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True/False Statements

1. The cofirm that goods have arrived is given by a delivery note

 F  confirmation
Because THE + NOUN  to confirm  confirmation
2. Banks can reduce credit default risk by screening loan applicants, requiring collateral
for a loan, performing credit analysis, and by divesifying credit risks.
To require collateral: yêu cầu tài sản đảm bảo
To apply for a loan: nộp đơn xin cấp khoản vay
A loan applicant (n) người xin cấp khoản vay
A loan application (n) đơn xin cấp khoản vay
To perform credit analysis: thực hiện phân tích tín dụng
To Analyse (v) phân tích
An analyst (n) nhà phân tích
Analytical (adj) có tính phân tích
To diversify risks: đa dạng hóa các loại hình rủi ro
Diversification (n) sự đa dạng hóa
3. Credit limit refers to the maximum amount of money that a bank is prepared to borrow
to a customer
 F  to lend
To borrow something from somebody = to borrow somebody something: vay/ mượn của
ai cái gì
Borrower (n): người đi vay
Borrowing (gerund)
To lend something TO somebody = to lend somebody something: cho ai vay/ mượn cái gì
Lender (n): người cho vay
Lending rate (n): tỷ lệ lãi suất cho vay
Lending institution (n): tổ chức cho vay
4. After checking the clients’s credit history, the loan officer has the right to decide
whether grants a loan to the client or not
 F  whether to grant a loan to …
After/ before + V-ing
To check the client’s credit history: kiểm tra lịch sử tín dụng
To have the right to do something: có quyền làm gì
To decide to do something: quyết định làm gì
To grant a loan to a customer: cấp 1 khoản vay cho khách hàng
5. The bank will simply not let you loan any money unless you can prove that you have
been in regular employment for at least 3 years.
 F  let you borrow any …
To let somebody DO something: để cho ai làm gì
To make somebody DO something
Khi chuyển sang Passive voice: To be let to do something/ to be made to so something
6. The bank refused receiving the money order because the customer had no proof of
 F  to receive
To refuse to do something: từ chối làm gì
To deny + V-ing: phủ nhận làm việc gì
7. The primary market refers to market in which new stocks and bonds are sold to the
public for the first time.
 T (a market)
8. The profit is distribute to you as a dividend, usually paid twice a year.
 F  to be distributed
To distribute something to somebody: phân phối cái gì cho ai
Distributor (n): nhà phân phối
Distribution (n): sự phân phối
To pay  payer (n): người thanh toán  payee (n) người thụ hưởng
Payment (n): việc thanh toán
 to collect payment from somebody: thu tiền từ ai
To make payment to somebody: thanh toán tiền cho ai
9. Banks should develop policies to compensate for their poor service ATM erroes,
interbank money transfer errors, errors caused by bank staff to build up their reputation.
To develop policies: xây dựng các chính sách
10. Techcombank is one of the largest bank operating in Viet Nam which has more than
300 branches and provides services for more than 5 millions customers.
 F  banks, million

Chuyển đổi gốc từ

1. All …. Records must be matched by real physical documents (sell)
 sales
2. I know nothing about the market …. of this company. (capital)
 capitalization
To be capitalized (v) được vốn hóa
To be recapitalized: được tái cấp vốn
Recapitalization (n) tái cấp vốn
3. …. prepare the statutory accounts at the end of every financial year (account)
 accountants
Finance (n)  financial (adj)  financially (adv)  financier (n)  to be financed
4. The human resources department is responsible for … and managing staff. (recruite)
 recruiting
Recruiter (n) nhà tuyển dụng
Recruitment (n) việc tuyển dụng
Recruitment agency (n) cơ quan tuyển dụng
To manage to do st: cố gắng làm việc gì đó
Managerial (adj): thuộc về quản lý
Under the management of: dưới sự quản lý của ai
5. It would be very …. if you lend money without collateral (risk)
 risky (adj) >< riskless (adj)

1. B

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