

5.2 Longitudinal extension of damage to q = progressing flooding

The longitudinal extent of damage to the superstructure in
the case of side damage to a machinery space aft, with the h max ³ 0,1m
standards of damage as per IBC Code 2.8.1, is generally to
be the same as the longitudinal extent of the side damage to
the machinery space (see Fig 2). 25˚ q
Figure 2 : Longitudinal extent of damage
to superstructure
6.4 Type 3 ships less than 125 m in length

The flooding of the machinery space, if located aft on a type
3 ship less than 125 m in length, is to comply as far as prac-
MACHINERY ticable with the criteria in IBC Code 2.9. Relaxation of parts
of these requirements may be accepted on a case-by-case

244 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 8, Sec 3


1 Cargo segregation tive area of cargo tanks required by the IBC code. Due
attention has to be paid to restrictions on cargoes that can
be located adjacent to fuel tanks.
1.1 Segregation of cargoes mutually reacting
The arrangement of independent fuel tanks and associated
1.1.1 Common edges fuel piping systems, including the pumps, may be as for fuel
tanks and associated fuel piping systems located in the
machinery spaces. For electrical equipment, requirements
The common edge in a cruciform joint, either vertically or applicable to hazardous area classification must however
horizontally, may be considered a “double barrier” for the be taken into account.
purpose of segregation:
• between mutually reactive products (see Fig 1) 1.2 Cargo piping arrangement
• between water reactive products and water (see Fig 1). 1.2.1 Bow or stern loading arrangement
1.1.2 Chain lockers
The requirement in IBC Code 3.1.3 is considered to be satis-
fied if the requirements in IBC Code 3.7, relevant to bow or
The chain locker is to be arranged outside the hazardous stern loading and unloading arrangements, are complied with.
areas defined in Ch 8, Sec 10 and at least 10 m measured
horizontally from any vent outlet of a controlled tank vent- 2 Accommodation, service and
ing system.
machinery spaces and control stations
1.1.3 Location of fuel tanks in cargo area
Fuel tanks located with a common boundary to cargo tanks 2.1 Air intakes and other openings to
are to be situated out of the cargo tank block as defined in accommodation spaces
Ch 7, Sec 1, [1.2.4]. Such tanks may, however, be situated
at the forward and aft ends of the cargo tank block instead 2.1.1
of cofferdams. Fuel tanks shall extend neither fully nor IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 3, 3.2.2
partly into cargo or slop tanks. They may however be The requirements relevant to air intakes in IBC Code 3.2.2
accepted when located as independent tanks on open deck are also intended to be applicable to air outlets. This inter-
in the cargo area subject to spill and fire safety considera- pretation also applies to the requirements in IBC Code
tions. Fuel tanks are not permitted to extend into the protec- 3.2.3, 3.7.4, 8.2.3, and 19.3.8.

Figure 1 : Segregation of mutually hazardously reactive cargoes






July 2018 Bureau Veritas 245

Pt D, Ch 8, Sec 3

2.2 Windows, sidescuttles and doors to 3.2 Machinery driven by shafting passing
accommodation spaces through pump room bulkheads
2.2.1 General requirements 3.2.1
a) Access facing the cargo area or other prohibited zones
is to be restricted to stores for cargo-related and safety a) Bulkhead or deck penetrations of cargo pump rooms, or
equipment, cargo control stations and emergency of pump rooms intended for runs of shafts driving
shower spaces. pumps and/or fans, are to be provided with gas-tight
b) Access to forecastle spaces containing sources of ignition sealing devices to the satisfaction of the Society.
may be permitted through doors facing cargo area pro- b) Lubrication or other means of ensuring permanence of
vided the doors are located outside hazardous areas as gas-tightness of the above-mentioned sealing devices is
defined in Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 1, [3.24.3] and Ch 8, Sec 10, to be arranged in such a way that it can be checked
Tab 1 or Ch 8, Sec 10, Tab 2. from outside the cargo pump room.
However, for small ships alternative arrangements may
be specially considered by the Society.
4 Access to spaces in the cargo area
c) The bolt spacing for bolted plates mentioned in the par-
agraph in the reference is to be such as to guarantee a
suitable gas-tightness. 4.1 General
2.2.2 Ships fitted with deckhouses originating from 4.1.1 Independent cargo tanks
main deck
IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 3, 3.2.3 Where independent tanks are installed in hold spaces, require-
ments in [4.2] and [4.3] are to be applied, as far as practicable,
On all chemical tankers, regardless of the type of products
to ballast and void spaces adjacent to hold spaces.
to be carried, where a deckhouse is substituted for a super-
structure and liquid products could flow along the sides of When such requirements are found to be incompatible with
the house, the house front is to be continued to the sides of the size and arrangement of the ship, smaller dimensions
the ship in the form of a sill, or a permanent spillage barrier may be accepted by the Society, providing convenient
is to be arranged as described in Regulation II-2/56.6 of access to any part of those spaces is maintained.
SOLAS 74(83).
4.1.2 Access to fuel oil tanks
2.3 Access to the bow
2.3.1 Ships having the service notation chemical carrier are The requirements in IBC Code 3.4.1 apply to fuel oil tanks
to be provided with the means to enable the crew to gain adjacent to cargo tanks even if such fuel oil tanks are not
safe access to the bow even in severe weather conditions. included in the cargo area.
Such means of access are to be approved by the Society.
Note 1: The Society accepts means of access complying with the 4.1.3 Accesses and escapes from double bottom
Guidelines for safe access to tanker bows adopted by the Marine tanks and similar spaces
Safety Committee of IMO by Resolution MSC.62 (67).
3 Cargo pump rooms To cater for restrictions in the movement of personnel and
to limit the time needed for a possible emergency escape,
3.1 General requirement two separate means of access are generally to be fitted in
double bottom tanks and similar spaces where obstructions
3.1.1 Means of escape impede movement. The two accesses are to be as widely
IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 3, 3.3.1 separated as practicable. Only one access may be approved
in special circumstances if, it being understood that the
In general, a cargo pump room is to be provided with one escapes have the required dimensions, the ability to readily
set of access/escape ladders. Where it is envisaged that per- traverse the space and to remove an injured person can be
sonnel are normally employed in a pump room or the pump proved to the satisfaction of the Society.
room is unusually large, an additional means of escape may
be required.
4.2 Horizontal openings
3.1.2 Segregation
IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 3, 3.3.1 4.2.1
Cargo pump rooms and pump rooms may not give direct IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 3, 3.4.2
access to other ship spaces and are to be separated from
adjacent spaces by means of gas-tight bulkheads and/or The shape of the minimum acceptable clear opening of 600
decks. mm by 600 mm is indicated in Fig 2.

246 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 8, Sec 3

Figure 2 : Shape of minimum acceptable Figure 4 : Discharge arrangement

clear opening of 600 mm by 600 mm



5.1.3 Fore peak ballast system
The fore peak can be ballasted with the system serving bal-
last tanks within the cargo area, provided:

4.3 Vertical openings • the tank is considered as hazardous

• the vent pipe openings are located on open deck 3 m
4.3.1 away from sources of ignition
IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 3, 3.4.3 • means are provided, on the open deck, to allow meas-
For pressure cargo tanks only, access openings may be cir- urement of flammable gas concentrations within the
cular openings having a diameter not less than 600 mm. tank by a suitable portable instrument

The minimum size of vertical oval openings is defined in • the access to the fore peak tank is direct from open
Fig 3. deck. Alternatively, indirect access from the open deck
to the fore peak tank through an enclosed space may be
Figure 3 : Minimum size of vertical oval openings accepted provided that:
- In case the enclosed space is separated from the
cargo tanks by cofferdams, the access is through a
gas tight bolted manhole located in the enclosed
space and a warning sign is to be provided at the
manhole stating that the fore peak tank may only be
opened after:

• it has been proven to be gas free

• or any electrical equipment which is not certi-
fied safe in the enclosed space is isolated.
- In case the enclosed space has a common boundary
with the cargo tanks and is therefore hazardous, the
600 enclosed space can be well ventilated.

5.2 Ballast filling arrangement

5 Bilge and ballast arrangements
5.2.1 Clarification
5.1 Ballast segregation IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 3, 3.5.2
The filling of cargo tanks with ballast may be performed at
5.1.1 Filling arrangement deck level by means of pumps serving permanent ballast
IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 3, 3.5.1 tanks, as specified in IBC Code 3.5.2, provided that a
Where filling arrangements for ballast tanks located in the removable spool piece or flexible hose plus a shut-off valve
cargo area are provided in the machinery spaces, a non- are fitted on the inlet to the cargo tank. The shut-off valve is
return valve and removable spool piece are to be fitted in in addition to the required non-return valve. Consideration
the supply line outside the machinery spaces. is to be given to the arrangement of the in-tank piping and
the possible creation of static electricity (see Fig 4).
5.1.2 Eductors
IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 3, 3.5.1 5.3 Bilge
An eductor situated in the cargo area using water power
5.3.1 Arrangement
from pumps in the machinery spaces may be accepted as a
means to discharge permanent ballast from tanks and/or IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 3, 3.5.3
double bottoms adjacent to cargo tanks, provided the sup- The relaxation relevant to the bilge system for spaces which
ply line is above deck level and a non-return valve and are separated from cargo tanks by a double bulkhead is to
removable spool piece are fitted in the supply line outside be understood as limited to spaces not enclosing piping
the machinery space (see Fig 4). which may contain cargo.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 247

Pt D, Ch 8, Sec 3

5.3.2 Use of cargo pumps as bilge pumps 6 Integrated cargo and ballast systems
a) Cargo pumps may also be used as bilge pumps provided 6.1
they are connected to the bilge piping through a shut-off
valve and a non-return valve arranged in series. 6.1.1 Integrated cargo and ballast pumps are to comply
b) In the case of carriage of corrosive liquids, one of the with the provisions of Ch 7, Sec 4, [3.6].
cargo pumps may be used for bilge service provided it is
connected to the bilge piping through two shut-off
valves plus a non-return valve arranged in series.
7 Bow or stern loading and unloading
c) In cargo pump rooms of ships carrying toxic or corro-
sive products, suitable means for conveying spills from
cargo pumps and valves to collecting trays are to be fit- 7.1 Coamings
ted. Trays may also consist of part of the pump room
bottom, suitably bounded and protected against the cor- 7.1.1
rosive action of products. Spills may be disposed of by
means of suitable pumps or eductors. In the case of car-
riage of mutually incompatible products, the above- In general, the height of the coaming is to be not less than
mentioned means for collecting and disposing of spills 150 mm. In any case, it is to be not less than 50 mm above
are to be different and separated from each other. the upper edge of the sheerstrake.

248 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 8, Sec 4



k : Material factor for steel, defined in Pt B, Ch 4, For ships with L ≥ 120 m, a lower and an upper stool are
Sec 1, [2.3]. generally to be fitted (see Fig 2). Different arrangements
may be considered by the Society on a case-by-case basis,
1 Structure design principles provided that they are supported by direct calculations car-
ried out according to Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 3. These calculations
are to investigate, in particular, the zones of connection of
1.1 Materials the bulkhead with bottom and deck plating and are to be
submitted to the Society for review.
1.1.1 Steels for hull structure
IBC CODE REFERENCE: CHAPTER 4 Figure 1 : Corrugated bulkhead connections
In addition to the requirements of Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 1, [2], without stool
materials of cargo tanks are to be considered by the Society
on a case-by-case basis for all the products intended to be

1.1.2 Rolled plates

Rolled plates of non-alloyed steel or stainless steel may be
used for the construction of tanks. Mechanical characteristics,
approval procedure and testing of these plates are to comply
with the applicable requirements in NR216 Materials.
Figure 2 : Corrugated bulkhead connections
1.1.3 Young’s modulus for stainless steels with lower and upper stools
For stainless steels, Young’s modulus is to be taken equal to
193000 N/mm2.

1.1.4 Rubber and synthetic material liner

The suitability of rubber or synthetic material lining is to be
considered by the Society on a case-by-case basis.

1.2 Hull structure

1.2.1 Framing arrangement 2 Hull girder loads
In general, within the cargo tank region of chemical tankers 2.1 Still water loads
of more than 90 m in length, the bottom, the inner bottom
and the deck are to be longitudinally framed. 2.1.1 Loading conditions
Different framing arrangements are considered by the Soci- IBC CODE REFERENCE: CHAPTER 4
ety on a case-by-case basis, provided that they are sup- In addition to the requirements in Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 2, [2.1],
ported by direct calculations. still water loads are to be calculated for the following load-
ing conditions:
1.3 Bulkhead structure • homogeneous loading conditions (excluding tanks
intended exclusively for segregated ballast tanks) at
1.3.1 Corrugated bulkhead connections maximum draught
IBC CODE REFERENCE: CHAPTER 4 • partial loading conditions (see [2.1.2])
For ships with L < 120 m, vertically corrugated transverse or • high density cargo, heated cargo and segregated cargo
longitudinal bulkheads may be connected to the double loading conditions
bottom and deck plating (see Fig 1). • any specified non-homogeneous loading condition

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 249

Pt D, Ch 8, Sec 4

• light and heavy ballast conditions k : Material factor of the rolled stainless steel plate,
defined in Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 1, [2.3]
• mid-voyage conditions related to tank cleaning or other
operations where these differ significantly from the bal- EI : Elastic modulus, in N/mm2, of the rolled stain-
last conditions. less steel plate

2.1.2 Partial filling tS : Thickness, in mm, of the stainless steel clad-

ding, to be taken not less than 2,0 mm
Loading conditions with partial filling of the tanks by car-
goes with a mass density above the cargo mass density used Stainless steel cladding thicknesses other than
for the design may be allowed. those above are to be considered by the Society
on a case-by-case basis.

3 Hull scantlings
3.2 Ordinary stiffeners
3.1 Plating 3.2.1 Minimum net thicknesses

3.1.1 Minimum net thicknesses IBC CODE REFERENCE: CHAPTER 4

IBC CODE REFERENCE: CHAPTER 4 The net thickness of the web of ordinary stiffeners is to be
not less than the value obtained, in mm, from the following
The net thickness of the strength deck and bulkhead plating formula:
is to be not less than the values given in Tab 1.
tMIN = 0,75 L1/3 k1/6 + 4,5 s
Table 1 : Minimum net thickness of the strength deck
and bulkhead plating where s is the spacing, in m, of ordinary stiffeners.

Plating Minimum net thickness, in mm 3.3 Primary supporting members

Strength deck (5,5 + 0,02 L) k1/2 for L < 200
(8 + 0,0085 L) k1/2 for L ≥ 200 3.3.1 Minimum net thicknesses
Tank bulkhead L1/3 k1/6 + 4,5 s
Watertight bulkhead 0,85 L1/3 k1/6 + 4,5 s
Wash bulkhead The net thickness of plating which forms the webs of pri-
0,8 + 0,013 L k1/2 + 4,5 s
mary supporting members is to be not less than the value
Note 1: obtained, in mm, from the following formula:
s : Length, in m, of the shorter side of the plate panel.
tMIN = 1,45 L1/3 k1/6
3.1.2 Calculation of equivalent thickness for clad
plates made of non-alloyed steel - stainless steel 3.3.2 Loading conditions
The clad plate thickness is to be not less than that obtained The still water and wave loads are to be calculated for the
from the following formula: most severe of the loading conditions specified in [2.1.1],
with a view to maximising the stresses in the longitudinal
t P = t + t S  1 – -------------------
EI  structure and primary supporting members in load cases
 206000 “a”, “b”, “c” and “d” defined in Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 4.
3.3.3 Cargo tank structure with hopper tank analysed
t : Thickness, in mm, of the clad plate, to be through a three dimensional beam model
obtained from the applicable formulae in Pt B,
Ch 7, Sec 1, as if it were made of homogeneous IBC CODE REFERENCE: CHAPTER 4
material with the following properties:
Where the cargo tank structure with hopper tank is ana-
• elastic modulus, in N/mm2, to be taken lysed through a three dimensional beam model, to be car-
equal to: ried out in accordance with the requirements in Pt B, Ch 7,
App 1, the net shear sectional area of floors within 0,1 
E = 206000 from the floor ends (see Fig 3 for the definition of ) is to be
• material factor, to be obtained from the fol- not less than the value obtained, in cm2, from the following
lowing formula: formula:

EI γR γm Q
k 0 = k -------------------
- A Sh = 20 ---------------
206000 Ry

250 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 8, Sec 4

where: 4.3 Primary supporting members

Q : Maximum shear force, in kN, obtained from the
direct calculations 4.3.1 Loading conditions
γR : Resistance partial safety factor: IBC CODE REFERENCE: CHAPTER 4
γR = 1,2 The still water and wave loads are to be calculated for the
most severe of the loading conditions specified in [2.1.1],
γm : Material partial safety factor:
with a view to maximising the stresses in the longitudinal
γm = 1,02 structure, primary supporting members and supporting
structure of the tanks.
Figure 3 : End area of floors
4.3.2 Strength checks
The net scantlings of primary supporting members of both
the hull and independent tanks are to be obtained by means
of direct calculations based on criteria to be agreed by the
Society on a case-by-case basis.
³ 0,1 
 5 Supports of independent tanks

5.1 Structural arrangement

4 Scantlings of independent tank
structures 5.1.1 General
4.1 Plating The reaction forces in way of tank supports are to be trans-
mitted as directly as possible to the hull primary supporting
4.1.1 Strength checks members, minimising stress concentrations.
Where the reaction forces are not in the plane of primary
In general, the net thickness of plating of independent tanks members, web plates and brackets are to be provided in
is to be not less than those obtained from the applicable for- order to transmit these loads by means of shear stresses.
mulae in Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1, where the lateral pressures are to
be calculated according to Part B, Chapter 5 and the hull 5.1.2 Openings
girder stresses may be taken equal to zero. IBC CODE REFERENCE: CHAPTER 4
Where, due to the tank arrangement, the above approxima- In tank supports and hull structures in way, openings are to
tion is deemed unacceptable by the Society, the stresses in be reduced as much as possible and local strengthening is
the tank due to the hull girder loads are to be taken into to be provided as necessary.
account. These stresses are, in general, to be calculated by
means of direct calculations based on a finite element 5.2 Calculation of reaction forces in way of
model of the hull and the tank with its supporting and key-
ing system.
tank supports
4.1.2 Calculation of equivalent thickness of clad
plates made of non-alloyed steel - stainless IBC CODE REFERENCE: CHAPTER 4
steel The reaction forces in way of tank supports are to be
IBC CODE REFERENCE: CHAPTER 4 obtained from the structural analysis of the tank, consider-
The requirements in [3.1.2] apply. ing the loads specified in Part B, Chapter 5.
If the tank supports are not able to react in tension, the final
4.2 Ordinary stiffeners distribution of the reaction forces at the supports is not to
show any tensile forces.
4.2.1 Strength check
IBC CODE REFERENCE: CHAPTER 4 5.3 Scantlings of independent tank sup-
In general, the net scantlings of ordinary stiffeners of inde- ports and hull structures in way
pendent tanks are to be not less than those obtained from the
applicable formulae in Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 2, where the lateral 5.3.1 Scantlings
pressures are to be calculated according to Part B, Chapter 5 IBC CODE REFERENCE: CHAPTER 4
and the hull girder stresses may be taken equal to zero. The net scantlings of plating, ordinary stiffeners and primary
Where, due to the tank arrangement, the above approxima- supporting members of tank supports and hull structures in
tion is deemed unacceptable by the Society, the stresses in way are to be not less than those obtained by applying the
the tank due to the hull girder loads are to be taken into criteria in Part B, Chapter 7, where the hull girder loads and
account. These stresses are generally to be calculated as the lateral pressure are to be calculated according to Part B,
specified in [4.1.1]. Chapter 5.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 251

Pt D, Ch 8, Sec 4

The values of reaction forces in way of tank supports to be 8.1.2 Welding of bulkheads of cargo integral tanks
considered for the scantlings of these structural elements of type 1 chemical carriers
are defined in [5.2]. IBC CODE REFERENCE: CHAPTER 4
The boundaries of bulkheads of cargo integral tanks of
type 1 chemical carriers are to be connected, for their
6 Other structures whole length, to the hull structures by means of full pene-
tration welding. As an alternative to full penetration weld-
6.1 Machinery space ings, the weld preparation is to be indicated on the
drawings and non-destructive examinations are to be car-
ried out on 100% of the welds.
6.1.1 Extension of the hull structures within the
machinery space 8.1.3 Welding of bulkheads of cargo integral tanks
of type 2 chemical carriers
Longitudinal bulkheads carried through cofferdams are to The lower part (over 10% in height, as a minimum) of the
continue within the machinery space and be used prefera- boundaries of bulkheads of cargo integral tanks, i.e. the
bly as longitudinal bulkheads for liquid cargo tanks. This connection with the bottom (or double bottom, if any) and
extension is to be compatible with the shape of the struc- the connection with the lower part of the sloping plates, of
tures of the double bottom, of the deck and of platforms in type 2 chemical carriers are to be connected, for their
the machinery space. whole length, to the hull structures by means of full pene-
tration welding. As an alternative to full penetration weld-
ings, the weld preparation is to be indicated on the
7 Protection of hull metallic structures drawings and non-destructive examinations are to be car-
ried out on 100% of the welds.
7.1 Aluminium coatings The other part of the tank boundaries may be connected by
means of fillet welding.
7.1.1 8.1.4 Welding of stiffeners made of non-alloyed
steel to stainless steel plates
The use of aluminium coatings containing greater than 10% In general, stiffeners made of non-alloyed steel may not be
aluminium by weight in the dry film is prohibited in the directly welded to thin stainless steel plates.
cargo tanks, cargo tank deck area, pump rooms, cofferdams However, where the welding of stiffeners and hull compo-
or any other area where cargo vapour may accumulate. nents made of normal strength steel to stainless steel plates
is deemed acceptable by the Society, such welding is to be
performed using austenitic-ferritic electrodes with high-
7.2 Passivation treatment grade nickel and chromium, such as the electrode type with
24% Cr, 14% Ni and 3% Mo.
8.1.5 Welding on clad plates
For a stainless steel structure, a passivation treatment is to be Welds carried out on clad plates are to be considered by the
made carefully on the whole area of the tanks for a new ship, Society on a case-by-case basis.
and on the whole repaired area in the case of repairs. This In particular, when fillet welding is carried out directly on
applies in particular to the passivation treatment of the welds. the rolled plate, the ultrasonic inspection of the plating
bond is to be performed on a strip bond 100 mm wide, cen-
tred on the plate perpendicular to the plating. This ultra-
8 Construction and testing sonic inspection is to be carried out in accordance with
NR216 Rules on Materials and Welding, Ch 2, Sec 1, [8.9].

8.1 Welding and weld connections

8.2 Structural details
8.1.1 General 8.2.1
The specific requirements in Pt B, Ch 11, Sec 2, [2.3] for
The requirements in [8.1.2] to [8.1.5] are to be considered in ships with the service notation chemical tanker are to be
addition to the applicable requirements in Pt B, Ch 11, Sec 1. complied with.

252 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 8, Sec 5


1 Piping scantlings 1.3.2 Corrosion allowance

1.1 General The coefficient C (added corrosion thickness) for the for-
mula in 5.1.1 of the IBC Code is normally to be equal to at
1.1.1 Other requirements least 3 mm. The Society may accept a lesser value for pipes
IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 5, 5.1 made of austenitic or austenitic-ferritic stainless steel, pipes
Cargo pipes and accessories are to satisfy requirements of with internal lining or, if applicable, pipes with acceptable
Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10. external protective lining or painting.

1.2 Pipe classes 2 Piping fabrication and joining details

1.2.1 2.1 Pipes not required to be joined by welding
According to Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [1.5.2], cargo pipes and 2.1.1
associated accessories are considered as: IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 5, 5.2.2
a) class I when the design pressure is above 1,5 MPa, or Cargo piping is to be welded except for necessary flanged
the pipe is intended for toxic substances requesting full connections to valves, expansion joints (as permitted in
compliance with Ch 17, 15.12 of the IBC Code of the IBC Code), spool pieces and similar fittings or
b) class II when the design pressure is equal to or less than where required for coating, lining, fabrication, inspection or
1,5 MPa maintenance.

c) class III when they are open ended or placed inside

cargo tanks. 2.2 Expansion joints

1.3 Pipe wall thickness calculation
1.3.1 Piping subjected to green seas The use of bellows is not permitted for corrosive and polym-
IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 5, 5.1.1 erising products, except if provision is made to prevent stag-
For piping subjected to green seas, the design pressure P, in nation of liquids.
MPa, in the formula in 5.1.1 of the IBC Code is to be
replaced by an equivalent pressure P’ given by the follow- 2.3 Non-destructive testing of welded joints
ing formula:
P' = ---  P + P 2 + 0 ,006R'K ------C-
2 D IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 5, 5.2.5

where: a) Butt welded joints of pipes and accessories are to be

submitted to radiographic examination. A minimum of
DC : External diameter of the pipe taking into
10% of the welded joints are to be selected at random
account the insulation (in mm), whose thickness in agreement with the Surveyor. The selected joints are
is to be taken at least equal to: to be tested over their full length. The Surveyor may
40 mm if D ≤ 50 mm require to extend the number of joints to be tested
80 mm if D ≥ 150 mm depending on the results of the inspection.

Intermediate values are to be determined by b) All butt welded joints of pipes and accessories are to be
interpolation submitted to liquid penetrant examination or equivalent
method over their full length
R’ : Drag corresponding to the effect of green seas,
in daN/mm2, such as given in Tab 1 as a func- c) Relaxation of the above requirements may be consid-
tion of the location of the pipes and of their ered by the Society on a case-by-case basis for pipes
height H (in m) above the deepest loadline; welded at workshops. However, this only applies to
intermediate values are to be determined by ships exclusively intended to carry cargoes with minor
interpolation. fire risk.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 253

Pt D, Ch 8, Sec 5

Table 1 :

External diameter Aft of the quarter of the ship’s length Forward of the quarter of the ship’s length
of pipe (1) H≤8 H = 13 H ≥ 18 H≤8 H = 13 H ≥ 18
≤25 1500 250 150 2200 350 150
50 1400 250 150 2000 350 150
75 1100 250 150 1600 350 150
100 700 250 150 700 350 150
≥ 150 500 250 150 700 350 150
(1) DC if the pipe is insulated, D otherwise.

3 Piping arrangements 4 Cargo transfer control systems

3.1 Arrangement of cargo piping 4.1 General

3.1.1 Arrangement of cargo piping under deck 4.1.1
The intent of the provisions in 5.5.2 of the IBC Code is to a) One blank flange is to be provided in addition to the
preclude the hazard of cargo leaking past a shut-off valve stop valve required in of the IBC Code at each
gland into the space where the valve is located. cargo hose connection.
3.1.2 Arrangement of cargo piping on deck b) The requirements of 5.6.1 of the IBC Code are not
IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 5, 5.5.2 intended to be additional to those for piping below deck
in 5.5.2 and 5.5.3 of the IBC Code.
Cargo piping on cargo tanks is to be extended down to the
bottom of each tank.
4.2 Control, monitoring and alarm devices
3.1.3 Arrangement of cargo piping inside cargo and cargo control room
IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 5, 5.5.2 4.2.1
The ends of cargo tank filling pipes are to be located as near IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 5, 5.6
as possible to the tank bottom in order to reduce the risk of a) The cargo pump control is to be fitted in a position
generating static electricity. which is readily accessible, even in the event that the
cargo piping or hoses break. This position is to be
3.1.4 Pipe connections clearly indicated.
b) Where a cargo control room is fitted, the following con-
Flanges are to be provided on connections to prevent the trols, monitoring and alarms are to be connected to this
projection of liquids in case of leakage if pipes are intended room:
to carry cargoes involving serious risks of skin toxicity.
• cargo pump control
3.1.5 Aluminised pipes • control of loading/unloading valves
IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 5, 5.5 • level gauges
Aluminised pipes may be permitted in ballast tanks, in • temperature indicators
inerted cargo tanks and, provided the pipes are protected
• high level alarms
from accidental impact, in hazardous areas on open deck.
• very high level alarms
3.2 Removable piping systems • high/low temperature alarms
• high/low pressure alarms
• fixed gas detecting system alarms.
c) In general, high/low temperature alarms are also to be
Pumps, piping and associated fittings are to constitute a per-
transduced to the navigating bridge.
manently fitted system; in general, removable parts are not
allowed, except for specific cases for which it can be d) The cargo control room is to be located above the
proved, to the satisfaction of the Society, that no effective weather deck and may be considered as a dangerous
alternative solutions are available. In such circumstances, space or a safe space, depending on its location and on
the safety measures deemed necessary will be considered the possible presence of a product or of its vapours. If it
by the Society on a case-by-case basis. is considered a dangerous space, it is to be provided

254 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 8, Sec 5

with a ventilation system capable of supplying at least Where bonding straps are required, they are to be:
20 air changes per hour, it is not to be located in the a) clearly visible so that any shortcoming can be clearly
accommodation area and only safe type electrical detected
equipment is allowed.
b) designed and sited so that they are protected against
e) A cargo control room without cargo pump and valve mechanical damage and are not affected by high resis-
control is defined as a “cargo control station”. tivity contamination, e.g. corrosive products or paint
c) easy to install and replace.
5 Ship’s cargo hoses
7 Certification, inspection and testing
5.1 Compatibility
7.1 Application
5.1.1 7.1.1 The provisions of this Article are related to cargo pip-
IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 5, 5.7.1 ing and other equipment fitted in the cargo area. They sup-
plement those given in Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [20] for piping
The requirement of 5.7.1 of the IBC Code applies to cargo systems.
hoses carried on board the vessel and “compatibility with
the cargo” means that: 7.2 Inspection and testing
a) the cargo hose does not lose its mechanical strength or
7.2.1 Testing of materials
deteriorate unduly when in contact with the cargo, and
Where required in Tab 2, materials used for pipes, valves
b) the cargo hose material does not affect the cargo in a and fittings are to be subjected to the tests specified in Pt C,
hazardous way. Ch 1, Sec 10, [20.3.2].
Consideration is to be given to internal and external sur- 7.2.2 Inspection of welded joints
faces with respect to the above where hoses may be used as Where required in Tab 2 Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [3.6] the
an integral part of, or connected to, emergency cargo requirements of Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [3.6.3] are not applica-
pumps and submerged in the cargo tank. ble for chemical carrier cargo piping and are to be replaced
by those of [2.3.1].
6 Bonding 7.2.3 Hydrostatic testing
6.1 Static electricity a) Where required in Tab 2, cargo pipes, valves, fittings
and pump casings are to be submitted to hydrostatic
6.1.1 Acceptable resistance tests in accordance with the relevant provisions of Pt C,
Ch 1, Sec 10, [20.4].
b) Expansion joints and cargo hoses are to be submitted to
To avoid the hazard of an incentive discharge due to the hydrostatic tests in accordance with the relevant provi-
build-up of static electricity resulting from the flow of the sions of Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [20.4].
liquid/gases/vapours, the resistance between any point on
c) Where fitted, bellow pieces of gas-tight penetration
the surface of the cargo and slop tanks, piping systems and
glands are to be pressure tested.
equipment, and the hull of the ship is not to be greater than
106 Ω. 7.2.4 Tightness tests
Tightness of the gas-tight penetration glands is to be
6.1.2 Bonding straps checked.
IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 10, 10.3 Note 1: These tests may be carried out in the workshops or on
Bonding straps are required for cargo and slop tanks, piping
systems and equipment which are not permanently con- 7.2.5 Certification
nected to the hull of the ship, for example: Inspection, tests and certification requirements for cargo
piping and other equipment fitted in the cargo area are
a) independent cargo tanks
given in Tab 2.
b) cargo tank piping systems which are electrically sepa-
rated from the hull of the ship 7.3 Shipboard tests
c) pipe connections arranged for the removal of the spool 7.3.1 Pressure test
pieces. IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 5, 5.4.3
d) wafer-style valves with non-conductive (e.g PTFE) gas- After installation on board, the cargo piping system is to be
kets or seals. checked for leakage under operational conditions.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 255

Pt D, Ch 8, Sec 5

Table 2 : Inspection and testing at works

Tests for materials Inspections and tests for the products

References to the
No Item Y/N Type of material during manu- after completion Type of product Rules
(1) certificate (2) facturing (1) (1) (3) certificate (2)
1 seamless or Y • C where ND>25mm [7.2.1]
stainless steel
• W where ND≤25mm [7.2.1]
cargo pipes
Y (4) [7.2.2]
Y [7.2.3]
2 pipes of class Y • C where ND>100mm [7.2.1]
II, cargo
• W where ND≤100mm [7.2.1]
valves and
fittings Y (4) [7.2.2]
Y [7.2.3]
3 expansion Y (5) W [7.2.1]
joints and
cargo hoses
Y [7.2.3]
4 cargo pumps Y • C for cast body
• W for welded construction
Y (6) see note (6)
Y [7.2.3]
5 gas-tight N
penetration N
Y [7.2.3], [7.2.4]
6 cargo tank Y W [7.2.1]
P/V valves
Y [7.2.2]
Y [7.2.3]
C Ch 8, Sec 8, [2.1.1]
7 flame arrest- N
Y see note (3)
(1) Y = required, N = not required.
(2) C = class certificate, W = works’ certificate.
(3) includes the checking of the rule characteristics according to the approved drawings.
(4) only in the case of welded construction.
(5) if metallic.
(6) inspection during manufacturing is to be carried out according to a program approved by the Society.

256 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 8, Sec 6


1 General In addition, these structures are to be constructed with

the same type of material to avoid galvanic corrosion,
which would arise if dissimilar materials were present.
1.1 Material and coating characteristics
In addition to the structures, the above is also intended
1.1.1 to apply to the materials of systems, devices and appara-
IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 6 tuses fitted in the tanks.
a) Materials and coating systems of structures and equip- f) Sea water ballast tank structures may be partly of stain-
ment which may come into contact with liquid cargo or less steel and partly of hull steel, provided suitable
vapour are to be selected in accordance with the list of measures are taken against hull steel corrosion. The use
cargoes intended to be carried. of appropriate protective coatings is subject to the posi-
b) The resistance of materials and coatings and their com- tive outcome of the previous checks and tests, to the sat-
patibility with intended cargoes are the responsibility of isfaction of the Society, which may also require surveys
the Builder or Owner. All supporting documents are, to be performed at shorter intervals than for normal sur-
however, to be given to the Society to permit the draft- veys. In estimating the suitability of the protective sys-
ing of the list of cargoes annexed to the classification tem, the Society may also require that the cathodic area
certificate. is drastically reduced (for example, by also suitably pro-
tecting stainless steel structures) for the purpose of
Copy of the charts of coating and/or material resistance
avoiding extremely isolated corrosion in hull steel struc-
issued by the manufacturers is to be kept on board.
tures which could possibly turn out, for various reasons,
These documents are to indicate the possible restrictions
not to be protected by coating.
relative to their use.
c) As a general requirement, the provisions under NR216 g) The use of aluminium coatings is prohibited in the cargo
Materials and Welding apply. Materials for tanks are, in tanks, cargo tank deck area, pump rooms, cofferdams or
any case, to have properties which are not lower than any other area where cargo gas may accumulate.
those of hull steels used according to NR216 Materials
and Welding. 2 Special requirements for materials
d) The above-mentioned materials are, in themselves, to
be resistant to the action of the products to be carried.
However, materials which are not, in themselves, resist- 2.1 Miscellaneous requirements
ant to such action may be used, provided they are pro-
tected by resistant materials after the positive outcome 2.1.1 Non-metallic materials
of prior checks and tests performed to the satisfaction of IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch. 6
the Society. In this case, the Society may also require
surveys to be carried out at shorter intervals than those Non-metallic materials used in cargo tanks and connected
between normal surveys. equipment are to be suitable for the liquids and vapours to
which they are exposed.
e) In the construction of cargo tanks intended to carry cargo
and sea water ballast alternately, the utmost care is to be
2.1.2 Primers
given to the selection of structural material (in general
austenitic stainless steel) with particular attention to its IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch. 6
resistance to different types of isolated corrosion:
Primers containing zinc may not be used for stainless steel.
• pitting Where such type of primer is used for other items which are
• stress corrosion welded to stainless steel, provisions are to be made to avoid
• interstice corrosion. the contamination of the stainless steel by zinc.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 257

Pt D, Ch 8, Sec 7


1 General b) Where the heat exchanger room is located in the

accommodation area and considered as gas-safe, it is to
be treated as a machinery space (not a category A
1.1 Heated cargoes machinery space) and provided with independent
mechanical extraction ventilation as well as with scup-
1.1.1 Approval pers discharging directly into the machinery space.
The capacity of a ship to maintain specific cargoes under
heated conditions is the responsibility of the Builder or the 1.2.3 Reference temperature
Owner. IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 7, 7.1.1
However, all relevant supporting documents are to be given Wherever the cargo temperature is maintained by a heating
to the Society in order to establish the list of cargoes possi- or refrigerating plant, unless otherwise indicated in the con-
bly attached to the classification certificate as per Pt A, Ch tract specification, the system is to be designed taking into
1, Sec 2, [4.4.4]. account the reference temperatures indicated in Tab 1.

1.1.2 Application Table 1 :

Except for ships intended for restricted voyages, any cargo Reference temperature (°C)
with a melting point equal to 20°C, or above, is to be capa-
Heating system Cooling system
ble of being maintained under heated conditions.
Sea 0 32
Attention is drawn to the fact that, for safety reasons, certain
cargoes are not to be heated above a specific temperature. Air 5 45

1.1.3 Temperature indication 1.2.4 Redundancy

When a ship is fitted with a heating system capable of IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 7, 7.1.1
maintaining the liquid temperature above 90°C, the ship’s Wherever the heating or cooling system is essential for the
structure and materials are to be checked for this tempera- preservation of the cargo, the following components are to
ture and the maximum permissible temperature is to be be duplicated:
stated on the classification certificate or on its annex.
a) coils and ducts in cargo tanks
b) heating or cooling sources
1.2 Cargo heating and cooling systems
c) circulating pumps for cargo and heating cooling media;
1.2.1 Cargo temperature control systems if suitable for the use, cargo pumps may be employed
for the circulation of the heating or cooling media
d) refrigeration plant.
Wherever a particular temperature (higher or lower than the
ambient temperature) is required to be maintained for the 1.2.5 Maximum surface temperature
preservation of the cargo, one of the following systems is to Depending on the class temperature of the cargoes being
be adopted: carried, the maximum surface temperature of the heating
a) thermal insulated tanks capable of maintaining the tem- system, within enclosed spaces inside the cargo area should
perature of the cargo within acceptable limits for the not exceed the values of Tab 2.
time of the voyage.
Table 2 :
b) a heating or cooling plant or refrigerating plant.
Maximum surface temperature
c) a combination of a) and b) above. Class temperature
of the heating system

1.2.2 Additional requirements for heating and T1 450°C

cooling plants T2 300°C
IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 7, 7.1.1 T3 200°C
a) Manifolds for the delivery and backflow of heating T4 135°C
media are to be fitted on the weather deck; connections
T5 100°C
to cargo tanks for inlet and outlet are to be in way of the
cargo tank top. T6 85°C

258 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 8, Sec 7

1.3 Valves and other fittings 1.5 Requirements for special products
1.3.1 Means for purging
1.5.1 Products which may damage the cargo
IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 7, 7.1.3 heating or cooling system
Cargo heating or cooling systems are to be fitted with the
necessary connections to purge, by inert gas or compressed IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 7, 7.1.6
air, the heating or cooling circuit of each cargo tank and to
a) The provisions of 7.1.6 of the IBC Code also apply to
perform the pressure testing of the system.
products which may damage the cargo heating or cool-
ing system.
1.4 Cargo temperature measuring system
b) If the sampling equipment mentioned in of the
1.4.1 Alarm IBC Code consists of an observation tank for drains, this
IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 7, 7.1.5 tank is generally to comply with the following require-
a) An alarm system is required for those products which ments:
are carried in a heated condition (see 15.13.6 of the IBC
Code) and for which, in column "o" of the tables in • it is to be located in the cargo area and provided
Chapter 17 of the IBC Code, reference is made to the with an air pipe with the end fitted with a flame
requirements of 15.13 of the IBC Code. screen, as per the Rules, and arranged at not less
than 3 m from openings of accommodation spaces
b) An alarm system is required for those products for
and from sources of ignition
which a carrying temperature not greater than certain
limits is required by Chapter 15 of the IBC Code, such • it is to be fitted with a connection for discharge into
as elementary phosphorus and molten sulphur. the slop tanks with associated shut-off valves and
c) An alarm connection to the navigating bridge and to the sight glass and equipped with a sampling cock for
cargo control station, if fitted, is to be provided. backflowing medium analysis.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 259

Pt D, Ch 8, Sec 8



1 Cargo tank venting 2.1.2 Flame arresters

Inspections and tests for flame arresters are given in Ch 8,
1.1 Venting system drainage Sec 5, Tab 2.

1.1.1 Large amounts of drainage

2.2 Position of vent outlets
2.2.1 Outlets from tanks intended for flammable
When large amounts of drainage from vent lines of the and toxic products
cargo tanks are envisaged, a hose connection to the drain IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch. 8, 8.3.3
line of the slop tank is to be provided. Vent outlets of cargo tanks intended for the carriage of flam-
mable or toxic products are to be arranged at a distance of
not less than 3 m from exhaust ducts and as far as possible
2 Types of tank venting system from inlet ducts to pump rooms and cargo pump rooms.

2.1 Controlled tank venting system 3 Cargo tank gas-freeing

2.1.1 Tests of pressure / vacuum valves 3.1 Fans
IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch. 8, 8.3.2 3.1.1
The tightness and the setting pressure of the cargo tanks IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 8, 8.6
pressure/vacuum or pressure- and vacuum-relief valves are The impellers and housing of either fixed or portable fans
to be checked. Inspections and tests for these valves are fitted in dangerous spaces are to be of non-sparking materi-
given in Ch 8, Sec 5, Tab 2. als according to 12.1.8 of the IBC Code.

260 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 8, Sec 9


1 General • be so designed as to minimize the risk of ignition

from the generation of static electricity by the system
1.1 Control by padding
1.3.2 Simultaneous carriage of incompatible
1.1.1 Padding medium products


The inert gas is to comply with the requirements of 9.1.3 of
The padding medium is to be compatible from the point of
the IBC Code, adapted, to the satisfaction of the Society, to
view of safety with the products to be carried, it is not to
the individual characteristics of the products to be carried.
react with them and with air and it is to have chemical and
In the case of simultaneous carriage of mutually incompati-
physical properties deemed suitable by the Society. The sys-
ble products, inert gas supply piping systems to each cargo
tem is to comply with the requirements for inert gas sys-
space are to be separate from each other.
tems, as applicable.
1.3.3 Ships with no fixed inert gas system
1.2 Control by drying IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 9, 9.1

1.2.1 Simultaneous carriage of incompatible Where no fixed installation for inert gas and/or dry gas pro-
products duction is provided for on board, the minimum quantity to
be kept on board is established by the Master, based on the
IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 9, 9.1.4 duration of the voyage, the anticipated daily temperature
variations, gas leakage through cargo tank seals and experi-
In the case of simultaneous carriage of mutually incompati-
ence of previous similar cases.
ble products, dry gas supply piping systems to each cargo
space are to be separate from each other.
1.3.4 Additional requirements
1.3 Control by inerting
a) In addition to the provisions in 9.1.3 of the IBC Code,
1.3.1 Application the inert gas system is to comply with the requirements
of Article [2].
b) These requirements apply where an inert gas system
a) Ships having the service notations chemical tanker and based on Nitrogen or oil fired inert gas generators is fit-
of 8 000 tonnes deadweight and upwards, carrying ted on board chemical tankers. Any proposal to use
crude oil or petroleum products having a flashpoint not other sources of inert gas will be specially considered.
exceeding 60°C (closed cup test), as determined by an
approved flashpoint apparatus, and a Reid vapour pres-
sure which is below the atmospheric pressure, or other 1.4 Control by ventilation
liquid products having a similar fire hazard, are to be
equipped with an inert gas system complying with the 1.4.1
requirements of Article [2], or with equivalent systems or IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 9, 9.1
arrangements in accordance with items b) and c).
When a cargo space ventilation system other than the vent-
b) For ships having the service notations chemical tanker ing system mentioned under 8.2 of the IBC Code is required
and of 8 000 tonnes deadweight and upwards and of following these provisions, such system is to be specially
less than 20,000 tonnes deadweight, the Society may examined by the Society.
accept other equivalent arrangements in accordance
with item a) and item c)
2 Inert gas systems
c) Equivalent systems or arrangements shall:

• be capable of preventing dangerous accumulation of 2.1 General requirements

explosive mixtures in intact cargo tanks during nor-
mal service throughout the ballast voyage and nec- 2.1.1 The inert gas system is to comply with the applicable
essary in-tank operations, and requirements of Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 14, [13].

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 261

Pt D, Ch 8, Sec 9

2.1.2 Plans in diagrammatic form are to be submitted for Note 1: “safe location” needs to address the two types of dis-
appraisal and are to include the following: charges separately:

• oxygen-enriched air from the nitrogen generator - safe loca-

• details and arrangement of inert gas generating plant
tions on the open deck are:
including all control monitoring devices
- outside of hazardous area;
• arrangement of piping system for distribution of the inert
gas - not within 3m of areas traversed by personnel; and

- not within 6m of air intakes for machinery (engines and

2.1.3 An automatic control capable of producing suitable boilers) and all ventilation inlets
inert gas under all service conditions is to be fitted
• nitrogen-product enriched gas from the protective devices of
the nitrogen receiver - safe locations on the open deck are:
2.2 Additional requirements for nitrogen - not within 3m of areas traversed by personnel; and
generator systems
- not within 6m of air intakes for machinery (engines and
boilers) and all ventilation inlets/outlets.
2.2.1 The following requirements apply where a nitrogen
generator system is fitted on board as required by [1.3.1]. 2.2.8 In order to permit maintenance, means of isolation
For the purpose, the inert gas is to be produced by separat- are to be fitted between the generator and the receiver.
ing air into its component gases by passing compressed air
through a bundle of hollow fibres, semi-permeable mem-
branes or adsorber materials.
2.3 Nitrogen /Inert gas systems fitted for
purposes other than inerting required by
2.2.2 In addition to the applicable requirements of Pt C, Ch
4, Sec 14, [13], the nitrogen generator system is to comply
with Ch 7, Sec 4, [4.3.2], and Ch 7, Sec 4, [4.2.10]. 2.3.1 Nitrogen/inert gas systems fitted on chemical tankers
of less than 8 000 tonnes deadweight and for which an inert
gas system is not required by [1.3.1] are to comply with the
2.2.3 A nitrogen generator is to consist of a feed air treat- following requirements.
ment system and any number of membrane or adsorber
modules in parallel necessary to meet the requirements of 2.3.2 Requirements of:
Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 14, [13.2.1], item b) 4).
• Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 14, [13.2.2], item b)
2.2.4 The nitrogen generator is to be capable of delivering • Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 14, [13.2.2], item d)
high purity nitrogen in accordance with Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 14,
[13.2.1], item b) 5). In addition to Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 14, • Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 14, [13.2.4], item b)
[13.2.2], item d), the system is to be fitted with automatic • Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 14, [13.2.4], item c)
means to discharge "off-spec" gas to the atmosphere during
start-up and abnormal operation. • Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 14, [13.2.4], item e) 1) regarding oxy-
gen content and power supply to the indicating devices
2.2.5 The system is to be provided with one or more com- • Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 14, [13.2.4], item e) 4)
pressors to generate enough positive pressure to be capable
of delivering the total volume of gas required by Pt C, Ch 4, • Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 14, [13.4.2] and
Sec 14, [13.2.1], item b). Where two compressors are pro- • Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 14, [13.4.3],
vided, the total required capacity of the system is preferably
to be divided equally between the two compressors, and in apply to the systems.
no case is one compressor to have a capacity less than 1/3
of the total capacity required. 2.3.3 The requirements of [2.2] apply except requirements
[2.2.1] to [2.2.3] and [2.2.5].
2.2.6 The feed air treatment system fitted to remove free
water, particles and traces of oil from the compressed air as 2.3.4 The two non-return devices as required by Pt C, Ch 4,
required by Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 14, [13.4.2], item b), is also to Sec 14, [13.2.3], item a) 1) are to be fitted in the inert gas
preserve the specification temperature. main. The non-return devices are to comply with Pt C, Ch
4, Sec 14, [13.2.3], item a) 2) and Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 14,
[13.2.3], item a) 3); however, where the connections to the
2.2.7 The oxygen-enriched air from the nitrogen generator cargo tanks, to the hold spaces or to cargo piping are not
and the nitrogen-product enriched gas from the protective permanent, the non-return devices required by Pt C, Ch 4,
devices of the nitrogen receiver are to be discharged to a Sec 14, [13.2.3], item a) 1) may be substituted by two non-
safe location on the open deck. return valves.

262 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 8, Sec 10


1 General c) insulation level monitoring devices, provided that the

circulation current of the device does not exceed 30 mA
under the most unfavourable conditions.
1.1 Application
1.1.1 The requirements in this Section apply, in addition to 1.3.3 Earthed systems without hull return
those contained in Part C, Chapter 2, to chemical tankers. Earthed systems without hull return are not permitted, with
the following exceptions:
1.1.2 The design is to be in accordance with IEC publica-
tion 60092-502. a) earthed intrinsically safe circuits and the following other
However, where the prescriptive requirements in the pres- systems to the satisfaction of the Society
ent Rules and IEC 60092-502 are not aligned, the prescrip-
tive requirements in the present Rules take precedence and b) power supplies, control circuits and instrumentation cir-
are to be applied. cuits in non-hazardous areas where technical or safety
reasons preclude the use of a system with no connec-
tion to earth, provided the current in the hull is limited
1.2 Documentation to be submitted to not more than 5 A in both normal and fault condi-
1.2.1 In addition to the documentation requested in Pt C, tions, or
Ch 2, Sec 1, Tab 1, the following documents are to be sub- c) limited and locally earthed systems, such as power dis-
mitted for approval: tribution systems in galleys and laundries to be fed
a) plan of hazardous areas through isolating transformers with the secondary wind-
b) document giving details of types of cables and safety ings earthed, provided that any possible resulting hull
characteristics of the equipment installed in hazardous current does not flow directly through any hazardous
areas area, or

c) diagrams of tank level indicator systems, high level d) alternating current power networks of 1,000 V root
alarm systems and overflow control systems where mean square (line to line) and over, provided that any
requested. possible resulting current does not flow directly through
any hazardous area; to this end, if the distribution sys-
1.3 System of supply tem is extended to areas remote from the machinery
space, isolating transformers or other adequate means
1.3.1 Acceptable systems of supply are to be provided.
The following systems of generation and distribution of
electrical energy are acceptable:
1.4 Earth detection
a) direct current:
• two-wire insulated 1.4.1 Monitoring of circuits in hazardous areas
b) alternating current: The devices intended to continuously monitor the insulation
• single-phase, two-wire insulated level of all distribution systems are also to monitor all cir-
• three-phase, three-wire insulated. cuits, other than intrinsically safe circuits, connected to
apparatus in hazardous areas or passing through such areas.
In insulated distribution systems, no current carrying part is
An audible and visual alarm is to be given, at a manned posi-
to be earthed, other than:
tion, in the event of an abnormally low level of insulation.
a) through an insulation level monitoring device
b) through components used for the suppression of inter-
ference in radio circuits.
1.5 Mechanical ventilation of hazardous
1.3.2 Earthed system with hull return
Earthed systems with hull return are not permitted, with the 1.5.1 Electric motors driving fans of the ventilating systems
following exceptions to the satisfaction of the Society: of hazardous spaces are to be located outside the ventila-
a) impressed current cathodic protective systems tion ducting.

b) limited and locally earthed systems, such as starting and

1.5.2 Motors driving ventilating fans may be located within
ignition systems of internal combustion engines, pro-
the ducting provided that they are of a certified safe type.
vided that any possible resulting current does not flow
directly through any hazardous area

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 263

Pt D, Ch 8, Sec 10

1.5.3 The materials used for the fans and their housing are 2.1.2 A space separated by a gastight boundaries from a
to be in compliance with Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 1, [3.28]. hazardous area may be classified as zone 0, 1, 2 or consid-
ered as non hazardous, taking into account the sources of
1.5.4 Cargo pump-rooms and other enclosed spaces which release inside that space and its conditions of ventilation.
contain cargo-handling equipment and similar spaces in
which work is performed on the cargo should be fitted with 2.1.3 Access door and other openings are not to be pro-
mechanical ventilation systems, capable of being controlled vided between an area intended to be considered as non-
from outside such spaces.
hazardous and a hazardous area or between a space
intended to be considered as zone 2 and a zone 1, except
1.5.5 Provisions are to be made to ventilate the spaces
where required for operational reasons.
defined in Ch 7, Sec 5, [1.5.4] prior to entering the com-
partment and operating the equipment.
2.1.4 In enclosed or semi-enclosed spaces having a direct
opening into any hazardous space or area, electrical instal-
1.6 Electrical installation precautions lations are to comply with the requirements for the space or
area to which the opening leads.
1.6.1 Precautions against corrosion

Where products are liable to damage the materials normally 2.1.5 Where a space has an opening into an adjacent,
used in electrical apparatuses, special attention is to be paid more hazardous space or area, it may be made into a less
to the selection of materials for conductors, insulation and hazardous space or non-hazardous space, taking into
metal parts to be installed in gas-dangerous spaces. Copper, account the type of separation and the ventilation system.
aluminium and insulation materials are to be protected as
far as possible in order to prevent contact with products 2.1.6 A differential pressure monitoring device or a flow
and/or their corrosive vapours (e.g. by means of encasing). monitoring device, or both, are to be provided for monitor-
This provision applies to those products for which the sym- ing the satisfactory functioning of pressurisation of spaces
bol Z is listed in column "m" of the tables in Chapter 17 of having an opening into a more hazardous zone.
the IBC Code.
In the event of loss of the protection by the over-pressure or
1.6.2 Precautions against inlet of gases or vapours loss of ventilation in spaces classified as zone 1 or zone 2,
protective measures are to be taken.
Suitable arrangements are to be provided, to the satisfaction
of the Society, so as to prevent the possibility of gases or
vapours passing from a gas-dangerous space to another 2.2 Electrical equipment permitted in haz-
space through runs of cables or their conduits. ardous areas for ships carrying danger-
ous chemicals in bulk having a flash-
2 Hazardous locations and types of point exceeding 60°C unheated or
equipment heated to a temperature below and not
within 15°C of their flashpoint
2.1 Electrical equipment permitted in haz-
2.2.1 For systems of supply and earth detection, the
ardous areas for ships carrying danger-
requirements under Ch 7, Sec 5, [1.3] and Ch 7, Sec 5, [1.4]
ous chemicals in bulk having a flash-
point not exceeding 60°C and ships car-
rying dangerous chemicals in bulk hav-
2.2.2 Cargo tanks, slop tanks, any pipe work of pressure-
ing a flash point exceeding 60°C heated
relief or other venting systems for cargo and slop tanks,
to a temperature within 15°C of their pipes and equipment containing the cargo are to be classi-
flash point or above their flashpoint fied as zone 2.

2.1.1 In order to facilitate the selection of appropriate elec-

trical apparatus and the design of suitable electrical installa- 2.3 Electrical equipment permitted in tank-
tions, hazardous areas are divided into zone 0, 1 and 2 ers carrying cargoes (for example acids)
according to Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 1, [3.24.3]. The different reacting with other products/materials
spaces are to be classified according to Tab 1. to evolve flammable gases
The types of electrical equipment admitted, depending on
the zone where they are installed, are specified in Pt C, Ch 2.3.1 The different spaces are to be classified according to
2, Sec 3, [10]. Tab 2.

264 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 8, Sec 10

Table 1 : Space descriptions and hazardous area zones for ships carrying dangerous chemicals in bulk
having a flash point not exceeding 60°C and ships carrying dangerous chemicals in bulk
having a flash point exceeding 60°C heated to a temperature within 15°C
of their flash point or above their flash point

No. Description of spaces
1 The interior of cargo tanks, slop tanks, any pipework of pressure-relief or other venting systems for cargo and Zone 0
slop tanks, pipes and equipment containing the cargo or developing flammable gases and vapours
2 Void space adjacent to, above or below integral cargo tanks Zone 1
3 Hold spaces Zone 1
4 Cofferdams and permanent (for example, segregated) ballast tanks adjacent to cargo tanks Zone 1
5 Cargo pump rooms Zone 1
6 Enclosed or semi-enclosed spaces, immediately above cargo tanks (for example, between decks) or having Zone 1
bulkheads above and in line with cargo tank bulkheads, unless protected by a diagonal plate acceptable to
the Society
7 Spaces, other than cofferdam, adjacent to and below the top of a cargo tank (for example, trunks, passage- Zone 1
ways and hold)
8 Areas on open deck, or semi-enclosed spaces on open deck, within 3 m of any cargo tank outlet, gas or Zone 1
vapour outlet, cargo manifold valve, cargo valve, cargo pipe flange, cargo pump-room ventilation outlets and
cargo tank openings for pressure release provided to permit the flow of small volumes of gas or vapour mix-
tures caused by thermal variation.
9 Areas on open deck, or semi-enclosed spaces on open deck above and in the vicinity of any cargo gas outlet Zone 1
intended for the passage of large volumes of gas or vapour mixture during cargo loading and ballasting or
during discharging, within a vertical cylinder of unlimited height and 6 m radius centred upon the centre of
the outlet, and within a hemisphere of 6 m radius below the outlet
10 Areas on open deck, or semi-enclosed spaces on open deck, within 1,5 m of cargo pump room entrances, Zone 1
cargo pump room ventilation inlet, openings into cofferdams, or other zone 1 spaces
11 Areas on open deck within spillage coamings surrounding cargo manifold valves and 3 m beyond these, up Zone 1
to a height of 2,4 m above the deck
12 Areas on open deck over the cargo area where structures are restricting the natural ventilation and to the full Zone 1
breadth of the ship plus 3 m fore and aft of the forward-most and aft-most cargo tank bulkhead, up to a height
of 2,4 m above the deck

13 Compartments for cargo hoses Zone 1

14 Enclosed or semi-enclosed spaces in which pipes containing cargoes are located Zone 1
15 Areas of 1,5 m surrounding a space of zone 1 Zone 2
16 Spaces 4 m beyond the cylinder and 4 m beyond the sphere defined in item 9 Zone 2
17 Areas on open deck extending to the coamings fitted to keep any spills on deck and away from the accommo- Zone 2
dation and service area and 3 m beyond these up to a height of 2,4 m above the deck
18 Areas on open deck over the cargo area where unrestricted natural ventilation is guaranteed and to the full Zone 2
breadth of the ship plus 3 m fore and aft of the forward-most and aft-most cargo tank bulkhead, up to a height
of 2,4 m above the deck surrounding open or semi-enclosed spaces of zone 1

19 Spaces forward of the open deck areas to which reference is made in 12 and 18, below the level of the main Zone 2
deck, and having an opening on to the main deck or at a level less than 0,5 m above the main deck, unless:
• the doors and all openings are in non-hazardous area; and
• the spaces are mechanically ventilated

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 265

Pt D, Ch 8, Sec 10

Table 2 : Space descriptions and hazardous area zones in tankers carrying cargoes (for example acids)
reacting with other products/materials to evolve flammable gases.

No. Description of spaces
1 The interior of cargo tanks, slop tanks, any pipework of pressure-relief or other venting systems for cargo and Zone 1
slop tanks, pipes and equipment containing the cargo or developing flammable gases and vapours.
2 Cargo pump rooms. Zone 1
3 Compartments for cargo hoses. Zone 1
4 Areas of 1,5 m surrounding the openings of zone 1 spaces specified above. Zone 2
5 Void space adjacent to, above or below integral cargo tanks. Zone 2
6 Hold spaces. Zone 2
7 Cofferdams and permanent (for example, segregated) ballast tanks adjacent to cargo tanks. Zone 2
8 Enclosed or semi-enclosed spaces, immediately above cargo tanks (for example, between decks) or having Zone 2
bulkheads above and in line with cargo tank bulkheads, unless protected by a diagonal plate acceptable to
the society.
9 Spaces, other than cofferdam, adjacent to and below the top of a cargo tank (for example, trunks, passage- Zone 2
ways and hold).
10 Enclosed or semi-enclosed spaces in which pipes containing cargoes are located. Zone 2
11 Areas on open deck, or semi-enclosed spaces on open deck, within 1,5 m of any cargo tank outlet, gas or Zone 2
vapour outlet, cargo manifold valve, cargo valve, cargo pipe flange, cargo pump-room ventilation outlets,
and cargo tank openings for pressure release provided to permit the flow of small volumes of gas or vapour
mixtures caused by thermal variation.
12 Areas on open deck within spillage coamings surrounding cargo manifold valves and 1,5 m beyond these, up Zone 2
to a height of 1,5 m above the deck.
13 Areas on open deck, or semi-enclosed spaces on open deck above and in the vicinity of any cargo gas outlet Zone 2
intended for the passage of large volumes of gas or vapour mixture during cargo loading and ballasting or
during discharging, within a vertical cylinder of unlimited height and 3 m radius centred upon the centre of
the outlet, and within a hemisphere of 3 m radius below the outlet.

266 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 8, Sec 11


1 Cargo pump rooms 2.3 Simultaneous use of foam and water

1.1 Fixed fire-extinguishing systems
2.3.1 Required number of jets of water
1.1.1 Halogenated hydrocarbon system
IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 11, 11.3.12
With reference to of the IBC Code, it is to be noted The simultaneous use of the minimum required number of
that new installations of halogenated hydrocarbon systems jets of water is to be possible, in general, on deck over the
have been prohibited on all (new and existing) ships since full length of the ship, in the accommodation and service
1 October 1994. spaces, in control spaces and in machinery spaces.

2 Cargo area 2.4 Portable fire-extinguishing equipment

2.1 Temperature of steam and heating 2.4.1 Capacity of portable fire-extinguishing

media within the cargo area equipment
IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 11, 11.3.14
IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 11, 11.3 The capacity of each item of portable fire-extinguishing
equipment is to comply with the relevant provisions of the
The maximum temperature of the steam and heating media
1974 SOLAS Convention, as amended.
in the cargo area is to be adjusted to comply with maximum
surface temperature in Ch 8, Sec 7, [1.2.5].
2.5 Ships carrying flammable products
2.2 Monitors and foam applicators
2.5.1 Internal combustion engines
2.2.1 Capacity for ships of less than 4000 tonnes
deadweight IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 11, 11.3.15
IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 11, 11.3.7 Internal combustion engines are not to be installed in cargo
For ships of less than 4000 tonnes deadweight, the mini- pump rooms, in pump rooms and in other spaces adjacent
mum required capacity for a monitor is to be not less than to or located above cargo tanks. However, reciprocating
1000 litres/min and the application rate that each monitor is steam engines with a working temperature lower than the
to be capable of supplying is to be at least 10 litres/min per temperature stated in [2.1] may be installed in the above-
each square metre of the surface to be protected. mentioned rooms and spaces.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 267

Pt D, Ch 8, Sec 12


1 Spaces normally entered during 1.1.6 Location of upper end of inlet ducts
cargo handling operations IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 12, 12.1
With reference to the requirements of [1.1.5], the upper
1.1 Miscellaneous requirements ends of inlet ducts are generally to be located at a distance
not less than 3 m from ventilation ducts and air intakes serv-
1.1.1 Ventilation system stopping ing the safe spaces mentioned therein.
1.1.7 Minimum distance between inlet and
All required ventilation systems are to be capable of being extraction ducts
stopped from a position located outside the served spaces IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 12, 12.1
and above the weather deck.
With reference to [1.1.6], the upper ends of (inlet and
1.1.2 Warning notices extraction) ventilation ducts serving the same space are to
IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 12, 12.1 be located at a distance from each other, measured horizon-
tally, of not less than 3 m and, in general, at an adequate
In the proximity of entrances to all spaces served by the
height above the weather deck, but in any case not less than
required mechanical ventilation systems, a clearly visible
2,4 m. Greater heights are required in 15.17 of the IBC
warning is to be posted requiring such spaces to be ade-
quately ventilated prior to entering and relevant ventilation
systems to be kept in operation all the time persons are 1.1.8 Upper ends of ventilation ducts in ships
present in the spaces themselves. carrying materials producing flammable
1.1.3 Prevention of dangerous operation of electric
motors IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 12, 12.1
IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 12, 12.1 For flammable products, or for products which may react
with the ship’s materials producing flammable vapours
A suitable automatic device is to be fitted to prevent opera-
(such as strong acids), the upper ends of ventilation ducts
tion of electric motors driving cargo pumps and operation
are to be located at a distance of not less than 3 m from any
of other electrical equipment not of a certified safe type
source of ignition, as per the provisions of Ch 8, Sec 8,
prior to ventilating the spaces where such motors or equip-
ment are located, in order to render them gas-safe (to this
end it is pointed out that IEC provisions require at least 10 1.1.9 Dampers
changes of air based on the volume of the served space).
1.1.4 Prevention of dangerous operation of cargo Ventilation ducts are to be provided with metallic dampers,
pumps fitted with the indication "open" and "closed". The dampers
IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 12, 12.1 are to be located above the weather deck, in a readily
An automatic device is to be fitted capable of stopping accessible position.
motors driving cargo pumps and de-energising any other
1.1.10 Location of electric motors of fans
electrical equipment not of a certified safe type in the case
of stoppage of ventilation in spaces where such motors and IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 12, 12.1
equipment are fitted. This provisions does not apply to Electric motors driving fans are to be placed outside the
motors and other electrical equipment fitted in the engine served spaces and outside the ventilation ducts, in a suita-
room. ble position with respect to the presence of flammable
1.1.5 Alternative to extraction type ventilation
systems 1.1.11 Penetration of motor shafts through
IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 12, 12.1 bulkheads
As an alternative to ventilation systems of the extraction IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 12, 12.1
type, required in [1.1.4], a ventilation system of the positive Runs of shafts of electric motors driving fans through bulk-
pressure type may be accepted: heads or decks of gas-dangerous spaces or through ventila-
• in the case of cargo pump rooms adjacent to cargo tion ducts are to be provided with gas-tight seals, with oil
tanks or to other gas-dangerous spaces, or glands or equivalent means, deemed suitable by the Society.
• where, in adjacent gas-safe spaces, inclusive of spaces They have to be fitted with temperature sensing devices for
containing motors of cargo pumps, an adequate over- bulkhead shaft glands bearings and pump casings. Alarms
pressure is kept in relation to the cargo pump rooms are to be initiated in the cargo control room or the pump
themselves. control station.

268 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 8, Sec 12

Means are to be provided to compensate for any misalign- d) The following impellers and housings are considered as
ment. sparking and are not permitted:
Shaft bulkhead lubricating means is to be located outside • impellers of an aluminium alloy or magnesium alloy
the cargo pump room. If the shaft bulkhead penetration sys- and a ferrous housing, regardless of tip clearance
tem includes a bellow, this bellow is to be hydraulically • housing made of an aluminium alloy or a magne-
tested at a pressure of at least 3,5 bars before being fitted on sium alloy and a ferrous impeller, regardless of tip
board. clearance
• any combination of ferrous impeller and housing
1.2 Additional requirements for non-spark- with less than 13 mm design tip clearance.
ing fans
1.2.3 Type test for non-sparking fans
1.2.1 Non-sparking fans IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 12, 12.1
IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 12, 12.1 Type tests on the finished product are to be carried out in
accordance with the requirements of the Society.
a) A fan is considered as non-sparking if in both normal
and abnormal conditions it is unlikely to produce
sparks. 2 Pump rooms and other enclosed
b) The air gap between the impeller and the casing is to be spaces normally entered
not less than 0,1 of the shaft diameter in way of the
impeller bearing and not less than 2 mm. It need not be 2.1 Clarification of general requirement
more than 13 mm.
1.2.2 Materials for non-sparking fans IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 12, 12.2
IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 12, 12.1 a) The provisions of 12.2 of the IBC Code apply to all
a) The impeller and the housing in way of the impeller are pump rooms, whether or not the control for pumps and
to be made of alloys which are recognised as being valves which are installed in such rooms is fitted exter-
spark proof by appropriate tests. nally.
b) Electrostatic charges in both the rotating body and the b) The distance of the upper ends of extraction and inlet
casing are to be prevented by the use of antistatic mate- ducts from air intakes and other openings of spaces
rials. Furthermore, the installation on board of the venti- mentioned in 12.1.5 of the IBC Code is not to be less
lation units is to be such as to ensure their safe bonding than 3 m measured horizontally. These systems are to be
to the hull. capable of being controlled from outside the spaces
they serve and, in the proximity of the entrances to such
c) Tests may not be required for fans having the following spaces, the warning notice mentioned in [1.1.2] is to be
combinations: posted.
• impellers and/or housings of non-metallic material,
due regard being paid to the elimination of static 3 Spaces not normally entered
• impellers and housings of non-ferrous materials 3.1 Portable fans
• impellers of aluminium alloys or magnesium alloys
and a ferrous (including austenitic stainless steel) 3.1.1
housing on which a ring of suitable thickness of IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 12, 12.3
non-ferrous materials is fitted in way of the impeller The type of portable fans and their connections to spaces to
• any combination of ferrous (including austenitic be ventilated are to be deemed suitable by the Society. Port-
stainless steel) impellers and housings with not less able fans driven by electric or internal combustion motors
than 13 mm design tip clearance. are not acceptable.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 269

Pt D, Ch 8, Sec 13


1 Gauging 1.1.2 Example of restricted gauging device

1.1 Types of gauging devices
A restricted gauging device may consist of a sounding pipe
1.1.1 Arrangement with an inside diameter not greater than 200 mm, fitted
IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 13, 13.1.1 with a gas-tight plug. The pipe is to have holes in order to
make its internal pressure equal to that of the tank. There-
a) In almost all cases a cargo code which requires a high
fore the holes are to be located inside the cargo tank in the
level alarm and overflow control also requires a closed
proximity of the top.
gauging device. A cargo tank containing such a product
therefore requires three sensors:
1) one level gauging 2 Vapour detection
2) one high level alarm
3) one overflow control. 2.1 Vapour detection instruments
b) The sensing elements for 1), 2) and 3) are to be sepa-
rated, although sensors for 2) and 3) (reed switches, float 2.1.1 Spaces to be monitored
chambers, electronic devices, etc.) may be contained in IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 13, 13.2.1
the same tube.
Vapour detection instruments, either fixed or portable, are
c) Electronic, pneumatic and hydraulic circuits required
to be of a type recognised suitable by the Society for the
for sensors 1), 2) and 3) are to be independent of each
products to be carried. The spaces to be monitored are:
other such that a fault on any one will not render either
of the others inoperative. • cargo pump rooms
d) Where processing units are used to give digital or visual • spaces containing motors driving cargo pumps, except
indication, such as in a bridge space, the independence for the machinery space
of circuitry is to be maintained at least beyond this
point. • enclosed spaces containing cargo piping, equipment
e) The power is to be supplied from distribution boards. connected with cargo handling, cofferdams, enclosed
spaces and double bottoms adjacent to cargo tanks
f) Where a control room or a bridge space containing a
modular unit is envisaged, separate level indication and • pipe tunnels
visual alarms are to be provided for each of the func-
• other spaces, in the opinion of the Society, depending
tions 1), 2) and 3). An audible alarm is also to be pro-
on the ship type.
vided but since this is not directional it need not be
separate. Where a fixed system is installed, it is to serve the spaces
g) An audible alarm is also to be arranged in the cargo among those listed above which are normally entered by
area. the crew.
h) Where there is no control room, an audible and visual
alarm is to be arranged at the cargo control station. 2.2 Provisions for installation of gas analys-
i) Testing of sensors is to be arranged from outside the ing units
tanks, although entry into product clean tanks is not pre-
cluded. 2.2.1 Gas analysing units are to be in compliance with the
j) Simulation testing of electronic circuits or circuits which requirements in Ch 7, Sec 6, [7.4].
are self-monitored is acceptable.

270 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 8, Sec 14


1 Protective equipment 2 Safety equipment

1.1 Location of protective equipment 2.1 Additional equipment for ships carrying
toxic products
IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 14, 14.1.2 2.1.1
a) Lockers for work clothes or protective equipment which
are not new or have not undergone a thorough cleaning With regard to 14.2.4 of the IBC Code, the equivalent quan-
process are not to open directly into accommodation tity of spare bottled air in lieu of the low pressure air line is
spaces. to be at least 4800 litres.
b) When a locker for clothes which have not undergone a
thorough cleaning process is arranged in the accommo- 2.2 Medical first aid equipment
dation area, it is to be bounded by "A-0" bulkheads and
decks and provided with independent exhaust mechani-
cal ventilation. The access to accommodation spaces, if IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 14, 14.2.9
allowed, is to be arranged through two substantially gas- First aid equipment, whose preservation in good condition
tight self-closing steel doors without any hold-back is the Master’s responsibility, is to be kept in a special,
device. clearly indicated locker.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 271

Pt D, Ch 8, Sec 15


1 Ammonium nitrate solution 3 Propylene oxide and mixtures of

(93% or less) ethylene oxide/propylene oxide with
an ethylene oxide content of not
1.1 Ammonia injection more than 30% by weight
1.1.1 Injection procedure 3.1 Tank cleaning
Gaseous ammonia may be injected into the cargo while the IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 15, 15.8.3
latter is circulated by the cargo pump. Until an amendment in this respect is prepared at IMO, it is
specified that the initial wording of the text of 15.8.3 of the
1.2 Cargo pumps IBC Code "Before carrying these products, ........" is to be
intended as follows: "Before initial loading of these products
1.2.1 Seal and before each loading of these products subsequent to
loading of other products".
The seal for the centrifugal pump is to be a stuffing box pro- 3.2 Joints in cargo lines
vided with a lantern ring. Fresh water under pressure is to
be injected into the stuffing box at the location of the lan- 3.2.1
tern ring (see Fig 1). IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 15, 15.8.12
Screwed connections are only allowed for accessory and
instrumental lines with an external diameter of 25 mm or
2 Hydrogen peroxide solutions less.

2.1 Hydrogen peroxide solutions over 60% 3.3 Oxygen content in tank vapour spaces
but not over 70%
3.3.1 Analysing equipment
2.1.1 Water spray system IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 15, 15.8.28
Analysing equipment to determine oxygen and propylene
IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 15, 15.5.10
oxide contents is to be of a type recognised as suitable by
It is specified that, for the purpose of evaluating the esti- the Society. When portable analysers are used, there are to
mated size of the cargo spill in the case of failure, cargo be at least two. When a fixed system is installed, a portable
piping/hose failure is to be assumed to be total. analyser is also to be provided.

Figure 1 : Seal





272 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 8, Sec 15

3.4 Valves at cargo hose connections 7 Cargoes with a vapour pressure

greater than 0,1013 MPa (1,013 bar)
3.4.1 Shut-off valve closing time
absolute at 37,8°C
IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 15, 15.8.30
The closing time of shut-off valves provided at each cargo 7.1 General
hose connection is to take account of the loading/unloading
rate and is to be such as to avoid dangerous overpressure in 7.1.1 System for maintaining cargo temperature
cargo piping and hoses mentioned in the paragraphs below boiling point
IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 15, 15.14.1
4 Acids a) Any system installed for the purpose of keeping the
cargo temperature below its boiling point is to be con-
4.1 Electrical arrangements structed to the satisfaction of the Society.
b) Whenever cargo tanks are designed specifically for the
4.1.1 carriage of products dealt with in 15.7 of the IBC Code,
IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 15, 15.11.5 they are to be capable of withstanding the vapour pres-
sure of such products corresponding to 45°C.
In enclosed spaces adjacent to cargo tanks, electrical mate-
rials and equipment complying with the provisions of
7.2 Return of expelled gases of the IBC Code are allowed.
7.2.1 Valving of shore connection
4.2 Leak detection system IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 15, 15.14.4

4.2.1 Leak detectors The above-mentioned systems are to be fitted with a shut-
off valve and a blank flange in way of the vapour return line
IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 15, 15.11.7 to the shore installation.
There are to be at least two leak detection apparatuses
designed and calibrated to detect leakage of cargo into 8 Special cargo pump room
spaces adjacent to cargo tanks. The apparatuses may consist
of a pH-meter, a gas detector suitable for the detection of
hydrogen/air mixtures, of a type deemed suitable by the
Society, or of other suitable systems. These apparatuses may 8.1 Clarification
be fixed or portable; if a fixed system is installed, a portable
apparatus is also to be provided. 8.1.1
5 Toxic products As far as concerns the possibility of allowing the arrange-
ment of cargo pump rooms below deck in specific cases, it
is specified that, in practice, no circumstance can be fore-
5.1 Return line to shore installation
seen where such an arrangement may be permitted.
5.1.1 Valving on connection to shore installation
IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 15, 15.12.2 9 Overflow control
The above-mentioned systems are to be fitted with a shut-
off valve and a blank flange in way of the vapour return line
9.1 Independence of systems
to the shore installation.
9.1.1 Gauging devices
6 Cargoes protected by additives
In almost all cases where, for the carriage of a product, a
cargo high level alarm or cargo overflow control is
6.1 Prevention of blockage by polymerisa- required, a closed gauging device is also required.
9.1.2 Separation of device sensing elements
6.1.1 Arrangements IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 15, 15.19
IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 15, 13.6 A cargo tank intended to carry such a product therefore
In addition to being designed so as to avoid internal requires:
obstructions due to polymer formation, the above-men- a) level gauging
tioned systems are to be fitted with pressure/vacuum valves
b) high level alarm
and devices to prevent the passage of flame which are
accessible for inspection and maintenance. c) overflow control.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 273

Pt D, Ch 8, Sec 15

The sensing elements for the devices under a), b) and c) are 9.1.5 Alarms where cargo control room is not
to be separated, although sensors for b) and c) (micro- provided
switches, float chambers, electronic devices, etc.) may be IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 15, 15.19
contained in the same metal tube sections. a) Where no cargo control room is provided, an audible
and visual alarm is to be arranged at the cargo control
9.1.3 Electronic and hydraulic circuits for sensors
station, which generally coincides with the navigating
IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 15, 15.19 bridge.
Electronic, pneumatic and hydraulic circuits required for b) The audible and visual high level and cargo overflow
sensors for a), b) and c) are to be independent of each other alarms are to be located so as to be easily heard and
such that a fault on any one of them will not render either of noticed by the personnel in charge of loading/unloading
the others inoperative. Where processing units are used to operations. Attention is drawn to the fact that such
give digital or visual indication such as in a bridge space, alarms are generally grouped together into two inde-
the independence of circuitry is to be maintained at least up pendent signals; therefore it is not possible to single out
to such units. The power is to be supplied from distribution directly the cargo tank from which the alarm signal is
boards. coming. In such cases, the Master is to arrange for a per-
son to be present at the cargo control station, in order to
9.1.4 Alarms in cargo control room be able to warn the personnel in charge of loading oper-
IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 15, 15.19 ations on deck.
Where a cargo control room or a bridge space containing a
9.1.6 Testing of sensors
modular unit is envisaged, separate level indications and
visual alarms are to be provided for each of the functions a), IBC CODE REFERENCE: Ch 15, 15.19
b) and c). An audible alarm is also to be provided; there Testing of sensors is to be arranged from outside the tanks,
need not be a separate alarm for each function since sepa- although entry into product clean tanks is not prohibited.
rate alarms could not be distinguished. An audible alarm is Simulation testing of electronic circuits or circuits which are
also to be arranged in the cargo area. self-monitoring is acceptable.

274 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 8, Sec 16


1 General

1.1.1 This Section is void, as the provisions of Chapter 16
of the IBC Code are operating requirements which are not
mandatory for the class.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 275

Pt D, Ch 8, Sec 17


1 General

1.1.1 The list of products and the minimum requirements
referred to elsewhere in this Section is the one of Chapter
17 of the IBC code.

276 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 8, Sec 18



1 General

1.1.1 This Section is void, as there are no additional or
alternative requirements to those indicated in Chapter 18 of
the IBC Code.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 277

Pt D, Ch 8, Sec 19


1 General

1.1.1 This Section is void, as there are no additional or
alternative requirements to those indicated in Chapter 19 of
the IBC Code.

278 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 8, Sec 20


1 General

1.1.1 This Section is void, as there are no additional or
alternative requirements to those indicated in Chapter 20 of
the IBC Code.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 279

Pt D, Ch 8, Sec 21



1 General

1.1.1 This Section is void, as there are no additional or
alternative requirements to those indicated in Chapter 21 of
the IBC Code.

280 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Part D
Service Notations

Chapter 9



July 2018 Bureau Veritas 281

282 Bureau Veritas July 2018
Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 1


1 General 1.2 IGC Code requirements and the

Society’s Rules
1.1 Application
1.2.1 General
1.1.1 Ships complying with the requirements of this Chapter a) For ships having the service notation liquefied gas car-
are eligible for the assignment of the service notation liquefied rier, the IGC Code requirements are to be considered as
gas carrier, in accordance with Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.4.5]. rule requirements, unless otherwise specified, and with
the exception indicated in [1.2.2].
1.1.2 Ships which are intended for the carriage of liquefied
gases are to comply with the requirements of the latest ver- b) The rule requirements of this Chapter include:
sion of the International Code for the Construction and - requirements of the IGC Code
Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC - additional requirements to the IGC Code
Code), as amended.
- Society’s interpretations of the IGC Code.
1.1.3 This Chapter and the IGC Code refer to ships carrying c) Requirements of IGC Code, specified in the text, printed
products which are listed in the table in Chapter 19 of the in Italic type; in reproducing the above text in this
IGC Code and in Ch 9, Sec 19. Chapter applicable for the purpose of classification, the
word “Administration”, wherever mentioned, has been
1.1.4 This Chapter and the IGC Code include requirements replaced by the word “Society”.
for the carriage of cargo in containment systems incorporat-
ing integral, membrane or independent tank types as d) The correspondence between the references of the IGC
detailed in Chapter 4 of the IGC Code and in Ch 9, Sec 4. Code and those of the present Chapter are given in App 2.

1.1.5 In general, this Chapter applies to cargo containment 1.2.2 IGC Code requirements not within the scope
of classification
and handling systems and to the interfaces between these sys-
tems and the remainder of the ship, which is to comply with The following requirements of the IGC Code are not within
the additional applicable requirements indicated in Tab 1. the scope of classification:
• Chapter 1, Section1.3 - Equivalents
Table 1 : Additional applicable requirements
• Chapter 1, Section 1.4 - Surveys and certification
Item Reference • Chapter 18 - Operating requirements.
Ship arrangement Part B These requirements are applied by the Society when acting
Hull Part B on behalf of the flag Administration, within the scope of
Stability Part B delegation (see [1.2.5]).
Machinery and cargo system Part C
1.2.3 Carriage of products not listed in the Code
Electrical installations: Part C
The requirements of the IGC Code and the additional
Automation Part C requirements of this Chapter are also applicable to new
Fire protection, detection and extinction Part C products, which may be considered to come within the
scope of this Chapter, but are not at present listed in the
1.1.6 Additional service features dualfuel or gasfuel table in Chapter 19 of the IGC Code.
The additional service features dualfuel or gasfuel may be
assigned to liquefied gas carriers designed and equipped to 1.2.4 Particularly hazardous products
use: For the carriage in bulk of products which are not listed in
• their cargoes as fuel and complying with the require- the table in Chapter 19 of the IGC Code, presenting more
ments of Ch 9, Sec 16 or severe hazards than those covered by the IGC Code, the
Society reserves the right to establish requirements and/or
• other low-flashpoint gaseous fuels provided that the fuel
conditions additional to those contained in this Chapter.
storage and distribution systems design and arrange-
ments for such gaseous fuels comply with the require- 1.2.5 Certificate of fitness
ments of the present chapter for gas as a cargo.
a) The responsibility for interpretation of the IGC Code
The additional service feature gasfuel is assigned when the requirements for the purpose of issuing an International
propulsion system uses only gas as fuel. The additional ser- Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Liquefied Gases
vice feature dualfuel is assigned when the propulsion sys- in Bulk lies with the Administration of the state whose
tem uses both gas and fuel oil as fuel. flag the ship is entitled to fly.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 283

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 1

b) Whenever the Society is authorised by an Administration 2.1.8 The ship's compliance with the requirements of the
to issue on its behalf the “Certificate of Fitness for the International Gas Carrier Code shall be shown by its Interna-
Carriage of Liquefied Gases in Bulk”, or where the Soci- tional Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Liquefied
ety is authorised to carry out investigations and surveys Gases in Bulk. Compliance with the amendments to the
on behalf of an Administration on the basis of which the Code, as appropriate, shall also be indicated in the Interna-
“Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Liquefied Gases tional Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Liquefied
in Bulk” will be issued by the Administration, or where Gases in Bulk.
the Society is requested to certify compliance with the
IGC Code, the full compliance with the requirements of 2.1.9 Where reference is made in the Code to a paragraph,
the IGC Code, including the operative requirements all the provisions of the subparagraph of that designation
mentioned in [1.2.2], is to be granted by the Society. shall apply.

2.1.10 When a ship is intended to operate for periods at a

2 Application and implementation fixed location in a re-gasification and gas discharge mode or
a gas receiving, processing, liquefaction and storage mode,
2.1 the Society and port Administrations involved in the opera-
tion shall take appropriate steps to ensure implementation of
2.1.1 When cargo tanks contain products for which the the provisions of the Code as are applicable to the proposed
Code requires a type 1G ship, neither flammable liquids arrangements. Furthermore, additional requirements shall be
having a flashpoint of 60°C (closed cup test) or less, nor established based on the principles of the Code as well as
flammable products listed in Ch 9, Sec 19, shall be carried recognized standards that address specific risks not envis-
in tanks located within the protective zones described in Ch aged by it. Such risks may include, but not be limited to:
9, Sec 2, [4.1.1], item a). • fire and explosion
2.1.2 Similarly, when cargo tanks contain products for • evacuation
which the Code requires a type 2G/2PG ship, the flamma- • extension of hazardous areas
ble liquids as described in [2.1.1], shall not be carried in
• pressurized gas discharge to shore
tanks located within the protective zones described in Ch 9,
Sec 2, [4.1.1], item b). • high-pressure gas venting
• process upset conditions
2.1.3 In each case, for cargo tanks loaded with products for
which the Code requires a type 1G or 2G/2PG ship, the • storage and handling of flammable refrigerants
restriction applies to the protective zones within the longitu- • continuous presence of liquid and vapour cargo outside
dinal extent of the hold spaces for those tanks. the cargo containment system
• tank over-pressure and under-pressure
2.1.4 The flammable liquids and products described in
[2.1.1] may be carried within these protective zones when • ship-to-ship transfer of liquid cargo, and
the quantity of products retained in the cargo tanks, for • collision risk during berthing manoeuvres.
which the Code requires a type 1G or 2G/2PG ship is solely
used for cooling, circulation or fuelling purposes. 2.1.11 Where a risk assessment or study of similar intent is
utilized within the Code, the results shall also include, but
2.1.5 Except as provided in [2.1.6], when it is intended to not be limited to, the following as evidence of effectiveness:
carry products covered by this Code and products covered • description of methodology and standards applied
by the International Code for the Construction and Equip-
ment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC • potential variation in scenario interpretation or sources
Code), adopted by resolution MSC.4(48), as may be of error in the study
amended by the Organization, the ship shall comply with • validation of the risk assessment process by an inde-
the requirements of both Codes appropriate to the products pendent and suitable third party
carried. • quality system under which the risk assessment was
2.1.6 The requirements of this Code shall take precedence
when a ship is designed and constructed for the carriage of • the source, suitability and validity of data used within
the following products: the assessment
a) those listed exclusively in Ch 9, Sec 19, and • the knowledge base of persons involved within the
b) one or more of the products that are listed both in the
Code and in the International Bulk Chemical Code. • system of distribution of results to relevant parties, and
These products are marked with (1) in Ch 9, Sec 19, • validation of results by an independent and suitable
Tab 1, column “Product name”. third party.

2.1.7 When a ship is intended to exclusively carry one or 2.1.12 Although the Code is legally treated as a mandatory
more of the products referred to in [2.1.6], item a) the instrument under the SOLAS Convention, the provisions of
requirements of the International Bulk Chemical Code, as Ch 9, App 1, [1] and Appendices 1, 3 and 4 of IGC code are
amended, shall apply. recommendatory or informative.

284 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 1

3 Additional requirements 4.1.10 Cargo control room is a space used in the control of
cargo handling operations.
3.1 Emergency towing arrangement 4.1.11 Cargo machinery spaces are the spaces where
cargo compressors or pumps, cargo processing units, are
3.1.1 Emergency towing arrangements are to be fitted on located, including those supplying gas fuel to the engine-
liquefied gas tankers of 20.000 dwt and above in accord- room.
ance with Pt B, Ch 9, Sec 4, [4].
4.1.12 Cargo pumps are pumps used for the transfer of liq-
3.2 Steering gear uid cargo including main pumps, booster pumps, spray
pumps, etc.
3.2.1 Additional requirements for steering gear of liquefied
gas carriers of 10.000 dwt and above are given in Ch 7, Sec 4, 4.1.13 Cargoes are products listed in Ch 9, Sec 19, that are
[7]. carried in bulk by ships subject to the Code.

4.1.14 Cargo service spaces are spaces within the cargo

4 Definitions area, used for workshops, lockers and store-rooms that are
of more than 2 m2 in area.
4.1.15 Cargo tank is the liquid-tight shell designed to be the
4.1.1 Except where expressly provided otherwise, the fol- primary container of the cargo and includes all such con-
lowing definitions apply to the Code. Additional definitions tainment systems whether or not they are associated with
are provided throughout the Code. the insulation or/and the secondary barriers.

4.1.2 Accommodation spaces are those spaces used for 4.1.16 Closed loop sampling is a cargo sampling system
public spaces, corridors, lavatories, cabins, offices, hospi- that minimizes the escape of cargo vapour to the atmos-
tals, cinemas, games and hobby rooms, barber shops, pan- phere by returning product to the cargo tank during sam-
tries without cooking appliances and similar spaces. pling.

4.1.3 “A” class divisions are divisions as defined in regula- 4.1.17 Cofferdam is the isolating space between two adja-
tion II-2/3.2 of the SOLAS Convention. cent steel bulkheads or decks. This space may be a void
space or a ballast space.
4.1.4 Administration means the Government of the State
whose flag the ship is entitled to fly. For Administration 4.1.18 Control stations are those spaces in which ship's
(port), see port Administration. radio, main navigating equipment or the emergency source
of power is located or where the fire-recording or fire con-
4.1.5 Anniversary date means the day and the month of trol equipment is centralized. This does not include special
each year that will correspond to the date of expiry of the fire control equipment, which can be most practically
International Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Lique- located in the cargo area.
fied Gases in Bulk.
4.1.19 Flammable products are those identified by an “F”
4.1.6 Boiling point is the temperature at which a product in Ch 9, Sec 19, Tab 1, column “Vapour detection”.
exhibits a vapour pressure equal to the atmospheric pres-
sure. 4.1.20 Flammability limits are the conditions defining the
state of fuel-oxidant mixture at which application of an ade-
4.1.7 Breadth (B) means the maximum breadth of the ship, quately strong external ignition source is only just capable of
measured amidships to the moulded line of the frame in a producing flammability in a given test apparatus.
ship with a metal shell, and to the outer surface of the hull
4.1.21 FSS Code is the Fire Safety Systems Code meaning
in a ship with a shell of any other material. The breadth (B)
the International Code for Fire Safety Systems, adopted by
shall be measured in metres.
the Maritime Safety Committee of the Organization by reso-
4.1.8 Cargo area is that part of the ship which contains the lution MSC.98(73), as amended.
cargo containment system and cargo pump and compressor
4.1.22 Gas carrier is a cargo ship constructed or adapted
rooms and includes the deck areas over the full length and
and used for the carriage in bulk of any liquefied gas or
breadth of the part of the ship over these spaces. Where fit-
other products listed in Ch 9, Sec 19, Tab 1.
ted, the cofferdams, ballast or void spaces at the after end
of the aftermost hold space or at the forward end of the 4.1.23 Gas combustion unit (GCU) is a means of disposing
foremost hold space are excluded from the cargo area. excess cargo vapour by thermal oxidation.
4.1.9 Cargo containment system is the arrangement for 4.1.24 Gas consumer is any unit within the ship using
containment of cargo including, where fitted, a primary and cargo vapour as a fuel.
secondary barrier, associated insulation and any intervening
spaces, and adjacent structure, if necessary, for the support 4.1.25 Hazardous area is an area in which an explosive gas
of these elements. If the secondary barrier is part of the hull atmosphere is, or may be expected to be present, in quanti-
structure, it may be a boundary of the hold space. ties that require special precautions for the construction,

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 285

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 1

installation and use of electrical equipment. When a gas 4.1.28 IBC Code means the International Code for the Con-
atmosphere is present, the following hazards may also be struction and Equipment of Ships carrying Dangerous
present: toxicity, asphyxiation, corrosivity, reactivity and low Chemicals in Bulk, adopted by the Maritime Safety Commit-
temperature. These hazards shall also be taken into account tee of the Organization by resolution MSC.4(48), as
and additional precautions for the ventilation of spaces and amended.
protection of the crew will need to be considered. Examples
of hazardous areas include, but are not limited to, the fol- 4.1.29 Independent means that a piping or venting system,
lowing: for example, is in no way connected to another system and
that there are no provisions available for the potential con-
• the interiors of cargo containment systems and any pipe-
work of pressure-relief or other venting systems for nection to other systems.
cargo tanks, pipes and equipment containing the cargo 4.1.30 Insulation space is the space, which may or may not
• interbarrier spaces be an interbarrier space, occupied wholly or in part by insu-
• hold spaces where the cargo containment system lation.
requires a secondary barrier
4.1.31 Interbarrier space is the space between a primary
• hold spaces where the cargo containment system does
and a secondary barrier, whether or not completely or par-
not require a secondary barrier
tially occupied by insulation or other material.
• space separated from a hold space by a single gastight
steel boundary where the cargo containment system 4.1.32 Length (L) is the length as defined in the Interna-
requires a secondary barrier tional Convention on Load Lines in force.
• cargo machinery spaces
4.1.33 Machinery spaces of category A are those spaces,
• areas on open deck, or semi-enclosed spaces on open
and trunks to those spaces, which contain either:
deck, within 3 m of possible sources of gas release, such
as cargo valve, cargo pipe flange, cargo machinery • internal combustion machinery used for main propul-
space ventilation outlet, etc. sion, or
• areas on open deck, or semi-enclosed spaces on open internal combustion machinery used for purposes other
deck within 1,5 m of cargo machinery space entrances, than main propulsion where such machinery has, in the
cargo machinery space ventilation inlets aggregate, a total power output of not less than 375 kW,
• areas on open deck over the cargo area and 3 m for- or
ward and aft of the cargo area on the open deck up to a • any oil-fired boiler or oil fuel unit or any oil-fired equip-
height of 2,4 m above the weather deck ment other than boilers, such as inert gas generators,
• an area within 2,4 m of the outer surface of a cargo con- incinerators, etc.
tainment system where such surface is exposed to the
4.1.34 Machinery spaces are machinery spaces of category
A and other spaces containing propelling machinery, boil-
• enclosed or semi-enclosed spaces in which pipes con- ers, oil fuel units, steam and internal-combustion engines,
taining cargoes are located, except those where pipes generators and major electrical machinery, oil filling sta-
containing cargo products for boil-off gas fuel burning tions, refrigerating, stabilizing, ventilation and air-condition-
systems are located ing machinery, and similar spaces and the trunks to such
• an enclosed or semi-enclosed space having a direct spaces.
opening into any hazardous area
• void spaces, cofferdams, trunks, passageways and 4.1.35 MARVS is the maximum allowable relief valve set-
enclosed or semi-enclosed spaces, adjacent to, or ting of a cargo tank (gauge pressure).
immediately above or below, the cargo containment sys-
4.1.36 Nominated surveyor is a surveyor nomi-
nated/appointed by an Administration to enforce the provi-
• areas on open deck or semi-enclosed spaces on open sions of the SOLAS Convention regulations with regard to
deck above and in the vicinity of any vent riser outlet, inspections and surveys and the granting of exemptions
within a vertical cylinder of unlimited height and 6 m therefrom.
radius centred upon the centre of the outlet and within
a hemisphere of 6 m radius below the outlet, and 4.1.37 Oil fuel unit is the equipment used for the prepara-
• areas on open deck within spillage containment sur- tion of oil fuel for delivery to an oil-fired boiler, or equip-
rounding cargo manifold valves and 3 m beyond these ment used for the preparation for delivery of heated oil to
up to a height of 2,4 m above deck. an internal combustion engine, and includes any oil pres-
Note 1: Refer to Ch 9, Sec 10 for a separate list of examples and sure pumps, filters and heaters dealing with oil at a pressure
classification of hazardous areas for the purpose of selection and of more than 0,18 MPa gauge.
design of electrical installations.
4.1.38 Organization is the International Maritime Organi-
4.1.26 Non-hazardous area is an area other than a hazard- zation (IMO).
ous area.
4.1.39 Permeability of a space means the ratio of the vol-
4.1.27 Hold space is the space enclosed by the ship's ume within that space which is assumed to be occupied by
structure in which a cargo containment system is situated. water to the total volume of that space.

286 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 1

4.1.40 Port Administration means the appropriate authority 4.1.53 Turret compartments are those spaces and trunks
of the country for the port where the ship is loading or that contain equipment and machinery for retrieval and
unloading. release of the disconnectable turret mooring system, high-
pressure hydraulic operating systems, fire protection
arrangements and cargo transfer valves.
4.1.41 Primary barrier is the inner element designed to con-
tain the cargo when the cargo containment system includes
two boundaries. 4.1.54 Vapour pressure is the equilibrium pressure of the
saturated vapour above the liquid, expressed in Pascals (Pa)
absolute at a specified temperature.
4.1.42 Products is the collective term used to cover the list
of gases indicated in chapter 19 of this Code.
4.1.55 Void space is an enclosed space in the cargo area
external to a cargo containment system, other than a hold
4.1.43 Public spaces are those portions of the accommoda- space, ballast space, oil fuel tank, cargo pumps or compres-
tion that are used for halls, dining rooms, lounges and simi- sor room, or any space in normal use by personnel.
lar permanently enclosed spaces.

4.1.44 Relative density is the ratio of the mass of a volume 5 Documentation to be submitted
of a product to the mass of an equal volume of fresh water.
4.1.45 Secondary barrier is the liquid-resisting outer ele-
ment of a cargo containment system, designed to afford 5.1.1 Tab 2 lists the plans, information, analysis, etc. which
temporary containment of any envisaged leakage of liquid are to be submitted in addition to the information required
cargo through the primary barrier and to prevent the lower- in the other Parts of the Rules for the parts of the ship not
ing of the temperature of the ship's structure to an unsafe affected by the cargo, as applicable.
level. Types of secondary barrier are more fully defined in
Ch 9, Sec 4.
6 Cargo equipment trials
4.1.46 Separate systems are those cargo piping and vent
systems that are not permanently connected to each other. 6.1 Scope

4.1.47 Service spaces are those used for galleys, pantries 6.1.1 Trials in working conditions
containing cooking appliances, lockers, mail and specie
All the equipment to which this Chapter is applicable is to
rooms, store-rooms, workshops other than those forming
be tested in actual working conditions.
part of the machinery spaces, and similar spaces and trunks
to such spaces.
6.1.2 Trials to be carried out when the ship is
4.1.48 SOLAS Convention means the International Conven-
tion for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended. Those trials which may only be carried out when the ship is
loaded are to be held at the first loading of the ship.
4.1.49 Tank cover is the protective structure intended to For LNG carriers, the extent of the examinations that are to
either protect the cargo containment system against dam- be conducted before and after the first loaded voyage is
age where it protrudes through the weather deck or to given in [6.2.4].
ensure the continuity and integrity of the deck structure.

6.2 Extent of the tests

4.1.50 Tank dome is the upward extension of a portion of a
cargo tank. In the case of below-deck cargo containment
6.2.1 Cargo equipment testing procedure
systems, the tank dome protrudes through the weather deck
or through a tank cover The cargo equipment testing procedure is to be submitted to
the Society for review.
4.1.51 Thermal oxidation method means a system where
the boil-off vapours are utilized as fuel for shipboard use or 6.2.2 Ships with mechanical refrigeration units
as a waste heat system subject to the provisions of chapter
Ships fitted with a mechanical refrigeration unit are to be
16 or a system not using the gas as fuel complying with this
subjected to an initial testing procedure in order to check
Code. the suitability of the plant in respect of the applicable
requirements. The recording of the data of the reliquefac-
4.1.52 Toxic products are those defined by a “T” in Ch 9, tion system, such as working duration and ambient condi-
Sec 19, Tab 1 column “Vapour detection”. tions, may be carried out during the first loaded voyage.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 287

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 1

Table 2 : Documents to be submitted

No A/I Documents
1 I List of products to be carried, including maximum vapour pressure, maximum liquid temperature and other important
design conditions
2 I General arrangement plan, showing location of cargo tanks and fuel oil, ballast and other tanks
3 A Gas-dangerous zones plan
4 A Location of void spaces and accesses to dangerous zones
5 A Air locks between safe and dangerous zones
6 A Ventilation duct arrangement in gas-dangerous spaces and adjacent zones
7 A Details of hull structure in way of cargo tanks, including support arrangement for tanks, saddles, anti-floating and anti-lift-
ing devices, deck sealing arrangements, etc.
8 A Calculation of the hull temperature in all the design cargo conditions
9 A Distribution of quality and steel grades in relation to the contemplated actual temperature obtained by the calculation in
item 8
10 A Hull stress analysis
11 A Hull ship motion analysis, where a direct analysis is preferred to the methods indicated in Ch 9, Sec 4
12 A Intact and damage stability calculations
13 A Scantlings, material and arrangement of the cargo containment system, including the secondary barrier, if any.
14 A Stress analysis of the cargo tanks, including fatigue analysis and crack propagation analysis for type “B” tanks. This analy-
sis may be integrated with that indicated in item 10
15 I Calculation of the thermal insulation suitability, including boil-off rate and refrigeration plant capability, if any, cooling
down and temperature gradients during loading and unloading operations
16 A Details of insulation
17 A Details of ladders, fittings and towers in tanks and relative stress analysis, if any
18 A Details of tank domes and deck sealings
19 A Plans, arrangement and calculations of safety relief valves
20 A Details of cargo handling and vapour system, including arrangements and details of piping and fitting
21 A Details of cargo pumps and cargo compressors
22 A Details of process pressure vessels and relative valving arrangement
23 A Piping stress analysis when T<-110°C
24 A Control cargo tank pressure philosophy (description)
25 A Bilge and ballast system in cargo area
26 A Gas freeing system in cargo tanks including inert gas system
27 A Interbarrier space drainage, inerting and pressurisation systems
28 A Ventilation system in cargo area
29 A Hull structure heating system, if any
30 A Refrigeration and reliquefaction plant system diagram, if any
31 A Details of electrical equipment installed in cargo area, including the list of certified safe equipment and apparatus and
electrical bonding of cargo tanks and piping
32 A Schematic electrical wiring diagram in cargo area
33 A Gas detection system
34 A Cargo tank instrumentation, including cargo and hull temperature monitoring system
35 A Emergency shutdown system
36 A Jettison system, if any
Note 1: A = to be submitted for approval in four copies
I = to be submitted for information in duplicate.

288 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 1

No A/I Documents
37 A Details of fire-extinguishing appliances and systems in cargo area
38 A Loading and unloading operation description, including cargo tank filling limits
39 A Cargo operating manual
40 A Cargo tank testing and inspection procedures
41 A Programme of gas trials
42 I When applicable, P & A manual
43 For machinery using gas as fuel:
I a) General arrangement plan of the machinery plant
I b) Description of the entire plant
A c) Gas piping plans for the machinery plant
A d) Complete list of the safety, gas detection and warning equipment
A e) Drawings of the boilers
I f) Detailed drawings of the gas inlet and fuel inlet equipment
I g) Gas characteristics
A h) General arrangement plan of the gas treatment plant, including gas compressors, prime movers and gas preheaters
A i) Drawings of the gas storage tanks
A j) Drawings of the gas compressors and preheaters
Note 1: A = to be submitted for approval in four copies
I = to be submitted for information in duplicate.

6.2.3 Use of cargo as fuel 5) Witness topping off process for cargo tanks includ-
The arrangements for using cargo as fuel are to be subjected ing high level alarms activated during normal load-
to a special testing procedure. ing.
6) Advise Master to carry out cold spot examination of
6.2.4 First loaded voyage of ships carrying liquefied the hull and external insulation during transit voyage
natural gases (LNG) in bulk
to unloading port.
a) The following examinations are to be conducted at the
b) The following examinations are to be conducted at the
first full loading of the ship:
first unloading of the ship:
1) Priority to be given to latter stages of loading
1) Priority to be giving to the commencement of
(approximately last 6 hours).
unloading (approximately first 4-6 hours).
2) Review cargo logs and alarm reports.
2) Witness emergency shutdown system testing prior to
3) Witness satisfactory operation of the following: commencement of unloading.
• gas detection system 3) Review cargo logs and alarm reports.
• cargo control and monitoring systems such as 4) Witness satisfactory operation of the following:
level gauging equipment, temperature sensors,
• gas detection system
pressure gauges, cargo pumps and compressors,
proper control of cargo heat exchangers, if oper- • cargo control and monitoring systems such as
ating, etc. level gauging equipment, temperature sensors,
pressure gauges, cargo pumps and compressors,
• nitrogen generating plant or inert gas generator,
proper control of cargo heat exchangers, if oper-
if operating
ating, etc.
• nitrogen pressure control system for insulation,
• nitrogen generating plant or inert gas generator,
interbarrier, and annular spaces, as applicable
if operating
• cofferdam heating system, if in operation
• nitrogen pressure control system for insulation,
• reliquefaction plant, if fitted interbarrier, and annular spaces, as applicable
• equipment fitted for the burning of cargo • on membrane vessels, verify that the readings of
vapours such as boilers, engines, gas combus- the cofferdam and inner hull temperature sensors
tion units, etc., if operating. are not below the allowable temperature for the
4) Examination of on-deck cargo piping systems selected grade of steel. Review previous readings
including expansion and supporting arrangements. • cofferdam heating system, if in operation

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 289

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 1

• reliquefaction plant and review of records from c) The swivel is to be classed according to Section 6 of the
previous voyage NR494 Rules for the Classification of Offshore Loading
• equipment fitted for the burning of cargo and Off loading Buoys.
vapours such as boilers, engines, gas combus- d) The lifting appliances are to meet the applicable
tion units, etc., if operating. requirements of NR526 Rules for Lifting Appliances.
5) Examination of on-deck cargo piping systems e) The risers are to be specially considered.
including expansion and supporting arrangements.
6) Obtain written statement from the Master that the 7.2 Documentation to be submitted
cold spot examination was carried out during the
transit voyage and found satisfactory. Where possi- 7.2.1 Plans and documents to be submitted for
ble, the Surveyor should examine selected spaces.
In addition to the documents listed in Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 3, the
following plans and documents are to be submitted to the
7 Additional service feature STL-SPM Society for approval:
• ship structure drawings, in way of the mooring or the
7.1 General single buoy
• local reinforcements of ship structure below equipment
7.1.1 Application
• ventilation plan
a) The additional service feature STL-SPM is assigned, in
• emergency escape
accordance with Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.4.5], to liquefied
gas carriers used as regasification terminal, fitted for- • drawings of equipment
ward with equipment for not permanent mooring, or for • fire and gas detection, wiring and arrangement diagram
connection to single buoy, and complying with the • cable list
requirements of the present Article. • STL, auxiliary and bridge system
b) The buoy and the mooring system may be not included • lighting installation, wiring and arrangement diagram
within classification. In case the buoy and the mooring
• electrical starter circuit diagram
are covered by class, the Rules for the Classification of
Offshore Loading and Off loading Buoys (NR494) are • architecture diagram of control and safety system
applicable to the buoy and the POSA additional class • control and wiring diagram of:
notation may be assigned to the mooring system. - hydraulic system for buoy locking devices
- winches
7.1.2 Scope
• fire extinction
The following items are covered by the additional service
feature STL-SPM: • drainage system.
• ship structure, in way of the mooring or the single buoy 7.2.2 Plans and documents to be submitted for
• hatch cover information
• cylinders The following documents are to be submitted to the Society
for information:
• swivel
• DLOC (design load operating conditions)
• piping and risers
• structural calculation
• stoppers
• fatigue calculation
• winch • model test results
• interface between equipment and ship structure • explosion calculation
• ventilation • CCTV diagram
• handling equipment (HPU and control system) • operation procedure of system.
• drainage of compartment
• fire and gas detection system 7.3 Structural design
• fire extinction system 7.3.1 Design loads
• emergency escape. a) Model tests in mooring conditions are generally to be
carried out to determine the loads.
7.1.3 Applicable rules
b) For the ship structure, calculations based on test results
a) The items listed in [7.1.2] are to comply with the appli-
or mooring and hydrodynamic calculations are to be
cable requirements of IGC code.
submitted and subject to special examination by the
b) Components of the equipment used for mooring at sin- Society.
gle point are to comply with the applicable require-
ments of Pt B, Ch 9, Sec 4 for ETA (Emergency Towing 7.3.2 Scantlings
Arrangement) and Pt F, Ch 11, Sec 4, for SPM (Single The deck structure supporting accessories is to be rein-
Point Mooring). forced on basis of loads given by the designer.

290 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 1

7.4 Mechanical installation 7.4.6 The hydraulic system for securing and locking
devices is to be isolated from other hydraulic circuits, when
7.4.1 When hydraulic installation is used, it is to be in in closed position.
compliance with the applicable requirements of Pt C, Ch 1,
Sec 10, [14]. 7.5 Electrical and automation installation

7.4.2 The hydraulic cylinders are considered as pressure 7.5.1 Unless otherwise specified, the requirements in Part C,
vessels; the scantlings of the shells and the ends are to be in Chapter 2 and Part C, Chapter 3 are applicable to the system
compliance with the applicable requirements of Pt C, Ch 1, fitted in STL.
Sec 3. 7.5.2 The STL room is to be considered as hazardous area.
Electrical equipment are to be avoided in this area. When
7.4.3 Securing devices are to be simple to operate and eas- electrical equipment are fitted, they are to be of a safe type
ily accessible. IIA T3 and considered as Zone 1.

7.4.4 Securing devices are to be equipped with mechanical 7.5.3 The STL system is to be considered as a primary
locking arrangement (self locking or separate arrangement), essential service.
or to be of the gravity type. Where hydraulic securing
devices are applied, they have to remain locked in the event 7.5.4 The electrical equipment located in flooded space
of loss of the hydraulic fluid. are to be IP 68 for the appropriate depth.

7.5.5 The electrical equipment located in non flooded

7.4.5 The opening and closing systems as well as securing space are to be IP 67.
and locking devices are to be interlocked in such a way that
they can only operate in the proper sequence. 7.5.6 Local control of systems is always to be available.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 291

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 2



1 General 1.1.4 If a ship is intended to carry more than one of the

products listed in Ch 9, Sec 19, the standard of damage
shall correspond to the product having the most stringent
1.1 ship type requirements. The requirements for the location of
individual cargo tanks, however, are those for ship types
1.1.1 Ships subject to the Code shall survive the hydrostatic related to the respective products intended to be carried.
effects of flooding following assumed hull damage caused
by some external force. In addition, to safeguard the ship 1.1.5 For the purpose of this Code, the position of the
and the environment, the cargo tanks shall be protected moulded line for different containment systems is shown in
from penetration in the case of minor damage to the ship Fig 5 to Fig 9.
resulting, for example, from contact with a jetty or tug, and
also given a measure of protection from damage in the case 2 Freeboard and stability
of collision or grounding, by locating them at specified min-
imum distances inboard from the ship's shell plating. Both 2.1 General
the damage to be assumed and the proximity of the tanks to
the ship's shell shall be dependent upon the degree of haz- 2.1.1 Ships subject to the Code may be assigned the mini-
ard presented by the product to be carried. In addition, the mum freeboard permitted by the International Convention
proximity of the cargo tanks to the ship's shell shall be on Load Lines in force. However, the draught associated
dependent upon the volume of the cargo tank. with the assignment shall not be greater than the maximum
draught otherwise permitted by this Code.
1.1.2 Ships subject to the Code shall be designed to one of
the following standards: 2.1.2 The stability of the ship, in all seagoing conditions
and during loading and unloading cargo, shall comply with
a) A type 1G ship is a gas carrier intended to transport the the requirements of the International Code on Intact Stabil-
products indicated in Ch 9, Sec 19 that require maxi- ity. This includes partial filling and loading and unloading at
mum preventive measures to preclude their escape sea, when applicable. Stability during ballast water opera-
tions shall fulfil stability criteria.
b) A type 2G ship is a gas carrier intended to transport the Note 1: Refer to the International Code on Intact Stability, 2008
products indicated in Ch 9, Sec 19, that require signifi- (2008 IS Code), adopted by the Maritime Safety Committee of the
cant preventive measures to preclude their escape Organization by resolution MSC.267(85).

c) A type 2PG ship is a gas carrier of 150 m in length or less 2.1.3 The stability of the ship for the loading conditions in
intended to transport the products indicated in Ch 9, Sec Pt B, Ch 3, App 2, [1.2.8] is to be in compliance with the
19 that require significant preventive measures to requirements in Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 2.
preclude their escape, and where the products are carried
in type C independent tanks designed (see Ch 9, Sec 4, 2.1.4 When calculating the effect of free surfaces of con-
[11]) for a MARVS of at least 0,7 MPa gauge and a cargo sumable liquids for loading conditions, it shall be assumed
containment system design temperature of −55°C or that, for each type of liquid, at least one transverse pair or
above. A ship of this description that is over 150 m in a single centre tank has a free surface. The tank or combina-
length is to be considered a type 2G ship tion of tanks to be taken into account shall be those where
the effect of free surfaces is the greatest. The free surface
d) A type 3G ship is a gas carrier intended to carry the effect in undamaged compartments shall be calculated by a
products indicated in Ch 9, Sec 19 that require moder- method according to the International Code on Intact Sta-
ate preventive measures to preclude their escape. bility.
Therefore, a type 1G ship is a gas carrier intended for the 2.1.5 The free surface effect is to be calculated in accord-
transportation of products considered to present the great- ance with Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 2, [4].
est overall hazard and types 2G/2PG and type 3G for prod-
ucts of progressively lesser hazards. Accordingly, a type 1G 2.1.6 Solid ballast shall not normally be used in double bot-
ship shall survive the most severe standard of damage and tom spaces in the cargo area. Where, however, because of
its cargo tanks shall be located at the maximum prescribed stability considerations, the fitting of solid ballast in such
distance inboard from the shell plating. spaces becomes unavoidable, its disposition shall be gov-
erned by the need to enable access for inspection and to
1.1.3 The ship type required for individual products is indi- ensure that the impact loads resulting from bottom damage
cated in Ch 9, Sec 19, Tab 1. are not directly transmitted to the cargo tank structure.

292 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 2

2.1.7 The Master of the ship shall be supplied with a load- a) ships which are on a dedicated service, with a limited
ing and stability information booklet. This booklet shall con- number of permutations of loading such that all antici-
tain details of typical service conditions, loading, unloading pated conditions have been approved in the stability
and ballasting operations, provisions for evaluating other information provided to the Master in accordance with
conditions of loading and a summary of the ship's survival the requirements of [2.1.7]
capabilities. The booklet shall also contain sufficient infor- b) ships where stability verification is made remotely by a
mation to enable the Master to load and operate the ship in means approved by the Society
a safe and seaworthy manner.
c) ships which are loaded within an approved range of
2.1.8 The Master of the ship is to be supplied with a Load- loading conditions, or
ing Manual as specified in Pt B, Ch 10, Sec 2, [3] and a Trim d) ships constructed before 1 July 2016 provided with
and Stability booklet as specified in Pt B, Ch 3, App 2 approved limiting KG/GM curves covering all applicable
intact and damage stability requirements.
2.1.9 All ships, subject to the Code shall be fitted with a
stability instrument, capable of verifying compliance with 2.1.11 Conditions of loading
intact and damage stability requirements, approved by the Damage survival capability shall be investigated on the
Society having regard to the performance standards recom- basis of loading information submitted to the Society for all
mended by the Organization. anticipated conditions of loading and variations in draught
Note 1: Refer to part B, chapter 4, of the International Code on and trim. This shall include ballast and, where applicable,
Intact Stability, 2008 (2008 IS Code), as amended; the Guidelines cargo heel.
for the Approval of Stability Instruments (MSC.1/Circ.1229),
Loading conditions other than those in the Loading Manual
annex, section 4, as amended; and the technical standards defined
and the Trim and Stability booklet are to be previously sub-
in part 1 of the Guidelines for verification of damage stability
requirements for tankers (MSC.1/Circ.1461). mitted to the Society. Alternatively, such cases may be
examined by the Master or a delegated officer when a load-
a) ships constructed before 1 July 2016 shall comply with
ing instrument approved in accordance with the require-
the requirements of [2.1.9] at the first scheduled
ments in Pt B, Ch 10, Sec 2, [4] is installed on board.
renewal survey of the ship after 1 July 2016 but not later
than 1 July 2021
3 Damage assumptions
b) notwithstanding the requirements of item a), a stability
instrument installed on a ship constructed before 1 Janu-
ary 2016 need not be replaced provided it is capable of 3.1 General
verifying compliance with intact and damage stability, to
3.1.1 The assumed maximum extent of damage shall be as
the satisfaction of the Society, and
per Tab 1.
c) for the purposes of control under SOLAS regulation XI-
1/4, the Society shall issue a document of approval for 3.2 Other damage
the stability instrument.
3.2.1 If any damage of a lesser extent than the maximum
2.1.10 The Society may waive the requirements of [2.1.9] damage specified in [3.1.1] would result in a more severe
for the following ships, provided the procedures employed condition, such damage shall be assumed
for intact and damage stability verification maintain the
same degree of safety, as being loaded in accordance with 3.2.2 Local damage anywhere in the cargo area extending
the approved conditions. inboard distance “d” as defined in [4.1.1], measured nor-
Note 1: Refer to operational guidance provided in part 2 of the mal to the moulded line of the outer shell shall be consid-
Guidelines for verification of damage stability requirements for ered. Bulkheads shall be assumed damaged when the
tankers (MSC.1/Circ.1461). relevant list items of [6.1.2] apply. If a damage of a lesser
Any such waiver shall be duly noted on the International extent than “d” would result in a more severe condition,
Certificate of Fitness: such damage shall be assumed.

Table 1 : Assumed maximum extent of damage

Longitudinal extent: 1/3 L2/3 or 14,5 m, whichever is less

Transverse extent: B/5 or 11,5 m, whichever is less
Side measured inboard from the moulded line of the outer shell at right
damage angles to the centreline at the level of the summer waterline
Vertical extent: Upwards, without limit
from the moulded line of the outer shell

For 0,3 L from the forward perpendicular of the ship Any other part of the ship
Longitudinal extent: 1/3L2/3 or 14,5 m, whichever is less 2/3
1/3L or14,5 m, whichever is less
Transverse extent: B/6 or 10 m, whichever is less B/6 or 5 m, whichever is less
damage Vertical extent: B/15 or 2 m, whichever is less measured from the B/15 or 2 m, whichever is less measured
moulded line of the bottom shell plating at centre- from the moulded line of the bottom shell
line (see [4.1.4]) plating at centreline (see [4.1.4])

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 293

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 2

4 Location of cargo tanks b) Types 2G/2PG:

from the moulded line of the bottom shell at centreline

4.1 General not less than the vertical extent of bottom damage spec-
ified in Tab 1 and nowhere less than the distance d as
4.1.1 Cargo tanks shall be located at the following dis- indicated in [4.1.1], item a) (see Fig 1 and Fig 2).
tances inboard:
c) Type 3G ships:
a) Type 1G ships:
from the moulded line of the bottom shell at centreline
from the moulded line of the outer shell, not less than not less than the vertical extent of bottom damage spec-
the transverse extent of side damage specified in Tab 1 ified in Tab 1 and nowhere less than the distance d,
and, from the moulded line of the bottom shell at where d = 0,8 m from the moulded line of outer shell
centreline, not less than the vertical extent of bottom (see Fig 1 and Fig 4).
damage specified in Tab 1, and nowhere less than the
distance d, in m, defined as follows:
4.1.2 Deck cargo tanks are to be located not less than 800
• for Vc below or equal to 1000 m3: mm inboard from the side shell.
d = 0,8
4.1.3 For the purpose of tank location, the vertical extent of
• for 1000 m3 < Vc < 5000 m3: bottom damage shall be measured to the inner bottom
d = 0,75 + Vc ⋅ 0,2/4000 when membrane or semi-membrane tanks are used, other-
wise to the bottom of the cargo tanks. The transverse extent
• for 5000 m3 ≤ Vc < 30000 m3: of side damage shall be measured to the longitudinal bulk-
head when membrane or semi-membrane tanks are used,
d = 0,8 + Vc / 25000
otherwise to the side of the cargo tanks. The distances indi-
• for Vc ≥ 30000 m3: cated in [3] and [4] shall be applied as in Fig 5 to Fig 9.
These distances shall be measured plate to plate, from the
d = 2,0
moulded line to the moulded line, excluding insulation.
Vc : 100% of the gross design volume of the 4.1.4 Except for type 1G ships, suction wells installed in
individual cargo tank at 20°C, including cargo tanks may protrude into the vertical extent of bottom
domes and appendages (see Fig 1 and Fig damage specified in Tab 1 provided that such wells are as
2). For the purpose of cargo tank protective small as practicable and the protrusion below the inner bot-
distances, the cargo tank volume is the tom plating does not exceed 25% of the depth of the dou-
aggregate volume of all the parts of tank that ble bottom or 350 mm, whichever is less. Where there is no
have a common bulkhead(s), and double bottom, the protrusion below the upper limit of bot-
tom damage shall not exceed 350 mm. Suction wells
d : Distance, in m, measured at any cross-sec- installed in accordance with this paragraph may be ignored
tion at a right angle from the moulded line of when determining the compartments affected by damage.
outer shell.
Tank size limitations may apply to type 1G ship cargoes 4.1.5 Cargo tanks shall not be located forward of the colli-
in accordance with Ch 9, Sec 17. sion bulkhead

Figure 1 : Cargo tank location requirements - Centreline profile - Type 1G, 2G, 2GP and 3G ships

Summer Summer
Load Line Load Line

(1G Ship) (2G, 2PG and 3G Ships)

Vertical extent of bottom Vertical extent of bottom

damage specified in Table 1 damage specified in Table 1
or or
Distance “d” Distance “d” specified in 4.1.1 b
Distance “d” specified in 4.1.1 a and 4.1.1 c
whichever is greater specified in 4.1.1
whichever is greater

Collision bulkhead Collision bulkhead

B.L. B.L.


Vertical extent of bottom Area where cargo tank

damage specified in Table 1 may not be located

294 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 2

Figure 2 : Cargo tank location requirements - Transverse sections - Type 1G ships

Transverse extent of side
damage specified in Table 1
Distance “d” specified in 4.1.1 a
whichever is greater

Summer Load Line
Load Line

Transverse extent of side

damage specified in Table 1

Distance “d”
specified in 4.1.1 a Vertical extent of bottom
damage specified in Table 1 Distance “d”
specified in 4.1.1 a

B.L. B.L.

CL Vertical extent of bottom CL

damage specified in Table 1
Section BB (ref. Figure 2.1) Distance “d” specified in 4.1.1 a Section AA (ref. Figure 2.1)
whichever is greater Area where cargo tank
may not be located

Figure 3 : Cargo tank location requirements - Transverse sections - Type 2G and 2PG ships

Summer Summer
Load Line Load Line

Distance “d”
Distance “d” Vertical extent of bottom specified in 4.1.1 b
specified in 4.1.1 b damage specified in Table 1

B.L. B.L.

CL Vertical extent of bottom CL

damage specified in Table 1
Section BB (ref. Figure 2.1) Distance “d” specified in 4.1.1 b Section AA (ref. Figure 2.1)
whichever is greater Area where cargo tank
may not be located

Figure 4 : Cargo tank location requirements - Transverse sections - Type 3G ships

Summer Summer
Load Line Load Line

Distance “d” = 0,80 m

specified in 4.1.1 c

Distance “d”
Vertical extent of bottom specified in 4.1.1 c
damage specified in Table 1

B.L. B.L.

CL Vertical extent of bottom CL

damage specified in Table 1
Section BB (ref. Figure 2.1) Distance “d” = 0,80 m Section AA (ref. Figure 2.1)
specified in 4.1.1 c Area where cargo tank
whichever is greater may not be located

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 295

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 2

Figure 5 : Protective distance - Independent primary tank

Cargo tank shell

Outer shell (Side shell)

Cargo tank

B.L. distance

Moulded line

Moulded line

Moulded line
Cargo tank shell


B.L. Moulded line

Outer shell (Bottom shell)


Figure 6 : Protective distance - Semi-membrane tank

Inner hull (Longitudinal bulkhead)

Outer shell (Side shell)


Cargo tank

Moulded line

Moulded line


Inner bottom Moulded line


Outer shell (Bottom shell) Moulded line

296 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 2

Figure 7 : Protective distance - Membrane tank

Outer shell (Side shell)

Inner hull
Cargo tank

B.L. distance

Moulded line

Moulded line

Moulded line
Inner bottom


Outer shell (Bottom shell) Moulded line


Figure 8 : Protective distance - Spherical tank Inner hull (Longitudinal bulkhead)

Outer shell (Side shell)

Cargo tank shell

Cargo tank

Protective distance
Moulded line

Moulded line



Cargo tank shell


Inner bottom

B.L. Moulded line

Outer shell (Bottom shell)


July 2018 Bureau Veritas 297

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 2

Figure 9 : Protective distance - Pressure type tank

Outer shell (Side shell)

Cargo tank shell
Cargo tank


Moulded line
Moulded line



Cargo tank shell


B.L. Moulded line

Outer shell (Bottom shell)


5 Flood assumptions bounding side compartments or double bottom compart-

ments shall be assumed damaged if the watertight bulkhead
boundaries are within the extent of vertical or horizontal
5.1 General penetration required by [3]. Also, any transverse bulkhead
shall be assumed damaged if it contains a step or recess of
5.1.1 The requirements of [7] shall be confirmed by calcu- more than 3 m in length located within the extent of pene-
lations that take into consideration the design characteristics tration of assumed damage. The step formed by the after
of the ship, the arrangements, configuration and contents of peak bulkhead and the after peak tank top shall not be
the damaged compartments, the distribution, relative densi- regarded as a step for the purpose of this paragraph.
ties and the free surface effects of liquids and the draught
and trim for all conditions of loading. Table 2 : Permeabilities of spaces
assumed to be damaged
5.1.2 The permeabilities of spaces assumed to be damaged
shall be as per Tab 2.
Spaces Permeabilities
5.1.3 Wherever damage penetrates a tank containing liq- Stores 0,60
uids, it shall be assumed that the contents are completely Accommodation 0,95
lost from that compartment and replaced by salt water up Machinery 0,85
to the level of the final plane of equilibrium. Voids 0,95
Hold spaces 0,951
5.1.4 Where the damage between transverse watertight
bulkheads is envisaged, as specified in [6.1.2], item d), item Consumable liquids 0 to 0,952
e) and item f), transverse bulkheads shall be spaced at least Other liquids 0 to 0,952
at a distance equal to the longitudinal extent of damage Note 1: Other values of permeability can be considered
specified in Tab 1 (see Side damage / longitudinal extent) in based on the detailed calculations. Interpretations of regula-
order to be considered effective. Where transverse bulk- tion of part B-1 of SOLAS chapter II-1 (MSC/Circ.651) are
heads are spaced at a lesser distance, one or more of these referred.
bulkheads within such extent of damage shall be assumed Note 2: The permeability of partially filled compartments
as non-existent for the purpose of determining flooded com- shall be consistent with the amount of liquid carried in the
partments. Further, any portion of a transverse bulkhead compartment.

298 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 2

5.1.5 The ship shall be designed to keep unsymmetrical 6.1.2 Ships shall be capable of surviving the damage indi-
flooding to the minimum consistent with efficient arrange- cated in [3] with the flood assumptions in [5], to the extent
ments. determined by the ship's type, according to the following
5.1.6 Equalization arrangements requiring mechanical aids
a) a type 1G ship shall be assumed to sustain damage any-
such as valves or cross-levelling pipes, if fitted, shall not be
where in its length
considered for the purpose of reducing an angle of heel or
attaining the minimum range of residual stability to meet the b) a type 2G ship of more than 150 m in length shall be
requirements of [7.1.3], and sufficient residual stability shall assumed to sustain damage anywhere in its length
be maintained during all stages where equalization is used.
Spaces linked by ducts of large cross-sectional area may be c) a type 2G ship of 150 m in length or less shall be
considered to be common. assumed to sustain damage anywhere in its length,
except involving either of the bulkheads bounding a
5.1.7 If pipes, ducts, trunks or tunnels are situated within machinery space located aft
the assumed extent of damage penetration, as defined in d) a type 2PG ship shall be assumed to sustain damage
[3], arrangements shall be such that progressive flooding anywhere in its length except involving transverse bulk-
cannot thereby extend to compartments other than those heads spaced further apart than the longitudinal extent
assumed to be flooded for each case of damage. of side damage as specified in Tab 1

5.1.8 Tunnels, ducts, pipes, doors, bulkheads and decks e) a type 3G ship of 80 m in length or more shall be
which might form watertight boundaries of intact spaces in assumed to sustain damage anywhere in its length,
the case of assumed conventional damage are to have mini- except involving transverse bulkheads spaced further
mum strength adequate to withstand the pressure height apart than the longitudinal extent of side damage speci-
corresponding to the deepest equilibrium waterline in dam- fied in Tab 1, and
aged conditions. f) a type 3G ship less than 80 m in length shall be assumed
to sustain damage anywhere in its length, except involv-
5.1.9 The buoyancy of any superstructure directly above ing transverse bulkheads spaced further apart than the
the side damage shall be disregarded. However, the longitudinal extent of side damage specified in Tab 1
unflooded parts of superstructures beyond the extent of and except damage involving the machinery space
damage may be taken into consideration, provided that: when located after.
• they are separated from the damaged space by water- The flooding of the machinery space, if located aft on a
tight divisions and the requirements of [7.1.3], item a) in type 3G ship less than 80 m in length, is to comply as
respect of these intact spaces are complied with; and far as practicable with the criteria in [7]. Relaxation of
• openings in such divisions are capable of being closed parts of these requirements may be accepted on a case-
by remotely operated sliding watertight doors and by-case basis.
unprotected openings are not immersed within the min-
imum range of residual stability required in [7.1.3], item 6.1.3 In the case of small type 2G/2PG and 3G ships that
a). However, the immersion of any other openings capa- do not comply in all respects with the appropriate require-
ble of being closed weathertight may be permitted. ments of [6.1.2], item c), item e) and item f), special dispen-
sations may only be considered by the Society provided
that alternative measures can be taken which maintain the
6 Standard of damage same degree of safety. The nature of the alternative meas-
ures shall be approved and clearly stated and be available
6.1 General to the port Administration. Any such dispensation shall be
duly noted on the International Certificate of Fitness for the
6.1.1 The longitudinal extent of damage to the superstruc- Carriage of Liquefied Gases in Bulk.
ture (see also [5.1.9]) in the case of side damage to a
machinery space aft, as per [6.1.2], is to be the same as the
longitudinal extent of the side damage to the machinery
7 Survival requirements
space (see Fig 10).
7.1 General
Figure 10 : Longitudinal extension of
superstructure damage 7.1.1 Ships subject to the Code shall be capable of surviv-
ing the assumed damage specified in [3], to the standard
provided in [6], in a condition of stable equilibrium and
shall satisfy the following criteria.

7.1.2 Ships are to be capable of surviving the assumed

damage specified in [3.1.1] and [3.2] to the standard pro-
MACHINERY vided in [6.1.2] and for the loading conditions in Pt B, Ch 3,
App 2, [1.2.8] in a condition of stable equilibrium and such
as to satisfy the criteria in [7].

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 299

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 2

7.1.3 In any stage of flooding: ing between the position of equilibrium and the angle of
a) the waterline, taking into account sinkage, heel and 25° (or 30° if no deck immersion occurs). Unprotected
trim, shall be below the lower edge of any opening openings shall not be immersed within this range unless
through which progressive flooding or downflooding the space concerned is assumed to be flooded. Within
may take place. Such openings shall include air pipes this range, the immersion of any of the openings listed in
and openings that are closed by means of weathertight [7.1.3] and other openings capable of being closed
doors or hatch covers and may exclude those openings weathertight may be permitted.
closed by means of watertight manhole covers and Note 1: “other openings capable of being closed weathertight” do
watertight flush scuttles, small watertight cargo tank not include ventilators that have to remain open to supply air
hatch covers that maintain the high integrity of the deck, to the engine room or emergency generator room for the effec-
tive operation of the ship.
remotely operated watertight sliding doors and sidescut-
les of the non-opening type See also Fig 11.
b) the maximum angle of heel due to unsymmetrical flood- b) the emergency source of power shall be capable of
ing shall not exceed 30°, and operating.
c) the residual stability during intermediate stages of flood- Figure 11 : Range of positive stability
ing shall not be less than that required by item a).
h(m) h = righting lever
The criteria applied to the residual stability during inter-
mediate stages of flooding are to be those relevant to the = progressing flooding
final stage of flooding as specified in [7.1.4]. However,
small deviations from these criteria may be accepted by
the Society on a case-by-case basis.

7.1.4 At final equilibrium after flooding: 0,1 m

a) the righting lever curve shall have a minimum range of
hmax ³ 0,1 m
20° beyond the position of equilibrium in association
with a maximum residual righting lever of at least 0,1 m
within the 20° range; the area under the curve within 25°
this range shall not be less than 0,0175 m-radians. The 20°
20° range may be measured from any angle commenc-

300 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 3


1 General 1.1.6 Turret compartments segregation from spaces

referred to in [1.1.1], or spaces either below or outboard of
the turret compartment that contain a source of ignition or
1.1 Segregation of the cargo area
fire hazard, shall be effected by cofferdams or an A-60 class
1.1.1 Hold spaces shall be segregated from machinery and division. A gastight “A-0“class division is acceptable if there
boiler spaces, accommodation spaces, service spaces, con- is no source of ignition or fire hazard in the adjoining
trol stations, chain lockers, domestic water tanks and from spaces.
stores. Hold spaces shall be located forward of machinery
spaces of category A. Alternative arrangements, including 1.1.7 In addition, the risk of fire propagation from turret
locating machinery spaces of category A forward, may be compartments to adjacent spaces shall be evaluated by a
accepted, based on SOLAS regulation II-2/17, after further risk analysis (see Ch 9, Sec 1, [2.1.11]) and further preven-
consideration of involved risks, including that of cargo tive measures, such as the arrangement of a cofferdam
release and the means of mitigation. around the turret compartment, shall be provided if
1.1.2 Bow thrusters are allowed to be fitted forward of the
hold spaces. 1.1.8 When cargo is carried in a cargo containment system
requiring a complete or partial secondary barrier:
1.1.3 Where cargo is carried in a cargo containment system • at temperatures below −10°C, hold spaces shall be seg-
not requiring a complete or partial secondary barrier, segre- regated from the sea by a double bottom, and
gation of hold spaces from spaces referred to in [1.1.1] or
• at temperatures below − 55°C, the ship shall also have a
spaces either below or outboard of the hold spaces may be
longitudinal bulkhead forming side tanks.
effected by cofferdams, oil fuel tanks or a single gastight
bulkhead of all-welded construction forming an “A-60” 1.1.9 Arrangements shall be made for sealing the weather
class division. A gastight “A-0” class division is acceptable if decks in way of openings for cargo containment systems.
there is no source of ignition or fire hazard in the adjoining
1.2 Accommodation, service and machinery
1.1.4 Where cargo is carried in a cargo containment system spaces and control stations
requiring a complete or partial secondary barrier, segrega-
tion of hold spaces from spaces referred to in [1.1.1], or 1.2.1 No accommodation space, service space or control
spaces either below or outboard of the hold spaces that station shall be located within the cargo area. The bulkhead
contain a source of ignition or fire hazard, shall be effected of accommodation spaces, service spaces or control sta-
by cofferdams or oil fuel tanks. A gastight “A-0” class divi- tions that face the cargo area shall be so located as to avoid
sion is acceptable if there is no source of ignition or fire haz- the entry of gas from the hold space to such spaces through
ard in the adjoining spaces. a single failure of a deck or bulkhead on a ship having a
containment system requiring a secondary barrier.
1.1.5 Hold spaces may be separated from each other by
single bulkheads. Where cofferdams are used instead of sin- 1.2.2 Some acceptable and unacceptable arrangements of
gle bulkheads, they may be used as ballast tanks subject to accommodation spaces, with respect to cargo tanks, are
special approval by the Society. shown in Fig 1.

Figure 1 : Acceptability of common corners between hold spaces and other spaces








July 2018 Bureau Veritas 301

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 3

1.2.3 To guard against the danger of hazardous vapours, 1.2.11 Windows and sidescuttles facing the cargo area and
due consideration shall be given to the location of air on the sides of the superstructures and deckhouses within
intakes/outlets and openings into accommodation, service the limits specified in [1.2.5], except wheelhouse windows,
and machinery spaces and control stations in relation to shall be constructed to “A-60” class. Sidescuttles in the shell
cargo piping, cargo vent systems and machinery space below the uppermost continuous deck and in the first tier of
exhausts from gas burning arrangements. the superstructure or deckhouse shall be of fixed (non-
Compliance with the relevant requirements, in particular opening) type.
with [1.2.5], [1.8], Ch 9, Sec 8, [2.1.14] and Ch 9, Sec 12, Note 1: Exception for wheelhouse windows is in accordance with
[1.2.5], as applicable, also ensures compliance with this the IMO resolution MSC.411(97) applied in accordance with
requirement, relevant to precautions against hazardous MSC.1/Circ.1549.
1.2.12 All air intakes, outlets and other openings into the
1.2.4 Access through doors, gastight or otherwise, shall not accommodation spaces, service spaces and control stations
be permitted from a non-hazardous area to a hazardous shall be fitted with closing devices. When carrying toxic
area except for access to service spaces forward of the products, they shall be capable of being operated from
cargo area through airlocks, as permitted by [1.6.1], when inside the space. The requirement for fitting air intakes and
accommodation spaces are aft. openings with closing devices operated from inside the
space for toxic products need not apply to spaces not nor-
1.2.5 Entrances, air inlets and openings to accommodation mally manned, such as deck stores, forecastle stores, work-
spaces, service spaces, machinery spaces and control sta- shops. In addition, the requirement does not apply to cargo
tions shall not face the cargo area. They shall be located on control rooms located within the cargo area.
the end bulkhead not facing the cargo area or on the out- Note 1: The requirement for fitting air intakes and openings with
board side of the superstructure or deckhouse or on both at closing devices operable from inside the space in ships intended to
carry toxic products should apply to spaces which are used for the
a distance of at least 4% of the length (L) of the ship but not
ships' radio and main navigating equipment, cabins, mess rooms,
less than 3 m from the end of the superstructure or deck-
toilets, hospitals, galleys, etc., Engine room casings, cargo machin-
house facing the cargo area. This distance, however, need ery spaces, electric motor rooms and steering gear compartments
not exceed 5 m. are generally considered as spaces not covered by this paragraph
This requirement is also intended to be applicable to air and therefore the requirement for closing devices need not be
outlets. This interpretation also applies to [1.8.4]. applied to these spaces.
When internal closing is required, this is to include both ventilation
1.2.6 Doors facing the cargo area or located in prohibited intakes and outlets.
zones in the sides are to be restricted to stores for cargo- The closing devices are to give a reasonable degree of gas- tight-
related and safety equipment, cargo control stations as well ness. Ordinary steel fire-flaps without gaskets/seals are normally
as decontamination showers and eye wash. not considered satisfactory.
Where such doors are permitted, the space may not give
1.2.13 Control rooms and machinery spaces of turret sys-
access to other spaces covered in [1.2.5], [1.2.8] or
tems may be located in the cargo area forward or aft of
[1.2.10], and the common boundaries with these spaces are
cargo tanks in ships with such installations. Access to such
to be insulated with A60 class bulkheads.
spaces containing sources of ignition may be permitted
The space define above is to be in accordance with Ch 9, through doors facing the cargo area, provided the doors are
Sec 12, [1.2]. located outside hazardous areas or access is through air-
1.2.7 Bolted plates of A60 class for removal of machinery
may be accepted on bulkheads facing cargo areas, provided 1.2.14 Access to the bow
signboards are fitted to warn that these plates may only be Ships having the service notation liquefied gas carrier are to
opened when the ship is in gas-free condition. be provided with the means to enable the crew to gain safe
access to the bow even in severe weather conditions. Such
1.2.8 Windows and sidescuttles facing the cargo area and
means of access are to be approved by the Society.
on the sides of the superstructures or deckhouses within the
Note 1: The Society accepts means of access complying with the
distance mentioned in [1.2.5] shall be of the fixed (non-
Guidelines for safe access to tanker bows adopted by the Marine
opening) type. Wheelhouse windows may be non-fixed and
Safety Committee of IMO by Resolution MSC.62 (67).
wheelhouse doors may be located within the limits defined
Note 2: The text printed in italic type in this requirement refers to
in [1.2.5] so long as they are designed in a manner that a
the SOLAS Convention.
rapid and efficient gas and vapour tightening of the wheel-
house can be ensured.
1.3 Cargo machinery spaces and turret
1.2.9 For ships dedicated to the carriage of cargoes that compartments
have neither flammable nor toxic hazards, the Society may
approve relaxations from the above requirements. 1.3.1 Cargo pump rooms and/or cargo compressor rooms of
ships carrying flammable gases may not contain electrical
1.2.10 Accesses to forecastle spaces containing sources of equipment, except as provided for in Ch 9, Sec 10, or other
ignition may be permitted through a single door facing the ignition sources such as internal combustion engines or steam
cargo area, provided the doors are located outside hazard- engines with operating temperature which could cause igni-
ous areas as defined in Ch 9, Sec 10. tion or explosion of mixtures of such gases, if any, with air.

302 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 3

1.3.2 Cargo machinery spaces shall be situated above the 1.4 Cargo control rooms
weather deck and located within the cargo area. Cargo
machinery spaces and turret compartments shall be treated 1.4.1 Any cargo control room shall be above the weather
as cargo pump-rooms for the purpose of fire protection
deck and may be located in the cargo area. The cargo con-
according to SOLAS regulation II-2/9.2.4, and for the pur-
trol room may be located within the accommodation
pose of prevention of potential explosion according to
spaces, service spaces or control stations, provided the fol-
SOLAS regulation II-2/4.5.10.
lowing conditions are complied with:
1.3.3 When cargo machinery spaces are located at the • the cargo control room is a non-hazardous area
after end of the aftermost hold space or at the forward end
of the foremost hold space, the limits of the cargo area, as • if the entrance complies with [1.2.5], the control room
defined in Ch 9, Sec 1, [4.1.8], shall be extended to include may have access to the spaces described above, and
the cargo machinery spaces for the full breadth and depth
of the ship and the deck areas above those spaces. • if the entrance does not comply with [1.2.5], the cargo
control room shall have no access to the spaces
1.3.4 Where the limits of the cargo area are extended by described above and the boundaries for such spaces
[1.3.3], the bulkhead that separates the cargo machinery shall be insulated to “A-60” class.
spaces from accommodation and service spaces, control
stations and machinery spaces of category A shall be 1.4.2 If the cargo control room is designed to be a non-haz-
located so as to avoid the entry of gas to these spaces ardous area, instrumentation shall, as far as possible, be by
through a single failure of a deck or bulkhead. indirect reading systems and shall, in any case, be designed
to prevent any escape of gas into the atmosphere of that
1.3.5 Cargo compressors and cargo pumps may be driven space. Location of the gas detection system within the cargo
by electric motors in an adjacent non-hazardous space sep- control room will not cause the room to be classified as a
arated by a bulkhead or deck, if the seal around the bulk- hazardous area, if installed in accordance with Ch 9, Sec 13,
head penetration ensures effective gastight segregation of [6.1.11].
the two spaces. Alternatively, such equipment may be
driven by certified safe electric motors adjacent to them if 1.4.3 If the cargo control room for ships carrying flamma-
the electrical installation complies with the requirements of ble cargoes is classified as a hazardous area, sources of igni-
Ch 9, Sec 10. tion shall be excluded and any electrical equipment shall be
installed in accordance with Ch 9, Sec 10.
1.3.6 Arrangements of cargo machinery spaces and turret
compartments shall ensure safe unrestricted access for per-
sonnel wearing protective clothing and breathing appara- 1.5 Access to spaces in the cargo area
tus, and in the event of injury to allow unconscious
personnel to be removed. At least two widely separated
1.5.1 Designated passageways below and above cargo
escape routes and doors shall be provided in cargo machin-
tanks are to have at least the cross-sections as specified in
ery spaces, except that a single escape route may be
[1.5.6], item a).
accepted where the maximum travel distance to the door
is 5 m or less.
1.5.2 Where fitted, cofferdams are to have sufficient size
Note 1: As indicated in requirement [1.3.6], at least two widely
for easy access to all their parts. The width of the coffer-
separated escape routes and doors shall be provided in cargo
machinery space. The Society interpretation is that there must be at dams may not be less than 600 mm.
least two means of escape routes.
Note 2: The emergency escape hatch with one vertical ladder is 1.5.3 Pipe tunnels are to have enough space to permit
acceptable as escape route if the vertical ladder does not interfere inspection of pipes. The pipes in pipe tunnels are to be
with the opening and closing of hatches and if hatches can be installed as high as possible from the ship's bottom.
operated by one person, from either side, in both light and dark
conditions. Moreover, hatch and vertical ladder shall ensure safe 1.5.4 Visual inspection of at least one side of the inner hull
access for personnel wearing protective clothing and breathing
structure shall be possible without the removal of any fixed
structure or fitting. If such a visual inspection, whether com-
1.3.7 All valves necessary for cargo handling shall be read- bined with those inspections required in [1.5.5], Ch 9, Sec 4,
ily accessible to personnel wearing protective clothing. Suit- [2.4.3] or Ch 9, Sec 4, [7.4.8] or not, is only possible at the
able arrangements shall be made to deal with drainage of outer face of the inner hull, the inner hull shall not be a fuel-
pump and compressor rooms. oil tank boundary wall.

1.3.8 Turret compartments shall be designed to retain their 1.5.5 Inspection of one side of any insulation in hold
structural integrity in case of explosion or uncontrolled high- spaces shall be possible. If the integrity of the insulation sys-
pressure gas release (overpressure and/or brittle fracture), tem can be verified by inspection of the outside of the hold
the characteristics of which shall be substantiated on the space boundary when tanks are at service temperature,
basis of a risk analysis with due consideration of the capabil- inspection of one side of the insulation in the hold space
ities of the pressure relieving devices. need not be required.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 303

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 3

1.5.6 Arrangements for hold spaces, void spaces, cargo Subject to verification of easy evacuation of injured
tanks and other spaces classified as hazardous areas, shall person on a stretcher the vertical opening 850 mm x
be such as to allow entry and inspection of any such space 620 mm with wider upper half than 600 mm, while
by personnel wearing protective clothing and breathing the lower half may be less than 600 mm with the
apparatus and shall also allow for the evacuation of injured overall height not less than 850 mm is considered an
and/or unconscious personnel. Such arrangements shall acceptable alternative to the traditional opening of
comply with the following: 600 mm x 800 mm with corner radii of 300 mm.

a) Access shall be provided as follows: If a vertical opening is at a height of more than 600
mm steps and handgrips are to be provided. In such
1) access to all cargo tanks. Access shall be direct from arrangements it is to be demonstrated that an injured
the weather deck person can be easily evacuated.

2) access through horizontal openings hatches or

Figure 3 : Minimum size of manholes
manholes. The dimensions shall be sufficient to
allow a person wearing a breathing apparatus to
ascend or descend any ladder without obstruction,
and also to provide a clear opening to facilitate the
hoisting of an injured person from the bottom of the 300
space. The minimum clear opening shall be not less
than 600 mm x 600 mm.

The term “minimum clear opening of not less than
600 x 600 mm” means that such openings may have
corner radii up to a maximum of 100 mm (see Fig 2). 300

In such a case where as a consequence of structural

analysis of a given design the stress is to be reduced
around the opening, it is considered appropriate to
take measures to reduce the stress such as making
the opening larger with increased radii, e.g.
600 x 800 with 300 mm radii, in which a clear
4) circular access openings to type C tanks shall have a
opening of 600 mm x 600 mm with corner radii up
diameter of not less than 600 mm.
to 100 mm maximum fits.
b) The dimensions referred to in [1.5.6], item a) 2) and
[1.5.6] may be decreased, if the requirements of [1.5.6]
Figure 2 : Minimum horizontal hatch size
can be met to the satisfaction of the Society.

c) Where cargo is carried in a containment system requir-

ing a secondary barrier, the requirements of [1.5.6], item
a)2) and [1.5.6], item a)3) do not apply to spaces sepa-
rated from a hold space by a single gastight steel
boundary. Such spaces shall be provided only with
direct or indirect access from the weather deck, not

including any enclosed non-hazardous area.

d) Access required for inspection shall be a designated

access through structures below and above cargo tanks,
which shall have at least the cross- sections as required
by [1.5.6], item a)3).

e) For the purpose of [1.5.4] or [1.5.5], the following shall


1) where it is required to pass between the surface to

3) access through vertical openings or manholes pro- be inspected, flat or curved, and structures such as
viding passage through the length and breadth of deck beams, stiffeners, frames, girders, etc., the dis-
the space. The minimum clear opening shall be not tance between that surface and the free edge of the
less than 600 mm x 800 mm at a height of not more structural elements shall be at least 380 mm. The
than 600 mm from the bottom plating unless grat- distance between the surface to be inspected and
ings or other footholds are provided. the surface to which the above structural elements
are fitted, e.g. deck, bulkhead or shell, shall be at
The term “minimum clear opening of not less than least 450 mm for a curved tank surface (e.g. for a
600 x 800 mm” also includes an opening of the size type C tank), or 600 mm for a flat tank surface (e.g.
specified in Fig 3. for a type A tank) (see Fig 4)

304 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 3

Figure 4 : shall be at least 380 mm (see Fig 6). Where it is not

ship structure required to pass between that curved surface and
another surface, a smaller distance than 380 mm

passage may be accepted taking into account the shape of
the curved surface

cargo tank 4) if for inspection of an approximately flat surface where

it is required to pass between two approximately flat
Figure 5 : and approximately parallel surfaces, to which no
structural elements are fitted, the distance between

those surfaces shall be at least 600 mm. Where fixed
b/2 or 50 whichever 380 passage
b access ladders are fitted, a clearance of at least 450
is greater
mm shall be provided for access (see Fig 7)
cargo tank
5) the minimum distances between a cargo tank sump
2) where it is not required to pass between the surface and adjacent double bottom structure in way of a
to be inspected and any part of the structure, for vis- suction well shall not be less than those shown in
ibility reasons the distance between the free edge of Fig 8 ( Fig 8 shows that the distance between the
that structural element and the surface to be plane surfaces of the sump and the well is a mini-
inspected shall be at least 50 mm or half the breadth mum of 150 mm and that the clearance between the
of the structure's face plate, whichever is the larger edge between the inner bottom plate, and the verti-
(see Fig 5) cal side of the well and the knuckle point between
3) if for inspection of a curved surface where it is the spherical or circular surface and sump of the
required to pass between that surface and another tank is at least 380 mm). If there is no suction well,
surface, flat or curved, to which no structural ele- the distance between the cargo tank sump and the
ments are fitted, the distance between both surfaces inner bottom shall not be less than 50 mm

Figure 6 :
Flat surface of ship structure


Cargo tank 380

Figure 7 : Figure 8 :
600 Flat surface of
Flat surface ship structure
of tank 450
38 Inner bottom

Step of



July 2018 Bureau Veritas 305

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 3

6) the distance between a cargo tank dome and deck In spaces where the ventilation rate is less than 30 air
structures shall not be less than 150 mm (see Fig 9) changes per hour and where airflow sensors are fitted as an
alternative, in addition to the alarms required in [1.6.5],
7) fixed or portable staging shall be installed as neces-
arrangements are to be made to de-energise electrical
sary for inspection of cargo tanks, cargo tank sup-
equipment which is not of the certified safe type if more
ports and restraints (e.g. anti-pitching, anti-rolling
and anti-flotation chocks), cargo tank insulation etc. than one airlock door is moved from the closed position.
This staging shall not impair the clearances specified
in [1.5.6], item e)1) to [1.5.6], item e) 4), and 1.6.4 Where spaces are protected by pressurization, the
ventilation shall be designed and installed in accordance
8) if fixed or portable ventilation ducting shall be fitted with recognized standards.
in compliance with Ch 9, Sec 12, [1.2.2], such duct-
ing shall not impair the distances required under Note 1: Such as the recommended publication by the International
[1.5.6], item e)1) to [1.5.6], item e) 4). Electrotechnical Commission, in particular IEC 60092-502:1999.

However, where the prescriptive requirements in the present Rules

Figure 9 : and IEC 60092-502 are not aligned, the prescriptive requirements
in the present Rules take precedence and are to be applied.

1.6.5 An audible and visible alarm system to give a warning

on both sides of the airlock shall be provided. The visible
alarm shall indicate if one door is open. The audible alarm
deck structure
shall sound if doors on both sides of the air lock are moved
from the closed positions.

The alarm systems are to be of the intrinsically safe type.

However, signalling lamps may be of a safe type authorised
for the dangerous spaces in which they are installed.

1.5.7 Access from the open weather deck to non-hazard- 1.6.6 In ships carrying flammable products, electrical
ous areas shall be located outside the hazardous areas as equipment that is located in spaces protected by airlocks
defined in Ch 9, Sec 10, unless the access is by means of an and not of the certified safe type, shall be de-energized in
airlock in accordance with [1.6].
case of loss of overpressure in the space.
1.5.8 Turret compartments shall be arranged with two inde-
pendent means of access/egress. 1.6.7 Lack of overpressure or air flow is not to imply the
stopping of motors driving compressors used for the boil-off
1.5.9 Access from a hazardous area below the weather system mentioned in Ch 9, Sec 16; therefore, such engines
deck to a non-hazardous area is not permitted. are to be of the certified safe type and the relevant control
appliance is to be fitted in a non-gas-dangerous space.

1.6 Airlocks The requirement above is not applicable if, during manoeu-
vring and operations in port, only fuel oil is used or when
1.6.1 Access between hazardous area on the open weather the automatic transfer from gas to fuel oil, as per Ch 9, Sec
deck and non-hazardous spaces shall be by means of an air- 16, [6.2], operates also when such electric motors are
lock. This shall consist of two self-closing, substantially gast- stopped without causing the shut-off of the boiler.
ight, steel doors without any holding back arrangements,
capable of maintaining the overpressure, at least 1,5 m but After any loss of the overpressure, the spaces protected by
no more than 2,5 m apart. The airlock space shall be artifi- airlocks are to be ventilated for the time necessary to give at
cially ventilated from a non-hazardous area and maintained least 10 air changes prior to energising the non-safe type
at an overpressure to the hazardous area on the weather electrical installations.
1.6.8 Electrical equipment for manoeuvring, anchoring and
1.6.2 Air-locks are to be such as to provide easy passage mooring, as well as emergency fire pumps that are located
and are to cover a deck area of not less than 1,5 m². Air- in spaces protected by airlocks, shall be of a certified safe
locks are to be kept unobstructed and may not be employed type.
for other uses, such as storage.

1.6.3 A differential pressure monitoring device shall be 1.6.9 The airlock space shall be monitored for cargo
provided for monitoring the satisfactory functioning of pres- vapours (see Ch 9, Sec 13, [6.1.2]).
surization of non-hazardous spaces protected by airlocks.
Airflow sensors are considered an acceptable alternative in 1.6.10 Subject to the requirements of the International
spaces having a ventilation rate not less than 30 air changes Convention on Load Lines in force, the door sill shall not be
per hour. less than 300 mm in height.

306 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 3

1.7 Bilge, ballast and oil fuel arrangements 1.7.9 Ballast spaces, including wet duct keels used as bal-
last piping, oil fuel tanks and non-hazardous spaces, may be
1.7.1 Dry spaces within the cargo area are to be fitted with connected to pumps in the machinery spaces. Dry duct
a bilge or drain arrangement not connected to the machin- keels with ballast piping passing through may be connected
ery space. to pumps in the machinery spaces, provided the connec-
Spaces not accessible at all times are to be fitted with tions are led directly to the pumps, and the discharge from
sounding arrangements. the pumps is led directly overboard with no valves or mani-
folds in either line that could connect the line from the duct
Spaces without a permanent ventilation system are to be fit-
keel to lines serving non-hazardous spaces. Pump vents
ted with a pressure/vacuum relief system or with air pipes.
shall not be open to machinery spaces.
1.7.2 Bilge arrangements for holds containing cargo tanks Note 1: For ballast tanks separated by a single gastight boundary
and for interbarrier spaces are to be operable from the from cargo tanks for which no secondary barrier is required - e.g.
weather deck. ballast tanks adjacent to integral tanks -, discharge arrangements
are to be outside machinery spaces and accommodation spaces but
1.7.3 The diameter of the bilge main may be smaller than filling arrangements may be in the machinery spaces provided that
the diameter specified in Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [6.8.1], pro- such arrangements ensure filling from tank deck level and a non-
return valve and removable spool piece are fitted.
vided that this diameter is not less than twice the value
given in Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [6.8.3]. This reduction of diam- Note 2: The requirements of “Pump vents should not be open to
eter, however, is not applicable to the determination of the machinery spaces” and “Pump vents shall not be open to machin-
capacity of fire pumps according to Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, ery spaces” apply only to pumps in the machinery spaces serving
dry duct keels through which ballast piping passes.

1.7.4 With reference to the means to ascertain leakages in 1.8 Bow and stern loading and unloading
holds and/or in interbarrier spaces, the following require- arrangements
ments apply:
a) the above-mentioned means is to be suitable to ascer- 1.8.1 Subject to the requirements of this section and Ch 9,
tain the presence of water: Sec 5, cargo piping may be arranged to permit bow or stern
loading and unloading.
• in holds containing type C independent tanks
• in holds and interbarrier spaces outside the second- 1.8.2 Bow or stern loading and unloading lines that are led
ary barrier past accommodation spaces, service spaces or control sta-
b) the above-mentioned means is to be suitable to ascer- tions shall not be used for the transfer of products requiring
tain the presence of liquid cargo in the spaces adjacent a type 1G ship. Bow or stern loading and unloading lines
to cargo tanks which are not type C independent tanks. shall not be used for the transfer of toxic products as speci-
fied in Ch 9, Sec 1, [4.1.52], where the design pressure is
Where the aforesaid spaces may be affected by water leak- above 2,5 MPa.
ages from the adjacent ship structures, the means is also to
be suitable to ascertain the presence of water. 1.8.3 Portable arrangements shall not be permitted.
Where the above-mentioned means is constituted by elec-
trical level switches, the relevant circuits are to be of the 1.8.4
intrinsically safe type and signals are to be transduced to the a) Entrances, air inlets and openings to accommodation
wheelhouse and to the cargo control station, if fitted. spaces, service spaces, machinery spaces and controls
stations, shall not face the cargo shore connection loca-
1.7.5 Where cargo is carried in a cargo containment system tion of bow or stern loading and unloading arrange-
not requiring a secondary barrier, suitable drainage arrange- ments. They shall be located on the outboard side of the
ments for the hold spaces that are not connected with the superstructure or deckhouse at a distance of at least 4%
machinery space shall be provided. Means of detecting any of the length of the ship, but not less than 3 m from the
leakage shall be provided. end of the superstructure or deckhouse facing the cargo
shore connection location of the bow or stern loading
1.7.6 Where there is a secondary barrier, suitable drainage
and unloading arrangements. This distance need not
arrangements for dealing with any leakage into the hold or
exceed 5 m.
insulation spaces through the adjacent ship structure shall
be provided. The suction shall not lead to pumps inside the b) Windows and sidescuttles facing the shore connection
machinery space. Means of detecting such leakage shall be location and on the sides of the superstructure or deck-
provided. house within the distance mentioned above shall be of
the fixed (non-opening) type.
1.7.7 The hold or interbarrier spaces of type A independent
c) In addition, during the use of the bow or stern loading
tank ships shall be provided with a drainage system suitable
and unloading arrangements, all doors, ports and other
for handling liquid cargo in the event of cargo tank leakage
openings on the corresponding superstructure or deck-
or rupture. Such arrangements shall provide for the return of
house side shall be kept closed.
any cargo leakage to the liquid cargo piping.
d) Where, in the case of small ships, compliance with
1.7.8 Arrangements referred to in [1.7.7] shall be provided [1.2.5] and [1.8.4] is not possible, the Society may
with a removable spool piece. approve relaxations from the above requirements.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 307

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 3

1.8.5 Deck openings and air inlets and outlets to spaces which it is possible to keep under control the load-
within distances of 10 m from the cargo shore connection ing/unloading manifolds.
location shall be kept closed during the use of bow or stern
loading or unloading arrangements. 1.8.8 Means of communication between the cargo control
station and the shore connection location shall be provided
and, where applicable, certified for use in hazardous areas.
1.8.6 Fire fighting arrangements for the bow or stern load-
ing and unloading areas shall be in accordance with Ch 9,
1.9 Emergency towing arrangements
Sec 11, [1.3.2], item d) and Ch 9, Sec 11, [1.4.7].
1.9.1 The specific requirements in Ch 9, Sec 4, [2.2] for
1.8.7 Devices to stop cargo pumps and cargo compressors ships with the service notation liquefied gas carrier and not
and to close cargo valves are to be fitted in a position from less than 20000 t deadweight are to be complied with.

308 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 4



ReH : Minimum yield stress, in N/mm2, of the mate- 1.2.2 Design vapour pressure P0 is the maximum gauge
rial, defined in Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 1, [2] pressure, at the top of the tank, to be used in the design of
Rm : Minimum ultimate tensile strength, in N/mm2, the tank.
of the material 1.2.3 Design temperature for selection of materials is the
Ry : Minimum yield stress, in N/mm2, of the mate- minimum temperature at which cargo may be loaded or
rial, to be taken equal to 235/k N/mm2, unless transported in the cargo tanks.
otherwise specified
1.2.4 Independent tanks are self-supporting tanks. They do
k : Material factor for steel, defined in Pt B, Ch 4,
not form part of the ship's hull and are not essential to the
Sec 1, [2.3]
hull strength. There are three categories of independent
s : Spacing, in m, of ordinary stiffeners tank, which are referred to in [9], [10] and [11].
 : Span, in m, of ordinary stiffeners, measured
1.2.5 Membrane tanks are non-self-supporting tanks that
between the supporting members, see Pt B, Ch
consist of a thin liquid and gastight layer (membrane) sup-
4, Sec 3, [3.2]
ported through insulation by the adjacent hull structure.
ca : Aspect ratio of the plate panel, equal to: Membrane tanks are covered in [12].
s 2
c a = 1 ,21 1 + 0 ,33  -  – 0 ,69 -
s 1.2.6 Integral tanks are tanks that form a structural part of
   the hull and are influenced in the same manner by the loads
to be taken not greater than 1,0 that stress the adjacent hull structure. Integral tanks are cov-
ered in [13].
cr : Coefficient of curvature of the panel, equal to:
cr = 1 − 0,5 s / r 1.2.7 Semi-membrane tanks are non-self-supporting tanks
to be taken not less than 0,5 in the loaded condition and consist of a layer, parts of which
are supported through insulation by the adjacent hull struc-
βb, βs : Coefficients defined in Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 2, ture. Semi-membrane tanks are covered in [14].
TSC : Scantling draught, in m. 1.2.8 In addition to the definitions given in Ch 9, Sec 1, the
definitions given in this Section shall apply throughout Part
D, Chapter 9.
1 General
1.3 Application
1.1 Scope
1.3.1 Unless otherwise specified in [9] to [14], the require-
1.1.1 The purpose of this Section is to ensure the safe con- ments of [2] to [7] shall apply to all types of tanks, including
tainment of cargo under all design and operating conditions those covered in [15].
having regard to the nature of the cargo carried. This will
include measures to:
2 Cargo containment
• provide strength to withstand defined loads
• maintain the cargo in a liquid state 2.1 Functional requirement
• design for or protect the hull structure from low temper-
ature exposure 2.1.1 The design life of the cargo containment system shall
not be less than the design life of the ship.
• prevent the ingress of water or air into the cargo con-
tainment system. 2.1.2 Cargo containment systems shall be designed for
North Atlantic environmental conditions and relevant long-
1.2 Definitions term sea state scatter diagrams for unrestricted navigation.
Lesser environmental conditions, consistent with the
1.2.1 A cold spot is a part of the hull or thermal insulation sur- expected usage, may be accepted by the Society for cargo
face where a localized temperature decrease occurs with containment systems used exclusively for restricted naviga-
respect to the allowable minimum temperature of the hull or tion. Greater environmental conditions may be required for
of its adjacent hull structure, or to design capabilities of cargo cargo containment systems operated in conditions more
pressure/temperature control systems required in Ch 9, Sec 7. severe than the North Atlantic environment.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 309

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 4

2.1.3 Cargo containment systems shall be designed with 2.1.5 Measures shall be applied to ensure that scantlings
suitable safety margins: required meet the structural strength provisions and be
• to withstand, in the intact condition, the environmental maintained throughout the design life. Measures may
conditions anticipated for the cargo containment sys- include, but are not limited to, material selection, coatings,
tem's design life and the loading conditions appropriate corrosion additions, cathodic protection and inerting. Cor-
for them, which include full homogeneous and partial rosion allowance need not be required in addition to the
load conditions, partial filling within defined limits and thickness resulting from the structural analysis. However,
ballast voyage loads; and where there is no environmental control, such as inerting
• being appropriate for uncertainties in loads, structural around the cargo tank, or where the cargo is of a corrosive
modelling, fatigue, corrosion, thermal effects, material nature, the Society may require a suitable corrosion allow-
variability, ageing and construction tolerances. ance.

2.1.4 The cargo containment system structural strength

2.1.6 An inspection/survey plan for the cargo containment
shall be assessed against failure modes, including but not
limited to plastic deformation, buckling and fatigue. The system shall be developed and approved by the Society.
specific design conditions which shall be considered for the The inspection/survey plan shall identify areas that need
design of each cargo containment system are given in [9] to inspection during surveys throughout the cargo contain-
[14]. There are three main categories of design conditions: ment system's life and, in particular, all necessary in-service
survey and maintenance that was assumed when selecting
a) Ultimate design conditions – the cargo containment sys-
cargo containment system design parameters. Cargo con-
tem structure and its structural components shall with-
stand loads liable to occur during its construction, tainment systems shall be designed, constructed and
testing and anticipated use in service, without loss of equipped to provide adequate means of access to areas that
structural integrity. The design shall take into account need inspection as specified in the inspection/survey plan.
proper combinations of the following loads: Cargo containment systems, including all associated inter-
nal equipment, shall be designed and built to ensure safety
• internal pressure
during operations, inspection and maintenance (see Ch 9,
• external pressure
Sec 3, [1.5]).
• dynamic loads due to the motion of the ship
• thermal loads
2.2 Cargo containment safety principles
• sloshing loads
• loads corresponding to ship deflections
2.2.1 The containment systems shall be provided with a full
• tank and cargo weight with the corresponding reac-
secondary liquid-tight barrier capable of safely containing
tion in way of supports
all potential leakages through the primary barrier and, in
• insulation weight conjunction with the thermal insulation system, of prevent-
• loads in way of towers and other attachments; and ing lowering of the temperature of the ship structure to an
• test loads. unsafe level.
b) Fatigue design conditions – the cargo containment sys-
tem structure and its structural components shall not fail 2.2.2 However, the size and configuration or arrangement
under accumulated cyclic loading. of the secondary barrier may be reduced where an equiva-
c) Accident design condition: lent level of safety is demonstrated in accordance with the
requirements of [2.2.3] to [2.2.5], as applicable.
The cargo containment system shall meet the following
2.2.3 Cargo containment systems for which the probability
• Collision: the cargo containment system shall be
protectively located in accordance with Ch 9, Sec 2, for structural failures to develop into a critical state has been
[4.1.1] and withstand the collision loads specified in determined to be extremely low, but where the possibility of
[3.5.2] without deformation of the supports, or the leakages through the primary barrier cannot be excluded,
tank structure in way of the supports, likely to shall be equipped with a partial secondary barrier and small
endanger the tank structure. leak protection system capable of safely handling and dis-
• Fire: the cargo containment systems shall sustain, posing of the leakages. The arrangements shall comply with
without rupture, the rise in internal pressure speci- the following requirements:
fied in Ch 9, Sec 8, [4.1] under the fire scenarios
• failure developments that can be reliably detected
envisaged therein.
before reaching a critical state (e.g. by gas detection or
• Flooded compartment causing buoyancy on tank: inspection) shall have a sufficiently long development
the anti-flotation arrangements shall sustain the time for remedial actions to be taken; and
upward force, specified in [3.5.3], and there shall be
no endangering plastic deformation to the hull. • failure developments that cannot be safely detected
• 30° heel scenario: the cargo containment systems before reaching a critical state shall have a predicted
shall sustain, without rupture, a static angle of heel development time that is much longer than the expected
of 30°. lifetime of the tank.

310 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 4

Table 1 : Secondary barriers in relation to tank types

Cargo temperature at atmospheric pressure −10°C and above Below −10°C down to −55°C Below −55°C
Basic tank type No secondary barrier Hull may act as secondary barrier Separate secondary barrier
required where required
Integral Tank type not normally allowed (1)
Membrane Complete secondary barrier
Semi-membrane Complete secondary barrier (2)
type A Complete secondary barrier
Independent type B Partial secondary barrier
type C No secondary barrier required
(1) A complete secondary barrier shall normally be required if cargoes with a temperature at atmospheric pressure below -10°C are
permitted in accordance with [13.1].
(2) In the case of semi-membrane tanks that comply in all respects with the requirements applicable to type B independent tanks,
except for the manner of support, the Society may, after special consideration, accept a partial secondary barrier.

2.2.4 No secondary barrier is required for cargo contain- 2.4.2 Where the cargo temperature at atmospheric pres-
ment systems, e.g. type C independent tanks, where the sure is not below − 55°C, the hull structure may act as a sec-
probability for structural failures and leakages through the ondary barrier based on the following:
primary barrier is extremely low and can be neglected. • the hull material shall be suitable for the cargo tempera-
ture at atmospheric pressure as required by [6.2.4]; and
2.2.5 No secondary barrier is required where the cargo
temperature at atmospheric pressure is at or above − 10°C. • the design shall be such that this temperature will not
result in unacceptable hull stresses.
2.3 Secondary barriers in relation to tank 2.4.3 The design of the secondary barrier shall be such that:
types a) it is capable of containing any envisaged leakage of liq-
uid cargo for a period of 15 days, unless different criteria
2.3.1 Secondary barriers in relation to the tank types defined
apply for particular voyages, taking into account the
in [9] to [14] shall be provided in accordance with Tab 1.
load spectrum referred to in [4.6.6]
b) physical, mechanical, or operational events within the
2.4 Design of secondary barriers
cargo tank that could cause failure of the primary barrier
2.4.1 Secondary barrier extent shall not impair the due function of the secondary bar-
rier, or vice versa
The extent of the secondary barrier is to be not less than that
necessary to protect the hull structures assuming that the c) failure of a support or an attachment to the hull struc-
cargo tank is breached at a static angle of heel of 30°, with ture will not lead to loss of liquid tightness of both the
an equalisation of the liquid cargo in the tank (see Fig 1). primary and secondary barriers
Note 1: The “liquid level” given in Fig 1 is considered at the maxi- d) it is capable of being periodically checked for its effec-
mum allowable filling level in the cargo tank tiveness by means acceptable to the Society. This may
be by means of a visual inspection or a pressure/vac-
Figure 1 : Secondary barrier extension uum test or other suitable means carried out according
to a documented procedure agreed with the Society.
Requirements for tightness tests of secondary barriers
are detailed in [7.4.4].
e) the methods required in item d) shall be approved by the
Society and shall include, where applicable to the test pro-
• details on the size of defect acceptable and the loca-
tion within the secondary barrier, before its liquid-
tight effectiveness is compromised
• accuracy and range of values of the proposed
method for detecting defects in item a)
• scaling factors to be used in determining the accept-
ance criteria, if full scale model testing is not under-
taken; and
• effects of thermal and mechanical cyclic loading on
the effectiveness of the proposed test; and
f) the secondary barrier shall fulfil its functional require-
BREACHED CARGO TANK ments at a static angle of heel of 30°.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 311

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 4

2.5 Partial secondary barriers and primary • the piping and valves involved are to be suitable for the
barrier small leak protection system design loading temperature
• a thermometer is to be fitted at the heater outlet. It is to
2.5.1 Partial secondary barriers as permitted in [2.2.3] shall be set at the design temperature of the tanks and, when
be used with a small leak protection system and meet all the activated, it is to give a visual and audible alarm. This
requirements in [2.4.3]. The small leak protection system alarm is to be installed in the cargo control station or,
shall include means to detect a leak in the primary barrier, when such a station is not foreseen, in the wheelhouse.
provision such as a spray shield to deflect any liquid cargo
• The following note is to be written on the Certificate of
down into the partial secondary barrier, and means to dis-
Fitness: “The minimum permissible temperature in the
pose of the liquid, which may be by natural evaporation.
cargo preheater is..... °C”.
2.5.2 The capacity of the partial secondary barrier shall be
determined, based on the cargo leakage corresponding to 3 Design loads
the extent of failure resulting from the load spectrum
referred to in [4.6.6], after the initial detection of a primary
3.1 General
leak. Due account may be taken of liquid evaporation, rate
of leakage, pumping capacity and other relevant factors.
3.1.1 This section defines the design loads to be considered
with regard to the requirements in [4]. This includes:
2.5.3 The required liquid leakage detection may be by
means of liquid sensors, or by an effective use of pressure, • load categories (permanent, functional, environmental
temperature or gas detection systems, or any combination and accidental) and the description of the loads;
thereof. • the extent to which these loads shall be considered
depending on the type of tank, and is more fully
2.6 Supporting arrangements detailed in the following paragraphs; and
• tanks, together with their supporting structure and other
2.6.1 The supporting arrangements are to comply with the fixtures, that shall be designed taking into account rele-
requirements defined in [8.1]. vant combinations of the loads described below.

2.7 Associated structure and equipment 3.2 Permanent loads

2.7.1 Cargo containment systems shall be designed for the 3.2.1 Gravity loads
loads imposed by associated structure and equipment. This The weight of tank, thermal insulation, loads caused by tow-
includes pump towers, cargo domes, cargo pumps and pip- ers and other attachments shall be considered.
ing, stripping pumps and piping, nitrogen piping, access
hatches, ladders, piping penetrations, liquid level gauges, 3.2.2 Permanent external loads
independent level alarm gauges, spray nozzles, and instru- Gravity loads of structures and equipment acting externally
mentation systems (such as pressure, temperature and on the tank shall be considered.
strain gauges).

3.3 Functional loads

2.8 Thermal insulation
3.3.1 Loads arising from the operational use of the tank sys-
2.8.1 Thermal insulation shall be provided, as required, to tem shall be classified as functional loads. All functional
protect the hull from temperatures below those allowable loads that are essential for ensuring the integrity of the tank
(see [6.2]) and limit the heat flux into the tank to the levels system, during all design conditions, shall be considered. As
that can be maintained by the pressure and temperature a minimum, the effects from the following criteria, as appli-
control system applied in Ch 9, Sec 7. cable, shall be considered when establishing functional
2.8.2 In determining the insulation performance, due
• internal pressure;
regard shall be given to the amount of the acceptable boil-
off in association with the reliquefaction plant on board, • external pressure;
main propulsion machinery or other temperature control • thermally induced loads;
• vibration;
• interaction loads;
2.9 Use of cargo heater to raise the cargo
temperature • loads associated with construction and installation;
• test loads;
2.9.1 Where a cargo heater, intended to raise the cargo
• static heel loads; and
temperature to a value permissible for cargo tanks, is envis-
aged, the following requirements are to be complied with: • weight of cargo.

312 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 4

3.3.2 Internal pressure 3.3.7 Loads associated with construction and

a) In all cases, including item b), Po shall not be less than installation
MARVS. Loads or conditions associated with construction and instal-
lation, e.g. lifting, shall be considered.
b) For cargo tanks, where there is no temperature control
and where the pressure of the cargo is dictated only by 3.3.8 Test loads
the ambient temperature, Po shall not be less than the
Account shall be taken of the loads corresponding to the
gauge vapour pressure of the cargo at a temperature of
testing of the cargo containment system referred to in [9] to
45°C except as follows:
• lower values of ambient temperature may be
accepted by the Society for ships operating in 3.3.9 Static heel loads
restricted areas. Conversely, higher values of ambi- Loads corresponding to the most unfavourable static heel
ent temperature may be required; and angle within the range 0° to 30° shall be considered.
• for ships on voyages of restricted duration, Po may
Guidance for calculation of static pressure for 30° heel
be calculated based on the actual pressure rise dur- angle is given in Ch 9, App 1, [3].
ing the voyage, and account may be taken of any
thermal insulation of the tank. 3.3.10 Other loads
c) Subject to special consideration by the Society and to Any other loads not specifically addressed, which could
the limitations given in [9] to [14], for the various tank have an effect on the cargo containment system, shall be
types, a vapour pressure Ph higher than Po may be taken into account.
accepted for site specific conditions (harbour or other
locations), where dynamic loads are reduced. Any relief 3.4 Environmental loads
valve setting resulting from this paragraph shall be
recorded in the International Certificate of Fitness for the 3.4.1 Definition
Carriage of Liquefied Gases in Bulk.
Environmental loads are defined as those loads on the cargo
d) Where the vapour pressure in harbour conditions is containment system that are caused by the surrounding
greater than Po, defined in [1.2.2], this value is to be environment and that are not otherwise classified as a per-
specified in the operating instructions for the ship’s Mas- manent, functional or accidental load.
3.4.2 Loads due to ship motion
e) The internal pressure Peq results from the vapour pressure
Po or Ph plus the maximum associated dynamic liquid a) The determination of dynamic loads shall take into
pressure Pgd, but not including the effects of liquid slosh- account the long-term distribution of ship motion in
ing loads. Guidance formulae for associated dynamic liq- irregular seas, which the ship will experience during its
uid pressure Pgd are given in Ch 9, App 1, [1.1]. operating life. Account may be taken of the reduction in
dynamic loads due to necessary speed reduction and
f) The internal pressure to be considered for integral tanks variation of heading.
and membrane tanks is defined in Ch 9, App 1, [2].
b) The ship's motion shall include surge, sway, heave, roll,
3.3.3 External pressure pitch and yaw. The accelerations acting on tanks shall
External design pressure loads shall be based on the differ- be estimated at their centre of gravity and include the
ence between the minimum internal pressure and the maxi- following components:
mum external pressure to which any portion of the tank • vertical acceleration: motion accelerations of heave,
may be simultaneously subjected. pitch and, possibly, roll (normal to the ship base);

3.3.4 Thermally induced loads • transverse acceleration: motion accelerations of

sway, yaw and roll and gravity component of roll;
Transient thermally induced loads during cooling down
periods shall be considered for tanks intended for cargo
temperatures below − 55°C. • longitudinal acceleration: motion accelerations of
Stationary thermally induced loads shall be considered for surge and pitch and gravity component of pitch.
cargo containment systems where the design supporting c) Methods to predict accelerations due to ship motion
arrangements or attachments and operating temperature may shall be proposed and approved by the Society.
give rise to significant thermal stresses (see Ch 9, Sec 7, [2]). d) Guidance formulae for acceleration components are
3.3.5 Vibration given in Ch 9, App 1, [1.2].
The potentially damaging effects of vibration on the cargo e) Ships for restricted service may be given special consid-
containment system shall be considered. eration.

3.3.6 Interaction loads 3.4.3 Dynamic interaction loads

The static component of loads resulting from interaction Account shall be taken of the dynamic component of loads
between cargo containment system and the hull structure, resulting from interaction between cargo containment sys-
as well as loads from associated structure and equipment, tems and the hull structure, including loads from associated
shall be considered. structures and equipment.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 313

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 4

3.4.4 Sloshing loads 4.1.2 The structural integrity of cargo containment systems
The sloshing loads on a cargo containment system and shall be demonstrated by compliance with [9] to [14], as
internal components shall be evaluated based on allowable appropriate, for the cargo containment system type.
filling levels.
4.1.3 The structural integrity of cargo containment system
When significant sloshing-induced loads are expected to be types that are of novel design and differ significantly from
present, special tests and calculations shall be required cov- those covered by [9] to [14] shall be demonstrated by com-
ering the full range of intended filling levels. pliance with [15] to ensure that the overall level of safety
Guidance for calculation of sloshing pressure for integral provided in this Section is maintained.
and membrane tanks is given in Ch 9, App 1, [2.2].

3.4.5 Snow and ice loads

4.2 Structural analyses
Snow and icing shall be considered, if relevant. 4.2.1 Analysis
3.4.6 Loads due to navigation in ice a) The design analyses shall be based on accepted princi-
ples of statics, dynamics and strength of materials.
Loads due to navigation in ice shall be considered for ves-
sels intended for such service. b) Simplified methods or simplified analyses may be used
to calculate the load effects, provided that they are con-
3.5 Accidental loads servative. Model tests may be used in combination with,
or instead of, theoretical calculations. In cases where
3.5.1 Definition theoretical methods are inadequate, model or full-scale
Accidental loads are defined as loads that are imposed on a tests may be required.
cargo containment system and its supporting arrangements c) When determining responses to dynamic loads, the
under abnormal and unplanned conditions. dynamic effect shall be taken into account where it may
affect structural integrity.
3.5.2 Collision loads
The collision load shall be determined based on the cargo 4.2.2 Load scenarios
containment system under fully loaded condition with an a) For each location or part of the cargo containment sys-
inertial force corresponding to 0,5 g in the forward direction tem to be considered and for each possible mode of fail-
and 0,25 g in the aft direction, where g is gravitational ure to be analysed, all relevant combinations of loads
acceleration. that may act simultaneously shall be considered.
Guidance for calculation of dynamic pressure for collision b) The most unfavourable scenarios for all relevant phases
loads is given in Ch 9, App 1, [4] during construction, handling, testing and in service,
and conditions shall be considered.
3.5.3 Loads due to flooding on ship
For independent tanks, loads caused by the buoyancy of an 4.2.3 When the static and dynamic stresses are calculated
empty tank in a hold space flooded to the summer load separately, and unless other methods of calculation are justi-
draught shall be considered in the design of the anti-flota- fied, the total stresses shall be calculated according to:
tion chocks and the supporting hull structure.
σ x = σ x, st ± x, dyn )
3.5.4 For flooding load scenarios, draughts to be consid-
ered are the following:
σ y = σ y, st ± y, dyn )
• TSC for anti-flotation keys assessment.
• Draught corresponding to the deepest equilibrium
waterline in damage condition for transverse bulkhead. σ z = σ z, st ± z, dyn )
At early stage of design, when damage stability calcula-

 (τ
tions are not available, calculation with draft corre- τ xy = τ xy, st ± )
xy, dyn
sponding to 0.8D without heel may be considered.

The still water bending moment to be considered is

 (τ
τ xz = τ xz, st ± xz, dyn )
0.5MSW,H for both cases.

 (τ
τ yz = τ yz, st ± yz, dyn )
4 Structural integrity
4.1 General σx,st, σy,st, σz,st, τxy,st, τxz,st and τyz,st are static stresses; and

4.1.1 The structural design shall ensure that tanks have an σx,dyn, σy,dyn, σz,dyn, τxy,dyn, τxz,dyn and τyz,dyn are dynamic
adequate capacity to sustain all relevant loads with an ade- stresses,
quate margin of safety. This shall take into account the pos- each shall be determined separately from acceleration com-
sibility of plastic deformation, buckling, fatigue and loss of ponents and hull strain components due to deflection and
liquid and gas tightness torsion.

314 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 4

4.3 Stress categories 4.5 Ultimate design condition

4.3.1 For the purpose of stress evaluation, stress categories 4.5.1 Structural capacity may be determined by testing, or
are defined in this section as follows: by analysis, taking into account both the elastic and plastic
• Normal stress is the component of stress normal to the material properties, by simplified linear elastic analysis or by
plane of reference. the Code provisions.
• Membrane stress is the component of normal stress that a) Plastic deformation and buckling shall be considered.
is uniformly distributed and equal to the average value b) Analysis shall be based on characteristic load values as
of the stress across the thickness of the section under follows:
consideration. • Permanent loads: Expected values
• Bending stress is the variable stress across the thickness • Functional loads: Specified values
of the section under consideration, after the subtraction
• Environmental loads: For wave loads: most probable
of the membrane stress.
largest load encountered during 108 wave encoun-
• Shear stress is the component of the stress acting in the ters.
plane of reference.
c) For the purpose of ultimate strength assessment, the fol-
• Primary stress is a stress produced by the imposed load- lowing material parameters apply:
ing, which is necessary to balance the external forces
• Re = specified minimum yield stress at room temper-
and moments. The basic characteristic of a primary
stress is that it is not self-limiting. Primary stresses that ature (N/mm2). If the stress-strain curve does not
considerably exceed the yield strength will result in fail- show a defined yield stress, the 0.2% proof stress
ure or at least in gross deformations. applies.
• Primary general membrane stress is a primary mem- • Rm = specified minimum tensile strength at room
brane stress that is so distributed in the structure that no temperature (N/mm2).
redistribution of load occurs as a result of yielding. For welded connections where under-matched welds, i.e.
• Primary local membrane stress arises where a mem- where the weld metal has lower tensile strength than the
brane stress produced by pressure or other mechanical parent metal, are unavoidable, such as in some alumin-
loading and associated with a primary or a discontinuity ium alloys, the respective Re and Rm of the welds, after any
effect produces excessive distortion in the transfer of applied heat treatment, shall be used. In such cases, the
loads for other portions of the structure. Such a stress is transverse weld tensile strength shall not be less than the
classified as a primary local membrane stress, although actual yield strength of the parent metal. If this cannot be
it has some characteristics of a secondary stress. A stress achieved, welded structures made from such materials
region may be considered as local, if: shall not be incorporated in cargo containment systems.
The above properties shall correspond to the minimum
S 1 ≤ 0, 5 Rt
specified mechanical properties of the material, includ-
S 2 ≤ 2, 5 Rt ing the weld metal in the as-fabricated condition. Sub-
ject to special consideration by the Society, account
where: may be taken of the enhanced yield stress and tensile
S1 : Distance in the meridional direction over strength at low temperature. The temperature on which
which the equivalent stress exceeds 1,1 f the material properties are based shall be shown on the
S2 : Distance in the meridional direction to International Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Liq-
another region where the limits for primary uefied Gases in Bulk.
general membrane stress are exceeded d) The equivalent stress σC (von Mises, Huber) shall be
R : Mean radius of the vessel determined by:
t : Wall thickness of the vessel at the location 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
σC = σ x + σ y + σ z – σ x σ y – σ x σ z – σ y σ z + 3 ( τ xz + τ xy + τ yz )
where the primary general membrane stress
limit is exceeded; and where:
f : Allowable primary general membrane stress. σx : Total normal stress in x-direction
• Secondary stress is a normal stress or shear stress devel- σy : Total normal stress in y-direction
oped by constraints of adjacent parts or by self-con- σz : Total normal stress in z-direction
straint of a structure. The basic characteristic of a τxy : Total shear stress in x-y plane
secondary stress is that it is self-limiting. Local yielding τxz : Total shear stress in x-z plane; and
and minor distortions can satisfy the conditions that
τyz : Total shear stress in y-z plane.
cause the stress to occur.
The above values shall be calculated as described in
4.4 Design conditions
e) Allowable stresses for materials other than those cov-
4.4.1 All relevant failure modes shall be considered in the ered by Ch 9, Sec 6 shall be subject to approval by the
design for all relevant load scenarios and design conditions. Society in each case.
The design conditions are given in [4.5] to [4.7], and the f) Stresses may be further limited by fatigue analysis, crack
load scenarios are covered by [4.2.2]. propagation analysis and buckling criteria.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 315

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 4

4.6 Fatigue design condition If simplified dynamic loading spectra are used for the esti-
mation of the fatigue life, they shall be specially considered
4.6.1 The fatigue design condition is the design condition by the Society.
with respect to accumulated cyclic loading.
4.6.2 Where a fatigue analysis is required, the cumulative
a) Where the size of the secondary barrier is reduced, as is
effect of the fatigue load shall comply with:
provided for in [2.2.3], fracture mechanics analyses of
ni n Loading fatigue crack growth shall be carried out to determine:
 -----
+ ------------------ ≤ C
i Loading
• crack propagation paths in the structure
where: • crack growth rate
ni : Number of stress cycles at each stress level dur- • the time required for a crack to propagate to cause a
ing the life of the tank leakage from the tank
Ni : Number of cycles to fracture for the respective • the size and shape of through thickness cracks; and
stress level according to the Wohler (S-N) curve
• the time required for detectable cracks to reach a
nLoading : Number of loading and unloading cycles during critical state.
the life of the tank, not to be less than 1000.
Loading and unloading cycles include a com- The fracture mechanics are, in general, based on crack
plete pressure and thermal cycle growth data taken as a mean value plus two standard
deviations of the test data.
Note 1: 1000 cycles normally corresponds to 20 years of
operation. b) In analysing crack propagation, the largest initial crack
NLoading : Number of cycles to fracture for the fatigue not detectable by the inspection method applied shall
loads due to loading and unloading; and be assumed, taking into account the allowable non-
destructive testing and visual inspection criterion, as
Cw : Maximum allowable cumulative fatigue damage applicable.
c) Crack propagation analysis under the condition speci-
The fatigue damage shall be based on the design life of the fied in [4.6.7]: the simplified load distribution and
tank but not less than 108 wave encounters. sequence over a period of 15 days may be used. Such
distributions may be obtained as indicated in Fig 2. Load
4.6.3 Where required, the cargo containment system shall distribution and sequence for longer periods, such as in
be subject to fatigue analysis, considering all fatigue loads [4.6.8] and [4.6.9] shall be approved by the Society.
and their appropriate combinations for the expected life of
the cargo containment system. Consideration shall be given d) The arrangements shall comply with [4.6.7] to [4.6.9], as
to various filling conditions. applicable.

4.6.4 Figure 2 : Simplified load distribution

15 days
a) Design S-N curves used in the analysis shall be applica-
ble to the materials and weldments, construction details, o
fabrication procedures and applicable state of the stress

b) The S-N curves shall be based on a 97,6% probability

of survival corresponding to the mean-minus-two-stand-
ard-deviation curves of relevant experimental data up to
final failure. Use of S-N curves derived in a different way
requires adjustments to the acceptable Cw values speci-
fied in [4.6.7] to [4.6.9].

4.6.5 Analysis shall be based on characteristic load values

as follows: 1 10 102 103 104 105 2,105

• Permanent loads: Expected values Response cycles

• Functional loads: Specified values or specified history σ0 is the most probable maximum stress over the life of the ship

• Environmental loads: Expected load history, but not less Response cycle scale is logarithmic; the value of 2.105 is given as
than 108 cycles an example of estimate

316 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 4

4.6.7 For failures that can be reliably detected by means of 5 Hull scantling
leakage detection, Cw shall be less than or equal to 0,5. Pre-
dicted remaining failure development time, from the point
5.1 Application
of detection of leakage till reaching a critical state, shall not
be less than 15 days, unless different requirements apply for 5.1.1 The requirements in [5] apply to the hull structure,
ships engaged in particular voyages. with the exception of the independent tank structure.

4.6.8 For failures that cannot be detected by leakage but

5.2 Plating
that can be reliably detected at the time of in-service
inspections, Cw shall be less than or equal to 0,5. Predicted 5.2.1 Minimum net thickness
remaining failure development time, from the largest crack
The net thickness of the weather strength deck, trunk deck,
not detectable by in-service inspection methods until reach-
tank bulkhead and watertight bulkhead plating is to be not
ing a critical state, shall not be less than three times the
less than the values given in Tab 2.
inspection interval.

4.6.9 In particular locations of the tank, where effective

5.3 Ordinary stiffeners
defect or crack development detection cannot be assured,
5.3.1 Minimum net thickness
the following, more stringent, fatigue acceptance criteria
shall be applied as a minimum: Cw shall be less than or The net thickness of the web of ordinary stiffeners is to be
not less than the value obtained, in mm, from the following
equal to 0,1. Predicted failure development time, from the
assumed initial defect until reaching a critical state, shall not
be less than three times the lifetime of the tank. tMIN = 0,8 + 0,013 L k1/2 + 4,5 s for L < 220 m
tMIN = 3 k1/2 + 4,5 + s for L ≥ 220 m
4.7 Accident design condition
5.4 Primary supporting members
4.7.1 The accident design condition is a design condition
for accidental loads with extremely low probability of 5.4.1 Minimum net thickness
occurrence. The net thickness of plating which forms the webs of pri-
mary supporting members is to be not less than the value
4.7.2 Analysis shall be based on the characteristic values as obtained, in mm, from the following formula:
follows: tMIN = 4,1 + 0,015 L k1/2
• Permanent loads: Expected values 5.4.2 Finite element model
• Functional loads: Specified values For the checking of the scantlings of primary supporting
members, a three-dimensional finite element model is
• Environmental loads: Specified values required.
• Accidental loads: Specified values or expected values The number of models to be assessed are given in [5.4.3].
The check is to be made in accordance with Pt B, Ch 7, App
4.7.3 Loads mentioned in [3.3.9] and [3.5] need not be 1, taking into account the structural modelling principles
combined with each other or with wave-induced loads. given in [5.4.4].

Table 2 : Minimum net thickness of the weather strength deck,

trunk deck, tank bulkhead and watertight bulkhead plating

Plating Minimum net thickness, in mm

Weather strength deck and trunk deck, if any, for the area within Longitudinal framing 1,6 + 0,032 L k1/2 + 4,5 s for L < 220
0,4L amidships (1) 6 k1/2 + 5,7 + s for L ≥ 220
Transverse framing 1,6 + 0,04 L k1/2 + 4,5 s for L < 220
6 k1/2 + 7,5 + s for L ≥ 220
Weather strength deck and trunk deck, if any, at fore and aft parts 2,1 + 0,013 L k1/2 + 4,5 s
and between hatchways (1)
Tank bulkhead 1,7 + 0,013 L k1/2 + 4,5 s
Watertight bulkhead 1,3 + 0,013 L k1/2 + 4,5 s
(1) The minimum net thickness is to be obtained by linearly interpolating between that required for the area within 0,4 L amidships
and that at the fore and aft part.
Note 1:
s : Length, in m, of the shorter side of the plate panel.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 317

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 4

5.4.3 Number of models d) Stiffness of supports and keys for independent tanks
Each typical cargo tank is to be subject of finite element cal- The axial stiffness of elements used for the modelling of
culation. supports and keys of independent tanks is to be calcu-
At least three cargo tanks are to be assessed: lated taking into account the stiffness of:
• the support in way of tank
• the cargo tank at midships
• the spacer
• the forward cargo tank
• the support in way of hull.
• the afterward cargo tank.
The stiffness of the pad located between the lower and
Note 1: For ships having less than three cargo tanks in longitudinal upper parts of the support may be calculated as follows:
direction, all cargo tanks are to be assessed. K=ES/h
5.4.4 Structural modelling where:
K : Stiffness of the pad, in N/mm
a) Modelling principles
E : Young modulus of the pad, in N/mm2
The following primary supporting members are to be
modelled: S : Sectional area of the pad, in mm2
• outer shell, inner bottom, longitudinal and trans- h : Height of the pad, in mm.
verse bulkhead plating The stiffness of the gap or spring element is to be taken
• double-bottom longitudinal girders
Kelement = K / Nelements
• double-side horizontal stringers
• deck longitudinal girders
Nelements : Number of elements used in the pad model-
• transverse web frames with main frames if relevant ling.
• primary supporting members of transverse bulk- e) Size of the elements
The mesh size should be equal to the spacing of the lon-
b) Model extension for units with independent tanks gitudinal ordinary stiffeners. Each of these longitudinal
For units with in dependant tanks, the structural model stiffeners is to be modelled. The aspect ratio of the ele-
is to include the primary supporting members of the hull ments should be as close to 1,0 as possible.
(see a)) and the tanks with their supporting members
and key systems. 5.4.5 Load Model
The loading conditions and the loads to be applied on the
The cargo tank model is to include the following pri-
finite element model are described in Pt B, Ch 7, App 1.
mary members:
For liquefied gas carriers with type A independent tanks and
• shell plating
with a length greater than 200 m, in the formulae for wave
• bulkhead plating, including wash bulkheads if any pressure in load case “c” given inPt B, Ch 7, App 1, Tab 4,
• bottom plating the value of h1 is to be replaced by 2,1 h1.
• top plating
5.4.6 Yielding strength criteria
• transverse web frames Yielding strength criteria for primary supporting members
• horizontal stringers are defined in Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 3, [4].
• girders. Yielding strength criteria for supporting members and keys
c) Modelling of supports and keys systems are defined in [8.3] and [8.4].

The cargo tanks are linked to the hold by the following 5.4.7 Buckling check
supports and keys, acting in one direction: Buckling strength criteria for primary supporting members
• vertical supports (Z direction) are defined in Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 3, [7].
• antipitching keys (X direction), used also as anticolli-
sion keys 5.5 Flooding for ships with independent
• antirolling keys (Y direction) tanks
• antiflotation keys (Z direction). 5.5.1 In flooding condition, the lateral pressure to be con-
They can be modelled by either linear elements (bar, sidered is to be calculated according to [3.5.3] and [3.5.4].
flexible mounts, springs), or non-linear elements (gap The structure of the transverse bulkheads are to be checked
elements). for flooding design condition as following:
When linear elements are used to model keys and sup- a) Plating
ports not allowing tension loads, they are to be deleted For yielding check, the net thickness of the plating is to be
when in tension. checked using the formula given in Pt B Ch 7 Sec 1 [3.3.2],
Stiffness of these linear and/or non-linear elements is to Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1, [3.4.2], and Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1, [3.5.2],
be representative of the actual stiffness of the supports as relevant. For flooding pressure, the partial safety factors
and keys. to be used are given in Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1, Tab 1.

318 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 4

b) Ordinary stiffeners Where there is no prolonging bracket in way of knuckle

For yielding check, the net section modulus and the net joints in positions 1 and/or 2, the connection of transverse
shear sectional area of the ordinary stiffeners, including webs to the inner hull and longitudinal girder plating is to
longitudinals, is to be checked using the formulae given be made with partial penetration welds over a length not
in Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 2, [3.7.4]. For flooding pressure, the less than 400 mm.
partial safety factors to be used are given in Pt B, Ch 7,
5.6.3 Connections of inner bottom with transverse
Sec 2, Tab 1.
cofferdam bulkheads
c) Primary structural members The following requirements apply:
For yielding check, the net section modulus and the net
a) The thickness and material properties of the supporting
shear sectional area of the primary structural members
floors are to be at least equal to those of the cofferdam
are to be checked using the formulae given in Pt B, Ch
bulkhead plating.
7, Sec 3 with:
• For flooding condition, as defined in Pt B, Ch 7, Sec b) Vertical webs fitted within the cofferdam bulkhead are
3, [1.4.1], partial safety factors γr and γm are given in: to be aligned with the double bottom girders.
c) Manholes in double bottom floors aligned with the cof-
- Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 3, Tab 2
ferdam bulkhead plating are to be located as low as
- Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 3, Tab 3, and practicable and at mid-distance between two adjacent
- Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 3, Tab 4 longitudinal girders.
• Other partial safety factors to be taken equal to 1.
Figure 3 : Positions of connections
5.6 Structural details
5.6.1 General
The specific requirements in Tab 3 are to be complied with. 4
5.6.2 Knuckles 3
The detail arrangement of knuckles of the inner hull plating
is to be made according to:
• for position 1 in Fig 3:
Pt B, Ch 11, App 2, Tab 36 to Pt B, Ch 11, App 2, Tab 38
• for position 2 in Fig 3: 2
Pt B, Ch 11, App 2, Tab 61 and Pt B, Ch 11, App 2, Tab 1
• for positions 3 and 4 in Fig 3, in a similar way to posi-
tions 1 and 2.

Table 3 : Liquefied gas carriers - Special structural details

Reference tables
reference Area description Detail description Fatigue check
in Pt B, Ch 11, App 2
1 Part of side extended: Connection of side longitudinal ordi- No Pt B, Ch 11, App 2, Tab 1 to
• longitudinally, between the nary stiffeners with transverse primary Pt B, Ch 11, App 2, Tab 6
after peak bulkhead and the supporting members
collision bulkhead
Connection of side longitudinal ordi- For L ≥ 170 m Pt B, Ch 11, App 2, Tab 7 to
• vertically, between 0,7TB nary stiffeners with stiffeners of trans- Pt B, Ch 11, App 2, Tab 13
and 1,15T from the baseline verse primary supporting members
3 Double bottom in way of trans- Connection of bottom and inner bottom For L ≥ 170 m Pt B, Ch 11, App 2, Tab 27 to
verse bulkheads longitudinal ordinary stiffeners with Pt B, Ch 11, App 2, Tab 29
Connection of inner bottom with trans- For L ≥ 170 m Pt B, Ch 11, App 2, Tab 31
verse cofferdam bulkheads
4 Double bottom in way of hop- Connection of inner bottom with hop- For L ≥ 170 m Pt B, Ch 11, App 2, Tab 36 to
per tanks per tank sloping plates Pt B, Ch 11, App 2, Tab 38
6 Lower part of inner side Connection of hopper tank sloping For L ≥ 170 m Pt B, Ch 11, App 2, Tab 61,
plates with inner side Pt B, Ch 11, App 2, Tab 62

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 319

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 4

5.7 Fatigue assessment c) Connection between skirt and foundation deck.

Hot spots to be checked are located in skirt plating, in
5.7.1 General scarfing brackets and in transverse web frame below
For fatigue assessment, the following details are to be foundation deck on both sides of connection.
checked by analytical hot spot stress approach for all types d) Connections between double bottom girders and trans-
of gas carriers: verse bulkhead.
• Connections of longitudinal stiffeners to transverse bulk- Hot spots to be checked are located in inner bottom
heads, including swash bulkheads. plating, transverse bulkhead plating and girders plating.
• Connections of longitudinal stiffeners to floors and web If an additional longitudinal bracket is fitted above inner
frames. bottom in line with girder in way of connection, hot
spots in this bracket are also to be checked.
Other critical structural details to be checked for the fatigue e) Connection between tank cover and main deck.
assessment are listed in [5.7.2] for Type A independent
ships, [5.7.3] for Type B Moss type ships and [5.7.4] for 5.7.4 Membrane ships
membrane type ships. In hull structure of membrane ships, the following details
are to be checked for fatigue:
5.7.2 Type A ships
a) Inner hull knuckles.
For type A ships, the following details are to be checked for
fatigue: b) Connections between foot of cofferdam bulkheads and
double bottom girders.
a) Hopper knuckle
c) Connections between cofferdam bulkheads and side
Attention is to be paid to the design of this detail in the stringers.
forward cargo hold, which can be significantly different
than in midship cargo hold. Fatigue check may be d) Liquid dome opening.
assessed separately for each of them. e) Connection between fore end of trunk deck and main
b) Foot of side shell frames
f) Connection between trunk deck and aft end of super-
c) Dome opening structures.
d) Vertical supports of cargo tanks
For the fatigue calculation of this detail, longitudinal 6 Materials
and transverse forces due to friction are to be consid-
ered in addition to vertical reaction forces. 6.1 General
e) Anti-rolling keys
6.1.1 The purpose of this article is to ensure that the cargo
For the fatigue calculation of this detail, longitudinal containment system, the thermal insulation, adjacent ship
forces due to friction are to be considered in addition to structure and other materials in the cargo containment sys-
transverse forces. tem are constructed from materials of suitable properties for
Initial construction gap is also to be taken into account. the conditions they will experience, both in normal service
and in the event of failure of the primary barrier, where
f) Anti-pitching keys:
For the fatigue calculation of this detail, transverse
forces due to friction are to be considered in addition to 6.2 Materials forming ship structure
longitudinal forces.
Initial construction gap is also to be taken into account. 6.2.1 To determine the grade of plate and sections used in
the hull structure, a temperature calculation shall be per-
5.7.3 Type B ships with spherical tanks formed for all tank types when the cargo temperature is
For MOSS type tanks, the following details are to be below − 10°C. The following assumptions shall be made in
checked for fatigue: this calculation:
a) the primary barrier of all tanks shall be assumed to be at
a) Inner bottom knuckles.
the cargo temperature
Hot spots to be checked are located in inner hull plating
b) in addition to item a), where a complete or partial sec-
and in transverse web frame plating in way of knuckles.
ondary barrier is required, it shall be assumed to be at
b) Connection between inner side bulkhead and founda- the cargo temperature at atmospheric pressure for any
tion deck. one tank only
Hot spots to be checked are located in inner side plat- c) for worldwide service, ambient temperatures shall be
ing, scarfing bracket and transverse web frames both taken as 5°C for air and 0ºC for seawater. Higher values
below and above foundation deck. If an additional may be accepted for ships operating in restricted areas
transverse bracket is fitted above foundation deck in and, conversely, lower values may be fixed by the Soci-
way of connection, hot spots in this bracket are also to ety for ships trading to areas where lower temperatures
be checked. are expected during the winter months

320 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 4

d) still air and seawater conditions shall be assumed, i.e. no c) as an alternative to item b), for longitudinal bulkhead
adjustment for forced convection between cargo tanks, credit may be taken for heating,
provided the material remain suitable for a minimum
e) degradation of the thermal insulation properties over the design temperature of − 30°C, or a temperature 30°C
life of the ship due to factors such as thermal and lower than that determined by [6.2.1] with the heating
mechanical ageing, compaction, ship motions and tank considered, whichever is less. In this case, the ship's lon-
vibrations, as defined in [6.4.6] and [6.4.7], shall be gitudinal strength shall comply with requirements of Part
assumed B, Chapter 6 for both when those bulkhead(s) are con-
sidered effective and not.
f) the cooling effect of the rising boil-off vapour from the
leaked cargo shall be taken into account, where applicable
6.2.6 The means of heating referred to in [6.2.5] shall com-
g) credit for hull heating may be taken in accordance with ply with the following requirements:
[6.2.5], provided the heating arrangements are in com-
pliance with [6.2.6] a) the heating system shall be arranged so that, in the event
of failure in any part of the system, standby heating can
h) no credit shall be given for any means of heating, except be maintained equal to not less than 100% of the theo-
as described in [6.2.5]; and retical heat requirement

i) for members connecting inner and outer hulls, the mean b) the heating system shall be considered as an essential
temperature may be taken for determining the steel auxiliary. All electrical components of at least one of the
grade. systems provided in accordance with [6.2.5] a) shall be
supplied from the emergency source of electrical
The ambient temperatures used in the design, described in power; and
this paragraph, shall be shown on the International Certifi-
cate of Fitness for the Carriage of Liquefied Gases in Bulk. c) the design and construction of the heating system shall be
included in the approval of the containment system by the
6.2.2 The shell and deck plating of the ship and all stiffen- Society.
ers attached thereto shall be in accordance with recognized
standards. If the calculated temperature of the material in 6.2.7 Segregation of heating plant
the design condition is below −5°C due to the influence of
the cargo temperature, the material shall be in accordance Where a hull heating system complying with [6.2.5] is
with Ch 9, Sec 6, Tab 6. installed, this system is to be contained solely within the
cargo area or the drain returns from the hull heating coils in
the wing tanks, cofferdams and double bottom are to be led
6.2.3 The materials of all other hull structures for which the
to a degassing tank. The degassing tank is to be located in
calculated temperature in the design condition is below
0°C, due to the influence of cargo temperature and that do the cargo area and the vent outlets are to be located in a
not form the secondary barrier, shall also be in accordance safe position and fitted with a flame screen.
with Ch 9, Sec 6, Tab 6. This includes hull structure support-
ing the cargo tanks, inner bottom plating, longitudinal bulk- 6.2.8 First loaded voyage
head plating, transverse bulkhead plating, floors, webs,
Attention is drawn to the requirements of Ch 9, Sec 1,
stringers and all attached stiffening members.
[6.2.4] regarding the satisfactory operation of the heating
plant, that is to be ascertained during the first full loading
6.2.4 The hull material forming the secondary barrier shall and the subsequent first unloading of ships carrying lique-
be in accordance with Ch 9, Sec 6, Tab 3. Where the sec- fied natural gases (LNG) in bulk.
ondary barrier is formed by the deck or side shell plating,
the material grade required by Ch 9, Sec 6, Tab 3 shall be
carried into the adjacent deck or side shell plating, where 6.3 Materials of primary and secondary
applicable, to a suitable extent. barrier

6.2.5 Means of heating structural materials may be used to 6.3.1 Metallic materials used in the construction of primary
ensure that the material temperature does not fall below the and secondary barriers not forming the hull, shall be suitable
minimum allowed for the grade of material specified in Ch 9, for the design loads that they may be subjected to, and be in
Sec 6, Tab 6. In the calculations required in [6.2.1], credit for accordance with Ch 9, Sec 6, Tab 2, Ch 9, Sec 6, Tab 3 and
such heating may be taken in accordance with the following: Ch 9, Sec 6, Tab 4.
a) for any transverse hull structure
6.3.2 Materials, either non-metallic or metallic but not cov-
b) for longitudinal hull structure referred to in [6.2.2] and ered by Ch 9, Sec 6, Tab 2, Ch 9, Sec 6, Tab 3 and Ch 9, Sec
[6.2.3] where colder ambient temperatures are specified, 6, Tab 4 used in the primary and secondary barriers may be
provided the material remains suitable for the ambient tem- approved by the Society, considering the design loads that
perature conditions of + 5°C for air and 0°C for seawater they may be subjected to, their properties and their
with no credit taken in the calculations for heating; and intended use.

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Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 4

6.3.3 Where non-metallic materials, including composites, • resistance to fire and flame spread; and
are used for, or incorporated in the primary or secondary • resistance to fatigue failure and crack propagation.
barriers, they shall be tested for the following properties, as
applicable, to ensure that they are adequate for the 6.4.3 The above properties, where applicable, shall be
intended service: tested for the range between the expected maximum tem-
• compatibility with the cargoes perature in service and 5°C below the minimum design
temperature, but not lower than −196°C.
• ageing
• mechanical properties 6.4.4 Due to location or environmental conditions, thermal
• thermal expansion and contraction insulation materials shall have suitable properties of resist-
ance to fire and flame spread and shall be adequately pro-
• abrasion
tected against penetration of water vapour and mechanical
• cohesion damage. Where the thermal insulation is located on or
• resistance to vibrations above the exposed deck, and in way of tank cover penetra-
• resistance to fire and flame spread; and tions, it shall have suitable fire resistance properties in
• resistance to fatigue failure and crack propagation. accordance with recognized standards or be covered with a
material having low flame-spread characteristics and form-
6.3.4 The above properties, where applicable, shall be ing an efficient approved vapour seal.
tested for the range between the expected maximum tem-
perature in service and +5°C below the minimum design 6.4.5 Thermal insulation that does not meet recognized
temperature, but not lower than −196°C. standards for fire resistance may be used in hold spaces that
are not kept permanently inerted, provided its surfaces are
6.3.5 Where non-metallic materials, including composites, covered with material with low flame-spread characteristics
are used for the primary and secondary barriers, the joining and that forms an efficient approved vapour seal.
processes shall also be tested as described above.
6.4.6 Testing for thermal conductivity of thermal insulation
6.3.6 Guidance on the use of non-metallic materials in the shall be carried out on suitably aged samples.
construction of primary and secondary barriers is provided
in Appendix 4 of the IGC Code. 6.4.7 Where powder or granulated thermal insulation is
used, measures shall be taken to reduce compaction in ser-
6.3.7 Consideration may be given to the use of materials in vice and to maintain the required thermal conductivity and
the primary and secondary barrier, which are not resistant also prevent any undue increase of pressure on the cargo
to fire and flame spread, provided they are protected by a containment system.
suitable system such as a permanent inert gas environment,
6.4.8 The materials for insulation are to be approved by the
or are provided with a fire-retardant barrier.
The approval of bonding materials, sealing materials, lining
6.4 Thermal insulation and other materials
constituting a vapour barrier or mechanical protection is to
used in cargo containment systems be considered by the Society on a case-by-case basis. In any
event, these materials are to be chemically compatible with
6.4.1 Load-bearing thermal insulation and other materials
the insulation material.
used in cargo containment systems shall be suitable for the
design loads. A particular attention is to be paid to the continuity of the
insulation in way of tank supports.
6.4.2 Thermal insulation and other materials used in cargo
containment systems shall have the following properties, as 6.4.9 Before applying the insulation, the surfaces of the
applicable, to ensure that they are adequate for the tank structures or of the hull are to be carefully cleaned.
intended service:
6.4.10 Where applicable, the insulation system is to be
• compatibility with the cargoes suitable to be visually examined at least on one side.
• solubility in the cargo
• absorption of the cargo 6.4.11 When the insulation is sprayed or foamed, the mini-
mum steel temperature at the time of application is to be
• shrinkage not less than the temperature given in the specification of
• ageing the insulation.
• closed cell content
• density 7 Construction processes
• mechanical properties, to the extent that they are sub-
jected to cargo and other loading effects, thermal expan- 7.1 General
sion and contraction
• abrasion 7.1.1 The purpose of this article is to define suitable con-
struction processes and test procedures in order to ensure,
• cohesion
as far as reasonably practical, that the cargo containment
• thermal conductivity system will perform satisfactorily in service in accordance
• resistance to vibrations with the assumptions made at the stage design.

322 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 4

7.2 Weld joint design 7.4 Testing

7.2.1 All welded joints of the shells of independent tanks 7.4.1 All cargo tanks and process pressure vessels shall be
shall be of the in-plane butt weld full penetration type. For subjected to hydrostatic or hydropneumatic pressure testing
dome-to-shell connections only, tee welds of the full pene- in accordance with [9] to [14], as applicable for the tank
tration type may be used depending on the results of the type.
tests carried out at the approval of the welding procedure.
Except for small penetrations on domes, nozzle welds shall 7.4.2 All tanks shall be subject to a tightness test which
also be designed with full penetration. may be performed in combination with the pressure test
referred to in [7.4.1].
7.2.2 Welding joint details for type C independent tanks,
and for the liquid-tight primary barriers Design for gluing of 7.4.3 Requirements with respect to inspection of secondary
type B independent tanks primarily constructed of curved barriers shall be decided by the Society in each case, taking
surfaces, shall be as follows: into account the accessibility of the barrier (see [2.4.3]).

• all longitudinal and circumferential joints shall be of butt 7.4.4 For containment systems with glued secondary barri-
welded, full penetration, double vee or single vee type. ers:
Full penetration butt welds shall be obtained by double
• At the time of construction, a tightness test should be
welding or by the use of backing rings. If used, backing
carried out in accordance with approved system design-
rings shall be removed except from very small process ers’ procedures and acceptance criteria before and after
pressure vessels. Other edge preparations may be per-
initial cool down. Low differential pressures tests are not
mitted, depending on the results of the tests carried out
considered an acceptable test.
at the approval of the welding procedure; and
• If the designer’s threshold values are exceeded, an
• the bevel preparation of the joints between the tank investigation is to be carried out and additional testing
body and domes and between domes and relevant fit- such as thermographic or acoustic emissions testing
tings shall be designed according to a standard accept- should be carried out.
able to the Society. All welds connecting nozzles,
domes or other penetrations of the vessel and all welds • The values recorded should be used as reference for
connecting flanges to the vessel or nozzles shall be full future assessment of secondary barrier tightness.
penetration welds. For containment systems with welded metallic secondary
barriers, a tightness test after initial cool down is not
7.2.3 Where applicable, all the construction processes and required.
testing, except that specified in [7.4], shall be done in
accordance with the applicable provisions of Ch 9, Sec 6. 7.4.5 The Society may require that for ships fitted with
novel type B independent tanks, or tanks designed accord-
7.2.4 The following provisions apply to independent tanks: ing to [15.1] at least one prototype tank and its supporting
• Tracing, cutting and shaping are to be carried out so as structures shall be instrumented with strain gauges or other
to prevent, at the surface of the pieces, the production suitable equipment to confirm stress levels. Similar instru-
of defects detrimental to their use. In particular, marking mentation may be required for type C independent tanks,
the plates by punching and starting welding arcs outside depending on their configuration and on the arrangement of
the welding zone are to be avoided. their supports and attachments.
• Before welding, the edges to be welded are to be carefully 7.4.6 The overall performance of the cargo containment
examined, with possible use of non-destructive examina- system shall be verified for compliance with the design
tion, in particular when chamfers are carried out. parameters during the first full loading and discharging of
• In all cases, the working units are to be efficiently pro- the cargo, in accordance with the survey procedure and
tected against bad weather. requirements in IGC Code, 1.6, and the requirements of the
Society. Records of the performance of the components
• The execution of provisional welds, where any, is to be and equipment essential to verify the design parameters,
subjected to the same requirements as the construc-
shall be maintained and be available to the Society.
tional welds. After elimination of the fillets, the area is
to be carefully ground and inspected (the inspection is 7.4.7 Heating arrangements, if fitted in accordance with
to include, if necessary, a penetrant fluid test). [6.2.5] and [6.2.6], shall be tested for required heat output
• All welding consumables are subject to agreement. and heat distribution.
Welders are also to be agreed.
7.4.8 The cargo containment system shall be inspected for
cold spots during, or immediately following, the first loaded
7.3 Design for gluing and other joining pro- voyage. Inspection of the integrity of thermal insulation sur-
cesses faces that cannot be visually checked shall be carried out in
accordance with recognized standards.
7.3.1 The design of the joint to be glued (or joined by some
other process except welding) shall take account of the 7.4.9 Tests are to be performed at the minimum service
strength characteristics of the joining process. temperature or at a temperature very close to it.

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Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 4

7.4.10 The reliquefaction and inert gas production systems, 8.3 Supports of type A and type B
if any, and the installation, if any, for use of gas as fuel for independent tanks
boilers and internal combustion engines are also to be
tested to the satisfaction of the Surveyor. 8.3.1 For parts, such as supporting structures, not other-
wise covered by the requirements of the Code, stresses shall
7.4.11 be determined by direct calculations, taking into account
• All operating data and temperatures read during the first the loads referred to in [3.2] to [3.5] as far as applicable, and
voyage of the loaded ship are to be sent to the Society. the ship deflection in way of supporting structures.
• Attention is drawn to the requirements of Ch 9, Sec 1,
[6.2.4] regarding the cold spots examination that is to 8.3.2 The tanks with supports shall be designed for the
be carried out on ships carrying liquefied natural gases accidental loads specified in [3.5]. These loads need not be
(LNG) in bulk during the first loaded voyage. combined with each other or with environmental loads.

7.4.12 All data and temperatures read during subsequent 8.3.3 Moreover the tanks with supports are also to be
voyages are to be kept at the disposal of the Society for a designed for a static angle of heel of 30°.
suitable period of time.
8.3.4 Vertical supports
8 Supports The structure of the tank and of the ship is to be reinforced
in way of the vertical supports so as to withstand the reac-
8.1 Supporting arrangement tions and the corresponding moments.
It is to be checked that the combined stress, in N/mm2, in
8.1.1 The cargo tanks shall be supported by the hull in a
supports is in compliance with the following formula:
manner that prevents bodily movement of the tank under
the static and dynamic loads defined in [3.2] to [3.5], where σC ≤ σALL
applicable, while allowing contraction and expansion of the where:
tank under temperature variations and hull deflections with-
σALL : Allowable stress, in N/mm2, defined in:
out undue stressing of the tank and the hull.
• Tab 4, for type A independent tanks
8.1.2 Supports and supporting arrangements shall withstand • Article [10] for type B independent tanks.
the loads defined in [3.3.9] and [3.5], but these loads need not
be combined with each other or with wave-induced loads Table 4 : Allowable stresses in supports for
type A independent tanks
8.1.3 The reaction forces in way of tank supports are to be
transmitted as directly as possible to the hull primary sup-
Allowable stress σALL, in N/mm2
porting members, minimising stress concentrations.
Type of support Three dimen-
Where the reaction forces are not in the plane of primary Beam model
sional model
members, web plates and brackets are to be provided in
order to transmit these loads by means of shear stresses. Vertical support The lower of:
Antirolling support 230/k • Rm / 2,66
8.1.4 Special attention is to be paid to continuity of struc- Antipitching support • ReH / 1,33
ture between circular tank supports and the primary sup-
porting members of the ship. 8.3.5 Antirolling supports
a) Antirolling supports are to be checked under transverse
8.1.5 Openings in tank supports and hull structures in way
and vertical accelerations, as defined in [8.2.1] for the
of tank supports are to be minimized and local strengthen-
inclined ship conditions, and applied on the maximum
ing may be necessary.
weight of the full tank.
8.1.6 Insulating materials for tank supports are to be type It is to be checked that the combined stress, in N/mm2,
approved by the Society. in antirolling supports is in compliance with the follow-
Note 1: In addition to the justification of mechanical properties, the ing formula:
water absorption of the material should not be more than 6% when σC ≤ σALL
determined in accordance with DIN 53 495.
8.2 Calculation of reaction forces in way of σALL : Allowable stress, in N/mm2, defined in:
tank supports • Tab 4, for type A independent tanks
• Article [10] for type B independent tanks.
8.2.1 The reaction forces in way of tank supports are to be
obtained from the structural analysis of the tank or stiffening b) Antirolling supports are also to be checked for a static
rings in way of tank supports, considering the loads speci- angle of heel of 30° with a combined stress in compli-
fied in [3.2] to [3.5]. ance with the following formula:
The final distribution of the reaction forces at the supports is 235
σ C ≤ ----------
not to show any tensile forces. k

324 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 4

8.3.6 Antipitching supports 8.4.2 Moreover the tanks with supports are also to be
a) Antipitching supports are to be checked under longitu- designed for a static angle of heel of 30°.
dinal accelerations and vertical accelerations, as
defined in [8.2.1] for the upright conditions, and 8.4.3 The net scantlings of plating, ordinary stiffeners and
applied on the maximum weight of the full tank. primary supporting members of tank supports and hull
structures in way are to be not less than those obtained by
It is to be checked that the combined stress, in N/mm2, applying the criteria in Part B, Chapter 7.
in antipitching supports is in compliance with the fol-
lowing formula: The hull girder loads and the lateral pressure to be consid-
ered in the formulae above are to be obtained from the for-
σC ≤ σALL
mulae in Part B, Chapter 5.
σALL : Allowable stress, in N/mm2, defined in: 8.4.4 In addition to [8.4.3], the anticollision supports and
• Tab 4, for type A independent tanks antiflotation supports are to be checked according to [8.3.7]
and [8.3.8].
• Article [10] for type B independent tanks.
b) Antipitching supports are also to be checked for a static
angle of heel of 30° with a combined stress in compli-
9 Tank A independent tanks
ance with the following formula:
235 9.1 Design basis
σ C ≤ ----------
9.1.1 Type A independent tanks are tanks primarily
8.3.7 Anticollision supports designed using classical ship-structural analysis procedures
Anticollision supports are to be provided to withstand a colli- in accordance with recognized standards. Where such
sion force acting on the tank corresponding to one half the tanks are primarily constructed of plane surfaces, the design
weight of the tank and cargo in the forward direction and one vapour pressure Po shall be less than 0.07 MPa.
quarter the weight of the tank and cargo in the aft direction.
9.1.2 If the cargo temperature at atmospheric pressure is
Antipitching supports may be combined with anticollision below −10°C, a complete secondary barrier shall be pro-
supports. vided as required in [2.3]. The secondary barrier shall be
It is to be checked that the combined stress, in N/mm2, in designed in accordance with [2.4].
anticollision supports is in compliance with the following
formula: 9.2 Structural analyses
σ C ≤ ----------
k 9.2.1 A structural analysis shall be performed taking into
account the internal pressure as indicated in [3.3.2], and the
8.3.8 Antiflotation supports interaction loads with the supporting and keying system as
a) Anti-flotation arrangements shall be provided for inde- well as a reasonable part of the ship's hull.
pendent tanks and capable of withstanding the loads
defined in [3.5.3] without plastic deformation likely to 9.3 Ultimate design condition
endanger the hull structure.
9.3.1 For tanks primarily constructed of plane surfaces, the
b) Adequate clearance between the tanks and the hull
nominal membrane stresses for primary and secondary
structures is to be provided in all operating conditions.
members (stiffeners, web frames, stringers, girders), when
8.3.9 Antiflotation supports are to be provided and are to calculated by classical analysis procedures, shall not exceed
be suitable to withstand an upward force caused by an the lower of Rm /2,66 or Re /1,33 for nickel steels, carbon-
empty tank in a hold space flooded to the summer load manganese steels, austenitic steels and aluminium alloys,
draught of the ship. where Rm and Re are defined in [4.5], item c). However, if
detailed calculations are carried out for the primary mem-
It is to be checked that the combined stress, in N/mm2, in bers, the equivalent stress σc, as defined in [4.5], item d),
anticollision supports is in compliance with the following
may be increased over that indicated above to a stress
acceptable to the Society. Calculations shall take into
235 account the effects of bending, shear, axial and torsional
σ C ≤ ----------
k deformation as well as the hull/cargo tank interaction forces
due to the deflection of the double bottom and cargo tank
8.4 Supports of type C independent tanks

8.4.1 The tanks with supports shall be designed for the 9.3.2 Tank boundary scantlings shall meet at least the
accidental loads specified in [3.5]. These loads need not be requirements of the Society for deep tanks taking into
combined with each other or with environmental loads. account the internal pressure as indicated in [3.3.2] and any
corrosion allowance required by [2.1.5].

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 325

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 4

9.3.3 Plating d) The net section modulus and the net shear sectional
a) The gross thickness of plating of type A independent areas of ordinary stiffeners subject to sloshing pressure,
tanks, in mm, is to be not less than: including longitudinals, are to be checked using the for-
mulae given in Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1, [3].
t = 3,5 + 5 s
b) The gross thickness of plating subject to lateral pressure, 9.3.5 Primary supporting members
in mm, is to be not less than: a) The gross thickness of the web of primary supporting
members, in mm, is to be not less than:
t = 16, 5c a c r s ---------
- t = 5 + 0,02 L k1/2
where L is to be taken not greater than 275.
b) The yielding strength of primary supporting members is
pIGC : Internal lateral pressure, in kN/m2, in the to be in compliance with Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 3 where the
tank, as defined in [3.3.2] item e) lateral pressures PIGC are defined in [3.3.2], item e) and
c) The gross thickness of plating subject to testing pressure, the resistance partial safety factor γR in Tab 5.
in mm, is to be not less than: The tank is here considered independently from the
global structure of the ship, simply supported on his
p ST
t = 15, 4c a c r s ------
- supports. Therefore only internal pressures are taken
into account and hull girder loads are neglected.
where: c) The scantlings of primary supporting members are to be
pST : Testing pressure, in kN/m2, obtained accord- not less than those obtained from Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 3
ing to [9.5]. where the hull girder loads and the lateral pressures are
to be calculated according to Part B, Chapter 5 and the
d) The net thicknesses of plating subject to sloshing pres- resistance partial safety factor γR are defined in from:
sure are to be checked using the formula given in Pt B,
Ch 7, Sec 1, [3]. • Tab 5, for general case of yielding check
• Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 3, for other criteria.
9.3.4 Ordinary stiffeners When calculating the internal pressure, the tank
a) The gross thickness of the web of ordinary stiffeners, in dome part to be considered in the accepted total
mm, is to be not less than: tank volume is to be calculated according to Ch 9,
App 1, [1.1.2].
t = 4,5 + 0,02 L k1/2
where L is to be taken not greater than 275. 9.3.6 The cargo tank structure shall be reviewed against
potential buckling.
b) The gross section modulus w, in cm , and the gross
shear sectional area Ash, in cm2, of ordinary stiffeners Table 5 : Type A primary supporting members -
subjected to lateral pressure are to be not less than the Resistance partial safety factor
values obtained from the following formulae:
p IGC Resistance partial safety fac-
w = β b ----------------
- s 2 10 3
12σ ALL tor γR
Type of three
p IGC  s used for general
A sh = 10β s ---------
- 1 – -----
- s dimensional model used with
σ ALL  2 case of yielding
check (1)
Beam or coarse mesh finite
pIGC : Internal lateral pressure, in kN/m2, as 1,30 1,30
element model
defined in [3.3.2] item e)
Standard mesh finite element
σALL : Allowable stress, in N/mm2, taken equal to 1,10 1,15
the lower of Rm / 2,66 or ReH / 1,33.
Fine mesh finite element
1,10 1,15
c) The gross section modulus w, in cm3, and the gross model
shear sectional area Ash , in cm2, of ordinary stiffeners (1) with P calculated according to Part B, Chapter 5
subjected to testing pressure are to be not less than the
values obtained from the following formulae: 9.4 Accident design conditions
p ST 2 3
w = 1, 22β b ------------ s 10 9.4.1 The tanks and the tank supports shall be designed for
12R y
the accidental loads and design conditions specified in
p ST  s [2.1.4], item c) and [3.5], as relevant.
A sh = 12, 2β s ------
- 1 – -----
- s
Ry  2
9.4.2 When subjected to the accidental loads specified in
[3.5] and [3.3.9], the stress shall comply with the accept-
pST : Testing pressure, in kN/m2, obtained accord- ance criteria specified in [9.3], modified as appropriate, tak-
ing to [9.5]. ing into account their lower probability of occurrence.

326 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 4

9.4.3 Collision condition 9.5.3 When testing takes place after installation of the
For collision loads, the lateral pressure to be considered is cargo tank, provision is to be made prior to the launching of
to be calculated according to [3.5.2]. the ship in order to avoid excessive stresses in the ship
The structure of the tanks are to be checked for collision as
a) Plating 10 Type B independent tanks
For yielding check, the net thickness of the plating is to
be checked using the formula given in Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1, 10.1 Design basis
all the partial safety factors to be taken equal to 1.
10.1.1 Type B independent tanks are tanks designed using
b) Ordinary stiffeners
model tests, refined analytical tools and analysis methods to
For yielding check, the net section modulus and the net determine stress levels, fatigue life and crack propagation
shear sectional area of the ordinary stiffeners, including characteristics. Where such tanks are primarily constructed
longitudinals, are to be checked using the formulae of plane surfaces (prismatic tanks), the design vapour pres-
given in Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 2, [3.7.4], all the partial safety sure Po shall be less than 0.07 MPa.
factors to be taken equal to 1.
c) Primary structural members 10.1.2 If the cargo temperature at atmospheric pressure is
For yielding check, the net section modulus and the net below −10°C, a partial secondary barrier with a small leak
shear sectional area of the primary structural members protection system shall be provided as required in [2.3]. The
are to be checked using the formulae given in Pt B, Ch 7, small leak protection system shall be designed according to
Sec 3, all the partial safety factors to be taken equal to 1. [2.5].

9.4.4 Heel Condition 10.2 Structural analyses

The structure of the tanks are to be checked for heel design
condition as following: 10.2.1 The effects of all dynamic and static loads shall be
a) Plating used to determine the suitability of the structure with
respect to:
For yielding check, the net thickness of the plating is to
be checked using the formula given in Pt B Ch 7 Sec 1 • plastic deformation
[3.3.2], Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1, [3.4.2], and Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1,
• buckling
[3.5.2], as relevant, all the partial safety factors to be
taken equal to 1. • fatigue failure; and
b) Ordinary stiffeners • crack propagation.
For yielding check, the net section modulus and the net Finite element analysis or similar methods and fracture
shear sectional area of the ordinary stiffeners, including mechanics analysis, or an equivalent approach, shall be car-
longitudinals, is to be checked using the formulae given ried out.
in Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 2, [3.7.4], all the partial safety factors
to be taken equal to 1. 10.2.2 A three-dimensional analysis shall be carried out to
c) Primary structural members evaluate the stress levels, including interaction with the
ship's hull. The model for this analysis shall include the
For yielding check, the net section modulus and the net
cargo tank with its supporting and keying system, as well as
shear sectional area of the primary structural members
a reasonable part of the hull.
are to be checked using the formulae given in Pt B, Ch 7,
Sec 3, all the partial safety factors to be taken equal to 1.
10.2.3 Analysis criteria

9.5 Testing The analysis of the primary supporting members of the tank
subjected to lateral pressure based on a three dimensional
9.5.1 Testing model is to be carried out according to the following
All type A independent tanks shall be subjected to a hydro-
static or hydropneumatic test. This test shall be performed • the structural modelling is to comply with the require-
such that the stresses approximate, as far as practicable, the ments from Pt B, Ch 7, App 1, [1] to Pt B, Ch 7, App 1,
design stresses, and that the pressure at the top of the tank [3]
corresponds at least to the MARVS. When a hydropneu-
• the stress calculation is to comply with the requirements
matic test is performed, the conditions shall simulate, as far
in Pt B, Ch 7, App 1, [5]
as practicable, the design loading of the tank and of its sup-
port structure, including dynamic components, while avoid- • the model extension is to comply with [10.2.4]
ing stress levels that could cause permanent deformation. • the wave hull girder loads and the wave pressures to be
applied on the model are to comply with [10.2.5]
9.5.2 The conditions in which testing is performed are to
simulate as far as possible the actual loading on the tank • the inertial loads to be applied on the model are to com-
and its supports. ply with [3.3.2].

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 327

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 4

10.2.4 Model extension σm : Equivalent primary general membrane

The longitudinal extension of the structural model is to stress
comply with Pt B, Ch 7, App 1, [3.2]. In any case, the struc- σL : Equivalent primary local membrane
tural model is to include the hull and the tank with its sup- stress
porting and keying system. σb : Equivalent primary bending stress
10.2.5 Wave hull girder loads and wave pressures σg : Equivalent secondary stress
A complete analysis of the particular ship accelerations and f : The lesser of (Rm / A) or (Re / B); and
motions in irregular waves, and of the response of the ship F : The lesser of (Rm / C) or (Re / D)
and its cargo tanks to these forces and motions shall be per- with Rm and Re as defined in [4.5.1], item c). With
formed, unless the data is available from similar ships. regard to the stresses σm, σL, σb and σg, the definition
Wave hull girder loads and wave pressures are to be of stress categories in [4.3] are referred. The values A
obtained as the most probable the ship may experience dur- and B (and C and D) shall be shown on the Interna-
ing its operating life, for a probability level of 10−8. tional Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Lique-
Calculation are to be submitted to the Society for approval, fied Gases in Bulk and shall have at least minimum
unless these data are available from similar ships. values as per Tab 6.
The above figures may be altered, taking into
10.3 Ultimate design condition account the design condition considered in accept-
ance with the Society.
10.3.1 Plating and ordinary stiffeners b) Type B independent tanks, primarily constructed of
The thickness of the skin plate and the size of the stiffener plane surfaces
shall not be less than those required for type A independent 1) The equivalent stresses of primary supporting mem-
tanks. bers of type B independent tanks primarily con-
Scantlings of plating and ordinary stiffeners are to be calcu- structed of plane surfaces are to comply with the
lated according to [9.3]. following formula:
σE ≤ σALL
10.3.2 Primary supporting members
a) Type B independent tanks primarily constructed of bod-
σE : Equivalent stress, in N/mm2, to be
ies of revolution
obtained from the formulae in Pt B, Ch 7,
1) The equivalent stresses of primary supporting mem- App 1, [5.1], as a result of direct calcula-
bers of type B independent tanks primarily con- tions to be carried out in accordance
structed of bodies of revolution are to comply with with [10.2.3]
the following formula: σALL : Allowable stress, in N/mm2, defined in
σE ≤ σALL item 2).
where: 2) For type B independent tanks, primarily constructed
σE : Equivalent stress, in N/mm2, to be of plane surfaces, the allowable membrane equiva-
obtained from the formula in [4.5.1] lent stresses applied for finite element analysis shall
item d) for each of the following stress not exceed:
categories, defined in: • for nickel steels and carbon-manganese steels,
• primary general membrane stress the lesser of Rm /2 or Re /1,2;
• primary local membrane stress • for austenitic steels, the lesser of Rm / 2,5 or
• primary bending stress Re / 1,2; and
• secondary stress • for aluminium alloys, the lesser of Rm /2.5 or
Re /1.2.
σALL : Allowable stress, defined in 2) for each
of the stress categories above. The above figures may be amended, taking into
account the locality of the stress, stress analysis
2) For type B independent tanks, primarily constructed methods and design condition considered in accept-
of bodies of revolution, the allowable stresses shall ance with the Society.
not exceed:
σm ≤ f Table 6 :
σL ≤ 1,5 f Nickel steels
Austenitic Aluminium
σb ≤ 1,5 F and carbon
steels alloys
manganese steels
σL + σb ≤ 1,5 F
A 3 3,5 4
σm + σb ≤ 1,5 F
σm + σb+σg ≤ 3,0 F B 2 1,6 1,5

σL + σb + σg ≤ 3,0 F C 3 3 3

where: D 1,5 1,5 1,5

328 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 4

10.3.3 Buckling • Maximum and minimum inertial pressures, to be

a) Buckling strength analyses of cargo tanks subject to obtained from the formulae in [3.3.2] as a function
external pressure and other loads causing compressive of the arbitrary direction β.
stresses shall be carried out in accordance with recog- d) Simplified stress distribution for fatigue analysis
nized standards. The method shall adequately account
The simplified long-term distribution of wave loads indi-
for the difference in theoretical and actual buckling
cated in [4.6.6], item c) may be represented by means
stress as a result of plate edge misalignment, lack of
of 8 stress ranges, each characterised by an alternating
straightness or flatness, ovality and deviation from true
stress ± σi and a number of cycles ni (see Fig 4). The cor-
circular form over a specified arc or chord length, as
responding values of σi and ni are to be obtained from
the following formulae:
b) The scantlings of plating and ordinary stiffeners of type
σ i = σ 0  1 ,0625 – ---
B independent tanks are to be not less than those i
 8
obtained from the applicable formulae in Part B, Chap-
ter 7. n i = 0 ,9 ⋅ 10

c) A local buckling check is to be carried out according to where:

Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1, [5] for plate panels which constitute
σi : Stress (i = 1, 2,..., 8), in N/mm2 (see Fig 4)
primary supporting members.
σ0 : Most probable maximum stress over the life
In performing this check, the stresses in the plate panels
are to be obtained from direct calculations to be carried of the ship, in N/mm2, for a probability level
out in accordance with [10.2.3]. of 10−8
ni : Number of cycles for each stress σi consid-
10.4 Fatigue design condition ered (i = 1, 2,..., 8).

10.4.1 Fatigue and crack propagation assessment shall be Figure 4 : Simplified stress distribution
performed in accordance with [4.6]. The acceptance crite- for fatigue analysis
ria shall comply with [4.6.7], [4.6.8], [4.6.9] depending on I
the detectability of the defect.

10.4.2 Fatigue analysis shall consider construction toler-

ances. n

10.4.3 Where deemed necessary by the Society, model I0 I1

tests may be required to determine stress concentration fac- I2 I3
tors and fatigue life of structural elements. I4 I5 I7 I
I6 8

10.4.4 Fatigue analysis

10 10 2 103 104 105 106 107 108
a) General
The fatigue analysis is to be performed for areas where e) Conventional cumulative damage
high wave induced stresses or large stress concentra- For each structural detail for which the fatigue analysis
tions are expected, for welded joints and parent mate- is to be carried out, the conventional cumulative dam-
rial. Such areas are to be defined by the Designer and age is to be calculated according to the following proce-
agreed by the Society on a case-by-case basis. dure:
b) Material properties • The long-term value of hot spot stress range ΔσS,0 is
The material properties affecting fatigue of the items to be obtained from the following formula:
checked are to be documented. Where this documenta- Δσ S, 0 = σ S, MAX – σ S, MIN
tion is not available, the Society may request to obtain
these properties from experiments performed in accord- where:
ance with recognised standards. σS,MAX, σS,MIN: Maximum and minimum hot spot
c) Wave loads stress to be obtained from a structural
analysis carried out in accordance with
In upright ship and in inclined ship conditions the wave Pt B, Ch 7, App 1, where the wave loads
loads to be considered for the fatigue analysis of the are those defined in [10.4.4] item c).
tank include:
• The long-term value of the notch stress range ΔσN,0 is
• maximum and minimum wave hull girder loads and
obtained from the formulae in Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 4,
wave pressures, to be obtained from a complete anal-
[4.3] as a function of the hot spot stress range ΔσS,0 .
ysis of the ship motion and accelerations in irregular
waves, to be submitted to the Society for approval, • The long-term distribution of notch stress ranges
unless these data are available from similar ships. ΔσN,I is to be calculated. Each stress range ΔσN,I of
These loads are to be obtained as the most probable the distribution, corresponding to ni stress cycles, is
the ship may experience during its operating life, for a obtained from the formulae in item d), where σ0 is
probability level of 10−8. taken equal to ΔσN,0 .

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 329

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 4

Figure 5 : Fatigue check based on conventional cumulative damage method

log,I log,I

,I N,O


log n log N
Distribution of notch stress ranges S-N curve corresponding to the as-rolled condition

• For each notch stress range ΔσN,I, the number of c) Simplified stress distribution for crack propagation anal-
stress cycles NI which cause the fatigue failure is to ysis
be obtained by means of S-N curves corresponding The simplified wave load distribution indicated in
to the as-rolled condition (see Fig 5). The criteria [4.6.6] item c) may be represented over a period of 15
adopted for obtaining the S-N curves are to be docu- days by means of 5 stress ranges, each characterised by
mented. Where this documentation is not available, an alternating stress ± σi and number of cycles, ni (see
the Society may require the curves to be obtained Fig 6). The corresponding values of σi and ni are to be
from experiments performed in accordance with obtained from the following formulae:
recognised standards.
σ i = σ 0  1 ,1 – --------
• The conventional cumulative damage for the i notch  5 ,3
stress ranges ΔσN,I is to be obtained from the formula i
n i = 0 ,913 ⋅ 10
in [4.6.2].
f) Check criteria σi : Stress (i = 1,06; 2,12; 3,18; 4,24; 5,30), in
The conventional cumulative damage, to be calculated N/mm2 (see Fig 6)
according to item e) is to be not greater than CW, σ0 : Defined in [10.4.4], item d)
defined in [4.6.2]. ni : Number of cycles for each stress σi consid-
ered (i = 1,06; 2,12; 3,18; 4,24; 5,30).
10.4.5 Crack propagation analysis
Figure 6 : Simplified stress distribution
a) General
for crack propagation analysis
The crack propagation analysis is to be carried out for
highly stressed areas. The latter are to be defined by the probability
-8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1
Designer and agreed by the Society on a case-by-case I0 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 1 level
basis. Propagation rates in the parent material, weld
metal and heat-affected zone are to be considered.
The following checks are to be carried out:
• crack propagation from an initial defect, in order to
check that the defect will not grow and cause a brit-
tle fracture before the defect is detected; this check
is to be carried out according to item d) ,I1 ,I2 ,I3 ,I4 ,I5 2.10 5 N
1 101 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 6 107 108
• crack propagation from an initial through thickness ni
defect, in order to check that the defect, resulting in
15 days
a leakage, will not grow and cause a brittle fracture
less than 15 days after its detection; this check is to
be carried out according to item e). d) Crack propagation analysis from an initial defect
It is to be checked that an initial crack will not grow,
b) Material properties under wave loading based on the stress distribution in
[10.4.4] d), beyond the allowable crack size.
The material fracture mechanical properties used for the
crack propagation analysis, i.e. the properties relating The initial size and shape of the crack is to be consid-
the crack propagation rate to the stress intensity range at ered by the Society on a case-by-case basis, taking into
the crack tip, are to be documented for the various account the structural detail and the inspection method.
thicknesses of parent material and weld metal alike. The allowable crack size is to be considered by the
Where this documentation is not available, the Society Society on a case-by-case basis; in any event, it is to be
may request to obtain these properties from experiments taken less than that which may lead to a loss of effec-
performed in accordance with recognised standards. tiveness of the structural element considered.

330 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 4

e) Crack propagation analysis from an initial through thick- 10.6.3 When testing takes place after installation of the
ness defect cargo tank, provision is to be made prior to the launching of
It is to be checked that an initial through thickness crack the ship in order to avoid excessive stresses in the ship
will not grow, under dynamic loading based on the stress structures.
distribution in item c), beyond the allowable crack size.
The initial size of the through thickness crack is to be 10.7 Marking
taken not less than that through which the minimum
10.7.1 Any marking of the pressure vessel shall be achieved
flow size that can be detected by the monitoring system
by a method that does not cause unacceptable local stress
(e.g. gas detectors) may pass.
The allowable crack size is to be considered by the Soci-
ety on a case-by-case basis; in any event, it is to be taken
far less than the critical crack length, defined in item f). 11 Type C independent tanks
f) Critical crack length
11.1 Design basis
The critical crack length is the crack length from which a
brittle fracture may initiate and it is to be considered by 11.1.1 The design basis for type C independent tanks is
the Society on a case-by-case basis. In any event, it is to based on pressure vessel criteria modified to include frac-
be evaluated for the most probable maximum stress ture mechanics and crack propagation criteria. The mini-
experienced by the structural element in the ship life, mum design pressure defined in item [11.1.2] is intended to
which is equal to the stress in the considered detail ensure that the dynamic stress is sufficiently low, so that an
obtained from the structural analysis to be performed in initial surface flaw will not propagate more than half the
accordance with [10.2.3]. thickness of the shell during the lifetime of the tank.

10.5 Accident design condition 11.1.2 The design vapour pressure, in MPa, shall not be
less than:
10.5.1 The tanks and the tank supports shall be designed Po =0.2 + AC(ρr)1,5
for the accidental loads and design conditions specified in
[2.1.4], item c) and [3.5], as applicable. where:
σm  2
A = 0,00185  ---------
10.5.2 When subjected to the accidental loads specified in  Δσ A
[3.5] and [3.3.9], the stress shall comply with the accept-
ance criteria specified in [10.3], modified as appropriate, with:
taking into account their lower probability of occurrence. σm : Design primary membrane stress

10.5.3 Collision condition ΔσA : Allowable dynamic membrane stress (double

amplitude at probability level Q = 10-8) and
The structure of the tank is to be checked for collision loads
equal to:
using pressure and criteria defined in [9.4.3].
• 55 N/mm2 for ferritic-perlitic, martensitic
10.5.4 Heel condition and austenitic steel
The structure of the tank is to be checked for heel loads • 25 N/mm2 for aluminium alloy (5083-O)
using pressure and criteria defined in [9.4.4].
C : A characteristic tank dimension to be taken as
the greatest of the following:
10.6 Testing • h
10.6.1 Type B independent tanks shall be subjected to a • 0,75 b
hydrostatic or hydropneumatic test as follows: • 0,45 
• the test shall be performed as required in [9.5] for type A with
independent tanks; and
h : Height of tank (dimension in ship's
• in addition, the maximum primary membrane stress or vertical direction), in m
maximum bending stress in primary members under test
b : Width of tank (dimension in ship's
conditions shall not exceed 90% of the yield strength of
the material (as fabricated) at the test temperature. To transverse direction), in m
ensure that this condition is satisfied, when calculations  : Length of tank (dimension in ship's
indicate that this stress exceeds 75% of the yield longitudinal direction), in m
strength, the prototype test shall be monitored by the ρr : The relative density of the cargo (ρr = 1 for fresh
use of strain gauges or other suitable equipment.
water) at the design temperature.
10.6.2 The conditions in which testing is performed are to When a specified design life of the tank is longer than 108
simulate as far as possible the actual loading on the tank wave encounters, ΔσA shall be modified to give equivalent
and its supports. crack propagation corresponding to the design life.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 331

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 4

11.1.3 The Society may allocate a tank complying with the P3 : Compressive actions in or on the shell due to
criteria of type C tank minimum design pressure as in the weight and contraction of thermal insula-
[11.1.2], to a type A or type B, dependent on the configura- tion, weight of shell including corrosion allow-
tion of the tank and the arrangement of its supports and ance and other miscellaneous external pressure
loads to which the pressure vessel may be sub-
jected. These include, but are not limited to,
weight of domes, weight of towers and piping,
11.2 Shell thickness effect of product in the partially filled condition,
accelerations and hull deflection. In addition,
the local effect of external or internal pressures
11.2.1 The shell thickness shall be as follows:
or both shall be taken into account; and
a) For pressure vessels, the thickness calculated according P4 : External pressure due to head of water for pres-
to [11.2.4] shall be considered as a minimum thickness sure vessels or part of pressure vessels on
after forming, without any negative tolerance. exposed decks; elsewhere P4 = 0.

b) For pressure vessels, the minimum thickness of shell and 11.2.4 Scantlings based on internal pressure shall be calcu-
heads including corrosion allowance, after forming, shall lated as follows: the thickness and form of pressure-contain-
ing parts of pressure vessels, under internal pressure, as
not be less than 5 mm for carbon-manganese steels and
defined in [3.3.2], including flanges, shall be determined.
nickel steels, 3 mm for austenitic steels or 7 mm for alu- These calculations shall in all cases be based on accepted
minium alloys. pressure vessel design theory. Openings in pressure-con-
taining parts of pressure vessels shall be reinforced in
c) The welded joint efficiency factor to be used in the cal-
accordance with recognized standards.
culation according to [11.2.4] shall be 0,95 when the
inspection and the non-destructive testing referred to in 11.2.5 Stress analysis in respect of static and dynamic loads
Ch 9, Sec 6, [5.6.7] are carried out. This figure may be shall be performed as follows:
increased up to 1 when account is taken of other con- • Pressure vessel scantlings shall be determined in accord-
siderations, such as the material used, type of joints, ance with [11.2.1] to [11.2.4] and [11.3].
welding procedure and type of loading. For process • Calculations of the loads and stresses in way of the sup-
pressure vessels, the Society may accept partial non- ports and the shell attachment of the support shall be
destructive examinations, but not less than those of Ch made. Loads referred to in [3.2] to [3.5] shall be used, as
9, Sec 6, [5.6.6], depending on such factors as the mate- applicable. Stresses in way of the supporting structures
shall be to a recognized standard acceptable to the
rial used, the design temperature, the nil-ductility transi-
Society. In special cases, a fatigue analysis may be
tion temperature of the material, as fabricated, and the required by the Society.
type of joint and welding procedure, but in this case an
• If required by the Society, secondary stresses and ther-
efficiency factor of not more than 0,85 shall be adopted. mal stresses shall be specially considered.
For special materials, the above-mentioned factors shall
be reduced, depending on the specified mechanical 11.3 Ultimate design condition
properties of the welded joint.
11.3.1 The type C independent cargo tanks are to comply
11.2.2 The design liquid pressure defined in [3.3.2] shall be with the requirements of Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 3 related to class 1
taken into account in the internal pressure calculations. pressure vessels. The allowable stresses are defined in

11.2.3 The design external pressure Pe, in MPa, used for 11.3.2 Plastic deformation
verifying the buckling of the pressure vessels, shall not be For type C independent tanks, the allowable stresses shall
less than that given by: not exceed:
σm ≤ f
Pe = P1 + P2 + P3 + P4
σL ≤ 1,5 f
where: σb ≤ 1,5 f
P1 : Setting value of vacuum relief valves. For vessels σL + σb ≤ 1,5 f
not fitted with vacuum relief valves, P1 shall be σm + σb ≤ 1,5 f
specially considered, but shall not, in general, σm + σb+σg ≤ 3,0 f
be taken as less than 0,025 MPa σL + σb + σg ≤ 3,0 f
P2 : The set pressure of the pressure relief valves where:
(PRVs) for completely closed spaces containing σm : Equivalent primary general membrane stress
pressure vessels or parts of pressure vessels; σL : Equivalent primary local membrane stress
elsewhere P2=0 σb : Equivalent primary bending stress

332 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 4

σg : Equivalent secondary stress d) Lateral pressure

f : The lesser of (Rm / A) or (Re / B) The lateral pressure to be considered for the check of
with Rm and Re as defined in [4.5], item c). With regard to the stiffening rings is to be obtained from [3.3.2].
the stresses σm, σL, σb and σg, the definition of stress catego-
e) Yielding check
ries in [4.3] are referred. The values A and B shall be shown
on the International Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of The equivalent stress in stiffening rings in way of sup-
Liquefied Gases in Bulk and shall have at least the minimum ports is to comply with the following formula:
values as per Tab 7.
σE ≤ σALL
Table 7 : where:
σE : Equivalent stress in stiffening rings calcu-
Nickel steels lated for the load cases defined in [8.1.2]
Austenitic Aluminium
and carbon and to be obtained from the following for-
steels alloys
manganese steels mula:
A 3 3,5 4
σE = ( σ N + σ B ) + 3τ 2
B 1,5 1,5 1,5
σN : Normal stress, in N/mm2, in the circumfer-
11.3.3 Buckling ential direction of the stiffening ring
Buckling criteria shall be as follows: the thickness and form
of pressure vessels subject to external pressure and other σB : Bending stress, in N/mm2, in the circumfer-
loads causing compressive stresses shall be based on calcu- ential direction of the stiffening ring
lations using accepted pressure vessel buckling theory and τ : Shear stress, in N/mm2, in the stiffening ring
shall adequately account for the difference in theoretical
and actual buckling stress as a result of plate edge misalign- σALL : Allowable stress, in N/mm2, to be taken
ment, ovality and deviation from true circular form over a equal to the lesser of the following values:
specified arc or chord length. • 0,57 Rm
11.3.4 Stiffening rings in way of tanks supports • 0,85 ReH
a) Structural model f) Buckling check
The stiffening rings in way of supports of horizontal
cylindrical tanks are to be modelled as circumferential The buckling strength of the stiffening rings is to be
beams constituted by web, flange, doubler plate, if any, checked in compliance with the applicable formulae in
and plating attached to the stiffening rings. Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 2.

b) Width of attached plating

On each side of the web, the width of the attached plat-
11.4 Fatigue design condition
ing to be considered for the yielding and buckling
checks of the stiffening rings, as in item e) and item f), 11.4.1 For large type C independent tanks, where the
respectively, is to be obtained, in mm, from the follow- cargo at atmospheric pressure is below −55°C, the Society
ing formulae: may require additional verification to check their compli-
ance with [11.1.1] regarding static and dynamic stress.
• b = 0 ,78 rt for cylindrical shell,
• b = 20 tb for longitudinal bulkheads (in the 11.5 Accident design condition
case of lobe tanks)
where: 11.5.1 The tanks and the tank supporting structures shall
r : Mean radius, in mm, of the cylindrical shell be designed for the accidental loads and design conditions
specified in [2.1.4], item c) and [3.5], as applicable.
t : Shell thickness, in mm
tb : Bulkhead thickness, in mm. 11.5.2 When subjected to the accidental loads specified in
A doubler plate, if any, may be considered as belonging [3.5] and [3.3.9], the stress shall comply with the accept-
to the attached plating. ance criteria specified in [11.3.1], modified as appropriate
c) Boundary conditions taking into account their lower probability of occurrence.
The boundary conditions of the stiffening ring are to be
modelled as follows: 11.5.3 Collision condition
• circumferential forces applied on each side of the The structure of the tank is to be checked for collision loads
ring, whose resultant is equal to the shear force in using pressure and criteria defined in [9.4.3].
the tank and calculated through the bi-dimensional
shear flow theory 11.5.4 Heel condition
• reaction forces in way of tank supports, to be The structure of the tank is to be checked for heel loads
obtained according to [8.2]. using pressure and criteria defined in [9.4.4].

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11.6 Testing 12 Membrane tanks

11.6.1 Each pressure vessel shall be subjected to a hydro-

12.1 Design basis
static test at a pressure measured at the top of the tanks, of
not less than 1.5 Po. In no case during the pressure test shall
12.1.1 The design basis for membrane containment sys-
the calculated primary membrane stress at any point exceed
tems is that thermal and other expansion or contraction is
90% of the yield stress of the material. To ensure that this compensated for without undue risk of losing the tightness
condition is satisfied where calculations indicate that this of the membrane.
stress will exceed 0,75 times the yield strength, the proto-
type test shall be monitored by the use of strain gauges or 12.1.2 A systematic approach based on analysis and testing
other suitable equipment in pressure vessels other than sim- shall be used to demonstrate that the system will provide its
ple cylindrical and spherical pressure vessels. intended function in consideration of the events identified
in service as specified in [12.2.1].
11.6.2 The temperature of the water used for the test shall
be at least 30°C above the nil-ductility transition tempera- 12.1.3 If the cargo temperature at atmospheric pressure is
ture of the material, as fabricated. below −10°C, a complete secondary barrier shall be pro-
vided as required in [2.3]. The secondary barrier shall be
designed according to [2.4].
11.6.3 The pressure shall be held for 2 h per 25 mm of
thickness, but in no case less than 2 h.
12.1.4 The design vapour pressure Po shall not normally
exceed 0,025 MPa. If the hull scantlings are increased
11.6.4 Where necessary for cargo pressure vessels, a
accordingly and consideration is given, where appropriate,
hydropneumatic test may be carried out under the condi- to the strength of the supporting thermal insulation, Po may
tions prescribed in [11.6.1] to [11.6.3]. be increased to a higher value, but less than 0.07 MPa.

11.6.5 Special consideration may be given to the testing of 12.1.5 The definition of membrane tanks does not exclude
tanks in which higher allowable stresses are used, depend- designs such as those in which non-metallic membranes are
ing on service temperature. However, the requirements of used or where membranes are included or incorporated
[11.6.1] shall be fully complied with. into the thermal insulation.

11.6.6 After completion and assembly, each pressure vessel 12.1.6 The thickness of the membranes shall not normally
and its related fittings shall be subjected to an adequate exceed 10 mm.
tightness test which may be performed in combination with
the pressure testing referred to in [11.6.1]. 12.1.7 The circulation of inert gas throughout the primary
insulation space and the secondary insulation space, in
accordance with Ch 9, Sec 9, [1.2.1], shall be sufficient to
11.6.7 Pneumatic testing of pressure vessels other than
allow for effective means of gas detection.
cargo tanks shall only be considered on an individual case
basis. Such testing shall only be permitted for those vessels
designed or supported such that they cannot be safely filled 12.2 Design consideration
with water, or for those vessels that cannot be dried and are
to be used in a service where traces of the testing medium 12.2.1 Potential incidents that could lead to loss of fluid
cannot be tolerated. tightness over the life of the membranes shall be evaluated.
These include, but are not limited to:
11.6.8 The conditions in which testing is performed are to a) Ultimate design events:
simulate as far as possible the actual loading on the tank
and its supports. • tensile failure of membranes

• compressive collapse of thermal insulation

11.6.9 When testing takes place after installation of the
cargo tank, provision is to be made prior to the launching of • thermal ageing
the ship in order to avoid excessive stresses in the ship • loss of attachment between thermal insulation and
structures. hull structure

• loss of attachment of membranes to thermal insula-

11.7 Marking tion system

• structural integrity of internal structures and their

11.7.1 The required marking of the pressure vessel shall be
supporting structures; and
achieved by a method that does not cause unacceptable
local stress raisers. • failure of the supporting hull structure.

334 Bureau Veritas July 2018

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b) Fatigue design events: 12.5.2 The choice of strength acceptance criteria for the
• fatigue of membranes including joints and attach- failure modes of the cargo containment system, its attach-
ments to hull structure ments to the hull structure and internal tank structures, shall
reflect the consequences associated with the considered
• fatigue cracking of thermal insulation mode of failure.
• fatigue of internal structures and their supporting
structures; and 12.5.3 The inner hull scantlings shall meet the requirements
for deep tanks, taking into account the internal pressure as
• fatigue cracking of inner hull leading to ballast water
indicated in [3.3.2] and the specified appropriate require-
ments for sloshing load as defined in [3.4.4].
c) Accident design events:
• accidental mechanical damage (such as dropped 12.5.4 Specific allowable hull girder stresses and/or deflec-
objects inside the tank while in service) tions, indicated by the Designer, are to be taken into
account for the determination of the scantlings.
• accidental overpressurization of thermal insulation
spaces 12.5.5 The net scantlings of plating, ordinary stiffeners and
• accidental vacuum in the tank; and primary supporting members of membrane tanks are to be
not less than those obtained from Part B, Chapter 7, where
• water ingress through the inner hull structure.
the hull girder loads and the internal pressure are to be cal-
Designs where a single internal event could cause simulta- culated according to Part B, Chapter 5.
neous or cascading failure of both membranes are unac-
ceptable. 12.5.6 Moreover, the net scantlings of plating, ordinary
stiffeners and primary supporting members of membrane
12.2.2 The necessary physical properties (mechanical, tanks are to be not less than those obtained from [5].
thermal, chemical, etc.) of the materials used in the con-
struction of the cargo containment system shall be estab- 12.5.7 Plating subjected to sloshing pressures
lished during the design development in accordance with
The net thicknesses of plating subject to sloshing pressure
are to be checked using the formula given in Pt B, Ch 7, Sec
1, [3.5.1] with:
12.3 Loads and loads combinations
• pw = 0
12.3.1 Particular consideration shall be given to the possi- • ps to be taken equal to psl given in Ch 9, App 1, [2.2.2]
ble loss of tank integrity due to either an overpressure in the
interbarrier space, a possible vacuum in the cargo tank, the • partial safety factors given in Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1, Tab 1,
sloshing effects, hull vibration effects, or any combination of column “sloshing”.
these events.
Areas to be checked for sloshing pressure are defined in Ch
9, App 1, [2.2]
12.4 Structural analysis
No buckling check is required.
12.4.1 Structural analyses and/or testing for the purpose of
determining the ultimate strength and fatigue assessments of 12.5.8 Ordinary stiffeners subjected to sloshing loads
the cargo containment and associated structures, e.g. struc- The net section modulus and the net shear sectional areas
tures as defined in [2.7], shall be performed. The structural of ordinary stiffeners subject to sloshing pressure, including
analysis shall provide the data required to assess each fail- longitudinals, are to be checked using the formulae given in
ure mode that has been identified as critical for the cargo Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 2, [3.7.4] with:
containment system. • pw = 0
12.4.2 Structural analyses of the hull shall take into account • ps to be taken equal to psl given in Ch 9, App 1, [2.2.2]
the internal pressure as indicated in [3.3.2]. Special atten-
• partial safety factors given in Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1, Tab 1,
tion shall be paid to deflections of the hull and their com-
column “sloshing”.
patibility with the membrane and associated thermal
insulation. Areas to be checked for sloshing pressure are defined in Ch
9, App 1, [2.2]
12.4.3 The analyses referred to in [12.4.1] [12.4.2] shall be
based on the particular motions, accelerations and response No buckling check is required.
of ships and cargo containment systems.
12.6 Fatigue design condition
12.5 Ultimate design condition
12.6.1 Fatigue analysis shall be carried out for structures
12.5.1 The structural resistance of every critical compo- inside the tank, i.e. pump towers, and for parts of mem-
nent, subsystem or assembly shall be established, in accord- brane and pump tower attachments, where failure develop-
ance with [12.1.2], for in-service conditions. ment cannot be reliably detected by continuous monitoring.

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12.6.2 The fatigue calculations shall be carried out in and physical models shall represent the most extreme ser-
accordance with [4.6], with relevant requirements depend- vice conditions the cargo containment system will be likely
ing on: to encounter over its life. Proposed acceptance criteria for
• the significance of the structural components with periodic testing of secondary barriers required in [2.4.3]
respect to structural integrity; and may be based on the results of testing carried out on the
prototype-scaled model.
• availability for inspection.
12.9.2 The fatigue performance of the membrane materials
12.6.3 For structural elements for which it can be demon-
and representative welded or bonded joints in the mem-
strated by tests and/or analyses that a crack will not develop
branes shall be determined by tests. The ultimate strength
to cause simultaneous or cascading failure of both mem-
and fatigue performance of arrangements for securing the
branes, Cw shall be less than or equal to 0,5.
thermal insulation system to the hull structure shall be deter-
mined by analyses or tests.
12.6.4 Structural elements subject to periodic inspection,
and where an unattended fatigue crack can develop to
cause simultaneous or cascading failure of both mem- 12.10 Testing
branes, shall satisfy the fatigue and fracture mechanics
requirements stated in [4.6.8]. 12.10.1 In ships fitted with membrane cargo containment
systems, all tanks and other spaces that may normally con-
12.6.5 Structural element not accessible for in-service tain liquid and are adjacent to the hull structure supporting
inspection, and where a fatigue crack can develop without the membrane, shall be hydrostatically tested.
warning to cause simultaneous or cascading failure of both
membranes, shall satisfy the fatigue and fracture mechanics 12.10.2 All hold structures supporting the membrane shall
requirements stated in [4.6.9]. be tested for tightness before installation of the cargo con-
tainment system.
12.7 Accident design condition
12.10.3 Pipe tunnels and other compartments that do not
12.7.1 The containment system and the supporting hull normally contain liquid need not be hydrostatically tested.
structure shall be designed for the accidental loads specified
12.10.4 The testing of membrane and semi-membrane tanks
in [3.5]. These loads need not be combined with each other
is to comply with the requirements in Pt B, Ch 11, Sec 3.
or with environmental loads.

12.7.2 Collision condition 13 Integral tanks

The structure of the tank is to be checked for collision loads
using pressure and criteria defined in [9.4.3].
13.1 Design basis
12.7.3 Additional relevant accident scenarios shall be
13.1.1 Integral tanks that form a structural part of the hull
determined based on a risk analysis. Particular attention
and are affected by the loads that stress the adjacent hull
shall be paid to securing devices inside tanks.
structure shall comply with the following:

12.8 Structural details • the design vapour pressure Po as defined in [1.2.2] shall
not normally exceed 0,025 MPa. If the hull scantlings
12.8.1 Cut-outs and connections in membrane tanks are increased accordingly, Po may be increased to a
higher value, but less than 0,07 MPa
Cut-outs for the passage of inner hull and cofferdam bulk-
head ordinary stiffeners through the vertical webs are to be • integral tanks may be used for products, provided the
closed by collar plates welded to the inner hull plating. boiling point of the cargo is not below −10°C. A lower
temperature may be accepted by the Society subject to
Where deemed necessary, adequate reinforcements are to
special consideration, but in such cases a complete sec-
be fitted in the double hull and transverse cofferdams at
ondary barrier shall be provided; and
connection of the cargo containment system to the hull
structure. Details of the connection are to be submitted to • products required by Ch 9, Sec 19 to be carried in type
the Society for approval. 1G ships shall not be carried in integral tanks.

12.9 Design development testing 13.2 Structural analysis

12.9.1 The design development testing required in 13.2.1 The structural analysis of integral tanks shall be in
[12.1.2], shall include a series of analytical and physical accordance with recognized standards.
models of both the primary and secondary barriers, includ-
ing corners and joints, tested to verify that they will with- 13.2.2 The net scantlings of plating, ordinary stiffeners and
stand the expected combined strains due to static, dynamic primary supporting members of integral tanks are to be not
and thermal loads. This will culminate in the construction of less than those obtained from Part B, Chapter 7, where the
a prototype-scaled model of the complete cargo contain- hull girder loads and the internal pressure are to be calcu-
ment system. Testing conditions considered in the analytical lated according to Part B, Chapter 5.

336 Bureau Veritas July 2018

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13.3 Ultimate design condition 14.1.4 In the case of semi-membrane tanks that comply in
all respects with the requirements applicable to type B inde-
13.3.1 The tank boundary scantlings shall meet the require- pendent tanks, except for the manner of support, the Soci-
ments for deep tanks, taking into account the internal pres- ety may, after special consideration, accept a partial
sure a indicated in [3.3.2]. secondary barrier.
13.3.2 For integral tanks, allowable stresses shall normally
be those given for hull structure in the requirements of the 15 Cargo containment systems of novel
Society. configuration
13.4 Accident design condition
15.1 Limit state design for novel concepts
13.4.1 The tanks and the tank supports shall be designed
for the accidental loads specified in [2.1.4], item c) and 15.1.1 Cargo containment systems that are of a novel con-
[3.5], as relevant. figuration that cannot be designed using [9] to [14] shall be
designed using this sub-article and Articles [2] and [3], and
13.4.2 When subjected to the accidental loads specified in also Articles [4], [6] and [7] as applicable. Cargo contain-
[3.5] and [3.3.9], the stress shall comply with the accept- ment system design according to this section shall be based
ance criteria specified in [13.3], modified as appropriate, on the principles of limit state design which is an approach
taking into account their lower probability of occurrence. to structural design that can be applied to established
design solutions as well as novel designs. This more generic
13.5 Testing approach maintains a level of safety similar to that achieved
for known containment systems as designed using [9] to
13.5.1 All integral tanks shall be hydrostatically or hydro- [14].
pneumatically tested.The test shall be performed so that the
stresses approximate, as far as practicable, to the design 15.1.2 The limit state design is a systematic approach
stresses and that the pressure at the top of the tank corre- where each structural element is evaluated with respect to
sponds at least to the MARVS. possible failure modes related to the design conditions iden-
tified in [2.1.4]. A limit state can be defined as a condition
13.5.2 The testing of integral tanks is to comply with the
beyond which the structure, or part of a structure, no longer
requirements in Pt B, Ch 11, Sec 3.
satisfies the requirements.

14 Semi-membrane tanks 15.1.3 For each failure mode, one or more limit states may
be relevant. By consideration of all relevant limit states, the
14.1 Design basis limit load for the structural element is found as the minimum
limit load resulting from all the relevant limit states. The limit
14.1.1 Semi-membrane tanks are non-self-supporting tanks states are divided into the three following categories:
when in the loaded condition and consist of a layer, parts of
• Ultimate limit states (ULS), which correspond to the
which are supported through thermal insulation by the adja-
maximum load-carrying capacity or, in some cases, to
cent hull structure, whereas the rounded parts of this layer
the maximum applicable strain or deformation; under
connecting the above-mentioned supported parts are
intact (undamaged) conditions.
designed also to accommodate the thermal and other
expansion or contraction. • Fatigue limit states (FLS), which correspond to degrada-
tion due to the effect of time varying (cyclic) loading.
14.1.2 The design vapour pressure Po shall not normally
exceed 0,025 MPa. If the hull scantlings are increased • Accident limit states (ALS), which concern the ability of
accordingly, and consideration is given, where appropriate, the structure to resist accidental situations.
to the strength of the supporting thermal insulation, Po may
be increased to a higher value, but less than 0,07 MPa. 15.1.4 The procedure and relevant design parameters of
the limit state design shall comply with the Standards for the
14.1.3 For semi-membrane tanks the relevant requirements Use of limit state methodologies in the design of cargo con-
in this section for independent tanks or for membrane tanks tainment systems of novel configuration (LSD Standard), as
shall be applied as appropriate. set out in Appendix 5 of the IGC Code.

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1 General 2.2 Arrangements: General

2.2.1 Any piping system that may contain cargo liquid or
1.1 vapour shall:
1.1.1 The requirements of this Section shall apply to prod- • be segregated from other piping systems, except where
ucts and process piping, including vapour piping, gas fuel interconnections are required for cargo-related opera-
piping and vent lines of safety valves or similar piping. Auxil- tions such as purging, gas-freeing or inerting. The
iary piping systems not containing cargo are exempt from requirements of Ch 9, Sec 9, [1.4.5] shall be taken into
the general requirements of this Section. account with regard to preventing back-flow of cargo. In
such cases, precautions shall be taken to ensure that
1.1.2 Cargo and process pipings have to comply with the cargo or cargo vapour cannot enter other piping sys-
applicable requirements of Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10 for class I tems through the interconnections
pressure piping, unless otherwise specified in IGC Code or • except as provided in Ch 9, Sec 16, not pass through
in the present Article. any accommodation space, service space or control sta-
tion or through a machinery space other than a cargo
1.1.3 The requirements for type C independent tanks pro-
machinery space
vided in Ch 9, Sec 4 may also apply to process pressure ves-
sels. If so required, the term “pressure vessels” as used in • be connected to the cargo containment system directly
Ch 9, Sec 4, covers both type C independent tanks and pro- from the weather decks except where pipes installed in
cess pressure vessels. a vertical trunkway or equivalent are used to traverse
void spaces above a cargo containment system and
1.1.4 Process pressure vessels include surge tanks, heat except where pipes for drainage, venting or purging
exchangers and accumulators that store or treat liquid or traverse cofferdams
vapour cargo. • be located in the cargo area above the weather deck
except for bow or stern loading and unloading arrange-
1.1.5 Process pressure vessels handling cargo are to be
ments in accordance with Ch 9, Sec 3, [1.8], emergency
considered as class 1 pressure vessels, in accordance with
cargo jettisoning piping systems in accordance with
Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 3, [1.4.1].
[3.1], turret compartment systems in accordance with
[3.3] and except in accordance with Ch 9, Sec 16, and
2 System requirements • be located inboard of the transverse tank location require-
ments of Ch 9, Sec 2, [4.1.1], except for athwartship
2.1 shore connection piping not subject to internal pressure at
sea or emergency cargo jettisoning piping systems.
2.1.1 The connections, if any, to the cargo tanks of relief
valve discharges fitted on the liquid phase cargo piping are 2.2.2 Suitable means shall be provided to relieve the pres-
not to be fitted with shut-off valves, but are to be provided sure and remove liquid cargo from loading and discharging
with non-return valves in the proximity of the tanks. crossover headers; likewise, any piping between the outer-
most manifold valves and loading arms or cargo hoses to
2.1.2 Overpressure relief valves on cargo pumps may be the cargo tanks, or other suitable location, prior to discon-
omitted in the case of centrifugal pumps having a maximum nection.
delivery head, the delivery valve being completely closed,
not greater than that permitted for the piping. 2.2.3 Piping systems carrying fluids for direct heating or
cooling of cargo shall not be led outside the cargo area
2.1.3 The cargo handling and cargo control systems shall unless a suitable means is provided to prevent or detect the
be designed taking into account the following: migration of cargo vapour outside the cargo area (see Ch 9,
• prevention of an abnormal condition escalating to a Sec 13, [6.1.2], item f)).
release of liquid or vapour cargo
• the safe collection and disposal of cargo fluids released 2.2.4 Relief valves discharging liquid cargo from the piping
system shall discharge into the cargo tanks. Alternatively,
• prevention of the formation of flammable mixtures
they may discharge to the cargo vent mast, if means are
• prevention of ignition of flammable liquids or gases and provided to detect and dispose of any liquid cargo that may
vapours released, and flow into the vent system. Where required to prevent over-
• limiting the exposure of personnel to fire and other haz- pressure in downstream piping, relief valves on cargo
ards. pumps shall discharge to the pump suction.

338 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 5

3 Arrangements for cargo piping 4.1.2 The greater of the following design conditions shall
be used for piping, piping systems and components, based
outside the cargo area
on the cargoes being carried:

3.1 Emergency cargo jettisoning • for vapour piping systems or components that may be
separated from their relief valves and which may con-
3.1.1 If fitted, an emergency cargo jettisoning piping tain some liquid, the saturated vapour pressure at a
system shall comply with [2.2], as appropriate, and may be design temperature of 45°C. Higher or lower values may
led aft, external to accommodation spaces, service spaces be used (see Ch 9, Sec 4, [3.3.2], item b)), or
or control stations or machinery spaces, but shall not pass • for systems or components that may be separated from
through them. If an emergency cargo jettisoning piping sys- their relief valves and which contain only vapour at all
tem is permanently installed, a suitable means of isolating times, the superheated vapour pressure at 45°C. Higher
the piping system from the cargo piping shall be provided or lower values may be used (see Ch 9, Sec 4, [3.3.2],
within the cargo area. item b)), assuming an initial condition of saturated
vapour in the system at the system operating pressure
3.2 Bow and stern loading arrangements and temperature, or
• the MARVS of the cargo tanks and cargo processing sys-
3.2.1 Subject to the requirements of Ch 9, Sec 3, [1.8], this
tems, or
sub-article and [10.1], cargo piping may be arranged to per-
mit bow or stern loading and unloading. • the pressure setting of the associated pump or compres-
sor discharge relief valve, or
3.2.2 Arrangements shall be made to allow such piping to
• the maximum total discharge or loading head of the cargo
be purged and gas-freed after use. When not in use, the
piping system considering all possible pumping arrange-
spool pieces shall be removed and the pipe ends blank-
ments or the relief valve setting on a pipeline system.
flanged. The vent pipes connected with the purge shall be
located in the cargo area. Note 1: For each piping section, the maximum pressure value
among those applicable in paragraph above is to be considered.

3.3 Turret compartment transfer systems 4.1.3 Those parts of the liquid piping systems that may be
subjected to surge pressures shall be designed to withstand
3.3.1 For the transfer of liquid or vapour cargo through an
this pressure and relevant justifications are to be submitted.
internal turret arrangement located outside the cargo area,
the piping serving this purpose shall comply with [2.2], as
4.1.4 The design pressure of the outer pipe or duct of gas
applicable, [10.2] and the following:
fuel systems shall not be less than the maximum working
a) piping shall be located above the weather deck, except pressure of the inner gas pipe. Alternatively, for gas fuel pip-
for the connection to the turret ing systems with a working pressure greater than 1 MPa, the
b) portable arrangements shall not be permitted, and design pressure of the outer duct shall not be less than the
maximum built-up pressure arising in the annular space
c) arrangements shall be made to allow such piping to be
considering the local instantaneous peak pressure in way of
purged and gas-freed after use. When not in use, the
any rupture and the ventilation arrangements.
spool pieces for isolation from the cargo piping shall be
removed and the pipe ends blank-flanged. The vent 4.1.5 For high-pressure piping the design pressure of the
pipes connected with the purge shall be located in the ducting is to be taken as the higher of the following:
cargo area.
a) the maximum built up pressure:
3.4 Gas fuel piping systems • Static pressure in way of the rupture resulting from
the gas flowing in the annular space
3.4.1 Gas fuel piping in machinery spaces shall comply
with all applicable requirements of this Section in addition b) local instantaneous peak pressure in way of the rupture:
to the requirements of Ch 9, Sec 16. • This pressure is to be taken as the critical pressure
and is given by the following expression:
4 Design pressure k
2 k–1
p∗ = p 0  ------------
 k + 1
4.1.1 The design pressure Po , used to determine minimum
p0 : Maximum working pressure of the inner
scantlings of piping and piping system components, shall be
not less than the maximum gauge pressure to which the sys- pipe
tem may be subjected in service. The minimum design pres- k : Constant pressure specific heat divided
sure used shall not be less than 1 MPa gauge, except for by the constant volume specific heat:
open-ended lines or pressure relief valve discharge lines,
k = Cp / Cv
where it shall be not less than the lower of 0,5 MPa gauge,
or 10 times the relief valve set pressure. k = 1,31 for CH4

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The tangential membrane stress of a straight pipe is not 5.3

to exceed the tensile strength divided by 1,5 (Rm / 1,5)
when subjected to the above pressure. The pressure rat- 5.3.1 Excess flow valves may be used in lieu of ESD valves, if
ings of all other piping components are to reflect the
the diameter of the protected pipe does not exceed 50 mm.
same level of strength as straight pipes.
Excess flow valves shall close automatically at the rated clos-
As an alternative to using the peak pressure from the above ing flow of vapour or liquid as specified by the manufacturer.
formula, the peak pressure found from representative tests The piping including fittings, valves and appurtenances pro-
can be used. Test reports must then be submitted. tected by an excess flow valve shall have a capacity greater
than the rated closing flow of the excess flow valve. Excess
5 Cargo system valve requirements flow valves may be designed with a bypass not exceeding the
area of a 1 mm diameter circular opening to allow equaliza-
tion of pressure after a shutdown activation.
5.3.2 Cargo tank connections for gauging or measuring
5.1.1 Every cargo tank and piping system shall be fitted devices need not be equipped with excess flow valves or
with manually operated valves for isolation purposes as
ESD valves, provided that the devices are constructed so
specified in this Article.
that the outward flow of tank contents cannot exceed that
In addition, remotely operated valves shall also be fitted, as passed by a 1,5 mm diameter circular hole.
appropriate, as part of the emergency shutdown (ESD) sys-
tem the purpose of which is to stop cargo flow or leakage in In case of tanks with an MARVS not exceeding 0.07 MPa,
the event of an emergency when cargo liquid or vapour the outward flow of tank contents can exceed that passed
transfer is in progress. The ESD system is intended to return by a 1,5 mm diameter circular hole.
the cargo system to a safe static condition so that any reme-
dial action can be taken. Due regard shall be given in the 5.3.3 All pipelines or components which may be isolated in
design of the ESD system to avoid the generation of surge a liquid full condition shall be protected with relief valves
pressures within the cargo transfer pipework. The equip-
for thermal expansion and evaporation.
ment to be shut down on ESD activation includes manifold
valves during loading or discharge, any pump or compres- Note 1: For pipe sections that would be closed by ESD system, a
sor, etc., transferring cargo internally or externally (e.g. to fire scenario is to be considered for sizing, as defined in [5.3.4].
shore or another ship/barge) and cargo tank valves, if the
MARVS exceeds 0,07 MPa. 5.3.4 All pipelines or components which may be isolated
automatically due to a fire with a liquid volume of more
5.1.2 Cargo tank connections than 0,05 m3 entrapped shall be provided with PRVs sized
All liquid and vapour connections, except for safety relief for a fire condition.
valves and liquid level gauging devices, shall have shutoff
valves located as close to the tank as practicable. These 5.3.5 Pressure relief valves are to be set to discharge at a
valves shall provide full closure and shall be capable of local pressure not greater than the design pressure such that the
manual operation. They may also be capable of remote
overpressure during discharge does not exceed 110% of the
design pressure, as defined in Ch 9, Sec 8.
For cargo tanks with a MARVS exceeding 0,07 MPa gauge,
the above connections shall also be equipped with remotely
controlled ESD valves. These valves shall be located as close 6 Cargo transfer arrangements
to the tank as practicable. A single valve may be substituted
for the two separate valves, provided the valve complies
with the requirements of Ch 9, Sec 18, [3.2] and provides
6.1 General
full closure of the line.
6.1.1 When two or more pumps located in different cargo
tanks are operating at the same time discharging into a
5.2 Cargo manifold connections common header, the stopping of the pumps is to activate an
alarm at the centralised cargo control location.
5.2.1 One remotely controlled ESD valve shall be provided
at each cargo transfer connection in use to stop liquid and
6.1.2 Where cargo transfer is by means of cargo pumps
vapour transfer to or from the ship. Transfer connections not
in use shall be isolated with suitable blank flanges. that are not accessible for repair with the tanks in service, at
least two separate means shall be provided to transfer cargo
5.2.2 If the cargo tank MARVS exceeds 0,07 MPa, an addi- from each cargo tank, and the design shall be such that fail-
tional manual valve shall be provided for each transfer con- ure of one cargo pump or means of transfer will not prevent
nection in use, and may be inboard or outboard of the ESD the cargo transfer by another pump or pumps, or other
valve to suit the ship's design. cargo transfer means.

340 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 5

6.1.3 The procedure for transfer of cargo by gas pressuriza- 6.5 Cargo filters
tion shall preclude lifting of the relief valves during such
transfer. Gas pressurization may be accepted as a means of 6.5.1 The cargo liquid and vapour systems shall be capable
transfer of cargo for those tanks where the design factor of of being fitted with filters to protect against damage by
safety is not reduced under the conditions prevailing during extraneous objects. Such filters may be permanent or tem-
the cargo transfer operation. If the cargo tank relief valves or porary, and the standards of filtration shall be appropriate to
set pressure are changed for this purpose, as it is permitted the risk of debris, etc., entering the cargo system. Means
in accordance with Ch 9, Sec 8, [2.1.9] and Ch 9, Sec 8, shall be provided to indicate that filters are becoming
[2.1.10], the new set pressure shall not exceed Ph as is blocked, and to isolate, depressurize and clean the filters
defined in Ch 9, Sec 4, [3.3.2]. safely.

6.2 Vapour return connections 7 Installation requirements

6.2.1 Connections for vapour return to the shore installa- 7.1 Design for expansion and contraction
tions shall be provided.
7.1.1 Provision shall be made to protect the piping, piping
system and components and cargo tanks from excessive
6.3 Cargo tank vent piping systems stresses due to thermal movement and from movements of
the tank and hull structure. The preferred method outside
6.3.1 The pressure relief system shall be connected to a the cargo tanks is by means of offsets, bends or loops, but
vent piping system designed to minimize the possibility of multi-layer bellows may be used if offsets, bends or loops
cargo vapour accumulating on the decks, or entering are not practicable.
accommodation spaces, service spaces, control stations
and machinery spaces, or other spaces where it may create
a dangerous condition.
7.2 Precautions against low temperature

7.2.1 Low temperature piping shall be thermally isolated

6.4 Cargo sampling connections from the adjacent hull structure, where necessary, to pre-
vent the temperature of the hull from falling below the
6.4.1 Connections to cargo piping systems for taking cargo design temperature of the hull material. Where liquid piping
liquid samples shall be clearly marked and shall be designed is dismantled regularly, or where liquid leakage may be
to minimize the release of cargo vapours. For vessels permit- anticipated, such as at shore connections and at pump
ted to carry toxic products, the sampling system shall be of seals, protection for the hull beneath shall be provided.
a closed loop design to ensure that cargo liquid and vapour
7.2.2 Where the piping system is intended for liquids hav-
are not vented to atmosphere.
ing a boiling point lower than 30°C, permanent means to
avoid possibility of contact between leaks and hull struc-
6.4.2 Liquid sampling systems shall be provided with two tures are to be provided in all those locations where leakage
valves on the sample inlet. One of these valves shall be of might be expected, such as shore connections, pump seals,
the multi-turn type to avoid accidental opening, and shall flanges subject to frequent dismantling, etc.
be spaced far enough apart to ensure that they can isolate
the line if there is blockage, by ice or hydrates for example. 7.2.3 The means to detect the presence of liquid cargo may
be constituted by electrical level switches whose circuit is
6.4.3 On closed loop systems, the valves on the return intrinsically safe. The alarm signals given by the level
pipe shall also comply with [6.4.2]. switches are to be transmitted to the wheelhouse and to the
cargo control station, if provided.
6.4.4 The connection to the sample container shall comply
with recognized standards and be supported so as to be 7.2.4 High temperature pipes are to be thermally isolated
able to support the weight of a sample container. Threaded from the adjacent structures. In particular, the temperature
connections shall be tack-welded, or otherwise locked, to of pipelines is not to exceed 220°C in gas-dangerous zones.
prevent them being unscrewed during the normal connec-
tion and disconnection of sample containers. The sample 7.3 Water curtain
connection shall be fitted with a closure plug or flange to
prevent any leakage when the connection is not in use. 7.3.1 For cargo temperatures below −110°C, a water distri-
bution system shall be fitted in way of the hull under the
6.4.5 Sample connections used only for vapour samples shore connections to provide a low-pressure water curtain
may be fitted with a single valve in accordance with Articles for additional protection of the hull steel and the ship's side
[5], [8] and [13], and shall also be fitted with a closure plug structure. This system is in addition to the requirements of
or flange. Ch 9, Sec 11, [1.3.2], d), and shall be operated when cargo
transfer is in progress.
6.4.6 Sampling operations shall be undertaken as pre- Note 1: The flow is to be the same as required for water spray sys-
scribed in IGC Code, Chapter 18, [18.9]. tem defined in Ch 9, Sec 11.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 341

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 5

7.4 Bonding 8.3 Flanged connections

7.4.1 Where tanks or cargo piping and piping equipment 8.3.1 Flanges in flanged connections shall be of the welded
are separated from the ship's structure by thermal isolation, neck, slip-on or socket welded type.
provision shall be made for electrically bonding both the
piping and the tanks. All gasketed pipe joints and hose con- 8.3.2 Flanges shall comply with recognized standards for
nections shall be electrically bonded. Except where bonding their type, manufacture and test. For all piping, except open
straps are used, it shall be demonstrated that the electrical ended, the following restrictions apply:
resistance of each joint or connection is less than 1MΩ. • for design temperatures colder than −55°C, only
welded-neck flanges shall be used, and
7.4.2 Bonding straps are required for cargo and slop tanks,
piping systems and equipment which are not permanently • for design temperatures colder than −10°C, slip-on
connected to the hull of the ship, for example: flanges shall not be used in nominal sizes above
100 mm and socket welded flanges shall not be used in
a) independent cargo tanks nominal sizes above 50 mm.
b) cargo tank piping systems which are electrically sepa-
rated from the hull of the ship 8.4 Expansion joints
c) pipe connections arranged for the removal of the spool
pieces. 8.4.1 Where bellows and expansion joints are provided in
accordance with [7.1], the following requirements apply:
Where bonding straps are required, they are to be:
• if necessary, bellows shall be protected against icing,
a) clearly visible so that any shortcoming can be clearly and
• slip joints shall not be used except within the cargo
b) designed and sited so that they are protected against tanks.
mechanical damage and are not affected by high resis-
tivity contamination, e.g. corrosive products or paint
8.5 Other connections
c) easy to install and replace.
8.5.1 Piping connections shall be joined in accordance
with [8.2] to [8.4], but for other exceptional cases the Soci-
8 Piping fabrication and joining details
ety may consider alternative arrangements.

8.1 General
9 Welding, post-weld heat treatment
8.1.1 The requirements of this Article apply to piping inside and non-destructive testing
and outside the cargo tanks. Relaxation from these require-
ments may be accepted, in accordance with recognized 9.1 General
standards for piping inside cargo tanks and open-ended
piping. 9.1.1 Welding shall be carried out in accordance with Ch 9,
Sec 6, [5].
8.2 Direct connections
9.2 Post-weld heat treatment
8.2.1 The following direct connection of pipe lengths, with-
out flanges, may be considered: 9.2.1 Post-weld heat treatment shall be required for all butt
• butt-welded joints with complete penetration at the root welds of pipes made with carbon, carbon-manganese and
may be used in all applications. For design temperatures low alloy steels. The Society may waive the requirements for
colder than −10°C, butt welds shall be either double thermal stress relieving of pipes with wall thickness less than
welded or equivalent to a double welded butt joint. This 10 mm in relation to the design temperature and pressure of
may be accomplished by use of a backing ring, consum- the piping system concerned.
able insert or inert gas backup on the first pass. For
design pressures in excess of 1 MPa and design tempera- 9.3 Non-destructive testing
tures of −10°C or colder, backing rings shall be removed
• slip-on welded joints with sleeves and related welding, 9.3.1 In addition to normal controls before and during the
having dimensions in accordance with recognized welding, and to the visual inspection of the finished welds,
standards, shall only be used for instrument lines and as necessary for proving that the welding has been carried
open-ended lines with an external diameter of 50 mm or out correctly and according to the requirements of this Arti-
less and design temperatures not colder than −55°C, cle, the following tests shall be required:
and a) 100% radiographic or ultrasonic inspection of butt-
• screwed couplings complying with recognized stand- welded joints for piping systems with design tempera-
ards shall only be used for accessory lines and instru- tures colder than −10°C, and with inside diameters of
mentation lines with external diameters of 25 mm or more than 75 mm, or wall thicknesses greater than
less. 10 mm

342 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 5

b) when such butt-welded joints of piping sections are 10.3 Gas fuel piping
made by automatic welding procedures approved by
the Society, then a progressive reduction in the extent of 10.3.1 Gas fuel piping, as far as practicable, shall have
radiographic or ultrasonic inspection can be agreed, but welded joints. Those parts of the gas fuel piping that are not
in no case to less than 10% of each joint. If defects are enclosed in a ventilated pipe or duct according to Ch 9, Sec
revealed, the extent of examination shall be increased to 16, [4.3], and are on the weather decks outside the cargo
100% and shall include inspection of previously area, shall have full penetration butt-welded joints and shall
accepted welds. This approval can only be granted if be subjected to full radiographic or ultrasonic inspection.
well-documented quality assurance procedures and
records are available to assess the ability of the manu- 11 Piping system component
facturer to produce satisfactory welds consistently, and requirements
c) for other butt-welded joints of pipes not covered by
items a) and b), spot radiographic or ultrasonic inspec- 11.1 General
tion or other non-destructive tests shall be carried out
depending upon service, position and materials. In gen- 11.1.1 Piping systems shall be designed in accordance with
eral, at least 10% of butt-welded joints of pipes shall be recognized standards.
subjected to radiographic or ultrasonic inspection.
11.2 Piping scantlings
10 Installation requirements for cargo 11.2.1 The following criteria shall be used for determining
piping outside the cargo area pipe wall thickness.

11.2.2 The wall thickness of pipes t, in mm, shall not be

10.1 Bow and stern loading arrangements less than:
to + b + c
t = ----------------------
10.1.1 The following requirements shall apply to cargo pip- a
1 – ----------
ing and related piping equipment located outside the cargo 100
• cargo piping and related piping equipment outside the to : Theoretical thickness, in mm, determined by the
cargo area shall have only welded connections. The pip- following formula:
ing outside the cargo area shall run on the weather
decks and shall be at least 0,8 m inboard, except for t o = ------------------------
2K ⋅ e + P
athwartships shore connection piping. Such piping shall
be clearly identified and fitted with a shutoff valve at its with:
connection to the cargo piping system within the cargo P : Design pressure, in MPa, referred to in Article
area. At this location, it shall also be capable of being [4]
separated by means of a removable spool piece and D : Outside diameter, in mm
blank flanges, when not in use, and
K : Allowable stress, in N/mm2, referred to in [11.3]
• the piping shall be full penetration butt-welded and sub- e : Efficiency factor equal to 1 for seamless pipes
jected to full radiographic or ultrasonic inspection, and for longitudinally or spirally welded pipes,
regardless of pipe diameter and design temperature. delivered by approved manufacturers of welded
Flange connections in the piping shall only be permitted pipes, that are considered equivalent to seam-
within the cargo area and at the shore connection. less pipes when non-destructive testing on
welds is carried out in accordance with recog-
nized standards. In other cases, an efficiency
10.2 Turret compartment transfer systems factor of less than 1, in accordance with recog-
nized standards, may be required, depending
10.2.1 The following requirements shall apply to liquid and on the manufacturing process
vapour cargo piping where it is run outside the cargo area:
b : Allowance for bending, in mm. The value of b
• cargo piping and related piping equipment outside the shall be chosen so that the calculated stress in
cargo area shall have only welded connections, and the bend, due to internal pressure only, does
not exceed the allowable stress. Where such jus-
• the piping shall be full penetration butt-welded, and tification is not given, b shall be:
subjected to full radiographic or ultrasonic inspection,
regardless of pipe diameter and design temperature. b = -------------o
2, 5r
Flange connections in the piping shall only be permitted
within the cargo area and at connections to cargo hoses with:
and the turret connection. r : Mean radius of the bend, in mm

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 343

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 5

c : Corrosion allowance, in mm. If corrosion or ero- 11.2.5 Where necessary for mechanical strength to prevent
sion is expected, the wall thickness of the piping damage, collapse, excessive sag or buckling of pipes due to
shall be increased over that required by other superimposed loads, the wall thickness shall be increased
design requirements. This allowance shall be over that required by [11.2.2] or, if this is impracticable or
consistent with the expected life of the piping would cause excessive local stresses, these loads may be
a : Negative manufacturing tolerance for thickness, reduced, protected against or eliminated by other design
in %. methods. Such superimposed loads may be due to: sup-
porting structures, ship deflections, liquid pressure surge
11.2.3 Piping subject to green seas during transfer operations, the weight of suspended valves,
In particular for piping subject to green seas, the design reaction to loading arm connections, or otherwise.
pressure P in the formula in [4.1] is to be replaced by an
equivalent pressure P’ given by the following formula:
11.3 Allowable stress
P' = ---  P + P 2 + 6R'K ------C-
2 D 11.3.1 For pipes, the allowable stress K referred to in the
formula in [11.2] is the lower of the following values:
K : Allowable stress, in MPa. Rm R
------ or -----e
K is to be the lower of (R/2,7) and (Re/1,8),
where: where:

R : Specified minimum tensile strength Rm : Specified minimum tensile strength at room

at room temperature, in MPa temperature, in N/mm2
Re : Specified lower minimum yield Re : Specified minimum yield stress at room temper-
stress or 0,2% yield stress at room
ature, in N/mm2. If the stress-strain curve does
temperature, in MPa
not show a defined yield stress, the 0,2% proof
D : External diameter of the pipe, in mm stress applies.
DC : External diameter of the pipe taking into
The values of A and B shall be shown on the International
account the insulation (in mm), whose thickness
Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Liquefied Gases in
is to be taken at least equal to:
Bulk, and have values of at least A = 2,7 and B = 1,8.
40 mm if D ≤ 50 mm
80 mm if D ≥ 150 mm
11.4 High-pressure gas fuel outer pipes or
Intermediate values are to be determined by
ducting scantlings

R’ : Drag corresponding to the effect of green seas, 11.4.1 In fuel gas piping systems of design pressure greater
in MPa, such as given in Tab 1 as a function of
than the critical pressure, the tangential membrane stress of
the location of the pipes and of their height H
a straight section of pipe or ducting shall not exceed the ten-
(in m) above the deepest loadline; intermediate
values are to be determined by interpolation. sile strength divided by 1,5 (Rm /1,5) when subjected to the
design pressure specified in Article [4]. The pressure ratings
11.2.4 The minimum wall thickness shall be in accordance of all other piping components shall reflect the same level of
with recognized standards. strength as straight pipes.

Table 1 : Drag R’ corresponding to the effect of green seas (in MPa)

External diameter Aft of the quarter of the ship’s length Forward of the quarter of the ship’s length
of pipe (1) H≤8 H = 13 H ≥ 18 H≤8 H = 13 H ≥ 18
≤ 25 0,015 0,0025 0,0015 0,022 0,0035 0,0015
50 0,014 0,0025 0,0015 0,020 0,0035 0,0015
75 0,011 0,0025 0,0015 0,016 0,0035 0,0015
100 0,007 0,0025 0,0015 0,007 0,0035 0,0015
≥150 0,005 0,0025 0,0015 0,007 0,0035 0,0015
(1) DC if the pipe is insulated, D otherwise.

344 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 5

11.5 Stress analysis 11.5.5 Green sea directions

When green seas are considered, their effects are to be stud-
11.5.1 When the design temperature is −110°C or lower, a ied, unless otherwise justified, in the following three direc-
complete stress analysis, taking into account all the stresses tions:
due to the weight of pipes, including acceleration loads if • axis of the ship
significant, internal pressure, thermal contraction and loads • vertical
induced by hog and sag of the ship for each branch of the
• horizontal, perpendicular to the axis of the ship. The
piping system shall be submitted to the Society. For temper-
load on the pipes is the load R’ defined in [11.2.3].
atures above −110°C, a stress analysis may be required by
the Society in relation to such matters as the design or stiff- 11.5.6 Stress intensity
ness of the piping system and the choice of materials. In any The stress intensity is to be determined as specified in the
case, consideration shall be given to thermal stresses even formulae in Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [2.3.2] for pipes intended
though calculations are not submitted. The analysis may be for high temperatures:
carried out according to a code of practice acceptable to
the Society. a) for primary stresses resulting from:
• pressure
11.5.2 When such an analysis is required, it is to be carried • weight
out in accordance with the requirements listed below. Sub- • green seas
ject to this condition, calculations in accordance with rec-
b) for primary stresses and secondary stresses resulting
ognised standards are admitted by the Society.
from contraction.
11.5.3 The calculations are to be made for every possible 11.5.7 Stress intensity limits
case of operation, but only those leading to the most unfa- a) For the first case, the stress intensity is to be limited to
vourable results are required to be submitted. the lower of:
0,8 Re and 0,4 Rm
11.5.4 Loads to be taken for calculation
b) For the second case, the stress intensity is to be limited
The calculations are to be carried out taking into account
to the lower of:
the following loads:
1,6 Re and 0,8 Rm.
a) piping not subject to green seas:
11.5.8 Piping with expansion devices
• pressure
For piping fitted with expansion devices, their characteris-
• weight of the piping with insulation and of the inter- tics are to be submitted to the Society. Where these charac-
nal fluid teristics are such that the forces and moments at the ends of
the devices are negligible for the contraction they must
• contraction
absorb, the calculation of the loads due to contraction in
b) piping subject to green seas that is liable to be in opera- the corresponding piping is not required. It is, however, to
tion at sea and in port: be checked that the stress intensity corresponding to the pri-
mary stresses does not exceed the limits given in [11.5.7].
• pressure
• weight of the piping with insulation and of the inter- 11.5.9 Flexibility coefficient
nal fluid The flexibility coefficient of elbows is to be determined
from the formulae given in Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [2.3.2]for
• green seas pipes intended for high temperatures.
• contraction
11.5.10 Local stresses
• ship motion accelerations Particular attention is to be paid to the calculation of local
c) piping subject to green seas that is in operation only in stresses in the assemblies subjected to axial forces and
port; the more severe of the following two combinations bending moments. The Society reserves the right to request
of loads: additional justifications or local strengthening where con-
sidered necessary.
• pressure
• weight of the piping with insulation and of the inter- 11.6 Flanges, valves and fittings
nal fluid
11.6.1 Flanges, valves and other fittings shall comply with
• contraction recognized standards, taking into account the material
and selected and the design pressure defined in Article [4]. For
bellows expansion joints used in vapour service, a lower
• weight of the piping with insulation minimum design pressure may be accepted.
• green seas
11.6.2 For flanges not complying with a recognized stand-
• expansion, assuming that the thermal stresses are ard, the dimensions of flanges and related bolts shall be to
fully relaxed. the satisfaction of the Society.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 345

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 5

11.6.3 For flanges not complying with a standard, the 12 Materials

dimensions and type of gaskets are to be to the satisfaction
of the Society.
11.6.4 All emergency shutdown valves shall be of the “fail-
closed” type (see [13.3.1] and Ch 9, Sec 18, [3.2]). 12.1.1 The choice and testing of materials used in piping
systems shall comply with the requirements of Ch 9, Sec 6,
Note 1: Bureau Veritas interpretation of “fail-closed” is that valve
must automatically close in case of fire (due to loss of actuating
taking into account the minimum design temperature. How-
power). ever, some relaxation may be permitted in the quality of
material of open-ended vent piping, provided that the tem-
perature of the cargo at the pressure relief valve setting is
11.6.5 The design and installation of expansion bellows
not lower than −55°C, and that no liquid discharge to the
shall be in accordance with recognized standards and be
vent piping can occur. Similar relaxations may be permitted
fitted with means to prevent damage due to over-extension
under the same temperature conditions to open-ended pip-
or compression.
ing inside cargo tanks, excluding discharge piping and all
piping inside membrane and semi-membrane tanks.
11.6.6 Expansion joints are to be protected from extensions
and compressions greater than the limits fixed for them and
the connected piping is to be suitably supported and 12.1.2 Materials having a melting point below 925°C shall
not be used for piping outside the cargo tanks except for
anchored. Bellow expansion joints are to be protected from
mechanical damage. short lengths of pipes attached to the cargo tanks, in which
case fire-resisting insulation shall be provided.

11.7 Ship's cargo hoses 12.1.3 Aluminised pipes may be fitted in ballast tanks, in
inerted cargo tanks and, provided the pipes are protected
11.7.1 Ship's cargo hoses are to be type approved by the from accidental impact, in hazardous areas on open deck.
Note 1: The paragraph [12.1.2] of the Revised IGC Code does not
apply to valves installed on cargo lines or gas supply machinery.
11.7.2 All hoses are to be tested at the plant of manufac-
turer in the presence of the Surveyor. An alternative survey The valve use of Teflon or PTFE will only be allowed if the valve is
scheme, BV Mode I as per NR320, may be agreed with the tested in fire and Teflon (or PTFE) can only be used for internal seals
Society. of the valve.

11.7.3 Liquid and vapour hoses used for cargo transfer 12.1.4 Cargo piping insulation system
shall be compatible with the cargo and suitable for the
Cargo piping systems shall be provided with a thermal insu-
cargo temperature.
lation system as required to minimize heat leak into the
cargo during transfer operations and to protect personnel
11.7.4 Hoses subject to tank pressure, or the discharge from direct contact with cold surfaces.
pressure of pumps or vapour compressors, shall be
designed for a bursting pressure not less than five times the Where applicable, due to location or environmental condi-
maximum pressure the hose will be subjected to during tions, insulation materials shall have suitable properties of
cargo transfer. resistance to fire and flame spread and shall be adequately
protected against penetration of water vapour and mechan-
11.7.5 Each new type of cargo hose, complete with end-fit- ical damage.
tings, shall be prototype-tested at a normal ambient temper- Note 1: The cold surface is defined for temperatures below 0°C.
ature, with 200 pressure cycles from zero to at least twice
the specified maximum working pressure. After this cycle Any pipe with a design temperature below 0°C should in principle
pressure test has been carried out, the prototype test shall be isolated. However, for pipe sections having a design tempera-
demonstrate a bursting pressure of at least 5 times its speci- ture slightly below 0°C, waiving the thermal insulation may be
fied maximum working pressure at the upper and lower accepted on a case by case basis.
extreme service temperature. Hoses used for prototype test-
ing shall not be used for cargo service. Thereafter, before
being placed in service, each new length of cargo hose pro- 12.1.5 Where the cargo piping system is of a material sus-
duced shall be hydrostatically tested at ambient tempera- ceptible to stress corrosion cracking in the presence of a
ture to a pressure not less than 1,5 times its specified salt-laden atmosphere, adequate measures to avoid this
maximum working pressure, but not more than two fifths of occurring shall be taken by considering material selection,
its bursting pressure. The hose shall be stencilled, or other- protection of exposure to salty water and/or readiness for
wise marked, with the date of testing, its specified maximum inspection.
working pressure and, if used in services other than ambient Note 1: SUS304L may be used for cargo piping on the open deck,
temperature services, its maximum and minimum service providing that coating manufacturer confirms suitability of the
temperature, as applicable. The specified maximum work- coating with regards to the intended service temperature are. No
ing pressure shall not be less than 1 MPa gauge. specific additional requirements for SUS316L.

346 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 5

13 Testing requirements 13.3 Type testing of Valves

13.3.1 General
13.1 General Each type of valve intended to be used at a working temper-
ature below −55°C shall be subject to the following type
13.1.1 The piping components mentioned in the present tests:
Article are subject to a type approval by the Society. • each size and type of valve shall be subjected to seat
tightness testing over the full range of operating pres-
13.2 Type testing of Cargo pumps sures for bi-directional flow and temperatures, at inter-
vals, up to the rated design pressure of the valve.
Allowable leakage rates shall be to the requirements of
13.2.1 Type approval
the Society. During the testing, satisfactory operation of
a) Each size and type of pump is to be approved through the valve shall be verified
design assessment and prototype testing. Prototype test- • the flow or capacity shall be certified to a recognized
ing is to be witnessed in the presence of the Surveyor. standard for each size and type of valve
In lieu of prototype testing, satisfactory in-service expe- • pressurized components shall be pressure tested to at
rience, of an existing pump design approved by a Soci- least 1,5 times the rated pressure, and
ety submitted by the manufacturer may be considered • for emergency shutdown valves, with materials having
melting temperatures lower than 925°C, the type testing
b) Prototype testing is to include hydrostatic test of the
shall include a fire test to a standard acceptable to the
pump body equal to 1,5 times the design pressure and a Society.
capacity test. For submerged electric motor driven
Note 1: Refer to SIGTTO Publication on “The Selection and Testing
pumps, the capacity test is to be carried out with the
of Valves for LNG Applications”.
design medium or with a medium below the minimum
working temperature. For shaft driven deep well pumps, 13.3.2 Type approval
the capacity test may be carried out with water. In addi- Each size and type of valve intended to be used at a work-
tion, for shaft driven deep well pumps, a spin test to ing temperature below −55°C is to be approved through
demonstrate satisfactory operation of bearing clear- design assessment and prototype testing. Prototype testing
ances, wear rings and sealing arrangements is to be car- for all valves to the minimum design temperature or lower
ried out at the minimum design temperature. The full and to a pressure not lower than the maximum design pres-
length of shafting is not required for the spin test, but sure foreseen for the valves is to be witnessed in the pres-
must be of sufficient length to include at least one bear- ence of the Surveyor. Prototype testing is to include
ing and sealing arrangements. After completion of tests, hydrostatic test of the valve body at a pressure equal to 1,5
the pump is to be opened out for examination. times the design pressure, and cryogenic testing consisting
of valve operation or safety valve set pressure, and leakage
13.2.2 Unit production testing verification. In addition, for valves other than safety valves,
a) All pumps are to be tested at the plant of manufacturer a seat and stem leakage test at a pressure equal to 1,1 times
in the presence of the Surveyor. Testing is to include the design pressure.
hydrostatic test of the pump body equal to 1,5 times the For valves intended to be used at a working temperature
design pressure and a capacity test. For submerged elec- above −55°C, prototype testing is not required.
tric motor driven pumps, the capacity test is to be car-
ried out with the design medium or with a medium 13.3.3 Unit production testing
below the minimum working temperature. For shaft All valves are to be tested at the plant of manufacturer in the
driven deep well pumps, the capacity test may be car- presence of the Surveyor. Testing is to include hydrostatic
ried out with water test of the valve body at a pressure equal to 1,5 times the
design pressure for all valves, seat and stem leakage test at a
b) As an alternative to the above, if so requested by the rel- pressure equal to 1,1 times the design pressure for valves
evant Manufacturer, the certification of a pump may be other than safety valves. In addition, cryogenic testing con-
issued, subject to an alternative survey scheme as per sisting of valve operation and leakage verification for a min-
Rule Note NR320 as amended, and the following: imum of 10% of each type and size of valve for valves other
• The pump has been approved as required by than safety valves intended to be used at a working temper-
[13.2.1], and ature below −55°C. The set pressure of safety valves is to be
tested at ambient temperature.
• The manufacturer has a recognised quality system For valves used for isolation of instrumentation in piping not
that has been assessed and certified by the Society greater than 25mm, unit production testing need not be wit-
subject to periodic audits, and nessed by the surveyor. Records of testing are to be availa-
• The quality control plan contains a provision to sub- ble for review.
ject each pump to a hydrostatic test of the pump As an alternative to the above, if so requested by the rele-
body equal to 1,5 times the design pressure and a vant Manufacturer, the certification of a valve may be
capacity test. The manufacturer is to maintain issued, subject to an alternative survey scheme as per Rule
records of such tests. Note NR320 as amended, and the following:

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 347

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 5

• The valve has been approved as required by [13.3.2] for 13.4.2 Unit production testing
valves intended to be used at a working temperature
All bellows are to be tested at the plant of manufacturer in
below −55°C, and
the presence of the Surveyor. Testing is to include hydro-
• The manufacturer has a recognized quality system that static test of the bellow at a pressure equal to 1,5 times the
has been assessed and certified by the Society subject to design pressure. An alternative survey scheme, BV Mode I
periodic audits, and as per NR320, may be agreed with the Society.

• The quality control plan contains a provision to subject

each valve to a hydrostatic test of the valve body at a 13.5 System testing requirements
pressure equal to 1,5 times the design pressure for all
valves and seat and stem leakage test at a pressure equal 13.5.1 The requirements of this sub-article shall apply to
to 1,1 times the design pressure for valves other than piping inside and outside the cargo tanks.
safety valves. The set pressure of safety valves is to be
tested at ambient temperature. The manufacturer is to 13.5.2 After assembly, all cargo and process piping shall be
maintain records of such tests, and subjected to a strength test with a suitable fluid. The test
pressure shall be at least 1,5 times the design pressure
• Cryogenic testing consisting of valve operation and leak- (1,25 times the design pressure where the test fluid is com-
age verification for a minimum of 10% of each type and pressible) for liquid lines and 1,5 times the maximum sys-
size of valve for valves other than safety valves intended tem working pressure (1,25 times the maximum system
to be used at a working temperature below −55°C in the working pressure where the test fluid is compressible) for
presence of the Surveyor. vapour lines. When piping systems or parts of systems are
completely manufactured and equipped with all fittings, the
test may be conducted prior to installation on board the
13.4 Type testing of expansion bellows ship, as defined in Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [20.4.1]. Joints
welded on board shall be tested to at least 1,5 times the
13.4.1 General design pressure.
The following type tests shall be performed on each type of Note 1: IMO wanted to distinguish between the pneumatic test
expansion bellows intended for use on cargo piping outside with air or other gas (compressible fluid) and the hydraulic test with
the cargo tank and where required by the Society, on those water (incompressible fluid).
installed within the cargo tanks:
13.5.3 After assembly on board, each cargo and process
• elements of the bellows, not pre-compressed, shall be piping system shall be subjected to a leak test using air, or
pressure tested at not less than five times the design other suitable medium, to a pressure depending on the leak
pressure without bursting. The duration of the test shall detection method applied.
not be less than 5 min

• a pressure test shall be performed on a type expansion 13.5.4 In double wall gas-fuel piping systems, the outer
joint, complete with all the accessories such as flanges, pipe or duct shall also be pressure tested to show that it can
stays and articulations, at the minimum design tempera- withstand the expected maximum pressure at gas pipe rup-
ture and twice the design pressure at the extreme dis- ture.
placement conditions recommended by the
manufacturer, without permanent deformation 13.5.5 All piping systems, including valves, fittings and
associated equipment for handling cargo or vapours, shall
• a cyclic test (thermal movements) shall be performed on be tested under normal operating conditions not later than
a complete expansion joint, which shall withstand at at the first loading operation, in accordance with recog-
least as many cycles under the conditions of pressure, nized standards.
temperature, axial movement, rotational movement and
transverse movement as it will encounter in actual ser- 13.5.6 Attention is drawn to the requirements of Ch 9, Sec
vice. Testing at ambient temperature is permitted when 1, [6.2.4] regarding the examination of the on-deck cargo
this testing is at least as severe as testing at the service piping system, that are to be conducted on ships carrying
temperature, and liquefied natural gases (LNG) in bulk during the first full
loading and the subsequent first unloading of the ship.
• a cyclic fatigue test (ship deformation) shall be per-
formed on a complete expansion joint, without internal
pressure, by simulating the bellows movement corre- 13.6 Emergency shutdown valves
sponding to a compensated pipe length, for at least
2000000 cycles at a frequency not higher than 5 Hz. 13.6.1 The closing characteristics of emergency shutdown
This test is only required when, due to the piping valves used in liquid cargo piping systems shall be tested to
arrangement, ship deformation loads are actually experi- demonstrate compliance with Ch 9, Sec 18, [3.2.1], item c).
enced. This testing may be carried out on board after installation.

348 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 6



1 Definitions 2 Scope and general requirements

1.1 2.1

1.1.1 Where reference is made in this Section to A, B, D, E, 2.1.1 This Section gives the requirements for metallic and
AH, DH, EH and FH hull structural steels, these steel grades non-metallic materials used in the construction of the cargo
are hull structural steels according to recognized standards. system. This includes requirements for joining processes,
production process, personnel qualification, NDT and
1.1.2 Piece inspection and testing including production testing. The
requirements for rolled materials, forgings and castings are
A piece is the rolled product from a single slab or billet or given in Article [4] and in Tab 2 to Tab 6. The requirements
from a single ingot, if this is rolled directly into plates, strips, for weldments are given in Article [5], and the guidance for
sections or bars. non-metallic materials is given in Appendix 4 of the IGC
Code. A quality assurance/ quality control programme shall
1.1.3 Batch be implemented to ensure that the requirements of this Arti-
cle [2] are complied with.
A batch is the number of items or pieces to be accepted or
rejected together, on the basis of the tests to be carried out
2.1.2 The manufacture, testing, inspection and documenta-
on a sampling basis. The size of a batch is given in the rec-
tion shall be in accordance with recognized standards and
ognized standards.
the specific requirements given in the Code.

1.1.4 Controlled rolling (CR)

2.1.3 Where post-weld heat treatment is specified or
Controlled rolling (CR) is a rolling procedure in which the required, the properties of the base material shall be deter-
final deformation is carried out in the normalizing tempera- mined in the heat-treated condition, in accordance with the
ture range, resulting in a material condition generally equiv- applicable table of this Section, and the weld properties
alent to that obtained by normalizing. shall be determined in the heat treated condition in accord-
ance with Article [5]. In cases where a post-weld heat treat-
1.1.5 Thermo-mechanical controlled processing ment is applied, the test requirements may be modified at
(TMCP) the discretion of the Society.

Thermo-mechanical controlled processing (TMCP) is a pro-

cedure that involves strict control of both the steel tempera- 3 General test requirements and
ture and the rolling reduction. Unlike CR, the properties specifications
conferred by TMCP cannot be reproduced by subsequent
normalizing or other heat treatment. The use of accelerated
3.1 Tensile test
cooling on completion of TMCP may also be accepted, sub-
ject to approval by the Society. The same applies for the use
3.1.1 Tensile testing shall be carried out in accordance with
of tempering after completion of TMCP.
recognized standards.

1.1.6 Accelerated cooling (AcC)

3.1.2 Tensile strength, yield stress and elongation shall be
Accelerated cooling (AcC) is a process that aims to improve to the satisfaction of the Society. For carbon-manganese
mechanical properties by controlled cooling with rates steel and other materials with definitive yield points, consid-
higher than air cooling, immediately after the final TMCP eration shall be given to the limitation of the yield to tensile
operation. Direct quenching is excluded from accelerated ratio.
cooling. The material properties conferred by TMCP and Note 1: The test specimens and mechanical testing procedures for
AcC cannot be reproduced by subsequent normalizing or materials are defined in NR216 and reference should be made to
other heat treatment. international standard as ISO, etc...

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 349

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 6

3.2 Toughness test Figure 2 : Orientation of weld test specimen

1 mm
3.2.1 Acceptance tests for metallic materials shall include
Charpy V-notch toughness tests, unless otherwise specified
by the Society. The specified Charpy V-notch requirements C/L
are minimum average energy values for three full size (10
mm × 10 mm) specimens and minimum single energy val-
ues for individual specimens. Dimensions and tolerances of
1 2 3 4 5
Charpy V-notch specimens shall be in accordance with rec-
ognized standards. The testing and requirements for speci-
Single-V butt weld
mens smaller than 5 mm in size shall be in accordance with
recognized standards. Minimum average values for sub-
sized specimens shall be as defined in Tab 1.

Only one individual value may be below the specified aver- 1 mm

age value, provided it is not less than 70% of that value. minimum
2nd welded side
Table 1 : Minimum average energy values C/L
for subsized specimens

Charpy V-notch specimen Minimum average energy 1st welded side 1 2 3 4 5

size (mm) of three specimens
10 x 10 KV
10 x 7,5 5/6 KV Double-V butt weld
10 x 5,0 2/3 KV
Note 1: 3.2.4 If the average value of the three initial Charpy V-notch
KV : Energy values, in J, specified in Tab 2 to Tab 5. specimens fails to meet the stated requirements, or the
value for more than one specimen is below the required
average value, or when the value for one specimen is below
3.2.2 For base metal, the largest size Charpy V-notch speci-
the minimum value permitted for a single specimen, three
mens possible for the material thickness shall be machined
additional specimens from the same material may be tested
with the specimens located as near as practicable to a point
and the results be combined with those previously obtained
midway between the surface and the centre of the thickness
and the length of the notch perpendicular to the surface as to form a new average. If this new average complies with
shown in Fig 1. the requirements and if no more than two individual results
are lower than the required average and no more than one
Note 1: In the case where the material thickness is 40mm or below, result is lower than the required value for a single specimen,
the Charpy V-notch impact test specimens are to be cut with their the piece or batch may be accepted.
edge within 2mm from the “as rolled” surface with their longitudi-
nal axes either parallel or transverse to the final direction of rolling
of the material. 3.3 Bend test

3.2.3 For a weld test specimen, the largest size Charpy V- 3.3.1 The bend test may be omitted as a material accept-
notch specimens possible for the material thickness shall be ance test, but is required for weld tests. Where a bend test is
machined, with the specimens located as near as practica- performed, this shall be done in accordance with recog-
ble to a point midway between the surface and the centre nized standards.
of the thickness. In all cases, the distance from the surface
of the material to the edge of the specimen shall be approx-
3.3.2 The bend tests shall be transverse bend tests, which
imately 1 mm or greater. In addition, for double-V butt
may be face, root or side bends at the discretion of the Soci-
welds, specimens shall be machined closer to the surface of
ety. However, longitudinal bend tests may be required in
the second welded section. The specimens shall be taken
lieu of transverse bend tests in cases where the base mate-
generally at each of the five following locations, as shown in
rial and weld metal have different strength levels.
Fig 2: on the centreline of the welds, the fusion line and
1 mm, 3 mm and 5 mm from the fusion line.
3.4 Section observation and other testing
Figure 1 : Orientation of base metal test specimen
3.4.1 Macrosection, microsection observations and hard-
specimen ness tests may also be required by the Society, and they
shall be carried out in accordance with recognized stand-
ards, where required.

350 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 6

4 Requirements for metallic materials 4.1.3 Impact tests are required for:

• castings in steel grades 304, 304L, 321 and 347 when

4.1 General requirements for metallic the service temperature is below −60°C
• castings in steel grades 316 and 316L (which contain
molybdenum) at any temperature. A reduction of the tests
4.1.1 The use of aluminium coatings is prohibited in the
may be granted for design temperatures above −60°C
cargo tanks, cargo tank deck area, pump rooms, cofferdams
after examination of each case by the Society.
or any other area where cargo gas may accumulate.

4.1.2 The requirements for materials of construction are

shown in the tables as follows: 5 Welding of metallic materials and
• Tab 2: Plates, pipes (seamless and welded), sections non-destructive testing
and forgings for cargo tanks and process pressure ves-
sels for design temperatures not lower than 0°C
5.1 General
• Tab 3: Plates, sections and forgings for cargo tanks, sec-
ondary barriers and process pressure vessels for design
temperatures below 0°C and down to −55°C 5.1.1 This Article shall apply to primary and secondary bar-
riers only, including the inner hull where this forms the sec-
• Tab 4: Plates, sections and forgings for cargo tanks, sec- ondary barrier. Acceptance testing is specified for carbon,
ondary barriers and process pressure vessels for design carbon-manganese, nickel alloy and stainless steels, but
temperatures below −55°C and down to −165°C these tests may be adapted for other materials. At the dis-
• Tab 5: Pipes (seamless and welded), forgings and cast- cretion of the Society, impact testing of stainless steel and
ings for cargo and process piping for design tempera- aluminium alloy weldments may be omitted and other tests
tures below 0°C and down to −165°C may be specially required for any material.
• Tab 6: Plates and sections for hull structures required by Note 1: This requirement is also applicable for austenitic steels and
Ch 9, Sec 4, [6.2.2] and Ch 9, Sec 4, [6.2.3]. aluminium alloy.

Table 2 : Plates, pipes (seamless and welded) -see Note 1 and Note 2-, sections and forgings for cargo tanks
and process pressure vessels for design temperatures not lower than 0°C


• Carbon-manganese steel
• Fully killed fine grain steel
• Small additions of alloying elements by agreement with the Society
• Composition limits to be approved by the Society
• Normalized, or quenched and tempered (1)


• Plates Each “piece” to be tested
Sampling frequency
• Sections and forgings Each “batch” to be tested
Mechanical properties • Tensile properties Specified minimum yield stress not to exceed 410 N/mm2 (2)
• Plates Transverse test pieces. Minimum average energy value (KV) 27 J
• Sections and forgings Longitudinal test pieces. Minimum average energy value (KV) 41 J
Thickness t (mm) Test temperature
(Charpy V-notch test)
• Test temperature (3) t ≤ 20 0°C
20 < t ≤ 40 −20°C
(1) A controlled rolling procedure or TMCP may be used as an alternative.
(2) Materials with specified minimum yield stress exceeding 410 N/mm2 may be approved by the Society. For these materials, par-
ticular attention shall be given to the hardness of the welded and heat affected zones.
(3) This Table is generally applicable for material thicknesses t up to 40 mm. Proposals for greater thicknesses shall be approved by
the Society.
Note 1: For seamless pipes and fittings normal practice applies. The use of longitudinally and spirally welded pipes shall be specially
approved by the Society.
Note 2: Charpy V-notch impact tests are not required for pipes.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 351

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 6

5.2 Welding consumables 5.3 Welding procedure tests for cargo tanks
and process pressure vessels
5.2.1 Consumables intended for welding of cargo tanks
shall be in accordance with recognized standards. Depos- 5.3.1 Welding procedure tests for cargo tanks and process
ited weld metal tests and butt weld tests shall be required pressure vessels are required for all butt welds.
for all consumables. The results obtained from tensile and
Charpy V-notch impact tests shall be in accordance with 5.3.2 The test assemblies shall be representative of:
recognized standards. The chemical composition of the
• each base material
deposited weld metal shall be recorded for information.
The content of this requirement is also to cover process • each type of consumable and welding process, and
pressure vessels and secondary barriers. • each welding position.

Table 3 : Plates, sections and forgings -see Note 1- for cargo tanks, secondary barriers
and process pressure vessels for design temperatures below 0°C and down to −55°C


• Carbon-manganese steel
• Fully killed, aluminium treated fine grain steel
• Chemical composition (ladle analysis):
C: 0,16% max (1) ; Mn: 0,70-1,60% ; Si: 0,10-0,50% ; S: 0,025% max ; P: 0,025% max
• Optional additions: Alloys and grain refining elements may be generally in accordance with the following:
Ni: 0,80% max ; Cr: 0,25% max ; Mo: 0,08% max ; Cu:0,35% max ; Nb: 0,05% max ; V: 0,10% max
Al content total: 0,020% min (acid soluble: 0,015% min)
• Normalized, or quenched and tempered (2)


• Plates Each ”piece” to be tested
Sampling frequency
• Sections and forgings Each ”batch” to be tested
Mechanical properties • Tensile properties Specified minimum yield stress not to exceed 410 N/mm2 (3)
• Plates Transverse test pieces. Minimum average energy value (KV) 27 J
• Sections and forgings Longitudinal test pieces. Minimum average energy value (KV) 41 J
(Charpy V-notch test)
• Test temperature, t ≤ 25 mm (4) 5°C below the design temperature or −20°C, whichever is lower
(1) By special agreement with the Society, the carbon content may be increased to 0,18% maximum, provided the design temper-
ature is not lower than −40°C.
(2) A controlled rolling procedure or TMCP may be used as an alternative.
(3) Materials with specified minimum yield stress exceeding 410 N/mm2 may be approved by the Society. For these materials, par-
ticular attention shall be given to the hardness of the welded and heat affected zones.
(4) This Table is applicable for material thicknesses t up to 25 mm. For material thicknesses of more than 25 mm, Charpy V-notch
tests shall be conducted at the following temperatures:
• 25 mm < t ≤ 30 mm: 10°C below the design temperature or −20°C, whichever is lower
• 30 mm < t ≤ 35 mm: 15°C below the design temperature or −20°C, whichever is lower
• 35 mm < t ≤ 40 mm: 20°C below the design temperature
• 40 mm < t: temperature approved by the Society.
The impact energy value shall be in accordance with the Table for the applicable type of test specimen.
Materials for tanks and parts of tanks which are completely thermally stress relieved after welding may be tested at a tempera-
ture 5°C below design temperature or −20°C, whichever is lower.
For thermally stress relieved reinforcements and other fittings, the test temperature shall be the same as that required for the
adjacent tank-shell thickness.
Note 1: The Charpy V-notch and chemistry requirements for forgings may be specially considered by the Society.
Note 2: For materials exceeding 25 mm in thickness for which the test temperature is −60°C or lower, the application of specially
treated steels or steels in accordance with Table 4 may be necessary.

352 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 6

5.3.3 For butt welds in plates, the test assemblies shall be • transverse bend tests, which may be face, root or side
so prepared that the rolling direction is parallel to the direc- bends. However, longitudinal bend tests may be
tion of welding. The range of thickness qualified by each required in lieu of transverse bend tests in cases where
welding procedure test shall be in accordance with recog- the base material and weld metal have different strength
nized standards. Radiographic or ultrasonic testing may be levels
performed at the option of the fabricator. • one set of three Charpy V-notch impacts, generally at
each of the following locations, as shown in Fig 2:
5.3.4 The following welding procedure tests for cargo tanks - centreline of the weld
and process pressure vessels shall be carried out in accord- - fusion line
ance with Article [3], with specimens made from each test
- 1 mm from the fusion line
- 3 mm from the fusion line, and
• cross-weld tensile tests
- 5 mm from the fusion line, and
• longitudinal all-weld testing, where required by the rec- • macrosection, microsection and hardness survey may
ognized standards also be required.

Table 4 : Plates, sections and forgings -see Note 1- for cargo tanks, secondary barriers
and process pressure vessels for design temperatures below −55°C and down to −165°C

Minimum design
temperature (1)
−60°C 1,5% nickel steel – normalized or normalized and tempered or quenched and tem- −65°C
pered or TMCP (5)
−65°C 2,25% nickel steel – normalized or normalized and tempered or quenched and −70°C
tempered or TMCP (5) (6) t ≤ 25 mm
−90°C 3,5% nickel steel – normalized or normalized and tempered or quenched and tem- (3) −95°C
pered or TMCP (5) (6)
−105°C 5,0% nickel steel – normalized or normalized and tempered or quenched and tem- −110°C
pered (5) (6) (7)
−165°C 9,0% nickel steel – double normalized and tempered or quenched and −196°C
tempered (5)
−165°C Austenitic steels, such as types 304, 304L, 316, 316L, 321 and 347. −196°C
Solution treated (8)
−165°C Aluminium alloys, such as type 5083 annealed Not required
−165°C Austenitic Fe-Ni alloy (36% nickel). Heat treatment as agreed Not required


• Plates Each ”piece” to be tested
Sampling frequency
• Sections and forgings Each ”batch” to be tested
Toughness • Plates Transverse test pieces. Minimum average energy value (KV) 27 J
(Charpy V-notch test) • Sections and forgings Longitudinal test pieces. Minimum average energy value (KV) 41 J
(1) The requirements for design temperatures below −165°C shall be specially agreed with the Society.
(2) The chemical composition limits shall be in accordance with recognized standards.
(3) This Table is applicable for material thicknesses t up to 25 mm. For materials 1,5% Ni, 2,25% Ni, 3,5% Ni and 5,0% Ni, with
thicknesses greater than 25 mm, the impact tests shall be conducted a the following temperatures:
• 25 mm < t ≤ 30 mm: 10°C below the design temperature
• 30 mm < t ≤ 35 mm: 15°C below the design temperature
• 35 mm < t ≤ 40 mm: 20°C below the design temperature
• 40 mm < t: the Charpy V-notch values shall be specially considered.
The energy value shall be in accordance with the Table for the applicable type of test specimen.
(4) For 9,0% Ni steels, austenitic stainless steels and aluminium alloys, thickness greater than 25 mm may be used.
(5) TMCP nickel steels will be subject to acceptance by the Society.
(6) A lower minimum design temperature for quenched and tempered steels may be specially agreed with the Society.
(7) A specially heat treated 5,0% nickel steel, for example triple heat treated 5,0% nickel steel, may be used down to −165°C, pro-
vided that the impact tests are carried out at −196°C.
(8) The impact test of austenitic stainless steel is required only for service temperature less than −105°C.
Note 1: The impact test required for forgings used in critical applications shall be subject to special consideration by the Society.

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Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 6

Table 5 : Pipes (seamless and welded) -see Note 1-, forgings and castings -see Note 2-
for cargo and process piping for design temperatures below 0°C and down to −165°C

Impact test, t ≤ 25 mm
Minimum design
temperature (1)
temperature energy (KV)
Carbon-manganese steel. Fully killed fine grain. Normalized or as
−55°C (3) 27 J
agreed (4)
2,25% nickel steel. Normalized, normalized and tempered or
−65°C −70°C 34 J
quenched and tempered (4)
3,5% nickel steel. Normalized, normalized and tempered or
−90°C −95°C 34 J
quenched and tempered (4)
9,0% nickel steel (5). Double normalized and tempered or quenched
−196°C 41 J
and tempered
−165°C Austenitic steels, such as types 304, 304L, 316, 316L, 321 and 347.
−196°C 41 J
Solution treated (6)
Aluminium alloys, such as type 5083 annealed Not required


Sampling frequency • Each ”batch” to be tested
Toughness (Charpy V-notch test) • Impact test: longitudinal test pieces
(1) The requirements for design temperatures below −165°C shall be specially agreed with the Society.
(2) The chemical composition limits shall be in accordance with recognized standards.
(3) The test temperature shall be 5°C below the design temperature or −20°C, whichever is lower.
(4) A lower design temperature may be specially agreed with the Society for quenched and tempered materials.
(5) This chemical composition is not suitable for castings.
(6) The impact test of austenitic stainless steel is required only for service temperature less than −105°C.
Note 1: The use of longitudinally or spirally welded pipes shall be specially approved by the Society.
Note 2: The requirements for forgings and castings may be subject to special consideration by the Society.

Table 6 : Plates and sections for hull structures required by Ch 9, Sec 4, [6.2.2] and Ch 9, Sec 4, [6.2.3]

Minimum design temperature Maximum thickness (mm) for steel grades

of hull structure A B D E AH DH EH FH
0°C and above (1) Recognized standards
−5°C and above (2) Recognized standards
down to −5°C 15 25 30 50 25 45 50 50
down to −10°C x 20 25 50 20 40 50 50
down to −20°C x x 20 50 x 30 50 50
down to −30°C x x x 40 x 20 40 50
below −30°C In accordance with Tab 3, except that the thickness limitation given in Tab 3 and in footnote (4) of
that Table does not apply.
(1) For the purpose of Ch 9, Sec 4, [6.2.3]
(2) For the purpose of Ch 9, Sec 4, [6.2.2].
Note 1:
x : Steel grade not to be used.

354 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 6

5.3.5 Each test shall satisfy the following requirements: 5.5.2 The production tests for type A and type B independ-
ent tanks and semi-membrane tanks shall include bend tests
• tensile tests: cross-weld tensile strength shall not be less and, where required for procedure tests, one set of three
than the specified minimum tensile strength for the Charpy V-notch tests. The tests shall be made for each 50 m
appropriate parent materials. For aluminium alloys, ref- of weld. The Charpy V-notch tests shall be made with speci-
erence shall be made to Ch 9, Sec 4, [4.5], item c) with mens having the notch alternately located in the centre of
regard to the requirements for weld metal strength of the weld and in the heat-affected zone (most critical loca-
under-matched welds (where the weld metal has a tion based on procedure qualification results). For austenitic
lower tensile strength than the parent metal). In every stainless steel, all notches shall be in the centre of the weld.
case, the position of fracture shall be recorded for infor-
mation 5.5.3 For type C independent tanks and process pressure
vessels, transverse weld tensile tests are required in addition
• bend tests: no fracture is acceptable after a 180° bend to the tests listed in [5.5.2]. Tensile tests shall meet the
over a former of a diameter four times the thickness of requirements of [5.3.5].
the test pieces, and

As an alternative to the bend test indicated, a test over a 5.5.4 The quality assurance/quality control programme
mandrel having a diameter equal to 3 times the thick- shall ensure the continued conformity of the production
ness with a bend angle up to 120° may be required. welds as defined in the material manufacturers quality man-
• Charpy V-notch impact tests: Charpy V-notch tests shall
be conducted at the temperature prescribed for the 5.5.5 The test requirements for integral and membrane
base material being joined. The results of weld metal tanks are the same as the applicable test requirements listed
impact tests, minimum average energy (KV), shall be no in [5.3].
less than 27 J. The weld metal requirements for subsize
specimens and single energy values shall be in accord-
5.6 Non-destructive testing
ance with [3.2]. The results of fusion line and heat-
affected zone impact tests shall show a minimum aver-
age energy (KV) in accordance with the transverse or 5.6.1 The following provisions apply to independent tanks:
longitudinal requirements of the base material, which- a) Tracing, cutting and shaping are to be carried out so as
ever is applicable, and for subsize specimens, the mini- to prevent, at the surface of the pieces, the production
mum average energy (KV) shall be in accordance with of defects detrimental to their use. In particular, marking
[3.2]. If the material thickness does not permit machin- the plates by punching and starting welding arcs outside
ing either full-size or standard subsize specimens, the the welding zone are to be avoided.
testing procedure and acceptance standards shall be in
accordance with recognized standards. b) Before welding, the edges to be welded are to be care-
fully examined, with possible use of non-destructive
examination, in particular when chamfers are carried
5.3.6 Procedure tests for fillet welding shall be in accord-
ance with recognized standards. In such cases, consuma-
bles shall be so selected that exhibit satisfactory impact c) In all cases, the working units are to be efficiently pro-
properties. tected against bad weather.

d) The execution of provisional welds, where any, is to be

5.4 Welding procedure tests for piping subjected to the same requirements as the construc-
tional welds. After elimination of the fillets, the area is
5.4.1 Welding procedure tests for piping shall be carried out to be carefully ground and inspected (the inspection is
and shall be similar to those detailed for cargo tanks in [5.3]. to include, if necessary, a penetrant fluid test).

e) All welding consumables are subject to agreement.

5.5 Production weld tests Welders are also to be agreed.

5.5.1 For all cargo tanks and process pressure vessels,

5.6.2 All test procedures and acceptance standards shall be
except integral and membrane tanks, production weld tests
in accordance with recognized standards, unless the
shall generally be performed for approximately each 50 m designer specifies a higher standard in order to meet design
of butt-weld joints and shall be representative of each weld- assumptions. Radiographic testing shall be used, in princi-
ing position. For secondary barriers, the same type produc- ple, to detect internal defects. However, an approved ultra-
tion tests as required for primary tanks shall be performed, sonic test procedure in lieu of radiographic testing may be
except that the number of tests may be reduced subject to conducted, but, in addition, supplementary radiographic
agreement with the Society. Tests, other than those speci- testing at selected locations shall be carried out to verify the
fied in [5.5.2] to [5.5.5] may be required for cargo tanks or results. Radiographic and ultrasonic testing records shall be
secondary barriers. retained.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 355

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 6

5.6.3 For type A independent tanks and semi-membrane 5.6.9 The secondary barrier shall be non-destructive tested
tanks, where the design temperature is below −20°C, and for internal defects as considered necessary. Where the
for type B independent tanks, regardless of temperature, all outer shell of the hull is part of the secondary barrier, all
full penetration butt welds of the shell plating of cargo tanks sheer strake butts and the intersections of all butts and
shall be subjected to non-destructive testing suitable to seams in the side shell shall be tested by radiographic test-
detect internal defects over their full length. Ultrasonic test- ing.
ing in lieu of radiographic testing may be carried out under
the same conditions as described in [5.6.2]. 6 Other requirements for construction
5.6.4 Where the design temperature is higher than −20°C, in metallic materials
all full penetration butt welds in way of intersections and at
least 10% of the remaining full penetration welds of tank 6.1 General
structures shall be subjected to radiographic testing or ultra-
sonic testing under the same conditions as described in 6.1.1 Inspection and non-destructive testing of welds shall
[5.6.2]. be in accordance with the requirements of [5.5] and [5.6].
Where higher standards or tolerances are assumed in the
5.6.5 In each case, the remaining tank structure, including design, they shall also be satisfied.
the welding of stiffeners and other fittings and attachments,
shall be examined by magnetic particle or dye penetrant 6.2 Independent tank
methods, as considered necessary.
6.2.1 For type C tanks and type B tanks primarily con-
5.6.6 For type C independent tanks, the extent of non- structed of bodies of revolution, the tolerances relating to
destructive testing shall be total or partial according to rec- manufacture, such as out-of-roundness, local deviations
ognized standards, but the controls to be carried out shall from the true form, welded joints alignment and tapering of
not be less than the following: plates having different thicknesses, shall comply with recog-
a) Total non-destructive testing referred to in Ch 9, Sec 4, nized standards. The tolerances shall also be related to the
[11.2]: buckling analysis referred to in Ch 9, Sec 4, [10.3], item b)
and Ch 9, Sec 4, [11.3], item b).
• Radiographic testing:
- all butt welds over their full length 6.2.2 For type C tanks of carbon and carbon-manganese
steel, post-weld heat treatment shall be performed after
• Non-destructive testing for surface crack detection:
welding, if the design temperature is below −10°C. Post-
- all welds over 10% of their length weld heat treatment in all other cases and for materials
- reinforcement rings around holes, nozzles, etc., other than those mentioned above shall be to recognized
over their full length. standards. The soaking temperature and holding time shall
be to the recognized standards.
As an alternative, ultrasonic testing as described in
[5.6.2] may be accepted as a partial substitute for the 6.2.3 In the case of type C tanks and large cargo pressure
radiographic testing. In addition, the Society may vessels of carbon or carbon-manganese steel, for which it is
require total ultrasonic testing on welding of reinforce- difficult to perform the heat treatment, mechanical stress
ment rings around holes, nozzles, etc. relieving by pressurizing may be carried out as an alterna-
b) Partial non-destructive testing referred to in Ch 9, Sec 4, tive to the heat treatment and subject to the following con-
[11.2]: ditions:

• Radiographic testing: • complicated welded pressure vessel parts such as

sumps or domes with nozzles, with adjacent shell plates
- all butt-welded crossing joints and at least 10% shall be heat treated before they are welded to larger
of the full length of butt welds at selected posi- parts of the pressure vessel
tions uniformly distributed
• the mechanical stress relieving process shall preferably
• Non-destructive testing for surface crack detection: be carried out during the hydrostatic pressure test
- reinforcement rings around holes, nozzles, etc., required by Ch 9, Sec 4, [11.6], by applying a higher
over their full length pressure than the test pressure required by Ch 9, Sec 4,
[11.6], item a). The pressurizing medium shall be water
• Ultrasonic testing:
• for the water temperature, Ch 9, Sec 4, [11.6], item b)
- as may be required by the Society in each applies
• stress relieving shall be performed while the tank is sup-
5.6.7 The quality assurance/quality control programme ported by its regular saddles or supporting structure or,
shall ensure the continued conformity of the non-destruc- when stress relieving cannot be carried out on board, in
tive testing of welds, as defined in the material manufac- a manner which will give the same stresses and stress
turer's quality manual. distribution as when supported by its regular saddles or
supporting structure
5.6.8 Inspection of piping shall be carried out in accord- • the maximum stress relieving pressure shall be held for 2
ance with the requirements of Ch 9, Sec 5. h per 25 mm of thickness, but in no case less than 2 h

356 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 6

• the upper limits placed on the calculated stress levels • local buckling shall be guarded against, particularly
during stress relieving shall be the following: when tori-spherical heads are used for tanks and domes,
- equivalent general primary membrane stress: 0,9 Re and
- equivalent stress composed of primary bending • the procedure for mechanical stress relieving shall be to
stress plus membrane stress: 1,35 Re , where Re is the a recognized standard.
specific lower minimum yield stress or 0,2% proof
stress at test temperature of the steel used for the
6.3 Secondary barriers
• strain measurements will normally be required to prove
6.3.1 During construction, the requirements for testing and
these limits for at least the first tank of a series of identi-
inspection of secondary barriers shall be approved or
cal tanks built consecutively. The location of strain
accepted by the Society (see Ch 9, Sec 4, [2.4.3], item e)
gauges shall be included in the mechanical stress reliev-
and Ch 9, Sec 4, [2.4.3], item f)).
ing procedure to be submitted in accordance with
• the test procedure shall demonstrate that a linear rela- 6.4 Semi-membrane tanks
tionship between pressure and strain is achieved at the
end of the stress relieving process when the pressure is 6.4.1 For semi-membrane tanks, the relevant requirements
raised again up to the design pressure in Article [6] for independent tanks or for membrane tanks
• high-stress areas in way of geometrical discontinuities shall be applied as appropriate.
such as nozzles and other openings shall be checked for
cracks by dye penetrant or magnetic particle inspection 6.5 Membrane tanks
after mechanical stress relieving. Particular attention in
this respect shall be paid to plates exceeding 30 mm in 6.5.1 The quality assurance/quality control programme
thickness shall ensure the continued conformity of the weld proce-
• steels which have a ratio of yield stress to ultimate ten- dure qualification, design details, materials, construction,
sile strength greater than 0,8 shall generally not be inspection and production testing of components. These
mechanically stress relieved. If, however, the yield stress standards and procedures shall be developed during the
is raised by a method giving high ductility of the steel, prototype testing programme.
slightly higher rates may be accepted upon considera-
tion in each case
• mechanical stress relieving cannot be substituted for
7 Non-metallic materials
heat treatment of cold formed parts of tanks, if the
degree of cold forming exceeds the limit above which 7.1 General
heat treatment is required
• the thickness of the shell and heads of the tank shall not 7.1.1 The information in Appendix 4 of the IGC Code is
exceed 40 mm. Higher thicknesses may be accepted for given for guidance in the selection and use of these materi-
parts which are thermally stress relieved als, based on the experience to date.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 357

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 7


1 Methods of control ment are also applicable to refrigerating installation compo-


1.1 General 3.1.2 Attention is drawn to the requirements of Ch 9, Sec 1,

[6.2.4] regarding the satisfactory operation of the relique-
1.1.1 With the exception of tanks designed to withstand full faction plant, if installed, and of any other equipment fitted
gauge vapour pressure of the cargo under conditions of the for the burning of cargo vapours, that is to be ascertained
upper ambient design temperatures, cargo tanks' pressure during the first full loading and the subsequent first unload-
and temperature shall be maintained at all times within their ing of ships carrying liquefied natural gasses (LNG) in bulk.
design range by either one, or a combination of, the follow-
ing methods: 3.1.3 General
• reliquefaction of cargo vapours The reliquefaction system may be arranged in one of the fol-
lowing ways:
• thermal oxidation of vapours
a) a direct system, where evaporated cargo is compressed,
• pressure accumulation, and
condensed and returned to the cargo tanks
• liquid cargo cooling.
b) an indirect system, where cargo or evaporated cargo is
cooled or condensed by refrigerant without being com-
1.1.2 For certain cargoes, where required by Ch 9, Sec 17,
the cargo containment system shall be capable of with-
standing the full vapour pressure of the cargo under condi- c) a combined system, where evaporated cargo is com-
tions of the upper ambient design temperatures, irrespective pressed and condensed in a cargo/refrigerant heat
of any system provided for dealing with boil-off gas. exchanger and returned to the cargo tanks, and
d) if the reliquefaction system produces a waste stream
1.1.3 Venting of the cargo to maintain cargo tank pressure
containing methane during pressure control operations
and temperature shall not be acceptable except in emer-
within the design conditions, these waste gases, as far as
gency situations. The Society may permit certain cargoes to
reasonably practicable, are disposed of without venting
be controlled by venting cargo vapours to the atmosphere
to atmosphere.
at sea. This may also be permitted in port with the authori-
zation of the port Administration. Note 1: The requirements of Ch 9, Sec 17 and Ch 9, Sec 19 may
preclude the use of one or more of these systems or may specify the
use of a particular system.
2 Design of systems
3.1.4 Compatibility
2.1 General Refrigerants used for reliquefaction shall be compatible with
the cargo they may come into contact with. In addition,
2.1.1 For normal service, the upper ambient design temper- when several refrigerants are used and may come into con-
ature shall be: tact, they shall be compatible with each other.
• sea: 32°C
3.2 Refrigerating installation components
• air: 45°C.
For service in particularly hot or cold zones, these design 3.2.1 Pressure vessels and heat exchangers
temperatures shall be increased or decreased, to the satis- a) Pressure vessels of refrigerating plants are to comply
faction of the Society. The overall capacity of the system with the relevant requirements of Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 3 and
shall be such that it can control the pressure within the Ch 9, Sec 5.
design conditions without venting to atmosphere.
b) Notch toughness of steels used in low temperature
plants is to be suitable for the thickness and the lowest
3 Reliquefaction of cargo vapours design temperature. A check of the notch toughness
properties may be required where the working tempera-
3.1 ture is below minus 40°C.

3.1.1 In general, in addition to the requirements of this 3.2.2 Piping systems

Article, the specific requirements stated in Part C and Part a) Refrigerant pipes are generally to be regarded as pres-
D, Chapter 9 of the Rules for various machinery and equip- sure pipes.

358 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 7

b) Refrigerant pipes are to be considered as belonging to

b) controlled venting of cargo vapours as specified in
the following classes:
[1.1.3] if permitted by the Administration concerned.
• class I: where they are intended for ammonia or
toxic and flammable substances 4.1.2 Maintaining the cargo tank pressure and temperature
• class II: for other refrigerants by means of thermal oxidation of cargo vapours, as defined
in Ch 9, Sec 1, [4.1.51] and Ch 9, Sec 16, [2] shall be per-
c) In general, the pipes conveying the cooling medium are mitted only for LNG cargoes. In general:
not to come into direct contact with the ship's structure;
they are to be carefully insulated on their run outside • thermal oxidation systems shall exhibit no externally visi-
the refrigerated spaces, and more particularly when ble flame and shall maintain the uptake exhaust temper-
passing through bulkheads and decks. ature below 535°C

d) The materials used for the pipes are to be appropriate to • arrangement of spaces where oxidation systems are
located shall comply with Ch 9, Sec 16, [3] and supply
the fluids that they convey. Copper, brass, bronze and
systems shall comply with Ch 9, Sec 16, [4], and
other copper alloys are not to be used for pipes likely to
convey ammonia. Methods proposed for joining such • if waste gases coming from any other system are to be
pipes are to be submitted to the Society for considera- burnt, the oxidation system shall be designed to accom-
tion. modate all anticipated feed gas compositions.
e) Notch toughness of the steels used is to be suitable for
the application concerned. 4.2 Thermal oxidation systems
f) Where necessary, cooling medium pipes within refriger-
4.2.1 Thermal oxidation systems shall comply with the fol-
ated spaces or embedded in insulation are to be exter-
nally protected against corrosion; for steel pipes, this
protection is to be ensured by galvanisation or equiva- • each thermal oxidation system shall have a separate
lent. All useful precautions are to be taken to protect the uptake
joints of such pipes against corrosion. • each thermal oxidation system shall have a dedicated
forced draught system, and
3.3 Refrigerants • combustion chambers and uptakes of thermal oxidation
systems shall be designed to prevent any accumulation
3.3.1 Prohibited refrigerants
of gas.
The use of the following refrigerants is not allowed for ship-
board installations: 4.2.2 Gas combustion units are to comply with the provi-
• Methyl chloride sions of Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 3, [7].

• R11 - Trichloromonofluoromethane (C Cl3 F)

4.3 Burners
3.3.2 Statutory requirements
4.3.1 Burners shall be designed to maintain stable combus-
Particular attention is to be paid to any limitation on the use
tion under all design firing conditions.
of refrigerants imposed by the Administration of the State
whose flag the ship is flying.
4.4 Safety
4 Thermal oxidation of vapours 4.4.1 Suitable devices shall be installed and arranged to
ensure that gas flow to the burner is cut off unless satisfac-
4.1 General tory ignition has been established and maintained.

4.1.1 Article [8] states that unless an alternative means of 4.4.2 Each oxidation system shall have provision to manu-
controlling the cargo pressure/temperature is provided to ally isolate its gas fuel supply from a safely accessible posi-
the satisfaction of the Society, a standby unit (or units) tion.
affording spare capacity at least equal to the largest
required single unit is (are) to be fitted. 4.4.3 Provision shall be made for automatic purging the gas
supply piping to the burners by means of an inert gas, after
For the purpose of complying with the above, a suitable
the extinguishing of these burners.
alternative means of pressure/temperature control would
4.4.4 In case of flame failure of all operating burners for gas
a) auxiliary boiler(s) capable of burning the boil-off or oil or for a combination thereof, the combustion cham-
vapours and disposing of the generated steam or an bers of the oxidation system shall be automatically purged
alternative waste heat system acceptable to the Society. before relighting.
Consideration will be given to systems burning only part
of the boil-off vapour if it can be shown that MARVS 4.4.5 Arrangements shall be made to enable the combus-
will not be reached within a period of 21 days. tion chamber to be manually purged.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 359

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 7

5 Pressure accumulation systems 8 Availability

8.1 General
5.1 General
8.1.1 The availability of the system and its supporting auxil-
5.1.1 The containment system insulation, design pressure iary services shall be such that:
or both shall be adequate to provide for a suitable margin a) in case of a single failure of a mechanical non-static
for the operating time and temperatures involved. No addi- component or a component of the control systems, the
tional pressure and temperature control system is required. cargo tanks' pressure and temperature can be main-
Conditions for acceptance shall be recorded in the Interna- tained within their design range without affecting other
tional Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Liquefied essential services
Gases in Bulk. Note 1: “mechanical non-static component” refers to pumps, fan
or compressors.
Note 1: The operating time corresponds to a period not less than 21
Note 2: “component of the control systems” refers to electronical
b) redundant piping systems are not required
6 Liquid cargo cooling c) heat exchangers that are solely necessary for maintain-
ing the pressure and temperature of the cargo tanks
within their design ranges shall have a standby heat
6.1 General exchanger, unless they have a capacity in excess of 25%
of the largest required capacity for pressure control and
6.1.1 The bulk cargo liquid may be refrigerated by coolant they can be repaired on board without external
circulated through coils fitted either inside the cargo tank or resources. Where an additional and separate method of
onto the external surface of the cargo tank. cargo tank pressure and temperature control is fitted
that is not reliant on the sole heat exchanger, then a
standby heat exchanger is not required, and
7 Segregation d) for any cargo heating or cooling medium, provisions
shall be made to detect the leakage of toxic or flamma-
ble vapours into an otherwise safe location or overboard
7.1 General
in accordance with Ch 9, Sec 13, [6]. Any vent outlet
from this leak detection arrangement shall be to a safe
7.1.1 Where two or more cargoes that may react chemically location and be fitted with a flame screen.
in a dangerous manner are carried simultaneously, separate Note 3: Interpretation of this requirement is that any non-static
systems as defined in Ch 9, Sec 1, [4.1.46], each complying component (e.g. pump, compressor, fan) shall be duplicated in
with availability criteria as specified in [8], shall be provided such a way that a single failure of one of this component will not
for each cargo. For simultaneous carriage of two or more car- impair the performance of the pressure/temperature control system.
goes that are not reactive to each other but where, due to Static components such as piping, heat exchanger shall not neces-
properties of their vapour, separate systems are necessary, sarily be duplicated: no redundancy is required for piping and heat
exchangers having an operational margin (+25% capacity) may be
separation may be by means of isolation valves.

360 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 8


1 General independent cargo tanks where the insulation is fitted to the

cargo tanks may be determined by the following formula:
1.1 ρ
Q sa = 3 ,4 ⋅ A C ⋅ ----- ⋅ h
1.1.1 All cargo tanks shall be provided with a pressure
relief system appropriate to the design of the cargo contain-
ment system and the cargo being carried. Hold spaces and Qsa : Minimum required discharge rate of air in
interbarrier spaces, which may be subject to pressures standard conditions of 273 K and 1,013 bar
beyond their design capabilities, shall also be provided with AC : Design crack opening area, in m2, equal to:
a suitable pressure relief system. Pressure control systems
specified in Ch 9, Sec 7 shall be independent of the pres- A C = --- ⋅ δ ⋅ l
sure relief systems.
2 Pressure relief systems δ : Maximum crack opening width, in
m, equal to:
2.1 General δ = 0,2 t
t being the thickness of tank bottom
2.1.1 Cargo tanks, including deck tanks, shall be fitted with plating, in m
a minimum of two pressure relief valves (PRVs), each being
l : Design crack length, in m, equal to
of equal size within manufacturer's tolerances and suitably
the diagonal of the largest plate
designed and constructed for the prescribed service.
panel of the tank bottom (see Fig 1)
2.1.2 Interbarrier spaces shall be provided with pressure h : Maximum liquid height above tank bottom plus
relief devices. 10 × MARVS, in m
Note 1: Refer to IACS Unified Interpretation GC9 entitled “Guid- ρ : Density of product liquid phase, in kN/m3, at
ance for sizing pressure relief systems for interbarrier spaces”, 1988. the set pressure of the interbarrier space relief
For membrane systems, the designer shall demonstrate ade- device
quate sizing of interbarrier space PRVs. ρV : Density of product vapour phase, in kN/m3, at
2.1.3 Protection of interbarrier spaces the set pressure of the interbarrier space relief
device and a temperature of 273 K.
a) The relieving capacity of pressure relief devices of inter-
barrier spaces surrounding independent type B cargo 2.1.5 The setting of the PRVs shall not be higher than the
tanks may be determined on the basis of the method vapour pressure that has been used in the design of the
given in [2]; however, the leakage rate is to be deter- tank. Where two or more PRVs are fitted, valves comprising
mined in accordance with Ch 9, Sec 4, [2.5.2]. not more than 50% of the total relieving capacity may be
b) The relieving capacity of pressure relief devices for set at a pressure up to 5% above MARVS to allow sequen-
interbarrier spaces of membrane and semi-membrane tial lifting, minimizing unnecessary release of vapour.
tanks is to be evaluated on the basis of specific mem-
brane/semi-membrane tank design. 2.1.6 The following temperature requirements apply to
PRVs fitted to pressure relief systems:
c) The relieving capacity of pressure relief devices for
interbarrier spaces adjacent to integral type cargo tanks • PRVs on cargo tanks with a design temperature below
may, if applicable, be determined as for type A inde- 0°C shall be designed and arranged to prevent their
pendent cargo tanks. becoming inoperative due to ice formation

d) Interbarrier space pressure relief devices in the scope of • the effects of ice formation due to ambient temperatures
this interpretation are emergency devices for protecting shall be considered in the construction and arrangement
the hull structure from being unduly overstressed in the of PRVs
event of a pressure rise in the interbarrier space due to • PRVs shall be constructed of materials with a melting
primary barrier failure. Therefore such devices need not point above 925°C. Lower melting point materials for
comply with the requirements [2.1.14] and [2.1.15]. internal parts and seals may be accepted, provided that
fail-safe operation of the PRV is not compromised, and
2.1.4 Size of pressure relief devices • sensing and exhaust lines on pilot operated relief valves
The combined relieving capacity, in m3/s, of the pressure shall be of suitably robust construction to prevent dam-
relief devices for interbarrier spaces surrounding type A age.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 361

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 8

Figure 1 : Determination of l



typical plate panel



s s s


2.1.7 Valve testing 2.1.8 PRVs shall be set and sealed by the Society, and a
record of this action, including the valves' set pressure, shall
a) PRVs shall be type-tested. Type tests shall include:
be retained on board the ship.
• verification of relieving capacity
2.1.9 Cargo tanks may be permitted to have more than one
• cryogenic testing when operating at design tempera- relief valve set pressure in the following cases:
tures colder than −55°C
• installing two or more properly set and sealed PRVs and
• seat tightness testing, and providing means, as necessary, for isolating the valves
not in use from the cargo tank, or
• pressure containing parts are pressure tested to at
least 1,5 times the design pressure. • installing relief valves whose settings may be changed by
the use of a previously approved device not requiring
PRVs shall be tested in accordance with recognized pressure testing to verify the new set pressure. All other
standards. valve adjustments shall be sealed.
Note 1: ISO 21013-1:2008 - Cryogenic vessels - Pressure-relief
accessories for cryogenic service - part 1: Recloseable pres- 2.1.10 Changing the set pressure under the provisions of
sure-relief valves; and ISO 4126-1; 2004 Safety devices for pro- [2.1.9] and the corresponding resetting of the alarms
tection against excessive pressure - part 1 and part 4: Safety referred to in Ch 9, Sec 13, [4.1.2] shall be carried out
valves. under the supervision of the Master in accordance with
approved procedures and as specified in the ship's operat-
b) Each PRV shall be tested to ensure that: ing manual. Changes in set pressure shall be recorded in the
• it opens at the prescribed pressure setting, with an ship's log and a sign shall be posted in the cargo control
allowance not exceeding ± 10% for 0 to 0,15 MPa, room, if provided, and at each relief valve, stating the set
± 6% for 0,15 to 0,30 MPa, ± 3% for 0,30 MPa and pressure.
2.1.11 In the event of a failure of a cargo tank-installed PRV,
• seat tightness is acceptable, and a safe means of emergency isolation shall be available:
• pressure containing parts will withstand at least a) Procedures shall be provided and included in the cargo
1,5 times the design pressure. operations manual (see IGC Code 18.2).

362 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 8

b) The procedures shall allow only one of the cargo tank 2.1.16 If cargoes that react in a dangerous manner with
installed PRVs to be isolated. each other are carried simultaneously, a separate pressure
Note 1: The basic principle is to ensure a safe isolation before relief system shall be fitted for each one.
removing the PRV for maintenance. The use of balloons can be
a solution and accepted in principle, but their efficiency (tight- 2.1.17 In the vent piping system, means for draining liquid
ness) shall be demonstrated. A procedure to reinstall or change from places where it may accumulate shall be provided.
the balloon after use shall also be prepared. For systems where The PRVs and piping shall be arranged so that liquid can,
the outlets of several PRVs are connected to a common vent under no circumstances, accumulate in or near the PRVs.
header, safe isolation means, where balloons are used, one bal-
Note 1: The words ‘draining liquid’ means, in this paragraph water,
loon at the inlet of the PRV and one at the outlet.
and/or snow.
c) Isolation of the PRV shall be carried out under the super-
vision of the Master. This action shall be recorded in the 2.1.18 Suitable protection screens of not more than 13 mm
ship's log and a sign posted in the cargo control room, if square mesh shall be fitted on vent outlets to prevent the
provided, and at the PRV. ingress of extraneous objects without adversely affecting the
flow. Other requirements for protection screens apply when
d) The tank shall not be loaded until the full relieving
carrying specific cargoes (see Ch 9, Sec 17, [9] and Ch 9,
capacity is restored.
Sec 17, [21]).
2.1.12 Each PRV installed on a cargo tank shall be con-
2.1.19 All vent piping shall be designed and arranged not
nected to a venting system, which shall be:
to be damaged by the temperature variations to which it
• so constructed that the discharge will be unimpeded may be exposed, forces due to flow or the ship's motions.
and directed vertically upwards at the exit
• arranged to minimize the possibility of water or snow 2.1.20 PRVs shall be connected to the highest part of the
entering the vent system cargo tank above deck level. PRVs shall be positioned on the
cargo tank so that they will remain in the vapour phase at the
• arranged such that the height of vent exits shall not be filling limit (FL) as defined in Ch 9, Sec 15, under conditions
less than B/3 or 6 m, whichever is the greater, above the of 15° list and 0,015 L trim, where L is defined in Ch 9, Sec 1,
weather deck, and [4.1.32].
• 6 m above working areas and walkways.
2.1.21 The adequacy of the vent system fitted on tanks
2.1.13 The height of vent exits as indicated in [2.1.12] is loaded in accordance with Ch 9, Sec 15, [1.5.2] shall be
also to be measured above storage tanks and cargo liquid demonstrated, taking into account the recommendations
lines, where applicable. developed by the Organization (see Note 1). A relevant
certificate shall be permanently kept on board the ship. For
2.1.14 Cargo PRV vent exits shall be arranged at a distance the purposes of this paragraph, vent system means:
at least equal to B or 25 m, whichever is less, from the near-
• the tank outlet and the piping to the PRV
est air intake, outlet or opening to accommodation spaces,
service spaces and control stations, or other non-hazardous • the PRV, and
areas. • the piping from the PRVs to the location of discharge to
For ships less than 90 m in length, smaller distances may be the atmosphere, including any interconnections and
permitted. piping that joins other tanks.
All other vent outlets connected to the cargo containment Note 1: Refer to the Guidelines for the evaluation of the adequacy
system shall be arranged at a distance of at least 10 m, of type C tank vent systems (resolution A.829(19)).
measured horizontally, from the nearest air intake, outlet or
opening to accommodation spaces, service spaces and con- 3 Vacuum protection systems
trol stations, or other non-hazardous areas.
In the case of carriage of flammable and/or toxic products, 3.1 General
the vent exits are to be arranged at a distance of at least
5 m, measured horizontally, from exhaust ducts and at least 3.1.1 Cargo tanks not designed to withstand a maxi-
10 m, measured horizontally, from intake ducts serving mum external pressure differential 0,025 MPa, or tanks
cargo pump rooms and/or cargo compressor rooms. that cannot withstand the maximum external pressure differ-
ential that can be attained at maximum discharge rates with
2.1.15 All other cargo vent outlets not dealt with in other
no vapour return into the cargo tanks, or by operation of a
chapters shall be arranged in accordance with [2.1.12] and
cargo refrigeration system, or by thermal oxidation, shall be
[2.1.12], items a) and b). Means shall be provided to pre-
fitted with:
vent liquid overflow from vent mast outlets, due to hydro-
static pressure from spaces to which they are connected. a) two independent pressure switches to sequentially
Note 1: The meaning of this recommendation is to avoid the pres-
alarm and subsequently stop all suction of cargo liquid
ence of liquid in the vent mast and in the pipes so that there was no or vapour from the cargo tank and refrigeration equip-
overflow from vent mast outlets, the designer has to demonstrated ment, if fitted, by suitable means at a pressure suffi-
that liquid will never reach the outlet of the vent mast in case of any ciently below the maximum external designed pressure
single failure. For example install a knockout drum is acceptable. differential of the cargo tank, or

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 363

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 8

b) vacuum relief valves with a gas flow capacity at least - 0,1 for membrane and semi-membrane
equal to the maximum cargo discharge rate per cargo tanks. For independent tanks partly pro-
tank, set to open at a pressure sufficiently below the truding through the weather decks, the
external design differential pressure of the cargo tank. fire exposure factor shall be determined
on the basis of the surface areas above
3.1.2 Subject to the requirements of Ch 9, Sec 17, the vac- and below deck
uum relief valves shall admit an inert gas, cargo vapour or A : External surface area of the tank, in m2, as
air to the cargo tank and shall be arranged to minimize the defined in Ch 9, Sec 1, [4.1.15], for different
possibility of the entrance of water or snow. If cargo vapour tank types, as shown in Fig 2
is admitted, it shall be from a source other than the cargo
Note 1: Lmin, for non-tapered tanks, is the smaller of the horizontal
vapour lines.
dimensions of the flat bottom of the tank. For tapered tanks, as
would be used for the forward tank, Lmin is the smaller of the
3.1.3 The vacuum protection system shall be capable of length and the average width.
being tested to ensure that it operates at the prescribed
• For prismatic tanks whose distance between the flat bottom
of the tank and bottom of the hold space is equal to or less
than Lmin/10, A is to be taken equal to the external surface
area minus flat bottom surface area
4 Sizing of pressure relieving system
• For prismatic tanks whose distance between the flat bottom
of the tank and bottom of the hold space is greater than
4.1 Sizing of pressure relief valves Lmin/10, A is to be taken equal to the external surface area.
G : Gas factor according to formula:
4.1.1 PRVs shall have a combined relieving capacity for
each cargo tank to discharge the greater of the following, 12, 4 ZT
G = ------------- -------
with not more than a 20% rise in cargo tank pressure above LD M
the MARVS:
a) The maximum capacity of the cargo tank inerting sys- T : Temperature in degrees Kelvin at
tem, if the maximum attainable working pressure of the relieving conditions, i.e. 120%
cargo tank inerting system exceeds the MARVS of the of the pressure at which the
cargo tanks, or pressure relief valve is set
b) Vapours generated under fire exposure computed using L : Latent heat of the material being
the following formula: vaporized at relieving condi-
tions, in kJ/kg
Q = FGA0,82
D : A constant based on relation of
where: specific heats and is calculated
as follows:
Q : Minimum required rate of discharge, in
m3/s, of air at standard conditions of
k  ------------ k – 1
2 ------------
D =
273,15 Kelvin (K) and 0,1013 MPa  k + 1

F : Fire exposure factor for different cargo types k : Ratio of specific heats at reliev-
as follows: ing conditions, and the value of
which is between 1,0 and 2,2. If
- 1,0 for tanks without insulation located
k is not known, D = 0,606 shall
on deck
be used
- 0,5 for tanks above the deck, when insu- Z : Compressibility factor of the
lation is approved by the Society. gas at relieving conditions. If
Approval will be based on the use of a not known, Z = 1 shall be used
fireproofing material, the thermal con-
ductance of insulation and its stability M : Molecular mass of the product.
under fire exposure The gas factor of each cargo to be carried
shall be determined and the highest value
- 0,5 for uninsulated independent tanks
shall be used for PRV sizing.
installed in holds
The required mass flow of air at relieving conditions is given
- 0,2 for insulated independent tanks in by the formula:
holds (or uninsulated independent tanks
in insulated holds) Mair = Q ρair
- 0,1 for insulated independent tanks in
inerted holds (or uninsulated independ- ρair : Density of air, taken equal to 1,296 kg/m3 (air at
ent tanks in inerted, insulated holds) 273,15 K and 0,1013 MPa).

364 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 8

Figure 2 : External surface area of the tank

 L min / 10
L excluded
Cylindrical tanks with spherically dished,
hemispherical or semi-ellipsoidal heads
or spherical tanks
Prismatic tanks

D de
 D / 10


Bilole tanks

 D / 10
 D / 10


Horizontal cylindrical
tanks arrangement

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 365

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 8

4.2 Sizing of vent pipe system 4.4 Downstream pressure losses

4.4.1 Where common vent headers and vent masts are fit-
4.2.1 Pressure losses upstream and downstream of the
ted, calculations shall include flow from all attached PRVs.
PRVs shall be taken into account when determining their
size to ensure the flow capacity required by [4.1]. 4.4.2 The built-up back pressure in the vent piping from the
PRV outlet to the location of discharge to the atmosphere,
4.3 Upstream pressure losses and including any vent pipe interconnections that join other
tanks, shall not exceed the following values:
• for unbalanced PRVs:10% of MARVS
4.3.1 The pressure drop in the vent line from the tank to
the PRV inlet shall not exceed 3% of the valve set pressure • for balanced PRVs:30% of MARVS, and
at the calculated flow rate, in accordance with [4.1]. • for pilot operated PRVs:50% of MARVS.
Alternative values provided by the PRV manufacturer may
be accepted.
4.3.2 Pilot-operated PRVs shall be unaffected by inlet pipe
pressure losses when the pilot senses directly from the tank
4.5 Blow-down
4.5.1 To ensure stable PRV operation, the blow-down shall
4.3.3 Pressure losses in remotely sensed pilot lines shall be not be less than the sum of the inlet pressure loss and
considered for flowing type pilots. 0,02 MARVS at the rated capacity.

366 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 9



1 General 1.2.3 For non-flammable gases, the spaces referred to in

[1.2.1] and [1.2.2] may be maintained with a suitable dry air
or inert atmosphere.
1.1 Atmosphere control within the cargo
containment system
1.3 Environmental control of spaces
1.1.1 A piping system shall be arranged to enable each surrounding type C independent tanks
cargo tank to be safely gas-freed, and to be safely filled with
cargo vapour from a gas-free condition. The system shall be 1.3.1 Spaces surrounding cargo tanks that do not have sec-
arranged to minimize the possibility of pockets of gas or air ondary barriers shall be filled with suitable dry inert gas or
remaining after changing the atmosphere. dry air and be maintained in this condition with make-up
inert gas provided by a shipboard inert gas generation sys-
1.1.2 For flammable cargoes, the system shall be designed to tem, shipboard storage of inert gas, or with dry air provided
eliminate the possibility of a flammable mixture existing in the by suitable air drying equipment. If the cargo is carried at
cargo tank during any part of the atmosphere change opera- ambient temperature, the requirement for dry air or inert
tion by utilizing an inerting medium as an intermediate step. gas is not applicable.

1.1.3 Piping systems that may contain flammable cargoes 1.3.2 As far as the requirements relevant to the dew point
shall comply with [1.1.1] and [1.1.2]. are concerned, the following additional provisions apply:
a) Where cargo tank insulation is not protected from water
1.1.4 A sufficient number of gas sampling points shall be vapour penetration by means of an effective vapour bar-
provided for each cargo tank and cargo piping system to rier, accepted by the Society, the maximum value of the
adequately monitor the progress of atmosphere change. dew point is to be less than the design temperature
Gas sampling connections shall be fitted with a single valve
above the main deck, sealed with a suitable cap or blank b) Where cargo tank insulation is protected by an effective
(see Ch 9, Sec 5, [6.4.5]). vapour barrier, accepted by the Society, the maximum
value of the dew point is to be less than the minimum
1.1.5 Inert gas utilized in these procedures may be pro- temperature which may be found on any surface within
vided from the shore or from the ship. the spaces filled with dry inert gas or dry air
c) The temperature of the hull structures adjacent to cargo
1.2 Atmosphere control within the hold tanks is not to become lower than the minimum permis-
spaces (cargo containment systems sible working temperature, specified in Ch 9, Sec 6 for
other than type C independent tanks) the steel grade employed for such hull structures
d) The capacity of dry air or inert gas equipment to pro-
1.2.1 Interbarrier and hold spaces associated with cargo duce dry air is to be verified in workshop
containment systems for flammable gases requiring full or e) Means are to be provided on board to measure the dry-
partial secondary barriers shall be inerted with a suitable ness of the hold space atmosphere. The equipment may
dry inert gas and kept inerted with make-up gas provided be portable provided permanent connections and/or
by a shipboard inert gas generation system, or by shipboard sampling pipes are fitted.
storage, which shall be sufficient for normal consumption
for at least 30 days.
1.4 Inerting
1.2.2 Alternatively, subject to the restrictions specified in
1.4.1 Inerting refers to the process of providing a non-com-
Ch 9, Sec 17, the spaces referred to in [1.2.1] requiring only
bustible environment. Inert gases shall be compatible chem-
a partial secondary barrier may be filled with dry air pro-
ically and operationally at all temperatures likely to occur
vided that the ship maintains a stored charge of inert gas or
within the spaces and the cargo. The dew points of the
is fitted with an inert gas generation system sufficient to inert
gases shall be taken into consideration.
the largest of these spaces, and provided that the configura-
tion of the spaces and the relevant vapour detection sys- 1.4.2 Precautions are to be taken to minimise the risk that
tems, together with the capability of the inerting static electricity generated by the inert gas system may
arrangements, ensures that any leakage from the cargo become a source of ignition.
tanks will be rapidly detected and inerting effected before a
dangerous condition can develop. Equipment for the provi- 1.4.3 Where inert gas is also stored for fire-fighting pur-
sion of sufficient dry air of suitable quality to satisfy the poses, it shall be carried in separate containers and shall not
expected demand shall be provided. be used for cargo services.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 367

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 9

1.4.4 Where inert gas is stored at temperatures below 0°C, 1.5.5 Spaces containing inert gas generation plants shall
either as a liquid or as a vapour, the storage and supply sys- have no direct access to accommodation spaces, service
tem shall be designed so that the temperature of the ship's spaces or control stations, but may be located in machinery
structure is not reduced below the limiting values imposed spaces. Inert gas piping shall not pass through accommoda-
on it. tion spaces, service spaces or control stations.

1.4.5 Arrangements to prevent the backflow of cargo 1.5.6 Combustion equipment for generating inert gas shall
vapour into the inert gas system that are suitable for the not be located within the cargo area. Special consideration
cargo carried, shall be provided. If such plants are located may be given to the location of inert gas generating equip-
in machinery spaces or other spaces outside the cargo area, ment using a catalytic combustion process.
two non-return valves or equivalent devices and, in addi-
tion, a removable spool piece shall be fitted in the inert gas
1.6 Engineering specifications for nitrogen /
main in the cargo area. When not in use, the inert gas sys-
tem shall be made separate from the cargo system in the
inert gas systems
cargo area except for connections to the hold spaces or
1.6.1 Requirements of:
interbarrier spaces.
• Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 14, [13.2.2], item b)
1.4.6 The arrangements shall be such that each space • Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 14, [13.2.2], item d)
being inerted can be isolated and the necessary controls
and relief valves, etc., shall be provided for controlling pres- • Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 14, [13.2.4], item b)
sure in these spaces. • Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 14, [13.2.4], item c)

1.4.7 Where insulation spaces are continually supplied • Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 14, [13.2.4], item e) 1) regarding oxy-
with an inert gas as part of a leak detection system, means gen content and power supply to the indicating devices
shall be provided to monitor the quantity of gas being sup- • Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 14, [13.2.4], item e) 4)
plied to individual spaces. • Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 14, [13.4.2] and
• Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 14, [13.4.3],
1.5 Inert gas production on board
apply to the systems.
1.5.1 Attention is drawn to the requirements of Ch 9, Sec 1,
[6.2.4] regarding the satisfactory operation of the inert gas 1.6.2 The nitrogen generator is to be capable of delivering
generating plant and of the associated control system that is high purity nitrogen in accordance with Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 14,
to be ascertained during the first full loading and the subse- [13.2.1], item b) 5). In addition to Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 14,
quent first unloading of ships carrying liquefied natural gas- [13.2.2], item d), the system is to be fitted with automatic
ses (LNG) in bulk. means to discharge “off-spec” gas to the atmosphere during
start-up and abnormal operation.
a) Spaces associated with cargo containment adjacent to 1.6.3 The feed air treatment system fitted to remove free
cargo tanks containing flammable products having a water, particles and traces of oil from the compressed air as
flashpoint equal to or less than 60°C are to kept in an required by Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 14, [13.4.2], item b), is also to
inert gas environment. preserve the specification temperature.
b) Inert gas generating systems are to be considered as
essential services and are to comply with the applicable 1.6.4 The oxygen-enriched air from the nitrogen generator
Sections of the Rules, as far as applicable. and the nitrogen-product enriched gas from the protective
devices of the nitrogen receiver are to be discharged to a
c) Where, in addition to inert gas produced on board, it is safe location on the open deck.
possible to introduce dry air into the above mentioned
Note 1: “safe location” needs to address the two types of dis-
spaces, where this is acceptable depending on the type
charges separately:
of cargo tank adopted, or to introduce inert gas from a
supply existing on board, it is not necessary that standby • oxygen-enriched air from the nitrogen generator - safe loca-
tions on the open deck are:
or spare components for the inert gas system are kept on
board. - outside of hazardous area;
- not within 3m of areas traversed by personnel; and
1.5.3 The equipment shall be capable of producing inert - not within 6m of air intakes for machinery (engines and
gas with an oxygen content at no time greater than 5% by boilers) and all ventilation inlets
volume, subject to the special requirements of Ch 9, Sec 17.
• nitrogen-product enriched gas from the protective devices of
A continuous-reading oxygen content meter shall be fitted
the nitrogen receiver - safe locations on the open deck are:
to the inert gas supply from the equipment and shall be fit-
ted with an alarm set at a maximum of 5% oxygen content - not within 3m of areas traversed by personnel; and
by volume, subject to the requirements of Ch 9, Sec 17. - not within 6m of air intakes for machinery (engines and
boilers) and all ventilation inlets/outlets.
1.5.4 An inert gas system shall have pressure controls and
monitoring arrangements appropriate to the cargo contain- 1.6.5 In order to permit maintenance, means of isolation
ment system. are to be fitted between the generator and the receiver.

368 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 9

1.6.6 The two non-return devices as required by Pt C, Ch 4, cargo tanks, to the hold spaces or to cargo piping are not
Sec 14, [13.2.3], item a) 1) are to be fitted in the inert gas permanent, the non-return devices required by Pt C, Ch 4,
main. The non-return devices are to comply with Pt C, Ch Sec 14, [13.2.3], item a) 1) may be substituted by two non-
4, Sec 14, [13.2.3], item a) 2) and Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 14, return valves.
[13.2.3], item a) 3); however, where the connections to the

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 369

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 10


1 General 1.4 General requirements

1.1 Application 1.4.1 Electrical installations shall be such as to minimize the

risk of fire and explosion from flammable products.
1.1.1 The requirements in this Section apply, in addition to
those contained in Part C, Chapter 2 to gas carriers. 1.4.2 Suitable arrangements are to be provided, to the satis-
faction of the Society, so as to prevent the possibility of
1.2 Documentation to be submitted gases or vapours passing from a hazardous area to another
area through runs of cables or their conduits.
1.2.1 In addition to the documentation requested in Pt C,
Ch 2, Sec 1, Tab 1 the following are to be submitted for 1.4.3 Electrical installations shall be in accordance with
approval: recognized standards.
a) plan of hazardous areas
Note 1: Refer to the recommendation published by the Interna-
b) document giving details of types of cables and safety tional Electrotechnical Commission in particular to publication IEC
characteristics of the equipment installed in hazardous 60092-502:1999.
However, where the prescriptive requirements in the present Rules
c) diagrams of tank level indicator systems, high level and IEC 60092-502 are not aligned, the prescriptive requirements
alarm systems and overflow control systems where in the present Rules take precedence and are to be applied.
1.4.4 Electrical equipment or wiring shall not be installed in
1.3 Definitions hazardous areas, unless essential for operational purposes
or safety enhancement.
1.3.1 For the purpose of this Section, unless expressly pro-
vided otherwise, the definitions below shall apply. 1.4.5 Where electrical equipment is installed in hazardous
areas as provided in [1.4.4], it shall be selected, installed
1.3.2 Hazardous area
and maintained in accordance with standards not inferior to
Hazardous area is an area in which an explosive gas atmo- those acceptable to the Society. The types of electrical
sphere is or may be expected to be present, in quantities equipment admitted, depending on the zone where they are
such as to require special precautions for the construction, installed, are specified in Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3, [10]. Equipment
installation and use of electrical apparatus. for hazardous areas shall be type approved by the Society.
Note 1: Examples of hazardous area zoning may be found in Tab 1. Automatic isolation of non-certified equipment on detection
of a flammable gas shall not be accepted as an alternative to
1.3.3 Zone 0 hazardous the use of certified equipment.
Zone 0 hazardous area is an area in which an explosive gas
atmosphere is present continuously or is present for long 1.4.6 To facilitate the selection of appropriate electrical
periods. apparatus and the design of suitable electrical installations,
hazardous areas are divided into zone 0, 1 and 2 according
1.3.4 Zone 1 hazardous
to [1.3]. The different spaces are to be classified according
Zone 1 hazardous area is an area in which an explosive gas to Tab 1.
atmosphere is likely to occur in normal operation.

1.3.5 Zone 2 hazardous 1.4.7 Electrical generation and distribution systems, and
associated control systems shall be designed such that a sin-
Zone 2 hazardous area is an area in which an explosive gas
gle fault will not result in the loss of ability to maintain cargo
atmosphere is not likely to occur in normal operation and, if
tank pressures, as required by Ch 9, Sec 7, [8.1.1], item a)
it does occur, is likely to do so infrequently and for a short
and hull structure temperature, as required by Ch 9, Sec 4,
period only.
[6.2], item f), within normal operating limits. Failure modes
1.3.6 Non-hazardous and effects shall be analysed and documented to a standard
not inferior to those acceptable to the Administration.
Non-hazardous area is an area in which an explosive gas
atmosphere is not expected to be present in quantities such Note 1: IEC 60812, Edition 2.0 2006-01 “Analysis techniques for
as to require special precautions for the construction, instal- system reliability - Procedure for failure mode and effects analysis
lation and use of electrical apparatus. (FMEA)”.

370 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 10

Table 1 : Space descriptions and hazardous area zones

No. Description of spaces
1 The interior of cargo tanks, any pipework of pressure-relief or other venting systems for cargo, pipes and Zone 0
equipment containing the cargo or developing flammable gases and vapours.
2 Interbarrier spaces, hold spaces where cargo is carried in a cargo containment system requiring a secondary Zone 0
3 Void space adjacent to, above or below integral cargo tanks. Zone 1
4 Hold spaces where cargo is carried in a cargo containment system not requiring a secondary barrier. Zone 1
5 Cofferdams and permanent (for example, segregated) ballast tanks adjacent to cargo tanks. Zone 1
6 Cargo pump rooms and cargo compressor rooms. Zone 1
7 Enclosed or semi-enclosed spaces, immediately above cargo tanks (for example, between decks) or having Zone 1
bulkheads above and in line with cargo tank bulkheads, unless protected by a diagonal plate acceptable to
the society.
8 Spaces, other than cofferdam, adjacent to and below the top of a cargo tank (for example, trunks, passage- Zone 1
ways and hold).
9 Areas on open deck, or semi-enclosed spaces on open deck, within 3 m of any cargo tank outlet, gas or Zone 1
vapour outlet, cargo manifold valve, cargo valve, cargo pipe flange, cargo pump-room ventilation outlets,
cargo compressor room ventilation outlets and cargo tank openings for pressure release provided to permit
the flow of small volumes of gas or vapour mixtures caused by thermal variation.
10 Areas on open deck, or semi-enclosed spaces on open deck above and in the vicinity of any cargo gas outlet Zone 1
intended for the passage of large volumes of gas or vapour mixture during cargo loading and ballasting or
during discharging, within a vertical cylinder of unlimited height and 6 m radius centred upon the centre of
the outlet, and within a hemisphere of 6 m radius below the outlet.
11 Areas on open deck, or semi-enclosed spaces on open deck, within 1,5 m of cargo pump room entrances, Zone 1
cargo pump room ventilation inlet, openings into cofferdams, cargo compressor room entrances, cargo com-
pressor room ventilation inlets or other zone 1 spaces.
12 Areas on open deck within spillage coamings surrounding cargo manifold valves and 3 m beyond these, up Zone 1
to a height of 2,4 m above the deck.
13 Areas on open deck over the cargo area where structures are restricting the natural ventilation and to the full Zone 1
breadth of the ship plus 3 m fore and aft of the forward-most and aft-most cargo tank bulkhead, up to a height
of 2,4 m above the deck.

14 Compartments for cargo hoses. Zone 1

15 Enclosed or semi-enclosed spaces in which pipes containing cargoes are located. Zone 1
16 A space separated from a hold space, where cargo is carried in a cargo tank requiring a secondary barrier, by Zone 1
a single gastight boundary.
17 Enclosed or semi-enclosed spaces in which pipes containing cargo products for boil-off gas fuel burning sys- Zone 1
tems are located, unless special precautions approved by the society are provided to prevent product gas
escaping into such spaces.
18 Areas of 1,5 m surrounding a space of zone 1. Zone 2
19 Spaces 4 m beyond the cylinder and 4 m beyond the sphere defined in item 10. Zone 2
20 The spaces forming an air lock as defined in Ch 9, Sec 3, [1.6]. Zone 2

21 Areas on open deck extending to the coamings fitted to keep any spills on deck and away from the accommo- Zone 2
dation and service area and 3 m beyond these up to a height of 2,4 m above the deck.
22 Areas on open deck over the cargo area where unrestricted natural ventilation is guaranteed and to the full Zone 2
breadth of the ship plus 3 m fore and aft of the forward-most and aft-most cargo tank bulkhead, up to a height
of 2,4 m above the deck surrounding open or semi-enclosed spaces of zone 1.

23 Spaces forward of the open deck areas to which reference is made in 13 and 22, below the level of the main Zone 2
deck, and having an opening on to the main deck or at a level less than 0,5 m above the main deck, unless:
• the doors and all openings are in non-hazardous area; and
• the spaces are mechanically ventilated

24 An area within 2,4 m of the outer surface of a cargo tank where such surface is exposed to the weather. Zone 2

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 371

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 10

1.4.8 The lighting system in hazardous areas shall be c) limited and locally earthed systems, such as power dis-
divided between at least two branch circuits. All switches tribution systems in galleys and laundries to be fed
and protective devices shall interrupt all poles or phases through isolating transformers with the secondary wind-
and shall be located in a non-hazardous area. ings earthed, provided that any possible resulting hull
current does not flow directly through any hazardous
1.4.9 Electrical depth sounding or log devices and area, or
impressed current cathodic protection system anodes or
electrodes shall be housed in gastight enclosures. d) alternating current power networks of 1,000 V root
mean square (line to line) and over, provided that any
1.4.10 Submerged cargo pump motors and their supply possible resulting current does not flow directly through
cables may be fitted in cargo containment systems. Arrange- any hazardous area; to this end, if the distribution sys-
ments shall be made to automatically shut down the motors tem is extended to areas remote from the machinery
in the event of low-liquid level. This may be accomplished space, isolating transformers or other adequate means
by sensing low pump discharge pressure, low motor current are to be provided.
or low liquid level. This shutdown shall be alarmed at the
cargo control station. Cargo pump motors shall be capable 1.6 Earth detection
of being isolated from their electrical supply during gas-free-
ing operations. 1.6.1 Monitoring of circuits in hazardous areas
The devices intended to continuously monitor the insula-
1.5 System of supply tion level of all distribution systems are also to monitor all
circuits, other than intrinsically safe circuits, connected to
1.5.1 Acceptable systems of supply
apparatus in hazardous areas or passing through such areas.
The following systems of generation and distribution of An audible and visual alarm is to be given, at a manned
electrical energy are acceptable: position, in the event of an abnormally low level of insula-
a) direct current: tion.
• two-wire insulated
b) alternating current: 1.7 Mechanical ventilation of hazardous
• single-phase, two-wire insulated spaces
• three-phase, three-wire insulated. 1.7.1 Electric motors driving fans of the ventilating systems
In insulated distribution systems, no current carrying part is of hazardous spaces are to be located outside the ventila-
to be earthed, other than: tion ducting.
a) through an insulation level monitoring device
1.7.2 Motors driving ventilating fans may be located within
b) through components used for the suppression of inter- the ducting provided that they are of a certified safe type.
ference in radio circuits.

1.5.2 Earthed system with hull return

1.7.3 The materials used for the fans and their housing are
Earthed systems with hull return are not permitted, with the to be in compliance with Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 1, [3.28].
following exceptions to the satisfaction of the Society:
a) impressed current cathodic protective systems 1.7.4 Cargo compressor rooms and other enclosed spaces
b) limited and locally earthed systems, such as starting and which contain cargo-handling equipment and similar
ignition systems of internal combustion engines, pro- spaces in which work is performed on the cargo should be
vided that any possible resulting current does not flow fitted with mechanical ventilation systems, capable of being
directly through any hazardous area controlled from outside such spaces.

c) insulation level monitoring devices, provided that the 1.7.5 Provisions are to be made to ventilate the spaces
circulation current of the device does not exceed 30 mA defined in [1.7.4] prior to entering the compartment and
under the most unfavourable conditions. operating the equipment.
1.5.3 Earthed systems without hull return
Earthed systems without hull return are not permitted, with 2 Hazardous locations and types of
the following exceptions: equipment
a) earthed intrinsically safe circuits and the following other
systems to the satisfaction of the Society 2.1 Electrical equipment permitted in gas-
b) power supplies, control circuits and instrumentation cir- dangerous spaces and zones
cuits in non-hazardous areas where technical or safety
reasons preclude the use of a system with no connec- 2.1.1 A space separated by a gastight boundaries from a
tion to earth, provided the current in the hull is limited hazardous area may be classified as zone 0, 1, 2 or consid-
to not more than 5 A in both normal and fault condi- ered as non hazardous, taking into account the sources of
tions, or release inside that space and its conditions of ventilation.

372 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 10

2.1.2 Access door and other openings are not to be pro- 2.2 Submerged cargo pumps
vided between an area intended to be considered as non-
2.2.1 Exceptions
hazardous and a hazardous area or between a space
Submerged cargo pumps are not permitted in connection
intended to be considered as zone 2 and a zone 1, except
with the following cargoes:
where required for operational reasons.
• diethyl ether
• vinyl ethyl ether
2.1.3 In enclosed or semi-enclosed spaces having a direct
• ethylene oxide
opening into any hazardous space or area, electrical instal-
• propylene oxide
lations are to comply with the requirements for the space or
• mixtures of ethylene oxide and propylene oxide.
area to which the opening leads.
2.2.2 Submerged electric motors
2.1.4 Where a space has an opening into an adjacent, In addition to the requirements of [1.4.10], where sub-
more hazardous space or area, it may be made into a less merged electric motors are employed, means are to be pro-
hazardous space or non-hazardous space, taking into vided, e.g. by the arrangements specified in Ch 9, Sec 17,
[6] to avoid the formation of explosive mixtures during
account the type of separation and the ventilation system.
loading, cargo transfer and unloading.

2.1.5 A differential pressure monitoring device or a flow

3 Product classification
monitoring device, or both, are to be provided for monitor-
ing the satisfactory functioning of pressurisation of spaces
3.1 Temperature class and explosion group
having an opening into a more hazardous zone.
3.1.1 Tab 2 specifies temperature class and explosion
In the event of loss of the protection by the over-pressure or group data for the products indicated in Ch 9, Sec 19. The
loss of ventilation in spaces classified as zone 1 or zone 2, data shown in brackets have been derived from similar
protective measures are to be taken. products.

Table 2 : Temperature class and explosion group of certain products

Temperature Explosion Temperature Explosion

Product name Product name
class group class group
Acetaldehyde T4 II A Isopropylamine T2 II A
Ammonia anhydrous T1 II A Methane T1 II A
Butadiene T2 II B Methyl acetylene propadiene mixture T4 II A
Butane T2 II A Methyl bromide T3 II A
Butane/propane mixture T2 II A Methyl chloride T1 II A
Butylenes T3 II A Monoethylamine T2 II A
Carbon dioxide NF NF Nitrogen NF NF
Chlorine NF NF Pentane (all isomers) (T2) (II A)
Diethyl ether T4 II B Pentene (all isomers (T3) (II B)
Dimethylamine T2 II A Propane T1 II A
Dimethyl ether T3 II B Propylene T2 II B
Ethane T1 II A Propylene oxide T2 II B
Ethyl chloride T2 II A Refrigerant gases NF NF
Ethylene T2 II B Sulphur dioxide (T3) (II B)
Ethylene oxide T2 II B Vinyl chloride T2 II A
Ethylene oxide propylene oxide mix- T2 II B Vinyl ethyl ether T3 II B
ture (max. 30% w/w ethylene oxide)
Isoprene T3 II B Vinylidene chloride T2 II A

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 373

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 11


1 General 1.2 Fire mains and hydrants

1.2.1 Irrespective of size, ships carrying products that are

1.1 Fire safety requirements
subject to the Code shall comply with the requirements of
regulation ll-2/10.2 of the SOLAS Convention, as applicable
1.1.1 The requirements for tankers in SOLAS chapter ll-2
to cargo ships, except that the required fire pump capacity
shall apply to ships covered by the Code, irrespective of
tonnage including ships of less than 500 gross tonnage, and fire main and water service pipe diameter shall not be
except that: limited by the provisions of regulations ll-2/
and ll-2/, when a fire pump is used to supply the
a) regulations and 4.5.10 do not apply water-spray system, as permitted by [1.3.5]. The capacity of
this fire pump shall be such that these areas can be protected
b) requirements of 10.4 and 10.5 shall apply as they would
when simultaneously supplying two jets of water from fire
apply to tankers of 2,000 gross tonnage and over
hoses with 19 mm nozzles at a pressure of at least 0.5 MPa
c) regulation 10.5.6 shall apply to ships of 2,000 gross ton- gauge.
nage and over
1.2.2 The arrangements shall be such that at least two jets
d) the regulations of SOLAS chapter II-2 related to tankers
listed in Tab 1 do not apply and are replaced by require- of water can reach any part of the deck in the cargo area
ments of this Chapter as detailed in Tab 1 and those portions of the cargo containment system and
tank covers that are above the deck. The necessary number
e) regulations 13.3.4 and 13.4.3 shall apply to ships of 500 of fire hydrants shall be located to satisfy the above arrange-
gross tonnage and over. ments and to comply with the requirements of regula-
tions ll-2/ and ll-2/ of the SOLAS
Table 1 : Convention, with hose lengths as specified in regulation ll-
2/ In addition, the requirements of regulation ll-
SOLAS Replaced by the following 2/ shall be met at a pressure of at least 0.5 MPa
Chapter II-2 Regulation requirements gauge.
10.10 [1.6]
1.2.3 Stop valves shall be fitted in any crossover provided and Ch 9, Sec 3
and in the fire main or mains in a protected location, before
4.5.5 Relevant requirements in this entering the cargo area and at intervals ensuring isolation of
Section any damaged single section of the fire main, so that [1.2.2]
10.8 [1.3] and [1.4] can be complied with using not more than two lengths of
hoses from the nearest fire hydrant. The water supply to the
10.9 [1.5] fire main serving the cargo area shall be a ring main sup-
10.2 from [1.2.1] to [1.2.4] plied by the main fire pumps or a single main supplied by
fire pumps positioned fore and aft of the cargo area, one of
which shall be independently driven.
1.1.2 All sources of ignition shall be excluded from spaces
where flammable vapour may be present, except as other-
wise provided in Ch 9, Sec 10 and Ch 9, Sec 16. 1.2.4 Nozzles shall be of an approved dual-purpose type
(i.e. spray/jet type) incorporating a shutoff.
1.1.3 The maximum temperature of the steam and heating
media in the cargo area is to be adjusted to take into 1.2.5 After installation, the pipes, valves, fittings and assem-
account the temperature class of the cargo. bled system shall be subject to a tightness and function test.

1.1.4 The provisions of this Section shall apply in conjunc-

tion with Ch 9, Sec 3. 1.3 Water-spray system

1.1.5 For the purposes of fire fighting, any weather deck 1.3.1 A stop valve is to be fitted on the water-spray main as
areas above cofferdams, ballast or void spaces at the after close as possible to the poop front so that the accommoda-
end of the aftermost hold space or at the forward end of the tion spaces are always protected in the case of a spray-main
forwardmost hold space shall be included in the cargo area. failure.

374 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 11

1.3.2 On ships carrying flammable and/or toxic products, a 40 m, for the purpose of isolating damaged sections. Alter-
water-spray system, for cooling, fire prevention and crew natively, the system may be divided into two or more sec-
protection shall be installed to cover: tions that may be operated independently, provided the
necessary controls are located together in a readily accessi-
a) exposed cargo tank domes, any exposed parts of cargo ble position outside the cargo area. A section protecting any
tanks and any part of cargo tank covers that may be area included in [1.3.2], items a) and b), shall cover at least
exposed to heat from fires in adjacent equipment con- the entire athwartship tank grouping in that area. Any gas
taining cargo such as exposed booster pumps/heat- process unit(s) included in [1.3.2] may be served by an
ers/re-gasification or re-liquefaction plants, hereafter independent section.
addressed as gas process units, positioned on weather
decks In general the vertical distance between the water spray
nozzle rows protecting vertical surfaces should not exceed
b) exposed on-deck storage vessels for flammable or toxic
3,7 m.

c) gas process units positioned on deck 1.3.5 The capacity of the water-spray pumps shall be capa-
ble of simultaneous protection of the greater of the follow-
d) cargo liquid and vapour discharge and loading connec-
tions, including the presentation flange and the area
where their control valves are situated, which shall be at a) any two complete athwartship tank groupings, including
least equal to the area of the drip trays provided any gas process units within these areas, or
e) all exposed emergency shut-down (ESD) valves in the b) for ships intended for operation as listed in Ch 9, Sec 1,
cargo liquid and vapour pipes, including the master [2.1.10], necessary protection subject to special consid-
valve for supply to gas consumers eration under [1.3.2] of any added fire hazard and the
f) exposed boundaries facing the cargo area, such as bulk- adjacent athwartship tank grouping,
heads of superstructures and deckhouses normally
in addition to surfaces specified in [1.3.2] Alternatively, the
manned, cargo machinery spaces, store-rooms contain-
main fire pumps may be used for this service, provided that
ing high fire-risk items and cargo control rooms.
their total capacity is increased by the amount needed for
Exposed horizontal boundaries of these areas do not
the water-spray system. In either case, a connection,
require protection unless detachable cargo piping con-
through a stop valve, shall be made between the fire main
nections are arranged above or below. Boundaries of
and water-spray system main supply line outside the cargo
unmanned forecastle structures not containing high fire-
risk items or equipment do not require water-spray pro-
1.3.6 The boundaries of superstructures and deckhouses
g) exposed lifeboats, liferafts and muster stations facing the normally manned, and lifeboats, liferafts and muster areas
cargo area, regardless of distance to cargo area, and facing the cargo area, shall also be capable of being served
by one of the fire pumps or the emergency fire pump, if a
h) any semi-enclosed cargo machinery spaces and semi-
fire in one compartment could disable both fire pumps.
enclosed cargo motor room.
Ships intended for operation as listed in Ch 9, Sec 1, 1.3.7 Water pumps normally used for other services may be
[2.1.10] shall be subject to special consideration (see arranged to supply the water-spray system main supply line.
The water spray system mentioned in [1.3.2] is also to cover 1.3.8 All pipes, valves, nozzles and other fittings in the
boundaries of spaces containing internal combustion water-spray system shall be resistant to corrosion by seawa-
engines and/or fuel treatment units, of store-rooms for flam- ter. Piping, fittings and related components within the cargo
mable liquids having a flashpoint equal to or less than 60°C area (except gaskets) shall be designed to withstand 925°C.
and of paint lockers. The water-spray system shall be arranged with in-line filters
to prevent blockage of pipes and nozzles. In addition,
1.3.3 The system shall be capable of covering all areas means shall be provided to back-flush the system with fresh
mentioned in [1.3.2], with a uniformly distributed water water.
application rate of at least 10 litre/m2/min for the largest
projected horizontal surfaces and 4 litre/m2/min for vertical 1.3.9 Remote starting of pumps supplying the water-spray
surfaces. For structures having no clearly defined horizontal system and remote operation of any normally closed valves
or vertical surface, the capacity of the water-spray system in the system shall be arranged in suitable locations outside
shall not be less than the projected horizontal surface multi- the cargo area, adjacent to the accommodation spaces and
plied by 10 /m2/min. readily accessible and operable in the event of fire in the
protected areas.
1.3.4 On vertical surfaces, spacing of nozzles protecting
lower areas may take account of anticipated rundown from 1.3.10 After installation, the pipes, valves, fittings and
higher areas. Stop valves shall be fitted in the main supply assembled system shall be subject to a tightness and func-
line(s) in the water-spray system, at intervals not exceeding tion test.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 375

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 11

1.4 Dry chemical powder fire-extinguishing hose line shall not exceed 33m. Where fixed piping is pro-
systems vided between the powder container and a hand hose line
or monitor, the length of piping shall not exceed that length
1.4.1 Ships in which the carriage of flammable products is which is capable of maintaining the powder in a fluidized
intended shall be fitted with fixed dry chemical powder fire- state during sustained or intermittent use, and which can be
extinguishing systems, approved by the Society based on purged of powder when the system is shut down. Hand
the guidelines developed by the Organization (see Note 1), hose lines and nozzles shall be of weather-resistant con-
for the purpose of fire fighting on the deck in the cargo area, struction or stored in weather resistant housing or covers
including any cargo liquid and vapour discharge and load- and be readily accessible.
ing connections on deck and bow or stern cargo handling
areas, as applicable. 1.4.6 Hand hose lines shall be considered to have a maxi-
mum effective distance of coverage equal to the length of
Note 1: Refer to the Guidelines for the approval of fixed dry chemi-
cal powder fire-extinguishing systems for the protection of ships
hose. Special consideration shall be given where areas to be
carrying liquefied gases in bulk (MSC.1/Circ.1315). protected are substantially higher than the monitor or hand
hose reel locations.
Note 2: Dry chemical powder is to based on potassium bicarbo-
1.4.7 Ships fitted with bow/stern load/unload connections
shall be provided with independent dry powder unit pro-
1.4.2 The system shall be capable of delivering powder tecting the cargo liquid and vapour piping, aft or forward of
from at least two hand hose lines, or a combination of mon- the cargo area, by hose lines and a monitor covering the
itor/hand hose lines, to any part of the exposed cargo liquid bow/stern load/unload complying with the requirements
and vapour piping, load/unload connection and exposed from [1.4.1] to [1.4.6].
gas process units.
1.4.8 Ships intended for operation as listed in Ch 9, Sec 1,
1.4.3 The dry chemical powder fire-extinguishing system [2.1.10] shall be subject to special consideration.
shall be designed with not less than two independent units.
Any part required to be protected by [1.4.2] shall be capa- 1.4.9 After installation, the pipes, valves, fittings and assem-
ble of being reached from not less than two independent bled systems shall be subjected to a tightness test and func-
units with associated controls, pressurizing medium fixed tional testing of the remote and local release stations. The
piping, monitors or hand hose lines. For ships with a cargo initial testing shall also include a discharge of sufficient
capacity of less than 1,000 m3, only one such unit need be amounts of dry chemical powder to verify that the system is
fitted. A monitor shall be arranged to protect any in proper working order. All distribution piping shall be
load/unload connection area and be capable of actuation blown through with dry air to ensure that the piping is free
and discharge both locally and remotely. The monitor is not of obstructions.
required to be remotely aimed, if it can deliver the neces-
sary powder to all required areas of coverage from a single 1.5 Enclosed spaces containing cargo han-
position. One hose line shall be provided at both port- and dling equipment
starboard side at the end of the cargo area facing the
accommodation and readily available from the accommo- 1.5.1 In pump rooms and cargo compressor rooms, at least
dation. two portable extinguishers of a recognised type are to be fit-
1.4.4 Powder systems are to be in accordance with the fol-
lowing requirements: 1.5.2 Enclosed spaces meeting the criteria of cargo machin-
a) Two powder units, even if mutually connected through ery spaces in Ch 9, Sec 1, [4.1.11], and the cargo motor
a common main, may be considered independent on room within the cargo area of any ship, shall be provided
condition that non-return valves or other arrangements with a fixed fire-extinguishing system complying with the
suitable to prevent powder from passing from one unit provisions of the FSS Code and taking into account the nec-
to the other are fitted. essary concentrations/application rate required for extin-
guishing gas fires.
b) The powder units which constitute the system are to
contain, in general, the same powder quantity and, 1.5.3 Audible alarms fitted to warn of the release of fire
when they are not grouped together in a single position, extinguishing medium into pump rooms, are to be of the
they are to be uniformly located over the area to be pro- pneumatic type or electric type.
a) In cases where the periodic testing of pneumatically
c) Where powder units are grouped together in a single operated alarms is required, CO2 operated alarms
position or, in the case of ships having a cargo capacity should not be used owing to the possibility of the gener-
less than 1000 m3, a single powder unit is installed, the ation of static electricity in the CO2 cloud. Air operated
said units are to be located aft of the cargo area. alarms may be used provided the air supply is clean and
1.4.5 The capacity of a monitor shall be not less than
10kg/s. Hand hose lines shall be non-kinkable and be fitted b) When electrically operated alarms are used, the
with a nozzle capable of on/off operation and discharge at arrangements are to be such that the electric actuating
a rate not less than 3.5 kg/s. The maximum discharge rate mechanism is located outside the pump room except
shall allow operation by one man. The length of a hand where the alarms are certified intrinsically safe.

376 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 11

1.5.4 Enclosed spaces meeting the criteria of cargo machin- 1.6 Firefighter’s outfits
ery spaces in Ch 9, Sec 3, [1.3], within the cargo area of
ships that are dedicated to the carriage of a restricted num- 1.6.1 Every ship carrying flammable products shall carry
ber of cargoes, shall be protected by an appropriate fire- firefighter's outfits complying with the requirements of regu-
extinguishing system for the cargo carried. lation ll-2/10.10 of the SOLAS Convention, as in Tab 2.

1.5.5 Turret compartments of any ship shall be protected Table 2 :

by internal water spray, with an application rate of not less
than 10 litre/m2/min of the largest projected horizontal sur- Total cargo capacity Number of outfits
face. If the pressure of the gas flow through the turret
exceeds 4 MPa, the application rate shall be increased to 20
5,000 m and below 4
litre/m2/min. The system shall be designed to protect all Above 5,000 m3 5
internal surfaces.
Note 1: The sentence “shall be designed to protect all internal sur- 1.6.2 Additional requirements for safety equipment are
faces” should be interpreted as follows as follows: given in Ch 9, Sec 14.
• any horizontal internal surface (e.g. platform) is to be protected
• Additional nozzles are to be considered if necessary 1.6.3 Any breathing apparatus required as part of a fire-
• the surface of the internal surfaces has to be added to the larg- fighter's outfit shall be a self-contained compressed air-oper-
est projected horizontal surface in order to determine the ated breathing apparatus having a capacity of at least 1,200
required water capacity litres of free air.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 377

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 12


1 General 1.2.7 Ventilation ducts are to be fitted with metallic fire

dampers provided with “open” and “closed” signs. These
dampers are to be arranged in the open, in a readily acces-
1.1 Scope
sible position.
1.1.1 The requirements of this Section replace the require-
ments of SOLAS regulations II-2/ and, as 1.2.8 Exhaust ducts from hazardous areas are to be
amended. arranged at a distance in the horizontal direction of at least
10 m from ventilation outlets of gas-safe spaces. Shorter dis-
tances may be accepted for ventilation outlets from safe
1.2 Spaces required to be entered during spaces protected by air-locks.
normal cargo handling operations
1.2.1 Electric motor rooms, cargo compressor and pump- 1.2.9 Intakes of hazardous areas are to be arranged at a dis-
rooms, spaces containing cargo handling equipment and tance in the horizontal direction of at least 3 m from venti-
other enclosed spaces where cargo vapours may accumu- lation intakes and outlets and openings of accommodation
late shall be fitted with fixed artificial ventilation systems spaces, control stations and other gas-safe spaces.
capable of being controlled from outside such spaces. The
ventilation shall be run continuously to prevent the accumu- 1.2.10 Exhaust and intake ducts for the same gas-danger-
lation of toxic and/or flammable vapours, with a differential ous space, or for the same space rendered safe by an air-
pressure monitoring device or flow monitoring device to lock, are to be arranged at a distance from each other in the
indicate any loss of the required ventilating capacity. A horizontal direction of not less than 3 m.
warning notice requiring the use of such ventilation prior to
entering shall be placed outside the compartment.
1.2.11 Ventilation ducts serving hazardous areas shall not
1.2.2 Artificial ventilation inlets and outlets shall be be led through accommodation, service and machinery
arranged to ensure sufficient air movement through the spaces or control stations, except as allowed in Ch 9, Sec
space to avoid accumulation of flammable, toxic or asphyx- 16.
iant vapours, and to ensure a safe working environment.
1.2.12 Electric motors' driving fans shall be placed outside
1.2.3 The ventilation system shall have a capacity of not the ventilation ducts that may contain flammable vapours.
less than 30 changes of air per hour, based upon the total Ventilation fans shall not produce a source of ignition in
volume of the space. As an exception, non-hazardous cargo either the ventilated space or the ventilation system associ-
control rooms may have eight changes of air per hour. ated with the space. For hazardous areas, ventilation fans
and ducts, adjacent to the fans, shall be of non-sparking
1.2.4 Where a space has an opening into an adjacent more construction, complying with Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 1, [3.28], and
hazardous space or area, it shall be maintained at an over- as defined below:
pressure. It may be made into a less hazardous space or
• impellers or housing of non-metallic construction, with
non-hazardous space by overpressure protection in accord- due regard being paid to the elimination of static elec-
ance with recognized standards. tricity
1.2.5 Ventilation ducts, air intakes and exhaust outlets serv- • impellers and housing of non-ferrous materials
ing artificial ventilation systems shall be positioned in • impellers and housing of austenitic stainless steel, and
accordance with recognized standards.
• ferrous impellers and housing with design tip clearance
Note 1: Refer to the recommendation published by the Interna-
of not less than 13 mm.
tional Electrotechnical Commission, in particular, to publication IEC
60092-502:1999. Any combination of an aluminium or magnesium alloy fixed
However, where the prescriptive requirements in the present Rules or rotating component and a ferrous fixed or rotating com-
and IEC 60092-502 are not aligned, the prescriptive requirements ponent, regardless of tip clearance, is considered a sparking
in the present Rules take precedence and are to be applied. hazard and Materials for non shall not be used in these
1.2.6 Ventilation ducts are to be arranged at a suitable
height from the weather deck. This height is not to be less 1.2.13 The shafting penetration of motors driving fans
than 2,4 m for intake ducts. through bulkheads and decks of dangerous spaces or
Note 1: Hazardous areas for this purpose are those mentioned in through ventilation ducts is to be fitted with a gastight seal-
[1.2.11] For other spaces which are gas-dangerous only due to their ing device, of the oil- seal type or equivalent, deemed suita-
position, some relaxation may be granted. ble by the Society.

378 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 12

1.2.14 Where fans are required by this Section, full 1.3 Spaces not normally entered
required ventilation capacity for each space shall be availa-
ble after failure of any single fan, or spare parts shall be pro- 1.3.1 Both fixed and portable systems are to guarantee the
vided comprising a motor, starter spares and complete efficient ventilation of such spaces in relation to the relative
rotating element, including bearings of each type. density, in respect of the air, and to the toxicity of the gases
transported. The type of portable fans and their connection
to the spaces served are to be approved by the Society. In
1.2.15 Protection screens of not more than 13 mm square no case are portable electrical fans acceptable.
mesh shall be fitted to outside openings of ventilation ducts.
1.3.2 Enclosed spaces where cargo vapours may accumu-
1.2.16 Where spaces are protected by pressurization, the late shall be capable of being ventilated to ensure a safe
ventilation shall be designed and installed in accordance environment when entry into them is necessary. This shall
with recognized standards. be capable of being achieved without the need for prior
Note 1: Refer to the recommendation published by the Interna-
tional Electrotechnical Commission, in particular, to publication IEC 1.3.3 For permanent installations, the capacity of 8 air
60092-502:1999. changes per hour shall be provided and for portable sys-
tems, the capacity of 16 air changes per hour.
However, where the prescriptive requirements in the present Rules
and IEC 60092-502 are not aligned, the prescriptive requirements 1.3.4 Fans or blowers shall be clear of personnel access
in the present Rules take precedence and are to be applied. openings, and shall comply with [1.2.12].

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 379

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 13


1 General When the cargo system is not remote controlled and

therefore the aforesaid “control positions” are not
required, the above-mentioned controls, information
and alarms are to be located in a suitable, easily acces-
1.1.1 The instrumentation is to be of a type approved by sible location.
the Society. If this position is an enclosed space, it is to comply with
the requirements in Ch 9, Sec 3, [1.3.7]. This position
1.1.2 Attention is drawn to the requirements of Ch 9, Sec 1, should preferably be located in the wheelhouse.
[6.2.4] regarding the satisfactory operation of the cargo
control and monitoring system and of the level alarm sys- b) Independently of the above, the following is to be trans-
tem, that is to be ascertained during the first full loading and duced to the wheelhouse:
the subsequent first unloading of ships carrying liquefied 1) the alarm signalling the presence of water and/or
natural gasses (LNG) in bulk. liquid cargo in holds or interbarrier spaces
1.1.3 Each cargo tank shall be provided with a means for 2) the cargo heater low temperature alarm required in
indicating level, pressure and temperature of the cargo. Ch 9, Sec 4, [1.2.3]
Pressure gauges and temperature indicating devices shall be 3) the alarm signalling the presence of liquid cargo in
installed in the liquid and vapour piping systems, in cargo the vent main as per Ch 9, Sec 5, [2.2.4]
refrigeration installations.
4) the indication of the pressure value in the vapour
1.1.4 If loading and unloading of the ship is performed by space of each cargo tank mentioned in [4.1]; such
means of remotely controlled valves and pumps, all controls indication is to give the setting pressure value of the
and indicators associated with a given cargo tank shall be relief valve and the minimum allowable pressure
concentrated in one control position. value in the cargo tank concerned

1.1.5 The following information and alarms are to be con- 5) the high pressure and low pressure alarms, when
centrated in the positions specified in this requirement: required, for cargo tanks as per [4.1]
a) The following is to be transduced to the “cargo control 6) the hull structure low temperature alarm required in
room” and the “control position” as defined in Ch 9, [7.2.2]
Sec 3, [1.4.1]: 7) the gas detection equipment alarm required in
• the indication signalling the presence of water [6.1.13]
and/or liquid cargo in holds or interbarrier spaces
8) the cargo compressor high temperature alarm
• the cargo heater low temperature alarm required in required in Ch 9, Sec 17, [4.1.2] item b)
Ch 9, Sec 4, [1.2.3]
9) the alarm for automatic shutdown of the cargo com-
• the alarm signalling the presence of liquid cargo in
pressor for high pressure or high temperature, as
the vent main as per in Ch 9, Sec 5, [2.2.4].
required in Ch 9, Sec 17, [16.1.4] item d)
• the indication of the hull temperature and the hull
structure low temperature alarm required in [7.2.2]. c) Where the cargo control room is located within the
• the alarm signalling the automatic shutdown of elec- accommodation spaces and is readily accessible, the
trically driven submerged pumps required in Ch 9, alarms in [3.1.5] may be grouped in a single audible
Sec 10, [1.4.10]. and visual alarm except for the indication and alarms in
[1.1.5] item b) 4), item b) 5) and item b) 7), which are to
• the indication of the cargo level and the cargo tank
be independent from each other.
high level alarm required in [2.1.1].
• the indication of the vapour space pressure and the d) The high level and high or low pressure audible and
vapour space pressure gauges of each cargo tank visual alarms for cargo tanks as per [3.1.1] and [3.1.4]
and associated high and low pressure alarms and the alarm signalling the presence of liquid in the
required in [4.1]. vent main are to be located in such a position as to be
clearly heard and identifiable by the personnel in
• the gas detection equipment alarm required in
charge of loading operation control.
• the cargo compressor high temperature alarm 1.1.6 Instruments shall be tested to ensure reliability under
required in Ch 9, Sec 17, [4.1.2] item b) the working conditions, and recalibrated at regular inter-
• the alarm for automatic shutdown of the cargo com- vals. Test procedures for instruments and the intervals
pressor for high pressure or high temperature, as between recalibration shall be in accordance with manufac-
required in Ch 9, Sec 17, [16.1.4] item d) turer's recommendations.

380 Bureau Veritas July 2018

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2 Level indicators for cargo tanks 3.1.3 An additional sensor operating independently of the
high liquid level alarm shall automatically actuate a shutoff
valve in a manner that will both avoid excessive liquid pres-
2.1 General
sure in the loading line and prevent the tank from becoming
2.1.1 Each cargo tank shall be fitted with liquid level gaug- liquid full.
ing device(s), arranged to ensure that a level reading is Note 1: The words 'to prevent the tank from becoming liquid full'
always obtainable whenever the cargo tank is operational. in paragraph [3.1.3] have the following meaning:
The device(s) shall be designed to operate throughout the At no time during the loading, transport or unloading of the cargo
design pressure range of the cargo tank and at temperatures including fire conditions will the tank be more than 98% liquid
within the cargo operating temperature range. full, except as permitted by Ch 9, Sec 15, [1.1.3]. These require-
ments, together with those of Ch 9, Sec 8, [2.1.20], are intended to
2.1.2 Where only one liquid level gauge is fitted, it shall be ensure that the pressure relief valves remain in the vapour phase.
arranged so that it can be maintained in an operational con-
3.1.4 The emergency shutdown valve referred to in 5.5 and
dition without the need to empty or gas-free the tank.
Ch 9, Sec 18, [3] may be used for this purpose. If another
In order to assess whether or not one level gauge is accept- valve is used for this purpose, the same information as
able, the wording “maintained in an operational condition” referred to in Ch 9, Sec 18, [3.2.1],item c) shall be available
is to be interpreted to mean that any part of the level gauge on board. During loading, whenever the use of these valves
can be overhauled while the cargo tank is in service. may possibly create a potential excess pressure surge in the
loading system, alternative arrangements such as limiting
2.1.3 Where level gauges containing cargo are arranged
the loading rate shall be used.
outside the tank they serve, means are to be provided to
shut them off automatically in the event of failure. 3.1.5 A high liquid level alarm and automatic shut-off of
cargo tank filling need not be required, when the cargo
2.1.4 Cargo tank liquid level gauges may be of the follow-
ing types, subject to special requirements for particular car-
goes shown in Ch 9, Sec 19, Tab 1, column “Gauging”: • is a pressure tank with a volume not more than 200 m3,
a) indirect devices, which determine the amount of cargo
• is designed to withstand the maximum possible pressure
by means such as weighing or in-line flow metering
during the loading operation, and such pressure is
b) closed devices which do not penetrate the cargo tank, below that of the set pressure of the cargo tank relief
such as devices using radio-isotopes or ultrasonic valve.
c) closed devices which penetrate the cargo tank, but 3.1.6 The position of the sensors in the tank shall be capable
which form part of a closed system and keep the cargo of being verified before commissioning. At the first occasion
from being released, such as float type systems, elec- of full loading after delivery and after each dry-docking, test-
tronic probes, magnetic probes and bubble tube indica- ing of high-level alarms shall be conducted by raising the
tors. If closed gauging device is not mounted directly cargo liquid level in the cargo tank to the alarm point.
onto the tank, it shall be provided with a shutoff valve Note 1: The expression “each dry docking” is considered to be the
located as close as possible to the tank, and survey of the outside of the ship’s bottom required for the renewal
of the Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate and or the Cargo
d) restricted devices which penetrate the tank and, when Ship Safety Certificate.
in use, permit a small quantity of cargo vapour or liquid
to escape to the atmosphere, such as fixed tube and slip 3.1.7 All elements of the level alarms, including the electri-
tube gauges. When not in use, the devices shall be kept cal circuit and the sensor(s), of the high, and overfill alarms,
completely closed. The design and installation shall shall be capable of being functionally tested. Systems shall
ensure that no dangerous escape of cargo can take be tested prior to cargo operation in accordance with IGC
place when opening the device. Such gauging devices Code, 18.6.2.
shall be so designed that the maximum opening does
not exceed 1.5 mm diameter or equivalent area, unless 3.1.8 Where arrangements are provided for overriding the
the device is provided with an excess flow valve. overflow control system, they shall be such that inadvertent
operation is prevented. When this override is operated, con-
tinuous visual indication shall be given at the relevant con-
3 Overflow control trol station(s) and the navigation bridge.

3.1 General
4 Pressure monitoring
3.1.1 Except as provided in [3.1.5], each cargo tank shall
be fitted with a high liquid level alarm operating inde- 4.1 General
pendently of other liquid level indicators and giving an audi-
ble and visual warning when activated. 4.1.1 The vapour space of each cargo tank shall be pro-
vided with a direct reading gauge. Additionally, an indirect
3.1.2 The sensor for automatic closing of the loading valve indication shall be provided at the control position required
for overflow control may be combined with the liquid level by [1.1.4]. Maximum and minimum allowable pressures
indicators required by [2.1.1]. shall be clearly indicated.

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4.1.2 A high-pressure alarm and, if vacuum protection is b) other enclosed or semi-enclosed spaces where cargo
required as defined in Ch 9, Sec 8, [3], a low-pressure alarm vapours may accumulate, including interbarrier spaces
shall be provided on the navigation bridge and at the con- and hold spaces for independent tanks other than type
trol position required by [1.1.4]. Alarms shall be activated C tanks
before the set pressures are reached. The low pressure
alarm is also to be located in the cargo control room. c) airlocks

4.1.3 For cargo tanks fitted with PRVs which can be set at d) spaces in gas-fired internal combustion engines, referred
more than one set pressure in accordance with Ch 9, Sec 8, to in Ch 9, Sec 16, [7.9.3]
[2.1.9], high-pressure alarms shall be provided for each set
e) ventilation hoods and gas ducts required by Ch 9, Sec
4.1.4 Each cargo-pump discharge line and each liquid and f) cooling/heating circuits, as required by Ch 9, Sec 7,
vapour cargo manifold shall be provided with at least one [8.1.1], item d)
pressure indicator.
g) inert gas generator supply headers, and
4.1.5 Local-reading manifold pressure indication shall be
provided to indicate the pressure between ship's manifold h) motor rooms for cargo handling machinery.
valves and hose connections to the shore.
In addition, the gas detection system is also to serve spaces
4.1.6 Hold spaces and interbarrier spaces without open adjacent to pump rooms and compressor rooms.
connection to the atmosphere shall be provided with pres-
sure indication. 6.1.3 Gas detection equipment shall be designed, installed
and tested in accordance with recognized standards and
4.1.7 All pressure indications provided shall be capable of shall be suitable for the cargoes to be carried in accordance
indicating throughout the operating pressure range. with Ch 9, Sec 19, Tab 1, column “Vapour detection”.
Note 1: IEC 60079-29-1 - Explosive atmospheres - Gas detectors -
5 Temperature indicating devices Performance requirements of detectors for flammable gases.

5.1 General
6.1.4 Where indicated by an “A” in Ch 9, Sec 19, Tab 1,
5.1.1 Each cargo tank shall be provided with at least two column “Vapour detection” ships certified for carriage of
devices for indicating cargo temperatures, one placed at the non-flammable products, oxygen deficiency monitoring
bottom of the cargo tank and the second near the top of the shall be fitted in cargo machinery spaces and hold spaces
tank, below the highest allowable liquid level. The lowest for independent tanks other than type C tanks. Furthermore,
temperature for which the cargo tank has been designed, as oxygen deficiency monitoring equipment shall be installed
shown on the International Certificate of Fitness for the Car- in enclosed or semi-enclosed spaces containing equipment
riage of Liquefied Gases in Bulk, shall be clearly indicated that may cause an oxygen-deficient environment such as
by means of a sign on or near the temperature indicating nitrogen generators, inert gas generators or nitrogen cycle
devices. refrigerant systems.

5.1.2 The temperature indicating devices shall be capable

of providing temperature indication across the expected 6.1.5 In the case of toxic products or both toxic and flam-
cargo operating temperature range of the cargo tanks. mable products, except when Ch 9, Sec 19, Tab 1, column
“Special requirements” refers to Ch 9, Sec 17, [5.1.3], port-
5.1.3 Where thermowells are fitted, they shall be designed able equipment can be used for the detection of toxic prod-
to minimize failure due to fatigue in normal service. ucts as an alternative to a permanently installed
system. This equipment shall be used prior to personnel
entering the spaces listed in [6.1.2] and at 30-minute inter-
6 Gas detection vals while they remain in the space.

6.1 General 6.1.6 In the case of gases classified as toxic products, hold
spaces and interbarrier spaces shall be provided with a per-
6.1.1 Gas detection equipment shall be installed to monitor manently installed piping system for obtaining gas samples
the integrity of the cargo containment, cargo handling and from the spaces. Gas from these spaces shall be sampled
ancillary systems, in accordance with this section. and analysed from each sampling head location.

6.1.2 A permanently installed system of gas detection and

6.1.7 Permanently installed gas detection shall be of the
audible and visual alarms shall be fitted in:
continuous detection type, capable of immediate response.
a) all enclosed cargo and cargo machinery spaces (includ- Where not used to activate safety shutdown functions
ing turrets compartments) containing gas piping, gas required by [6.1.9] and Ch 9, Sec 16, sampling type detec-
equipment or gas consumers tion may be accepted.

382 Bureau Veritas July 2018

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6.1.8 When sampling type gas detection equipment is 6.1.16 For membrane containment systems, the primary
used, the following requirements shall be met: and secondary insulation spaces shall be able to be inerted
• the gas detection equipment shall be capable of sam- and their gas content analysed individually.
pling and analysing for each sampling head location Note 1: Gas Concentrations in the Insulation Spaces of Membrane
sequentially at intervals not exceeding 30 min LNG Carriers, March 2007 (published by SIGTTO).
• individual sampling lines from sampling heads to the The alarm in the secondary insulation space shall be set in
detection equipment shall be fitted, and accordance with [6.1.15], that in the primary space is set at
• pipe runs from sampling heads shall not be led through a value approved by the Society.
non-hazardous spaces except as permitted by [6.1.9].
6.1.17 For other spaces described by [6.1.2], alarms shall
6.1.9 The gas detection equipment may be located in a be activated when the vapour concentration reaches 30%
non-hazardous space, provided that the detection equip- LFL and safety functions required by Ch 9, Sec 16 shall be
ment such as sample piping, sample pumps, solenoids and activated before the vapour concentration reaches 60%
analysing units are located in a fully enclosed steel cabinet LFL. The crankcases of internal combustion engines that can
with the door sealed by a gasket. The atmosphere within run on gas shall be arranged to alarm before 100% LFL.
the enclosure shall be continuously monitored. At gas con-
centrations above 30% lower flammable limit (LFL) inside 6.1.18 Gas detection equipment shall be so designed that it
the enclosure, the gas detection equipment shall be auto- may readily be tested. Testing and calibration shall be car-
matically shut down. ried out at regular intervals. Suitable equipment for this pur-
Gas analysing units are to be in compliance with the pose shall be carried on board and be used in accordance
requirements in Ch 7, Sec 6, [7.4]. with the manufacturer's recommendations. Permanent con-
nections for such test equipment shall be fitted.
6.1.10 Where the enclosure cannot be arranged directly on
the forward bulkhead, sample pipes shall be of steel or 6.1.19 Every ship shall be provided with at least two sets of
equivalent material and be routed on their shortest way. portable gas detection equipment that meet the require-
Detachable connections, except for the connection points ment of [6.1.3] or an acceptable national or international
for isolating valves required in [6.1.13] and analysing units, standard.
are not permitted. For ships intended to carry toxic and flammable gases, two
sets for toxic gases and two sets for flammable gases are to
6.1.11 When gas sampling equipment is located in a non-
be provided.
hazardous space, a flame arrester and a manual isolating
valve shall be fitted in each of the gas sampling lines. The
6.1.20 A suitable instrument for the measurement of oxy-
isolating valve shall be fitted on the non-hazardous side.
gen levels in inert atmospheres shall be provided.
Bulkhead penetrations of sample pipes between hazardous
and non-hazardous areas shall maintain the integrity of the
division penetrated. The exhaust gas shall be discharged to 7 Additional requirements for
the open air in a safe location. containment systems requiring a
6.1.12 In every installation, the number and the positions secondary barrier
of detection heads shall be determined with due regard to
the size and layout of the compartment, the compositions 7.1 Integrity of barriers
and densities of the products intended to be carried and the
dilution from compartment purging or ventilation and stag- 7.1.1 Where a secondary barrier is required, permanently
nant areas. installed instrumentation shall be provided to detect when
Sampling heads in cargo holds are not to be located in posi- the primary barrier fails to be liquid-tight at any location or
tions where bilge water may collect. when liquid cargo is in contact with the secondary barrier
at any location. This instrumentation shall consist of appro-
6.1.13 Any alarms status within a gas detection system priate gas detecting devices according to [6]. However, the
required by this section shall initiate an audible and visible instrumentation need not be capable of locating the area
alarm: where liquid cargo leaks through the primary barrier or
• on the navigation bridge where liquid cargo is in contact with the secondary barrier.
• at the relevant control station(s) where continuous mon-
7.1.2 Upon special approval, appropriate temperature indi-
itoring of the gas levels is recorded, and
cating devices may be accepted by the Society instead of
• at the gas detector readout location. gas detecting devices when the cargo temperature is not
lower than −55°C.
6.1.14 In the case of flammable products, the gas detection
equipment provided for hold spaces and interbarrier spaces
that are required to be inerted shall be capable of measur- 7.2 Temperature indication devices
ing gas concentrations of 0% to 100% by volume.
7.2.1 The number and position of temperature-indicating
6.1.15 Alarms shall be activated when the vapour concen- devices shall be appropriate to the design of the contain-
tration by volume reaches the equivalent of 30% LFL in air. ment system and cargo operation requirements.

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7.2.2 When cargo is carried in a cargo containment system 8.1.7 Appropriate segregation shall be maintained between
with a secondary barrier, at a temperature lower than - control, monitoring/alarm and safety functions to limit the
55°C, temperature-indicating devices shall be provided effect of single failures. This shall be taken to include all
within the insulation or on the hull structure adjacent to parts of the automation systems that are required to provide
cargo containment systems. The devices shall give readings specified functions, including connected devices and power
at regular intervals and, where applicable, alarm of temper- supplies.
atures approaching the lowest for which the hull steel is
suitable. 8.1.8 Automation systems shall be arranged such that the
software configuration and parameters are protected
7.2.3 The temperatures are to be continuously recorded at against unauthorized or unintended change.
regular intervals. Audible and visual alarms are to be auto-
matically activated when the hull steel temperature 8.1.9 A management of change process shall be applied to
approaches the lowest temperature for which the steel has safeguard against unexpected consequences of modifica-
been approved. tion. Records of configuration changes and approvals shall
be maintained on board.
7.2.4 If cargo is to be carried at temperatures lower than -
55°C, the cargo tank boundaries, if appropriate for the 8.1.10 Processes for the development and maintenance of
design of the cargo containment system, shall be fitted with integrated systems shall be in accordance with recognized
a sufficient number of temperature-indicating devices to standards. These processes shall include appropriate risk
verify that unsatisfactory temperature gradients do not identification and management.
occur. Note 1: Refer to the International Electrotechnical Commission
standard ISO/IEC 15288:2008 Systems and software engineering -
7.2.5 For the purposes of design verification and determin- System life cycle processes, and ISO 17894:2005 Ships and marine
ing the effectiveness of the initial cooldown procedure on a technology - Computer applications - General principles for the
single or series of similar ships, one tank shall be fitted with development and use of programmable electronic systems in
devices in excess of those required in [7.2.1]. These devices marine applications.
may be temporary or permanent and only need to be fitted
to the first ship, when a series of similar ships is built. 9 System integration

8 Automation systems 9.1 General

9.1.1 Essential safety functions shall be designed such that

8.1 General
risks of harm to personnel or damage to the installation or
the environment are reduced to a level acceptable to the
Society, both in normal operation and under fault condi-
The requirements of this section shall apply where automa- tions. Functions shall be designed to fail-safe. Roles and
tion systems are used to provide instrumented control, mon- responsibilities for integration of systems shall be clearly
itoring/alarm or safety functions required by this Code. defined and agreed by relevant parties.

9.1.2 Functional requirements of each component subsys-

8.1.2 Automation systems shall be designed, installed and
tem shall be clearly defined to ensure that the integrated
tested in accordance with recognized standards.
system meets the functional and specified safety require-
Note 1: Refer to the recommendations for computer-based systems ments and takes account of any limitations of the equip-
contained in the standard published by the International Electro- ment under control.
technical Commission, IEC 60092-504:2001 “Electrical installations
in ships - Special features - Control and instrumentation”. 9.1.3 Key hazards of the integrated system shall be identi-
fied using appropriate risk-based techniques.
8.1.3 Hardware shall be capable of being demonstrated to
be suitable for use in the marine environment by type 9.1.4 The integrated system shall have a suitable means of
approval or other means. reversionary control.

8.1.4 Software shall be designed and documented for ease 9.1.5 Failure of one part of the integrated system shall not
of use, including testing, operation and maintenance. affect the functionality of other parts, except for those func-
tions directly dependent on the defective part.
8.1.5 The user interface shall be designed such that the
equipment under control can be operated in a safe and 9.1.6 Operation with an integrated system shall be at least
effective manner at all times. as effective as it would be with individual stand-alone
equipment or systems.
8.1.6 Automation systems shall be arranged such that a
hardware failure or an error by the operator does not lead 9.1.7 The integrity of essential machinery or systems, dur-
to an unsafe condition. Adequate safeguards against incor- ing normal operation and fault conditions, shall be demon-
rect operation shall be provided. strated.

384 Bureau Veritas July 2018

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1 General b) protective clothing, boots and gloves to a recognized


1.1 Protective equipment c) steel-cored rescue line with belt, and

1.1.1 Suitable protective equipment, including eye protec- d) explosion-proof lamp.

tion to a recognized national or international standard, shall
be provided for protection of crew members engaged in 1.3.3 An adequate supply of compressed air shall be pro-
normal cargo operations, taking into account the character- vided and shall consist of:
istics of the products being carried.
a) at least one fully charged spare air bottle for each
1.1.2 Personal protective and safety equipment required in breathing apparatus required by [1.3.1]
this Section shall be kept in suitable, clearly marked lockers
located in readily accessible places. b) an air compressor of adequate capacity capable of con-
tinuous operation, suitable for the supply of high-pres-
1.1.3 The compressed air equipment shall be inspected at sure air of breathable quality, and
least once a month by a responsible officer and the inspec-
c) a charging manifold capable of dealing with sufficient
tion logged in the ship's records. This equipment shall also
spare breathing apparatus air bottles for the breathing
be inspected and tested by a competent person at least
once a year. apparatus required by [1.3.1].

1.2 First-aid equipment 1.4 Personal protection requirements for

individual products
1.2.1 A stretcher that is suitable for hoisting an injured per-
son from spaces below deck shall be kept in a readily acces- 1.4.1 Requirements of this section shall apply to ships car-
sible location. rying products for which those paragraphs are listed in Ch
9, Sec 19, Tab 1 column “Special requirements”.
1.2.2 The ship shall have onboard medical first-aid equip-
ment, including oxygen resuscitation equipment, based on 1.4.2 Suitable respiratory and eye protection for emer-
the requirements of the Medical First Aid Guide (MFAG) for
gency escape purposes shall be provided for every person
the cargoes listed on the International Certificate of Fitness
on board, subject to the following:
for the Carriage of Liquefied Gases in Bulk shown in Appen-
dix 2 of the IGC Code. a) filter-type respiratory protection is unacceptable

1.3 Safety equipment b) self-contained breathing apparatus shall have at least a

duration of service of 15 min, and
1.3.1 Sufficient, but not less than three complete sets of c) emergency escape respiratory protection shall not be
safety equipment shall be provided in addition to the fire-
used for fire fighting or cargo-handling purposes and
fighter's outfits required by Ch 9, Sec 11, [1.6.1]. Each set
shall be marked to that effect.
shall provide adequate personal protection to permit entry
and work in a gas-filled space. This equipment shall take
into account the nature of the cargoes, listed on the Interna- 1.4.3 One or more suitably marked decontamination show-
tional Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Liquefied ers and eyewash stations shall be available on deck, taking
Gases in Bulk shown in Appendix 2 of the IGC Code. into account the size and layout of the ship. The showers
and eyewashes shall be operable in all ambient conditions.
1.3.2 Each complete set of safety equipment shall consist
of: 1.4.4 The showers and eye wash are to be fitted with a
heating system, or other suitable installation, in order to
a) one self-contained positive pressure air-breathing appa-
ratus incorporating full face mask, not using stored oxy- avoid any ice formation in their piping.
gen and having a capacity of at least 1,200 litre of free
air. Each set shall be compatible with that required by 1.4.5 The protective clothing required under [1.3.2], item
Ch 9, Sec 11, [1.6.1] b), shall be gastight.

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1 General 1.3 Default filling limit

1.1 Definitions 1.3.1 The default value for the filling limit (FL) of cargo
tanks is 98% at the reference temperature. Exceptions to
1.1.1 Filling limit this value shall meet the requirements of [1.4].
Filling limit (FL) means the maximum liquid volume in a
cargo tank relative to the total tank volume when the liquid
cargo has reached the reference temperature.
1.4 Determination of increased filling limit

1.1.2 Loading limit 1.4.1 A filling limit greater than the limit of 98% specified
Loading limit (LL) means the maximum allowable liquid vol- in [1.3] may be permitted under the trim and list conditions
ume relative to the tank volume to which the tank may be specified in Ch 9, Sec 8, [2.1.20], providing:
a) no isolated vapour pockets are created within the cargo
1.1.3 Reference temperature tank
Reference temperature means (for the purposes of this Sec-
b) the PRV inlet arrangement shall remain in the vapour
tion only):
space, and
a) when no cargo vapour pressure/temperature control, as
referred to in Ch 9, Sec 7, is provided, the temperature c) allowances need to be provided for:
corresponding to the vapour pressure of the cargo at the
set pressure of the PRVs, and • volumetric expansion of the liquid cargo due to the
pressure increase from the MARVS to full flow reliev-
b) when a cargo vapour pressure/temperature control, as
ing pressure in accordance with Ch 9, Sec 8, [4.1].
referred to in Ch 9, Sec 7, is provided, the temperature
of the cargo upon termination of loading, during trans- • an operational margin of minimum 0,1% of tank
port or at unloading, whichever is the greatest.
volume, and
1.1.4 Ambient design temperature for unrestricted • tolerances of instrumentation such as level and tem-
perature gauges.
Ambient design temperature for unrestricted service means
sea temperature of 32°C and air temperature of 45°C. How-
1.4.2 In no case shall a filling limit exceeding 99.5% at ref-
ever, lesser values of these temperatures may be accepted
by the Society for ships operating in restricted areas or on erence temperature be permitted.
voyages of restricted duration, and account may be taken in
such cases of any insulation of the tanks. Conversely, higher 1.4.3 The PRV inlet, as defined in [1.4.1], item b), is to be
values of these temperatures may be required for ships per- remain in the vapour space at a minimum distance of 40%
manently operating in areas of high-ambient temperature. of the diameter of the suction funnel measured at the centre
of the funnel above the liquid level under conditions of 15°
1.2 General requirements list and 0,015L trim.

1.2.1 The maximum filling limit of cargo tanks shall be so

1.4.4 The following method may be used to determine the
determined that the vapour space has a minimum volume
allowance defined in [1.4.1], item c). The Society may
at reference temperature allowing for:
accept other methods to determine the allowance provided
• tolerance of instrumentation such as level and tempera-
the method meets an equivalent level of safety.
ture gauges
• volumetric expansion of the cargo between the PRV set The parameters specified under [1.4.1], item c) may be
pressure and the maximum allowable rise stated in Ch 9, expressed by the expansion factor αT, in %, to be deter-
Sec 8, [4], and mined as follows:
• an operational margin to account for liquid drained
2 2
back to cargo tanks after completion of loading, opera- αT = α1 + α2 + α3 + α4
tor reaction time and closing time of valves, see Ch 9,
Sec 5, [5] and Ch 9, Sec 18, [3.2.1], item d). where:

386 Bureau Veritas July 2018

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α1 : Relative increase in liquid volume, in %, due to 1.5 Maximum loading unit

tolerance of level gauges:
1.5.1 The maximum loading limit (LL) to which a cargo
dV Δh
α 1 = ------- × ------- × 100 tank may be loaded shall be determined by the following
dh V
dV/dh : Variation of tank volume per metre LL = FL × ----R-
filling height at the filling height h,
in m3/m where:
h : Filling height, in m, at the filling LL : loading limit as defined in [1.1.2], expressed in
limit FL to be investigated (FL>98%) percentage
V : Accepted total tank volume, in m3 FL : filling limit as specified in [1.3] or [1.4],
Δh : Max. total tolerance of level gauges, expressed in percentage
in m ρR : relative density of cargo at the reference tem-
α2 : Relative increase in liquid volume, in %, due to perature, and
the tolerance of temperature gauges: ρL : relative density of cargo at the loading tempera-
α 2 = β ΔT ture.
where: 1.5.2 The Society may allow type C tanks to be loaded
β : volumetric thermal expansion coef- according to the formula in [1.5.1] with the relative density
ficient at reference temperature, in ρR provided that the tank vent system has been approved in
%/°K accordance with Ch 9, Sec 8, [2.1.21]:
ΔT : max. tolerance of temperature Note 1: ρR is the relative density of cargo at the highest temperature
gauge, in °K that the cargo may reach upon termination of loading, during
α3 : Expansion of cargo volume, in %, due to pres- transport, or at unloading, under the ambient design temperature
sure rise when pressure relief valves are reliev- conditions described in [1.1.4].
ing at maximum flow rate: This paragraph does not apply to products requiring a type
1G ship.
α 3 = 100  --------------
- – 1
 ρ PRV1,2 
1.6 Information to be provided to the Master
ρPRV : cargo density at reference condi- 1.6.1 A document shall be provided to the ship, specifying
tions (corresponding to the tempera- the maximum allowable loading limits for each cargo tank
ture of the cargo at set opening and product, at each applicable loading temperature and
pressure of the pressure relief valve maximum reference temperature. The information in this
(PRV)) document shall be approved by the Society.
ρPRV1.2 : cargo density corresponding to the
1.6.2 Pressures at which the PRVs have been set shall also
temperature of the cargo at 1,2
be stated in the document.
times the set opening pressure of the
pressure relief valve (PRV) 1.6.3 A copy of the above document shall be permanently
α4 : Operational margin of 0,1%. kept on board by the master.

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1 General 3.1.4 All vents and bleed lines that may contain or be con-
taminated by gas fuel shall be routed to a safe location
external to the machinery space and be fitted with a flame
1.1 screen.
In case of high pressure gas supply, means are to be taken to
1.1.1 Except as provided for in [9], methane (LNG) is the manage the large gas influx without release to atmosphere.
only cargo whose vapour or boil-off gas may be utilized in
machinery spaces of category A, and, in these spaces, it
may be utilized only in systems such as boilers, inert gas 4 Gas fuel supply
generators, internal combustion engines, gas combustion
unit and gas turbines.
4.1 General
1.1.2 Liquefied gas carriers using LPG as fuel are to comply 4.1.1 The requirements of this section shall apply to gas
with the requirements of Article [9] and with NI647 “LPG- fuel supply piping outside of the cargo area. Fuel piping
fuelled ships”, as applicable. shall not pass through accommodation spaces, service
spaces, electrical equipment rooms or control stations. The
2 Use of cargo vapour as fuel routeing of the pipeline shall take into account potential
hazards, due to mechanical damage, in areas such as stores
or machinery handling areas.
2.1 General
4.1.2 The gas piping is to be installed at least 800mm from
2.1.1 This section addresses the use of cargo vapour as fuel the ship's hull.
in systems such as boilers, inert gas generators, internal
4.1.3 Gas piping is to be suitably earthed and in accord-
combustion engines, gas combustion units and gas turbines.
ance with the requirement of Ch 9, Sec 5, [7.4.1].
2.1.2 For vaporized LNG, the fuel supply system shall com- 4.1.4 Piping, valves and fittings are to be hydrostatically
ply with the requirements of [4.1], [4.2] and [4.3]. tested, after assembly on board, to 1,5 times the working
pressure but to not less than 7 bar. Subsequently, they are to
2.1.3 For vaporized LNG, gas consumers shall exhibit no be pneumatically tested to ascertain that all the joints are
visible flame and shall maintain the uptake exhaust temper- perfectly tight. The outer pipe or duct of double wall gas-
ature below 535°C. fuel piping systems are to be in accordance with the
requirement of Ch 9, Sec 5, [13.5.4].
3 Arrangement of spaces containing 4.1.5 Provision shall be made for inerting and gas-freeing
gas consumers that portion of the gas fuel piping systems located in the
machinery space.
3.1 General
4.2 Leak detection
3.1.1 Spaces in which gas consumers are located shall be
4.2.1 Continuous monitoring and alarms shall be provided
fitted with a mechanical ventilation system that is arranged
to indicate a leak in the piping system in enclosed spaces
to avoid areas where gas may accumulate, taking into
and shut down the relevant gas fuel supply.
account the density of the vapour and potential ignition
sources. The ventilation system shall be separated from
those serving other spaces. 4.3 Routeing of fuel supply pipes

3.1.2 Gas detectors shall be fitted in these spaces, particu- 4.3.1 Fuel piping may pass through or extend into enclosed
larly where air circulation is reduced. The gas detection sys- spaces other than those mentioned [4.1], provided it fulfils
tem shall comply with the requirements of Ch 9, Sec 13. one of the following conditions:
a) it is of a double-wall design with the space between the
3.1.3 Electrical equipment located in the double wall pipe concentric pipes pressurized with inert gas at a pressure
or duct specified in [4.3] shall comply with the requirements greater than the gas fuel pressure. The master gas fuel
of Ch 9, Sec 10. valve, as required by [4.6], closes automatically upon
loss of inert gas pressure, or

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b) it is installed in a pipe or duct equipped with mechani- 4.5.2 The automatic double block and bleed indicated in
cal exhaust ventilation having a capacity of at least 30 [4.5.1] are to be capable of being manually operated.
air changes per hour and is arranged to maintain a pres-
sure less than the atmospheric pressure. The mechanical 4.5.3 It is to be possible to operate the valves indicated in
ventilation is in accordance with Ch 9, Sec 12, as appli- [4.5.1] locally and from each control platform. They are to
cable. The ventilation is always in operation when there close automatically under the following service conditions:
is fuel in the piping and the master gas fuel valve, as
required by [4.6], closes automatically if the required air a) whenever the gas pressure varies by more than 10.
flow is not established and maintained by the exhaust
b) in the event of one of the following fault situations:
ventilation system. The inlet or the duct may be from a
non-hazardous machinery space, and the ventilation 1) Gas supply to boiler burners
outlet is in a safe location.
• insufficient air supply for complete combustion
of the gas
4.4 Requirements for gas fuel with pressure
• extinguishing of the pilot burner for an operating
greater than 1 Mpa burner, unless the gas supply line to every indi-
vidual burner is equipped with a quick-closing
4.4.1 Fuel delivery lines between the high-pressure fuel valve that automatically cuts off the gas
pumps/compressors and consumers shall be protected with
a double-walled piping system capable of containing a high • low pressure of the gas
pressure line failure, taking into account the effects of both 2) Gas supply to internal combustion engines
pressure and low temperature. A single-walled pipe in the
cargo area up to the isolating valve(s) required by [4.6] is • failure of supply to pilot fuel injection pump
• drop of engine speed below the lowest service
4.4.2 The arrangement in [4.3.1], item b) may also be
acceptable providing the pipe or trunk is capable of con-
taining a high pressure line failure, according to the require- 4.6 Spaces containing gas consumers
ments of [4.7] and taking into account the effects of both
pressure and possible low temperature and providing both 4.6.1 It shall be possible to isolate the gas fuel supply to
inlet and exhaust of the outer pipe or trunk are in the cargo each individual space containing a gas consumer(s) or
area. through which fuel gas supply piping is run, with an individ-
ual master valve, which is located within the cargo area.
The isolation of gas fuel supply to a space shall not affect
4.4.3 High pressure gas piping systems are to be checked
the gas supply to other spaces containing gas consumers if
for sufficient constructive strength by carrying out stress
they are located in two or more spaces, and it shall not
analysis taking into account the stresses due to the weight of
cause loss of propulsion or electrical power.
the piping system including acceleration load, when signifi-
cant, internal pressure and loads induced by hog and sag of
the ship (see also Ch 9, Sec 5, [11.4.1]). 4.6.2 If the double barrier around the gas supply system is
not continuous due to air inlets or other openings, or if there
is any point where single failure will cause leakage into the
4.4.4 All valves and expansion joints used in high pressure space, the individual master valve for the space shall oper-
gas fuel supply lines are to be of an approved type. ate under the following circumstances:

4.4.5 The possibility of fatigue failure of the high pressure a) automatically, by:
gas piping due to vibration is to be considered. • gas detection within the space

4.4.6 The possibility of pulsation of gas fuel supply pres- • leak detection in the annular space of a double-
sure caused by the high pressure gas compressor is to be walled pipe
considered. • leak detection in other compartments inside the
space, containing single-walled gas piping; in par-
ticular the GVU compartment
4.5 Gas consumer isolation
• loss of ventilation in the annular space of a double-
4.5.1 The supply piping of each gas consumer unit shall be walled pipe, and
provided with gas fuel isolation by automatic double block • loss of ventilation in other compartments inside the
and bleed, vented to a safe location, under both normal and space, containing single-walled gas piping, in par-
emergency operation. The automatic valves shall be ticular the GVU compartment and
arranged to fail to the closed position on loss of actuating
power. In a space containing multiple consumers, the shut- b) manually, from within the space and at least one remote
down of one shall not affect the gas supply to the others. location.

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4.6.3 If the double barrier around the gas supply system is 5.2 Remote stops
continuous, an individual master valve located in the cargo
area may be provided for each gas consumer inside the 5.2.1 All rotating equipment utilized for conditioning the
space. The individual master valve shall operate under the cargo for its use as fuel shall be arranged for manual remote
following circumstances: stop from the engine-room. Additional remote stops shall be
located in areas that are always easily accessible, typically
a) automatically, by: cargo control room, navigation bridge and fire control sta-
• leak detection in the annular space of a double- tion.
walled pipe served by that individual master valve
5.2.2 The fuel supply equipment shall be automatically
• leak detection in other compartments containing sin- stopped in the case of low suction pressure or fire detection.
gle-walled gas piping that is part of the supply sys- Unless expressly provided otherwise, the requirements of
tem served by the individual master valve, and Ch 9, Sec 18, [3] need not apply to gas fuel compressors or
pumps when used to supply gas consumers.
• loss of ventilation or loss of pressure in the annular
space of a double-walled pipe, and a) The compressors are to be capable of being remotely
stopped from an always and easily accessible, non-dan-
b) manually, from within the space and at least one remote gerous position in the open, and also from the engine
location. room.
b) In addition, the compressors are to be capable of auto-
4.7 Piping and ducting construction matically stopping when the suction pressure reaches a
certain value depending on the setting pressure of the
4.7.1 Gas fuel piping in machinery spaces shall comply vacuum relief valves of the cargo tanks.
with Ch 9, Sec 5, [1] to Ch 9, Sec 5, [9], as applicable. The c) The automatic shutdown device of the compressors is to
piping shall, as far as practicable, have welded joints. Those have a manual resetting.
parts of the gas fuel piping that are not enclosed in a venti-
lated pipe or duct according to [7.4], and are on the
weather decks outside the cargo area, shall have full pene-
5.3 Compressors
tration butt-welded joints and shall be fully radiographed.
5.3.1 Miscellaneous requirements
a) Low pressure piston-type compressors are to be fitted
4.8 Gas detection with relief valves discharging to a position in the open,
such as not to give rise to hazards.
4.8.1 Gas detection systems provided in accordance with
b) Volumetric compressors are to be fitted with pres-
the requirements of this Section shall activate the alarm at
sure/vacuum relief valves discharging into the suction
30% LFL and shut down the master gas fuel valve required
line of the compressor.
by [7.6] at not more than 60% LFL (see Ch 9, Sec 13,
[6.1.17]). c) The size of the pressure relief valves is to be determined
in such a way that, with the delivery valve kept closed,
the maximum pressure does not exceed the maximum
5 Gas fuel plant and related storage working pressure by more than 10%.
tanks d) The compressors are to be automatically stopped by the
emergency shutdown system of the cargo valves.
5.1 Provision of gas fuel e) The compressors are to be fitted with shut-off valves and
flame screens on both the suction and delivery sides.
5.1.1 All equipment (heaters, compressors, vaporizers, fil-
ters, etc.) for conditioning the cargo and/or cargo boil off 5.4 Heating and cooling mediums
vapour for its use as fuel, and any related storage tanks,
shall be located in the cargo area. If the equipment is in an 5.4.1 If the heating or cooling medium for the gas fuel con-
enclosed space, the space shall be ventilated according to ditioning system is returned to spaces outside the cargo
Ch 9, Sec 12, [1.2] and be equipped with a fixed fire-extin- area, provisions shall be made to detect and alarm the pres-
guishing system, according to Ch 9, Sec 11, [1.5], and with ence of cargo/cargo vapour in the medium. Any vent outlet
a gas detection system according to Ch 9, Sec 13, [6], as shall be in a safe position and fitted with an effective flame
applicable. screen of an approved type.
a) Operation of the heaters is to be automatically regulated
5.1.2 Means for purging of flammable gases before open- depending on the gas temperature at the heater outlet.
ing are to be provided in the equipment for making up gas.
b) Before it is returned to the machinery space, the heating
5.1.3 Where the equipment (heaters, compressors, filters) medium (steam or hot water) is to go through a degas-
for making up the gas for its use as fuel and the storage sing tank located in the cargo area.
tanks are located on the weather deck, they are to be suita- c) The vent outlet is to be in a safe position, having regards
bly protected from atmospheric agents and the sea. of source of ignition and fitted with a flame screen.

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5.5 Piping and pressure vessels 6.3.4 A mechanical device is to be installed to prevent the
gas valve from opening until the air and the fuel oil controls
5.5.1 Piping or pressure vessels fitted in the gas fuel supply are in the ignition position. A flame screen, which may be
system shall comply with Ch 9, Sec 5 incorporated in the burner, is to be fitted on the pipe of
each gas burner.
6 Special requirements for main 6.3.5 The automatic fuel changeover system required by
boilers [6.2.3] shall be monitored with alarms to ensure continuous
6.1 Arrangements 6.3.6 Arrangements shall be made that, in case of flame
failure of all operating burners, the combustion chambers of
6.1.1 Each boiler shall have a separate exhaust uptake. the boilers are automatically purged before relighting.
6.1.2 Each boiler shall have a dedicated forced draught sys- 6.3.7 Arrangements shall be made to enable the boilers to
tem. A crossover between boiler force draught systems may be manually purged.
be fitted for emergency use providing that any relevant
safety functions are maintained.
7 Special requirements for gas-fired
6.1.3 Boilers are to be located as high as possible in boiler internal combustion engines
spaces and are to be of the membrane wall type or equiva-
lent, so as to create a space with forced air circulation 7.1 General
between the membrane wall and the boiler casing.
7.1.1 Dual fuel engines are those that employ gas fuel (with
6.1.4 Combustion chambers and uptakes of boilers shall be pilot oil) and oil fuel. Oil fuels may include distillate and
designed to prevent any accumulation of gaseous fuel. residual fuels. Gas only engines are those that employ gas
fuel only.
6.1.5 The Society may, at its discretion, require gas detec-
tors to be fitted in those combustion chamber areas where 7.2 Gas fuel supply engine
gas could accumulate, as well as the provision of suitable
air nozzles. 7.2.1 Flame arresters are to be provided at the inlet to the
gas supply manifold for the engine.
6.2 Combustion equipment
7.2.2 Arrangements are to be made so that the gas supply
6.2.1 The burner systems shall be of dual type, suitable to to the engine can be shut off manually from the starting
burn either: oil fuel or gas fuel alone, or oil and gas fuel platform or any other control position.
simultaneously. 7.2.3 The arrangement and installation of the gas piping are
to provide the necessary flexibility for the gas supply piping
6.2.2 Burners shall be designed to maintain stable combus-
to accommodate the oscillating movements of the engines
tion under all firing conditions.
without risk of fatigue failure.
6.2.3 An automatic system shall be fitted to change over 7.2.4 The connecting of gas line and protection pipes or
from gas fuel operation to oil fuel operation without inter- ducts as per [4.2.1] to the gas fuel injection valves is to pro-
ruption of the boiler firing, in the event of loss of gas fuel vide complete coverage by the protection pipe or ducts.

6.2.4 Gas nozzles and the burner control system shall be 7.3 Gas fuel supply piping systems
configured such that gas fuel can only be ignited by an 7.3.1 Fuel piping in machinery spaces
established oil fuel flame, unless the boiler and combustion
Gas fuel piping may pass through or extend into machinery
equipment is designed and approved by the Society to light
spaces or gas-safe spaces other than accommodation
on gas fuel.
spaces, service spaces and control stations provided that
they fulfil one of the following conditions:
6.3 Safety a) The system complies with [4.3.1], and in addition, with
items 1) to 3) below:
6.3.1 There shall be arrangements to ensure that gas fuel
flow to the burner is automatically cut-off, unless satisfac- 1) The pressure in the space between concentric pipes
tory ignition has been established and maintained. is monitored continuously. Alarm is to be issued and
the automatic valves specified in [4.5.1] (hereafter
6.3.2 On the pipe of each gas-burner, a manually operated referred to as “interlocked gas valves”) and the mas-
shut-off valve shall be fitted. ter gas fuel valves specified in [4.6] (hereafter
referred to as “master gas valves”) are to be closed
6.3.3 Provisions shall be made for automatically purging before the pressure drops to below the inner pipe
the gas supply piping to the burners, by means of an inert pressure (however, an interlocked gas valve con-
gas, after the extinguishing of these burners. nected to the vent outlet is to be opened).

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2) The construction and strength of the outer pipes are 7.4.2 Master gas valve shut-off
to comply with the requirements of Ch 9, Sec 5. In addition to the causes specified in [4.6], the master gas
3) It is to be so arranged that the inside of the gas fuel valve is to be closed in the event of any of the following:
supply piping system between the master gas valve a) the oil mist detector or bearing temperature detector
and the engine is automatically purged with inert specified in Pt C, Ch 1, App 2 detects abnormality
gas when the master gas valve is closed; or b) any kind of gas fuel leakage is detected
b) The system complies with [4.3.1], and, in addition, with c) abnormality specified in Pt C, Ch 1, App 2.
items 1) to 4) below:
1) The materials, construction and strength of protec- 7.4.3 Automatic operation
tion pipes or ducts and mechanical ventilation sys- The master gas valve is to close automatically upon activa-
tems are to be sufficiently durable against bursting tion of the interlocked gas valves.
and rapid expansion of high pressure gas in the
event of gas pipe burst. 7.5 Emergency stop of dual fuel engines
2) The capacity of mechanical ventilating systems is to
7.5.1 Dual fuel engines are to be stopped before the gas
be determined considering the flow rate of gas fuel
concentration detected by the gas detectors specified in
and construction and arrangement of protective
[3.1.2] reaches 60% of the lower flammable limit.
pipes or ducts, as deemed appropriate by the Soci-
7.6 Requirements on dual fuel engines
3) The air intakes of mechanical ventilating systems are
to be provided with non-return devices effective for 7.6.1 Specific requirements on internal combustion
gas fuel leaks. However, if a gas detector is fitted at engines supplied by gas are given in Pt C, Ch 1, App 2.
the air intakes, this requirement may be dispensed
7.7 Arrangements
4) The number of flange joints of protective pipes or
ducts is to be minimised; or 7.7.1 When gas is supplied in a mixture with air through a
common manifold, flame arrestors shall be installed before
c) Alternative arrangements to those given in a) and b) will
each cylinder head.
be specially considered by the Society based upon an
equivalent level of safety. 7.7.2 Each engine shall have its own separate exhaust.

7.3.2 Pipe joints 7.7.3 The exhausts shall be configured to prevent any accu-
Joints on the entire length of the gas fuel supply lines are to mulation of unburnt gaseous fuel.
be butt-welded joints with full penetration and to be fully
radiographed, except where specially approved by the Soci- 7.7.4 Unless designed with the strength to withstand the
ety. worst case overpressure due to ignited gas leaks, air inlet
manifolds, scavenge spaces, exhaust system and crank
cases shall be fitted with suitable pressure relief systems.
7.3.3 Non-welded pipe joints
Pressure relief systems shall lead to a safe location, away
Pipe joints other than welded joints at the locations specifi- from personnel.
cally approved by the Society are to comply with the appro-
priate standards recognised by the Society, or with joints 7.7.5 Each engine shall be fitted with vent systems inde-
whose structural strength has been verified through test pendent of other engines for crankcases, sumps and cooling
analysis as deemed appropriate by the Society. systems.

7.3.4 Post-weld heat treatment 7.8 Combustion equipment

For all butt-welded joints of high pressure gas fuel supply
lines, post-weld heat treatment is to be performed depend- 7.8.1 Prior to admission of gas fuel, correct operation of the
ing on the kind of material. pilot oil injection system on each unit shall be verified.

7.8.2 For a spark ignition engine, if ignition has not been

7.4 Shut-off of gas fuel supply detected by the engine monitoring system within an engine
specific time after opening of the gas supply valve, this shall
7.4.1 Fuel supply shut-off be automatically shut off and the starting sequence termi-
In addition to the causes specified in [4.5.1], supply of gas nated. It shall be ensured that any unburnt gas mixture is
fuel to engines is to be shut-off by the interlocked gas valves purged from the exhaust system.
in the event of the following abnormalities:
7.8.3 For dual-fuel engines fitted with a pilot oil injection
a) abnormality specified in Pt C, Ch 1, App 2 system, an automatic system shall be fitted to change over
from gas fuel operation to oil fuel operation with minimum
b) engine stops due to any cause. fluctuation of the engine power.

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7.8.4 In the case of unstable operation on engines with the gas leaks. Pressure relief systems within the exhaust uptakes
arrangement in [7.8.3] when gas firing, the engine shall shall be lead to a non-hazardous location, away from per-
automatically change to oil fuel mode. sonnel.

7.9 Safety 8.2 Combustion equipment

7.9.1 During stopping of the engine, the gas fuel shall be 8.2.1 An automatic system shall be fitted to change over
automatically shut off before the ignition source. easily and quickly from gas fuel operation to oil fuel opera-
tion with minimum fluctuation of the engine power.
7.9.2 Arrangements shall be provided to ensure that there
is no unburnt gas fuel in the exhaust gas system prior to igni- 8.3 Safety
8.3.1 Means shall be provided to monitor and detect poor
7.9.3 Crankcases, sumps, scavenge spaces and cooling sys- combustion that may lead to unburnt gas fuel in the exhaust
tem vents shall be provided with gas detection (see Ch 9, system during operation. In the event that it is detected, the
Sec 13, [6.1.17]). gas fuel supply shall be shut down.
7.9.4 Provision shall be made within the design of the 8.3.2 Each turbine shall be fitted with an automatic shut-
engine to permit continuous monitoring of possible sources down device for high exhaust temperatures.
of ignition within the crank case. Instrumentation fitted
inside the crankcase shall be in accordance with the
requirements of Ch 9, Sec 10. 9 Alternative fuels and technologies
7.9.5 Means shall be provided to monitor and detect poor 9.1 General
combustion or misfiring that may lead to unburnt gas fuel in
the exhaust system during operation. In the event that it is 9.1.1 If acceptable to the Society, other cargo gases may be
detected, the gas fuel supply shall be shut down. Instrumen- used as fuel, providing that the same level of safety as natu-
tation fitted inside the exhaust system shall be in accord- ral gas in this Code is ensured.
ance with the requirements of Ch 9, Sec 10.
9.1.2 The use of cargoes identified as toxic products shall
not be permitted.
8 Special requirements for gas turbine
9.1.3 For cargoes other than LNG, the fuel supply system
8.1 Arrangements shall comply with the requirements of [4.1], [4.2], [4.3] and
[5], as applicable, and shall include means for preventing
8.1.1 Each turbine shall have its own separate exhaust. condensation of vapour in the system.

8.1.2 The exhausts shall be appropriately configured to pre- 9.1.4 Liquefied gas fuel supply systems shall comply with
vent any accumulation of unburnt gas fuel. [4.5].

8.1.3 Unless designed with the strength to withstand the 9.1.5 In addition to the requirements of [4.3.1], item b),
worst case overpressure due to ignited gas leaks, pressure both ventilation inlet and outlet shall be located outside the
relief systems shall be suitably designed and fitted to the machinery space. The inlet shall be in a non-hazardous area
exhaust system, taking into consideration explosions due to and the outlet shall be in a safe location.

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1 General 4.1.2 For a ship engaged in the carriage of products that

readily form dangerous peroxides, recondensed cargo shall
not be allowed to form stagnant pockets of uninhibited liq-
1.1 Application
uid. This may be achieved either by:
1.1.1 The requirements of this Section are applicable a) using the indirect system described in Ch 9, Sec 7,
where reference thereto is made in Ch 9, Sec 19, Tab 1, col- [3.1.3], item b), with the condenser inside the cargo
umn “Special requirements”. tank, or
These requirements are additional to the general require- b) using the direct system or combined system described in
ments of this Chapter. Ch 9, Sec 7, [3.1.3], item a) and in Ch 9, Sec 7, [3.1.3],
item c) respectively, or the indirect system described in
2 Materials of construction Ch 9, Sec 7, [3.1.3], item b) with the condenser outside
the cargo tank, and designing the condensate system to
avoid any places in which liquid could collect and be
2.1 General
retained. Where this is impossible, inhibited liquid shall
2.1.1 Materials that may be exposed to cargo during nor- be added upstream of such a place.
mal operations shall be resistant to the corrosive action of
4.1.3 If the ship is to consecutively carry products as speci-
the gases. In addition, the following materials of construc-
fied in [4.1.2] with a ballast passage between, all uninhib-
tion for cargo tanks and associated pipelines, valves, fittings
ited liquid shall be removed prior to the ballast voyage. If a
and other items of equipment normally in direct contact
second cargo is to be carried between such consecutive
with the cargo liquid or vapour shall not be used for certain
cargoes, the reliquefaction system shall be thoroughly
products as specified in Ch 9, Sec 19, Tab 1, column “Spe-
drained and purged before loading the second cargo. Purg-
cial requirements”:
ing shall be carried out using either inert gas or vapour from
a) mercury, copper and copper-bearing alloys, and zinc the second cargo, if compatible. Practical steps shall be
b) copper, silver, mercury, magnesium and other acetylide- taken to ensure that polymers or peroxides do not accumu-
forming metals late in the cargo system.
c) aluminium and aluminium-bearing alloys
d) copper, copper alloys, zinc and galvanized steel
5 Cargoes requiring type 1G ship
e) aluminium, copper and alloys of either, and
5.1 General
f) copper and copper-bearing alloys with greater than 1%
copper. 5.1.1 All butt-welded joints in cargo piping exceeding 75
Materials “exposed to cargo” are those constituting systems, mm in diameter shall be subject to 100% radiography.
cargo appliances or arrangements which are in contact with
5.1.2 Gas sampling lines shall not be led into or through
(liquid or vapour) cargo in normal operating conditions.
non-hazardous areas. Alarms referred to in Ch 9, Sec 13,
[6.1.2] shall be activated when the vapour concentration
3 Independent tanks reaches the threshold limiting value.

3.1 General 5.1.3 The alternative of using portable gas detection equip-
ment in accordance with Ch 9, Sec 13, [6.1.5] shall not be
3.1.1 Products shall be carried in independent tanks only. permitted.

3.1.2 Products shall be carried in type C independent 5.1.4 Cargo control rooms shall be located in a non-haz-
tanks, and the requirements of Ch 9, Sec 7, [1.1.2] shall ardous area and, additionally, all instrumentation shall be of
apply. The design pressure of the cargo tank shall take into the indirect type.
account any padding pressure or vapour discharge unload-
ing pressure. 5.1.5 Personnel shall be protected against the effects of a
major cargo release by the provision of a space within the
accommodation area that is designed and equipped to the
4 Refrigeration systems satisfaction of the Society.

4.1 General 5.1.6 Notwithstanding the requirements in Ch 9, Sec 3,

[1.2.5], access to forecastle spaces shall not be permitted
4.1.1 Only the indirect system described in Ch 9, Sec 7, through a door facing the cargo area, unless airlock in
[3.1.3], item b) shall be used. accordance with Ch 9, Sec 3, [1.6] is provided.

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5.1.7 Notwithstanding the requirements in Ch 9, Sec 3, b) date inhibitor was added and the normally expected
[1.2.13], access to control rooms and machinery spaces of duration of its effectiveness
turret systems shall not be permitted through doors facing
c) any temperature limitations affecting the inhibitor, and
the cargo area.
d) the action to be taken should the length of the voyage
exceed the effective lifetime of the inhibitors.
6 Exclusion of air from vapour spaces

6.1 General 9 Flame screens on vent outlets

6.1.1 Air shall be removed from cargo tanks and associated 9.1 General
piping before loading and, then, subsequently excluded by:
a) introducing inert gas to maintain a positive pressure. 9.1.1 When carrying a cargo referenced to this section,
Storage or production capacity of the inert gas shall be cargo tank vent outlets shall be provided with readily
sufficient to meet normal operating requirements and renewable and effective flame screens or safety heads of an
relief valve leakage. The oxygen content of inert gas approved type. Due attention shall be paid in the design of
shall, at no time, be greater than 0.2% by volume, or flame screens and vent heads, to the possibility of the block-
age of these devices by the freezing of cargo vapour or by
b) control of cargo temperatures such that a positive pres-
icing up in adverse weather conditions. Flame screens shall
sure is maintained at all times.
be removed and replaced by protection screens, in accord-
ance with Ch 9, Sec 8, [2.1.18], when carrying cargoes not
7 Moisture control referenced to this section.

7.1 General 10 Maximum allowable quantity of

7.1.1 For gases that are non-flammable and may become
cargo per tank
corrosive or react dangerously with water, moisture control
shall be provided to ensure that cargo tanks are dry before 10.1 General
loading and that, during discharge, dry air or cargo vapour
is introduced to prevent negative pressures. For the pur- 10.1.1 When carrying a cargo referenced to this section,
poses of this paragraph, dry air is air that has a dew point of the quantity of the cargo shall not exceed 3,000 m3 in any
− 45°C or below at atmospheric pressure. one tank.

8 Inhibition 11 Cargo pumps and discharge

8.1 General
8.1.1 Care shall be taken to ensure that the cargo is suffi- 11.1 General
ciently inhibited to prevent self-reaction (e.g. polymeriza-
11.1.1 The vapour space of cargo tanks equipped with
tion or dimerization) at all times during the voyage. Ships
submerged electric motor pumps shall be inerted to a posi-
shall be provided with a certificate from the manufacturer
tive pressure prior to loading, during carriage and during
unloading of flammable liquids.
a) name and amount of inhibitor added
• As an alternative to the addition of inhibited liquid, 11.1.2 The cargo shall be discharged only by deepwell
it may be accepted that, at the end of each refrigera- pumps or by hydraulically operated submerged pumps.
tion period, the liquid is completely removed from These pumps shall be of a type designed to avoid liquid
the refrigeration system by means of vapour from pressure against the shaft gland.
compressors or by means of inert gas. In such case,
the following wording is to be entered on the Certifi- 11.1.3 Inert gas displacement may be used for discharging
cate of Fitness: cargo from type C independent tanks, provided the cargo
system is designed for the expected pressure.
”At the end of each refrigeration period, the liquid is
to be completely removed from the refrigeration sys-
tem by means of vapour from compressors or by 12 Ammonia
means of inert gas.”
• On the cargo compressor delivery side, a tempera- 12.1 General
ture switch is to be fitted, set at a suitable tempera-
ture, depending on the characteristics of the product 12.1.1 Anhydrous ammonia may cause stress corrosion
carried (e.g. 60°C for butadiene), giving a visual and cracking in containment and process systems made of car-
audible alarm on the navigation bridge and in the bon-manganese steel or nickel steel. To minimize the risk of
cargo control station, if any, which causes the com- this occurring, measures detailed in [12.1.2] to [12.1.8] shall
pressor to stop when such temperature is exceeded. be taken, as appropriate.

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12.1.2 Where carbon-manganese steel is used, cargo tanks, 13 Chlorine

process pressure vessels and cargo piping shall be made of
fine-grained steel with a specified minimum yield strength
not exceeding 355 N/mm2, and with an actual yield
13.1 Cargo containment system
strength not exceeding 440 N/mm2. One of the following
13.1.1 The capacity of each tank shall not exceed 600 m3
constructional or operational measures shall also be taken:
and the total capacity of all cargo tanks shall not exceed
a) lower strength material with a specified minimum tensile 1200 m3.
strength not exceeding 410 N/mm2 shall be used, or
b) cargo tanks, etc., shall be post-weld stress relief heat 13.1.2 The tank design vapour pressure shall not be less
treated, or than 1,35 MPa (see Ch 9, Sec 7, [1.1.2] and [3.1.2]).
c) carriage temperature shall be maintained, preferably at 13.1.3 Parts of tanks protruding above the upper deck shall
a temperature close to the product's boiling point of − be provided with protection against thermal radiation, tak-
33°C, but in no case at a temperature above − 20°C, or ing into account total engulfment by fire.
d) the ammonia shall contain not less than 0.1% w/w
water, and the master shall be provided with documen- 13.1.4 Each tank shall be provided with two PRVs. A burst-
tation confirming this. ing disc of appropriate material shall be installed between
the tank and the PRVs. The rupture pressure of the bursting
12.1.3 If carbon-manganese steels with higher yield proper- disc shall be 0,1 MPa lower than the opening pressure of
ties are used other than those specified in [12.1.2], the com- the pressure relief valve, which shall be set at the design
pleted cargo tanks, piping, etc., shall be given a post-weld vapour pressure of the tank but not less than 1,35 MPa
stress relief heat treatment. gauge. The space between the bursting disc and the relief
valve shall be connected through an excess flow valve to a
12.1.4 Process pressure vessels and piping of the conden- pressure gauge and a gas detection system. Provisions shall
sate part of the refrigeration system shall be given a post- be made to keep this space at or near the atmospheric pres-
weld stress relief heat treatment when made of materials sure during normal operation.
mentioned in [12.1.1].
Chlorine discharge from pressure relief valves is to be led to
12.1.5 The tensile and yield properties of the welding con- an absorption device deemed suitable by the Society.
sumables shall exceed those of the tank or piping material
by the smallest practical amount. 13.1.5 Outlets from PRVs shall be arranged in such a way
as to minimize the hazards on board the ship as well as to
12.1.6 Nickel steel containing more than 5% nickel and the environment. Leakage from the relief valves shall be led
carbon-manganese steel, not complying with the require- through the absorption plant to reduce the gas concentra-
ments of [12.1.2] and [12.1.3], are particularly susceptible tion as far as possible. The relief valve exhaust line shall be
to ammonia stress corrosion cracking and shall not be used arranged at the forward end of the ship to discharge out-
in containment and piping systems for the carriage of this board at deck level with an arrangement to select either
product. port or starboard side, with a mechanical interlock to
ensure that one line is always open.
12.1.7 Nickel steel containing not more than 5% nickel
may be used, provided the carriage temperature complies 13.1.6 The Society and the port Administration may require
with the requirements specified in [12.1.2], item c). that chlorine is carried in a refrigerated state at a specified
maximum pressure.
12.1.8 To minimize the risk of ammonia stress corrosion
cracking, it is advisable to keep the dissolved oxygen con-
tent below 2.5 ppm w/w. This can best be achieved by 13.2 Cargo piping systems
reducing the average oxygen content in the tanks prior to
the introduction of liquid ammonia to less than the values 13.2.1 Cargo discharge shall be performed by means of
given as a function of the carriage temperature T in Tab 1: compressed chlorine vapour from shore, dry air or another
acceptable gas, or fully submerged pumps. Cargo discharge
Table 1 : Oxygen content compressors on board ships shall not be used for this. The
pressure in the vapour space of the tank during discharging
T (°C) O2 (% v/v) shall not exceed 1,05 MPa gauge.
− 30 and below 0,90
13.2.2 The design pressure of the cargo piping system shall
− 20 0,50
be not less than 2,1 MPa gauge. The internal diameter of the
− 10 0,28 cargo pipes shall not exceed 100 mm. Only pipe bends
0 0,16 shall be accepted for compensation of pipeline thermal
10 0,10 movement. The use of flanged joints shall be restricted to a
20 0,05
minimum and, when used, the flanges shall be of the weld-
ing neck type with tongue and groove.
30 0,03
Note 1: Oxygen percentages for intermediate temperatures 13.2.3 A welding neck type flange deemed suitable is
may be obtained by direct interpolation shown in Fig 1 as an example.

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Figure 1 : Suitable neck type flange 13.5 Personnel protection

13.5.1 The enclosed space required by [5.1.5] shall meet
the following requirements:
• the space shall be easily and quickly accessible from the
weather decks and from accommodation spaces by
means of air locks, and shall be capable of being rapidly
closed gastight
• one of the decontamination showers required by Ch 9,
Sec 14, [1.4.3] shall be located near the weather deck
airlock to the space
• the space shall be designed to accommodate the entire
crew of the ship and be provided with a source of
13.2.4 uncontaminated air for a period of not less than 4 h, and
Relief valves of the cargo piping system shall discharge to • one set of oxygen therapy equipment shall be carried in
the absorption plant, and the flow restriction created by this the space.
unit shall be taken into account when designing the relief
valve system (see Ch 9, Sec 8, [4.3] and Ch 9, Sec 8, [4.4]). In addition to the source of uncontaminated air, two com-
plete and independent air breathing apparatuses, not
employing oxygen supplies, each having a capacity of at
13.3 Materials least 1200 litres of non-compressed air and two sets of pro-
tective equipment, complete with gas-tight boots, gloves
13.3.1 The cargo tanks and cargo piping systems shall be
and eye protection, are to be provided. The above-men-
made of steel suitable for the cargo and for a temperature of
tioned equipment and clothing are to be kept in the space
− 40°C, even if a higher transport temperature is intended to
indicated above and are additional to those required in
be used.
other parts of this Chapter.
13.3.2 The tanks shall be thermally stress relieved.
Mechanical stress relief shall not be accepted as an equiva- 13.6 Filling limits for cargo tanks
13.6.1 The requirements of Ch 9, Sec 15, [1.1.3], item b)
do not apply when it is intended to carry chlorine.
13.4 Instrumentation: safety devices
13.6.2 When determining the filling limits of the cargo
13.4.1 The ship shall be provided with a chlorine absorbing
tanks for the transport of chlorine, the effect of the refrigera-
plant with a connection to the cargo piping system and the
tion plant is not to be considered.
cargo tanks. The absorbing plant shall be capable of neu-
tralizing at least 2% of the total cargo capacity at a reasona- 13.6.3 The chlorine content of the gas in the vapour space
ble absorption rate. of the cargo tank after loading shall be greater than 80% by
13.4.2 During the gas-freeing of cargo tanks, vapours shall
not be discharged to the atmosphere.
14 Ethylene oxide
13.4.3 A gas detecting system shall be provided that is
capable of monitoring chlorine concentrations of at least 1
14.1 General
ppm by volume. Sample points shall be located:
• near the bottom of the hold spaces 14.1.1 For the carriage of ethylene oxide, the requirements
• in the pipes from the safety relief valves of [18] shall apply, with the additions and modifications as
given in this sub-article.
• at the outlet from the gas absorbing plant
• at the inlet to the ventilation systems for the accommo- 14.1.2 Deck tanks shall not be used for the carriage of eth-
dation, service and machinery spaces and control sta- ylene oxide.
tions, and
14.1.3 Stainless steels types 416 and 442, as well as cast
• on deck - at the forward end, midships and the after end
iron, shall not be used in ethylene oxide cargo containment
of the cargo area. This is only required to be used during
and piping systems.
cargo handling and gas-freeing operations.
The gas detection system shall be provided with an audible 14.1.4 Before loading, tanks shall be thoroughly and effec-
and visual alarm with a set point of 5 ppm. tively cleaned to remove all traces of previous cargoes from
The gas detection system is to be permanently installed. tanks and associated pipework, except where the immedi-
ate prior cargo has been ethylene oxide, propylene oxide or
13.4.4 Each cargo tank shall be fitted with a high-pressure mixtures of these products. Particular care shall be taken in
alarm giving an audible alarm at a pressure equal to 1,05 the case of ammonia in tanks made of steel other than stain-
MPa gauge. less steel.

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14.1.5 Ethylene oxide shall be discharged only by deepwell • Composition 2:

pumps or inert gas displacement. The arrangement of
- maximum methylacetylene and propadiene com-
pumps shall comply with [18.1.15].
bined concentration of 30 mol%
14.1.6 Ethylene oxide shall be carried refrigerated only and - maximum methyl acetylene concentration of 20
maintained at temperatures of less than 30°C. mol%
- maximum propadiene concentration of 20 mol%
14.1.7 PRVs shall be set at a pressure of not less than 0,55
MPa gauge. The maximum set pressure shall be specially - maximum propylene concentration of 45 mol%
approved by the Society.
- maximum butadiene and butylenes combined con-
14.1.8 The protective padding of nitrogen gas, as required centration of 2 mol%
by [18.1.27], shall be such that the nitrogen concentration - minimum saturated C4 hydrocarbon concentration
in the vapour space of the cargo tank will, at no time, be of 4 mol%, and
less than 45% by volume.
- minimum propane concentration of 25 mol%.
14.1.9 Before loading, and at all times when the cargo tank
contains ethylene oxide liquid or vapour, the cargo tank 16.1.3 Other compositions may be accepted, provided the
shall be inerted with nitrogen. stability of the mixture is demonstrated to the satisfaction of
the Society.
14.1.10 The water-spray system required by [18.1.29] and
that required by Ch 9, Sec 11, [1.3] shall operate automati- 16.1.4 If a ship has a direct vapour compression refrigera-
cally in a fire involving the cargo containment system. tion system, this shall comply with the following require-
ments, subject to pressure and temperature limitations
14.1.11 A jettisoning arrangement shall be provided to depending on the composition. For the example composi-
allow the emergency discharge of ethylene oxide in the tions given in [16.1.2], the following features shall be pro-
event of uncontrollable self-reaction. vided:

a) vapour compressor that does not raise the temperature

15 Separate piping systems and pressure of the vapour above 60°C and 1,75 MPa
gauge during its operation, and that does not allow
vapour to stagnate in the compressor while it continues
15.1 General to run

15.1.1 Separate piping systems, as defined in Ch 9, Sec 1, b) discharge piping from each compressor stage or each
[4.1.46], shall be provided. cylinder in the same stage of a reciprocating compressor
shall have:

16 Methyl acetylene-propadiene 1) two temperature-actuated shutdown switches set to

operate at 60°C or less
2) a pressure-actuated shutdown switch set to operate
16.1 General at 1,75 MPa gauge or less, and

3) a safety relief valve set to relieve at 1,8 MPa gauge or

16.1.1 Methyl acetylene-propadiene mixtures shall be suit- less;
ably stabilized for transport. Additionally, upper limits of
temperatures and pressure during the refrigeration shall be c) the relief valve required by [16.1.4], item b), 3). shall
specified for the mixtures. vent to a mast meeting the requirements of Ch 9, Sec 8,
[2.1.10], Ch 9, Sec 8, [2.1.14] and Ch 9, Sec 8, [2.1.18]
16.1.2 Examples of acceptable stabilized compositions are: and shall not relieve into the compressor suction line,
• Composition 1:
d) an alarm that sounds in the cargo control position and
- maximum methyl acetylene to propadiene molar in the navigation bridge when a high-pressure switch, or
ratio of 3 to 1 a high-temperature switch, operates.
- maximum combined concentration of methyl acety-
lene and propadiene of 65 mol% 16.1.5 The piping system, including the cargo refrigeration
system, for tanks to be loaded with methyl acetylene-propa-
- minimum combined concentration of propane,
diene mixtures shall be either independent (as defined in Ch
butane, and isobutane of 24 mol%, of which at least
9, Sec 1, [4.1.29]) or separate (as defined in Ch 9, Sec 1,
one third (on a molar basis) shall be butanes and
[4.1.46]) from piping and refrigeration systems for other
one third propane,
tanks. This segregation shall apply to all liquid and vapour
- maximum combined concentration of propylene vent lines and any other possible connections, such as com-
and butadiene of 10 mol%. mon inert gas supply lines.

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17 Nitrogen 18.1.8 All valves, flanges, fittings and accessory equipment

shall be of a type suitable for use with these products and
shall be constructed of steel or stainless steel in accordance
17.1 General with recognized standards. Disc or disc faces, seats and
other wearing parts of valves shall be made of stainless steel
17.1.1 Materials of construction and ancillary equipment containing not less than 11% chromium.
such as insulation shall be resistant to the effects of high
oxygen concentrations caused by condensation and enrich- 18.1.9 Gaskets shall be constructed of materials which do
ment at the low temperatures attained in parts of the cargo not react with, dissolve in, or lower the auto-ignition tem-
system. Due consideration shall be given to ventilation in perature of, these products and which are fire-resistant and
areas where condensation might occur, to avoid the stratifi- possess adequate mechanical behaviour. The surface pre-
cation of oxygen-enriched atmosphere. sented to the cargo shall be polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)
or materials giving a similar degree of safety by their inert-
ness. Spirally-wound stainless steel with a filler of PTFE or
18 Propylene oxide and mixtures of similar fluorinated polymer may be accepted, if approved
ethylene oxide-propylene oxide with by the Society.
ethylene oxide content of not more 18.1.10 Insulation and packing, if used, shall be of a mate-
than 30% by weight rial which does not react with, dissolve in, or lower the
auto-ignition temperature of, these products.
18.1 General 18.1.11 The following materials are generally found unsat-
isfactory for use in gaskets, packing and similar uses in con-
18.1.1 Products transported under the provisions of this tainment systems for these products and would require
sub-article shall be acetylene-free. testing before being approved:
• neoprene or natural rubber, if it comes into contact with
18.1.2 Unless cargo tanks are properly cleaned, these the products
products shall not be carried in tanks that have contained as
• asbestos or binders used with asbestos, and
one of the three previous cargoes any product known to
catalyse polymerization, such as: • materials containing oxides of magnesium, such as min-
eral wools.
• anhydrous ammonia and ammonia solutions
18.1.12 Filling and discharge piping shall extend to within
• amines and amine solutions, and 100 mm of the bottom of the tank or any sump.
• oxidizing substances (e.g. chlorine).
18.1.13 The products shall be loaded and discharged in
such a manner that venting of the tanks to atmosphere does
18.1.3 Before loading, tanks shall be thoroughly and effec-
not occur. If vapour return to shore is used during tank load-
tively cleaned to remove all traces of previous cargoes from
ing, the vapour return system connected to a containment
tanks and associated pipework, except where the immedi-
system for the product shall be independent of all other
ate prior cargo has been propylene oxide or ethylene oxide-
containment systems.
propylene oxide mixtures. Particular care shall be taken in
the case of ammonia in tanks made of steel other than stain- 18.1.14 During discharging operations, the pressure in the
less steel. cargo tank shall be maintained above 0,007 MPa gauge.

18.1.4 In all cases, the effectiveness of cleaning procedures 18.1.15 The cargo shall be discharged only by deepwell
for tanks and associated pipework shall be checked, by suit- pumps, hydraulically operated submerged pumps or inert
able testing or inspection, to ascertain that no traces of gas displacement. Each cargo pump shall be arranged to
acidic or alkaline materials remain that might create a haz- ensure that the product does not heat significantly if the dis-
ardous situation in the presence of these products. charge line from the pump is shut off or otherwise blocked.

18.1.5 Tanks shall be entered and inspected prior to each 18.1.16 Tanks carrying these products shall be vented inde-
initial loading of these products to ensure freedom from pendently of tanks carrying other products. Facilities shall
contamination, heavy rust deposits and any visible struc- be provided for sampling the tank contents without opening
tural defects. When cargo tanks are in continuous service the tank to atmosphere.
for these products, such inspections shall be performed at
18.1.17 Cargo hoses used for transfer of these products
intervals of not more than two years.
18.1.6 Tanks for the carriage of these products shall be of
steel or stainless steel construction. 18.1.18 Hold spaces shall be monitored for these products.
Hold spaces surrounding type A and type B independent
18.1.7 Tanks that have contained these products may be tanks shall also be inerted and monitored for oxygen. The
used for other cargoes after thorough cleaning of tanks and oxygen content of these spaces shall be maintained below
associated pipework systems by washing or purging. 2% by volume. Portable sampling equipment is satisfactory.

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18.1.19 Prior to disconnecting shore lines, the pressure in up system shall be installed to prevent the tank pressure fall-
liquid and vapour lines shall be relieved through suitable ing below 0,007 MPa gauge in the event of product temper-
valves installed at the loading header. Liquid and vapour ature fall due to ambient conditions or malfunctioning of
from these lines shall not be discharged to atmosphere. refrigeration system. Sufficient nitrogen shall be available on
board to satisfy the demand of the automatic pressure con-
18.1.20 Tanks shall be designed for the maximum pressure trol. Nitrogen of commercially pure quality (99.9% by vol-
expected to be encountered during loading, carriage or ume) shall be used for padding. A battery of nitrogen
unloading of cargo. bottles, connected to the cargo tanks through a pressure
reduction valve, satisfies the intention of the expression
18.1.21 Tanks for the carriage of propylene oxide with a “automatic” in this context.
design vapour pressure of less than 0.06 MPa, and tanks for
the carriage of ethylene oxide-propylene oxide mixtures 18.1.28 The cargo tank vapour space shall be tested prior
with a design vapour pressure of less than 0.12 MPa, shall to and after loading to ensure that the oxygen content is 2%
have a cooling system to maintain the cargo below the refer- by volume or less.
ence temperature. The reference temperatures are referred
to in Ch 9, Sec 15, [1.1.3]. 18.1.29 A water-spray system of sufficient capacity shall be
provided to blanket effectively the area surrounding the
18.1.22 Pressure relief valve settings shall not be less than loading manifold, the exposed deck piping associated with
0,02 MPa gauge; and for type C independent tanks not product handling and the tank domes. The arrangement of
greater than 0,7 MPa gauge for the carriage of propylene piping and nozzles shall be such as to give a uniform distri-
oxide and not greater than 0,53 MPa gauge for the carriage bution rate of 10 litre/m2/min. The arrangement shall ensure
of ethylene oxide-propylene oxide mixtures. that any spilled cargo is washed away.
18.1.23 The piping system for tanks to be loaded with 18.1.30 The water-spray system shall be capable of local
these products shall be completely separate from piping sys- and remote manual operation in case of a fire involving the
tems for all other tanks, including empty tanks, and from all cargo containment system. Remote manual operation shall
cargo compressors. If the piping system for the tanks to be be arranged such that the remote starting of pumps supply-
loaded with these products is not independent, as defined ing the water-spray system and remote operation of any nor-
in Ch 9, Sec 1, [4.1.29], the required piping separation shall mally closed valves in the system can be carried out from a
be accomplished by the removal of spool pieces, valves, or suitable location outside the cargo area, adjacent to the
other pipe sections and the installation of blank flanges at accommodation spaces and readily accessible and operable
these locations. The required separation applies to all liquid in the event of fire in the areas protected.
and vapour piping, liquid and vapour vent lines and any
other possible connections such as common inert gas sup- 18.1.31 When ambient temperatures permit, a pressurized
ply lines. water hose ready for immediate use shall be available dur-
ing loading and unloading operations, in addition to the
18.1.24 The products shall be transported only in accord- above water-spray requirements.
ance with cargo handling plans approved by the Society.
Each intended loading arrangement shall be shown on a
separate cargo handling plan. Cargo handling plans shall 19 Vinyl chloride
show the entire cargo piping system and the locations for
installation of the blank flanges needed to meet the above 19.1 General
piping separation requirements. A copy of each approved
cargo handling plan shall be kept on board the ship. The 19.1.1 In cases where polymerization of vinyl chloride is
International Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Lique- prevented by addition of an inhibitor, Article [8] is applica-
fied Gases in Bulk shall be endorsed to include references to ble. In cases where no inhibitor has been added, or the
the approved cargo handling plans. inhibitor concentration is insufficient, any inert gas used for
the purposes of Article [6] shall contain no more oxygen
18.1.25 Before each initial loading of these products, and than 0,1% by volume. Before loading is started, inert gas
before every subsequent return to such service, certification samples from the tanks and piping shall be analysed. When
verifying that the required piping separation has been vinyl chloride is carried, a positive pressure shall always be
achieved shall be obtained from a responsible person maintained in the tanks and during ballast voyages between
acceptable to the port Administration and carried on board successive carriages.
the ship. Each connection between a blank flange and pipe-
line flange shall be fitted with a wire and seal by the respon- 20 Mixed C4 cargoes
sible person to ensure that inadvertent removal of the blank
flange is impossible.
20.1 General
18.1.26 The maximum allowable loading limits for each
tank shall be indicated for each loading temperature that 20.1.1 Cargoes that may be carried individually under the
may be applied, in accordance with Ch 9, Sec 15, [1.5]. requirements of this Code, notably butane, butylenes and
butadiene, may be carried as mixtures subject to the provi-
18.1.27 The cargo shall be carried under a suitable protec- sions of this section. These cargoes may variously be
tive padding of nitrogen gas. An automatic nitrogen make- referred to as “Crude C4”, “Crude butadiene”, “Crude

400 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 17

steam-cracked C4”, “Spent steam-cracked C4”, “C4 relief valve discharge piping, so the requirements of Ch 9,
stream”, “C4 raffinate”, or may be shipped under a different Sec 8, [2.1.18] do not apply.
description. In all cases, the material safety data sheets
(MSDS) shall be consulted as the butadiene content of the 21.1.4 Discharge piping from safety relief valves are not
mixture is of prime concern as it is potentially toxic and required to comply with Ch 9, Sec 8, [2.1.12], but shall be
reactive. While it is recognized that butadiene has a rela- designed so they remain free from obstructions that could
tively low vapour pressure, if such mixtures contain butadi- cause clogging. Protective screens shall not be fitted to the
ene they shall be regarded as toxic and the appropriate outlets of relief valve discharge piping, so the requirements
precautions applied. of Ch 9, Sec 8, [2.1.18] do not apply.

20.1.2 If the mixed C4 cargo shipped under the terms of 21.1.5 Cargo tanks shall be continuously monitored for low
this section contains more than 50% (mole) of butadiene, pressure when a carbon dioxide cargo is carried. An audible
the inhibitor precautions in [8] shall apply. and visual alarm shall be given at the cargo control position
and on the bridge. If the cargo tank pressure continues to
20.1.3 Unless specific data on liquid expansion coefficients fall to within 0.05 MPa of the “triple point” for the particular
is given for the specific mixture loaded, the filling limit cargo, the monitoring system shall automatically close all
restrictions of Ch 9, Sec 15 shall be calculated as if the cargo manifold liquid and vapour valves and stop all cargo
cargo contained 100% concentration of the component compressors and cargo pumps. The emergency shutdown
with the highest expansion ratio. system required by Ch 9, Sec 18, [3] may be used for this
21 Carbon dioxide: high purity 21.1.6 All materials used in cargo tanks and cargo piping
system shall be suitable for the lowest temperature that may
21.1 General occur in service, which is defined as the saturation tempera-
ture of the carbon dioxide cargo at the set pressure of the
21.1.1 Interpretation and application for ships carrying liq- automatic safety system described in [21.1.2].
uefied carbon dioxide in bulk are given in Tab 2.
21.1.7 Cargo hold spaces, cargo compressor rooms and
21.1.2 Uncontrolled pressure loss from the cargo can other enclosed spaces where carbon dioxide could accu-
cause “sublimation” and the cargo will change from the liq- mulate shall be fitted with continuous monitoring for carbon
uid to the solid state. The precise “triple point” temperature dioxide build-up. This fixed gas detection system replaces
of a particular carbon dioxide cargo shall be supplied before the requirements of Ch 9, Sec 13, [6], and hold spaces shall
loading the cargo, and will depend on the purity of that be monitored permanently even if the ship has type C cargo
cargo, and this shall be taken into account when cargo containment.
instrumentation is adjusted. The set pressure for the alarms
and automatic actions described in this section shall be set 22 Carbon dioxide: reclaimed quality
to at least 0,05 MPa above the triple point for the specific
cargo being carried. The “triple point” for pure carbon diox- 22.1 General
ide occurs at 0,5 MPa gauge and − 54.4°C.
22.1.1 Interpretation and application for ships carrying liq-
21.1.3 There is a potential for the cargo to solidify in the uefied carbon dioxide (reclaimed quality) in bulk are given
event that a cargo tank relief valve, fitted in accordance in Tab 2.
with Ch 9, Sec 8, [2], fails in the open position. To avoid
this, a means of isolating the cargo tank safety valves shall 22.1.2 The requirements of [21] also apply to this cargo. In
be provided and the requirements of Ch 9, Sec 8, [2.1.11], addition, the materials of construction used in the cargo sys-
item b) do not apply when carrying this carbon dioxide. tem shall also take account of the possibility of corrosion, in
Discharge piping from safety relief valves shall be designed case the reclaimed quality carbon dioxide cargo contains
so they remain free from obstructions that could cause clog- impurities such as water, sulphur dioxide, etc., which can
ging. Protective screens shall not be fitted to the outlets of cause acidic corrosion or other problems.

Table 2 : Interpretation and application of the IGC Code for ships carrying carbon dioxide in bulk

Reference Interpretation
Ch 9, Sec 3, [1.1.3] A single A-0 bulkhead is sufficient.
Ch 9, Sec 5, [7.4] Electrical bonding of piping and tanks is not required.
Ch 9, Sec 10 Certified safe electrical equipment is not required.
Ch 9, Sec 11 This entire Section is not applicable.
Ch 9, Sec 12, [1.2.12] Safe placing and safe construction of electrical fan motors is not required.
Ch 9, Sec 12, [1.2.15] Protection screens in vent ducts are not required.
Ch 9, Sec 13, [6] Only Ch 9, Sec 13, [6.1.13] and Ch 9, Sec 13, [6.1.14] are applicable.
Ch 9, Sec 18, [3.3] Fusible elements in the emergency shutdown system are not required.

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1 General 3 Cargo emergency shutdown (ESD)

3.1 General
1.1.1 This Section contains only the provisions of IGC
Code article 18.10, as the other provisions of Chapter 18 of 3.1.1 A cargo emergency shutdown system shall be fitted
the IGC Code are operating requirements which are not to stop cargo flow in the event of an emergency, either inter-
within the scope of classification. nally within the ship, or during cargo transfer to ship or
shore. The design of the ESD system shall avoid the poten-
tial generation of surge pressures within cargo transfer pipe
2 Cargo operating manual
work (see [3.2.1]).

2.1 General 3.1.2 Auxiliary systems for conditioning the cargo that use
toxic or flammable liquids or vapours shall be treated as
2.1.1 The ship shall be provided with copies of suitably cargo systems for the purposes of ESD. Indirect refrigeration
detailed cargo system operation manuals approved by the systems using an inert medium, such as nitrogen, need not
Society such that trained personnel can safely operate the be included in the ESD function.
ship with due regard to the hazards and properties of the
cargoes that are permitted to be carried. 3.1.3 The ESD system shall be activated by the manual and
automatic initiations listed in Tab 1. Any additional initia-
Note 1: As required in Ch 9, Sec 1, [5], the cargo operating man-
tions shall only be included in the ESD system if it can be
ual is to be submitted for approval in order to check that all docu-
shown that their inclusion does not reduce the integrity and
ments listed in [2.1.2] are included in the cargo operating manual.
reliability of the system overall.
2.1.2 The content of the manuals shall include, but not be
3.1.4 Ship's ESD systems shall incorporate a ship-shore link
limited to:
in accordance with recognized standards.
• overall operation of the ship from dry-dock to dry-dock, Note 1: ISO 28460:2010 Petroleum and natural gas industries -
including procedures for cargo tank cooldown and Installation and equipment for liquefied natural gas - Ship-to-shore
warm-up, transfer (including ship-to-ship transfer), interface and port operations.
cargo sampling, gas-freeing, ballasting, tank cleaning
and changing cargoes; 3.1.5 A functional flow chart of the ESD system and related
• cargo temperature and pressure control systems; systems shall be provided in the cargo control station and
on the navigation bridge.
• cargo system limitations, including minimum tempera-
tures (cargo system and inner hull), maximum pres-
sures, transfer rates, filling limits and sloshing limitations;
3.2 ESD valve requirements

• nitrogen and inert gas systems; 3.2.1 General

• firefighting procedures: operation and maintenance of a) The term ESD valve means any valve operated by the
firefighting systems and use of extinguishing agents; ESD system.
• special equipment needed for the safe handling of the b) ESD valves shall be remotely operated, be of the fail-
particular cargo; closed type (closed on loss of actuating power), be
capable of local manual closure and have positive indi-
• fixed and portable gas detection;
cation of the actual valve position. As an alternative to
• control, alarm and safety systems; the local manual closing of the ESD valve, a manually
operated shut-off valve in series with the ESD valve shall
• emergency shutdown systems;
be permitted. The manual valve shall be located adja-
• procedures to change cargo tank pressure relief valve cent to the ESD valve. Provisions shall be made to han-
set pressures in accordance with Ch 9, Sec 8, [2.1.10] dle trapped liquid should the ESD valve close while the
and Ch 9, Sec 4, [3.3.2]; and manual valve is also closed.
• emergency procedures, including cargo tank relief valve The cargo stations in way of which the fusible elements
isolation, single tank gas-freeing and entry and emer- are to be fitted are to be intended as the loading and
gency ship-to-ship transfer operations. unloading manifolds.

402 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 18

c) ESD valves in liquid piping systems shall close fully and U : Ullage volume at operating signal level, in
smoothly within 30 s of actuation. Information about the m3
closure time of the valves and their operating character-
istics shall be available on board, and the closing time LR : Maximum loading rate agreed between ship
shall be verifiable and repeatable. and shore facility, in m3/h.
d) The closing time of the valve, in second, referred to in The loading rate shall be adjusted to limit surge pressure on
Ch 9, Sec 13, [3.1.1] to Ch 9, Sec 13, [3.1.4] (i.e. time valve closure to an acceptable level, taking into account the
from shutdown signal initiation to complete valve clo- loading hose or arm, the ship and the shore piping systems,
sure) shall not be greater than 3600 U / LR, where where relevant.

Table 1 : ESD functional arrangements

Shutdown action
Pumps Compressor systems Valves Link
Cargo pumps Reliquefaction
Initiation Spray/ Vapour Gas Signal to
and cargo Fuel gas plant (3), including ESD
stripping return combustion ship/shore
booster compressors condensate return valves
pumps compressors unit link (4)
pumps pumps, if fitted
Emergency push
buttons F F F see (6) F F F F
(see [3.3.1])
Fire detection on
deck or in com-
pressor house (1)
(see [3.3.2])
High level in see (5) see (5)
F F F see (5) see (10) F
cargo tank (12) see (6) see (7)
Signal from
ship/shore link F F F see (6) see (7) NA F NA
(see [3.1.4])
Loss of motive
power to ESD F F F see (6) see (7) NA F F
valves (2)
Main electric
power failure see (11) see (11) see (11) see (11) see (11) see (11) F F
Level alarm over- see (8)
see (8) F see (5) see (5) see (5) F F
ride (13) see (9)
(1) Fusible plugs, electronic point temperature monitoring or area fire detection may be used for this purpose on deck.
(2) Failure of hydraulic, electric or pneumatic power for remotely operated ESD valve actuators.
(3) Indirect refrigeration systems which form part of the reliquefaction plant do not need to be included in the ESD function if they
employ an inert medium such as nitrogen in the refrigeration cycle.
(4) Signal need not indicate the event initiating ESD.
(5) These items of equipment can be omitted from these specific automatic shutdown initiators, provided the equipment inlets are
protected against cargo liquid ingress.
(6) If the fuel gas compressor is used to return cargo vapour to shore, it shall be included in the ESD system when operating in this
(7) If the reliquefaction plant compressors are used for vapour return/shore line clearing, they shall be included in the ESD system
when operating in that mode.
(8) The override system permitted by Ch 9, Sec 13, [3.1.8] may be used at sea to prevent false alarms or shutdowns. When level
alarms are overridden, operation of cargo pumps and the opening of manifold ESD valves shall be inhibited except when high-
level alarm testing is carried out in accordance with Ch 9, Sec 13, [3.1.6] (see [3.3.4]).
(9) Cargo spray or stripping pumps used to supply forcing vaporizer may be excluded from the ESD system only when operating in
that mode.
(10) The sensors referred to in Ch 9, Sec 13, [3.1.3] may be used to close automatically the tank filling valve for the individual tank
where the sensors are installed, as an alternative to closing the ESD valve as referred to in [3.2.2]. If this option is adopted, acti-
vation of the full ESD system shall be initiated when the high-level sensors in all the tanks to be loaded have been activated.
(11) These items of equipment shall be designed not to restart upon recovery of main electric power and without confirmation of
safe conditions.
(12) see Ch 9, Sec 13, [3.1.3] and Ch 9, Sec 13, [3.1.4]
(13) see Ch 9, Sec 13, [3.1.8]
Note 1: F = Functional requirement; NA = Not applicable.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 403

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 18

3.2.2 Ship-shore and ship-ship manifold 3.3.3 Cargo machinery that is running shall be stopped by
connections activation of the ESD system in accordance with the cause
and effect matrix in Tab 1.
One ESD valve shall be provided at each manifold connec-
tion. Cargo manifold connections not being used for trans- 3.3.4 The ESD control system shall be configured so as to
fer operations shall be blanked with blank flanges rated for enable the high-level testing required in Ch 9, Sec 13,
the design pressure of the pipeline system. [3.1.6] to be carried out in a safe and controlled manner.
For the purpose of the testing, cargo pumps may be oper-
3.2.3 Cargo system valves ated while the overflow control system is overridden. Proce-
dures for level alarm testing and re-setting of the ESD system
If cargo system valves as defined in Ch 9, Sec 5, [5] are also
after completion of the high-level alarm testing shall be
ESD valves within the meaning of [3], then the requirements
included in the operation manual.
of [3] shall apply.

3.4 Additional shutdowns

3.3 ESD system controls
3.4.1 The requirements of Ch 9, Sec 8, [3.1.1], item a), to
protect the cargo tank from external differential pressure
3.3.1 As a minimum, the ESD system shall be capable of
may be fulfilled by using an independent low pressure trip
manual operation by a single control on the bridge and
to activate the ESD system, or, as minimum, to stop any
either in the control position required by Ch 9, Sec 13,
cargo pumps or compressors.
[1.1.4] or the cargo control room, if installed, and no less
than two locations in the cargo area. 3.4.2 An input to the ESD system from the overflow control
system required by Ch 9, Sec 13, [3] may be provided to
3.3.2 The ESD system shall be automatically activated on stop any cargo pumps or compressors' running at the time a
detection of a fire on the weather decks of the cargo area high level is detected, as this alarm may be due to inadvert-
and/or cargo machinery spaces. As a minimum, the method ent internal transfer of cargo from tank to tank.
of detection used on the weather decks shall cover the liq-
uid and vapour domes of the cargo tanks, the cargo mani- 3.5 Pre-operations testing
folds and areas where liquid piping is dismantled regularly.
Detection may be by means of fusible elements designed to 3.5.1 Cargo emergency shutdown and alarm systems
melt at temperatures between 98°C and 104°C, or by area involved in cargo transfer shall be checked and tested
fire detection methods. before cargo handling operations begin.

404 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 19


1 General 1.1.6 Gauging

I : Indirect or closed (see Ch 9, Sec 13, [2.1.4],
item a) and Ch 9, Sec 13, [2.1.4], item b))
1.1 Explanatory notes to the summary of
R : Indirect, closed or restricted (from Ch 9, Sec 13,
minimum requirements
[2.1.4], item a) to Ch 9, Sec 13, [2.1.4], item d))
1.1.1 Product name C : Indirect or closed (from Ch 9, Sec 13, [2.1.4],
item a) to Ch 9, Sec 13, [2.1.4], item c)))
The product name shall be used in the shipping document
for any cargo offered for bulk shipments. Any additional 1.1.7 Special requirements
name may be included in brackets after the product name. When specific reference is made to Ch 9, Sec 14 and/or to
In some cases, the product names are not identical with the Ch 9, Sec 17, these requirements shall be additional to the
names given in previous issues of the Code. requirements in any other column.
1.1.2 Ship type 1.1.8 Refrigerant gases
• Ship type 1G (see Ch 9, Sec 2, [1.1.2], item a)) Non-toxic and non-flammable gases
• Ship type 2G (see Ch 9, Sec 2, [1.1.2], item b)) 1.1.9
• Ship type 2PG (see Ch 9, Sec 2, [1.1.2], item c)) Unless otherwise specified, gas mixtures containing less
• Ship type 3G (see Ch 9, Sec 2, [1.1.2], item d)) than 5% total acetylenes may be transported with no fur-
ther requirements than those provided for the major com-
1.1.3 Independent tank type C required ponents.
Type C independent tank (see Ch 9, Sec 4, [11])
2 Additional information on products
1.1.4 Tank environmental control
Inert : Inerting (see Ch 9, Sec 9, [1.4]) 2.1
Dry : Drying (see Ch 9, Sec 17, [7]) 2.1.1 Tab 2 lists some additional information for those
− : No special requirements under the Code products which are listed in Tab 1.
The list shown in Tab 2 gives properties for pure products.
1.1.5 Vapour detection The specific gravity to be taken into account for the design
F : Flammable vapour detection of a ship might be altered considering the actual properties
of the commercial product.
T : Toxic vapour detection
Information on temperature classes and explosion groups
F+T : Flammable and toxic vapour detection for electrical equipment in connection with the products to
A : Asphixiant be carried is indicated in Ch 9, Sec 10, Tab 1.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 405

Table 1 : Summary of minimum requirements

Independent tank Control of vapour space Vapour
Product name Ship type Gauging Special requirements
type C required within cargo tanks detection
Ch 9, Sec 14, [1.4.3], Ch 9, Sec 14, [1.3.3], item a),
Acetaldehyde 2G/2PG − Inert F+T C
Ch 9, Sec 17, [4.1.1], Ch 9, Sec 17, [6.1.1], item a)
Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 19

Ch 9, Sec 14, [1.4], Ch 9, Sec 17, [2.1.1], item a),

Ammonia, anhydrous 2G/2PG − − T C
Ch 9, Sec 17, [12]
Ch 9, Sec 14, [1.4], Ch 9, Sec 17, [2.1.1], item b),
Butadiene(all isomers) 2G/2PG − − F+T C Ch 9, Sec 17, [4.1.2], Ch 9, Sec 17, [4.1.3],
Ch 9, Sec 17, [6], Ch 9, Sec 17, [8]
Butane(all isomers) 2G/2PG − − F R
Butane-propane mixture 2G/2PG − − F R
Butylenes(all isomers) 2G/2PG − − F R
CarbonDioxide (high purity) 3G − − A R Ch 9, Sec 17, [21]
3G − − A R Ch 9, Sec 17, [22]
(Reclaimed quality)
Ch 9, Sec 14, [1.4], Ch 9, Sec 17, [3.1.2],
Chlorine 1G Yes Dry T I Ch 9, Sec 17, [4.1.1], Ch 9, Sec 17, [5], Ch 9, Sec 17, [7],
Ch 9, Sec 17, [9], Ch 9, Sec 17, [13]

Bureau Veritas
Ch 9, Sec 14, [1.4.2], Ch 9, Sec 14, [1.4.3],
Ch 9, Sec 17, [2.1.1], item f), Ch 9, Sec 17, [3.1.1],
Diethyl ether (1) 2G/2PG − Inert F+T C Ch 9, Sec 17, [6.1.1], item a), Ch 9, Sec 17, [9],
Ch 9, Sec 17, [10], Ch 9, Sec 17, [11.1.2],
Ch 9, Sec 17, [11.1.3]
Dimethylamine 2G/2PG − − F+T C Ch 9, Sec 14, [1.4], Ch 9, Sec 17, [2.1.1], item a)
Dimethyl Ether 2G/2PG − − F+T C
Ethane − − F R
Ethyl Chloride 2G/2PG − − F+T C
Ethylene 2G − − F R
Ch 9, Sec 14, [1.4], Ch 9, Sec 17, [2.1.1], item b),
Ch 9, Sec 17, [3.1.2], Ch 9, Sec 17, [4.1.1],
Ethylene oxide 1G Yes Inert F+T C
Ch 9, Sec 17, [5], Ch 9, Sec 17, [6.1.1], item a),
Ch 9, Sec 17, [14]
(1) This cargo is also covered by the IBC Code.

July 2018
Independent tank Control of vapour space Vapour
Product name Ship type Gauging Special requirements
type C required within cargo tanks detection

July 2018
Ethylene oxide- propylene oxide
Ch 9, Sec 14, [1.4.3], Ch 9, Sec 17, [3.1.1],
mixtures with ethylene oxide
2G/2PG − Inert F+T C Ch 9, Sec 17, [4.1.1], Ch 9, Sec 17, [6.1.1], item a),
content of not more than 30% by
Ch 9, Sec 17, [9], Ch 9, Sec 17, [10], Ch 9, Sec 17, [18]
weight (1)
Ch 9, Sec 14, [1.4.3], Ch 9, Sec 17, [8], Ch 9, Sec 17, [9],
Isoprene (1) (all isomers) 2G/2PG − − F R
Ch 9, Sec 17, [11.1.1]
Ch 9, Sec 14, [1.4.3], Ch 9, Sec 17, [8], Ch 9, Sec 17, [9],
Isoprene(part refined) (1) 2G/2PG − − F R
Ch 9, Sec 17, [11.1.1]
Ch 9, Sec 14, [1.4.2], Ch 9, Sec 14, [1.4.3],
Isopropylamine (1) 2G/2PG − − F+T C Ch 9, Sec 17, [2.1.1], item d), Ch 9, Sec 17, [9],
Ch 9, Sec 17, [10], Ch 9, Sec 17, [11.1.1], Ch 9, Sec 17, [15]
Methane (LNG) 2G − − F C
Methyl acetylene-propadiene
2G/2PG − − F R Ch 9, Sec 17, [16]
Ch 9, Sec 14, [1.4], Ch 9, Sec 17, [2.1.1], item c),
Methyl bromide 1G Yes − F+T C Ch 9, Sec 17, [3.1.2], Ch 9, Sec 17, [4.1.1],
Ch 9, Sec 17, [5]
Methyl chloride 2G/2PG − − F+T C Ch 9, Sec 17, [2.1.1], item c)

Bureau Veritas
Ch 9, Sec 14, [1.4], Ch 9, Sec 17, [2.1.1], item b),
MixedC4 Cargoes 2G/2PG − − F+T C Ch 9, Sec 17, [4.1.2], Ch 9, Sec 17, [4.1.3],
Ch 9, Sec 17, [6], Ch 9, Sec 17, [20]
Ch 9, Sec 14, [1.4], Ch 9, Sec 17, [2.1.1], item a),
Monoethylamine (1) 2G/2PG − − F+T C Ch 9, Sec 17, [3.1.1], Ch 9, Sec 17, [9], Ch 9, Sec 17, [10],
Ch 9, Sec 17, [11.1.1], Ch 9, Sec 17, [15]
Nitrogen 3G − − A C Ch 9, Sec 17, [17]
Pentane(all isomers) (1) 2G/2PG − − F R Ch 9, Sec 17, [9], Ch 9, Sec 17, [11]
Pentene(all isomers) (1) 2G/2PG − − F R Ch 9, Sec 17, [9], Ch 9, Sec 17, [11]
Propane 2G/2PG − − F R
Propylene 2G/2PG − − F R
Ch 9, Sec 14, [1.4.3], Ch 9, Sec 17, [3.1.1],
Propylene oxide (1) 2G/2PG − Inert F+T C Ch 9, Sec 17, [4.1.1], Ch 9, Sec 17, [6.1.1], item a),
Ch 9, Sec 17, [9], Ch 9, Sec 17, [10], Ch 9, Sec 17, [18]
(1) This cargo is also covered by the IBC Code.

Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 19
Independent tank Control of vapour space Vapour

Product name Ship type Gauging Special requirements
type C required within cargo tanks detection
Refrigerant gases 3G − − - R
Ch 9, Sec 14, [1.4], Ch 9, Sec 17, [3.1.2],
Sulphur dioxide 1G Yes Dry T C
Ch 9, Sec 17, [4.1.1], Ch 9, Sec 17, [5], Ch 9, Sec 17, [17]
Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 19

Ch 9, Sec 14, [1.4.2], Ch 9, Sec 14, [1.4.3],

Vinyl chloride 2G/2PG − − F+T C Ch 9, Sec 17, [2.1.1], item b), Ch 9, Sec 17, [2.1.1], item c),
Ch 9, Sec 17, [3.1.1], Ch 9, Sec 17, [6], Ch 9, Sec 17, [19]
Ch 9, Sec 14, [1.4.2], Ch 9, Sec 14, [1.4.3],
Ch 9, Sec 17, [2.1.1], item b), Ch 9, Sec 17, [3.1.1],
Vinyl ethyl ether (1) 2G/2PG − Inert F+T C Ch 9, Sec 17, [6.1.1], item a), Ch 9, Sec 17, [8],
Ch 9, Sec 17, [9], Ch 9, Sec 17, [10], Ch 9, Sec 17, [11.1.2],
Ch 9, Sec 17, [11.1.3]
Ch 9, Sec 14, [1.4.2], Ch 9, Sec 14, [1.4.3],
Vinylidene chloride (1) 2G/2PG − Inert F+T C Ch 9, Sec 17, [2.1.1], item e), Ch 9, Sec 17, [6.1.1], item a),
Ch 9, Sec 17, [8], Ch 9, Sec 17, [9], Ch 9, Sec 17, [10]
(1) This cargo is also covered by the IBC Code.

Bureau Veritas
July 2018
Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 19

Table 2 : Additional information on products

Product name Boiling temperature (°C) Specific gravity at boiling point (kg/m3) Ratio vapour/air density
Acetaldehyde 21 780 1,52
Ammonia, anhhydrous −33 682 0,60
Butiadene −5 650 1,88
N-Butane / ISO-butane −0,5 / −12 601 2,00
Butylenes −6,3 / −7 625 1,94
Carbon dioxide − 79,0 1180 1,50
Chlorine −34,5 1562 2,49
Diethyl ether 34 640 2,55
Dimethylamine 7 671 1,55
Dimethyl ether − 24,4 735 1,62
Ethane −89 544 1,05
Ethyl chloride 12 920 2,20
Ethylene −104 568 0,97
Ethylene oxide 11 870 1,52
Isoprene 34 680 2,40
Isopropylamine 32 700 2,03
Methane (LNG) −161 422 0,55
Methyl acetylene/propadiene mixture −38 / −20 − 1,48
Methyl bromide 4 1721 3,30
Methyl chloride −24 1004 1,79
Mixed C4 − − −
Monoethylamine 16,6 690 1,56
Nitrogen −196 806 0,97
Pentanes (all isomers) 27 / 36 610 2,50
Pentene (all isomers) 30 / 36 610 2,40
Propane −42 581 1,55
Propylene −47 610 1,48
Propylene oxides 34 860 2,00
Refrigerant gases
Dichlorodifluoromethane (R12) −30 1487 4,26
Dichloromonofluoroethane (R21) 8,86 1405 3,90
Dichlorotetrafluoroethane (R114) 3,59 1518 6.1
Monochlorodifluoromethane (R22) −41 1409 3.21
Monochlorotetrafluoroethane (R124) − − 4,70
Monochlorotrifluoromethane (R13) −81,48 1521 3,60
Sulphur dioxide −10 1461 2,30
Vinyl chloride −14 970 2,15
Vinyl ethyl ether 36 754 2,50
Vinylidene chloride 32 1250 3,45

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 409

Pt D, Ch 9, App 1



1 Guidance to detailed calculation of Tank domes considered to be part of the

accepted total tank volume shall be taken into
internal pressure for static design account when determining Zβ , unless the total
purpose volume of tank domes Vd does not exceed the
following value:
1.1 Calculation of dynamic liquid pressure 100 – FL
V d = V t ----------------------
1.1.1 This Appendix provides guidance for the calculation
of the associated dynamic liquid pressure for the purpose of with:
static design calculations. This pressure may be used for Vt : Tank volume without any domes
determining the internal pressure referred to in Ch 9, Sec 4, FL : Filling limit according to Ch 9, Sec
[3.3.2], item e), where: 15.
• (Pgd)max , in MPa, is the associated liquid pressure deter- ρ : Maximum cargo density, in kg/m3, at the design
mined using the maximum design accelerations. temperature.
• (Pgdsite)max , in MPa, is the associated liquid pressure Where the maximum mass density of the liquid
determined using site specific accelerations. carried is not given, the following values are to
• Peq , in MPa, should be the greater of Peq1 and Peq2 calcu- be considered:
lated as follows: • ρL = 0,50 t/m3 = 500 kg/m3 for methane
Peq1 = Po + (Pgd)max • ρL according to Ch 9, Sec 19, Tab 2 for other
Peq2 = Ph + (Pgdsite)max products.
The direction that gives the maximum value (Pgd)max or
1.1.2 The internal liquid pressures are those created by the (Pgdsite)max should be considered. The above formula
resulting acceleration of the centre of gravity of the cargo applies only to full tanks.
due to the motions of the ship referred to in Ch 9, Sec 4,
Equivalent calculation procedures may be applied.
[3.4.2]. The value of internal liquid pressure Pgd , in MPa,
resulting from combined effects of gravity and dynamic Figure 1 : Acceleration ellipsoid
accelerations should be calculated as follows:
ρ C.G. of Tank C.G. of Tank
P gd = a β Z β ----------------------------5
1,02 × 10
aβ : Dimensionless acceleration (i.e. relative to the
acceleration of gravity), resulting from gravita-
tional and dynamic loads, in an arbitrary direc-
tion β (see Fig 1). 1,0

For large tanks, an acceleration ellipsoid taking

account of transverse vertical and longitudinal ax
accelerations, should be used.
Methods for the calculation of acceleration in aY aY

upright ship conditions and inclined ship condi-

tions are given in [1.2]
Zβ : Largest liquid height (m) above the point where
the pressure is to be determined measured from
the tank shell in the β direction (see Fig 2).
The liquid heights Zβ are to be calculated in
accordance with Fig 4 at each calculation point
of the tank.
At each calculation point, the maximum inter-
nal pressure (Pgd)max is to be obtained for the β At 0,05L from FP
direction which gives the maximum value of Pgd
(see Fig 3).

410 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 9, App 1

Figure 2 : Determination of internal pressure heads Figure 3 : Determination of internal pressure

for pressure points 1, 2 and 3


(YP, ZP)
Pressure point

Y >max

Figure 4 : Determination of liquid height Zβ for pressure points 1, 2 and 3


Z 3

3 Z
2 Z 1

a 1
Z 1
2 y
Z 2

Z 3
Z 3

Z Z 1

3 y 2 1

1.2 Calculation of acceleration components where:

1.2.1 Guidance formulae for acceleration 600

34 – ----------
components V L0
a 0 = 0, 2 --------- + ----------------------
The following formulae are given as guidance for the com- L0 L0
ponents of acceleration due to ship's motions correspond-
L0 : Length of the ship for determination of scant-
ing to a probability level of 10−8 in the North Atlantic and
lings as defined in recognized standards, in m
apply to ships with a length exceeding 50 m and at or near
their service speed: CB : Block coefficient
• vertical acceleration, as defined in Ch 9, Sec 4, [3.4.2]:
B : Greatest moulded breadth of the ship, in m
1,5 1, 5 2
0, 6 2
0, 6 yK
a z = ± a 0 1 +  5, 3 – ------  ----- + 0, 05   --------- +  -----------------------
45 x x : Longitudinal distance, in m, from amidships to
 L0   L0   CB   B 
the centre of gravity of the tank with contents; x
• transverse acceleration, as defined in Ch 9, Sec 4, is positive forward of amidships, negative aft of
[3.4.2]: amidships

x- + 0, 05  2 + K  1 + 0, 6 K --z-
2 y : Transverse distance, in m, from centreline to the
a y = ± a 0 0, 6 + 2, 5  ----
 L0   B centre of gravity of the tank with contents

• longitudinal acceleration, as defined in Ch 9, Sec 4, z : Vertical distance, in m, from the ship's actual
[3.4.2]: waterline to the centre of gravity of tank with
contents; z is positive above and negative
a x = ± a 0 0, 06 + A – 0, 25 A below the waterline;

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 411

Pt D, Ch 9, App 1

K : K = 1 in general. Note 1: For analysis based on three-dimensional models, several

For particular loading conditions and hull forms, load cases are to be considered. For each load case, the pressures
determination of K according to the following are to be calculated for each finite element of the tank boundary
formula may be necessary: with a given direction (βX, βY).

K = 13 GM / B The choice and number of load cases considered is to be to the sat-

where: isfaction of the Society with respect to maximising the inertial liq-
K≥1 uid pressure on each element of the tank boundary.

GM : metacentric height, in m
Figure 5 : Dimensionless acceleration
z 0, 6
A =  0, 7 – ------------
- + 5 -----  ---------

in upright ship condition
1200 L 0  C B 
V : Service speed, in knots CG OF TANK

ax, ay, az : Maximum dimensionless accelerations (i.e. rela-

tive to the acceleration of gravity) in the respec-
tive directions. They are considered as acting >
separately for calculation purposes, and az does >ma
not include the component due to the static

weight, ay includes the component due to the
static weight in the transverse direction due to
rolling and ax includes the component due to
the static weight in the longitudinal direction

due to pitching. The accelerations derived from ax
the above formulae are applicable only to ships
at or near their service speed, not while at

anchor or otherwise near stationary in exposed

1.2.2 Accelerations for type C tanks Ellipses AMIDSHIPS

The inertial internal liquid pressure is to be calculated con-

sidering the ship in the following mutually exclusive condi-
At 0.05L from FP
a) Upright ship conditions
In these conditions, the ship encounters waves which
produce ship motions in the X-Z plane, i.e. surge, heave
and pitch. Figure 6 : Dimensionless acceleration
The dimensionless acceleration aβ is to be obtained, for in inclined ship condition
an arbitrary direction β, in accordance with Fig 5, in CL
which the wave longitudinal and vertical accelerations CG OF TANK
aX and aZ, respectively, are calculated from the formula
in [1.2.1].
b) Inclined ship conditions >
In these conditions, the ship encounters waves which x

produce ship motions in the X-Y and Y-Z planes, i.e.


sway, heave, roll and yaw.

The dimensionless acceleration aβ is to be obtained, for
an arbitrary direction β, in accordance with Fig 6, in

which the wave transverse and vertical accelerations aY

and aZ, respectively, are calculated from the formula in

1.2.3 Accelerations for type A tanks

The inertial liquid pressure is to be calculated considering
ship accelerations in the three directions. Ellipses AMIDSHIPS

The dimensionless acceleration aβ is to be obtained, for an

arbitrary direction (βX, βY), in accordance with Fig 1, in
which the wave longitudinal, transverse and vertical accel-
At 0.05L from FP
erations aX, aY and aZ, respectively, are calculated from the
formula in [1.2.1].

412 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 9, App 1

Figure 7 : Areas to be checked for sloshing

3m 3m





2 Internal pressure for integral tanks If duly justified (for example by numerical
analysis and/or model tests), an other value
and membrane tanks
of pwi can be considered by the Society
ppv : Design vapour pressure, in kN/m2, not taken
2.1 General
less than 25.
2.1.1 The inertial internal liquid pressure is to be calcu- The areas to be checked accordingly are described in
lated according to Part B, Chapter 5. Fig 7.
For small tanks, the dimensions of those areas may be
2.2 Sloshing pressure adapted on a case by case basis.
For filling levels other than standard filling levels, the
2.2.1 Sloshing pressure in membrane tanks of ships having
sloshing pressure is to be specially considered by the
a total capacity over 180000 m3 is to be specially consid-
ered by the Society.
Sloshing pressure to be considered in membrane tanks of
ships having a total capacity less than 180000 m3 is defined
3 Guidance to detailed calculation of
in [2.2.2]. pressure for a static heel angle of 30°C
2.2.2 Sloshing pressures for membrane tanks of ships hav- 3.1 Internal pressure calculation
ing a capacity less than 180000 m3.
a) Standard filling levels are: 3.1.1 Calculation of the highest point of each tank
for 30° heel.
• full load condition:
the liquid height in the cargo tank is comprised The components of accelerations to be used for this calcula-
between 70% and 98% of the cargo tank height tion are the following:

• ballast condition: • Positive roll angle case:

the liquid height in the cargo tank is comprised π
between 0% and 10% of the cargo tank height. a y = g sin ---
b) For standard filling levels, the sloshing pressure is to be π
obtained, in kN/m2, from the following formula a z = ( – g ) cos ---
psl = pwi + ppv • Negative roll angle case:
where: π
a y = ( – g ) sin ---
pwi : Quasi static pressure, in kN/m2, taken equal 6
a z = ( – g ) cos ---
pwi = 240 kN/m2 6

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 413

Pt D, Ch 9, App 1

3.1.2 Calculation of internal pressure 4 Calculation of dynamic pressure for

This highest point is then be used as a reference for calcula- collision loads
tion of internal pressure as following:
4.1 General
P gd = ρg [ a y ( y – y H ) + a z ( z – z H ) ]
4.1.1 The dynamic pressure resulting from collision loads
where yH and zH are the coordinates of the highest point. defined in Ch 9, Sec 4, [3.5.2] is the following:
Pw = ρl ax x – xB
3.2 Sea pressure calculation where:
• for the case of a forward acceleration:
3.2.1 The sea pressure is calculated as above: ax : Longitudinal acceleration equal to:
• Positive roll angle: ax = 0,5g
xB : X co-ordinate, in m, of aft bulkhead of the
π π tank.
P s = ρg y sin --- + ( T – z ) cos ---
6 6 • for the case of a aftward acceleration:
• Negative roll angle: ax : Longitudinal acceleration equal to:
ax = 0,25g
π π xB : X co-ordinate, in m, of fore bulkhead of the
P s = ρg ( – y ) sin --- + ( T – z ) cos ---
6 6 tank.

414 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 9, App 2



1 General

1.1.1 Tab 1 to Tab 18 provide correspondances between
the provisions of the IGC Code and those of the present

Table 1 : Equivalences between Part D, Chapter 9 and Chapter 1 of the IGC Code

Ref. in Ref. in Ref. in

Ref. in Ref. in Ref. in
IGC Code, IGC Code, IGC Code,
Part D, Chapter 9 Part D, Chapter 9 Part D, Chapter 9
Chapter 1 Chapter 1 Chapter 1
1.1.1 − 1.1.9 Ch 9, Sec 1, [2.1.9] − − 1.1.10 Ch 9, Sec 1, [2.1.10] − − 1.1.11 Ch 9, Sec 1, [2.1.11] − − 1.1.12 Ch 9, Sec 1, [2.1.12] −
1.1.3 − 1.2 Ch 9, Sec 1, [4] − Ch 9, Sec 1, [2.1.1] 1.3.1 − − Ch 9, Sec 1, [2.1.2] 1.3.2 − − Ch 9, Sec 1, [2.1.3] − − Ch 9, Sec 1, [2.1.4] − −
1.1.5 Ch 9, Sec 1, [2.1.5] − − − − − − − − − 1.4.2 − − − − − Ch 9, Sec 1, [2.1.6] − − Ch 9, Sec 1, [2.1.7] − −
1.1.8 Ch 9, Sec 1, [2.1.8]

Table 2 : Equivalences between Part D, Chapter 9 and Chapter 2 of the IGC Code

Ref. in Ref. in Ref. in

Ref. in Ref. in Ref. in
IGC Code, IGC Code, IGC Code,
Part D, Chapter 9 Part D, Chapter 9 Part D, Chapter 9
Chapter 2 Chapter 2 Chapter 2
2.1.1 Ch 9, Sec 2, [1.1.1] 2.2.7 Ch 9, Sec 2, [2.1.10] 2.5.3 Ch 9, Sec 2, [5.1.3]
2.1.2 Ch 9, Sec 2, [1.1.2] 2.2.8 Ch 9, Sec 2, [2.1.11] 2.5.4 Ch 9, Sec 2, [5.1.4]
2.1.3 Ch 9, Sec 2, [1.1.3] 2.3 Ch 9, Sec 2, [3.1.1] 2.5.5 Ch 9, Sec 2, [5.1.5]
2.1.4 Ch 9, Sec 2, [1.1.4] Ch 9, Sec 2, [3.2.1] 2.5.6 Ch 9, Sec 2, [5.1.6]
2.1.5 Ch 9, Sec 2, [1.1.5] Ch 9, Sec 2, [3.2.2] 2.5.7 Ch 9, Sec 2, [5.1.7]
2.2.1 Ch 9, Sec 2, [2.1.1] 2.4.1 Ch 9, Sec 2, [4.1.1] 2.5.8 Ch 9, Sec 2, [5.1.9]
2.2.2 Ch 9, Sec 2, [2.1.2] 2.4.2 Ch 9, Sec 2, [4.1.3] 2.6.1 Ch 9, Sec 2, [6.1.2]
2.2.3 Ch 9, Sec 2, [2.1.4] 2.4.3 Ch 9, Sec 2, [4.1.4] 2.6.2 Ch 9, Sec 2, [6.1.3]
2.2.4 Ch 9, Sec 2, [2.1.6] 2.4.4 Ch 9, Sec 2, [4.1.5] 2.7 Ch 9, Sec 2, [7.1.1]
2.2.5 Ch 9, Sec 2, [2.1.7] 2.5.1 Ch 9, Sec 2, [5.1.1] 2.7.1 Ch 9, Sec 2, [7.1.3]
2.2.6 Ch 9, Sec 2, [2.1.9] 2.5.2 Ch 9, Sec 2, [5.1.2] 2.7.2 Ch 9, Sec 2, [7.1.4]

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 415

Pt D, Ch 9, App 2

Table 3 : Equivalences between Part D, Chapter 9 and Chapter 3 of the IGC Code

Ref. in Ref. in Ref. in

Ref. in Ref. in Ref. in
IGC Code, IGC Code, IGC Code,
Part D, Chapter 9 Part D, Chapter 9 Part D, Chapter 9
Chapter 3 Chapter 3 Chapter 3
3.1.1 Ch 9, Sec 3, [1.1.1] 3.3.4 Ch 9, Sec 3, [1.3.5] 3.6.4 Ch 9, Sec 3, [1.6.6]
3.1.2 Ch 9, Sec 3, [1.1.3] 3.3.5 Ch 9, Sec 3, [1.3.6] 3.6.5 Ch 9, Sec 3, [1.6.8]
3.1.3 Ch 9, Sec 3, [1.1.4] 3.3.6 Ch 9, Sec 3, [1.3.7] 3.6.6 Ch 9, Sec 3, [1.6.9]
3.1.4 Ch 9, Sec 3, [1.1.6] 3.3.7 Ch 9, Sec 3, [1.3.8] 3.6.7 Ch 9, Sec 3, [1.6.10]
3.1.5 Ch 9, Sec 3, [1.1.7] 3.4.1 Ch 9, Sec 3, [1.4.1] 3.7.1 Ch 9, Sec 3, [1.7.5]
3.1.6 Ch 9, Sec 3, [1.1.8] 3.4.2 Ch 9, Sec 3, [1.4.2] 3.7.2 Ch 9, Sec 3, [1.7.6]
3.1.7 Ch 9, Sec 3, [1.1.9] 3.4.3 Ch 9, Sec 3, [1.4.3] 3.7.3 Ch 9, Sec 3, [1.7.7]
3.2.1 Ch 9, Sec 3, [1.2.1] 3.5.1 Ch 9, Sec 3, [1.5.4] 3.7.4 Ch 9, Sec 3, [1.7.8]
3.2.2 Ch 9, Sec 3, [1.2.3] 3.5.2 Ch 9, Sec 3, [1.5.5] 3.7.5 Ch 9, Sec 3, [1.7.9]
3.2.3 Ch 9, Sec 3, [1.2.4] Ch 9, Sec 3, [1.5.6], a) 3.8.1 Ch 9, Sec 3, [1.8.1] Ch 9, Sec 3, [1.2.5] Ch 9, Sec 3, [1.5.6], b) 3.8.2 Ch 9, Sec 3, [1.8.2] Ch 9, Sec 3, [1.2.8] Ch 9, Sec 3, [1.5.6], c) 3.8.3 Ch 9, Sec 3, [1.8.3] Ch 9, Sec 3, [1.2.9] Ch 9, Sec 3, [1.5.6], d) Ch 9, Sec 3, [1.8.4], a) Ch 9, Sec 3, [1.2.10] Ch 9, Sec 3, [1.5.6], e) Ch 9, Sec 3, [1.8.4], b)
3.2.5 Ch 9, Sec 3, [1.2.11] 3.5.4 Ch 9, Sec 3, [1.5.7] Ch 9, Sec 3, [1.8.4], c)
3.2.6 Ch 9, Sec 3, [1.2.12] 3.5.5 Ch 9, Sec 3, [1.5.8] Ch 9, Sec 3, [1.8.4], d)
3.2.7 Ch 9, Sec 3, [1.2.13] 3.5.6 Ch 9, Sec 3, [1.5.9] 3.8.5 Ch 9, Sec 3, [1.8.5]
3.3.1 Ch 9, Sec 3, [1.3.2] 3.6.1 Ch 9, Sec 3, [1.6.1] 3.8.6 Ch 9, Sec 3, [1.8.6]
3.3.2 Ch 9, Sec 3, [1.3.3] 3.6.2 Ch 9, Sec 3, [1.6.4] 3.8.7 Ch 9, Sec 3, [1.8.8]
3.3.3 Ch 9, Sec 3, [1.3.4] 3.6.3 Ch 9, Sec 3, [1.6.5]

Table 4 : Equivalences between Part D, Chapter 9 and Chapter 4 of the IGC Code

Ref. in Ref. in Ref. in

Ref. in Ref. in Ref. in
IGC Code, IGC Code, IGC Code,
Part D, Chapter 9 Part D, Chapter 9 Part D, Chapter 9
Chapter 4 Chapter 4 Chapter 4
4.1.1 Ch 9, Sec 4, [1.2.1] Ch 9, Sec 4, [4.5.1], f) 4.22.6 Ch 9, Sec 4, [10.6.1]
4.1.2 Ch 9, Sec 4, [1.2.2] Ch 9, Sec 4, [4.6.1] 4.22.7 Ch 9, Sec 4, [10.7.1]
4.1.3 Ch 9, Sec 4, [1.2.3] Ch 9, Sec 4, [4.6.2] Ch 9, Sec 4, [11.1.1]
4.1.4 Ch 9, Sec 4, [1.2.4] Ch 9, Sec 4, [4.6.3] Ch 9, Sec 4, [11.2.1]
4.1.5 Ch 9, Sec 4, [1.2.5] Ch 9, Sec 4, [4.6.4], a) Ch 9, Sec 4, [11.1.3]
4.1.6 Ch 9, Sec 4, [1.2.6] Ch 9, Sec 4, [4.6.4], b) Ch 9, Sec 4, [11.2.1], a)
4.1.7 Ch 9, Sec 4, [1.2.7] Ch 9, Sec 4, [4.6.5] Ch 9, Sec 4, [11.2.1], b)
4.1.8 Ch 9, Sec 4, [1.2.8] Ch 9, Sec 4, [4.6.6], a) Ch 9, Sec 4, [11.2.1], c)
4.2 Ch 9, Sec 4, [1.3.1] Ch 9, Sec 4, [4.6.6], b) Ch 9, Sec 4, [11.2.2]
4.3.1 Ch 9, Sec 4, [2.1.1] Ch 9, Sec 4, [4.6.6], c) Ch 9, Sec 4, [11.2.3]
4.3.2 Ch 9, Sec 4, [2.1.2] Ch 9, Sec 4, [4.6.6], d) Ch 9, Sec 4, [11.2.4]
4.3.3 Ch 9, Sec 4, [2.1.3] Ch 9, Sec 4, [4.6.7] Ch 9, Sec 4, [11.2.5]
4.3.4 Ch 9, Sec 4, [2.1.4] Ch 9, Sec 4, [4.6.8] Ch 9, Sec 4, [11.3.2]
4.3.5 Ch 9, Sec 4, [2.1.5] Ch 9, Sec 4, [4.6.9] Ch 9, Sec 4, [11.3.3]
4.3.6 Ch 9, Sec 4, [2.1.6] Ch 9, Sec 4, [4.7.1] 4.23.4 Ch 9, Sec 4, [11.4.1]
4.4.1 Ch 9, Sec 4, [2.2.1] Ch 9, Sec 4, [4.7.2] Ch 9, Sec 4, [11.5.1]
4.4.2 Ch 9, Sec 4, [2.2.2] Ch 9, Sec 4, [4.7.3] Ch 9, Sec 4, [11.5.2]
4.4.3 Ch 9, Sec 4, [2.2.3] 4.19 Ch 9, Sec 4, [6.1.1] Ch 9, Sec 4, [11.6.1]
4.4.4 Ch 9, Sec 4, [2.2.4] Ch 9, Sec 4, [6.2.1] Ch 9, Sec 4, [11.6.2]
4.4.5 Ch 9, Sec 4, [2.2.5] Ch 9, Sec 4, [6.2.2] Ch 9, Sec 4, [11.6.3]
4.5 Ch 9, Sec 4, [2.3.1] Ch 9, Sec 4, [6.2.3] Ch 9, Sec 4, [11.6.4]
4.6.1 Ch 9, Sec 4, [2.4.2] Ch 9, Sec 4, [6.2.5] Ch 9, Sec 4, [11.6.5]
4.6.2 Ch 9, Sec 4, [2.4.3] Ch 9, Sec 4, [6.2.6] Ch 9, Sec 4, [11.6.6]
4.7.1 Ch 9, Sec 4, [2.5.1] Ch 9, Sec 4, [6.3.1] Ch 9, Sec 4, [11.6.7]

416 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 9, App 2

Ref. in Ref. in Ref. in

Ref. in Ref. in Ref. in
IGC Code, IGC Code, IGC Code,
Part D, Chapter 9 Part D, Chapter 9 Part D, Chapter 9
Chapter 4 Chapter 4 Chapter 4
4.7.2 Ch 9, Sec 4, [2.5.2] Ch 9, Sec 4, [6.3.2] 4.23.7 Ch 9, Sec 4, [11.7.1]
4.7.3 Ch 9, Sec 4, [2.5.3] Ch 9, Sec 4, [6.3.3] Ch 9, Sec 4, [12.1.1]
4.8.1 Ch 9, Sec 4, [8.1.1] Ch 9, Sec 4, [6.3.4] Ch 9, Sec 4, [12.1.2]
4.8.2 Ch 9, Sec 4, [8.3.8], a) Ch 9, Sec 4, [6.3.5] Ch 9, Sec 4, [12.1.3]
4.8.3 Ch 9, Sec 4, [8.1.2] Ch 9, Sec 4, [6.3.6] Ch 9, Sec 4, [12.1.4]
4.9 Ch 9, Sec 4, [2.7.1] Ch 9, Sec 4, [6.3.7] Ch 9, Sec 4, [12.1.2]
4.10.1 Ch 9, Sec 4, [2.8.1] Ch 9, Sec 4, [6.4.1] Ch 9, Sec 4, [12.1.6]
4.10.2 Ch 9, Sec 4, [2.8.2] Ch 9, Sec 4, [6.4.2] Ch 9, Sec 4, [12.1.7]
4.11 Ch 9, Sec 4, [3.1.1] Ch 9, Sec 4, [6.4.3] Ch 9, Sec 4, [12.2.1]
4.12.1 Ch 9, Sec 4, [3.2.1] Ch 9, Sec 4, [6.4.4] Ch 9, Sec 4, [12.2.2]
4.12.2 Ch 9, Sec 4, [3.2.2] Ch 9, Sec 4, [6.4.5] 4.24.3 Ch 9, Sec 4, [12.3.1]
4.13.1 Ch 9, Sec 4, [3.3.1] Ch 9, Sec 4, [6.4.6] Ch 9, Sec 4, [12.4.1]
4.13.2 Ch 9, Sec 4, [3.3.2] Ch 9, Sec 4, [6.4.7] Ch 9, Sec 4, [12.4.2]
4.13.3 Ch 9, Sec 4, [3.3.3] 4.20 Ch 9, Sec 4, [7.1.1] Ch 9, Sec 4, [12.4.3]
4.13.4 Ch 9, Sec 4, [3.3.4] Ch 9, Sec 4, [7.2.1] Ch 9, Sec 4, [12.5.1]
4.13.5 Ch 9, Sec 4, [3.3.5] Ch 9, Sec 4, [7.2.2] Ch 9, Sec 4, [12.5.2]
4.13.6 Ch 9, Sec 4, [3.3.6] Ch 9, Sec 4, [7.2.3] Ch 9, Sec 4, [12.5.3]
4.13.7 Ch 9, Sec 4, [3.3.7] 4.20.2 Ch 9, Sec 4, [7.3.1] Ch 9, Sec 4, [12.6.1]
4.13.8 Ch 9, Sec 4, [3.3.8] Ch 9, Sec 4, [7.4.1] Ch 9, Sec 4, [12.6.2]
4.13.9 Ch 9, Sec 4, [3.3.9] Ch 9, Sec 4, [7.4.2] Ch 9, Sec 4, [12.6.3]
4.13.10 Ch 9, Sec 4, [3.3.10] Ch 9, Sec 4, [7.4.3] Ch 9, Sec 4, [12.6.4]
4.14 Ch 9, Sec 4, [3.4.1] Ch 9, Sec 4, [7.4.5] Ch 9, Sec 4, [12.6.5] Ch 9, Sec 4, [3.4.2], a) Ch 9, Sec 4, [7.4.6] Ch 9, Sec 4, [12.7.1] Ch 9, Sec 4, [3.4.2], b) Ch 9, Sec 4, [7.4.7] Ch 9, Sec 4, [12.7.3] Ch 9, Sec 4, [3.4.2], c) Ch 9, Sec 4, [7.4.8] Ch 9, Sec 4, [12.9.1] Ch 9, Sec 4, [3.4.2], d) Ch 9, Sec 4, [9.1.1] Ch 9, Sec 4, [12.9.2] Ch 9, Sec 4, [3.4.2], e) Ch 9, Sec 4, [9.1.2] Ch 9, Sec 4, [12.10.1]
4.14.2 Ch 9, Sec 4, [3.4.3] Ch 9, Sec 4, [9.2.1] Ch 9, Sec 4, [12.10.2]
4.14.3 Ch 9, Sec 4, [3.4.4] Ch 9, Sec 4, [8.3.1] Ch 9, Sec 4, [12.10.3]
4.14.4 Ch 9, Sec 4, [3.4.5] Ch 9, Sec 4, [8.3.2] 4.25.1 Ch 9, Sec 4, [13.1.1]
4.14.5 Ch 9, Sec 4, [3.4.6] Ch 9, Sec 4, [9.3.1] 4.25.2 Ch 9, Sec 4, [13.2.1]
4.15 Ch 9, Sec 4, [3.5.1] Ch 9, Sec 4, [9.3.2] Ch 9, Sec 4, [13.3.1]
4.15.1 Ch 9, Sec 4, [3.5.2] Ch 9, Sec 4, [9.3.6] Ch 9, Sec 4, [13.3.2]
4.15.2 Ch 9, Sec 4, [3.5.3] Ch 9, Sec 4, [9.4.1] Ch 9, Sec 4, [13.4.1]
4.16.1 Ch 9, Sec 4, [4.1.1] Ch 9, Sec 4, [9.4.2] Ch 9, Sec 4, [13.4.2]
4.16.2 Ch 9, Sec 4, [4.1.2] 4.21.5 Ch 9, Sec 4, [9.5.1] 4.25.5 Ch 9, Sec 4, [13.5.1]
4.16.3 Ch 9, Sec 4, [4.1.3] Ch 9, Sec 4, [10.1.1] Ch 9, Sec 4, [14.1.1] Ch 9, Sec 4, [4.2.1], a) Ch 9, Sec 4, [10.1.2] Ch 9, Sec 4, [14.1.2] Ch 9, Sec 4, [4.2.1], b) Ch 9, Sec 4, [10.2.1] Ch 9, Sec 4, [14.1.3] Ch 9, Sec 4, [4.2.1], c) Ch 9, Sec 4, [10.2.2] Ch 9, Sec 4, [14.1.4] Ch 9, Sec 4, [4.2.2], a) Ch 9, Sec 4, [10.2.5] 4.27.1 Ch 9, Sec 4, [15.1.1] Ch 9, Sec 4, [4.2.2], b) Ch 9, Sec 4, [10.3.2], a) 4.27.2 Ch 9, Sec 4, [15.1.2]
4.17.3 Ch 9, Sec 4, [4.2.3] Ch 9, Sec 4, [10.3.2], b) 4.27.3 Ch 9, Sec 4, [15.1.3]
4.18 Ch 9, Sec 4, [4.4.1] Ch 9, Sec 4, [10.3.1] 4.27.4 Ch 9, Sec 4, [15.1.4]
4.18.1 Ch 9, Sec 4, [4.5.1] Ch 9, Sec 4, [10.3.3] Ch 9, App 1, [1.1.1] Ch 9, Sec 4, [4.5.1], a) Ch 9, Sec 4, [10.4.1] Ch 9, App 1, [1.1.2] Ch 9, Sec 4, [4.5.1], b) Ch 9, Sec 4, [10.4.2] Ch 9, App 1, [1.1.2] Ch 9, Sec 4, [4.5.1], c) Ch 9, Sec 4, [10.4.3] Ch 9, App 1, [1.2.1] Ch 9, Sec 4, [4.5.1], d) Ch 9, Sec 4, [10.5.1] 4.28.3 Ch 9, Sec 4, [4.3.1] Ch 9, Sec 4, [4.5.1], e) Ch 9, Sec 4, [10.5.2]

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 417

Pt D, Ch 9, App 2

Table 5 : Equivalences between Part D, Chapter 9 and Chapter 5 of the IGC Code

Ref. in Ref. in Ref. in

Ref. in Ref. in Ref. in
IGC Code, IGC Code, IGC Code,
Part D, Chapter 9 Part D, Chapter 9 Part D, Chapter 9
Chapter 5 Chapter 5 Chapter 5
5.1.1 Ch 9, Sec 5, [1.1.1] 5.6.2 Ch 9, Sec 5, [6.1.3] Ch 9, Sec 5, [11.2.2]
5.1.2 Ch 9, Sec 5, [1.1.3] 5.6.3 Ch 9, Sec 5, [6.2.1] Ch 9, Sec 5, [11.2.4]
5.1.3 Ch 9, Sec 5, [1.1.4] 5.6.4 Ch 9, Sec 5, [6.3.1] Ch 9, Sec 5, [11.2.5]
5.2.1 Ch 9, Sec 5, [2.1.3] Ch 9, Sec 5, [6.4.1] 5.11.3 Ch 9, Sec 5, [11.3.1] Ch 9, Sec 5, [2.2.1] Ch 9, Sec 5, [6.4.2] 5.11.4 Ch 9, Sec 5, [11.4.1] Ch 9, Sec 5, [2.2.2] Ch 9, Sec 5, [6.4.3] 5.11.5 Ch 9, Sec 5, [11.5.1] Ch 9, Sec 5, [2.2.3] Ch 9, Sec 5, [6.4.4] Ch 9, Sec 5, [11.6.1] Ch 9, Sec 5, [2.2.4] Ch 9, Sec 5, [6.4.5] Ch 9, Sec 5, [11.6.2]
5.3.1 Ch 9, Sec 5, [3.1.1] Ch 9, Sec 5, [6.4.6] Ch 9, Sec 5, [11.6.4] Ch 9, Sec 5, [3.2.1] 5.6.6 Ch 9, Sec 5, [6.5.1] Ch 9, Sec 5, [11.6.5] Ch 9, Sec 5, [3.2.2] 5.7.1 Ch 9, Sec 5, [7.1.1] Ch 9, Sec 5, [11.7.3]
5.3.3 Ch 9, Sec 5, [3.3.1] 5.7.2 Ch 9, Sec 5, [7.2.1] Ch 9, Sec 5, [11.7.4]
5.3.4 Ch 9, Sec 5, [3.4.1] 5.7.3 Ch 9, Sec 5, [7.3.1] Ch 9, Sec 5, [11.7.5]
5.4.1 Ch 9, Sec 5, [4.1.1] 5.7.4 Ch 9, Sec 5, [7.4.1] 5.12.1 Ch 9, Sec 5, [12.1.1]
5.4.2 Ch 9, Sec 5, [4.1.2] 5.8.1 Ch 9, Sec 5, [8.1.1] 5.12.2 Ch 9, Sec 5, [12.1.2]
5.4.3 Ch 9, Sec 5, [4.1.3] 5.8.2 Ch 9, Sec 5, [8.2.1] Ch 9, Sec 5, [12.1.4]
5.4.4 Ch 9, Sec 5, [4.1.4] Ch 9, Sec 5, [8.3.1] Ch 9, Sec 5, [12.1.4] Ch 9, Sec 5, [5.1.1] Ch 9, Sec 5, [8.3.2] 5.12.4 Ch 9, Sec 5, [12.1.5] Ch 9, Sec 5, [5.1.1] 5.8.4 Ch 9, Sec 5, [8.4.1] Ch 9, Sec 5, [13.3.1] Ch 9, Sec 5, [5.1.2] 5.8.5 Ch 9, Sec 5, [8.5.1] Ch 9, Sec 5, [13.4.1] Ch 9, Sec 5, [5.1.2] 5.9.1 Ch 9, Sec 5, [9.1.1] Ch 9, Sec 5, [13.5.1] Ch 9, Sec 5, [5.2.1] 5.9.2 Ch 9, Sec 5, [9.2.1] Ch 9, Sec 5, [13.5.2] Ch 9, Sec 5, [5.2.2] 5.9.3 Ch 9, Sec 5, [9.3.1] Ch 9, Sec 5, [13.5.3]
5.5.4 Ch 9, Sec 5, [5.3.1] 5.10.1 Ch 9, Sec 5, [10.1.1] Ch 9, Sec 5, [13.5.4]
5.5.5 Ch 9, Sec 5, [5.3.2] 5.10.2 Ch 9, Sec 5, [10.2.1] Ch 9, Sec 5, [13.5.5]
5.5.6 Ch 9, Sec 5, [5.3.3] 5.10.3 Ch 9, Sec 5, [10.3.1] 5.13.3 Ch 9, Sec 5, [13.6.1]
5.5.7 Ch 9, Sec 5, [5.3.4] 5.11.1 Ch 9, Sec 5, [11.1.1]
5.6.1 Ch 9, Sec 5, [6.1.2] Ch 9, Sec 5, [11.2.1]

Table 6 : Equivalences between Part D, Chapter 9 and Chapter 6 of the IGC Code

Ref. in Ref. in Ref. in

Ref. in Ref. in Ref. in
IGC Code, IGC Code, IGC Code,
Part D, Chapter 9 Part D, Chapter 9 Part D, Chapter 9
Chapter 6 Chapter 6 Chapter 6
6.1.1 Ch 9, Sec 6, [1.1.1] 6.3.4 Ch 9, Sec 6, [3.4.1] Ch 9, Sec 6, [5.6.3]
6.1.2 Ch 9, Sec 6, [1.1.2] Ch 9, Sec 6, [4.1.2] Ch 9, Sec 6, [5.6.4]
6.1.3 Ch 9, Sec 6, [1.1.3] Ch 9, Sec 6, [5.1.1] Ch 9, Sec 6, [5.6.5]
6.1.4 Ch 9, Sec 6, [1.1.4] Ch 9, Sec 6, [5.2.1] Ch 9, Sec 6, [5.6.6]
6.1.5 Ch 9, Sec 6, [1.1.5] Ch 9, Sec 6, [5.3.1] Ch 9, Sec 6, [5.6.7]
6.1.6 Ch 9, Sec 6, [1.1.6] Ch 9, Sec 6, [5.3.2] Ch 9, Sec 6, [5.6.8]
6.2.1 Ch 9, Sec 6, [2.1.1] Ch 9, Sec 6, [5.3.3] Ch 9, Sec 6, [5.6.9]
6.2.2 Ch 9, Sec 6, [2.1.2] Ch 9, Sec 6, [5.3.4] Ch 9, Sec 6, [6.1.1]
6.2.3 Ch 9, Sec 6, [2.1.3] Ch 9, Sec 6, [5.3.5] Ch 9, Sec 6, [6.2.1] Ch 9, Sec 6, [3.1.1] Ch 9, Sec 6, [5.3.6] Ch 9, Sec 6, [6.2.2] Ch 9, Sec 6, [3.1.2] 6.5.4 Ch 9, Sec 6, [5.4.1] Ch 9, Sec 6, [6.2.3] Ch 9, Sec 6, [3.2.1] Ch 9, Sec 6, [5.5.1] 6.6.3 Ch 9, Sec 6, [6.3.1] Ch 9, Sec 6, [3.2.2] Ch 9, Sec 6, [5.5.2] 6.6.4 Ch 9, Sec 6, [6.4.1] Ch 9, Sec 6, [3.2.3] Ch 9, Sec 6, [5.5.3] 6.6.5 Ch 9, Sec 6, [6.5.1] Ch 9, Sec 6, [3.2.4] Ch 9, Sec 6, [5.5.4] 6.7.1 Ch 9, Sec 6, [7.1.1] Ch 9, Sec 6, [3.3.1] Ch 9, Sec 6, [5.5.5] Ch 9, Sec 6, [3.3.2] Ch 9, Sec 6, [5.6.2]

418 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 9, App 2

Table 7 : Equivalences between Part D, Chapter 9 and Chapter 7 of the IGC Code

Ref. in Ref. in Ref. in

Ref. in Ref. in Ref. in
IGC Code, IGC Code, IGC Code,
Part D, Chapter 9 Part D, Chapter 9 Part D, Chapter 9
Chapter 7 Chapter 7 Chapter 7
7.1.1 Ch 9, Sec 7, [1.1.1] 7.4.2 Ch 9, Sec 7, [4.2.1] 7.5 Ch 9, Sec 7, [5.1.1]
7.1.2 Ch 9, Sec 7, [1.1.2] 7.4.3 Ch 9, Sec 7, [4.3.1] 7.6 Ch 9, Sec 7, [6.1.1]
7.1.3 Ch 9, Sec 7, [1.1.3] Ch 9, Sec 7, [4.4.1] 7.7 Ch 9, Sec 7, [7.1.1]
7.2 Ch 9, Sec 7, [2.1.1] Ch 9, Sec 7, [4.4.2] 7.8.1 Ch 9, Sec 7, [8.1.1], a)
7.3.1 Ch 9, Sec 7, [3.1.3] Ch 9, Sec 7, [4.4.3] 7.8.2 Ch 9, Sec 7, [8.1.1], b)
7.3.2 Ch 9, Sec 7, [3.1.4] Ch 9, Sec 7, [4.4.4] 7.8.3 Ch 9, Sec 7, [8.1.1], c)
7.4.1 Ch 9, Sec 7, [4.1.2] Ch 9, Sec 7, [4.4.5] 7.8.4 Ch 9, Sec 7, [8.1.1], d)

Table 8 : Equivalences between Part D, Chapter 9 and Chapter 8 of the IGC Code

Ref. in Ref. in Ref. in

Ref. in Ref. in Ref. in
IGC Code, IGC Code, IGC Code,
Part D, Chapter 9 Part D, Chapter 9 Part D, Chapter 9
Chapter 8 Chapter 8 Chapter 8
8.1 Ch 9, Sec 8, [1.1.1] Ch 9, Sec 8, [2.1.14] 8.4.1 Ch 9, Sec 8, [4.1.1]
8.2.1 Ch 9, Sec 8, [2.1.1] Ch 9, Sec 8, [2.1.14] Ch 9, Sec 8, [4.1.1], a)
8.2.2 Ch 9, Sec 8, [2.1.2] 8.2.12 Ch 9, Sec 8, [2.1.15] Ch 9, Sec 8, [4.1.1], b)
8.2.3 Ch 9, Sec 8, [2.1.5] 8.2.13 Ch 9, Sec 8, [2.1.6] Ch 9, Sec 8, [4.1.1], b)
8.2.4 Ch 9, Sec 8, [2.1.6] 8.2.14 Ch 9, Sec 8, [2.1.17] 8.4.2 Ch 9, Sec 8, [4.2.1] Ch 9, Sec 8, [2.1.7], a) 8.2.15 Ch 9, Sec 8, [2.1.18] Ch 9, Sec 8, [4.3.1] Ch 9, Sec 8, [2.1.7], b) 8.2.16 Ch 9, Sec 8, [2.1.19] Ch 9, Sec 8, [4.3.2]
8.2.6 Ch 9, Sec 8, [2.1.8] 8.2.17 Ch 9, Sec 8, [2.1.20] Ch 9, Sec 8, [4.3.3]
8.2.7 Ch 9, Sec 8, [2.1.9] 8.2.18 Ch 9, Sec 8, [2.1.21] Ch 9, Sec 8, [4.4.1]
8.2.8 Ch 9, Sec 8, [2.1.10] 8.3.1 Ch 9, Sec 8, [3.1.1] Ch 9, Sec 8, [4.4.2]
8.2.9 Ch 9, Sec 8, [2.1.11] 8.3.2 Ch 9, Sec 8, [3.1.2] 8.4.5 Ch 9, Sec 8, [4.5.1]
8.2.10 Ch 9, Sec 8, [2.1.12] 8.3.3 Ch 9, Sec 8, [3.1.3]

Table 9 : Equivalences between Part D, Chapter 9 and Chapter 9 of the IGC Code

Ref. in Ref. in Ref. in

Ref. in Ref. in Ref. in
IGC Code, IGC Code, IGC Code,
Part D, Chapter 9 Part D, Chapter 9 Part D, Chapter 9
Chapter 9 Chapter 9 Chapter 9
9.1.1 Ch 9, Sec 9, [1.1.1] 9.2.3 Ch 9, Sec 9, [1.2.3] 9.4.6 Ch 9, Sec 9, [1.4.7]
9.1.2 Ch 9, Sec 9, [1.1.2] 9.3 Ch 9, Sec 9, [1.3.1] 9.5.1 Ch 9, Sec 9, [1.5.3]
9.1.3 Ch 9, Sec 9, [1.1.3] 9.4.1 Ch 9, Sec 9, [1.4.1] 9.5.2 Ch 9, Sec 9, [1.5.4]
9.1.4 Ch 9, Sec 9, [1.1.4] 9.4.2 Ch 9, Sec 9, [1.4.3] 9.5.3 Ch 9, Sec 9, [1.5.5]
9.1.5 Ch 9, Sec 9, [1.1.5] 9.4.3 Ch 9, Sec 9, [1.4.4] 9.5.4 Ch 9, Sec 9, [1.5.6]
9.2.1 Ch 9, Sec 9, [1.2.1] 9.4.4 Ch 9, Sec 9, [1.4.5]
9.2.2 Ch 9, Sec 9, [1.2.2] 9.4.5 Ch 9, Sec 9, [1.4.6]

Table 10 : Equivalences between Part D, Chapter 9 and Chapter 10 of the IGC Code

Ref. in Ref. in Ref. in

Ref. in Ref. in Ref. in
IGC Code, IGC Code, IGC Code,
Part D, Chapter 9 Part D, Chapter 9 Part D, Chapter 9
Chapter 10 Chapter 10 Chapter 10
10.1 Ch 9, Sec 10, [1.3.1] 10.1.2 Ch 9, Sec 10, [1.3.6] 10.2.5 Ch 9, Sec 10, [1.4.6]
10.1.1 Ch 9, Sec 10, [1.3.2] 10.2.1 Ch 9, Sec 10, [1.4.1] 10.2.6 Ch 9, Sec 10, [1.4.7] Ch 9, Sec 10, [1.3.3] 10.2.2 Ch 9, Sec 10, [1.4.3] 10.2.7 Ch 9, Sec 10, [1.4.8] Ch 9, Sec 10, [1.3.4] 10.2.3 Ch 9, Sec 10, [1.4.4] 10.2.8 Ch 9, Sec 10, [1.4.9] Ch 9, Sec 10, [1.3.5] 10.2.4 Ch 9, Sec 10, [1.4.5] 10.2.9 Ch 9, Sec 10, [1.4.10]

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 419

Pt D, Ch 9, App 2

Table 11 : Equivalences between Part D, Chapter 9 and Chapter 11 of the IGC Code

Ref. in Ref. in Ref. in

Ref. in Ref. in Ref. in
IGC Code, IGC Code, IGC Code,
Part D, Chapter 9 Part D, Chapter 9 Part D, Chapter 9
Chapter 11 Chapter 11 Chapter 11
11.1.1 Ch 9, Sec 11, [1.1.1] Ch 9, Sec 11, [1.3.4] 11.4.5 Ch 9, Sec 11, [1.4.6]
11.1.2 Ch 9, Sec 11, [1.1.2] 11.3.3 Ch 9, Sec 11, [1.3.5] 11.4.6 Ch 9, Sec 11, [1.4.7]
11.1.3 Ch 9, Sec 11, [1.1.4] 11.3.4 Ch 9, Sec 11, [1.3.6] 11.4.7 Ch 9, Sec 11, [1.4.8]
11.1.4 Ch 9, Sec 11, [1.1.5] 11.3.5 Ch 9, Sec 11, [1.3.7] 11.4.8 Ch 9, Sec 11, [1.4.9]
11.2.1 Ch 9, Sec 11, [1.2.1] 11.3.6 Ch 9, Sec 11, [1.3.8] 11.5.1 Ch 9, Sec 11, [1.5.2]
11.2.2 Ch 9, Sec 11, [1.2.2] 11.3.7 Ch 9, Sec 11, [1.3.9] 11.5.2 Ch 9, Sec 11, [1.5.4]
11.2.3 Ch 9, Sec 11, [1.2.3] 11.3.8 Ch 9, Sec 11, [1.3.10] 11.5.3 Ch 9, Sec 11, [1.5.5]
11.2.4 Ch 9, Sec 11, [1.2.4] 11.4.1 Ch 9, Sec 11, [1.4.1] 11.6.1 Ch 9, Sec 11, [1.6.1]
11.2.5 Ch 9, Sec 11, [1.2.5] 11.4.2 Ch 9, Sec 11, [1.4.2] 11.6.2 Ch 9, Sec 11, [1.6.2]
11.3.1 Ch 9, Sec 11, [1.3.2] 11.4.3 Ch 9, Sec 11, [1.4.3] 11.6.3 Ch 9, Sec 11, [1.6.3] Ch 9, Sec 11, [1.3.3] 11.4.4 Ch 9, Sec 11, [1.4.5]

Table 12 : Equivalences between Part D, Chapter 9 and Chapter 12 of the IGC Code

Ref. in Ref. in Ref. in

Ref. in Ref. in Ref. in
IGC Code, IGC Code, IGC Code,
Part D, Chapter 9 Part D, Chapter 9 Part D, Chapter 9
Chapter 12 Chapter 12 Chapter 12
Scope Ch 9, Sec 12, [1.1.1] 12.1.5 Ch 9, Sec 12, [1.2.5] 12.1.10 Ch 9, Sec 12, [1.2.16]
12.1.1 Ch 9, Sec 12, [1.2.1] 12.1.6 Ch 9, Sec 12, [1.2.11] 12.2.1 Ch 9, Sec 12, [1.3.2]
12.1.2 Ch 9, Sec 12, [1.2.2] 12.1.7 Ch 9, Sec 12, [1.2.12] 12.2.2 Ch 9, Sec 12, [1.3.3]
12.1.3 Ch 9, Sec 12, [1.2.3] 12.1.8 Ch 9, Sec 12, [1.2.14] 12.2.3 Ch 9, Sec 12, [1.3.4]
12.1.4 Ch 9, Sec 12, [1.2.4] 12.1.9 Ch 9, Sec 12, [1.2.15]

Table 13 : Equivalences between Part D, Chapter 9 and Chapter 13 of the IGC Code

Ref. in Ref. in Ref. in

Ref. in Ref. in Ref. in
IGC Code, IGC Code, IGC Code,
Part D, Chapter 9 Part D, Chapter 9 Part D, Chapter 9
Chapter 13 Chapter 13 Chapter 13
13.1.1 Ch 9, Sec 13, [1.1.3] 13.5.3 Ch 9, Sec 13, [5.1.3] Ch 9, Sec 13, [7.2.1]
13.1.2 Ch 9, Sec 13, [1.1.4] 13.6.1 Ch 9, Sec 13, [6.1.1] Ch 9, Sec 13, [7.2.2]
13.1.3 Ch 9, Sec 13, [1.1.6] 13.6.2 Ch 9, Sec 13, [6.1.2] Ch 9, Sec 13, [7.2.4]
13.2.1 Ch 9, Sec 13, [2.1.1] 13.6.3 Ch 9, Sec 13, [6.1.3] Ch 9, Sec 13, [7.2.5]
13.2.2 Ch 9, Sec 13, [2.1.2] 13.6.4 Ch 9, Sec 13, [6.1.4] 13.8.1 Ch 9, Sec 13, [8.1.1]
13.2.3 Ch 9, Sec 13, [2.1.4] 13.6.5 Ch 9, Sec 13, [6.1.5] 13.8.2 Ch 9, Sec 13, [8.1.2]
13.3.1 Ch 9, Sec 13, [3.1.1] 13.6.6 Ch 9, Sec 13, [6.1.6] 13.8.3 Ch 9, Sec 13, [8.1.3]
13.3.2 Ch 9, Sec 13, [3.1.3] 13.6.7 Ch 9, Sec 13, [6.1.7] 13.8.4 Ch 9, Sec 13, [8.1.4]
13.3.3 Ch 9, Sec 13, [3.1.4] 13.6.8 Ch 9, Sec 13, [6.1.8] 13.8.5 Ch 9, Sec 13, [8.1.5]
13.3.4 Ch 9, Sec 13, [3.1.5] 13.6.9 Ch 9, Sec 13, [6.1.9] 13.8.6 Ch 9, Sec 13, [8.1.6]
13.3.5 Ch 9, Sec 13, [3.1.6] 13.6.10 Ch 9, Sec 13, [6.1.10] 13.8.7 Ch 9, Sec 13, [8.1.7]
13.3.6 Ch 9, Sec 13, [3.1.7] 13.6.11 Ch 9, Sec 13, [6.1.11] 13.8.8 Ch 9, Sec 13, [8.1.8]
13.3.7 Ch 9, Sec 13, [3.1.8] 13.6.12 Ch 9, Sec 13, [6.1.12] 13.8.9 Ch 9, Sec 13, [8.1.9]
13.4.1 Ch 9, Sec 13, [4.1.1] 13.6.13 Ch 9, Sec 13, [6.1.13] 13.8.10 Ch 9, Sec 13, [8.1.10]
13.4.2 Ch 9, Sec 13, [4.1.2] 13.6.14 Ch 9, Sec 13, [6.1.14] 13.9.1 Ch 9, Sec 13, [9.1.1]
13.4.3 Ch 9, Sec 13, [4.1.3] 13.6.15 Ch 9, Sec 13, [6.1.15] 13.9.2 Ch 9, Sec 13, [9.1.2]
13.4.4 Ch 9, Sec 13, [4.1.4] 13.6.16 Ch 9, Sec 13, [6.1.16] 13.9.3 Ch 9, Sec 13, [9.1.3]
13.4.5 Ch 9, Sec 13, [4.1.5] 13.6.17 Ch 9, Sec 13, [6.1.17] 13.9.4 Ch 9, Sec 13, [9.1.4]
13.4.6 Ch 9, Sec 13, [4.1.6] 13.6.18 Ch 9, Sec 13, [6.1.18] 13.9.5 Ch 9, Sec 13, [9.1.5]
13.4.7 Ch 9, Sec 13, [4.1.7] 13.6.19 Ch 9, Sec 13, [6.1.19] 13.9.6 Ch 9, Sec 13, [9.1.6]
13.5.1 Ch 9, Sec 13, [5.1.1] 13.6.20 Ch 9, Sec 13, [6.1.20] 13.9.7 Ch 9, Sec 13, [9.1.7]
13.5.2 Ch 9, Sec 13, [5.1.2] 13.7.1 Ch 9, Sec 13, [7.1.1]

420 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 9, App 2

Table 14 : Equivalences between Part D, Chapter 9 and Chapter 14 of the IGC Code

Ref. in Ref. in Ref. in

Ref. in Ref. in Ref. in
IGC Code, IGC Code, IGC Code,
Part D, Chapter 9 Part D, Chapter 9 Part D, Chapter 9
Chapter 14 Chapter 14 Chapter 14
14.1.1 Ch 9, Sec 14, [1.1.1] 14.2.2 Ch 9, Sec 14, [1.2.2] 14.4.1 Ch 9, Sec 14, [1.4.1]
14.1.2 Ch 9, Sec 14, [1.1.2] 14.3.1 Ch 9, Sec 14, [1.3.1] 14.4.2 Ch 9, Sec 14, [1.4.2]
14.1.3 Ch 9, Sec 14, [1.1.3] 14.3.2 Ch 9, Sec 14, [1.3.2] 14.4.3 Ch 9, Sec 14, [1.4.3]
14.2.1 Ch 9, Sec 14, [1.2.1] 14.3.3 Ch 9, Sec 14, [1.3.3] 14.4.4 Ch 9, Sec 14, [1.4.5]

Table 15 : Equivalences between Part D, Chapter 9 and Chapter 15 of the IGC Code

Ref. in Ref. in Ref. in

Ref. in Ref. in Ref. in
IGC Code, IGC Code, IGC Code,
Part D, Chapter 9 Part D, Chapter 9 Part D, Chapter 9
Chapter 15 Chapter 15 Chapter 15
15.1.1 Ch 9, Sec 15, [1.1.1] 15.3 Ch 9, Sec 15, [1.3.1] 15.6.1 Ch 9, Sec 15, [1.6.1]
15.1.2 Ch 9, Sec 15, [1.1.2] 15.4.1 Ch 9, Sec 15, [1.4.1] 15.6.2 Ch 9, Sec 15, [1.6.2]
15.1.3 Ch 9, Sec 15, [1.1.3] 15.4.2 Ch 9, Sec 15, [1.4.2] 15.6.3 Ch 9, Sec 15, [1.6.3]
15.1.4 Ch 9, Sec 15, [1.1.4] 15.5.1 Ch 9, Sec 15, [1.5.1]
15.2 Ch 9, Sec 15, [1.2.1] 15.5.2 Ch 9, Sec 15, [1.5.2]

Table 16 : Equivalences between Part D, Chapter 9 and Chapter 16 of the IGC Code

Ref. in Ref. in Ref. in

Ref. in Ref. in Ref. in
IGC Code, IGC Code, IGC Code,
Part D, Chapter 9 Part D, Chapter 9 Part D, Chapter 9
Chapter 16 Chapter 16 Chapter 16
16.1 Ch 9, Sec 16, [1.1.1] Ch 9, Sec 16, [5.2.2] Ch 9, Sec 16, [7.8.1]
16.2 Ch 9, Sec 16, [2.1.1] 16.5.3 Ch 9, Sec 16, [5.4.1] Ch 9, Sec 16, [7.8.2]
16.2.1 Ch 9, Sec 16, [2.1.2] 16.5.4 Ch 9, Sec 16, [5.5.1] Ch 9, Sec 16, [7.8.3]
16.2.2 Ch 9, Sec 16, [2.1.3] Ch 9, Sec 16, [6.1.1] Ch 9, Sec 16, [7.8.4]
16.3.1 Ch 9, Sec 16, [3.1.1] Ch 9, Sec 16, [6.1.2] Ch 9, Sec 16, [7.9.1]
16.3.2 Ch 9, Sec 16, [3.1.2] Ch 9, Sec 16, [6.1.4] Ch 9, Sec 16, [7.9.2]
16.3.3 Ch 9, Sec 16, [3.1.3] Ch 9, Sec 16, [6.2.1] Ch 9, Sec 16, [7.9.3]
16.3.4 Ch 9, Sec 16, [3.1.4] Ch 9, Sec 16, [6.2.2] Ch 9, Sec 16, [7.9.4] Ch 9, Sec 16, [4.1.1] Ch 9, Sec 16, [6.2.3] Ch 9, Sec 16, [7.9.5] Ch 9, Sec 16, [4.1.5] Ch 9, Sec 16, [6.2.4] Ch 9, Sec 16, [8.1.1]
16.4.2 Ch 9, Sec 16, [4.2.1] Ch 9, Sec 16, [6.3.1] Ch 9, Sec 16, [8.1.2]
16.4.3 Ch 9, Sec 16, [4.3.1] Ch 9, Sec 16, [6.3.2] Ch 9, Sec 16, [8.1.3] Ch 9, Sec 16, [4.4.1] Ch 9, Sec 16, [6.3.3] 16.8.2 Ch 9, Sec 16, [8.2.1] Ch 9, Sec 16, [4.4.2] Ch 9, Sec 16, [6.3.5] Ch 9, Sec 16, [8.3.1]
16.4.5 Ch 9, Sec 16, [4.5.1] Ch 9, Sec 16, [6.3.6] Ch 9, Sec 16, [8.3.2] Ch 9, Sec 16, [4.6.1] Ch 9, Sec 16, [6.3.7] 16.9.1 Ch 9, Sec 16, [9.1.1] Ch 9, Sec 16, [4.6.2] 16.7 Ch 9, Sec 16, [7.1.1] 16.9.2 Ch 9, Sec 16, [9.1.2] Ch 9, Sec 16, [4.6.3] Ch 9, Sec 16, [7.7.1] 16.9.3 Ch 9, Sec 16, [9.1.3]
16.4.7 Ch 9, Sec 16, [4.7.1] Ch 9, Sec 16, [7.7.2] 16.9.4 Ch 9, Sec 16, [9.1.4]
16.4.8 Ch 9, Sec 16, [4.8.1] Ch 9, Sec 16, [7.7.3] 16.9.5 Ch 9, Sec 16, [9.1.5]
16.5.1 Ch 9, Sec 16, [5.1.1] Ch 9, Sec 16, [7.7.4] Ch 9, Sec 16, [5.2.1] Ch 9, Sec 16, [7.7.5]

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 421

Pt D, Ch 9, App 2

Table 17 : Equivalences between Part D, Chapter 9 and Chapter 17 of the IGC Code

Ref. in Ref. in Ref. in

Ref. in Ref. in Ref. in
IGC Code, IGC Code, IGC Code,
Part D, Chapter 9 Part D, Chapter 9 Part D, Chapter 9
Chapter 17 Chapter 17 Chapter 17
17.1 Ch 9, Sec 17, [1.1.1] Ch 9, Sec 17, [13.2.1] 17.18.7 Ch 9, Sec 17, [18.1.7]
17.2 Ch 9, Sec 17, [2.1.1] Ch 9, Sec 17, [13.2.2] 17.18.8 Ch 9, Sec 17, [18.1.8]
17.3.1 Ch 9, Sec 17, [3.1.1] Ch 9, Sec 17, [13.2.4] 17.18.9 Ch 9, Sec 17, [18.1.9]
17.3.2 Ch 9, Sec 17, [3.1.2] Ch 9, Sec 17, [13.3.1] 17.18.10 Ch 9, Sec 17, [18.1.10]
17.4.1 Ch 9, Sec 17, [4.1.1] Ch 9, Sec 17, [13.3.2] 17.18.11 Ch 9, Sec 17, [18.1.11]
17.4.2 Ch 9, Sec 17, [4.1.2] Ch 9, Sec 17, [13.4.1] 17.18.12 Ch 9, Sec 17, [18.1.12]
17.4.3 Ch 9, Sec 17, [4.1.3] Ch 9, Sec 17, [13.4.2] 17.18.13 Ch 9, Sec 17, [18.1.13]
17.5.1 Ch 9, Sec 17, [5.1.1] Ch 9, Sec 17, [13.4.3] 17.18.14 Ch 9, Sec 17, [18.1.14]
17.5.2 Ch 9, Sec 17, [5.1.2] Ch 9, Sec 17, [13.4.4] 17.18.15 Ch 9, Sec 17, [18.1.15]
17.5.3 Ch 9, Sec 17, [5.1.3] 17.13.5 Ch 9, Sec 17, [13.5.1] 17.18.16 Ch 9, Sec 17, [18.1.16]
17.5.4 Ch 9, Sec 17, [5.1.4] Ch 9, Sec 17, [13.6.1] 17.18.17 Ch 9, Sec 17, [18.1.17]
17.5.5 Ch 9, Sec 17, [5.1.5] Ch 9, Sec 17, [13.6.3] 17.18.18 Ch 9, Sec 17, [18.1.18]
17.5.6 Ch 9, Sec 17, [5.1.6] 17.14.1 Ch 9, Sec 17, [14.1.1] 17.18.19 Ch 9, Sec 17, [18.1.19]
17.5.7 Ch 9, Sec 17, [5.1.7] 17.14.2 Ch 9, Sec 17, [14.1.2] 17.18.20 Ch 9, Sec 17, [18.1.20]
17.6 Ch 9, Sec 17, [6.1.1] 17.14.3 Ch 9, Sec 17, [14.1.3] 17.18.21 Ch 9, Sec 17, [18.1.21]
17.7 Ch 9, Sec 17, [7.1.1] 17.14.4 Ch 9, Sec 17, [14.1.4] 17.18.22 Ch 9, Sec 17, [18.1.22]
17.8 Ch 9, Sec 17, [8.1.1] 17.14.5 Ch 9, Sec 17, [14.1.5] 17.18.23 Ch 9, Sec 17, [18.1.23]
17.9 Ch 9, Sec 17, [9.1.1] 17.14.6 Ch 9, Sec 17, [14.1.6] 17.18.24 Ch 9, Sec 17, [18.1.24]
17.10 Ch 9, Sec 17, [10.1.1] 17.14.7 Ch 9, Sec 17, [14.1.7] 17.18.25 Ch 9, Sec 17, [18.1.25]
17.11.1 Ch 9, Sec 17, [11.1.2] 17.14.8 Ch 9, Sec 17, [14.1.8] 17.18.26 Ch 9, Sec 17, [18.1.26]
17.11.2 Ch 9, Sec 17, [11.1.2] 17.14.9 Ch 9, Sec 17, [14.1.9] 17.18.27 Ch 9, Sec 17, [18.1.27]
17.11.3 Ch 9, Sec 17, [11.1.3] 17.14.10 Ch 9, Sec 17, [14.1.10] 17.18.28 Ch 9, Sec 17, [18.1.28]
17.12.1 Ch 9, Sec 17, [12.1.1] 17.14.11 Ch 9, Sec 17, [14.1.11] 17.18.29 Ch 9, Sec 17, [18.1.29]
17.12.2 Ch 9, Sec 17, [12.1.2] 17.15 Ch 9, Sec 17, [15.1.1] 17.18.30 Ch 9, Sec 17, [18.1.30]
17.12.3 Ch 9, Sec 17, [12.1.3] 17.16.1 Ch 9, Sec 17, [16.1.1] 17.18.31 Ch 9, Sec 17, [18.1.31]
17.12.4 Ch 9, Sec 17, [12.1.4] 17.16.2 Ch 9, Sec 17, [16.1.2] 17.19 Ch 9, Sec 17, [19.1.1]
17.12.5 Ch 9, Sec 17, [12.1.5] 17.16.3 Ch 9, Sec 17, [16.1.3] 17.20.1 Ch 9, Sec 17, [20.1.1]
17.12.6 Ch 9, Sec 17, [12.1.6] 17.16.4 Ch 9, Sec 17, [16.1.4] 17.20.2 Ch 9, Sec 17, [20.1.2]
17.12.7 Ch 9, Sec 17, [12.1.7] 17.16.5 Ch 9, Sec 17, [16.1.5] 17.20.3 Ch 9, Sec 17, [20.1.3]
17.12.8 Ch 9, Sec 17, [12.1.8] 17.17 Ch 9, Sec 17, [17.1.1] 17.21.1 Ch 9, Sec 17, [21.1.2] Ch 9, Sec 17, [13.1.1] 17.18.1 Ch 9, Sec 17, [18.1.1] 17.21.2 Ch 9, Sec 17, [21.1.3] Ch 9, Sec 17, [13.1.2] 17.18.2 Ch 9, Sec 17, [18.1.2] 17.21.3 Ch 9, Sec 17, [21.1.4] Ch 9, Sec 17, [13.1.3] 17.18.3 Ch 9, Sec 17, [18.1.3] 17.21.4 Ch 9, Sec 17, [21.1.5] Ch 9, Sec 17, [13.1.4] 17.18.4 Ch 9, Sec 17, [18.1.4] 17.21.5 Ch 9, Sec 17, [21.1.6] Ch 9, Sec 17, [13.1.5] 17.18.5 Ch 9, Sec 17, [18.1.5] 17.21.6 Ch 9, Sec 17, [21.1.7] Ch 9, Sec 17, [13.1.6] 17.18.6 Ch 9, Sec 17, [18.1.6] 17.22.1 Ch 9, Sec 17, [22.1.2]

422 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 9, App 2

Table 18 : Equivalences between Part D, Chapter 9 and Chapter 18 of the IGC Code

Ref. in Ref. in Ref. in

Ref. in Ref. in Ref. in
IGC Code, IGC Code, IGC Code,
Part D, Chapter 9 Part D, Chapter 9 Part D, Chapter 9
Chapter 18 Chapter 18 Chapter 18
18.1 − Ch 9, Sec 18, [3.1.2] Ch 9, Sec 18, [3.3.1]
18.2 Ch 9, Sec 18, [2] Ch 9, Sec 18, [3.1.3] Ch 9, Sec 18, [3.3.2]
18.3 − Ch 9, Sec 18, [3.1.4] Ch 9, Sec 18, [3.3.3]
18.4 − Ch 9, Sec 18, [3.1.5] Ch 9, Sec 18, [3.3.4]
18.5 − Ch 9, Sec 18, [3.2.1], a) Ch 9, Sec 18, [3.4.1]
18.6 − Ch 9, Sec 18, [3.2.1], b) Ch 9, Sec 18, [3.4.2]
18.7 − Ch 9, Sec 18, [3.2.1], c) 18.10.5 Ch 9, Sec 18, [3.5.1]
18.8 − Ch 9, Sec 18, [3.2.1], d) 18.11 −
18.9 − Ch 9, Sec 18, [3.2.2] 18.12 − Ch 9, Sec 18, [3.1.1] Ch 9, Sec 18, [3.2.3]

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 423

Pt D, Ch 9, App 2

424 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Part D
Service Notations

Chapter 10





July 2018 Bureau Veritas 425

426 Bureau Veritas July 2018
Pt D, Ch 10, Sec 1


1 General 1.1.2 Ships dealt with in this Chapter are to comply with:
• Part A of the Rules
• NR216 Materials and Welding
1.1 Application
• applicable requirements according to Tab 1.

1.1.1 Ships complying with the requirements of this Chap- 1.1.3 The liquid cargoes which are allowed to be carried
ter are eligible for the assignment of the service notation by ships having the service notation tanker are specified in
tanker, as defined in Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.4.8]. Ch 7, App 4.

Table 1 : Applicable requirements

Item Greater than or equal to 500 GT Less than 500 GT

• Part B • NR566
L ≥ 65 m
• Ch 10, Sec 2 • Ch 10, Sec 2
Ship arrangement
• NR600 • NR566
L < 65 m
• Ch 10, Sec 2
• Part B • Part B
L ≥ 65 m
Hull • Ch 10, Sec 2 • Ch 10, Sec 2
L < 65 m • NR600 • NR600
• Part B • NR566
• Ch 10, Sec 3 • Ch 10, Sec 3
• Part C • NR566
Machinery and cargo systems
• Ch 10, Sec 3 • Ch 10, Sec 3
Electrical installations • Part C • NR566
Automation • Part C • NR566
Fire protection, detection and extinction • Part C • NR566
Note 1:
NR566: Hull Arrangement, Stability and Systems for Ships less than 500 GT.
NR600: Hull Structure and Arrangement for the Classification of Cargo Ships less than 65 m and Non Cargo Ships less than 90 m.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 427

Pt D, Ch 10, Sec 2


1 General 4 Structure design principles

1.1 Documents to be submitted 4.1 Materials

1.1.1 In addition to the documentation requested in Part B,
the following documents are to be submitted for information: 4.1.1 Steels for hull structure
• Indication of the cargo temperatures. For ships having a poop, the steel type used for the strength
deck plating in way of the poop front is to be extended for-
ward to cover any pump room openings.
2 General arrangement
5 Design loads
2.1 Compartment arrangement
2.1.1 General
5.1 Hull girder loads
Tankers may be built with independent or integral cargo
5.1.1 Still water loads
In addition to the requirements in Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 2, [2.1.2],
2.1.2 Integral tanks still water loads are to be calculated for the following load-
Cofferdams are to be fitted between cargo tanks and com- ing conditions:
partments intended for liquids likely to alter edible liquids
carried. • homogeneous loading conditions (excluding tanks
intended exclusively for segregated ballast tanks) at
Tanks are to be separated from any compartment containing maximum draft
heat sources by cofferdams or duly heat-insulated bulk-
heads. • partial loading conditions

2.1.3 Arrangement of tanks • any specified non-homogeneous loading condition

In general, each tank is to be fitted with: • light and heavy ballast conditions
• a graduated metal gauge rod or any other equivalent • mid-voyage conditions relating to tank cleaning or other
sounding device operations where, at the Society’s discretion, these differ
• an inspection door of adequate size fitted with a water- significantly from the ballast conditions.
tight metal cover secured by wing bolts or any other
device offering equivalent safety
• an expansion system intended to avoid any excessive 6 Hull scantlings
pressure and any risk of overflow due to a rise in tem-
perature or occasional fermentation; the expansion 6.1 Plating
capacity is to be about 0,5% of the tank cubic capacity
• a drain well that may be suppressed where precautions 6.1.1 Minimum net thicknesses
are taken to improve the running of liquids towards the
suction pipes. The net thickness of the strength deck and bulkhead plating
is to be not less than the values given in Tab 1.

3 Stability
6.2 Ordinary stiffeners
3.1 Intact stability
6.2.1 Minimum net thicknesses
3.1.1 General The net thickness of the web of ordinary stiffeners is to be
The stability of the ship for the loading conditions in Pt B, not less than the value obtained, in mm, from the following
Ch 3, App 2, [1.2.3] is to be in compliance with the require- formulae:
ments in Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 2.
In general, a representative sample of loading conditions tMIN = 0,75 L1/3 k1/6 + 4,5 s for L < 275
intended to be used for the ship is also to be submitted. The tMIN = 1,5 k1/2 + 7,0 + s for L ≥ 275
additional loading conditions are also to be in compliance
with the requirements of Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 2. where s is the spacing, in m, of ordinary stiffeners.

428 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 10, Sec 2

Table 1 : Minimum net thickness The structure of the ship is to be strengthened so as to avoid
of the strength deck and bulkhead plating excessive deformations, due to the weight of the full tanks
and inertia forces caused by motions of the ship, specified
Plating Minimum net thickness (mm) in Part B, Chapter 5.

Strength deck (5,5 + 0,02 L) k1/2 for L < 200

(8 + 0,0085 L) k1/2 for L ≥ 200 6.5 Strength check with respect to stresses
Tank bulkhead 1/3 1/6
L k + 4,5 s for L < 275 due to the temperature gradient
1,5 k1/2 + 8,2 + s for L ≥ 275
6.5.1 Direct calculations of stresses induced in the hull
Watertight bulkhead 0,85 L1/3 k1/6 + 4,5 s for L < 275
structures by the temperature gradient are to be performed
1,5 k1/2 + 7,5 + s for L ≥ 275
for ships intended to carry cargoes at temperatures exceed-
Wash bulkhead 0,8 + 0,013 L k1/2 + 4,5 s for L < 275 ing 90°C. In these calculations, the water temperature is to
3 k1/2 + 4,5 + s for L ≥ 275 be assumed equal to 0°C.
Note 1:
k : Material factor for steel, defined in Pt B, Ch 4, The calculations are to be submitted to the Society for
Sec 1, [2.3]. review.
s : Length, in m, of the shorter side of the plate
panel. 6.5.2 The stresses induced in the hull structures by the tem-
perature gradient are to comply with the checking criteria in
6.3 Primary supporting members Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 3, [4.4].

6.3.1 Minimum net thicknesses

The net thickness of plating which forms the webs of pri- 7 Other structures
mary supporting members is to be not less than the value
obtained, in mm, from the following formula:
7.1 Machinery space
tMIN = 1,45 L1/3 k1/6

7.1.1 Extension of the hull structures within the

6.4 Scantlings of independent tank machinery space
Longitudinal bulkheads carried through cofferdams are to
6.4.1 Structure in way of the connection between continue within the machinery space and be used prefera-
the tank and the hull structure bly as longitudinal bulkheads for liquid cargo tanks. In any
The tanks are to be locally strengthened in way of their con- case, such extension is to be compatible with the shape of
nection to the hull structure and of their securing points, if the structures of the double bottom, deck and platforms of
any. the machinery space.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 429

Pt D, Ch 10, Sec 3


1 General 2.2.2 Level gauging systems

Level gauging systems of tanks containing edible substances
1.1 Documents to be submitted are to be so designed as to avoid any contamination of the
1.1.1 The documents listed in Tab 1 are to be submitted for
2.3 Air pipes
2 Piping systems 2.3.1
a) Air pipes of cargo tanks are to be fitted with automatic
2.1 General
closing appliances. Refer to Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [9.1].
2.1.1 Materials b) Air pipes of tanks containing edible substances are to be
a) Materials used for piping systems are to comply with the led as far as practicable from:
provisions of Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [2.1]. • air pipes of sewage or flammable oil tanks
b) Attention is drawn to any national standards or regula- • machinery ventilation outlets.
tions which might restrict the use of materials in contact
with edible substances.
2.4 Refrigerating installations
2.1.2 Independence of piping systems
a) The cargo piping system is to be entirely separated from 2.4.1
other piping systems serving the ship. a) Where the cargo needs to be kept refrigerated for conser-
b) In the case of carriage of edible substances, arrange- vation purposes, the refrigerating installation is to comply
ments are to be made to avoid any inadvertent contami- with the applicable provisions of Part F, Chapter 7.
nation of the cargo. In particular, the filling and b) Provisions are to be made to avoid any contamination of
discharge connections serving the cargo tanks are to be the cargo by the refrigeration fluid.
located remote from those serving the machinery piping
2.5 Cargo tank cleaning systems
2.1.3 Passage of pipes through tanks
Cargo tanks containing edible substances are not to be 2.5.1 Adequate means are to be provided for cleaning the
passed through by pipes conveying other liquids. cargo tanks.

2.2 Cargo piping and pumping 2.6 Additional requirements for ships carry-
ing category Z substances
2.2.1 Cargo pumps
At least two cargo pumps are to be provided for transferring 2.6.1 Tankers carrying category Z substances are to comply
the cargo. with the provisions of Ch 7, Sec 4, [9.2.2].

Table 1 : Documents to be submitted

No. Description of the document (1)

1 Diagram of the cargo piping system
2 Diagram of the cargo tank venting system
3 Diagram of the cargo tank level gauging system
4 Diagram of the cargo tank cleaning system
5 Diagram of the bilge and ballast systems serving the cargo spaces
6 Diagram of the cargo heating and refrigerating systems
(1) Diagrams are also to include, where applicable:
• the (local and remote) control and monitoring systems and automation systems
• the instructions for the operation and maintenance of the piping system concerned (for information).

430 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Part D
Service Notations

Chapter 11











July 2018 Bureau Veritas 431

432 Bureau Veritas July 2018
Pt D, Ch 11, Sec 1


1 General 1.1.3 For ships having to comply with the provisions of

SOLAS Ch II-1 reg 8-1 and SOLAS Ch II-2 reg 21 and 22,
the service notation passenger ship is to be completed by
1.1 Application
the additional service feature SRTP according to require-
1.1.1 Ships complying with the requirements of this Chap- ments of NR598 Implementation of Safe Return to Port and
ter are eligible for the assignment of the service notation Orderly Evacuation.
passenger ship, as defined in Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.5.2].
1.1.4 Additionnal guidance for arrangement and structural
1.1.2 Ships dealt with in this Chapter are to comply with: assessment is provided in NI 640 Structural Assesment of
• Part A of the Rules Passenger Ships.
• NR216 Materials and Welding
• applicable requirements according to Tab 1.

Table 1 : Applicable requirements

Ships having a navigation notation other than

Ships having the unrestricted navigation
Item navigation notation
unrestricted navigation Greater than or equal to
Less than 500 GT
500 GT
• Part B • Part B
L ≥ 90 m • NR566
Ship arrangement • Ch 11, Sec 2 • Ch 11, Sec 2
L < 90 m • NR600 • NR600 • NR566
• Part B • Part B • Part B
L ≥ 90 m
Hull • Ch 11, Sec 3 • Ch 11, Sec 3 • Ch 11, Sec 3
L < 90 m • NR600 • NR600 • NR600
• Part B • Part B
Stability • NR566
• Ch 11, Sec 3 • Ch 11, Sec 3
• Part C • Part C
Machinery and cargo systems • NR566
• Ch 11, Sec 4 • Ch 11, Sec 4
• Part C • Part C
Electrical installations • NR566
• Ch 11, Sec 5 • Ch 11, Sec 5
Automation • Part C • Part C • NR566
Fire protection, detection and extinction • Part C • Part C • NR566
Note 1:
NR566: Hull Arrangement, Stability and Systems for Ships less than 500 GT
NR600: Hull Structure and Arrangement for the Classification of Cargo Ships less than 65 m and Non Cargo Ships less than 90 m.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 433

Pt D, Ch 11, Sec 2


1 General be taken in replacing them to ensure that the joints are

watertight. The Society may permit not more than one
power-operated sliding watertight door in each watertight
1.1 Definitions bulkhead larger than 1,20 m to be substituted for these
portable plates, provided these doors are intended to
1.1.1 Deepest subdivision load line
remain closed during navigation except in the case of urgent
Deepest subdivision load line is the waterline which corre- necessity at the discretion of the Master. These doors need
sponds to the summer load line of the ship. not meet the requirements of complete closure by hand-
operated gear in 90 seconds (see [2.3.3] e).
1.1.2 Subdivision length LS
Subdivision length LS of the ship is the greatest projected 2.1.2 Openings in cargo spaces
moulded length of that part of the ship at or below deck or
Watertight doors complying with the requirements of
decks limiting the vertical extent of flooding with the ship at
[2.3.1] may be fitted in watertight bulkheads dividing cargo
the deepest subdivision load line.
between deck spaces. Such doors may be hinged, rolling or
The length referred to in [2] is the length LS. sliding doors but are not to be remotely controlled. They are
to be fitted at the highest level and as far from the shell plat-
1.1.3 Passenger spaces ing as practicable, but in no case are the outboard vertical
Passenger spaces are those spaces which are provided for edges to be situated at a distance from the shell plating
the accommodation and use of passengers, excluding bag- which is less than one fifth of the breadth of the ship, such
gage, store, provision and mail rooms. distance being measured at right angles to the centreline at
the level of the deepest subdivision load line.
In all cases volumes and areas are to be calculated to
moulded lines. The doors accessible during the voyage are to be fitted with
a device which prevents unauthorised opening. When it is
1.1.4 Positions 1 and 2 proposed to fit such doors, the number and arrangements
In passenger ships, positions 1 and 2 for the purpose of are to receive the special consideration of the Society.
doors and hatch coaming sills requirements are illustrated
on Fig 1. 2.1.3 Openings in passenger ships carrying goods
vehicles and accompanying personnel
2 General arrangement design This requirement applies to passenger ships designed or
adapted for the carriage of goods vehicles and accompany-
ing personnel where the total number of persons on board,
2.1 Openings in watertight bulkheads below other than passengers as defined in Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2,
the bulkhead deck [4.5.2], exceeds 12.
2.1.1 Openings in machinery spaces If in such a ship the total number of passengers which
include personnel accompanying vehicles does not exceed:
Not more than one door apart from the doors to shaft tun-
nels may be fitted in each watertight bulkhead within A
N = 12 + ------
spaces containing the main and auxiliary propulsion 25
machinery including boilers serving the needs of propul- where:
sion. Where two or more shafts are fitted the tunnels are to
be connected by an inter-communicating passage. Only N : the maximum number of passengers for which
one door is to be provided between the machinery space the ship is certified
and the tunnel spaces where two shafts are fitted and only A : the total deck area, in m2, of spaces available for
two doors where there are more than two shafts. All these the stowage of goods vehicles,
doors are to be of the sliding type and are to be so located and where the clear height at the stowage position and at
as to have their sills as high as practicable. The hand gear the entrance to such spaces is not less than 4 m, the provi-
for operating these doors from above the bulkhead deck is sions of [2.1.2] in respect of watertight doors apply except
to be situated outside the spaces containing the machinery. that the doors may be fitted at any level in watertight bulk-
Portable plates on bulkheads are not permitted except in heads dividing cargo spaces.
machinery spaces. Such plates are always to be in place Additionally, indicators are required on the navigating
before the ship leaves port, and are not to be removed dur- bridge to show automatically when each door is closed and
ing navigation except in the case of urgent necessity at the all door fastenings are secured.
discretion of the Master. The necessary precautions are to

434 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 11, Sec 2

Figure 1 : Positions 1 and 2 for doors and hatch coamings minimum sills determination in
passenger ships and ro-ro passenger ships

2* 2
2 1 1
Freeboard Deck 1 1 1

0,85 Dmin

0,25 LLL

Length LLL

2.1.4 Trunks and tunnels decks within the immersed part of the bulkhead deck,
Where trunkways or tunnels for access from crew accommo- arrangements are to be made to ensure the watertight integ-
dation to the stokehold, for piping, or for any other purpose rity of the structure above the bulkhead deck.
are carried through watertight bulkheads, they are to be The coamings of all openings in the exposed weather deck
watertight and in accordance with the requirements of Pt B, are to be of ample height and strength and are to be pro-
Ch 4, Sec 7, [1.3]. The access to at least one end of each vided with efficient means for expeditiously closing them
such tunnel or trunkway, if used as a passage at sea, is to be weathertight. Freeing ports, open rails and scuppers are to
through a trunk extending watertight to a height sufficient to be fitted as necessary for rapidly cleaning the weather deck
permit access above the bulkhead deck. The access to the of water under all weather conditions.
other end of the trunkway or tunnel may be through a water-
tight door of the type required by its location in the ship. Sidescuttles, gangway, cargo and fuelling ports and other
Such trunkways or tunnels are not to extend through the first means for closing openings in the shell plating above the
subdivision bulkhead abaft the collision bulkhead. bulkhead deck are to be of efficient design and construction
and of sufficient strength (see Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 10) having
Where trunkways in connection with refrigerated cargo and regard to the spaces in which they are fitted and their posi-
ventilation or forced draught trunks are carried through tions relative to the deepest subdivision load line.
more than one watertight bulkhead, the means of closure at
Efficient inside deadlights, so arranged that they can be eas-
such openings are to be operated by power and be capable
ily and effectively closed and secured watertight, are to be
of being closed from a central position situated above the
provided for all sidescuttles to spaces below the first deck
bulkhead deck.
above the bulkhead deck.

2.1.5 Additional requirements 2.2.2 Open end of air pipes

In addition to [2.1.1], [2.1.2], [2.1.3], and [2.1.4], the The open end of air pipes terminating within a superstruc-
requirements reported in [2.3.3] are to be complied with. ture is to be at least 1 m above the waterline when the ship
heels to an angle of 15 degrees, or the maximum angle of
2.2 Openings in bulkheads above the bulkhead heel during intermediate stages of flooding, as determined
by direct calculation, whichever is the greater. Where no
information regarding the above angle of heel is available,
the open end of air pipes terminating within a superstruc-
2.2.1 General
ture is to be at least 1 m above the waterline when the ship
Measures such as the fitting of partial bulkheads or webs are heels to an angle of 15° or 0,5 m above the waterline when
to be taken to limit the entry and spread of water above the the ship heels to an angle of 15° from the bulkhead deck,
bulkhead deck. When partial watertight bulkheads and whichever is the greater.
webs are fitted on the bulkhead deck, above or in the
Alternatively, air pipes from tanks other than oil tanks may
immediate vicinity of watertight bulkheads, their connec-
discharge through the side of the superstructure. The provi-
tions with the shell and bulkhead deck are to be watertight
sions of this paragraph are without prejudice to the provi-
so as to restrict the flow of water along the deck when the
sions of the International Convention on Load Lines in force.
ship is in a heeled damaged condition. Where the partial
watertight bulkhead does not line up with the bulkhead
below, the bulkhead deck between is to be made effectively 2.2.3 Additional requirements
watertight. Where openings, pipes, scuppers, electric cables In addition to [2.2.1], [2.2.2], the requirements in [2.3.4]
etc. are carried through the partial watertight bulkheads or are to be complied with.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 435

Pt D, Ch 11, Sec 2

Table 1 : Doors

Sliding type Hinged type Rolling

Remote Remote type
operation Indicator Local operation Indicator Local (cargo
indication on the operation indication on the operation between
on the bridge only on the bridge only deck
bridge bridge spaces)

Watertight below the open at sea X

normally closed (4) X
remain closed (4) X (1) X (1)
Weather- above the open at sea X X
tight/ semi- bulkhead
normally closed (4) X X
watertight deck
(2) remain closed (4) X
(1) The door is to be closed before the voyage commences.
(2) Semi-watertight doors are required when they are located below the waterline at the equilibrium of the intermediate stages of
(3) If the door is accessible during the voyage, a device which prevents unauthorised opening is to be fitted.
(4) Notice to be affixed on both sides of the door: “to be kept closed at sea”.

2.3 Doors watertight doors and their controls are to be such that if
the ship sustains damage within one fifth of the breadth
2.3.1 Requirements for doors of the ship, such distance being measured at right angles
The requirements relevant to the degree of tightness, as well to the centreline at the level of the deepest subdivision
as the operating systems, for doors complying with the pre- load line, the operation of the watertight doors clear of
scriptions in [2.3.2] and [2.3.3] are specified in Tab 1. the damaged portion of the ship is not impaired.

2.3.2 Construction of watertight doors d) All power-operated sliding watertight doors are to be
The design, materials and construction of all watertight provided with means of indication which show at all
doors are to be to the satisfaction of the Society. remote operating positions whether the doors are open
or closed. Remote operating positions are only to be
Such doors are to be suitably marked to ensure that they
located at the navigating bridge and at the location
may be properly used to provide maximum safety.
where hand operation above the bulkhead deck is
The frames of vertical watertight doors are to have no required by e).
groove at the bottom in which dirt might lodge and prevent
the door closing properly. e) Each power-operated sliding watertight door:
• is to move vertically or horizontally;
2.3.3 Doors in watertight bulkheads below the • is to be normally limited to a maximum clear open-
bulkhead deck ing width of 1,20 m. The Society may permit larger
a) Watertight doors, except as provided in [2.1.2] para- doors only to the extent considered necessary for
graph 1 and [2.1.3], are to be capable of being closed the effective operation of the ship provided that
simultaneously from the central operating console at the other safety measures, including the following, are
navigation bridge in not more than 60 s with the ship in taken into consideration:
the upright position. - special consideration is to be given to the
b) The means of operation whether by power or by hand strength of the door and its closing appliances in
of any power-operated sliding watertight door are to be order to prevent leakages;
capable of closing the door with the ship listed to 15° - the door is to be located outside the damage
either way. Consideration is to also be given to the zone B/5.
forces which may act on either side of the door as may • is to be fitted with the necessary equipment to open
be experienced when water is flowing through the open- and close the door using electrical power, hydraulic
ing applying a static head equivalent to a water height of power, or any other form of power that is acceptable
at least 1 m above the sill on the centreline of the door. to the Society;
c) Watertight door controls, including hydraulic piping and • is to be provided with an individual hand-operated
electrical cables, are to be kept as close as practicable to mechanism. It is to be possible to open and close
the bulkhead in which the doors are fitted, in order to the door by hand at the door itself from either side
minimise the likelihood of them being involved in any and, in addition, close the door from an accessible
damage which the ship may sustain. The positioning of position above the bulkhead deck with an all round

436 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 11, Sec 2

crank motion or some other movement providing when the accumulator is at the pump cut-in pres-
the same degree of safety acceptable to the Society. sure. The fluid used is to be chosen considering the
Direction of rotation or other movement is to be temperatures liable to be encountered by the instal-
clearly indicated at all operating positions. The time lation during its service. The power operating system
necessary for the complete closure of the door, is to be designed to minimise the possibility of hav-
when operating by hand gear, may not exceed 90 s ing a single failure in the hydraulic piping adversely
with the ship in the upright position; affect the operation of more than one door. The
• is to be provided with controls for opening and clos- hydraulic system is to be provided with a low-level
ing the door by power from both sides of the door alarm for hydraulic fluid reservoirs serving the
and also for closing the door by power from the cen- power-operated system and a low gas pressure
tral operating console at the navigation bridge; group alarm or other effective means of monitoring
loss of stored energy in hydraulic accumulators.
• is to be provided with an audible alarm, distinct
These alarms are to be audible and visual and are to
from any other alarm in the area, which is to sound
be situated on the central operating console at the
whenever the door is closed remotely by power and
navigating bridge; or
which is to sound for at least 5 s but no more than
10 s before the door begins to move and is to con- • an independent hydraulic system for each door with
tinue sounding until the door is completely closed. each power source consisting of a motor or pump
In the case of remote hand operation it is sufficient capable of opening and closing the door. In addi-
for the audible alarm to sound only when the door is tion, there is to be a hydraulic accumulator of suffi-
moving. Additionally, in passenger areas and areas cient capacity to operate the door at least three
of high ambient noise, the Society may require the times, i.e. closed-open-closed, against an adverse list
audible alarm to be supplemented by an intermittent of 15°. This operating cycle is to be capable of being
visual signal at the door; carried out when the accumulator is at the pump
cut-in pressure. The fluid used is to be chosen con-
• is to have an approximately uniform rate of closure
sidering the temperatures liable to be encountered
under power. The closure time, from the time the
by the installation during its service. A low gas pres-
door begins to move to the time it reaches the com-
sure group alarm or other effective means of moni-
pletely closed position, is to in no case be less than
toring loss of stored energy in hydraulic
20 s or more than 40 s with the ship in the upright
accumulators is to be provided at the central operat-
ing console on the navigation bridge. Loss of stored
f) The electrical power required for power-operated slid- energy indication at each local operating position is
ing watertight doors is to be supplied from the emer- to also be provided; or
gency switchboard either directly or by a dedicated • an independent electrical system and motor for each
distribution board situated above the bulkhead deck. door with each power source consisting of a motor
The associated control, indication and alarm circuits are capable of opening and closing the door. The power
to be supplied from the emergency switchboard either source is to be capable of being automatically sup-
directly or by a dedicated distribution board situated plied by the transitional source of emergency electri-
above the bulkhead deck and be capable of being auto- cal power in the event of failure of either the main or
matically supplied by a transitional source of emergency emergency source of electrical power and with suffi-
electrical power in the event of failure of either the main cient capacity to operate the door at least three
or emergency source of electrical power. times, i.e. closed-open-closed, against an adverse list
The transitional source of emergency electrical power is of 15°.
to consist of an accumulator battery suitably located for The transitional source of emergency electrical
use in an emergency which is to operate without power is to consist of an accumulator battery suita-
recharging while maintaining the voltage of the battery bly located for use in an emergency which is to
throughout the discharge period within 12% above or operate without recharging while maintaining the
below its nominal voltage and be of sufficient capacity voltage of the battery throughout the discharge
and so arranged as to supply power automatically, in the period within 12% above or below its nominal volt-
event of failure of either the main or emergency source age and be of sufficient capacity and so arranged as
of electrical power, to control, indication and alarm cir- to supply power automatically, in the event of failure
cuits at least for half an hour. of either the main or emergency source of electrical
power, to watertight doors, but not necessarily all of
g) Power-operated sliding watertight doors are to have them simultaneously, unless an independent source
either: of stored energy is provided.
• a centralised hydraulic system with two independent For the systems specified above, provision is to be made
power sources each consisting of a motor and pump as follows:
capable of simultaneously closing all doors. In addi-
Power systems for power-operated watertight sliding
tion, there are to be for the whole installation
doors are to be separate from any other power system.
hydraulic accumulators of sufficient capacity to
A single failure in the electrical or hydraulic power-oper-
operate all the doors at least three times, i.e. closed-
ated systems excluding the hydraulic actuator is not to
open-closed, against an adverse list of 15°. This
prevent the hand operation of any door.
operating cycle is to be capable of being carried out

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 437

Pt D, Ch 11, Sec 2

h) Control handles are to be provided at each side of the p) All watertight doors are to be kept closed during naviga-
bulkhead at a minimum height of 1,6 m above the floor tion. Certain watertight doors may be permitted to
and are to be so arranged as to enable persons passing remain open during navigation only if considered abso-
through the doorway to hold both handles in the open lutely necessary; that is, being open is determined
position without being able to set the power closing essential to the safe and effective operation of the ship's
mechanism in operation accidentally. The direction of machinery or to permit passengers normally unrestricted
movement of the handles in opening and closing the access throughout the passenger area. Such determina-
door is to be in the direction of door movement and is to tion is to be made by the Society only after careful con-
be clearly indicated. sideration of the impact on ship operations and
i) As far as practicable, electrical equipment and compo- survivability. A watertight door permitted to remain thus
nents for watertight doors are to be situated above the open is to be clearly indicated in the ship's stability
bulkhead deck and outside hazardous areas and spaces. information and the damage control documentation and
is always to be ready for immediate closure.
j) The enclosures of electrical components necessarily sit-
uated below the bulkhead deck are to provide suitable 2.3.4 Doors in bulkheads above the bulkhead deck
protection against the ingress of water.
a) General
k) Electric power, control, indication and alarm circuits are Doors are to be capable of being opened and closed by
to be protected against faults in such a way that a failure hand locally from both sides of the doors with the ship
in one door circuit is not to cause a failure in any other listed to 15° to either side. If the ship is allowed to heel
door circuit. Short-circuits or other faults in the alarm or up to 20°, during intermediate stages of flooding, then
indicator circuits of a door are not to result in a loss of the doors are to be capable of operation by hand with
power operation of that door. Arrangements are to be the ship listed to 20° to either side.
such that leakage of water into the electrical equipment Position indicators are to be provided on the bridge as
located below the bulkhead deck is not to cause the well as locally on both sides of the doors to show that
door to open. the doors are open or closed and that the dogs are fully
l) A single electrical failure in the power operating or con- and properly engaged.
trol system of a power-operated sliding watertight door Where the doors also serve as fire doors they are to be
is not to result in a closed door opening. Availability of provided with position indicators at the fire control sta-
the power supply is to be continuously monitored at a tion and audible alarms as required for fire doors, as
point in the electric circuit as near as practicable to each well as for weathertight doors. Where two doors are fit-
of the motors required in g). Loss of any such power ted they must be capable of independent operation
supply is to activate an audible and visual alarm at the remotely and from both sides of each door.
central operating console at the navigation bridge. b) Doors normally closed at sea
m) The central operating console at the navigation bridge is to In addition to a), doors not required for frequent access
have a “master mode” switch with two modes of control: while at sea are to be kept normally closed and may be
• a “local control” mode which is to allow any door to of either hinged or sliding type.
be locally opened and locally closed after use with- Doors kept normally closed are to have local operation
out automatic closure, and from both sides of the doors and are to be labelled on
• a “doors closed” mode which is to automatically both sides: “to be kept closed at sea”.
close any door that is open. The “doors closed” c) Doors normally open at sea
mode is to permit doors to be opened locally and is Where fitted in public spaces for the passage of passen-
to automatically reclose the doors upon release of gers and crew, the doors may be kept normally open at
the local control mechanism. sea and may be either hinged or sliding type.
The “master mode” switch is to normally be in the In addition to a), doors kept normally open at sea are to
“local control” mode. The “doors closed” mode is to have local power operation from both sides of the door
only be used in an emergency or for testing purposes. and remote closing from the bridge. Operation of these
Special consideration is to be given to the reliability of doors is to be similar to that specified in Pt C, Ch 4, Sec
the “master mode” switch. 5 where, using a “master mode” switch on the bridge,
local control can override the remote closing feature
n) The central operating console at the navigation bridge is after which the door is automatically remotely reclosed
to be provided with a diagram showing the location of upon release of the local control mechanism.
each door, with visual indicators to show whether each
Doors kept normally open at sea are to have audible
door is open or closed. A red light is to indicate a door is
alarms, distinct from any other alarm in the area, which
fully open and a green light is to indicate a door is fully
sound whenever the doors are closed remotely. The
closed. When the door is closed remotely the red light is
alarms are to sound for at least 5 s but not more than 10
to indicate the intermediate position by flashing. The
s before the doors begins to move and continue sound-
indicating circuit is to be independent of the control cir-
ing until the doors are completely closed. In passenger
cuit for each door.
areas and areas of high ambient noise, the audible
o) It is not to be possible to remotely open any door from alarms are to be supplemented by visual signals at both
the central operating console. sides of the doors.

438 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 11, Sec 2

2.4 Ballast compartment arrangement complying with [2.5]. In no case, the vertical distance from
the bottom of such a well to a plane coinciding with the
2.4.1 Water ballast is not to be, in general, carried in tanks keel line is to be less than 500 mm.
intended for fuel oil. In ships in which it is not practicable to
avoid putting water in fuel oil tanks, oily-water separating 2.5.4 A double bottom need not be fitted in way of water-
equipment to the satisfaction of the Society is to be fitted, or tight tanks, including dry tanks of moderate size, provided
other alternative means, such as discharge to shore facili- the safety of the ship is not impaired in the event of bottom
ties, acceptable to the Society is to be provided for dispos- or side damage as defined in Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 3, [3.4].
ing of the oily-water ballast (see Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [7]).
2.5.5 Any part of a ship that is not fitted with a double bot-
tom in accordance with [2.5.1] or [2.5.4] is to be capable of
2.5 Double bottom arrangement withstanding bottom damages, as specified in Pt B, Ch 3,
Sec 3, [3.4] in that part of the ship.
2.5.1 A double bottom is to be fitted extending from the
collision bulkhead to the after peak bulkhead, as far as this
2.5.6 In the case of unusual bottom arrangements, it is to
is practicable and compatible with the design and proper
be demonstrated that the ship is capable of withstanding
working of the ship.
bottom damages, as specified in Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 3, [3.4].
2.5.2 Where a double bottom is required to be fitted, the
inner bottom is to be continued out to the ship’s sides in 2.5.7 In case of large lower holds in passenger ships, the
such a manner as to protect the bottom to the turn of the Society may require an increased double bottom height of
bilge. Such protection is to be deemed satisfactory if the not more than B/10 or 3 m, whichever is less, measured
inner bottom is not lower at any part than a plane parallel from the keel line. Alternatively, bottom damages may be
with the keel line and which is located not less than a verti- calculated for these areas, in accordance with Pt B, Ch 3,
cal distance h measured from the keel line, as calculated by Sec 3, [3.4], but assuming an increased vertical extent.
the formula:
h = B/20 2.6 Machinery compartment arrangement
However, in no case is the value of h to be less than 760
mm, and need not to be taken as more than 2 m. 2.6.1 When longitudinal bulkheads are fitted in the
machinery space, adequate self-operating arrangements are
2.5.3 Small wells constructed in the double bottom, in con- to be provided in order to avoid excessive heel after dam-
nection with the drainage arrangements of holds, are not to age.
extend downward more than necessary. A well extending to Where such arrangements are cross-flooding systems, their
the outer bottom, is, however, permitted at the after end of area is to be calculated in accordance with the require-
the shaft tunnel of the ship. Other wells may be permitted ments in Ch 11, App 1. In addition, such systems are to
by the Society if it is satisfied that the arrangements give comply with the criteria for the maximum time necessary to
protection equivalent to that afforded by a double bottom cross flood according to Ch 11, Sec 3, [2.3.5] c).

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 439

Pt D, Ch 11, Sec 3


1 General Draught d is the vertical distance, in m, from the moulded

baseline at mid-length to the waterline in question.
1.1 Documents to be submitted Permeability μ of a space is the proportion of the immersed
volume of that space which can be occupied by water.
1.1.1 In addition to the documentation requested in Part B,
the following documents are to be submitted: 2.2 Intact stability
• Plan of design loads on deck
2.2.1 General
• Stability documentation as specified in [2.3.13] and
Every passenger ship regardless of size is to be inclined
upon its completion and the elements of its stability deter-
mined. The Master is to be supplied with such information
satisfactory to the Society as is necessary to enable him by
2 Stability rapid and simple processes to obtain accurate guidance as
to the stability of the ship under varying conditions of ser-
2.1 Definitions vice. A copy of the stability information is to be furnished to
the Society.
2.1.1 Deepest subdivision draught Where any alterations are made to a ship so as to materially
The deepest subdivision draught (dS) is the waterline which affect the stability information supplied to the Master,
corresponds to the summer load line draught of the ship. amended stability information is to be provided. If neces-
sary the ship is to be re-inclined.
2.1.2 Light service draught
2.2.2 Periodical lightweight check
Light service draught (dL) is the service draught correspond-
ing to the lightest anticipated loading and associated tank- At periodical intervals not exceeding five years, a light-
age, including, however, such ballast as may be necessary weight survey is to be carried out on all passenger ships to
for stability and/or immersion. verify any changes in lightship displacement and longitudi-
nal centre of gravity. The ship is to be re-inclined whenever,
2.1.3 Partial subdivision draught in comparison with the approved stability information, a
The partial subdivision draught (dP) is the light service deviation from the lightship displacement exceeding 2% or
draught plus 60% of the difference between the light ser- a deviation of the longitudinal centre of gravity exceeding
vice draught and the deepest subdivision draught. 1% of Ls is found, or anticipated.

2.1.4 Subdivision length Ls 2.2.3 Standard requirements

The subdivision length Ls is the greatest projected moulded In addition to Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 2, [2], the requirements in
length of that part of the ship at or below deck or decks lim- [2.2.4] to [2.2.6] are to be complied with for the loading
iting the vertical extent of flooding with the ship at the deep- conditions defined in Pt B, Ch 3, App 2, [1.2.1] and Pt B, Ch
est subdivision draught. 3, App 2, [1.2.9].

2.1.5 Machinery space 2.2.4 Crowding of passengers

Machinery spaces are spaces between the watertight The angle of heel on account of crowding of passengers to
boundaries of a space containing the main and auxiliary one side as defined below may not exceed 10°:
propulsion machinery, including boilers, generators and • a minimum weight of 75 kg is to be assumed for each
electric motors primarily intended for propulsion. In the passenger except that this value may be increased sub-
case of unusual arrangements, the Society may define the ject to the approval of the Society. In addition, the mass
limits of the machinery spaces. and distribution of the luggage is to be approved by the
2.1.6 Other definitions • the height of the centre of gravity for passengers is to be
Mid-length is the mid point of the subdivision length of the assumed equal to:
ship. - 1,0 m above deck level for passengers standing
Aft terminal is the aft limit of the subdivision length. upright. Account may be taken, if necessary, of cam-
Forward terminal is the forward limit of the subdivision ber and sheer of deck; and
length. - 0,3 m above the seat in respect of seated passengers.
Breadth B is the greatest moulded breadth, in m, of the ship • passengers and luggage are to be considered to be in
at or below the deepest subdivision draught. the spaces normally at their disposal;

440 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 11, Sec 3

• passengers without luggage are to be considered as dis- 2.3.4 Calculation of the factor pi
tributed to produce the most unfavourable combination The factor pi is to be calculated in accordance with Pt B, Ch
of passenger heeling moment and/or initial metacentric 3, App 3, [1.5].
height, which may be obtained in practice. In this con-
nection, a value higher than four persons per square 2.3.5 Calculation of the factor si
metre is not necessary.
The factor si is to be determined for each case of assumed
2.2.5 Maximum turning angle flooding, involving a compartment or group of compart-
ments, in accordance with the following notations and the
The angle of heel on account of turning may not exceed 10°
provisions in this regulation.
when calculated using the following formula:
θe : The equilibrium heel angle in any stage of flood-
V0 
M R = 0, 02 ------- -----1
- Δ KG – T ing, in degrees
LS  2
θv : The angle, in any stage of flooding, where the
where: righting lever becomes negative, or the angle at
MR : Heeling moment, in t.m which an opening incapable of being closed
weathertight becomes submerged
V0 : Service speed, in m/s
In applying this criterion, openings which are
T1 : Mean draught, in m
incapable of being closed weathertight include
KG : Height of centre of gravity above keel, in m. ventilators that have to remain open to supply
air to the engine room or emergency generator
2.2.6 Where anti-rolling devices are installed in a ship, the room for the effective operation of the ship.
Society is to be satisfied that the above criteria can be main-
tained when the devices are in operation. GZmax : The maximum positive righting lever, in metres,
up to the angle θv
Range : The Range of positive righting levers, in degrees,
2.3 Damage stability for ships where SDS measured from the angle θe. The positive range is
notation has been required to be taken up to the angle θv

2.3.1 General Flooding stage is any discrete step during the flooding pro-
cess, including the stage before equalization (if any) until
The requirements of this Section are to be applied to pas-
final equilibrium has been reached.
senger ships in conjunction with the exploratory notes as
set out by the IMO Resolution MSC 281(85). The factor si, for any damage case at any initial loading con-
dition, di, shall be obtained from the formula:
2.3.2 Required subdivision index R
si = minimum {sintermediate,i or sfinal,i · smom,i}
These regulations are intended to provide ships with a mini-
mum standard of subdivision. In addition to these require- where:
ments, the requirements of [2.3.12] are to be complied sintermediate,i: The probability to survive all intermediate flood-
with. ing stages until the final equilibrium stage, and is
5000 calculated in accordance with item a)
R = 1 – ------------------------------------------------
L s + 2, 5N + 15225 sfinal,i : The probability to survive in the final equilib-
where: N = N1 + 2N2 rium stage of flooding. It is calculated in accord-
ance with item b)
N1 : Number of persons for whom lifeboats are pro-
vided smom,i : The probability to survive heeling moments,
and is calculated in accordance with item c)
N2 : Number of persons (including officers and crew)
the ship is permitted to carry in excess of N1. a) Calculation of s intermediate:
Where the conditions of service are such that compliance The factor sintermediate,i is to be taken as the least of the s-
with N = N1 + 2N2 is impracticable and where the Society factors obtained from all flooding stages including the
considers that a suitably reduced degree of hazard exists, a stage before equalization, if any, and is to be calculated
lesser value of N may be taken but in no case less than as follows:
N = N1 + N2. The reduced value of N is also to be subject to 1
the agreement of the flag administration. GZ max Range 4
s intermediate, i = ---------------
- -----------------
0, 05 7
2.3.3 Attained subdivision index A
where GZmax is not to be taken as more than 0,05 m and
The attained subdivision index A is to be calculated in Range as not more than 7°. sintermediate = 0, if the interme-
accordance with Pt B, Ch 3, App 3, [1.4].
diate heel angle exceeds 15º. Where cross-flooding fit-
The attained subdivision index A is not to be less than the tings are required, the time for equalization is not to
required subdivision index R. In addition, the partial indices exceed 10 min. The time for equalization is to be calcu-
As, Ap and AL are not to be less than 0,9 R. lated in accordance with Ch 11, App 1

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 441

Pt D, Ch 11, Sec 3

b) Calculation of s final: 2.3.7 Cases where si is to be equal to zero

The factor sfinal,i is to be obtained from the formula: In all cases, si is to be taken as zero in those cases where the
final waterline, taking into account sinkage, heel and trim,
--- immerses:
GZ max Range 4
s final, i = K ---------------
- -----------------
0, 12 16 • the lower edge of openings through which progressive
flooding may take place and such flooding is not
where: accounted for in the calculation of factor si. Such open-
ings are to include air-pipes, ventilators and openings
GZmax is not to be taken as more than 0,12 m which are closed by means of weathertight doors or
hatch covers, but the openings closed by means of water-
Range is not to be taken as more than 16°.
tight manhole covers and flush scuttles, small watertight
K = 1 if θe ≤ θmin hatch covers, remotely operated sliding watertight doors,
side scuttles of the non-opening type as well as watertight
K = 0 if θe ≥ θmax access doors and hatch covers required to be kept closed
at sea need not be considered.
θ max – θ e
K= ----------------------- otherwise • any part of the bulkhead deck considered a horizontal
θ max – θ min
evacuation route.
where: The factor si is to be taken as zero if, taking into account
sinkage, heel and trim, any of the following occur in any
θmin is equal to 7°
intermediate stage or in the final stage of flooding:
θmax is equal to 15°. • immersion of any vertical escape hatch in the bulkhead
deck intended for compliance with the applicable
c) Calculation of s moment: requirements of Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 8
The factor smom,i is to be calculated at the final equilib- • any controls intended for the operation of watertight
rium from the formula: doors, equalization devices, valves on piping or on ven-
tilation ducts intended to maintain the integrity of water-
( GZ max – 0, 04 )Displacement tight bulkheads from above the bulkhead deck become
s mom, i = --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
M heel inaccessible or inoperable

where: • immersion of any part of piping or ventilation ducts car-

ried through a watertight boundary that is located
Displacement is the intact displacement at the subdivi- within any compartment included in damage cases con-
sion draught tributing to the attained index A, if not fitted with water-
tight means of closure at each boundary.
Mheel is the maximum assumed heeling moment as cal-
culated as follows: 2.3.8 Calculation of the factor νi
Mheel = maximum {Mpassenger or Mwind or MSurvivalcraft} Where horizontal watertight boundaries are fitted above the
waterline under consideration the s-value calculated for the
where heeling moments Mpassenger , Mwind and MSurvivalcraft lower compartment or group of compartments is to be
are calculated in [2.3.11]. obtained by multiplying the value as determined in [2.3.5]
by the reduction factor νm defined below, which represents
smom,i ≤ 1 the probability that the spaces above the horizontal subdivi-
sion will not be flooded.
2.3.6 Equalization arrangements
The factor νi is to be calculated in accordance with Pt B, Ch 3,
Unsymmetrical flooding is to be kept to a minimum consist- App 3, [1.6.7] and Pt B, Ch 3, App 3, [1.6.8].
ent with the efficient arrangements. Where it is necessary to
correct large angles of heel, the means adopted shall, where 2.3.9 Contribution dA to the index A
practicable, be self-acting, but in any case where controls to The contribution dA to the index A is to be calculated in
equalization devices are provided they are to be operable accordance with Pt B, Ch 3, App 3, [1.6.9].
from above the bulkhead deck. These fittings together with
their controls are to be acceptable to the Society. Suitable 2.3.10 Permeability
information concerning the use of equalization devices are
For the purpose of the subdivision and damage stability cal-
to be supplied to the master of the ship.
culations of the regulations, the permeability of each gen-
Tanks and compartments taking part in such equalization eral compartment or part of a compartment is to be
are to be fitted with air pipes or equivalent means of suffi- according to Tab 1.
cient cross-section to ensure that the flow of water into the Other figures for permeability may be used if substantiated
equalization compartments is not delayed. by calculations.

442 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 11, Sec 3

Table 1 : Values of permeability c) Moment due to wind pressure:

Mwind is the maximum assumed wind force acting in a
Spaces Permeability damage situation:
Appropriated to stores 0,60 Mwind = (P A Z) / 9,806⋅103 (tm)
Occupied by accommodation or voids 0,95 P : Wind pressure
Occupied by machinery 0,85 P =120 N/m2
Intended for liquids 0 or 0,95 (1) A : Projected lateral area above waterline
(1) whichever results in the more severe requirements. z : Distance from centre of lateral projected
area above waterline to T/2; and
2.3.11 Inclining moments T : Ship’s draught, di .

2.3.12 Special requirements concerning stability

The following inclining moments are to be taken into
account: A passenger ship intended to carry 400 or more persons is
to have watertight subdivision abaft the collision bulkhead
a) Moment due to the crowding of passengers: so that si = 1 for the three loading conditions on which is
Mpassenger is the maximum assumed heeling moment based the calculation of the subdivision index and for a
resulting from movement of passengers, and is to be damage involving all the compartments within 0,08 LLL
obtained as follows: measured from the forward perpendicular.
A passenger ship intended to carry 36 or more persons is to
Mpassenger = (0,075 Np) (0,45 B) (tm)
be capable of withstanding damage along the side shell to
where: an extent specified below. Compliance with this regulation
is to be achieved by demonstrating that si , as defined in
Np : Maximum number of passengers permitted
[2.3.5], is not less than 0,9 for the three loading conditions
to be on board in the service condition cor-
on which is based the calculation of the subdivision index.
responding to the deepest subdivision
draught under consideration; and The damage extent to be assumed when demonstrating com-
pliance with the above paragraph, is to be dependent on both
B : Beam of the ship. N as defined in [2.3.2], and Ls as defined in [2.1], such that:
Alternatively, the heeling moment may be calculated • the vertical extent of damage is to extend from the ships
assuming the passengers are distributed with 4 persons moulded baseline to a position up to 12,5 m above the
per square metre on available deck areas towards one position of the deepest subdivision draught as defined in
side of the ship on the decks where muster stations are [2.1], unless a lesser vertical extent of damage were to
located and in such a way that they produce the most give a lower value of si in which case this reduced extent
adverse heeling moment. In doing so, a weight of 75 kg is to be used.
per passenger is to be assumed. • where 400 or more persons are to be carried, a damage
b) Moment due to launching of all fully loaded davit- length of 0,03 Ls but not less than 3 m is to be assumed at
launched survival craft on one side: any position along the side shell, in conjunction with a
penetration inboard of 0,1 B but not less than 0,75 m
MSurvivalcraft is the maximum assumed heeling moment
measured inboard from the ship side, at right angle to the
due to the launching of all fully loaded davit-launched
centreline at the level of the deepest subdivision draught.
survival craft on one side of the ship. It shall be calcu-
lated using the following assumptions: • where less than 400 persons are carried, damage length
is to be assumed at any position along the shell side
• all lifeboats and rescue boats fitted on the side to between transverse watertight bulkheads provided that
which the ship has heeled after having sustained the distance between two adjacent transverse watertight
damage are to be assumed to be swung out fully bulkheads is not less than the assumed damage length.
loaded and ready for lowering. If the distance between adjacent transverse watertight
• for lifeboats which are arranged to be launched fully bulkheads is less than the assumed damage length, only
loaded from the stowed position, the maximum one of these bulkheads is to be considered effective for
heeling moment during launching is to be taken. the purpose of demonstrating compliance with the crite-
ria si ≥ 0,9.
• a fully loaded davit-launched liferaft attached to
each davit on the side to which the ship has heeled • where 36 persons are carried, a damage length of
after having sustained damage is to be assumed to 0,015 Ls but not less than 3 m is to be assumed, in con-
be swung out ready for lowering. junction with a penetration inboard of 0,05 B but not
less than 0,75 m.
• persons not in the life-saving appliances which are
• where more than 36, but fewer than 400 persons are car-
swung out are not to provide either additional heel-
ried the values of damage length and penetration inboard,
ing or righting moment.
used in the determination of the assumed extent of dam-
• life-saving appliances on the side of the ship oppo- age, are to be obtained by linear interpolation between the
site to the side to which the ship has heeled are to values of damage length and penetration which apply for
be assumed to be in a stowed position. ships carrying 36 persons and 400 persons.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 443

Pt D, Ch 11, Sec 3

2.3.13 Documents to be supplied 3 Structure design principles

The master is to be supplied with such information satisfac-
tory to the Society as is necessary to enable him by rapid and
3.1 Hull structure
simple processes to obtain accurate guidance as to the stabil-
ity of the ship under varying conditions of service. A copy of 3.1.1 Framing
the stability information shall be furnished to the Society.
In general, the strength deck and the bottom of passenger
The information should include: ships of more than 100 m in length are to be longitudinally
• curves or tables of minimum operational metacentric framed.
height (GM) versus draught which assures compliance Where a transverse framing system is adopted for such
with the relevant intact and damage stability require- ships, it is to be considered by the Society on a case-by-case
ments, alternatively corresponding curves or tables of the basis.
maximum allowable vertical centre of gravity (KG) versus
draught, or with the equivalents of either of these curves
• instructions concerning the operation of cross-flooding
4 Design loads
• all other data and aids which might be necessary to main- 4.1 Loads on deck
tain the required intact stability and stability after damage.
4.1.1 Plan of design loads on deck
The stability information is to show the influence of various
A plan of design static loads on deck, including fork lift
trims in cases where the operational trim range exceeds +/-
areas, axle loads and tyre print areas of wheeled loads, is to
0,5% of Ls .
be provided by the supplier.
The above information is determined from considerations
related to the subdivision index, in the following manner: All values displayed on this plan are to be at least equiva-
Minimum required GM (or maximum permissible vertical lent to the values given by the present Rules for each kind of
position of centre of gravity KG) for the three draughts ds, dp load.
and dl are equal to the GM (or KG values) of corresponding 4.1.2 Exposed decks
loading cases used for the calculation of survival factor si .
The pressure to be considered for passenger load on
For intermediate draughts, values to be used are to be
exposed decks is to be not less than 3 kN/m2.
obtained by linear interpolation applied to the GM value
only between the deepest subdivision draught and the par- Passenger loads and sea pressure are not to be combined.
tial subdivision draught and between the partial load line
and the light service draught respectively. Intact stability cri- 4.2 Sea pressures
teria will also be taken into account by retaining for each
draft the maximum among minimum required GM values or 4.2.1 Bow impact pressure
the minimum of maximum permissible KG values for both The bow impact pressure is obtained, in kN/m2, from the
criteria. If the subdivision index is calculated for different following formula:
trims, several required GM curves will be established in the
same way. p FI = nC S C L C Z ( 0 ,22 + 0 ,15 tan α ) ( 0 ,4 V sin β + 0 ,6 L )
When curves or tables of minimum operational metacentric where:
height (GM) versus draught are not appropriate, the master is
CS : Coefficient depending on the type of structures
to ensure that the operating condition does not deviate from
on which the bow impact pressure is consid-
a studied loading condition, or verify by calculation that the
ered to be acting:
stability criteria are satisfied for this loading condition.
CS = 1,8 for plating and ordinary stiffeners
2.3.14 Damage control documentation CS = 0,5 for primary supporting members
Plans showing clearly for each deck and hold the bounda-
CL : Coefficient depending on the ship’s length:
ries of the watertight compartments, the openings therein
with the means of closure and position of any controls CL = 0,0125 L for L < 80 m
thereof, and the arrangements for the correction of any list CL = 1,0 for L ≥ 80 m
due to flooding are to be permanently exhibited for the
CZ : Coefficient depending on the distance between
guidance of the officer in charge of the ship. In addition,
the summer load waterline and the calculation
booklets containing the aforementioned information are to
be made available to the officers of the ship.
• for z ≥ 2 C + T − 11:
Watertight doors which may be permitted to remain open
during navigation as reported in Ch 11, Sec 2, [2.3.3] p) are z–T
C Z = [ C – 0, 5 ( z – T ) ] 0, 82 – 0, 09  ------------
to be clearly indicated in the damage control plan with the  T 
indication that “doors are always to be ready for immediate
• for z < 2 C + T − 11:
Detailed description of the information to be included in C Z = 4, 5 – 0, 5  ------------
the damage control documentation is reported in Pt B, Ch  T 

3, Sec 3, [4]. C : Wave parameter, defined in Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 2

444 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 11, Sec 3

z : z co-ordinate, in m, of the calculation point, 5 Hull girder strength

with respect to the reference co-ordinate system
defined in Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 2, [4]
α : Flare angle at the calculation point, defined as 5.1 Basic criteria
the angle between a vertical line and the tan-
gent to the side shell plating, measured in a ver- 5.1.1 Strength deck
tical plane normal to the horizontal tangent to
the shell plating (see Fig 1) In addition to the requirements in Pt B, Ch 6, Sec 1, [2.2],
β : Entry angle at the calculation point, defined as the contribution of the hull structures up to the strength deck
the angle between a longitudinal line parallel to to the longitudinal strength is to be assessed through a finite
the centreline and the tangent to the shell plat- element analysis of the whole ship in the following cases:
ing in a horizontal plane (see Fig 1).
• when the size of openings in the side shell and/or longi-
Other values of bow impact pressure may be considered by
the Society on a case-by-case basis, provided that they are tudinal bulkheads located below the deck assumed by
documented through model tests or full scale measurements. the Designer as the strength deck decrease significantly
the capability of the plating to transmit shear forces to
Figure 1 : Definition of angles α and β the strength deck.

• when the ends of superstructures which are required to

contribute to longitudinal strength may be considered
not effectively connected to the hull structures in way.
A Calculation A
6 Hull scantlings

Z 6.1 Plating

6.1.1 Minimum net thicknesses

B The net thickness of the inner bottom, side and weather
Section B B strength deck plating is to be not less than the values given
in Tab 2.

If a complete deck does exist at a distance from the free-

β board deck exceeding 2 times the standard height of super-
structures as defined in Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 2, [3.19], the side
shell plating located between this complete deck and the
strength deck may be taken not greater than the thickness of
Section A A deckhouse sides defined in Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 4.

Table 2 : Minimum net thickness of the inner bottom, side and weather strength deck plating

Plating Minimum net thickness (mm)

Inner bottom outside engine room 2,0 + 0,02 L k1/2 + 4,5 s
Side • below freeboard deck
2,1 + 0,028 L k1/2 + 4,5 s (1)
• between freeboard deck and strength deck
Weather strength deck and trunk deck 2,2 k1/2 + 2,1 + s
Balconies L < 120 m 0.3 + 0.004 L k1/2 + 4,5 s
L ≥ 120 m 1,1 + 2,20 k1/2 + s
(1) See Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1, [2.2].
Note 1:
k : Material factor for steel, defined in Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 1, [2.3].
s : Length, in m, of the shorter side of the plate panel.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 445

Pt D, Ch 11, Sec 4


1 Bilge system P : Whole volume of the passenger and

crew spaces below the bulkhead deck
(cubic metres), which are provided for
1.1 General
the accommodation and use of passen-
1.1.1 gers and crew, excluding baggage, store,
provision and mail rooms
a) The bilge pumping system required in Pt C, Ch 1, Sec
10, [6] shall be capable of operation under all practica- V : Whole volume of the ship below the
ble conditions after a casualty, whether the ship is bulkhead deck (cubic metres).
upright or listed. For this purpose, wing suctions shall P1 = K⋅N
generally be fitted except in narrow compartments at
the end of the ship where one suction may be sufficient.
In compartments of unusual form, additional suctions N : Number of passengers for which the
may be required. ship is to be certified
b) Arrangements shall be made whereby water in the com- K = 0,056 L
partment may find its way to the suction pipes. However, where the value of K⋅N is greater than the
c) Where, for particular compartments, the Society is satis- sum of P and the whole volume of the actual passen-
fied that the provisions of drainage may be undesirable, ger spaces above the bulkhead deck, the figure to be
it may allow such provision to be dispensed with if dam- taken as P1 is that sum or two-thirds K⋅N, whichever
age stability calculations carried out in accordance with is the greater.
Ch 11, Sec 3, [2] show that the survival capability of the
ship will not be impaired. d) Each of the above pumps is to have a capacity not less
than that required in Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [6.7.4].
1.2 Bilge pumps e) For use of ejectors in lieu of bilge pumps, see Pt C, Ch 1,
Sec 10, [6.7.2].
1.2.1 Number and capacity of bilge pumps
a) At least three power pumps shall be fitted connected to 1.2.2 Location of bilge pumps
the bilge main, one of which may be driven by the pro- Where practicable, the power bilge pumps shall be placed in
pulsion machinery. Where the bilge pump numeral is 30 separate watertight compartments and so arranged or situ-
or more, one additional independent power pump shall ated that these compartments will not be flooded by the
be provided. same damage. If the main propulsion machinery, auxiliary
The bilge pump numeral shall be calculated as follows: machinery and boilers are in two or more watertight com-
partments, the pumps available for bilge service shall be dis-
• when P1 is greater than P:
tributed as far as is possible throughout these compartments.
bilge pump numeral =
M + 2P 1 1.2.3 Availability of pumps
72 ------------------------
V + P1 – P On a ship of 91,5 m in length and upwards or having a cri-
terion numeral of 30 or more, as stated in Ch 11, Sec 3,
• in other cases:
[2.3.6], the arrangements shall be such that at least one
bilge pump numeral = power bilge pump will be available for use in all flooding
M + 2P conditions which the ship is required to withstand, as follows:
72 ------------------
V a) one of the required bilge pumps shall be an emergency
where: pump of a reliable submersible type having a source of
L : Length of the ship (metres), as defined in power situated above the bulkhead deck, or
Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 2, [3.1] b) the bilge pumps and their sources of power shall be so dis-
M : Volume of the machinery space (cubic tributed throughout the length of the ship that at least one
metres), as defined in Ch 11, Sec 3, pump in an undamaged compartment will be available.
[2.1.5], that is below the bulkhead deck;
with the addition thereto of the volume 1.2.4 Draining capability
of any permanent oil fuel bunkers which With the exception of additional pumps which may be pro-
may be situated above the inner bottom vided for peak compartments only, each required bilge
and forward of, or abaft, the machinery pump shall be so arranged as to draw water from any space
space required to be drained.

446 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 11, Sec 4

1.3 Direct bilge suction 1.5.3 Valve controls

All cocks and valves referred in [1.5.2] which can be oper-
ated from above the bulkhead deck shall have their controls
a) In passenger ships subject to subdivision regulations, at their place of operation clearly marked and shall be pro-
independent power bilge pumps situated in machinery vided with means to indicate whether they are open or
and/or boiler spaces shall have direct suctions from closed.
these spaces, except that not more than two such suc-
tions shall be required in any one space.
1.6 Drainage and pumping arrangements for
b) Where two or more such suctions are provided in one vehicle, special category and ro-ro
compartment, there shall be at least one on each side of
spaces protected by fixed pressure
the ship.
water-spraying systems
c) The Society may require independent power bilge
pumps situated in other spaces to have separate direct 1.6.1 When fixed pressure water-spraying fire-extinguishing
suctions. systems are fitted, in view of the serious loss of stability
which could arise due to large quantities of water accumu-
1.4 Control location lating on the deck or decks during the operation of the fixed
pressure water-spraying system, the following arrangements
1.4.1 shall be provided:
a) The spindles of the sea inlet and direct suction valves a) in the spaces above the bulkhead deck, scuppers shall
shall extend well above the engine room platform. be fitted so as to ensure that such water is rapidly dis-
b) Where the circulating pumps are driven by electric charged directly overboard, taking into account IMO
motors, their starting equipment shall be located at, or Circular MSC.1/Circ.1320
above, the level of the motors.

1.5 Provision against bilge system damage 1) in ro-ro passenger ships, discharge valves for scup-
pers, fitted with positive means of closing operable
1.5.1 Damage to the bilge system from a position above the bulkhead deck in accord-
ance with the requirements of the International Con-
Provision shall be made to prevent the compartment served
vention on Load Lines in force, shall be kept open
by any bilge suction pipe being flooded in the event of the
while the ships are at sea
pipe being severed or otherwise damaged by collision or
grounding in any other compartment. For this purpose, 2) any operation of valves referred to in 1) shall be
where the pipe is at any part situated nearer the side of the recorded in the log-book
ship than one fifth of the breadth of the ship (measured at
right angles to the centreline at the level of the deepest sub- c) in the spaces below the bulkhead deck, the Society may
division load line), or is in a duct keel, a non-return valve require pumping and drainage facilities to be provided
shall be fitted to the pipe in the compartment containing the additional to the requirements above and to those of Pt C,
open end. Ch 1, Sec 10. In such case, the drainage system shall be
sized to remove no less than 125% of the combined
1.5.2 Operation in the case of flooding capacity of both the water-spraying system pumps and
a) Distribution boxes, cocks and valves in connection with the required number of fire hose nozzles. The drainage
the bilge pumping system shall be so arranged that, in system valves shall be operable from outside the pro-
the event of flooding, one of the bilge pumps may be tected space at a position in the vicinity of the extinguish-
operative on any compartment; in addition, damage to ing system controls. Bilge wells shall be of sufficient
a pump or its pipe connecting to the bilge main out- holding capacity and shall be arranged at the side shell of
board of a line drawn at one fifth of the breadth of the the ship at a distance from each other of not more than 40
ship shall not put the bilge system out of action. m in each watertight compartment.

b) If there is only one system of pipes common to all the

pumps, the necessary valves for controlling the bilge
suctions must be capable of being operated from above
2 Ballast system
the bulkhead deck.
c) Where in addition to the main bilge pumping system an 2.1
emergency bilge pumping system is provided, it shall be
independent of the main system and so arranged that a 2.1.1 Water ballast should not in general be carried in tanks
pump is capable of operating on any compartment intended for fuel oil. In ships in which it is not practicable to
under flooding condition; in that case only the valves avoid putting water in fuel oil tanks, oily-water separating
necessary for the operation of the emergency system equipment to the satisfaction of the Society shall be fitted,
need be capable of being operated from above the bulk- or other alternative means, such as discharge to shore facili-
head deck. ties shall be provided for disposing of the oily-water ballast.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 447

Pt D, Ch 11, Sec 4

3 Miscellaneous requirements 3.3 Watertight doors

3.3.1 For watertight doors, see Ch 11, Sec 2.
3.1 Steering gear
3.1.1 For steering gear arrangements without auxiliary 3.4 Quality failure Analysis
means for steering, see Ch 15, Sec 4, [24.3.2].
3.4.1 A quality failure analysis is to be submitted in accord-
ance with Ch 11, App 2.
3.2 Oil-level gauges
3.2.1 For oil-level gauges, see Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [11.6.7].

448 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 11, Sec 5


1 General Unless instructed otherwise by the Society, the emergency

generator may be used during lay time in port for the supply
of the ship mains, provided the requirements of Pt C, Ch 2,
1.1 Documentation to be submitted
Sec 3, [2.4] are complied with.
1.1.1 The documentation dealing with the electrical system
for watertight door and fire door systems as requested in Pt 2.1.3 The electrical power available shall be sufficient to
C, Ch 2, Sec 1, Tab 1, Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 3, Tab 1 and Pt C, Ch supply all those services that are essential for safety in an
4, Sec 1, Tab 1 is to be submitted for approval. emergency, due regard being paid to such services as may
have to be operated simultaneously.
1.2 Electrical distribution and protection 2.1.4 The emergency source of electrical power shall be
capable, having regard to starting currents and the transi-
1.2.1 In a passenger ship, distribution systems shall be so
tory nature of certain loads, of supplying simultaneously at
arranged that fire in any main vertical zone as defined in
least the services stated in [2.2.3] for the period specified, if
Part C, Chapter 4 will not interfere with services essential for
they depend upon an electrical source for their operation.
safety in any other such zone.
This requirement will be met if main and emergency feeders 2.1.5 The transitional source of emergency electrical
passing through any such zone are separated both vertically power, where required, is to be of sufficient capacity to sup-
and horizontally as widely as is practicable. ply at least the services stated in [2.2.7] for the periods
specified therein, if they depend upon an electrical source
1.2.2 For generators arranged to operate in parallel and for
for their operation.
individually operating generators, arrangements are to be
made to disconnect automatically the excess load when the 2.1.6 An indicator shall be mounted in a suitable place on
generators are overloaded in such a way as to prevent a sus- the main switchboard or in the machinery control room to
tained loss of speed. The operation of such device is to acti- indicate when the batteries constituting either the emer-
vate a visual and audible alarm. gency source of electrical power or the transitional source
of emergency electrical power referred to in Pt C, Ch 2, Sec
1.3 Flooding detection systems for passenger 3, [2.3.15] and Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3, [2.3.16] are being dis-
ships carrying 36 or more persons charged.

1.3.1 A flooding detection system for watertight spaces 2.1.7 If the services which are to be supplied by the transi-
below the bulkhead deck is to be provided based on IMO tional source receive power from an accumulator battery by
MSC.1/Circ.1291. means of semiconductor converters, means are to be pro-
vided for supplying such services also in the event of failure
2 Emergency source of electrical of the converter (e.g. providing a bypass feeder or a duplica-
tion of converter).
power and emergency installations
2.1.8 Where electrical power is necessary to restore propul-
2.1 General sion, the capacity of the emergency source shall be suffi-
cient to restore propulsion to the ship in conjunction to
2.1.1 A self-contained emergency source of electrical other machinery as appropriate, from a dead ship condition
power shall be provided. within 30 min. after blackout.
2.1.2 Provided that suitable measures are taken for safe- For the purpose of this requirement only, the dead ship con-
guarding independent emergency operation under all cir- dition and blackout are both understood to mean a condi-
cumstances, the emergency generator may be used, tion under which the main propulsion plant, boilers and
exceptionally, and for short periods, to supply non-emer- auxiliaries are not in operation and in restoring the propul-
gency circuits. sion, no stored energy for starting the propulsion plant, the
Exceptionally, whilst the vessel is at sea, is understood to main source of electrical power and other essential auxilia-
mean conditions such as: ries is to be assumed available. It is assumed that means are
available to start the emergency generator at all times.
a) blackout situation
The emergency generator and other means needed to
b) dead ship situation
restore the propulsion are to have a capacity such that the
c) routine use for testing necessary propulsion starting energy is available within 30
d) short-term parallel operation with the main source of minutes of blackout/dead ship condition as defined above.
electrical power for the purpose of load transfer. Emergency generator stored starting energy is not to be

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 449

Pt D, Ch 11, Sec 5

directly used for starting the propulsion plant, the main 2.2 Distribution of electrical power
source of electrical power and/or other essential auxiliaries
(emergency generator excluded). 2.2.1 The emergency switch board shall be supplied during
For steam ships, the 30 minute time limit given in SOLAS normal operation from the main switchboard by an inter-
can be interpreted as the time from blackout/dead ship con- connector feeder which shall be adequately protected at
dition defined above to light-off of the first boiler. the main switchboard against overload and short-circuit and
which is to be disconnected automatically at the emergency
2.1.9 Provision shall be made for the periodical testing of switchboard upon failure of the main source of electrical
the complete emergency system and shall include the test- power.
ing of automatic starting arrangements. Where the system is arranged for feedback operation, the
interconnector feeder is also to be protected at the emer-
2.1.10 For starting arrangements of emergency generating
gency switchboard at least against short-circuit.
sets, see Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 2, [3.1].
2.2.2 In order to ensure ready availability of the emergency
2.1.11 The emergency source of electrical power may be
source of electrical power, arrangements shall be made
either a generator or an accumulator battery, which shall
where necessary to disconnect automatically non-emer-
comply with the provisions of [2.1.12] or [2.1.13], respec-
gency circuits from the emergency switchboard to ensure
that power shall be available to the emergency circuits.
2.1.12 Where the emergency source of electrical power is a
generator, it shall be: 2.2.3 The emergency source of electrical power shall be
capable of supplying simultaneously at least the following
a) driven by a suitable prime mover with an independent services for the periods specified hereafter, if they depend
supply of fuel having a flashpoint (closed cup test) of upon an electrical source for their operation:
not less than 43°C
a) for a period of 36 hours, emergency lighting:
b) started automatically upon failure of the electrical sup-
ply to the emergency switchboard from the main source 1) at every muster and embarkation station and over
of electrical power and shall be automatically con- the sides
nected to the emergency switchboard; those services 2) in alleyways, stairways and exits giving access to the
referred to in [2.2.7] shall then be transferred automati- muster and embarkation stations
cally to the emergency generating set. The automatic
starting system and the characteristic of the prime mover 3) in all service and accommodation alleyways, stair-
shall be such as to permit the emergency generator to ways and exits, personnel lift cars
carry its full rated load as quickly as is safe and practica- 4) in the machinery spaces and main generating sta-
ble, subject to a maximum of 45 s, and tions including their control positions
c) provided with a transitional source of emergency electri- 5) in all control stations, machinery control rooms, and
cal power according to [2.1.14]. at each main and emergency switchboard

2.1.13 Where the emergency source of electrical power is 6) at all stowage positions for firemen’s outfits
an accumulator battery, it shall be capable of: 7) at the steering gear, and
a) carrying the emergency electrical load without recharg- 8) at the fire pump, the sprinkler pump and the emer-
ing while maintaining the voltage of the battery through- gency bilge pump referred to in (d) below and at the
out the discharge period within 12% above or below its starting position of their motors
nominal voltage
b) for a period of 36 hours:
b) automatically connecting to the emergency switchboard
in the event of failure of the main source of electrical 1) the navigation lights and other lights required by the
power, and International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at
Sea in force, and
c) immediately supplying at least those services specified
in [2.2.7]. 2) on ships constructed on or after 1 February 1995 the
VHF radio installation required by Regulation
2.1.14 The transitional source of emergency electrical IV/7.1.1 and IV/7.1.2 of SOLAS Consolidated Edi-
power required by [2.1.12] (c) shall consist of an accumula- tion 1992, and, if applicable:
tor battery which shall operate without recharging while • the MF radio installation required by Regulations
maintaining the voltage of the battery throughout the dis- IV/9.1.1, IV/9.1.2, IV/10.1.2 and IV/10.1.3
charge period within 12% above or below its nominal volt-
age and be so arranged as to supply automatically in the • the ship earth station required by Regulation
event of failure of either the main or emergency source of IV/10.1.1, and
electrical power at least the services in [2.2.7] if they • the MF/HF radio installation required by Regula-
depend upon an electrical source for their operation. tions IV/10.2.1, IV/10.2.2 and IV/11.1

2.1.15 Where the emergency and/or transitional source of c) for a period of 36 hours:
power is an uninterruptible power system (UPS), it is to 1) all internal communication equipment required in
comply with the requirements of Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 6, [3]. an emergency (see [2.2.4]

450 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 11, Sec 5

2) the shipborne navigational equipment as required "Coastal Service", the Society if satisfied that an adequate
by Regulation V/12; where such provision is unrea- standard of safety would be attained may accept a lesser
sonable or impracticable the Head Office may waive period than the 36-hour period specified in [2.2.3] (b) to (e)
this requirement for ships of less than 5,000 tons but not less than 12 hours.
gross tonnage
2.2.7 The transitional source of emergency electrical power
3) the fire detection and fire alarm system, the fire door
required is to supply at least the following services if they
holding and release system, and
depend upon an electrical source for their operation:
4) intermittent operation of the daylight signalling
a) for half an hour:
lamp, the ship’s whistle, the manually operated call
points and all internal signals (see [2.2.5]) that are 1) the lighting required by [2.2.3] (b1) and Pt C, Ch 2,
required in an emergency, unless such services have Sec 3, [3.6.7] (a)
an independent supply for the period of 36 hours 2) all services required by [2.2.3] (c1, 3 and 4) unless
from an accumulator battery suitably located for use such services have an independent supply for the
in an emergency period specified from an accumulator battery suita-
d) for a period of 36 hours: bly located for use in an emergency
1) one of the fire pumps required by the relevant provi- b) it is also to supply power to close the watertight doors as
sions of Part C, Chapter 4 required by Regulation II-1/, but not necessarily
2) the automatic sprinkler pump, if any, and all of them simultaneously, unless an independent tem-
porary source of stored energy is provided. Power to the
3) the emergency bilge pump and all the equipment
control, indication and alarm circuits as required by
essential for the operation of electrically powered
Regulation II-1/15.7.2, for half an hour.
remote controlled bilge valves
e) for the period of time required in Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 11, [2], 2.3 Low-location lighting
the steering gear if required to be so supplied
f) for a period of half an hour: 2.3.1 Passenger ships are to be provided with a low-loca-
1) any watertight doors required by Regulation II-1/15 tion lighting (LLL) system in accordance with Pt C, Ch 4,
to be power operated together with their indicators Sec 8, [2.2.3].
and warning signals Where LLL is satisfied by electric illumination, it is to com-
2) the emergency arrangements to bring the lift cars to ply with the following requirements.
deck level for the escape of persons. The passenger 2.3.2 The LLL system is to be connected to the emergency
lift cars may be brought to deck level sequentially in switchboard and is to be capable of being powered either
an emergency. by the main source of electrical power, or by the emergency
2.2.4 Internal communication equipment required in an source of electrical power for a minimum period of 60 min-
emergency generally includes: utes after energising in an emergency.

a) the means of communication between the navigating 2.3.3 The power supply arrangements to the LLL are to be
bridge and the steering gear compartment arranged so that a single fault or a fire in any one fire zone
b) the means of communication between the navigating or deck does not result in loss of the lighting in any other
bridge and the position in the machinery space or control zone or deck. This requirement may be satisfied by the
room from which the engines are normally controlled. power supply circuit configuration, use of fire-resistant
cables complying with IEC Publication 60331: Fire charac-
c) the means of communication which is provided
teristics of electrical cables, and/or the provision of suitably
between the officer of the watch and the person respon-
located power supply units having integral batteries ade-
sible for closing any watertight door which is not capa-
quately rated to supply the connected LLL for a minimum
ble of being closed from a central control station.
period of 60 minutes.
d) the public address system or other effective means of
communication throughout the accommodation, public 2.3.4 Single lights and lighting assemblies are to be
and service spaces. designed or arranged so that any single fault or failure in a
e) the means of communication between the navigating light or lighting assembly, other than a short-circuit, will not
bridge and the main fire control station. result in a break in visible delineation exceeding 1 metre.

2.2.5 Internal signals required in an emergency generally 2.3.5 Light and lighting assemblies are to be flame-retard-
include: ant as a minimum, to have an ingress protection of at least
IP55 and to meet the type test requirements as specified in
a) general alarm
Pt C, Ch 3, Sec 6, Tab 1.
b) watertight door indication
c) fire door indication. 2.3.6 The LLL system is to be capable of being manually
activated by a single action from the continuously manned
2.2.6 In a ship engaged regularly in voyages of short dura- central control station. It may, additionally, be continuously
tion, i.e. voyages where the route is no greater than 20 nau- operating or be switched on automatically, e.g. by the pres-
tical miles offshore or where the vessel has a class notation ence of smoke within the space(s) being served.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 451

Pt D, Ch 11, Sec 5

2.3.7 When powered, the systems are to achieve the fol- 2.3.9 The lighting is to be provided on at least one side of
lowing minimum luminance: the corridor or stairway. In corridors and stairways in excess
of 2 metres width, lighting is to be provided on both sides.
• for any planar source: 10 cd/m2 from the active parts in
a continuous line of 15 mm minimum width
2.3.10 In corridors the lighting is to be installed either on
• for any point source: 35 mcd in the typical track direc- the bulkhead within 300 mm of the deck or, alternatively,
tions of approach and viewing which is to be considered: on the deck within 150 mm of the bulkhead.

- for sources which are required to be viewed from a

2.3.11 In stairways the lighting is to be installed within 300
horizontal position, i.e. deck mounted or horizon-
mm above the steps such that each step may be readily
tally bulkhead mounted fittings, within a 60° cone
identified from either above or below that step. The top and
having its centre located 30° from the horizontal
bottom steps are to be further identified to show that there
mounting surface of the point source and in line
are no further steps.
with the track direction, see Fig 1
- for sources which are required to be viewed verti-
cally, i.e. the vertical LLL marking up to the door
3 General emergency alarm and public
handles, within a 60° cone having its centre located address systems
perpendicular to the mounting service of the point
source, see Fig 2.
3.1 General emergency alarm system
Spacing between sources is not to exceed 300 mm.
3.1.1 An electrically operated bell or klaxon or other
equivalent warning system installed in addition to the ship's
2.3.8 The lights or lighting assemblies are to be continuous
whistle or siren for sounding the general emergency alarm
except as interrupted by constructional constraints, such as
signal is to comply with the following requirements.
corridors or cabin doors etc., are to provide a visible deline-
ation along the escape route and, where applicable, are to
lead to the exit door handles. Interruption of the LLL system 3.1.2 The general emergency alarm system is to be supple-
due to constructional constraints is not to exceed 2 metres. mented by either a public address system complying with
the requirements in [3.2] or other suitable means of com-
Figure 1 :
3.1.3 The entertainment sound system is to be automati-
cally turned off when the general alarm system is activated.

eye 3.1.4 The system is to be continuously powered and is to

have an automatic change-over to a standby power supply
in case of loss of the normal power supply.
An alarm is to be given in the event of failure of the normal
power supply.
Point source
3.1.5 The system is to be powered by means of two cir-
Horizontal mounting surface cuits, one from the ship's main supply and the other from
the emergency source of electrical power required by [2.1]
and [2.2].
Figure 2 :
3.1.6 The system is to be capable of operation from the
navigation bridge and, except for the ship’s whistle, also
from other strategic points.
Point source Note 1: Other strategic points are taken to mean those locations,
Vertical mounting surface

other than the navigation bridge, from where emergency situations

are intended to be controlled and the general alarm system can be
60˚ activated. A fire control station or a cargo control station is nor-
mally to be regarded as strategic points.
3.1.7 The alarm is to continue to function after it has been
triggered until it is manually turned off or is temporarily
90˚ interrupted by a message on the public address system.

3.1.8 The alarm system is to be audible throughout all the

accommodation and normal crew working spaces and on
all open decks.

452 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 11, Sec 5

3.1.9 The minimum sound pressure level for the emergency 3.2.5 The system is not to require any action by the
alarm tone in interior and exterior spaces is to be 80 dB (A) addressee.
and at least 10 dB (A) above ambient noise levels existing
during normal equipment operation with the ship underway 3.2.6 It is to be possible to address crew accommodation
in moderate weather. and work spaces separately from passenger spaces.

3.1.10 In cabins without a loudspeaker installation, an 3.2.7 In addition to any function provided for routine use
electronic alarm transducer, e.g. a buzzer or similar, is to be aboard the ship, the system is to have an emergency func-
tion control at each control station which:
a) is clearly indicated as the emergency function
3.1.11 The sound pressure level at the sleeping position in
b) is protected against unauthorised use
cabins and in cabin bathrooms is to be at least 75 dB (A)
and at least 10 dB (A) above ambient noise levels. c) automatically overrides any other input system or pro-
gram, and
3.1.12 For cables used for the general emergency alarm d) automatically overrides all volume controls and on/off
system, see Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3, [9.6.1], Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 11, controls so that the required volume for the emergency
[5.2.1] and Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 11, [5.2.5]. mode is achieved in all spaces.

3.1.13 Electrical cables and apparatus for the general emer- 3.2.8 The system is to be installed with regard to acousti-
gency alarm system and their power supply are to be cally marginal conditions, so that emergency announce-
arranged so that the loss of the system in any one area due ments are clearly audible above ambient noise in all spaces
to localised fire is minimised. where crew members or passengers, or both, are normally
present (accommodation and service spaces and control
stations and open decks), and at assembly stations (i.e. mus-
3.1.14 Where the fire alarm to summon the crew operated
ter stations).
from the navigating bridge or fire control station is part of
the ship’s general alarm system, it is to be capable of being
3.2.9 With the ship underway in normal conditions, the
sounded independently of the alarm in the passenger
minimum sound pressure level for broadcasting emergency
announcements is to be:
a) in interior spaces 75 dB (A) and at least 20 dB (A) above
3.2 Public address system the speech interference level, and
b) in exterior spaces 80 dB (A) and at least 15 dB (A) above
3.2.1 The public address system is to be one complete sys-
the speech interference level.
tem consisting of a loudspeaker installation which enables
simultaneous broadcast of messages from the navigation Evidence of this level is to be shown with test result in open
bridge, and at least one other location on board for use sea or equivalent quay measurement with appropriate cor-
when the navigation bridge has been rendered unavailable rection factor.
due to the emergency, to all spaces where crew members or
passengers, or both, are normally present (accommodation 3.2.10 The system is to be arranged to prevent feed-back or
and service spaces and control stations and open decks), other interference.
and to assembly stations (i.e. muster stations).
3.2.11 The system is to be arranged to minimise the effect
In spaces such as under deck passageways, busun’s locker, of a single failure so that the emergency messages are still
hospital and pump room, the public address system is/may audible (above ambient noise levels) also in the event of
not be required. failure of any one circuit or component.

3.2.2 The public address system is to be arranged to oper- 3.2.12 Each loudspeaker is to be individually protected
ate on the main source of electrical power, the emergency against short-circuits.
source of electrical power and transitional sources of elec-
trical power as required by Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3, [2.3] and Pt C, 3.2.13 For cables used for the public address system, see Pt
Ch 2, Sec 3, [3.6]. C, Ch 2, Sec 3, [9.6.1], Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 11, [5.2.1] and Pt C,
Ch 2, Sec 11, [5.2.5].

3.2.3 The controls of the system on the navigation bridge 3.2.14 All areas of each fire zone are to be served by at
are to be capable of interrupting any broadcast on the sys- least two dedicated loops of flame-retardant cables which
tem from any other location on board. are to be sufficiently separated throughout their length and
supplied by two separate and independent amplifiers.
3.2.4 Where an individual loudspeaker has a device for
local silencing, an override arrangement from the control 3.2.15 A temperature alarm is to be provided in the public
station(s), including the navigating bridge, is to be in place. address cabinets in case of forced air cooling.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 453

Pt D, Ch 11, Sec 5

3.3 Combined general emergency alarm - 4 Installation

public address system
4.1 Section and distribution boards
3.3.1 Where the public address system is the only means
for sounding the general emergency alarm signal and the 4.1.1 Cubicles and cupboards in areas which are accessi-
fire alarm, in addition to the requirements of [3.1] and [3.2], ble to any passenger are to be lockable.
the following are to be satisfied:
• the system automatically overrides any other input sys- 5 Type approved components
tem when an emergency alarm is required.
• the system automatically overrides any volume control 5.1
provided to give the required output for the emergency
mode when an emergency alarm is required. 5.1.1 Components for Low-Location Lighting systems (LLL)
• the system is arranged to minimise the effect of a single in passenger ship escape routes are to be type approved or
failure so that the alarm signal is still audible (above in accordance with [5.1.2].
ambient noise levels) also in the event of failure of any
one circuit or component, by means of the use of more 5.1.2 Case-by-case approval based on submission of ade-
quate documentation and execution of tests may also be
than one device for generating an electronic sound signal.
granted at the discretion of the Society.

3.4 Quality failure analysis

3.4.1 A quality failure analysis is to be submitted in accord-
ance with Ch 11, App 2.

454 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 11, App 1



1 Calculation method for cross-flooding 1.2 Cross-flooding area

arrangements 1.2.1 Cross-flooding area calculation
The cross-flooding area S, in m2, can be calculated from the
1.1 Definitions following formula:

 1 – ------ hf 
1.1.1 Definitions 2W f  H 0 1
S = ----------- ⋅ -------------------------- ⋅ ---------------------
Σk : Sum of friction coefficients in the considered
Tf F 2gH 0  1 – ------

hf 
H 0
cross-flooding arrangement
S : Cross-section area, in m2, of the cross-flooding 1.2.2 Calculation of time
pipe or duct. If the cross-section area is not cir- Tf : Time required from commencement of cross
cular, then: flooding θo to the final equilibrium θf
2 Tθ : Time required to bring the ship from any angle
πD equiv
S equiv = -----------------
- of heel θ to the final equilibrium θf

where:  1 – ----- hf 
2W θ  H θ 1
T θ = ----------- ⋅ ------------------------- ⋅ ---------------------
4A S⋅F 2gH θ  1 – ----- hf 
D equiv = ------- -
p  H θ

A : actual cross-section area T : Time required from commencement of cross

flooding θo until any angle of heel θ is achieved:
p : actual cross-section perimeter T=Tf − Tθ
θ0 : Angle, in degree, before commencement of
cross-flooding. This assumes that the cross- 1.2.3 Dimensionless factor F
flooding device is fully flooded but that no The dimensionless factor of reduction of speed through an
water has entered into the equalizing compart- equalization device, being a function of bends, valves, etc.,
ment on the opposite side of the damage in the cross-flooding system is to be calculated as follows:
θf : Heel angle, in degree, at final equilibrium F = --------------
θf ≤ θ  k

θ : Any angle of heel between the commencement where F is not to be taken as more than 1.
of cross-flooding and the final equilibrium at a Values for k can be obtained from [1.2.4] or other appropri-
given time ate sources.
Wf : Volume, in m3, of water which is used to bring
1.2.4 Factor of reduction k
the ship from commencement of cross-flooding
The factor of reduction is to be calculated depending on the
θ0 to final equilibrium θf
following cases:
Wθ : Volume, in m3, of water which is used to bring • Case 1: 90° circular bend
the ship from any angle of heel θ to the final • Case 2: radius bend R/D = 2
equilibrium θf • Case 3: mitre bend
H0 : Head of water, in m, before commencement of • Case 4: 90° double mitre bend
cross-flooding, with the same assumption as for • Case 5: pipe inlet
θ0 • Case 6: pipe outlet
Hθ : Head of water, in m, when any angle of heel θ is • Case 7: non-return valve
achieved • Case 8: pipe friction losses
hf : Final head of water, in m, after cross-flooding • Case 9: gate valve
(hf = 0, when the level inside the equalizing com- • Case 10: butterfly valve
partment is equal to the free level of the sea). • Case 11: disc valve.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 455

Pt D, Ch 11, App 1

Case 1: 90° CIRCULAR BEND (see Fig 1) Case 4: 90°DOUBLE MITRE BEND (see Fig 4)
The factor k is defined in Tab 1. The factor k is defined in Tab 4.

Figure 1 : 90°CIRCULAR BEND Figure 4 : 90° DOUBLE MITRE BEND


D 45˚

Table 1 : Values of factor k V

R/D 2 3 4 5 6 7 Table 4 : Values of factor k

k .30 .26 .23 .20 .18 .17
L/D 1 2 3 4 5 6

Case 2: RADIUS BEND R/D = 2 (see Fig 2) k .41 .40 .43 .46 .46 .44

The factor k is defined in Tab 2. Case 5: PIPE INLET (see Fig 5)

The factor k is defined in Tab 5.
Figure 2 : RADIUS BEND R/D = 2

V Figure 5 : PIPE INLET

R x

α Table 5 : Values of factor k

t/D .01 .02 .03 .04 .05 ≥ .05
k .83 .68 .53 .46 .44 .43
Table 2 : Values of factor k
Case 6: PIPE OUTLET (see Fig 6)
α° 15 30 45 60 75 90
k = 1.0
k .06 .12 .18 .24 .27 .30
Figure 6 : PIPE OUTLET
Case 3: MITRE BEND (see Fig 3)
The factor k is defined in Tab 3. V V

Figure 3 : MITRE BEND


Case 7: NON-RETURN VALVE (see Fig 7)
k = 0.5
The value of k actually increases with decrease in Froude
number, particularly below speeds of 2m/sec.


Table 3 : Values of factor k


α° 5 15 30 45 60 90
k .02 .06 .17 .32 .68 1.26

456 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 11, App 1

Case 8: PIPE FRICTION LOSSES crossing the reference section (which will be used for the
time calculation):
The coefficient above is a mean value and does in fact vary
2 2 2 2
as Reynold’s number (i.e. varies with V for constant D and S1 W2 S1 W3
v) as well as with relative roughness. k = k 1 + k 2 ------
S2 W1
-2 ⋅ ----------2 + k 3 ------
S3 W1
-2 ⋅ ----------2 …

k = 0.02/D per unit length

1.2.7 Cross flooding through devices in parallel
Case 9: GATE VALVE (see Fig 8)
For cross-flooding through devices in parallel that lead to
k = 0.3 the same space, equalisation time is to be calculated assum-
ing that:
Figure 8 : GATE VALVE SF = S 1 F 1 + S 2 F 2 + …


F = --------------

 k
for each device of cross section Si.

Case 10: BUTTERFLY VALVE (see Fig 9) 1.2.8 Air pipe venting criteria
In arrangements where the total air pipe sectional area is
k = 0.8
10% or more of the cross-flooding sectional area, the
restrictive effect of any air back pressure may be neglected
Figure 9 : BUTTERFLY VALVE in the cross-flooding calculations. The air pipe sectional
area is to be taken as the minimum or the net sectional area
V V of any automatic closing devices, if that is less.

In arrangements where the total air pipe sectional area is

less than 10% of the cross-flooding sectional area, the
restrictive effect of air back pressure is to be considered in
Case 11: DISC VALVE (see Fig 10) the cross-flooding calculations. The following method may
be used for this purpose:
k = 6.0
The k coefficient used in the calculation of cross-flooding
time is to take into account the drop of head in the air pipe.
Figure 10 : DISC VALVE
This can be done using an equivalent coefficient ke, which is
calculated according to the following formula:

ρ S 2
k e = k w + k a -----a- ⋅  -----w
ρw  Sa 

kw : k coefficient for the cross-flooding arrangement


1.2.5 Cross-flooding through successive devices ka : k coefficient for the air pipe

If the same flow crosses successive flooding devices of cross- ρa : Air density
section S1, S2, S3,... having corresponding friction coefficients
ρw : Water density
k1, k2, k3,..., then the total k coefficient referred to S1 is:
Sw : Cross-section area of the cross-flooding device
2 2
S1 S1 (water)
 k = k 1 + k 2 ------
-2 + k 3 ------
-2 …
Sa : Cross-section of air pipe

1.2.6 Different flooding devices not crossed by the 1.2.9 Alternatives

same volume
As an alternative to the provisions above, and for arrange-
If different flooding devices are not crossed by the same vol- ments other than those shown in [1.2.4], direct calculation
ume, each k coefficient is to be multiplied by the square of using computational fluid dynamics (CFD), time-domain
the ratio of the volume crossing the device and the volume simulations or model testing may also be used.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 457

Pt D, Ch 11, App 1

1.2.10 Examples Sequiv. The pressure loss for entrance in the first manhole is already
• Cross-flooding through a series of structural ducts with 1 computed in the calculation, and k = 1 has to be added to take into
manhole (see Fig 11 and Fig 12) account the outlet losses.

- if 0 < Li < 1: Figure 11 : Structural duct with 1 manhole

k = 0,2748 Li + 0,0313 Li
- if 1≤ Li ≤ 4:
k = − 0,0986 Li3 + 0,6873 Li2 − 1,0212 Li + 0,7386
- if Li > 4:
k = 1,34
• Cross-flooding through a series of structural ducts with 2
manholes (see Fig 13)
- if 0 < Li < 1:
k = 0,4045 Li + 0,0627
- if 1 ≤ Li ≤ 4:
k = 0,0424 Li3 + 0,3593 Li2 − 1,1401 Li − 0,356
- if Li > 4:
k = 1,17
Note 1: k is the friction coefficient related to each space between
two adjacent girders. k is evaluated with effective cross-section area
therefore in calculations use the real cross-section area A and not

Figure 12 : Series of structural ducts with 1 manhole

Figure 13 : Series of structural ducts with 2 manholes

458 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 11, App 2



1 General b) Power transmission systems, e.g.:

• Shafting
1.1 Scope • Bearings
• Power converters
1.1.1 This appendix details qualitative failure analysis for • Transformers
propulsion and steering for new passenger ships including • Slip ring systems.
those having a length of 120 m or more or having three or c) Steering gear
more main vertical zones.
• Rudder actuator or equivalent for azimuthing pro-
Note 1: This may be considered as the first step for demonstrating pulsor
compliance with the revised SOLAS Chapter II-2, Regulation 21 –
• Rudder stock with bearings and seals
SOLAS 2006 Amendments, Resolution MSC.216(82), annex 3.
• Rudder
• Power unit and control gear
1.2 Objectives
• Local control systems and indicators
1.2.1 For ships having at least two independent means of • Remote control systems and indicators
propulsion and steering to comply with SOLAS require- • Communication equipment.
ments for a safe return to port, items a) and b) below are d) Propulsors, e.g.:
• Propeller
a) Provide knowledge of the effects of failure in all the • Azimuthing thruster
equipment and systems due to fire in any space, or • Water jet.
flooding of any watertight compartment that could
e) Main power supply systems, e.g.:
affect the availability of the propulsion and steering.
• Electrical generators and distribution systems
b) Provide solutions to ensure the availability of propulsion • Cable runs
and steering upon such failures in item a).
• Hydraulic
1.2.2 Ships not required to satisfy the safe return to port • Pneumatic.
concept will require the analysis of failure in single equip- f) Essential auxiliary systems, e.g.:
ment and fire in any space to provide knowledge and possi- • Compressed air
ble solutions for enhancing availability of propulsion and • Oil fuel
• Lubricating oil
• Cooling water
2 Method of drafting the quality failure • Ventilation
analysis • Fuel storage and supply systems.
g) Control and monitoring systems, e.g.:
2.1 Systems to be considered • Electrical auxiliary circuits
• Power supplies
2.1.1 The qualitative failure analysis is to consider the pro-
• Protective safety systems
pulsion and steering equipment and all its associated sys-
tems which might impair the availability of propulsion and • Power management systems
steering. • Automation and control systems.
h) Support systems, e.g.:
2.1.2 The qualitative failure analysis should include: • Lighting
a) Propulsion and electrical power prime movers, e.g.: • Ventilation.
To consider the effects of fire or flooding in a single com-
• Diesel engines
partment, the analysis is to address the location and layout
• Electric motors. of equipment and systems.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 459

Pt D, Ch 11, App 2

2.2 Failure criteria • Identify any assumptions made in the analysis

• Identify the equipment, system or sub-system, mode of
2.2.1 Failures are deviations from normal operating condi- operation of the equipment
tions such as loss or malfunction of a component or system • Identify probable failure modes and acceptable devia-
such that it cannot perform an intended or required func- tions from the intended or required function
• Evaluate the local effects (e.g. fuel injection failure) and
2.2.2 The qualitative failure analysis should be based on the effects on the system as a whole (e.g. loss of propul-
single failure criteria, (not two independent failures occur- sion power) of each failure mode as applicable
ring simultaneously). • Identify trials and testing necessary to prove conclusions.

2.2.3 Where a single failure cause results in failure of more Note 1: All stakeholders (e.g., owners, shipyard and manufacturers)
should as far as possible be involved in the development of the
than one component in a system (common cause failure),
all the resulting failures are to be considered together.
2.3.2 The report is to be submitted prior to approval of
2.2.4 Where the occurrence of a failure leads directly to
detail design plans. The report may be submitted in two
further failures, all those failures are to be considered
• A preliminary analysis as soon as the initial arrange-
ments of different compartments and propulsion plant
2.3 Verification of solutions are known which can form the basis of discussion. This
is to include a structured assessment of all essential sys-
2.3.1 The shipyard is to submit a report to the Society that tems supporting the propulsion plant after a failure in
identifies how the objectives have been addressed. The equipment, fire or flooding in any compartment casualty
report is to include the following information:
• A final report detailing the final design with a detailed
• Identify the standards used for analysis of the design assessment of any critical system identified in the pre-
• Identify the objectives of the analysis liminary report.

460 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Part D
Service Notations

Chapter 12






July 2018 Bureau Veritas 461

462 Bureau Veritas July 2018
Pt D, Ch 12, Sec 1


1 General 1.1.3 For ships having to comply with the provisions of

SOLAS Ch II-1 reg 8-1 and SOLAS Ch II-2 reg 21 and 22,
the service notation ro-ro passenger ship is to be completed
1.1 Application
by the additional service feature SRTP according to require-
1.1.1 Ships complying with the requirements of this Chap- ments of NR598 Implementation of Safe Return to Port and
ter are eligible for the assignment of the service notation ro- Orderly Evacuation.
ro passenger ship, as defined in Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.5.3].
1.1.4 Additionnal guidance for arrangement and structural
1.1.2 Ships dealt with in this Chapter are to comply with: assessment is provided in NI 640 Structural Assesment of
• Part A of the Rules Passenger Ships.
• NR216 Materials and Welding
• applicable requirements according to Tab 1.

Table 1 : Applicable requirements

Ships having the Ships having a navigation notation other than

Item navigation notation unrestricted navigation
unrestricted navigation Greater than or equal to 500 GT Less than 500 GT
• Part B • Part B
L ≥ 65 or 90 m (1) • NR566
Ship arrangement • Ch 12, Sec 2 • Ch 12, Sec 2
L < 65 or 90 m (1) • NR600 • NR600 • NR566
• Part B • Part B • Part B
L ≥ 65 or 90 m (1)
Hull • Ch 12, Sec 3 • Ch 12, Sec 3 • Ch 12, Sec 3
L < 65 or 90 m (1) • NR600 • NR600 • NR600
• Part B • Part B
Stability • NR566
• Ch 12, Sec 3 • Ch 12, Sec 3
• Part C • Part C
Machinery and cargo systems • Ch 1, Sec 3 • Ch 1, Sec 3 • NR566
• Ch 11, Sec 4 • Ch 11, Sec 4
• Part C • Part C
Electrical installations • NR566
• Ch 12, Sec 4 • Ch 12, Sec 4
Automation • Part C • Part C • NR566
Fire protection, detection and extinction • Part C • Part C • NR566
(1) Refer to the scope of application of NR600.
Note 1:
NR566: Hull Arrangement, Stability and Systems for Ships less than 500 GT.
NR600: Hull Structure and Arrangement for the Classification of Cargo Ships less than 65 m and Non Cargo Ships less than 90 m.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 463

Pt D, Ch 12, Sec 2


1 General 2 General arrangement design

1.1 Application 2.1 Number and disposition of transverse

watertight bulkheads
1.1.1 The requirements of Ch 11, Sec 2 and Ch 11, Sec 3
apply to multi-deck ships, with double bottom and, in some 2.1.1 Where there are less transverse bulkheads than those
cases, with wing tanks up to the lowest deck above the full specified in Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 1, [2.1] or where the distance
load waterline, intended for the carriage of: between them is considered excessive by the Society, ships
• passengers are to be fitted with a system of partial bulkheads, side
• vehicles which embark and disembark on their own transverse frames and deck transverses such as to provide
wheels, and/or goods in or on pallets or containers equivalent transverse strength.
which can be loaded and unloaded by means of
wheeled vehicles 2.2 Openings in watertight bulkheads below
• railway cars, on fixed rails, which embark and disem- the bulkhead deck
bark on their own wheels.
2.2.1 Openings in machinery spaces
1.2 Definitions Not more than one door apart from the doors to shaft tun-
nels may be fitted in each watertight bulkhead within
1.2.1 Deepest subdivision load line spaces containing the main and auxiliary propulsion
Deepest subdivision load line is the waterline which corre- machinery including boilers serving the needs of propul-
sponds to the summer load line of the ship. sion. Where two or more shafts are fitted the tunnels are to
be connected by an inter-communicating passage. Only
one door is to be provided between the machinery space
1.2.2 Length LS
and the tunnel spaces where two shafts are fitted and only
Subdivision length LS of the ship is the greatest projected two doors where there are more than two shafts. All these
moulded length of that part of the ship at or below deck or doors are to be of the sliding type and are to be so located
decks limiting the vertical extent of flooding with the ship at as to have their sills as high as practicable. The hand gear
the deepest subdivision load line. for operating these doors from above the bulkhead deck is
The length referred to in [2] is the length LS. to be situated outside the spaces containing the machinery.
Portable plates on bulkheads are not permitted except in
1.2.3 Ro-ro cargo spaces
machinery spaces. Such plates are always to be in place
Ro-ro cargo spaces are spaces not normally subdivided in before the ship leaves port, and are not to be removed dur-
any way and normally extending to either a substantial ing navigation except in the case of urgent necessity at the
length or the entire length of the ship in which motor vehi- discretion of the Master. The necessary precautions are to
cles with fuel in their tanks for their own propulsion and/or be taken in replacing them to ensure that the joints are
goods (packaged or in bulk, in or on rail or road cars, vehi- watertight. The Society may permit not more than one
cles, including road or rail tankers, trailers, containers, pal- power-operated sliding watertight door in each watertight
lets, demountable tanks or in or on similar stowage units or bulkhead larger than 1,20 m to be substituted for these
other receptacles) can be loaded and unloaded normally in portable plates, provided these doors are intended to
a horizontal direction. remain closed during navigation except in the case of urgent
necessity at the discretion of the Master. These doors need
1.2.4 Special category spaces not meet the requirements of complete closure by hand-
Special category spaces are those enclosed vehicle spaces operated gear in 90 seconds (see Ch 11, Sec 2, [2.3.3], e)).
above and below the bulkhead deck, into and from which
vehicles can be driven and to which passengers have
access. Special category spaces may be accommodated on 2.2.2 Openings in cargo spaces
more than one deck provided that the total overall clear Watertight doors complying with the requirements of
height for vehicles does not exceed 10 m. [2.4.1] may be fitted in watertight bulkheads dividing cargo
between deck spaces. Such doors may be hinged, rolling or
1.2.5 Positions 1 and 2 sliding doors but are not to be remotely controlled. They are
In ro-ro passenger ships, positions 1 and 2 for the purpose to be fitted at the highest level and as far from the shell plat-
of doors and hatch coaming sills requirements are illus- ing as practicable, but in no case are the outboard vertical
trated on Ch 11, Sec 2, Fig 1. edges to be situated at a distance from the shell plating

464 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 12, Sec 2

which is less than one fifth of the breadth of the ship, such Where a ventilation trunk passing through a structure pene-
distance being measured at right angles to the centreline at trates the bulkhead deck, the trunk is to be capable of with-
the level of the deepest subdivision load line. standing the water pressure that may be present within the
trunk, after having taken into account the maximum heel
The doors accessible during the voyage are to be fitted with angle allowable during intermediate stages of flooding.
a device which prevents unauthorised opening. When it is
proposed to fit such doors, the number and arrangements In the absence of information regarding the above maxi-
are to receive the special consideration of the Society. mum angle of heel, the water pressure relevant to the trans-
verse location of the ventilation trunk is to be linearly
interpolated between 0,5 m at the centreline and a height
2.2.3 Openings in ships carrying goods vehicles corresponding to an angle of 15° from the bulkhead deck
and accompanying personnel plus 0,5 m at the side shell.

This requirement applies to passenger ships designed or 2.2.5 Additional requirements

adapted for the carriage of goods vehicles and accompany-
In addition to [2.2.1], [2.2.2], [2.2.3], and [2.2.4], the
ing personnel where the total number of persons on board,
requirements reported in [2.4.3] are to be complied with.
other than passengers as defined in Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2,
[4.5.2], exceeds 12.
2.3 Openings in bulkheads above the bulk-
If in such a ship the total number of passengers which head deck
include personnel accompanying vehicles does not exceed:
2.3.1 General
N = 12 + -----
25 Measures such as the fitting of partial bulkheads or webs are
to be taken to limit the entry and spread of water above the
where: bulkhead deck. When partial watertight bulkheads and
webs are fitted on the bulkhead deck, above or in the
N : the maximum number of passengers for which
immediate vicinity of watertight bulkheads, their connec-
the ship is certified
tions with the shell and bulkhead deck are to be watertight
A : the total deck area, in m2, of spaces available for so as to restrict the flow of water along the deck when the
the stowage of goods vehicles, ship is in a heeled damaged condition. Where the partial
watertight bulkhead does not line up with the bulkhead
and where the clear height at the stowage position and at below, the bulkhead deck between is to be made effectively
the entrance to such spaces is not less than 4 m, the provi- watertight. Where openings, pipes, scuppers, electric cables
sions of [2.2.2] in respect of watertight doors apply except etc. are carried through the partial watertight bulkheads or
that the doors may be fitted at any level in watertight bulk- decks within the immersed part of the bulkhead deck,
heads dividing cargo spaces. arrangements are to be made to ensure the watertight integ-
rity of the structure above the bulkhead deck.
Additionally, indicators are required on the navigating
bridge to show automatically when each door is closed and The coamings of all openings in the exposed weather deck
all door fastenings are secured. are to be of ample height and strength and are to be pro-
vided with efficient means for expeditiously closing them
weathertight. Freeing ports, open rails and scuppers are to
2.2.4 Trunks and tunnels be fitted as necessary for rapidly cleaning the weather deck
of water under all weather conditions.
Where trunkways or tunnels for access from crew accom-
modation to the stokehold, for piping, or for any other pur- Sidescuttles, gangway, cargo and fuelling ports and other
pose are carried through watertight bulkheads, they are to means for closing openings in the shell plating above the
be watertight and in accordance with the requirements of Pt bulkhead deck are to be of efficient design and construction
B, Ch 4, Sec 7, [1.3]. The access to at least one end of each and of sufficient strength (see Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 10) having
such tunnel or trunkway, if used as a passage at sea, is to be regard to the spaces in which they are fitted and their posi-
through a trunk extending watertight to a height sufficient to tions relative to the deepest subdivision load line.
permit access above the bulkhead deck. The access to the Efficient inside deadlights, so arranged that they can be eas-
other end of the trunkway or tunnel may be through a ily and effectively closed and secured watertight, are to be
watertight door of the type required by its location in the provided for all sidescuttles to spaces below the first deck
ship. Such trunkways or tunnels are not to extend through above the bulkhead deck.
the first subdivision bulkhead abaft the collision bulkhead.

Where trunkways in connection with refrigerated cargo and 2.3.2 Watertight integrity from the ro-ro deck
ventilation or forced draught trunks are carried through (bulkhead deck) to spaces below
more than one watertight bulkhead, the means of closure at In ships subject to the provisions of [2.3.3], the lowest point
such openings are to be operated by power and be capable of all accesses that lead to spaces below the bulkhead deck
of being closed from a central position situated above the is not to be less than 2,5 m above the bulkhead deck.
bulkhead deck.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 465

Pt D, Ch 12, Sec 2

Table 1 : Doors

Sliding type Hinged type Rolling

Remote Remote type
operation Indicator Local operation Indicator Local (cargo
indication on the operation indication on the operation between
on the bridge only on the bridge only deck
bridge bridge spaces)
Watertight Below the open at sea X
bulkhead normally closed (4) X
remain closed (4) X (1) X (1)
Weather- Above the open at sea X X
tight/ semi- bulkhead normally closed (4) X X
watertight deck
remain closed (4) X
(1) The door is to be closed before the voyage commences.
(2) Semi-watertight doors are required when they are located below the waterline at the equilibrium of the intermediate stages of
(3) If the door is accessible during the voyage, a device which prevents unauthorised opening is to be fitted.
(4) Notice to be affixed on both sides of the door: “to be kept closed at sea”.

2.3.3 Vehicle ramps and other accesses 2.4.2 Construction of watertight doors
Where vehicle ramps are installed to give access to spaces The design, materials and construction of all watertight
below the bulkhead deck, their openings are to be closed doors are to be to the satisfaction of the Society.
weathertight to prevent ingress of water below, alarmed and
Such doors are to be suitably marked to ensure that they
indicated to the navigation bridge.
may be properly used to provide maximum safety.
The Society may permit the fitting of particular accesses to
spaces below the bulkhead deck provided they are necessary The frames of vertical watertight doors are to have no
for the essential working of the ship, e.g. the movement of groove at the bottom in which dirt might lodge and prevent
machinery and stores, subject to such accesses being made the door closing properly.
watertight, alarmed and indicated on the navigation bridge.

2.3.4 Open end of air pipes 2.4.3 Doors in watertight bulkheads below the
bulkhead deck
The open end of air pipes terminating within a superstruc-
ture is to be at least 1 m above the waterline when the ship a) Watertight doors, except as provided in [2.2.2] para-
heels to an angle of 15 degrees, or the maximum angle of graph 1 and [2.2.3], are to be capable of being closed
heel during intermediate stages of flooding, as determined simultaneously from the central operating console at the
by direct calculation, whichever is the greater. Where no navigation bridge in not more than 60 s with the ship in
information regarding the above angle of heel is available, the upright position.
the open end of air pipes terminating within a superstruc-
b) The means of operation whether by power or by hand
ture is to be at least 1 m above the waterline when the ship
of any power-operated sliding watertight door are to be
heels to an angle of 15° or 0,5 m above the waterline when
capable of closing the door with the ship listed to 15°
the ship heels to an angle of 15° from the bulkhead deck,
either way. Consideration is to also be given to the
whichever is the greater.
forces which may act on either side of the door as may
Alternatively, air pipes from tanks other than oil tanks may be experienced when water is flowing through the open-
discharge through the side of the superstructure. The provi- ing applying a static head equivalent to a water height of
sions of this paragraph are without prejudice to the provi- at least 1 m above the sill on the centreline of the door.
sions of the International Convention on Load Lines in force.
c) Watertight door controls, including hydraulic piping and
electrical cables, are to be kept as close as practicable to
2.3.5 Additional requirements
the bulkhead in which the doors are fitted, in order to
In addition to [2.3.1], [2.3.2], [2.3.3] and [2.3.4], the minimise the likelihood of them being involved in any
requirements in [2.4.4] are to be complied with. damage which the ship may sustain. The positioning of
watertight doors and their controls are to be such that if
2.4 Doors the ship sustains damage within one fifth of the breadth
of the ship, such distance being measured at right angles
2.4.1 Requirements for doors
to the centreline at the level of the deepest subdivision
The requirements relevant to the degree of tightness, as well load line, the operation of the watertight doors clear of
as the operating systems, for doors complying with the pre- the damaged portion of the ship is not impaired.
scriptions in [2.4.2] and [2.4.3] are specified in Tab 1.

466 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 12, Sec 2

d) All power-operated sliding watertight doors are to be f) The electrical power required for power-operated slid-
provided with means of indication which show at all ing watertight doors is to be supplied from the emer-
remote operating positions whether the doors are open gency switchboard either directly or by a dedicated
or closed. Remote operating positions are only to be distribution board situated above the bulkhead deck.
located at the navigating bridge and at the location The associated control, indication and alarm circuits are
where hand operation above the bulkhead deck is to be supplied from the emergency switchboard either
required by e). directly or by a dedicated distribution board situated
above the bulkhead deck and be capable of being auto-
e) Each power-operated sliding watertight door: matically supplied by a transitional source of emergency
• is to move vertically or horizontally; electrical power in the event of failure of either the main
or emergency source of electrical power.
• is to be normally limited to a maximum clear open-
ing width of 1,20 m. The Society may permit larger The transitional source of emergency electrical power is
doors only to the extent considered necessary for to consist of an accumulator battery suitably located for
the effective operation of the ship provided that use in an emergency which is to operate without
other safety measures, including the following, are recharging while maintaining the voltage of the battery
taken into consideration: throughout the discharge period within 12% above or
below its nominal voltage and be of sufficient capacity
- special consideration is to be given to the
and so arranged as to supply power automatically, in the
strength of the door and its closing appliances in
event of failure of either the main or emergency source
order to prevent leakages;
of electrical power, to control, indication and alarm cir-
- the door is to be located outside the damage cuits at least for half an hour.
zone B/5;
g) Power-operated sliding watertight doors are to have
• is to be fitted with the necessary equipment to open
and close the door using electrical power, hydraulic
power, or any other form of power that is acceptable • a centralised hydraulic system with two independent
to the Society; power sources each consisting of a motor and pump
capable of simultaneously closing all doors. In addi-
• is to be provided with an individual hand-operated
tion, there are to be for the whole installation hydrau-
mechanism. It is to be possible to open and close
lic accumulators of sufficient capacity to operate all
the door by hand at the door itself from either side
the doors at least three times, i.e. closed-open-closed,
and, in addition, close the door from an accessible
against an adverse list of 15°. This operating cycle is
position above the bulkhead deck with an all round
to be capable of being carried out when the accumu-
crank motion or some other movement providing
lator is at the pump cut-in pressure. The fluid used is
the same degree of safety acceptable to the Society.
to be chosen considering the temperatures liable to
Direction of rotation or other movement is to be
be encountered by the installation during its service.
clearly indicated at all operating positions. The time
The power operating system is to be designed to min-
necessary for the complete closure of the door,
imise the possibility of having a single failure in the
when operating by hand gear, may not exceed 90 s
hydraulic piping adversely affect the operation of
with the ship in the upright position;
more than one door. The hydraulic system is to be
• is to be provided with controls for opening and clos- provided with a low-level alarm for hydraulic fluid
ing the door by power from both sides of the door reservoirs serving the power-operated system and a
and also for closing the door by power from the cen- low gas pressure group alarm or other effective
tral operating console at the navigation bridge; means of monitoring loss of stored energy in hydrau-
• is to be provided with an audible alarm, distinct lic accumulators. These alarms are to be audible and
from any other alarm in the area, which is to sound visual and are to be situated on the central operating
whenever the door is closed remotely by power and console at the navigating bridge; or
which is to sound for at least 5 s but no more than • an independent hydraulic system for each door with
10 s before the door begins to move and is to con- each power source consisting of a motor or pump
tinue sounding until the door is completely closed. capable of opening and closing the door. In addition,
In the case of remote hand operation it is sufficient there is to be a hydraulic accumulator of sufficient
for the audible alarm to sound only when the door is capacity to operate the door at least three times, i.e.
moving. Additionally, in passenger areas and areas closed-open-closed, against an adverse list of 15°.
of high ambient noise, the Society may require the This operating cycle is to be capable of being carried
audible alarm to be supplemented by an intermittent out when the accumulator is at the pump cut-in pres-
visual signal at the door; sure. The fluid used is to be chosen considering the
• is to have an approximately uniform rate of closure temperatures liable to be encountered by the installa-
under power. The closure time, from the time the tion during its service. A low gas pressure group
door begins to move to the time it reaches the com- alarm or other effective means of monitoring loss of
pletely closed position, is to in no case be less than stored energy in hydraulic accumulators is to be pro-
20 s or more than 40 s with the ship in the upright vided at the central operating console on the naviga-
position. tion bridge. Loss of stored energy indication at each
local operating position is to also be provided; or

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 467

Pt D, Ch 12, Sec 2

• an independent electrical system and motor for each m) The central operating console at the navigation bridge is to
door with each power source consisting of a motor have a “master mode” switch with two modes of control:
capable of opening and closing the door. The power
• a “local control” mode which is to allow any door to
source is to be capable of being automatically sup-
be locally opened and locally closed after use with-
plied by the transitional source of emergency electri-
out automatic closure, and
cal power in the event of failure of either the main or
emergency source of electrical power and with suffi- • a “doors closed” mode which is to automatically
cient capacity to operate the door at least three times, close any door that is open. The “doors closed”
i.e. closed-open-closed, against an adverse list of 15°. mode is to permit doors to be opened locally and is
to automatically reclose the doors upon release of
The transitional source of emergency electrical power
the local control mechanism.
is to consist of an accumulator battery suitably located
for use in an emergency which is to operate without The “master mode” switch is to normally be in the
recharging while maintaining the voltage of the battery “local control” mode. The “doors closed” mode is to
throughout the discharge period within 12% above or only be used in an emergency or for testing purposes.
below its nominal voltage and be of sufficient capacity Special consideration is to be given to the reliability of
and so arranged as to supply power automatically, in the “master mode” switch.
the event of failure of either the main or emergency
source of electrical power, to watertight doors, but not n) The central operating console at the navigation bridge is
necessarily all of them simultaneously, unless an inde- to be provided with a diagram showing the location of
pendent source of stored energy is provided. each door, with visual indicators to show whether each
For the systems specified above, provision is to be made door is open or closed. A red light is to indicate a door is
as follows: fully open and a green light is to indicate a door is fully
closed. When the door is closed remotely the red light is
Power systems for power-operated watertight sliding to indicate the intermediate position by flashing. The
doors are to be separate from any other power system. indicating circuit is to be independent of the control cir-
A single failure in the electrical or hydraulic power-oper- cuit for each door.
ated systems excluding the hydraulic actuator is not to
prevent the hand operation of any door. o) It is not to be possible to remotely open any door from
the central operating console.
h) Control handles are to be provided at each side of the
bulkhead at a minimum height of 1,6 m above the floor p) All watertight doors are to be kept closed during naviga-
and are to be so arranged as to enable persons passing tion. Certain watertight doors may be permitted to
through the doorway to hold both handles in the open remain open during navigation only if considered abso-
position without being able to set the power closing lutely necessary; that is, being open is determined
mechanism in operation accidentally. The direction of essential to the safe and effective operation of the ship's
movement of the handles in opening and closing the machinery or to permit passengers normally unrestricted
door is to be in the direction of door movement and is to access throughout the passenger area. Such determina-
be clearly indicated. tion is to be made by the Society only after careful con-
sideration of the impact on ship operations and
i) As far as practicable, electrical equipment and compo- survivability. A watertight door permitted to remain thus
nents for watertight doors are to be situated above the open is to be clearly indicated in the ship's stability
bulkhead deck and outside hazardous areas and spaces. information and the damage control documentation and
j) The enclosures of electrical components necessarily sit- is always to be ready for immediate closure.
uated below the bulkhead deck are to provide suitable
protection against the ingress of water. 2.4.4 Doors in bulkheads above the bulkhead deck
k) Electric power, control, indication and alarm circuits are a) General
to be protected against faults in such a way that a failure Doors are to be capable of being opened and closed by
in one door circuit is not to cause a failure in any other hand locally from both sides of the doors with the ship
door circuit. Short-circuits or other faults in the alarm or listed to 15° to either side. If the ship is allowed to heel
indicator circuits of a door are not to result in a loss of up to 20°, during intermediate stages of flooding, then
power operation of that door. Arrangements are to be the doors are to be capable of operation by hand with
such that leakage of water into the electrical equipment the ship listed to 20° to either side.
located below the bulkhead deck is not to cause the Position indicators are to be provided on the bridge as
door to open. well as locally on both side of the doors to show that the
l) A single electrical failure in the power operating or con- doors are open or closed and, if applicable, with all
trol system of a power-operated sliding watertight door dogs/cleats fully and properly engaged.
is not to result in a closed door opening. Availability of Where the doors also serve as fire doors they are to be
the power supply is to be continuously monitored at a provided with position indicators at the fire control sta-
point in the electric circuit as near as practicable to each tion and audible alarms as required for fire doors, as
of the motors required in g). Loss of any such power well as for weathertight doors. Where two doors are fit-
supply is to activate an audible and visual alarm at the ted they must be capable of independent operation
central operating console at the navigation bridge. remotely and from both sides of each door.

468 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 12, Sec 2

b) Doors normally closed at sea ble alarms if such door or closing appliances become open or
In addition to a), doors not required for frequent access the securing arrangements become unsecured. The indicator
while at sea are to be kept normally closed and may be panel on the navigation bridge is to be equipped with a
of either hinged or sliding type. mode selection function “harbour/sea voyage” so arranged
that an audible alarm is given on the navigation bridge if the
Doors kept normally closed are to have local operation ship leaves harbour with the bow doors, inner doors, stern
from both sides of the doors and are to be labelled on ramp or any other side shell doors not closed or any closing
both sides: “to be kept closed at sea”. device not in the correct position. The power supply for the
c) Doors normally open at sea indicator system is to be independent of the power supply for
operating and securing the doors.
Where fitted in public space for the passage of passen-
gers and crew, the doors may be kept normally open at The sensors of the indicator system are to be protected from
sea and may be either hinged or sliding type. water, ice formation and mechanical damage.
In addition to a), doors kept normally open at sea are to The indication panel is to be provided with a lamp test func-
have local power operation from both sides of the door tion. It is not to be possible to turn off the indicator light.
and remote closing from the bridge. Operation of these
doors is to be similar to that specified in Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 2.5.2 Television surveillance and a water leakage detection
5 where, using a “master mode” switch on the bridge, system are to be arranged to provide an indication to the
local control can override the remote closing feature navigation bridge and to the engine control station of any
after which the door is automatically remotely reclosed leakage through inner and outer bow doors, stern doors or
upon release of the local control mechanism. any other shell doors which could lead to flooding of special
category spaces or ro-ro cargo spaces.
Doors kept normally open at sea are to have audible
alarms, distinct from any other alarm in the area, which
sound whenever the doors are closed remotely. The 2.5.3 Special category spaces and ro-ro cargo spaces are to
alarms are to sound for at least 5 s but not more than 10 be continuously patrolled or monitored by effective means,
s before the doors begins to move and continue sound- such as television surveillance, so that any movement of
ing until the doors are completely closed. In passenger vehicles in adverse weather conditions and unauthorised
areas and areas of high ambient noise, the audible access by passengers thereto can be detected whilst the
alarms are to be supplemented by visual signals at both ship is underway.
sides of the doors.
d) The following doors, located above the bulkhead deck, 2.5.4 Documented operating procedures for closing and
are to be provided with adequate means of closure and securing all shell doors, loading doors and other closing
locking devices according to a) and b) above and the appliances which, if left open or not properly secured,
requirements of Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 6, [6]: could, in the opinion of the Society, lead to flooding of a
special category space or ro-ro cargo space, are to be kept
• cargo loading doors in the shell or the boundaries of on board and posted at an appropriate place. The operating
enclosed superstructures, procedures may be included in the stability information or
• bow visors fitted in the shell or the boundaries of in the damage control booklet.
enclosed superstructures,
• cargo loading doors in the collision bulkhead, 2.5.5 A closing indicator is to be fitted for the inner bow
doors which constitute a prolongation of the collision bulk-
• weathertight ramps forming an alternative closure to head above the bulkhead deck as requested in [2.5.1].
those previously defined.

2.4.5 Watertight doors above the freeboard deck 2.6 Ballast compartment arrangement
The scantlings of the watertight doors above the freeboard
2.6.1 Water ballast is not to, in general, be carried in tanks
deck in ro-ro spaces are to be checked in accordance with
intended for fuel oil. In ships in which it is not practicable to
the structural requirements of Part B, Chapter 7 for water-
avoid putting water in fuel oil fuel, oily-water separating
tight structure in flooded conditions.
equipment to the satisfaction of the Society is to be fitted, or
other alternative means, such as discharge to shore facili-
2.5 Integrity of the hull and superstructure, ties, acceptable to the Society is to be provided for dispos-
damage prevention and control ing of the oily-water ballast (see Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [7]).

2.5.1 Indicators are to be provided on the navigation bridge

for all shell doors, loading doors and other closing appliances 2.7 Double bottom arrangement
which, if left open or not properly secured, could, in the
opinion of the Society, lead to flooding of a special category 2.7.1 A double bottom is to be fitted extending from the
space or ro-ro cargo space. The indicator system is to be collision bulkhead to the after peak bulkhead, as far as this
designed on the fail-safe principle and is to show by visual is practicable and compatible with the design and proper
alarms if the door is not fully closed or if any of the securing working of the ship.
arrangements are not in place and fully locked and by audi-

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 469

Pt D, Ch 12, Sec 2

2.7.2 Where a double bottom is required to be fitted, the

inner bottom is to be continued out to the ship’s sides in
such a manner as to protect the bottom to the turn of the 2.7.6 In the case of unusual bottom arrangements, it is to
bilge. Such protection is to be deemed satisfactory if the be demonstrated that the ship is capable of withstanding
inner bottom is not lower at any part than a plane parallel bottom damages, as specified in Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 3, [3.4].
with the keel line and which is located not less than a verti-
cal distance h measured from the keel line, as calculated by
the formula: 2.7.7 In case of large lower holds in passenger ships, the
Society may require an increased double bottom height of
h = B/20
not more than B/10 or 3 m, whichever is less, measured
However, in no case is the value of h to be less than 760 from the keel line. Alternatively, bottom damages may be
mm, and need not to be taken as more than 2 m. calculated for these areas, in accordance with Pt B, Ch 3,
Sec 3, [3.4] but assuming an increased vertical extent.
2.7.3 Small wells constructed in the double bottom, in con-
nection with the drainage arrangements of holds, are not to
extend downward more than necessary. A well extending to
the outer bottom, is, however, permitted at the after end of 2.8 Machinery compartment arrangement
the shaft tunnel of the ship. Other wells may be permitted
by the Society if it is satisfied that the arrangements give 2.8.1 When longitudinal bulkheads are fitted in the
protection equivalent to that afforded by a double bottom machinery space, adequate self-operating arrangements are
complying with [2.7]. In no case, the vertical distance from to be provided in order to avoid excessive heel after dam-
the bottom of such a well to a plane coinciding with the age.
keel line is to be less than 500 mm. Where such arrangements are cross-flooding systems, their
area is to be calculated in accordance with the require-
2.7.4 A double bottom need not be fitted in way of water- ments in Ch 11, App 1. In addition, such systems are to
tight tanks, including dry tanks of moderate size, provided comply with the criteria for the maximum time necessary to
the safety of the ship is not impaired in the event of bottom cross flood according to Ch 12, Sec 3, [2.3.5] c).
or side damage as defined in Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 3, [3.4].
2.9 Passenger spaces in ro-ro ships
2.7.5 Any part of a ship that is not fitted with a double bot-
2.9.1 No passenger spaces are permitted within the
tom in accordance with [2.7.1] or [2.7.4] is to be capable of
enclosed ro-ro decks.
withstanding bottom damages, as specified in Pt B, Ch 3,
Sec 3, [3.4], in that part of the ship.

470 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 12, Sec 3


1 General
2.1.4 Subdivision length Ls
The subdivision length Ls is the greatest projected moulded
1.1 Documents to be submitted
length of that part of the ship at or below deck or decks lim-
1.1.1 In addition to the documentation requested in Part B, iting the vertical extent of flooding with the ship at the deep-
the following documents are to be submitted: est subdivision draught.
• Plans of the bow or stern ramps, elevators for cargo han- 2.1.5 Machinery space
dling and movable decks, if any, including:
Machinery spaces are spaces between the watertight
- structural arrangements of ramps, elevators and boundaries of a space containing the main and auxiliary
movable decks with their masses propulsion machinery, including boilers, generators and
- arrangements of securing and locking devices electric motors primarily intended for propulsion. In the
- connection of ramps, lifting and/or hoisting appli- case of unusual arrangements, the Society may define the
ances to the hull structures, with indication of limits of the machinery spaces.
design loads (amplitude and direction)
2.1.6 Other definitions
- wire ropes and hoisting devices in working and
stowed position Mid-length is the mid point of the subdivision length of the
- hydraulic jacks
- loose gear (blocks, shackles, etc.) indicating the safe Aft terminal is the aft limit of the subdivision length.
working loads and the testing loads Forward terminal is the forward limit of the subdivision
- test conditions length.
• Operating and maintenance manual (see Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 5 Breadth B is the greatest moulded breadth, in m, of the ship
and Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 6) of bow and stern doors and ramps at or below the deepest subdivision draught.
• Plan of design loads on deck Draught d is the vertical distance, in m, from the moulded
baseline at mid-length to the waterline in question.
• Plan of arrangement of motor vehicles, railway cars and/or
other types of vehicles which are intended to be carried Permeability μ of a space is the proportion of the immersed
and indicating securing and load bearing arrangements volume of that space which can be occupied by water.
• Characteristics of motor vehicles, railways cars and/or
other types of vehicles which are intended to be carried: 2.2 Intact stability
(as applicable) axle load, axle spacing, number of
wheels per axle, wheel spacing, size of tyre print 2.2.1 General
• Plan of dangerous areas, in the case of ships intended for Every passenger ship regardless of size is to be inclined
the carriage of motor vehicles with petrol in their tanks upon its completion and the elements of its stability deter-
mined. The Master is to be supplied with such information
satisfactory to the Society as is necessary to enable him by
rapid and simple processes to obtain accurate guidance as
2 Stability to the stability of the ship under varying conditions of ser-
vice. A copy of the stability information is to be furnished to
2.1 Definitions the Society.
Where any alterations are made to a ship so as to materially
2.1.1 Deepest subdivision draught
affect the stability information supplied to the Master,
The deepest subdivision draught (dS) is the waterline which amended stability information is to be provided. If neces-
corresponds to the summer load line draught of the ship. sary the ship is to be re-inclined.
2.1.2 Light service draught 2.2.2 Periodical lightweight check
Light service draught (dL) is the service draught correspond-
ing to the lightest anticipated loading and associated tank- At periodical intervals not exceeding five years, a light-
age, including, however, such ballast as may be necessary weight survey is to be carried out on all passenger ships to
for stability and/or immersion. verify any changes in lightship displacement and longitudi-
nal centre of gravity. The ship is to be re-inclined whenever,
2.1.3 Partial subdivision draught in comparison with the approved stability information, a
The partial subdivision draught (dP) is the light service deviation from the lightship displacement exceeding 2% or
draught plus 60% of the difference between the light ser- a deviation of the longitudinal centre of gravity exceeding
vice draught and the deepest subdivision draught. 1% of Ls is found, or anticipated.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 471

Pt D, Ch 12, Sec 3

2.2.3 Standard requirements 2.3.2 Required subdivision index R

In addition to Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 2, [2], the requirements in These regulations are intended to provide ships with a mini-
[2.2.4] to [2.2.6] are to be complied with for the loading mum standard of subdivision. In addition to these require-
conditions defined in Pt B, Ch 3, App 2, [1.2.1] and Pt B, Ch ments, the requirements of [2.3.12] are to be complied
3, App 2, [1.2.9]. with.
2.2.4 Crowding of passengers R = 1 – ------------------------------------------------
L s + 2, 5N + 15225
The angle of heel on account of crowding of passengers to
one side as defined below may not exceed 10°: where: N = N1 + 2N2
• a minimum weight of 75 kg is to be assumed for each N1 : Number of persons for whom lifeboats are pro-
passenger except that this value may be increased sub- vided
ject to the approval of the Society. In addition, the mass N2 : Number of persons (including officers and
and distribution of the luggage is to be approved by the crew) the ship is permitted to carry in excess of
Society; N1.
• the height of the centre of gravity for passengers is to be Where the conditions of service are such that compliance
assumed equal to: with N = N1 + 2N2 is impracticable and where the Society
- 1,0 m above deck level for passengers standing considers that a suitably reduced degree of hazard exists, a
upright. Account may be taken, if necessary, of cam- lesser value of N may be taken but in no case less than
ber and sheer of deck; and N = N1 + N2. The reduced value of N is also to be subject to
- 0,3 m above the seat in respect of seated passengers. the agreement of the flag administration.
• passengers and luggage are to be considered to be in 2.3.3 Attained subdivision index A
the spaces normally at their disposal; The attained subdivision index A is to be calculated in
• passengers without luggage are to be considered as dis- accordance with Pt B, Ch 3, App 3, [1.4].
tributed to produce the most unfavourable combination The partial indices As , Ap and AL are not to be less than
of passenger heeling moment and/or initial metacentric 0,9 R.
height, which may be obtained in practice. In this con-
nection, a value higher than four persons per square 2.3.4 Calculation of the factor pi
metre is not necessary. The factor pi is to be calculated in accordance with Pt B, Ch
3, App 3, [1.5].
2.2.5 Maximum turning angle
The angle of heel on account of turning may not exceed 10° 2.3.5 Calculation of the factor si
when calculated using the following formula: The factor si is to be determined for each case of assumed
V0 
flooding, involving a compartment or group of compart-
- Δ KG – -----1
M R = 0, 02 -------
LS  2 ments, in accordance with the following notations and the
provisions in this regulation.
θe : The equilibrium heel angle in any stage of flood-
MR : Heeling moment, in t.m
ing, in degrees
V0 : Service speed, in m/s
θv : The angle, in any stage of flooding, where the
T1 : Mean draught, in m righting lever becomes negative, or the angle at
KG : Height of centre of gravity above keel, in m. which an opening incapable of being closed
weathertight becomes submerged
2.2.6 Where anti-rolling devices are installed in a ship, the
In applying this criterion, openings which are
Society is to be satisfied that the above criteria can be main-
incapable of being closed weathertight include
tained when the devices are in operation.
ventilators that have to remain open to supply
air to the engine room or emergency generator
2.2.7 Stability booklet for ro-ro ships room for the effective operation of the ship.
The stability booklet of ro-ro ships is to contain information GZmax : The maximum positive righting lever, in metres,
concerning the importance of securing and maintaining all up to the angle θv
closure watertight integrity, due to the rapid loss of stability Range : The Range of positive righting levers, in degrees,
which may result when water enters the vehicle deck and measured from the angle θe. The positive range is
the fact capsize can rapidly occur. to be taken up to the angle θv
Flooding stage is any discrete step during the flooding pro-
2.3 Damage stability for ships where SDS cess, including the stage before equalization (if any) until
notation has been required final equilibrium has been reached.
The factor si, for any damage case at any initial loading con-
2.3.1 General
dition, di, shall be obtained from the formula:
The requirements of this Section are to be applied to pas-
senger ships in conjunction with the exploratory notes as si = minimum {sintermediate,i or sfinal,i · smom,i}
set out by the IMO Resolution MSC 281(85). where:

472 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 12, Sec 3

sintermediate,i: The probability to survive all intermediate flood- 2.3.6 Equalization arrangements
ing stages until the final equilibrium stage, and is Unsymmetrical flooding is to be kept to a minimum consist-
calculated in accordance with item a) ent with the efficient arrangements. Where it is necessary to
sfinal,i : The probability to survive in the final equilib- correct large angles of heel, the means adopted shall, where
rium stage of flooding. It is calculated in accord- practicable, be self-acting, but in any case where controls to
ance with item b) equalization devices are provided they are to be operable
from above the bulkhead deck. These fittings together with
smom,i : The probability to survive heeling moments, their controls are to be acceptable to the Society. Suitable
and is calculated in accordance with item c) information concerning the use of equalization devices are
a) Calculation of s intermediate: to be supplied to the master of the ship.
The factor sintermediate,i is to be taken as the least of the s- Tanks and compartments taking part in such equalization
factors obtained from all flooding stages including the are to be fitted with air pipes or equivalent means of suffi-
stage before equalization, if any, and is to be calculated cient cross-section to ensure that the flow of water into the
as follows: equalization compartments is not delayed.
--- 2.3.7 Cases where si is to be equal to zero
GZ max Range 4
s intermediate, i = ---------------
- -----------------
0, 05 7 In all cases, si is to be taken as zero in those cases where the
final waterline, taking into account sinkage, heel and trim,
where GZmax is not to be taken as more than 0,05 m and
Range as not more than 7°. sintermediate = 0, if the interme-
diate heel angle exceeds 15º. Where cross-flooding fit- • the lower edge of openings through which progressive
tings are required, the time for equalization is not to flooding may take place and such flooding is not
exceed 10 min. The time for equalization is to be calcu- accounted for in the calculation of factor si. Such open-
lated in accordance with Ch 11, App 1 ings are to include air-pipes, ventilators and openings
which are closed by means of weathertight doors or
b) Calculation of s final: hatch covers, but the openings closed by means of
The factor sfinal,i is to be obtained from the formula: watertight manhole covers and flush scuttles, small
watertight hatch covers, remotely operated sliding water-
GZ max Range 4 tight doors, side scuttles of the non-opening type as well
s final, i = K ---------------
- -----------------
as watertight access doors and hatch covers required to
0, 12 16
be kept closed at sea need not be considered.
• any part of the bulkhead deck considered a horizontal
GZmax is not to be taken as more than 0,12 m evacuation route.
Range is not to be taken as more than 16°. The factor si is to be taken as zero if, taking into account
K = 1 if θe ≤ θmin sinkage, heel and trim, any of the following occur in any
intermediate stage or in the final stage of flooding:
K = 0 if θe ≥ θmax
• immersion of any vertical escape hatch in the bulkhead
θ max – θ e deck intended for compliance with the applicable
K= ----------------------- otherwise
θ max – θ min requirements of Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 8
where: • any controls intended for the operation of watertight
doors, equalization devices, valves on piping or on ven-
θmin is equal to 7°
tilation ducts intended to maintain the integrity of water-
θmax is equal to 15°. tight bulkheads from above the bulkhead deck become
inaccessible or inoperable
c) Calculation of s moment:
• immersion of any part of piping or ventilation ducts car-
The factor smom,i is to be calculated at the final equilib-
ried through a watertight boundary that is located
rium from the formula:
within any compartment included in damage cases con-
( GZ max – 0, 04 )Displacement tributing to the attained index A, if not fitted with water-
s mom, i = --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
M heel tight means of closure at each boundary.
where: 2.3.8 Calculation of the factor νi
Displacement is the intact displacement at the subdivi- Where horizontal watertight boundaries are fitted above the
sion draught waterline under consideration the s-value calculated for the
Mheel is the maximum assumed heeling moment as cal- lower compartment or group of compartments is to be
culated as follows: obtained by multiplying the value as determined in [2.3.5]
by the reduction factor νm defined below, which represents
Mheel = maximum {Mpassenger or Mwind or MSurvivalcraft}
the probability that the spaces above the horizontal subdivi-
where heeling moments Mpassenger , Mwind and MSurvivalcraft sion will not be flooded.
are calculated in [2.3.11]. The factor νi is to be calculated in accordance with Pt B, Ch
smom,i ≤ 1 3, App 3, [1.6.7] and Pt B, Ch 3, App 3, [1.6.8].

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 473

Pt D, Ch 12, Sec 3

2.3.9 Contribution dA to the index A • all lifeboats and rescue boats fitted on the side to
The contribution dA to the index A is to be calculated in which the ship has heeled after having sustained
accordance with Pt B, Ch 3, App 3, [1.6.9]. damage are to be assumed to be swung out fully
loaded and ready for lowering
2.3.10 Permeability • for lifeboats which are arranged to be launched fully
For the purpose of the subdivision and damage stability cal- loaded from the stowed position, the maximum
culations of the regulations, the permeability of each gen- heeling moment during launching is to be taken
eral compartment or part of a compartment is to be • a fully loaded davit-launched liferaft attached to
according to Tab 1. each davit on the side to which the ship has heeled
Other figures for permeability may be used if substantiated after having sustained damage is to be assumed to
by calculations. be swung out ready for lowering
The permeability of the Ro-Ro spaces is to be as per Tab 2. • persons not in the life-saving appliances which are
swung out are not to provide either additional heel-
Table 1 : Values of permeability ing or righting moment
• life-saving appliances on the side of the ship oppo-
Spaces Permeability
site to the side to which the ship has heeled are to
Appropriated to stores 0,60 be assumed to be in a stowed position.
Occupied by accommodation or voids 0,95 c) Moment due to wind pressure:
Occupied by machinery 0,85 Mwind is the maximum assumed wind force acting in a
Intended for liquids 0 or 0,95 (1) damage situation:
(1) whichever results in the more severe requirements. Mwind = (P A Z) / 9,806⋅103 (tm)
P : Wind pressure
Table 2 : Permeability of Ro-Ro spaces
P =120 N/m2
Permeability at draught: A : Projected lateral area above waterline
dS dP dL z : Distance from centre of lateral projected
area above waterline to T/2; and
0,90 0,90 0,95
T : Ship’s draught, di .
2.3.11 Inclining moments 2.3.12 Special requirements concerning stability
The following inclining moments are to be taken into A passenger ship intended to carry 400 or more persons is
account: to have watertight subdivision abaft the collision bulkhead
so that si = 1 for the three loading conditions on which is
a) Moment due to the crowding of passengers: based the calculation of the subdivision index and for a
Mpassenger is the maximum assumed heeling moment damage involving all the compartments within 0,08 LLL
resulting from movement of passengers, and is to be measured from the forward perpendicular.
obtained as follows: A passenger ship intended to carry 36 or more persons is to
Mpassenger = (0,075 Np) (0,45 B) (tm) be capable of withstanding damage along the side shell to
where: an extent specified below. Compliance with this regulation
is to be achieved by demonstrating that si, as defined in
Np : Maximum number of passengers permitted [2.3.5], is not less than 0,9 for the three loading conditions
to be on board in the service condition cor- on which is based the calculation of the subdivision index.
responding to the deepest subdivision
draught under consideration; and The damage extent to be assumed when demonstrating
compliance with the above paragraph, is to be dependent
B : Beam of the ship. on both N as defined in [2.3.2], and Ls as defined in [2.1],
Alternatively, the heeling moment may be calculated such that:
assuming the passengers are distributed with 4 persons • the vertical extent of damage is to extend from the ships
per square metre on available deck areas towards one moulded baseline to a position up to 12,5 m above the
side of the ship on the decks where muster stations are position of the deepest subdivision draught as defined in
located and in such a way that they produce the most [2.1], unless a lesser vertical extent of damage were to
adverse heeling moment. In doing so, a weight of 75 kg give a lower value of si in which case this reduced extent
per passenger is to be assumed. is to be used
b) Moment due to launching of all fully loaded davit- • where 400 or more persons are to be carried, a damage
launched survival craft on one side: length of 0,03 Ls but not less than 3 m is to be assumed at
MSurvivalcraft is the maximum assumed heeling moment any position along the side shell, in conjunction with a
due to the launching of all fully loaded davit-launched penetration inboard of 0,1 B but not less than 0,75 m
survival craft on one side of the ship. It shall be calcu- measured inboard from the ship side, at right angle to the
lated using the following assumptions: centreline at the level of the deepest subdivision draught

474 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 12, Sec 3

• where less than 400 persons are carried, damage length is When curves or tables of minimum operational metacentric
to be assumed at any position along the shell side between height (GM) versus draught are not appropriate, the master is
transverse watertight bulkheads provided that the distance to ensure that the operating condition does not deviate from
between two adjacent transverse watertight bulkheads is a studied loading condition, or verify by calculation that the
not less than the assumed damage length. If the distance stability criteria are satisfied for this loading condition.
between adjacent transverse watertight bulkheads is less
than the assumed damage length, only one of these bulk- 2.3.14 Damage control documentation
heads is to be considered effective for the purpose of Plans showing clearly for each deck and hold the bounda-
demonstrating compliance with the criteria si ≥ 0,9 ries of the watertight compartments, the openings therein
• where 36 persons are carried, a damage length of with the means of closure and position of any controls
0,015 Ls but not less than 3 m is to be assumed, in con- thereof, and the arrangements for the correction of any list
junction with a penetration inboard of 0,05 B but not due to flooding are to be permanently exhibited for the
less than 0,75 m guidance of the officer in charge of the ship. In addition,
• where more than 36, but fewer than 400 persons are booklets containing the aforementioned information are to
carried the values of damage length and penetration be made available to the officers of the ship.
inboard, used in the determination of the assumed Watertight doors which may be permitted to remain open
extent of damage, are to be obtained by linear interpola- during navigation as reported in Ch 11, Sec 2, [2.3.3] p) are
tion between the values of damage length and penetra- to be clearly indicated in the damage control plan with the
tion which apply for ships carrying 36 persons and indication that “doors are always to be ready for immediate
400 persons. closure”.
Detailed description of the information to be included in
2.3.13 Documents to be supplied
the damage control documentation is reported in Pt B, Ch
The master is to be supplied with such information satisfac- 3, Sec 3, [4].
tory to the Society as is necessary to enable him by rapid
and simple processes to obtain accurate guidance as to the
stability of the ship under varying conditions of service. A 3 Structure design principles
copy of the stability information shall be furnished to the
Society. 3.1 General
The information should include:
3.1.1 Wood sheathing is recommended for caterpillar
• curves or tables of minimum operational metacentric
trucks and unusual vehicles.
height (GM) versus draught which assures compliance
with the relevant intact and damage stability require- It is recommended that a piece of wood of suitable thick-
ments, alternatively corresponding curves or tables of ness should be fitted under each crutch in order to distrib-
the maximum allowable vertical centre of gravity (KG) ute the mass over the plate and the nearest stiffeners.
versus draught, or with the equivalents of either of these
curves 3.2 Hull structure
• instructions concerning the operation of cross-flooding
arrangements 3.2.1 Framing
• all other data and aids which might be necessary to In general, the strength deck and the bottom are to be longi-
maintain the required intact stability and stability after tudinally framed.
damage. Where a transverse framing system is adopted for such ships,
The stability information is to show the influence of various it is to be considered by the Society on a case by case basis.
trims in cases where the operational trim range exceeds +/-
0,5% of Ls . 3.2.2 Side structures
The above information is determined from considerations Where decks are fitted with ramp openings adjacent to the
related to the subdivision index, in the following manner: ship’s side, special consideration is to be given to the sup-
Minimum required GM (or maximum permissible vertical ports for the side framing.
position of centre of gravity KG) for the three draughts ds, dp
and dl are equal to the GM (or KG values) of corresponding 4 Design loads
loading cases used for the calculation of survival factor si . For
intermediate draughts, values to be used are to be obtained
4.1 Loads on deck
by linear interpolation applied to the GM value only between
the deepest subdivision draught and the partial subdivision 4.1.1 Plan of design loads on deck
draught and between the partial load line and the light service
A plan of design static loads on deck, including fork lift
draught respectively. Intact stability criteria will also be taken
areas, axle loads and tyre print areas of wheeled loads, is to
into account by retaining for each draft the maximum among
be provided by the supplier.
minimum required GM values or the minimum of maximum
permissible KG values for both criteria. If the subdivision All values displayed on this plan are to be at least equiva-
index is calculated for different trims, several required GM lent to the values given by the present Rules for each kind of
curves will be established in the same way. load.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 475

Pt D, Ch 12, Sec 3

4.1.2 Exposed decks Table 3 : Minimum net thickness of the inner bottom,
The pressure to be considered for passenger load on side and weather strength deck plating
exposed decks is to be not less than 3 kN/m2.
Plating Minimum net thickness (mm)
Passenger loads and sea pressure are not to be combined.
Inner bottom outside engine
2,0 + 0,02 L k1/2 + 4,5 s
4.2 Lowest 0,5 m of bulkheads forming ver- Side
tical division along escape routes • below freeboard deck
2,1 + 0,028 L k1/2 + 4,5 s
• between freeboard deck
4.2.1 The still water and inertial pressures transmitted to the (1)
and strength deck
structures belonging to lowest 0,5 m of bulkheads and other
Weather strength deck and
partitions forming vertical divisions along escape routes are 2,2 k1/2 + 2,1 + s
trunk deck
to be obtained, in kN/m2, as specified in Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 6,
[7], where the value pS is to be taken not less than 1,5 Balconies L < 120 m 0.3 + 0.004 L k1/2 + 4,5 s
kN/m2 to allow them to be used as walking surfaces from the L ≥ 120 m 1,1 + 2,20 k1/2 + s
side of the escape route with the ship at large angles of heel. (1) See Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1, [2.2].
Note 1:
k : Material factor for steel, defined in Pt B, Ch 4,
5 Hull girder strength Sec 1, [2.3].
s : Length, in m, of the shorter side of the plate panel.
5.1 Basic criteria
6.2 Ordinary stiffeners
5.1.1 Strength deck 6.2.1 Lowest 0,5 m of bulkheads forming vertical
In addition to the requirements in Pt B, Ch 6, Sec 1, [2.2], division along escape routes
the contribution of the hull structures up to the strength The net scantlings of ordinary stiffeners belonging to the
deck to the longitudinal strength is to be assessed through a lowest 0,5 m of bulkheads and other partitions forming ver-
finite element analysis of the whole ship in the following tical divisions along escape routes are to be obtained
cases: according to Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 2, where the loads are defined
• when the size of openings in the side shell and/or longi- in [4.2.1].
tudinal bulkheads located below the deck assumed by
the Designer as the strength deck decrease significantly 6.3 Primary supporting members
the capability of the plating to transmit shear forces to
the strength deck 6.3.1 Double bottom structures
In ships where pillars are widely spaced and transmit very
• when the ends of superstructures which are required to high loads to the double bottom, the net scantlings of dou-
contribute to longitudinal strength may be considered ble bottom structures are to be considered by the Society on
not effectively connected to the hull structures in way. a case-by-case basis, taking into account the results of
direct calculations to be carried out according to the criteria
6 Hull scantlings in Pt B, Ch 7, App 1.
Where deemed necessary, on the basis of the above results,
6.1 Plating additional floors and bottom girders may be required.

6.3.2 Lowest 0,5 m of bulkheads forming vertical

6.1.1 Minimum net thicknesses division along escape routes
The net thickness of the inner bottom, side and weather The net scantlings of primary supporting members belong-
strength deck plating is to be not less than the values given ing to the lowest 0,5 m of bulkheads and other partitions
in Tab 3. forming vertical divisions along escape routes are to be
obtained according to Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 3, where the loads are
If a complete deck does exist at a distance from the free-
defined in [4.2.1].
board deck exceeding 2 times the standard height of super-
structures as defined in Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 2, [3.19], the side
shell plating located between this complete deck and the 7 Other structures
strength deck may be taken not greater than the thickness of
deckhouse sides defined in Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 4. 7.1 Superstructures and deckhouses
6.1.2 Lowest 0,5 m of bulkheads forming vertical 7.1.1 Where a ventilation trunk passing through a structure
division along escape routes penetrates the bulkhead deck, the trunk is to be capable of
withstanding the water pressure that may be present within
The net thickness of plating belonging to the lowest 0,5 m
the trunk, after having taken into account the maximum
of bulkheads and other partitions forming vertical divisions
heeling angle allowable during intermediate stages of flood-
along escape routes is to be obtained according to Pt B, Ch
ing, in accordance with the criteria in [2.3.5] item c).
7, Sec 1, where the loads are defined in [4.2.1].

476 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 12, Sec 3

7.1.2 Where all or part of the penetration of the bulkhead

deck is on the main ro-ro deck, the trunk is to be capable of 7.2 Side doors and stern doors
withstanding impact pressure due to internal water motions
(sloshing) of water trapped in the ro-ro deck, to be calcu- 7.2.1 Side doors and stern doors leading to enclosed
lated according to the applicable formulae in Pt B, Ch 5, spaces are to comply with the requirements of Pt B, Ch 8,
Sec 6, [2]. Sec 6

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 477

Pt D, Ch 12, Sec 4


1 General consist of accumulator batteries located within the light-

ing units that are continuously charged, where practica-
ble, from the emergency switchboard. Alternatively, any
1.1 Applicable requirements
other means of lighting which is at least as effective may
1.1.1 In addition to the relevant requirements of Part C, be accepted by the Society. The supplementary lighting
Chapter 2 and Ch 11, Sec 5 and those contained in this Sec- shall be such that any failure of the lamp will be immedi-
tion, electrical installations in spaces intended for the car- ately apparent. Any accumulator battery provided shall
riage of motor vehicles with fuel in their tanks for their be replaced at intervals having regard to the specified
propulsion are to comply with those of Part C, Chapter 4. service life in the ambient conditions that they are sub-
ject to in service;
1.2 Documentation to be submitted b) a portable rechargeable battery operated lamp shall be
provided in every crew space alleyway and recreational
1.2.1 In addition to the documentation requested in Pt C, space and every working space which is normally occu-
Ch 2, Sec 1, Tab 1, the following are to be submitted for pied unless supplementary emergency lighting, as
approval: required in (a), is provided.
a) plan of hazardous areas
b) document giving details of types of cables and safety 3 Installation
characteristics of the equipment installed in hazardous
areas 3.1 Installations in special category spaces
c) diagrams of indicator systems for shell doors, loading situated above the bulkhead deck
doors and similar appliances, television surveillance or
water leakage detection systems 3.1.1 On any deck or platform, if fitted, on which vehicles
are carried and on which explosive vapours might be
d) diagrams of the supplies to the supplementary emer- expected to accumulate, except platforms with openings of
gency lighting systems. sufficient size permitting penetration of petrol gases down-
wards, electrical equipment and cables are to be installed at
1.3 Safety characteristics least 450 mm above the deck or platform.

1.3.1 The explosion group and temperature class of electri- Electrical equipment is to be as stated in Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3,
cal equipment of a certified safe type for use with explosive [10.1.7] and electrical cables as stated in Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3,
petrol-air mixtures are to be at least IIA and T3. [10.2.3].

3.1.2 Where the installation of electrical equipment and

1.4 Flooding detection systems for passenger cables at less than 450 mm above the deck or platform is
ships carrying 36 or more persons deemed necessary for the safe operation of the ship, the
electrical equipment is to be of a certified safe type as stated
1.4.1 A flooding detection system for watertight spaces in Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3, [10.1.6] and the electrical cables are to
below the bulkhead deck is to be provided based on IMO be as stated in Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3, [10.2.2].
3.1.3 Electrical equipment and cables in exhaust ventila-
2 Supplementary emergency lighting tion ducts are to be as stated in [3.1.2].

3.1.4 The requirements in this item are summarised in Tab 1.

2.1.1 In addition to the emergency lighting required in Ch 3.2 Installations in special category spaces
11, Sec 5, [2.2], on every passenger ship with ro-ro cargo situated below the bulkhead deck
spaces or special category spaces:
3.2.1 Any electrical equipment installed is to be as stated
a) all passenger public spaces and alleyways shall be pro- in Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3, [10.1.6] and electrical cables are to be
vided with supplementary electric lighting that can as stated in Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3, [10.2.2].
operate for at least three hours when all other sources of
electrical power have failed and under any condition of 3.2.2 Electrical equipment and cables in exhaust ventila-
heel. The illumination provided shall be such that the tion ducts are to be as stated in [3.2.1].
approach to the means of escape can be readily seen.
The source of power for the supplementary lighting shall 3.2.3 The requirements in this item are summarised in Tab 2.

478 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 12, Sec 4

Table 1 : Electrical equipment permitted in special category spaces above the bulkhead deck

No Description of spaces Electrical equipment
1 Areas at less than 450 mm above the a) any type that may be considered for zone 0 Zone 1
deck or platforms for vehicles, if fit- b) certified intrinsically safe apparatus Ex(ib)
ted, without openings of sufficient
c) simple electrical apparatus and components (e.g. thermocouples, pho-
size permitting penetration of petrol
tocells, strain gauges, junction boxes, switching devices), included in
gases downward
intrinsically-safe circuits of category “ib” not capable of storing or gen-
erating electrical power or energy in excess of limits stated in the rele-
vant rules, and acceptable to the appropriate authority
d) certified flameproof Ex(d)
e) certified pressurised Ex(p)
f) certified increased safety Ex(e)
g) certified encapsulated Ex(m)
h) certified sand filled Ex(q)
i) certified specially Ex(s)
j) cables sheathed with at least one of the following:
• a non-metallic impervious sheath in combination with braiding or
other metallic covering
• copper or stainless steel sheath (for mineral insulated cables only).
2 Exhaust ventilation ducts As stated under item 1. Zone 1
3 • areas above a height of 450 mm a) any type that may be considered for zone 1 Zone 2
from the deck b) tested specially for zone 2 (e.g. type “n” protection)
• areas above a height of 450 mm
c) pressurised, and acceptable to the appropriate authority
from each platform for vehicles, if
fitted, without openings of suffi- d) encapsulated, and acceptable to the appropriate authority
cient size permitting penetration e) the type which ensures the absence of sparks and arcs and of “hot
of petrol gases downward spots” during its normal operation. For installation, in compliance
• areas above platforms for vehi- with Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 12, [2.2.2], a minimum class of protection IP55 is
cles, if fitted, with openings of acceptable as an alternative
sufficient size permitting penetra- f) cables sheathed with at least a non-metallic external impervious
tion of petrol gases downward sheath.

Table 2 : Electrical equipment permitted in special category spaces below the bulkhead deck

Description Hazardous
No Electrical equipment
of spaces area
1 Special a) any type that may be considered for zone 0 Zone 1
category b) certified intrinsically safe apparatus Ex(ib)
c) simple electrical apparatus and components (e.g. thermocouples, photocells, strain gauges,
junction boxes, switching devices), included in intrinsically-safe circuits of category “ib” not
capable of storing or generating electrical power or energy in excess of limits stated in the rel-
evant rules, and acceptable to the appropriate authority
d) certified flameproof Ex(d)
e) certified pressurised Ex(p)
f) certified increased safety Ex(e)
g) certified encapsulated Ex(m)
h) certified sand filled Ex(q)
i) certified specially Ex(s)
j) cables sheathed with at least one of the following:
• a non-metallic impervious sheath in combination with braiding or other metallic covering
• copper or stainless steel sheath (for mineral insulated cables only).
2 Exhaust As stated under item 1. Zone 1

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 479

Pt D, Ch 12, Sec 4

3.3 Installations in cargo spaces other than 3.4.4 The temperature rise on the live parts of socket outlets
special category spaces intended for the and plugs is not to exceed 30°C. Socket outlets and plugs
carriage of motor vehicles are to be so constructed that they cannot readily short-cir-
cuited whether the plug is in or out, and so that a pin of the
3.3.1 The requirements for installations in special category plug cannot be made to earth either pole of the socket out-
spaces situated below the bulkhead deck, as stated in [3.2], let.
3.4.5 The minimum required degree of protection for
3.3.2 All electric circuits terminating in cargo holds are to socket outlets installed in vehicle spaces is IP56.
be provided with multipole linked isolating switches
3.4.6 Socket-outlets and plugs with a specified degree of
located outside the holds. Provision is to be made for lock-
protection shall be provided with effective means to main-
ing in the off position.
tain the same degree of protection after the plug is removed
This requirement does not apply to safety installations such from the socket-outlet.
as fire, smoke or gas detection systems. Where a loose cover is used for this purpose, it shall be
anchored to its socket-outlet, for example by means of a
3.4 Protection of socket outlets in vehicle chain.
3.4.7 Suitable means for phase inversion are to be available
3.4.1 The provisions of [3.4.2] to [3.4.6] are applicable to for 3-phase sockets.
socket outlets with a rated current not exceeding 63A in AC
installations and 16A in DC installations. Socket outlets 4 Type approved components
with higher rated current will be subject to special consid-
eration by the Society. 4.1
3.4.2 A separate final sub-circuit is to be provided for each 4.1.1 Accumulator lamps for the supplementary electric
socket outlet. Each final sub-circuit is to be automatically lighting, alarm systems for closing devices of openings and
disconnected in case of overcurrent, overload and earth water leakage detection systems if of electronic type, and
fault (e.g. with an earth fault breaker). television surveillance systems are to be type approved or in
accordance with [4.1.2].
3.4.3 Socket outlets with a current rating above 16A are to
be provided with a switch. The switch is to be so inter- 4.1.2 Case-by-case approval based on submission of ade-
locked that the plug can only be inserted or withdrawn quate documentation and execution of tests may also be
when the switch is in “off” position. granted at the discretion of the Society.

480 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Part D
Service Notations

Chapter 13







July 2018 Bureau Veritas 481

482 Bureau Veritas July 2018
Pt D, Ch 13, Sec 1


1 General 1.2.2 The document listed in Tab 3 are to be submitted for

information, as applicable.
1.1 Application
1.2.3 The following documents are also to be submitted for
1.1.1 Ships complying with the requirements of this Chap- split hopper dredger and split hopper unit:
ter are eligible for the assignment of one of the following
service notations: • Superstructure hinges and connections to the ship’s
structure, including mass and location of the superstruc-
• dredger
ture centre of gravity
• hopper dredger
• Structure of hydraulic jack spaces
• hopper unit
• split hopper dredger • Deck hinges, including location of centre of buoyancy
and of centre of gravity of each half-hull, mass of
• split hopper unit
equipped half-hull, half mass of spoil or water, supplies
as defined in Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.6]. for each half-hull and mass of superstructures supported
by each half-hull
1.1.2 Ships dealt with in this Chapter are to comply with:
• Hydraulic jacks and connections to ship’s structure
• Part A of the Rules
including operating pressure and maximum
• NR216 Materials and Welding
pressure of the hydraulic jacks (cylinder and rod sides)
• applicable requirements according to Tab 1. and corresponding forces

• Longitudinal chocks of bottom and deck

1.2 Documents to be submitted
• Transverse chocks
1.2.1 The document listed in Tab 2 are to be submitted for
approval, as applicable. • Hydraulic installation of jacks, with explanatory note.

Table 1 : Applicable requirements

Item Greater than or equal to 500 GT Less than 500 GT

Ship arrangement • Part B • NR566
• Part B • Part B
L ≥ 65 or 90 m (1)
• Ch 13, Sec 2 • Ch 13, Sec 2
• NR600 • NR600
L < 65 or 90 m (1)
• Ch 13, Sec 2 • Ch 13, Sec 2
• Part B • NR566
• Ch 13, Sec 2 • Ch 13, Sec 2
• Part C • NR566
Machinery and cargo systems
• Ch 13, Sec 3 • Ch 13, Sec 3
Electrical installations • Part C • NR566
Automation • Part C • NR566
Fire protection, detection and extinction • Part C • NR566
(1) 90 m for ships assigned with the service notation dredger and 65 m for ships assigned with the service notation hopper dredger,
hopper unit, split hopper dredger and split hopper unit.
Note 1:
NR566: Hull Arrangement, Stability and Systems for Ships less than 500 GT.
NR600: Hull Structure and Arrangement for the Classification of Cargo Ships less than 65 m and Non Cargo Ships less than 90 m.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 483

Pt D, Ch 13, Sec 1

Table 2 : Documents to be submitted for approval

No. Description of the document

1 Construction of suction inlet tube
2 Gantry foundations
3 Bottom door and cylinder integrations
4 Overflow
5 Calculation of clearances
6 Hinges, chocks and cylinder integrations
7 Integration of spuds
8 Couplings
9 Integration cutter ladder
10 Integration anchor booms
11 Foundation excavator
12 General arrangement of the dredging equipment
13 Specification of the dredging equipment operation test
14 Transverse sections through hoppers, wells, pump rooms and dredging machinery spaces
15 Structural arrangement of hoppers and supporting structures including when relevant:
• location, mass, fore and aft extent of the movable dredging equipment, for each loading condition
• calculations of the horizontal forces acting on the suction pipe and on the gallows
16 Closing arrangements, if any
17 Connection of dredging machinery with the hull structure

Table 3 : Documents to be submitted for information

No. Description of the document

1 Calculation of SWBM and shear forces in sailing and working conditions
2 Design loads on all components of the dredging equipment

484 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 13, Sec 2



For symbols not defined in this Section, refer to the list at Ry : Minimum yield stress, in N/mm2, of the mate-
the beginning of this Chapter. rial, to be taken equal to 235/k N/mm2, unless
T : Navigation draught, in m, corresponding to the otherwise specified
international freeboard ReH : Minimum yield stress, in N/mm2, of the material
TD : Dredging draught, in m, corresponding to the Rm : Minimum ultimate tensile strength, in N/mm2,
dredging freeboard of the material.
C : Wave parameter defined in Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 2 or
NR600, Ch 3, Sec 2, [5], as applicable 1 Stability
H : Wave parameter defined in Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 2
k : Material factor for steel, defined in Pt B, Ch 4, 1.1 Intact stability
Sec 1, [2.3]
n, n1 : Navigation coefficients, defined in Pt B, Ch 5, 1.1.1 General
Sec 1, [2.6] or NR600, Ch 3, Sec 2, [4], as The intact stability of the ship is to be sufficient to comply
applicable with the criteria indicated in [1.1.3] for the operational
nD : Navigation coefficient in dredging situation, loading conditions of Pt B, Ch 3, App 2, [1.2.10] and the
defined in [3.3.3] calculation method described in [1.1.2].
s : Spacing, in m, of ordinary stiffeners 1.1.2 Calculation method
δ : Specific gravity of the mixture of sea water and The calculation of the righting lever curves is to take into
spoil, taken equal to: account:
PD • the change of trim due to heel
δ = ------
• the inflow of seawater or outflow of liquid cargo at the
PD : Maximum mass, in t, of the spoil contained in upper edge of the hopper coaming in the case of an
the hopper space open hopper
VD : Volume of the hopper space, in m3, limited to • the inflow of water at the lower edge of the overflow,
the highest weir level located at cargo level or at the lowest possible position
g : Gravity acceleration, in m/s2: above cargo level, or at the lower edge of the lowest
overflow ports or spillways.
g = 9,81 m/s2
p : Maximum length, in m, of the hopper well 1.1.3 Intact stability criteria
bp : Maximum breadth, in m, of the hopper well The area under the righting lever curve is not to be less than
CFA : Combination factor, to be taken equal to: 0,07 m.rad up to an angle of 15° when the maximum right-
ing lever GZmax occurs at 15° and 0,055 m.rad up to an
• CFA = 0,7 for load case “c”
angle of 30° when the maximum righting lever GZmax
• CFA = 1,0 for load case “d” occurs at 30° or above. Where the maximum righting lever
a : Distance from the bottom to the sealing joint GZmax occurs at angles of between 15° and 30°, the corre-
located at the lower part of the hopper well, in m sponding area under the righting lever curve is to be equal
h1 : Distance, in m, from spoil level to base line when to or greater than A, where A is to be obtained, in m.rad by
working at the dredging freeboard (see Fig 7) the following formula:
h2 : Distance, in m, from spoil level to base line A = 0,055 + 0,001 (30° − θmax)
when working at the international freeboard θmax being the angle of heel in degrees at which the right-
(see Fig 7) ing lever curve reaches its maximum.
h4 : Distance, in m, from the lowest weir level to The area under the righting lever curve between the angles
base line of heel of 30° and 40° or between 30° and the down-flood-
T3 : Navigation draught, in m, with well filled with ing angle θf, if this angle is less than 40°, is to be not less
water up to waterline than 0,03 m.rad.
T4 : Navigation draught, in m, with well filled with The righting lever GZ is to be at least 0,20 m at an angle of
water up to the lowest weir level heel equal to or greater than 30°.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 485

Pt D, Ch 13, Sec 2

The maximum righting lever GZmax should occur at an charged only at one side of the longitudinal centreline of
angle of heel not less than 15°. the hopper, horizontally equally distributed at the discharg-
ing side.
The initial metacentric height GM0 as corrected for the free
surface effect of the tanks and the hopper(s) containing liq-
uids is not to be less than 0,15 m. 1.2 Damage stability where the additional
class notation SDS has been requested
1.1.4 Weather criterion at the international
freeboard 1.2.1 General
At the international freeboard, the dredger is to comply with When the dredger is assigned a dredging freeboard which is
the requirements of Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 2, [3.2] considering: less than B/2, where B is the statutory freeboard as calcu-
• the state of the cargo as a liquid lated in accordance with the International Convention on
Load Lines 1966, the dredger is to comply with the require-
• 10% stores and fuel ments of Pt B, Ch 3, App 3, [1], modified by [1.2.2], [1.2.3]
• and the hopper(s) loaded with a homogeneous cargo up and [1.2.5]. The dredger may not be assigned a freeboard
to the upper edge of the hopper coaming if the density less than B/3.
of the cargo is not less than 1000 kg/m3; otherwise the
hopper is considered to be partially loaded with a cargo 1.2.2 Calculation method of the righting lever
of density equal to 1000 kg/m3. curves

The calculation of the righting lever curves is to take into

1.1.5 Weather criterion at the dredging freeboard
At the dredging freeboard, the dredger is to comply with the • the change of trim due to heel
requirements of Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 2, [3.2] considering a
reduced wind pressure equal to 270 N/m2 for the most • the inflow of seawater or outflow of cargo at the upper
severe of the loading conditions in Pt B, Ch 3, App 2, edge of the hopper coaming in the case of an open hopper
[1.2.10]. The most severe loading condition is defined as • the inflow of water at the lower edge of the overflow,
the loading condition where the area under the righting located at the highest possible position or at the lower
lever curve between 0° and 40° is the least. edge of the lowest overflow ports or spillways

1.1.6 Dredgers with open hopper(s) • the sliding of the cargo in the hopper, in transverse and
longitudinal direction, according to the following shift-
When the height of the hopper coaming overflow edge ing law:
above the dredging draught is less than the minimum bow
height as specified in the International Load Line Conven- - for ρ ≤ 1400 (liquid cargo):
tion 1966, the loading conditions in Pt B, Ch 3, App 2, θr = θg
[1.2.10] at the dredging draught are to take into account a
layer of seawater on top of the cargo up to the overflow - for 1400 < ρ < 2000 (sliding cargo):
edge of the hopper coaming. However, if overflow ports or θr = θg (2000 − ρ) / 600
spillways of a size sufficient to enable a fast freeing of the
water in the hopper on top of the cargo are fitted in the hop- - for ρ ≥ 2000 (solid cargo):
per coaming above the freeboard deck, the layer of sea θr = 0
water may be reduced up to the lower edge of the overflow
ports or spillways. where:
The area of the overflow ports or spillways is to be at least ρ : Cargo density, in kg/m3
equivalent to the area required by Regulation 24(1) of the
International Convention on Load Lines, 1966. θr : Angle of heel or angle of trim, in degrees
θg : Shifting angle of the cargo, in degrees.
1.1.7 Dredgers with bottom doors or similar means
1.2.3 Progressive flooding
Dredgers with bottom doors or similar means at port side
and at starboard side are to comply with the following crite- Internal and external progressive floodings are to be consid-
ria considering an asymmetric discharging: ered in accordance with the requirements of Pt B, Ch 3, Sec
• the angle of equilibrium is not to exceed 25° 3, [3.3].
• the righting lever GZ within the 30° range beyond the
1.2.4 The attained subdivision index AU
angle of equilibrium is to be at least 0,10 m
• the range of stability is not to be less than 30°. The attained subdivision index AU is to be calculated for the
draught dU and the corresponding initial trim assuming the
The dredger is assumed loaded up to the dredging draught dredger in the unloaded condition, i.e. loaded with 50%
with solid cargo of a density equal to 1900 kg/m3, when dis- fuel and stores, no cargo in the hopper(s) and the hopper(s)
charging, 20% of the total hopper load is assumed to be dis- in direct communication with the sea.

486 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 13, Sec 2

1.2.5 The attained subdivision index AL 2.1.3 Where dredgers are likely to work in association with
hopper barges, the shell plating is to be protected by a
The attained subdivision index AL is to be calculated assum-
fender extending from the load waterline to the lowest
ing the dredger loaded at the dredging draught dl with 50% waterline.
fuel and stores, for each of the densities ρd and ρi defined
by: Additional structural reinforcements are to be provided in
way of fenders and submitted to the Society for approval.
• The design density ρd corresponding to the dredging
draught and obtained from the following formula: 2.1.4 On bucket dredgers, in order to prevent dangerous
ρd = M2 / V2 flooding in the event of damage to the shell plating by metal
debris (e.g. anchors), a watertight compartment is to be pro-
vided at the lower part of the caissons on either side of the
M2 : Mass of cargo in the hopper when the bucket well in the area of the buckets. The compartment is
dredger is loaded at the dredging draught to be of adequate size to allow surveys to be carried out.
with 50% fuel and stores
2.1.5 Reinforcements are to be provided at locations where
V2 : Volume of the hopper at the highest over-
the hull is heavily stressed, such as:
flow position.
• beneath the suction pipe gallows
• Each density ρi greater than ρd, obtained from the fol-
lowing formula: • in way of the gallow frame on bucket dredgers
ρi = 2200 − 200 i • points where tow ropes are secured
where i is equal to 0; 1; 2; 3; etc. • connections of piles, etc.

The damage stability calculations are to be performed tak- 2.1.6 Flat bottom areas, other than flat bottom area for-
ing into account the initial trim of the dredging draught, an ward, where dynamic pressures due to the bottom impact
assumed permeability of the cargo in the hopper equal to might occur are to be examined by the Society on a case by
0% and a permeability of the space above the cargo equal case basis.
to 100%.

1.2.6 Damage stability criteria 2.1.7 Weirs are to be provided in the hopper spaces. Their
sectional area is to be large enough, taking into account the
The dredger is to comply with the following criteria: density of the water-spoil mixture to be drained off.
A≥R The disposition and location of the weirs are to be such that:
AU ≥ 0,7 R • they prevent the maximum authorised draught from
being exceeded during loading
AL ≥ 0,7 R
• trim and stability are always in accordance with the
reviewed loading conditions
R : Required index as defined in Pt B, Ch 3, App 3,
• draining off is made without any overflowing on the
AU : Attained subdivision index at the unloaded
draught dU, as defined in [1.2.4] 2.1.8 The corners of the cut-outs in the bottom plating are
AL : Attained subdivision index at the loaded to be rounded and the radius is to be as large as possible,
especially near the bottom doors.
draught dl and for the cargo densities defined in
[1.2.5]. The shape and the radius of cut-out corners are to be in
accordance with Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 6 or NR600, Ch 2, Sec 1,
as applicable.
2 Structure design principles
2.1.9 Where hopper barges and suction dredgers are
2.1 General intended for deep sea navigation, it is recommended, as far
as possible, that sidescuttles should not be fitted in the shell
2.1.1 The attention of Designers is drawn to the fact that plating.
structural arrangement of ships for dredging activities
involves discontinuities and that particular care is to be 2.1.10 The brackets are generally to be of a swept shape. A
taken to avoid cracks or fractures. flange is to be fitted on the free edge if the length of this
edge exceeds 60 times the web thickness.
2.1.2 Where dredgers are likely to work in association with
hopper barges, the sheerstrake is to be protected, slightly 2.1.11 For ships with one of the service notations split hop-
below the deck, by a fender efficiently secured to the shell per dredger or split hopper unit, where panting beams are
plating and extending over at least two thirds of the ship’s provided as stated in Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 1, [2.7], stringers and
length. Compensation is to be provided in way of the gang- web frames are to be fitted on the centreline bulkheads of
way port in raised deck, if fitted. the two half-hulls to take up the reactions.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 487

Pt D, Ch 13, Sec 2

2.2 Longitudinal members in the area of the Figure 2 : Brackets at fore and aft ends of cellular keel
hopper well strengthening flat

2.2.1 The scantlings of the midship region are generally to

be kept over the full length of the hopper well. fold
in the vertical
2.2.2 Attention is to be paid to the structural continuity of
longitudinal members, especially coaming and hopper well bracket

2.2.3 The upper deck stringer plate is to extend to the lon- knuckle cellular keel
gitudinal bulkhead over the full length of the hopper well.

2.2.4 The fore and aft ends of the longitudinal bulkheads of

the hopper spaces are to be extended by large brackets gen-
erally having a length and a width equal to D/4. It is recom-
mended that a swept shape should be provided for these in the same plane
brackets (see Fig 1).
2.2.7 The Society may, on a case-by-case basis, require that
The upper bracket is to be welded to the deck and extended longitudinal members of the double bottom structure are
by a longitudinal deck girder. extended, by means of brackets, inside the side compart-
The lower bracket, which is generally oblique, is to be ments bounding the hopper spaces.
welded to the bottom or to the tank top. In the latter case,
2.2.8 Arrangements other than those described in [2.2.4] to
the lower bracket is to be extended inside the double bot-
[2.2.7] are to be considered by the Society on a case-by-
tom by means of a solid keelson extending at least over
case basis.
three frame spaces beyond the end of the bracket.

2.3 Transverse members in the area of the

Figure 1 : Brackets at fore and aft ends of
longitudinal bulkheads of the hopper spaces hopper well

2.3.1 Transverse primary supporting rings

Within the hopper well area, transverse primary supporting
bracket rings are to be provided and are to involve:
• deep floors inside hopper spaces
hopper space shell
• side vertical primary supporting members
• hopper well vertical primary supporting members

in the same plane

• strong beams inside hopper spaces, at deck or trunk

• where necessary, cross-ties connecting either the side
vertical primary supporting members to the hopper well
vertical primary supporting members or the floor to the
inclined bulkhead hopper well vertical primary supporting members.

The spacing of the transverse rings is generally to be taken

not greater than five frame spaces.

2.3.2 The cellular keel is to be rigidly connected to the

transverse rings required in [2.3.1].
in the same plane

2.3.3 The upper part of the cellular keel may be connected

to the deck or trunk structure by means of axial or inclined
2.2.5 The fore and aft ends of the centreline cellular keel
pillars in association with strong beams, or by a centreline
are to be extended by means of brackets having a length at
wash bulkhead.
least equal to the depth of this keel.
In areas where a double bottom is provided, the brackets 2.3.4 The connection of hopper space floors with the longi-
may be arranged in accordance with Fig 2. tudinal bulkheads and the cellular keel is to be arranged
such that the continuity of the strength is ensured.
2.2.6 The vertical sides of the trunks are to be extended Where the floor is made of a box with sloping sides, par-
beyond the end of the hopper spaces over a distance of at ticular attention is to be paid to the continuity of the lower
least 1,5 times their height. flange. Fig 3 shows an example of possible connection.

488 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 13, Sec 2

Figure 3 : Example of connection with floor 2.4.3 In areas where, during suction pipe operations, the
made of box with sloping sides drag head and the joint may run against the hull, one or
several of the following arrangements are generally to be
• thickness plating in excess of thickness obtained
according to Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1 or NR600, Ch 4, Sec 3, as
longitudinal bulkhead
applicable, for bilge and side shell
• reinforcement of the structure by means of vertical pri-
mary supporting members, girders, intermediate frames
cellular keel
or longitudinals, depending on the construction type
• fenders to be provided outside the hull; these fenders
together with the bilge shape are not to impede the suc-
tion pipe operation
• cofferdam to be provided to limit the possible flooding
of side compartments.

2.4.4 The suction pipes are generally to be fitted with:

floor • auxiliary devices able to lift the suction pipe, in addition
to the suction pipe davits
2.3.5 The connection between the flanges of the strong • a sufficient number of attachment points on the suction
beams and the adjacent structure is generally to be made by pipe itself, to facilitate handling
means of brackets having the thickness of these flanges and
• a load limiting device to avoid any overload, if the suc-
extending inside the adjacent structure.
tion pipe is equipped with cutting teeth
• accessories fitted onto the suction pipe built in several
2.4 Arrangements relating to suction pipes parts to facilitate partial replacements in case of damage.

2.4.1 Where a cut-out is necessary in the side shell plating

2.5 Chafing areas
to fit the suction pipe guides, continuity of members is to be
restored, for example by means of knuckled plates as thick 2.5.1 Some parts of the structure subjected to heavy wear,
as the side shell plating and with a knuckle angle as small such as longitudinal bulkheads of hopper spaces, may be
as possible. protected or reinforced to avoid frequent replacement.
The knuckles are to be stiffened by reinforced vertical pri-
mary supporting members and intercostal girders of the 2.5.2 If protection is provided by means of removable
same web height (see Fig 4 and Fig 5). plates, called chafing plates, attention is to be paid to avoid
corrosion between the facing sides of these plates and the
hopper space plating.
Figure 4 : Transversely framed side -
Cut-out reinforced by means of knuckled plate
2.5.3 If reinforcement is made by increasing the thickness,
the section moduli may be determined taking into account
the extra thickness, provided that the chafing limits, beyond
which the plates are to be replaced, are determined accord-
ing to the extra thickness values.
Figure 5 : Longitudinally framed side - If this extra thickness is disregarded in the section moduli
Cut-out reinforced by means of knuckled plate calculation, this is to be clearly indicated on the midship
section drawing.

2.6 Reinforcements for grounding

The fillet welding between the web of vertical primary sup- 2.6.1 If grounding is considered for normal operation of the
porting members and the knuckled plates is not to be made ship, the bottom plating and the bottom structure are to be
onto the knuckles, but about 50 mm apart. reinforced as indicated in [2.6.2] to [2.6.5].

2.4.2 The suction pipe guides are to be fitted as far as pos- 2.6.2 Along the full length of the ship, in the area of flat bot-
sible from the hopper space ends or from any cut-out in the toms, the bottom net thickness obtained according to Pt B,
bottom or deck plating. Ch 7, Sec 1 or NR600, Ch 4, Sec 3, as applicable, is to be
increased by 2,5 mm.
A 60% reinforced deck plate, not exceeding 38 mm, is to be
provided in way of the cut-out of the guides. This plate is to 2.6.3 Where the ship has a transversely framed double bot-
extend over at least one frame space forward and aft of the tom, floors are to be fitted at each frame space and associ-
vertical primary supporting members provided for in ated with intercostal longitudinal girders, the mean spacing
[2.4.1]. of which is to be not greater than 2,10 m.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 489

Pt D, Ch 13, Sec 2

Moreover, intercostal longitudinal ordinary stiffeners located Calculation of the still water bending moment and shear
at mid-spacing of bottom girders are to be provided. force for any loading case corresponding to a special use of
the ship may be required by the Society on a case-by-case
2.6.4 Where the ship has a longitudinally framed double basis. In particular, in the case of stationary dredgers, the
bottom, the floor spacing may not exceed three frame curve of the still water bending moment, where the suction
spaces and the bottom girder spacing may not exceed three pipe is horizontal, is to be submitted to the Society for
longitudinal ordinary stiffener spaces. approval.
intercostal transverse stiffeners are to be provided at mid-
span of longitudinal ordinary stiffeners. 3.3 Hull girder loads for dredgers, hopper
Floors are to be stiffened by vertical stiffeners having the dredgers and hopper units of more than
same spacing as the longitudinal ordinary stiffeners. 65 m in length

2.6.5 Where the ship is built with open hopper spaces (bot- 3.3.1 Application
tom doors provided on the bottom), reinforcements as The provisions in [3.3.2] to [3.3.5] apply to ships with one
required in [2.6.3] or [2.6.4] are to be provided within the of the service notations dredger, hopper dredger or hopper
side compartments, the cellular keel and, in general, within unit.
the limits of the flat bottom area.
3.3.2 Vertical still water bending moments
2.7 Bolted structures In addition to the vertical still water bending moments
MSW,H and MSW, S in navigation situation defined in Pt B, Ch
2.7.1 Where the dredger is made of several independent 5, Sec 2, [2.2], the vertical still water bending moments in
members connected by bolting, the connection is to be dredging situation MSW,H,D and MSW,S,D are also to be consid-
examined by the Society on a case-by-case basis. ered, in hogging and sagging conditions, respectively.
If the design vertical still water bending moments in dredg-
3 Design loads ing situation are not defined at a preliminary design stage,
at any hull transverse section, the longitudinal distributions
3.1 General shown in Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 2, Fig 2 may be considered, where
MSW is the vertical design still water bending moment amid-
3.1.1 Design loads are to be determined for the various ships, in dredging hogging or sagging conditions, whose
load cases in the following two situations: absolute values are to be taken not less than the values
obtained, in kN.m, from the following formulae:
• navigation situation, considering the draught T and the
navigation coefficient n • in hogging conditions:
• dredging situation, considering the dredging draught TD MSWM, H, D = 175 n1 C L2 B (CB + 0,7) 10−3 − MWV, H, D
and the navigation coefficient nD. • in sagging conditions:
3.1.2 For dredgers made of bolted structure, the Society MSWM, S, D = 175 n1 C L2 B (CB + 0,7) 10−3 + MWV, S, D
may require the hull girder loads calculated with the maxi-
mum length of the unit when mounted to be applied to where MWV, H, D and MWV, S, D are the vertical wave bending
each individual element. moments in dredging situation, in kN.m, defined in [3.3.3].

3.3.3 Vertical wave bending moments

3.2 Loading conditions
In addition to the vertical wave bending moments MWV, H
3.2.1 In addition to the requirements in Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 2, and MWV, S in navigation situation defined in Pt B, Ch 5, Sec
[2.1], as applicable, still water loads are to be calculated for 2, [3.1], the vertical wave bending moments in dredging sit-
the following loading conditions: uation at any hull transverse section are to be obtained, in
kN.m, from the following formulae:
• homogeneous loading at maximum dredging draught if
higher than the maximum service draught • in hogging conditions:
• partial loading conditions MWV, H, D = 190 FM nD C L2 B CB 10−3
• any specified non-homogeneous loading condition, in • in sagging conditions:
particular where dredgers are fitted with several hopper
MWV, S, D = − 110 FM nD C L2 B (CB + 0,7) 10−3
• navigation conditions with hopper space(s) filled with where:
water up to the load line FM : Distribution factor defined in Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 2,
• working conditions at international freeboard with the Tab 1 (see also Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 2, Fig 3)
hopper space(s) filled with spoil nD : Coefficient defined in Tab 1 depending on the
• ballast navigation conditions, with empty hopper operating area, without being taken greater than
space(s), if applicable. n.

490 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 13, Sec 2

Table 1 : Coefficient nD in dredging situation

Associated HS , in m
Operating area nD
L ≤ 110 m 110 m < L ≤ 150 m 150 m < L ≤ 180 m
dredging within 8 miles from shore 1/3 HS < 1,5 HS < 2,0 HS < 2,0
dredging within 15 miles from shore or
2/3 1,5 ≤ HS < 2,5 2,0 ≤ HS < 3,0 2,0 ≤ HS < 3,5
within 20 miles from port
dredging over 15 miles from shore 1 HS ≤ 2,5 HS ≤ 3,0 HS ≤ 3,5
Note 1:
HS : Maximum significant wave height, in m, for operating area in dredging situation, according to the operating area nota-
tion assigned to the ship (see Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.6.3]).

3.3.4 Horizontal wave bending moments 3.4.3 Vertical still water bending moments
In addition to the horizontal wave bending moment MWH in The vertical still water bending moments to be applied on
navigation situation defined in Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 2, [3.2], the one half-hull in navigation and dredging situations are to be
horizontal wave bending moment in dredging situation at taken equal respectively to half the vertical still water bend-
any hull transverse section is to be obtained, in kN.m, from ing moments defined in:
the following formula: • Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 2, [2.2] for navigation situation
2 • [3.3.2] for dredging situation.
MWH, D = 0,42 FM nD H L TD CB

3.3.5 Vertical wave shear forces 3.4.4 Vertical wave bending moments
In addition to the vertical wave shear force QW in naviga- The vertical wave bending moments to be applied on one
tion situation defined in Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 2, [3.4], the vertical half-hull in navigation and dredging situations are to be
wave shear force in dredging situation at any hull transverse taken equal respectively to half the vertical wave bending
section is to be obtained, in kN, from the following formula: moments defined in:
• Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 2, [3.1] for navigation situation
QW, D = 30 FQ nD C L B (CB + 0,7) 10−2
• [3.3.3] for dredging situation.
where FQ is the distribution factor defined in Pt B, Ch 5, Sec
2, Tab 3 (see also Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 2, Fig 6). 3.4.5 Horizontal still water bending moments
The horizontal still water bending moments to be applied
3.4 Hull girder loads for split hopper on one half-hull in navigation and dredging situations are to
dredgers and split hopper units of more be obtained, in kN.m, from the formulae given in Tab 2,
than 65 m in length assuming that the hopper well is simply supported at each
3.4.1 Application If the hopper well may not be considered as simply sup-
The provisions in [3.4.2] to [3.4.8] apply to ships with one ported at each end, the horizontal still water bending
of the service notations split hopper dredger or split hopper moments to be applied on one half-hull in navigation and
unit. dredging situations are to be determined on a case by case
3.4.2 General
Table 2 : Split hopper dredgers and split hopper units
Horizontal bending moments are to be calculated assuming
Horizontal still water bending moment on half-hulls
that the hopper well is simply supported at each end.
The clearance between the two half-hulls is to be large Horizontal still water bending moment MSHH , in kN.m
enough not to be suppressed when the hopper well is full Hopper well mid-section (1) Hopper well ends (1)
1 c1  2
Details of the calculation of the necessary clearances are to –  --- + -------
- p 0
 8 2 p p
be submitted to the Society for review.
(1) Between hopper well mid-section and ends, the value
However, the calculation of the horizontal moments is car-
of the horizontal still water bending moment is to be
ried out assuming that both ends of the hopper well are obtained by linear interpolation.
partly clamped, on condition that at deck and bottom level
Note 1:
chocks are provided forward and aft of the well so that:
p : Load per metre, in kN/m, applied along the hop-
• the clearance between the two half-hulls is nil per well, defined in Tab 3 depending on the
• the chocks are long enough to withstand the end loading condition
moments due to the horizontal forces developed along c1 : Distance, in m, from deck hinges to ends of
the hopper well. hopper well (see Fig 6).

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 491

Pt D, Ch 13, Sec 2

Table 3 : Load per metre applied along the hopper well Table 4 : Split hopper dredgers and split hopper units
Horizontal wave bending moment on half-hulls
Loading condition p, in kN/m
Horizontal wave bending moment MWHH , in kN.m
2 2
Maximum loading at δ ( h 1 – a ) – 1 ,025 ( T D – a ) Hopper well
-g Hopper well mid-section (1)
dredging draught 2 ends (1)
Loading corresponding to 2 2 Navigation situation:
δ ( h 2 – a ) – 1 ,025 ( T – a )
international freeboard with -----------------------------------------------------------------
 M WV 0
T + 0, 079Cn  2 ----D- – 1 ( C B + 0, 7 ) -----------
2 -
well full of spoil
 L  B
Service condition with well
filled with water up to the 0 Dredging situation:
waterline  M WV 0
T + 0, 079Cn D  2 ----D- – 1 ( C B + 0, 7 ) -----------
 L  B
Service condition with well 2 2
1 ,025 [ ( h 4 – a ) – ( T 4 – a ) ]
filled with water up to the ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-g (1) Between hopper well mid-section and ends, the value
lowest weir level of the horizontal wave bending moment is to be
obtained by linear interpolation.
Figure 6 : Definitions of dimensions Note 1:
in hopper well area T : Draught, in m, corresponding to the loading
condition considered
MWV : Vertical wave bending moment, in kN.m,
defined in:
• Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 2, [3.1] for the navigation
hopper well • [3.3.3] for the dredging situation.

3.4.7 Combined still water and wave vertical

C1 p C1 bending moment
In the midship area, the total vertical bending moment MV
D to be applied on half-hull is to be obtained, in kN.m, from
Tab 5.
At hopper well ends, the total bending moment MV is to be
determined in accordance with Tab 5 considering:
Figure 7 : Definitions of distances for calculation • for the still water vertical bending moment: the greater
of the load applied along the hopper well of the values at the fore and aft hopper well ends
• for the vertical wave bending moment: the longitudinal
distribution defined in Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 2, Tab 1.

Table 5 : Vertical bending moment applied on half-hull

h1 or h 2

Vertical bending moment MV , in kN.m

TD or T

Navigation situation Dredging situation

a M SW ,H + M WV ,H M SW ,H ,D + M WV ,H ,D
Hogging -------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
2 2

M SW ,S + M WV ,S M SW ,S ,D + M WV ,S ,D
Sagging ------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------
2 2

Note 1:
3.4.6 Horizontal wave bending moments
MSW, H , MSW, S : Still water vertical bending moment in naviga-
The horizontal wave bending moments to be applied on tion situation in hogging and sagging condition,
one half-hull in navigation and dredging situations are to be respectively, defined in Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 2, [2.2]
obtained, in kN.m, from the formulae given in Tab 4, MWV, H , MWV, S : Wave vertical bending moment in navigation
assuming that the hopper well is simply supported at each situation in hogging and sagging condition, respec-
end. tively, defined in Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 2, [3.1]
MSW, H, D , MSW, S, D : Still water vertical bending moment in
If the hopper well may not be considered as simply sup- dredging situation, in hogging and sagging con-
ported at each end, the horizontal still water bending dition, respectively, defined in [3.3.2]
moments to be applied on one half-hull in navigation and MWV, H, D , MWV, S, D : Wave vertical bending moment in dredg-
dredging situations are to be determined on a case by case ing situation, in hogging and sagging condition,
basis. respectively, defined in [3.3.3].

492 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 13, Sec 2

3.4.8 Combined still water and wave horizontal 4 Hull girder strength of dredgers,
bending moment
hopper dredgers and hopper units
The total horizontal bending moment MH applied on half-
hull at hopper well mid-section and at hopper well ends, in
navigation and dredging situations, is to be obtained, in 4.1 General
kN.m, from the following formula:
4.1.1 The hull girder strength of ships with one of the ser-
MH = MSHH + MWHH vice notations dredger, hopper dredger or hopper unit is to
where: be checked for navigation situation and dredging situation
according to the criteria of Part B, Chapter 6, considering
MSHH : Horizontal still water bending moment, defined
the still water and wave bending moments defined in [3.3].
in [3.4.5] at hopper well mid-section and at
hopper well ends, in navigation and dredging
4.1.2 For dredgers made of bolted structure, the Society
may require the hull girder strength criteria to be applied to
MWHH : Horizontal wave bending moment, defined in each individual element, considering the loads calculated
[3.4.6] at hopper well mid-section and at hopper according to [3.1.2].
well ends, in navigation and dredging situations.
4.2 Midship section modulus
3.5 Internal pressures for hopper well in
dredging situation 4.2.1 In the determination of the midship section modulus
according to Pt B, Ch 6, Sec 1, [2.3], account is to be taken
3.5.1 Still water pressure for hopper well of both 85% and 100% effectiveness of the sectional area of
The still water pressure to be used in connection with the the cellular keel.
inertial pressure in [3.5.2] is to be obtained, in kN/m2, from However the 85% and 100% effectiveness of the sectional
the following formula: area of the cellular keel may be replaced by the actual
pS = g δ1 dD , to be taken not less than 11,0 effectiveness of the cellular keel determined by a three
dimensional finite element analysis.
δ1 : Coefficient equal to: 4.2.2 Where cut-outs in the side shell are needed to fit the
δ1 = δ for δ < 1,4 suction pipe guides, a section modulus calculation not tak-
ing account of the side shell plating may be required by the
δ1 = δ + (1,4 − δ) sin2α for δ ≥ 1,4
Society on a case-by-case basis, if the structural continuity
dD : Vertical distance, in m, from the calculation is not correctly achieved.
point to the highest weir level with the corre-
sponding specific gravity of the mixture of sea
water and spoil
4.3 Ultimate strength check
α : Angle, in degrees, between the horizontal plane 4.3.1 The requirements of [4.3.2] apply only to:
and the surface of the hull structure to which
the calculation point belongs. • ships of more than 90 m and assigned with the service
notation dredger
3.5.2 Inertial pressure for hopper well • ships of more than 65 m and assigned with one of the
The inertial pressure is to be obtained from Tab 6. service notation hopper dredger, hopper unit, split hop-
per dredger or split hopper unit.
Table 6 : Ships for dredging activities
Inertial pressure for hopper well 4.3.2 In addition to the requirements of Pt B, Ch 6, Sec 3,
the ultimate strength of the hull girder is to be checked, in
Ship condition Load case Inertial pressure pW, in kN/m2 dredging situation, for ships complying with the following
Upright “a” No inertial pressure formula:
condition “b” The greater of: M SW, D + M WV, D –3
Z R, MIN < -------------------------------------------
- 10
2 2
175 ⁄ k
δ 1 a X1 + a Z1 d D
11, 0
ZR,MIN : Minimum gross section modulus, in m3, defined
Inclined “c” and The greater of:
in Pt B, Ch 6, Sec 2, [4.2.2]
condition “d” 2 2
C FA δ 1 a Y2 + a Z2 d D MSW,D : Vertical still water bending moment in dredging
11, 0 situation, in kN.m, as defined in [3.3.2], in hog-
Note 1: The accelerations aX1, aZ1, aY2 and aZ2 are to be deter- ging and sagging conditions
mined according to Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 3, [3.4], considering the MWV,D : Vertical wave bending moment in dredging situ-
ship in dredging situation, i.e. considering the draught equal ation, in kN.m, as defined in [3.3.3], in hogging
to the dredging draught TD. and sagging conditions.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 493

Pt D, Ch 13, Sec 2

5 Hull girder strength of split hopper 5.2.2 Main axes

dredgers and split hopper units The main axes Gy and Gz are obtained from the axes GY
and GZ by a rotation around the centre of gravity G of an
angle α obtained from the following formula:
5.1 General
2I YZ 
α = --- atan  -------------
1 -
2  I Z – I Y
5.1.1 The yielding check of ships with one of the service
notations split hopper dredger or split hopper unit and of where:
more than 65 m in length is to be carried out for navigation IY : Moment of inertia, in m4, of the transverse sec-
situation and dredging situation according to [5.2] to [5.4] tion around the axis GY
considering: IZ : Moment of inertia, in m4, of the transverse sec-
• each half-hull as being subjected to independent bending tion around the axis GZ
IYZ : Inertia product, in m4, of the transverse section,
• the deck hinges and the hydraulic jacks acting as sup-
in the reference (G, GY, GZ).
ports at the ends of the hopper well.
5.2.3 Bending moments
Both the vertical bending moment and horizontal bending
The bending moments My and Mz in relation to the main
moment acting within the well area are to be taken into
axes Gy and Gz, respectively, are to be obtained, in kN.m,
from the following formulae:
5.1.2 The hull section modulus, considered with the two My = MV cos α + MH sin α
half-hulls connected, is to be checked for navigation situa- Mz = − MV sin α + MH cos α
tion and dredging situation according to the criteria of Pt B,
Ch 6, Sec 2, [4], considering the still water and wave bend-
ing moments defined in [3.4] MV : Vertical bending moment defined in [3.4.7], in
kN.m, to be considered in hogging and sagging
See also [4.2] for the determination of the midship section conditions, for the navigation and dredging situ-
modulus. ations
MH : Horizontal bending moment defined in [3.4.8],
5.2 Definitions in kN.m, to be considered for the navigation
and dredging situations
5.2.1 Co-ordinate system α : Angle defined in [5.2.2].
The hull girder strength is defined with reference to the fol- As the main inertia axes of each half-hull are oblique, the
lowing co-ordinate system, as shown in Fig 8: bending of each half-hull is a deviated bending.

G : Centre of gravity of the transverse section

5.3 Hull girder stress
GY : Transverse axis, parallel to Y defined in Pt B, Ch
1, Sec 2, [4] and crossing through G 5.3.1 At any point of the transverse section of each half-
hull, the hull girder normal stresses are to be obtained, in
GZ : Vertical axis, parallel to Z defined in Pt B, Ch 1, N/mm2, from the following formula:
Sec 2, [4] and crossing through G
σ 1 =  z -------y – y -------z 10
Gy, Gz : Main axes of the transverse section, defined in  I yM I zM
My, Mz : Bending moments, in kN.m, in hogging and
Figure 8 : Half-hull co-ordinate system
sagging conditions, for the navigation and
dredging situations, defined in [5.2.3]
IyM, IzM : Moments of inertia, in m4, of the transverse sec-
z tion around its main axes
y, z : y and z coordinates, in m, of the calculation
point with respect to the main axes Gy and Gz.
5.3.2 In the case of partly clamped ends of the hopper well
(see [3.4.2]), the hull girder normal stresses are to be calcu-
lated in the hopper well mid-section and at hopper well
α ends.
G Y In this case, the stresses are also to be calculated in the
midship area assuming the ends supported as regards the
horizontal moment. This calculation relates to the begin-
ning of the hopper well drainage by opening of the two

494 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 13, Sec 2

5.3.3 In the case of supports at hopper well ends, the cal- Table 7 : Hull girder normal stress for hull scantlings
culation of the hull girder normal stress is to be carried out of split hopper dredgers and split hopper units
in the hopper well mid-section.
Normal stress σX1,
5.3.4 For each section of calculation, the most unfavoura- Structural element
in N/mm2
ble combination of moments is to be considered.
• Plating contributing to the hull
girder longitudinal strength
5.4 Checking criteria • Longitudinal primary supporting zM M
-------y – y -------z 10 –3
 I yM I zM
members contributing to the hull
5.4.1 It is to be checked that the normal stresses calculated girder longitudinal strength
according to [5.3.1] are in compliance with the following
formula: • Longitudinal stiffeners contribut-
zM M
-------y – y -------z 10 –3
ing to the hull girder longitudi-  I yM I zM
σ1 ≤ σ1,ALL nal strength
where: to be taken not less
than 60/k
σ1,ALL 2
: Allowable normal stress, in N/mm , defined in
Pt B, Ch 6, Sec 2, [3.1.2]. • Plating not contributing to the
hull girder longitudinal strength
• Longitudinal stiffeners not con-
6 Hull scantlings tributing to the hull girder longi-
tudinal strength
6.1 General • Transverse stiffeners 0
• Longitudinal primary supporting
6.1.1 Hull scantlings are to be checked according to the members not contributing to the
applicable requirements of Part B, Chapter 7 for the two fol- hull girder longitudinal strength
lowing situations: • Transverse primary supporting
• navigation situation, considering the draught T and the
navigation coefficient n
• dredging situation, considering the dredging draught TD y, z : y and z coordinates, in m, of the calculation
and the navigation coefficient nD. point with respect to the main axes Gy and Gz

MV : Vertical bending moment applied on half-hull

For ships with one of the service notations split hopper
defined in Tab 8, in kN.m, to be considered in
dredger or split hopper unit, and of more than 65 m in
hogging and sagging conditions, for the naviga-
length, the hull girder normal stresses to be used in the
tion and dredging situations
application of requirements of Part B, Chapter 7 are defined
in [6.2]. MH : Horizontal bending moment applied on half-
hull, in kN.m, to be considered for the naviga-
6.2 Hull girder normal stress for split tion and dredging situations and taken equal to:
hopper dredgers and split hopper units
M H = γ S1 M SHH + 0, 625γ W1 C FH M WHH
of more than 65 m in length
α : Angle defined in [5.2.2]
6.2.1 Strength check of plating and yielding check
of ordinary stiffeners and primary supporting MSHH : Horizontal still water bending moment, defined
members in [3.4.5] in hopper well mid-section and at
The hull girder normal stress σX1 to be considered for the hopper well ends
strength check of plating according to Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1, [3],
for the yielding check of ordinary stiffeners according to Pt B, MWHH : Horizontal wave bending moment, defined in
Ch 7, Sec 2, [3] and for the yielding check of primary sup- [3.4.6] in hopper well mid-section and at hop-
porting members analysed through an isolated beam struc- per well ends
tural model according to Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 3, [3] is to be CFV, CFH : Combination factors defined in Tab 9.
obtained, in N/mm2, from Tab 7.
where: 6.2.2 Buckling check of plating, ordinary stiffeners
My, Mz : Bending moments, in kN.m, in hogging and and primary supporting members
sagging conditions, for the navigation and The hull girder normal stress σX1 to be considered for the
dredging situations, taken equal to: buckling check of plating according to Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1,
My = MV cos α + MH sin α [5], for the buckling check of ordinary stiffeners according
to Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 2, [3] and for the buckling check of plate
Mz = − MV sin α + MH cos α
panels constituting primary supporting members according
IyM, IzM : Net moments of inertia, in m4, of the transverse to Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 3, [7.1] is to be taken as the maximum
section around its main axes compressive stress obtained according to [6.2.1].

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 495

Pt D, Ch 13, Sec 2

Table 8 : Vertical bending moment applied on half-hull

Vertical bending moment MV , in kN.m

Navigation situation Dredging situation
γ S1 M SW ,H + 0, 625γ W1 C FV M WV ,H γ S1 M SW ,H ,D + 0, 625γ W1 C FV M WV ,H ,D
Hogging --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 2

γ S1 M SW ,S + 0, 625γ W1 C FV M WV ,S γ S1 M SW ,S ,D + 0, 625γ W1 C FV M WV ,S ,D
Sagging ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 2
Note 1:
MSW, H , MSW, S : Still water vertical bending moment in navigation situation in hogging and sagging condition, respectively, defined in
Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 2, [2.2]
MWV, H , MWV, S : Wave vertical bending moment in navigation situation in hogging and sagging condition, respectively, defined in Pt
B, Ch 5, Sec 2, [3.1]
MSW, H, D , MSW, S, D : Still water vertical bending moment in dredging situation, in hogging and sagging condition, respectively, defined
in [3.3.2]
MWV, H, D , MWV, S, D : Wave vertical bending moment in dredging situation, in hogging and sagging condition, respectively, defined in

Table 9 : Combination factors CFV and CFH 6.3.2 When no protection is fitted on the deck areas where
heavy items of dredging equipment may be stored for main-
Load case CFV CFH tenance, the net thickness of the deck plating is to be not
“a” 1,0 1,0 less than the value obtained, in mm, from the following for-
“b” 1,0 1,0
t = 5,1 + 0,040 L k1/2 + 4,5 s
“c” 0,4 1,0
“d” 0,4 1,0 6.4 Bottom plating
Flooding 0,6 0,0
6.4.1 Where the bottom is longitudinally framed and the
6.3 Minimum net thicknesses of plating bilge is made of a transversely framed sloped plate, the bot-
tom is to be assumed as being transversely framed when
6.3.1 The net thickness of plating is to be not less than the calculating the plating thickness.
greater of the following values:
6.4.2 The net thickness of the bottom strake, to which the
• 5 mm
longitudinal bulkheads of the hopper space are connected,
• thickness, in mm, obtained from Tab 10. is to be not less than the greater of the following thick-
Table 10 : Ships for dredging activities
Minimum net thicknesses of plating • bottom plating thickness increased by 15%
• keel thickness.
Plating Minimum net thickness, in mm
Keel 5,1 + 0,040 L k1/2 + 4,5 s 6.5 Ordinary stiffeners
6.5.1 The partial safety factor γR to be considered for the
• transverse framing 4,3 + 0,036 L k1/2 + 4,5 s
yielding checking of ordinary stiffeners in dredging situation,
• longitudinal framing 3,4 + 0,036 L k1/2 + 4,5 s according to Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 2, [3], is defined in Tab 11.
Inner bottom outside hop- 2,0 + 0,025 L k1/2 + 4,5 s
per spaces 6.5.2 In addition to the requirements of Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 2,
[3] the net section modulus w, in cm3, of bottom, lower
hopper and side ordinary stiffeners is to be not less than the
• below freeboard deck 2,5 + 0,031 L k1/2 + 4,5 s
value obtained from the following formula:
• between freeboard 2,5 + 0,013 L k1/2 + 4,5 s
deck and strength deck γ S2 p S + γ W2 p W  s 2 3
w = γ R γ m β b ------------------------------------------
- 1 – -----
- s 10
24 ( R Y – γ R γ m σ X1 )  2
Strength deck within 0,4L
amidships where:
• transverse framing 2,5 + 0,040 L k1/2 + 4,5 s γm, γS2, γW2: Partial safety factors as defined in Pt B, Ch 7,
• longitudinal framing 2,5 + 0,032 L k1/2 + 4,5 s Sec 2, [1.2.1]
Hopper well γR : Partial safety factor for resistance as specified in
• transverse and longitu- 2,7 + 0,034 L k1/2 + 4,5 s Tab 11
dinal bulkheads βb : Coefficients as defined in Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 2,
• cellular keel plating 2,7 + 0,034 L k1/2 + 4,5 s [3.4.2]

496 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 13, Sec 2

Table 11 : Ordinary stiffeners 6.6.3 The net thickness of the transverse and longitudinal
Value of γR in dredging situation bulkhead of a dredgepipe well is to be determined as for the
side shell net thickness.
Condition γR

M SW + M WV Defined in Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 2, 6.7 Transversely framed bottoms

- 10 –3
Z R, MIN ≥ ----------------------------------
175 ⁄ k Tab 1
6.7.1 Floors
- 10 –3
Z R, MIN < ----------------------------------
175 ⁄ k The scantlings of floors located inside large compartments,
such as pump rooms, are to be obtained from a direct cal-
• σX1 ≤ 60/k (1) Defined in Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 2, culation, according to Pt B, Ch 7, App 1 as applicable, and
Tab 1
taking into account the following assumptions:
• σX1 > 60/k (1) 1,20
• floors are simply supported at ends
(1) σX1 : Hull girder normal stress in dredging situa-
tion, in N/mm2, obtained according to Pt B, • local discontinuities in strength, due to the presence of
Ch 7, Sec 2, [3.3.7]. wells, are to be considered.
Note 1:
ZR,MIN, MSW and MWV are defined in [4.3.2]. 7 Hopper dredgers and hopper units:
checking of hopper well structure
ps, pw : Still water and wave pressures corresponding to
dredging situation considering only load cases
"a" and "c" 7.1 General
σX1 : Hull girder normal stress, in N/mm2, obtained
from the following formula: 7.1.1 The requirements in [7.1] to [7.2] apply to ships with
one of the service notations hopper dredger or hopper unit.
• for hopper dredgers:
σ X1 = γ S1 σ S1 + γ W1 ( C FV σ WV1 + C FH σ WH1 ) 7.1.2 At the ends of the hopper spaces, the transverse bulk-
heads are to extend over the full breadth of the ship. Where
• for split hopper dredgers, σX1 is to be calcu- this is not the case, web rings with special scantlings are to
lated in accordance with Tab 7 be provided.
σS1, σWV1, σWH1: Hull girder normal stresses, in N/mm2,
defined in Tab 12 7.2 Floors, webs, trunks, strongbeams and
CFV, CFH : Combination factors defined in Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 2, girders
7.2.1 Stresses in transverse primary members (such as
floors, webs, trunks, strongbeams and girders) are to be
6.6 Well bulkhead and cellular keel platings obtained by a 2D or 3D beam model or FEM with the fol-
lowing assumptions:
6.6.1 The net thickness of hopper well bulkhead plating
and cellular keel plating is to be not less than the net thick- • design loads as specified by the Designer
ness obtained:
• load cases according to Part B, Chapter 5. Load cases
• in dredging situation, considering the internal pressures "c" and "d" may be disregarded on a case-by-case basis.
defined in [3.5]
• in navigation situation, where the hopper well bulk- 7.2.2 Stresses obtained according to [7.2.1] need to be
heads limit tank compartments, considering the internal combined with hull girder longitudinal stresses obtained
pressures defined in Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 6, [1]. according to Part B, Chapter 6.

6.6.2 The net thickness of the longitudinal bulkhead above 7.2.3 It is to be checked that stresses obtained according to
the deck or within 0,1D below the deck is to be not less [7.2.1] and [7.2.2] are not greater than the allowable
than the net thickness of the strength deck abreast of the stresses defined in Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 3, considering the partial
hatchways. safety factor γR defined in Tab 13.

Table 12 : Hull girder normal stresses for hopper dredgers

Condition σS1 σWV1 σWH1

Lateral pressure applied on the side opposite to M SW, S 0,625F D M WV, S 0,625M WH
--------------- ( z – N ) 10 –3 ------------------------------------- ( z – N ) 10 –3 ---------------------------- y 10 –3
the ordinary stiffener, with respect to the plating IY IY IZ

Lateral pressure applied on the same side as the

Need not be considered.
ordinary stiffener

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 497

Pt D, Ch 13, Sec 2

Table 13 : Partial safety factor γR Table 14 : Material grade requirements

for superstructure hinges
Type of calculation Partial safety factor γR
Gross thickness, Normal strength Higher strength
Beam model 1,10 in mm steel steel
Coarse mesh finite element model 1,05 t ≤ 20 A AH

Standard mesh finite element model 1,02 20 < t ≤ 25 D DH

25 < t ≤ 30 E DH
t > 30 E EH
7.2.4 Alternatively, the transverse strength of the hopper
well structure can be calculated considering the guidance 8.3.2 Grades of steel castings and steel forgings
provided in Ch 13, App 1. The steel grade of the steel castings and steel forgings is to
be defined according to the service temperature of the part
and to the weld location on the part.
8 Split hopper dredgers and split
hopper units: superstructure hinges 8.3.3 Grades of steel for hinge pins
The hinge pins are generally to be made of forged steel.
8.1 General In addition to the rule checks defined in NR216 Materials,
Part D, Chapter 2, a series of impact tests is to be carried out
8.1.1 For ships with one of the service notations split hop- on three Charpy V test pieces and the minimum mean value
per dredger or split hopper unit, a check of the superstruc- of impact energy KVL is to be equal to or greater than 27 J at
ture hinges according to [8.5] is to be carried out 0°C.
considering the forces defined in [8.4].
8.3.4 Inspections and tests of weld connections
8.2 Arrangements For welds concerning the main members of the hinges, non-
destructive examinations are to be carried out along the full
length of the joint:
8.2.1 Chocks able to withstand the longitudinal forces
induced by the superstructures are generally to be fitted on • for butt welds: 100% radiographic and ultrasonic exam-
the deck located below the superstructures. ination
• for fillet welds with deep penetration: 100% ultrasonic
8.2.2 When the chocks are fitted on one side only, atten- examination and 100% magnetic particle inspection or
tion is to be paid to the longitudinal take over of forces by penetrant fluid test
the hinges located on the side opposite to the chocks.
• for fillet welds with small penetration: 100% magnetic
particle inspection or penetrant fluid tests.
8.2.3 Chocks are to be able to work when the half-hulls
swing apart to discharge the spoil.
8.4 Forces
8.2.4 Special attention is to be paid to the reinforcement
below the deck in way of the hinges and chocks, as well as 8.4.1 The forces defined in [8.4.2] to [8.4.4] may be
to the fixing of the hinge to the strength members of the replaced by results from model tests or by representative
superstructures. calculations.

The scantlings of these members are to be calculated con- In such case, the method used and the assumed conditions
sidering the forces given in [8.4.3] applied at the level of the for model tests or calculation are to be submitted to the
hinge pin. Society for information.

8.4.2 The forces applied on superstructures are to be

8.2.5 Generally, no cut-out is to be fitted immediately near
obtained, in kN, from the following formulae:
to hinges or chocks.
• in x direction:

8.3 Materials used for the hinges FX = FW,X

• in y direction:
8.3.1 Grades of hull steel plates FY = FW,Y
In normal service conditions, the hull steel plates are to be • in z direction:
of the grade defined in Tab 14.
FZ = FS + FW,Z
Moreover, in low temperature service conditions, the
choice of the steel grade is to be made with the Society on a where FS , FW,X , FW,Y , FW,Z are to be obtained from the formu-
case-by-case basis, according to the actual service condi- lae in Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 6, [5] or NR600, Chapter 3, as appli-
tions and to the design detail of the welded assembly. cable, in which M is, in t, the mass of the superstructures.

498 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 13, Sec 2

8.4.3 In the case of superstructures connected to the ship Figure 10 : Connection between superstructure
by means of two simple hinges and two hinges with con- and ship - Longitudinal direction
necting tie-rods (as shown in Fig 9 and Fig 10), the forces
are to be obtained, in kN, from the following formulae: AL G

• force in line with a tie-rod:

1 1 ε 1 ε d
F = -------------  --- + ----L-  --- – ----T- F Z + -----V F Y
cos β  2 d L  2 d T dT
• vertical force in a simple hinge:
1 ε 1 ε d 8.4.4 The force F to be considered for the check of the
F =  --- + ----L-  --- + ----T- F Z + -----V F Y
 2 d L  2 d T dT hinge scantlings is to be taken equal to:
• for a simple hinge:
• transverse force in a hinge:
the resultant of the horizontal and vertical forces
1 ε 1 ε d
F =  --- + ----L-  --- – ----T- F Z tan β +  1 – -----V tan β F Y • for a hinge with tie-rod:
 2 d L  2 d T  dT 
the force in the tie-rod centreline.
• longitudinal force for each chock:
Moreover, the horizontal force in the hinges due to with-
F standing of the longitudinal force FX in the case of a hori-
F = ----X-
nB zontal chock on one side only is to be considered alone.

8.5 Scantlings of the hinges
β : Angle of tie-rods with respect to the vertical
line, in degrees 8.5.1 The hinges consist generally of two side straps and a
dT : Transverse distance between a simple hinge and centre eye connected by a pin, as shown in Fig 11.
a tie-rod hinge, in m
Figure 11 : Superstructure hinge arrangement
dV : Vertical distance from the centre of gravity of
the superstructures to the horizontal plane pass-
ing through the hinge centreline, in m
dL : Longitudinal distance between the fore and aft
hinges, in m
εT : Transverse eccentricity of the centre of gravity of
the superstructures (taken as positive if the cen- The two main types of hinges are generally the following:
tre of gravity is on the side of the simple hinges,
• type I: welded assembly made of plates, as shown in Fig
and as negative otherwise), in m
εL : Longitudinal eccentricity of the centre of gravity
• type II: welded assembly made of plates and of cast
of the superstructures (positive), in m steel or forged steel parts, as shown in Fig 13.
nB : Number of longitudinal chocks.
The check of scantlings in [8.5.2] applies to the case of
Where a longitudinal chock is provided on one side only, direct bearing of the pin on the side straps and the centre
the hinges are to be able to withstand the longitudinal force eye (see Fig 14) and to the case of load transfer by bearings
FX. (see Fig 15). In the second case, the designer is to demon-
The distribution of forces in the case of other arrangements strate that the bearings can withstand the calculated forces.
is to be examined by the Society on a case-by-case basis. Hinges whose manufacture is different from these two cases
are to be examined by the Society on a case-by-case basis.
Figure 9 : Connection between superstructure
and ship - Transverse direction Figure 12 : Type I superstructure hinges



July 2018 Bureau Veritas 499

Pt D, Ch 13, Sec 2

8.5.2 For the pins, centre eye and side straps of the hinges, 9 Split hopper dredgers and split
the applied forces are to comply with the formulae given in
hopper units: decks hinges, hydraulic
Tab 15.
jack connections and chocks
Figure 13 : Type II superstructure hinges
9.1 General
9.1.1 For ships with one of the service notations split hop-
per dredger or split hopper unit, the scantlings of the deck
hinges and the hydraulic jack attachments connecting the
two half-hulls are to be determined according to [9.5] or by
direct calculation.
The loads to be considered are the result of the most unfa-
vourable combination of simultaneous static and dynamic
forces (see [9.3] and [9.4]), calculated for the loading con-
ditions in [3.2.1].

9.1.2 The locking devices of the two half-hulls, if any, are

to be examined by the Society on a case-by-case basis.
Figure 14 : Superstructure hinges:
case of direct bearing 9.2 Arrangements
t0 9.2.1 Transverse chocks to be used upon closing the two
half-hulls are to be provided in the bottom area, preferably
tc tc in way of the hydraulic cylinders. These chocks may consist
of heavy plates inserted in the bottom plating. They are to
be arranged to come into contact before the end of the
stroke of the jack, upon closing.

Moreover, if the calculation of the longitudinal strength is

carried out assuming the hopper well ends are partly fixed,

transverse chocks are to be provided at deck level.

9.2.2 Longitudinal chocks are to be provided at bottom and


deck level, to prevent relative displacement of the two half-

Deck longitudinal chocks must also act in the open posi-
For units of a capacity less than 700 m3, longitudinal deck
Figure 15 : Superstructure hinges: chocks need not be provided; in such case, one of the two
case of load transfer by bearings deck hinges is to be designed to fulfil the function of a
chock. The other hinge is then to have sufficient clearance.
9.3 Static forces
tc tc 9.3.1 The method of calculation in [9.3.2] to [9.3.9] ena-
bles the determination of the static forces in the hydraulic
jack, in the chocks and in the deck hinges only if the follow-
ing conditions are met:

t2 • the total number of hydraulic jacks connecting the two
half-hulls is even
t2 t! • there are no superposed jacks in the same section

• there is a deck hinge at each end of the hopper well.

Any other arrangement is to be examined by the Society on

a case-by-case basis.

9.3.2 In the case of maximum loading corresponding to the


dredging freeboard, the forces exerted on a half-hull to be

considered to calculate the static forces in the hinges, trans-
DC1 verse bottom chocks and jacks are shown in Fig 16 as well
as their lever arm in relation to the deck hinge pins.

500 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 13, Sec 2

Table 15 : Scantling check of superstructures hinges

Elements to be checked
Pins Centre eye Side straps
Direct bearing 2
d a R m –3
F < ------------
- 10
5 ,76
2 –3
F < --- d a t 0 R eH 10

• if t0 < da: b 0 t 0 R eH –3 b C t C R eH –3
F < ------------------
- 10 F < -------------------
- 10
2 ,27 1 ,14
d R m –3 –3 –3
F < --------------------- ------
- 10 F < d a t 0 R rad 10 F < 2d a t C R rad 10
2D C – t 0 5

• if t0 ≥ da:
da R m –3
F < ------------------------------------ ------- 10
2D C – 2t 0 + d a 5

Load transfer by bearings 2

d a R m –3
F < ------------
- 10
5 ,76
2 –3
F < --- d a t 3 R eH 10
b 0 t 0 R eH –3 b C t C R eH –3
• if t3 < da: F < ------------------
- 10 F < -------------------
- 10
2 ,27 1 ,14
da R m –3 2 –3 4 –3
F < ----------------------
- ------
- 10 F < --- d a0 t 1 R eH 10 F < --- d aC t 2 R eH 10
2D C1 – t 3 5 3 3

• if t3 ≥ da:
da R m –3
F < --------------------------------------
- ------
- 10
2D C1 – 2t 3 + d a 5

Note 1:
Rrad : Admissible radial pressure on the bearing, to be taken equal to 100 N/mm2.

Figure 16 : Forces exerted on a half-hull




,i /2



Fcy Fh




9.3.3 The horizontal static forces to be considered are the • horizontal pressure of the spoil Fd, in kN, taken equal to:
Fd = 4,904 δ (h1 − a)2 p
• horizontal hydrostatic buoyancy Fh on the full length of • force FCY in each jack, in kN, equal to the greater of FMC
the well, in kN. This force takes into account the hydro- and Fp
static buoyancy due to the water located between the
two half-hulls below the sealing joint situated at the • force FCH in each hinge, in kN, taken equal to:
lower part of the hopper well, taken equal to:
F CH = 0 ,5 F h – F d + n 1  1 – -----3 F CY + -----
a M
Fh = 5,026 (TD − a)2 p  a 4 a4

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 501

Pt D, Ch 13, Sec 2

• force FB in each bottom transverse chock, in kN, taken 9.3.6 If, in the maximum loading condition corresponding
equal to: to the dredging freeboard or the international freeboard,
densities of spoil higher than δ may be considered with
n 1 a 3 F CY – M
F B = ------------------------------ reduced heights (for constant mass of spoils), calculation of
n2 a4
FCY, FCH and FB is also to be carried according to [9.3.3],
where: using the parameters corresponding to the maximum densi-
FMC : Minimum force required to keep the dredger ties of spoil likely to be considered with draughts TD and T.
closed in the loading case considered, obtained
9.3.7 The maximum static force FS, actually developed by
from the following formula:
the jack, is the greatest of the values obtained for FCY for the
FMC = M / n1 a3 various loading cases and calculated according to [9.3.3],
For a tendency to close, FMC is negative and is [9.3.5] and [9.3.6].
not to be taken into account to determine FCY
Fp : Force in the jack corresponding to a pressure on 9.3.8 Where the hopper well ends are partly fixed, the end
moments result in additional forces in the deck hinges,
the rod side equal to the maximum pressure Pp
jacks, deck and bottom chocks, forward and aft of the well.
of the pumps and of their pressure limiting
device The distribution of these forces is to be determined by a
direct calculation to be submitted to the Society for infor-
M : Moment with respect to the hinge chocks, posi-
tive for a tendency to open, negative in the
opposite case, taken equal to:
9.3.9 The Designer is to give the value of the horizontal
1 lever arm b2 and the hull weight for the various loading
M = – F h a 1 + F d a 2 + --- ( Δb 1 – Δ 1 b 2 – Qb 3 )
2 cases as stated in [9.3.3]. In each case, the value to be taken
n1 : Number of jacks into account is the most unfavourable one according to the
distribution of the compartments, considering the tendency
n2 : Number of bottom transverse chocks
to open or to close.
Δ, Δ1, Q: Vertical forces, defined in [9.3.4]
However, the attention of the Owner and of the Designer is
a1, a2, a3, a4: Lever arms of horizontal forces, as shown in drawn to the fact that side tank ballasting can noticeably
Fig 16 reduce the static forces necessary in the jacks to act against
b1, b2, b3: Lever arms of vertical forces, as shown in Fig 16. opening of the two half-hulls in the above operating condi-
9.3.4 The vertical static forces to be considered are the fol-
9.4 Dynamic forces
• vertical hydrostatic buoyancy Δ/2 on a half-hull, in kN
• weight Δ1 / 2 of the half-hull without spoil, in kN 9.4.1 The Designer is to give the dynamic forces applied on
• weight Q / 2 of the half spoil loading, in kN the deck hinges and on the hydraulic jack attachments by
means of a calculation to be submitted to the Society for
where: information.
Δ : Total displacement of the ship with spoil
9.4.2 The dynamic forces are generally to be calculated by
Δ1  : Total displacement of the ship without spoil, means of a long-term statistical analysis, under the condi-
including superstructures tions defined in Tab 16.
Q : Total weight of the spoil in the well.
The following relation between vertical static forces is to be Table 16 : Probability for the determination
verified: of dynamic forces

Δ = Δ1  + Q Condition Probability
Dredging and navigation with −5
9.3.5 For every other loading case, the forces FCY, FCH and 10 for jacks and hinges
FB are to be calculated according to [9.3.3], by replacing: spoil, with sea state limited to
HS = 3 m (1)
• a1, a2, b1, b2, b3, Δ, Δ1 and Q by the corresponding val-
ues for the loading case considered Navigation without spoil, with- 10−7 for jacks
out limitation on sea state (2) 10−5 for hinges
• TD, δ and h1 by values of external draught, density of
water or spoils in the well and level inside the well for (1) HS : Significant wave height, in m.
the loading case considered, i.e.: (2) In sailing condition without spoil, a different probabil-
ity level may be adopted for the calculation of dynamic
- in working condition, at the international freeboard:
forces on the cylinders, subject to the Society's agree-
T, δ and h2
ment, when a device intended to restore the pressure to
- in navigation condition with the well filled up to the the cylinders after opening of the safety valves is fitted
waterline: T3, 1,025 and h3 taken equal to T3 (see also [10.3.1]).
- in navigation condition with well filled with water to Note 1: Different calculation conditions are to be justified
the lowest weir level: T4, 1,025 and h4. by the Designer.

502 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 13, Sec 2

9.4.3 For each rule loading case, the results of the calcula- The scantlings of the longitudinal deck chocks mentioned in
tion are to give: [9.3.2] are to be determined considering for each chock the
• the dynamic force FDCY in each jack, in kN force obtained, in kN, from the following formula:

• the horizontal dynamic force FDHC in each hinge, in kN Δ

F = 0 ,15 -----n
• the vertical dynamic force FDVC in each hinge, in kN.
9.4.4 If loading cases other than those defined in [3] are Δn : Displacement of the ship with the well filled
considered, calculations for such additional cases are to be with water up to the waterline
defined in agreement with the Society on a case-by-case
n4 : Number of longitudinal deck chocks.
The permissible shear stress for bottom and deck chocks is
9.4.5 In the case of dredgers with a capacity of less than to be obtained, in N/mm2, from the following formula:
700 m3, the dynamic forces in the jacks and hinges may be R eH
taken into account without long-term statistical calcula- τ = 0 ,9 -------
tions. The calculations for jacks and hinges are to be justi-
fied to the Society. For the calculation of the shear stress in the deck chocks, a
reduced sectional area corresponding to the efficient sec-
9.4.6 For ships with one of the navigation notations coastal tional area of the chocks when the well is open is to be con-
area or sheltered area, the dynamic forces in the cylinders sidered.
and the hinges may be reduced by 10% in the case of navi-
gation without spoil. 9.5.6 The lugs of the jacks and the deck hinges may be cal-
culated using a finite element model.
9.5 Scantlings In such case, the finite element model and the applied load-
ings are to be preliminarily agreed upon by the Society.
9.5.1 The maximum total force in the jack is to be taken The permissible stress is to be defined in agreement with the
equal to the greatest value, from all the loading cases fore- Society, depending on the finite element model and on the
seen, obtained, in kN, from the following formula: characteristics of the materials.
The jack is to be capable of developing a force at least 10 Split hopper dredgers and split
equal to Fm , at the setting pressure of the safety valve of the hopper units: hydraulic jacks and
jack considered as isolated. associated piping systems
9.5.2 The scantlings of the jack lugs are to comply with
[8.5] considering the force Fm as determined in [9.5.1]. 10.1 General
Cases where the force developed by the jack, at the setting
10.1.1 For ships with one of the service notations split hop-
pressure of the safety valve of the jack considered as iso-
per dredger or split hopper unit, the check of hydraulic
lated, is noticeably higher than Fm are to be examined by
jacks and associated piping systems intended for closing the
the Society on a case-by-case basis.
two half-hulls of the ship is to be carried out according to
[10.1] to [10.6].
9.5.3 The scantlings of the deck hinges are to comply with
[8.5], considering the resultant of the total horizontal force 10.1.2 Hydraulic jack design and construction are to be in
and the total vertical force, obtained, in kN, from the fol- accordance with the applicable requirements of Pt C, Ch 1,
lowing formula: Sec 11, [2], while associated piping systems are generally to
2 2 fulfil the relevant requirements of Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10.
F Res = ( F CH + F DCH ) + F DVC
Materials used are to be in accordance with the applicable
9.5.4 The scantling load of the transverse bottom chocks is requirements of NR216 Materials.
to be defined in agreement with the Society.
10.2 Definitions
9.5.5 The scantlings of the longitudinal bottom chocks pro-
vided for in [9.3.2] are to be determined considering for 10.2.1 For the checking of hydraulic jacks and associated
each chock the force obtained, in kN, from the following piping systems, the following definitions are to be consid-
formula: ered:
Δ Pm : Pressure on the rod side of the jack resulting
F = 0 ,15 ------m
n3 from the extreme foreseen ambient conditions
corresponding to the maximum force Fm,
defined in [9.5.1]
Δm : Maximum displacement of the ship, in kN, with PC : Maximum pressure on the bottom side of the
the well loaded with spoil cylinder equal to the setting value of the safety
n3 : Total number of chocks (at deck and bottom). valves protecting the bottom side of the cylinder

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 503

Pt D, Ch 13, Sec 2

PP : Maximum pressure which can be delivered 10.5.2 Completed cylinders and attached piping up to and
through the pumps and their associated pres- including the first isolating valve are to undergo, at works, a
sure limiting devices pressure test at the greater of the values 1,4 PS and 1,2 Pm
PS : Pressure on the rod side of the jack correspond- applied on the rod side and a pressure test at 1,4 PC on the
ing to the greatest of forces FS, defined in bottom side for the fully extended position.
[9.3.7], and FP, defined in [9.3.3].
10.5.3 The completed hydraulic circuit is to be subjected,
on board, to pressure tests at 1,4 times the relevant maxi-
10.3 Arrangements mum service pressure for normal conditions or static loads,
for the part of the circuit considered.
10.3.1 When large ships are concerned, the following
arrangements are generally to be provided:
10.6 Relief valve setting
• for each hydraulic jack, a measuring system of the pres-
sure in the cylinder is to be supplied 10.6.1 At least one relief valve of appropriate capacity is to
• this system, in addition to the indication of the pressure protect each part of the circuit which may be subject to
at the bridge and at the dredging room, is to comprise a overpressure due to external loads or due to pump action;
visual and audible alarm at the same locations, to be in general, relief valves on the rod side of each cylinder or
activated when a certain limit is exceeded group of cylinders are to be set at Pm, while PC applies to the
• the measuring system, the alarm activating limit as well bottom side for relief valve setting purposes.
as the instructions to be followed after the alarm occurs Parts of the circuit possibly subject to overpressure from
are to be submitted to the Society for approval. pumps only are to be protected by relief valves set at pres-
sure PP.
10.3.2 Special attention is to be paid to protection against
11 Rudders
10.4 Scantling of jacks
11.1 General
10.4.1 For the pressure parts of hydraulic jacks made of
steel, the permissible stress related to the loading conditions 11.1.1 The rudder stock diameter obtained from Pt B, Ch 9,
resulting in pressure PP or PS (whichever is the greater) act- Sec 1, [4] is to be increased by 5%.
ing on the cylinder rod side without pressure on the other
side is to be taken as the smaller of ReH / 1,8 and Rm / 2,7. 11.2 Additional requirements for split hopper
The allowable stress applicable to the cylindrical envelope, dredgers and split hopper units
for the loading conditions resulting in pressure Pm , may be
11.2.1 Each half-hull of ships with one of the service nota-
taken as the smaller of ReH / 1,5 and Rm / 2,25.
tions split hopper unit or split hopper dredger is to be fitted
10.4.2 The scantlings of the jack end cover on the rod side with a rudder complying with the requirements of Pt B, Ch
are to be determined using Pm as design pressure. 9, Sec 1.

The scantlings of the jack end cover on the bottom side as 11.2.2 An automatic system for synchronising the move-
well as the mechanical connections (for example the bolts ment of both rudders is to be fitted.
between the cover and the cylinder or between the piston
and the rod) are to be based on Fm.
12 Equipment
The calculations justifying the proposed scantlings and, as
the case may be, the pre-stresses are to be submitted to the
12.1 General
Society for information.
12.1.1 The requirements of this Article apply to ships hav-
10.4.3 The scantlings of the rod are to be based on Fm and
ing normal ship shape of the underwater part of the hull.
on the smaller value of ReH / 2 and Rm / 2,4, for the mean
permissible stress in traction. A calculation proving the ade- For ships having unusual ship shape of the underwater part
quate buckling strength of the rod is to be submitted to the of the hull, the equipment is to be considered by the Society
Society for information. on a case-by-case basis.

10.4.4 The scantlings of the lugs and the pins at each end 12.1.2 The equipment obtained from [12.1.4] or [12.1.5] is
of the hydraulic cylinder are to be based on Fm. independent of anchors, chain cables and ropes which may
be needed for the dredging operations.
10.5 Inspection and testing 12.1.3 The Equipment Number EN is to be obtained from
the following formula:
10.5.1 In addition to inspections required in [10.1.2],
where applicable, welded joints connecting parts subject to EN = 1,5 (L B D)2/3
the load Fm are to fulfil the requirements for class I pressure When calculating EN, bucket ladders and gallows may not
vessels or equivalent. be included.

504 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 13, Sec 2

12.1.4 For ships equal to or greater than 80 m in length and the equipment is to be obtained by consulting Tab 17 one
for ships with EN, calculated according to [12.1.3], equal to line higher.
or greater than 795, the equipment is to be obtained from Pt Where such ships are assigned the navigation notation shel-
B, Ch 9, Sec 4, [2], with EN calculated according to Pt B, tered area, the equipment is to be obtained by consulting
Ch 9, Sec 4, [1] and not being taken less than 795, consid- Tab 17 two lines higher.
ering the following:
• to apply the formula, the displacement considered is 12.2 Additional requirements for split hopper
that of the navigation draught, taking into account the
dredgers and split hopper units
cylinder housings and the free space between the two
half-hulls 12.2.1 Arrangements of ships with one of the service nota-
• the chain cable diameter is to be read off after moving tions split hopper dredger or split hopper unit are to be in
to the next line below in the applicable Table. accordance with [12.2.2] to [12.2.5].

12.1.5 For ships other than those defined in [12.1.4], the 12.2.2 One chain locker and one complete mooring chain
equipment is to be obtained from Tab 17. cable are generally to be provided for each half-hull.
Where such ships are assigned one of the following naviga-
tion notations: 12.2.3 If the mass of the anchor permits, only one windlass
needs to be provided on either of the half-hulls. In this case,
• summer zone
in addition to the requirements in Pt B, Ch 9, Sec 4, [2], a
• tropical zone chain stopper is to be fitted on the half-hull which is not
• coastal area, equipped with a windlass.

Table 17 : Ships for dredging activities - Equipment

Equipment number EN
Stockless anchors Stud link chain cables for anchors
A< EN ≤ B
A B N Mass per anchor, in kg Total length, in m Diameter, in mm
35 45 2 120 110,0 16,0
45 60 2 140 110,0 17,5
60 80 2 220 110,0 19,0
80 92 2 260 137,5 20,5
92 102 2 290 137,5 22
102 112 2 320 165,0 24
112 130 2 350 165,0 24
130 155 2 430 165,0 26
155 185 2 500 165,0 28
185 210 2 600 165,0 30
210 250 2 700 165,0 32
250 285 2 800 220,0 34
285 315 2 900 220,0 36
315 350 2 1000 220,0 38
350 385 2 1100 220,0 38
385 415 2 1200 220,0 40
415 450 2 1300 220,0 40
450 485 2 1400 220,0 42
485 515 2 1500 220,0 44
515 550 2 1600 220,0 46
550 585 2 1700 220,0 48
585 635 2 1800 275,0 48
635 685 2 2000 275,0 50
685 715 2 2100 275,0 52
715 750 2 2200 275,0 54
750 795 2 2300 275,0 54

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 505

Pt D, Ch 13, Sec 2

12.2.4 Fairleads or rollers are to be located in suitable places 12.3.2 For ships equal to or greater than 80 m in length and
between the windlass and the hawse pipe so that the drop- ships with EN, calculated according to [12.1.3], greater
ping and the housing of the anchor are satisfactorily ensured. than 795, the characteristics of towlines and mooring lines
may be obtained from Pt B, Ch 9, Sec 4, [2] with EN calcu-
12.2.5 Arrangements are to be made to avoid jamming of lated according to Pt B, Ch 9, Sec 4, [1], considering the
the cable during the opening and closing operations of the displacement at navigation draught, taking into account the
two half-hulls. cylinder housings and the free space between the two half-
hulls, the latter value of EN not being less than 795.
12.3 Towlines and mooring lines
12.3.3 For ships other than those defined in [12.3.2], the
12.3.1 The towline and the mooring lines are given as a guid- characteristics of towlines and mooring lines may be
ance, but are not required as a condition of classification. obtained from Tab 18.

Table 18 : Ships for dredging activities - Towlines and mooring lines

Equipment number EN
Towline (1) Mooring lines (1)
A< EN ≤ B
Minimum length, Breaking load, Length of each Breaking load,
in m in kN line, in m in kN
35 45 120 88 2 90 59
45 60 120 93 2 90 64
60 80 120 98 2 90 68
80 92 130 107 2 90 73
92 102 130 117 2 110 78
102 112 130 127 2 110 83
112 130 140 137 2 110 88
130 155 140 147 2 135 93
155 185 140 156 2 135 98
185 210 150 166 2 135 102
210 250 150 176 2 135 107
250 285 150 186 2 135 112
285 315 150 196 2 135 117
315 350 160 215 2 160 122
350 385 160 240 2 160 127
385 415 160 265 2 160 132
415 450 160 295 2 160 137
450 485 160 320 2 160 142
485 515 160 340 3 160 147
515 550 160 365 3 160 152
550 585 160 390 3 160 157
585 635 160 415 3 160 161
635 685 160 440 4 160 166
685 715 160 465 4 160 170
715 750 160 490 4 160 175
750 795 180 515 4 160 180
(1) The towline and the mooring lines are given as a guidance, but are not required as a condition of classification.

506 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 13, Sec 3


1 General
3.2 Design of the steering gear
1.1 Application
3.2.1 The steering gear referred to in [3.1.1] is to consist of
1.1.1 This Section provides requirements for ships having
a control system and a power actuating system capable to
the service notation dredger, hopper dredger, hopper unit,
operate the relevant rudder as required in Pt C, Ch 1, Sec
split hopper unit and split hopper dredger. These require-
11, [2.2.1] or Ch 15, Sec 4, [24.3.1], as appropriate.
ments are only applicable at the request of an Owner.

3.2.2 An auxiliary steering gear or a duplicated power

1.1.2 This Section does not cover the other aspects of the actuating system need not be fitted.
system and equipment design, in particular in respect of
their performance.

1.1.3 The requirements for bottom doors and valves fitted 3.3 Synchronisation
on ships having the notation hopper dredger, hopper unit,
split hopper unit and split hopper dredger are given in Ch 3.3.1 An automatic system for synchronising the movement
13, Sec 2. of both rudders is to be fitted. It is to comply with the provi-
sions of Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 11, [3.2.2].
2 Dredging system

2.1 Attachment of dredging equipment to 4 Testing of dredging equipment

the hull
4.1 On board testing
2.1.1 The scantlings of the structure for attachment of the
equipment intended for dredging operations (e.g. connec-
4.1.1 Ship trials
tion of the suction pipe to the hull, foundation of the suc-
tion pipe davits) are to be based on the service load of such a) Upon completion of construction, in addition to the
equipment, as specified by the Designer. conventional sea trials required in Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 15,
In determining the above service load, the Designer is to specific tests may be required at the Society’s discretion
take account of additional loads imposed by ship move- in relation to the particular service for which the ship is
ments (in particular pitch and heave) in the most unfavoura- intended or the specific characteristics of machinery
ble sea and weather conditions expected during service. and equipment fitted on board.

b) In particular, as regards propulsion and steering systems,

3 Steering gear of split hopper tests may be required to check the manoeuvring capa-
dredgers and split hopper units bility and the speed of the ship whilst operating.

3.1 General 4.1.2 Equipment trials

3.1.1 The rudder fitted to each half-hull of ships having the As far as the dredging system is concerned, tests are to be
service notations split hopper dredger or split hopper unit carried out to verify the proper operation of all relevant
(see Ch 13, Sec 2, [11.2.1]) is to be served by its own steer- equipment in different sea and weather conditions, accord-
ing gear. ing to a specification submitted by the interested party.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 507

Pt D, Ch 13, App 1



1 Hopper dredgers and hopper units: Figure 1 : Bottom valve, centrally operated by
a vertical shaft (Type 1)
checking of hopper well structure

1.1 General a

1.1.1 The requirements in [1] to [5] apply to ships with one

of the service notations hopper dredger or hopper unit. cellular

2 Floors

2.1 General C1

2.1.1 The scantlings of floors of ships with open wells fitted R1

with bottom doors are to be obtained from a direct calcula-
tion, according to Pt B, Ch 7, App 1 or NR600, Ch 4, Sec 5, Figure 2 : Single bottom door, with hinges at one side
[1.2] as applicable, taking into account the following (either cellular keel side or lower wing tank side) and
assumptions: operated by a vertical shaft at the other side
• the span is equal to half the sum of the upper face plate (Type 2)
length and the distance between lower ends of the hop-
per well sloped bulkheads
• the floors have fixed ends
• the floors are subject to the uniform and concentrated
loads detailed in [2.3]
• the central box (cellular keel) is supported by the floors u

However, where this box has sufficient dimensions and

scantlings to support a part of the loads, this may be
taken into account if a relevant calculation of grid type
is submitted to the Society for information. R2 R2

• in addition to the loads laid down in [2.3], the floor may

support differential loads, for example when all the Figure 3 : Double bottom doors, with hinges at both
valves are not simultaneously opened, or compression sides and operated by one central vertical shaft con-
loads when the well is empty nected to the doors by means of two rods (Type 3)
• the web cut-out section is deducted for the calculations
of shear stresses and normal stresses (tension or com-
pression) a
u u
• for the calculation of normal stresses and bending
stresses, the face plate cross-section is taken into R1
account only if these face plates are correctly offset on
the adjacent structure

2.2 Different types of bottom and valves


2.2.1 The different types of bottom doors and valves gener-

ally used, as well as the relevant symbols, are defined in Fig 1 R2 R2
to Fig 5.

508 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 13, App 1

Figure 4 : Longitudinal sliding bottom doors (Type 4) [d] : Reactions R2 of the bottom doors on the floor (to
be added), the absolute values and abscissae of
a which are indicated in Tab 1

Reactions R1 on the rods of the hydraulic jacks

of bottom doors type 1 (see Fig 1), type 2 (see
Fig 2) and type 3 (see Fig 3) are given in Tab 1
for further calculations but they are not borne
by the floors

[e] : Axial force due to the lack of spoils in the vol-

C1 ume occupied by the cellular keel (to be
deducted), to be taken equal to:
R2 R2 F1 = g δ Sa A

Figure 5 : Transverse sliding bottom doors, guides [f] : Axial force due to a possible transmission of the
being supported by floors (Type 5) resultant reaction R1 to the cellular keel,
through a strong beam, an axial pillar or
inclined pillars, to be taken equal to:
• with one axial pillar:

F 2 = 4 ---------1
C1 0

• with two inclined pillars:

F2 = 2 R1

For determination of the scantlings of strong

beams, girders and pillars, R1 is to be
replaced by FM, in kN, when calculating F2,
2.3 Load borne by floors if FM is higher than R1, FM being the maxi-
mum force induced by the bottom door
2.3.1 The loads borne by floors are a combination, accord- hydraulic jack.
ing to the type of bottom doors, of the elementary loads [a],
[b], [c], [d], [e] and [f], obtained, in kN, from the following
formulae: hD : Distance, in m, from the highest weir level, cor-
[a] : Uniform load of spoils, to be taken equal to: responding to the draught TD, to the deck-line
(hD is to be counted negatively where the level
Q1 = g δ (D + hD) Sa  is located below the deck-line at side)
[b] : External hydrostatic pressure, to be taken equal Sa : Transverse primary supporting ring spacing, in m
 : Stiffener span, in m
Q2 = g (TD − 0,5 h0) Sa 
In the case of floors, the span is equal to half the
In the course of calculations, Pr is the reduced
sum of the length of the upper flange plate and
pressure, evenly distributed, to be taken equal
the distance between the lower ends of the
sloping sides of the hopper space.
Pr = δ (D + hD) − (TD − 0,5 h0)
h0 : Ship relative motion, in m, defined in Pt B, Ch
The resultant load is to be taken equal to: 5, Sec 3, [3.3] or NR600, Ch 3, Sec 3, as appli-
Q = Q1 − Q2 = g Pr Sa 
Abd : Whole sectional area, in m2, of the bottom door
[c] : Load acting directly on a valve (to be deducted),
to be taken equal to: whatever its type may be

q = g Pr Abd A : Area, in m2, enclosed by the contour of the cel-

lular keel
This load is assumed to be evenly distributed
along the length c1. It is to be cut off from the v : Distance, in m, from the hydraulic jack centre-
load Q. line to the end of the strong beam span

In the case of type 5 bottom doors (see Fig 5), 0 : Span, in m, of the strong beam bearing the reac-
q=0 tions of the hydraulic jacks

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 509

Pt D, Ch 13, App 1

Table 1 : Reactions R1 and R2 for elementary load [d]

Bottom door type Reactions R2 Reactions R1

(see Fig 1 to Fig 5) No. Value, in kN Abscissae Value, in kN
1 0 g Abd Pr

c1 
gA bd P r  ------------------
2 1  c 1 + 2u (a + 0,5 c1) or (a − 0,5 c1) gA bd P r  ------------------
 c 1 + 2u

c 1 – 4u c1 
3 2 0 ,25g A bd P r  -----------------
- (a + 0,5 c1) and (a − 0,5 c1) 0 ,5g A bd P r  ---------------
 c1 –2 u   c 1 – 2 u

4 2 0,5 g Abd Pr (a + 0,5 c1) and (a − 0,5 c1) 0

5 0 0
Note 1:
a : Distance, in m, from either end of the floor span to the centreline of the bottom door closest to that end
c1 : Width of a bottom door, in m
u : Distance, in m, from the fixing point of the hydraulic jack rod (or of the two rod hydraulic jack) to the centreline of the
bottom door.

2.4 Shear force diagrams Figure 7 : Shear force diagram for

elementary load [b] - Load Q2
2.4.1 The shear force diagrams corresponding to each ele-
Q2 external
mentary load defined in [2.3] are given in Fig 6 to Fig 11. hydrostatic
The total shear force, at abscissa X, equal to the algebraical
sum of the elementary shear forces corresponding to each
type of bottom doors, is indicated in Tab 2. Figure 8 : Shear force diagram for
elementary load [c] - Load q
Table 2 : Shear force values
q q

Bottom door type Total shear force T(x) at load acting

(see Fig 1to Fig 5) abscissa X, in kN directly on
a valve
1 T0
2 T0 + R2
Figure 9 : Shear force diagram for
3 T0 + 2 R2 elementary load [d] - Reactions R2
4 T0 + 2 R2
bottom door Type
5 T0 + q − 0,5 F2
Note 1: 1 R2 = 0
X : Distance, in m, from the cross-section under
consideration to the end of the floor span
T0 : Total shear force, in kN, at the left end of the 2
span, to be taken equal to:
1 R2
T 0 = --- ( Q 1 – Q 2 – 2q – F 1 + F 2 ) R2

3 reactions
Figure 6 : Shear force diagram for
R2 of the value
elementary load [a] - Load Q1 R2 R2 R2
on the floor

spoil mass
R2 R2 R2 R2


5 R 2 = 0(and q=0)

510 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 13, App 1

Figure 10 : Shear force diagram for 2.5 Bending moments for each elementary
elementary load [e] - Force F1 load

F1 2.5.1 The bending moments for each elementary load

defined in [2.3] are given in Tab 3, at span ends and at mid-
no spoil
cellular keel
2.6 Resultant bending moment

2.6.1 The resultant bending moment is the sum of the ele-

Figure 11 : Shear force diagram for mentary moments for each type of valve.
elementary load [f] - Force F2 The total moment value at abscissa X is determined by
deducting algebraically from the total moment value at the
span ends the value of the area bounded by the total shear
v l0 force curve.
4vR1 R1
F2 = 2.7 Normal load
l0 one axial

F2 2.7.1 The normal load is to be obtained, in kN, from the

following formula:
FN = FN1 − FN2

F2 = 2R1 R1 two inclined 3 ,3S a δ
pillars F N1 = -------------------
- ( D + h D ) 2 ( 2D – h D )
2D – h V
3 ,3S a
F2 F N2 = -------------------
- ( T – 0 ,5h 0 ) 2 ( 3D – T D + 0 ,5h 0 )
2D – h V D

hV : Mean floor depth, in m.

Table 3 : Values of bending moments

Elementary load Bending moment, in kN.m, at span ends Bending moment, in kN.m, at mid-span
[a] Q1  Q1 
– ---------
- ---------
12 24

[b] Q2  Q2 
- – ---------
12 24

[c] qa (  – a ) qa
----------------------- – ---------
 

[d] • Types 1 or 5 bottom valves: • Types 1 or 5 bottom valves:

0 0
• Type 2 bottom valve (1): • Type 2 bottom valve:
( 2a + c 1 ) ( 2 – 2a – c 1 ) ( 2a + c 1 )
– R 2 ---------------------------------------------------------- R 2 ------------------------
4 4
• Type 3 or 4 bottom valves: • Type 3 or 4 bottom valves:
4a (  – a ) – c 4a + c
2 2
– R 2 ----------------------------------1 R 2 --------------------1
2 2

[e] F1  F1 
- – -------
8 8

[f] F2  F2 
– -------
- --------
8 8

(1) Formula valid for a hinge on cellular keel. In the case of a hinge on lateral wing tank, replace (2 a + c1) with (2 a − c1)

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 511

Pt D, Ch 13, App 1

2.8 Differential opening valves • tension force due to the spoil pressure onto the longitu-
dinal bulkheads of the well:
2.8.1 In the case of a differential opening of the valves, the
stresses induced by the bending moments and the shear 1 ,6δs ( D + h D )
F T = --------------------------------------
- [ 2 ( D + h D ) – 3h V ]
forces are determined as follows: 2D – h V

• the upper flange is assumed to be simply supported at • compression force due to the external hydrostatic pres-
ends; its span S is measured between the longitudinal sure:
bulkhead and the cellular keel
1 ,6s ( T D – 0 ,5h 0 )
• the lower flange is assumed to have fixed ends and its F C1 = --------------------------------------------- ( 2T D – h 0 – 3h V )
2D – h V
span is taken equal to c1
• the transverse section moduli of the flanges are deter- • compression force due to moment at floor ends:
mined with respect to a vertical axis located in the
plane of the floor web 2M ( 0 )
F C2 = --------------------
2D – h V
• for the upper flange, the transverse bending moment at
mid-span is obtained, in kN.m, from the following for- • compression force due to floor reaction at span ends:
d 1 + 2b 1
2 2 2 F C3 = --------------------
- T(0)
M S = 0 ,05δh V [ 3 S – (  S – c 1 ) ] 2D – h V

• for the upper flange, the maximum shear force at ends where:
of span S is obtained, in kN.m, from the following for-
mula: s : Spacing of strong beams, in m
T S = 0 ,3δh V (  S + c 1 ) d1 : Distance, in m, from the side plating to the lon-
gitudinal bulkhead of the hopper well
• for the lower flange, the maximum bending moment
and shear force at span ends are obtained, in kN.m, b1 : Distance, in m, between the fixed end of the
from the following formulae: floor and the hopper well longitudinal bulkhead
or its extension
c 2
M i = 1 ,33  -----1 M S
 S M(0), T(0): Total bending moment and shear force at fixed
c ends, determined, respectively, according to
T i = 2  -----1 T S [2.5] and [2.4], for X = 0.
 S
For strong beams with a large web depth, the upper flange
2.9 Buckling of upper flange of which is located at deck level, the term D may be
replaced by (D − 0,5 hWS), where hWS is the web depth, in
2.9.1 When the ship is to navigate with empty hopper m, of strong beams.
space(s), the buckling of the upper flange is to be checked,
The resultant of the forces is to be obtained, in kN, from the
using the formulae given in [3] for strong beams and assum-
following formula:
ing that:
– 3 ,3S A
FR = FT − FC1 − FC2 − FC3
F R = -------------------a- ( T 2 + 0 ,5h 0 ) ( 3D – T 2 – 0 ,5h 0 ) -----S-
2D – h V AV
FR is a tension load when positive, a compression load
where: when negative.
T2 : Maximum draught for navigation with empty
hopper space(s), in m 3.2 Sectional area of strong beams
AS : Sectional area, in cm , of the upper flange
3.2.1 The sectional area of strong beams, after deduction of
AV : Sectional area, in cm2, of the floor, cut-outs in possible cut-outs, is to be obtained, in cm2, from Tab 4.
web deducted

3 Strong beams at deck level 4 Brackets for trunks

3.1 Forces acting on strong beams 4.1 General

3.1.1 Where strong beams are fitted at deck level, the 4.1.1 Brackets for trunks are to be provided in way of the
forces acting on them are to be obtained, in kN, from the strengthened transverse rings. They are to be securely fixed
following formulae: at their lower ends.

512 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 13, App 1

Table 4 : Sectional area of strong beams 4.3

Condition Sectional area AT, in cm2 4.3.1 It is to be checked that the normal stress, in N/mm2,
and the shear stress are, respectively, in compliance with
FR ≥ 0 0,08 FR the following formulae:
FR < 0 • when F / r ≤ 1,15: σ ≤ 0,65 RY
 2 τ ≤ 0,45 RY
0 ,085 + 0 ,064  ----F F R
 r

• when F / r > 1,15: 5 Girders supporting the hydraulic cylinder

 2 in the hopper spaces (bottom door types
0 ,1  ----F F R
 r 1, 2 and 3)
Note 1:
F : Buckling length, in m, of the strong beam con-
sidered as fixed at ends, to be taken equal to
5.1.1 In order to check the stresses according to [5.2], the
local bending stress due to the cylinder reaction and the
r : Minimum gyration radius, in cm, to be taken corresponding shear stress, in N/mm2, may be obtained,
equal to: respectively, from the following formulae:
r = ------ σ LX = 125F
AT w
I : Moment of inertia, in cm4, equal to the mini- τ XY = 5F
mum of IXX and IYY Aa
IXX : Moment of inertia, in cm4, with respect to the where:
axis perpendicular to the plane of the web F : Maximum value, in kN, of R1 and FM defined in
IYY : Moment of inertia, in cm4, with respect to the [2.3]
axis parallel to the plane of the web.
w : Girder web modulus, in cm3
4.2 Aa : Girder web sectional area, in cm2, possible cut-
outs deducted.
4.2.1 In order to check the stresses according to [4.3], the
value of the bending moment at the lower end, in kN.m,
and the value of the corresponding shear stress, in kN, may
be obtained, respectively, from the following formulae: 5.2.1 It is to be checked that the normal stress, in N/mm2,
MP = 1,64 δ s hT3 and the shear stress are, respectively, in compliance with
TP = 4,9 δ s hT2 the following formulae:
where: σ ≤ 0,65 RY
hT : Height, in m, of the trunk above the deck-line. τ ≤ 0,45 RY

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 513

Pt D, Ch 13, App 1

514 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Part D
Service Notations

Chapter 14





July 2018 Bureau Veritas 515

516 Bureau Veritas July 2018
Pt D, Ch 14, Sec 1


1 General • additional service feature:

- non propelled.
1.1 Application
1.1.2 Ships dealt with in this Chapter are to comply with:
1.1.1 Ships complying with the requirements of this Chap- • Part A of the Rules
ter are eligible for the assignment of one of the following
• NR216 Materials and Welding
notations applicable to non propelled units, as defined in
Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.10]: • applicable requirements according to Tab 1.
• service notations:
1.1.3 For ships dealing with in this Chapter and intended to
- barge carry only one type of cargo, the Society reserves the right
- pontoon to establish requirements and/or conditions additional to
- pontoon-crane those contained in these Rules.

Table 1 : Applicable requirements

Item Greater than or equal to 500 GT Less than 500 GT

L ≥ 65 or 90 m (1) • Part B • NR566
Ship arrangement
L < 65 or 90 m (1) • NR600 • NR566
• Part B • Part B
L ≥ 65 or 90 m (1)
Hull • Ch 14, Sec 2 • Ch 14, Sec 2
L < 65 or 90 m (1) • NR600 • NR600
• Part B • NR566
• Ch 14, Sec 2 • Ch 14, Sec 2
• Part C • NR566
Machinery and cargo systems
• Ch 14, Sec 3 • Ch 14, Sec 3
Electrical installations • Part C • NR566
Automation • Part C • NR566
Fire protection, detection and extinction • Part C • NR566
(1) Refer to the scope of application of NR600.
Note 1:
NR566: Hull Arrangement, Stability and Systems for Ships less than 500 GT.
NR600: Hull Structure and Arrangement for the Classification of Cargo Ships less than 65 m and Non Cargo Ships less than 90 m.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 517

Pt D, Ch 14, Sec 2



s : Spacing, in m, of ordinary stiffeners. 2 Stability

1 General 2.1 Intact stability for ships with service
notation pontoon or pontoon - crane
1.1 Application
2.1.1 Application
1.1.1 General
The requirements of this item apply to seagoing ships with
Unless otherwise specified, the requirements of this Section
one of the service notations pontoon and pontoon - crane
apply to ships with one of the service notations barge, pon-
with the following characteristics:
toon and pontoon - crane.
• unmanned
Specific requirements which apply only to ships with the
service notation barge or ships with the service notation • having a block coefficient not less than 0,9
pontoon or pontoon- crane are indicated. • having a breadth/depth ratio greater than 3,0
Barges with the additional service feature tug combined are • having no hatchways in the deck except small manholes
also to comply with the applicable additional requirements closed with gasketed covers.
in Pt E, Ch 1, Sec 4.
2.1.2 Trim and stability booklet
1.1.2 Main characteristics of non-propelled units
The requirements of this Section are based on the following In addition to the information to be included in the trim and
assumptions, relevant to the main characteristics of non- stability booklet specified in Pt B, Ch 3, App 2, [1.1], simpli-
propelled units: fied stability guidance, such as a loading diagram, is to be
submitted to the Society for approval, so that pontoons may
• the structural configuration and proportions of non-pro-
be loaded in compliance with the stability criteria.
pelled units are similar to those of propelled ships
• the cargo is homogeneously distributed. 2.1.3 Stability calculations
The scantlings of non-propelled units with unusual shapes Stability calculations may be carried out according to the
and proportions or carrying cargoes which are not homoge- following criteria:
neously distributed, such as containers or heavy loads con- • no account is to be taken of the buoyancy of deck cargo
centrated in limited areas, are to be considered by the (except buoyancy credit for adequately secured timber)
Society on a case-by-case basis, taking into account the
results of direct calculations, to be carried out according to • consideration is to be given to such factors as water
Pt B, Ch 7, App 1. absorption (e.g. timber), trapped water in cargo (e.g.
pipes) and ice accretion
1.2 Additional class notations for lifting • in carrying out wind heel calculations:
appliances of ships with service notation - the wind pressure is to be constant and for general
pontoon - crane operations considered to act on a solid mass extend-
ing over the length of the cargo deck and to an
1.2.1 For ships with service notation pontoon - crane, one assumed height above the deck
of the following additional class notations, defined in Pt A,
- the centre of gravity of the cargo is to be assumed at
Ch 1, Sec 2, [6.12], is generally to be granted:
a point mid-height of the cargo
• ALP or (ALP) for lifting appliances intended to be used
- the wind lever arm is to be taken from the centre of
in harbours or similary sheltered areas
the deck cargo to a point at one half the draught
• ALM or (ALM) for lifting appliances intended to be used
in offshore conditions. • calculations are to be carried out covering the full range
of operating draughts
Note 1: when the lifting appliance is provided to be used essen-
tially in harbour conditions or similarly sheltered areas and excep-
• the downflooding angle is to be taken as the angle at
tionally in offshore conditions, the additional class notation ALP or which an opening through which progressive flooding
(ALP) is generally assigned. For the exceptional using in offshore may take place is immersed. This would not be an open-
conditions, the lifting capacity is reduced to a value in accordance ing closed by a watertight manhole cover or a vent fitted
with the considered sea conditions. with an automatic closure.

518 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 14, Sec 2

2.1.4 Intact stability criteria 4 Hull girder strength

The following intact stability criteria are to be complied
with, for the loading conditions specified in Pt B, Ch 3, App 4.1 Yielding check
2, [1.2.1] and Pt B, Ch 3, App 2, [1.2.2]:
4.1.1 Non-propelled units lifted by crane
• the area under the righting lever curve up to the angle of
For non-propelled units intended to be lifted on board ship
maximum righting lever is to be not less than 0,08 m.rad
by crane, the hull girder strength is to be checked, in the
• the static angle of heel due to a uniformly distributed condition of fully-loaded barge lifted by crane, through cri-
wind load of 0,54 kPa (wind speed 30 m/s) may not teria to be agreed with the Society on a case-by-case basis.
exceed a heeling angle corresponding to half the free- In general, the normal stress σ and the shear stress τ
board for the relevant loading condition, where the induced in the hull girder when lifted by crane are to com-
lever of wind heeling moment is measured from the cen- ply with the following formulae:
troid of the windage area to half the draught
σ ≤ 150/k N/mm2
• The minimum range of stability is to be:
τ ≤ 100/k N/mm2.
- 20° for L < 100 m
- 20° − 0,1° (L − 100) for 100 ≤ L ≤ 150 m 4.1.2 Ships with service notation pontoon carrying
special cargoes
- 15° for L > 150 m. For ships with the service notation pontoon intended for the
carriage of special cargoes, such as parts of offshore units,
2.2 Additional intact stability criteria for ships the hull girder strength is to be checked through criteria to
be agreed with the Society on a case-by-case basis.
with service notation pontoon - crane
Moreover, where these ships are fitted with arrangements
2.2.1 Ships assigned with the service notation pontoon- for launching the above structures, additional calculations
crane are to comply with the stability criteria during lifting are to be carried out in order to evaluate the stresses during
operations specified in Pt E, Ch 8, Sec 3, in addition to the various stages of launching. The Society may accept
those in [2.1]. stresses higher than those in [4.1.1], to be considered on a
case-by-case basis, taking into account favourable sea and
weather conditions during launching.
3 Structure design principles
4.1.3 Ships with service notation pontoon - crane
3.1 Hull structure For ships with the service notation pontoon - crane having
length greater than 65 m, the hull girder strength is to be
checked when the lifting appliance is operated, in accord-
3.1.1 Framing of ships with one of the service
notations pontoon and pontoon - crane ance with the requirements of Pt E, Ch 8, Sec 4.

In general, ships with one of the service notations pontoon

and pontoon - crane are to be longitudinally framed. 5 Hull scantlings

3.1.2 Supports for docked non-propelled units 5.1 General

Adequate supports are to be fitted on the longitudinal
5.1.1 Minimum net thicknesses of ships with
centreline in order to carry loads acting on the structure
service notation barge carrying liquids
when the non-propelled units are in dry dock.
For ships with the service notation barge carrying liquid
3.1.3 Truss arrangement supporting deck loads cargo inside tanks, the net thicknesses of cargo tank platings
are to be not less than the values given in Tab 1.
Where truss arrangements are used as supports of the deck
loads, including top and bottom girders in association with For other structures or transverse bulkheads not forming
pillars and diagonal bracing, the diagonal members are boundaries of cargo tanks, the above minimum thicknesses
generally to have angles of inclination with the horizontal may be reduced by 1 mm.
of about 45° and cross-sectional area of about 50% that of In pump rooms, the net thicknesses of plating of exposed
the adjacent pillars. decks, longitudinal bulkheads and associated ordinary stiff-
eners and primary supporting members are to be not less
than the values given in Tab 1.
3.2 Lifting appliances
5.1.2 Minimum net thicknesses of decks forming
3.2.1 Crane or derrick position during navigation tank top
For ships with the service notation pontoon - crane, it is to Where the decks of non-propelled units form a tank top, the
be possible to lower the crane boom or the derrick structure minimum net thicknesses of plating are to be not less than
and to secure them to the pontoon during the voyage. those obtained from Tab 1.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 519

Pt D, Ch 14, Sec 2

Table 1 : Minimum net thickness of plating pS : Still water deck pressure, as specified by the
Designer and defined in Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 6, [4]
Plating Minimum net thickness, in mm pW : Inertial deck pressure defined in Pt B, Ch 5, Sec
6, [4].
Decks, sides, For L ≤ 45 m, the greater of:
bottom, • (4,1 + 0,060 L) k0,5
inner bottom, • 2,8 + 0,060 L
5.2 Hull scantlings of non-propelled units
bulkheads, For 45 m < L ≤ 200 m, the greater of: with the service notation pontoon fitted
primary supporting • (5,9 + 0,023 L) k0,5 with arrangements and systems for
members in the • 4,5 + 0,023 L launching operations
cargo area
For L > 200 m, the greater of:
5.2.1 Additional information
• (8,6 + 0,009 L) k0,5
• 7,2 + 0,009 L In addition to the documentation specified in Pt B, Ch 1,
Sec 3, the following information is to be submitted to the
Weather deck, For L ≤ 200 m, the greater of: Society:
within cargo area • 11,3 s k0,5
outside 0,4 L • maximum draught of the ship during the different stages
• 11,3 s − 1,4
amidships of the launching operations
For 200 m < L < 250 m, the greater of:
• operating loads and their distribution
• (11,3 s + 0,026 (L − 200)) k0,5
• 11,3 s + 0,026 s (L − 200) − 1,4 • launching cradle location.
For L ≥ 250 m, the greater of:
5.2.2 Scantlings of plating, ordinary stiffeners and
• 12,6 s k0,5 primary supporting members
• 12,6 s − 1,4
In applying the formulae in Part B, Chapter 7, T is to be
Web of ordinary For L ≤ 45 m, the greater of: taken equal to the maximum draught during the different
stiffeners • (4,1 + 0,060 L) k0,5 stages of launching and taking into account, where appro-
and • 2,8 + 0,060 L priate, the differential static pressure.
other structures For 45 m < L ≤ 200 m, the greater of:
of cargo tanks 5.2.3 Deck scantlings
• (5,9 + 0,023 L) k0,5
• 4,5 + 0,023 L The scantlings of decks are to be in accordance with Part B,
For L > 200 m, the greater of: Chapter 7, considering the maximum loads acting on the
launching cradle.
• 10,0 k0,5
• 8,6 The thickness of deck plating in way of launch ground ways
is to be suitably increased if the cradle may be placed in dif-
Note 1:
ferent positions.
k : Material factor for steel, defined in Pt B, Ch 4,
Sec 1, [2.3]. The scantlings of decks in way of pivoting and end areas of
the cradle are to be obtained through direct calculations, to
5.1.3 Net thickness of strength deck plating be carried out according to the criteria in Pt B, Ch 7, App 1.

Within the cargo area, the thickness of strength deck plating 5.2.4 Launching cradles
is to be increased by 1,5 mm with respect to that calculated The launching cradles are to be adequately connected to
according to Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1. deck structures and arranged, as far as possible, in way of
longitudinal bulkheads or at least of girders.
5.1.4 Net section modulus and net shear sectional
area of deck ordinary stiffeners subjected to a
maximum allowable uniform pressure 5.3 Hull scantlings of non-propelled units
Maximum allowable uniform pressure is to be submitted by
with service notation pontoon - crane
the Designer. 5.3.1 Structural assessment
In this particular load case, the net section modulus w, in The foundations of the lifting equipment, the devices for
cm3, and the net shear sectional area Ash, in cm2, of deck stowage during transit and the connecting bolts between
longitudinal or transverse ordinary stiffeners are not to be the lifting equipment and the foundations are to comply
less than the values obtained from the following formulae: with the requirements of Pt E, Ch 8, Sec 4.

γ S2 p S + p W
-  1 – -----
w = γ R γ m β b -------------------------------------------
s 2 3
- s 10
5.3.2 Lifting appliances
12 ( R y – 0,75σ X1 )  2 The check of the behaviour of the lifting appliances at sea is
outside the scope of the classification and is under the
γ S2 p S + p W 
1 – ------ s
A Sh = 10γ R γ m β s ------------------------- responsibility of the Designer. However, where the require-
Ry  2 ments in [3.2.1] may not be complied with (i.e. sailing with
where: boom or derrick up) or where, exceptionally, trips with sus-
pended load are envisaged, the Designer is to submit the
βb , βs : Coefficients defined in Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 2, [3.4.2]
check of the lifting appliances during navigation to the Soci-
γR , γm , γS2 : Partial safety factors defined in Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 2 ety for information.

520 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 14, Sec 2

6 Hull outfitting 6.1.2 Unmanned non-propelled units

For unmanned non-propelled units, the equipment is not

6.1 Equipment required for classification purposes. The scantlings of
anchors, chain cables and ropes to be fitted on board are
6.1.1 Manned non-propelled units
the responsibility of the Designer.
The equipment of anchors, chain cables and ropes to be fit-
ted on board manned non-propelled units is to comply with
Pt B, Ch 9, Sec 4. 6.1.3 Towing arrangements
Chain cables for anchors may be replaced by steel ropes Non-propelled units are to be fitted with suitable arrange-
having the same breaking load. The ropes are to be con- ments for towing, with scantlings under the responsibility of
nected to the anchors by approximately 10 m of chain cable the Designer.
complying with Pt B, Ch 9, Sec 4.
Non-propelled units continuously assisted by a tug may The Society may, at the specific request of the interested
have only one anchor complying with Pt B, Ch 9, Sec 4 and parties, check the above arrangements and the associated
a chain rope having length neither less than 75% of the hull strengthening; to this end, the maximum pull for which
length obtained according to Pt B, Ch 9, Sec 4 nor less than the arrangements are to be checked is to be specified on the
220 m. plans.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 521

Pt D, Ch 14, Sec 3


1 General 2.1.4 Size of bilge pipes

a) The internal diameter, in mm, of suction pipes is not to

1.1 Application be less than the diameter given by the following for-
1.1.1 This Section provides requirements for bilge systems
of non propelled units. T
d 1 = ---------- + 50
1.2 Documents to be submitted where:

1.2.1 The documents listed in Tab 1 are to be submitted for T : Underdeck tonnage, in t.
b) When the ship is subdivided into small watertight com-
partments, the diameter of these suctions need not
2 Bilge system exceed 50 mm.

2.1 Bilge system in ships having no source

of electrical power
2.2 Bilge system in ships having a source of
2.1.1 General electrical power
Where there is no source of electrical power on board,
hand pumps are to be provided, in sufficient number and so 2.2.1 General
positioned as to permit an adequate drainage of all the On board ships having no propelling machinery but having
compartments of the ship. a source of electrical power, mechanical pumps are to be
provided for draining the various compartments of the ship.
2.1.2 Arrangement of the bilge system
The bilge system is to comply with one of the following
arrangements: 2.2.2 Arrangement of the bilge system

a) at least one pump is to be provided for each compart- The bilge system is to comply with the provisions of Pt C,
ment Ch 1, Sec 10, [6.3] to Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [6.6] applicable to
the spaces concerned, except that direct suctions need not
b) at least two pumps connected to a bilge main are to be be provided.
provided. The main is to have branch pipes allowing the
draining of each compartment through at least one suc-
2.2.3 Bilge pumps
2.1.3 Hand pumps The number and capacity of the bilge pumps are to comply
a) Hand pumps are to be capable of being operated from with the relevant requirements of Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [6.7].
positions above the load waterline and are to be readily
accessible at any time. 2.2.4 Size of bilge pipes
b) Hand pumps are to have a maximum suction height not The size of bilge pipes is to comply with the relevant
exceeding 7,30 m. requirements of Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [6.8].

Table 1 : Documents to be submitted

No. Description of the document (1) Status of the review

1 Diagram of the bilge system A
2 Diagram of the central priming system intended for the bilge pumps, where provided A
3 Capacity, prime mover and location of the bilge pumps A
(1) Diagrams are also to include, where applicable, the (local and remote) control and monitoring systems and automation systems.

522 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Part D
Service Notations

Chapter 15







July 2018 Bureau Veritas 523

524 Bureau Veritas July 2018
Pt D, Ch 15, Sec 1


1 General Table 1 : Applicable requirements

Item Reference
1.1 Application
• Part B
Ship L ≥ 65 or 90 m (1)
1.1.1 Ships complying with the requirements of this Chap- • Ch 15, Sec 2
ter are eligible for the assignment of the service notation arrangement
L < 65 or 90 m (1) • NR600
Fishing vessel, as defined in Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.11].
• Part B
L ≥ 65 or 90 m (1)
1.1.2 Ships dealt with in this Chapter are to comply with: Hull • Ch 15, Sec 3
• Part A of the Rules L < 65 or 90 m (1) • NR600
• NR216 Materials and Welding • Part B
• applicable requirements according to Tab 1. Stability
• Ch 15, Sec 3
• Part C
Machinery and cargo system
• Ch 15, Sec 4
• Part C
Electrical installations
• Ch 15, Sec 5
Automation • Part C
Fire protection, detection and • Part C
extinction • Ch 15, Sec 6 (2)
(1) Refer to the scope of application of NR600.
(2) Articles Ch 15, Sec 6, [5], Ch 15, Sec 6, [6], Ch 15, Sec
6, [7], Ch 15, Sec 6, [8], Ch 15, Sec 6, [9] and Ch 15,
Sec 6, [10] apply only to ships assigned with the addi-
tional service feature F.
Note 1:
NR600: Hull Structure and Arrangement for the Classification
of Cargo Ships less than 65 m and Non Cargo Ships less than
90 m.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 525

Pt D, Ch 15, Sec 2


1 General arrangement design 1.1.4 Openings in collision bulkhead

Openings in the collision bulkhead below the working deck
are not allowed.
1.1 Subdivision arrangement
Where penetration of the collision bulkhead is necessary for
1.1.1 General piping, arrangements are to be fitted to maintain the water-
tight integrity and strength, with suitable valves operable
Fishing vessels are to be fitted with at least the following
from above the freeboard deck, whose valve chest is to be
transverse watertight bulkheads:
secured at the bulkhead inside the fore peak.
• one collision bulkhead
Where the collision bulkhead extends above the working
• one after peak bulkhead deck, openings above the working deck are allowed pro-
• two bulkheads forming the boundaries of the machinery vided that they are supplied with weathertight means of clo-
space in ships with machinery amidships, and a bulk- sure.
head forward of the machinery space in ships with
1.1.5 Openings in watertight bulkheads
machinery aft.
The number of openings in watertight bulkheads is to be
1.1.2 Disposition of collision bulkhead kept to a minimum compatible with the design and proper
working of the ship.
For vessels equal to or greater than 45 m in length, the colli-
sion bulkhead is to be located at a distance from the for- Where penetration of watertight bulkheads and internal
ward perpendicular FPLL of not less than 5% and no more decks is necessary for access, piping, ventilation, electrical
than 8% of the length LLL of the ship. cables, etc., arrangements are to be fitted to maintain the
watertight integrity and strength.
Where any part of the ship below the waterline extends for-
ward of the forward perpendicular, e.g a bulbous bow, the
1.2 Cofferdams
above distances, in m, are to be measured from a point
either: 1.2.1 Cofferdams are to be provided between compart-
• at the mid-length of such extension, or ments intended for liquid hydrocarbons (fuel oil, lubricating
oil) and those intended for fresh water or boiler feed water.
• at a distance 1,5% of the length LLL of the ship forward
of the forward perpendicular, where this distance is 1.2.2 Cofferdams separating fuel oil tanks from lubricating
lesser. oil tanks and such tanks from those intended for the car-
riage of fresh water or boiler feed water may not be required
1.1.3 Height of transverse watertight bulkheads when deemed impracticable or unreasonable by the Society
The bulkheads in [1.1.1] are to be watertight up to the in relation to the characteristics and dimensions of such
working deck. tanks, provided that:
Where a long forward superstructure is fitted, the collision • the thickness of common boundary plates of adjacent
bulkhead is to be extended weathertight to the next deck tanks is increased by 1 mm with respect to that obtained
above the freeboard deck. The extension need not be fitted according to Ch 15, Sec 3
directly above the bulkhead below provided it is located • the tank structural test is carried out with a head
within the limits prescribed in [1.1.2] and the part of the increased by 1 m with respect to that specified in Pt B,
deck which forms the step is made effectively watertight. Ch 11, Sec 3, [1.4] or NR600, as applicable.

526 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 15, Sec 3



x, y, z : X, Y and Z co-ordinates, in m, of the calculation 2.1.3 Intact stability criteria

point with respect to the reference co-ordinate
system defined in Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 2, [4] • The general intact stability criteria in Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 2,
p0 : Reference pressure, in kN/m2: [2] are to be applied to fishing vessels equal to or greater
p0 = 10 if L ≤ 50 than 24 m in length, except for the requirements below.
p0 = 0,2 L if L > 50 • The initial metacentric height GM0 is to be not less than
zTOP : Z co-ordinate, in m, of the highest point of the 0,35 m for single deck vessels.
tank or of the hold
• The metacentric height GM0 may be reduced to the sat-
hTD : Tween deck height at side, in m
isfaction of the Society but in no case is GM0 to be less
than 0,15 m for vessels with complete superstructure or
1 General
vessels equal to or greater than 70 m in length.

1.1 Documents to be submitted Where arrangements other than bilge keels are provided to
1.1.1 In addition to the documentation requested in Part B, limit the angle of roll, the above stability criteria are to be
the following documents are to be submitted: maintained in all operating conditions.
• Minimum design temperature of refrigerated spaces,
2.1.4 Severe wind and rolling criterion (weather
• Structural reinforcements in way of load transmitting
elements, such as masts, gantries, trawl gallows and
winches, including the maximum brake load of the
winches. The requirements in Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 2, [3] are to be com-
plied with by:

• fishing vessels equal to or greater than 45 m in length

2 Stability
• fishing vessels in the length range between 24 m and
45 m, with the values of wind pressure defined in Tab 1,
2.1 Intact stability
depending on the vertical distance h, in m, measured
2.1.1 Application from the centre of the projected vertical area of the ship
above the waterline to the waterline.
The stability of the ship for the loading conditions in Pt B,
Ch 3, App 2, [1.2.13], with the assumptions in [2.1.2], is to
be in compliance with the requirements in [2.1.3]. Table 1 : Values of wind pressure

2.1.2 Assumptions for calculating loading Vertical distance h, in m Wind pressure, in kN/m2
1 0,316
The assumptions for calculating the loading conditions in Pt
B, Ch 3, App 2, [1.2.13] are as follows: 2 0,386

• allowance is to be made for the weight of the wet fishing 3 0,429

nets and tackle, etc., on deck 4 0,460
• allowance for icing, where this is anticipated to occur, is 5 0,485
to be made in accordance with Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 2, [6]
6 and over 0,504
• in all cases the cargo is to be assumed to be homogene-
ous unless this is inconsistent with practice
2.1.5 Icing
• deck cargo is to be included if such a practice is antici-
pated For vessels operating in areas where ice accretion is
• water ballast is normally to be included only if carried in expected, the requirements in Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 2, [6] are to
tanks which are specially provided for this purpose. be complied with.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 527

Pt D, Ch 15, Sec 3

3 Hull scantlings 3.1.4 Dry uniform cargoes on decks

The design pressure transmitted to the deck structures is in
general defined by the designer; in any case, it may not be
3.1 Design loads
taken less than 10 kN/m2.
3.1.1 Fish hold When the design pressure is not defined by the designer, it
The design pressure pF, in kN/m , to be considered for the may be taken, in kN/m2, equal to 7hTD.
scantling of fish holds, is to be obtained from the following
formula: 3.2 Bottom, side and decks plating
z TOP – z 
p F = 7  ---------------------
- h 3.2.1 The thickness of bottom, side and decks plating is to
 z TOP – z 0 TD
be increased by 0,5 mm with respect to that calculated
where: according to Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1.

z0 : Z co-ordinate of the lowest point of the fish hold.

3.3 Aft ramp
In all cases, this pressure is to be taken not less than
10 kN/m2. 3.3.1 Plating of the aft ramp and of the lower part of
the aft ramp side
3.1.2 Cargo weather deck
The plating thickness of the aft ramp and of the lower part of
The design pressure pWD , in kN/m2, to be considered for the the aft ramp side is to be increased by 2 mm with respect to
scantling of cargo weather decks is to be obtained from the that calculated according to Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 2, [3] for side
following formula: plating with the same plate panel dimensions.
pWD = 0,4 pD + 12 pC The net plating thickness of the aft ramp and of the lower
part of the aft ramp side is to be not less than 11 mm.
pD : Sea pressure defined in Tab 2 3.3.2 Plating of the upper part of the aft ramp side

pC : Cargo load, in t/m². The plating thickness of the upper part of the aft ramp side is
to be not less than the value calculated according to Pt B,
Table 2 : Weather decks sea pressure Ch 8, Sec 2, [3] for side plating with the same plate panel

Sea pressure pD , in kN/m2

Weather deck 3.4 Arrangement for hull and superstructure
Midship region End regions openings
Strength deck of single pD = p0 pD = 1,5 p0
deck ship 3.4.1 Door sills
Multideck ships: The height of the sill of the doors is to be not less than:
- freeboard deck pD = p0 pD = 1,5 p0
• 600 mm above the working deck
- strength deck pD = 0,7 p0 pD = 1,05 p0
• 300 mm above the deck of the lower tier of superstruc-
Forecastle deck pD = 0,7 p0 tures.
Poop deck pD = 0,6 p0
For doors protected from the direct impact of waves, except
Long superstructures pD = 0,6 p0 pD = 0,6 p0
for those giving direct access to machinery spaces, the
Short superstructures pD = 0,4 p0 pD = 0,4 p0 height of the sill may be taken not less than:
First deck of deckhouses
• 380 mm above the working deck
Second deck of deckhouses pD = 0,3 p0 pD = 0,3 p0
• 150 mm above the deck of the lower tier of superstruc-
Other decks of deckhouses pD = 3,0 pD = 3,0 tures.

3.1.3 Lower deck 4 Lifting appliances and fishing devices

The design pressure pLD , in kN/m2, to be considered for the
scantling of lower decks is to be obtained from the follow-
4.1 General
ing formulae:

• for working deck: 4.1.1 The limits of application to lifting appliances are
defined in Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 1, [1.2].
pLD = 8,5
4.1.2 The requirements in [4] apply to the reinforcements
• for cargo tweendeck:
under decks supporting fishing devices, and to the strength
pLD = 7 hTD , to be taken not less than 10 kN/m2. check of fishing devices and masts if welded to the deck.

528 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 15, Sec 3

4.2 Design loads The equipment in anchors, chain cables and ropes of fishing
vessels with the navigation notation coastal area may be
4.2.1 The design loads to be considered for the strength obtained from Tab 3 based on the Equipment Number EN
check of masts, fishing devices and reinforcements under corresponding to the row above that relevant to the Equip-
decks are: ment Number calculated for the ship considered.
• the weights of booms and net hauling fittings In general, stockless anchors are to be adopted.
• the cargo loads, to be taken equal to the maximum trac- For ships with EN greater than 720, the determination of the
tion loads of the different lifting appliances, considering equipment is to be considered by the Society on a case-by-
the rolling-up diameters defined in [4.2.2]. case basis.

4.2.2 The rolling-up diameters to be taken for the maxi- The mooring lines are given as a guidance, but are not
mum traction loads of the lifting appliances are: required as a condition of classification.
• for the fishing winches: the mid rolling-up diameter
5.2.2 Anchors
• for the net winches: the maximum rolling-up diameter The required mass for each anchor is to be obtained from
• for the winding-tackles: the minimum rolling-up diameter. Tab 3.
The individual mass of a main anchor may differ by ±7%
4.3 Strength check from the mass required for each anchor, provided that the
total mass of anchors is not less than the total mass required
4.3.1 Calculation of stresses in the structural in Tab 3.
The stresses in the structural elements of masts, fishing The mass of the head of an ordinary stockless anchor,
devices and reinforcements under decks are to be obtained including pins and accessories, is to be not less than 60% of
by means of direct calculations, using the design loads the total mass of the anchor.
specified in [4.2]. Where a stock anchor is provided, the mass of the anchor,
excluding the stock, is to be not less than 80% of the mass
4.3.2 Yielding check required in Tab 3 for a stockless anchor. The mass of the
The Von Mises equivalent stresses in the structural elements stock is to be not less than 25% of the mass of the anchor
of masts, fishing devices and reinforcements under decks without the stock but including the connecting shackle.
are to comply with the following formula:
5.2.3 Scantlings of stud link chain cables
σE ≤ 0,5 ReH
The mass and geometry of stud link chain cables, including
where: the links, are to be in compliance with the requirements in
σE : Von Mises equivalent stress, in N/mm2, to be NR 216 Materials, Ch 4, Sec 1, [2].
obtained as a result of direct calculations The diameter of stud link chain cables is to be not less than
ReH : Minimum yield stress, in N/mm2, of the mate- the value in Tab 3.
rial, defined in Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 1, [2].
5.2.4 Chain cable arrangement
4.3.3 Buckling check Chain cables are to be made by lengths of 27,5 m each,
The buckling strength of the structural elements of masts joined together by Dee or lugless shackles.
and fishing devices is to be checked in compliance with
Part B, Chapter 7. The total length of chain cables, as required in Tab 3, is to
be divided into approximately equal parts between the two
anchors ready for use.
5 Hull outfitting
Where different arrangements are provided, they are to be
considered by the Society on a case-by-case basis.
5.1 Rudder stock scantlings
When chain cables are replaced by trawl warps, the anchor
5.1.1 The rudder stock diameter is to be increased by 5% is to be positioned on the forecastle deck so that it may be
with respect to that obtained from the formula in Pt B, Ch 9, readily cast after it has been shackled to the trawl warp.
Sec 1, [4]. Chocks or rollers are to be fitted at suitable locations, along
the path of the trawl warps, between the winch and the
mooring chocks.
5.2 Equipment
5.2.1 General 6 Protection of hull metallic structures
Anchors referred to in this section are bower anchors.
Fishing vessels are to be provided with equipment in 6.1 Protection of deck by wood sheathing
anchors, chain cables and ropes to be obtained from Tab 3,
based on their Equipment Number EN, to be calculated 6.1.1 Protection of deck by wood sheathing is to comply
according to Pt B, Ch 9, Sec 4, [1]. with Pt B, Ch 11, Sec 1, [4.2].

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Pt D, Ch 15, Sec 3

6.2 Protection of cargo sides by battens 6.3 Deck composition

6.2.1 In cargo spaces, where thermal insulation is fitted, 6.3.1 The deck composition is to be of such a material as to
battens formed by spaced planks are generally to be fitted prevent corrosion as far as possible and is to be effectively
longitudinally. secured to the steel structures underneath by means of suit-
able connections.

Table 3 : Equipment

Equipment number EN Stockless bower

Stud link chain cables for bower anchors Mooring lines (1)
A< EN ≤ B anchors
Diameter, in mm Length of
Mass per Total length, Breaking
A B N high strength N each line,
anchor, in kg in m mild steel load, in kN
steel in m

10 15 2 30 110 11 11
15 20 2 40 110 11 11
20 25 2 50 165 11 11
25 30 2 60 165 11 11
30 40 2 80 165 11 11 2 50 29
40 50 2 100 192,5 11 11 2 60 29
50 60 2 120 192,5 12,5 11 2 60 29
60 70 2 140 192,5 12,5 11 2 80 29
70 80 2 160 220 14 12,5 2 100 34
80 90 2 180 220 14 12,5 2 100 37
90 100 2 210 220 16 14 2 110 37
100 110 2 240 220 16 14 2 110 39
110 120 2 270 247,5 17,5 16 2 110 39
120 130 2 300 247,5 17,5 16 2 110 44
130 140 2 340 275 19 17,5 2 120 44
140 150 2 390 275 19 17,5 2 120 49
150 175 2 480 275 22 19 2 120 54
175 205 2 570 302,5 24 20,5 2 120 59
205 240 2 660 302,5 26 22 2 120 64
240 280 2 780 330 28 24 3 120 71
280 320 2 900 357,5 30 26 3 140 78
320 360 2 1020 357,5 32 28 3 140 86
360 400 2 1140 385 34 30 3 140 93
400 450 2 1290 385 36 32 3 140 101
450 500 2 1440 412,5 38 34 3 140 108
500 550 2 1590 412,5 40 34 4 160 113
550 600 2 1740 440 42 36 4 160 118
600 660 2 1920 440 44 38 4 160 123
660 720 2 2100 440 46 40 4 160 127
(1) The mooring lines are given as a guidance, but are not required as a condition of classification.

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Pt D, Ch 15, Sec 4


Table 1 : Documents to be submitted

1 General
No. Document (1)

1.1 Application 1 Drawing showing the arrangement of the sea chests

and ship side valves
1.1.1 Machinery systems fitted on board ships having the 2 Diagram of the bilge and ballast systems (in and out-
notation fishing vessel are to comply with the relevant sec- side machinery spaces)
tions of Part C, Chapter 1, with the exception of tests and 3 Specification of the central priming system intended
the following systems: for bilge pumps, when provided
• bilge system 4 Diagram of the scuppers and sanitary discharge sys-
• scuppers and sanitary discharges tems
• air pipes and sounding devices 5 Diagram of the air, sounding and overflow systems
• ventilation 6 Diagram of cooling systems (sea and fresh waters)
• oil fuel systems 7 Diagram of fuel oil system
• cooling systems
8 Drawings of the fuel oil tanks not forming part of the
• lubricating oil systems ship's structure
• compressed air systems 9 Diagram of the lubricating oil system
• hydraulic systems
10 Diagram of the thermal oil system
• exhaust gas system
11 Diagram of the hydraulic systems intended for essen-
• refrigerating installations tial services or located in machinery spaces
• propelling and auxiliary machinery 12 Diagram of the compressed air system
• steering gear,
13 Diagram of the hydraulic and pneumatic remote
for which substitutive requirements are provided in this Sec- control systems
tion. 14 Diagram of the exhaust gas system

1.1.2 This Section does not cover the design and perfor- 15 Diagram of drip trays and gutterway draining system
mances of the fishing equipment. However, the piping sys- 16 Arrangement of the ventilation system
tems and pressure vessels serving the fishing equipment are (1) To be submitted for approval, in four copies.
required to comply with the relevant Sections of Part C. Diagrams are also to include, where applicable, the
(local and remote) control and monitoring systems and
1.2 Documents to be submitted automation systems.

1.2.1 In addition to the documents listed in Tab 1 and Tab 1.4.2 Testing on board
2, the diagram of the piping systems (hydraulic system, etc.) After assembly onboard, all fittings and accessories being
serving the fishing equipment is to be submitted for fitted, a hydraulic pressure test is to be carried out for com-
approval. pressed air and oil fuel pipes.

1.3 Tests - Trials in ships L ≥ 24 m As a rule, the test pressure is not to be less than 1,5 times
the service pressure.
1.3.1 See Part C, Chapter 1.
1.4.3 Hydraulic tests of oil fuel bunkers, tanks and
1.4 Tests - Trials in ships L < 24 m
The oil fuel bunkers and tanks not forming part of the ship's
1.4.1 General structure are to be submitted to a hydraulic test under a
The building and fitting of fluid systems, pumps, pipes and pressure corresponding to the maximum liquid level in
their accessories, as well as other installations referred to in these spaces or in the air or overflow pipes, subject to a
this Chapter are to be attended by a Society's Surveyor, at minimum of 2,40 m above the top. This minimum height is
the Builder's request. to be 3,60 m for tanks intended to contain oil fuel having a
flash point below 60°C.
Pneumatic tests are to be avoided whenever possible. When
such testing is essential in lieu of hydraulic pressure test, Non metallic or metallic flexible pipes and expansion joints
procedure for testing is to be submitted to the Society for are to be tested in accordance with the requirements stated
acceptance prior to testing. in [1.10.4] item e) and [1.11.7] item a), as appropriate.

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Pt D, Ch 15, Sec 4

Table 2 : Information to be submitted b) Unless otherwise specified, the fluid lines referred to in
this Chapter are to consist of pipes connected to the
I/A ship's structure by means of collars or similar devices.
No. Document
(1) c) As far as possible, pipes are not to pass near switch-
1 I Nature, service temperature and pressure of boards or other electrical apparatuses. If this require-
the fluids ment is impossible to satisfy, gutterways or masks are to
2 A Material, external diameter and wall thickness be provided wherever deemed necessary to prevent pro-
of the pipes jections of liquid on live parts.
3 A Type of the connections between pipe d) These provisions also apply to the exhaust pipes of inter-
lengths, including details of the weldings, nal combustion engines.
where provided
4 A Material, type and size of the accessories 1.6.3 Protection of pipes
5 A For plastic pipes: Pipes are to be efficiently protected against corrosion par-
• the chemical composition ticularly in their most exposed parts, either by selection of
• the physical and mechanical characteris-
their constituent materials, or by an appropriate coating or
tics in function of temperature treatment.
• the characteristics of inflammability and
1.6.4 Accessories
fire resistance
• the resistance to the products intended to Locks, valves and other accessories are generally to be so
be conveyed placed that they are easily visible and accessible for
manoeuvring, control and maintenance.
(1) A = to be submitted for approval, in four copies.
I = to be submitted for information, in duplicate.
1.7 Sea inlets and overboard discharges in
1.5 General requirements applicable to all ships L ≥ 24 m
piping systems in ships L ≥ 24 m
1.7.1 See Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [2.8].
1.5.1 See relevant requirements of Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [1]
and Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [5]. 1.8 Sea inlets and ship side valves in ships
L < 24 m
1.6 General requirements applicable to all 1.8.1 Valves
piping systems in ships L < 24 m
All sea inlet and outlet pipes are to be provided with valves
1.6.1 Materials
• directly on the plating, or
The manufacturer's test certificate for materials for valves
and fittings can be accepted in lieu of the Society's materi- • on steel chests built on the plating, or
als certificate where the maximum conditions are not • on strong distance pieces as short as possible which
beyond those shown in Tab 3. may be welded to the plating.

Table 3 : Maximum conditions for acceptance of 1.8.2 Strainers

manufacturer's test certificate Sea inlets are to be fitted with strainers. The flow section
through each strainer is not to be less than twice the total
Material Maximum conditions section of the suction pipes connected to the said inlet.
Spheroidal or DN < 50 and PxDN < 2500
nodular cast iron 1.8.3 Materials

Carbon and low −10°C < t < 300°C and DN < 50, or
The valves on sea inlets and overboard discharges are to be
of steel or appropriate non-brittle material.
alloy steel −10°C < t < 300°C and PxDN < 2500
Cupreous alloy (1) t < 200°C and DN < 50, or Similar provisions apply to distance pieces connecting the
t < 200°C and PxDN < 1500 valves to the shell plating.

(1) See Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [2.1]. 1.8.4 Protection against corrosion

Note 1: DN = nominal diameter, P = working pressure,
Efficient arrangements such as the fitting of zinc anodes are
t = working temperature.
to be made in order to protect the steel parts of sea inlets
and discharges against corrosion.
1.6.2 Fixing and arrangement of the pipes
a) Except where otherwise permitted, piping and pumping 1.9 Non-metallic rigid pipes in ships L ≥ 24m
systems covered by this Chapter are to be permanently
fixed onboard ship. 1.9.1 See Pt C, Ch 1, App 3.

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Pt D, Ch 15, Sec 4

1.10 Non-metallic rigid pipes in ships L < 24m d) Where pipes made of plastics are to pass through fire
divisions, the arrangements taken to ensure the fire
1.10.1 General integrity of these divisions are to be submitted to the
a) The Society may permit the use of rigid pipes made of
plastics in lieu of metallic pipes in the conditions speci-
1.10.4 Design and construction
fied in [1.10.2], [1.10.3] and [1.10.4].
a) Pipes and fittings are to be of a robust construction and
b) These requirements apply to thermoplastic materials
are to comply with the requirements of such national
but, where appropriate, may also be applied to pipes
standards as may be consistent with their intended use.
manufactured in fibre reinforced thermosetting resins.
Particulars of scantlings and joints are to be submitted
c) For every application, characteristics of the proposed for examination.
plastics are to be given to the Society, namely:
b) All pipes are to be adequately but freely supported. Suit-
• the chemical composition
able provision for expansion and contraction is to be
• the physical and mechanical characteristics in func- made in each range of pipes to allow for important
tion of the temperature clearance between pipes made of plastics and steel
• the fire properties structures, in consideration of the difference between
their individual coefficients of thermal expansion.
• eventually, the resistance to the various products
likely to come into contact with those plastics. c) All fittings and branches are to be suitable for the
intended service and are to have joints of cemented,
1.10.2 Use of plastic pipes flanged or other approved types.
a) Pipes made of plastics are permitted, as a general rule, d) The bursting pressure of pipes, fittings and joints made
for: of plastics, at their service temperature, is not to be less
• scupper and sanitary discharge pipes than 4 times their maximum service pressure, with a
minimum of 5 bar.
• ballast pipes except for the parts passing through
engine rooms, dangerous spaces and oil fuel bun- e) After completion, pipes and fittings are to be subjected
kers or located between pumps and their suctions to a hydraulic pressure test, to be applied during at least
and discharges 5 minutes under a pressure not less than 1,5 times the
service pressure.
• individual bilge pipes for small compartments such
as chain lockers.
1.11 Flexible hoses and expansion joints
b) For other pipes such as air and sounding pipes of com-
partments not intended to contain oil fuel, the Society
1.11.1 General
may accept the use of plastics subject to an examination
of the relevant drawings. a) The Society may permit the use of flexible hoses and
expansion joints, both in metallic and non-metallic
c) Pipes made of plastics may be used for fluid systems not materials, provided they are approved for the intended
covered by the classification provided the requirements service.
given in [1.10.3] are complied with.
b) Flexible hoses and expansion joints are to be of a type
d) Pipes made of plastics are not to be used where they are approved by the Society, designed in accordance with
subject to temperatures above 60°C or below 0°C. [1.11.3] and tested in accordance with [1.11.6].
The use at a higher temperature for particular applica-
c) Flexible hoses and expansion joints are to be installed in
tions is subject to special examination.
accordance with the requirements stated in [1.11.5].
e) Any proposed service for plastic pipes not mentioned
d) Flexible hoses and expansion joints intended for piping
above is to be submitted to the Society for special con-
systems with a design temperature below the ambient
temperature will be given special consideration by the
1.10.3 Intactness of watertight subdivision and fire Society.
1.11.2 Documentation
a) As a rule, pipes made of plastics cannot pass through
The information, drawings and documentation listed in
watertight bulkheads.
[1.2.1], Tab 1 and Tab 2 are to be submitted to the Society
b) If, however, such a passage cannot be avoided, arrange- for each type of flexible hose or expansion joint intended to
ments are to be made in order to ensure the integrity of be used.
the subdivision in case of pipe breakage. Such arrange-
ments are to be submitted to the Society. 1.11.3 Design of flexible hoses and expansion joints
c) The use of pipes made of plastics is generally to be a) Flexible pipes and expansion joints are to be made of
avoided wherever the destruction of these pipes in case materials resistant to the marine environment and to the
of fire would compromise the intactness of subdivision fluid they are to convey. Metallic materials are to com-
or the safety of the ship. ply with Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [2.1.2].

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Pt D, Ch 15, Sec 4

b) Flexible pipes and expansion joints are to be designed e) Use of expansion joints in water lines for other services,
so as to withstand: including ballast lines in machinery spaces, in duct
• external contact with hydrocarbons keels and inside double bottom water ballast tanks, and
bilge lines inside double bottom tanks and deep tanks,
• internal pressure is to be given special consideration by the Society.
• vibrations
1.11.5 Arrangement of flexible hoses and expansion
• pressure impulses.
c) Flexible pipes intended to convey fuel oil or lubricating
a) Flexible hoses and expansion joints are to be so
oil and end attachments are to be of fire-resisting mate-
arranged as to be accessible at all times.
rials of adequate strength and are to be constructed to
the satisfaction of the Society. b) Flexible hoses and expansion joints are to be as short as
d) Where a protective lining is provided for this purpose, it
is to be impervious to hydrocarbons and to hydrocarbon c) The radius of curvature of flexible hoses is not to be less
vapours. than the minimum recommended by the manufacturer.
e) Flexible pipes intended to convey: d) The adjoining pipes are to be suitably aligned, sup-
• gaseous fluid at a pressure higher than 1 MPa ported, guided and anchored.

• fuel oil or lubricating oil, e) Isolating valves are to be provided permitting the isola-
tion of flexible hoses intended to convey flammable oil
are to be fitted with a metallic braid.
or compressed air.
f) As a general rule, flexible hoses are to be fitted with crimped
f) Expansion joints are to be protected against over exten-
connections or equivalent. For water pipes subject to a pres-
sion or over compression.
sure not exceeding 0,5 MPa, as well as for scavenge air and
supercharge air lines of internal combustion engines, clips g) Where they are likely to suffer external damage, flexible
made of galvanised steel or corrosion-resistant material with hoses and expansion joints of the bellows type are to be
thickness not less than 0,4 mm may be used. provided with adequate protection.
g) Flexible pipes and expansion joints are to be so
Table 4 : Type tests to be performed for
designed that their bursting pressure at the service tem-
flexible hoses and expansion joints
perature is not less than 4 times their maximum service
pressure, with a minimum of 2 MPa. Exemptions from
Type test Required
this requirement may be granted for expansion joints of
large diameter used on sea water lines. Bursting Yes

h) The junctions of flexible hoses and expansion joints to Fire-resistance Yes (1)
their couplings are to withstand a pressure at least equal Vibration Yes (2)
to the bursting pressure defined in item f).
Pressure impulse Yes
1.11.4 Conditions of use of flexible hoses and Flexibility Yes (3)
expansion joints
Cyclic expansion Yes (4)
a) The use of flexible hoses and expansion joints is to be
Resistance Yes (5)
limited as far as practicable.
(1) Only for flexible hoses and expansion joints used in
b) The position of flexible hoses and expansion joints is to flammable oil and sea water systems.
be clearly shown on the piping drawings submitted to (2) Only for flexible hoses and expansion joints fitted to
the Society. engines, pumps, compressors or other sources of high
c) The use of non-metallic expansion joints on pipes con- vibrations.
nected to sea inlets and overboard discharges is to be given (3) Only for flexible hoses conveying low temperature fluids.
special consideration by the Society. As a rule, the fitting of (4) Only for piping systems subjected to expansion cycles.
such joints between the ship side and the valves mentioned (5) Internal to the conveyed fluid and external to UV.
in Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [2.8.3] or [1.8.1], as applicable, is
not permitted. Furthermore, unless the above-mentioned 1.11.6 Type tests of flexible hoses and expansion
valves are fitted with remote controls operable from places joints
located above the freeboard deck, efficient means are to be
a) Type approval tests are to be carried out on a flexible
provided, wherever necessary, to limit the flooding of the
hose or an expansion joint of each type and each size,
ship in the event of rupture of the expansion joints.
in accordance with Tab 4.
d) Expansion joints may be fitted in sea water lines, pro-
b) The flexible pipes or expansion joints subjected to the
vided they are arranged with guards which effectively
tests are to be fitted with their connections.
enclose, but do not interfere with, the action of the
expansion joints and reduce to the minimum practica- c) The fire-resistance test is to be carried out in the condi-
ble any flow of water into the machinery spaces in the tions hereafter; other test methods may be applied after
event of failure of the flexible elements. special examination.

534 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 15, Sec 4

The flexible pipe is to be subjected to fire for 30 minutes c) The bilge pumping system is to consist of pumps con-
at a temperature of 800°C, while water at the maximum nected to a bilge main line so arranged as to allow the
service pressure is circulated inside the pipe; the tem- draining of all spaces mentioned in item a).
perature of the water at the outlets is not to be less than
d) Bilge pumping arrangement may be dispensed with in
80°C. No leak is to be recorded during and after the test.
particular compartments where no equipment nor open-
d) Flexible pipes or expansion joints granted with a type ings are likely to leak.
approval certificate issued by the Society for the e) Where expressly permitted, some small compartments
intended conditions of use are exempted from type-tests. may be drained by means of hand pumps.
1.11.7 Hydraulic tests f) Bilge and ballast systems are to be so designed as to pre-
vent the possibility of water passing from the sea and
a) Each flexible pipe or expansion joint, together with its
from water ballast spaces into the cargo and machinery
connections, is to undergo a hydraulic test under a pres-
spaces, or from one compartment to another. Provisions
sure at least equal to twice the maximum service pres-
are to be made to prevent any space having bilge and
sure, subject to a minimum of 10 bar.
ballast connections being inadvertently flooded from
b) During the test, the pipe or expansion joint is to be the sea when containing cargo, or being discharged
repeatedly deformed from its geometrical axis. through the bilge system when containing water ballast.
g) Where there are common valves between bilge and fire
1.11.8 Marking
fighting lines, they are to have a locked device on his
Each flexible pipe or expansion joint is to be stencilled or handwheels in order to avoid the discharge of bilge
otherwise marked with its specified maximum service pres- water into the fighting circuit.
sure and, when used in other than ambient temperature, its
maximum or minimum service temperature or both.
2.2 Design of the bilge system
1.11.9 Periodical replacement - Spare parts
2.2.1 General
a) Flexible pipes or expansion joints are to be periodically
replaced according to the periodicity depending on a) All suction pipes up to the connection with the bilge
their types. pumps are to be independent from any other piping sys-
tem of the ship.
b) A spare is recommended for each type of flexible pipe
or expansion joint the failure of which could impair the b) Non-return valves are to be fitted on:
operation of main engines, that of auxiliary engines for • direct and emergency suctions in machinery spaces
essential services or the safety of the ship.
• the pipe connections to bilge distribution boxes

1.12 Metallic flexible pipes and joints • the suctions of pumps having also connections from
the sea or from compartments normally intended to
1.12.1 Metallic flexible pipes and joints are to comply with contain liquid
the requirements stated in [1.11], as far as applicable. • the direct suctions connected to independent bilge
pumps, where required.
Fire-resistance tests need not be carried out.
c) All compartments are to be provided with at least one
2 Bilge system in ships L ≥ 24 m suction on each side. However, in the case of short and
narrow compartments, a single suction ensuring an effi-
cient draining may be accepted.
2.1 General
2.2.2 Draining of machinery spaces
2.1.1 Application
The following provisions supersede those given in Pt C, Ch 1, a) Machinery spaces of ships with double bottom, or
Sec 10, [6]. where the rise of floor is less than 5°, are to be provided
on each side with one bilge suction connected to the
2.1.2 Principle bilge main.

a) Fishing vessels are to be provided with an efficient bilge b) Machinery spaces of ships without double bottom, or
pumping system capable of pumping from and draining, where the rise of floor exceeds 5°, may be provided
under all practical conditions, any watertight compart- with only one bilge suction located in the centreline
ment other than spaces exclusively intended for the car- and connected to the bilge main.
riage of fresh water, water ballast or fuel oil, for which
other efficient means of pumping are to be provided. c) In addition to the bilge suctions required in items a) and
b), machinery spaces are to be provided with a direct
b) In fishing vessels where fishing handling or processing suction, which is to be led direct to an independent
may cause quantities of water to accumulate in power bilge pump and so arranged that it can be used
enclosed spaces, adequate drainage is to be provided. independently of the bilge main.

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Pt D, Ch 15, Sec 4

2.2.3 Emergency bilge suction b) Provision is to be made for the drainage of the steering
a) The emergency bilge suction is to be led directly from gear compartment and other spaces located above the
the drainage level of the machinery space to the greater aft peak by means of suctions connected to the bilge
capacity sea water pump. Its capacity is to be at least main or by means of hand pumps or hydraulic ejectors.
equal to the required capacity of each bilge pump as
c) These spaces may, however, be drained by means of
determined in [2.3.4].
scuppers discharging to the shaft tunnel, provided that
b) The emergency bilge suction is to be located at the low- the discharge pipes are fitted with self-closing valves sit-
est possible level in the machinery spaces. uated in easily visible and accessible positions.
c) The diameter of emergency bilge suction pipes is to be d) Fish processing spaces are to be fitted with drainage
at least the diameter of the suction connected to of the means, the capacity of which is four times the normal
sea water pump in normal operation. feedwater flow in the space.
d) The high of the hand-wheels of the non-return valves
controlling emergency bilge suctions are to rise at least 2.3 Bilge pumps
450 mm above the manoeuvring floor.
e) If the requirement mentioned in d) can not be verified, 2.3.1 Number and arrangement of pumps
the height of the hand-wheels of the non-return valves is a) Fishing vessels are to be provided with at least two
to be the minimum height to permit the easy operation power bilge pumps of the self-priming type connected
of the valve. to the bilge main and having the capacity required in
[2.3.4]. One of these pumps may be driven by the pro-
2.2.4 Draining of holds pulsion machinery.
a) Holds of ships with double bottom, or where the rise of
floor is less than 5°, are to be provided on each side b) Each bilge pump may be replaced by two or more
with one bilge suction connected to the bilge main. pumps, provided that they are connected to the bilge
main and that their total capacity is not less than that
b) Holds of ships without double bottom, or where the rise required in [2.3.4].
of floor exceeds 5°, may be provided with only one
bilge suction located in the centreline and connected to c) One of the bilge pumps required in item a) may be
the bilge main. replaced by a hydraulic ejector having the capacity
required in [2.3.4] and connected to a high pressure
c) Holds greater than 30 m in length, bilge suctions are to water pump.
be provided in the fore and aft ends and connected to
the bilge main. d) Where permitted, hand pumps are to be operable from
an easily accessible position above the load waterline.
2.2.5 Draining of refrigerated spaces
Refrigerated spaces are to be provided with drainage 2.3.2 Location of bilge pumps
arrangement allowing the continuous drainage of conden- Bilge pumps are to be located on the aft side of the collision
sates. bulkhead. This may not apply to those pumps only used for
the draining of the spaces located on the fore side of the
2.2.6 Draining of fore and aft peaks collision bulkhead.
a) Fore and aft peaks, where not used as tanks, are to be
fitted with a bilge suction connected to the bilge main. 2.3.3 Use of pumps intended for other duties
Passage through the collision bulkhead is to comply a) Pumps used for sanitary service, general service or bal-
with [2.5.2]. last may be considered as independent bilge pumps
provided that:
b) Peaks of small dimensions may be drained by means of
a hand pump provided that the suction lift is well within • they have the capacity required in [2.3.4]
the capacity of the pump and in no case exceeds • they are of the self-priming type
7,30 m. • they are connected to the bilge system.

2.2.7 Draining of double bottom compartments b) Non-return valves are to be provided in accordance
Double bottom compartments, where not used as tanks, are with [2.2.1], item b).
to be provided with bilge suctions. Their number and loca-
tion are to comply with the provisions of [2.2.4]. However, 2.3.4 Bilge pump capacity
if deemed acceptable by the Society, the cofferdams fitted a) The water speed V in the bilge main and the capacity Q
between two different compartments of the double bottom of each bilge pump are to be not less than the values
may be provided with one bilge suction only. given in Tab 5.

2.2.8 Draining of other compartments b) If the capacity of one of the pumps is less than the rule
capacity, the deficiency may be compensated by an
a) Provision is to be made for the drainage of chain lockers excess capacity of the other pumps. Such deficiency is,
and other fore spaces by means of hand or power pump however, not to exceed 30% of the rule capacity.
suctions or hydraulic ejectors.

536 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 15, Sec 4

Table 5 : Water speed and pump capacity reinforced thickness as per Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, Tab 6 and
made of either one piece or several pieces assembled by
Ship’s length L < 35 L ≥ 35 welding or by reinforced flanges.
Water speed V = 1,22 V = 2,00
2.5.2 Passage through the collision bulkhead
Pump capacity Q = 0,00345 d 2 Q = 0,00565 d2
a) A maximum of two pipes may pass through the collision
L : Length of the ship, in m bulkhead below the freeboard deck, unless otherwise
V : Minimum water speed in the bilge main, in m/s justified. Such pipes are to be fitted with suitable valves
Q : Minimum capacity of each pump, in m3/h operable from above the freeboard deck and the valve
d : Internal diameter of the bilge main, in mm, as chest is to be secured at the bulkhead inside the fore
defined in [2.4.1]. peak. Such valves may be fitted on the after side of the
collision bulkhead provided that they are readily acces-
2.4 Size of bilge pipes sible under all service conditions and the space in
which they are located is not a cargo space. All valves
2.4.1 Bilge main line are to be of steel, bronze or other approved ductile
a) The diameter of the bilge main is to be calculated material. Valves of ordinary cast iron or similar material
according to the following formula: are not acceptable.
b) The remote operation device of the valve referred to in
d = 25 + 1 ,68 L ( B + D )
a) is to include an indicator to show whether the valve is
without being less than 50 mm, open or shut.
2.5.3 Bilge suctions in machinery spaces and shaft
d : Internal diameter of the bilge main, in mm tunnels
L : Length of the ship between perpendiculars, In machinery spaces and shaft tunnels, the termination
in m pipes of the bilge suctions are to be straight and vertical and
B : Breadth of the ship, in m are to be led to mud boxes so arranged as to be easily
D : Depth of the ship, measured up to the bulk- inspected and cleaned. The lower end of the termination
head deck, in m. pipe is not to be fitted with a strum box.

b) The actual internal diameter may be rounded off. The

2.5.4 Bilge suctions in other compartments
nearest standard size is in no case to be more than
5 mm smaller than that obtained from the formula given In compartments other than machinery spaces and shaft
in item a). tunnels, the open ends of bilge suction pipes are to be fitted
with strum boxes or strainers having holes not more than
2.4.2 Branch bilge suction pipes 10 mm in diameter. The total area of such holes is not to be
less than twice the required cross-section of the suction
a) The diameter of the pipes situated between the distribu- pipe.
tion boxes and the suctions in the various spaces (holds,
machinery space, etc) is to be calculated according to
the following formulae: 2.5.5 Bilge alarms
Propulsion machinery spaces are to be fitted with a bilge
d 1 = 25 + 2 ,16 L 1 ( B + D ) level sensor capable of indicating water ingress in those
without being less than 50 mm, spaces at the bridge by means of a visual and audible
d1 : Internal diameter of the suction pipe, in mm
2.6 Materials
L1 : Length of the space considered, in m
L, B, D : Length, breadth and depth of the ship as 2.6.1 All bilge pipes used in fuel storage tanks or in boiler
defined in [2.4.1]. or machinery spaces, including spaces in which oil-setting
b) The actual internal diameter may be rounded off. The tanks or fuel oil pumping units are situated, are to be of
nearest standard size is in no case to be more than steel or other suitable material non-sensitive to heat.
5 mm smaller than that obtained from the formula given
in item a). 3 Bilge system in ships L < 24 m

2.5 Bilge piping arrangement 3.1 General

2.5.1 Passage through double bottom 3.1.1 Principle

compartments and tanks All ships are to be provided with efficient means for pump-
Bilge pipes are not to pass through double bottom compart- ing and draining any watertight space with at least one suc-
ments or tanks unless they are enclosed in appropriate pipe tion pipe when the ship is on an even keel and either is
tunnels. Where this is not practicable, pipes are to be of upright or has a list of up to 5°.

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Pt D, Ch 15, Sec 4

3.1.2 Independence of the lines Q : Minimum capacity of each pump, in m3/h

As a general rule, bilge lines are to be distinct from the d1 : Internal diameter, in mm, of the bilge main as
other lines of the ship. defined in [3.3.1].
However, this requirement need not be applied to pipes
located between collecting boxes and pump suctions or 3.3 Size of bilge pipes
between pumps and overboard discharges.
3.3.1 Bilge main
3.1.3 Intactness of watertight subdivision The internal diameter, in mm, of the bilge main, is to be of
The lines and accessories are to be so arranged as to pre- the commercial size nearest to the diameter given in the fol-
vent intercommunication of compartments which are to lowing formula:
remain segregated from each other or the accidental con-
nection of these compartments directly to the sea. d 1 = 25 + 1 ,68 L ( B + C )
without being less than 35 mm,
3.1.4 Bilge main
A bilge main is to be provided for draining the different
compartments for ships the length of which is greater than, L, B : Rule length and breadth, respectively, of the
or equal to, 12 m. ship, in m, defined in Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 2
C : Moulded depth of the ship, in m, at the free-
3.1.5 Number and distribution of suctions board deck.
At least two bilge suctions are to be provided for draining
the propulsion engine room. At least one of these suctions is 3.3.2 Suctions in holds and machinery spaces
to be connected directly to a bilge pump. The internal diameter, in mm, of bilge pipes situated
The suctions are to be located at the lowest points of the between collecting boxes and suctions in holds and
compartment. machinery spaces, is to be of the commercial size nearest to
the diameter given by the following formula:
Additional suctions may be required if the flow of water
towards the suctions is disturbed by irregularities of the bot- d 2 = 25 + 2 ,16 L 1 ( B + C )
tom. without being less than 35 mm,
At least one bilge suction is to be provided in each compart- where:
ment located between two watertight bulkheads.
B, C : Dimensions having the same meaning as in
3.2 Pumps and ejectors
L1 : Length of the compartment, in m.
3.2.1 Pumps
a) At least two power bilge pumps are to be provided; one 3.4 Arrangement of bilge lines and their
of these pumps may be driven by a main propulsive accessories
3.4.1 Passage of pipes through certain
b) The Society may permit, after special consideration, that compartments
one of the pumps be replaced by an ejector.
If not contained in pipe tunnels, the part of bilge pipes pass-
c) For ships the length of which is greater than, or equal to, ing through compartments intended to contain oil fuel are
12 m, the bilge pumps are to be connected to the bilge to have reinforced thickness and are to consist of a single
main mentioned in [3.1.4]. piece. These pipes are to be provided with non-return
d) For ships having the navigation notation coastal area, valves at their ends in the holds.
the Society may permit, after special consideration, that
3.4.2 Passage through watertight bulkheads
one of bilge pumps be a fixed hand pump.
No bilge cock or similar device is to be fitted on the colli-
e) Small compartments may be drained by means of porta- sion bulkhead.
ble or fixed hand pumps.
The fitting of bilge cocks or similar devices on other water-
3.2.2 Ejectors tight bulkheads is to be avoided as far as possible. However,
Where an ejector is used in lieu of a driven pump, its suc- where such accessories are provided, they are to be accessi-
tion capacity is not to be less than the required capacity of ble at any time and capable of being closed from positions
the pump it replaces. above the deck. An indication is to be provided to show
whether these valves are open or close.
3.2.3 Capacity of the pumps
The capacity of the bilge pumps is to be such that a speed of 3.4.3 Non-return valves
water not less than 1,22 m/s may be obtained in the bilge Accessories are to be provided to prevent intercommunica-
main, the diameter of which is given in [3.3.1]. The capac- tion of compartments or lines which are to remain segre-
ity of each pump is therefore not to be less than: gated from each other. For this purpose, non-return valves
or similar devices are to be fitted, namely on the pipe con-
Q = 0,00345 d12 nections to bilge distribution boxes or to the alternative
where: cocks, if any.

538 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 15, Sec 4

3.4.4 Strainers and mud boxes 5 Air pipes and sounding devices in
Strainers and mud boxes are to be fitted on bilge lines wher- ships L ≥ 24 m
ever they are necessary.
5.1 Air pipes
4 Scuppers and sanitary discharges
5.1.1 General
4.1 Principle Air pipes are to be fitted to all spaces which are not fitted
with alternative ventilation arrangements.
4.1.1 Scuppers, sufficient in number and suitable in size, Air pipes are to be so arranged and the upper part of com-
are to be provided to permit the drainage of water likely to partments so designed that air or gas likely to accumulate in
accumulate in the spaces which are not located in the ship’s the said compartments can freely evacuate.
When only one air pipe is provided, it is not to be used as
4.1.2 The number of scuppers and sanitary discharge open- filling pipe.
ings in the shell plating is to be reduced to a minimum,
5.1.2 Exposed parts of air pipes
either by making each discharge serve as many as possible
of the sanitary and other pipes, or in any other satisfactory Where air pipes to tanks and void spaces below deck
manner. extend above the working or the superstructure decks, the
exposed parts of the pipes are to be of strength equivalent to
the adjacent structures and fitted with the appropriate pro-
4.2 General tection.
4.2.1 Discharges led through the shell either from spaces
5.1.3 Means of closing
below the working deck or from within enclosed super-
Openings of air pipes are to be provided with means of
structures or deckhouses on the working deck fitted with
closing, permanently attached to the pipe or adjacent struc-
weathertight doors are to be fitted with accessible means for
preventing water from passing inboard.
5.1.4 Height of air pipes
4.2.2 Each separate discharge is to have an automatic non-
return valve with a positive means of closing it from an The height of air pipes above deck to the point where water
accessible position, except when: may have access below is to be at least:
• 760 mm on the working deck, and
• satisfactory analysis is submitted to the Society, demon-
strating that the entry of water into the vessel through • 450 mm on the superstructure deck.
the opening is not likely to lead to dangerous flooding, The Society may accept reduction of the height of an air
and pipe to avoid interference with the fishing operations.
• the piping is of reinforced thickness as per Pt C, Ch 1,
Sec 10, Tab 6. 5.1.5 Special arrangements for air pipes of
flammable oil tanks
4.2.3 The means for operating the positive action valve is to a) Air pipes from fuel oil and thermal oil tanks are to dis-
be provided with an indicator showing whether the valve is charge to a safe position on the open deck where no
open or closed. danger will be incurred from issuing oil or gases.
Where fitted, wire gauze diaphragms are to be of corro-
sion resistant material and readily removable for clean-
4.3 Discharges through manned machinery ing and replacement. The clear area of such diaphragms
spaces is not to be less than the cross-sectional area of the pipe.
4.3.1 In manned machinery spaces, main and auxiliary dis- b) Air pipes of lubricating or hydraulic oil storage tanks not
charges essential for the operation of machinery may be subject to flooding in the event of hull damage may be
controlled locally. The controls are to be accessible and are led to machinery spaces, provided that in the case of
to be provided with indicators showing whether the valves overflowing the oil cannot come into contact with elec-
are open or closed. trical equipment, hot surfaces or other sources of igni-
c) The location and arrangement of vent pipes for fuel oil
4.4 Materials
service, settling and lubrication oil tanks are to be such
4.4.1 Fittings attached to the shell and the valves required that, in the event of a broken vent pipe, there is no risk
in [4.2.2] are to be of steel, bronze or other ductile material. of ingress of seawater or rainwater.
d) Where seawater or rainwater may enter fuel oil service,
4.4.2 All pipes between the shell and the valves are to be of settling and lubrication oil tanks through broken air
steel. However, in spaces other than machinery spaces of pipes, arrangements such as water traps with:
vessels constructed of material other than steel, the use of • automatic draining, or
other materials may be permitted, subject to special consid- • alarm for water accumulation,
eration by the Society.
are to be provided.

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Pt D, Ch 15, Sec 4

5.1.6 Construction of air pipes b) Bent portions of sounding pipes are to have reinforced
a) Where air pipes to ballast and other tanks extend above thickness and be suitably supported.
the freeboard deck or superstructure deck, the exposed c) The internal diameter of sounding pipes is not to be less
parts of the pipes are to be of substantial construction, than 32 mm. Where sounding pipes pass through refrig-
with a minimum wall thickness of at least: erated spaces, or through the insulation of refrigerated
• 6,0 mm for pipes of 80 mm or smaller external spaces in which the temperature may be below 0°C,
diameter, their internal diameter is to be at least 60 mm.
• 8,5 mm for pipes of 165 mm or greater external d) Doubling plates are to be placed under the lower ends
diameter. of sounding pipes in order to prevent damage to the
Intermediate minimum thicknesses may be determined hull. When sounding pipes with closed lower ends are
by linear interpolation. used, the closing plate is to have reinforced scantlings.
b) Air pipes with height exceeding 900 mm are to be addi-
tionally supported. 6 Air pipes and sounding devices in
c) In each compartment likely to be pumped up, and ships L < 24 m
where no overflow pipe is provided, the total cross-sec-
tional area of air pipes is not to be less than 1,25 times
the cross-sectional area of the corresponding filling
6.1 Air pipes
6.1.1 General
d) The internal diameter of air pipes is not to be less than
Air pipes are to be fitted to all compartments intended to
50 mm, except for tanks of less than 2 m3. contain liquid or which are not fitted with alternative venti-
lation arrangements.
5.2 Sounding and level gauging devices
These air pipes are to be so arranged as to be self-draining
5.2.1 General when the ship is on an even keel.
Sounding devices are to be fitted:
6.1.2 Number and position of air pipes
• to the bilges of those compartments which are not read-
ily accessible at all times during voyages, and Air pipes are to be so arranged and the upper part of com-
partments so designed that air or gas likely to accumulate in
• to all tanks and cofferdams. the said compartments can freely evacuate.
When only one air pipe is provided, it is not to be used as
5.2.2 Termination of sounding pipes
filling pipe.
Where sounding pipes are fitted, their upper ends are to
extend to a readily accessible position and, where practica- 6.1.3 Tank air pipes
ble, above the working deck.
Air pipes of compartments likely to contain liquid hydrocar-
bons, cofferdams or any capacity likely to be pumped up
5.2.3 Means of closing
are to be led out, at a sufficient height above the deck.
The openings of the sounding pipes are to be provided with
permanently attached means of closing. Sounding pipes Air pipes of all compartments which can be run up from the
which are not extended above the working deck are to be sea are to be led to above the deck.
fitted with automatic self-closing devices. Moreover, air pipes of compartments containing liquid
hydrocarbons are not to be led to a place where danger
5.2.4 Special arrangements for sounding pipes of could be the consequence of the evacuation of hydrocar-
flammable oil tanks bons or hydrocarbon vapours through these openings.
Where tanks containing fuel oil or hydraulic oil are fitted
with sounding pipes, their upper ends are to terminate in Air pipes of lubricating oil tanks and bunkers may be led to
safe positions and are to be fitted with suitable means of the machinery spaces, provided that in case of overflow the
closure. oil cannot come into contact with electrical apparatus or
with surfaces likely to be at a high temperature.
Gauges made of heat-resistant glass of substantial thickness
and protected with a metal case may be used, provided that 6.1.4 Open ends of air pipes
automatic closing valves are fitted. The level gauge is to be
Efficient, permanently attached devices are to be provided
of an approved type. Other means of ascertaining the
permitting, should the necessity arise, to close the upper
amount of oil contained in the tank may be permitted pro-
openings of air pipes in order to prevent any accidental
vided their failure or overfilling will not permit release of
entry of water into the spaces concerned.
Where the tank venting system is not of an automatic type
5.2.5 Construction of sounding pipes approved by the Society, provision is to be made for reliev-
a) Sounding pipes are normally to be straight. If it is neces- ing vacuum when the tanks are being pumped out, and for
sary to provide bends in such pipes, the curvature is to this purpose a hole of about 10 mm in diameter in the bend
be as small as possible to permit the ready passage of of the air pipe, or at a suitable position in the closing
the sounding apparatus. device, is acceptable.

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Pt D, Ch 15, Sec 4

6.1.5 Construction • The skylights containing wire-reinforced glass panels are

In each compartment likely to be pumped up, and where to be fitted with external shutters of steel or other equiv-
no overflow pipe is provided, the total cross-sectional area alent material permanently attached
of air pipes is not to be less than the cross-sectional area of • Insulating materials in accommodation spaces, service
the corresponding filling pipes. spaces, control stations and machinery spaces except in
refrigerated compartments are to be non-combustible.
6.2 Sounding and level gauging devices The surface of insulation fitted on the internal bounda-
ries of machinery spaces is to be impervious to oil or oil
6.2.1 General vapours.
Arrangements are to be made for sounding the tanks
intended to contain liquid as well as all the compartments 8.3
which are not readily accessible at all times.
8.3.1 Ventilation of spaces containing propulsive plant and
6.2.2 Upper ends of sounding pipes its auxiliaries is to be mechanical.
As a general rule, the sounding pipes are to end above the
deck in easily accessible places and are to be fitted with
efficient closing appliances.
However, in machinery spaces, when this requirement can- 8.4.1 Mechanical ventilating fans are to be capable of
not be met, short sounding pipes may be used which are to being stopped from outside the space supplied by these
lead to readily accessible positions above the floor and fit- ventilating fans.
ted with efficient closing appliances. When such sounding
pipes are used for oil fuel or lubricating oil tanks, they are
9 Engine cooling systems in ships
not to end close to electric motors or switchboards and are
to be fitted with automatic closing devices. L ≥ 24 m
6.2.3 Construction 9.1
a) Internal diameter of sounding pipes is not to be less than
30 mm. 9.1.1 See Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [10].
b) Doubling plates are to be placed under the lower ends
of sounding pipes in order to prevent damage to the 10 Engine cooling systems in ships
hull. L < 24 m
6.2.4 Level-indicator systems
a) Level-indicator systems are to be of robust construction 10.1 Principle
and suitably protected.
b) When used on fuel tanks or bunkers, level-indicator sys-
a) Provision is to be made so that the cooling of main
tems are to meet the requirements stated in [12.1.4].
engines and of lubricating oil or fresh water coolers for
these engines can be suitably ensured in all normal
7 Ventilation in ships ≥ 24 m operating conditions.
b) Generally, cooling water to propulsion engines and to
7.1 lubricating oil or fresh water coolers is to be capable of
being supplied by two separate means.
7.1.1 See Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 1, [3.1.1] and Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 1,
[3.6.1]. c) Engine cooling systems in ships having several propul-
sion engines are to be given special consideration by the
See also Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 2, [2.1] and Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 6, [4].

8 Ventilation in ships < 24 m 10.2 Motorships

8.1 10.2.1

8.1.1 Adequate ventilation is to be provided for spaces a) The second means stated in [10.1.1] item b) for engine
containing engines, boilers or other heat generating appara- cooling may consist of a satisfactory connection to a
tuses, as well as for spaces where flammable vapours are general service pump of sufficient capacity.
likely to accumulate. b) Where the power per engine does not exceed 370 kW
or when the ratio of the power per engine expressed in
8.2 kW to the rotating speed in revolutions per minute does
not exceed 0,75, the Society may permit that the second
8.2.1 Ventilators serving the machinery spaces are to be means be a spare pump ready to be connected to the
capable of being closed in case of fire, from outside the said cooling system. Provision is to be made for the corre-
spaces. Skylights and other openings serving these spaces sponding disassembling and reassembling operations to
are to meet the following requirements: be carried out on board in a time as short as possible.

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Pt D, Ch 15, Sec 4

10.3 Fresh water cooling system The use for propulsion engines and auxiliary machine of oil
fuel having a flash point lower than 60°C is subject to a spe-
10.3.1 Where the engines are cooled by fresh water, the cial examination by the Society.
second means stated in [10.1.1] item b) may be omitted if a
connection is fitted from the fresh water system to a suitable 12.1.2 Pump controls
salt water system.
The power supply to oil fuel transfer pumps and to other
pumps of the oil fuel system as well as to oil fuel separators
10.4 Cooling pumps is to be capable of being stopped from an always accessible
place in the event of fire within the compartment where this
10.4.1 The pumps which may be connected to cooling sys-
equipment is located.
tems may be either independent or driven by the machine
they serve.
12.1.3 Drip-trays and gutterways
Relief valves are to be fitted on the discharge of cooling
pumps driven by main engines, except for centrifugal type Drip-trays or gutterways with appropriate discharge devices
pumps. are to be fitted:
• under pumps, valves and filters
10.5 Sea inlets
• under oil fuel tanks and bunkers which are not part of
10.5.1 the ship's structure, as well as
a) Not less than two sea inlets are to be provided for the • under all the accessories subject to oil fuel leakage.
engine cooling system. These sea inlets are to be distinct
for the two means of cooling given in [10.1.1] item b), 12.1.4 Level indicators
but they may be cross connected by a cross pipe.
a) Gauge cocks for checking the level in the tanks are not
b) These sea inlets are to be low inlets and one of them may to be used.
be that of the ballast pump or of the general service pump.
A sea-inlet is considered as low provided it remains sub- The glasses of any level indicator fitted on such tanks
merged under all normal navigating conditions. are to be made of heat-resistant material and are to be
efficiently protected against shock. Such level indicators
are to be fitted with self-closing cocks at their lower end
10.6 Filters
as well as at their upper end if the latter is below the
10.6.1 Where propulsive engines are directly cooled by sea maximum liquid level.
water, either in normal service or in emergency, filters are to b) Where the fuel transfer system does not include power
be fitted on the suction of cooling pumps. pumps but only hand pumps, the valves to be provided
at the lower end of level-indicators for fuel tanks, with
10.7 Operating control the exception of daily service tanks, need not to be of
the self-closing type. These valves are however to be
10.7.1 Means are to be provided for controlling the tem- readily accessible and instruction plates are to be fitted
perature and the water circulation of each engine. near these valves specifying that they are to be main-
tained closed except during transfer operations.
10.8 Materials
10.8.1 The materials used for cooling systems are to be 12.2 Oil fuel tanks and bunkers
such as to limit the effects of galvanic corrosion and ero-
sion, considering the circulation speeds adopted. 12.2.1 Location of oil fuel tanks and bunkers
a) Location of oil fuel tanks and bunkers is to be chosen in
11 Oil fuel systems in ships L ≥ 24m a way to avoid any abnormal rise in temperature in
these capacities.
11.1 b) The use of free standing oil fuel tanks is not permitted in
high fire risk areas.
11.1.1 See Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [11].
12.2.2 Suctions and discharges to oil fuel tanks and
12 Oil fuel systems in ships L < 24m bunkers
a) All suction pipes to oil fuel tanks and bunkers, including
12.1 General those in double bottom, are to be provided with valves.
12.1.1 Scope In the case of bunkers and oil fuel storage, settling or
The requirements stated in [12.1] and [12.2] are applicable daily service tanks other than those in the double bot-
to oil fuel systems for the service of propulsion engines and tom, the valves are to be fitted directly on the plating of
auxiliary machines. The flash point of the oil fuel used, these bunkers and tanks and are to be so arranged that
determined by means of closed cup test, is not to be lower they can always be remotely closed in the event of fire
than 60°C. taking place in the compartment where they are located.

542 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 15, Sec 4

b) Where the oil fuel transfer installation does not include 12.5.2 Transfer oil fuel pipes may be of non metallic hoses
power pumps but only hand pumps, the suction valves in the conditions stated in [1.10].
to oil fuel tanks and bunkers, with the exception of daily
service tanks, need not to be provided with remote con- 12.5.3 The pipes are to be connected by means of close-fit-
trols. These valves are however to be readily accessible ting flanges or other devices deemed equivalent for the
and instruction plates are to be fitted in their vicinity application considered. The materials of the joints are to be
specifying that they are to be maintained closed except impervious to liquid hydrocarbons.
during transfer operations.
c) Where the discharge pipes to oil fuel bunkers and tanks 13 Lubricating oil systems in ships
are not led to the upper part of the said bunkers and L ≥ 24 m
tanks, they are to be provided with non-return valves at
their ends.
12.2.3 Drains
13.1.1 See Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [12].
Daily service tanks are to be provided with drains permit-
ting the evacuation of water and impurities likely to accu-
mulate in the lower part of these tanks. These drains are to 14 Lubricating oil systems in ships
be fitted with self-closing valves or cocks. L < 24 m
12.2.4 Materials - Tests
14.1 General
a) The use of materials other than steel for fuel bunkers
and tanks which are not part of the ship's structure is 14.1.1 The lubricating oil systems are to be so arranged as
specially examined. to operate satisfactorily when the ship is inclined from the
b) Oil fuel tanks and bunkers are to be tested under the normal position to angles of up to 15° transversely or 5°
conditions specified in [1.4.3]. longitudinally, or when rolling to angles of up to 22°30' or
pitching up to 7°30'.
12.3 Transfer pipes Lubricating oil pipes are to be independent of any other
fluid system.
12.3.1 Arrangement of the transfer system
The transfer system together with its accessories are to be so 14.2 Lubricating pumps
arranged that oil fuel cannot enter compartments the struc-
ture of which does not allow them to be filled with oil fuel 14.2.1
or compartments intended to contain drinking water.
a) Main engines are normally to be provided with at least
12.3.2 Transfer pumps two power lubricating pumps. Where the installation
includes at least two propulsive units, the Society may
Where oil fuel is transferred by means of a power pump, permit that only one pump be provided for each propul-
arrangements are to be made so that oil fuel may be sive unit.
pumped, in the event of damage to this pump, by means of
a stand-by pump, which can be a hand pump. b) Where the power per engine does not exceed 370 kW
or when the ratio of the power per engine expressed in
12.3.3 Passage through particular compartments kW to the rotating speed in revolutions per minute does
No fuel pipes are to pass through fresh water tanks and no not exceed 0,75, the Society may permit that one of the
fresh water pipes are to pass through fuel oil tanks. pumps mentioned in item a) be a spare pump ready to
be connected to the lubricating oil system. Provision is
to be made for the corresponding disassembling and
12.4 Oil fuel supply to engines reassembling operations to be carried out on board in a
time as short as possible.
12.4.1 The suctions of engine fuel pumps are to be so
arranged as to prevent the suction of gathered water and
sludge likely to accumulate after decanting at the lower part 14.3 Filters
of service tanks.
14.3.1 In forced lubrication systems, a device is to be fitted
12.4.2 Two filters, or similar devices, are to be provided which efficiently filters the lubricating oil in the circuit. The
and so arranged that one of the filters can be overhauled filters provided for this purpose are to be so arranged that
while the other is in use. they can be easily cleaned without stopping the lubrication
of the machines.
12.5 Materials - Construction
14.4 Safety devices
12.5.1 Low-pressure oil fuel pipes are generally to be made
of steel. Where the internal diameter of these pipes does not 14.4.1 Lubricating oil systems for propulsive engines are to
exceed 25 mm, they may be of seamless copper or copper- be provided with an alarm device giving audible warning in
alloy unless they pass through oil fuel tanks. the event of an appreciable reduction of the oil pressure.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 543

Pt D, Ch 15, Sec 4

15 Hydraulic systems in ships L ≥ 24 m 18.3 Arrangement of compressed air systems

a) Efficient oil and water separators are to be provided on
15.1.1 See Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [14]. the discharge of compressors.
b) Non-return valves or other safety devices are to be pro-
vided on the starting air mains of each engine.
16 Hydraulic systems in ships L < 24 m
18.4 Construction - Material
16.1 General
16.1.1 Installations using flammable oils are to be given
a) The construction and scantlings of compressed air pipes
special consideration by the Society.
and of their accessories are to comply with the require-
ments of Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10.
16.2 Safety and monitoring devices b) Air receivers are to be constructed in accordance with
the relevant requirements of Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 3.
16.2.1 Whenever practicable, the hydraulic power units
are to be located outside the main engine or boiler rooms.
Shields or similar devices are to be provided around the 19 Exhaust gas systems in ships L ≥ 24 m
hydraulic power units in order to avoid accidental oil spray
or oil mist on heated surfaces which may ignite oil. 19.1
19.1.1 See Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [17].
17 Compressed air systems in ships
L ≥ 24 m 20 Exhaust gas systems in ships L < 24 m
17.1 20.1 Hull outlet
17.1.1 See Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [17]. 20.1.1 Where exhaust gas pipes are led overboard close to
the load water line, arrangements are to be made to prevent
18 Compressed air systems in ships any entry of water in the ship or in the engines while in nor-
L < 24 m mal operation.

20.2 Cooling and lagging

20.2.1 The exhaust gas pipes and silencers which pass
18.1.1 Starting compressed air systems through spaces of the ship where a temperature rise might
a) The compressed air system for starting main engines is be dangerous are to be efficiently cooled or lagged.
to be so arranged that it is possible to ensure the initial
charge of the air receiver(s). A hand compressor may be 20.3 Water-cooled exhaust gas pipes
used for this purpose. Alternatively a compressor with a
hand started prime mover may be used. 20.3.1 When water-cooled exhaust gas pipes are used, a
high temperature alarm must be fitted after the water injec-
b) The prescription a) can be considered as fulfilled when
tion device. Alternatively, a low sea water flow rate may be
the starting of the main engines is conducted, normally
or under emergency, by starting devices such as fuses,
inertia starters or other means deemed equivalent.
21 Refrigeration systems for the
c) When only one air compressor is used for filling the air
receivers, there are to be at least two air receivers. preservation of the catch
d) The main engine air receivers are to have a total capac-
ity sufficient to provide, without replenishment:
21.1 General
• 12 consecutive starts of the reversible type engines 21.1.1 Refrigeration systems are to be so designed, con-
• 6 consecutive starts of the non-reversible type structed, tested and installed as to take account of the safety
engines. of the system and also the emission of chlorofluorocarbons
(CFCs) or any other ozone-depleting substances from the
refrigerant held in quantities or concentrations which are
18.2 Accessories for compressed air systems hazardous to human health or to the environment.
18.2.1 The receivers, compressors, pipes and other acces-
21.1.2 Methylchloride or CFCs whose ozone-depleting
sories of the compressed air systems are to be fitted with
potential is higher than 5% of CFC-11 are not to be used as
adequate devices to avoid any appreciable overpressure in
any point of the system.

544 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 15, Sec 4

21.1.3 Adequate guidance for the safe operation of the ratus is used, spare cylinders are to be provided. Alternative
refrigeration system and emergency procedures are to be arrangement authorized by the administration concerned
provided by means of suitable notices displayed on board may be accepted.
the vessel.
22 Propelling and auxiliary machinery
21.2 Design of refrigeration systems in ships L ≥ 24 m
21.2.1 Refrigeration systems are to be adequately protected
against vibration, shock, expansion, shrinkage, etc. and are
to be provided with an automatic safety control device to 22.1.1 See Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 7.
prevent a dangerous rise in temperature and pressure.
23 Propelling and auxiliary machinery
21.2.2 Refrigeration systems in which toxic or flammable
refrigerants are used are to be provided with drainage in ships L < 24 m
devices leading to a place where the refrigerant presents no
danger to the vessel or to persons on board. 23.1 Shafting
23.1.1 Propeller shaft diameter
21.3 Arrangement of the refrigerating The diameter of the shaft going through the stern tube is not
machinery spaces and refrigerating to be less than the diameter d, in mm, given by the follow-
rooms ing formula:
d = 126 ⋅  ---- ⋅ -----------------------
P 560
21.3.1 Separation of spaces  N R m + 160
a) Any space containing refrigerating machinery, including
condensers and gas tanks utilising toxic refrigerants, is where:
to be separated from any adjacent space by gas-tight P : Maximum continuous power of the propulsion
bulkheads. Any space containing refrigerating machin- machinery, in kW
ery, including condensers and gas tanks utilizing toxic N : Shaft revolutions per minute
refrigerants, is to be fitted with a leak detection system Rm : Minimum tensile strength of the shaft material,
having an indicator outside the space adjacent to the in N/mm2. In the above formula, Rm is not to be
entrance and is to be provided with an independent taken greater than:
ventilation system and a water-spraying system.
• 600 N/mm2 for intermediate shaft in carbon
b) When such containment is not practicable due to the and carbon manganese steels
size of the vessel, the refrigeration system may be • 800 N/mm2 for intermediate shaft in alloy
installed in the machinery space provided that the quan- steels
tity of refrigerant used will not cause danger to persons
• 600 N/mm2 for propeller shaft in carbon,
in the machinery space, should all the gas escape, and
carbon manganese and alloy steels.
provided that an alarm is fitted to give warning of a dan-
gerous concentration of gas should any leakage occur in In case of stainless steels and in other particular
the compartment. cases, at the discretion of the Society, the value
of Rm to be introduced in the above formula is
to be specially considered.
21.3.2 Exits from spaces
Furthermore, the shaft diameter is not to be less than 25 mm
In refrigerating machinery spaces and refrigerating rooms,
for carbon steel or carbon manganese steel, and 20 mm for
alarms are to be connected to the wheelhouse or control sta-
the other materials.
tions or escape exits to prevent persons being trapped. At
least one exit from each such space is to be capable of being 23.1.2 Intermediate shaft diameter
opened from the inside. Where practicable, exits from spaces The diameter, in mm, of the intermediate shafts is not to be
containing refrigerating machinery using toxic or flammable less than:
gas are not to lead directly into accommodation spaces.
d’ = 0,87 d

21.4 Breathing apparatus 23.2 Shaft accessories

21.4.1 Where any refrigerant harmful to persons is used in 23.2.1 Coupling bolts
a refrigeration system, at least two sets of breathing appara- The diameter of coupling bolts at the joining faces of the
tus are to be provided, one of which is to be placed in a couplings is to be not less than the diameter Db given, in
position not likely to become inaccessible in the event of mm, by the following formula, for intermediate, propeller
leakage of refrigerant. Breathing apparatus provided as part and thrust shafts:
of the vessel’s fire-fighting equipment may be considered as 1⁄2
d ⋅ ( R m + 160 )
meeting all or part of this provision provided its location D b = 0, 65 ⋅  --------------------------------------
meets both purposes. Where self-contained breathing appa-  n ⋅ DC ⋅ Rb 

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 545

Pt D, Ch 15, Sec 4

where: 24 Steering gear

d’ : Intermediate shaft diameter defined in [23.1.2]
n : Number of bolts in the coupling 24.1 Application
DC : Pitch circle diameter of the coupling bolts, in 24.1.1 The provisions of this Article apply in addition to
mm those of Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 11. with the exception of Sub-Arti-
Rb : Ultimate tensile strength of the bolt metal, in cles Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 11, [2.1] to Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 11, [2.4].
24.2 General
23.2.2 Shaft liners
24.2.1 Unless expressly provided otherwise, every ship is
The thickness of bronze shaft liners in way of the bushes
to be provided with main steering gear and auxiliary steer-
and sterngland is to be not less than the thickness e, in mm,
ing gear to the satisfaction of the Society.
given by the following formula:

d + 230 24.3 Strength, performance and power

e = -------------------
32 operation of the steering gear
24.3.1 Main steering gear
d : Actual diameter of the propeller shaft, in mm.
The main steering gear and rudder stock are to be:
23.2.3 Stern bearing a) of adequate strength and capable of steering the ship at
maximum ahead service speed, which is to be demon-
a) Water lubrication
The length of the after bearing of the propeller shaft is
not to be less than 4 times the rule diameter of the pro- b) capable of putting the rudder over from 35° on one side to
peller shaft; furthermore the bearing is to be made of a 35° on the other side with the ship at its deepest seagoing
type approved synthetic material. draught and running ahead at maximum ahead service
speed and, under the same conditions, from 35° on either
For a bearing design substantiated by experimental data side to 30° on the other side in not more than 28 s
to the satisfaction of the Society, consideration may be
given to a bearing length less than 4 times, but in no c) operated by power where necessary to fulfil the require-
case less than 2 times, the rule diameter of the shaft in ments of b), and
way of the bearing. d) so designed that they will not be damaged at maximum
astern speed; however, this design requirement need not
b) Oil lubrication
be proved by trials at maximum astern speed and maxi-
The length of the after bearing of the propeller shaft is mum rudder angle.
not to be less than 2 times the rule diameter of the pro-
peller shaft; furthermore: 24.3.2 Auxiliary steering gear
• the bearing material is to be of the antifrictional type The auxiliary steering gear is to be:

• the oil gland is to be type approved. a) of adequate strength and sufficient to steer the ship at
navigable speed and capable of being brought speedily
c) Other arrangements into action in an emergency,
The other arrangements beside those defined in items a) b) capable of putting the rudder over from 15° on one side
and b) are to be given special consideration. The length to 15° on the other side in not more than 60s with the
of the after bearing of the propeller shaft is not to be less ship at its deepest seagoing draught and running ahead
than 3,5 times the rule diameter of the propeller shaft. at one half of the maximum ahead service speed or 7
knots, whichever is the greater, and
23.2.4 Sealing gland
c) operated by power where necessary to meet the require-
a) The sealing glands must be readily accessible, for ments of b).
inspection or replacement
24.3.3 Hand operation
b) The sealing glands are to be periodically inspected.
Hand operation of steering gear is permitted when it
The temporary actions to be taken in case of accidental fail- requires an effort less than 160 N.
ure of a main component, as well as the inspection perio-
dicity and the replacement schedule of parts subject to
wear or deterioration, are to be specified. 24.4 Control of the steering gear
The wear strength of non-metallic parts is to be established, 24.4.1 Control of the main steering gear
either by satisfactory operations, or by relevant tests.
a) Control of the main steering gear is to be provided on
An easy to fit emergency device may be accepted. the navigation bridge.

546 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 15, Sec 4

b) Where the main steering gear is arranged in accordance 24.5.2 Omission of the auxiliary steering gear
with [24.5.2], two independent control systems are to
Where the main steering gear comprises two or more iden-
be provided, both operable from the navigation bridge.
tical power units, auxiliary steering gear need not be fitted,
This does not require duplication of the steering wheel
provided that the main steering gear is capable of operating
or steering lever.
the rudder:
24.4.2 Control of the auxiliary steering gear
a) as required in [24.3.1], item b), while operating with all
a) Control of the auxiliary steering gear is to be provided power units
on the navigation bridge, in the steering gear compart-
ment or in another suitable position. b) as required in [24.3.2], item b), while any one of the
b) If the auxiliary steering gear is power operated, its con- power units is out of operation.
trol system is also to be independent of that of the main
steering gear. 24.5.3 Hydraulic power supply
Hydraulic power installations supplying steering gear may
24.5 Availability also supply other equipment at the same time provided that
the operation of the steering gear is not affected:
24.5.1 Arrangement of main and auxiliary means for
actuating the rudder a) by the operation of this equipment, or
The main steering gear and the auxiliary means for actuat-
ing the rudder are to be arranged so that a single failure in b) by any failure of this equipment or of its hydraulic sup-
one will not render the other inoperative. ply piping.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 547

Pt D, Ch 15, Sec 5


1 General In any case, the Society reserves the right to require addi-
tional copies when deemed necessary.
Where the length is less than 24 m, the Society may give
1.1 Application exemptions to the documents to be submitted.

1.1.1 The requirements contained in Part C, Chapter 2

3 Type approved components
apply to fishing vessels, except for those contained in Pt C,
Ch 2, Sec 1, [2], Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 15, [2], Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3,
[2], Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3, [3], Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 11, [1], Pt C, Ch 3.1
2, Sec 11, [2], Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 11, [3], Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 11,
[4], and Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 11, [5], which are replaced by all 3.1.1 The following components are to be type approved
case-by-case based on submission of adequate documenta-
those contained in this Section.
tion and execution of tests:
• electrical cables
2 Documentation to be submitted • switching devices (circuit-breakers, contactors, discon-
nectors, etc.) and overcurrent protective devices
2.1 • electronic components used for tasks essential to safety.

2.1.1 The documents listed in Tab 1 are to be submitted. 4 General requirements for system
The list of documents requested is to be intended as guid-
design, location and installation
ance for the complete set of information to be submitted,
rather than an actual list of titles. 4.1 Design and construction

The Society reserves the right to request the submission of 4.1.1 The design and construction of electrical installations
additional documents regarding unconventional design or are to be such as to provide:
where deemed necessary for the evaluation of the system, a) the services necessary to maintain the vessel in normal
equipment or components. operational and habitable conditions without having
recourse to an emergency source of power,
Unless otherwise agreed with the Society, documents for
approval are to be sent in triplicate if submitted by the ship- b) the services listed in [4.4.2] when failure of the main
yard and in four copies if submitted by the equipment sup- source of electrical power occurs, and
plier. Documents requested for information are to be sent in c) protection of the crew and vessel from electrical haz-
duplicate. ards.

Table 1 : Documents to be submitted

No. I/A (1) Documents to be submitted

1 A Single line diagram of main and emergency power and lighting systems
2 I Electrical power balance (main and emergency supply)
3 A Calculation of short-circuit currents for each installation in which the sum of rated power of the energy sources which
may be connected contemporaneously to the network is greater than 500 kW
4 A List of circuits including, for each supply and distribution circuit, data concerning the nominal current, the cable type,
length and cross-section, the nominal and setting values of the protective and control devices
5 A Single line diagram and detailed diagram of the main switchboard
6 A Single line diagram and detailed diagram of the emergency switchboard
7 A Diagram of the most important section boards and motor control centres (above 100 kW)
8 A Detailed diagram of the navigation-light switchboard
(1) A: to be submitted for approval
I: to be submitted for information.

548 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 15, Sec 5

4.2 Distribution 4.3.4 Where transformers constitute an essential part of the

supply system required by this item, the system is to be so
4.2.1 Supply systems arranged as to ensure continuity of the supply.

Distribution systems given in Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3, [1] may be 4.3.5 The arrangement of the main electric lighting system
used on board of fishing vessels. Where length is less than is to be such that a fire or other casualty in spaces contain-
24 m, on d.c. installations, two-wire systems with one pole ing the main source of electrical power, including trans-
earthed may be used. formers, if any, will not render the emergency lighting
system inoperative.
4.2.2 General requirements given in Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3,
[1.1.3] and Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3, [1.1.4] are applicable to fish- 4.3.6 The arrangement of the emergency electric lighting
ing vessels. In addition, where length is less than 24 m, system is to be such that a fire or other casualty in spaces
every conductor carrying the current from a circuit to the containing the emergency source of electrical power,
hull is to have the same cross section as the corresponding including transformers, if any, will not render the main
insulated conductor. In d.c. installations, one pole of gener- lighting system inoperative.
ator and of supplied appliances is to be earthed in readily
accessible places. 4.3.7 Navigation lights, if solely electrical, are to be sup-
plied through their own separate switchboard and adequate
4.2.3 The hull return system of distribution is not to be used means for the monitoring of such lights are to be provided.
for power, heating or lighting in vessels of 75 m of length
and over. 4.3.8 For fishing vessels propelled by electrical power and
having two or more constant voltage propulsion generating
sets which constitute the source of electrical energy for the
4.2.4 The requirement in [4.2.3] does not preclude, under
ship's auxiliary services, see Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 14.
conditions approved by the Society, the use of:

a) impressed current cathodic protective systems 4.3.9 Load shedding or other equivalent arrangements
should be provided to protect the generators required in the
b) limited and locally earthed systems, or present Article against sustained overload.

c) insulation level monitoring devices provided the circu- The load shedding should be automatic.
lation current does not exceed 30 mA under the most The non-essential services, services for habitability and, if
unfavourable conditions. necessary, the secondary essential services may be shed in
order to make sure that the connected generator set(s) is/are
4.2.5 Where the hull return system is used, all final subcir- not overloaded.
cuits (all circuits fitted after the last protective device) are to
be two-wire and special precautions are to be taken to the 4.3.10 Where paralleling operation of the generators is
satisfaction of the Society. needed, necessary instruments for this operation are to be

4.3 Main source of electrical power 4.3.11 Where the length is greater than 24 m, the measure-
ment devices are to be in accordance with the general
4.3.1 Where the electrical power constitutes the only requirements given in Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 8, [1.6.1] to Pt C, Ch
means of maintaining auxiliary services essential for the 2, Sec 8, [1.6.8].
propulsion and safety of the vessel, a main source of electri-
Where the length is less than 24 m.
cal power is to be provided which is to include at least two
generating sets, one of which may be driven by the main a) The following instruments are to be normally provided:
engine. The Society may accept other arrangements having • for each generator:
equivalent electrical capability.
- one ammeter with mark indicating the normal
full load value (for installations where the rated
4.3.2 The power of these sets is to be such as to ensure the
voltage is below 24 V and fitted with a load
functioning of the services referred to in [4.1.1] a), exclud-
limit, only a charge control lamp can be pro-
ing the power required in fishing activities, processing and
preservation of the catch, in the event of any one of the gen-
erating sets being stopped. However, in vessels of less than - one voltmeter
45 m, in the event of any one of the generating sets being - one lamp indicator to indicate the generator
stopped, it is only necessary to ensure the functioning of the voltage
services essential for the propulsion and safety of the vessel.
- one battery charging control lamp
4.3.3 The arrangement of the vessel's main source of elec- • for each battery:
trical power is to be such that the services referred to in - one ammeter with two-sided deviation
[4.1.1] a) can be maintained regardless of the number of
revolutions and direction of the main propelling engines or • for busbars:
shafting. - one voltmeter

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 549

Pt D, Ch 15, Sec 5

• for three-phase system, it is to be provided, in addi- 4.4.3 The emergency source of electrical power may be
tion: either a generator or an accumulator battery.
- one ammeter per phase or one ammeter with
4.4.4 Where the emergency source of electrical power is a
commutator permitting to measure the current in
generator, it is to be provided both with an independent fuel
each phase
supply and with efficient starting arrangements to the satis-
- one frequency meter faction of the Society. Unless a second independent means
- one synchronising device if alternators are of starting the emergency generator is provided, the single
arranged to run in parallel source of stored energy is to be protected to preclude its
complete depletion by the automatic starting system.
- one wattmeter for alternators over 50 kVA.
b) Protection: 4.4.5 Where the emergency source of electrical power is
an accumulator battery, it is to be capable of carrying the
Measuring instruments connected to the network and
emergency load without recharging whilst maintaining the
indicator lamps are to be protected by a fuse. Where a
voltage of the battery throughout the discharge period
measuring instrument and an indicator lamp correspond
within plus or minus 12% of its nominal voltage. In the
to the same indication, each one is to be provided with
event of failure of the main power supply, this accumulator
a fuse.
battery is to be automatically connected to the emergency
Requirements given in Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 8, [1.6.13], Pt C, Ch switchboard and is to immediately supply at least those ser-
2, Sec 8, [1.6.14] and Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 8, [1.6.15], are appli- vices specified in [4.4.2], items b) and c). The emergency
cable to all fishing vessels. switchboard is to be provided with an auxiliary switch
allowing the battery to be connected manually, in case of
4.3.12 The main switchboards are to be placed far away failure of the automatic connection system.
from flammable gas, vapour accumulation, acid gas or
other liquid. Their location is to be such that there is no 4.4.6 When the length is less than 24 m, the start of the
pipe carrying liquids above, beside or near them. When this main engine of the ship is carried out by electrical starter
cannot be avoided, pipes are to be built joint less or pro- and where the emergency source of power is a storage bat-
vided with protections. tery, the emergency source of power can be considered as
the second required starting power source for the main
4.4 Emergency source of electrical power engine. Then:
• The starting system cables are to be designed to permit
4.4.1 A self-contained emergency source of electrical the necessary commutation with a change over switch
power located, to the satisfaction of the Society, outside and fixed connections.
machinery spaces is to be provided and so arranged as to
ensure its functioning in the event of fire or other causes of • The available power of the emergency battery is to be
failure of the main electrical installations. adequate to supply the emergency services during the
time specified in above paragraphs, and, in principle,
4.4.2 The emergency source of electrical power is to be have the capacity of six consecutive starts of the main
capable, having regard to starting currents and the transitory engine.
nature of certain loads, of serving simultaneously for a
period of at least three hours: 4.4.7 The emergency switchboard is to be installed as near
as is practicable to the emergency source of power and is to
a) the VHF radio installation and, if applicable: be located in accordance with [4.4.1]. Where the emer-
1) the MF radio installation gency source of power is a generator, the emergency
switchboard is to be located in the same place unless the
2) the ship earth station and operation of the emergency switchboard would thereby be
3) the MF/HF radio installation impaired.
b) internal communication equipment, fire detection sys- 4.4.8 An accumulator battery, other than batteries fitted for
tems and signals which may be required in an emer- the radio transmitter and receiver in vessels of less than 45
gency m in length, is to be installed in a well ventilated space
c) the navigation lights if solely electrical and the emer- which is not to be the space containing the emergency
gency lights: switchboard. An indicator is to be mounted in a suitable
place on the main switchboard or in the machinery control
1) of launching stations and overside of the vessel room to indicate when the battery constituting the emer-
2) in all alleyways, stairways and exits gency source of power is being discharged.
3) in spaces containing machinery or the emergency 4.4.9 The emergency switchboard is to be supplied in nor-
source of power
mal operation from the main switchboard by an intercon-
4) in control stations, and nector feeder which is to be protected at the main
switchboard against overload and short-circuit and which is
5) in fishing handling and fish processing spaces, and
to be disconnected automatically at the emergency switch-
d) the operation of the emergency fire pump, if any. board upon failure of the main source of electrical power.

550 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 15, Sec 5

Where the system is arranged for feedback operation, the 4.5.4 When a distribution system, whether primary or sec-
interconnector feeder is also to be protected at the emer- ondary, for power, heating or lighting, with no connection
gency switchboard at least against short-circuit. to earth is used, a device capable of monitoring the insula-
tion level to earth is to be provided.
For ships whose length is equal to or greater than 45 m, the
arrangement at the emergency switchboard is to be such
4.5.5 When a distribution system is in accordance with
that in the event of failure of the main power supply an
[4.5.4] and a voltage exceeding 50 V direct current or 50 V,
automatic connection of the emergency supply will be pro-
root mean square, between conductors, is used, a device
capable of continuously monitoring the insulation level to
earth and of giving an audible or visual indication of abnor-
4.4.10 The emergency generator and its prime mover and
mally low insulation values is to be provided.
any emergency accumulator battery are to be so arranged
as to ensure that they will function at full rated power when
the vessel is upright and when rolling up to an angle of 4.5.6 Distribution systems which are supplied at a voltage
22,5° either way and simultaneously pitching 10° by bow not exceeding 250 V direct current or 250 V, root mean
or stern, or in any combination of angles within those limits. square, between conductors, and which are limited in
extent, may comply with [4.5.4], subject to the satisfaction
4.4.11 The emergency source of electrical power and auto- of the Society.
mation starting equipment is to be so constructed and
arranged as to enable adequate testing to be carried out by 4.5.7 Except as permitted by the Society in exceptional cir-
the crew while the vessel is in operating condition. cumstances, all metal sheaths and armour of cables are to
be electrically continuous and to be earthed.
4.4.12 When the length is less than 24 m, the Society may
exempt Owners from the installation of the emergency 4.5.8 All electrical cables are to be at least of a flame-
source of electrical power. retardant type and are to be so installed as not to impair
their original flame-retarding properties. The Society may
4.4.13 Where emergency generator is used in port, the permit the use of special types of cables where necessary
requirements stated in Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3, [2.4] are applica- for specific applications, such as radio frequency cables,
ble. which do not comply with the foregoing.

4.5.9 Cables and wiring serving essential or emergency

4.5 Precaution against shock, fire and other
power, lighting, internal communications or signals are as
hazards of electrical origin far as practicable to be routed clear of galleys, machinery
spaces of category A and other high fire risk areas and laun-
4.5.1 Exposed permanently fixed metal parts of electrical dries, fish handling and fish processing spaces and other
machines or equipment which are not intended to be live spaces where there is a high moisture content. Cables con-
but which are liable under fault conditions to become live necting fire pumps to the emergency switchboard are to be
are to be earthed (grounded) unless: of a fire-resistant type where they pass through high fire risk
a) they are supplied at a voltage not exceeding 50 V direct areas. Where practicable, all such cables are to be run in
current or 50 V, root mean square between conductors; such a manner as to preclude their being rendered unser-
auto-transformers are not to be used for the purpose of viceable by heating of the bulkheads which may be caused
achieving this alternative current voltage, or by a fire in an adjacent space.

b) they are supplied at a voltage not exceeding 250 V by 4.5.10 Where cables which are installed in spaces where
safety isolating transformers supplying one consuming the risk of fire or explosion exists in the event of an electri-
device only, or cal fault, special precautions against such risk are to be
c) they are constructed in accordance with the principle of taken to the satisfaction of the Society. When fitted in places
double insulation. where flammable gases or vapours may accumulate, or in
rooms intended to mainly contain accumulators, paint or
similar material, the equipment is to be of a safety type
4.5.2 Electrical apparatus is to be so constructed and
approved by the Society.
installed that it will not cause injury when handled or
touched in the normal manner.
4.5.11 Wiring is to be supported in such a manner as to
4.5.3 Main and emergency switchboards are to be so avoid chafing or other damage.
arranged as to afford easy access as may be needed to appa-
ratus and equipment, without danger to attendants. The 4.5.12 Terminations and joints in all conductors are to be
sides, backs and, where necessary, the fronts of switch- made such that they retain the original electrical, mechani-
boards are to be suitably guarded. Exposed live parts having cal, flame-retarding and, where necessary, fire-resisting
voltages to earth exceeding a voltage to be specified by the properties of the cable.
Society are not to be installed on the front of the switch-
boards. There are to be non-conducting mats or gratings at 4.5.13 Cables installed in refrigerated compartments are to
the front and rear, where necessary. be suitable for low temperatures and high humidity.

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Pt D, Ch 15, Sec 5

4.5.14 Circuits are to be protected against short-circuit. Cir- 4.5.25 Particular attention is to be paid to the fixing of
cuits are also to be protected against overload, unless other- equipment made of cast brass or other copper alloys on alu-
wise specified in these Rules or where the Society may minium decks or bulkheads.
exceptionally otherwise permit.
4.5.26 Heaters
4.5.15 The rating or appropriate setting of the overload pro- Electric heaters are to be permanently installed.
tective device for each circuit is to be permanently indi-
They are to be constructed and installed in such a way that
cated at the location of the protective device.
clothing or other combustible objects cannot be left there or
be hung above these heaters.
4.5.16 Lighting fittings are to be so arranged as to prevent
temperature rises which could damage the wiring and to
prevent surrounding material from becoming excessively 4.6 Engineers’ alarm
4.6.1 In vessels of 75 m in length and over, an engineers’
alarm is to be provided to be operated from the engine con-
4.5.17 Lighting or power circuits terminating in a space trol room or at the manoeuvring platform as appropriate, and
where the risk of fire or explosion exists are to be provided is to be clearly audible in the engineers’ accommodation.
with isolating switches outside the space.

4.5.18 The housing of accumulator batteries is to be con-

4.7 Steering gear
structed and ventilated to the satisfaction of the Society.
4.7.1 For the steering gear, general requirements included
in Ch 15, Sec 4, [24] are applicable. Where length of the
4.5.19 Electrical or other equipment which may constitute fishing vessel is less than 24 m, the Society may give
a source of ignition of flammable vapours is not permitted exemptions to these requirements.
in these compartments except as provided for in [4.5.21].

4.8 Fire detection and fire alarm

4.5.20 An accumulator battery is not to be located in
accommodation spaces unless installed in a hermetically
4.8.1 The fire detection and fire alarm system are to be sup-
sealed container.
plied from the main source and an emergency source.

4.5.21 In spaces where flammable mixtures are liable to

collect and in any compartments assigned principally to the 4.9 Alarm - Communication
containment of an accumulator battery, no electrical equip-
ment is to be installed unless the Society is satisfied that it 4.9.1 For the crew muster, an alarm system operated from
is: the bridge is to be provided. This system may be part of the
general alarm system.
a) essential for operational purposes
4.9.2 Ships of 12 m or more in length are to be equipped
b) of a type which will not ignite the mixture concerned with a system enabling the general broadcast of alarm and
messages in case of damage or ship escape.
c) appropriate for the space concerned, and
4.9.3 The bridge operating compartment is to be fitted with
d) appropriately certified for safe usage in the dusts,
the internal communication and control means as quoted
vapours or gases likely to be encountered.

4.5.22 Where shore supply is provided, requirements • An engine room telegraph with repeater, or equivalent
stated in Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3, [3.7] are applicable. The socket- system, is to be provided and duplicated by another
outlets used for the supply of the ship from the shore net- independent system, enabling the communication with
work and when the voltage exceeds 50 V, are to be pro- the engine control position. If the size and arrangement
vided with a built-in earth connection provided to be of the ship make useless the equipment mentioned
connected to the earth. above, only a dual calling system such as telephone,
megaphone or bell may be fitted.
4.5.23 On board of ship with non-metallic hull, bonding is • If the propelling machinery is remote-controlled from
to be provided between the frame of generators, the bed the bridge-operating compartment, at least one order
plate of the pumps, the bed plate of the motors and the telegraph, reversible or with repeater, is to be fitted at
earth plate, if fitted. All the elements of the fuel installation the local direct engine control position.
are to be electrically bonded and connected to the above • Furthermore, unless the size and arrangement of the
bonding. ship make useless this equipment, the bridge operating
compartment is to be connected by means of a reversi-
4.5.24 If the protection of cables against overload current is ble voice communication system to the local control of
made by fuses, their rating is to be selected according to the steering gear, propelling machinery and the service
maximum permissible current in the cable. accommodation.

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Pt D, Ch 15, Sec 5

4.10 Final sub-circuits Live parts normally submitted to a voltage exceeding

50 volts are not to be installed without protection on the
4.10.1 Every final sub-circuit connected to a distribution front of switchboards.
panel is to be protected, unless otherwise specified, by a The switchboard frame or enclosures containing switch-
fuse or a maximum current circuit breaker on each insu- boards are to be earthed.
lated pole. These circuits can be controlled by single pole
Air clearances between live parts are to be suitable for the
switches in dry spaces of the accommodation.
rated voltage or protected by means of insulating and fire-
A separate final sub-circuit is to be provided for every appa- proof shields.
ratus assuming an essential service and for each motor rated
Every switchboard part, including the connections, is to be
1 kW or more.
easily accessible.

4.11 Electric cables 4.13 Rotating electrical machines

4.11.1 General requirements given in Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3, [9] 4.13.1 Location - Installation
are applicable for all fishing vessels.
Machines and their gears are to be located in spaces suita-
bly ventilated where flammable dusts, vapours or gases can-
4.11.2 Choice of runs
not accumulate. Where this condition, in the case of
a) Cable runs are to be as straight and accessible as possi- motors, cannot be fulfilled, the Society is to be advised
ble. accordingly and a special consideration will be given, after
examination, of the proposed arrangements.
b) Cable runs are to be fitted away from source of water.
Cables exposed to the risk of mechanical damage, if not 4.13.2 Earthing
armoured or enclosed in steel conduits, are to be pro-
Bed plates and framework of machines or generating sets
tected by a casing.
are to be efficiently earthed; no insulating material is to be
c) The cable runs are to be so designed that the internal placed between the prime movers and the alternators and
radius of bend does not exceed at any point the permis- generally between the prime movers and the driven
sible value for the cable concerned. In the absence of machines, unless there is one efficient earthing of each part.
values specified by the manufacturer, the following val-
ues are to be adopted as minima for the internal radius 4.13.3 Generators speed control
of bend: Prime movers for driving generators are to be fitted with a
• 4 d for rubber-like insulated cables without metallic speed regulator in such a way that at all loads between no
covering (6 d if d > 25 mm) load and rated power the permanent speed variations can-
not exceed 5% of the rated speed. For Diesel generating
• 6 d for rubber-like insulated cables with metallic sets, when the rated power is suddenly thrown off, the tran-
covering or for silicone asbestos cables. sient speed variations are not to exceed 10%.

4.11.3 Cable fixing The generators driven by the propulsion engine, by a geared
shaft or by an auxiliary set intended for another purpose,
a) Cables are to be bunched as regularly as possible. are to be designed with consideration that the variation of
b) Cables are to be so arranged as to avoid any friction; if speed may occur in service.
needed, fastening parts are to be used. The distance
between fastening parts is to be defined according to the 4.13.4 Particular provisions for the motor control
device - Starters
cable nature and the special installation provisions. The
distance between two fastening parts is generally not to a) DC and AC motors of more than 0,5 kW are to be fitted
exceed 0,50 m. with a under-voltage protection and a protection against
overload. Under-voltage protection may not be pro-
vided for steering gear motor or any other motor the
4.12 Switchboard continuous running of, which is essential.
4.12.1 Installation b) When the starter, the selector switch or all other equip-
ment used to cut off completely the supply of the motor
When the voltage exceeds 50 volts, AC or DC, an insulated
is at a distance from it, it is recommended that one of
mat, grating or impregnated wood surface is to be provided
the following measures be applied:
in front of switchboards and also at the rear if access to the
rear is provided. The insulated mat, grating or surface is to • locking of the disconnecting switch of the circuit in
be oil-resistant and non-slippery. open position, or removable fuses
• installation near to the motor of a second discon-
4.12.2 Design - Construction necting switch.
Generally, switchboards or enclosures containing switch-
boards are to be constructed of durable, flame retardant and 4.14 Batteries
non-hygroscopic materials. In addition, mechanical features
of the materials are to be suitable for the service conditions. 4.14.1 As general, Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 11, [6] is applicable.

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4.14.2 Where the length is less than 24 m, the following is 5 Lightning protection
also applicable:
• Batteries which can be charged by a power exceeding 5.1 Application
2 kW (calculated from the maximum charging current
of the charging apparatus and from the nominal voltage 5.1.1 A lightning protection system is to be fitted for:
of the battery) are to be installed in a ventilated suitable
a) ships with wooden hull or of composite construction
space or in a locker protected from dangerous gas accu-
with wooden masts
b) ships with wooden hull or of composite construction
4.14.3 For all fishing vessels: with steel masts
a) All spaces especially reserved for batteries, including c) ships with steel hull with wooden masts.
lockers or chests, boxes, shelves are to be protected
against the deleterious effects of the electrolyte. The bat- 5.1.2 Lightning conductors are to be fitted to all wooden
teries are to be so manufactured and installed that no masts or topmasts. In vessels constructed of non-conductive
electrolyte discharge may occur under 22°5 inclination. materials, the lightning conductors are to be connected to a
copper plate fixed to the vessel's hull well below the water-
b) Deck boxes are to be provided with exhaust ducts on line.
top and air inlets at lower part. The assembly is to be
suitably weatherproof. For battery of low capacity, only 5.1.3 Lightning fittings exposed to risks of mechanical
openings on the top of the battery box are required. damage are to be suitably protected or strongly built.

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Pt D, Ch 15, Sec 6


As regards the type approval, the requirements of Part A

1 General
1.2.2 When the Administration of the State whose flag the
1.1 Application ship is entitled to fly has issued specific regulations covering
fire protection, the Society may accept such regulations for
1.1.1 This Section provides requirements for the fire safety classification purpose in lieu of those given in this Chapter.
of ships having the service notation fishing vessel and a
In such cases, a memoranda indicating those specific regu-
length of 65 m or less.
lations applied is issued.
Type approval of materials and products listed in a) to h) of
[1.2.1] and Articles [5], [6], [7], [8], [9] and [10] of this Sec- 1.3 Definitions
tion apply only to ships assigned with the additional service
feature F. 1.3.1 Foreword
The fire safety of fishing vessels having a length of more than For the purpose of this Section, unless otherwise stated, the
65 m is to comply with the provisions of Part C, Chapter 4. definitions given in [1.3.2] to [1.3.13] below apply.

1.2 Type approved products 1.3.2 Non-combustible material

Non-combustible material is a material which neither burns
1.2.1 The following materials, equipment, systems or prod- nor gives off flammable vapours in sufficient quantity for
ucts in general used for fire protection are be type approved self-ignition when heated to approximately 750°C. Such
by the Society, except for special cases for which the property is to be demonstrated by means of a test performed
acceptance may be given for individual ships on the basis of in accordance with a procedure accepted by the Society.
suitable documentation and/or tests: Any other material is to be considered as a combustible
a) fire-resisting and fire-retarding divisions (bulkheads or material.
decks) and associated doors
1.3.3 Standard fire test - A class divisions - B class
b) automatic closing devices of fire doors
c) materials for pipes penetrating A or B class divisions Refer to the definitions given in Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 1, [3.2.1]
(where they are not of steel or other equivalent material) and Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 1, [3.4.1].
d) materials for oil or fuel oil pipes (where they are not of The Society may require a test of a prototype bulkhead of A
steel or copper and its alloys) or B class to ensure that it meets the requirements for integ-
e) bulkhead or deck penetrations for electrical cables pass- rity or temperature rise.
ing through A or B class divisions
1.3.4 Steel or other equivalent material
f) materials with low flame spread characteristics includ-
Where the words "steel or other equivalent material" occur,
ing paints, varnishes and similar, when they are required
"equivalent material" means any non-combustible material
to have such characteristics
which, by itself or due to insulation provided, has structural
g) non-combustible materials and integrity properties equivalent to steel at the end of the
applicable exposure to the standard fire test (e.g. aluminium
h) non-readily igniting materials for primary deck coverings
alloy with appropriate insulation).
i) fixed foam fire-extinguishing systems and portable foam
fire-extinguishing units 1.3.5 Low flame spread
j) sensing heads for automatic fire alarm and fire detection “Low flame spread” means that the surface thus described
systems offers an adequate resistance to the spread of flame. Such a
property is to be demonstrated by a test procedure deemed
k) portable fire extinguishers
acceptable by the Society.
l) extinguishing media substitute for the foam in fire extin-
guishers 1.3.6 Accommodation spaces
m) fire hoses “Accommodation spaces” are those spaces normally used
by the crew such as corridors, lavatories, cabins, offices,
n) fire hydrants and nozzles, including dual-purpose noz- lounges, dining rooms and other similar spaces.
zles, for fire hoses.

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Pt D, Ch 15, Sec 6

1.3.7 Service spaces 2.2 Number and type of fire pumps

“Service spaces” are those spaces used for galleys, pantries
containing cooking appliances, lockers, storerooms, work- 2.2.1 Ships with L ≥ 45 m
shops other than those forming part of machinery spaces, All ships having a length of 45 m or more are to be provided
and similar spaces and trunks to such spaces. They also with:
include the spaces used for the storage of the fishing nets. • at least two main fire pumps; one is to be independently
driven and power operated and the other may be driven
1.3.8 Cargo spaces by the propulsion engine
“Cargo spaces” are all spaces used for the storage of the fish • one emergency fire pump complying with [2.3.2], if a
and the trunks to such spaces. fire in any compartment could put all the fire pumps out
of action.
1.3.9 Machinery spaces of category A
Note 1: In the case of ships having a restricted navigation notation,
“Machinery spaces of category A” are those spaces which the emergency fire pump may be omitted.
contain internal combustion type machinery, used for:
• either main propulsion, or 2.2.2 Ships with 24 m ≤ L < 45 m
• other purposes where such machinery has in the aggre- Ships having a length of 24 m and above but less than 45 m
gate a total power output of not less than 750 kW, are to be provided with:
• at least one main fire pump, independently driven and
or which contain any oil-fired boiler or fuel unit. power-operated
1.3.10 Machinery spaces • one emergency fire pump, except when the main fire
pump, its source of power and its sea connection are
“Machinery spaces” are those machinery spaces of category
located outside the spaces containing the propulsion
A and all other spaces containing the propulsion machinery,
machinery or oil fired boilers.
boilers, fuel oil units, steam and internal combustion
engines, generators and major electric motors, steering gear, Note 1: In the case of ships having a restricted navigation notation,
oil filling stations, ventilation and air conditioning machin- the emergency fire pump may be omitted.
ery, refrigerating machinery, stabilisers and similar spaces or
trunks to such spaces. 2.2.3 Ships with 15 m ≤ L < 24 m
Ships having a length of 15 m and above but less than 24 m
1.3.11 Control stations are to be provided with:
“Control stations” are those spaces containing the main • at least one pump for the fire fighting service, power-
navigating equipment, the ship’s radio, the emergency operated
source of power, or where the fire recording and fire control • one hand pump complying with [2.3.3], except when
equipment is centralised.
the power-operated pump is independently driven.

1.3.12 Continuous B-class ceilings or linings

2.2.4 Ships with L < 15 m
“Continuous B-class ceilings or linings” are those B-class
ceilings or linings which terminate only at a “A” or “B” class Ships having a length less than 15 m are to be provided
division. with at least one hand pump complying with [2.3.3].

1.3.13 Materials which do not readily ignite 2.3 Characteristics and arrangement of fire
“Materials which do not readily ignite“ are materials having pumps
approved characteristics of ignitability. These characteristics
are to be obtained from a test procedure deemed accept- 2.3.1 Main fire pumps
able by the Society. a) When delivering together for fire-fighting purposes at
the pressure specified in [2.4.1], item b), the required
2 Water fire-fighting system fire pumps, other than hand pumps and the emergency
fire pump, are to have a total capacity Q, in m3/h, not
2.1 General less than that determined from the following formula:
Q = ( 0, 15 L ( B + D ) + 2, 25 )
a) Every ship is to be provided with a water fire-fighting
L : Length of the ship between perpendiculars,
system consisting of fire pumps, fire main, hydrants and
in m
hoses complying as applicable with the provisions of
this Article, depending on the length of the ship. B : Breadth of the ship, in m
D : Depth of the ship, measured up to the bulk-
b) The water fire-fighting system is to be independent of head deck, in m.
any other system of the ship. A connection with the
washing system is permitted, however. However, the total capacity of the main fire pumps need
not exceed 180 m3/h.

556 Bureau Veritas July 2018

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b) When several power-operated fire pumps other than the

fire emergency pump are required, each pump is to 2.3.3 Hand pumps
have a capacity not less than 80% of the total required Hand pumps are to have a capacity of at least two thirds of
capacity divided by the minimum number of required that required for the bilge pump and a total suction head to
fire pumps. Each such pump is, in any event, to be capa- project a sufficient jet of water to the satisfaction of the
ble of delivering at least the two jets of water required in Society.
[2.4.1], item b). These fire pumps are to be capable of
supplying the fire main system under the required con-
ditions. Where more than the minimum number of 2.4 Fire main, hydrants and hoses
required pumps are installed, the capacity of such addi-
tional pumps may be less than that required above, pro- 2.4.1 Diameter of, and pressure in, the fire main
vided it is deemed satisfactory by the Society. a) The diameter of the fire main and water service pipes is
to be sufficient for the effective distribution of the maxi-
c) Sanitary, ballast, bilge or general service pumps may be mum required discharge from all the main fire pumps
accepted as fire pumps, provided they are not normally operating simultaneously. However, this diameter need
used for pumping oil and that, if they are subject to
only be sufficient for the discharge of 140 m3/h.
occasional duty for the transfer or pumping of fuel oil,
suitable change-over arrangements are fitted. b) When main power fire pumps are delivering the quan-
tity of water required in [2.3.1] item a) through the fire
2.3.2 Emergency fire pumps main, fire hoses and nozzles, the pressure maintained at
any hydrant is not to be less than 0,25 N/mm2.
The emergency fire pump and its location are to comply
with the following requirements:
2.4.2 Pipes and hydrants
a) The capacity of the pump is not to be less than 40% of
the total capacity of the main fire pumps and in any a) Materials readily rendered ineffective by heat are not to
case not less than: be used for the fire main and hydrants unless adequately
protected. The pipes and hydrants are to be so placed
• 25 m3/h for ships having a length of 45 m or more
that the fire hoses may be easily coupled to them. The
• 15 m3/h for ships having a length less than 45 m. arrangement of pipes and hydrants is to be such as to
b) When the pump is delivering the quantity of water avoid the possibility of freezing.
required by clause a) above, the pressure at any hydrant
b) A valve is to be fitted to serve each fire hose so that any
is not to be less than the minimum pressures required in
hose may be removed while the fire pumps are at work.
[2.4.1], item b).
c) Any diesel driven power source for the emergency fire c) Isolating valves to separate the section of the fire main
pump is to be capable of being readily started in all the within the machinery space containing the main fire
temperature conditions likely to be encountered, taking pump or pumps from the rest of the fire main are to be
into account the navigation assigned to the ship. fitted in easily accessible and safe positions outside the
machinery space. The fire main is to be so arranged that,
d) Any service fuel tank is to contain a sufficient quantity
when the isolating valves are shut, all the hydrants of the
of fuel to enable the emergency fire pump to run on full
ship except those in the machinery space referred to
load for at least 3 h and sufficient reserves of fuel are to
above can be supplied with water by a fire pump not
be available outside machinery spaces to enable the
located in this machinery space through pipes which do
pump to run on full load for an additional 15 h.
not enter this space. Exceptionally, the Society may per-
e) The emergency fire pump is to be of the self-priming mit short lengths of the emergency fire pump suction
type and capable of operating under all conditions of and discharge piping to penetrate the machinery space
immersion, list, trim, roll and pitch likely to be encoun- if it is impracticable to route it externally provided that
tered in service. The sea suction valve is to be capable the integrity of the fire main is maintained by the enclo-
of being operated from a position close to the pump. sure of the piping in a substantial steel casing.
f) The emergency fire pump and its source of power are to
be installed in a safe and readily accessible position 2.4.3 Number and position of hydrants
located in a separate compartment as far as possible a) Fire hydrants should be positioned so as to allow easy
from the compartment containing the main fire pumps and quick connection of fire hoses and so that at least
and their source of power. one jet can be directed into any part of the ship which is
When this is not practicable, the emergency fire pump normally accessible during navigation.
may be located in a compartment adjacent to the one
b) The jet required in item a) should be from a single
containing the main fire pumps, provided that the bulk-
length of fire hose.
heads and decks forming the boundaries of both com-
partments are insulated to A-60 standard. c) In addition to the requirements of item a), machinery
Note 1: For ships having a length less than 45 m and a restricted spaces of category A should be provided with at least
navigation notation, the emergency fire pump may also be one fire hydrant complete with fire hose and dual-pur-
portable and located in a space other than the one containing pose nozzle. This fire hydrant should be located outside
the main fire pump. the space and near the entrance.

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Pt D, Ch 15, Sec 6

d) For every required fire hydrant there should be one fire 3.4
hose. At least one spare fire hose should be provided in
addition to this requirement. 3.4.1 Ships having machinery spaces not protected by a
fixed fire extinguishing system should be provided with at
e) Single lengths of fire hose should not exceed 20 m.
least a 45 l foam extinguisher or its equivalent, suitable for
f) Fire hoses should be of an approved material. Each fire fighting oil fires. Where the size of the machinery spaces
hose should be provided with couplings and a dual-pur- makes this provision impracticable, the Society can accept
pose nozzle. an additional number of portable fire extinguishers.
g) Except where fire hoses are permanently attached to the
fire main, the couplings of fire hoses and nozzles should 4 Fire extinguishers
be completely interchangeable.
h) The nozzles as required by item f) should be appropriate 4.1 Design and installation of fire extin-
to the delivery capacity of the fire pumps fitted, but in guishers
any case should have a diameter of not less than 12 mm.
4.1.1 General
3 Fire-extinguishing appliances in All fire extinguishers are to be of a type and characteristics
machinery spaces approved by the Society.

4.1.2 Equivalences
a) The Society reserves the right to establish equivalences
3.1.1 between the various types of extinguishers.

a) Spaces containing oil-fired boilers, fuel oil units or inter- b) Foam extinguishers may be replaced by equivalent
nal combustion machinery having a total power output extinguishers deemed appropriate by the Society.
of not less than 750 kW should be provided with one of
the following fixed fire extinguishing systems, to the sat- 4.1.3 Spare charges
isfaction of the Society: A sufficient number of spare charges is to be provided. In
• a pressure water-spraying installation general, spare charges are to be provided for 10% of the
portable water or foam extinguishers on the ship, with a
• a fire-smothering gas installation
minimum of 5 spare charges of each type. However, the
• a fire-extinguishing installation using vapours from number of spare charges need not exceed the number of
low toxicity vapourizing liquids, or water or foam extinguishers on board.
• a fire-extinguishing installation using high expan-
sion foam. 4.1.4 Capacity of portable fire extinguishers
b) New installations of halogenated hydrocarbon systems The capacity of required portable fluid extinguishers is not
used as fire-extinguishing media should be prohibited to be more than 13,5 l and not less than 9 l. Other extin-
on new and existing ships. guishers are to be at least as portable as the 13,5 l fluid
extinguishers and are to have a fire-extinguishing capability
c) Where the engine and boiler rooms are not entirely sep-
at least equivalent to a 9 l fluid extinguisher.
arated from each other or if fuel oil can drain from the
boiler room into the engine room, the combined engine
and boiler rooms should be considered as one compart- 4.1.5 Extinguishing medium
ment. Fire extinguishers containing an extinguishing medium
which, in the opinion of the Society, either by itself or under
expected conditions of use gives off toxic gases in such
quantities as to endanger persons are not permitted.
3.2.1 Installations listed in [3.1.1] item a) should be con-
trolled from readily accessible positions outside such 4.1.6 Installation
spaces not likely to be cut off by a fire in the protected One of the portable fire extinguishers intended for use in
space. Arrangements should be made to ensure the supply any space is to be stowed near the entrance to that space.
of power and water necessary for the operation of the sys-
tem in the event of fire in the protected space. 4.2 Arrangement of fire extinguishers in
accommodation and service spaces
4.2.1 General
3.3.1 In all machinery spaces of category A at least two All ships are to be provided with a sufficient number of
portable extinguishers should be provided, of a type suita- portable fire extinguishers such that, in any accommodation
ble for extinguishing fires involving fuel oil. Where such or service spaces, a fire extinguisher is readily available in
spaces contain machinery, which has a total power output case of need. The type of the extinguisher is to be suitable
of not less than 250 kW, at least three such extinguishers for the type of fire which is likely to break out in the space
should be provided. One of the extinguishers should be concerned.
stowed near the entrance to the space.

558 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 15, Sec 6

4.2.2 Number and type of extinguishers in the 5.2.2

various spaces
a) Accommodation spaces are to be provided with at least: a) The bulkheads of corridors serving accommodation
spaces, service spaces and control stations should be of
• 5 water or foam extinguishers, with a minimum of
"B-15" Class divisions.
one such extinguisher for each ‘tweendeck, for ships
having a length of 45 m or more b) Any bulkhead required by item a) should extend from
• 3 water or foam extinguishers, with a minimum of deck to deck unless a continuous ceiling of the same
one such extinguisher for each ‘tweendeck, for ships Class as the bulkhead is fitted on both sides of the bulk-
having a length of 24 m or more but less than 45 m head, in which case the bulkhead can terminate at the
• 1 water or foam extinguisher for each ‘tweendeck, continuous ceiling.
for ships having a length less than 24 m.
5.2.3 Interior stairways serving accommodation spaces,
b) In the vicinity of switchboards or section boards having
service spaces or control stations should be of steel or other
a power of 20 kW or more, at least one carbon dioxide
equivalent material. Such stairways should be within enclo-
or powder extinguisher is to be provided.
sures constructed of "B-15" Class divisions, provided that
c) Spaces containing a galley are to be provided with at where a stairway penetrates only one deck, it need be
least one foam or powder extinguisher. enclosed at one level only.
d) Stores containing paint or other easily flammable prod-
ucts used on board are to be provided with at least one 5.2.4 Doors and other closures of openings in bulkheads
foam or carbon dioxide or powder extinguisher. and decks referred to in [5.2.1] and [5.2.2], doors fitted to
stairway enclosures referred to in [5.2.3] and doors fitted in
e) The navigation bridge is to be provided with at least one engine and boiler casings, should be as far as practicable
foam or carbon dioxide extinguisher. equivalent in resisting fire to the divisions in which they are
f) The spaces containing the ship’s radio equipment are to fitted. Doors to machinery spaces of category A should be
be provided with at least two carbon dioxide extinguish- self-closing.
Note 1: In small ships where the sole electric switchboard and/or 5.2.5 Lift trunks, which pass through the accommodation
the sole radio station is/are located on the navigation bridge or and service spaces, should be constructed of steel or equiv-
in the same position as the wheelhouse, only two extinguishers alent material and should be provided with means of clos-
need be provided, one of the water type, the other of the car- ing which will permit control of draught and smoke.
bon dioxide type or equivalent.
5 Structural fire protection
a) The boundary bulkheads and decks of spaces contain-
ing any emergency source of power and bulkheads and
5.1 decks between galleys, paint rooms, lamp rooms or any
store-rooms which contain appreciable quantities of
5.1.1 Hull, superstructures, structural bulkheads, decks and
highly flammable materials, and accommodation
deckhouses are to be of steel. However, in special cases, the
spaces, service spaces or control stations should be of
Society may accept the use of other equivalent materials
"A" Class divisions insulated to the satisfaction of the
(such as aluminium alloys) when the fire risk has been taken
Society, having in mind the risk of fire, except that the
into account and provided that such material is so insulated
Society can accept "B-15" Class divisions between gal-
that, in the event of fire, the structure cannot collapse.
ley and accommodation spaces, service spaces and
control stations when the galley contains electrically
5.2 Ships of 45 m in length and over heated furnaces, electrically heated hot water appli-
ances or other electrically heated appliances only.
5.2.1 The decks and bulkheads separating machinery
spaces of category A from accommodation spaces, service b) Highly flammable products should be carried in suitably
spaces or control stations should be constructed to "A-60" sealed containers.
Class standard where the machinery space of category A is
not provided with a fixed fire-extinguishing system and to
"A-30" Class standard where such a system is fitted. Decks 5.2.7 Where bulkheads or decks, required by [5.2.1],
and bulkheads separating other machinery spaces from [5.2.2], [5.2.4] or [5.2.6] to be of "A" Class or "B" Class divi-
accommodation, service spaces and control stations should sions, are penetrated for the passage of electrical cables,
be constructed to "A-0" Class standard. Decks and bulk- pipes, trunks, ducts, etc., arrangements should be made to
heads separating control stations from accommodation and ensure that the fire integrity of the division is not impaired.
service spaces should be constructed to "A" Class standard,
insulated to the satisfaction of the Society, except that the 5.2.8 Air spaces enclosed behind ceilings, panellings or
Society may permit the fitting of "B-15" Class divisions for linings in accommodation spaces, service spaces and con-
separating such spaces as skipper's cabin from the wheel- trol stations should be divided by close-fitting draught stops
house. spaced not more than 7 m apart.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 559

Pt D, Ch 15, Sec 6

5.2.9 Windows and skylights to machinery spaces should 5.3.4 Doors and other closures of openings in bulkheads
be as follows: and decks referred to in [5.3.1] and [5.3.2], doors fitted to
a) Where skylights can be opened they should be capable stairway enclosures referred to in [5.3.3] and doors fitted in
of being closed from outside the space. Skylights con- engine and boiler casings, should be as far as practicable
taining glass panels should be fitted with external shut- equivalent in resisting fire to the divisions in which they are
ters of steel or other equivalent material permanently fitted. Doors to machinery spaces of category A should be
attached. self-closing.
b) Glass or similar materials should not be fitted in 5.3.5 Lift trunks, which pass through the accommodation
machinery space boundaries. This does not preclude the and service spaces, should be constructed of steel or equiv-
use of wire-reinforced glass for skylights and glass in alent material and should be provided with means of clos-
control rooms within the machinery spaces; and ing which will permit control of draught and smoke.
c) In skylights referred to in item a) wire-reinforced glass
should be used. 5.3.6
a) The boundary bulkheads and decks of spaces contain-
5.2.10 Insulating materials in accommodation spaces, ser-
ing any emergency source of power and bulkheads and
vice spaces except domestic refrigerating compartments,
decks between galleys, paint rooms, lamp rooms or any
control stations and machinery space should be non-com-
store-rooms which contain appreciable quantities of
bustible. The surface of insulation fitted on the internal
highly flammable materials, and accommodation
boundaries of machinery spaces of category A should be
spaces, service spaces or control stations should be of
impervious to oil or oil vapours.
"A" Class divisions insulated to the satisfaction of the
5.2.11 Within compartments used for stowage of fish, com- Society, having in mind the risk of fire, except that the
bustible insulation should be protected by close-fitting clad- Society can accept "B-15" Class divisions between gal-
ding. ley and accommodation spaces, service spaces and
control stations when the galley contains electrically
5.2.12 Notwithstanding the requirements of this sub-arti- heated furnaces, electrically heated hot water appli-
cle, the Society can accept "A-0" class divisions in lieu of ances or other electrically heated appliances only.
"B-15" class divisions, having regard to the amount of com- b) Highly flammable products should be carried in suitably
bustible materials used in adjacent spaces. sealed containers.

5.3 Ships of 24 m in length and over but less 5.3.7 Where bulkheads or decks, required by [5.3.1],
than 45 m [5.3.2], [5.3.4] or [5.3.6] to be of "A" Class or "B" Class divi-
sions, are penetrated for the passage of electrical cables,
5.3.1 The decks and bulkheads separating machinery pipes, trunks, ducts, etc., arrangements should be made to
spaces of category A from accommodation spaces, service ensure that the fire integrity of the division is not impaired.
spaces or control stations should be constructed to "A-60"
Class standard where the machinery space of category A is 5.3.8 Air spaces enclosed behind ceilings, panellings or
not provided with a fixed fire-extinguishing system and to linings in accommodation spaces, service spaces and con-
"A-0" Class standard where such a system is fitted. Decks trol stations should be divided by close-fitting draught stops
and bulkheads separating other machinery spaces from spaced not more than 7 m apart.
accommodation, service spaces and control stations should
be constructed to "A-0" Class standard. Decks and bulk- 5.3.9 Windows and skylights to machinery spaces should
heads separating control stations from accommodation and be as follows:
service spaces should be constructed to "B" Class standard, a) Where skylights can be opened they should be capable
insulated to the satisfaction of the Society. of being closed from outside the space. Skylights con-
taining glass panels should be fitted with external shut-
ters of steel or other equivalent material permanently
a) The bulkheads of corridors serving accommodation attached.
spaces, service spaces or control stations should be of
"B-0" Class divisions. b) Glass or similar materials should not be fitted in
machinery space boundaries. This does not preclude the
b) Any bulkhead of corridors serving accommodation
use of wire-reinforced glass for skylights and glass in
spaces, services and central stations should extend from
control rooms within the machinery spaces; and
deck to deck unless a continuous ceiling of the same
Class as the bulkhead is fitted on both sides of the bulk- c) In skylights referred to item a) wire-reinforced glass
head, in which case the bulkhead can terminate at the should be used.
continuous ceiling.
5.3.10 Insulating materials in accommodation spaces, ser-
5.3.3 Interior stairways serving accommodation spaces, vice spaces except domestic refrigerating compartments,
service spaces or control stations should be of steel or other control stations and machinery space should be non-com-
equivalent material. Such stairways connecting more than bustible. The surface of insulation fitted on the internal
two decks should be within enclosures constructed of "B- boundaries of machinery spaces of category A should be
15" Class divisions. impervious to oil or oil vapours.

560 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 15, Sec 6

5.3.11 Within compartments used for stowage of fish, com- 6.1.4 Ventilation ducts for machinery spaces of category A
bustible insulation should be protected by close-fitting clad- or galleys should not in general pass through accommoda-
ding. tion spaces, service spaces or control stations. Where the
Society permits this arrangement, the ducts should be con-
5.3.12 Notwithstanding the requirements of this sub-arti- structed of steel or equivalent material and arranged to pre-
cle, the Society can accept "A-0" class divisions in lieu of serve the integrity of the divisions.
"B-15" class divisions, having regard to the amount of com-
bustible materials used in adjacent spaces. 6.1.5 Ventilation ducts of accommodation spaces, service
spaces or control stations should not in general pass
5.4 Ships of less than 24 m in length through machinery spaces of category A or through galleys.
Where the Society permits this arrangement the ducts
5.4.1 If steel decks or steel bulkheads in accommodation should be constructed of steel or equivalent material and
form the top or side of a fuel oil tank, they should be coated arranged to preserve the integrity of the divisions.
with a non-combustible material of thickness and density to
6.1.6 Storerooms containing appreciable quantities of highly
the satisfaction of the Society. Manholes or other openings
flammable products should be provided with ventilation
to fuel oil tanks should not be positioned in the accommo-
arrangements, which are separate from other ventilation sys-
tems. Ventilation should be arranged at high and low levels
5.4.2 External bulkheads and ship’s sides, which delimit and the inlets and outlets of ventilators should be positioned
the accommodation spaces, should be insulated with an in safe areas. Suitable wire mesh guards to arrest sparks
appropriate insulating material. Bulkheads between accom- should be fitted over inlet and outlet ventilation openings.
modation spaces and machinery spaces or cargo spaces
6.1.7 Ventilation systems serving machinery spaces should
should be insulated with a non-combustible material of
be independent of systems serving other spaces.
thickness and density to the satisfaction of the Society. The
surface of insulation fitted on the internal boundaries of the 6.1.8 Where ducts serve spaces on both sides of "A" Class
machinery spaces of category A and in spaces into which bulkheads or decks dampers should be fitted so as to prevent
oil products may penetrate should be impervious to oil or the spread of smoke between compartments. Manual damp-
oil vapours. ers should be operable from both sides of the bulkhead or
the deck. Where the ducts with a free cross-sectional area
5.4.3 All insulation in accommodation spaces and the
exceeding 0,02 m2 pass through "A" Class bulkheads or
wheelhouse should be made of non-combustible materials.
decks, automatic self-closing dampers should be fitted.
Combustible insulation fitted in spaces used for the storage
or processing of fish should be protected by a tight non- 6.1.9 Where the ventilation ducts with a free cross-sec-
combustible covering. tional area exceeding 0,02 m2 pass through "A" Class bulk-
heads or decks, the opening should be lined with a steel
5.4.4 Where there is a door between the accommodation
sheet sleeve, unless the ducts passing through the bulk-
space and the machinery space, this should be a self-closing
heads or decks are of steel in the vicinity of passage through
door of steel or equivalent. Doors between galley rooms and
the deck or bulkhead and comply, in that portion of the
dining rooms might be permitted, provided they are made of
duct, with the following:
fire-retardant material; the same applies to a serving hatch.
Where only electric cooking appliances are used in the gal- a) For ducts with a free cross-sectional area exceeding
ley, the galley and the mess room could be seen as one 0,02 m2, the sleeves should have a thickness of at least
common room, divided into two appropriate compartments. 3 mm and a length of at least 900 mm. When passing
through bulkheads, this length should preferably be
divided evenly on each side of the bulkhead. Ducts with
6 Ventilation systems free cross-sectional area exceeding 0,02 m2 should be
provided with fire insulation. The insulation should
6.1 have at least the same fire integrity as the bulkhead or
deck through which the duct passes. Equivalent penetra-
6.1.1 Means should be provided to stop fans and close tion protection should be provided to the satisfaction of
main openings to ventilation systems from outside the the Society; and
spaces served.
b) Ducts with a free cross-sectional area exceeding
6.1.2 Means should be provided for closing, from a safe 0,085 m2 should be fitted with fire dampers in addition
position, the annular spaces around funnels. to the recommendations of item a). The fire damper
should operate automatically but should also be capa-
6.1.3 Ventilation openings can be permitted in and under the ble of being closed manually from both sides of the
doors in corridor bulkheads except that such openings should bulkhead or deck. The damper should be provided with
not be permitted in and under stairway enclosure doors. The an indicator which shows whether the damper is open
openings should be provided only in the lower half of a door. or closed. Fire dampers are not required, however,
Where such opening is in or under a door the total net area of where ducts pass through spaces surrounded by "A"
any such opening or openings should not exceed 0,05 m2. Class divisions without serving those spaces, provided
When such opening is cut in a door it should be fitted with a those ducts have the same fire integrity as the bulkheads
grill made of non-combustible material. which they penetrate.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 561

Pt D, Ch 15, Sec 6

6.1.10 Where they pass through accommodation spaces or b) Materials readily rendered ineffective by heat should not
spaces containing combustible materials, the exhaust ducts be used for overboard scuppers, sanitary discharges,
from galley ranges are to be constructed of "A" Class divi- and other outlets which are close to the waterline and
sions. Each exhaust duct is to be fitted with: where the failure of the material in the event of fire
• a grease trap readily removable for cleaning would give rise to danger of flooding.
• a fire damper located at the lower end of the duct 7.1.8 All waste receptacles other than those used in fish
• arrangements, operable from within the galley, for shut- processing should be constructed of non-combustible mate-
ting off the exhaust fans rials with no openings in the sides and bottom.
• fixed means for extinguishing a fire within the duct.
7.1.9 Machinery driving fuel oil transfer pumps, fuel oil
The outlet ducts are to be easily accessible for cleaning. unit pumps and other similar fuel pumps should be fitted
with remote controls situated outside the space concerned
so that they can be stopped in the event of a fire arising in
7 Prevention of fire the space in which they are located.

7.1 7.1.10 Drip trays should be fitted where necessary to pre-

vent oil leaking into bilges.
7.1.1 The insulation of accommodation spaces, service
spaces, control stations and machinery spaces is to consist 7.1.11 Electric heating appliances are to be so designed
of non-combustible material. and installed as to reduce fire risks to a minimum. The
decks and bulkheads on which they are installed are to be
The insulation of refrigerated spaces and fish holds may
adequately protected with non-combustible material.
consist of self-extinguishing materials, at the satisfaction of
the Society. Heating appliances having exposed electrical parts or
naked flame and stoves burning solid fuels are not permit-
7.1.2 Impervious linings and adhesives used for the insula- ted.
tion of refrigeration plants, as well as for the insulation of
the related piping, may be of combustible materials, but 8 Means of escape
their quantity is to be as limited as possible and their
exposed surfaces are to have a resistance to the flame
spread deemed satisfactory by the Society.
8.1.1 Stairways and ladders leading to and from all accom-
7.1.3 In spaces where penetration of oil products is possi- modation spaces and in spaces, in which the crew is nor-
ble, the surface of insulation shall be impervious to oil or oil mally employed, other than machinery spaces, should be so
vapours. arranged as to provide ready means of escape to the open
deck and thence to the survival craft. In particular in rela-
7.1.4 All exposed surfaces in accommodation spaces, ser- tion to these spaces:
vice spaces, control stations, corridors, stairways trunks and
a) at all levels of accommodation at least two widely sepa-
associated hidden and inaccessible spaces behind bulk-
rated means of escape should be provided which can
heads, ceilings, panels and linings are to have low flame
include the normal means of access from each restricted
spread characteristics.
space or group of spaces
7.1.5 Paints, varnishes and other finishes used on exposed b)
interior surfaces should not be capable of producing exces- • below the weather deck the means of escape should
sive quantities of smoke or toxic gases or vapours. The Soci- be a stairway and the second escape can be a trunk
ety should be satisfied that they are not of a nature to offer or a stairway; and
undue fire hazard. • above the weather deck the means of escape should
be stairways or doors to an open deck or a combina-
7.1.6 Primary deck coverings within accommodation and tion thereof. Where it is not practicable to fit stair-
service spaces and control stations should be of approved ways or doors, one of these means of escape can be
material which will not readily ignite or give rise to toxic or by means of adequately sized portholes or hatches
explosive hazards at elevated temperatures. protected where necessary against ice accretion
7.1.7 c) exceptionally the Society can permit only one means of
escape, due regard being paid to the nature and loca-
a) In accommodation and service spaces and control sta-
tion of spaces and to the number of persons who nor-
tions, pipes penetrating "A" or "B" Class divisions should
mally might be accommodated or employed there
be of approved materials having regard to the tempera-
ture that such divisions are required to withstand. d) a corridor or part of a corridor from which there is only
Where the Society permits the conveying of oil and one route of escape should preferably not exceed 2,5 m
combustible liquids through accommodation and ser- in length and in no case be greater than 5,0 m in length,
vice spaces, the pipes conveying oil or combustible liq- and
uids should be of an approved material having regard to e) the width and continuity of the means of escape should
the fire risk. be to the satisfaction of the Society.

562 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 15, Sec 6

8.1.2 Two means of escape should be provided from every 10.1.2 Cylinders containing flammable or other dangerous
machinery space of category A, which should be as widely gases and expended cylinders should be stored, properly
separated as possible. Vertical escapes should be by means secured, on open decks and all valves, pressure regulators
of steel ladders. Where the size of the machinery spaces and pipes leading from such cylinders should be protected
makes it impracticable, one of these means of escape can against damage. Cylinders should be protected against
be omitted. In such cases special consideration should be excessive variations in temperature, direct rays of the sun,
given to the remaining exit. and accumulation of snow. However, the Society can per-
mit such cylinders to be stored in compartments complying
8.1.3 Lifts should not be considered as forming one of the with the requirements of [10.1.3] to [10.1.5].
required means of escape.
10.1.3 Spaces containing highly flammable liquids, such as
9 Fire detection volatile paints, paraffin, benzole, etc., and, where permit-
ted, liquefied gas should have direct access from open
9.1 decks only. Pressure-adjusting devices and relief valves
should exhaust within the compartment. Where boundary
9.1.1 Where appreciable amounts of combustible materials bulkheads of such compartments adjoin other enclosed
are used on the construction of accommodation spaces, ser- spaces they should be gastight.
vice spaces and control stations, special consideration
should be given to the installation of an automatic fire alarm 10.1.4 Except as necessary for service within the space,
and fire detection system in those spaces, having due regard electrical wiring and fittings should not be permitted within
to the size of those spaces, their arrangement and location compartments used for the storage of highly flammable liq-
relative to control stations as well as, where applicable, the uids or liquefied gases. Where such electrical fittings are
flame-spread characteristics of the installed furniture. installed, they should be to the satisfaction of the Society for
use in a flammable atmosphere. Sources of heat should be
10 Storage of gas cylinders and kept clear of such spaces and "No Smoking" and "No Naked
dangerous materials Light" notices should be displayed in a prominent position.

10.1 10.1.5 Separate storage should be provided for each type of

compressed gas. Compartments used for the storage of such
10.1.1 Cylinders for compressed, liquefied or dissolved gases should not be used for storage of other combustible
gases should be clearly marked by means of prescribed products nor for tools or objects not part of the gas distribu-
identifying colours, have a clearly legible identification of tion system. However, the Society may relax these require-
the name and chemical formula of their contents and ments considering the characteristics, volume and intended
should be properly secured. use of such compressed gases.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 563

Pt D, Ch 15, Sec 6

564 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Part D
Service Notations

Chapter 16







July 2018 Bureau Veritas 565

566 Bureau Veritas July 2018
Pt D, Ch 16, Sec 1


1 General 1.2 Number of persons on board

1.1 Application 1.2.1 The number of persons on board, N, is defined as the

sum of:
1.1.1 Ships complying with the requirements of this Chap-
• number of members of the crew
ter are eligible for the assignment of the service notation
OPV, as defined in Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.16.7]. • number of special personnel, as defined in [1.2.2]

1.1.2 Requirements apply as a function of number of per- • number of passengers, as defined in [1.2.3], limited to
sons on board as defined in [1.2] and in any case the num- 12.
ber of passengers as defined in [1.2.3] is limited to 12.
1.2.2 Special personnel means all persons who are not pas-
1.1.3 Ships dealt with in this Chapter are to comply with: sengers or members of the crew or children of under one
• Part A of the Rules year of age and who are carried on board in connection
• NR216 Materials and Welding with the special purpose of that ship because of special
work being carried out aboard that ship.
• applicable requirements according to Tab 1.

1.1.4 References given in Tab 1 are specified for the use of 1.2.3 Passengers means every persons other than:
technical criteria and do not mean the full adoption of refer- • The captain and the members of the crew or other per-
enced documents. sons employed or engaged in any capacity on board a
ship on business of that ship and
1.1.5 Attention is to be drawn on the possible additional
requirements of the flag administration, if any. • A child under one year of age.

Table 1 : Applicable requirements

Item Greater than or equal to 500 GT Less than 500 GT

• Part B • NR566 (2)
L ≥ 90 m
Ship arrangement and hull • Part C, Chapter 1 (1)
integrity • NR600 • NR566 (2)
L < 90 m
• Part C, Chapter 1 (1)
• Part B • Part B
L ≥ 90 m
Hull • NR396 (3) • NR396 (3)
L < 90 m • NR600 (2) • NR600 (2)
• NR566 • NR566
• Ch 16, Sec 2 • Ch 16, Sec 2
• Part C • NR566 (2)
• Ch 16, Sec 3 • Ch 16, Sec 3
Electrical installations and N ≤ 60 (4) • Part C • NR566 (2)
automation • Part C • NR566 (2)
N > 60 (4)
• Ch 16, Sec 4 • Ch 16, Sec 4
Fire protection, detection and extinction • See Tab 2 • See Tab 2
(1) Applicable requirements with respect to discharges and scuppers. see Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [8].
(2) Application of these requirements are to be applied except that specific rules for passenger ships are not to be taken into
(3) In addition, requirements of NR396, Chapter 3 apply if V ≥ 7,16Δ1/6 where V is the ship speed, in knots, and Δ is the displace-
ment of the ship, in tons.
(4) The number of persons N is defined in [1.2].
Note 1:
NR396: Rules for the Classification of High Speed Craft.
NR566: Hull Arrangement, Stability and Systems for Ships less than 500 GT.
NR600: Hull Structure and Arrangement for the Classification of Cargo Ships less than 65 m and Non Cargo Ships less than 90 m.

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 567

Pt D, Ch 16, Sec 1

Table 2 : Applicable requirements for fire safety

Greater than Between Less than 500 GT

1000 GT 500 and 1000 GT Unrestricted navigation Restricted navigation
Steel or aluminium • Part C, Chapter 4 • NR566 • NR566 • NR566
N ≤ 60
material • Ch 16, Sec 5
• Part C, Chapter 4 • Part C, Chapter 4 • Part C, Chapter 4 • NR566
N >60 (1)
• Ch 16, Sec 5 • Ch 16, Sec 5 • Ch 16, Sec 5 • Ch 16, Sec 5
Composite material N ≤ 60 NA (2) • NR566 • NR566 • NR566
• NR566
N >60 (1) NA (2) NA (2) NA (2)
• Ch 16, Sec 5
(1) Offshore patrol vessels with more than 200 persons will be subject to special consideration by the Society.
(2) The present Chapter does not include this case (NA = not applicable).

568 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 16, Sec 2


1 General T1 : Mean draught above the keel, in m

KG : Height of centre of gravity above keel, in m
1.1 Application LWL : Length measured at waterline corresponding to
mean draught T1.
1.1.1 Offshore patrol vessels may be assigned the service
notation OPV only after it has been demonstrated that their
2.2 Crowding angle for offshore patrol
stability is adequate.
vessels carrying more than 60 persons
Adequate stability means compliance with standards laid
down by the relevant Administration or with the require- 2.2.1 The angle of heel on account of crowding of persons
ments specified in this Section. to one side as defined below may not exceed 10°:
In any case, the level of stability is not to be less than that • A minimum weight of 75 kg is to be assumed for each
provided by the Rules. person except that this value may be increased subject
to the approval of the Society
1.1.2 Intact stability
• The height of the centre of gravity for person is to be
Ships granted with service notation OPV are to comply with:
assumed equal to 1m above deck level for person stand-
• the provision of NR566, Ch 1, Sec 3, [2] regarding ing upright
intact stability
• Persons are to be considered as distributed to produce
• additional requirements of this Section, as applicable. the most unfavourable combination of person heeling
moment and/or initial metacentric height, which may be
1.1.3 Damage stability
obtained in practice. In this connection, a value higher
Damage stability should comply with provisions of NR566,
than four persons per square meter is not necessary.
Ch 1, Sec 3, [3] and additional requirements of this Section,
as applicable, when at least one of the following conditions
is met: 3 Damage stability
• the additional class notation SDS is granted
• the offshore patrol vessel is carrying more than 60 per- 3.1 Offshore patrol vessels carrying more
sons on board. than 60 persons
When damage stability is required, the additional class 3.1.1 Application of requirements in NR566, Ch1, Sec3,
notation SDS is to be granted to the offshore patrol vessel. [3] where the ship is considered as a passenger ship. How-
In case a double bottom is not in accordance with the ever the requirement regarding the margin line is not to be
applicable rules then it is to be demonstrated that the ship is considered.
capable of withstanding bottom damages as per [3.2].
3.2 Bottom damages
2 Intact Stability 3.2.1 Bottom damage stability should comply with provi-
sion of NR566, Ch 1, Sec 3, [3] assuming bottom damages
2.1 Maximum turning angle at any position along the ship’s bottom and with an extent
specified in Tab 1.
2.1.1 The angle of heel on account of turning may not
exceed 10° when calculated using the following formula:
4 Damage control documentation for
2 ( KG – T 1 ⁄ 2 )
M R = 0, 02 V 0 Δ -------------------------------
- ships greater than or equal to 500 GT
MR : heeling moment, in t.m
V0 : Maximum service speed, in m/s 4.1.1 The damage control documentation is to be submitted.

Table 1 : Assumed extent of damage

For 0,3 L from the forward

Any other part of the ship
perpendicular of the ship
Longitudinal extent 1/3 L2/3 or 14,5 m, whichever is less 1/3 L2/3 or 14,5 m, whichever is less
Transverse extent B/6 or 10 m, whichever is less B/6 or 5 m, whichever is less
Vertical extent, measured from the keel line B/20 or 2 m, whichever is less B/20 or 2 m, whichever is less

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 569

Pt D, Ch 16, Sec 3


1 General 1.3.2 Offshore patrol vessels with GT ≥ 500

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [5.5] is to be replaced by NR566, Ch 2,
1.1 Application Sec 4, [5.9].

1.1.1 This Section concerns specific requirements regard- 1.3.3 Offshore patrol vessels with GT < 500
ing: Requirements as stated in NR566, Ch 2, Sec 4, [5.9] should
• Capacity of service tanks for offshore patrol vessels with apply.
GT ≥ 500
• Bilge pumping arrangement and prevention for progres- 1.4 Bilge pumping after flooding
sive flooding for ship where damage stability is required
in accordance with Ch 16, Sec 2, [1.1.3]. 1.4.1 Application
Requirements [1.4.2] and [1.4.3] apply for offshore vessels
1.2 Capacity of service tanks for offshore carrying more than 60 persons, for which damage stability
patrol vessels with GT ≥ 500 is required.
1.2.1 Notwithstanding Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [11.9.2], items
1.4.2 Offshore patrol vessels with GT ≥ 500
b), c) and d), the capacity of service tanks should comply
with NR566, Ch 2, Sec 6, [4.2.2], Note 2 excluded. In addition to the requirements as stated in Pt C, Ch 1, Sec
10, [6], provision of NR566, Ch 2, Sec 5, [1.6] should
1.3 Progressive flooding apply.

1.3.1 Application 1.4.3 Offshore patrol vessels with GT < 500

Requirements [1.3.2] and [1.3.3] apply for offshore vessels Requirements as stated in NR566, Ch 2, Sec 5, [1.6] should
for which damage stability is required. apply.

570 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Pt D, Ch 16, Sec 4


1 General and shall be automatically connected to the services

referred in Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3, [3.6.7]. The automatic starting
system and the characteristics of the prime mover shall be
1.1 Application
such as to permit the emergency generator to carry its full
1.1.1 The requirements in this Section apply to offshore rated load as quickly as is safe and practicable, subject to a
patrol vessels carrying more than 60 persons. maximum of 45 s.
In addition, a transitional source of emergency electrical
1.2 General alarm for ships with GT < 500 power as specified in Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3, [2.3.16] is to be
provided in all cases when the emergency source of power
1.2.1 In addition to the requirements required in NR566, is a generator.
Ch 3, Sec 2, [3.11.1], the following requirements in NR566,
Ch 3, Sec 2, [3.11.2], item b), should apply. 1.4 Public address system for ships with
GT ≥ 500
1.3 Emergency source of electrical power
for ships with GT ≥ 500 1.4.1 Where the public address system is used to supple-
ment the general emergency alarm system as per Pt C, Ch 2,
1.3.1 Notwithstanding Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3, [2.3.13], items b) Sec 3, [3.14.2], it is to be arranged to operate on the main
and c), where the emergency source of electrical power is a source of electrical power, the emergency source of electri-
generator, it shall be started automatically upon failure of cal power and the transitional source of electrical power as
the electrical power supply to the emergency switchboard required in [1.3] and Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3, [3.6].

July 2018 Bureau Veritas 571

Pt D, Ch 16, Sec 5


1 General dioxide rooms and similar spaces, insulation need only to

be applied on the side that is exposed to the greatest fire
1.1 Application
1.1.1 The applicable requirements are defined in Ch 16, 3 Specific requirements
Sec 1, Tab 2.
Part C, Chapter 4 and Rule Note NR566 are to be applied 3.1 Offshore patrol vessels carrying more
except that specific rules for passenger ships are not to be than 60 persons
taken into account.
3.1.1 For offshore patrol vessels carrying more than 60 per-
1.1.2 Fire safety of offshore patrol vessels carrying more
sons and when the application of NR566 is authorised, the
than 200 persons will be subject to special consideration by
following additional rules apply:
the Society.
• exposed surfaces of bulkheads, walls, linings and ceil-
ings in accommodation and service spaces and control
2 Materials stations are to be low flame spread
• remote starting of one fire pump is to be provided from
2.1 Steel or equivalent wheel house.
2.1.1 In case the application of Part C, Chapter 4 is
required, all indications “steel” (without the extension “or 3.2 Ammunition storage compartments
equivalent”) in these rules, can be replaced by “steel or
equivalent”. 3.2.1 The protection of ammunition storage compartments
will be subject to special consideration by the Society.
2.1.2 In case the application of Part C, Chapter 4 is Applicable rules will be based on a common agreement
required, aluminium bulkheads are generally to be insu- with the shipowner and the shipyard, including aspects of
lated on both sides. However, if one of the two spaces have fire detection, structural fire integrity, ventilation, fire fight-
little or no fire risk such as voids, sanitary spaces, carbon ing and electrical equipment protection.

572 Bureau Veritas July 2018

Achevé d’imprimer sur les presses d’Activ’Company
77 bd Exelmans - 75016 Paris (France)

NR467-Part D
ISBN : 978-2-86413-162-5
Dépôt légal : July 2018

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