Hfe Pioneer Hifi Components 1988 Catalog en

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Acoustic memory (VSX·9300S/7300/5300)
You can create five customized response curves using bass and
Pioneer SR
treble controls, and commit them to the computer memory for
Remote control units provided with Pioneer audio/video
instant recall at the touch of a button.
receivers are designed to control other products carrying
the Pioneer "SR" (System Remote) logo in addition to the
Low-noise, remote-controlled motor-driven volume control
components they come with originally. For example, the
remote for the VSX-9300S receiver controls the components
You can adjust the level of sound from across the room using the
shown below. With an SR system, you can conveniently
handy remote. Moreover, since the level is adjusted by a motor
control a number of Pioneer products from a single remote
driven control, it will not add noise and distortion to the signal as
unit. Please note, however, that some remote functions may
electronic controls often do.
not work for certain components.


I (or TV with I FM
Video Input)
I TAPE-2/DAT-2 TV with Antenna
(RF) Input

I RF Modulator
IJA-RF5 VSX-93005

Front Speaker I
�ggl I I I I '=�
I 0 Front S peaker

Rear Speaker Rear Speaker
Non-Switching** Amp Type II eliminates switching distortion �

� �Centers � ·
T he VSX-93008, VSX-7300 and VSX-5300 are equipped with
Pioneer's revolutionary Non-Switching power amplifier (Type II), ®(® (jJ)� �

contained in an IC. It uses a high-speed servo called "Vari-Bias"* *
that automatically adjusts the bias current to power transistors in
accordance with input level. During operation, the power transistors
� �

are never switched off; therefore, switching distortion is totally
avoided, overall distortion is dramatically reduced, and music is
reproduced faithfully with a new sense of clarity. ,---
Moreover, our Non-Switching Amp Type II reduces the type of


� I
intermodulation distortion caused by changes in temperature and

m !--

improves linearity in output thirtyfold. T hese improvements have

resulted in better reproduction and more stable electrical perfor­ '---- - -
mance. Our Non-Switching Amps also have the ability to drive "SA" System Remote Control

*Note: An additional monaural amplifier required to drive the center

low-impedance loads, making them ideal for the reproduction of is speaker

highly transient digital sound.

Station ID display (VSX·9300S/7300/5300)

As you preset a station, you can also assign it a four-character ID
(alphabets, numbers and some punctuation marks) and commit it
to the memory. Use this convenience to give stations names like
':JAZZ" and "NEWS," or identify stations with their call letters. To
recall any of the stations you've given IDs, just punch in the preset
number of a desired station.
. .
!ll:lilill ·-

' . ' � ..::.::; .

1MHz Station Sweep

HIT S (Hyper Intelligent Tuning System) (VSX·9300S/7300) Currently

HIT S lets you scan all the named stations beginning with characters Station B tuned-in freq. Station A
you specify (e.g. type in :.J to scan stations with names ':JAZZ,"
' "

':.JAZ2," :.J AZ3 , " etc.); automatically scan up and down the band in
1MHz steps (FM), 200kHz steps (AM) for the next station; or
94MHz 95MHz 96MHz 97MHz 98MHz 99MHz
automatically tune a station in the vicinity of a frequency you input.

• "Dolby," "Dolby Surround" and "Pro-Logic" are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories lock in

Licensing Corporation.
• • Non-Switching and Vari-Bias are trademarks of Pioneer Electronics.

VSX-93005 bll

Audio/Video Quartz-Synthesizer Receiver with Non-Switching Amp and Smart Remote™

•Stereo mode: Continuous average power output of •Video recording enhancer: It's even possible to enhance a
125 watts* per channel, min., at 8 ohms, from 20Hz to record signal without processing the picture being viewed.
20,000Hz with no more than 0.005% total harmonic •VCR noise filter: For hiss-free video sound.
distortion. •Acoustic memory: Offers five customized responses.
• Surround mode: Continuous average power output of •Exclusive Non-Switching Circuit Type II.
125 watts* per channel, min., at 8 ohms, from 20Hz to •Random preset of 30 FM/AM stations.
20,000Hz with no more than 0.005% total harmonic • HITS with IDs for 30 stations.
distortion (front); 30 watts per channel, min., at 8 ohms. at 1kHz •Direct-access tuning, memory scan and auto tuning.
with 0.7% THO (surround). •s-ganged low-noise, remote-controlled motor-driven volume
•Dolby Pro-logic Surround with adjustable digital delay: For control.
amazing wrap-around video sound. Test-tone generator permits •Speaker AlB/Rear selector.
precise channel balance. •Oversized fluorescent display.
•Stadium and Simulated Surround: For live musical perfor- •60/30-minute sleep timer.
mance and outdoor events.
•Anti-resonance design: Honeycomb chassis and large
•Programmable Smart Remote™: One remote handles the func­
tions of most others.
es video inputs (VCR·1, VCR-2, VDP/CDV, TV, VIDEO
ADAPTOR): Two monitor TVs can also be connected. Two"'Nay
dubbing is possible.
•4 audio inputs: TAPE-1/DAT-1, TAPE-2/DAT -2, CD, PHONO.
•VCR·1 record selector: Dub while you watch a different video.
•Video signal selector: For independent audio and video
SWitching. High-integration Microprocessor
•Simulated Stereo: Makes mono sound fuller and more
enjoyable. *Measured pursuant to the Federal Trade Commission's Trade Regulation Rule on
• Split-screen video enhancer. Power Output Claims for Amplifiers.

Our Smart Remote™ is what its name implies- smart. There are
two reasons why. One, it controls not only the VSX-9300S, but it
also comes preprogrammed to control Pioneer SR (System Remote)
audio and video components (CD player, cassette deck, LD player,
TV, VCR, etc.). And two, you can program its functions as you like:
it has the capacity to learn functions from other remote controls for
most audio or video components so long as they are of infrared
type. So with our Smart Remote in hand, you can handle just about
every audio and video operation from the comfort of your chair. It
has 68 keys offering 225 functions (max.), of which 154 are pro­
Programming the remote is just as simple: put ours head-to­
head with other remotes, slide the switch to LEARN, and press
corresponding buttons.

• With infrared remote control units of other makes that use special signal types, pro­
gramming functions may not be possible.

RF Modulator

Even if yours is a conventional TV with no video inputs, you can

connect it to our AIV receivers with the JA-RF5 RF modulator. It
converts baseband video signals into RF signals for the antenna
input of a regular TV.

�.I'IU'\t t l�

Surround Speaker System

•Compact and lightweight (3 lbs. 5 oz./1 .5kg)

•Wide installation versatility: Can be hung on the wall or from the
ceiling for stereo or surround sound
83-1/2-inch (8.7cm) full-range speaker.
•30 watts (max music power).

Audio/Video Quartz-Synthesizer Receiver with Non-Switching Amp

•Stereo mode: Continuous average power output of

125 watts* per channel, min., at 8 ohms, from 20Hz to
20,000Hz with no more than 0.005% total harmonic
• Surround mode: Continuous average power output of
125 watts* per channel, min., at 8 ohms, from 20Hz to
20,000Hz with no more than 0.005% total harmonic
distortion (front); 30 watts per channel, min., at 8 ohms, at 1kHz
with 0.7% THO (surround).
•Dolby Surround with adjustable digital delay: For amazing
wrap-around video sound.
•Stadium and Simulated Surround: For live musical perfor­
mance and outdoor events.
• Full-function AN remote control.
es video inputs (VCR·1, VCR·2, VDP/CDV, TV, VIDEO
ADAPTOR): Two monitor TVs can also be connected. Two-way
dubbing is possible.
e4 audio inputs: TAPE-1 /DAT-1, TAPE-2/DAT-2, CD, PHONO.
•VCR·1 record selector: Dub while you watch a different video.
•Video signal selector: For independent audio and video
•Simulated Stereo: Makes mono sound fuller and more
•Split-screen video enhancer.
•Video recording enhancer: It's even possible to enhance a
record signal without processing the picture being viewed.
•VCR noise filter: For hiss-free video sound.
•Acoustic memory: Offers five customized responses.
•Exclusive Non-Switching Circuit Type ll.
•Random preset of 30 FM/AM stations.
• HITS with IDs for 30 stations.
•Direct-access tuning, memory scan and auto tuning.
• Low-noise, remote-controlled motor-driven volume control.
•Speaker A/8/Rear selector.
•Oversized fluorescent display.
•60/30-minute sleep timer.



Audio/Video Quartz-Synthesizer Receiver with Non-Switching Amp Audio/Video Quartz-Synthesizer Receiver

•Stereo mode: Continuous average power output of •Continuous average power output of 80 watts* per
100 watts* per channel, min., at 8 ohms, from 20Hz to channel, min., at 8 ohms, from 20Hz to 20,000Hz with no
20,000Hz with no more than 0.005% total harmonic more than 0.05% total harmonic distortion
distortion. •2 video inputs (VCR/TAPE-1 and VDP/CDV): A monitor TV can
• Surround mode: Continuous average power output of also be connected. Dubbing is possible.
100 watts* per channel, min., at 8 ohms, from 20Hz to e 3 audio inputs: TAPE-2/DAT, CD, PHONO.
20,000Hz with no more than 0.005% total harmonic •Speaker matrix surround: Simplified video surround.
distortion (front); 15 watts per channel, min., at 8 ohms, at 1kHz •Programmable Smart Remote™ (VSX-33005): One remote for
with 0.7% T HO (surround). all. It has 65 keys for 170 functions (max.), of which 40 are pro­
•Dolby Surround with adjustable digital delay. grammable.
•Stadium and Simulated Surround. • Full-function AN remote control (VSX-3300).
•Full-function AN remote control. •Video signal selector: For independent audio and video
•3 video inputs (VCR-1, VCR-2, VDP/CDV): Two monitor TVs can switching.
also be connected. Two-way dubbing is possible. •Simulated Stereo: Makes mono sound fuller and more
e4 audio inputs: TAPE-1 /DAT-1, TAPE-2/DAT-2, CD, PHONO. enjoyable.
•Video signal selector. •Random preset of 24 FM/AM stations.
•Simulated Stereo. •Memory scan and auto tuning.
•Split-screen video enhancer. • Low-noise, remote-controlled motor-driven volume control.
•VCR noise filter: For hiss-free video sound. •5-band graphic equalizer: 1 OOHz, 330Hz, 1kHz, 3. 3kHz, 1OkHz.
•Acoustic memory: Offers five customized responses. •Speaker A/8 selector.
•Exclusive Non-Switching Circuit Type II. • Large fluorescent display.
•Random preset of 30 FM/AM stations without IDs.
•Customized IDs for 10 preset stations.
•Direct-access tuning, memory scan, auto tuning.
•Low-noise, remote-controlled motor-driven volume control.
•Speaker AlB/Rear selector.
•Oversized fluorescent display. • Measured pursuant to the Federal Trade Commission's Trade Regulation Rule on
•60/30·minute sleep timer. Power Output Claims for Amplifiers.


SX-2300 SX-1300
Quartz-Synthesizer Receiver Quartz-Synthesizer Receiver
•Continuous average power output of 60 watts* per •Continuous average power output of 40 watts* per
channel, min., at 8 ohms, from 20Hz to 20,000Hz with no channel, min., at 8 ohms, from 20Hz to 20,000Hz with no
more than 0.07% total harmonic distortion. more than 0.07% total harmonic distortion.
•Speaker matrix surround: Just add two more speaker systems • Random preset for 24 FM/AM stations: Up to 24 FM and AM
to your present hi-fi system to enter the exciting world of surround stations can be tuned and memorized as presets.
sound. Video sound especially benefits from this circuit. •Auto tuning: Lets you tune in the next station up or down the
•Simulated Stereo: Makes mono sound fuller and more tuning band.
enjoyable. •Memory scan: Lets you automatically sample each and every
• Random preset for 24 FM/AM stations: Up to 24 FM and AM preset station.
stations can be tuned and memorized as presets. •5-band graphic equalizer: To shape the music to your taste and
•Auto tuning: Lets you tune in the next station up or down the to overcome aberrations in system response.
tuning band. •Speaker A/B selector.
•Memory scan: Lets you automatically sample each and every • Large fluorescent display.
preset station. •Microcomputer control: For precise control of amp, tuner and
•S·band graphic equalizer: To shape the music to your taste and fluorescent display circuits.
to overcome aberrations in system response. es audio inputs: TAPE-2, TAPE-1 /OAT, VCR/LINE, CD, PHONO.
•Speaker A/B selector.
• Large fluorescent display.
•Microcomputer control: For precise control of amp, tuner and
fluorescent display circuits.
es audio inputs: TAPE-2, TAPE-1 /OAT, VCR/LINE, CD, PHONO.
"Measured pursuant to the Federal Trade Commission's Trade Regulation Rule on
Power Output Claims for Amplifiers.


Digital criteria in amplifier design New Non-switching Circuit Type m

Our experience in digital audio has shown us that the wide Another major design feature is our Non-switching Circuit which
dynamic range of digital programs can only be fully enjoyed when has put an end to switching distortion, adding clarity to the sound
an amplifier meets three performance criteria. One, it should be you hear. Now, this unique circuit has been upgraded for even
capable of driving low impedances of 4 ohms or less, overcoming better performance. Named Type m. the newest version combines
variations in speaker impedance. Two, it should reproduce bass a number of benefits to make our amplifiers ready to take on the
frequencies as capably as high and mid frequencies. Three, it digital challenge. One, distortion is reduced to 1/50th the original
should have the ability to reproduce music at low levels with the value when high currents are drawn. Two, lower distortion is
richness of higher levels. That's in addition to basic specification achieved at lower impedances. Three, thermal distortion is reduced
requirements like low noise and distortion. to zero, with quiescent currents stabilized at power-on and during
The A-717 integrated amplifier is designed to meet these operation. All this adds up to an improved signal-to-noise ratio and
criteria. Using the shortest possible signal paths, an elaborate better sonic transparency.
power supply, non-resonating mechanical construction, and state­
of-the-art electronic designs, we have created an amplifier
specifically made for the superb reproduction of digital music.

Direct connection
With our A-717, a program signal goes through the most direct
path on its way to the power output stage, keeping the chance of
noise contamination to a minimum and maintaining musical
integrity and purity. We've made this possible by arranging the
chassis layout so that the selection of inputs and record sources,
and volume adjustment occur deep inside the cabinet; switching is
performed by a long shaft or wire cable running to and from the
front panel.
Moreover, to ensure the most direct connection possible
between input and output, we have provided a direct-connect
switch called "LINE DIRECT" When it is turned on the signal is
routed from the input selector directly to the power amp, bypassing
all intervening circuits except for volume control. Use of a minimum
number of contacts has resulted in the purest possible signal trans­
mission, bringing you unusually clear and clean reproduction from
any program source.
Another way we've improved purity is by separating the phono
circuit, power amp circuit, power supply and power output stage
into individual compartments. This prevents circuits that handle
high current from affecting inputs that amplify low-level signals.

Anti-vibration concept
In order to shut out sound degradation due to subtle vibration,
we've used parts and construction that are highly resistant to vibra­
tion and resonance. The insulators, bottom plate and shields
separating the circuit blocks have honeycomb-like rib patterns. And
the heatsink chimney also has a honeycomb cross-section. Honey­ Signal Path
comb construction ensures not only high resistance to vibration, it
also increases the mechanical rigidity of the entire enclosure. POWER OUTPUT INPUT

Low-impedance driving capability

The A-717 is designed to capably drive low impedances, a feature
especially important when used with a quality speaker for playback
of digital programs. What makes it all possible is the combination
of direct circuit connection, a large-capacity power supply and the
Type ill Non-switching Circuit.
The power supply circuit of the A-717 is elaborate. Two power
transformers are employed in parallel connection. They feature a
high total capacity, generating high currents to supply energizing
power to the internal amplifiers at very low impedance. They are
contained in finned die-cast cases which dissipate heat efficiently,
preventing an increase in resistance due to high temperature.
Thanks to the heavy die-cast casing, the transformers are strongly
resistant to resonance. Moreover, the magnetic flux is fully
contained within, so that magnetic radiation will not affect delicate
signals, causing muddy sound. Our new transformer design
combines the advantages of the popular El-core transformer and a
quality toroidal.

Non-Switching Integrated Amplifier

•Continuous average power output of 100 watts* per

channel, min., at 8 ohms, from 20Hz to 20,000Hz with no
more than 0.003% total har monic distortion (135 watts*
at 4 ohms with 0.005% THO).
•Exclusive Non-Switching Circuit Type ill: Ends switching
distortion, improves linearity and thermal stability, and better drives
low impedance (4 ohms or lower).
•Separate voltage· and output-amplifying stages: Steady
performance is guaranteed, uninfluenced by load variations.
•Separate circuit blocks: For minimum interference between
•Direct connection: Input signal goes through the technically
shortest path to retain purity and integrity.
•Anti-resonance and vibration designs: Honeycomb chassis
separators and heat sink resist vibration, and large insulators
absorb vibration, to ensure clear reproduction.
• Power supply designed for higher power and low
impedance: Housed in solid die-cast cases, twin power
transformers feature high capacity, damp resonance, and contain
magnetic flux, for exceptional clarity.
•"LINE DIRECT" switch: For bypassing all secondary circuits
except for volume; highest purity results.
•a inputs: Included are three for TAPE and one for ADAPTOR.
•"Hybrid" booster for MC cartridges: Combined use of
transformer and optimum-gain phono equalizer ensures extended,
flat response and well-damped sound.
•Independent power switch for phono: Phono circuit may be
turned off to prevent noise when listening to other program
•Gold-plated phono and CD inputs.

*Measured pursuant to the Federal Trade Commission's Trade Regulation Rule on

Power Output Claims for Amplifiers.


VSA-910 001 DOLBY s-.Nor

A/V Surround Amplifier with Digital Delay

•Stereo mode: Continuous average power output of

100 watts* per channel, min., at 8 ohms, from 20Hz to
20,000Hz with no more than 0.005% total harmonic
•Surround mode: Continuous average power output of 70
watts* per channel, min., at 8 ohms, from 20Hz to 20,000Hz
VSA-910 with no more than 0.005% total harmonic distortion (front); 30
watts* per channel, min., at 8 ohms, from 20Hz to 20,000Hz
with no more than 0.08% total harmonic distortion (surround).
• Exclusive Non-Switching Circuit Type II.
• Dolby, Stadium and Simulated Surround, with digital delay.
•4 video inputs: Dubbing is possible.
•Split-screen video enhancer.
•Programmable Smart Remote™.
•Acoustic memory for three bass/treble tone settings.
•Super bass.
•On-screen display.
• Large multi-function fluorescent display.



F-717 F-551 Ill

Digital Direct Decoder FM I AM Tuner Ouartz-PLL FM/AM Tuner

•Pioneer's Digital Direct Decoder: Digital processing is •Pioneer CCTS (Computer-Controlled Tuning System):
combined with direct conversion from FM to left/right audio outputs Tracking error is automatically minimized to provide low noise and
to improve every major tuner specification. distortion. Also, the hi-blend circuit is automatically turned on to
• Linear front end: Features electronic twin-varicaps to reduce RF reduce stereo noise when the signal is weak.
intermodulation distortion and expand dynamic range. •T hree-speed search: One touch tunes each and every station; a
•"Pulse swallow" frequency synthesis: Using an ultrasonic sustained push causes the tuner to search for only powerful
reference frequency, it provides stable reception and a high signal­ stations; and a more sustained touch quickens the search speed.
to-noise ratio. • Random presets for 24 FM/AM stations: Favorite stations may
•Random presets for 16 FM/AM stations: Favorite stations may be preset and recalled at a touch.
be preset and recalled at a touch. • Digital readout of signal strength.
•Improved AM sound: A large loop antenna and an FET buffer • Digital frequency display.
for the tuning coil assure clean AM sound. •Pioneer SR (System Remote) ready.
•3-point signal indicator.
•AM stereo adapter terminal: Allows you to upgrade to AM
stereo any time.


8-times oversampling digital filter (PD-M700/7100) Pioneer Accu-Focus System (PD-M700/M600/M500/7100)

The Compact Disc format uses a sampling frequency of 44.1kHz, The laser beam that reflects off pits on the surface of the Compact
to provide a frequency bandwidth of from about OHz to 20kHz. This Disc holds billions of bits of digital musical information. The beam
frequency can result in the generation of "sampling" noise because is detected by a pickup and the signals are passed on to a photo­
its " foldover" frequencies are spectrally close to the audible detector where they are converted into electric RF signals. The
frequency range. These spurious frequencies - known as photodetector is divided into four components to control the focus
sampling noise - are normally eliminated by a higher-order servo, inevitably causing phase difference between the four signals
analog filter with steep attenuation response. Such filters, though, the detector has received. The Accu-Focus System, however,
tend to cause a phase lag in frequencies of 1OkHz and higher, solves this phase-related problem by adding a delay circuit for the
making accurate signal reproduction impossible. first-arriving signals, thus dramatically reducing distortion and
Our 8-times oversampling digital filter offers the solution. It improving frequency response in the RF output, especially at high
samples the input signal at 8 times the normal frequency (that's frequencies. As a result, both noise and distortion are reduced in
352.8kHz), shifting the spurious frequencies far out of the audio the audible frequency range.
range. This makes it possible for us to use a low-order analog filter,
made from high-quality discrete parts, with mild attenuation Pioneer-exclusive ACCU-FOCUS system with laser pickup
response to remove the spurious frequencies. So our 8-times over­
sampling digital filter ends noise due to foldover frequencies, while
maintaining accurate phase linearity up to 20kHz and enabling Pits run in
RF Output
low-distortion output. this direction
We also use 4-times and 2-times oversampling digital filters in
other models to bring you similar benefits.
81 and 84 receive signals before 82 and 83 do. 81 and 84 signals are sent
to their own delay circuits, and then applied to the adding circuit. There all
four signals are synchronized and then output as RF signals, resulting in
Quantization noise generation (conceptual) a high signal-to-noise ratio and low distortion.

Comparison of

With Without
16-bit Sampling 16-bit 8-times Oversampling
error rate S
1em ,
: Accu-Focus


' '
low Error rate High

1 Sarnptlngcvcleol44.tkHz -11 Sampllngc,<:leol�z '"

- Improved Range

1 '
vl\lt\,.� �1Vt</V"',.__,�'4�
.. ,1. Anti-resonance concept
To ensure superb disc tracking and great sound, we've come up
with the "anti-resonance concept." This concept is expressed in
Spectra of sampling noise our CD players in the following ways.
No ovarsampling
Low Pass Filter Sampling noise •Honeycomb chassis (all models): The chassis of all our CD
1 Response (Foldover noise) players have a ribbed honeycomb construction: This design not
only increases rigidity but also protects the pickup and disc drive
system inside from vibration generated by speakers and other
(kHz) external influences.

8-tlmas ovarsampling
Low Pass Filter Sampling noise
Response (Foldover noise)
----�---- L
� ---1
- tr;
_ :

t I 1 I .- -- -., __ _
Audio Frequency Range

The linear- envelope twin 0/A converter system

Our linear-envelope D/A converter system is one of the most •Magnetic-clamp disc stabilizer (P0-71001510014100): With conven­
advanced designs. Conventional converters use 16 current sources tional players, the rotating disc is clamped just at the center,
to convert 16-bit data into analog output; with them even the leaving the middle section and outer rim subject to external vibra­
slightest error in the current source can lead to conversion distor­ tion and acoustic pressure. But our magnetic-clamp disc stabilizer
tion. With our new linear-envelope converter, however, we've secures the disc both at its center and middle section. Moreover,
virtually eliminated the current-source error, thus ending conversion a magnetic clamper is used in combination so that the clamped
distortion. Moreover, there are two converters, one for each disc is completely detached from the player during playback. This
channel, to end inter-channel phase difference and to provide prevents spurious vibration from the disc from being transmitted to
better sound imaging. And each is a glitch-free type for lower noise. the electronic circuits.

eLa.rge insulators (PD-M700/M600/M5001710015100): Highly rigid memory button for that magazine and the "transfer" button. The
vibration-damping insulators protect the player from shocks and programmed songs are then automatically "loaded" from the
vibration. remote into the player. And the PD-M700's remote even lets you
give each magazine an 8-letter (max.) title.
•New linear-motor pickup drive with /ow-center-of-gravity FRP (Fiber
Reinforced Plastics) base (P0-7100): This new drive ensures Auto program editing (PD-7100/5100)
accurate and stable disc tracking and comfortably quick access to This is a handy feature when dubbing from disc to tape. When you
individual tracks. specify the length of a tape you're going to record on, the player
automatically counts the number of tracks that can be recorded
•Ballast base with ceramic supports (P0-510014100): The base of within the specified time. Conveniently, it lets you know how many
the pickup mechanism has a lower center of gravity to improve tracks can be recorded on both Side A and 8 of a tape before
stability. And the suspension system uses ceramic supports in dubbing actually begins.
combination that are highly rigid and feature optimized internal
loss. As a result, rolling of the pickup mechanism base is Time fade editing (PD·M700/M600/M500/7100)
drastically reduced, allowing the pickup to read the disc with Time fade editing works somewhat like the auto program editing
exceptional precision. described above, but when you specify a time, play automatically
fades smoothly out at that specified time. With our multi-play CD
Optical and coaxial digital outputs (PD-M70l)/7100) players (PD-M700 and PD-M600), you can even program tracks
There are two digital outputs on the PD-7100 from six discs and let music fade out when the specified time is up.
and PD-M700 that permit direct connection
with other digital equipment (such as an amplifier "Music Window"- a totally new convenience (PD-7100)
with a built-in D/A converter). Of the two outputs, The Music Window feature lets you fade music in and out at any
one is for optical connection to completely shut point smoothly. Up to eight fades (fade-ins and fade-outs) are
out digital noise. possible per disc. Use this feature to edit tracks to your liking -
ideal for background music.

One-touch digital fade (PD·M700/M600/7100)

You can manually fade music in and out at any time. And because
the fade circuit is made of a digital attenuator IC, there's no sonic
Optical Connection Cable
Here's a high-performance optical cable for transmission of digital degradation.
output from our CD players with optical digital output to other digital
equipment with matching input- equipment like our D/A converter­ 3-inch (Scm) CD playback
equipped amp. The cable uses a bundled quartz glass-fiber core All our CD players let you enjoy new 3-inch (8cm) COs. For our
multi-play CD players, we make the JD-M108 multi-play magazine
featuring low loss, wide band transmission, high insulation and light
available for playback of six 3-inch (8cm) discs. Using optional
weight. The connector uses a precision metal ferrule. The cable
3-inch (8cm) disc adaptors for the JD-M1 00, you can play 3-inch
has the three-layer construction to withstand twisting, shock,
humidity and extreme temperatures. (8cm) discs.

• !::-..---

JLL-AP115T (optional) Length 4' 11 " (1 5m)

Convenient 6-disc multi-play magazine format

Our multi-play Compact Disc players let you enjoy digital sound for
hours and hours, uninterrupted. They each accept up to six COs
mounted inside a special magazine, and play the discs the way you *MPSS is a trademark of Pioneer Electronic Corporation.
want them played: sequential play, programmed play, repeat,
random play, etc.- features designed to welcome you to Pioneer' s
versatile world o f digital sound.

"SR" Remote control (PD-M700/M600/M500/7100/5100)

All our CD players except for the PD-4100 and PD-M400 come
equipped with a full-function remote control that includes a numeric
keypad. So you can operate your CD player from the comfort of
your easy chair.
What's more, the remotes for the PD-M700 and PD-M600
feature an LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) and our Magazine Program
Selection System that permits you to store up to 256 "steps"
(songs and pauses) from up to 10 magazines, each with 6 discs.
Using the MPSS*, you are saved from programming tracks each
time you mount a magazine: all you have to do is press the

MuHi-Piay Compact Disc Player

•S-limes oversampling digital filter: Higher resolution and lower

•Linear-envelope D/A converter system using twin glitch-free
eAccu-Focus System: For better frequency response in RF
•Class-A FET buffer amp: For reduced distortion and improved
sound quality.
•Four separate power supplies: Clean sound with analog cir­
cuits insulated from digital circuits.
•Anti-resonance concept: Honeycomb chassis and large
insulators and ribbed bonnet.
•Optical and coaxial digital outputs.
•Time fade editing.
•Digital level control, with memory: For low-noise precise level
•One-touch digital fade.
• Full-function SR remote control with LCD, MPSS and
magazine-title indication.
•&·disc magazine and single-disc loader: To allow you to enjoy
both multi-disc and single-disc play. optimized)
•3-mode random play (Normal/Program/Delete): To add fun and
variety to digital listening - random play of tracks on discs,
random play of programmed tracks, and random play of tracks
except for tracks you don't want to hear.
•Random programmed play of 32 tracks for 6 discs.
•Programmable pause.
•Repeat: All discs, programmed discs and tracks.
•Index search.
•9-digit fluorescent display with disc indication: Shown are
disc number, track number, index number, elapsed time, remaining
play time in a track, remaining play time in a disc, etc.
•Headphone output with volume control.
Output and Distortion Waveforms of D/A Converters
•Timer play for programmed tracks at preset level (timer
Our linear-envelope D/A Converter keeps error in weighted current source
for MSB (Most Significant Bit) to a minimum. Therefore, as the input swit­
•Ready to play 3-inch (Scm) COs: A 3-inch {8cm) CD magazine ches from negative to positive, or vice versa, there's only a small amount
is available as an option. of error. In conventional D/A converters, however, accumulated error can
•Battery backup for status memory. result in gross error.
•Gold-plated output jacks.
eSubcode output.

MuHi-Piay Compact Disc Player

•4-times oversampling digital filter.

•Linear-envelope 0/A converter system with twin glitch-free
eAccu·Focus System: For better frequency response in RF
•Anti-resonance concept: Honeycomb chassis, large insulators
and ribbed bonnet.
•Time fade editing.
•Digital level control: For low-noise, precise level adjustment.
•One-touch digital fade.
•Full-function SR remote control with LCD and MPSS.
•&·disc magazine and single-disc loader: To allow you to enjoy
both multi-disc and single-disc play.
•3-mode random play (Normal/Program/Delete).
•Random programmed play of 32 tracks for 6 discs.
•Programmable pause.
• Repeat: All discs, programmed discs and tracks.
•Index search.
•9·digit fluorescent display with disc indication.
•Headphone output with volume control.
•Timer play (timer optional).
•Ready to play 3-inch (Scm) COs: A 3-inch (8cm) CD magazine
is available as an option.
•Subcode output.

JD-M1 001JD-M1 08
MuHi-Piay Magazine/3-inch (Scm) CD Multi-Play Magazine

Ever y Pioneer multi-play CD player comes with a magazine that

holds up to six 5-inch (12cm) discs. This saves you from having to
load discs each time you want to play them, and the magazine
doubles as a convenient storage box. Spare magazines are
available as options. The JD-M1 08 accepts 3-inch (8cm) COs.

*The JD-M108 cannot be used on the following models: PD-M6, PD-M670, PD-M40, The magazine-type Multi-Play CD players with �!t?Zf2) mark and the Magazines with
PD-MSO, PD-M60, PD-M70, PD-M90X, PD-X909M, and CDX-M100. the same mark, are compatible for 5-inch (12cm) discs.



MuHi-Piay Compact Disc Player Multi-Play Compact Disc Player

•4-times oversampling digital filter. •2·times oversampling digital filter.

•Twin 0/A converter system. •Twin 0/A converter system.
•Accu-Focus System: For better frequency response in RF •Anti-resonance concept: Honeycomb chassis and ribbed
output. bonnet.
•Anti-resonance concept: Honeycomb chassis, large insulators •6·disc magazine: To allow you to enjoy multi-disc play.
and ribbed bonnet. •Random play: To add fun and variety to digital listening.
•Time fade editing. •Random programmed play of 32 tracks for 6 discs.
• Digital level control: For low-noise, precise level adjustment. • Programmable pause.
•Full-function SR remote control. •Repeat: All discs, programmed discs and tracks.
•6·disc magazine and single-disc loader: To allow you to enjoy •7·digit fluorescent display with disc indication.
both multi-disc and single-disc play. •Timer play (timer optional).
• Random play: To add fun and variety to digital listening. • Pioneer SR (System Remote) ready.
•Ready to play 3-inch (Scm) COs: A 3-inch (8cm) CD magazine •Ready to play 3-inch (Scm) COs: A 3-inch (8cm) CD magazine
is available as an option. is available as an option.
•Random programmed play of 32 tracks for 6 discs.
• Programmable pause.
•Repeat: All discs, programmed discs and tracks.
•7·digit fluorescent display with disc indication.
•Timer play (timer optional).

Compact Disc Player

•S·times oversampling digital filter: Higher resolution and lower

•Linear-envelope 0/A converter system with twin glitch-less
•Accu-Focus System: For better frequency response in RF
•Class-A FET buffer amp: For reduced distortion and improved
sound quality.
•Four separate power supplies: Clean sound because analog
circuits are insulated from digital circuits.
•Anti-resonance concept: Honeycomb chassis, magnetic-clamp
disc stabilizer, large insulators.
•Linear-motor pickup drive: For stable disc tracking and quick
track access.
•Optical and coaxial digital outputs.
•Auto program editing.
•Time fade editing.
•"Music Window."
• Digital level control: For low-noise, precise level adjustment.
•One-touch digital fade.
•Variable fade: Fade time may be adjusted from 0 to 9 seconds
during operation of Music Window, time fade edit or one-touch
•Full-function SR remote control.
•Random play: To add fun and variety to digital listening.
•Ready to play 3-inch (Scm) COs.
•Random programmed play of 24 tracks.
•Programmable pause.
•Repeat: 1 track, all tracks, progammed tracks.
•Auto space.
•Index search.
•20·track music calendar.
e10·digit fluorescent display.
• Headphone output with volume control.
•Timer play (timer optional).
•Subcode output.



PD-5100 PD-4100
Compact Disc Player Compact Disc Player

•4·times oversampling digital filter. •2·times oversampling digital filter.

•Twin 0/A converter system. •Twin 0/A converter system.
•Anti-resonance concept: Honeycomb chassis, magnetic-clamp •Anti-resonance concept: Honeycomb chassis, magnetic-clamp
disc stabilizer, large insulators, ballast base with ceramic supports. disc stabilizer, ballast base with ceramic supports.
•Auto program editing. •Random play: To add fun and variety to digital listening.
• Full-function SR remote control. •Ready to play 3-inch (Scm) COs.
•Random play: To add fun and variety to digital listening. •Random programmed play of 20 tracks.
•Ready to play 3-inch (Scm) COs. • Programmable pause.
•Random programmed play of 20 tracks. •Repeat: All tracks and programmed tracks.
• Programmable pause. •6-digit fluorescent display.
•Repeat: All tracks and programmed tracks. •Timer play (timer optional).
e20·track music calendar. • Pioneer SR (System Remote) ready.
•S·digit fluorescent display.
• Headphone output with volume control.
•Timer play (timer optional).


Dolby HX Pro (CT·W900R/5800/S600) Cassette stabilizer (CT-W900R/5800/S600)

Dolby HX Pro is just the circuit for taping digital programs: it Even barely detectable vibrations in the cassette, caused by the
extends the high-frequency "headroom" for a flat frequency rotating motors and sound pressure, can muddy taped sound. So
response at higher frequencies, thus expanding the overall we've come up with a new, effective way to damp these vibrations
dynamic range. The circuit monitors the high-frequency contents in - the cassette stabilizer. With it, a rubber liner and resin pressure
the music that appear at the record head and automatically adjusts pads firmly clamp the loaded cassette in place from front and
the bias current in real-time according to the level of the high­ back, never allowing it to budge. Audible results are exceptional
frequency signals. Results? Improved high-frequency response. clarity and better sound-image definition.
Here's why: during recording, "bias" is applied to the record
head along with musical signals to improve linearity. More bias Vibration of Cassette Shell
During Playback
boosts the output at low and mid frequencies, but reduces the
output of high frequencies. Conversely, lower bias improves high·
frequency response, but results in increased distortion. So, the bias

1 �#*=ttw
is set at a value after balancing mid-frequency distortion, sensitivity
and maximum output level.
� · H/
� �Mq�
.H- ��-�-�-��
But with digital sound, high-frequency signals, which digital
programs contain in abundance, automatically increase the bias,
causing a phenomenon called "self-biasing." This means that the 1'Mtv!i
more high-frequency information music contains, the more it ·':"'
suffers from poor high-frequency response. The Dolby HX Pro,
however, minimizes self-biasing by automatically reducing bias
when there is a lot of high-frequency information.
Incidentally, Dolby HX Pro Direct connection (CT-5800)
Dolby HX·PRO Frequency Response
works only during the recording Circuits are connected to each other as directly as possible to
, I lw""J..Hxk 7

process, so its benefits can be reduce transmission loss, avoid noise pickup and prevent other
0- ovu

J-·i>·.J,..., I../
extended to even home decks, forms of signal degradation. For instance, we've positioned the

i _
0 I II \\
headphone stereos and car input level control and balance control near the input terminals and
used long shafts running from the front panel for level and balance

cassette players that do not
adjustment, to trim the wiring between input and output to the
contain the circuit.
.?0 SO 100 200 500 lk 2k Sk IOk 20k
shortest possible length. In this way we've ensured that the
delicate nuance of music will be accurately reproduced.

Pioneer "Reference Master Mechanism" (CT-5800)

Our "Reference Master Mechanism," which combines a number of
precision features, ensures that digital programs are recorded with
clarity and wide dynamic range totally intact. One, it uses a
staggered-resonance closed-loop dual- capstan system to reduce
wow & flutter and intermodulation noise. Two, the mechanical
chassis is made of rigid metal sheet to firmly support the tape.
Three, the capstan shafts are finished with microscopic precision,
and coupled with large balanced flywheels featuring a high
moment of inertia. Four, the capstan motor features smooth
cog-free rotation and low generation of high-frequency vibration.
Finally, the optically aligned head block is made of rigid precision
die-cast zinc. It all adds up to an amazingly low wow and flutter of
0.024% (WRMS) with the CT-8800.
Honeycomb construction (all models except CT-W300)
Resonance and vibration are effectively damped by the use of a
honeycomb chassis and (in the CT-8800) honeycomb separator.
Those parts also contribute to making the entire chassis rigid and
more resistant to external force. With resonance and vibration fully
damped, the tape sounds clear and clean, free of any trace of
muddiness and fuzziness.

Pioneer "Reference Master Mechanism" Honeycomb Chassis Large Honeycomb Insulators



CT·W900R CT-W700R �
Double Quick Auto-Reverse Cassette Deck Double Auto-Reverse Cassette Deck

el\vo quick auto-reverse record/play full-logic cassette •Two auto-reverse full-logic cassette transports: One plays and
transports: For the ultimate in taping ease. the other plays and records in both directions.
•Anti-resonance and vibration designs: Cassette stabilizer, •Anti-resonance and vibration designs: Honeycomb chassis
honeycomb chassis and large honeycomb insulators. and insulators.
•Tape dubbing: At normal or double speed at the touch of a •Tape dubbing: At normal or double speed at the touch of a
button thanks to the Synchro feature. button thanks to the Synchro feature.
• Relay recording/play: For long recording and play sessions. • Relay play: For long, uninterrupted musical sessions.
• Parallel recording: To make two tapes simultaneously. • Dolby B/C noise reduction, with MPX filter: For low-noise
elWin Dolby HX Pro: Expands the dynamic range at high recording.
frequencies. • Music/Skip Search: To zero in on a song up to 15 away, forward
• Dolby B/C noise reduction, with MPX filter: For low-noise or back.
recording. •One-touch recording.
• Music/Skip Search: To zero in on a song up to 15 away, forward • Fluorescent peak level meters.
or back. •Auto-switching electronic 3·digit tape counter for Deck I and n.
•One-touch recording. •Auto rec mute.
• Peak level meters with peak hold. •Auto tape selector.
•Auto-switching electronic 4·digit tape counter for Deck I and n. • Blank Search and Blank Skip.
•Auto rec mute. • Headphone output.
•Auto tape selector. •T imer record/play (timer optional).
• Blank Search and Blank Skip. • Pioneer SR (System Remote) ready for hands-off operation.
• Headphone output with volume control.
•T imer record/play (timer optional).
•Pioneer SR (System Remote) ready for hands-off operation.


Double Cassette Deck Double Cassette Deck

•Two full-logic cassette transports: One plays and the other •Two cassette transports: One plays and the other both plays
both plays and records. and records.
• Honeycomb chassis fights resonance and vibration. •Tape dubbing: At normal or double speed at the touch of a
•Tape dubbing: At normal or double speed at the touch of a button thanks to the Synchro feature.
button thanks to the Synchro feature. • Relay play: For long, uninterrupted musical sessions.
•Relay play with repeat: Each tape can be repeated up to 6 •Dolby 8/C noise reduction: For low-noise recording.
times, for music without breaks. •One-touch recording (Deck ll).
•Dolby 8/C noise reduction: For low-noise recording. •s-segment LED level meters.
•Music/Skip Search: To zero in on a song up to 15 away, forward •Auto tape selector (Deck I).
or back. •T imer record/play (timer optional).
•One-touch recording. • Pioneer SR (System Remote) ready for hands· off operation
•6-segment LED level meters. (pause on/off).
•Auto rec mute.
•Auto tape selector.
• Blank Skip.
• Headphone output.
•T imer record/play (timer optional).
• Pioneer SR (System Remote) ready for hands-off operation.
Double Auto-Reverse Cassette Deck

•Two auto-reverse full-logic cassette transports.

•Dolby B/C noise reduction.
•Music/Skip Search.

3-Head Cassette Deck 2-Mode Fluorescent Level Meter

•Pioneer "Reference Master Mechanism": Precision tape drive

with a closed-loop dual capstan system ensures precise sound.
•Anti-resonance and vibration designs: Rigid copper-plated
honeycomb chassis, honeycomb separator, cassette stabilizer,
large honeycomb insulators and cast-iron enclosed power
• Direct connection: Direct circuit connection and direct power
supplies for pure and dynamic sound. "Wide range mode"
The range covers from - 35d8 to + 12dB in 15 steps, the range suitable for
• High-speed servo-regulated power supply system: Stabilizes
music with normal dynamic range.
the power-supply voltage instantly. T here's also separate power
supplies for the audio, control and display circuits.
• Dolby HX Pro: Expands the dynamic range at high frequencies.
• Dolby 8/C noise reduction, with MPX filter: For low-noise
•3-head design: PCOCC (single-crystal oxygen-free copper of
highest purity) wire and amorphous play head provide highest
•Auto monitor: As recording starts, monitor automatically
"Expanded range mode"
switches from source to tape. The range below and above OdB is expanded, covering from - 4dB to + 16d8 in
• Bias adjustment: For flat, low-distortion response from 15 steps. This is the mode for close monitoring of the recording level.
individual tapes.
• Fluorescent level meter with peak hold: Range may be set
from wide to expanded.
• Music/Skip Search: To zero in on a song up to 15 away, forward
or back.
•One-touch tape return & return play.
•One-touch recording standby.
•3-mode electronic tape and elapsed/remaining time counter.
•Auto rec mute.
•Auto tape selector.
•Powered eject.
•Headphone output with volume control.
•Timer record/play (timer optional).
•Pioneer SR (System Remote) ready for hands-off operation. Rigid High-Precision Die-Cast Zinc Cast-iron Enclosed Power Transformer
Head Block


CT-5600 CT-1080R 111
2-Motor Cassette Deck Quick Auto-Reverse Cassette Deck

•Two-motor full-logic tape control: For precise and comfortable eQuick auto-reverse cassette transport: For automatic record­
tape operation. ing and playback of both sides of a tape.
•Anti-resonance and vibration designs: Die-cast zinc head •Two-motor full-logic tape transport: For comfortable operation.
base, honeycomb chassis, cassette stabilizer and large insulators. • Dolby B/C noise reduction: For low-noise recording standby.
• Dolby HX Pro: Expands the dynamic range at high frequencies. •Music Search: To find the song you want quickly.
• Dolby B/C noise reduction, with MPX filter: For low-noise • Rec mute: Adds silences between recorded songs.
recording. •One-touch recording standby.
• Bias adjustment: For flat, low-distortion response from • LED level meters, one for each channel.
individual tapes. •Timer record/play (timer optional).
• Fluorescent level meter and 4-digit electronic tape counter. • Pioneer SR (System Remote) ready for hands-off operation.
•Music/Skip Search: To zero in on a song up to 15 away, forward
or back.
•One-touch recording standby.
•Auto rec mute.
• Blank Search and Index Scan.
• Headphone output with volume control.
•Timer record/play (timer optional).
•Pioneer SR (System Remote) ready for hands-off operation.


LDMC - Linear-Drive Magnetic Circuit Conventional Magnetic Circuit Pioneer's LDMC

To make a speaker system truly ready for digital programs, simply

expanding frequency range and reducing distortion isn't enough.
Linearity must also be improved to effectively expand the system's
dynamic range. Our search for the best way to combine these
properties in a speaker system without increasing its size led to a
new design we call the LDMC (Linear-Drive Magnetic Circuit).
The woofer diaphragm must travel over a relatively long
distance to produce sound over a wide level range. The power to
drive the woofer results from an interaction between the current
flowing through its voice coil and the magnetic flux created by its
magnet. Ideally, that driving power should change linearly. But in Magroel Magnel

conventional magnetic circuits, the magnetic flux isn't distributed Top pjaJe Top Plate

uniformly; accordingly, the driving force it creates does not change

linearly. Loud sounds are not reproduced with the same accuracy
and delicacy as soft sounds. The result? Distortion. To your ears,
the sound seems lifeless and boring.
The new Linear-Drive Magnetic Circuit has dramatically
improved linearity in our woofers. It creates a more uniform
Magnetic Flult Distribution
magnetic flux for the voice coil and hence a more linear force to �

drive the woofer diaphragm, regardless of the position of the
diaphragm while in motion.
With linearity improved and distortion reduced dramatically,
the sound from our LDMC woofers is refreshingly transparent,
powerful and exceptionally lifelike. The precise performanc\3 of the
15 10 5 0 +5 +10 +15 (mm)
woofer is further improved by a DRS (Dynamic Response Suspen­ Dist<�oce I1om the Center of Voice Coil

sion) system that helps the diaphragm move in proportion to the - Pioneer's LDMC
- Conventional Magnetic Circuit

level of the applied signal.

EBD- Electronic Bass Drive

The woofers in our DSS Series of speaker systems have another Working Principle of EBD Woofer
Pioneer-exclusive feature - EBD (Electronic Bass Drive). This
design winds two voice coils on the bobbin, one over the other. To
one an input with low frequencies is applied, while to the other the
input with only ultra-low frequencies is applied. When reproducing
music, the EBD ef fectively doubles the size of a speaker enclosure,
thereby doubling the amount of usable low-frequency output you
actually hear and enjoy. To further expand and improve the bass
response, we've placed the woofer in a rear-ported bass-reflex

Beryllium ribbon tweeter

In our ribbon tweeter featured in the DSS-9 and DSS-7, a thin
ribbon of strong yet lightweight beryllium is employed as the
diaphragm. Since the diaphragm generates and radiates sound
directly, input signals are converted into acoustic energy accu­
rately; in other words, linearity is far superior to other tweeter
designs. And, because of its low mass and light weight, transient
response is greatly improved. It all adds up to high-frequency
sound that is delicate yet powerful, qualities that make our speaker
systems perfect matches for digital programs.

Pioneer Polymer Graphite (PG) cones

Because a woofer has a larger diaphragm than other units in a
speaker system, it is susceptible to speaker breakup, a pheno­
menon that occurs when various sections of the diaphragm begin
to vibrate independently. Speaker breakup is a source of distortion.
But our new Polymer Graphite (PG) diaphragm, featured in the
DS8-9 and DSS-7, is so hard and firm, it doesn't break up as easily
as paper. Yet unlike metals such as aluminum, it has excellent
damping characteristics: response is smooth and free of peaks and
dips over the entire frequency range assigned to the speaker. All in
all, our PG diaphragm features very high power linearity with
superior transient response, a rare combination that makes it ideal
for digital reproduction. *Polymer Graphite is a trademark of Pioneer Electronics.

3-Way Bass Reflex Speaker System

e12·inch (30cm) PG cone woofer: Provides excellent

transient response and reduces distortion.
•4·3/4-inch (12cm) boron cone midrange: Offers
improved frequency response and extended dynamic range.
• Pioneer beryllium ribbon tweeter: For improved tran­
sient response and reduced distortion.
• Linear-Drive Magnetic Circuit: For accuracy and wide
dynamic range from the loudest to the softest sound.
• Electronic Bass Drive: To extend bass response.
• Round cornered baffle: For clearer stereo imaging.
•Tone selectors for mids and highs.
•High power, 240 watts (max music power), 80 watts

3-Way Bass Reflex Speaker System

e12·inch (30cm) PG cone woofer : Provides excellent

transient response and reduces distortion.
•2·1/2·inch (6.6cm) boron cone midrange: Offers
improved frequency response and extended dynamic range.
• Pioneer beryllium ribbon tweeter: For improved tran­
sient response and reduced distortion.
• Linear·Drive Magnetic Circuit: For accuracy and wide
dynamic range from the loudest to the softest sound.
• Electronic Bass Drive: To extend bass response.
•Tone selectors for mids and highs.
•High power, 2 10 watts (max music power), 70 watts

3-Way Bass Reflex Speaker System

•3·way bass reflex design: 1 0-inch (25cm) cone woofer,

2-1/2-inch (6.6cm) cone midrange, 3/4-inch (2cm) dome
• Linear-Drive Magnetic Circuit: For accuracy and wide
dynamic range from the loudest to the softest sound.
•Dynamic Response Suspension: T he woofer is
suspended by a responsive damper so it can accurately
respond to dynamic changes in the input level .
• Electronic Bass Drive: To extend bass response to the
lowest frequencies while improving transient response.
•High power, 120 watts (max music power), 40 watts

DSS-91715: Vinyl-covered cabinet is finished in simulated walnut grain, with

particleboard rear panel.

4-Way Bass Reflex Speaker System with 15-3/4-inch Woofer

•Extra large 15·3/4-inch (40cm) woofer with EBD (Eiec·

Ironic Bass Drive): Use of heat-resistant voice coil and a
large strontium ferrite magnet assures powerful, efficient
reproduction of crisp lows down to 30Hz.
•4·3/4-inch (12cm) cone midrange: Equipped with a large
strontium ferrite magnet for high power and for ward sound.
• Horn tweeter: An acoustic lens provides well-dispersed
highs for excellent definition. A self-restoring protection
circuit prevents voice coil burnout.
•Twin piezo supertweeters: Extend high-frequenpy
response beyond the audible range to ensure power and
•T hree tone selectors (NORMAL, SOFT and CRISP):
Choose the position that's best for each type of music.
e11·LED power indicators: Show input level and warn of
imminent overload.
•Wide frequency response: From 30Hz to 25,000Hz;
high power capability, 300 watts max.

CS-607 CS-707
4-Way Bass Reflex Speaker System with 12-inch Woofer

•Large 12-inch (30cm) woofer with EBD (Electronic

Bass Drive): Pioneer's exclusive EBD and large, powerful
magnet provide crisp and gutsy lows down to 35Hz.
•4·3/4-inch (12cm) cone midrange: Equipped with a large
strontium ferrite magnet for high power and forward sound.
• Horn tweeter: An acoustic lens provides well-dispersed
highs for excellent definition. A self-restoring protection cir­
cuit prevents voice coil burnout.
•Twin piezo supertweeters: Extend high-frequency
response beyond the audible range to ensure power and
•11·LED power indicators: Show input level and warn of
imminent overload.
•Wide frequency response: From 35Hz to 25,000Hz;
high power capability, 21 0 watts max.

3-Way Bass Reflex Speaker System with 12-inch Woofer
• High-power 12·inch (30cm) woofer: High-efficiency
magnetic circuit permits the unit to handle high power
levels for robust bass.
•4-inch (10cm) cone midrange: Designed for high
efficiency and power to reproduce authentic presence.
•2·1/2-inch (6.6cm) cone tweeter: An acoustic lens
provides well-dispersed highs for excellent definition.
•Wide frequency response: From 35Hz to 20,000Hz;
high power capability, 150 watts max.

CS-70716071407: Vinyl-covered cabinet is finished in simulated walnut grain, CS-407

with par ticleboard rear panel.

3-Way Bass Reflex Speaker System with 12-inch Woofer

• Large 12-inch (30cm) woofer: Provided with a highly

efficient magnet for powerful reproduction of lows.
•4-3/4-inch (12cm) cone midrange: For accurate, clean
•2-1/2-inch (6.6cm) cone tweeter: For efficient reproduc­
tion of extending highs.
•Wide frequency response: From 35Hz to 20,000Hz;
high power capability, 120 watts (max music power).

3-Way Bass Reflex Speaker System with 10-inch Woofer

•Large 10-inch (25cm) woofer: Provided with a highly

efficient magnet for powerful reproduction of lows.
•3-inch (7.7cm) cone midrange: For accurate, clean mids.
•2-1/2-inch (6.6cm) cone tweeter: For efficient reproduc­
tion of brilliant highs.
•Wide frequency response: From 40Hz to 20,000Hz;
high power capability, 1 00 watts (max music power).

CS-G301WAII 2-Way Bass Reflex Speaker System with 10-inch Woofer

•Large 10-inch (25cm) woofer: Provided with a highly

efficient magnet for powerful reproduction of lows.
•2-112-inch (6.6cm) cone tweeter: For efficient reproduc­
tion of brilliant highs.
•Wide frequency response: From 55Hz to 20,000Hz;
high power capability, 50 watts (max music power).

Surround Speaker System

•Compact and lightweight (3 lbs. 5 oz./1.5kg)

•Wide installation versatility: Can be hung on the wall or
CS-G301 WA/l/G201 WAIJIG101 WAll.
from the ceiling for stereo or surround sound
Vinyl-covered cabinet is finished in
simulated walnut grain, with par­ •3-1/2-inch (8.7cm) full-range speaker.
ticlebcard rear pane/, •30 watts (max music power).




GR-777 GR-555
Electronic 10-Band Graphic Equalizer 7-Band Graphic Equalizer

•1 0-band equalization: Boost and cut up to 1OdB at 1 0 fre­ •7-band equalization: Permits boost and cut up to 1 OdB at 7
quency bands- 32Hz, 63Hz, 125Hz, 250Hz, 500Hz, 1kHz, 2kHz, frequency bands - 60Hz, 1 50Hz, 400Hz, 1kHz, 2.4kHz, 6kHz and
4kHz, 8kHz, 16kHz - channel by channel. 15kHz - channel by channel.
e10·band spectrum analyzer: Monitors the frequency makeup of •7·band spectrum analyzer: Monitors the frequency makeup of
music, channel by channel. music, channel by channel.
es programmable equalization patterns: Create your own • Tape monitor.
equalized curves and store them in memory. • Equalizer on/off switch.
•5 resident equalization patterns: Five equalized curves­
called HEAVY, CLEAR, SOFT, VISUAL and VOCAL - are stored in
memory for instant recall. GR-470
•SR remote control supplied. 7-Band Graphic Equalizer

GR-470 •7-band equalization: Permits boost and cut up to 10dB at 7

frequency bands - 60Hz, 1 50Hz, 400Hz, 1kHz, 2.4kHz, 6kHz and
1 5kHz - channel by channel.
•LEOs in slider tips: Depict the "shape" of response you've

I, , ' , , , , , , , , , I . I ,
created, channel by channel.
• Equalizer on/off switch.

Dynamic Expander

• Dynamic expansion: Increases overall dynamic range of any

music source to match digital's.
•3-band adjustment: Expansion level is adjustable band by band
- lows, mids and highs.
•"Music Character" buttons: "HARD" for very dynamic
programs, "SOF T " for programs with little dynamic variation.
• Fluorescent expansion indicator: Attractive two-color design,
and divided band by band for convenience.
• Noise reduction: Noise in any program material can be reduced.
•Two input levels: OdB and - 6dB, the latter to prevent distortion
due to an excessively high input signal.

SR-60 Reverberation Amplifier

• Effect selector: T hree positions are offered.

REVERB- Turns a listening room into a concert hall.
ECHO- Applies echo to all signals.
DUET- Makes a solo singer sound like a duo.
•Reverb level control: Continuously adjusts the reverb time over
0 to 3 second range.
• BBD (Bucket Brigade Device) amp: For natural, low-distortion
application of reverberation.
•T ime/depth display: Shows the amount of reverb as a pleasing
visual effect.
•Reverb recording: Allows you to record music with reverb added.
• Line output.

VSP-555 Digital Surround Processing Amplifier

•3-mode surround processor: DOLBY, S T ADIUM and

SIMUL AT ED modes provide exciting surround sound.
CU-AV100 CU-AV70 • Low-distortion digital delay: Delay time can be set for 15, 20
or 30msec.
• Versatile audio/video switching and connections: 1 tape
deck, 2 VCRs, 1 LD player, 1 monitor TV, 1 video adaptor, and sur­
round speakers can be connected. T here are also outputs for a
center-channel amp and a front-channel amp. Two-way dubbing is
possible between VCR-1 and VCR-2.
• Built-in power amp for surround: Continuous average
power output of 30 watts* per channel, min., at 8 ohms,
from 30Hz to 7kHz with no more than 5% total
harmonic distortion. (Dolby Surround on)
•Independent selection of audio and video programs.
•SR remote control supplied.
*Measured pursuant to the Federal Trade Commission's Trade Regulation Rule on
Power Output Claims for Amplifiers.

Smart Remotes™

Our Smart Remote™ is what its name implies- smart. It does

more than operate audio and video components, with Pioneer SR
(System Remote): you can program its functions as you like. It has
the capacity to learn functions from other remote controls for most
audio or video components so long as they are of the infrared type.
So with our Smart Remote in hand, you can handle just about
every audio and video operation from the comfort of your chair.
The CU-AV1 00 has 68 keys to offer 225 functions (max.), of which
154 are programmable, while the CU-AV70 provides 65 keys for
170 functions (max.), of which 40 are programmable.
• With infrared remote control units of other make that use special signal types,
programming functions may not be possible.


Front-Loading Programmable Linear Tracking Turntable

•Programming of up to 8 tracks: You can program the turntable

to play a total of 8 songs (15 if some are repeated) on a record in
any order.
•Pioneer-exclusive Dynamic Resonance Absorber (ORA) on
tone arm: A result of computer vibration analyses, this complex
resonator eliminates resonance-induced vibration, adding clarity to
• Front-loading design: For stack-up mounting ease.
• Linear tracking: Reduces tracking error for lower distortion and
better definition.
•Automatic disc size/speed selector: Record size and speed
are automatically chosen by an optical sensor.
•Touch controls: Positioned outside the cabinet for easy
• Manual cueing controls: Permit precise cueing of tone arm to
any position, left or right.
• Repeat: For play of a record up to 8 times.

Fully Automatic Linear Tracking Turntable

•Pioneer-exclusive Dynamic Resonance Absorber (ORA) on

tone arm: A result of computer vibration analyses, this complex
resonator eliminates resonance-induced vibration, adding clarity to
• Linear tracking: Reduces tracking error for lower distortion and
better definition.
•Coreless FG-servo direct-drive motor: For smooth and stable
platter rotation. Pioneer Stable Hanging Rotor reduces spindle
•Automatic disc size/speed selector: Record size and speed
are automatically chosen by an optical sensor.
• Repeat: For play of a record up to 8 times.
eT4P-mount plug-in cartridge connector. (Car tridge not

Fully Automatic Direct-Drive Turntable

• Pioneer-exclusive Dynamic Resonance Absorber (ORA) on

tone arm: A result of computer vibration analyses, this complex
resonator eliminates resonance-induced vibration, adding clarity to PL-670
• DC-servo direct-drive motor with Stable Hanging Rotor: Pro­
vides smooth and accurate platter rotation. Stable Hanging Rotor
adds dynamic stability to the rotating motor.
•Automatic record size selector.
• Front operation.
eT4P-mount plug-in cartridge connector. (Cartridge not
• Cueing control.

Fully Automatic Turntable

• Fully autQmatic operation: For easy hands- off use.

• Low-mass straight tone arm: Ensures accurate, low-distortion
disc playback.
• High-performance DC-servo motor with Stable Hanging
Rotor: Platter rotation is precise and stable with the Stable
Hanging Rotor improving dynamic stability.
•Universal type cartridge connector: An MM cartridge is
mounted. PL-590


Whatever your setup, Pioneer has accessories

designed to meet your needs. Our line of head­
phones offers models for any application -
private listening, portable listening, and monitor­
ing. Each provides superb sound reproduction
and is structured for comfortable, fatigue-free
Pioneer microphones offer natural, balanced
response, wide frequency range, and clear, crisp
sound. They're rugged enough to survive rough
handling, and are easy to use.
Pioneer's line of cartridges is just as com­
prehensive: there's an MC (Moving-Coil) cartridge �
with high output so you can connect the turntable SE-M90 SE-M70
directly to the normal phono inputs of your amp. Stereo Headphones Stereo Headphones
We also offer a number of T4P-mount plug-in
cartridges for easy installation.


Low-mass high-output MC cartridge

SE-M50 SE-50D
Stereo Headphones Stereo Headphones

PN-300T PC-300T
Plug-in (T4P) MM cartridge

PN-295T PC-295T
Plug-in (T4P) MM cartridge

SE-205 SE-30D
Stereo Headphones Stereo Headphones

PN-290T PC-290T
Plug-in (T4P) MM cartridge

PN-250T PC·250T
Plug-in (T4P) MM cartridge
DM-61 DM-51 DM-21
Dynamic Microphone Dynamic Microphone Dynamic Microphone

PN-240 1i:Jl1PI
Replacement stylus This is a standard logo mark for the plug-in cartridge connector s ystem.
Any cartridges carrying this mark are compatible with any turntables or tone arms carrying the same mark.


V5X·93005 V5X·7300 V5X·5300 V5X·3300/V5X-33005 5X·2300 5X·1300

Conlinuous Power Oulpul

Slereo Mode: Continuous average power Continuous average power Continuous average power Continuous average power Continuous average power Continuous average power
output of125 watts' per output of125 watts' per output of100 watts' per output of80 watts' per output of60 watts' per output of40 watts' per
channel, min., at8 ohms channel, min., at8 ohms channel, min., at8 ohms channel, min., at8 ohms channel, min., at8 ohms channel, min., at8 ohms
from 20Hz to 20,000Hz from 20Hz to 20,000Hz from 20Hz to 20,000Hz from 20Hz to 20,000Hz from 20Hz to 20,000Hz from 20Hz to 20,000Hz
with no more than 0.005% with no more than 0.005% with no more than 0.005% with no more than 0.05% with no more than 0.07% with no more than 0.07%
total harmonic distortion total harmonic distortion total harmonic distortion total harmonic distortion total harmonic distortion total harmonic distortion
Surround Mode
Fronl Channels: Continuous average power Continuous average power Continuous average power
output of125 watts• per output of125 watts' per output of100 watts' per
channel, min., at8 ohms channel, min., at8 ohms channel, min., at8 ohms
from 20Hz to 20,000Hz from 20Hz to 20,000Hz from 20Hz to 20,000Hz
with no more than 0.005% with no more than 0.005% with no more than 0.005%
total harmonic distortion total harmonic distortion total harmonic distortion
Rear Channels: Continuous average power Continuous average power Continuous average power
oulpul ol30 walls per channel, oulpul of 30 walls per channel, output of 15 watts per channel,
min., al 8 ohms al IkHz wilh min., al 8 ohms all kHz wilh min., al 8 ohms al I kHz wilh
no more than 0.7% total no more than 0.7% total no more than 0.7% total
harmonic distortion harmonic distortion harmonic distortion
Oynamic Power (2/4/8 ohms): 280/260/185W 280/260/185W 230/200/150W 190/165/120W 145/125/85W -/80/65W

Tolal Harmonic Dislorlion: 0.005%(20-20,000Hz, 0.005% (20-20,000Hz, 0.005%(20-20,000Hz, 0.05%(20-20,000Hz, 0.07% (20-20,000Hz, 0.07% (20-20,000Hz,
(8 ohms) conlinuous raled power oulpul) conlinuous raled power oulpul) conlinuous raled power oulpul) conlinuous raled power oulpul) conlinuous raled power oulpul) continuous rated power output)
0.01% (1,OOOHz, SOW per 0.01%(1,OOOHz, 40W per
channel power oulpul) channel power oulpul)

lnpul Sensilivily/lmpedance
PHONO(MM): 2.5mV/47k ohms 2.5mV/47k ohms 2.5mV/47k ohms 2.5mV/47k ohms 2.5mV/47k ohms 2.5mV/47k ohms
CD, AUX, TAPE, ADAPTOR: 150mV/47k ohms 150mV/47k ol1ms 150mV/47k ohms 150mV/22k ohms 150mV/22k ohms 150mV/22k ohms
VCR, VDP: 150mV/47k ohms 150mV/47k ohms 150mV/47k ohms 150mV/22k ohms 150mV /22k ohms 150mV/22k ohms

PHONO Overload Level(1kHz)

MM: 150mV(T.H.D 0.08%) 150mV(T.H.D. 0.08%) 130mV(T.H D. 0.08%) 130mV(T.H.D. 0.01%) 130mV(T.H.D. 0.01%) 130mV(T.H.D. 0.01%)

Oulpul Level/Impedance
TAPE REC: 150mV/2.2k ohms 150mV/2.2k ol1ms 150mV/2.2k ohms 150mV/2.2k ohms 150mV/2.2k ohms 150mV/2.2k ohms
VCRREC: 150mV/2.2k ohms 150mV/2.2k ohms 150mV/2.2k ohms 150mV/2.2k ohms
PRE OUT: IV/220 ohms 1Vi220 ohms
Frequency Response
PHONO (RIAA Equalrzalion): 20-20,000Hz ± 0.3dB 20-20,000Hz ±0.3dB 20-20,000Hz ±0.3dB 20-20,000Hz ±0.5dB 20-20,000Hz ±0.5dB 20-20,000Hz ± 0.5dB
CD, AUX. TAPE: 5-IOO,OOOHz OdB, -3dB 5-1OO,OOOHz OdB, -3dB 5-1OO,OOOHz OdB, -3dB 10-70,000Hz +0.5dB, -3dB 10-70,000Hz +0.5dB, -3dB 10-70,000Hz +0.5dB, -3dB
VCR, VDP: 5-IOO,OOOHz OdB, -3dB 5-100,000Hz OdB, -3d8 5-100,000Hz OdB, -3dB 10-70,000Hz +0.5dB, -3dB 10-70,000Hz +0.5dB, -3dB 10-70,000Hz +0.5dB, -3dB

Tone Control
BASS: ±8dB(100Hz) ± 8dB (1OOHz) ± 8dB(1OOHz)
TREBLE: +8dB(IOkHz) + 8d8 (I OkHz) +8dB(1OkHz)
Graphic Equalizer
Equalizer Range: ±8dB ±8dB ±8dB
Center Frequencies: 100, 330, 1k, 3.3k, 10kHz 100,330, 1k, 3.3k, lOkHz 100, 330, 1k, 3.3k, 10kHz

VCR Noise Filler

Low: -3dB(1OOHz) -3dB (1OOHz) -3dB(100Hz)
High: -3dB(5kHz) -3dB(5kHz) -3dB(5kHz)
Loudness Conlour: +6dB(lOOHz), +3dB(lOkHz) +6d8(100Hz), +3dB(10kHz) +6dB(1OOHz), + 3dB(1OkHz)
Signal-lo-Noise Rallo(IHF '66/EIA)
PHOND(MM) 82dB/77dB 82dBi77dB 82dBI77dB 73dB/75dB 72dB/75dB 72dB/75dB
CD, AUX, TAPE: 98dB/80dB 98dB/80dB 98dB/80dB 96dB/79dB 97dB/80dB 97dB/80dB
VCR, VDP: 98dB/80dB 98dB/80dB 98dB/80dB 96dB/79dB 97dB/80dB 97dB/80dB

Usable Sensilivily (mono): 10.8dBf(0.95"V, 75 ohms) 10.8dBf(0.95"V, 75 ohms) 10.8dBf(0.95"V, 75 ohms) 10.8d8f(0.95"V, 75 ohms) 10.8dBI(0.95"V, 75 ohms) 10.8dBI(0.95"V, 75 ohms)

50dB Ouieling Sensilivily

Mono: 15.3dBf(1.6"V, 75 ohms) 15.3dBf(1.6"V, 75 ohms) 15.3dBf(1.6"V, 75 ohms) 15 3dBf(1.6.v, 75 ohms) 15.3dBI(1.6"V, 75 ohms) 15.3dBI(1.6"V, 75 ohms)
Slereo 37.1dBf(19.5"V, 75 ohms) 37.1dBf(19.5"V, 75 ohms) 37.1dBf (19.5"V, 75 ohms) 37.1d8f(19.5"V, 75 ohms) 37.1dBI(19.5"V, 75 ohms) 37.1dBI(19.5"V, 75 ohms)

Signal-lo-Noise Rallo
Mono 80dB(aI 65d8f) 80d8(aI 65dBf) 80dB(al 65d8f) 80dB(al 85dBf) 78dB(aI 85dBI) 78dB(aI 85dBI)
Slereo 76dB(al 85d8f) 76dB(aI 85dBf) 76dB(al 85d8f) 76dB(at 85dBf) 75dB(al 85dBf) 75dB(aI 85dBf)

1OOHz(mono/slereo): 0.08%/0.2% 0.08%/0.2% 0.08%/0.2%
1kHz(mono/slereo): 0.08%/0.15% 0.08%/0.15% 0.08%/0.15% 0.2%/0.3% 0.2%/0.3% 0.2%/0.3%
6kHz(mono/slereo): 0.2%/0.3% 0.2%10.3% 0.2%/0.3%

Frequency Response: 30-15,000Hz +0.5dB, -2dB 30-IS,OOOHz +0.5dB, -2d8 30-15,000Hz +0.5dB, -2dB 30-15,000Hz + 1dB 30-15,000Hz ± 1dB 30-15,000Hz ± ldB

Caplure Rallo: 1.0dB 1.0d8 1.0dB 1.2dB 1.2dB 1.2dB

Allernale Channel Seleclivrly: 65dB (400kHz) 65d8(400kHz) 65dB(400kHz) 55dB (400kHz) 55dB(400kHz) 55dB(400kHz)

Slereo Separalion
1kHz: 50dB SOdS 48dB 35dB 35dB 35dB
30-15,000Hz: 35dB 35d8

Anlenna Inpul: 300 ohms balanced 300 ohms balanced 300 ohms balanced 300 ohms balanced 300 ohms balanced 300 ohms balanced
75 ohms unbalanced 75 ohms unbalanced 75 ohms unbalanced 75 ohms unbalanced 75 ohms unbalanced 75 ohms unbalanced

(IHF, Loop Anlenna): 300"VIm 300"VIm 300"V/m 300"V/m 300"V/m
(IHF, Exlernal Anlenna): 20"V 20"V 20"V 20"V 20"V

Seleclivily: 30dB 30dB 30dB 25d8 20dB 20dB

Signal-to-Noise Ratio: 50dB 50dB 50dB 50dB 50dB 50dB

Antenna· Loop antenna Loop antenna Loop antenna Loop antenna Loop antenna Loop anlenna

"Measured pursuanl lo lhe Federal Trade Commission's Trade Regulalion Rule on Power Oulpul Claims for Amplifiers.





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A-717 VSA-910 F-717 F-551
Continuous Power Output: Continuous average power Continuous average power Usable Sensitivity(m ane): 10.8d8f(0.9s.v, 75 ohms) t t .2dBf( t.o.v, 75 ohms)
output of 100 watts' per output of 100 walls' per 50dB Quieting Sensitivity
channel, min., at 8 ohms channel, min., at 8 ohms Mane: 14.2dBf( t .4"V, 75 ohms)
from 20Hz to 20,000Hz with from 20Hz to 20,000Hz with Stereo: 35.9dBf(17.v. 75 ohms) 36.2dBI(17.7"V, 75 ohms)

no more than 0.003% total no more than 0.005% total Signal-to-Noise Ratio
harmonic distortion Mono· 86d8(at 80dBI) 75dB(at 80d81)
harmonic distortion, or
Stereo: 81dB (at 80d81) 72dB (at 80d8Q
135 walls' per channel, SURROUND MODE
min., at 4 ohms from 20Hz to (Front channels) Distortion (at 80dBQ
1OOHz (mono/stereo): 0.05%/0.08%
20,000Hz with no more than Continuous average power
1kHz(mono/stereo): 0.05%/0.08% -10.4%
0.005% total harmonic output of 70 walls' per
Mane/Stereo: 0.05%(6kHz)I0.15%(10kHz)
distortion channel, min., at 8 ohms
Frequency Response: 20-15,000Hz +0.4dB, -tdB 30-15,000Hz +!dB
from 20Hz to 20,000Hz with
Capture Ratio: t.Od8 1.5dB
no more than 0.005% total
harmonic distortion Alternate Channel Selectivity: 56dB (400kHz) 65dB(400kHz)
(Rear channels) Spurious Response Ratio: 70dB
Continuous average power Image Response Ratio: 50dB
output of 30 watts• per IF Response Ratio: 90dB
channel, min., at 8 ohms
AM Suppression Ratio: 65d8
from 20Hz to 20,000Hz with
Subcarrier Product Ratio: 60dB
no more than 0.08% total
Muting Threshold: 25.2dBf(5"V, 75 ohms)
harmonic distortion
Stereo Separation
Total Harmonic Distortion: 0.003% (20-20,000Hz, 8 ohms, 0.005%(20-20,000Hz, continuous
1kHz: 60dB 40d8
continuous rated power output) rated power output)
20-t O,OOOHz: 50dB
0.005%(20-20,000Hz, 6 ohms,
continuous rated power output) Antenna Input: 300 ohms b alanced 300 ohms balanced
lntermodulation Distortion: 75 ohms unbalanced 75 ohms unbalanced
0.003%(continuous rated power
(50Hz:7,000Hz=4:1, 8 ohms) output) AM TUNER SECTION
Input Sensitivity/Impedance Sensitivity
PHONO(MM): 2.5mV/50k ohms 2.5mV/50k ohms IHF, Lcop Antenna:
PHONO(MC): 0.2mV/100 ohms Selectivity : 40dB 20d8
CD, AUX, TAPE, ADAPTOR: 150mV/50k ohms 150mV /30k ohms
Signal-to-Noise Ratio: 50dB 50dB
VCR, VDP: 150mV/30k ohms
Image Response Ratio: 40d8 40dB
PHONO Overload Level(1kHz)
MM/MC: 200mV/19mV(T.H.D. 0.008%) 150mV (lH.D. 0.03%) IF Response Ratio: 60dB 50dB

Output Level/Impedance Antenna: Loop antenna Lcop antenna

TAPE REG: 150mV/2.2k ohms 150mV/4.7k ohms AUDIO SECTION
VCR, VDP: 150mV/4.7k ohms
Output (Level/Impedance)
PRE OUT: IV/470 ohms
FM(100% Mod, Fixed): 650mV/1.4k ohms 650mV
SPEAKERS: A, 8, A+ 8, OFF A, 8, A+8, OFF
AM(30% Mod, Fixed): 150mV/1.4k ohms 150mV
HEADPHONES: Low impedance Low impedance
Frequency Response
PHONO(RIM Equalization) Power Requirements: 120V 60Hz 120V 60Hz
MM: 20-20,000Hz ± 0.2d8 20-20,000Hz ± 0.3d8 Power Consumption: 9W t OW
MC: 20-20,000Hz ± 0.3d8
Dimensions(W x H x D): 16-9116 x 2-3/8 x 8-11116 inches 16-9116 x 2-3/8 x 8-112 inches
CD, AUX, TAPE: 1-150,000Hz 0d8, -3d8 5-1OO,OOOHz Od8, -3d8
(without package) 420 x 61 x 221 mm 420 x 60 x 215.8 mm
VCR, VDP: 5-1OO,OOOHz Od8, -3d8
Weight(without package): Sibs. 2 oz./2.3kg Sibs. 8 oz./ 2.5kg
Tone Control
BASS: ± 8d8 (1OOHz) ±8dB(100Hz)
TREBLE: ± 8dB (1OkHz) + 8dB(1OkH z)

PHONO Subsonic Filter: 7Hz( -12dB/oct.)
VCR Noise Filter
Low: 50Hz(- 6dB/oct.)
High: 5kH z(- 6dB/oct.)
Lcudness Contour: +5dB (100Hz), +3dB(lOkHz) +6dB (100Hz), +3dB (10kHz)
(Volume at - 40dB position)
Signal-to-Noise Ratio(IHF, short-circuited A-network)
PHONO(MM/MC): 95d8/77d8 83dB/-
CD, AUX, TAPE: 108d8 96dB
VCR, VDP: 96dB
VCR, VDP, Adaptor: !Vp-p/75 ohms unbalanced
Output (Level/Impedance)
VCR, Adaptor, Monitor TV: !Vp-p/75 ohms unbalanced
Frequency Response: 5Hz-6MHz OdB, -- 3dB
Crosstalk: 55d8 (3.58MHz)
Signal-to-Noise Ratio: 55dB
Power Requirements: 120V 60Hz t20V 60Hz

Power Consumption: 500W(UL) 420W (UL)

Dimensions(W x H x D): 16-9116 x 6-5116 x 16-111t 6inches 16-9116 x 4-718 x 15-9116 inches
(without package) 420 x 160 x 424 mm 420 x t 24 x 396 mm

Weight(without package): 4 t tbs. 14 oz./19kg 24 lbs. 4 oz./ I tkg

'Measured pursuant to the Federal Trade Commission's Trade Regulation Rule on Power Output Claims lor Amplifiers.

PL-910 PL·L550 PL-670 PL·590
Drive System: Belt-drive Direct-drive Direct-drive Belt-drive
Motor: DC-servo motor DC-servo motor DC-servo motor DC-servo motor
Speeds: 33-113 and 45 rpm 33-113 and 45 rpm 33-113 and 45 rpm 33-113 and 45 rpm
Wow and Flutter (WRMS): 0.06% 0.025% 0.025% 0.06%
Signal4o-Noise Ratio(DIN B): 70dB 80dB 78dB 68dB
Type: Statically balanced, linear tracking tone arm Statically balanced, linear tracking tone arm Statically balanced, low mass straight PGTM Statically balanced, straight tone arm
with ORA with ORA tone arm with ORA
Effective Arm Length: 3-314 inches(95mm) 8-11116 inches(221mm) 8-11116 inches(221mm) 8-11116 inches(221mm)
Overhang: 518 inch (15.5mm) 518 inch(15.5mm) 518 inch(15.5mm)
Usable Cartridge Weight: Fixed Fixed(T 4P type) Fixed (T4P plug-in) 4-8g
Type: lnlegrated IM type(PC-291) MM type
Frequency Response: 1 0-30,000Hz 1 0-30,000Hz
Output Voltage: 2.5mV 2.5mV
Stylus: 0.6 mil diamond(PN-291) 0.6 mit diamond(PN-240)
Tracking Force: 1.25g ±0.25g 2.0-3.0g.

Power Requirement: 120V 60Hz 120V 60Hz 120V 60Hz 120V 60Hz
Power Consumption: 11W 13W 9W 2W

Dimensions (W xH xD): 16-9116 x4-118 x13-314 inches 16-9116 x4-114 x14-318 inches 16-9116 x4-518 x I 4-3/8 inches 16-9116 x3-314 x14 inches
(without package) 420 x 105 x 350 mm 420 x108 x365 mm 420 x118 x365 mm 420 x95 x356 mm
Weight (without package): 161bs. 8 oz./7.5kg 1 0 lbs. 9 oz./4.8kg 10 lbs. 6 oz./4.7kg 6 lbs. 3 oz./2.8kg

GR-777 GR-470 SR-60
Inputs(Sensitivity/Impedance) Equalizer Range: ±10dB Reverberation Time(DEPTH volume control Min.)
LINE IN: 150mV/50k ohms Center Frequencies: 60, 150, 400, 1k, 2.4k, 6k, 15kHz Reverb: 0-3 sec.(400Hz)
Outputs(Level/Impedance) Total Harmonic Distortion: 0.03%(20-20,000Hz, output 1V) Echo: 0-3 sec.(400Hz)
LINE OUT: 150mV/3.3k ohms Gain: OdB (controls flat) Duet: 1 OOmsec. (400Hz)
Graphic Equalizer Sactlon Frequency Response: 5-50,000Hz OdB, -3dB Maximum Output Voltage: 6.5V (1kHz, T.H.D. 0.01%)
Equalizer Range: ±10dB Signal-to-Noise Ratio: 1 06dB (IHF, A-network, output 1V) Total Harmonic Distortion: 0.005%(1kHz, REVERB LEVEL Min.,
Center Frequencies: 32, 63, 125, 250, 500, lk, 2k, 4k, 8k, Input Sensitivity/Impedance: 150mVI50k ohms output 1V)
16kHz Output Level/Impedance Inputs(Sensitivity/Impedance)
Frequency Response LINE OUT: 150mV/3.3k ohms Reverb: 150mV/50k ohms
LINE IN, TAPE PLAY: 5-70,000Hz +OdB, -3dB REG OUT: 150mV Tape Play: l50mV/50k ohms
Signal-to-Noise Ratio: 110dB Power Requirement: 120V 60Hz Outputs(Sensitivity/Impedance)
(IHF, A-network, output 1V) Power Consumption: 6W Reverb: 150mV/220 ohms
Total Harmonic Distortion: 0.02%(20-20,000Hz, output 1V) Dimensions(W xH x D): 16-9116 x2-318 x8-11116 inches Tape Rec: 150mV/220 ohms
Gain: OdB (without package): 420 x60 x221 mm Frequency Response: 1 0-70,000Hz OdB, -1dB
Spectrum Analyzer Section Weight (without package): 4 lbs. 14 oz./2.2kg Signal-to-Noise Ratio: 1 04dB(output 2V),
Display Resolution: 2dB(x13) (IHF, A-network) 98dB(output 1V)
Center Frequencies: 32, 63, 125, 250, 500, 1k, 2k, 4k, 8k, Power Requirement: 120V 60Hz
16kHz Power Consumption: 30 watts
Miscellaneous Dimensions(W xH xD): 16-9116 x3-718 x13-318 inches
Power Requirements: 120V 60Hz (without package): 420 x99 x 340 mm
Power Consumption: 18 watts Dynamic Range(max.) Weight (without package): 10 lbs. 2 oz./4.6kg
Dimensions(W xH xD): 16-9116 x3-318 x12-114 inches Low(50Hz) Mid(500Hz) High(5kHz)
420 x85.5 x311.5 mm Expansion Level: 17dB 12dB t?dB
Weight(without package): 8 lbs. 13 oz./4kg Upward Gain: +15dB +?dB +12dB
Downward Gain: -2dB -5d8 -5dB
Impulse Response
Attack Time: 4.7msec. SurroundAmplifier Sactlon
GR-555 Release Time Continuous average power output ol 30 watts* per
Hard Position: 68msec. channel, min., at 8 ohms from 30Hz to 7kHz with no more
Soft Position: 2.7 sec.
LINE IN: 150mV/50k ohms than 5% total harmonic distortion
Output Voltage (Distortion 0.8%, 50k ohms, expansion level max.)
TAPE PLAY: 150mV/50k ohms Frequency Response: 30-7,000Hz OdB, -3dB
Low(50Hz): 7.0V
Outputs(Level/Impedance) Audio Sactlon
Mid (500Hz): 7 .5V
LINE OUT: 150mV/2.2k ohms Inputs(Sensitivity/Impedance)
High (5kHz): 5.5V
Graphic Equalizer Sactlon AUDIO, VDP, VCR112, TAPE: 150mV/50k ohms
Input Impedance
Equalizer Range: ±10dB Outputs (Level/Impedance)
LINE IN, TAPE PLAY: 50k ohms
Center Frequencies: 60, 150, 400, 1k, 2.4k, 6k, 15kHz VCR1/2, TAPE: 150mV/4.7k ohms
Output Impedance(1kHz)
Frequency Response PREOUT (FROND: 1V/4.7k ohms
LINE OUT: tk ohms
LINE IN, TAPE PLAY 10-50,000Hz +OdB, -3dB PREOUT(L+R): 1V/4.7k ohms
Signal-to-Noise Ratio: 96dB (output 1V)
Signal-to-Noise Ratio: 104dB Frequency Response: 1 0-70,000Hz +OdB, -3dB
(IHF, A-network, 1kHz, all expansion level max.)
(IHF, A-network, output 1V) (PREOU1, FRONT, L+R)
Ga1n: OdB (all controls minimum)
Total Harmonic Distortion: 0.03% (20-20,000Hz. output 1V) Signal-to-Noise Ratio: 90dB
Power Requirement: 120V 60Hz
Gain: OdB (controls flat) (IHF, short-circuited A-network)
Power Consumption: 28 watts
Spectrum Analyzer Sactlon Video Sactlon
Dimensions (W xH xD): 16-9/16 x2-318 x8-5/16 inches
Display Resolution: 3dB(x8) Inputs(Sensitivity/Impedance)
(without package) 420 x60 x212 mm
Center Frequencies: 60, 150, 400, 1k, 2.4k, 6k, 15kHz VDP, VCR1/2,
Weight (without package): 7 lbs. 1 oz./3.2kg
Miscellaneous VIDEO ADAPTOR: 1Vp-p/75 ohms
Power Requirements: 120V 60Hz Outputs(Levelllmpadance)
Power Consumption: 16 watts VCR112, VIDEO ADAPTOR,
Dimensions(W xH xD): 16-9116 x4-118 x13-118 inches MONITOR: 1Vp-pl75 ohms
420 x105 x334 mm Frequency Response: 5Hz-6MHz +OdB, -3dB
Weight(without package): 9 lbs. 4 oz./4.2kg Signal-to-Noise Ratio: 55dB
Power Requirements: 120V 60Hz
Power Consumption: 80 watts
Dimensions(W xH xD): 420 x 120 x336 mm
16-9119 x4-3/4 x 13-1/4 inches
Weight(without package): 12 lbs. 6 oz./5.6kg

CT·W900R CT·W700R CT-W500 CT·W300
Type: 4-track, 2-channel double auto-reverse stereo 4-track, 2-channel double auto-reverse stereo 4-track, 2-channel double stereo cassette tape 4-track, 2-channel double stereo cassette tape
cassette tape deck (recording/playback x 2) cassette tape deck (recording/playback and deck (recording/playback and playback) deck (recording/playback and playback)
Motors: OC-servo motor for capstan drive x 2, DC-servo motor x 2 DC-servo motor x 2 DC-servo motor x 2
DC motor lor reel drive x 2

Heads: "Hard Permalloy" recording/playback "Hard Permalloy" recording/playback "Hard Permalloy" recording/playback "Hard Permalloy" recording/playback
head x 2, Ferrite erasing head x 2 head x 1, "Hard Permalloy" playback head x 1, "Hard Permalloy" playback head x 1, "Hard Permalloy" playback
head x 1, Ferrite erasing head x 1 head x 1, Ferrite erasing head x 1 head x 1, Ferrite erasing head x 1
Fast Winding Time (C-60 tape): 100 seconds 100 seconds 100 seconds 100 seconds
Wr:JN and Flutter (WRMS): 0.055% 0.055% 0.06% 0.13%
F requenc
_ y Response (- 20dB)
Metal Tape: 18-18,500Hz 25-18,000Hz 25-16,000Hz 35-16,000Hz
Chrome Tape: 18-tB,OOOHz 25-ll,OOOHz 25-16,000Hz 35-16,000Hz
Normal Tape: 18-tl,OOOHz 25-16,000Hz 25-15,000Hz 35-15,000Hz
Signal-to-Noise Ratio
NR off": 58dB 5ldB 56dB 56dB
Harmonic Distortion (OdB): 0.7% 0.7% 0.7% 0.8%
Inputs (Sensitivity/Impedance)
LINE (pin jack x•2): 63mVI56k ohms 63mV 168k ohms 63mV168k ohms 63mV/52k ohms
Output (Reference level/Load impedance)
LINE (pin jack x 2): 316mVI5.6k ohms 316mV/5.4k ohms 316mV/5.2k ohms 316mV/l.lk ohms
(6mm0 stereo jack x 1): 81mVI 8 ohms 45mV/8 ohms 45mV/8 ohms 45mV/8 ohms
Power Requirement: 120V 60Hz 120V 60Hz 120V 60Hz 120V 60Hz
Power Consumption: 26W 22W 15W 18W
Dimensions (W x H x D): 16-9116 x 5-3116 x 12-1121nches t6-9116 x 4-9116 x 12-l/16 inches 16-9/16 x 4-9/16 x 12-l/16 inches t6-9116 x 4-314 x 10-318 inches
(without package) 420 x 132 x 318 mm 420 x116.5 x 3t6 mm 420 x 116.5 x 316 mm 420 x 120 x 264 mm
Weight (without package): 13 lbs. 4 oz.l6.0kg 11 lbs. 11 oz./5.3kg 11 lbs./5.0kg 8 lbs. 10 oz.l3.9kg
'SIN is improved by 1OdB with Dolby B on and by 19dB with Dolby C on, both at 5kHz.


OSS-9 OSS·7 055·5 C5-707 C5·607
Enclosure: Bass-reflex type Bass-reflex type Bass-reflex type Bass-reflex type Bass-reflex type
Unit Layout: Symmetrical Symmetrical Symmetrical
Woofer: 12-inch (30cm) PG'" cone type 12-inch (30cm) PG'" cone type 10-inch (25cm) cone type 15-3/4-inch (40cm) cone type 12�nch (30cm) cone type
Midrange: 4-314-inch (12cm) boron cone type 2-112-inch (6.6cm) boron cone type 2-1/2-inch (6.6cm) cone type 4-3/4-inch (12cm) cone type 4-3/4-inch (12cm) cone type
Tweeter: Beryllium ribbon type Beryllium ribbon type 3/4-inch (2cm) dome type Horn type with acoustic lens Horn type with acoustic lens

Supertweeter: Twin piezo supertweeters Twin piezo supertweeters

Impedance: 6 ohms 8 ohms 8 ohms 8 ohms 8 ohms
Frequency Range: 30-50,000Hz 30-50,000Hz 38-30,000Hz 30-25,000Hz 33-25,000Hz
Sensitivity (1m): 91dBIW 91dBIW 91dBIW 98dBIW 96dBIW
Maximum Music Power: 240W 210W 120W
Maximum Power: 300W 210W
Rated PrtNer: BOW lOW 40W lOW 50W
Crossover Frequencies: 650Hz (Low/Mid) 850Hz (LrtN/Mid) 1,200Hz (Low/Mid) 1,500Hz (Low/Mid) 2,000Hz (Low/Mid)
4,000Hz (Mid/High) 4,500Hz (Mid/High) 5,000Hz (Mid/High) 4,000Hz (Mid/High) 5,000Hz (Mid/High)
11 ,OOOHz (High/Superhigh) 11,OOOHz (High/Superhigh)
Dimensions (W x H x D): 15-318 x 26-314 x 13-718 inches 14-9116 x 25-9/16 x 13-9/16 inches 12-13116 x 22-7116 x 11-l/16 inches 11-11116 x 28-9116 x 10-9/16 inches 16-118 x 25-7116 x 11-114 inches
(without package) 390 x 680 x 353 mm 310 x650 x 345 mm 325 x 510 x 290 mm 450 x 125 x 269 mm 410 x 646 x 285 mm
Weight (without package): 5l lbs. 5 oz./26kg 49 lbs. t0 oz./22.5kg 31 lbs. 15 oz./14.5kg 44 lbs. 1 oz.l20kg 35 lbs. 4 oz./16kg

Speaker Power Handling Capability vs. Amplifier Output Power

Normally, speakers will not be damaged even If the output power of an amplifier exceeds the
speakers' allowable input power, on the condition that the amplifier is kept below its clipping levet•
(Use care when Increasing the volume level if the amplifier has an extremely high power rating.)
There Is, however, a chance that the tweeter may be damaged when the amplifier is pushed
beyond its clipping level even if the amplifier's power rating is below the speakers' allowable
input power.
It is therefore important to consider the allowable input power of your speakers (maximum
music power) when selecting an amplifier, and at the same time, the amplifier must be operated
so that its clipping level is not exceeded.

•clipping level: The power level at which severe distortion suddenly appears due to attempts to
drive an amplifier beyond its capacity.

5E·M90 5E·M70 5E·M50 5E·500 5E·300 5E·205
Impedance: 32 ohms 32 ohms 32 ohms 32 ohms 40 ohms 10 ohms
Maximum Input Power: 1,000mW I,OOOmW 1,000mW t,OOOmW 100mW 500mW
(each channel)
Frequency Range: 3-50,000Hz 3-50,000Hz 3-50,000Hz 3-50,000Hz 10-25,000Hz 20-20,000Hz
Connection Cord: 16' 5" (5m) 16' 5" (5m) 16' 5" (5m) 8' 2" (2.5m) 8' 2" (2 5m) 8' 2" (2.5m)
Weight: 9 oz. (255g) 9 oz. (255g) 8.1 oz. (230g) 3.2 oz. (90g) 2.5 OZ. (lOg) 1.0 oz. (450g)
(without connection cord)

CT·S800 CT·S600 CT·1080R (I) Reference tape: Normal and LH tapes are DIN 45513 (Fe).
4-track, 2-channet recording and playback 4-track, 2-channel recording and playback 4·track, 2-channel auto-reverse recording and Chrome tape is DIN 45513 (Cr).
stereo cassette tape deck stereo cassette tape deck playback stereo cassette tape deck (2) Reference recording level is meter OdB level. (I 60 nwb/m magnetic
level= Philips cassette reference level.)
DC-servo motor for capstan drive x t , DC-servo motor for capstan drive x 1, DC-servo motor for capstan drive x 1, (3) Reference signal is 315Hz.
DC motor for reel drive x t , D C auxiliary DC motor for reel drive x 1 DC motor for reel drive x 1 (4) Wow and Flutter: at 3kHz, WRMS (JIS), at 3,150Hz weighted PEAK
motor x 1
(DIN 45507).
"Laser Amorphous" playback head x 1, "Hard Permalloy" recording/playback "Hard Permalloy" recording/playback (5) Frequency Responses are measured at - 20dB and at OdB levels
"Hard Permalloy" recording head x 1 head x 1, Ferrite erasing head x 1 head x 1, Ferrite erasing head x 1 respectively for reference recording level, Dolby off.
(combination type), Ferrite erasing head x 1 Level deviation Is ± 6dB (where not indicated). (DIN 45500)
80 seconds 90 seconds 90 seconds (6) Signal-to-Noise Ratio:
0.024% 0.055% 0.07% Measured at the third harmonic distortion 3% level, weighted
(DIN 45513/BLATT7).
(7) Sensitivity: Input level (mV) for reference recording level measured
20-22,000Hz 25-18,000Hz 30-17,000Hz
20-21,OOOHz 25-17,000Hz 30-16,500Hz with input (recording) level control set at maximum position.
20-21,OOOHz 25-16,000Hz 30-16,000Hz (B) Maximum allowable input level (mV) Is measured at the point where
the output signal wave is clipped while gradually turning the input
60dB 58dB level control.
(9) Reference output level is LEOs display's OdB level.
0.6% 0.7% 0.7%
(10) Maximum output (Playback) level: Output level to reference recording
level, measured with an output (Playback) level control set at max­
67mV/50k ohms 63mV/56k ohms 63mV/51k ohms i_mum position.
• Specifications quoted lor "metar• tapes are approximate.
316mV/1.4k ohms 316mV/5k ohms 316mV/5k ohms See manufacturers' data for Individual tapes.

80mV/ 8 ohms 81mV/8 ohms 45mV/8 ohms

120V 60Hz 120V 60Hz 120V 60Hz
25W 17W 20W
I 6-9/16 x 5-1/4 x 14-5/8 inches 16-9/16 x 5-1/8 x 12-ll/16 inches 16-9/16 x 4 x 8-5/16 inches
420 x 133.5 x 372 mm 420 xl30 x 322 mm 420 x I 01 x 21 I mm
21 lbs. 3 oz./9.6kg tt. lbs./5kg 7 lbs. 8 oz./3.4kg

CS·407 CS·G301WAll CS·G201WAIT CS·G1 01WAll S·X7

Bass-reflex type Bass-reflex type Bass-reflex type Infinite baffle type Bass-reflex box type

I 2-inch (30cm) cone type 12-inch (30cm) cone type I 0-inch (25cm) cone type I 0-inch (25cm) cone type 3-1 /2-inch (8.7cm) full-range cone type
4-inch (I Ocm) cone type 4-3/4-inch (12cm) cone type 3-inch (7.7cm) cone type
2-1 12-inch (6.6cm) cone type 2-1/2-inch (6.6cm) cone type 2-1/2-inch (6.6cm) cone type 2-1/2-inch (6.6cm) cone type
with acoustic lens

8 ohms 6 ohms 6 ohms 6 ohms 16 ohms

35-20,000Hz 35-20,000Hz 40-20,000Hz 55-20,000Hz I 00-20,000Hz
94dB/W 91dB/W 90dB/W 90dB/W 90dB/W
120W 100W 50W 30W
40W 40W 35W 17W
3,000Hz (Low/Mid) 3,500Hz (Low/Mid) 3,000Hz (Low/Mid) 5,000Hz (Low/High)
I O,OOOHz (Mid/High) 7,OOOHz (Mid/High) 6,000Hz (Mid/High)

I 4-15/16 x 24-13/16 x I 0-3/8 inches I 4-15/16 x 26-112 x I 3 inches 13-3/4 x 24 x I 1-1 3/16 inches 13 x 22-7116 x 7-13/16 inches 5 -3/8 x 7-112 x 4-1/2 inches
380 x 630 x 263 mm 380 x 673 x 330 mm 350 x 610 x 300 mm 330 x 570 x 198 mm 136 x 190 x 115 mm
23 lbs. 2 oz./1 0.5kg 29 lbs. I 2 oz./1 3.5kg 20 lbs. I 5 oz./9.5kg 14 lbs. 5 oz./6.5kg 3 lbs. 5 oz./I .5kg

Published by Pioneer Electronic Corporation.

Copyright 1988 Pioneer Electronic Corporation. All rights reserved.

Note: Specifications and design subject to modification without notice. 45,000-CCI (F) 310-6-88 Printed in Japan


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