IO (Summer)

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My IO is based on gender and sexuality which comes under field of inquiry number 1 which is

Culture, Identity and community. Which is also a global issue gender inequality in Sustainable
development goals in number 5.

For non-literary work I have chosen Lisa Donnelly cartoon, as she is one of greatest American
cartoonist who do cartoons on global issues like gender inequality, climate change, poverty and
especially on women rights. But my presentation will be focusing on the global issue of gender and
sexuality from one of her cartoons. Specifically for my non-literary work I have chosen Lisa Donnelly
cartoon named “supposed to be here”

The setting of this illustration is in office with one table with document on it six men with only one
woman present there. The focus point of the cartoon is the six men and one woman sitting there
because the they are the only one who are colored but table and chair are just black outlines with
white filling. you can see there are 6 men on the table with suites, but only one woman sitting with
them, which clearly shows male dominance in the current situation which is professions such as
business, this suggest that women get less opportunity in professions like business. There is only one
woman among the six men on the edge of the table and the women is leaning away from the table,
this can mean the women is not the getting chance to speak or the they ignoring her or just not
taking her seriously or maybe she feeling nervous among the six men. This is again an example of
male dominance through the illustration. All six men there have a contempt or ignoring facial
expression which can suggest that they don’t want to involve with the women with the
conversation. The text ‘I AM SUPPOSED TO BE HERE’, the sentence is in all capital letters which
emphasis the aggression, like she is angry that among all the six men because they are not one is
paying attention to her that’s why the sentence ‘I AM SUPPOSED TO BE HERE’ is in all caps. But
again, the sentence is in thought bubble not speech bubble means she not actually speaking it out
but just saying to herself in her mind, here the authorial choice of using a thought bubble instead of
speech bubble which shows suppression of opinion and no right to speech. There is exaggeration in
the thought bubble, the bubble is way bigger compare to people which emphasis how strong is the
feeling is. The colour contrast of the male faces, suggest that there are from different country or
region, which suggest that in every country or region there is male dominance and not giving chance
to women to move forward.

In conclusion the cartoon outlines the global issue of gender inequality and also leaves a message
that everyone should get opportunity to grow not only in professional businesses but in every area
and changing mind set of the people that only men are the one whose allow to do the jobs and other

For the literary work I have chosen a graphic novel named Persepolis written by Marjane Satrapi.
Persepolis is memoir in a form of graphic novel of Marjane Satrapi of her childhood to her adulthood
in Iran and Austria during and after the Islamic revolution. This graphic novel focuses on various
global issues but I will be pointing out global issue of gender inequality from the graphic novel.
Specifically, I am going to talk from chapter The Veil and The Trip, there are many situations that
portrays gender inequality.

To start with, in the chapter The Veil in first page panel no. 4 “Then came 1980: the year it become
obligatory to wear the veil at school. One thing you can notice that only women have to wear the
veil to go to school but not the men, this clearly shows how the ruler in Iran is gender biased
towards women that only women have to cover their face with veil but not men. Continuing with
the same chapter in page no. 6, panel no. 5 Marji when she was six years old, she wanted to become
a prophet but in panel no. 5 all the previous prophet were male and when she says “I am the last
prophet” every prophet start gave her glare and they said “A women?”, this panel talks about that
woman can’t become a prophet, this can also be the societies perspective that a women cannot
decide what she want to become. In chapter The Trip in page no. 74, panel no. 4 "They insulted me.
They said that women like me should be pushed up against a wall and fucked and then thrown in the
garbage." This traumatic experience happens to Marji's mother because she's not wearing a veil. Just
because she was not wearing the veil, men have don’t have right to harass any women, instead of
taking action towards men on this situation women are kept being in silence, this shows that a
women cannot be herself in society, if they don’t follow biased rule toward women they will be
punished, this clearly portrays that Islamic revolution biased towards women. In page no. 6, panel
no. 3 Marji says “She should start learning to defend her rights as a woman right now!", the phrase
Marji has spoken clearly shows that women during the Islamic revolution are not safe, women are
being supressed in every situation, in this panel the facial expression of Marji show anger that she is
really concerned about it. But again, in same page panel no. 6 a man stabs a woman in her thighs
during the protest, this shows male dominancy towards women, and also that a female cannot go
against male or cannot stand for their own rights.

In conclusion this is how panels shows the global issues of gender inequality towards women and
male dominancy in graphic novel Persepolis, the solution of this problem is to have rights for women
also. Authorial choice in the graphic novel has clearly reflected the global issue of gender inequality.

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