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Understanding Language in The Context of Society and Culture

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Mulyani, M.TESOL

Arina Yusra
Yulia Rahma Sri Mulia



This research papers aims to explains the meanings of language and relationship context
in society,Language is a form of speech released through the human speech that is used asa
means of communication to society in general. Human language anables humans to interact with
one another and thus create signs that people use to express thoughts, feelings, emotions, and
desire. By other definitions, language is a tool used to describe ideas, thoughts or goals through
sentence structures or systems that others can understand. If language is not systematic on
unstructured, it is meaningless.
Using language,it can angage in contact with medium to transfer ideas,and desire to the
one with whom it is spoken or speech partner. When associated with culture, language also has
all the cultural characteristics because language is the property of members of the populace, it is
transmitted socialy. Language is reflecction in human ideas, actions, and works, language as the
means by which humans act,act interact, and fucntion in people live.
Language belongs to the individual and to its social community. Its means the language
that a person possesses belongs to himself and is the cultural instrument, and social because
language and social are an interwoven bond that cannot be separated from one .In this research
we use kuantitatif/poling methode,and the target is to society who used language to communicate
i their live.
As for the purpose of this research we are making to know the impact of language in
daily life, the impact of language in changing one’s expression, the impact of language for both
action and interaction. Trough this research we hope to find various links between the language
spoken in daily life by questioning the public.

Language is found where normal human life can not be separated from language absorb
into our tought ,language bridges our relationship with other people. The presence of language
in human is so important that sociolinguistic is directed at the history of human knowledge in
an effort to understanding language.
As a means of communication , language is used in society. Speakers of language are
bound by social rules that apply in the speech community. The language spoken cannot be
separated from the social context, and therefore languge has a social function.
In this paper will aim the meaning of language and language in relation to social contexs:
1. Explain the meaning of language
2. The relationship of language and social
Language is an organized communication to in the form of units, such as word, groups of
word, clauses, and santences that are expressed both orally and in writing. There are many
definition of language and this definition is only one of them. You can compare this definition
with the following definition: language is a communication system that is expressed trough the
arrangement of sounds or written expressions that are structured to form larger units,such as
morphemes,word,and sentence translated from English: “ the system of human communication
by means of a structured arrangement of sounds (or written representation) to form lager units,
eg. Morphemes,words,sentences” (Richards, Platt & Weber, 1985:153).
In this world there are thousands of languages, and each language has its own system
called grammar, there are grammar for Indonesian, grammar for English and so on. Language
function has three main functions, namely ideational function, interpersonal function, and textual
function. These three functions are called metafunctionalfunctiona, and the three functions
represent different realities.


Language in social contexts are ideas used in language sciene (linguistics, sociolinguistic,
functional linguistic system, discourse, pragmaticsemiotics, etc) in two different ways, that is, as
verbal context (verbal), social text. Verbal context, refers to the surrounding text or speaks of an
expression (words,sentence, conversationturn, speech, etc). The idea is that the context of the
spoken affects the way we understand expression
Therefore it’s customary not to quote people out of context. Because contemporary
linguistics takes up a lot of teks of discourse or discussion as an object of analysis of their
structure and their reciprocal relationships, such as the correlation between universes.
Traditionally, in sociolinguistics, a socialistic context is defined in terms of subjective social
variable, such as class, gender or race.
Meaning and social context, are some type of meaning :
a. The meaning of lexicon, and the grammatical meaning of lexicon is that which is ethereal
or exists in any non-textual word examples “horse” I have an encyclopedia of “the four-
legged creatures commonly driven ”the markramble is to define the meaning of
grammatical, to define the plural language in english, using the replication process as the
word boos it means two book becoming books which means “many books”.
b. The meaning of referrals and nonreferences to a word is called meaning regurgitation if
there are references, or reference. Words like Horse, table, chair. Are words that are
meaningful are referential because there is a reference to them in the real world. Instead
words, or, and. Including a word that has no significance to referenc, because it has no
c. The cumulative and denotative meaning is the original meaning, the original meaning or
the true meaning of the word. So this denotative meaning actually lexicon. Word example
“swine” denotative means “a kind of animal that used to be breeding his flesh”
harnessed. Word lean meaningful, denotative “the state of one’s body something smaller
than size. Whereas a connotative meaning that is not really.
d. Conceptual meaning and associative meaning, according to leech (1976) in chear
(1994:147) divides sense into a conceptualand associative meaning that a word has
regardless of text or any association. Word horse has conceptual sense of “of man’s

1. Approach Method Types
Researchers use a qualitative approach and a descriptive type of research to illustrate
exiting situations and realities. According to moleong, Lexi (2011:6). Qualitative research is one
intended to understand phenomena on the subject of such things as behavior, perception,
motivation, action, and other holistic, and by way of description in words and language, in a
natural special context and by utilizing various scientific methods.
According to Nazir (2011:54) a descriptive method is a method of examining the status of
the human group, an object, a set of conditions, a system of thought or a system of thought or a
particular place on an event of the present day. The purpose is to create a systematic description,
picture or painting, factual and accurate about fact, the properties and connections among
investigated phenomena. Research methods are designed to collect information about current or
temporary circumstances in life with a view to describing the ongoing circumtances under which
the research was carried out. While the concept states thet the dscriptive method is a factual
search with the correct interpretation.
According to Nuzul (2007: 47) descriptive research is aimed at providing symptoms, fact,
or events are systematic and accurate, regarding the traits of a particular population or area.
Descriptive research is a study that descriptive a symptom. Events, events happening today.
Descriptive research focused on the actual problems as they were at the time of the actual.
2. Research Site
The research will be conducted in the community and society and BBG College. Exactly
at Banda Aceh. The goal of this research was to getsempena and other development university
students and other to learn more about the impact language has on social life, to know how
society understands language in society contexts and also we wanted to know wht others thought
about the languge use in sosial cntext, opinions on the differentces in language use in past and
present communities.
3. Research Subject
The subject of this research is how society understands language in social context
adjusted. Banda Aceh, thats Ulee Lheuu, Darussalam. And the number of respondent was 8
people and students, researchers chose to do study with 8 people for more reason :
a. it was closer to home
b. accessible and economical as well as time limit
Understanding of the subject of research as in arikunto, Suharsimi (2006:166), ”the
subject of research is matter, matter, or subject matter” the subject of research is something to
be research. Whereas the source of data is an object, thing, or person and a place where
researches observe, read or ask questions about data. Verifying data sources in interviews are
conducted on a looser basis. According to sugiyono (2013:52 ). Impresisive sampling isthe
technique for determining the sample research with certain considerations.
4. Data Collection techniques
Data collection techniques are very important in research, because the main objective of
study is getting data. In the study researcheses use methods of interviews. We conducted a
survey of questions about our research so the student and the communities could understand the
questions giveb easily. After getting the answers fro the survey questions it will be a polling
5. Deep Interview ( inbox interview)
According to Emzir (2014:50) the interview is defined as a language interactionthat takes
place between two people in a situation with one another, that is, one who conducts an interview
asks for information or pharases for the person examined who spins around his opinions and
beliefs. Interviews are used to collect information from the publick and student studied on a
subject special issues.
6. Data Analysis Techniques
According to nasutions (sugiyono, 2012: 336) says that analysis begins from formulating
and clarifying the problem before going into the field, and continues until the writing of research.
In it priciple qualitative data analysis occurs along with the process of gattering data
(moleong,2012:209).So in this study, researches are using data collection techniques through
interviews. By the time the interview is derictly able to do an analysis of the answers it
interviews. If the answer interviewed after analysis is not satisfactory, then the question
continues to go to certain level provided by data. The interview could have done a direct analysis
of the answer interview. If an interview’s answer after analysis is not satisfactory, another
question will be raised to certain stage, obtained credible data.In the study, researchers used data
analysis using miles and huberman,Emzi (2011:129-135) mentioned three types of activity in the
cumulative data analysis.
Data reduction according to Emzir (2011:129) the reduction of data is a selection process,
pruning, simplification, abstraction, and “ raw data” that accours in written field records. Data
reduction occours continually.
The study is conduct voatiely by student, in Banda Aceh.
1. Rahmat alfinda
Addres : Jurong peujeura
2. Safinatul khairi
Address : Tanjong deah, Darussalam
3. Neneng wirda putri
Address : lr. Banna, rukoh, Darussalam
4. Nurlela
Address : lr. Durian jln inong balee, Darussalam
5. Muhammad amanda
Address : syiah kula, Banda Aceh
6. Nuria
Address : keutapang, Banda Aceh
7. Rahmiati
Address : krueng cut, Banda Aceh
8. Riana agustina
Address : Cadek, Baitussalam, Aceh Besar

In this chapter, researchers will outline the result of what has been studied. As for the
data exposure, it is by providing answer to problems that proviously and following are the results
of field research/survey interview, which is based on the problem.
 Does language influence the expression humans use when communicating with
other humans as social creatures ?
According to survey, 100% of student believe that language can effect the human
expression when communicating with other human beeing because when we use
our language we give an expression that mathces the words we say to the
audience so that they can understand what we mean by the language we use.
 Do the language indicate our identity ?
According to the survey, most student agree that our language indicates our social
identity, such as our good and true Acehnes language, that those who listen to us
should be able to tell if we are a huaman today, and that our laguage is different
from an outsider who USES Acehnes, even if is a language where it is written,
there will be difference between us and the original, if not another dialect or other.
 Is verbal interaction or communicative determined by the factors associated with
the language itself ?
From the above survey, students thought thst through language, information can
be passed to others, this is called the transmission function of the language. The
unique properties of language as the time-flowing transmission function of
information, connecting past, present, and future, enable our cultural and cultural
 Language as the means by which humans act, and function in people’s lives?
According to recent surveys, students of languages are the means by which
humans act, and function to allow when in action and language to become the
most important means of everyday human life, with the ability to interact with
other social beings. It’s language of influence, action and function in life.

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