Persuasive Speech - Reniel

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Monroe’s Motivated Sequence Organizational Pattern


Topic: Dating apps

Organizational Pattern: Prepositions of value

General Purpose: To persuade

Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience to not use dating apps on three main topics.


Attention-getter: Did you know that 57% of online daters tend to lie and 67% are married men?

Credibility Statement: Adolescents and young adults usually start to use dating apps to discover
love and meet new people to date, but they do it without considering the dangers behind these
types of applications.

Reasons to listen: Using dating apps deals with fake information, like false photos, dishonest
messages, unrespectful relationships, and counterfeit expectations.

Thesis Statement: It’s a fact that you shouldn’t use dating apps.

Preview of the main points: There are three main reasons: 1) you could be exposed to sexual
harassment; 2) lies and fake information is always present, and 3) you could get infected with
virus/malware while using it.
Body (Remember to use full sentences)


1. First, you should know that 59% of women and 55% of men have an unfavorable
opinion of dating sites and apps. (Anderson & Vogels, 2020)
2. According to Jon Gitlin, One-in-ten users are worried about receiving malicious links
or malware that infects their device. One in three personas that usually do online
dating has had their gadget contaminated with malware. (Anderson & Vogels, 2020)
3. On the other hand, six-in-ten women who have used these sites or apps affirm that
someone continued to contact them after they rejected him. 44% of young female
users confirm that they have been called offensive names, and 19% warrant that
someone has threatened to harm them physically. (Anderson & Vogels, 2020)
4. 45% of men and 39% of women have experienced online harassment.
5. And as you know, people tend to lie about their names, marital status, appearance,
personality, and all types of data. 57% of online daters affirmed that they lie when
dating, and 67% of them ended up being hitched men. (Anderson & Vogels, 2020)

Transitional Sentence: After hearing all these alarming statistics and being aware of the
dangerousness of dating sites and apps, let’s talk about some of the possible solutions.


1. There are other ways to meet new people and experience love. For example, you can
try going traditional ways like dance groups, social meetings, parties, or even making
the first move in a random place and taking the initiative to talk to someone.
2. Love is everywhere, and there are safer ways of finding the right person for you.
21% of adults say that dating is more complicated today than ten years ago because of
increased risks, like getting physically harmed or scammed, or lied to. (Barroso,
3. Traditional dating may be your answer if you are looking for a lasting relationship.
The main reason is that it only puts together two persons that are from the exact
location, social class, etc. (Traditional Dating Vs. Online Dating, 2021)
4. With traditional dating, you will meet people in person, and it is easier for both people
to bond. Did you know that 68% of relationships start from long-term friendships?
Take that into consideration the next time you start looking for a partner. (Team,

Transitional Sentence: Statistics affirm that dating apps aren’t safe for anyone, and I have
already explained to you some other forms to experience love and meet new people.

1. Some people think it’s possible to find your soulmate using dating apps. Think
about the possibility of actually meeting someone that is your perfect match. It would
be amazing, right?
2. But that’s not the reality of the majority of people that use dating apps like Tinder,
OkCupid, Bumble, etc. Imagine talking to a girl or a guy through a dating app,
receiving false pictures of the person, and being deceived by that person you think is
“the right one.” You go on a date, and boom! It’s a total scam.

Transitional Sentence: That can be very disappointing, right? So now I will give you three
specific actions that you can take to avoid being scammed or lied to while dating.
1. Specific action to be taken: Inform your friends and colleagues about the dangers of
using dating apps.
2. Specific action: Don’t be part of the problem and act DIFFERENTLY!
3. Specific action: Avoid using dating apps and advise your friends.

Transitional Sentence: You already know how dating apps affect millions of users worldwide and
what you can do to help and avoid those types of situations; now, let’s conclude this topic with a
summary of the main points.


Summary of main points: In conclusion, using dating sites or apps can get you exposed to sexual
harassment, lies and fake information, and viruses/malware. Traditional dating can offer you
more security in finding your perfect match.

Restatement of thesis: You shouldn’t use dating sites and apps because of their dangerousness.

Memorable close: Don’t be part of the problem, be the solution.


Barroso, A. (2020, August 21). Key takeaways on Americans’ views of and experiences
with dating and relationships. Pew Research Center. Retrieved April 15, 2022, from

Anderson, M., & Vogels, E. A. (2020, August 25). Young women often face sexual
harassment online, including dating sites and apps. Pew Research Center. Retrieved
April 14, 2022, from

K. (2021). Dangerous Liaisons: is everyone doing it online? Kaspersky. Retrieved April

16, 2022, from

Paul, A. (2022). The Current Collegiate Hookup Culture: Dating Apps, Hookup Scripts,
and Sexual Outcomes. Lexington Books.

Sales, N. J. (2021). Nothing Personal: My Secret Life in the Dating App Inferno. Legacy

Traditional Dating Vs. Online Dating. (2021). TechWalla. Retrieved April 14, 2022, from

Team, S. (2022, February 14). 23 Where Do Couples Meet Statistics (And What They
Mean). Soocial. Retrieved April 15, 2022, from

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