BOQ of Poly House For Kathmandu

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Name of project:-Construction of a polyhouse

Office:- Samashitoshna Bagbani Kendra

Abstract Of Cost
S.N. Particulars Unit Rate Quantity Amount Remarks

A. Civil Works

1 Site Clearance m2 17.25 252.00 4,347.00

2 Earthwork excavation in foundation m3 710.70 0.14 95.94

75mmOne layer brick soling(1:4) in

3 m2 1,118.63 0.35 385.93

75mm th. PCC work in foundation

4 m3 10,127.28 0.03 341.80

5 Carry Works

5.1 One layer brick soling under carry m2 1,118.63 54.72 61,211.43

5.2 75mm th. PCC work under carry (1:3:6) m3 10,127.28 4.10 41,562.36

4" thick brick masonry works for

5.3 m3 15,733.18 3.52 55,431.16
rectangular carry(1:6)

5.4 12.5 mm(1:4)Plaster Work on Carry m2 279.88 81.08 22,692.67


Gable Length(8mx1 No of bays)+4m

6 Hockey 12.00
7 Gutter Length(4mx4 No of Bays) m 16.00
8 Size of unit m2 192.00
9 Total no of units One
Naturally Ventilated poly house with
galvanized iron of thickness (60 OD
Foundation &10 mm rod),200 micron UV
10 ployflim,50% black shed Net both 3,687.00 192.00 707,904.00
vertically and horizontally,40 mesh
insect net all Complete with two side
As per
rolling along with single door entry
SUBTOTAL 893,972.28
VAT 13% 116,216.40
TOTALTotal 1,010,188.68
Contingency (2.5%) 25,254.72
Grand Total 1,035,443.40

Prepared By: ….................. Checked By: …................. Approved By: ….........................

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