CET324 Assignment 1 Brief - 2021-2022

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University of Sunderland

School of Computer Science

CET324 – Advanced CyberSecurity

Assignment 1

The following learning outcomes will be assessed:

1. Critical analysis of the tradeoffs of balancing the range of key security properties taking into
account the concepts of trust and trustworthiness in cybersecurity(LO2)
2. Critical analysis of the tradeoffs of balancing the range of key security properties taking into
account the concepts of trust and trustworthiness in cybersecurity (LO3)
3. Analysis and evaluation of the professional requirements of a cybersecurity practitioner, and
critically discuss the challenges facing the cybersecurity practitioner (LO4)

Important Information

You are required to submit your work within the bounds of the University
Infringement of Assessment Regulations (see your Programme Guide). Plagiarism,
paraphrasing and downloading large amounts of information from external sources,
will not be tolerated and will be dealt with severely. Although you should make full
use of any source material, which would normally be an occasional sentence and/or
paragraph (referenced) followed by your own critical analysis/evaluation. You will
receive no marks for work that is not your own. Your work may be subject to checks
for originality which can include use of an electronic plagiarism detection service.

For this assessment you are asked to submit an individual piece of work, therefore the
work must be entirely your own. The safety of your assessments is your
responsibility. You must not permit another student access to your work.

Referencing for this assessment should be done using the Harvard referencing
system. (see your Programme Guide).

Please ensure that you retain a duplicate of your assignment. We are required to
send samples of student work to the external examiners for moderation purposes. It
will also safeguard in the unlikely event of your work going astray.

Submission instruction:
Submission Date and Time See assignment submission page for submission date
Submission Location Digital copy via Canvas
Document Format A single Microsoft word document titled

Replace “studentID” with your university student

Submit the file using the allocated submission
facility by the module leader.
Maximum hours it should 16 hours
take to complete
Assignment weight 40%
Other requirements You must adhere to the above assessment

Your submissions will be checked against TurnitIn

database for collision/plagiarism.
Assignment Specification

For this assignment you are required to produce a report a report consisting of the
following parts.

Part 1 (20 marks)

The University of Sunderland is considering the establishment of a cyber clinic to
provide a service for the students and employees of the University and for individuals
and organisations outside the University.

The objective of the cyber clinic is to provide advice for those concerned about cyber
security and for those who may have encountered a breach of cyber security. Your
task is to produce a report (approximately 750 words) outlining the followings:
1. Identify the types of activities that a cyber clinic might undertake to provide
services to its stakeholders,
2. the benefits of such activities. You should Support your claims with external
sources (e.g., literature resources).
3. Identify the concerns that might arise from establishing such a service, and
4. Issues concerning liability and any legal and / or professional concerns in
establishing a cyber clinic.

Part 2 (20 marks)

Based on the work you have undertaken on this module – both in seminar / lab tasks
and in independent study, produce a report of approximately 750 words to outline the
steps that can be taken by individuals and organisations to enhance their cybersecurity
before and after they experience a cyber-attack. Your report should include the
following points:
1. List and describe the necessary steps that can be taken by individuals and
2. The benefits that such steps will provide to protect them against cyber-
3. An outline of the major ethical and professional issues in relation with the
implementation of steps you identified.
Assessment grade criteria
Criteria for Assessing Written Work – these indicate the level of academic work that
will be assessed in the relevant sections of the report for this module.

Criteria Fail ( Fail (up to Pass (up to Pass (up to Pass (up Pass (up Pass (up Pass (up
plagiari 39%) 50%) 60%) to 70%) to 80%) to 90%) to 100%)
Relevance, Irrelevan Mostly Many parts Many parts All parts All parts Very Excellent
range, and t irrelevance are relevant are relevant are are good and
depth of content, or very few to the to the relevant relevant discussio relevant
reading very parts of the assessment assessment to the to the n and discussio
materials to minor content requiremen requiremen requirem requireme relevant n to the
supporting attempt, presented ts with ts with ents of nts of the to the requirem
your or are relevant some good the assessme requirem ents of
discussion large to the reading reading assessme nt and ents of the
(15%) sections requiremen range range nt with good the assessme
have ts of the some clear assessme nt,
been assessment good evidence nt and Excellent
plagiaris s and very reading of wide excellent rationales
ed poor range reading reading and
reading demonstr range argument
range ated presented
d with
range of

Demonstratin Irrelevan No Basic Good Very A A Excellent

g knowledge, t evidence or understandi knowledge good substantia substanti and
understandin content, very little ng of the of a range knowled l al substanti
g of ideas and very evidence of subject but of relevant ge of knowledg knowled al
concepts minor understandi addressing materials relevant e of ge of knowled
related to the attempt, ng of a a limited with materials, relevant relevant ge of
topic of or range of range of intermittent showing materials, material, relevant
discussion large materials materials, evidence of a clear with good with very materials
(20%) sections related to with some an grasp of clear good showing
have the subject evidence of appreciatio themes grasp of clear a clear
been with no an n of their with themes grasp of grasp of
plagiaris evidence of appreciatio significanc some with themes themes
ed an n of their e evidence some with very with
appreciatio significanc of an evidence good excellent
n of their e appreciat of an evidence evidence
significanc ion of appreciati of an of an
e their on of appreciat appreciat
significa their ion of ion of
nce significan their their
ce significa significa
nce nce
Clear logical Irrelevan No or very A basic Generally Generall, Coherent Coherent Excellent
approach to t little argument is coherent very and often and ,
presenting content, evidence of evident, but and coherent logically logically Coherent
your very coherent mainly logically and structured structure and
arguments minor argument supported structured, logically . Good d, very logically
(10%) attempt, lacks by using an structure use of good use structure
or developme assertion appropriate d, using appropria of d,
large nt and may and there mode of an te mode appropria Excellent
sections be may be a argument appropria of te mode use of
have repetitive lack of and/or te mode argument of appropria
been or thin or clarity and theoretical of and/or argument te mode
plagiaris incorrect coherence mode(s) argument theoretica and/or of
ed argument and/or l mode(s) theoretic argument
in some theoretic al and/or
places al mode(s) theoretic
mode(s) al
Level of Irrelevan Wholly Some Sound May May May May
critical t derivative: evidence of work contain contain contain contain
analysis/evalu content, the writer’s a few basic which some good very distinctiv
ation of the very contributio evaluation expresses a distinctiv distinctiv good e or
external minor n doesn’t of the coherent e or e or distinctiv independ
sources used attempt, go beyond appropriate position independ independ e or ent
to support or simplifying ness of and ent ent independ thinking;
your large paraphrase approaches evaluates thinking; thinking; ent may
arguments/cla sections and does to problem- appropriate may may thinking; begin to
ims have not solving in a ness of begin to begin to may formulate
(30%) been evaluate work approaches formulate somehow begin to an
plagiaris the context to problem- somehow formulate clearly independ
ed appropriate starting to solving in a an an formulate ent
ness of be formed work independ independ an position
different but mainly context ent ent independ very
approaches derivative only in position position ent clearly in
to solving broad in in position relation
problems terms and relation relation in to theory
in a work in to theory to theory relation and the
context uncritical and the and the to theory applicati
conformity applicati applicatio and the on of
to one or on of n of applicati practice
more practice practice on of in a work
standard in a work in a work practice context.
views of context. context. in a work
the topic context.

Report Very Significant Good style Competentl Well Well Very Excellent
presentation, poor deficiencie but with y written, written, written, well . and well
structure, quality s in some with some with only with written, written,
style, font, of expression deficiencie lapses from minor standard with with
section presentat and s in standard standard spelling standard standard
heading etc. ion and presentatio expression grammar, spelling and spelling spelling
(10%) structure n; the or format with poor and grammar, and and
. writer may that may format in a grammar, in a grammar, grammar,
achieve no pose readable in a readable in a in a
clarity and obstacles readable style with readable readable
lots of for the style with acceptabl style with style with
repetitious reader, acceptabl e format, good excellent
style rarely e format structure format, format
repetitious and clear structure
style presentati and clear
on presentati

References Irrelevan No use of, Some up- Uses a Good Critical Very Excellent
and citation t or to-date variety of appraisal appraisal Critical appraisal
of literature sources, inadequate, and/or literature of up-to- of up-to- appraisal of up-to-
sources very literature. appropriate which date date of up-to- date
(15%) minor Over literature includes and/or and/or date and/or
attempt, reliance on used. Goes some appropria appropria and/or appropria
or material beyond the recent texts te te appropria te
large provided material and/or literature. literature. te literature.
sections by the tutor has appropriate Recogniti Recogniti literature. Recogniti
have tutor. provided. literature, on of on of Recogniti on of
been Limited though not different different on of different
plagiaris use of necessarily perspecti perspecti different perspecti
ed sources to including a ves. ves. Very perspecti ves.
support a substantive Good use good use ves. Excellent
point. amount of source of source Excellent use of
Consistent beyond material. material. good use diverse
formatting library Consiste Consisten of source source
of texts. nt t material. material.
resources Competent formattin formattin Consiste Consiste
but some use of g of g of nt nt
missing source resources resources formattin formattin
information material. and no and no g of g of
. Consistent missing missing resources resources
formatting informati informati and no and no
of on. on. missing missing
resources informati informati
but some on on

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