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Amsat-Iaru Link Model Rev2.5.5

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AMSAT / IARU Annotated Link Model System Version: 2.5.

Organization: XYZ University or Corporation
Project: XYZ -Sat
Developed by: Jan A. King, W3GEY/VK4GEY With Editorial Assistance and Support from Ralph Wallio, WФRPK; Ignacio Mas; Lou McFadin, W5DID; Jeff Capehart, W4UFL; Michelle Denise, W5NYV, Kelby Davis, AD7VO
NOTE #1: Enter Name of Communications Engineer: NOTE #7:
Com. System Engineer: Jan A. King X Com. Eng.

NOTE #2: Enter Name of Project Manager:

Project Manager: John Smith P.M.

NOTE #3: Orbit Type: Geostationary Communications Satellite


NOTE #4: Model Under Medium Gain Antenna on S/C; Medium Gain Antenna at E.S.
Investigation: Small Satellite

NOTE #5: Model/Case No./Rev No.: TBD/TBD/2.5.5 Config. Control

Date Data Last Modified: 2016 October 20 0 Document Not Released

Date W/S Formulas 2016 October 20 NOTE #8:
Last Modified:
Introduction, Instructions for Use, References, Revisions:


This spreadsheet system is an attempt to provide a new kind of learning tool. It is intended, clearly, to be a wor
system designers to design and then document fully the RF radio links associated with Command (uplink) and
however, also intended to be a tutorial on the RF portion of a satellite system. The model makes liberal use of
understanding (and hopefully the knowledge) of the Link Model Operator (that's you). After you use the model
been successful. - Jan A. King, W3GEY and VK4GEY; w3gey@amsat.org

Instructions for Use:

Colors: Colors are used in the link model to make it easier to find data and to protect the lin
are interconnected in that equations in one W/S refer forward or back to data located in other work
Also, the cells are not yet protected (and may never be) as the system has not yet been finalized. C
the link model operator's brain, once it has been used for awhile. This has been found by the desi
Color is used for both the text and the cell background. Some colors have been picked for large fie
Excel cell grid structure showing. Typically, light grey light green
These colors have been found by our staff psychologist to have a relaxing effect on the operator. N

NOTE: This is a "pop-up" note. You will see a lot of single cells throughout the
your cursor on the cell. You don't need to click. A note will pop up. These are eithe
data or some form of training note. You will find that some notes are somewhat larg
I haven't been entirely successful. The problem with this is that if you scroll to see th
the screen then the note will close. Frustration will ensue. There are two solutions:
100% (the ususal setting) to 75% or 85%. This should allow you to see all of the not
the upper toolbar, "View", "Toolbars", and select the one called "Reviewing". There
Now, you should find a new toolbar up above the text area of Excel. The far left icon
one. But, if you move the curser over the far left icon you will notice the pop-up prom
over the "NOTE:" cell and left click then left click on the same far left icon. This will a
the cell in the ON condition. Now, you can move the note around by using the slide
all of the note. It's probably a good idea not to modify the note. You can close the n
somewhere and left clicking. It is suggested that you try this process now with the te
to frustrate you in just such a way as the real notes might do later on.

X.XX This is a data entry cell. The link model operator is expected to enter da
data entry cell. It is anticipated that your system's selected value is quite likely to be
received this link model.

X.XX This is also a data entry cell. This type of cell may not need to be chang
as the default value.

X.XX This is a cell containing an equation or a constant that should not be cha
majority of the link model contains this type of cell.

X.XX or X.XX These are cells containing important but, intermed

of importance. The orange color is considered to be a result having slightly more sig

X.XX This is a key "bottom line" result. It is a primary output of a particular W/

X or X or X A few cells use conditional f

the outcome of the preceeding calculations. Typically a RED box means the result w
A GREEN box means the result did meet or exceed the desired performance. A YE
threshould but, is considered marginal.
Sub-Title Box A pink box like this is simply a sub-title for a sub-worksheet.

X.XX An olive green box is a location where data has been transferred to this
No action need be taken here. It's purpose is only so that the operator is aware that

Frequency Sometimes an olive green cell will be used to re-emphasize a frequency

Non-Coherent FSK Sometimes a tan color cell is used to denote a selected syste

Gains and Losses: A positive gain or directivity is always experssed as a positive number.
Gains can also be negative (remember, the gain of an antenna is expressed as 10log(P/P
isotropic radiator, then the gain will be expressed as a negative number in dBi.

Losses in link budgets are commonly found as either positive or negative. A loss, by it's nature, is
is clearly referred to as such in the budget parameter column, it can have a positive sign. That is t
as being a positive value. The argument is symantic. The question could be asked, "Is a positive
The important thing for the link model operator to know when using this modeling system is that the
in the equations that sum the gains and losses to yield the result, the gains are added
see the equation in Cell [B11] of the "Uplink" W/S.

Speciality W/S vs. Tools: The first 13 W/Ss are all interconnected, in that they all have
contained in one or more of the other W/Ss. These worksheets, taken together, constitute the link
to the model and are considered to be tools. The important distinction is, that tools
into the model itself, whereas within the first 13 W/Ss there is lots of interlinking going on. The prim
calculated or selected in one of the Speciality W/Ss (e.g., "Receivers") becomes just one entry in e
The usefulness of a tool is to be able to explore a specific tradeoff without having to worry about th
Uplink or Downlink pages.

There is one additional and imporatant comment about tools. Within the Speciality W/Ss, there are
example of this is in the "Receivers" W/S. Contained in separate sub-tables is a
and a Ground Station, Antenna or Sky Noise Temperature Calculation Tool.

Proceeding Through the Model: Starting with the "Title Page" W/S, proceed throug
in sequence. Then select the next tab at the bottom of the W/S. The "Uplink", "Downlink" and "Sys
contain the final results of the model. The Tools W/Ss are located beyond the "System Perfomanc
explored and used as they may be helpful to you. Any comments you may have on this model will
Jan, VK4GEY.

References: The following references were used to prepare this link model:

1 A.R.R.L., The ARRL Antenna Handbook, American Radio Relay League, 1974, pp. 153-155.

2 Deloraine, E.M., Westman, H.P., Edie, L.C. Reference Data for Radio Engineers, 3rd Edition

3 Feher, Dr. Kamilo, Digital Communications, Satellite/Earth Station Engineering, Prentice-Hall Book

4 Ippolito, L.J.Jr., Radiowave Propagation in Satellite Communications, Van Norstrand Reinhold Co.
5 Jordan, E.C. (Edit.), Reference Data for Engineers: Radio, Electronics, Computer, and Communic
1985, pp. 29-26 - 29-37 and pp. 30-03 - 30-11.

6 Martin, W.L., AMMOS and DSN Support of Earth Orbiting and Deep Space Missions,

7 Morgan, W.L. and Gordon, G.D., Principles of Communicaitons Satellites, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

8 Van Wie, D.G. and Roark, R.C., A New Alert Protocol, Blue Water Design, LLC, 2003,

9 Jackson, R.B., The Canted Turnstile as an Omnidirectional Spacecraft Antenna,

Revisions: The following formal revisons have been made to this Link Model System:

Version: Date: Adjustments and/or Modifications Made:

2.0 1/30/2005 NEW; b-Test Version
2.1 2/7/2005 Revised All "Pop-up" Notes; Corrected some cell colors to improve consistancy; Add
2.1.1 2/12/2005 Revised Equation at Cell [B15] of "Uplink Budget" W/S. Index function should use co
2.1.2 2/21/2005 Modified Data for Monopole Antenna Pattern in Monopole Table in "Antenna Pattern
2.1.3 2/26/2005 Modified "Receviers" W/S. Added loss value for cable D. Modified 2nd Stage to "Co
2.1.4 2/27/2005 Added Tubo Code Option to "Modulation-Demodulation Method" W/S.
2.2 2/27/2005 Added EZNEC+ and Chart Wizzard Antenna Plots to "Antenna Pattern" W/S.
2.2.1 5/15/2005 Edited Notes in I.I.R.R W/S.
2.2.2 6/23/2005 Edited More Notes Throughout Link Model.
2.3 7/16/2005 Revised Antenna Gain and Antenna Pointing Losses W/Ss to Include a High Gain (P
2.3.1 9/28/2005 Modified Notes at Cells [P135] and [V52] of "Receivers" W/S. Added
2.3.2 10/4/2005 Modified Equation at Q62 of "Antenna Gain" W/S. Equation was "=21/(F55/1000)*H
2.4 10/22/2006 Changed "Downlink" to "Uplink" at D22 in "Antenna Gain" W/S. Changed hard coded
2.5 Not Released Added HEO, GEO and Deep Space Orbit Capability. Link Model Operator selects o
2.5.1 3/6/2008 Repaird Bugs in User #2, Delta Longitude, Range, Azimuth and Earth Central Angle
2.5.2 3/18/2008 Repaired Import of Frequency Values to "Transmitters" and "Receivers" Worksheets
2.5.3 12/17/2008 In "Atmos. & Ionos. Losses" W/S; temporarily made Atmos. Loss dependent on Man
2.5.4 3/11/2014 Revised Beam Roll-off Tool Tab to Include Dish Diameter in Wavelengths and Test f
2.5.5 10/20/2016 Revised Antenna Polarization Loss (R = 10^(AR/20); Antenna Pointling Loss, Downl
XYZ -Sat 2016 October 20

s intended, clearly, to be a working link model in order to allow satellite

d with Command (uplink) and Telemetry (downlink) equipment. It is,
he model makes liberal use of "pop-up" notes and "tools" to enhance the
you). After you use the model for awhile, let me know if I have

o find data and to protect the link model from crashing. Many of the worksheets
ck to data located in other worksheets. Loss of this connection could be critical.
em has not yet been finalized. Color can be used to provide "coded" messages to
his has been found by the designer to be fairly effective (at least with his brain).
s have been picked for large field areas where it is not so nice to have the
light green light yellow or white are used this way.
elaxing effect on the operator. Now let's look at the important uses of color:

t of single cells throughout the model that look like this. Using your mouse, place
ote will pop up. These are either local instructions on how to enter data or use
some notes are somewhat larger than the screen. I've tried hard to avoid this, but
this is that if you scroll to see the rest of the note and if the yellow cell scrolls off of
nsue. There are two solutions: 1) Reduce the scale of the viewing page from
d allow you to see all of the note. 2) Alternatively, using the mouse, select from
one called "Reviewing". There should now be a checkmark to the left of that option.
area of Excel. The far left icon will say "new comment" if you are making a new
you will notice the pop-up prompt now says "edit cell." Now, move the curser
he same far left icon. This will allow you to edit the cell BUT it will also FREEZE
note around by using the slide bars on the side and bottom of the screen to see
y the note. You can close the note by just moving the cursor to an empty cell
try this process now with the test note above at Cell [D23]. It's been set up
ight do later on.

operator is expected to enter data. The blue background means it is a critcal

ected value is quite likely to be different than the default value used in the cell when you

f cell may not need to be changed as the value you are likely to use may be the same

constant that should not be changed. The operator should not modify these cells. A

taining important but, intermediate results. Two colors were used to provide a slight gradation
a result having slightly more significance than the lighter yellow cell.

rimary output of a particular W/S.

A few cells use conditional fomatting which allow the cell colors to change depending on
y a RED box means the result was not successful in achieving the desired performance.
he desired performance. A YELLOW box means the result achieved the performance
sub-title for a sub-worksheet.

ta has been transferred to this worksheet from another and may be transferred to yet another.
that the operator is aware that the data is being transferred from and to other locations.

ed to re-emphasize a frequency selection as in the "System Performance Summary" W/S.

used to denote a selected system condition that is non-numeric.

perssed as a positive number. Sometimes the value may be seen to have a + in front of it.
xpressed as 10log(P/P isotropic). So, if the gain in a particular direction, is below that of an
mber in dBi.

gative. A loss, by it's nature, is a negative quantity but, some believe that if the loss
have a positive sign. That is the case in this link budget. All losses are shown
could be asked, "Is a positive loss a negative? And is a negative loss, positive?
this modeling system is that the losses are show as positive values BUT,
e gains are added and the losses are subtracted. For example,

onnected, in that they all have equations that make use of data
en together, constitute the link model. The next 5 W/Ss are supplementary
on is, that tools never produce results that are automatically linked
interlinking going on. The primary process is one where data
s") becomes just one entry in either the Uplink or the Downlink budget.
without having to worry about that data winding up in the formal

n the Speciality W/Ss, there are some embedded tools. The best
ub-tables is a Noise Figure/Noise Temperature Calculator (Tool)

itle Page" W/S, proceed through each Speciality W/S, adding data,
e "Uplink", "Downlink" and "System Performance Summary" W/Ss
beyond the "System Perfomance Summary" W/S and may be
ou may have on this model will be greatfully received by me. Thanks!

ague, 1974, pp. 153-155.

io Engineers, 3rd Edition, Federal Telephone & Radio Corp., 1949, pp. 362-396.

Engineering, Prentice-Hall Books, 1983, Chapter 4.

s, Van Norstrand Reinhold Co., 1986, Chapters 3 and 7.

ics, Computer, and Communications, 7th Edition, Howard W. Sams & Co.,

p Space Missions, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, TMOD Directorate, 1996, p.44-46.

ellites, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1993, Chapter 2 and pp.140-143.

Design, LLC, 2003, pp. 18-23.

aft Antenna, X-712-67-441, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, 1967, Entire Document.

s Link Model System:

rs to improve consistancy; Added reference 9; Corrected cells A19 & D19 in "Uplink" W/S.
S. Index function should use column H values not column C values.
pole Table in "Antenna Patterns" W/S. Added 3 dB to all Values (0° to 90°)
e D. Modified 2nd Stage to "Communications Receiver" at Ground Station.
on Method" W/S.
"Antenna Pattern" W/S.

W/Ss to Include a High Gain (Parabolic Reflector) S/C Antenna Option & Iso. Radiator Option.
s" W/S. Added To reference temperature "readout" at Cell [U56] of "Receivers" W/S.
quation was "=21/(F55/1000)*H62" and now is "=21/((F55/1000)*H62)." TNX Ignacio Mas.
ain" W/S. Changed hard coded cells in "Ant. Pointing Losses" W/S for referenced cells. Fixed errors in downlink portion of worksheet. T
Link Model Operator selects options. Separted Orbit and Frequency into two separate pages.
imuth and Earth Central Angle; Thank to Michelle Denise, W5NYV
s" and "Receivers" Worksheets; Thanks to Michelle Denise, W5NYV
tmos. Loss dependent on Manually Set Elevation Angle. This needs more work.
eter in Wavelengths and Test for 10 wavelength condition.
Antenna Pointling Loss, Downlink, Ground Station Table: Antenna Gains Corrected; TNX to Kelby Davis, AD7VO
in downlink portion of worksheet. There were several incorrect references. Added NOTEs at Line 57 of the "Uplink" W/S and Line 56 o

avis, AD7VO
57 of the "Uplink" W/S and Line 56 of the "Downlink W/S" to remind user about S/N when using coding. TNX Jeff Capehart W4DFU.
ng. TNX Jeff Capehart W4DFU.
System Orbit Characteristics: XYZ -Sat
Orbit Option to be Used in
Link Model
(LEO, HEO, GEO, Deep Space) Select Orbit Option: 3 GEO Slant Range:
Option No.: Orbit Type: Slant Range:
1 LEO 2783.9 km
2 HEO 41126.8 km
3 GEO 36488.2 km
4 Deep Space 3.150E+08 km

Blue = User Data Entry Values

Element Reference Epoch: 2005, 87.50000 Black = Computed Values (No

LEO Orbit - Option #1 NOTE:

Low Earth Orbit Properties
Slant Range to Spacecraft vs. Elevation Angle
Parameter: Value: Unit:
Earth Radius: 6,378.14 km
Height of Apogee (ha): 805.0 km
Height of Perigee (hp): 795.0 km
Semi-Major Axis (a): 7,178.1 km
Eccentricity (e): 0.000697
Inclination (I): 98.61 ° S = Slant Range
Argument of Perigee (w): 180.0 °
R.A.A.N. (W): 123.70 °
Mean Anomaly (M): 0.00 °
Period: 100.874 minutes
dw/dt: -2.9241 deg./day
dW/dt: 0.9860 deg./day
dM/dt: Not Implemented deg./day
Mean Orbit Altitude: 800.00 km
Mean Orbit Radius: 7,178.14 km
Sun Synchronous Inclination: 98.61 ° Earth Station
Elevation Angle (d): 5.0 °

Slant Range (S): 2,783.9 km. To Center of Ear

High Earth Orbit (HEO) - Option #2 NOTE:

HEO Orbit Properties
S/C Spinning and NADIR-Pointing at Apogee
Parameter: Value: Unit:
Earth Radius: 6,378.14 km
Height of Apogee: 35,786 km
Height of Perigee: 500 km
Semi-Major Axis (a): 24,521.14 km
Eccentricity (e): 0.719502
Inclination (I): 7.00 degrees
Argument of Perigee (w): 180.0 degrees
R.A.A.N. (W): 0.00 degrees b
Case 1
Mean Anomaly (M): 180.00 degrees
Period: 636.90 minutes
dw/dt: 0.7542 deg./day
dW/dt: -0.3814 deg./day Case 4

1) To Change Orbit Keplarians

a=b Case 7
Modify ONLY Blue Values Above.
a = S/C Off-Point Angle
2) Choose Case No. and Enter Here. HEO
b = (180-M) deg.= Angle from S/C to Apogee
Proceed to "Uplink & Downlink Orbit
Choices" Below. Geometry g = Earth Diameter as seen from S/C
a + g/2 = Worst Case Squint Angle

CASE NO. SELECTED: 13 35,786.0 km Altitude Elevation Angle:

CASE: R(km): M(deg.): altitude (km): S/C off-point angle:
1 perigee 6878.1 0 500.0 180.0 deg.
2 6977.6 15 599.5 165.0 deg.
3 7286.6 30 908.5 150.0 deg.
4 7838.8 45 1,460.7 135.0 deg.
5 8697.9 60 2,319.8 120.0 deg.
6 9970.3 75 3,592.2 105.0 deg.
7 11827.0 90 5,448.8 90.0 deg.
8 14533.4 105 8,155.2 75.0 deg.
9 18472.4 120 12,094.3 60.0 deg.
10 24076.0 135 17,697.8 45.0 deg.
11 31380.2 150 25,002.0 30.0 deg.
12 38775.1 165 32,396.9 15.0 deg.
13 apogee 42164.1 180 35,786.0 0.0 deg.
14 41756.6 175 35,378.4 5.0 deg.

3) If CASE No. 14 is Selected, Choose Mean Ano

Value and S/C Rcvr Antenna Temp. and Enter He

Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO) - Option #3 NOTE:

Path Length to User Terminal from Spacecraft

Parameter: Value: Unit: Comment(s):
Geostationary Altitude: 35,786.019 km Height Above Geoid
Equatorial Radius of Earth (Re): 6,378.137 km
Geostationary semi major axis 42,164.156 km Accurate to 1/10 meter
Typical Path Length: 37,410.000 km User at typical Longitude difference from satellite a
Shortest Path Length: 35,786.019 km User at same longitude as satellite and at the equa
Longest Path Length: 41,678.957 km User at max. longitude difference from satellite an

User #1:
User Latitude: 19.062 ° + = North Latitude; - = South Latitude

User Longitude: 72.874 ° + = East Longitude; - = West Longitude

Spacecraft Slot (Longitude): 89.500 ° Enter Slot Postion in Degrees East Longitude (NO
Slant Range to User: 36488.2 km The distance from the GEO satellite to the user. T

User Elevation Angle: 60.660 ° This is the Elevation Angle to the GEO spacecraft
User Azimuth Angle: 137.564 ° This is the azimuth angle to the GEO spacecraft fr

Earth Central Angle: 25.089 ° The angle measured from Earth center between th

Deep Space Mission - Option #4: Range Expressed in Astronomical Units (AU)

Mission Target Object: Mars Current Range to S/C: 2.100

Current Range to S/C: 3.150E+08 km

Earth Current Position

1.00 AU

Current Range

Spacecraft Current Position

Heliocentric Transfer Mission (Example)
2016 October 20 Version: 2.5.5

36,488 km Used in Path Loss Calculation

ata Entry Values Red = Key Results NOTE: Cells Not Yet Protected
ed Values (No Data Entry) Blue =Critical User Data Entry Values

Orbit Velocity

h = mean height above surface

S = Slant Range

d = elevation angle
r = h+Re

Re = 6378.136 km

S = Re[{r^2/Re^2 - cos^2(d)}^1/2 - sin d ]

To Center of Earth

LEO Orbit Geometry

S/C Pointing Vector


g g/2

b Case 13
Case 12

Case 10
from S/C to Apogee Case 11

5.0 ° Slant Range (S): 41,126.8 km

S/C rcvr. ant. temp.(K)
35 S/C POINTING VECTOR (a): 10.0 °
35 GROUND RCVR Eb/No: 16.2 dB
40 S/C RCVR Eb/No 17.7 dB
160 User Defined Case:

elected, Choose Mean Anomaly

tenna Temp. and Enter Here.

e difference from satellite and at mean latitude.

as satellite and at the equator
difference from satellite and at max. latitude (0.0° User Elevation Angle).


outh Latitude User Latitude:

West Longitude User Longitude:

grees East Longitude (NOTE: D Longitude £ 81.3°) [- = W. Long.; + = E. Long.] S/C Slot Longitude:
EO satellite to the user. This Value used in Link Budget Path Loss Calculation. Slant Range to User:

gle to the GEO spacecraft from the User (latitude and longitude) site. User Elevation Angle:

e to the GEO spacecraft from the User (latitude and longitude) site. User Azimuth Angle:

m Earth center between the sub-satellite point and the ground station location. Earth Central Angle:



Future Intercept Point

Current Range

Current Position
Intercept Object
Current Position
ion (Example)
cos^2(d)}^1/2 - sin d ]
User #2:

17.429 °

78.466 °
89.500 ° Same as User #1 as both Users Employ the Same Spacecraft
36260.4 km

65.926 °
146.935 °

20.536 °
UPLINK & DOWNLINK Frequency Choices:

Orbit Type Selected: GEO

Slant Range for Orbit Option Selected: 36,488


Option: Frequency: Wavelength (l): Path Loss:

Uplink: #1: 145.800 MHz 2.056 meters 167.0
#2: 437.500 MHz 0.685 meters 176.5
#3: 1269.900 MHz 0.236 meters 185.8
Operator Selected Option: #4: 450.000 MHz 0.666 meters 176.8

Downlink: #1: 145.800 MHz 2.056 meters 167.0

#2: 437.450 MHz 0.685 meters 176.5
#3: 2405.000 MHz 0.125 meters 191.3
Operator Selected Option: #4: 136.000 MHz 2.204 meters 166.4
Path Loss = 22.0 + 20 log (S/l)


dB Uplink Frequency Choice: 1 145.800 MHz

dB Path Loss for Orbit Selected: 167.0 dB

dB Downlink Frequency Choice: 2 437.450 MHz

dB Path Loss for Orbit Selected: 176.5 dB
System Transmitters & Line Losses: XYZ -Sat

Uplink Transmitter System (At Ground Station):


Block Diagram:

Line A Line B Line C

TX In-Line

Transmitter Power: 10.00 Watts = 10.0 dBW =

Cable or Waveguide ("Line") Losses:

Line A Length:
Line B Length:
Line C Length:

Total Line Length (Line A+B+C):

Cable/W. Guide Type: Belden 9913
Cable/W.Guide Loss/meter: 0.05 dB At (freq.) 145.8 MHz =

Other Components in Line:

No. of In-Line Connectors: 6 Connectors X 0.05 dB/Con. =

Filter Insertion Losses:
Other In-Line Losses: Device: Directional Coupler

Antenna Mismatch Losses: (See "VSWR Loss Tool" W/S)

Total Line Losses:

Total Power Delivered to Antenna:

Downlink Transmitter System (At Spacecraft):

Block Diagram:

Line A Line B Line C

TX Other
Filter In-Line

Transmitter Power: 2.0 Watts = 3.0 dBW =

Cable or Waveguide Loss:

Line A Length:
Line B Length:
Line C Length:
Total Line Length (Lines A+B+C):
Cable/Guide Type:
Cable/Guide Loss/meter: 0.58 dB At (freq.) 437.45 MHz =

Other Components in Line:

No. of In-Line Connectors: 4 Connectors X 0.05 dB =

Filter Insertion Losses:
Other In-Line Losses: Device: Hybrid

Antenna Mismatch Losses: (See "VSWR Loss Tool" W/S)

Total Line Losses:

Total RF Power Delivered to Antenna:

2016 October 20

Line C Antenna Mismatch

40.00 dBm

1.0 meters
0.3 meters
25.0 meters

26.3 meters
Belden 9913 cable
1.315 dB

0.3 dB
1.0 dB
0.5 dB

0.5 dB

3.62 dB

6.39 dBW

Antenna Mismatch

33.01 dBm

0.075 meters
0.075 meters
0.3 meters
0.45 meters
RG-188/AU cable
0.261 dB

0.2 dB
1.0 dB
0.5 dB

0.240 dB

2.20 dB

0.81 dBW
System Receivers and Line Losses: XYZ -Sat

Uplink Receiver System (At Spacecraft):


Block Diagram:


To In-Line To LNA

Lother LBPF
System Noise Temperature (Ts):

Ts= (a)Ta + (1-a)To + TLNA + T2ndStage/GLNA

Ta = Antenna Temperature or Sky Temperature (°K)
To = System Line Temperature (Physical Temperature) (°K) º System Reference Temper
TLNA= Noise Temperature of the Low Noise Amplifier (°K)
T2nd Stage = Noise Temperature of Next Stage Amplifier or Mixer (°K)
GLNA = The gain of the LNA in linear (non-dB) units NOTE:
a = Feed Line Coefficient = 10^ -((LA/10)+(LB/10)+(LC/10)+(LBPF/10)+(Lother
LA, LB, LC = All Cable or Waveguide Losses (expressed in dB)
LBPF = Insertion Loss of any bandpass fiter used in front of LNA (expressed in
Lother = Insertion Loss of any other In-Line device in front of LNA (expressed in

Cable or Waveguide "Line" Losses:

Line A Length:
Line B Length:
Line C Length:

Cable/Guide Type:
Cable/Guide Loss/meter: 0.4 dB at frequency

Line A Loss: LA =
Line B Loss: LB =
Line C Loss: LC =
Bandpass Filter Insertion Loss: LBPF =
Insertion Loss of Other In-Line Devices: Lother =
No. of In-Line Connectors: 6 X .05 dB/Con.=
Other In-Line Device Type:

Total In-Line Losses from Antenna to LNA:

Transmission Line Coefficient: a=

Antenna or "Sky" Temperature: NOTE: Ta =

Spacecraft Temperature: To =

LNA Temperature: TLNA =

LNA Gain: 18.0 dB GLNA =

2nd Stage Temperature: T2ndStage =

System Noise Temperature: Ts =

Downlink Receiver System (At Ground Station):

Block Diagram:


To In-Line To LNA
Long Cable Run
Lother LBPF (See Note Below)

System Noise Temperature (Ts):

Ts= (a)Ta + (1-a)To + TLNA + TComRcvr/(GLNA/LD)

Ta =Antenna Temperature or Sky Temperature (°K)
To = System Line Temperature (Physical Temperature) (°K)
TLNA= Noise Temperature of the Low Noise Amplifier (°K)
TComRcvr = Noise Temperature of Communications Receiver Front End (°K)
GLNA = The gain of the LNA in linear (non-dB) units NOTE:
a º Feed Line Coefficient = 10^ -((LA/10)+(LB/10)+(LC/10)+(LBPF/10)+(Lother
LA, LB, LC = All Cable or Waveguide Losses (expressed in dB)
LBPF = Insertion Loss of any bandpass fiter used in front of LNA (expressed in
Lother = Insertion Loss of any other In-Line device in front of LNA (expressed in

Cable or Waveguide "Line" Losses: NOTE:

Line A Length:
Line B Length:
Line C Length:

Cable/Guide Type:
Cable/Guide Loss/meter: 0.092 dB (at freq.)
Line A Loss: LA =
Line B Loss: LB =
Line C Loss: LC =
Bandpass Filter Insertion Loss: LBPF =
Insertion Loss of Other In-Line Devices: Lother =
No. of In-Line Connectors: 4 X 0.05 dB/con.=
Other In-Line Device Type:

Total In-Line Losses from Antenna to LNA:

Transmission Line Coefficient: a=

Antenna or "Sky" Temperature: NOTE: Ta =

Ground Station Feedline Temperature: To =

LNA Temperature: TLNA =

LNA Gain: 18.0 dB GLNA =

Cable/Waveguide D Length: NOTE:

Cable/Waveguide D Type:

Cable/Waveguide D Loss/meter:

Cable/Waveguide D Loss:

Communications Receiver Front End Temperature TComRcvr =

System Noise Temperature: Ts =

2016 October 20

T2nd Stage

To To

º System Reference Temperature


ressed in dB)
in front of LNA (expressed in dB)
e in front of LNA (expressed in dB)

0.2 meters
0.1 meters
0.1 meters

RG-188/AU cable
145.8 MHz

0.08 dB
0.04 dB
0.04 dB
1.0 dB
0.5 dB
0.3 dB
directional coupler
Noise Temperature/Noise Figure Calculator (Tool):
1.96 dB
NFdB = 10 LOG10[1+(T/T
0.6368 or
T = To[10^(NFdB/10)-1]
120 K
280 K NFdB = 1.0

75 K

63.1 T= 1000.0

500 K

Enter Data Here:

261.0 K


Long Cable Run
(See Note Below)

r Front End (°K)


ressed in dB)
in front of LNA (expressed in dB)
e in front of LNA (expressed in dB)

2.5 meters
0.3 meters
0.3 meters

Belden 9913 cable

437.5 MHz
0.23 dB
0.0276 dB
0.0276 dB
1.5 dB
0.0 dB Ground Station, Antenna or Sky Noise Temperature Calculat
0.2 dB
none Galactic Noise Component:

1.99 dB Receiver Frequency:

0.6331 Coldest Galactic Noise Temp.:

500 K Warmest Galactic Noise Temp:

290 K
Terrestrial Noise Component:
60 K
Receiver Bandwidth:
NOTE: Estimated or Measured Noise Level:
25.0 meteres
Noise Source Effective Temperature:
Belden 9913 cable
Minimum Sky Noise Temp:
0.092 dB/m
Maximum Sky Noise Temp:
2.3 dB

1000 K

510 K
ure Calculator (Tool): NOTE:

0 LOG10[1+(T/To)]

^(NFdB/10)-1] To = 280 K
dB T= 72.5 K


K NFdB = 6.60 dB

nter Data Here: Result is Here

Sky Noise Temperature Calculation Tool:

Frequency: 437.5 MHz

Galactic Noise Temp.: 20 K

Galactic Noise Temp: 84 K

10.0 KHz

r Measured Noise Level: -132.4 dBm

ce Effective Temperature: 417 K

437 K

501 K
System Antenna Gains (Directivities): XYZ -Sat

Uplink Antenna System:


Ground Station:
Uplink Frequency: 145.8 MHz

Operator Selects Option 1 to 4 Here

4 User Defined

1 Yagi Boom Length (l): 3.2 Optimum Elements (n): 12 per Plane

2 Helix Turns (n): 10 Turn Spacing (l): 0.25 Circumference (l):

3 Parabolic Reflector Diameter: 5.4 m Aperture Efficiency:

4 User Defined KLM (22x22 Element) Yagi (Example)

Uplink Frequency: 145.8 MHz
Operator Selects Option 1 to 7 Here
1 Monopole

1 Monopole Gain: 2.15 dBiL

2 Dipole Gain: 2.15 dBiL

3 Canted Turnstyle Gain: 2.0 dBiC

4 Quadrifilar Helix Loop (l): 1/2 Gain: 4.0 dBiC

5 Patch Gain: 6.0 dBi (L or C)

6 Parabolic Reflector Gain: 15.7 dBi (L or C)

7 Other (User Defined) [Isotropic Radiator] Gain: 0.0 dBi


Downlink Antenna System:

Downlink Frequency: 437.45 MHz
Operator Selects Option 1 to 5 Here
3 Canted Turnstyle

1 Monopole Gain: 2.15 dBiL

2 Dipole Gain: 2.15 dBiL

3 Canted Turnstyle Gain: 2.0 dBiC

4 Quadrifilar Helix Loop (l): 1/2 Gain: 4.0 dBiC

5 Other (User Defined) Patch (Example) Gain: 6.0 dBi (L or C)

6 Parabolic Reflector Gain: 16.6 dBi (L or C)

7 Other (User Defined) [Isotropic Radiator] Gain: 0.0 dBi

Ground Station:
Downlink Frequency: 437.45 MHz

Operator Selects Option 1 to 4 Here

4 User Defined

1 Yagi Boom Length (l): 2.0 Optimum Elements (n): 8 per Plane

2 Helix Turns (n): 10 Turn Spacing (l): 0.25 Circumference (l):

3 Parabolic Reflector Diameter: 2.0 m Aperture Efficiency:

4 User Defined KLM (22x22 Element) Yagi (Example)

Look-Up Table
Optimum Yagi Antenna Performance:
Boom Optimum Maximum
Length (l): No. Elements (n): Gain (dBi):

0.35 3 9.65

0.55 4 10.86

0.80 5 11.85

1.15 6 12.45

1.45 7 13.35

1.80 8 14.05

2.10 9 14.40

2.45 10 15.25

2.80 11 15.95

3.15 12 16.30

3.55 13 16.95

4.00 14 17.45

4.40 15 18.15

4.75 16 18.65

5.20 17 19.35

5.55 18 19.85

6.00 19 20.25

6.50 20 20.75

7.00 21 21.35

7.50 22 21.65

Data Taken from ARRL Antenna Book

2016 October 20

Wavelength: 2.0562 meters

Polarization: RHCP

(in V and in H) Maximum Gain: 16.3 dBiC Beamwidth: 30.6

Circumference (l): 1.0 Gain: 15.7 dBiC Beamwidth: 33.0

Aperture Efficiency: 55% Gain: 15.7 dBiC Beamwidth: 26.7

Gain: 18.5 dBiC Beamwidth: 24.0

Wavelength: 2.0562 meters

Polarization: RHCP

Beamwidth: 156.2 ° No Radiation in Back Hemisphere AND Null on Axis ("Tip Null")

Beamwidth: 156.2 ° Null On Axis; Both Poles

(typical) Beamwidth: 180 ° Circular Pol. On Axis; RHCP one pole, LHCP Opposite Pole, Linear in Eq

Beamwidth: 150 ° No Radiation in Back Hemisphere; Excellent Axial Ratio Performance Of

dBi (L or C) Beamwidth: 90 ° Low Radiation in Back Hemisphere; High On-Axis Gain; Can be Maded L

dBi (L or C) Beamwidth: 26.7 ° To Be Used if a High Gain Antenna is Required on S/C.

Beamwidth: 360 ° Gain, Beamwidth and Roll-Off Equation To Be Provided By Link Model O

Wavelength: 0.6853 meters

Polarization: RHCP

Beamwidth: 156.2 ° No Radiation in Back Hemisphere & Null on Axis ("Tip Null")

Beamwidth: 156.2 ° Null On Axis; Both Poles

(typical) Beamwidth: 180 ° Circular Pol. On Axis; RHCP one pole, LHCP Opposite Pole, Linear in Eq

Beamwidth: 150 ° No Radiation in Back Hemisphere

dBi (L or C) Beamwidth: 90 ° No Radiation in Back Hemisphere

dBi (L or C) Beamwidth: 24.0 ° To Be Used if a High Gain Antenna is Required on S/C.

Beamwidth: 360 ° Gain, Beamwidth and Roll-Off Equation To Be Provided By Link Model O

Wavelength: 0.6853 meters

Polarization: RHCP

(in V and in H) Maximum Gain: 14.1 dBiC Beamwidth: 39.7

Circumference (l): 1.0 Gain: 15.7 dBiC Beamwidth: 72.7

Aperture Efficiency: 60% Gain: 17.0 dBiC Beamwidth: 24.0

Gain: 18.5 dBiC Beamwidth: 24.0

° Antenna Length: 6.580 meters

° Antenna Length: 5.141 meters

° Antenna Length: X.XX meters

D Null on Axis ("Tip Null")

, LHCP Opposite Pole, Linear in Equatorial Plane

cellent Axial Ratio Performance Off-Axis

High On-Axis Gain; Can be Maded Linear or Circularly Polarized

Dish Aperture
Required on S/C. Diameter: 5.4 m Efficiency: 55%

on To Be Provided By Link Model Operator

Null on Axis ("Tip Null")

, LHCP Opposite Pole, Linear in Equatorial Plane

Dish Aperture
Required on S/C. Diameter: 2.0 m Efficiency: 55%

on To Be Provided By Link Model Operator

° Antenna Length: 1.371 meters

° Antenna Length: 1.713 meters

° Antenna Length: X.XX meters

System Antenna Pointing Losses: XYZ -Sat

NOTE: Uplink: Downlink:


Antenna +X
-Z [Types 1 thru 5]

Spacecraft Symmetry Axis

θ1 θ4
θ2 θ3

Ground Station
[Type 1,2,3 or 4]

Figure 1 Figure 2
Antenna Loss Determination:
Uplink Antenna System:


Ground Station:
Uplink Frequency: 145.8 MHz

This Option was Selected on the Previous Page

4 User Defined

1 Yagi Maximum Gain: 16.3 dBiC Beamwidth:

2 Helix Gain: 15.7 dBiC Beamwidth:

3 Parabolic Reflector Gain: 15.7 dBiC Beamwidth:

4 User Defined Gain: 18.5 dBiC Beamwidth:

Esimated Pointing Error (θ1): 5 ° Approx. Antenna Pointing Loss:

Uplink Frequency: 145.8 MHz
This Option was Selected on the Previous Page
1 Monopole

1 Monopole Gain: 2.15 dBiL

2 Dipole Gain: 2.15 dBiL

3 Canted Turnstyle Gain: 2.0 dBiC

4 Quadrifilar Helix Loop (l): 1/2 Gain: 4.0 dBiC

5 Patch Gain: 6.0 dBi (C or L)

6 Parabolic Reflector [For S/C Hi Gain Option] Gain: 15.7 dBi (C or L)

7 Other (User Defined) [Isotropic Radiator] Gain: 0.0 dBi

Angle between S/C antenna symmetry axis Approx. Antenna

and vector from S/C to gnd. station (θ2): 20 ° Pointing Loss:


Downlink Antenna System:

Downlink Frequency: 437.45 MHz
This Option was Selected on the Previous Page
3 Canted Turnstyle

1 Monopole Gain: 2.15 dBiL

2 Dipole Gain: 2.15 dBiL

3 Canted Turnstyle Gain: 2.0 dBiC

4 Quadrifilar Helix Loop (l): 1/2 Gain: 4.0 dBiC

5 Other (User Defined) Patch (Example) Gain: 6.0 dBi

6 Parabolic Reflector [For S/C Hi Gain Option] Gain: 16.6 dBi (C or L)

7 Other (User Defined) [Isotropic Radiator] Gain: 0.0 dBi

Angle between S/C antenna symmetry axis Approx. Antenna

and vector from S/C to gnd. station (θ3): 20 ° Pointing Loss:
Ground Station:
Downlink Frequency: 437.45 MHz

This Option was Selected on the Previous Page

4 User Defined

1 Yagi Maximum Gain: 14.1 dBiC Beamwidth:

2 Helix Gain: 15.7 dBiC Beamwidth:

3 Parabolic Reflector Gain: 17.0 dBiC Beamwidth:

4 User Defined Gain: 18.5 dBiC Beamwidth:

Esimated Pointing Error (θ4): 5 ° Approx. Antenna Pointing Loss:

2016 October 20



+X +Y -X +X

Figure 3 Figure 4

Wavelength: 2.0562 meters

Previous Page
Polarization: RHCP

30.6 °

33.0 °

26.7 °

24.0 °

ntenna Pointing Loss: 0.5 dB

Wavelength: 2.0562 meters
Previous Page
Polarization: RHCP Antenna
Coordinate System:

Beamwidth: 156.2 ° See Figures 1and 3 monopole

Beamwidth: 156.2 ° See Figures 1and 4 dipole

Beamwidth: 180 ° See Figures 1, 5 & 8 canted turnstyle

Beamwidth: 150 ° See Figures 1and 6 quadrifilar helix

Beamwidth: 90 ° See Figures 1and 7 patch antenna

Dish Boresight
Beamwidth: 26.7 ° Aligned with +Z Axis parabolic reflector
Link Model Operator to
Beamwidth: 360 ° Provide user defined

Approx. Antenna
Pointing Loss: 4.7 dB


Wavelength: 0.6853 meters

Previous Page
Polarization: RHCP Antenna
Coordinate System:

Beamwidth: 156.2 ° See Figures 2 and 3 monopole

Beamwidth: 156.2 ° See Figures 2 and 4 dipole

Beamwidth: 180 ° See Figures 2, 5 & 8 canted turnstyle

Beamwidth: 150 ° See Figures 2 and 6 quadrifilar helix

Beamwidth: 90 ° See Figures 2 and 7 Patch (Example)

Dish Boresight
Beamwidth: 24.0 ° Aligned with +Z Axis parabolic reflector
Link Model Operator to
Beamwidth: 360 ° Provide user defined

Approx. Antenna
Pointing Loss: 0.3 dB
Wavelength: 0.6853 meters

Previous Page
Polarization: RHCP

39.7 °

72.7 °

24.0 °

24.0 °

ntenna Pointing Loss: 0.5 dB

+Z +Z

+Y -X +X +Y -X

Canted Turnstyle

-Z -Z
Figure 4 Figure 5
(See Also Figure 8)


Antenna Roll-Off

Calculation Formulas

4.7 dB

0.3 dB

0.3 dB

0.2 dB

0.6 dB Intermediate Calculation -

Please Ignore This Value.
7.6 dB 119.61

0.0 dB Link Model operator enter equation for

functional behavior of user defined
antenna here.

Antenna Roll-Off

Calculation Formulas

4.7 dB

0.3 dB

0.3 dB

0.2 dB

0.6 dB Intermediate Calculation -

Please Ignore This Value.
10.0 dB 132.92

0.0 dB Enter functional behavior

of user defined antenna here.
Measured RHCP
θ2,3 θ2,3

Quadrifilar Helix
(Wound RHCP)

+X +Y -X +X

Measured LHCP
(Cross Polarized)

Figure 6
Measured RHCP
θ2,3 Turnstyle Gain in RH
Patch (or User Defined) Spacecraft -Z

+Y -X 0 5 1015
345 355
350 2025
335 30
330 5 35
325 40
320 0 45
315 5
310 -5
305 -10
300 -15
295 -20
285 -25
280 -30
Spacecraft -X
275 y -35
-Z 265
Figure 7 260
230 1
225 140
220 145
210 150
200 160
190 185 170
180 175

Spacecraft +Z


style Gain in RHCP and LHCP
Spacecraft -Z

350 0 5 1015
340 2025
335 30
330 5 35
325 40
20 0 45
-5 55
-10 60
-15 65
-20 70
-25 80
-30 85 Spacecraft +X
-40 90
0 135
25 140
220 145
210 150
200 160
190 185 170
180 175

Spacecraft +Z

n LHCP Gain Figure 8

System Polarization Loss and Cross Polarization Isolation:
Power Emitted (or Received) with Antenna Aligned with Major Axis
Axial Ratio ≡ 10*LOG
Power Emitted (or Received) with Antenna Aligned with Minor Axis
Power when Aligned with Minor Axis

Power when Aligned Transmit Antenna

with Major Axis

Power when Aligned Receive Antenna

with Major Axis


UPLINK: Operator selects uplink antenna characteristics in blue boxes.

Polarization Loss Calculation:
Co-Polarization Loss:
Axial ratio of Tx Antenna (Ant. #1) in dB = 1.00 [dB]
Axial ratio (Ant. #1) = 1.12 [ ]
Axial ratio of Rx Antenna (Ant. #2) in dB = 1.00 [dB]
Axial ratio (Ant. #2) = 1.12 [ ]
Polarization Angle θ between antennas = 90.0 [degrees]
Polarization Angle θ between antennas = 1.570796 [Radians]

Polarization Loss = 0.98686 [ ]

Polarization Loss = 0.06 [dB]

Cross Polarization Coupling/Isolation: PL

Cross Pol. Power Fraction = 0.01314
Cross Pol. Power Fraction = -18.81 [dB]
Cross Polarization Isolation = 18.87 [dB]

DOWNLINK: Operator selects uplink antenna characteristics in blue boxes.

Polarization Loss Calculation:
Co-Polarization Loss:
Axial ratio of Tx Antenna (Ant. #1) in dB = 1.00 [dB]
Axial ratio (Ant. #1) = 1.12 [ ]
Axial ratio of Rx Antenna (Ant. #2) in dB = 1.00 [dB]
Axial ratio (Ant. #2) = 1.12 [ ]
Polarization Angle θ between antennas = 90.0 [degrees]
Polarization Angle θ between antennas = 1.570796 [Radians]

Polarization Loss = 0.98686 [ ]

Polarization Loss = 0.06 [dB]

Cross Polarization Coupling/Isolation:

Cross Pol. Power Fraction = 0.01314
Cross Pol. Power Fraction = -18.81 [dB]
Cross Polarization Isolation = 18.87 [dB]

Example Calculations:
Tx Ant. Rx Ant. θ
A.R. #1: A.R. #2: (degrees)
(dB) (dB)

Tx Circular, 0.0 0.0 90.0

Rx Variable: 0.0 1.0 90.0
0.0 2.0 90.0
0.0 3.0 90.0
0.0 6.0 90.0
0.0 10.0 90.0
0.0 30.0 90.0
0.0 30.0 0.0

Tx & Rx Elliptical: 3.0 3.0 0.0

3.0 3.0 45.0
3.0 3.0 90.0

Tx & Rx Linear: 30.0 30.0 0.0

30.0 30.0 30.0
30.0 30.0 45.0
30.0 30.0 60.0
30.0 30.0 90.0

Tx Elliptical, 2.0 30.0 0.0

Rx Linear 2.0 30.0 45.0
2.0 30.0 90.0
XYZ -Sat 2016 October 20

ned with Major Axis

ned with Minor Axis Circular Elliptical Linear

Right Hand or Left Hand Right Hand or Left Hand Vertical or Horizontal

Axial Ratio
Axial Ratio = ∞
= Axial Ratio =
2.0 =
1.0 = 3.0 dB

0.0 dB

Axial Ratio Axial Ratio = ∞

= Axial Ratio =
2.0 =
1.0 = 3.0 dB

0.0 dB

Polarization Angle (θ) ≡

θ Angle between transmit and receive
major axes.

Polarization Loss Equation:

= 0.5*(1+((1-r_1^2)*(1-r_2^2)*COS(2*θ)+4*r_1*r_2)/((1+r_1^2)*(1+r_2^2)))
Pol. Loss

-2.74 NOTE: A linearly polarized antenna may be
-2.74 represented by an Axial Ratio value of 30 dB.

-0.25 NOTE: This is a typical small satellite case.


-2.75 NOTE: This is also a typical small satellite case.
ansmit and receive
Atmospheric and Ionospheric Losses: XYZ -Sat

Loss due to Atmospheric Gases: Link Losses Resulting from Signals Pas
Uplink and Downlink:
Elevation Angle: Loss: Unit:
0 ° 10.2 dB Losses due to atmospheric gases (Nitrogen, Oxygen,
are nearly independent of atmospheric temperature, m
2.5 ° 4.6 dB at frequencies below 2 GHz. Atmospheric absorption
distributed along the path between the spacecraft and
5 ° 2.1 dB means that the losses from or to the satellite are eleva

10 ° 1.1 dB The table to the left is a look-up table. The minimum e

"Orbit" worksheet is matched against the closest fit fro
30 ° 0.4 dB result is given at Cell [D23] and is automatically inserte

45 ° 0.3 dB The data used here is taken from "

Louis J. Ippolito, Jr., Van Nostrand-Reinhold, 1986, pp
90 ° 0.0 dB
One additional interpolated value is added at 2.5° elev
from Ippolito's text.
Min. Elev. Angle: 5 deg. NOTE:
If you are using uplink or downlink frequencies above
Loss Determined: 2.1 dB to determine the appropriate atmosperic losses. At mi

Link Losses Resulting from Signals Pas

Loss due to Ionosphere: Radio waves passing through the ionosphere at VHF,
Uplink: Loss Determined: 0.7 dB far less by this layer of ionized particles than at freque
Frequency: Unit: Loss: Unit: radio spectrum. While there is certainly some correlat
satellite and the signal absorption or scintillation exper
146 MHz 0.7 dB out by the time variability of effects.
438 MHz 0.4 dB
2410 MHz 0.1 dB There is, however, a frequency depencency that can b
450 MHz 0.4 dB go below 100 MHz there are times when the attenuatio
especially at low elevation angles. The ionosphere ce
satellite communications is feasible. Below 20 MHz, d
Link Model Operator Estimate Inserted Here. fully absorbed or reflected by the layers of the ionosph

The values provided in this table are approximate mea

Loss due to Ionosphere: It is proposed that these values can be conservatively
Downlink: Loss Determined: 0.4 dB statistics of these loss parameters would be interesting
Frequency: Unit: Loss: Unit: than is necessary for the development of an effective l

146 MHz 0.7 dB The losses determined here for the uplink and downlin
438 MHz 0.4 dB choice made in the "Orbit" worksheet. If the "User Def
2410 MHz 0.1 dB link model operator, then the operator must estimate th
136 MHz 0.8 dB insert it in either Cell [D34] or Cell [D47] accordingly.

Link Model Operator Estimate Inserted Here. Proceed to the "Modulation-Demodulation Method" W/
If the "Link Model Operator" has selected a
user option for the frequency, then an
estimate of the ionospheric losses must be
provided by the operator.
2016 October 20

ses Resulting from Signals Passing Through Atmospheric Gases:

spheric gases (Nitrogen, Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide, Hydrogen, etc.)

ent of atmospheric temperature, mean density and relative humidity
w 2 GHz. Atmospheric absorption depends strongly upon the total number of molecules
path between the spacecraft and the ground station. This, in turn,
es from or to the satellite are elevation angle dependent.

s a look-up table. The minimum elevation angle selected in the

matched against the closest fit from the table and the
l [D23] and is automatically inserted into the uplink and downlink budgets.

is taken from "Radiowave Propagation in Satellite Communications" by

Van Nostrand-Reinhold, 1986, pp. 33-34, Tables 3-3a-c.

polated value is added at 2.5° elevation angle. This was not taken

nk or downlink frequencies above 2 GHz, refer to the referenced text given above
propriate atmosperic losses. At millimeter wave frequencies the losses can be much higher.

ses Resulting from Signals Passing Through the Ionosphere:

g through the ionosphere at VHF, UHF and Microwave frequencies are influenced
of ionized particles than at frequencies in the HF, MF and LF portions of the
ile there is certainly some correlation between the elevation angle to a
nal absorption or scintillation experienced, this dependency is nearly masked
bility of effects.

frequency depencency that can be quantified, on average. As transmitter frequencies

here are times when the attenuation can increase to as much as tens of dB,
vation angles. The ionosphere certainly limits the lowest frequency at which
ions is feasible. Below 20 MHz, during solar maximum space signals are usually
ected by the layers of the ionosphere (D, E, F1 and F2).

in this table are approximate mean values for low earth station elevation angles.
ese values can be conservatively used in satellite link analyses. The higher order
ss parameters would be interesting to review, however, this effort is more
r the development of an effective link budget.

ed here for the uplink and downlink are based on the operator-selected frequency
Orbit" worksheet. If the "User Defined" option is selected by the
then the operator must estimate the appropriate ionospheric loss value and manually
[D34] or Cell [D47] accordingly.

dulation-Demodulation Method" W/S.

Modulation/Demodulation Method:
UPLINK: Modulation, Coding & BER Option:
Command Link
Option: Modulation Type: Coding:
1 AFSK/FM None
2 AFSK/FM None
3 G3RUH FSK None
4 G3RUH FSK None
5 Non-Coherent FSK None
6 Non-Coherent FSK None
7 Coherent FSK None
8 Coherent FSK None
9 GMSK None
10 GMSK None
11 BPSK None
12 BPSK None
13 QPSK None
14 QPSK None
15 BPSK Convolutional R=1/2, K=7
16 BPSK Conv. R=1/2,K=7 & R.S. (255,223)
17 BPSK Conv. R=1/6,K=15 & R.S. (255,223)
18 User Defined None
Operator Estimate of Implementation Loss
NOTE: Implementation Loss Estimate:


DOWNLINK: Modulation, Coding & BER Option:

Telemetry Link:
Option: Modulation Type: Coding:
1 AFSK/FM None
2 AFSK/FM None
3 G3RUH FSK None
4 G3RUH FSK None
5 Non-Coherent FSK None
6 Non-Coherent FSK None
7 Coherent FSK None
8 Coherent FSK None
9 GMSK None
10 GMSK None
11 BPSK None
12 BPSK None
13 QPSK None
14 QPSK None
15 BPSK Convolutional R=1/2, K=7
16 BPSK Conv. R=1/2,K=7 & R.S. (255,223)
17 BPSK Conv. R=1/6,K=15 & R.S. (255,223)
18 BPSK Turbo Code (Parallel w. Interleaver)
19 User Defined None
Operator Estimate of Implementation Loss
Implementation Loss Estimate:

Figure 1
XYZ -Sat 2016 October 20
Select Here: Choice Made: Result:
5 Non-Coherent FSK Eb/No:
Bit Error Rate Spec: Required Eb/No (dB): 14.4
1.00E-04 21.0 dB
1.00E-05 23.2
1.00E-04 16.7
1.00E-05 18.0
1.00E-04 13.4
1.00E-05 13.8
1.00E-04 10.5
1.00E-05 11.9
1.00E-04 8.4
1.00E-05 9.6
1.00E-05 9.6
1.00E-06 10.5
1.00E-05 9.6
1.00E-06 10.5
1.00E-06 4.8
1.00E-06 2.5
1.00E-07 0.8
1.00E-05 9.6

1.0 dB


Select Here: Choice Made: Result:

10 GMSK Eb/No:
Bit Error Rate Spec: Required Eb/No (dB): 9.6
1.00E-04 21.0 dB
1.00E-05 23.2
1.00E-04 16.7
1.00E-05 18.0
1.00E-04 13.4
1.00E-05 13.8
1.00E-04 10.5
1.00E-05 11.9
1.00E-04 8.4
1.00E-05 9.6
1.00E-05 9.6
1.00E-06 10.5
1.00E-05 9.6
1.00E-06 10.5
1.00E-06 4.8
1.00E-06 2.5
1.00E-07 0.8
1.00E-06 0.75
1.00E-05 9.6

0.0 dB
Uplink Command Budget: Version: 2.5.5

Parameter: Value: Units: Comments:

Ground Station:
Ground Station Transmitter Power Output: 10.0 watts This value is transferred from "Transmitte
In dBW: 10.0 dBW Transmitter power expressed in dB abov
In dBm: 40.0 dBm Transmitter power expressed in dB abov
Ground Stn. Total Transmission Line Losses: 3.6 dB This value is transferred from "Transmitte
Antenna Gain: 18.5 dBi This value is selected at "Antenna Gain"
Ground Station EIRP: 24.9 dBW Ground Station Effective Isotropic Radia
Uplink Path:
Ground Station Antenna Pointing Loss: 0.5 dB This value is calculated in the "Antenna P
Gnd-to-S/C Antenna Polarization Losses: 0.1 dB This value is calculated in the "Polarizati
Path Loss: 167.0 dB Lp = 22 + 20LOG(D/l); Transferred from
Atmospheric Losses: 2.1 dB This value is transferred from "Atmos. &
Ionospheric Losses: 0.7 dB This value is transferred from "Atmos. &
Rain Losses: 0.0 dB This value should be estimated by the lin
Isotropic Signal Level at Spacecraft: -145.4 dBW This is the signal level received in space
Spacecraft (Eb/No Method):
------- Eb/No Method -------
Spacecraft Antenna Pointing Loss: 4.7 dB This value is transferred from "Antenna P
Spacecraft Antenna Gain: 2.2 dBi This value is selected at "Antenna Gain"
Spacecraft Total Transmission Line Losses: 2.0 dB This value is transferred from the "Recei
Spacecraft Effective Noise Temperature: 261 K This value is calculated in the "Receivers
Spacecraft Figure of Merrit (G/T): -24.0 dB/K G/T = Ga-Ltl-10log(Ts). This is the uptim
S/C Signal-to-Noise Power Density (S/No): 54.5 dBHz Boltzman's Constant:
System Desired Data Rate: 4800 bps Operator selects this value.
In dBHz: 36.8 dBHz This is simply = 10log(R); R= data rate
Command System Eb/No: 17.7 dB

Demodulation Method Seleted: Non-Coherent FSK Values selected in "Modulation-Demodul

Forward Error Correction Coding Used: None Value selected in "Modulation-Demodula

System Allowed or Specified Bit-Error-Rate: 1.0E-04 The selected value is transferred from th

Demodulator Implementation Loss: 1.0 dB This value is transferred from the "Modul

Telemetry System Required Eb/No: 13.4 dB The selected value is transferred from th

Eb/No Threshold: 14.4 dB This is the result of the "Modulation-Dem

System Link Margin: 3.3 dB

Spacecraft Alternative Signal Analysis Method (SNR Computation):

---------- SNR Method ------------
Spacecraft Antenna Pointing Loss: 4.7 dB This value is transferred from "Antenna P
Spacecraft Antenna Gain: 2.2 dBi This value is selected at "Antenna Gain"
Spacecraft Total Transmission Line Losses: 2.0 dB This value is transferred from the "Recei
Spacecraft Effective Noise Temperature: 261 K This value is calculated in the "Receivers
Spacecraft Figure of Merrit (G/T): -24.0 dB/K G/T = Ga-Ltl-10log(Ts). This is the ultima

Signal Power at Spacecraft LNA Input: -149.9 dBW Ps = Piso+Ga-Lpl-Ltl; This is the signal po

Spacecraft Receiver Bandwidth: 5,000 Hz Signal Spectrum Must Pass Through Thi
Spacecraft Receiver Noise Power (Pn = kTB) -167.4 dBW Pn = K + 10log(Ts) + 10log(B). This is th

Signal-to-Noise Power Ratio at G.S. Rcvr: 17.5 dB Ps/Pn = Ps(in dBW) - Pn(in dBW)

Analog or Digital System Required S/N: 14.4 dB If system is digital, use values from "Mod

System Link Margin 3.1 dB

Date Data Last Modified:
2016 October 20

s transferred from "Transmitters" W/S, Cell [E15].

power expressed in dB above one watt
power expressed in dB above one milliwatt
s transferred from "Transmitters" W/S, Cell [I33]
s selected at "Antenna Gain" W/S, Cell [E11]
tion Effective Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP) [EIRP=Pt x Ltl x Ga]

s calculated in the "Antenna Pointing Losses" W/S, and transferred from Cell [K43]
s calculated in the "Polarization Loss" W/S and is transferred from Cell [F40].
0LOG(D/l); Transferred from "Frequency" W/S
s transferred from "Atmos. & Ionos. Losses" W/S, Cell [D23]
s transferred from "Atmos. & Ionos. Losses" W/S, Cell [D47:D50]
should be estimated by the link model operator and place into Cell [B18]
signal level received in space in the vacinity of the spacecraft using an omnidirectional antenna.

s transferred from "Antenna Pointing Losses" W/S, Cell [K63]

s selected at "Antenna Gain" W/S, Cell [E24]
s transferred from the "Receivers" W/S, Cell [J52]
s calculated in the "Receivers" W/S and Transferred from Cell [J67]
tl-10log(Ts). This is the uptimate measure of the receiver's performance.
-228.6 dBW/K/Hz
elects this value. Be Careful! This is the data rate, not the symbol rate.
ply = 10log(R); R= data rate

ected in "Modulation-Demodulation W/S, Cell [E3]

cted in "Modulation-Demodulation" W/S, also Cell [E3]

ed value is transferred from the "Modulation-Demodulation W/S, Cells [E6:E23]

s transferred from the "Modulation-Demodulation W/S, Cell[E25]

ed value is transferred from the "Modulation-Demodulation W/S, Cells [F6:F23]

result of the "Modulation-Demodulation" W/S and is transferred from Cell [H32]


s transferred from "Antenna Pointing Losses" W/S, Cell [K63]

s selected at "Antenna Gain" W/S, Cell [E24]
s transferred from the "Receivers" W/S, Cell [J52]
s calculated in the "Receivers" W/S and Transferred from Cell [J67]
tl-10log(Ts). This is the ultimate measure of the receiver's performance.

Ga-Lpl-Ltl; This is the signal power that has arrived at the ground station receiver.

ctrum Must Pass Through This Data Filter. NOTE:

0log(Ts) + 10log(B). This is the total noise power arriving at the ground station receiver.

(in dBW) - Pn(in dBW)

digital, use values from "Modulation-Demodulation" W/S. If analog, use appropriate value from text book.
NOTE: Click " + " above column J to restore comment column.
Downlink Telemetry Budget:
Parameter: Value: Units:
Spacecraft Transmitter Power Output: 2.0 watts
In dBW: 3.0 dBW
In dBm: 33.0 dBm
Spacecraft Total Transmission Line Losses: 2.2 dB
Spacecraft Antenna Gain: 2.0 dBi
Spacecraft EIRP: 2.8 dBW
Downlink Path:
Spacecraft Antenna Pointing Loss: 0.3 dB
S/C-to-Ground Antenna Polarization Loss: 0.1 dB
Path Loss: 176.5 dB
Atmospheric Loss: 2.1 dB
Ionospheric Loss: 0.4 dB
Rain Loss: 0.0 dB
Isotropic Signal Level at Ground Station: -176.6 dBW
Ground Station (EbNo Method):
------- Eb/No Method -------
Ground Station Antenna Pointing Loss: 0.5 dB
Ground Station Antenna Gain: 18.5 dBi
Ground Station Total Transmission Line Losses: 2.0 dB
Ground Station Effective Noise Temperature: 510 K
Ground Station Figure of Merrit (G/T): -10.6 dB/K
G.S. Signal-to-Noise Power Density (S/No): 41.0 dBHz
System Desired Data Rate: 300 bps
In dBHz: 24.8 dBHz
Telemetry System Eb/No for the Downlink: 16.2 dB

Demodulation Method Seleted: GMSK

Forward Error Correction Coding Used: None

System Allowed or Specified Bit-Error-Rate: 1.0E-05

Demodulator Implementation Loss: 0 dB

Telemetry System Required Eb/No: 9.6 dB

Eb/No Threshold: 9.6 dB

System Link Margin: 6.6 dB

Ground Station Alternative Signal Analysis Method (SNR Computation):

---------- SNR Method ------------
Ground Station Antenna Pointing Loss: 0.5 dB
Ground Station Antenna Gain: 18.5 dBi
Ground Station Total Transmission Line Losses: 2.0 dB
Ground Station Effective Noise Temperature: 510 K
Ground Station Figure of Merrit (G/T): -10.6 dB/K
Signal Power at Ground Station LNA Input: -160.6 dBW

Ground Station Receiver Bandwidth (B): 500 Hz

G.S. Receiver Noise Power (Pn = kTB) -174.5 dBW

Signal-to-Noise Power Ratio at G.S. Rcvr: 14.0 dB

Analog or Digital System Required S/N: 9.6 dB

System Link Margin 4.4 dB

XYZ -Sat Date Data Last Modified:
Version: 2.5.5 2016 October 20


This value is transferred from "Transmitters" W/S, Cell [E50]

Transmitter power expressed in dB above one watt
Transmitter power expressed in dB above one milliwatt
This value is transferred from "Transmitters" W/S, Cell [I68]
This value is selected at "Antenna Gain" W/S, Cell [E41]
Spacecraft Effective Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP) [EIRP=Pt x Ltl x Ga]

This value is calculated in the "Antenna Pointing Losses" W/S, and trasferred from Cell [K85]
This value is calculated in the "Polarization Loss" W/S and is transferred from Cell [F60].
Lp = 22 + 20LOG(D/l); Transferred from "Frequency" W/S
This value is transferred from "Atmos. & Ionos. Losses" W/S, Cell [D23]
This value is transferred from "Atmos. & Ionos. Losses" W/S, Cell [D47:D50]
This value should be estimated by the link model operator and place into Cell [B18]
This is the signal level received at the Earth in the vacinity of the ground station using an omnidirectional antenna.

This value is transferred from "Antenna Pointing Losses" W/S, Cell [K102]
This value is selected at "Antenna Gain" W/S, Cell [E58]
This value is transferred from the "Receivers" W/S, Cell [J123]
This value is calculated in the "Receivers" W/S and Transferred from Cell [J138]
G/T = Ga-Ltl-10log(Ts). This is the uptimate measure of the receiver's performance.
Boltzman's Constant: -228.6 dBW/K/Hz
Operator selects this value. Be Careful! This is the data rate, not the symbol rate.
This is simply = 10log(R); R= data rate

Values selected in "Modulation-Demodulation W/S, Cell [E30]

Value selected in "Modulation-Demodulation" W/S, also Cell [E30]

The selected value is transferred from the "Modulation-Demodulation W/S, Cells [E33:E50]

This value is transferred from the "Modulation-Demodulation W/S, Cell[E52]

The selected value is transferred from the "Modulation-Demodulation W/S, Cells [F33:F50]

This is the result of the "Modulation-Demodulation" W/S and is transferred from Cell [H32]

This value is transferred from "Antenna Pointing Losses" W/S, Cell [K102]
This value is selected at "Antenna Gain" W/S, Cell [E58]
This value is transferred from the "Receivers" W/S, Cell [J123]
This value is calculated in the "Receivers" W/S and Transferred from Cell [J138]
G/T = Ga-Ltl-10log(Ts). This is the ultimate measure of the receiver's performance.
Ps = Piso+Ga-Lpl-Ltl; This is the signal power that has arrived at the ground station receiver.

Signal Spectrum Must Pass Through This Data Filter NOTE:

Pn = K + 10log(Ts) + 10log(B). This is the total noise power arriving at the ground station receiver.

Ps/Pn = Ps(in dBW) - Pn(in dBW)

If system is digital, use values from "Modulation-Demodulation" W/S. If analog, use appropriate value from text book.
NOTE: Click " + " above column K to restore comment column.

ng an omnidirectional antenna.
station receiver.

appropriate value from text book.

System Performance Summary: XYZ -Sat 2016 October 20
UPLINK SYSTEM: Frequency: 145.80 MHz DOWNLINK SYSTEM: Frequency: 437.45 MHz

Eb/No Method: Eb/No = 17.7 dB Link Margin: 3.3 dB MARGINAL LINK R= 300 bps
Modulation Method:
S/N Method: S/N = 17.5 dB Link Margin: 3.1 dB MARGINAL LINK Transmitter GMSK
NOTE: FEC Encoder F.E.C. Encoder Type:
R= 4800 bps None

hTx = 40.0%
Data FEC Decoder F.E.C. Decoder Type:
None HPA Tx DC Pwr: 5.0 watts

Tx Dissipation: 3.0 watts

Line A
Spec. B.E.R.: 1.00E-04 PTx = 2.0 watts
Demodulator Type: Transmit
Data Demodulator Non-Coherent FSK LA = 0.0 dB
Eb/No Threshold: 14.4 dB Filter
S/C LTXbpf = 1.0 dB
Line B
Other LB = 0.0 dB
Data BRbpf = 5000 Hz
Bandpass In-Line
(Used Only in S/N Calc.) Device LTother = 0.5 dB

LC = 0.2 dB
Downconverters Line C
Mixers Ltotal line = 2.2 dB
IF Amplification
Transmit Antenna
G/T = -24.0 dB/K
GT = 2.0 dBi
Tsys = 261 K Polarization: RHCP

Canted Turnstyle EIRPS/C = 2.8 dBW

S/C 2nd T2nd Amp = 500 K
Amplifier Total Link Losses:
RADIO 179.9 dB
LP = 176.5 dB

GLNA = 18.0 dB User Defined

TLNA = 75 K GR = 18.5 dBi
Polarization: RHCP
Ltotal line = 1.96 dB
Receive Antenna
Line A LA = 0.08 dB
Receiver Front End
Bandpass LRbpf = 1.0 dB
Filter Line C LC = 0.03 dB
Line B LB = 0.04 dB
Other LRother = 0.0 dB
Other In-Line none
In-Line LTother = 0.5 dB Device
Device directional coupler Line B LB = 0.03 dB

Line C LC= 0.04 dB Receiver Front End

Bandpass LRbpf = 1.5 dB
Receive Antenna
Line A LA = 0.2 dB
GR = 2.2 dBi
Monopole Polarization: RHCP Ltotal = 2.0 dB

Lp = 167.0 dB LNA TLNA = 60 K

Total Link Losses: GLNA = 18.0 dB

LINK 175.0 dB

EIRPgs = 24.9 dBW 2nd

Ground T2nd amp = 1000 K
Station Amp.
User Defined GT = 18.5 dBi
Polarization: RHCP

Transmit Antenna

Ltotal line = 3.62 dB Mixers
IF Amplification
Line C LC = 1.250 dB

In-Line LTother = 0.5 dBi
Device Directional Coupler BRbpf = 500 Hz
Filter (Used only in S/N Calc.)
Line B LB = 0.015 dB
Filter LTbpf = 1.0 dB Spec. B.E.R.: 1.00E-05
Demodulator Type:
Line A LA = 0.050 dB Data Demodulator GMSK
Station Eb/No Threshold: 9.6 dB
PTx = 10.0 watts

F.E.C. Decoder Type:
Data FEC Decoder None

Transmitter Modulation Method:

Exciter/Modulator/ Non-Coherent FSK
FEC Encoder R= 300 Hz
F.E.C. Encoder Type:
None Eb/No Method: Eb/No = 16.2 dB Link Margin: 6.6 dB LINK CLOSES

R= 4800 bps S/N Method: S/N = 14.0 dB Link Margin: 4.4 dB MARGINAL LINK
Commonly Used Spacecraft Antenna Radiation Patterns

Spacecraft Antennas:


Monopole: S/C Angle wrt Symmetry Axis (θ)°: Antenna Gain (dBi):
0 -156.98
5 -5.45
10 -2.45
15 -0.72
20 0.49
25 1.41
30 2.14
35 2.74
40 3.23
45 3.64
50 3.99
55 4.28
60 4.53
65 4.72
70 4.88
75 5.00
80 5.08
85 5.13
90 5.15
92.5 0.00
95 -20.00
97.5 -60.00
100 -160.00
110 No Signal

Dipole: S/C Angle wrt Symmetry Axis (θ)°: Antenna Gain (dBi):
0 2.15
10 2.08
20 1.88
30 1.53
40 0.99
50 0.23
60 -0.86
70 -2.51
80 -5.45
85 -8.45
87.5 -11.45
90 -40.00
92.5 -11.45
95 -8.45
100 -5.45
110 -2.51
120 -0.86
130 0.23
140 0.99
150 1.53
160 1.88
170 2.08
180 2.15
190 2.08
200 1.88
210 1.53
220 0.99
230 0.23
240 -0.86
250 -2.51
260 -5.45
265 -8.45
267.5 -11.45
270 -40.00
272.5 -11.45
275 -8.45
280 -5.45
290 -2.51
300 -0.86
310 0.23
320 0.99
330 1.53
340 1.88
350 2.08
360 2.15

Turnstyle: S/C Angle wrt Symmetry Axis (θ)°:Antenna Gain (dBi):
(Or Canted
Turnstyle) 0 2.0
5 2.0
10 1.9
15 1.8
20 1.7
25 1.5
30 1.3
35 1.1
40 0.8
45 0.5
50 0.1
55 -0.3
60 -0.7
65 -1.2
70 -1.7
75 -2.2
80 -2.8
85 -3.4
90 -4.1
95 -4.8
100 -5.5
105 -6.3
110 -7.1
115 -7.9
120 -8.8
125 -9.7
130 -10.7
135 -11.7
140 -12.7
145 -13.8
150 -14.9
155 -16.0
160 -17.2
165 -18.4
170 -19.7
175 -21.0
180 -22.3
185 -21.0
190 -19.7
195 -18.4
200 -17.2
205 -16.0
210 -14.9
215 -13.8
220 -12.7
225 -11.7
230 -10.7
235 -9.7
240 -8.8
245 -7.9
250 -7.1
255 -6.3
260 -5.5
265 -4.8
270 -4.1
275 -3.4
280 -2.8
285 -2.2
290 -1.7
295 -1.2
300 -0.7
305 -0.3
310 0.1
315 0.5
320 0.8
325 1.1
330 1.3
335 1.5
340 1.7
345 1.8
350 1.9
355 2.0
360 2.0
Quadrifilar: S/C Ð wrt Symmetry Axis (θ)°: Antenna Gain (dBi):
0 4.0
5 4.0
10 4.0
15 3.9
20 3.8
25 3.7
30 3.5
35 3.4
40 3.2
45 3.0
50 2.7
55 2.4
60 2.1
65 1.8
70 1.4
75 1.0
80 0.5
85 0.0
90 -0.5
95 -1.1
100 -1.8
105 -2.5
110 -3.2
115 -4.1
120 -5.0
125 -6.1
130 -7.2
135 -8.5
140 -10.0
145 -11.7
150 -13.6
155 -15.9
160 -18.8
165 -22.5
170 -27.8
175 -36.8
180 -160.0

Patch: S/C Angle w.r.t.Symmetry Axis (θ)°: Antenna Gain (dBi):
0 6.0
5 6.0
10 5.9
15 5.7
20 5.4
25 5.1
30 4.7
35 4.2
40 3.7
45 3.0
50 2.2
55 1.3
60 0.3
65 -0.9
70 -2.3
75 -4.0
80 -6.0
85 -8.6
90 -12.0
95 -17.3
100 -30.2
105 -23.7
110 -16.4
115 -12.9
120 -10.7
125 -9.3
130 -8.4
135 -7.7
140 -7.4
145 -7.3
150 -7.4
155 -7.6
160 -8.1
165 -8.8
170 -9.8
175 -11.0
180 -12.6
185 -11.0
190 -9.8
195 -8.8
200 -8.1
205 -7.6
210 -7.4
215 -7.3
220 -7.4
225 -7.7
230 -8.4
235 -9.3
240 -10.7
245 -12.9
250 -16.4
255 -23.7
260 -30.2
265 -17.3
270 -8.6
275 -6.0
280 -4.0
285 -2.3
290 -0.9
295 0.3
300 1.3
305 2.2
310 3.0
315 3.7
320 4.2
325 4.7
330 5.1
335 5.4
340 5.7
345 5.9
350 6.0
355 6.0
Monopole Polar Radiation Plot


Peak Gain: 5.15 dBi

Beamwidth: 38.6 degrees (-3dB gain loss)

Peak Gain at: 0.0 degrees Elevation

Outer Ring: 5.15 dBi (Add this value to 0.0 dB)

Azimuth Cut: 0.0 degrees

Peak Gain: 2.15 dBi

Beamwidth: 78.8 degrees (-3dB gain loss)

Peak Gain at: 0.0 degrees Elevation

Outer Ring: 2.15 dBi (Add this value to 0.0 dB)

Azimuth Cut: 0.0 degrees

Antenna Gain (dBi): Turnstyle Gain in RHCP and LHCP
- Elevation Plot -
-19.9 355 0 5 10 15
-18.7 345350 20
340 25
-17.5 335
330 5
-16.4 325
-15.3 315 -5
-14.2 310
-13.2 -10
-12.2 300 -15
-11.2 295 -20
-10.3 290 -25
-9.4 285
-8.6 280
275 -40

300 -15
295 -20
290 -25
275 -40
-5.6 265
-4.9 260
-4.3 255
-3.7 250
-3.2 245
-2.7 240
-2.2 235
-1.8 225
-1.4 220
-1.0 210 1
205 160
-0.7 200195
190 185180 175170
0.3 RHCP Gain LHCP Gain
Antenna Gain (dBi):

0 dBi

Quadrifilar Polar Radiation Plot


Antenna Gain (dBi):
Patch Antenna Gain

350 355 0 5 10 15
340345 20
335 25
Antenna Polar Radiation Plot 30
325 50.0 35
320 HERE 40
315 45
310 50
305 55
300 60
295 0.0 65
290 70
285 75
280 80
275 85
270 -50.0 90
265 95
260 100
335 25
330 30
325 50.0 35
320 40
315 45
310 50
305 55
300 60
295 0.0 65
290 70
285 75
280 80
275 85
270 -50.0 90
265 95
260 100
255 105
250 110
245 115
240 120
235 125
230 130
225 135
220 140
215 0 dBi 145
210 150
205 155
200195 160
190 185180175 170165

value to 0.0 dB)

yle Gain in RHCP and LHCP

- Elevation Plot -

355 0 5 10 15
345350 20
340 25
35 30
5 35
0 45
-5 50
-15 65
-20 70
-25 75
-40 90

-15 65
-20 70
-25 75
-40 90

5 150
210 155
205 160
200195 165
190 185180 175170

enna Gain

"Design a Dish"
Antenna Beam Roll-Off Tool
Beam Roll-Off & Sidelobe Positions Based on Sin² (θ)/ θ² Formulation

Frequency: 8.2 GHz Peak Gain: 58.7 dBi

Antenna Dia.: 13.5 Meters
Aperture Efficiency: 55 % Half Power (P/2) Beamwidth: 0.190

Wavelength: 0.037

Dish Diameter in Wavelengths: 369.2

NOTE: NOTE: Do not modify or use cells to left of table.

Pwr (q) w.r.t. Peak Gain:
0.0001 0.000305 304.61742 1.000000 0.00
0.1 0.000305 304.61711 0.9999990495649 -0.000004
3.5 0.000304239 304.238709 0.9987568291157 -0.01
10 0.000301537 301.536896 0.989887301482 -0.04
25 0.00028577 285.769912 0.9381273435161 -0.3
30 0.000277778 277.777778 0.9118907120138 -0.4
40 0.000258235 258.234944 0.8477353705963 -0.7
47 0.000242136 242.135915 0.7948853719072 -1.00
56.5 0.000217829 217.829294 0.7150914364978 -1.5
60 0.000208333 208.333333 0.6839180340103 -1.6
65 0.000194413 194.412735 0.6382194020241 -2.0
70 0.000180209 180.208617 0.5915900294756 -2.3
79.76 0.000152224 152.224035 0.499722061001 -3.01
80 0.000151538 151.538486 0.4974715364221 -3.03
90.8 0.000121267 121.267279 0.3980970187658 -4.00
100 9.698463E-05 96.984631 0.3183817833101 -5.0
110 7.297704E-05 72.9770431 0.2395695160686 -6.2
122 4.831937E-05 48.3193747 0.1586231604766 -8.0
130 3.472332E-05 34.7233189 0.1139899390707 -9.4
132.85 3.045417E-05 30.4541692 0.0999751466335 -10.00
140 2.10804E-05 21.0804036 0.0692028873956 -11.6
150 1.111111E-05 11.1111111 0.0364756284806 -14.4
160 4.569444E-06 4.56944447 0.0150006022976 -18.2
170 172.5 5.725549E-07 0.5725549 0.0018795869959 -27.3
180 4.628888E-37 4.6289E-31 1.519574462E-33 -328.2
190 8.352823E-07 0.83528226 0.0027420700872 -25.6
200 2.924444E-06 2.92444446 0.0096003854705 -20.2
210 5.668934E-06 5.66893424 0.0186100145309 -17.3
220 8.536692E-06 8.53669238 0.0280243097718 -15.5
230 1.109308E-05 11.093083 0.0364164455632 -14.4
240 1.302083E-05 13.0208333 0.0427448771256 -13.7
250 1.412836E-05 14.1283555 0.0463806583109 -13.3
260 1.434684E-05 14.3468389 0.0470978969394 -13.3
270 1.371742E-05 13.7174211 0.0450316400994 -13.5
280 1.237049E-05 12.3704887 0.0406099213406 -13.9
290 1.049967E-05 10.4996697 0.0344683845949 -14.6
300 8.333333E-06 8.33333333 0.0273567213604 -15.6
310 6.10639E-06 6.1063901 0.0200460975057 -17.0
320 4.034921E-06 4.03492101 0.0132458651656 -18.8
330 2.295684E-06 2.29568411 0.0075362868761 -21.2
340 1.011918E-06 1.0119185 0.0033219326887 -24.8
350 2.461526E-07 0.24615257 0.0008080712665 -30.9
360 4.628888E-37 4.6289E-31 1.519574462E-33 -328.2
370 2.202607E-07 0.2202607 0.0007230732662 -31.4
380 8.100954E-07 0.81009542 0.0026593865569 -25.8
390 1.643655E-06 1.64365549 0.0053958030297 -22.7
400 2.582349E-06 2.58234944 0.008477353706 -20.7
410 3.490923E-06 3.4909226 0.0114600236187 -19.4
420 4.251701E-06 4.25170068 0.0139575108982 -18.6
430 4.775675E-06 4.77567454 0.0156776157081 -18.0
440 5.009537E-06 5.00953673 0.016445340047 -17.8
450 4.938272E-06 4.9382716 0.0162113904358 -17.9
460 4.583395E-06 4.58339466 0.015046398077 -18.2
470 3.997384E-06 3.99738443 0.0131226398571 -18.8
480 3.255208E-06 3.25520833 0.0106862192814 -19.7
490 2.444082E-06 2.444082 0.0080234484394 -21.0
500 1.652704E-06 1.65270364 0.0054255063718 -22.7
510 9.611688E-07 0.96116878 0.0031553311834 -25.0
520 4.326101E-07 0.43261013 0.0014201753655 -28.5
530 1.073467E-07 0.10734671 0.0003523984697 -34.5
540 4.628888E-37 4.6289E-31 1.519574462E-33 -328.2
550 9.968162E-08 0.09968162 0.0003272354716 -34.9
560 3.730159E-07 0.37301588 0.0012245389631 -29.1
570 7.694675E-07 0.76946753 0.0025260130527 -26.0
580 1.228228E-06 1.22822804 0.0040320350563 -23.9
590 1.685792E-06 1.68579169 0.0055341280388 -22.6
600 2.083333E-06 2.08333333 0.0068391803401 -21.6
610 2.373078E-06 2.37307773 0.0077903551315 -21.1
620 2.523013E-06 2.52301329 0.0082825646022 -20.8
630 2.519526E-06 2.51952633 0.0082711175693 -20.8
640 2.367789E-06 2.36778884 0.0077729927566 -21.1
650 2.089993E-06 2.08999342 0.0068610441288 -21.6
670 1.307249E-06 1.30724903 0.0042914456901 -23.7
680 8.935465E-07 0.89354652 0.0029333403827 -25.3
690 5.250998E-07 0.52509977 0.0017238009679 -27.6
700 2.387302E-07 0.23873016 0.0007837049364 -31.1
710 5.981688E-08 0.05981688 0.0001963672489 -37.1
720 4.628888E-37 4.6289E-31 1.519574462E-33 -328.2
730 5.658414E-08 0.05658414 0.0001857547948 -37.3
740 2.13619E-07 0.21361903 0.0007012699394 -31.5
750 4.444444E-07 0.44444444 0.0014590251392 -28.4
760 7.153323E-07 0.71533226 0.0023482974255 -26.3
770 9.897522E-07 0.98975222 0.0032491650705 -24.9
780 1.232742E-06 1.23274162 0.0040468522723 -23.9
790 1.414873E-06 1.41487297 0.0046447542772 -23.3
800 1.515385E-06 1.51538486 0.0049747153642 -23.0
810 1.524158E-06 1.5241579 0.0050035155666 -23.0
820 1.442365E-06 1.44236513 0.0047350057006 -23.2
830 1.281786E-06 1.28178578 0.0042078547604 -23.8
840 1.062925E-06 1.06292517 0.0034893777245 -24.6
J. A. King 2016 October 20

(See Plot at Next Worksheet)

° =2q (Beamwidth@ -3dB Roll-Off)

Dish Size?
λ OK

q) w.r.t. Peak Gain: q (degrees):

dB 0.0000 Main Lobe
dB 0.000
dB 0.004
dB 0.012
dB 0.0
dB 0.0
dB 0.05
dB 0.06
dB 0.1
dB 0.1
dB 0.08
dB 0.1
dB 0.09 (Half Power B.W.)/2
dB 0.1
dB 0.1
dB 0.12
dB 0.1
dB 0.1
dB 0.2
dB 0.16
dB 0.2
dB 0.2
dB 0.2
dB 0.205
dB 0.2 First Null
dB 0.2
dB 0.2
dB 0.2
dB 0.3
dB 0.3
dB 0.3
dB 0.3 First Sidelobe
dB 0.3
dB 0.3
dB 0.3
dB 0.3
dB 0.4
dB 0.4
dB 0.4
dB 0.4
dB 0.4
dB 0.4
dB 0.4 2nd Null
dB 0.4
dB 0.5
dB 0.5
dB 0.5
dB 0.5
dB 0.5
dB 0.5
dB 0.5 2nd Sidelobe
dB 0.5
dB 0.5
dB 0.6
dB 0.6
dB 0.6
dB 0.6
dB 0.6
dB 0.6
dB 0.6
dB 0.6 3rd Null
dB 0.7
dB 0.7
dB 0.7
dB 0.7
dB 0.7
dB 0.7
dB 0.7
dB 0.7 3rd Sidelobe
dB 0.7
dB 0.8
dB 0.8
dB 0.8
dB 0.8
dB 0.8
dB 0.8
dB 0.8
dB 0.9 4th Null
dB 0.9
dB 0.9
dB 0.9
dB 0.9
dB 0.9
dB 0.9
dB 0.9
dB 1.0
dB 1.0 4th Sidelobe
dB 1.0
dB 1.0
dB 1.0
A m p litu d e w .r .t. P e a k G a in (d B )

Main Beam Roll-Off & Sidelobe Positions
0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80
-50 Angle from Boresight (Degrees)
obe Positions
0.80 1.00 1.20

ht (Degrees)
Transmission Line Loss Tools and Tables:


Ground Station Systems:

Best Internet Cable Loss Calculator: http://www.ocarc.ca/coax.htm

2nd Best Internet Cable Loss Calculator: http://www.timesmicrowave.com/cgi-bin/calculate.pl

Coax Cable Loss Tables:



Wave Guide Loss Table: http://www.advancedmicrowave.com/products/product_

Wave Guide Primer: http://www.microwaves101.com/encyclopedia/wavegui

Spacecraft Systems:

RG-188 A/U: A PTFE (Teflon)-wrapped "clean" cable for general purpose spacecraft transmission lines.
Losses are quite high per unit length as the cable diameter is only 0.098" (2.49 mm). Still, the losse
for short cable runs. The shield is silver plated copper (19 strands, each #33AWG). Typically used
This is the most commonly used cable for short coax runs in very small spacecraft but, connector ins
Band: Frequency: Attenuation (dB/100 m): Attenuation (dB/m):
1 10 MHz 12.0 dB/100m 0.12 dB/m
2 30 MHz 17.0 dB/100m 0.17 dB/m
3 50 MHz - dB/100m - dB/m
4 100 MHz 28.0 dB/100m 0.28 dB/m
5 145 MHz 32.0 dB/100m 0.32 dB/m
6 200 MHz 40.0 dB/100m 0.4 dB/m
7 400 MHz - dB/100m - dB/m
8 435 MHz 58.0 dB/100m 0.58 dB/m
9 500 MHz 68.0 dB/100m 0.68 dB/m
10 1270 MHz 113.0 dB/100m 1.13 dB/m
11 2400 MHz 165.0 dB/100m 1.65 dB/m
12 3300 MHz 268.0 dB/100m 2.68 dB/m
13 5000 MHz - dB/100m - dB/m

RG-142 A/U: An FEP (Teflon) solid covered "clean" cable for general purpose spacecraft transmission lines.
Losses are moderate per unit length as the cable diameter is 0.195" (4.95 mm). The losses are qui
for longer S/C cable runs. The cable is double shielded with two silver coated copper braids. The ce
solid copper AWG #18. Typically used with SMA or even TNC connectors. Connector installation is
Band: Frequency: Attenuation (dB/100 m): Attenuation (dB/m):
1 10 MHz 7.0 dB/100m 0.07 dB/m
2 30 MHz 9.0 dB/100m 0.09 dB/m
3 50 MHz - dB/100m - dB/m
4 100 MHz 14.0 dB/100m 0.14 dB/m
5 145 MHz 15.0 dB/100m 0.15 dB/m
6 200 MHz 20.0 dB/100m 0.2 dB/m
7 400 MHz 28.0 dB/100m 0.28 dB/m
8 435 MHz 30.0 dB/100m 0.3 dB/m
9 500 MHz 35.0 dB/100m 0.35 dB/m
10 1270 MHz 49.0 dB/100m 0.49 dB/m
11 2400 MHz 72.0 dB/100m 0.72 dB/m
12 3300 MHz 95.0 dB/100m 0.95 dB/m
13 5000 MHz 128.0 dB/100m 1.28 dB/m

RG-303 /U: A PTFE (Teflon) solid covered "clean" cable for ruggedized spacecraft transmission line application
Losses are moderate per unit length as the cable diameter is 0.170" (4.32 mm). The losses are qui
for longer S/C cable runs. The cable is single shielded with a silver coated copper braid. The cente
silver over copper over steel 0.039" (1 mm) dia. Typically used with SMA or even TNC connectors.
Band: Frequency: Attenuation (dB/100 m): Attenuation (dB/m):
1 10 MHz 9.3 dB/100m 0.0931 dB/m
2 30 MHz 12.0 dB/100m 0.12 dB/m
3 50 MHz - dB/100m - dB/m
4 100 MHz 18.6 dB/100m 0.186 dB/m
5 145 MHz 20.0 dB/100m 0.1995 dB/m
6 200 MHz 26.6 dB/100m 0.266 dB/m
7 400 MHz 37.2 dB/100m 0.3724 dB/m
8 435 MHz 40.0 dB/100m 0.4 dB/m
9 500 MHz 46.6 dB/100m 0.4655 dB/m
10 1270 MHz 65.2 dB/100m 0.652 dB/m
11 2400 MHz 95.8 dB/100m 0.9575 dB/m
12 3300 MHz 126.4 dB/100m 1.264 dB/m
13 5000 MHz 170.2 dB/100m 1.702 dB/m

50 W Semi-Rigid Cable (0.085" dia.): Semi-Rigid cable is intended to be bent and/or formed one time and the
cable has a solid copper outer conductor (tube). Some versions are silver plated. This version has
(2.18 mm) and a solid copper inner conductor. SMA, SMC or TNC connectors can be used and are
Losses are superior to flexible cables.
Band: Frequency: Attenuation (dB/100 m): Attenuation (dB/m):
1 30 MHz 13.0 dB/100m 0.13 dB/m
2 145 MHz 25.0 dB/100m 0.25 dB/m
3 435 MHz 33.0 dB/100m 0.33 dB/m
4 1270 MHz 53.0 dB/100m 0.53 dB/m
5 2000 MHz 88.6 dB/100m 0.89 dB/m
6 2400 MHz 96.0 dB/100m 0.96 dB/m
7 10,000 MHz 200.1 dB/100m 2.00 dB/m
8 18,000 MHz 275.5 dB/100m 2.76 dB/m
50 W Semi-Rigid Cable (0.141" dia.): Semi-Rigid cable is intended to be bent and/or formed one time and the
cable has a solid copper outer conductor (tube). Some versions are silver plated. This version has
(3.58 mm) and a solid copper inner conductor. SMA, SMC or TNC connectors can be used and are
Losses are superior to flexible cables.
Band: Frequency: Attenuation (dB/100 m): Attenuation (dB/m):
1 30 MHz 8.0 dB/100m 0.08 dB/m
2 145 MHz 15.0 dB/100m 0.15 dB/m
3 435 MHz 24.0 dB/100m 0.24 dB/m
4 1270 MHz 57.5 dB/100m 0.58 dB/m
5 2000 MHz 65.6 dB/100m 0.66 dB/m
6 2400 MHz 68.5 dB/100m 0.69 dB/m
7 10,000 MHz 91.8 dB/100m 0.92 dB/m
8 18,000 MHz 124.6 dB/100m 1.25 dB/m





pacecraft transmission lines.

y 0.098" (2.49 mm). Still, the losses are acceptable
s, each #33AWG). Typically used with SMA or SMC connectors.
small spacecraft but, connector installation is moderately difficult.

Band: 8

Frequency: 435 MHz

Cable Length: 0.25 m

Cable Loss: 0.15 dB


Data courtesy K1TTT, W3LPL,PE1OYF, DJ5RH

se spacecraft transmission lines.

95" (4.95 mm). The losses are quite acceptable even
silver coated copper braids. The center conductor is
nnectors. Connector installation is moderately difficult.
Band: 5

Frequency: 145 MHz

Cable Length: 0.75 m

Cable Loss: 0.11 dB


Data courtesy K1TTT, W3LPL, PE1OYF, DJ5RH

cecraft transmission line applications.

70" (4.32 mm). The losses are quite acceptable even
er coated copper braid. The center conductor is
ith SMA or even TNC connectors. This is a very rugged cable type.

Band: 11

Frequency: 2400 MHz

Cable Length: 0.50 m

Cable Loss: 0.48 dB


Can not find data source. Data estimated by VK4GEY.

ent and/or formed one time and then left in position. This
are silver plated. This version has an exterior diameter of .086"
C connectors can be used and are easily installed.

Band: 3

Frequency: 435 MHz

Cable Length: 0.50 m

Cable Loss: 0.17 dB

Data courtesy Storm Products Co. [Bold Text].
Data extrapolated by VK4GEY
ent and/or formed one time and then left in position. This
are silver plated. This version has an exterior diameter of 0.141"
C connectors can be used and are easily installed.

Band: 7

Frequency: 10000 MHz

Cable Length: 0.50 m

Cable Loss: 0.46 dB

Data courtesy Storm Products Co.[Bold Text].
Data extrapolated by VK4GEY
Losses Resulting from Antenna Mismatch - Measured Using Voltage Standing W

Transmitter Power Output: 2.0 watts

Measured or Estimated VSWR: 1.6 :1

Power Reflected and Lost: 0.11 watts

Power Transmitted: 1.89 watts

Power Loss due to Mismatch (dB): 0.24 dB

Transmitter Matching

Measure Zsys here using Network Analyzer

or Impedance Bridge.

Measure Ztx here using Network Analyzer

or Impedance Bridge.

In-Line Watt Meter

Transmitter Matching



ing Voltage Standing Wave Ratio(VSWR) Method

Manually Enter Results of Test #1 or Test #2 at Cell [H8]

5.3% % of Power

94.7% % of Power

This value should be entered in the "Transmitters" W/S

at Cell [I31].

Measured Ztx: 50 + 0.0 j

Measured Zsys: 75 + -25.0 j

VSWR: 1.58 :1
s here using Network Analyzer TEST 1
e Bridge.

Network Analyzer OR


Forward Power Measured: 5.0 watts

Reverse Power Measured: 0.25 watts

Antenna VSWR: 1.58 :1

Don't Change These Formulas
|Ztx| = 50.0 W

|Zsys| = 79.1 W

GEO Azimuth Calculation:
User #1:
User is:
Latitude 19.062 °
In N. Hem? 1 Satellite is to South if "1", North if "0"
0 Satellite is to North if "1", South if "0"
D Longitude -16.626 °
East of Sat? 0 Satellite is to West if "1", East if "0"
1 Satellite is to East if "1", West if "0"
Sat. in Quad? Quad. Result: Quad. Angle Range:
Quad NE 0 0.000 ° 0° to 90°
Quad SE 1 137.564 ° 90° to 180°
Quad SW 0 0.000 ° 180° to 270°
Quad NW 0 0.000 ° 270° to 360°

Azimuth Calc. 42.436 °

Azimuth Result: 137.564 °

User #2:
User is:
Latitude 17.429 °
In N. Hem? 1 Satellite is to South if "1", North if "0"
0 Satellite is to North if "1", South if "0"
D Longitude -11.034 °
East of Sat? 0 Satellite is to West if "1", East if "0"
1 Satellite is to East if "1", West if "0"
Sat. in Quad? Quad. Result: Quad Angle Range:
Quad NE 0 0.000 ° 0° to 90°
Quad SE 1 146.935 ° 90° to 180°
Quad SW 0 0.000 ° 180° to 270°
Quad NW 0 0.000 ° 270° to 360°

Azimuth Calc. 33.065 °

Azimuth Result: 146.935 °

f "1", North if "0"
f "1", South if "0"

"1", East if "0"

"1", West if "0"

f "1", North if "0"

f "1", South if "0"

"1", East if "0"

"1", West if "0"
Earth and Orbit Shape for Figure in Orbit & Frequency W/S [NOTE: DO NOT MODIFY]
NOTE: Y X R Y1 X1 R1
3.519943 -1.9 16 3.574563 -1.9 16.2
3.546477 -1.85 16 3.6 -1.85 16.2
3.572114 -1.8 16 3.624569 -1.8 16.2
3.596874 -1.75 16 3.648287 -1.75 16.2
3.620773 -1.7 16 3.671171 -1.7 16.2
3.64383 -1.65 16 3.693237 -1.65 16.2
3.666061 -1.6 16 3.714499 -1.6 16.2
3.687479 -1.55 16 3.73497 -1.55 16.2
3.708099 -1.5 16 3.754664 -1.5 16.2
3.727935 -1.45 16 3.773592 -1.45 16.2
3.746999 -1.4 16 3.791767 -1.4 16.2
3.765302 -1.35 16 3.809199 -1.35 16.2
3.782856 -1.3 16 3.825899 -1.3 16.2
3.799671 -1.25 16 3.841875 -1.25 16.2
3.815757 -1.2 16 3.857136 -1.2 16.2
3.831123 -1.15 16 3.871692 -1.15 16.2
3.845777 -1.1 16 3.88555 -1.1 16.2
3.859728 -1.05 16 3.898718 -1.05 16.2
3.872983 -1 16 3.911202 -1 16.2
3.88555 -0.95 16 3.923009 -0.95 16.2
3.897435 -0.9 16 3.934145 -0.9 16.2
3.908644 -0.85 16 3.944617 -0.85 16.2
3.919184 -0.8 16 3.954428 -0.8 16.2
3.929058 -0.75 16 3.963584 -0.75 16.2
3.938274 -0.7 16 3.97209 -0.7 16.2
3.946834 -0.65 16 3.979950 -0.65 16.2
3.954744 -0.6 16 3.987167 -0.6 16.2
3.962007 -0.55 16 3.993745 -0.55 16.2
3.968627 -0.5 16 3.999687 -0.5 16.2
3.974607 -0.45 16 4.004997 -0.45 16.2
3.97995 -0.4 16 4.009676 -0.4 16.2
3.984658 -0.35 16 4.013726 -0.35 16.2
3.988734 -0.3 16 4.017151 -0.3 16.2
3.99218 -0.25 16 4.01995 -0.25 16.2
3.994997 -0.2 16 4.022126 -0.2 16.2
3.997187 -0.15 16 4.02368 -0.15 16.2
3.99875 -0.1 16 4.024612 -0.1 16.2
3.999687 -0.05 16 4.024922 -0.05 16.2
4.000000 0 16 4.024922 0 16.2
3.999687 0.05 16 4.024612 0.05 16.2
3.99875 0.1 16 4.02368 0.1 16.2
3.997187 0.15 16 4.022126 0.15 16.2
3.994997 0.2 16 4.01995 0.2 16.2
3.99218 0.25 16 4.017151 0.25 16.2
3.988734 0.3 16 4.013726 0.3 16.2
3.984658 0.35 16 4.009676 0.35 16.2
3.97995 0.4 16 4.004997 0.4 16.2
3.974607 0.45 16 3.999687 0.45 16.2
3.968627 0.5 16 3.993745 0.5 16.2
3.962007 0.55 16 3.987167 0.55 16.2
3.954744 0.6 16 3.97995 0.6 16.2
3.946834 0.65 16 3.97209 0.65 16.2
3.938274 0.7 16 3.963584 0.7 16.2
3.929058 0.75 16 3.954428 0.75 16.2
3.919184 0.8 16 3.944617 0.8 16.2
3.908644 0.85 16 3.934145 0.85 16.2
3.897435 0.9 16 3.923009 0.9 16.2
3.88555 0.95 16 3.911202 0.95 16.2
3.872983 1 16 3.898718 1 16.2
3.859728 1.05 16 3.88555 1.05 16.2
3.845777 1.1 16 3.871692 1.1 16.2
3.831123 1.15 16 3.857136 1.15 16.2
3.815757 1.2 16 3.841875 1.2 16.2
3.799671 1.25 16 3.825899 1.25 16.2
3.782856 1.3 16 3.809199 1.3 16.2
3.765302 1.35 16 3.791767 1.35 16.2
3.746999 1.4 16 3.773592 1.4 16.2
3.727935 1.45 16 3.754664 1.45 16.2
3.708099 1.5 16 3.73497 1.5 16.2
3.687479 1.55 16 3.714499 1.55 16.2
3.666061 1.6 16 3.693237 1.6 16.2
3.64383 1.65 16 3.671171 1.65 16.2
3.620773 1.7 16 3.648287 1.7 16.2
3.596874 1.75 16 3.624569 1.75 16.2
3.572114 1.8 16 3.6 1.8 16.2
3.546477 1.85 16 3.574563 1.85 16.2
3.519943 1.9 16 3.548239 1.9 16.2

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