MLS 111 - Lesson 2 (RA 5527) Part II

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Section 13

Accreditation of Schools of Medical

Technology and Training Laboratories
Accreditation of Schools of Medical
Technology and Training Laboratories

The Department of Education shall approve schools of

Medical Technology in accordance with the provision of
this Act, as amended, in conjunction with the Board
of Medical Technology. The DOH through the Bureau
of Research and Laboratories shall approve laboratories
for accreditation as training laboratories of Medical
technology students or post-graduate trainees in
conjunction with the Board of Medical Technology.
Accreditation of Schools of Medical
Technology and Training Laboratories

The laboratories shall satisfactory evidence that they

possess qualified personnel and are property
equipped to carry out laboratory procedures commonly
required in the following fields:
– Clinical Chemistry - Hematology
– Microbiology - Blood Banking
– Serology - Clinical Microscopy
– Parasitology - Histopathologic Techniques
 To offer the BSMT/MLS Program – seek
permit from CHED as mandated by RA 7722
(the law creating the commission)

 For a clinical laboratory – seek license from

the Department of Health thru the Bureau
of Heath Facilities and Services
Section 14

Inhibition Against the Practice of

Medical Technology
Inhibition Against the Practice of
Medical Technology

No person shall practice without previously obtained a

valid certificate of registration from the Board provided
that registration shall not be required on the following:
a. Duly registered physician
b. Medical Technologist from other countries called in
consultation as visiting or exchange professors to
colleges or universities; provided that they are only
practicing the said function
c. Medical Technologist in the service of the US Armed
Forces stationed in the Philippines rendering service
as such for members of the said forces only.
Section 15


Except as otherwise specifically allowed under the

provisions of this Act, all applications for registration
as Medical Technologists shall be given by the Board
annually in the greater Manila area, Cebu and Davao
during the month of August or September on such
days and places as the Board may designate. Written
notice of such examination shall be published in at
least three newspapers of national circulation by the
secretary of the Board at least thirty (30) days prior
to date of examination.
Section 16

Qualification of Examination
Qualification of Examination

Every application for examination under this Act, shall prior to

the date thereof, furnish the Board satisfactorily proof that
a. He is in good health and is of good moral character
b. Has completed a course of at least 4 years leading to the
degree of Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology or
Bachelor of Science in Public Health conferred by a recognized
school, college or university in accordance with this degree or
having graduated from some other profession and has been
actually performing Medical Technology for the last 5 years
prior to the date of the examination, is such performance
began prior to June 21, 1969 (as amended by PD 498)
Section 17

Scope of Examination
Scope of Examination

Clinical Chemistry 20%

Microbiology and Parasitology 20%
Hematology 20%
Blood Banking and Serology 20%
Clinical Microscopy (Urinalysis and Body Fluids) 10%
Histopathologic Techniques,
Cytotechnology and MTLB 10%
The board shall, within one hundred and twenty
days after the date of completion of the
examination, report the result thereof to the
Commissioner of Civil Service, who shall submit
such result to the President of the Philippines
for approval.

Section 18
Report of Rating
Section 19

Rating in the Examination

Rating in the Examination

In order to pass the examination, a candidate must

obtain a general average of at least 75%in the written
test, with no rating below 50%in any of the major
subjects: Provided that the candidate has not failed at
least 60%of the subjects computed according to their
relative weights. No further examination will be given
applicant who has not qualified after 3 examinations,
unless he has completed 12-month post-graduate training
in an accredited laboratory: Provided, that graduate of
paramedical professions other than BSMT/BS Hygiene
admitted to an examination under the provisions of this
Act shall not be given further examinations after his
failure to qualify for the third time.
All successful examinees shall be required to
take professional oath before the Board or
before any person authorized to administer
oaths prior to entering upon the practice of
medical technology in the Philippines.

Section 20
Oath Taking
Section 21

Issuance of the Certificate of

Issuance of the Certificate of

 Any applicant who has satisfactorily passed the required

examination, shall be issued certificate as such. Provided, that
no such certificate shall be issued to any successful applicant
who has not attained the age of 21.

 All certificates shall be signed by all the members of the

board and by Commissioner of the PRC.

 The duly registered Medical Technologist shall be required to

display his certificate of registration in the place where he
works. Provided, that upon application and payment of the
required fee of a hundred fifty pesos (150).
Issuance of the Certificate of

The Board shall issue certificate of registration to Medical

Technologist without examination to persons who have been
graduated with BSMT/BSPH in duly recognized schools of
Medical Technology education, and in addition shall have been in
the practice of Medical Technology for at least three (3) years
prior to filing of the application in the laboratories duly
accredited by the DOH or in the foreign countries if such
performance began prior to June 21, 1969 and also to all other
persons who have graduated from other professions have been
actually performing Medical Technology practice for last 8 years
prior to filing the application. Provided such performance began
prior to June 21, 1969.
Issuance of the Certificate of

Provided further that the Board shall issue certificate

of registration as Medical Laboratory Technician
without examination to person who upon application
and payment of the required fee of fifty pesos (50)
show evidence satisfactorily to the Board that:
1. He/she passed the Civil Service Examination for
Medical Technician given on March 21, 1964; or
2. Has finished a two-year college course and has at
least 1 year experience as Medical Technology
Issuance of the Certificate of

3. Has failed to pass the board examination for

Medical Technology but had obtained a general
rating of at least 70% . Provided, finally, that a
registered government shall have equivalent civil
service eligibility not lower than second grade.
The Board shall charge each applicant for examination
and registration the sum of 50 pesos for each
certificate of registration issued without prior
examination in accordance with the provisions of this
Act , the sum of 25 pesos for the issuance of the
new certificate, to replace certificate lost, destroyed
or mutilated, the Board shall charge the sum of 10

Section 22
The Board shall refuse to issue certificate of
registration to any person convicted by the
court of competent jurisdiction of:
 any criminal offense involving moral turpitude
 guilty of immoral or dishonorable conduct
 of unsound mind
 incurable communicable disease

Section 23
Refusal to Issue Certificate
Revocation or Suspension of Certificates
Administrative investigation shall be conducted by
at least 2 members of the Board with one legal officer
sitting during the investigation. The existing rules or
evidence shall be observed during all administrative
proceedings, the respondents shall be entitled to be
represented by counsel or be heard in person, to have a
speedy and public hearing, to confront or cross-examine
witnesses against him or her, and to all other rights
guaranteed by the constitution

Section 24
Administrative Investigation
The revocation or suspension of a certificate
made by the Board shall be subject to appeal to
the PRC whose decision shall become final 30
days unless it is appealed to the office of the

Section 25
The Board may, upon application and for reason deemed
proper and sufficient, reissue any revoked registration
certificate. The suspension of a certificate of registration
shall be automatically lifted upon expiration of the period of
suspension and said certificate shall be reissued to the medical
technologist concerned upon request without prejudice to
further actions by the Board for violation of the provisions of
this Act or conditions imposed by the Board upon the Medical
Technologist during the period of suspension.

Section 26
Reinstatement, Reissue or Replacement of Certificates
No foreigner shall be admitted to examination, or be
given a certificate of registration or be entitled to
any rights and privileges under this Act. Unless the
country or state which he is a subject or a citizen
permits Filipino Medical Technologists to practice
within its territorial limits on the same basis as the
subjects or citizens of the said country or state.

Section 27
Foreign Reciprocity
A Roster of Medical Technologist shall be prepared
annually by the Secretary of the Board commencing
on the year following that in which this Act shall
become effective. This roster shall contain the name,
address and citizenship of each RMT, date of
registration of issuance of certificate and other data
which in the opinion of the Board are pertinent.

Section 28
Roster of Medical Technologist
The roster shall be open to the public inspection,
and copies thereof shall be mailed to each person
include therein, placed on file in the (Office of the
President) Professional Regulation Commission
furnished all department heads and all Bureau, offices
and instrumentalities of the Department of Health
and such other offices, private or governmental and
to the public upon request.

Section 28
Roster of Medical Technologist
Without prejudice the provisions of Medical
Technology Act of 1969, as amended relating to illegal
practice of Medicine, the following shall be punished
by a fine not less than 2,000 pesos but not more
than 5,000 pesos, or imprisonment for not less than
six months but not more than 2 years, or both, in
the discretion of the court.

Section 29
Penal Provisions
a. Any person shall practice Medical Technology in the
Philippines without being registered or exempted from
registration in accordance with the provisions of this Act;

b. Any MT, even if duly registered who shall practice

Medical Technology in the Philippines without the
necessary supervision of a qualified pathologist or
physician authorized by the DOH

c. Any MT who shall knowingly made fraudulent laboratory


Section 29
Penal Provisions
d. Any duly registered MT who refuse or fail, after due
warning by the Board to display certificate of
registration in the place where he works;

e. Any person presenting or attempting to use as his

own, the certificate of registration of another;

f. Any person who shall in connection with his name, or

otherwise, assume, use or advertise any title or
description tending to convey the impression that he is
a MT without holding a valid certificate of registration;

Section 29
Penal Provisions
g. Any person who shall impersonate any registrant of a
fake or the same name;

h. Any person who shall attempt to use a revoked or

suspended certificate of registration;

i. Any person or corporate body who shall allow anyone

in his employ who is not a MT/MLT to engage in
practice of MT or recommend for appointment anyone
for the position of MT/MLT knowing that he is not
registered as such.

Section 29
Penal Provisions
k. Any person or corporation body who shall allow who
shall violate the rules and regulations of the Board or
orders promulgated by it after having ben duly approved
and issued by the President of the Philippines upon
recommendation of the Commissioner of the Civil Service
Commission or the Professional Regulation Commission
for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this

Section 29
Penal Provisions
If any person of this Act or the application of such
provision to any person or circumstance is declared
invalid by the court of competent jurisdiction, the
remainder of this Act or of the application of such
provision to the other persons or circumstances shall
not be affected by such declaration.

Section 30
Separability Clause
All acts, executive, rules and regulations, or parts
thereof inconsistent with the provisions of this Act
are hereby repealed: Provided, however, that nothing
in this Act shall be construed as repealing or
amending any portion of the Medical Act of 1959
(R.A. 2382, as amended by R.A. 4224), the Clinical
Laboratory Act of 1966 (R.A. 4688), and the Blood
Banking Law of 1956 (R.A. 1517).

Section 31
Repealing Clause
This shall take effect upon its approval

June 21, 1969

Section 32

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