S19-C120u50-1 Eduqas Gcse Rs Route A Comp 3 Option 3 Ms s19
S19-C120u50-1 Eduqas Gcse Rs Route A Comp 3 Option 3 Ms s19
S19-C120u50-1 Eduqas Gcse Rs Route A Comp 3 Option 3 Ms s19
This marking scheme was used by WJEC for the 2019 examination. It was finalised after
detailed discussion at examiners' conferences by all the examiners involved in the
assessment. The conference was held shortly after the paper was taken so that reference
could be made to the full range of candidates' responses, with photocopied scripts forming
the basis of discussion. The aim of the conference was to ensure that the marking scheme
was interpreted and applied in the same way by all examiners.
It is hoped that this information will be of assistance to centres but it is recognised that,
without the benefit of participation in the examiners' conference, teachers may have different
views on certain matters of detail or interpretation.
WJEC regrets that it cannot enter in to any discussion or correspondence about this marking
The mark scheme defines what can be reasonably expected of a candidate in response to
questions asked.
1. Positive marking
Banded mark schemes are divided so that each band has a relevant descriptor. The
descriptor for the band provides a description of the performance level for that band.
Each band contains a range of marks.
3. Two-mark questions
Banded mark schemes are not suitable for low tariff questions. Instructions for the
awarding of marks are given with the indicative content.
When deciding on a band, the answer should be viewed holistically. Beginning at the lowest
band, examiners should look at the candidate's answer and check whether it matches the
descriptor for that band. If the descriptor at the lowest band is satisfied, examiners should
move up to the next band and repeat this process for each band until the descriptor matches
the answer.
If an answer covers different aspects of different bands within the mark scheme, a ‘best fit’
approach should be adopted to decide on the band and then the candidate's response
should be used to decide on the mark within the band. For instance, if a response is mainly
in band 2 but with a limited amount of band 3 content, the answer would be placed in band
2, but the mark awarded would be close to the top of band 2 due to the band 3 content.
Once the band has been decided, examiners can then assign a mark. During standardising
(marking conference), detailed advice from the Principal Examiner on the qualities of each
mark band will be given. Examiners will then receive examples of answers in each mark
band that have been awarded a mark by the Principal Examiner. Examiners should mark the
examples and compare their marks with those of the Principal Examiner.
Indicative content is also provided for banded mark schemes. It is extremely important to
note that indicative content is not exhaustive, and any other valid points must be
credited. To reach the highest bands of the mark scheme a candidate need not cover
all of the points mentioned in the indicative content but must meet the requirements
of the highest mark band. Where a response is not creditworthy, i.e. that is contains
nothing of any significance to the mark scheme, or is entirely irrelevant to the question, or
where no response has been provided, no marks should be awarded.
Assessment Objectives
AO2 Analyse and evaluate aspects of religion and belief*, including their significance and
* The term ‘belief’ includes religious and non-religious belief as appropriate to the subject
content requirements.
Question (a)
Question (b)
Band Band Descriptor
3 An excellent, coherent answer showing knowledge and understanding of 4–5
the religious idea, belief, practice, teaching or concept. An excellent
understanding of how belief influences individuals, communities and
Question (c)
Band Band Descriptor
4 An excellent, highly detailed explanation showing knowledge and 7–8
understanding of the religious idea, belief, practice, teaching or
concept. An excellent understanding of how belief influences
individuals, communities and societies.
Question (d)
Band Band Descriptor
5 An excellent, highly detailed analysis and evaluation of the issue based 13 – 15
on detailed knowledge of religion, religious teaching and moral
reasoning to formulate judgements and present alternative or different
viewpoints. An excellent understanding of how belief influences
individuals, communities and societies.
Please note: the mark scheme is not a checklist. Other valid points must be credited.
For all (a) questions, credit 1 mark for a very simple definition and 2 marks for a
developed definition and/or an example.
• Mika'il is an archangel.
• Mika'il is immortal and always obeys Allah's commands.
• Mika'il has the task of keeping the devil out of heaven.
• Mika'il protects faithful worshippers of Allah.
• Mika'il is responsible for the rainfall on earth to water the land.
• Mika'il brings sustenance for the body and soul.
• Qur’an 2:97- 98: 'Say: Whoever is an enemy to Gabriel - for he brings
down the (revelation) to your heart by Allah's Will, a confirmation of what
went before. And guidance and glad tidings for those who believe -
Whoever is an enemy to Allah and His angels and messengers, to Gabriel
and Michael - Allah is an enemy to those who reject faith.'
• Qur’an 2:285: 'The messenger believes in what has been revealed to him
from the Lord, as do the men of faith. Each one (of them) believes in
Allah, His angels, His book and His messengers. "We make no distinction
(they say) between one and another of his messengers." And they say:
We hear, and we obey: (We seek) Your forgiveness, Our Lord, and to You
is the end of all journeys.'
Refer to the marking bands for question (d).
Discuss this statement showing that you have considered more than
one point of view. (You must refer to religion and belief in your answer.)
Please note: the mark scheme is not a checklist. Other valid points must be credited.
2. Practices
For all (a) questions, credit 1 mark for a very simple definition and 2 marks for a
developed definition and/or an example.
(c) Explain the practices that take place during the pilgrimage to Makkah.
(d) 'In Britain, it is difficult for Muslims to fast during Ramadan.' [15]
Discuss this statement showing that you have considered more than one
point of view. (You must refer to religion and belief in your answer.)