Discoursive Practice Opinions - For & Against

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Christina Latham-Koenig

Clive Oxenden

Christina Latham-Koenig
Clive Oxenden

Upper-intermediate Student's Book

Paul Seligson and Clive Oxenden are the original co-authors of

English File l and English File 2 UNIVERSITY PRESS
FOR AND AGAINST Home I About I Blog I Subscribe

a Read a post about adventure sports on a

Everything has two sides to it, a positive one and a negative one.
blog site called For and ABainst? Do you Post your opinions on our blog ...
think there are more advantages or more
disadvantages? Adventure sports -
b Read the blog post again and complete it fun or too risky?
with the linking expressions from the list
Every year, more and more people
(two of them are interchangeable).
are tempted by the idea of going on
although another advantage because of an adventure sports holiday, especially
for example (x2) furthermore in addition during the summer months.
on the other hand t-19-e-FRatA-aEivantage
Spending your holiday being active and enjoying the outdoors has a lot of
to sum up
advantages. i The main advantage is that adventure sports, like many other
physical activities, offer health benefits. 2 , when you practise
c Put the linking expressions from b in the extreme sports your brain releases endorphins because of the adrenalin
Useful language chart below. rush and that makes you feel happy. 3 is the self-confidence that
you gain from doing these activities. 4 , the lessons learnt from
p Useful language: linking expressions facing the difficulties and the risks of these extreme sports may be very
To list advantages I disadvantages valuable in everyday life.
the main advantage
s , there are also some important disadvantages. 5_ _ __
they make you feel good, risky sports can be extremely dangerous.
To add more points to the same topic The possibility of getting seriously injured while performing these activities
is quite high, and some adventure sports, 7 skydiving or cliff
jumping can even have fatal consequences. s these risks, you
To introduce an example need to be extremely fit to practise these sports during a holiday, which
For instance, ... means that they are not for everyone. 9 , they are likely to be
expensive because they require a lot of equipment, safety measures,
and well-trained and qualified instructors.
To make contrasting points
However, ... io , adventure sports holidays have both advantages and
In spite of (the fact that). .. disadvantages. Whether they suit you or not depends on your level
of fitness, your personality, and how much you can afford.
6 Like I «! Share I . . Comment
To give a reason
Because (+ clause) ...
e Plan the content.
- - - - - (+noun) ...
To introduce the conclusion 1 Decide what you could say either about how many young people
In conclusion, ... today choose or are forced to go and work abroad, or about how
people today are interested in famous people or want to be famous
themselves. This will give you material for the introduction.
d You are going to write a post for the site. 2 List two or three advantages and disadvantages, and number them
Choose one of the titles below. in order of importance.
Going to work abroad: an exciting 3 Decide if you think there are more advantages than disadvantages.
opportunity or a scary one? f Write 120-180 words, organized in four paragraphs: introduction,
Being a celebrity: a dream or a advantages, disadvantages (or disadvantages then advantages),
nightmare? and conclusion. Use a formal style (no contractions or colloquial
expressions). Use the linking expressions in Useful language.

g Check for mistakes (grammar, punctuation, and spelling).

-..( p.41
a Read the title of the magazine article. Do you agree or Community service is the best
disagree? Then quickly read the article and see if the punishment for young people
writer's opinion is the same as yours.

b Complete the article with a word or phrase from the

who commit a minor offence.
list below. i Nowadays in t he UK when
a young person commits a
fina lly f irstly for instance in addition in conclusion
minor offence, he or she is
in most cases Aew-ael-ays secondly so whereas
normally sentenced to prison,
given a fine, or community
c You are going to write an article for a magazine. With a service. 2 I believe
partner, choose one of the titles below. that community service is the
Dow nload ing m usic or films without paying is as best option.
m uch of a crim e as stealing fro m a shop.
3 community
Squatter s who live in an u n occupied p r oper ty
service often persuades
should not b e for ce d to leave it.
a young person not to
d Pla n the content. The article should have fo ur or five re-offend . 4 _ _ __
paragraphs. working with sick children
or old people makes young
1 The introduction: T hink about what the current
offenders realize that there
situation is and what your opinion is.
are people who have more diffi cult lives than they do.
2 T h e main paragraphs: Try to think of at least two or So community service can be an educational experience,
three clear reasons to support your opinion. You could s going to prison or paying a fine is not.
also include examples to back up your reasons.
3 T he conclusion: Think of how to express your 6 spending t ime in prison results in young
conclusion (a summary of your opinion). people meeting other criminals and learning more about the
criminal world, which may tempt them into committing more
e Write 120-180 words, organized in four or five crimes. 7 in prisons many of the inmates t ake
paragraphs (introduction, reasons, and conclusion). drugs and this is a terrible example for young offenders.
Use a formal style (no contractions or colloquial
expressions). Use the phrases in b and in U sefu l a I do not think that a fine is a suitable punishment
lan guage. for young people. They do not usually have much money
t hemselves, 9 it is often their parents who pay the
p Useful language: ways of giving your opinion fine fo r them .
(Personally) I think... I I believe ...
io I believe that community service has important
In my opinion ...
advantages both for minor offenders and for the community.
In addition I Also
In conclusion I To sum up
Ways of giving examples
There are several things we can do, for example I for
instance I such as ...
Another thing we can do is ...
We can also...

f Check your article for mistakes (grammar,

punctuation, and spelling).

<Ill( p.77
a Read the report on restaurants. With a Eating out in London
partner, and think of suitable headings for
This report describes various options for students
paragraphs 1, 3, and 4.
who want to eat out while staying in London.
b You have been asked to write a report 1
on either good places for eating out
or entertainment in your town for an Fast food - The majority of fast-food restaurants are cheap
English language magazine. With a partner, and clean and the service is fast, but they are often noisy and
plan the content. crowded, and of course t he food is the same all over the world.
1 Decide which report you are going to write. World food - London has restaurants offering food from many
parts of the world, for example India, and China. These are often
2 Decide what headings you can use to divide
relatively inexpensive and have good-quality food and
up your report.
a nice atmosphere.
3 Decide what information to include under
each heading. 2 Value far money
c Write 120-180 words, organized in three
Gastropubs - These are pubs which serve high-quality food
or four paragraphs with a heading. Use a but tend to be slightly cheaper than the majority of mid-range
neutral/ formal style, and use expressions restaurants. Generally speaking, t he food is well-cooked and
from Useful language for generalizing. some have very imaginative menus.

p Useful language: talking in general

Italian restaurants - You can normally get a good pasta dish and
a salad in most Italian restaurants without spending too much,
fvlost I The majority of (cinemas in my town ...)
(Cinemas) are usually I tend to be (quite cheap) but be careful, some restaurants have very expensive wine lists.
In general... I Generally speaking.. .
almost always ... I nearly always .. .
There are many options if you want to try somewhere special, but
d Check your report for mistakes (grammar, be aware that this nearly always means spending a lot of money.
punctuation, and spelling). French restaurants, for example, are often expensive, and also
restaurants run by celebrity chefs.
--< p.91

• Don't make your meal cost more by ordering expensive drinks.

• If you have a special restaurant in mind, don't forget to book
in advance because the best restaurants are usually full,
especially at weekends.
• Even if you have a limited budget, take advantage of the
different restaurants that London has to offer.


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