Oracle Account Generator Technical Brief

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Oracle Applications Technical Brief

Fixed Assets Account Generator and Workflow

Contributors Position
Andrew Senior Product
Pettinella Analyst
Eileen R. Product
Wexler Analyst
Kathryn J. Sr. Principal
White Support
Date Author Version Change Reference
9/20/1998 Andrew Pettinella 1 Completed document, now
using template
12/1/1998 Andrew Pettinella 1.1 Added Appendix C, case study
on customization
1/13/1999 E. Wexler 1.2 Added detailed instructions
and moved Appendix C into
body of document
1/20/1999 E. Wexler 1.3 Added examples D, E and F
1/29/1999 E. Wexler, A. 1.4 Added Appendix C for log files
Pettinella and scripts
6/16/2019 K. White 1.5 Update document generally,
add comments relative to use
in later versions than 11i.

What is Account Generator?..…………………………………………………………………………………….3

What is the Oracle Workflow Builder?.……………………………………………………………………….3

Decision Factors on using SubLedger Accounting (SLA) or Account Generator Workflow

In an R12 Install………………………………………………………………………………………………………….4


Process Definition..…………………………………………………………………………………………………….5

Process Activity…...…………………………………………………………………………………………………….5



Generation of Accounting Code Combinations…..………………………………………….............................6

Account Generator Processes………………………………..…………………………………………….……………………7

Table 1.1 – Accounts by Process…………………………………………………………………………….…..…………….9

Viewing Assignment Information in the Application……………………………………………….….…………..10

Account Generator Default Account / Book Level Account Defaults………………………….……………10

Category Default Accounts……………………………………………………………………………………….…………….11

The Generate Account Default Process………………………………………………………………………….……….12

The Generate Category Account Level Process……………………………………………………………….………13

Function Control Properties.…….………………………………………………………………..………………..………...14

Determining How An Account Defaults…………………………….………………………………….……….………..15

Account Generator Customization…………………………………………………………………………………………..17

Example A: Changing the Value of a Segment for all Book Level and

Example B: Specifying a different value for a segment based on account type………...18

Example C: Specifying a different value for a segment based on book……………………..25

Example D: Specifying a different value for a segment based on a

descriptive flexfield…………………………………………………………………….…………………………..28

Account Generator Basics…………………………………………………………………………………………….…………33

Appendix A - Account Generator Test Script……………………………………………………………….………….35


This technical brief assists the novice Workflow user in using Account Generator for the
generation of accounting code combinations within Oracle Assets. We expect users to have
knowledge of Oracle Assets, flexfield definitions, and a working knowledge of Oracle
Workflow. Account Generator builds the general ledger account combinations used to
generate the general ledger journals by Oracle Assets. It is the default accounting engine in
version 11i and can be used, although is not recommended for use, in Release 12 versions.

It allows you to designate a specific source for each segment in the account for which Oracle
Assets creates a journal entry. The Account generator gives you the flexibility to create
journal entries according to your requirements. You can specify to what detail to create
journal entries, as well as the detail level for each book and account type.

What is Account Generator?

The Account Generator in Oracle Assets utilizes Oracle Workflow. You can view and customize
Account Generator processes through the Oracle Workflow Builder.

What is the Oracle Workflow Builder?

Oracle Workflow Builder lets you create, view, or modify a business process with simple
drag and drop operations. Using the Workflow Builder, you can create and modify all
workflow objects, including activities, item types, and messages.
Decision Factors on using SubLedger Accounting (SLA) or Account Generator
WorkflowIn an R12 Install
newly installing Assets in R12? How about if you are upgrading from 11i to R12? In R12, you must use
SubLedger Accounting (SLA), even if you choose to continue to use Account Generator
Workflow. Basically Account Generator runs first, if it is enabled, and passes code combinations to SLA.

SLA is the R12 core functionality for account generation. You should make every effort to implement it,
and only it, when possible. Here are issues you should expect to encounter if you opt to use Account
Generator as well for any period of time:

 In heavy volumes, some performance degradation may be encountered using two

accounting engines rather than one.
 You will also find that error messaging in Account Generator is very generic in
R12. Account Generator Workflow does not have messaging capability to pass
messages to emails; it also cannot pass them to SubLedger Accounting. So if a code
combination cannot be built you will find a message that provides essentially no useful
detail as in:
o Error Number: 95353
Error Message: Subledger Accounting was unable to derive an accounting code
combination using the account derivation rule Assets Book Default Account
owned by Oracle. Please review the account derivation rule and make sure it
derives a valid accounting flexfield combination for the source values passed for
the transaction.
o This can cause some delays in turnaround of Service Requests to resolve
Workflow errors, as the diagnosis of the specific problem can take longer than
when using SLA.

Also, you will be unable to take advantage of two of SLA's most powerful and attractive features if you
use Account Generator Workflow:

-- SLA has a user front end, no sql coding is required to use it. This makes it much easier to maintain.

-- SLA is dynamic. Any change you make to it will be picked up immediately and applied to all assets as
they generate their next accounts. This contrasts with Account Generator, which generates accounts
and then stores them, so that changes such as a new natural account on the Proceeds of Sale account
setup will only be automatically applied to new assets. Old assets would need to be forced through
Account Generator via something like a location transfer to pick up that change.

It is highly recommended that you use SLA in R12 only, and not continue to use Account Generator
Workflow. If you are upgrading you can opt to enable Workflow for a period of time, to allow you to
convert to SLA sometime after you complete the upgrade.

To enable Workflow on R12 installs, set the profile FA: Use Account Generator Workflow to Yes at the
Assets level. When you ready to move to using SLA only, change the profile value to No.

A set of activities that need to be performed to accomplish a business goal. A

process is represented by a workflow diagram.

Process Definition

A workflow process as defined in Oracle Workflow Builder.

Process Activity

A process modeled as an activity so that it can be referenced by other



A specific process, document, or transaction that is managed by a workflow



A PL/SQL stored procedure that can define business rules, perform

automated tasks within an automated business flow.
Generation of Accounting Code Combinations

The table below defines where each segment derives its account detail. For instance, the
Company segment derives its value from the Distribution CCID, which is the accounting
flexfield combination noted on the Assignments Screen. The depreciation account is derived from the
Distribution CCID entered in the Assignments form.

Note that these defaults are consistent with the defaults for SubLedger Accounting (SLA), the primary
option for creating account code combinations in R12 and later releases.

Sample segment structure, for example purposes only, which will be used as the example throughout
this paper:

Sample Segment Name (Identifier) Segment Source

Company (Balancing Segment) Distribution CCID from the Assignments screen
Cost Center (Cost Center) Default CCID from the Book Controls screen
Account (Natural Account) Natural Account from corresponding setup on the
Book Controls screen or the Category screen as
Product Default CCID from the Book Controls screen
Sub-Product Default CCID from the Book Controls screen

Account Generator Processes

The Account Generator is used to perform one of these four processes:

1. Generate Default Account

2. Generate Asset Level Account
3. Generate Book Level Account
4. Generate Category Level Account

The main process is the Generate Default Account process.

The Generate Default Account process incorporates the three other processes:

1. Generate Asset Level Account

2. Generate Book Level Account
3. Generate Category Level Account

The type of account you want to build determines which process you need to modify. For example, if
you want to modify an account driven by the category level (i.e., defined in the asset categories form),
you must use the Generate Category Level Account process.
There are three classes of Asset Books:


Please reference the Assets User Guide if you are not familiar with these types; that information will not
be provided in this document. It is assumed herein that the user is familiar with basic asset functionality
including how to set up and use the various book types.

In a default scenario, all three use the same flow to build code combinations. That does not mean that
the combinations built will inevitably be the same, but that they will be as alike as possible except that
the books may have access to different information. It is worth noting that distributions (the
combination of code combination, location and – if used – employee) are shared across books, but
certain source information may not be passed. One example is source lines, that information is available
only in the Corporate book, so some clearing accounts in tax books, for example, can be different from
their related corporate book.
The following table lists all Account Generator Processes and the names of the Accounts that each
process generates:

TABLE 1.1 – Accounts by Process

Generate Accounts Process Name Account Type
Asset Level Account Names Depreciation Expense
Impairment Expense

Book Level Account Names Cost of Removal Clearing

Cost of Removal Gain
Cost of Removal Loss
Deferred Depreciation Expense
Deferred Depreciation Reserve
Depreciation Adjustment
Net Book Value Retired Gain
Net Book Value Retired Loss
Proceeds of Sale Clearing
Proceeds of Sale Loss
Revaluation Reserve Retired Gain
Revaluation Reserve Retired Loss

Category Account Names Asset Clearing

Asset Cost
Construction-in-Process (CIP) Clearing
Construction-in-Process (CIP) Cost
Depreciation Reserve
Impairment Reserve
Revaluation Amortization
Revaluation Reserve
Unplanned Depreciation

Note that we are not discussing Intercompany Accounting in this document. As of Release 12, control of
all inter and intra company account building lies within the General Ledger and SubLedger Accounting
setups, please see the Financials Implementation Guide for details on required setups.
Viewing Assignment Information in the Application
The following screen shots show where the standard default structure information is visible to the user.

The segment in the Chart of Accounts (COA) that has Balancing Segment as its identifier defaults from
the expense code combination on the asset, as visible in the Assignments screen. Note that assets can
have multiple distributions, and thus, multiple assignments, just as they can have multiple units.

Account Generator Default Account / Book Level Account Defaults

The segment with its identifier as Cost Center, plus any Unqualified Segments, normally default from the
Account Generator Default, set up on the Book Controls screen. This screen also holds defaults the
segment identified as Natural Account if it belongs to the types listed on this screen (Book Level
Accounts). In the example below, segment 2 is identified as Cost Center, and segments 4 and 5 as
Unqualified Segments.
Category Account Defaults
The accounts defined as Category Accounts default their Natural Accounts (and only their Natural
Accounts) from the category default for the book, as shown below. In this example, segment 3 is
qualified as Natural Account.
The Generate Default Account Process

The Generate Default Account Process is among the most important processes. Using Oracle Workflow
Builder, enter the Navigator window. Navigate to FA Account Generator/ Processes/ Generate Default
Account. The Generate Default Account screen will open as shown below.

The generate default account process above is a graphical representation of the Account Generator
process. The first icon on the left, labeled “Start Generating Code Combination,” represents the start
process. It leads to the “Get Account Group” icon, which determines the type of account being
generated according to the nature of the account. You can see that three different types of accounts can
be generated in this example: Book Level Accounts, Category Level Accounts, and Asset Level Accounts.

To determine which process your account belongs to, refer to the table given previously. For example,
the Cost Account is a Category Level Account. Therefore, it adopts the “Generate Category Level
Account” path. If you double click on the Generate Category Level Account icon, you will see the process
involved in generating this type of account.
The Generate Category Account Level Process

Once you double click on the Generate Category Level Account icon, the Generate Category Level
Account screen opens as shown below:

For all default accounts that are Category Level Accounts, the following four functions appear as icons:

Balancing Segment from Distribution CCID - This icon represents the balancing segment, which is derived
from the Distribution CCID noted on the Assets Assignments form.

Cost Center from Default CCID - The cost center is derived from the default ccid noted in the Natural
Accounts alternate region of the Book Controls form. The Book Controls form is where the asset
corporate book is defined.

Account Value to Account Segment - This icon denotes the account mapping. For instance the Asset
Clearing Account comes from the Asset Categories form, while the Proceeds of Sale Clearing Account
comes from the Book Controls form.

Unqualified Segments from Default CCID - This icon is where the other segments (not including the
balancing segment, cost center and account segments) derive their values.

Function Control Properties

Defining functions as icons and item types. If you double click on the “Cost Center from Default CCID”
icon, the Oracle Workflow Navigator Control Properties screen will appear. Here you can see a variety of
things about this node. The function tab gives information about the actual function being called by this
node, the Node tab allows you to modify/control descriptions, and the Node Attributes gives specifics
about what is being done in that Node, as follows:
Each process item has a number of attributes that can be selected and altered from the Control
Properties screen. From the pulldown menu labeled “Select Attribute,” you can choose which particular
item you need to alter.

EXAMPLE: Generating a Category Level Account in a Default Installation

Determining How An Account Defaults. We want to understand how the Asset Cost Account defaults,
using the Generate Category Level Account process. The Chart of Accounts has five segments, three of
which are qualified segments: Company (segment 1), Cost Center (segment 2), and Account (segment 3).
The other two segments are unqualified segments. The sample asset has had its Depreciation Expense
Account provided by the user when it was created, as below:

Building the Account. The Asset Cost Account must be derived from values entered in the Book Controls
form as well as the Asset Categories form and the Assignments form. We derive the three segment

1. Company segment. Balancing Segment from Distribution ID - Assignments form, as shown

previously (thus, 01).
2. Cost Center segment. Cost Center Segment from Default CCID - Book Defaults (thus, 00). See
Book Controls example earlier in this document.
3. Account segment. Account value in Account Segment - Defined at category level (thus, 1550).
See Category example earlier in this document.
4. All unqualified segments will default from the Default CCID - Book Defaults. See Book Controls
example earlier in this document.

Hence we would get the Asset Cost Account as: 01-000-1550-0000-000.

This process will work this way for all Category Level accounts except the Asset Cost Clearing Account
and the CIP Cost Clearing Account. These accounts will only use the Account Generator or SubLedger
Accounting setup if:

 The asset is loaded to the Corporate book manually

 The asset is generating accounts for a book that is NOT a Corporate book

For mass additions, the clearing account comes from your source system. When you add an asset using
mass additions, Oracle Assets clears the asset clearing or CIP clearing account to which your payables
system, or other source system, charged the asset in your corporate book, without using the Account
Generator. This applies to assets created through Web ADI’s Additions Integrator as well, since they
pass through Mass Additions.

The Segment attribute denotes which segment is being defined. In the example below, we see the value
is set to FA_COST_CTR. This means that the Cost Center segment is the one defined in this process.

Other values for segment include:

· Balancing Segment = GL_BALANCING

· Cost Center = FA_COST_CTR
· Natural Account Segment = GL_ACCOUNT

Unqualified segments are those segments in addition to the mandatory Balancing Segment, Cost Center
and Account Segments. You can have any number of unqualified segments, for the purposes herein we
are using two of them as examples.
You may notice that your labels are marked with different names. For instance, the Balancing Segment
from Distribution CCID icon may be labeled “Copy Segment Value from Code Combination.” If you
screen does not appear labeled as the above example, you can change the icon labels as follows:

 Right click in the white space of the Generate Category Level Account screen.
 A menu will appear. Choose “SHOW LABEL” and its submenu “COMMENT.”
 Your icon will now appear labeled as it does above.
 To change the icon labels again, right click in the white space of the screen.
 From the menu, choose “SHOW LABEL” and its submenu “DISPLAY NAME”

You will see the name of the icon appear as originally displayed.

Example A: Changing the Value of a Segment for all Book Level and Category Level Accounts.

Problem. We want to change the Cost Center detail from the Default CCID to the Distribution
CCID for all Book Level Accounts and Category Level Accounts.


 Download the FA Account Generator file from the Database.

 From the Navigator window, navigate to FA Account Generator/Processes/Generate Default

 Double click on Generate Default Account. We need to modify the following:

o Book Level Accounts
o Category Level Accounts

 Double click on the Generate Book Level Account process. The Generate Book Level Account
screen will appear.
 In the Generate Book Level Account screen, double click on the Cost Center from CCID icon. The
Control Properties screen will appear.
 Select the Node Attributes tab.
 Select the Value from “Default CCID” to “Distribution CCID” in the pull down menu that appears.
This step is demonstrated next.
 To change the comment, move to the Node tab. In the comment field, change the description
to Cost Center from Distribution CCID.

Repeat the process for the Category Level Account flow:

 Return to the Generate Default Account screen and locate the Generate Category Level Account
Process. The Generate Category Level Account screen will appear.
 In the Generate Category Level Account screen, double click on the Cost Center from CCID icon.
The Control Properties screen will appear.
 Select the Node Attributes tab. Change the value of the attribute “Code Combination ID” from
Default CCID to Distribution CCID, repeating the work done above.
 To change the comment, move to the Node tab. In the comment field, change the description
to Cost Center from Distribution CCID.


Example B: Specifying a different value for a segment based on account type

Problem. We want to specify a different Cost Center segment value for the Asset Cost
Account, a specific type of Category Level Account. The Cost Center segment is derived from the default
for the Asset Cost account, but we will derive the Cost Center segment from the Distribution CCID. Asset
Level Accounts and Book Level Accounts will continue to have their Cost Center segment derived from
the Default CCID as expected, and all other Category Level Accounts (other examples are listed in Table
1.1) will also continue to have their Cost Center segment derived from the Default CCID.

Solution. For the Category Level Account called Asset Cost, we will create a new process path that
designates a different value for the Cost Center segment to derive its value. All other accounts will use
the default path to specify their Cost Center segment values.

 Download the FA Account Generator file from the Database.

 From the Navigator window, navigate to FA Account Generator / Processes / Generate Default

 Double click on Generate Default Account to open the Generate Default Account screen. We
need to modify the Cost Center segment of all of the Category Level Accounts.
 Double click on the Generate Category Level Account process. The Generate Category Level
Account screen will appear.
 Change the function labels from “Name” to “Comment”. Right click in the white space of the
Generate Category Level Account screen, then choose Show Label/Comment from the menu.
 Now, you will add two new functions to the Generate Category Level Account process. In the
Navigator window, navigate to FA Account Generator/Standard Flexfield Workflow/Functions.
Note that one function listed under this section is “Copy Segment Value from Code
 In the Navigator window, click and hold down the mouse on the words “Copy Segment Value
from Code Combination” and drag the mouse to the Generate Category Level Account screen.
Release the mouse button, and you will see a new instance of this function. Create two
 Change the function labels from “Comment” to “Name.” Right click in the white space of the
Generate Category Level Account screen, then choose Show Label/Display Name from the menu
(as shown earlier).
 Reposition the two icons created in Step 7 so that one is directly above the “Balancing Segment
from Distribution CCID” icon and the other is directly above the “Cost Center from Default CCID”
 Double click on the icon now located directly above the “Cost Center from Default CCID” icon.
When the pop up screen appears, select the Node tab and enter the comment “Make the Cost
Account = Distribution CCID.”
 Double click on the icon now located directly above the “Balancing Segment from Distribution
CCID” icon. When the pop up screen appears, select the Node tab and enter the comment
“Balancing Segment from Distribution CCID.”
 Position the mouse on the “Get Category Account Name” function icon and right click. As you
continue to hold down the right mouse button, move the mouse to the new icon which you
commented to be “Balancing Segment from Distribution CCID.” You will see a new path line
appear to connect the two icons as you drag your mouse across the screen.
 When you link the two icons, you will be presented with a drop down list of category account
names. Choose Asset Cost.
 Create another path to connect the two new icons: Position the mouse on the new “Balancing
Segment from Distribution CCID” icon and right click. As you continue to hold down the right
mouse button, move the mouse to the “Make the Cost Account = Distribution CCID” icon.
 Create another path to connect the “Make the Cost Account = Distribution CCID” icon and the
“Account Value to Account Segment” icon.
 Modify the attribute values of the two new icons. Double clicking on an icon will open the
Control Properties screen, from which you may choose the Attribute Values tab. The Attribute
Values are listed in the tables below:

Balancing Segment from Distribution CCID function:

Name Value Type Value Type
Code Combination Item Attribute Default CCID Number
Segment Identifier Constant Qualifier Lookup
Segment Constant GL_BALANCING Text
Replace Existing Constant False Lookup
Make the Cost Account = Distribution CCID function:
Name Value Type Value Type
Code Combination Item Attribute Distribution CCID Number
Segment Identifier Constant Qualifier Lookup
Segment Constant FA_COST_CTR Text
Replace Existing Constant False Lookup

You will notice that there are now three paths. If a code combination is being generated for the asset
cost, it will follow the top path. Bonus accounts still follow the upper path. All other accounts will be
generated via the lower (default) path. This is shown with Node Comments displayed, as that makes it
easier to see what the new nodes are designed to do:
Example C: Specifying a different value for a segment based on book

Problem. We want to set up our book such that the Cost Center segment is derived from the
Distribution CCID in the Corporate Book. However, the Cost Center segment is derived from the default
CCID in the Budget Book or Tax Book.


 Download the FA Account Generator file from the Database.
 From the Navigator window, navigate to FA Account Generator/Lookup Types.
 Create a new Lookup Type.
o In the Navigator, place the cursor on the line labeled “Lookup Types” and select it.
o From the Edit menu, choose New/Lookup Type.
o When the Oracle Workflow Navigator Control Properties screen appears, enter:
a. Internal Name = BOOK_TYPE_CODE
b. Display Name = Books
c. Description = Book Type Code
 Choose the OK button

Create a Lookup CODE for each Asset Book.

 In the Navigator, place the cursor your new Lookup Type, “Books”, and right click.
 Choose New Lookup Code.
 When the Oracle Workflow Navigator Control Properties screen appears, you will see that the
Lookup Type is already of type Books. Enter the following and choose OK to save:
· Internal Name = CORPORATE
· Display Name = SAMPLE BOOK
· Description = Sample Corporate Book
 From the Edit menu, choose New/Lookup CODE again.
 When the Control Properties screen appears, you will see that the Lookup Type is already of
type Books. Enter the following and choose OK to save:
· Internal Name = TAX
· Display Name = SAMPLE TAX BOOK
· Description = Sample Tax Book

 Assign the Result Type, a predefined Lookup Type. Result Types list the possible results returned
by this activity. (Note: Your workflow diagram may sometimes branch depending on the value
returned by your completed activity.) Navigate to FA Account Generator / Functions/ Get Book
Type Code and double click on “Get Book Type Code.” When the Control Properties screen
appears, change Result Type by selecting Books from the pulldown menu.

Note: If the Result Type is grayed out and you do not have access to change it, cancel out of the Control
Properties screen, navigate to the menu bar and select Help/About Oracle Workflow Builder. Change
your access level to an integer less than 100, then press OK. You may now change the Result Type as per
the instructions.

 Navigate to FA Account Generator/Processes, then double click on “Generate Default Account.”

 We need to modify the Generate Book Level Account process and the Generate Category Level
Account process. Double click on the Generate Book Level Account icon to address this process
 Change the function labels from “Name” to “Comment.” Right click in the white space of the
Generate Book Level Account screen, then choose Show Label/Comment from the menu.
 Now, you will add two new functions to the Generate Book Level Account process. In the
Navigator window, navigate to FA Account Generator/Standard Flexfield Workflow/Functions.
Note that one function listed under this section is “Copy Segment Value from Code
 In the Navigator screen, click and hold down the mouse on the words “Copy Segment Value
from Code Combination” and drag the mouse to the Generate Book Level Account screen.
Release the mouse button, and you will see a new instance of this function. Place it above the
“Cost Center from Default CCID” icon.
 In the Navigator window, navigate to FA Account Generator/Functions. Note that one function
listed under this section is “Get Book Type Code.”
 In the Navigator window, click and hold down the mouse on the words “Get Book Type Code”
and drag the mouse to the Generate Book Level Account screen. Release the mouse button, and
you will see a new instance of this function. Place it above the “Balancing Segment from
Distribution CCID” icon.
 Double click on the “Get Book Type Code” icon. When the Control Properties screen appears,
select the Process Activity tab and enter the comment “Book Type Code.”
 Double click on the “Copy Segment Value from Code Combination” icon. When the Properties
screen appears, select the Node tab and enter the comment “Cost Center from the Distribution
 In the Properties screen of the “Cost Center from the Distribution CCID” icon, select the
Attribute Values tab and enter the following values:

Name Value Type Value Type

Code Combination Item Attribute Distribution CCID Number
Segment Identifier Constant Qualifier Lookup
Segment Constant FA_COST_CTR Text
Replace Existing Constant False Lookup

 Position the mouse on the “Cost Center from the Distribution CCID” function icon and right click.
As you continue to hold down the right mouse button, move the mouse to the new icon named
“Account Segment from the Book Control.” You will see a new path line appear to connect the
two icons as you drag your mouse across the screen.
 Position the mouse on the “Book Type Code” function icon and right click. As you continue to
hold down the right mouse button, move the mouse to the new icon named “Cost Center from
Default CCID.” You will see a new path line appear to connect the two icons as you drag your
mouse across the screen. When you release, a menu will appear. Select Default. This means that
all other Book Type Codes will use this Default.
 Position the mouse on the “Book Type Code” function icon and right click. As you continue to
hold down the right mouse button, move the mouse to the new icon named “Cost Center from
Distribution CCID.” You will see a new path line appear to connect the two icons as you drag
your mouse across the screen. When you release, a menu will appear. Select SAMPLE
 Position the mouse on the “Cost Center from Default CCID” function icon and right click. As you
continue to hold down the right mouse button, move the mouse to the new icon named
“Account Segment from Book Control.” You will see a new path line appear to connect the two
icons as you drag your mouse across the screen. Once you reposition your icons, the end result
should appear similar to the picture show below:

From the Navigator window, navigate to FA Account Generator/Processes/Generate Category Level

Account to open the Generate Category Level Account screen. Repeat steps for the Generate Category
Level Accounts Process.

Example D: Specifying a different value for a segment based on a descriptive flexfield

Problem. We want to build accounting flex combinations where the Asset Cost segment, a Category
Level Account, is dependent on the value stored in a descriptive flexfield. For instance, we may have
three different types of Additions: New Additions, Late Additions, and Intercompany Additions. We want
to store the type of addition in the descriptive flexfield, then have Account Generator create the
corresponding accounting flex combinations based on the Addition type.

Solution. Since we are varying Asset Cost, we must be working with a Category Level Account (see Table
1.1). We will create two attributes: Distribution ID and Account Value Segment. Then, Distribution ID will
be passed into a customized PL/SQL function.

The PL/SQL function takes the Distribution ID and determines the value of the account segment that is
required to build the proper accounting flex combination based on the information in the descriptive
flexfield. For instance, if the PL/SQL function identifies that an addition of type NEW is stored in the
descriptive flexfield, it will return some value x. If a LATE addition is stored, then it will return some
value y.

This return value will be used to populate the Account Value Segment, which is the other attribute that
we specified. The Account Value Segment can then be used to create the appropriate accounting flex

1. Download the FA Account Generator file from the Database.

2. From the Navigator window, navigate to FA Account Generator/ Processes/ Generate Category Level
3. Double click on the Generate Category Level Account process. The Generate Category Level Account
screen will appear.

 From the Navigator window, navigate to FA Account Generator/ Functions and highlight the
word “Functions.”
 Create a new function. With Functions selected in the Navigator window, go to the Edit menu
and choose New/ Function. The Control Properties screen should appear.
 In the Control Properties screen, enter the following:
o Internal Name = GET_DESC_ACCT
o Display Name = Get Account Information
o Description = Get Account Information
o Function = <the name of the PL/SQL function> of type PL/SQL
o Result Type = None
 Press OK to create the new function “Get Account Information.”
Note: The PL/SQL function must be written such that it takes a parameter DISTRIBUTION_ID and returns
the appropriate value for the account based on what information is located in the descriptive flexfield.

 From the Navigator window, notice that the new function “Get Account Information” is now
listed under FA Account Generator/ Functions. Highlight the words “Get Account Information.”
 Add an attribute to the Get Account Information function. With “Get Account Information”
selected in the Navigator window, go to the Edit menu and choose New/ Attribute. The Control
Properties screen should appear.
 In the Control Properties screen, enter the following:
· Internal Name = DISTRIBUTION_ID
· Display Name = DISTRIBUTION_ID
· Description = Distribution ID
· Type = Number
· Default Values = Item Attribute, Distribution ID
 Press OK to create the new attribute “Distribution ID” for the “Get Account Information”
function. DISTRIBUTION_ID will then be listed as an attribute in the Navigator window, as shown
 Add another attribute to the Get Account Information function. With “Get Account Information”
selected in the Navigator window, go to the Edit menu and choose New / Attribute. The Control
Properties screen should appear.
 In the Control Properties screen, enter the following:
· Internal Name = ACCOUNT_VALUE_SEG
· Display Name = ACCOUNT_VALUE_SEG
· Description = Account Value Segment
· Type = Text

Press OK to create the new attribute “Account Value Segment” for the “Get Account Information “
function. Account Value Segment will then be listed as an attribute in the Navigator window,

 Now that the function is created and its attributes are defined, return to the Generate
Category Level screen to construct the process.
 Change the function labels from “Name” to “Comment”. You can right click in the white
space of the Generate Category Level Account screen, then choose Show Label/Comment
from the menu or choose the Comment icon in the TaskBar.
 Now, you will add the new function to the Generate Category Level Account process. In the
Navigator window, navigate to FA Account Generator/Functions to locate the “Get Account
Information” function.
 In the Navigator window, click and hold down the mouse on the words “Get Account
Information” and drag the mouse to the Generate Category Level Account screen. Release
the mouse button, and you will see a new instance of this function. Place the new icon
directly above the path between the “Cost Center from Default CCID” icon and the “Account
Value to Segment” icon, as shown below:
 Highlight the path that connects the two function icons “Cost Center from Default CCID” and
“Account Value to Account Segment.” Push the delete key to delete this path. You will insert the
new “Get Account Information” function icon in between these two icons.
 Position the mouse on the “Cost Center from Default CCID” function icon and right click. As you
continue to hold down the right mouse button, move the mouse to the new icon named “Get
Account Information.” You will see a new path line appear to connect the two icons as you drag
your mouse across the screen.
 Position the mouse on the “Get Account Information” function icon and right click. As you
continue to hold down the right mouse button, move the mouse to the new icon named “Assign
Value to Segment.” You will see a new path line appear to connect the two icons as you drag
your mouse across the screen.
 When you have completed all of the steps, the end result should appear something like this:
Account Generator Basics

Starting the Account Generator

 From the menu bar, choose File/Open

 You have the option of opening from a file you previously saved or downloading the file from
the database.
 If you are downloading from a file:
· Click on File to highlight it.
· Browse to find the file previously saved.
 If you are downloading from the database
· Click on Database
 Enter the following:
o User
o Password
o Connect: ORACLE_SID
o Effective: You can leave this null.

Saving a File in Account Generator

 From the menu bar, choose File/Save As

 You have the option of saving to a file or saving the file to the database.
 If you are saving to a file:
· Click on File to highlight it.
· Browse to find the location you want the file to reside
· Enter a filename and press OK.
 If you are saving a file to the database
· Click on Database.
· Enter the following:
 User
 Password
 Connect: ORACLE_SID
 Effective: You can leave this null.
Appendix A - Account Generator Test Script


This script assists in diagnosing problems in concurrent processes that fail due to account generation.
The output from this script gives the user two pieces of information: the code combination that was
attempted to be built and a reason why it is not able to build the code combination.

Oracle Assets is delivered with this SQL*PLUS test script. It is called faxagtst.sql.

You can find it in the following directory

Name: $FA_TOP/admin/sql/faxagtst.sql

Problem Explanation

When running depreciation in 11i, or Create Accounting in R12 if you use Account Generator, you may
find that it completes with Error.

In 11i, if the problem relates to Account Generator, you will notice the following in the Log File:
Depreciation Program Exception Report
ccid sent to fadoflx from fadosgl is: 19739
dist_ccid in fadoflx is: 19739
h_book_type_code = INSURANCE
account_type = ASSET_COST_ACCT
account = 1520
Dist CCid has the value of 19739.
h_rtn_ccid has the value of -1.
Concat segs =
Error: function fafbgcc returned failure (called from fadoflx)
Getting account CCID
Error: function fadoflx returned failure (called from fadosgl)
Error: function fadosgl returned failure (called from faxinaj)
Error: function faxinaj returned failure (called from fadcje)

In R12, if the problem relates to Account Generator, the Create Accounting error will be very generic:

Error Number: 95353

Error Message: Subledger Accounting was unable to derive an accounting code combination using the
account derivation rule Assets Book Default Account owned by Oracle. Please review the account
derivation rule and make sure it derives a valid accounting flexfield combination for the source values
passed for the transaction.

In either case, Support may request the output of faxagtst.sql. In 11i, refer to Account Generator is
Failing, How Can the FAXAGTST.SQL Be Used to Help Find Out What Is Wrong? (Doc ID 1062849.6) for
assistance with determining the values for all 7 parameters. In R12, Support is likely to ask for a copy of
your Workflow file and for you to find a sample affected asset and provide the outputs of the concurrent
request Generate Asset Trace for that asset. After that, Support may then ask for the output of
faxagtst.sql, and can provide insight into the 7 parameters.
The following is generated when you run the script. At the bottom of the script you will notice
the following:
 The script will tell you if Dynamic inserts is set to YES.
 The script will note the code combination it is trying to build.
 The script will also give a reason why it is unable to build the combination.

Failed to Generate CCID
Segments :

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

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