25 Multiple Choice Tests 2021

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1. I shall do the job to the best of my………….
A. capacity B. talent C. knowledge D. ability
2. Are there enough apples for us to have one ………….?
A. every B. self C. each D. individually
3. The judge ………….the pedestrian for the accident.
A. blamed B. charged C. accused D.sued
4. Let’s just ………….our differences and be friends.
A. leave B. forget C. stop D. rid
5. There has been a great………….in his English.
A. escalation B. increase C. rise D. improvement
6. Even after I washed the coat, it still had some………….marks on it.
A. faint B. weak C. thin D. uncertain
7. The difference between the cost and the selling price is usually the…………..
A. advantage B. increase C. winnings D. profit
8. The woman said, “This carpet was made…………., so it is expensive.”
A. by the hand B. by hand C. by hands D. by our hands
9. I was wakened by the sound of someone………….on the door.
A. crashing B. bumping C. knocking D. hitting
10. The………….of the poetry competition will be known today.
A. decision B. choice C. effect D. result
11.………….of the shop, my friend Roger went in.
A. As I came out B. On coming out C. When coming out D. Coming out
12. “He was right!” - “Oh, I know! I really wish I………….his advice!”
A. took B. had taken C. have taken D. would take
13………….the fighting stopped, travel across country has been quite safe.
A. When B. Unless C. After which D. Since
14. She is eighteen, so by law her father cannot………….her marriage.
A. avoid B. defeat C. prevent D. fail
15. By raising thefr weapons the men showed their………….to continue the fight.
A. ready B. readily C. were ready D. readiness
16. The visit of the president will increase the………….between the two countries.
A. understanding B. peace C. quiet D. knowledge
17. She had done more work in one day than her husband…………. in three days.
A. do B. may do C. could do D. done
18. You are going to come to the party,………….?
A. aren’t you B. do you C. will you D. won’t you
19. David always,………….over to my house after he had done his homework.
A. gone B. went C. came D. passed
20. The librarian went to look in the cupboard,………….rare books were kept.
A. which B. there C. that D. where
21. What do you usually,………….for delivering things?
A. demand B. charge C. cost D. price
22. “I’ll call,………….you at 6 o’clock,” said James.
A. by B. up C. for D. in
23. Have I,………….you about how Mary is getting on at college?
A. said B. told C. answered D. explained
24. The plane crashed into a bridge because it was flying too…………..
A low B. shallow C. deep D. narrow
25. The film,………….several scenes that might upset young children.
A. admits B. contains C. involves D. displays
26. The car burst into,………….but the driver managed to escape.
A. flames B. burning C. heat D. fire
27. The vase is definitely not ,…………., but just a very good imitation.
A. real B. factual C. genuine D. true
28. Her parents were very,………….because she was out so late that night.
A. responsible B. sorry C. overcome D. worried
29. I was just,………….to go out when you telephoned.
A. about B. around C. thinking D. planned
30. This morning the postman was,………….down the street by my dog.
A. hunted B. chased C. run D. sped
31. The noise of the traffic prevented me from,………….to sleep.
A. falling B. starting C. going D. beginning
32. It was very difficult for the inspector to,………….what recommendations he should make.
A. realise B. decide C. solve D. settle
33. It’s a good idea to see your doctor regularly for a(n)…………..
A. check-up B. control C. investigation D. revision
34. After the water workers went on strike there was a………….of water.
A. drain B. loss C. shortage D. decrease
35. The blue curtains began to………….after they had been hanging in the sun for two months.
A. melt B. die C. dissolve D. fade
36. You can learn as much theory as you like, but you only master a skill by ………….it a lot.
A. exercising B. practising C. training D. doing
37. From the hotel there is a good………….of the mountains.
A. vision B. picture C. sight D. view
38. The bank won’t lend you the money without some………….that you will pay it back.
A. profit B. guarantee C. charge D. interest
39. This is the oldest building ………….the village.
A. in B. by C. of D. to
40. She can’t get home………….she has no money.
A. unless B. without C. until D.if
41. The losing team were disappointed at the result, but all the players agreed that it had been a good……..
A. play B. score C. game D. sport
42. Let’s go for a long walk,………….we ?
A. shall B. do C. will D. must
43. They were very………….about keeping so much money in the house overnight.
A. dangerous B. nervous C. willing D. risky
44. The three friends all………….for the same job.
A. applied B. chose C. requested D. referred
45.I took someone else’s coat from the cloakroom by………….
A. error B. fortune C. mistake D. forgetfulness
46. He………….me to take a lawyer to court with me.
A. suggested B. advised C. threatened D. insisted
47. He………….me by asking me stupid questions while I’m working.
A. interests B. quarrels C. damages D. annoys
48. In order to finance the project the Council will have to get a large………….from the bank.
A. loan B. interest C. gain D. profit
49. He refused to give up work,………….he’d won a million pounds.
A. despite B. however C. even though D. as though
50. Firemen rescued several people from the………….floor of the blazing build-ing.
A. high B. low C. basement D. top
1. I’m sure they were………….lies!
A. telling B. speaking C. talking D. saying
2. She always………….the crossword in the paper before breakfast.
A. makes B.does C. writes D. works
3. The newspaper report contained………….important information.
A. many B. another C. an D. a lot of
4. He couldn’t………….his father that he was telling the truth.
A. convince B. confide C. trust D. admit
5. The main road through Salisbury was blocked for two hours today after an accident………….several vehicles.
A. containing B. involving C. connecting D. including
6. That old vase will………….an attractive lamp-holder.
A. compose B. form C. make D. assemble
7. The police are………….the town for the missing vehicle.
A. combing B. looking C. investigating D. seeking
8. Armed terrorists are reported to have………….the Embassy.
A. taken up B. taken to C. taken into D. taken over
9. When he woke up, he realised that the things he had dreamt about could not………….have happened.
A. certainly B. likely C. possibly D. potentially
10. He cannot………….ignorance as his excuse; he should have known what was happening in his own
A. insist B. defend C. refer D. plead
11. The Government’s present policy is seen as a………….to local democracy.
A. sneer B. harm C. threat D. suppression
12. It was not easy to understand her………….to the situation.
A. feelings B. reaction C. outlook D. conduct
13. He always did well at school………….having his early education disrupted by illness.
A. in spite of B. on account of C. in addition to D. even though
14. He told his father a long and………….story to explain his lateness.
A. inconceivable B. incredulous C. unimaginable D. unconvincing
15. After listening to all the arguments I am now of the …………. that there should be no new road.
A. attitude B. opinion C. thought D. idea
16. One condition of this job is that you must be …………. to work at weekends.
A. accessible B. capable C. acceptable D. available
17. It was too late to………….of the contract.
A. back out B. back down C. back up D. back away
18. All his companies had been successful and he was known to be………….rich.
A. absolutely B. completely C. extremely D. thoroughly
19. Religion and politics interest him almost…………..
A. equally B. the same C. similarly D. alike
20. Employees who have a………….are encouraged to discuss it with the management.
A. hindrance B. grievance C. disadvantage D. disturbance
21. Sparkling pools of water lay trapped among the rocks as the tide…………..
A. removed B. refilled C. retired D. receded
22. The police have been ordered not to………….if the students attack them.
A. combat B. challenge C. retaliate D. rebuff
23. The woman was………….from hospital yesterday only a week after her operation.
A. ejected B. discharged C. evicted D. expelled
24. According to the………….of the contract, tenants must give six months notice if they intend to leave.
A. terms B. rules C. laws D. details
25. In spite of his poor education, he was a most………….speaker.
A. attentive B. ambiguous C. articulate D. authoritarian
26. Please accept our………….congratulations!
A. finest B. dearest C. warmest D. deepest
27. It is difficult for museums to find funds to protect the nation's…………..
A. inheritance B. heritage C. possessions D. legacy
28. A part-time job gives me the freedom to………….my own interests.
A. catch B. chase C. seek D. pursue
29. She’s………….interrupting me while I’m talking.
A. always B. never C. sometimes D. just
30. In his first game for Newcastle, Keegan………….a goal after 58 minutes.
A. won B. scored C. earned D. gained
31. Shy people often find it difficult to………….group discussions.
A. take place in B. get on with
C. take part in D. get in touch with
32. It………….a lot of patience to be a nurse.
A. takes B. uses C. spends D. costs
33. I couldn’t decide between the two records, so I bought………….of them.
A. each B. all C. either D. both
34. People still haven’t………….how dangerous pollution can be.
A. remarked B. realised C. noted D. minded
35. After I………….finished working, I switched off the machine.
A. had B. have C. having D. to have
36. I think access to cinemas and theatres is the main………….of city life.
A. amenity B. attraction C. leisure D. recreation
37. I don’t want to go, but there is no way of getting………….it.
A. from B. off C. out of D. away
38. That child is really………….by its grandparents.
A. spoilt B. polluted C. stained D. naughty
39. When they got back from holiday, they found their house had been………….by burglars.
A. broken off B. broken up C. broken down D. broken into
40. His bad behaviour was put ………….his upbringing.
A. down to B. with C. off D. up
41. What he told me was a …………. of lies.
A mob B. load C. pack D. flock
42. Dentists recommend brushing teeth with a fluoride toothpaste to………….them from decay.
A. defend B. guard C. arm D. protect
43. In some parts of the world the indigenous population has been completely………….
A. wiped up B. wiped out C. wiped away D. wiped off
44. ………….through the attic and see if you can find anything for the jumble sale.
A. Forage B. Ravage C. Rummage D. Salvage
45. The rain seems to have set………….for the evening.
A. upon B. in C. about D. down
46. The thought of taking such an examination had never for one moment………….my head.
A. crossed B. occurred C. entered D. slipped
47. According to a recent survey, most people are on good………….with their neighbours.
A. relations B. acquaintance C. relationships D. terms
48. This young author has already received the sort of………….that many older and wiser heads have had to
strive a lifetime for.
A. attentiveness B. note C. recognition D. notoriety
49. I hope this headache………….soon.
A. goes out B. comes away C. passes away D. wears off
50. They began constructing the bridge in 1960, but several years………….before the project was completed.
A. elapsed B. advanced C. proceeded D. progressed
1. After Mervyn’s accident and his subsequent appearance in court, he was ………….from driving for a year.
A. dispossessed B. forfeited C. invalidated D. disqualified
2. When we put up the shelves in the kitchen, it was very simple. We just had to………….a few holes in the
A. stab B. drill C. pierce D. saw
3. When Mrs Frobisher was taken to hospital, two ambulance men carried her out of the house on a…………..
A. mattress B. hammock C. stretcher D. hearse
4. As a result of the company’s………….policy, there are now 15 Fairdeal supermarkets compared with 10 in
A. magnification B. expansion C. increase D. intensification
5. My cousin’s main………….for going abroad was his poor health.
A. need B. cause C. reason D. desire
6. He parked in the wrong place and the police………….his car away.
A. towed B. hitched C. hoisted D. lifted
7. The work keeps…………., and I seem to get very little done.
A. piling on B. growing up C. heaping on D. piling up
8. I’m not………….to your plan but it needs modifying.
A. objected B. opposed C. disputed D. conflicted
9. Luggage may be placed here………….the owner’s risk.
A. by B. under C. with D. at
10. He doesn’t………….to take a holiday this summer.
A. suppose B. determine C. plan D. suggest
11. A coach carrying football………….crashed into a lorry on the motorway.
A. fans B. watchers C. people D. lovers
12. He ran down the beach and………….into the sea.
A. headed B. sank C. dived D. bathed
13. She was born in Japan but has now………….in the United States.
A. settled B. planted C. fixed D. stuck
14. His business is growing so fast that he must take …………. more workers.
A. up B. over C. on D. out
15. Since he was a boy, one of his………….has been stamp-collecting.
A. cares B. hobbies C. sports D. professions
16. She has a lot of spare time and wants to know how beet to………….it.
A. waste B. save C. make D. spend
17. The examiner will test your………….to drive under normal conditions.
A. ability B. advantage C. wisdom D. virtue
18. It is dangerous to………….out of the windows of the train.
A. hold B. slope C. bend D. lean
19. He hated his job; as a………….of fact he has now given it up.
A. nature B. matter C. condition D. type
20. Fat people should………….the temptation to eat a lot of sweet things.
A. resist B. disobey C. deny D. refuse
21. The cows got out of the field through a………….in the fence.
A. fault B. crack C. gap D. cut
22. In this job you must…………. up to the problems and not run away from them.
A. face B. gaze C. raise D. play
23. Over the past two years the………….of living has risen considerably.
A. rate B. charge C. price D. cost
24. In hot weather fresh milk quickly turns …………..
A. bitter B. sour C. foul D. rotten
25. Women workers wear hats in………….their hair gets caught in the machinery.
A. course B. occasion C. event D. case
26. A learner driver must be …………. by a qualified driver.
A. connected B. accompanied C. involved D. associated
27. God never………….a mistake.
A. makes B. puts C. plays D. gives
28. Mary is so………….that people tell her all their troubles.
A. dependent B. confidential C. permission D. sympathetic
29. It’s so long since I saw him that I almost failed to………….him.
A. receive B. recognise C. accept D. approve
30. The house was burgled while the family was …………. in a card game.
A. entertained B. buried C. busy D. absorbed
31. The police must now …………. the escaped convict in the surrounding countries.
A. look for B. look after C. search D. be in search of
32. Some of the older villagers prefer to………….tobacco rather than to smoke
A. munch B. bite C. chew D. gnaw
33. Now that he has retired, he lives partly on his pension and partly on the ………….on his post office savings
A. income B. wages C. salary D. interest
34. Newspapers should try to………….printing statements that they cannot check.
A. refuse B. neglect C. avoid D. deny
35. Switzerland is well-known for its impressive mountainous…………..
A. views B. scenes C. sights D. scenery
36. Her hair was wet from the………….tossed upby the huge waves.
A. spray B. lather C. surf D. foam
37. Most people were no longer listening to his long ………….story.
A. irritable B. tiring C. boring D. annoying
38. His speech was careful and………….but his words seemed to make no sense.
A. distinguished B. distinctive C. distinct D. distinguishable
39. One of the problems local authorities have to deal with is the………….of plastic containers.
A. dispersal B. disposition C. disposal D. dissolution
40. I was told that this material would not………….in the wash but it has.
A. dwindle B. shrink C. decrease D. contract
41. Before he got married, Danny always went out on Saturday nights. He never………….stay in.
A. would B. use to C. is used to D. used to
42. There’s someone at the door.………….it.
A. I’ll answer B. I answer C. I answered D. I’m answering
43. What’s wrong with you today? Did you get out of bed on the wrong………….?
A. end B. side C. foot D. edge
44. Did you see that fascinating wildlife programme …………. television last night?
A. on B. at C. in D. by
45. The beach was so crowded the other day that we………….difficulty finding an empty spot.
A. have B. have had
C. had D. have been having
46. If I’m tired in the evenings,………….to bed early.
A. I go B. I’d have gone C. I went D. I’d go
47. I’ve put Mr Matthew’s papers in your green file,………….is on your desk.
A. Ø B. which C. that D. whose
48. Don’t worry. You………….told if there’s a change of plan.
A. be B. will C. will be D. will been
49. The village seemed strangely familiar …………. I’d never been there before.
A. however B. in spite of C. despite D. although
50. In Britain it is………….for children to attend school between the ages of five and sixteen.
A. compulsory B. obliged C. enforced D. made
1. If they aren’t more careful with their money they’ll get into………….
A. overdraft B. loss C. debt D. problem
2. Do you mean the cinema………….the station?
A. front B. opposite C. to D. on
3. As she didn’t understand her question she merely gave him a………….look.
A. blank B. clear C. simple D. useless
4. She is the most………….manageress we have ever had.
A. good B. working C. active D. efficient
5. During the boss’s…………. his assistant took over.
A. vanishing B. absence C. loss D. disappearance
6. The manager will reply to all letters………….are sent to him.
A. when B. if C. that D. who
7. During the voyage, the ship’s crew organised many different………….games.
A. level B. ground C. floor D. deck
8. The commander gave an………….talk to his men.
A. encouraging B. encouragement
C. encouraged D. encouragingly
9. The………….of the sugar is of course to sweeten the medicine.
A. reason B. cause C. purpose D. need
10. It was nine years ago………….Sir Alfred returned from America.
A. since B. when C. when that D. that
11. Please tell me about it.…………. you if I’ve heard the story before.
A. I stopped B. I’ll stop C. I’ve stopped D. I’m stopping
12. After reading the letter,.………….it on the table.
A. leaving B. and leaving C. and she left D. she left
13. What a.…………. that your father is ill again.
A. pity B. sorrow C. sadness D. pain
14. He didn’t go into detail on the subject; he spoke in.………….
A. common B. regular C. general D. ordinary
15. The spy was tried.…………..
A. public B. in the public C. in a public D. in Public
16. When she saw the clouds, she went back to the house to.………….her umbrella.
A. carry B. fetch C. gather D. reach
17. The cost of the hotel room doesn’t usually.………….the price of breakfast.
A. include B. contain C. share D. hold
18. You must put your name and address on this side of the form, and then sign on the.………….side.
A. back B. other C. opposite D. under
19. .………….ten minutes of the start of the game two players had been sent off.
A. Before B. Inside C. Within D. Around
20. They talked for three days before finally.………….to a decision.
A. coming B. reaching C. bringing D. arriving
21. The teachers at the school went.………….with ’flu one after the other.
A. off B. down C. out D. under
22. If you require any more.………….about the holiday, please telephone us.
A. information B. description C. news D. fact
23. What John says.………….true but I very much doubt it.
A. should be B. may be C. will be D. shall be
24. The by-laws say that all dogs.………….be kept on a lead in the park.
A. ought B. need C. have D. must
25. A wedding is a wonderful opportunity for.………….off new clothes.
A. wearing B. carrying C. showing D. putting
26. If you want to have a pet you must be ready to look.………….it for several years.
A. at B. for C. after D. over
27. I lost too much money betting at the races last time, 80 you won’t.………….me to go again.
A. convince B. impress C. urge D. persuade
28. After a lot of difficulty, he.………….to open the door.
A. managed B. succeeded C. obtained D. realised
29. You will become ill.………….you stop working so hard.
A. until B. unless C. when D. if
30. The child hurt himself badly when he fell.………….the bedroom window.
A. out of B. out from C. down D. over
31. The train will be leaving in five minutes so you.………….better hurry up.
A. should B. had C. will D. would
32. This is not the right.………….to ask for my help; I am far too busy even to listen!
A. moment B. situation C. opportunity D. circumstance
33.He kept his job.………….the manager had threatened to sack him.
A. despite B. unless C. even D. although
34. Some people think it is .…………. to use long and little-known worda.
A. intentional B. clever C. skilled D. sensitive
35. Learners of English as a foreign language often fail to.………….between unfamiliar sounds in that language.
A. distinguish B. differ C. separate D. solve
36. As the streets of our city become busier, people are turning more and more to the.………….bicycle.
A. historical B. old-aged C. old-fashioned D. elderly
37. I’m sorry, I haven’t got.………….change. Why don’t you try the bank?
A. some B. lots C. all D. any
38. Don’t hurry! There’s no need.………….
A. to run B. running C. run D. you run
39. These figures show a.…………. in the number of unemployed people in England and Wales.
A. loss B. lessening C. reduction D. lowering
40. The water company will have to.………….off water supplies while repairs to the pipes are carried out.
A. take. B .cut C. break D.set
41. The stundents were slow to catch.………….,but gradually they began to understand.
A. in B. awaỵ C. on D. out
42. My doctor.………….me to make up swimming as it is such good exercise.
A. suggested B. proposed C. said D. advised
43. The situation has.………….considerably since the New Year.
A. decreased B. lessened C. worsened D. lowered
44. The burglar.………….to open a window at the back of the house.
A. succeeded B. managed C. forced D. discovered
45. Dave and I have………….to meet at the bus station at 9 o’clock.
A. confirmed B. combined C. arranged D. appointed
46. She isn’t………….well with the new manager.
A. getting on B. going on C. keeping on D. taking on
47. I am………….tired to think about that problem at the moment.
A. simply B. far too C. nearly D. much more
48. Newspapers vary greatly in their………….to the government.
A. opinion B. view C. bias D. attitude
49. I have no……………for people that can’t look after t
A. opinion B. regard C. pity D. gympathy
50. The football match was so dull that most of the……………left at half-time.
A. audience B. viewers C. onlookers D. crowd
1. John’s father ordered……………not to stay out late again.
A. him B. to him C. that he D. for him
2. There is………….to be a fortune on the sea-bed nearby.
A. told B. rumoured C. whispered D. written
3. They were………….for smuggling jewellery into the country.
A. arrested B. judged C. accused D. warned
4. When the electricity failed, he………….a match to find the candles.
A. rubbed B. scratched C. struck D. started
5. Nobody knows what the………….of the explosion was.
A. cause B. source C. reaction D. reason
6. When the tenants failed to pay their bill, the authorities decided to cut ………….the gas supply to the flat.
A. down B. out C. across D. off
7. She refused to eat meat under any…………..
A. circumstances B. occasion C. opportunity D. reason
8. It was difficult to guess what her………….to the news would be.
A. feelings B. reaction C. capital D. opinion
9. The company directors asked the government to………….in the dispute and prevent a strike.
A. interpose B. interact C. intercept D. intervene
10. After a long and exhausting journey, they arrived home…………..
A. finally B. by the end C. at last D. at the end
11. Though badly damaged by fire, the palace was eventually ………….to its original splendour.
A. repaired B. restored C. renewed D. renovated
12. I should be most grateful if you’d give me a………….of this new typewriter.
A. showing B. display C. demonstration D. manifestation
13. £507 £707? Let’s………….the difference and say £607.
A. avoid B. split C. agree D. decrease
14. Visitors are………….to beware of pickpockets.
A. commanded B. informed C. advised D. notified
15. Sport provides an………….for a teenager’s feeling of aggression or frustration.
A. overflow B. exit C. exhaust D. outlet
16. Do very young children really………….foreign travel?
A. appreciate B. benefit C. delight D. evaluate
17. He's determined to finish the job………….long it takes
A. whatever B. whenever C. no matter D. however
18. He………….me to believe that they had left the district.
A. made B. assured C. led D. confirmed
19. He didn’t know anyone at the wedding………….than the bride and groom.
A. except B. other C. apart D. rather
20. A relief………….has been set up to help earthquake victims.
A. fund B. donation C. treasury D. collection
21. By going in person to the office which………….the forms she was able to get what she wanted.
A. controlled B. offered C. issued D. disseminated
22. On………….to power the new President announced a programme of social reforms.
A. arriving B. reaching C. achieving D. coming
23. Our salesmen normally …………. their travel expenses from the company once a month.
A. settle B. claim C. cover D. reimburse
24. This travel suide is very useful, but it does not …………. to cover every aspect of the country.
A. state B. announce C. claim D. expect
25. The purpose of the survey was to………….the inspectors with local conditions.
A. inform B. notify C. instruct D. acquaint
26. The chances of a repetition of these events are………….indeed.
A. slim B. distant C. unlikely . D. narrow
27. That picture is somewhat …………. of Picasso’s early work.
A. mindful B. similar C. reminiscent D. memorable
28. There will of necessity be a………….to the amount of money put at the new manager’s disposal.
A. summit B. roof C. sky D. ceiling
29. When Jane won the prize, I………….her on her success.
A. rejoiced B. congratulated C. approved D. appreciated
30. Ben’s wife is a terrible snob. She looks …………. almost all his friends because they have north country
A. up to B. forward to C. down on D. out on
31. The………….of the Titanic was caused by an iceberg.
A. plunge B. sinking C. drowning D. descent
32. When you are an old age pensioner, you have to learn to…………. a very small income.
A. live on B. live up to C. live out D. live down
33. The police stopped me the other day as I was driving home, because I was………….the speed limit.
A. transcending B. exceeding C. surpassing D. overtaking
34. You can buy an iron at any………….shop.
A. electric B. electrifying C. electrician D. electrical
35. The volcano on the island is still…………..
A. alive B. performing C. active D. busy
36. A great………….of bees settled on our apple tree during a storm.
A. crowd B. buzz C. flock D. swarm
37. She …………. for lost time by studying at weekends.
A. got up B. made up C. set about D. put in
38. Mr Adams found time had begun to………….after six months of retirement.
A. bore B. stretch C. drag D. pull
39. She arranged a party to help put the strangers at their…………..
A. ease B. pleasure C. delight D. comfort
40. We are………….your request and will shortly reply to it.
A. thinking B. considering C. realising D. noticing
41. Although it was………….jewellery, it looked real enough.
A. dishonest B. untrue C. invented D. imitation
42. As I felt so much better, my doctor………….me to take a holiday by the sea.
A. advised B. considered C. accepted D. suggested
43. They all thought he was guilty, but no one could………….anything against him.
A. point B. accuse C. ensure D. prove
44. The …………. of Brian’s furnished room is ten pounds a week.
A. rent B. wage C. cash D. payment
45. Having lost the match, the team travelled home in spirits.
A. cold B. deep C. dark D. low
46. He is under sixteen,………….he should not drive a car.
A. therefore B. so far as C. considering D. however
47. It was my first attempt; I………….to do better next time.
A. suppose B. hope C. think D. feel
48. In some countries there have been widespread demands for the…………. of seal hunting.
A. extinction B. extermination C. abolition D. annihilation
49. Charles had very little interest in the museum: he gave each exhibit no more than a(n)………….glance.
A. transient B. cursory C. ephemeral D. temporary
50. When we had finished dinner, George asked the waiter to bring him the………….
A. total B. cost C. bill D. count
1. The car skidded to a halt after………….its headlights smashed in the crash.
A. making B. letting C. having D. doing
2. There were no lifeboats on the ship because it was………….to be unsinkable.
A. believed B. claimed . C. told D. argued
3. He said that the plane had already left and that I………….arrived an hour earlier.
A. must have B. had to C. should have D. was supposed to
4. You have to be rich to send a child to a private school because the fees are………….
A. aeronautical B. astronomical C. astrological D. atmospherical
5. The mysterious case of the missing millionaire has become the of………….considerable interest in the press
over the last few weeks.
A. middle B. target C. pin-point D. focus
6. Try and………….on the bright side - the worst may never happen!
A. see B. look C. think D. consider
7. It’s distressing to see small children………….in the streets.
A. pleading B. imploring C. begging D. entreating
8. Conversations you strike up with traveling acquaintances usually tend to be…………..
A. imperative B. perverse C. insufficient D. trivial
9. Being described by the Americans as a homemaker seems infinitely prefer-able to being referred to as a(n)
A. lone B. mere C. only D. sole
10. The small box………….a tiny live terrapin.
A. contained B. comprised C. consisted of D. included
11. Judy does not………….for Peter nearly enough to think of marrying him.
A. love B. desire C. care D. like
12. Several of my friends are………….reporters.
A. newspapers B. newspaper C. newspaper’s D. newspapers’
13. News items are………….to a stringent process of selection.
A. subject B. reliant C. determined D. dependent
14. Alice didn’t expect………….to Bill’s party.
A. to ask B. being asked C. to be asked D. asking
15. I finally finished………….at 7:00 p.m. and served dinner.
A. to cook B. to be cooked C. being cooked D. cooking
16. Gloria never seems to get tired. I sure wish I………….her energy.
A. would have B. have C. had D. have had
17. A good teacher makes her students………….the world from new perspectives.
A. to view B. view C. to be viewed D. viewing
18. We………….have been married for twenty-three years on our next anniversary.
A. will B. should C. must D. could
19. There are several means of mass communication. The newspaper is one.
Television is…………..
A. the another B. the other C. other D. another
20. The electorate will not easily forgive the government for failing to fulfill its………….
A. promises B. vows C. aspirations D. offers
21. I wish they………….change their minds so often!
A. shouldn’t B. couldn’t C. mightn’t D. wouldn’t
22. Many of the jobs which have been created in this area can be directly …………. to tourism.
A. attributed B. dedicated C. attracted D. supported
23. Thousands of people use the………….of footpaths across these hills.
A. grid B. network C. circuit D. channel
24. Surprisingly, the frontier guards seemed………….at our presence.
A. unconscious B. uninterested C. unconcerned D. uncritical
25. Whenever he had an important decision to make, he………….a cigar, supposedly to calm his nerves!
A. had lit B. would have lit C. would be lighting D. would light
26. Despite the bad weather, he………….get to the airport in time.
A. could B. couldn’t C. was able to D. almost
27. Alan and Susie………….an argument. They’re not speaking to each other.
A. must have had B. might have C. must have D. might had
28. He …………. all his money, then closed the account.
A. took away B. took out C. paid in D. paid off
29. The restaurants on the island are expensive, so it’s worth………….a packed lunch.
A. take B. to take C. taken D. taking
30. When British people go abroad, it takes them several days to get used to ………….on the right-hand side of
the road.
A. drive B. driving C. driven D. drove
31. The car is old but reliable; so far it hasn’t let me………….
A. down B. up C. in D. through
32. There’s been no………….the weather for nearly three days now. It’s rained non-stop.
A. improvement of B. improvement for C. improving D. improvement in
33. The gun went………….as he was cleaning it but luckily he wasn’t hurt.
A. out B. off C. by D. over
34. When the alarm went off, Mick just turned………….and went back to sleep.
A. down B. up C. over D. out
35. I really like Joe’s dad but I don’t get………….with his mother at all.
A. on B. by C. out D. through
36. Young children often express their anger by having temper…………..
A. attacks B. tantrums C. fits D. spells
37. He should have phoned the police. However angry he was, he shouldn’t have………….the laws into his own
A. taken B. held C. had D. grasped
38. The assistant suggested………….the next day when the manager would be there.
A. we are coming back B. we came back C. we will come back D. to come back
39. Why don’t you both come ………….for dinner on Thursday? Kate and Bill are coming.
A. round B. in C. through D. past
40. By cutting down trees we………….the natural habitat of birds and animals.
A. harm B. damage C. hurt D. injure
41. People have different ways of preparing…………..
A. their exams B. to exams C. in exams D. for exams
42. Many old people don’t like change. They are very set in their…………..
A. ways B. habits C. routines D. life
43. Susan………….as a nurse for 3 years before her marriage.
A. has worked B. has been working C. is working D. worked
44. The government plan to………….the price of petrol
A. ascend B. heighten C. raise D. rise
45. If I were you,………….phone and tell her you’re going to be late.
A. I B. I’ll C. I’d have D. I’d
46. Rosa suggested………….a suit and tie when he went for the interview.
A. him to wear B. he must wear C. he wore D. that he
47. I love travelling in Scandinavia; the………….is beautiful there.
A. countryside B. country C. environment D. nature
48. I’ll have to buy some new shoes. None of the ones I’ve got………….with the dress I’ve just bought.
A. combine B. go C. match D. get on
49. The government are doing a………….of people’s changing habits.
A. plan B. project C. research D. survey
50. In some countries children use pocket………….when doing mathematics.
A. counters B. computers C. calculators D. robots
1. I remember Alison as a spotty young girl but she’s turned………….a beautiful woman.
A. to B. into C. out D. on
2. You can’t drive a car unless you hold a driving…………..
A. permission B. ticket C. licence D. pass
3. At first the disease affected only his hands, but now it has………….to his arms.
A. spread B. covered C. expanded D. entered
4. It was 80 cold at night that she took a hot water………….to bed with her.
A. bag B. pot C. kettle D. bottle
5. I’d like to taste your cake in order to………….it with mine.
A. review B. differ C. compare D. decide
6. Let’s wait here for her; I’m sure she’ll………….before long.
A. turn up B. turn off C. turn down D. turn over
7. Although he is rich and famous, he lives in a………….house in the village.
A. limited B. slight C. modest D. reserved
8. April is the month when many European trees………….into leaf.
A. jump B. spring C. turn D. burst
9. I realised it would be far too………….to walk alone through those ill-lit streets after dark.
A. bold B. daring C. risky D. courageous
10. The law proved unpopular that it was….by the Government a year later.
A. repelled B. repulsed C. taken back D. repealed
11. The choir stood in four rows according to their………….heights.
A. respectable B. respective C. respectful D. respected
12. There is often 80 much traffic on the main thoroughfares that motorists may be able to travel faster
A. subordinate B. local C. district D. minor
13. A cool drink………….him after his long hot journey.
A. relaxed B. relieved C. refreshed D. recovered
14. He has to arrange for the………….of his furniture before he goes abroad.
A. sale B. sole C. seal D. sail
15. Every day thousands of………….fly the Atlantic for negotiations with American firms.
A. merchants B. dealers C. businessmen D. tradesmen
16. It is dangerous for any town to………….the interests of its young people.
A. neglect B. lack C. express D. impress
17. Many strands were………….together to make the rope really strong.
A. woven B. twisted C. revolved D. rolled
18. Your grandfather is rather tired so do not………….your visit.
A. shorten B. lengthen C. delay D. prolong
19. No one is so………….as the person who has no wish to learn.
A. unwise B. ignorant C. useless D. intelligent
20. The manager was pleased with the increased from the factory.
A. outlet B. output C. outset D. outcome
21. Smoking is a dirty .………….
A. manner B. fashion C. habit D. custom
22. Can you tell me who is responsible………….passports?
A. to check B. for checking C. about checking D. checking
23. I got very nervous during the exam. When the examiner asked my name, my mind went
A. empty B. void C. white D. blank
24.………….you were all sitting at your desks working hard last week, we were sitting on a plane bound for
A. Despite B. While C. As soon as D. Whenever
25. The other motorist drove right in front of me, I couldn’t avoid………….his car.
A. hitting B. to hit C. hit D. from hitting
26. This school has the highest………….standards in the area.
A. learning B. intelligence C. study D. academic
27. They are………….to be married next year.
A. engaged B. prepared C. intended D. planned
28. The general was always………….about his past campaigns.
A. praising B. boasting C. complimenting D. congratulating
29. The room was………….of strangers.
A. full B. complete C. replete D. filled
30. Prices are very………….these days.
A. big B. expensive C. high D. increased.
31. In Britain the………….on a letter is now twelve pence.
A. posting B. postage C. post D. postal
32. The town stands on the south side of the………….road to London.
A. top B. leading C. quick D. main
33. The Minister listened to arguments for and………….the planned airport.
A. from B. away from C. against D. down
34. After the………….of the climbers, the police were thanked for their work.
A. freedom B. rescue C. help D. safety
35. In some countries more and more young people now need………….teeth.
A. unnatural B. spare C. untrue D. false
36. ………….that we were late, we began to run.
A. Knowing B. To know C. We knew D. As knowing
37. Henry………….a rich man today if he had been more careful.in the past.
A. will be B. is C. would be D. was
38. My father has an older brother he hasn’t seen………….thirty years.
A. for B. from C. during D. since
39. Lee is………….at the local Chinese restaurant. Four waiters work there altogether.
A. an waiter B. a waiter C. the waiter D. waiter
40. Roger’s………….are £74 a week.
A. earns B. earned C. earnings D. earning
41. In the………….of proof, the police could not take action against the man.
A. absence B. shortage C. want D. lack
42. This tool is not dangerous………….it is used carelessly.
A. except B. whether C. only D. unless
43. In order to………….with his studies he worked through the summer.
A. take on B. catch on C. catch up D. take up
44. This is the………….church in the city.
A. elder B. elderly C. older D. oldest
45.I am …………. to come to the meeting on Monday evening, please apologise for my absence.
A. capable B. unable C. excused D. disliked
46. The school arranges a………….to Brighton every year.
A. route B. passage C. trip D. travel
47. My uncle took………….golf when he retired from work.
A. up B. on C. over D. after
48. A copy of our spring brochure is………….with this letter.
A. combined B. attached C. delivered D. enclosed
49. To promote him so quickly you must have a very high………….of his ability.
A. view B. opinion C. idea D. feeling
50. I am not in the least………….about his opinion.
A. aware B. interested C. concerned D. regarded
1. He was very upset by the………….of his English examination.
A. failure B. result C. effect D. success
2. The manager expected the team………….because they hadn’t done enough training.
A. to be lost B. have lost C. to lose D. by losing
3. I have been looking for this book for months, and………….I have found it.
A. at last B. in time C. at the end D. at present
4. When he heard the terrible noise he asked me what was………….on.
A. happening B. being C. getting D. going
5. He………….being given a receipt for the bill he had paid.
A. asked for B. demanded C. insisted on D. required
6. It is a great………….that the exhibition was cancelled at the last minute after all your work.
A. pity B. sorrow C. complaint D. sadness
7. The job of student lodgings officer………….many visits to landladies.
A. concerns B. offers C. asks D. involves
8. Last year the potato harvest was very disappointing, but this year it look as though we shall have a
A. product B. crop C. amount D. outcome
9. The Chairman was so angry with the committee that he decided to………….from it.
A. cancel B. postpone C. prevent D. resign
10. The wind blew so hard and so strongly that the windows………….in their frames.
A. flapped B slapped C. rattled D. shocked
11. ………….it was raining heavily he went out without a raincoat.
A. Although B. In spite of C. However D. In spite
12. If it………….fine, I shall go out.
A. was B. will be C. were D. is
13. I am going to have a short rest as I………….a headache.
A. take B. have C. feel D. suffer
14. When you………….him, give him my best wishes.
A. visit B. would visit C. will visit D. have visited
15. If you’re not too tired, we could have a………….of tennis after lunch.
A. match B. game C. play D. party
16. The soldier was punished for………….to obey his commanding officer’s orders.
A. objecting B. regretting C. refusing D. resisting
17. Phone me before ten;………….I'll be too busy to talk to you.
A. otherwise B. whether C. unless D. if
18. The World Cup is a football………….. which is open to all countries.
A. participation B. competition C. occasion D. involvement
19. After the campaign a special medal was………….to all combatants.
A. gained B. deserved C. earned D. awarded
20. You’re………….your time trying to persuade him; he’ll never help you.
A. losing B. spending C. wasting D. missing
21. By the time you receive this letter, I………….for Japan.
A. will leave B. will have left C. would have left D. have left
22. Drug taking has become a major ………….in sport.
A. argument B. view C. case D. issue
23. People work mainly to………….money.
A. pay B. finance C. earn D. win
24. Her eyes are her best………….
A. feature B. aspect C. trait D. characteristic
25. We have those hats in a full…………. of colours.
A. total B. list C. range D. variety
26. The cut on my leg is taking a long time to………….
A. remedy B. right C. cure D. heal
27. I don’t remember………….the front door when I left home this morning.
A. locking B. to lock C. locked D. to have locked
28. At the end of the winter, the price of winter clothes in the shops usually………….
A. sinks B. lowers C. drops D. reduces
29. She put………….speaking to him as long as possible.
A. over B. off C. away D. back
30. Banks only………….money if they are sure it will be paid back.
A. borrow B. charge C. interest D. lend
31. His parents agreed to …………. him them car while they were away on holiday.
A. lend B. borrow C. hire D. let
32. I left my last job because I had no………….to travel.
A. place B. opportunity C. position D. possibility
33. In order to buy his house he had to obtain a large …………. from his bank.
`1 B. finance C. loan D. debt
34. She …………. drive to the station every day but then she suddenly decided to walk instead.
A. was used to B. had used to C. was using to D. used to
35. I cannot bear the noise of my brother’s radio; it …………. me from my work.
A. disturbs B. perturbs C. distracts D. interrupts
36. To prevent flooding in winter the water flowing from the dam is constantly …………. by a computer.
A. monitored B. graded C. managed D. conducted
37. How many people do you think his car would………….?
A. occupy B. hold C. fit D. load
38. The leaders, sensing that war was…………., prepared their defences.
A. immediate B. immune C. imminent D. immense
39. If you don’t pay your bill, the Electricity Board will………….your power supply.
A. disconnect B. sever C. dismantle D. uncouple
40. Under the circumstances it………….be best to wait for a few weeks.
A. seemed B. should C. might D. ought
41. Students sometimes support themselves by………….of evening jobs.
A. means B. ways C. efforts D. methods
42. The newspaper did not mention the………….of the damage caused by the fire.
A. range B. quantity C. amount D. extent
43. We sat on after the meal, …………. the taste of the fine brandy.
A. indulging B. savouring C. sipping D. sensing
44. Protests died down when they realised that the new tax………….to only 50p a week.
A. added B. reached C. amounted D. approached
45. The prison was so well guarded that any thought of escape was ………….
A. despairing B. aimless C. desperate D. pointless
46. The student failed to meet the necessary………….for admission to the course.
A. fulfilments B. qualities C. requirements D. aptitudes
47. No one really knows who composed this piece of music, but it has been………….to Bach.
A. identified B. attributed C. referred D. associated
48. A property company was making a take-over………….for the supermarket site.
A. proposition B. proposal C. tender D. bid
49. It’s the Prime Minister’s right to an election at anv time he likes.
A. summon B. nominate C. call D. submit
50. Marrying into such a rich family had always been………….his wildest dreams.
A. beyond B. above C. over D. under

1. The dampness of the walls caused the paint to………….off.
A. flake B. splinter C. crumble D. scale
2. Unfortunately, our local cinema is on the………….of closing down.
A. threat B. hint C. edge D. verge
3. The door hinges had all been oiled to stop them………….
A. shrieking B. screeching C. squeaking D. squealing
4. You should………….at least threedays for the journey.
A. allow B. permit C. accept D. expect
5. This film………….several scenes which are very funny.
A. depicts B. pictures C. features D. illustrates
6. From an early lead, the team………….to an embarrassing defeat.
A. dropped B. fell C. declined D. slumped
7. I bought this fridge because I had confidence in the………….name.
A. mark B. brand C. commodity D. maker
8. When it started to snow he………….his overcoat.
A. put on B. put in C. took off D. took out
9. We’re thinking of going………….holiday to Spain.
A. in B. at C. on D. for
10. The government hopes to …………. its plans for introducing cable TV.
A. keep on B. turn out C. carry on D. carry out
11. You’re late again - please try to be………….in future.
A. accurate B. efficient C. punctual D. reliable
12. The house is old and it’s in bad………….
A. condition B. state C. damage D. situation
13. To be chosen to go to the moon would be the………….of a lifetime.
A. fortune B. chance C.luck D. fate
14. He couldn’t afford to………….his car repaired.
A. get B. make C. do D. pay
15. If………….develops in your new TV within six months of purchase, ...
A. damage B. an error C. a mistake D. a fault
16. …you will be………….to a replacement.
A. allowed B. guaranteed C. entitled D. permitted
17. I would………….you didn’t leave just at the moment.
A. advise B. like C. ask D. rather
18. His parents were so………….that he ran away from home.
A. struck B. striped C. strict D. severe
19. Some friends at school………….him to steal the sweets.
A. dared B. threatened C. let D. made
20. Can you………….me to your parents when you next see them?
A. excuse B. remember C. forget D. remind
21. We regret to inform you that the materials you ordered are…………..
A. out of work B. out of reach C. out of stock D. out of practice
22. They bought the land with a………….to building a new office block.
A. purpose B. view C. goal D. reason
23. Of course he can lift that! He’s as………….as a horse.
A. tough B. big C. heavy D. strong
24. I………….be most grateful if you could let me have the details as soon as possible.
A. should B. intend to C. ought to D. might
25. He was………….thought of in the cut-throat world of competitive business.
A. high B. highly C. higher D. highest
26. He was disqualified for failing to………….with the rules of the competition.
A. comply B. compete C. accommodate D. acquiesce
27. She………….out of the house as fast as her legs would carry her.
A. strolled B. dashed C. ambled D. plunged
28. The soap opera star threatened to………….her dentist for $10 million.
A. prosecute B. charge C. convict D. sue
29. We should make a clear………….between “competent” and “proficient” for the purposes of our discussion.
A. separation B. division C. distinction D. difference
30. Whatever happens, your father and I will always………….you.
A. stand for B. stand by C. stand over D. stand in for
31. The bombardment from sea and air………….large parts of the city.
A. liquidated B. abolished C. demolished D. drowned
32. The new production of Othello is very ambitious and extremely interesting, but somehow it doesn’t quite.
A. come off B. come through C. come out D. come round
33. Four people drowned when the yacht………….in a sudden storm.
A. inverted B. capsized C. upset D. overflowed
34. The proposed………….of Micro Industries and SJ Electronics would make the new company the largest
electronics firm in Britain.
A. merger B. combination C. fusion D. mixture
35. The suspect was unable to………….for his movements on the evening of May 6.
A. recount B. swear C. account D. explain
36. His greediness was………….to his often going hungry as a child.
A. set down B. put back C. put up D. put down
37. I was only trying………….things into perspective so we could write a proper report.
A. putting B. to set C. to put D. arranging
38. Put some oil on that tight nut; that might………….the trick.
A. make B. prove C. work D. do
39. Let’s………….a coin to decide which film to go to.
A. turn B. revolve C. toss D. twist
40. He still looks………….after his illness
A. discoloured B. pale C. dull D. fair
41. The car was repaired but not quite to the owner’s…………..
A. joy B. pleasure C. regard D. satisfaction
42. I saw a………….good film on TV last night.
A. lovely B. nice C. pretty D. beautiful
43. There was no one in the house, but the………….of the meal lay on the table.
A. remains B. remainders C. ruins D. records
44. Although the family trusted her, she………….them down badly.
A. put B. let C. set D. left
45. That house always………….me of a holiday I spent in Switzerland.
A. reminds B. recalls C. connects D. awakens
46. She was so………….with the noise that she sent the children to bed.
A. taken over B. blown out C. filed in D. fed up
47. Mr Smith is very fat; he ought to………….some weight.
A. give B. lose C. throw D. waste
48. She………….several times in her chair and then at last she went to sleep.
A. dropped B. shook C. nodded D. sank
49. Edward has found a bigger flat and is………….move into it.
A. about to B. on the way C. near to D. ready for
50. Their cheerful voice showed theừ they were having a………….discussion.
A. heated B. serious C. deep D. friendly

1. In all English towns, there is a speed………….of 30 miles an hour.
A. limit B. allowance C. condition D. control
2. He said he wished to………….the opportunity to thank us for our work.
A. turn B. gain C. fetch D. take
3. He was making a………….house for his daughter’s birthday.
A. child’s B. toy C.doll’s D. baby’s
4. Whenever he writes to his parents, he………….a cheque with his letter.
A. contributes B. encloses C. reserves D. contains
5. The doorway is low, so………….your head when you go in.
A. mark B. attend C. mind D. take care
6. He argued………….in favour of the proposal.
A. forcefully B. heavily C. severely D. hardly
7. Since we’ve had TV, attendances at cinemas have.………….
A. descended B. settled C. disappeared D. fallen off
8. She is a cheerful girl, with a………….laugh.
A. solid B. hearty C. thrilling D. bodily
9. She gave him some money, just enough to buy a………….of cigarettes.
A. bundle B. parcel C. packet D. case
10. He wrote his name………….and carefully at the top of the paper.
A. clearly B. largely C. seriously D. attentively
11. As we can wait no longer for the delivery of your order, we have to………….it.
A. postpone B. refuse C. delay D. cancel
12. The melting of the snow has caused flooding by………….rivers.
A. swollen B. expanded C. prolonged D. extended
13. He ………….spends his holidays in the mountains though occasionally he goes to the seaside instead.
A. constantly B. invariably C. usually D. always
14. The bank………….planned to escape in a stolen car.
A. thieves B. bandits C. burglars D. robbers
15. A horse drives the………….from its body with its tail.
A. flies B. wasps C. ants D. spiders
16. A force of desperate men burst out of the besieged city and………….the army that had surrounded them.
A. submitted B. broke down C. gained D. defeated
17. The campers …………. their tent in a sheltered valley.
A. established B. installed C. pitched D. fixed
18. The floods did not start to………….until two days after the rain had stopped.
A. retire B. depart C. retreat D. recede
19. The jury returned a(n) ………….of “not guilty”.
A. sentence B. verdict C. charge D. evidence
20. If you like skiing, there’s a ski………….under an hour’s driving from Madrid.
A. resort B. station C. place D. port
21. I can’t stop eating chocolate. I’ve been………….on it since I was about four years old.
A. addicted B. hooked C. fixed D. enslaved
22. Where have you been? I’ve been trying………….you for nearly an hour.
A. phoning B. phone C. to phone D. for phoning
23. Some people are………….interested in animals than in other people.
A. further B. far more C. much D. most
24. We can’t go skating. The………….has been closed for repaừs.
A. rink B. course C. ring D. pitch
25. People have nothing to do in their ………….time.
A. amusement B. leisure C. sports D. entertainment
26. Why don’t you do something………….of just complaining?
A. instead B. except C. apart D. but
27. The children got into the garden through a gap………….the fence.
A. of B. at C. through D. in
28. Can you deliver this letter………….hand?
A. with B. by C. in D. to
29. As I liked the photo I had it .................
A. lengthened B. widened C. sized D. enlarged
30. Mrs Smith always likes someone to..............her to the bus stop at night.
A. go B. company C. accompany D. join
31. ..............we had been invited to dinner, we wore our best suits.
A. Though B. As C. If D. If so
32. My younger sister is very………….and so she loves going out but I am much quieter and prefer to stay at
A. enjoyable B. funny C. pleasing D. lively
33. In Britain the………….are all painted red.
A. letter boxes B. letters box C. letters boxes D. letter’s boxes
34. There’s no prettier place in the valley………….our village.
A. to B. that C. than D. as
35. You shouldn’t go to the meeting………….you’ve got an invitation.
A. except B. if not C. without D. unless
36. Susan couldn’t help..............at the fat man.
A. to laugh B. laughed C. laughing D. for laughing
37. ..............another cup of tea, Janet?
A. Do you like B. Would you like C. Will you like D. Did you like
38. After the storm the..............of a small ship was thrown up on the shore.
A. damage B. breakage C. wreckage D. wastage
39. The firemen fought for three hours before they managed to………….the fire.
A. put out B. give up C. break off D. cut back
40. Those who completed the race were greeted………….handshakes and kisses.
A. in B. to C. with D. from
41. Most of the students agreed on the plan but a few………….it.
A. argued B. differed C. failed D. opposed
42. ..............to animals is forbidden by law.
A. Cruel B. Cruelty C. The cruel D. Cruelly
43. Catching the earlier train will give us the..............to do some shopping.
A. opportunity B. luck C. possibility D. occasion
44. We have agreed..............the need for firm action.
A. for B. on C. in D. at
45. Their aim is to..............up a new political party.
A. set B. stand C. strike D. show
46. At the end of the day we watch a little television ..............going to bed.
A. then B. before C. upon D. during
47. Too much exercise can be harmful but walking is good..............you.
A. to B. by C. for D. with
48. Although this wine is quite cheap, it is very...............
A drinkable B. drinking C. drank D. drunk
49. Children in large families learn how to get..............with other people.
A. across B. away C. along D. through
50. All courses at the college are offered on a full-time basis unless ..............indicated.
A. further B. differently C. below D. otherwise
1. After Joe’s mother died, he was..............up by his grandmother.
A. taken B. brought C. grown D. drawn
2. If you keep trying, you might..............to do it.
A. succeed B. discover C. understand D. manage
3. My employer’s..............of my work does not matter to me at all.
A. meaning B. opinion C. belief D. expression
4. I don’t think that red dress..............her.
A. cheers B. matches C. suits D. agrees
5. I knew him..............I was a child.
A. when B. until C. as D. during
6. Wait..............you get home before you unpack your parcel.
A. to B. after C. when D. until
7. It is ……...... knowledge in the village that Mr and Mrs Thorne quarrel violently several times a week.
A. common B. complete C. normal D. usual
8. The shop assistant was.................helpful, but she felt he could have given her more advice.
A. entirely B. exactly C. quite D. totally
9. The explorers walked all the way along the river from its mouth to its.................
A. cause B. source C. well D. outlet
10. I have lived near the railway for so long now that I’ve grown................to the noise of the trains.
A. aware B. familiar C. unconscious D. accustomed
11. As far as I’m................it’s quite all right for you to leave early.
A. concerned B. regarded C. consulted D. bothered
12. We have..................of time to catch the train so there’s no need to rush.
A. very much B. enough C. plenty D. great deal
13.................of all the staff, I would like to wish you a happy retirement.
A. On behalf B. In place C. Instead D. On account
14. My parents................that they will move to the seaside when my father retires next year.
A. thinking B. think C. will think D. thought
15. ................accepting your offer, I’d like to know a bit more about the company.
A. In advance B. In order C. Until D. Before
16. She’ll be a millionaire by the time she................forty.
A. is B. was C. will be D. is going to be
17.I don’t................locking the door.
A. remind B. forget C. remember D. accept
18. A................is being offered for information leading to the arrest of the bank robber.
A. prize B. reward C. notice D. repayment
19. They travelled to Spain by the most................route.
A. easy B. straight C. direct D. unique
20. It’s time we................away with our old-fashioned prisons.
A. shall do B. do C. have done D. did
21. The President made a wonderful .................
A. speech B. talk C. lecture D. message
22. There was no................in waiting longer than half an hour so we left.
A. good B. worth C. point D. use
23. Many countries................to compete in the 1980 Olympics.
A. denied B. protested C. rejected D. refused
24. The population of the town can be divided into three main.................
A. lists B. groups C. gangs D. tribes
25. Most sports................team-work.
A. involve B. imply C. apply D. infer
26. The Belgian football player, Van Moer, is................the question of retirement.
A. considering B. deciding C. contributing D. thinking
27. Keeping the ball out of the net is the................responsibility of the goalkeeper.
A. own B. individual C.sole D. unique
28. For this recipe to be successful, you................cook the meat for art least two hours in a moderate oven.
A. need B. will C. ought D. must
29. She wondered................her father looked like now, after so many years away.
A. how B. what C. whose D. that
30. ...............of the committee, I’d like to thank you for your generous donation.
A. In addition B. According C. Together D. On behalf
31. Several items of................were found on the river bank.
A. clothing B. dress C. costume D. clothes
32. The meeting had to be put................until a later date.
A. away B. on C. off D. up
33. My passport................,so I will have to get a new one.
A. elapsed B. expired C. ended D. terminated
34. The usual reason for exemption from tax does not................in this case.
A. impose B. regard C. apply D. concern
35. The World Bank has criticised Britain for not giving enough financial................to developing countries.
A. allowance B. provision C. loan D. aid
36. The government made serious attempts to raise the................of living.
A. level B. cost C. standard D. mode
37. His mother’s illness had placed him under a considerable................
A. tension B. stress C. worry D. strain
38. There is a lot of friendly................between the supporters of the two teams.
A. rivalry B. contest C. contention D. defiance
39. He did not share his secrets with many people but he................in her.
A. confessed B. confided C. consented D. concealed
40. My throat infection left me very................and made talking difficult.
A. speechless B. dumb C. hoarse D. inarticulate
41. One way of cutting down waste is to................such things as glass and paper.
A. recycle B. renew C. repeat D. redirect
42. After a quick................at the patient the doctor rang for an ambulance.
A. gaze B. stare C. glance D. glimpse
43. That minister’s................of party politics is well known to the public.
A. disgust B. opposition C. objection D. dislike
44. It was a serious quarrel, and they took a long time to make it.................
A. over B. away C. up D. out
45. Supposing I................to agree to your request, how do you think the other students would feel?
A. would B. am C. could D. were
46. He’s only in his twenties but he’s already going.................
A. bald B. bare C. bony D. smooth
47...................had the van turned the corner than the wheel came off.
A. Scarcely B. No sooner C. No longer D. Hardly
48...................had they recovered from the first earthquake when they felt the second tremor.
A. Scarcely B. Just C. No sooner D. Never
49. ..................his advice, I would never have got the job.
A. Except B. Apart from C. But for D. As for
50. He realised that the manager was angry from the................tone he adopted.
A. smooth B. curt C. brief D. high
1.................the government fall, the stock market will crash.
A. Provided B. Should C. In case D. Had

2. A man’s pay usually................on the number of hours he works in a week.

A. results B. starts C. follows D. depends
3.Mary attempted to………….hersetf with her new boss by volunteering to take on extra work.
A. ingratiate B. please C. gratify D. commend
4.………….of the financial crisis, all they could do was hold on and hope that things would improve.
A. At the bottom B. On the top C. At the height D. In the end
5. Sales of margarine rose last year................those of butter.
A. at the expense of B. at a loss of C. comparing D. with regard to
6. All the applicants for the post are thoroughly................for their suitability.
A. searched B. vetted C. investigated D. scrutinised
7. This new advertising campaign is not................with our company policy.
A. matched B. allied C. suited D. consistent
8.................of recent political developments he was taken by surprise on his arrival in the capital.
A. Unaware B. Unacquainted C. Unexpected D. Unknowing
9. Because both teams came from the same town, the stadium was packed with.................
A. playgoers B. spectators C. public D. audience
10. He doesn’t travel as much…………..he used to.
A. that B. than C. what D. as
11. Are you used…………..on your own?
A. to working B. to work C. at work D. with working
12. …………..Richard is a businessman, his brother is a rock singer.
A. However B. Yet C. Whereas D. Despite
13. Just try and…………..what life would be like without paper.
A. guess B. imagine C. fancy D. suppose
14. If you run…………..Steve, give him my best wishes.
A. over B. up C. to D. into
15. “I really don’t like the idea.” “Neither …………..I?’
A. like B. don’t C. do D. nor
16. It took him ages to…………..living in the new town.
A. get used to B. accustomed C. used to D. use to
17. He’ll always be the same - a leopard never changes its…………...
A. pattern B. stripes C. spots D. coat
18. Tomorrow morning we are going to…………..mushroom.
A. pluck B. pick C. choose D. select
19. The…………..listened attentively to every word the vicar said in his sermon.
A. sightseers B. audience C. spectators D. congregation
20. Many…………..crafts such as weaving are now being revived.
A. traditional B. customary C. habitual D. ordinary
21. He said the club was very…………..for the members’ help and support.
A. welcome B. pleasant C. willing D. grateful
22. There is no …………..that the new agricultural policy has been in any way disastrous.
A. indication B. indiscretion C. indecision D. inducement
23. The sheep were huddled into a…………..to protect them from overnight frosts.
A. kennel B. pen C. hutch D. cage
24. We failed to lay eyes on a tiger during our expedition,…………..film one.
A. apart from B. not to mention C. let alone D. but for
25. Certain details in the contract still remain to be…………..out.
A. flattened B. borne C. ironed D. dealt
26. There is a…………..resemblance between the two of them.
A. biting B. piercing C. striking D. shining
27. The young lad was the…………..of his father.
A. image B. likeness C. picture D. portrait
28. I dread having to speak to my boss. He’s such a(n)…………..character that I never know how he’s going to
A. transitory B. volatile C. impermanent D. fleeting
29. In many parts of the world, crop failure means………….., which leads to the death of many people each
A. famine B. desert C. drought D. shortcoming
30. The curtains were put up only three months ago, but they have…………..badly.
A. shaded B. lightened C. dimmed D. faded
31. This is a nice ..................spot. Let’s have our picnic here.
A. separate B. stagnant C. secluded D. motionless
32. The paper was so thin that the…………..of the pencil went right through it.
A. end B. point C. edge D. tail
33. Who do you think I…………..in the library this morning?
A. ran down B. ran over C. ran in D. ran across
34. You can’t see five yards in .................. fog like that.
A. solid B. fat C. thick D. wet
35. The swamp area…………..in crocodiles.
A. abounds B. unbounds C. rebounds D. bounds
36. The jury..................the defendant “not guilty”.
A. gave B. returned C. found D. subscribed
37. Don’t pick .................. me just because you want someone you can blame.
A. at B. up C. out D. on
38. The manager..................one of the hotel servants of stealing the money.
A. accused B. blamed C. complained D. scolded
39. He passed the.................. test but he failed the written examination.
A. skillful B. working C. practical D. efficient
40. When I finally got through to the BBC, the switchboard operator said she would try to…………..me.
A. attach B. connect C. link D. combine
41. ..................he hasn’t any formal qualifications, he has managed to do very well for himself.
A. Despite B. Notwithstanding C. Whereas D. Although
42. During the storm we took…………..in the doorway of a shop.
A. rescue B. shelter C. guard D. caution
43. Please do not..................from me when I am talking to you.
A. turn away B. turn down C. turn off D. turn back
44. As the train left the station, they…………..good-bye to their friends.
A. raised B. waved C. shook D. handed
45. It was a good game, and at the end the…………..was Scotland 4, Ireland 3.
A. total B. balance C. record D. score
46. To..................the best results, mix the powder with warm water.
A. find B. obtain C. prepare D. expect
47. We need some sunshine; so we have…………..up our minds to go abroad this year.
A. turned B. set C. brought D. made
48. The drunken men were arrested for causing a..................in the street.
A. violence B. crisis C. disturbance D. chaos
49. Although he supports the council, he does not take an active…………..in politics.
A. charge B. affair C. play D. part
50. We’re hoping to buy a house next year, so we’ve been putting..................a certain amount of money each
month towards the deposit.
A. by B. together C. in D. up
1. Before he goes to bed, he makes sure all the taps are .................. off tightly.
A. stopped B. shut C. closed D. dripped
2. There’s a rumour that the National Bank is going to..................the company I work for.
A. take over B. overtake C. take on D. take off
3. He’s a..................drinker and can nearly always be found in the hotel bar.
A. full B. heavy C. high D. strong
4. After his service to the country, he was..................with a knighthood.
A. raised B. granted C. improved D. honoured
5. The professor’s book..................a new interest in local history.
A. startled B. disturbed C. awakened D. upset
6. The men spent all day..................water out of the flooded houses.
A. blowing B. sucking C. forcing D. pumping
7. He gave me a brief ..................of his plans.
A. border B. surface C. outline D. frame
8. The student waited with some slight..................while his teacher stood reading his exercise.
A. apprehension B. terror C. dread D. horror
9. I doubt whether he can keep..................his efforts much longer as he looks very tired.
A. in B. up C. on D. on with
10. Far more should be done to…………..the sufferings of unwanted domestic pets.
A. remedy B. improve C. remove D. alleviate
11. He says he would write an English course book if he could find a(n) .................. to deal with the less
interesting parts.
A. accomplice B. collaborator C. ally D. partner
12. You will..................your hand if you put it into that hot water.
A. scorch B. bake C. scald D. boil
13. My aunt..................a brightly-coloured thread round her finger so as not to forget her appointment.
A. curved B. wound C. wounded D. bound
14. She worships the sun and…………..she always spends her holidays in Greece.
A. accordingly B. nevertheless C. yet D. however
15. Can you take the day off tomorrow?
- Well, I’ll have to get .................. from my boss.
A. allowance B. licence C. permit D. permission
16. The headlights of the approaching car were so..................that the cyclist had to stop riding.
A. gleaming B. dazzling C. glittering D. glowing
17. He has recently got an interesting …………..in a textile factory.
A. job B. employment C. work D. occupation
18. Normally he is rather..................but sometimes he talks freely about himself.
A. sociable B. serious C. reserved D. peaceful
19. Deirdre and Paul have just bought a small house…………..of the town.
A. in the district B. on the outskirts C. in the suburb D. in the edge
20. This time tomorrow..................by my swimming pool.
A. I’ll be relaxing B. I’m relaxing C. I relax D. I’m relaxed
21. My father doesn’t like any kind of change. He’s very .................. in his ways.
A. fixed B. established C. determined D. set
22. ..................the pastry thinly and cover the dish with it.
A. Roll B. Flatten C. Press D. Stretch
23. The party starts at 8 o’clock so I’ll..................at 7.45.
A. look for you B. fetch you C. pick you up D. pick up you
24. I’ve been feeling ill all week, so I’m going to see my doctor for a...................
A. check-off B. check-out C. check-in D. check-up
25. Don’t put Graham in charge of arranging the theatre trip: he’s too..................
A. unorganized B. inorganized C. disorganized D. organized
26. Unless it stops raining, ..................the tennis tournament.
A. they cancel B. they’d cancel
C. they’ll cancel D. they’d have cancelled
27. Is that the woman..................is going out with Alicia?
A. whose son B. that’s son C. the son of whom D. the son of who
28. Unemployment..................by 4% since January and now stands at just under three million.
A. was raised B. has risen C. was raised D. rose
29. The smell of floor polish still brings..................memories of my old school.
A. on B. up C. back D.over
30. He was..................with robbery, found guilty and sent to prison.
A. accused B. charged C. convicted D. sentenced
31. Amy and Rosalind look like sisters but actually they’re not...................
A. family B. relation C. related D. familiar
32. The new hospital will be opened by the well-.................. actor John Miner.
A. famous B. known C. celebrated D. prominent
33. The doctor has advised..................less coffee.
A. me to drink B. me drink C. me drinking D. I will drink
34. Next summer, we’re..................a swimming pool built in our back garden.
A. making B. having C. letting D. deciding
35. By the year 2020, many people currently employed..................their jobs.
A. have lost B. are losing C. will be losing D. will have lost
36. They had lunch together in the school...................
A. canteen B. restaurant C. cafe D. bar
37. I’m really looking forward..................to university.
A. to go B. to going C. going D. go
38. If you..................a crime, you must expect to suffer the consequences.
A. perform B. make C. commit D. do
39. Oh no! I don’t believe it! My purse..................!
A. has been stolen B. is stolen C. was stolen D. is being stolen
40. I’m afraid we can’t raise your salary this year. The company’s operating on a very..................budget.
A. hard B. close C. cheap D. tight
41. In their latest attack, terrorists have attempted to blow..................the White House.
A. through B. over C. up D. down
42. Although we’ve been interviewing all day, we haven’t..................a suitable applicant.
A. succeeded to find B. able to find
C. managed finding D. managed to find
43. I hear Emma’s been offered a place at university. She..................be really pleased.
A. must B. might C. may D. can
44. Chris is in a terrible state. Her house was ..................last night.
A. robbed B. stolen C. burgled D. broken in
45. Lack of sleep can have a noticeable..................your performance at work.
A. effect to B. effect in C. effect on D. affect on
46. Many young people travel all over the world, and do all kinds of jobs before they ...................
A. lie down B. touch down C. put down D. settle down
47. It’s not true. He’s..................a lot of nonsense.
A. speaking B. talking C. saying D. telling
48. The evening with my old school friends brought .................. a lot of happy memories.
A. back B. in C. round D. up
49. Overwork is..................to cause increased stress.
A. possible B. probably C. obviously D. likely
50. You really must make some .................. if you are going to succeed.
A. try B. attempt C. effort D. work
1. Dr Jones has received an award for her great .................. in treating leukemia
A. achievements B. activities C. deeds D. undertaking
2. Their house is the.................of the whole street.
A. jealousy B. envy C. desire D. need
3. Jan didn’t check she had enough petrol before she left,..................was careless of her.
A. which B. it C. that D. what
4. My uncle is very.................with his money.
A. nice B. giving C. kind D. free

5. Fortunately, nobody was.................in the accident.

A. damaged B. wounded C. injured D. broken
6. The police asked me for................ on the accident.
A. informations B. information
C. an information D. some informations
7. He was seen crying, and his face................red with shame.
A. turned B. broke C. caught D. suffered
8. I think you’ll win the race; indeed we all think .................. .
A. to B. not C. such D. so
9. I’m glad to say that she has now................her illness.
A. got into B. got on C. got over D. got around
10. Although they are poor, they have................five children well.
A. brought up B. taken up C. grown up D. pulled up
11. Susan is in the kitchen looking for something ...................
A. for eating B. to eat C. to eating D. eating
12. Let the boy .................. it himself before you offer to help.
A. try B. to try C. will try D. trying
13. The doctor sent him to bed, saying he was much .................. to go to work.
A. very ill B. too ill C. ill enough D. ill
14. We’ve kept this seat for you. It’s................comfortable chair we have.
A. the more B. the very much C. the most D. much too
15. The..................were all invited to the school.
A. boys’ parents B. boys parents’ C. boys’ parents’ D. boys parents
16. Janet’s plane to New York was an hour late...................
A. rising up B. moving away C. taking off D. pulling out
17. We were all too hungry to wait................longer for supper.
A. the B. some C. more D. any
18. She has to work hard to keep the house................and tidy with three small children.
A. smooth B. ordered C. neat D. plain
19. The salesman showed us................the washing machine.
A. for using B. to work C. the working of D. how to use
20. The farmer was very angry..................the dogs chasing his sheep.
A. for B. with C. about D. because
21. In a break-in last week the burglars..................all my jewellery but left the picture.
A. took B. have taken C. take D. were taking
22. There was nothing to..................him with the burglary until the police found a gold ring in his car.
A. fix B. link C. place D. join
23. There are..................people who always cause trouble.
A. these B. that C. any D. some
24. It’s a very nice drink; I’m sure you would like it if you................it.
A. tested B. tried C. proved D. surveyed
25. I phoned the bank to................how much money there was in my account.
A. check B. inspect C. test D. control
26. You’ll have to hurry because the................train leaves in ten minutes.
A. last B. latter C. latest D. least
27. This is a photograph of the school I................when I lived in Swindon.
A. used B. assisted C. attended D. joined
28. The purpose of the examination was to................the students’ knowledge of the subject.
A. try B. test C. prove D. inspect
29. The three friends all................for the same job.
A. requested B. referred C. intended D. applied
30. I have absolutely no doubt................the innocence of the accused.
A. over B. about C. on D. with
31. He hit the vase with his elbow and it................to the floor.
A. broke B. smashed C. crashed D. knocked
32. All students leaving college at the end of term must leave their addresses so that letters can be sent.................
A. forward B. on C. through D. to
33. Can you .................. the papers with you when you come to see me, please?
A. bring B. collect C. take D. get
34. He was afraid of losing his suitcase so he tied a................on it on which he had written his name and address.
A. badge B. label C. mark D. notice
35. In spite of her protests, her father................her train for the race three hours a day.
A. let B. caused C. insisted D. made
36. I can’t make .................. what’s happening.
A. out B. away C. do D. over
37. I expect it will rain again when we’re on holiday this year; but at least we are properly prepared.............it this
A. about B. at C. with D. for
38. Since the accident he has walked with a.................
A. slope B. lame C. limp D. strain
39. The doctor gave the patient................examination to discover the cause of his collapse.
A. a universal B. a thorough C. an exact D. a whole
40. He had to leave early,................he?
A. hasn’t B. mustn’t C. didn’t D. shouldn’t
41. Some of the passengers spoke to reporters about their................in the burning plane.
A. occasion B. experience C. event D. happening
42. Fortunately, the machine was not................when it caught fire.
A. in order B. in ruins C. in progress D. in use
43. He was offered the job................his qualifications were poor.
A. despite B. in spite of C. even though D. whereas
44. Scientists have discovered a close..................between smoking and several serious diseases.
A. connection B. action C. union D. combination
45. We are .................. him to arrive at any moment.
A. waiting B. hoping C. expecting D. wishing
46. She came in quietly .................. not to wake the baby.
A. as if B. so as C. such as D. if so
47. The child was told to eat all his vegetables or..................he would get no ice-cream.
A. in case B. in fact C. instead D. else
48. Sport is sometimes used by governments as a tool of foreign..................
A. policy B. political C. politics D. politician
49. Violence at football matches is a symptom of problems in...................
A. nation B. state C. fraternity D. society
50. Sportsmen..................their political differences on the sports field.
A. put aside B. take part C. take place D. keep apart
1. The Grand Canyon is the product of centuries of...................
A. erosion B. crumbling C. deterioration D. decay
2. Some people enjoy training; for others it is only a..................to an end.
A. tool B. method C. way D. means
3. Have you got time to discuss your work now or are you..................to leave?
A. about B. planned C. around D. thinking
4. She..................her neighbour’s children for the broken window.
A. accused B. complained C. blamed D. denied
5. Don’t forget to..................the alarm clock for six o’clock tomorrow morning.
A. put B. ring C. wind D. set
6. She had no..................of selling the clock - it had belonged to her grandfather.
A. interest B. meaning C. intention D. opinion
7. When the starter gave the..................all the competitors in the race began to run round the track.
A. warning B. signal C. shot D. show
8. The Department is also deeply..................in various improvement schemes.
A. connected B. entailed C. implied D. involved
9. We don’t sell foreign newspapers because there is no..................for them.
A. demand B. claim C. requirement D. request
10. After a short holiday, he..................himself once more to his studies.
A. converted B. applied C. engaged D. exerted
11. He is not under arrest, nor have the police placed any..................on his movements.
A. restriction B. obstacle C. veto D. regulation
12. The other transport unions gave the railway worker their...................
A. agreement B. solidarity C. backing D. alliance
13. He read it through quickly so as to get the..................of it before settling down to a thorough study.
A. gist B. run C. core D. detail
14. Before you can start a business, you will have to raise the necessary..................
A. investment B. capital C. savings D. income
15...................all my efforts, I will not have the report ready by Friday.
A. Making B. No matter C. Despite D. Considering
16. A glass of wine now and then won’t..................you any harm.
A. make B. give C. take D. do
17. He was very taken..................by her aggressive attitude.
A. about B. aback C. apart D. aside
18. At school he had a good academic record, and also..................at sports.
A. prevailed B. achieved C. excelled D. surpassed
19. As he approached the end of the race, he found it hard to..................his speed.
A. carry on B. keep on C. persevere D. maintain
20. I hope you won’t take..................if tell you the truth.
A. annoyance B. offence C. resentment D. irritation
21. She always..................the smell of fresh bread with her mother, who loved baking.
A. remembered B. attributed C. exemplified D. associated
22. The judge said the thief had shown complete..................for the law.
A. ignorance B. disregard C. disobedience D. negligence
23. These suggestions are..................to be accepted by the majority of members.
A. undoubtedly B. impossible C. unlikely D. inconceivable
24. The unscrupulous salesman..................the old couple out of their life savings.
A. swindled B. deprived C. robbed D. extracted
25. Frank would be more popular in the office if he didn’t try so hard to..................himself with the boss.
A. regard B. sympathise C. ingratiate D. congratulate
26. The politician tried to arouse the crowd, but most of them were..................to his arguments.
A. closed B. dead C. indifferent D. careless
27. Your argument..................that Britain is still a great power, but this is no longer the case.
A. outlines B. presupposes C. concerns D. presents
28. You are under no obligation..................to accept this offer.
A. indeed B. eventually C. whatsoever D. apart
29. Could you possibly..................me at the next committee meeting?
A. stand in for B. make up for C. fall back on D. keep in with
30. She should have been here but she’s gone..................flu.
A. through with B. back on C. down with D. down by
31. She expressed her..................for certain kinds of cheaply-produced movies.
A. disapproval B. disloyalty C. dissatisfaction D. distaste
32. He became a millionaire by..................of hard work and a considerable amount of luck.
A. process B. dint C. effect D. cause
33. He’s a very difficult person to..................with.
A. deal B. do C. get D. treat
34. She’s..................a kind person that she can never say no to anyone.
A. so B. quite C. very D. such
35. I must remember to put that dinner invitation in my..................
A. agenda B. diary C. record D. journal
36. You can look up the number in the phone..................
A. index B. register C. directory D. dictionary
37. He’s been teaching music for years, but he hasn’t any..................
A. examinations B. qualifications C. experiences D. experience
38. I don’t know the.................price, but it costs about £50.
A. accurate B. true C. proper D. exact
39. In a dream he had a.................of the future.
A. view B. reflection C. vision D. image
40. My brother lives on the fifteenth floor of that.................of flats.
A. house B. building C. tower D. block
41. If I.................the chance, I would have trained to be a doctor.
A. would have had B. had had C. would have D. have had
42. Don’t worry, it’s just a difficult stage. She’ll.................it.
A. grow out of B. get through to C. get up to D. get on with it
43. The crime.................seems to be going up and up.
A. percentage B. wave C. figures D. rate
44. I am.................the habit of reading in bed.
A. on B. in C. of D. from
45. In order not to jerk the vehicle you must release the .................gently.
A. clutch B. dashboard C. windscreen D. indicator
46. Not.................did she refuse to speak to him, but she also vowed never to see him again.
A. even B. at all C. only D. always
47. I do.................with your predicament but things could be a lot worse, you know.
A. sympathise B. agree C. share D. feel
48. The left wing of the party prospers.................the right wing seems to be losing ground.
A. until B. whether C. unless D. while
49. To be.................,I couldn’t understand what he was getting at.
A. sly B. humble C. honest D. cowardly
50. The.................of the word is unknown, but it is certainly not from any Latin based language.
A. derivation B. extract C. genesis D. descent
1 .................little we may like it, old age comes to most of us.
A. Despite B. However C. So D. As
2. I was in a quandary.................what to say.
A. as to B. for C. of D. owing to
3. They stood glowering at each other, eyeball to eyeball, their firsts.................ready for action.
A. joined B. grasped C. clasped D. clenched
4. “Mary, I’d like you to meet Howard Canning. He was a(n)................at university.”
A. accompaniment B. contemporary C. twin D. coincidence
5. As we waited on the pavement, a black Mercedes................beside us.
A. pulled up B. pulled down C. pulled off D. pulled through
6. Arthur assured me that he was going to come, but he hasn’t................yet.
A. turned in B. turned on C. turned up D. turned round
7. I’d like to have a bath, but there doesn’t seem to be a................or anything to stop the water running away.
A. lid B. cork C. cap D. plug
8. The Prime Minister has ................from the dogmatic position he adopted a few days ago.
A. backed up B. backed down C. backed out D. backed on
9. Mario has now................to the point where his English is almost fluent.
A. advanced B. approached C. arrived D. reached
10. I was hard put................it to decide which of the two computers I liked best.
A. with B. to C. for D. at
11. Without telling her directly they................that she’d got the job.
A. prophesied B. inferred C. intimated D. insinuated
12. You’ve had a nasty fall, but I don’t think you’ve ................any bones.
A. split B. burst C. loosen D. broken
13. Shall we................all this awful wallpaper and paint the room instead?
A. rip B. strip C. scratch D. tear
14. I feel................of his being able to buy a new car.
A. jealous B. greedy C. mean D. angry
15. He said the government would do its best to................the problem of unemployment.
A. decide B. answer C. relax D. solve
16. The rocket went into................round the moon.
A. track B. orbit C. path D. circle
17. The officer said he had a good................to arrest the beggar.
A. mind B. head C. heart D. spirit
18. She said she liked dancing but was not in the................for it just then.
A. opinion B. frame C. mood D. manner
19. You cannot see the doctor................you have made an appointment with him.
A. even B. without C. however D. unless
20. You should................to your uncle for being rude to him.
A. forgive B. excuse C. apologise D. regret
21. She has been working so hard she feels quite.................
A. wasted B. exhausted C. empty D. dull
22. I wish it would................raining.
A. stop B. close C. end D. rest
23. George took................of the fine weather to do a day’s work in his garden.
A. chance B. advantage C. interest D. charge
24. She cleans her room once a week, and the job................her two hours.
A. spends B. passes C. takes D. continues
25. She’s not very................going to Spain again so soon for holidays.
A. eager for B. fond of
C. looking forward to D. keen on
26. Her husband won’t eat boiled cabbage; he prefers it.................
A. rough B. wild C. coarse D. raw
27. The roof was damaged, and water................from the ceilings in wet weather.
A. dripped B. spilled C. drained D. dropped
28. I couldn’t have a bath because there was no................in the bath.
A. stuffing B. sticker C. plug D. cork
29. I like my tea to be very sweet, so I always take five................of sugar.
A. knobs B. squares C. blocks D. lumps
30. At first she was unwilling, but we soon................her to come with us.
A. attracted B. persuaded C. decided D. agreed
31. During the races there were two accidents to motor-cyclists, including one................accident.
A. deadly B. deathly C. fatal D. final
32. That price list is out of date, so it will only................you.
A. mislead B. mistake C. misplace D. miscarry
33. The chairman said it gave him great................to welcome so many guests.
A. humour B. pleasure C. fun D. comedy
34. Although only of................intelligence, he speaks four languages fluently.
A. high B. middle C. minor D. average
35. With its expensive furniture and carefully-chosen colour scheme the room looked quite .................
A. luxurious B. luxury C. convenient D. luxuriant
36. A blinding................of the lightning flashed across the sky.
A. strip B. patch C. streak D. stripe
37.................to leave early is rarely granted.
A. Allowance B. Permission C. The privilege D. A permit
38. The enemy was................even though they had superior artillery.
A. beaten B. won C. occupied D. surrendered
39. As the clouds drifted away an even higher peak became................to the climbers.
A. apparent B. in sight C. obvious D. visible
40. The Alps are one of the best known mountain................in Europe.
A. ridges B. ranges C. passes D. peaks
41. The................cats that are still found in some remote places are distantly related to our friendly domestic
A. wild B. savage C. fierce D. untamed
42. As a result of the strike, the Government is urging people to be................with electricity.
A. economic B. thrifty C. extravagant D. economical
43. When she................her mistake, she apologized.
A. was realizing B. did realize C. realized D. has realized
44. The police have asked for the................of the public in tracing the where abouts of the escaped convict.
A. partnership B. co-operation C. association D. alliance
45. I enjoy my job as a baker but it’s taken me over five years to ................to working at nights.
A. get used B. be use C. used D. getting used
46. I meant................the car with petrol before we left.
A filling B. fill C. to fill D. to be filled
47. My sister Jo is................person in our family.
A. the shortest B. the shorter C. the most short D. shorter
48. May I have................more meat, please?
A. a few B. small C. another D. a little
49. The tenant must be prepared to decorate the property................the terms of the agreement.
A. with regard to B. in relation to C. in accordance with D. provided by
50. If I hadn’t drunk so much coffee,................better.
A. I slept B. I’d have slept C. I’ll sleep D. I sleep
1. Although his work is not outstanding, it is ................
A. adequate B. sufficient C. well D.enough
2. Several................of typhoid have been reported.
A. types B. doses C. occurrences D. cases
3. She loves London,................in the spring.
A. mostly B. especially C. most D. specially
4. Living in that awful flat is getting her...............
A. low B. under C. down D. below
5. Where is the book of...............for using this washing machine?
A. directives B. instructions C. regulations D. orders
6. The truth of the matter is...............from that newspaper report.
A. not the same B. the opposite C. unlike D.different
7. They stared up into the sky until the noise of the rocket................
A. died away B. went out C. gave up D. wore off
8. Tom is looking forward to...............his new job on Monday.
A. be starting B. starting C. start D. be started
9. I’m not sure she isn’t coming, but I suppose...............
A. not B. won’t C. no D. isn’t
10. You’d rather watch TV this evening,...............?
A. isn’t it B. hadn't you C. won’t you D. wouldn’t you
11. General Wynding was placed...............command of the southern army.
A. at B. to C. in D. with
12. If you look hard enough, you...............it.
A. found B. will be finding C. are finding D. will find
13. He saw a young woman...............on the pavement outside the shop.
A. stood B. standing C. has stood D. was stood
14. It was a great pity, but we could do...............at all to help the man.
A. none B. not C. nothing D. anything
15. The reason for all the changes being made...............to us.
A. explained B. was explained C. had explained D. were explained
16. “I don’t want a holiday,” she said; “I’d rather...............the money.”
A. save B. saved C. have saved D. will save
17. Everyone congratulated Judy on her suggestion, but actually I thought of it...............
A. at the beginning B. at first C. firstly D. first
18. I was pleased to see how...............she looked after her recent illness.
A. right B. well C. pleasant D. nice
19. He was born during the war, which would...............him about 50 now.
A. give B. age C. make D. calculate
20. I’m not sure if the new tax is...............a good idea after all.
A. much B. such C. as D. so
21. We have arranged special insurance to cover medical...............in the event of an accident.
A. prices B. money C. accounts D. expenses
22................he wasn’t feeling very well, Mr Graham went to visit his aunt as usual.
A. Although B. However C. Therefore D. Still
23. While the builders were repairing the roof, they...............the bathroom window.
A. break B. have broken C. broke D. was broken
24. This ticket...............one person to the museum.
A. admits B. permits C. enters D. allows
25................he had no money for a bus, he had to walk all the way home.
A. For B. Thus C. As D. So
26................to an accident in the High Street, traffic is moving every slowly on the London Road.
A. Through B. Because C. Owing D. Since
27. He is a little bit ............... in his left ear, but if you speak clearly he will hear what you say.
A. disabled B. deaf C. diseased D. dead
28. Of course I’m a Christian I expect everyone who works here to be a Christian too.
A. and B. then C. since D. but
29. She remembered the correct address only...............she had posted the letter.
A. since B. after C. following D. afterwards
30. Mr and Mrs Hudson are always...............with each other about money.
A. shouting B. annoying C. discussing D. arguing
31. The children did not know the...............by which the game was played.
A. facts B. rules C. orders D. customs
32. I’ll have to ...............to you, otherwise he will hear.
A. whisper B. say C. whistle D. shout
33. It’s an awful...............your wife couldn’t come. I was looking forward to meeting her.
A. harm B. shame C. sorrow D. shock
34. He enjoyed the dessert so much that he accepted a second...............when it was offered.
A. load B. pile C. helping D. sharing
35. It was impossible for her to tell the truth so she had to...............a story.
A. lie B. combine C. managed D. invent
36. If only he...............told us the truth in the first place, things wouldn’t have gone so wrong.
A. had B. has C. would have D. should have
37. He’s left his book at home; he’s always so................
A. forgetting B. forgetful C. forgettable D. forgotten
38. Mr and Mrs Black were delighted when they...............to sell their house so quickly.
A. succeeded B. could C. risked D. managed
39.................scientists have observed increased pollution in the water supply.
A. Late B. Later C. Lately D. Latter
40. Can you tell me the...............of these shoes ?
A. price B. charge C. amount D. expense
41. ................the rise in unemployment, people still seem to be spending more.
A. Nevertheless B. Meanwhile C. Despite D. Although
42. The cat was afraid when it saw its............... in the mirror.
A. picture B. reflection C. sight D. look
43. I’ve always...............you as my best friend.
A. supposed B. thought C. meant D. regarded
44. He often...............about his expensive car.
A. praises B. boasts C. shows D. prides
45. He found learning to drive easy and...............his driving test the very first time.
A. passed B. succeeded C. sat D. made
46................you have no key, you will have to get back before I go out.
A. Although B. Provided C. Unless D. As
47. They ................the training sessions as necessary but unpleasant.
A. believed B. noticed C. regarded D. remarked
48. You are ................your time at school; you might as well join the army.
A. wasting B. missing C. losing D. spending
49. The tree fell on top of him and................his leg.
A. smashed B. crashed C. crushed D. cracked
50. The music ................the composer’s joy of life.
A. appeals B. attracts C. arouses D. expresses
1. He completely ................with what I said.
A. admitted B. argued C. accepted D. agreed
2. I don’t see any................in arriving early at the theatre if the show doesn’t start until 9 o’clock.
A. cause B. aim C. point D. reason
3. He filled in the necessary forms and................for the job.
A. applied B. asked C. requested D. appealed
4. Give me a word................with S.
A. began B. begins C. beginning D. begin
5. The lake contained................thousands of fish.
A. much B. one C. few D. many
6. He missed the lecture, so I lent him my notes.................
A. afterwards B. after C. at last D. finally
7. His answer was so confused that I could hardly make any.................of it at all.
A. interpretation B. meaning C. intelligibility D. sense
8. In the legal profession, men.................women by five to one.
A. overcome B. supersede C. outnumber D. outclass
9. By the age of 25 he had................his ambition of becoming a pianist.
A. reached B. achieved C. completed D. obtained
10. I’m just as................as you are to make this company successful.
A. determined B. serious C. wilful D. dedicated
11. His failure ................. great disappointment to his parents.
A. forced B. caused C. made D. provided
12. As the drug took................the patient became quieter.
A. force B. influence C. effect D. action
13. The purpose of the survey was to................the inspectors with local conditions.
A. inform B. instruct C. notify D. acquaint
14. The fumes were so thick that she was................for breath.
A. suffocating B. inhaling C. gasping D. wheezing
15. Automation in factories has made many................workers redundant.
A. fabrication B. manual C. hand D. manufacturing
16. There is no evidence that any member of the Government is................in the current scandals.
A. implicated B. corrupted C. participated D. connected
17.................some countries have ruined their agriculture, squandering money on uneconomic factories, the Ivory
Coast has stuck to what it is good at.
A. After B. During C. While D. When
18. The accused was given a short sentence as he had committed only a................offence.
A. subordinate B. minimal C. secondary D. minor
19. Conditions today didn’t suit this jockey, but the course tomorrow should be much more to his.................
A. approval B. liking C. talent D. benefit
20. After the theft of his car he put in an insurance................for $3,000.
A. account B. invoice C. assessment D. claim
21. The Director’s personality was undoubtedly a................in the company’s success.
A. factor B. feature C. characteristic D. cause
22. The train................the bay and then turned inland for twenty miles.
A. coasted B. sided C. edged D. skirted
23. I heard the sound of the blind man................with his stick.
A. creaking B. tapping C. patting D. ticking
24. This man is so arrogant that he is completely................to all criticism.
A. impervious B. unaware C. regardless D. unconscious
25. His roses won first................in the local flower competition.
A. cup B. prize C. price D. reward
26. The construction of the new road is................winning the support of local presidents.
A. dependent on B. reliant on C. thanks to D. responsible to
27. The dealer wanted £400, I wanted to pay £300, and we finally agreed to................the difference.
A. divide B. drop C. split D. decrease
28. It is regretted that there can be no................to this rule.
A. exclusion B. alternative C. deviation D. exception
29. We all feel that his jokes about immigrants were in very poor................ .
A. form B. taste C. feeling D. view
30. The life of a spy is................with danger.
A. fraught B. intense C. stressful D. heavy
31. The union advised its members to resume................working.
A. regular B. ordinary C. usual D. normal
32. He................a policeman; he’s much too short.
A. looks like B. must be C. can’t be D. should be
33. For elderly people, one of the problems................by rising prices is the continual increase in heating bills.
A. given B. posed C. pressed D. forced
34. Some people................at least four hours a day watching TV.
A. take B. use C. spend D.last
35. Do you................to use a computer?
A. know how B. able C. understand D. know
36. He’s very poor, and he has................possessions.
A. any B. little C. few D. a little
37. There are now six billion people living on................
A. universe B. world C. globe D. earth
38. He went on a long holiday to get................his illness.
A. through B. over C. by D. away
39. Get the cards out. I’ve just learnt a new................
A. play B. match C. contest D. game
40. I’m very concerned................my son’s health.
A. of B. about C. from D. on
41. Her parents never................her to go out after eight.
A. allowed B. let C. agreed D. made
42. You must always................us the truth.
A. confess B. tell C. speak D. say
43. She................the answer in his ear so nobody else could hear.
A. whispered B. shouted C. told D. confessed
44. Whether the sports club survives is a matter of complete................ to me.
A. disinterest B. importance C. interest D. indifference
45. The police set a................to catch the thieves.
A. plan B. device C. trap D. snare
46. Have you taken................a single word I’ve been saying to you ?
A. over B. in C. up D. off
47. Petrol in this country is so expensive................we use public transport much as possible.
A. that B. then C. thus D. than
48. He was at the................of his career when he was assassinated.
A. pride B. glamour C. height D. power
49. ................I realised the consequences, I would never have contemplated getting involved.
A. Unless B. If C. When D. Had
50. “But son,” I told him, “you’re my own................”.
A. flesh and blood B. body and soul C. heart to heart D. skin and bone
1. At last he had found someone on whom he could vent his.................
A. love B. anger C. happiness D. trust
2. One wonders whether the current political................is right for such a move.
A. climate B. environment C. state D. standpoint
3. The plans for the building were drawn................a few months ago.
A. on B. back C. up D. out
4. The President’s action only served to................a situation which was already extremely serious.
A. erupt B. exasperate C. irritate D. exacerbate
5. Geoff................ up the stairs trying not to disturb anyone, but a creaking floorboard woke up his mother.
A. strutted B. tiptoed C. limped D. trudged
6. I hear that miniskirts are coming back into fashion. I wonder if they’ll really catch................again.
A. up B. out C. on D. hold
7. Before you start cooking, you should gather together all the necessary.................
A. ingredients B. constituents C. elements D. components
8. When the................starts touching eighty kph, the dial lights up, warning you to drive more slowly if
A. arm B. needle C. pointer D. hand
9. I haven’t a................what the Professor is talking about most of the time.
A. yen B. guess C. thought D. clue
10. Although the cyclist was unhurt, his bicycle was................between the lorry and the wall.
A. crushed B. clapped C. split D. banged
11. The roads................before you get to the roundabout.
A. blend B. mingle C. converge D. mix
12. He was last seen in public on the................of his daughter’s wedding.
A. occasion B. event C. change D. affair
13. In my mother’s................, it is essential to eat a big breakfast.
A. principle B. idea C. confidence D. opinion
14. He poured the tea from his cup into his................and then drank it.
A. dish B. saucer C. pan D. plate
15. He decided to sell his farm and................a fresh start in business.
A. open B. take C. make D. lead
16. She’s not really poor; she just................to be poor.
A. invents B. acts C. imagines D. pretends
17. Betty is quite................of cooking a meal for twelve people.
A. clever B. capable C. efficient D. expert
18. I’d like to go to Thailand,................it’s by no means the only country in the world I want to see.
A. yet B. how C. while D. as
19. If you’ve got time for a cup of tea, I’ll................one for you.
A. give B. mix C. boil D. make
20. When I saw Jane, I stopped and smiled, but she................me and walked on.
A. refused B. ignored C. omitted D. denied
21. She loves travelling, and it is her................to travel round the world.
A. anxiety B. insistence C. tendency D. opinion
22. The noise was caused by a dog................a cat through the garden.
A. chasing B. fighting C. following D. catching
23. It was so cold that the water in the river................to ice.
A. formed B. settled C. became D. turned
24. Jean has become ................ to Roger, and the wedding will be in August.
A. proposed B. engaged C. offered D. settled
25. We took...............of the fine weather and spent the day on the beach.
A. occasion B. chance C. advantage D. effect
26. Before we had the................cleaned, the sitting-room used to fill with smoke.
A. passage B. tube C. chimney D. pipe
27. He was...............with robbery, found guilty and sent to prison.
A. charged B. accused C. convicted D. sentenced
28. The school was closed for a month because of serious................of fever.
A. outcome B. outburst C. outset D. outbreak
29. After questioning the man for six hours, the police................the information they wanted.
A. seized B. regained C. obtained D. recovered
30. Though it was only a...............fever, the doctor gave him an injection.
A. faint B. small C. simple D. mild
31. They are leaving the district, so they have put their house up for................
A. purchase B. offer C. sale D. trade
32. The children have been well brought up and are certainly not.................
A. undone B. neglected C. omitted D. prevented
33. The campaign raised far more than the................of £20.000.
A. target B. object C. goal D. aim
34. He sends his...............wishes for your future happiness.
A. honest B. sincere C. deepest D. many
35. We have a................future ahead with little comfort, food or hope.
A. cruel B. pessimistic C. fierce D. grim
36. With a................of thankfulness he finished the last of his letters
A. sigh B. shudder C. shiver D. groan
37. She is leaving her husband because she cannot put................his bad temper any longer.
A. up B. away C. up with D. off
38. Modern...............perhaps causes more problems than it solves.
A. technique B. technology C. technical D. technician
39. Only thoroughly unpleasant people leave the................of their picnics to spoil the appearance of the
A. remnants B. remainder C. remains D. rest
40. Spectators are reminded that it is................to take photographs during the match.
A. prevented B. restricted C. forbidden D. banned
41. I should like to rent a house, modern, comfortable, and................in a quiet position.
A. before all B. after all C. first of all D. above all
42. An almost................fine of traffic was moving at a snail’s pace through the town.
A. constant B. continuous C. continual D. stopping
43. Medieval travellers’ tales of fantastic creatures were often fascinating but not always.................
A. credible B. creditable C. credulous D. imaginable
44. The very idea of her winning the beauty competition is quite.................
A. abrupt B. absurd C. abnormal D. futile
45. You really can’t trust Pauline. One day she’s your best friend, and the next day she can................you in the
A. hit B. punch C. cut D. stab
46. This film is really sad. I think................
A. I’m going to cry B. I’ll cry C. I cry D. I’m crying
47. I ................almost ten times as much money as my father did when he was my age.
A. win B. gain C. earn D. pay
48. It was ................hot day that we decided to leave work early and go to the beach.
A. so B. such a C. a so D. such
49. Jim Courier................Boris Becker in the men’s singles final by five sets to three.
A. drew B. won C. beat D. lost
50. Harrods, in London, is probably one of the best-known................in the world.
A. departmental stores B. departmental shops
C. department shops D. department stores
1. Ken is so................that he can run up 12 flights of stairs without getting out of breath.
A. in form B. strong C. energetic D. fit
2. What are you wearing to the................party? We’re going as Roman soldiers.
A. costume B. disguises C. wedding D. fancy dress
3. Don’t be late for the interview,................people will think you are a disorganized person.
A. unless B. if not C. otherwise D. or so
4. Some useful ideas were suggested while the social committee was................the club’s programme for the
coming season.
A. discussing B. quarrelling about
C. arguing about D. disputing about
5. I ............... at her for several moments, desperately trying to remember where I’d seen her before.
A. watched B. stared C. observed D. glimpsed
6. If we continue to...............the world’s resources at this rate, there will soon be none left.
A. finish B. throw away C. damage D. use up
7. When the lights................., we couldn’t see a thing.
A. switched off B. went out C. put out D. extinguished
8. She warned me................
A. to not do it B. I should do it C. not to do it D. about to do it
9. Brighton is famous................town on the south coast of England.
A. resort B. port C. coast D. seaside
10. Dot and Andy set................on the first leg of their journey on March 1st.
A. off B. in C. to D. for
11. You looked terribly tired. You really................to get more sleep.
A. should B. ought C. must D. could
12. Over recent years there has been a marked reduction................the number of people having foreign holidays.
A. in B of C. into D. for
13. Steve Davis,................won the trophy last year, is aừeady out of this year’s competition.
A. Ø B. that C. he D. who
14. I hate Mondays. They really get................
A. down me B. me down C. over me D. me over
15. Working out how to use an electric cooker is just a matter of................
A. common sense B. reason C. knowledge D. trial
16. That lesson was much too difficult................understand.
A. me to B. for me to C. for I to D. that I
17. He was convicted of using the firm’s money to pay................his gambling debts.
A. in B. back C. off D. towards
18. Since he went to university, Mike has become very interested in................issues.
A. conservation B. preservation C. protection D. environment
19. I slept really badly; I................and turned all night long.
A. tossed B. twisted C. turned D. revolved
20. Everyone expects me to................my exams, but I’m not so optimistic: there were several very difficult
A. take B. sit C. pass D. succeed
21. My friends have just moved to a new flat in a residential area on the................of Paris.
A. outskirts B. outside C. suburbs D. side
22. Angie warned................anyone what she had told me.
A. that I didn’t tell B. that I told not C. me to tell not D. me not to tell
23. You’d better stop spending money,................you’ll end up in debt.
A. if B. in case C. otherwise D. unless
24. The doctor has advised him to cut down................his drinking.
A. in B. on C. with D. to
25. Everyone................Alan was invited to the party.
A. not B. apart C. but D. though
26. Have you taken out................on your new flat?
A. safety B. insurance C. assurance D. protection
27. The doctors say he’ll take a long time to get................the shock.
A. past B. above C. through D. over
28. I’m afraid your car won’t be................until tomorrow - we have had to change the brakes.
A. available B. completed C. ready D. present
29. If we want to................up with them we’d better hurry.
A. come B. catch C. approach D. arrive
30. She is interested in working in university.................
A. managing B. organisation C. administration D. registration
31. She has................work to do that she gets very tired.
A. so much B. much more C. too much D. so many
32. ................Betty, I’m not surprised she won the prize.
A. To have known B. To know C. To be knowing D. Knowing
33. She has neither read the book nor ................the film.
A. sees B. see C. seen D. saw
34. Either Janet................Mary could have taken the message.
A. and B. or C. else D. also
35. A. meeting of the society will be................on Tuesday evening at 6 o’clock
A. placed B. made C. taken D. held
36. We had hardly sat down when she................plates of food for us.
A. brought B. has brought
C. had brought D. would have brought
37. The police say they have some important clues................the murderer.
A. on B. about C. in D. to
38. He went into the bank ............... out some money.
A. to be taking B. to take C. and take D. and taking
39. She practises playing the piano................regularly than I do.
A more B. most C. quite D. as
40. Because of heavy rain, the game was put................for a few days.
A. out B. up C. off D. away
41. The first question must...............before you attempt the others.
A. to answer B. have answered C. answer D. be answered
42. “I’m not so busy...............I can’t talk to you,” she said.
A. as B. than C. that D.even
43. I am not sure ............... the green coat is.
A. who’s B. whose C. who D. whom
44. It was...............a simple question that everyone answered it correctly.
A. such B. so C. much D. too
45. I looked everywhere but I couldn’t find...............at all.
A. no one B. anyone C. someone D. somebody
46. We had...............reached the church when we saw everyone leaving.
A. almost B. enough C. rather D. quite
47. Without money you will be...............to do anything about setting up your own business.
A. powerful B. underpowered C. powerless D. overpowered
48. In Britain home ownership has...............rapidly since 1960.
A. enlarged B. raised C. heightened D. grown
49. Call in and see our...............of spring fashions today.
A. reputation B. selection C. election D. production
50. At the hospital I was told that...............I gave up smoking immediately my illness would get much worse.
A. except B. until C. without D. unless
1. My phone is out of order, which is a................
A. hurt B. harm C. nuisance D. trouble
2. I don’t know him but he looks as if he...............be her brother.
A. could B. can C. would D. shall
3. As soon as the firebell rang everyone walked quickly downstairs and out of the building,...............gathered in
the car park.
A. while B. to C. before D. then
4. It’s difficult to pay one’s bills when prices keep................
A. gaining B. growing C. rising D. raising
5. When he left school, John decided to...............a priest instead of studying languages.
A. change to B. become C. train for D. study for
6. It was difficult to...............a date which was convenient for everyone.
A. arrange B. organise C. elect D. provide
7. “My daughter, Mary, tries to...............to see me at least once a week,” Mrs Jones told the social worker.
A. call up B. go up C. come on D. drop in
8. ...............from Bill, all the students said they would go.
A. Apart B. Only C. Except D. Separate
9. Mrs Carter...............her son for getting dirty.
A brought up B. told off C. put down D. took on
10. The car had a...............tyre, so we had to change the wheel.
A. broken B. cracked C. flat D. bent
11. I know him by..............., but I have no idea what his name is.
A. myself B. sight C. heart D. chance
12. Driving a car with faulty brakes is...............quite a risk.
A. putting B. setting C. being D. taking
13. Just keep...............on the baby while I cook the supper, will you?
A. an eye B. glance C. a look D. a care
14. The best rooms in that hotel...............the bay.
A. view B. overlook C. regard D. examine
15. I don’t feel well but I don’t know what’s the matter...............me.
A. with B. for C. to D. of
16. Their flat is decorated in a...............combination of colours.
A. delicious B. sweet C. tasteful D. tasty
17. I disapprove...............people smoking in public places.
A. with B. of C. at D. on
18. The job offer was too good for Jennifer to turn................
A. off B. away C. down D. out
19. ...............you hurry, you won’t catch the bus.
A. As B. Although C. Except D. Unless
20. ...............the wet weather, the football match went ahead.
A. Although B. Owing to C. In spite of D. However
21. Would you be...............to hold the door open?
A. kind enough B. too kind C. as kind D. so kind
22. The question of late payment of bills was...............again at the board meeting.
A. risen B. taken C. brought D. raised
23. I want you to...............these instructions exactly.
A. take up B. put out C. carry out D. turn up
24. You need more exercise; you should...............golf.
A. carry out B. take in C. carry on D. take up
25. He soon received promotion, for his superiors realised that he was a man of considerable................
A. possibility B. ability C. future D. opportunity
26. The witch turned the prince...............a frog.
A. out of B. up C. into D. out
27. I............. very well with my father now; we never have any arguments.
A. go on B. carry on C. put on D. get on
28. Would you mind...............these plates a wipe before putting them in the cupboard?
A giving B. doing C. getting D. making
29. He says he’s been to...............restaurant in town.
A. many B. most C. all D. every
30. After the accident, he injured cyclist was in great................
A. agony B. pain C. hurt D. suffering
31. Cut the cake into six...............pieces.
A. same B. like C. equal D. alike
32. If only he...............accept some help with the work instead of trying to do it alone!
A. would B. may C. will D. were
33. The main attraction of the job was that it offered the...............to do research.
A. possibility B. proposal C. prospect D. opportunity
34. At the last concert we had the privilege of...............the composer’s latest symphony.
A. listening B. hearing C. assisting D. attending
35. There is...............to be a serious energy crisis in the next century.
A. reputed B. known C. bound D. foreseen
36. I’ve got a very high opinion...............your brother.
A. of B. to C. for D. on
37. As a result of his father’s death, he came...............a lot of money.
A. over B. into C. to D. through
38. My wife’s being...............for migraine headaches at the clinic.
A. cured B. healed C. treated D. operated
39. She was a devoted nurse, always very...............to the needs of her elderly patients.
A. observant B. attentive C. earnest D. careful
40. Before the group of doctors would give thefr opinion they wanted to...............with each other.
A. confer B. confirm C. confess D. confide
41. When he heard how well the new company was doing, he took a calculated ...............and invested all his
money in it.
A. venture B. opportunity C. risk D. chance
42. Your decision will...............a great strain on our friendship.
A. propose B. impose C. expose D. suppose
43. Old houses have a ...............to be draughty.
A. characteristic B. habit C. problem D. tendency
44. If he discovers the truth, there’s no telling what...............happen.
A. might B. shall C. would D. should
45. The government’s new safety pamphlet...............against smoking in bed.
A. declares B. emphasises C. advises D. maintains
46. He’ll be very upset if you...............his offer of help.
A. turn down B. turn from C. turn away D. turn against
47. My...............on life has changed a lot since leaving university.
A. purpose B. view C. approach D. outlook
48. I’m not keen on...............control of the project to a relative newcomer.
A. understand B. charging C. entrusting D. allotting
49. I can’t write that kind of letter unless I’m in the right...............of mind.
A. turn B. way C. set D. frame
50. The recent economic crisis has brought about a ...............in world trade.
A. sag B. slump C. droop D. tilt
1. Both her novels can lay some...............to being classics of modern literature.
A. right B. notion C. foundation D. claim
2. Although he didn’t actually say he wanted a radio for his birthday, he did ...............pretty strongly.
A. imply B. hint C. mention D. suggest
3. I was...............in the book I was reading and didn’t hear the phone.
A. distracted B. submerged C. gripped D. engrossed
4. Complete the form as...............in the notes below.
A. insisted B. implied C. specified D. devised
5. As the President was absent, I was asked to...............the meeting.
A. chair B. govern C. officiate D. regulate
6. “I think we ought to see the rest of the exhibition as quickly as we can,...............that it closes in half an hour.”
A. granted B. assuming C. given D. knowing
7. “You can .................. me the details: I don’t want to know all about your arguments with your boss.”
A. avoid B. save C. deprive D. spare
8. The student worked .................. a barman during his holidays.
A. at B. as C. like D. as if
9. The country’s annual .................. of coffee beans has increased each year since 1977.
A. prouce B. growth C. production D. outcome
10. Lawrence Olivier gave an excellent...............in the film.
A. play B. performance C. act D. character
11. A boycott of other countries’ sporting events appears a politically more expedient form of protest than
trade...............against them.
A. sanctions B. actions C. blocks D. treaties
12. If we want to buy a house, we’ll have to...............our spending.
A. care for B. let down C. cut back D. miss out
13. We are constantly being...............of the problems of overpopulation.
A. reminded B. reflected C. remembered D. reviewed
14. They bought the children an ice cream to...............for their disappointment.
A. make B. reconcile C. get over D. compensate
15. You..................me you were coming!
A. said B. told C. explained D. announced
16. It’s no good..................me of getting the figures wrong!
A. criticising B. blaming C. accusing D. scolding
17. He fell..................his best friend over a girl they both liked.
A. over B. out with C. down D. off
18. Wilson had..................an alibi for the time of the robbery.
A. made up B. made do C. made into D. made over
19. Take the wine downstairs and put it in the................
A. attic B. cave C. loft D. cellar
20. Look, Officer. I’m not drunk, I’m as .................. as a judge.
A. sober B. steady C. clear D. calm
21. They were warned never...............with the members of any extremist group.
A. to assume B. to assimilate C. to assign D. to associate
22. You are being thoroughly...............in refusing to allow this ceremony to take place
A. unrequited B. unrepresentative C. unreasonable D. unreliable
23. Youngsters need all the help and...............they can get. nowadays when applying for jobs.
A. encouragement B. enticement C. incentive D. stimulation
24..................difficult problem can only be tackled over a period of years.
A. Such B Such a C. So D. Such as
25. Unsalted butter is best for this recipe, but .................that, margarine will do.
A. except B. given C. failing D. for all of
26. For a while I was at a...............to know what to say.
A. blank B. pain C. crisis D. loss
27. He has been out of work...............a long time.
A. for B. since C. during D. through
28. The group’s image...............to young people in general and the less well-off in particular.
A. draws B. attracts C. excites D. appeals
29. Technology is advancing so quickly that machines becomes...............almost overnight.
A. obsolete B. archaic C. stale D. second-hand
30. If you bathe your finger in cold water, that should...............the pain.
A. curb B. restrain C. deaden D. blunt
31. As the managing director dictating the letter, his secretary...............what he was saying in shorthand.
A. took up B. took down C. took on D. took off
32. This jacket would be ideal in winter: it has a fur................
A. coating B. backing C. filling D. lining
33. Robinson’s ............... as Sales Manager is now Export Manager of our main competitors.
A. ancestor B. predecessor C. pioneer D. precedent
34. This new law will take...............from the beginning of next month.
A. influence B. power C. effect D. force
35. I should like to...............a toast: “To the bride and groom”.
A. offer B. propound C. suggest D. propose
36. Tom made a living...............works by famous painters.
A. pretending B. devising C. faking D. shamming
37. I only have to lie on the beach ................. it to cloud over.
A. let B. so C. until D. for
38. I want £200 worth of Swiss Francs. What is the...............rate, please?
A. exchange B. market C. currency D. money
39. Does anyone.................the plans we have made?
A. quarrel B. oppose C. disturb D. refuse
40. The social services are chiefly.................with the poor, the old and the sick.
A. concerned B. related C. suffered D. influenced
41. William has cut his smoking.................to five cigarettes a day.
A. away B. short C. out D. down
42. The girl who found the ring received a generous...............of $5.
A. prize B. reward C. cash D. allowance
43. I have searched .................for the book but cannot find it.
A. thoroughly B. hardly C. highly D. deeply
44. I’ll wait ten minutes for you.................you’re late.
A. in fact B. in order C. in case D. in charge
45. I know you’re annoyed, but you must try to control your................
A. blood B. temper C. explosion D. storm
46. It was a hot day, and many people were...............their way to the beach.
A. taking B. hitting C. making D. setting
47. A chemist always puts a...............on a bottle of medicine.
A. report B. label C. receipt D. ticket
48. Electricity, like other forms of..............., has greatly increased in price.
A. energy B. force C. pressure D. strength
49. Four people were seriously...............in an accident on the motorway.
A. spoiled B. damaged C. injured D. wounded
50. This morning traffic was...............by an accident outside the town hall.
A. held off B. held in C. held out D. held up
1. The electric torch gave only a faint light because the.................was almost flat.
A. fuel B. current C. power D. battery
2. His job was to.................out the good apples from the bad ones.
A. sort B. find C. choose D. share
3. She gives each of her children fifty pence a week...............money.
A. spare B. free C. ready D. pocket
4. Geography is my favourite...............at school.
A. material B. subject C. substance D. inquiry
5. The car was badly smashed up, but the driver escaped without serious...............
A. injury B. pain C. wound D. damage
6. I just can’t...............the winter so I can go skiing again.
A. expect B. look forward to C. wait for D. await
7. This little stream...............into the river just outside the town.
A. contributes B. meets C. unites D. flows
8. They cheered the captain and carried him off the field on their................
A. breasts B. arms C. shoulders D. elbows
9. The widely-publicised demonstration did not after all ..................
A. go off B. come off C. get on D. break out
10. He had always had a good opinion of himself, but after the publication of his best-selling novel he became
A. bigoted B. proud C. conceited D. exaggerated
11. I shall ................. the loss of my reading-glasses in the newspaper, with a reward for the finder.
A. announce B. advertise C. publish D. make known
12. I have had a ................. of misfortunes.
A. success B. continuation C. repetition D. succession
13. The old lady managed to climb the.................which was narrow but not at all steep.
A. scale B. ladder C. staircase D. escalator
14. I will.................you this book if you promise to return it next week.
A. lend B. offer C. borrow D. allow
15. The weather was ................. the exceptionally poor harvest.
A. accused of B. condemned for C. blamed for D. criticised for
16. It is doubtful whether newspapers.................governments to any great degree.
A. attract B. influence C. draw D. catch
17. With an eighty-hour week and little change or enjoyment, life must have been very...............for the
nineteenth-century factory worker.
A. weary B. dark C. pessimistic D. dreary
18. When he was a boy, he felt great...............for his uncle.
A. admiration B. wonder C. marvel D. pleasure
19. The guide is...............a line of tourists through the narrow passage with the help of his torch.
A. conducting B. leading C. taking D. guiding
20. Steven always wanted to be an actor when he...............up.
A. settled B. brought C. grew D. came
21. He kept his marriage a secret for years, but eventually the truth ................
A. came out B. came through C. went out D. turned out
22. It’s very cold in here. Do you mind if I put...............the heating?
A. off B. on C. up with D. down
23. Jo was shocked when I disagreed with her. She’s so used to getting her own...............
A. way B. mind C. opinion D. views
24. The fans ................. when their team scored a goal.
A. shouted B. laughed C. called D. cheered
25. My brother can.................six languages fluently.
A. tell B. say C. speak D. talk
26. She studies many magazines and books about fashion, entertaining and correct social behaviour as she wants
to appear................
A. sophisticated B. fashionable C. elegant D. polished
27. Snooker is a very popular................sport in Britain. Most of the major tournaments are televised.
A. spectacle B. viewed C. audience D. spectator
28. We must.................our pounds for dollars before going to New York.
A. change B. convert C. exchange D. turn
29. Prices continued to rise while wages remained low ................. the Government became increasingly
A. on condition that B. with the result that C. provided that D. in order that
30. Tin will only melt under.................heat.
A. high B. severe C. intense D. serious
31. How can I sleep when you.................so much noise?
A. made B. have made C. were making D. are making
32. We hadn’t quite reached the gate ................. Jane fell.
A when B. that C. which D. than
33. You promised her a letter; you ought to ................. days ago.
A. write B. be writing C. be written D. have written
34. The bicycle he lent me badly needed ................. .
A. to clean B. cleaning C. clean D. to be cleaning
35. I think Sally is quite.................her sister.
A. as pretty B. as pretty than C. as pretty as D. prettier
36. The reporter .................to get his story in before the deadline.
A. reached B. managed C. arrived D. controlled
37. He said he would pay back the money.................the sake of peace in the town.
A. for B. in C. by D. to
38. He looked forward to.................his first pay packet.
A. receive B. receiving C. be receiving D. have received
39. .................you at the station if you’d told me you were coming today.
A. I’d meet B. I met C. I’d have met D. I was meeting
40. After a trial lasting three weeks, Jones was.................not guilty of murder.
A. stated B. found C. given D. decided
41. .................you’ve asked me why I went there, I’ll tell you.
A. That B. Although C. What D. Since
42. He ................. at me and then went on reading.
A. regarded B. viewed C. glanced D. responded
43. They invited.................to lunch.
A. my wife and me B. I and my wife C. my wife and I D. both she and me
44. It tasted so.................of lemon that the other flavours were lost.
A. hardly B. forcefully C. strongly D. fully
45. The noise got ................. as the car disappeared into the distance.
A. smaller B. slighter C. weaker D. fainter
46. We haven’t ................. thought of going abroad for a holiday because my husband is afraid of flying.
A. ever B. never C. always D. yet
47. The ................. were told to fasten their seat belts as the plane began its descent.
A. customers B. passengers C. flyers D. riders
48. Mrs Townsend was left to make all the.................for the outing by herself.
A. provisions B. procedures C. organizations D. arrangements
49. The deer.................for the shelter of the forest when there are people about.
A. make B. get C. go D. take
50. Travelling to Parisair.................air is quicker than driving.
A. through B. on C. over D. by
1. It was ................. and we had to walk quickly to keep warm.
A. cold B. fresh C. frozen D. mild
2. The other day I came.................a really beautiful old house in the back streets of Birmingham.
A. over B. across C. by D. down
3. We expected him at eight but he finally.................at midnight.
A. came to B. turned out C. came off D. turned up
4. I keep putting.................the decision because I can’t make up my mind.
A. up B. down C. off D. on
5. There’s.................to be frightened of the dog; he’s quite harmless.
A. no need B. no fear C. a fear D. any reason
6. The dentist told him to open his mouth..................
A. broad B. much C. greatly D. wide
7. I walked away as calmly as I could.................they thought I was the thief.
A. or else B. to avoid C. in case D. owing to
8. The new factory must be finished.................as the profitability of the company depends on it.
A. in times B. on time C. at time D. for a time
9. Driving in London is supposed to be confusing but I didn’t find it at………….difficult.
A. all B. first C. once D. least
10. If you hear the fire…………., leave the building quickly.
A caution B. publicity C. alarm D. notice
11. Is there a bank where I can………….these pounds for dollars?
A. turn B. exchange C. alter D. arrange
12. She applied for training as a pilot, but they turned her………….because of her poor eyesight.
A. down B. up C. over D. back
13. No child………….the age of sixteen will be admitted to this film.
A. before B. except C. lacking D. below
14. If we had known your new address, we………….to see you.
A. came B. would have come C. would come D. will come
15. He………….his friend to go camping with him.
A. attracted B. suggested C. appealed D. persuaded
16. There was a sudden loud………….which made everyone jump.
A bang B. strike C. split D. stroke
17. It is too early in the………….to expect many visitors to the town.
A. term B. time C. season D. calendar
18. One more strike could bring………….the government.
A down B. out C. in D. up
19. He lost the race because he………….petrol on the last lap.
A. got out of B. made out of C. ran out of D. put out of
20. What on earth is going………….in there?
A. round B. on C. up D. down
21.I went to………….some pictures by a new painter the other day.
A watch B. see to C. visit D. look at
22. While studying he was financially dependent………….his wife.
A. to B. on C. of D. from
23. You may borrow as many books as you like, provided you show them to ………….is at the desk.
A whom B. who C. whoever D. which
24. .................the mixture into an ovenproof dish.
A. Grind B. Pour C. Mix D. Stir
25. I don’t believe a word he said; I think he just made………….that story.
A. out B. off C. up D. down
26. I wish you………….stop interrupting me whenever I speak.
A. win B. would C. did D. might
27. They………….haven’t replied the letter we sent two months ago.
A. already B. yet C. still D. ever
28. After a terrible argument with her boss, she handed in her…………..
A. resignation B. reputation C. reservation D. responsibility
29. .................the time you get to the theatre, the play will have finished.
A. Until B. In C. On D. By
30. The police are looking for a man of.................height.
A. extra B. medium C. tall D. special
31. She hasn’t written to me..................
A. already B. any longer C. never D. yet
32. There was nothing special about his clothes………….from his flowery tie.
A. but B. except C. apart D. other
33. You can use my bicycle………….you bring it back tomorrow.
A. although B. as long as C. nevertheless D. in spite of
34. I’ll show you around the city, when you………….to visit me.
A. come B. are coming C. will come D. will be coming
35. I wish you’d tell me what I………….do in this difficult situation.
A. shall B. would C. ought D. should
36. I must take this watch to be repaired; it………….over 20. minutes a day.
A. increases B. progresses C. gains D. accelerates
37. Don’t throw the potato………….away! It’s very nutritious.
A. peel B. core C. shell D. skin
38. It had been a trying afternoon,………….at about six o’clock in the television breaking down.
A leading B.culminating C. arriving D. finalising
39. He has been given work as a window cleaner even though he has no…………. for heights.
A. head B. skill C. ability D. balance
40. Despite the high divorce rate, the………….of marriage remains popular.
A. practice B. habit C. state D. institution
41. They………….great difficulty saving up enough money for a house.
A. found B. incurred C. had D. achieved
42. He clearly had no………….of doing any work, although it was only a week till the exam.
A. desire B. intention C. willingness D. ambition
43. Because of road works, traffic is restricted to one………….in each direction.
A. alley B. row C. lane D. path
44. We could have provided him with a detached house but he …………. asked for a small flat.
A. decidedly B. strongly C. specifically D. solely
45. He lost his job………….no fault of his own.
A. through B. by C. with D. over
46. There was a loud………….as the cup fell to the floor.
A. tap B. rattle C. slam D. crash
47. When he had finished, the apple he threw the………….into the bin.
A. heart B. pith C. core D. kernel
48. Prizes are awarded………….the number of points scored.
A. resulting from B. according to C. presented to D. adding up
49. Although the coach had not thought her a good tennis player at first, she………….to be a champion.
A. turned out B. came out C. turned up D. came round
50. Our party chairman is………….great admirer of the Prime Minister.
A. some B. very C. not D. no
1. The Health Minister was………….in a private hospital last week.
A. operated B. treated C. cared D. admitted
2. When we went to Egypt he knew………….no Arabic, but within six months he had become extremely fluent.
A. entirely B. barely C. virtually D. scarcely
3. Many buildings which are currently in disuse could be………….to other purposes
A. put B. employed C. used D. changed
4. Because of cutbacks in council spending, plans for the new swimming pool had to be…………..
A. stockpiled B. overthrown C. disrupted D shelved
5. One………….of riding a bicycle is that it’s cheap.
A. credit B advantage C. advance D value
6. If only motorists....................drive more carefully!
A. would B. shall C. might D. should
7. The product was withdrawn from sale because there was no longer any...................for it.
A. call B. order C. claim D. interest
8. A strike in the mining industry is...................to bring about a shortage of coal in the near future.
A. causing B. resulting C. threatening D. proposing
9. People who take on a second job inevitably ................... themselves to greater stress.
A. offer B. place C. field D. subject
10. When it’s very hot, you may ................... the top button of your shirt.
A. undo B. undress C. unwrap D. untie
11. The...................of Turner’s paintings finishes at the end of the week.
A. show B. spectacle C. demonstration D. exhibition
12. A. washing machine of this type will certainly ................... up to normal domestic use.
A. hold B. stand C. come D. take
13. The initials PS ................... postscript.
A. make up B. fill in C. mean to D. stand for
14. I took the shoes back to the shop, but the manager...................to change them.
A. denied B. refused C. disliked D. disagreed
15. New legislation makes it possible for the Government to...................protest marches.
A. deny B. forestall C. inhibit D. ban
16. Two...................were sacked, because they were always turning up late.
A. applicants B. applications C. employees D. employers
17. Joe promised us he would finish by the...................day.
A. previous B. before C. tomorrow D. following
18. After a meal in a restaurant, you ask the waiter for the ................... .
A. bill B. prescription C. receipt D. recipe
19. In many ways she...................me of someone I knew at school.
A. remembers B. recalls C. reminds D. resembles
20. It’s time he..................a wife.
A. found B. find C. seeks D. discovered
21. Oh, no! My wallet has been..................
A. robbed B. picked C. stolen D. theft
22. We watched the cat..................the tree.
A climbed B. was climbing C. had climbed D. climb
23. Well, we did have a terrible row but we’ve..................it up now.
A. made B. cleaned C. sorted D. turned
24. I..................you that I had no intention of offending you.
A. convince B. assure C. guarantee D. persuade
25. This document requires the..................of both yourself and your spouse.
A. witness B. identity C. signature D. authority
26. I do not believe that this preposterous scheme is ................... of our serious consideration.
A. worthless B. worthy C. worthwhile D. worth
27. The...................of his first novel appeared in The Times yesterday.
A. survey B. inspection C. appraisal D. review
28. Union leaders feel it is time Cabinet Ministers put their..................on the table regarding their longterm plans.
A. cards B. hands C. feet D. papers
29. The easiest way to get this nut off the bolt would be to use a...................
A. screwdriver B. winch C. spanner D. jack
30. The low, unbroken ................... of the machine next door gradually bored its way into his brain.
A. thud B. din C. blare D. hum
31. In.................., I must acknowledge that we were guilty of errors of judgement.
A. retrospect B. review C. experience D. hindsight
32. At..................time there is always plenty of work to do on a farm.
A. production B. profit C. harvest D. grain
33. I’m not surprised Margaret’s ill. With all the voluntary work she’s ................... , she’s really been doing too
A. taken on B. taken in C. taken off D. take to
34. Veronica broke the school rules so many times that the headmistress finally had no alternative but
A. export B. deport C. eject D. expel
35. The police have not yet found a possible..................for the attack on the man.
A. example B. motive C. principle D. understanding
36. As it was Christmas, the ................... at church was much larger than usual.
A. congregation B. convention C. audience D. grouping
37. The...................last thing I want now is to catch a cold.
A. most B. very C. utterly D. extremely
38. I must run, I’m rather..................for time at the moment.
A. squeezed B. squashed C. cramped D. pressed
39. If the rain doesn’t..................soon, we shall have to look for a taxi.
A. set about B. let up C. slow down D. go off
40. The TV’s very dull tonight, let’s try another...................
A. channel B. wavelength C. band D. post
41. He denied..................in the hotel at 7 p.m.
A. himself B. to be C. being D. it’s him
42. After a thorough search, the police..................most of the missing jewels.
A. retreated B. recovered C. recorded D. refreshed
43. The floor was so rotten that it almost..................under his weight.
A. gave up B. gave away C. gave way D. gave back
44. We need..................information before we can decide.
A. far B. farther C. furthest D. further
45. Unless my room is warmer tonight, I’m going to ................... to the hotel manager.
A. complain B. regret C. argue D. sympathise
46. The ship’s captain and members of the ................... welcomed us on board.
A. cast B. staff C. team D. crew
47. It’s a long time since London was................... in one of its infamous pea-souper fogs.
A. enclosed B. enveloped C. encircled D. invaded
48. The new manager explained to the staff that she hoped to..................new procedures to save, time and money.
A. manufacture B. control C. establish D. restore
49. Peter is very..................for all the help you have given him.
A. generous B. pleasant C. acceptable D. thankful
50. If we do: not take steps to protect the world’s wild life, many species of birds and animals are likely
A. die away B. die down C. die out D. die from

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