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Discovery ™

Advanced Point-of-Care Bone Health Assessment


Imagine the possibilities...
Identify Patients at Risk
The Hologic DiscoveryTM—the newest generation QDR® Series bone densitometer—
Discovery (di-skuv’e-re) n.— combines the proven clinical value of bone mineral density (BMD)
The act of gaining insight or knowledge into measurement and vertebral assessment with Express BMDTM— the most rapid
something previously unseen or unknown.
means of acquiring accurate BMD results. Express BMD and Instant Vertebral
AssessmentTM (IVA)— both powered by our exclusive OnePassTM fan-beam
technology—represent two of many features that improve the accuracy,
speed and convenience of assessing osteoporosis.

Hologic pioneered the integration of BMD measurement with Instant Vertebral

Assessment allowing point-of-care assessment of the two most definitive factors
associated with osteoporotic fracture risk: low bone mineral density and the
presence of vertebral fracture. IVA enables physicians to perform a rapid, low-dose
evaluation of the spine in combination with a routine bone density exam, yielding
a more accurate determination of fracture risk than just BMD alone.

OnePass Technology
One Pass technology’s single sweep scanning enables
superior image quality and unparalleled precision in
just 10 seconds. Developed from a proven technology
platform, Discovery’s high performance is made
possible through several proprietary technologies.
True Fan-beam Geometry
Discovery’s exclusive design, similar to that found on
state-of-the-art CT scanners, utilizes a high-resolution
detector array paired with true fan-beam acquisition
geometry. The true fan-beam design enables rapid,
high-resolution single-energy imaging as well as
superior dual energy bone density measurements.
Internal Reference System
Hologic’s patented Internal Reference System provides
automatic pixel-by-pixel calibration assuring precise
BMD results, test after test, year after year.
Hologic Anthropomorphic QC
Hologic’s Anthropomorphic Spine QC Phantom confirms
system stability with a life-like standard.

See specifications data sheet for availability of features on specific Discovery models.
Like all Hologic fan-beam
systems, Discovery delivers fast,
high-resolution images with
unsurpassed precision and low
patient dose. Plus, an expanded
package of value added software
and options, and complete data
compatibility with previous
Expand your capabilities… generation QDR instruments.

Utilizing OnePass technology, Discovery raises both the clinical and technological
standards of bone densitometry with features that include:

Express BMD CADf x


Spine and hip BMD results in just Computer-aided fracture assessment tool quantifies
10 seconds with better than 1% precision. degree of vertebral compression and simplifies
IVA interpretation.
Express Exam

Enables the operator to establish routine scan Electronic Reporting

protocols with automated scanning and analysis The most advanced remote interpretation and
workflow. reporting software available, including speech
recognition compatibility. IRIS TM Connectivity Suite
Instant Vertebral Assessment

provides seamless integration with existing

10-second, single-energy imaging of the spine healthcare information systems.
(L4 – T4) with image quality comparable to
lateral radiographs for vertebral assessment.
Image Pro

Advanced digital imaging processing sharpens

your view of vertebral fractures.

OnePass acquisition technique delivers BMD results

or IVA images in a single, 10-second sweep.
Instant Vertebral Assessment TM

If you knew Clinical Relevance of IVA in Risk Assessment
they had fractures... Vertebral fractures, 75% of which are not clinically apparent, are far more
common than one might imagine. Up to one quarter of Caucasian women
“IVA would benefit the subset of women over age 50 have at least one fracture. The presence of one or more
who have osteopenia, but whose fracture vertebral fractures dramatically increases the risk of future fracture.
history is unknown. If you knew they had Published studies using IVA demonstrate that up to 30% of patients needing
fractures, you would certainly be more treatment are missed using BMD results alone. These patients, many of
aggressive in your treatment.” whom have moderately decreased BMD but have already suffered a fracture,
are at particularly high risk.
Susan L Greenspan, M.D.
Director, Osteoporosis Prevention and Treatment
Division of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Geriatrics
Associate Director, General Clinical Research Center, Impact on Therapeutic Decisions and
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Patient Compliance
Professor of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh
School of Medicine In addition to improved risk stratification, IVA clearly enhances the clinician’s
ability to accurately target therapy to those who need it most, and determine
the most effective therapy for individual patients. IVA also provides a means
for improved patient counseling and compliance by demonstrating the
presence or progression of meaningful consequences of osteoporosis.

Image Pro The New Standard of Vertebral
Image Quality for Osteoporosis Assessment
The Image Pro image-processing software improves visualization of vertebral
fractures without increased dose, allowing clinicians to more accurately
assess fracture risk. Image Pro applies advanced, frequency dependent
filtration to IVA images, enhancing visualization of vertebral end-plates.

Vertebral Fracture: An Important Risk Factor

The presence of vertebral
fractures, combined with
low BMD, increases risk of
future fracture.

See specifications data sheet for availability of features on specific Discovery models.
IVA has given us
an important tool...
“Traditionally, BMD was used as the sole
indicator of a patient's bone health and
fracture risk, but now technology has
advanced to incorporate vertebral fracture
evaluation and BMD assessment on the
same instrument. Using Instant Vertebral
Assessment, we were able to obtain a low
dose (just 1% of a conventional spine
radiograph), 10-second scan of the spine
during a routine bone density exam.
Overall, incorporating IVA into our
osteoporosis evaluation has given us an
additional, important tool to identify those
at risk of future fracture. We also are able
to recommend intervention for those who
will benefit most from the therapy—a step
that's likely to reduce fracture rate and,
consequently, help patients maintain
independence and quality of life.”
John Schousboe, M.D.
Director, Osteoporosis Center, Nicollet Clinic,
St. Louis Park, MN

CADf x Simplifies IVA Interpretation


CADfx computer-aided fracture assessment tool—another IVA images of a

Hologic exclusive—quantifies and displays the degree of ver- woman, 72, with BMD
tebral compression to help confirm the existence and severity T-scores of -0.9, -0.4
of vertebral deformities. and -1.0 at the femoral
• Computer-aided fracture assessment tool neck, total hip and
• Point-and-click grading of vertebral deformity lumbar spine,
• Simplified IVA interpretation respectively. While her
• Quantitative measurement of vertebral deformities BMD results classify
• Displays degree of vertebral compression her as normal, a
vertebral fracture puts
her at increased risk
Summary of IVA Benefits for subsequent
fractures and,
• Clear, crisp images in just 10 seconds
therefore, in need of
• Superior prediction of fracture risk
treatment for
• Very low radiation dose (<10µSv vs. 800 µSv for radiographs) osteoporosis.
• Convenient, point-of-care availability eliminates need for AP IVA Lateral IVA
additional referrals or subsequent radiographs
• AP view reveals vertebral deformities missed with lateral
imaging alone
• True digital images with full image fidelity
• Remote interpretation and electronic reporting
• Additional reimbursable examination*
* Insurers vary widely in the services they cover and reimburse. HOLOGIC OSTEOPOROSIS ASSESSMENT
Applications Clinical Applications

Scan Comparison
Scan comparison automatically replicates regions of analysis,
AP Spine and Proximal Femur minimizing operator involvement and performance time.
Discovery Express BMD provides unmatched precision for The above example shows a current hip exam displayed
lumbar spine and proximal femur studies in just 10 seconds. simultaneously with a previous baseline study for comparison.
In default mode, spine and proximal femur precision is better This feature can be used in all Discovery scan modes.
than 1.0% (CV at BMD=1.0g/cm2).

Supine Lateral BMD* Forearm

Supine lateral spine BMD enables Discovery produces
clinicians to obtain reliable, simultaneous assessments
quantitative measurements of of 1/3, mid-, and ultra-distal
trabecular-rich vertebral bodies in regions. Radius and ulna
the supine position. Supine lateral can be analyzed either
measurements have demonstrated separately or combined.
superior precision (1%) over
quantitative measurements in the
decubitus position.
*Requires Discovery SL or A models.

Whole Body/BMD Analysis*

Discovery can evaluate BMD of the entire skeleton and report on up to 10
adjustable regions of interest. Discovery performs whole body scans in as little as
3.5 minutes. Typical precision for whole body scans is 0.75% (total region CV at
BMD = 1.0 g/cm2).
Body Composition Analysis** software enables evaluation of fat mass, lean mass
and total mass for the entire skeleton and for individual sub-regions. Both BMD
and body composition can be derived from a single whole body scan. Hologic
fan-beam technology is the technology of choice for major government-sponsored
and pharmaceutical body composition studies.
*Requires Discovery W or A models.

See specifications data sheet for availability of features on specific Discovery models.
Subregion Whole Body* Automatic Pediatric Whole Body*
Place up to seven user-defined, Rapid scanning and enhancements to data
custom regions for BMD and body analysis protocols make Discovery particularly
composition analysis.** Allows well suited for pediatric studies. The analysis
comparison to previous exams algorithms automatically detect and measure
for patient monitoring. very low-density bone, making Discovery the
* Requires Discovery W or A models. instrument of choice for pediatric densitometry.
** Body composition analysis optional. *Requires Discovery W or A models.

Research Applications
Prosthetic Hip*
Bone resorption around a hip prosthesis
can eventually contribute to loosening of
the implant device. Monitoring changes
in the bone surrounding the prosthesis
provides clinicians with pertinent
information regarding bone status and
the viability of the implant.

The QDR Prosthetic Hip software option

Pediatric Spine and Femur automatically identifies and removes the
influence of a metal prosthesis to produce
Rapid scanning and enhancements to data analysis
precise BMD measurements.
protocols make Discovery particularly well suited for pediatric
studies. The analysis algorithms automatically detect and measure
very low-density bone, making Discovery the instrument of choice
for pediatric densitometry.
Small Animal*
Perform In Vivo scans of rat whole
body with BMD and body composition
measurements, including lean and fat
tissue mass, total mass and % fat
determinations. Unique, calibration
phantom assures accuracy and
repeatability of results.
*Requires Discovery A model. Optional software.

Infant Whole Body*

Provides bone mineral and body composition measurements for human infants ranging
from 26 weeks gestational age to one year birth age, or approximately 1kg to 10 kg in
weight. The measurement system uses the lowest x-ray tube currently available and
exposes the patient to a very low dose (less than 2mrem).
*Requires Discovery A model. Optional software.
For investigational use in the USA.

Connectivity Solutions
Your gateway to true, paperless densitometry
Hologic leads the industry in providing
connectivity solutions for bone densitometry DICOM Worklist
systems, streamlining the workflow between
and within facilities and workstations. Now
physicians and other healthcare providers
can transmit, receive, and review patient
results virtually from anywhere in the world.
With Hologic software, physicians can
interpret bone density data or IVA images
from a remote workstation. From entering
patient data to physician interpretation,
Hologic provides a comprehensive suite of
tools to meet your connectivity needs.


Physician’s Viewer with CADfx

Physician’s Viewer is a stand-alone software package for remote
softcopy review of BMD results and IVA scans. CADfx provides computer-
aided fracture assessment that quantifies the degree of vertebral
compression and simplifies IVA interpretation. The optional Physician’s
Report Writer generates electronic reports for paperless distribution.

• Remote soft-copy interpretation

• Maintains full image fidelity
• Optimizes image with interactive zoom, brightness, and contrast control
• Intuitive graphical interpretation aids
• On-screen labeling of vertebral levels and fracture status
• Quantitative confirmation of vertebral deformation
• Platform for e-reporting

Remote softcopy interpretation

(Physician’s Viewer)

See specifications data sheet for availability of features on specific Discovery models.
Physician’s Report Writer (Optional)
Produces a comprehensive electronic report in Microsoft® Word
format for electronic distribution and printing.
HL7 Report
OnePage Dx Report

Combine multiple risk factors into a

comprehensive, one-page report

The OnePage Dx Report combines BMD and IVA

results in a concise, single-page format for better
assessment of fracture risk. This comprehensive
summary of results displays both AP and lateral
IVA images along with BMD results in our easy-
to-read and interpret format.
Report Writer with speech
recognition compatibility

Physician’s Interpreting Report

Streamline report writing and workflow

The Physician’s Interpreting Report automatically

downloads and formats key information into a
customizable electronic report that includes patient
biographical information, BMD, T-/Z-scores, and
IVA results. The physician can enter final comments
via keyboard or speech recognition.
Physician’s Viewer

Health Level 7 (HL7) Report

The HL7 Report extracts bone density exam results and interpretation as text data
from the Physician's Report and formats it for the HIS/RIS system.

Modality Worklist
The Hologic QDR® for Windows® operating system connects to HIS/RIS and HL7,
simplifying the exchange of text data between QDR workstations and hospital
information systems. The Modality Worklist facilitates workflow and reduces input
errors. It allows QDR operators to draw text data—admissions information, the daily
order of exams, etc.—from HIS/RIS and view it on the QDR workstation monitor.


Value-added Features and Options
QDR One-Page Report
Combine image, scan analysis, and reference curves in a concise, easy-to-read, visually impressive, single-page
report. The Discovery patient report also contains pertinent patient information and space for diagnosis and
comments. Choose from several preformatted templates.

Standard Patient Report Trend Report

The extensive online database of QDR for Windows facilitates serial
reference values included with follow-up of patients. Trend Reports
Discovery simplifies interpretation provide an easy method to compare
of studies. It includes ethnic- visit-to-visit rates of change.
matched reference data and utilities Significant changes in bone mineral
that allow customization of user status are automatically and clearly
reference values to the local patient noted on the report to facilitate
population. Hip reference data are clinical management.
based on NHANES in compliance
with standardization criteria.

Loaded with new features, NEW! Express BMD


Discovery offers the most Reduces scan times by 66%. Captures regional
spine and hip density measurements in only
comprehensive package 10 seconds with better than 1% precision.
of advanced clinical tools,
NEW! Express Exam

time-saving conveniences Enables the operator to establish routine scan proto-

and practice-building aids. cols with automated scanning and analysis workflow.

Practice Development Guide

Take full advantage of Discovery’s practice-building
potential. Contains two CDs with ready-to-print
marketing and patient education materials and
marketing tips to help you navigate the myriad
of marketing and media options.

Patient Call-back List NEW! Tech Tips


Provides a list of patients for a Graphical positioning aid demonstrates correct

given date and/or diagnostic patient alignment, scan start position, and the
range. Used to generate call- correct scan, making it easier than ever for
back letters for follow-up technologists to position patients correctly
exams. the first time and every time.

See specifications data sheet for availability of features on specific Discovery models.
Additional Discovery Features • One Time™ Auto Analysis delivers expertly analyzed hip and
• Image Repositioning makes obtaining the perfect scan easy. AP spine scans in seconds. Automatically identifies the region
Operators can adjust the image onscreen without having to of interest, virtually eliminating operator intervention.
reposition patient on the table. • Dual Hip™ automatically moves the table and C-arm into position
• Scoliotic Spine Analysis tailors vertebral BMD assessment to for a “mirror” image and measurement of the opposite hip and
the unique curvature of patient with scoliosis. identifies lowest BMD site for improved clinical assessment.
Significant differences in right and left hip BMD can result in
• Automatic Low Density Spine and Hip improves bone a misleading assessment of fracture risk, especially if only one
detection in low-density AP spine and proximal femur images hip is measured.
by decreasing operator manipulation of the bone map.
• Pediatric Reference Data* for children aged 4-20. The database
• Automatic Locate feature internally records and monitors the provides whole body, hip and AP spine reference data for
location of patient data saved to a storage media, eliminating North American, Caucasian boys and girls.
the need to log patient data. *Optional software. For investigational use in the U.S.

OnePass Advancing the Hologic Legacy


in Fan-Beam Technology
Introduced in 1989, Hologic pioneered fan-beam technology for bone densitometry. It has since become
the acquisition method of choice, due to dramatic improvements in image quality and scanning speed.
OnePass technology's single sweep scanning enables superior image quality and unparalleled precision
in just 10 seconds. By doubling the number of detectors found on earlier model QDR fan-beam systems,
OnePass technology enables finer collimation of the x-ray beam and doubles image resolution.
Developed from a proven technology platform, Discovery’s high performance is made possible through
several proprietary technologies.
True Fan-beam Geometry
Discovery’s exclusive design, similar to that found on state of the art CT scanners, utilizes a high-
resolution detector array paired with true fan-beam acquisition geometry. The true fan-beam
design enables rapid, high resolution single-energy imaging, as well as superior dual-energy bone
density measurements.
Automatic Internal Reference System
Hologic’s patented Automatic Internal Reference System provides automatic pixel-by-pixel calibration
ensuring precise BMD results, test afer test, year after year, without daily calibration or operator
intervention. By constantly comparing the patient’s bone to a known value contained in the internal
reference cylinder, Hologic systems automatically calibrate each data pixel on every scan. The exceptional
stability and precision of Hologic QDR systems have made them the choice for nearly every major
government and pharmaceutical study.
Anthropomorphic Quality Control Spine Phantom
Hologic’s Anthropomorphic QC Spine Phantom confirms system stability with a life-like standard that
simulates in vivo conditions and has exceptional sensitivity for detecting data drift. Discovery’s Auto
QC automatically scans the spine phantom to confirm system stability and performance.


Hologic Inc. is a family of companies, sharing not just expertise but

a purpose — turning innovative ideas into superior imaging technologies

that enable physicians to make earlier and more accurate diagnoses.

To achieve this goal, Hologic has assembled some of the most

respected names in medical imaging — each contributing a wealth

of experience, dedication and a clarity of vision.

Osteoporosis Assessment ■ DirectRay ® Digital Imaging

LORAD ® Breast Cancer Detection ■ FLUOROSCANTM C-arm Imaging

Corporate Headquarters Europe Asia and Pacific Rim

35 Crosby Drive, Horizon Park Room 302, Hung Kei Building
Bedford, MA 01730-1401 USA Leuvensesteenweg 5-8 Queen Victoria Street
Tel: 781.999.7300 510, BUS 31 Central Hong Kong
Fax: 781.280.0668 1930 Zaventem, Belgium Hong Kong Tel: 32.2.711.4680 Tel: 852.3102.9200
Fax: 32.2.725.2087 Fax: 1.452.696.7846

© Hologic 2003. B-144 US/International (10/03) Printed in USA. Product features and specifications are subject to change without prior notice.

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