Yulianto: Personal Information
Yulianto: Personal Information
Yulianto: Personal Information
Address Phone
Kel. Bulusari RT 02/03 085722395052
Gandrungmangu. Cilacap
Jawa Tengah
Email Address
[email protected]
Personal Information
Marital Status : Married
Religion : Moslem
Weight/Height : 67 kg/ 167 cm
Gender : Male
Place, Date of Birth : Cilacap, July 22nd 1987
Summary of Qualification
Hard worker with high service attitude and good responsibility
Enthusiast for organize some peoples or organization
Able to adapt in rapid change and high pressure of working environment
Able to work in team as well as in performing individual
Able to convincing the other and has good communication
Neatly organize and punctual
Experienced and passionate in technology
Enthusiast and quick learning new things
Accustomed to work in multi-tasking condition
Good self-confidence and good soft-skill (creativity, communication, and negotiation skills)
Motivated and driven to improve things
Good skill on system analyzing
Bachelor of science (S.Si) in Mathematics, Institut Teknologi Bandung [enrolled since2008].
Graduation date: Oct 2012.
High School: SMA N 1 Sidareja, Cilacap. Year of high school graduation: 2006.
Work Experience
[04 May 2020 – Now]
Analyst Programmer, Icube-Mobile Pte,Ltd Under Maven Lab Pte,Ltd Singapore Based Office
- Responsibility
o Develop REST API to provide mobile application
o Management Database using MySQL
o Provide Push Notification Service for Mobile Application
o Develop Unit Testing , Integration Testing
o Develop Website with Jamstack using Gatsby Site Generator
- Achievements
o Good experience in Java Spring Framework Web Service, Maven, Gradle and Git
o Experience messaging using Kafka
o Experience with Microservice using Spring Boots
o Good experience Database Management in SQL Database
o Experience working with docker
o Experience in Node.js- Express Framework
o Experience with React.js and Gatsby.js
o Experience Web Application using Outsystems Platform
- Achievements
o Get more experiences as analyst
o Strong analytical skill and problem solving method
o Increase time management ability
o My own skill to handle team
Committee Experiences
[Dec 2012] Staff of Training and Field Trip Geologies held by IAGI collaborate with PT.
Pertamina in Vietnam
[Nov 2010] Chief of Mathematics Symposium held by MCF V collaborate with Mathematics
Student Union (HIMATIKA ITB).
[August 2010] Staff of Community Development Programs at Kampung Tanjung Sari,
Lembang held by Himatika Peduli (Environment, Education, etc.)
[May 2009] Chief Program of Community Development Programs at Kampung Jamika,
Bandung held by Gamais Peduli (education, environment, home reparation, handicraft, food,
Organization Memberships
Staff of Mathematics Student Union (HIMATIKA) Department of Mathematics, Faculty of
Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) ITB. Bandung.
General Secretary of Moslem Students Union “MILIS” Faculty of Mathematics and Natural
Sciences (FMIPA) ITB. Bandung
Member of SKSS angkatan 1 BAZNAS Scholarship Programs
Member of ITB Alumni
General English at TBI
Training about Smart Card Technology at PT. Cipta Srigati Lestari
PCI PIN Training from UL Transaction Security
Indonesia (excellent)
Javanese (excellent)
English (written and oral)