I - Prospecting Licence: Procedure For Acquisition of Exploration Licence

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Procedure for acquisition of  Granting of the exploration licence.

I – Prospecting Licence exploration licence

 One (1) year validity The permit is granted in a maximum of one
 Granted by the Director of Mines  Submission of application to the month from coming into force of the Mining
 Confers first refusal right for the licence to Minister of Mines and Energy in triple agreement.
get exploration licence. copies including:
Statues, balance sheet and III-Mining licence
Granting procedure of the prospecting accounting statement of the
applicant for the last year ;  Validity of ten (10) years, renewable
licence for five (5) years until complete
Minerals for which the licence is
requested ; exploitation of deposit;
 Submission of the application in triple Area of the perimeter requested,  Granted by decree of the Council of
copies to the Director of Mines, it administrative regions; Ministers;
includes: Limits of the perimeter and  Confers exclusive right.
Statues, balance sheet and accounting geographic points on a 1/200,000
statement of the applicant for the last year; Procedure for acquisition of
scale map ;
Object of the prospecting ; mining licence
Duration of the licence ;
General projected working program; Technical and financial capacities;
Commitment to submit a half-yearly Commitment on investment;  Production of positive feasibility
report to the Director of Mines; General program and works study on the perimeter of the
Receipt of fees payment schedule; exploration permit;
 Application evaluation; Copy of any joint-venture  Registration of mining company in
 Granting of the prospecting authorization Receipt of fees payment; terms of Niger Law as specified in the
within 30 days from the deposit of the Mining agreement proposal; mining agreement;
application date. Commitment to submit to the  Submission of an application to the
Director of Mines a monthly Minister of Mines and Energy in triple
II- Exploration licence report and the annual exploration copies including:
program; Statutes of the mining company, it’ s
 3 years validity, renewable two (2) times  Evaluation of the application by the headquarter and the authorized
by period of three (3) years ; Direction of Mines; capital; name, surname,
 Could be expected one year to finalise  Negotiation of the Mining agreement; qualification, nationality and
feasibility study;  Signature of the Mining agreement; residence of the responsible of the
 Granted by order of the Minister of Mines  Publication of the Mining mining company ;
and Energy; Convention by Decree of Council of References of the exploration
 Confers exclusive rights. Ministers; licence;
Coordinates and area of the The Ministry of Mines and Energy has REPUBLIC OF NIGER
requested mining licence perimeter;
a competent and experimented staff in many
Minerals for which the permit is
requested; fields of the mining administration.
Localisation of the licence on a 1/200,000
Endowed with all of it’s means, the RE PUBL I Q UE DU N I GER

scale map;
Detailed plan of the perimeter at an staff pays attention and listen to the investors FRATERNITE – TRAVAIL - PROGRES
appropriate scale;
in order to take into account there desire and
Report indicating the result of exploration MINING LICENCES
works carried out on the exploration assist them fully to take a sure and quick
Feasibility study report; PROCEDURES
Development plan and mining of the In order to facilitate application
procedure, one stop shop has been
Environmental assessment report;
Certificate of Standard Environmental implemented.
Also, Niger Offers :
Receipt of fees payment ;
Commitment to submit to the Director of - an intact potential
Mines the annual working program and a
- a political stability ;
monthly working report;
Any joint –venture, agreement if so. - a competitive legal and fiscal frame
- an equitable treatment for all
- a transparent relationship between DEVELOPMENT
State and investors P.O. BOX: 11700 NIAMEY – NIGER
TEL: (+227)
Acquisition of exploration or - a legendry hospitality (+227)
mining title is subjected to a FAX: (+227)
signed agreement that provides (+227)
stable juridical, fiscal and social
Don’t hesitate! Email: [email protected]

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