ECM Replacement File
ECM Replacement File
Military ET gives you the ability to flash a blank ECM. However, flashing a blank ECM does not
fully program the ECM to that truck. Flashing only sets the engine with its basic performance.
So now you’re probably asking, “Well how do I know what else needs programmed and what
are the values?” Here are a ways to do this. You can connect to another truck and view the
parameters and go line by line comparing the two ECMs. You can create a Fleet Configuration
File from another truck and then copy it to the new ECM. Or, before you removed the old ECM,
you could’ve created an ECM Replacement File. The next tip will be about the Fleet
Configuration File. But, to keep things clear, here is the difference between an ECM
Replacement file and Fleet Configuration file. An ECM Replacement file is an exact copy of an
ECM. It contains all of the information that is unique to that engine such as, injector trim
calibrations, engine serial number, and the fuel settings. A Fleet Configuration file only copies
parameters that are common across a fleet such as PTO setup, transmission setup, vehicle
speed calibrations, and so on.
Creating a file
My recommendation would be to create an ECM Replacement file whenever you connect to a
In the drop-down menu select “Service”, “Copy Configuration”, and then “ECM Replacement”.
You may see a screen like this come up. If you are creating an ECM Replacement file, you’ll
need to select “Cancel”. This is the default directory for ECM Replacement files. If this screen
does not appear skip this step and the next step.
If the previous screens did not appear, select “Load from ECM” in the bottom left hand corner.
The following status bar will appear. Wait until it is finished. If any errors come up, while
loading, select “OK”.
You should receive a notice that the data was loaded. Select “OK”
You will get a list of parameters that have been saved. Here is a partial list.
This window will open to the default ECM Replacement directory. If you’d like to store it in
another location, you select an alternate location at this time. The file name defaults to engine
serial number, followed by the file type, then the month, day and year it was created, and then
the time it was created. You can rename the file if you’d like. Some like to use the truck serial
number or the bumper number Once you’ve selected your directory and named the file select
A window should open to the ECM Replacement default directory. If you stored the file in this
directory, you can select the file, now. Otherwise, you’ll need to find the file in the location
where it was previously stored. Select the file name and then select “Open”.
Now you can program the ECM. Select “Program ECM” at the bottom of the screen.
Wait until the status bar is complete. You may see successful loads of individual parameters.
You can select “OK” if any come up.