Salvage Operations

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. SabVAGE OPERATION [EVAVINSVEGIS BY MIKE MEARLS [G BY ATTILA ADORJANY @ BY KYLE HUNTER [ANY SETTING , LOW-LEVEL (IST-5TH) , DUNGEON CRAWL 20 BUNGEON JUNE 2005, hen a ship missing for many years is spotted adrift at sea, its ‘one-time owner sces it as his final chance to recover his lost fortune. yhat he cannot know is that the ship has a new tenant—a most wretched druid, forged in a crucible of canni. balism and surrounded by thousands of venomous pets. “Salvage Operation” is a D&D adven- ture suitable for four and-level charac- ters. This adventure is designed to work with any campaign setting. ADVENTURE BACKGROUND ‘The merchant prince Aubreck Drallion once stood among the city's richest men. His ships sailed the sea, daring pirate raids, aquatic monsters, and storm-tossed oceans to carry goods across the world. Aubreck’s trade fleet was among the larg- est and most prosperous of its kind. ‘Yet perhaps Aubreck’s success came too fast and too easily. While his profits eventually plateaued, his ambition kept expanding. When his contacts in the southern jungles reported that he could monopolize trade in several spices and rare herbs by offering a cache of magi- cal items to a powerful native shaman, tat the chance. He sold off many assets overnight to purchase the required items and loaded them aboard Emperor ofthe Waves, the foremost ship in his fleet. His entire fortunes sailed with the great ship. But fate was cruel, and Emperor of the Waves disappeared. A storm separated the ship from her escort, leaving her final location unknown. Devastated by the financial loss, Aubreck became a simple merchant, He never again regained his glory, and many potential business partners saw his di failure as a sign of hubris and even divine retribution. ‘The ship's actual fate is known to only a few. Emperor of the Waves was almost destroyed in the storm that drove it off course so long ago, Its 1g crew dropped anchor at an uncharted island for repairs. Alas, the island was home to a strange tribe of ores who worshiped an obscure demon lord named Tharzax, patron of poison- ‘ous things that creep and crawl. The Emperor's crew was captured by the orc tribe, who then took the ship as an offering from their god and turned it into a temple. Intime, the tribe ell toin-fighting and cannibalism, Several hal as the ores enslaved some of the ship's crew. The half-ores led an uprising but were brutally put down by the island’s ruler, a mighty lich. The survivors used res were born UNE 2005 DUNGEON 21 their crude knowledge of sailing to pull up their temple's anchor and escape. ‘They soon ran out of food and reverted back to cannibalism, Eventually, only one of their number, a druid named Krell Grohl, remained alive. Four days ago, the derelict Emperor of the Waves was spotted off the coast. ‘Aubreck is poor, but he can still afford to hire a ship, a few men-at-arms, and a party of inexperienced adventurers to venture out to sea and discover the secret of the vessel’ fate. Aubreck believes that he can restore his former glory if he can recover the magic items that sailed with the Emperor. All he needs are a few brave souls eager for adventure. ADVENTURE SYNOPSIS “Salvage Operation” starts out as an investigatory adventure, as the party must board the Emperor and explore her upper decks. As they venture into the ship's lower decks, it becomes a dungeon crawl in a cramped, dangerous location asswarms of insects attack them in close quarters, The climax of the adventure is ‘a race against time, for as the characters penetrate the lowest holds, they find the area flooded with seawater and infested with undead. As the PCs battle their way toward their goal, the sea finally takes its delayed claim on the Emperorin the form ofa hungry giant squid. The ship begins sinking, flooding the decks with water and forcing the PCs to race for their lives. If the characters want to receive their payment, they must retrieve a large box from the cargo hold, forcing them to choose between safety and greed. ADVENTURE HOOKS Pulling the characters into this adven- ture is relatively simple. Aubreck is des- perate for help, yet not quite ready to tip his hand. He fears that ifhe spreads the news of the expedition too widely. other treasure seckers might beat hin to the derelict Emperor. Aubreck dis- patches his butler Vertheg (N male half= orc expert 2) to find a suitable band of adventurers. Vertheg is tall, lanky, and awkward. A single tusk juts out from his lower jaw, and his green, warty skin contrasts with his fine, neat clothes. In 22 DUNGEON JUNE 2005 the past, he has taken care of quasi-legal dealings for Aubreck—he's well acquainted with the dingy taverns and inns that the PCs might stay at, Alternatively, the PCs might need an object lost with the Emperor of the Waves years ago. In this case, Aubreck dispatches Vertheg to find them in order to propose an alliance. CHAPTER ONE: DESPERATE FORTUNES ‘Aubreck (LN male human expert 6)has seen better days. His mansion is large put rundown, His threadbare clothes were the height of fashion adecade ago, butnow theyare battered and worn. He keeps his iron-gray hair pulled back in a short tail, and his mustache is neatly tended. Aubreck offers each character100 gp in advance to accompany his expedi- tion to recover goods from the derelict AUBRECK Emperor of the Waves. Once the mis- sion is complete, he promises them each another 100 gp. He explains that the ship was last spotted a week from port. He has already hired a ship and crew, He needs the PGs to board the Emperor once they reach the ship, search it, secure one particular box of “personal items,” and bring it back to Aubreck ‘The box is made from a blue, spar- Kling metal and is kept within a crate branded with the letter “A.” It can only be opened with a password known only to Aubreck. It contains a cloak of resistance +5 and several figu- rines of wondrous power, but Aubreck is hesitant to tell the PCs this since he fears tempting them with its contents. Aubreck plans to sell these items off in order to fund several ambitious new business ventures. THE SOUL OF WINTER Manned by a crew of sturdy dwarves, ‘The Soul of Winteris a small but well-run } - ne. fey e) Tabletop roleplaying on the web Now you can take your favorite’sit-down RPGs online. Run games for your friends, or join in with thousands of others to find the perfect gaming group. From professional games, to tournaments, to jointly ran campaigns, GhostOrb allows you to experience real Ps sit-down ye roleplaying in an ent Oy new way... Oh, and did OTST Porno ve PTTL ro)eanoee GMs? Go to for complete details. vessel. Its captain, Wolgar Windrune (N male dwarf expert 5), runs a tight ship. He insists that PCs and Aubreck remain confined to their quarters, a cramped chamber below decks, during the voy- age. The crew remains aboard The Soul of Winter during this adventure, and refuses to board Emperor of the Waves. Each ofthe 10 crewmen is a male dwarf warrior ifexpert 1. Aubreck also purchased supplies for the party to help them as they explore the derelict. In a small impromptu armory aboard The Soul of Winter he has set aside some gear for the PCs, includ- ing suits of studded leather armor for each of them, two light crossbows, 40 bolts, five 50-foot coils of rope, two grappling hooks, 12 torches, six vials of alchemist’s fire, six vials of anti- toxin, two potions of cure light wounds, ha tindertwigs, and six sacks for carry- ing treasure out of the ship. ‘The journey to the derelict is unevent- fal. Ifthe PCs need a quick dose of XP to make it to and level, you can throw an encounter with pirates, sahuagin, or some other menace at them. 24 DUNGEON JUNE 2005 CHAPTER TWO: THE DERELICT EMPEROR After two days at sea, The Soul of Winter finally comes within sight of the der- clict Emperor. In the distance, the great ships shattered hulk looms. Its masts have been shorn off, but the upper deck appears empty of debris, almost as if some force carried off the masts, sails, and rigging, Its figurehead, once a ‘majestic angel inflight, has been hacked to pieces. Aubreck reacts to the sight of his ruined ship with a mix of despair and hope. Wolgar brings The Soul of Winter within 200 feet of the derelict and orders two sailors to ferry the PCs across the water in a rowboat. The sailors pack ropes and ‘grappling hooks in the boat to give the PCs easy access to the main deck, which still requires a successfil DC 5 Climb check to board ‘The Emperor is in poor repair, yet for now the ship remains structurally sound. ‘The wood ofits decks and walls is rotted and, in some places, collapsed. The vessel groans in the wind, while water collects in puddles where waveshave crashed over the deck. The ship lists noticeably, with its upper deck sloping gently downward to port, but the list isn’t severe enough yet to require Balance checks from those in board. It’s a minor miracle that the erelict has not yet sunk to the bottom. Anyone viewing the wreck can make a DC 45 Profession (sailor) check to determine that the Emperor has taken on some water. There is a good chance that it will sink within the next day or two unless it receives extensive repairs in dry-dock si the PGs lack this skill or fail their checks, one of the sailors points this out to them, The Soul remains 500 feet from the der- clict, while the dwarves keep a manned rowboat about 200 feet to port ifthe PCs need a quick pickup. 1. ABOVE DECK The Emperor’s upper deck slopes gently down to port. Short, wooden stumps are @ that remain of its masts. The double doors leading to cabins fore and aft appear intact, whilea metal grate in the deck offers access to thelower decks. Aside from the rhythmic J ees eee cca ag players new to RPGs; Saeco ices character in only a few minutes; Gaming tin includes the core rulebook; monster supplement; diecut counters; Deke Pernt rec) eee eect! Terence earl Right out-of-the-box action, no other Pen eet ced eae a ee We, oe 30th Anniversary Edition Le diecut counters! 7 | iro me Ire ea www fete od eee coma ura tt ce PNT eerea ts eee RO Se BYMIKEMEARLS creak of the ship's badly weathered, soaking timbers, all seems quiet. ‘This deck is currently unoccupied. ‘The doors to the fore and aft open with little protest, and the wheel turns easily and freely. check reveals that the ship's rudder no longer responds to the wheel. s up “tates ee we area. The grate set into the deck provides access to the lower levels, Itis rusted shut and has a ladder mounted beneath it. The grate leas tars 5-400 ANE GRRE rics peco ported to notice a number of fist-sized spiders crawling on the floor and walls of the passage below. © Rusted Grate: 3 in. thick; Hardness 8; hp 7; Break DC 15, 2. ALTAR TO THARZAX (EL 2 1G) A rough stone altar dominates this cabin. Strange markings cover its sur- face. Dried mud cakes the floor around it, while human skulls ring the wall above it, exch mounted on a wooden spike. The northeast and southwest corners of this room are filled with garbage and debris— crudely hacked wooden logs, smashed fur- niture, torn sacks, shattered crates, and small piles of dried, brown palm fronds. A staircase choked with debris occupies the southeast corner, and a thick, acrid odor fills the ar. This chamber was once the captain's cabin. Now, it’s a shrine to Tharzax, demon lord of poison. A DC 25 Knowl- edge (religion) check reveals this infor- mation. The skulls are cracked, worn, and obviously old. Clearing the stairs to area 1 takes an. hour of work for four people working together. Creatures: Lurking under the garbage and debris is a massive vermin once held sacred by the cultists of Tharzax—a monstrous centipede. If anyone other than the druid Krell enters the room, it bursts from the rubble in the port side of the room and pte se oe (ithas Hide +2) O 26 DUNGEON JUNE 2005, % Huge Monstrous Centipede: hp 33; ‘Treasure: A minor offering to Thar- zaxis hidden in the dried mud on the floor. A DC 10 Search check uncovers a small sack filled with 10 red rubies worth 100 gp each. If the PCs examine the debris to the southwest with a DC 15 Searc! check they find the ship's ledgers and captain’s log. The log is written in Common and details the ship's last voyage, including an account of the terrible storm that threw the Emperor off course and separated it from its escort. Running low on food and drinkable water, the ship was forced to drop anchor off an uncharted island. ‘The last entry describes an attack by ores that fought alongside a variety of insects. Though the crew beat off this initial attack, they suffered heavy ‘casualties. The final entry records the captain’s fear that this attack may have only been the precursor to an even larger attack. 3. NAVIGATOR’S ROOM (EL 2) ‘The door to this room from the deck is partially barricaded shut by a thick mass ‘of webbing behind it. A DC a5 Strength check smashes the door open. Thick sheets of spider webs choke this room. A small, cramped, open space to port provides access to a narrow staircase heading down. Near the bow, within the webs, sits a single table surrounded by four chairs. Creature: A monstrous spider lurks near the ceiling of this room. Allow it, a +o Listen check to notice approach- ing PCs. Itautomatically hears the PCs first attempt to force open the door. ‘The spider drops upon the first char- acter to enter the room, likely attacking with surprise if'no one notices it with a successful Spot check. @ Large Monst Monster Manual 289. ‘Treasure: The furniture in this room is worthless, but the table is still covered with charts and maps. While these documents are old and crumbling, Spider: hp 22; they show the location of the island where the Emperor met its fate. arouses the hung insect the decks iso od fe the sound area 5 boils up the stairs into this room to attack anything still within. WEBBED PASSAGE (EL 3) ‘Two monstrous spiders have spunf=] 4 web across this small chamber at the point marked with the dotted line. A DC 20 Spot check notices the web. Otherwise, characters could stumble into it and become entan- gled as detailed on page 289 of the Monster Manual. Creatures: The two spiders hide just down the passage to the east. Their tremorsense allows them to note ifa creature becomes trapped in the webs. At that point, they rush forward to attack. Driven by hunger, they fight to the death. They try to web their oppo- nents from a distance before closing to melee. % Medium Monstrous Spiders (2): hp 11; Monster Manual 288. ‘Treasure: In the northeast comer of this area lies a crude silver bracelet worth 250 gp. Development: Once battle is joined, the spiders from area rush forward to SPIDER NEST (EL 3) ‘This area is choked with spider webs, but aDC 20 Search check reveals a trap door leading down to the cargo hold. ‘The characters must use fire or slash- ing weapons to inflict 20 points of dam- age on the webs to clear access to the trap door. Opening it requires a DC 10 Strength check. The trap door leads down to area 12. Creatures: As soon as a PC enters this area, any swarms still here move to attack. There are enough spiders here to form two swarms, They pursue the characters relentlessly, driven by their hunger to disregard fire, spells, and other attacks. Spider Swarm (2): hp 9; Monster Manual 239, Development: Note that the is found here may have already the party in areas 3 and 4. attacl In that case, there are still dozens of spiders here but not enough to form 6. FOOD STORAGE (EL 2) Thic! nriveled limb: ebbing chokes this room. Bo f men and animals, and other gru dangle from the sticky tangles. Two human-sized bundles hai h while dozen: about everywhere northera wall, I spiders scurry Creatures: A Spot check (DC 10) made here reveals that the two bundles in the webs shudder and shake. Within are two ore zombies, created some time ago havea use, Over the past several months, the zombies have become completely encased in webs from the spider swarms, and they'll remain trapped within unle: the PCs unwittingly release them. A DC 36 Strength check or 10 points of slashing or fire damage frees them. The zombies are covered in tiny spiders. They crawl from their mouths and from between the folds of the crude robes they wear. The zombies were orcs in lif for human zombies with a +4 bonus to Strength. This change is why the encoun- ter is EL-2, rather than EL 1. Y Ore Zombies (2): hp 16, +3 toattacks and di maser strength 17; Monster Manual 266. ‘Treasure: One zombie rings worth 200 gp, while the second bears a primitive vine necklace set with green amethyst worth 250 gp. so-use the stats -ars gold ear- by one of the tribe's (now dead) clerics. When Krell killed the zombies’ creator, the druid forced the two zombies into this room to keep them out of trouble, sincehe figured they might some day still IAT Ns When used in ones, just to adore a or | BARRACKS A crude bed of palm tre this room. Nearby, a jooden, stone Team eer UM REIT! AA eh mecte mo MU ree Te Cece Neca We form a sturdy band A eno cence eon We form an armor grand. And when we're carried off to war The blade we can withstand. Cerca ance mem Teenie (cca nd an ablo Th palm fron ‘This room serves as Krell Grohlg's personal chamber. Since the first squid attack, he has yet to return here. Instead, he spends his time praying in area0 8. FIRST MATE’S CABIN The smashed wr and desk covers Thick web making it imp all beyond through th webs. This room is empty of treasure or monsters. These spiders pose no threat until the ship begins to si got riddle rooms? iitcatt Penn Tener en eT got puzzles? TMCS be] described below under “The Death of the Emperor.” 9- SPIDER CHAMBERS This room is filled with smashed furni- ture, crushed wooden boxes, and other debris, all covered with thick layers of spi der webs. When the door to this room is ‘opened, dozens of tiny spiders scuttle for cover. As with area 8, the spiders here remain passive until the ship begins to sink as described below. 30. UNHOLY SHRINE (EL 4) The floor here is covered with runes written in dried blood. A circle has been carved into the floor, while spider webs cover the walls and ceiling. Two human- id-sized bundles attached to the ceiling writhe as dozens of tiny spiders swarm over them. Creatures: This is where the PCs are likely to encounter Krell Grohlg, the last survivor of the cultists who escaped the island. The child of an orc high priest and a female human sailor, Krell was once in line to take his father's place as a leader of his people. Now, he seeks to slay as many infidels as possible before facing his own doom upon the seas. In addition to Krell,a single swarm of spiders lurks in the ceiling here. They crawl down the walls to fall upon the characters from behind regardless of whether they enter this room from the north or south. Krell is a hulking figure clad in armor crafted from the carapace of some great beetle. He clutches an oblong shield in one hand and a wooden club in the other. Krell Grohlg, male half-ore druid 3: GR 3; Medium humanoid; HD 34846; hp 23; Init +2; Spd 20 ft; AC 38, touch 12, flat-footed 16; Base Atk ++2; Grp +5; Atk +6 melee (14643, club); SA spells; SQ darkvision 60 ft., nature sense, woodland stride, wild empathy 2B DUNGEON JUNE 2005 BY MIKE MEARLS +8, trackless. step; AL NE; SV Fort +5, Ref 45, Will 45; Str 16, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha, Skills: Concentration +8, Handle Animal +8, Spot +8. Feats: Combat Casting, Lightning Reflexes. Languages: Common, Orc. Druid Spells Prepared (caster level 3: o—cure minor wounds, flare (DC 12), read magic, resistance, 1st—cure light wounds, obscuring mist, produce flame, 2nd—heat ‘metal (DC 14), warp wood (DC 14). Possessions: Masterwork club, +1 hide ‘armor, heavy wooden shield, hand of the ‘mage, Quall’s feather token (whip), potion of Darkskin (+2), oil of shillelagh, 3 potions of cure light wounds, Roil, snake animal companion: CR —; Medium animal; HD 4d8+4; hp 22; Init +8; Spd 20 ft, climb 20 ft, swim 20 ft AC 19, touch 14, flat-footed 15; Base ‘Atk +3; Grp +2; Atk or Full Atk +7 melee (1d4-1 plus poison, bite); SA. poison (DC. 33, 146 Con/id6 Con); SQ link, scent, share spells, evasion; AL Nz SV Fort +5, Ref 48, Will +2; Str 9, Dex 18, Con 12, Int a, Wis 12, Cha 2. Skills Balance +12, Climb + Listen +7, Spot +7, Swim 47. Faats: Alertness, Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse" ler Swarm: hp 9; Monster Manual 23. “Tactics: Krell attempts to use as many of his spells as possible to fortify him- self for a showdown with the party. If he knows the characters are coming, he casts produce flame, uses his potion of barkskin and his oil of shilletagh, then activates the Quall’s feather token once the PCs enter this chamber. During the battle, he casts warp wood on the floor beneath the character that poses the greatest threat. The wooden beam buckles beneath the PC, forcing him to make a DC 24 Reflex save or be trapped in-place until he makes a successful DC 10 Strength check to pull free. Krell’; snake animal companion crawls around the edge of the combat in an attempt to either flank anyone who engages Krell or to strike at targets toward the rear of the party Hides, ‘Treasure: Krell gathered the cultists! ceremonial objects and treasure here. Ina wooden box on the western wall is a small trove of coins and items, most of them claimed from the defeated crew years ago. In total, there are 507 8P, 199 sp, a scroll of gust of wind, a scroll of neutr blur, a potion of sanctuary, of resistance +1. id a cloak 11. GALLEY ‘The door in this room's northern wall is badly damaged. A few rusty iron spikes hold it in place. It must be forced open with either a DC 15 Strength check or a DC 10 Disable Device check Judging from the metal stove at the western end of this room, this was once the galley. Now, it is cluttered with bones, debris, and offal. A set of badly damaged metal knives and other cook- ware hangs from hooks in the ceiling, while the stench of rotting flesh chokes the air. A debris-filed stairway leads up ize poison, a potion of Tiny spiders crawl ove ‘The cultists transformed this place into a kitchen for their voyage. As their food stores ran low, several of them barricaded themselves in this room and attempted to seize con trol of the remaining supplies. For their troubles, the rest of the cult ists stormed the room, slew the reb- els, and added their corpses to the ship's larder. The one item of note here is the trap door that leads down to the cargo hold. A DC 10 Search check reveals that the webs covering the floor are newer and thinner by the trap door. If the PCs do 5 points of slashing or fire damage to the webs there, they reveal the trap door. A successful DC 10 Strength check opens the door. The cultists used this door to deliver sac- rifices to the ghouls below, but they otherwise left it sealed to prevent the undead from escaping. come Lf SALVAGE OPERATION) 12. CARGO HOLD (EL 3) This large hold runs the entire length ofthe ship. Seawater fills this chamber to about waist-depth, while a pile of old, moldering crates cluster against the ship's port hull. The water is dark and murky. ‘The water level here counts as diffi- cult terrain for Medium creatures, while ‘Small or smaller creatures must swim. ‘Medium creatures may also swim if they so choose. ‘A successful DC 15 Spot check (or a DC 10 Search check) picks out a single crate marked with a stylized letter “A”. ‘This crate holds the box that the PCs seek. Opening the crate requires a DC 12 Strength check. Reduce the DC by 1 for each failed check, as the box slowly comes apart due to age and rot. Any ‘weapon blow that does atleast one point of damage after bypassing the crate's hardness 5 is also enough to cause it to fall open. Creatures: Unfortunately for the PCs, two ghouls hide within the water. AA pair of thieves wanted for murder in the Emperor’s home port stowed away here when The Emperor left dock so long ago. When the ship became lost, they starved to death. The cult- ists found the ghouls when they took ‘over control of the ship. Rather than destroy them, they viewed them as cemissaries of their dark gods. Some- times, they offered living sacrifices to them. The ghouls currently hide in the northern end of the hold, beneath the water. Ghouls (2): hp 13 each; Monster Manual 119. ‘Tactics: The ghouls try to sneak up on the PCs to attack them from below. They gain a +2 bonus on Hide checks. A para- lyzed PC who falls prone must hold his breath or begin to drown. Treasure: One of the ghouls wears a silver bracelet worth 75 gp, while the other has a gem-studded belt worth 400 gp. The crates and boxes are rotted and the goods within them worthless. ‘The special box is made of a rare form of magically enhanced iron. 330 DUNGEON JUNE 2005, Resistant to rust and weapon blows, it is also arcane locked at caster level a4; anyone who speaks the password “Tildivarias" (the name of Aubreck’s dog from his childhood) can open it without difficulty. It still contains the cloak of resistance +5 and the three figu- rines of wondrous power (a bronze grif- _fon, an ebony fly, and a marble elephant) he seeks. ‘THE DEATH OF THE EMPEROR (EL 4) Only a few hours before the PCs reached the derelict Emperor, an old and dying giant squid, too frail to return to the deep, drifted near the ship. Crazed with hunger, it attacked the Emperor—the results of this attack are what has caused the ship's list and the numerous leaks that are slowly flooding the hold. Krell ‘managed to calm the crazed squid with a lucky wild empathy check, but the squid did not leave the area. Rather, it’s spent the last several hours lurking in the water nearly a 200 feet below. At some point near the climax of this adventure, the squid’s hunger and iliness drive it back to the surface for a final attack on the Emperor. You should time the squid’s second assault on the ship to coincide with the PGs' discovery of the box they're seck- ing The squid may be sick and old, but it still represents a very real threat to a group of and-level characters. As the squid attacks, emphasize to the players the chaos around the PCs. Swarms of spiders scramble about in a panic and assemble into ever-growing swarms. ‘The ship's hull creaks and tilts in the water as supports snap and water pours into the hold. Push the PCs to make fast decisions in order to enforce the feel of a panicked flight off a sinking ship. Once the attack begins, use the follow- ing schedule to track the progress ofthe damage done to the ship. Round 1: The squid moves into posi- tion under the ship. In its sickened state, itreleases its ink cloud as it swims, creating a noticeable blot in the water near the ship's stern, A successfil DC. 45 Spot check made by someone who ‘can see the water allows that person to notice the squid’s writhing tentacles in the inky water. ‘Round 2: The squid begins tearing at the Emperor'shull, widening the holes it has already created. Each round, from this point forward, PCs and human- oid monsters aboard the Emperor must make DC10 Balance checks each round or fall prone as the ship rocks back and forth, Also at this point, the tiny spiders aboard begin to panic and swarm out of the ship's woodwork. This creates a new spider swarm in areas 1, 3, and 10. During this time, the squid’s tentacles are obvious and can be seen by those outside, and periodically inside as well as it reaches blindly inside the ship. Round 11: The ship starts taking on water at a rapid rate. Area 12 floods completely, By this point, the giant squid’s tentacles have torn enough holes in the ship that it can make blind, groping attacks at creatures on the ship, As a general rule, since it can't see anything, it only attacks targets that attack its tentacles. Remember that the squid suffers a 50% miss chance against creatures it attacks, and it can't make attacks of opportunity (since it can't actually see the PCs while they remain on the ship). Round 16: Areas 5-11 are now filled half-way with water. Any surviving spider swarms flee to area 1. By this point, the dwarf sailors move their rowboat closer to look for the PCs. The ship lists ata 45° angle to port. Movement now requires successfill DC 10 Climb checks. Failure bys or more indicates the character slips and falls five feet to port. Round 21: Areas 5-11 flood completely. Round 27: The ship sinks beneath the ‘waves, carrying the spiders and the rem- nants of the Tharzax cult along with it, along with any PCs unfortunate enough to still be on board. If he still lives, Krell flies into a panic when the squid attacks. If he spots the PGs, he attacks them. Otherwise, he tries again to pacify the giant squid with a wild empathy check. Since the squid is hostile, he must make a DC 20 wild empathy check to successfully make it unfriendly and break off the attack. Any PCs with this ability can do the same, if they wish. In order to make the check, a character must be within 30 feet of the squid and spend one minute: The focus of the squid’s misplaced rage remains the ship itself THE PORTENT xc cnine as long as no PCs attack it, it ignores them and does not make any attacks against them. A group of 2nd-level characters would be well-advised to leave the animal alone. Sick Old Giant Squid: CR 4; Huge animal (aquatic); HD 1248-24; hp 30; Init -1; Spd 8o ft; AC 13, touch 7, flat- footed 10; Base Atk +9; Grp +17; Atk +7 melee (1d6, tentacle); Full Atk +7 melee (1d6, 10 tentacles) and +2 melee (248, bite}; Space/Reach 15 ft/s ft.(3o ft. with tentacles); SA constrict 1d6, improved grab; SQ ink cloud, jet, low-light vision; SV Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +5; Str 10, Dex 8, Con 6, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 2; Monster Manual 281. Skills: Listen +10, Spot +10, Swim 41. Feats: Alertness, Diehard, Endurance, ‘Toughness (2). CONCLUDING THE ADVENTURE Ifthe PCs return Aubreck’s box to him, he is overjoyed. With the sale of the items within, he can establish himself anew as a mercantile force within the City. He pays the PCs their promised fee and gladly replaces any items, such as armor or weapons, that they lost in the adventure. Even if they fail, he pays half their fee as he admits that the Emperor was in far worse shape than he had been led to believe, If the PCs succeeded, Aubreck can become a continuing source of adventure. He may dispatch the PCs to avenge the loss of his crew, some of whom may still bealive, or he may need them to accompany the trade voyages he sponsors with his profits. Perhaps he hides sinister motives behind his actions, or maybe he is too greedy and self-centered to do business with the patty for long without betraying them. In any case, he owes the PCs a tremen- dous debt, is well aware of their com- petence, and may need adventurers to aid him in the future. If he regains his former glory he could become a pow- erful, well-connected ally. Mike Mearls began playing D&D in 1981 ‘and has been a full-time freelance RPG designer since 2001. He would like to thank Mait, Toby, Derek, and Adam, the first brave adventurers to set foot aboard “The Emperor of the Waves. Unlike 98% of gamers, he can and will play the cleric. He still can't believe that people pay him to write D&D stuff Porte 0 25 BERGIING JUNE 2005 DUNGEON 31

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