00 - Anti-Torture Act
00 - Anti-Torture Act
00 - Anti-Torture Act
1. Statement of Policy
2. Terms
3. Acts of Torture
4. Person Liable
5. Penalties
6. Preventive Measures
7. Rights of the Victim
Order of Battle
any document or determination made by AFP
or LEAs;
listing the enemies of the State,
legitimate target as combatants it could
through the use of means allowed by law
Cigarette burning; burning by electrically
heated rods
Submersion of the head in the water, urine…
Tied or forced to assume fixed and stressfully
bodily position
Rape and sexual abuse
Mutilation and amputation
Dental torture or forced extraction of the
Pulling out of fingernails
Harmful exposure to elements
Use of plastic bag and other material to
cover the head to the point of asphyxiation
Use of psychoactive drugs to change
Administration of drugs to induce confession
or extreme pain
Other analogous acts of physical torture
Prolonged interrogation
Public display or humiliation of a detainee
Creating fear of summary execution
Maltreatment of a person’s family
Causing the torture sessions witnessed by others
Denial of sleep/rest
Shame infliction
Prohibitingto communicate with any
member of the family
Other analogous acts of
mental/psychological torture
Direct participation
Superior officer who issued an order
Immediate commanding officer, with
by omission or negligence
deliberate failure to prevent or
make corrective action
Public officer or employee, not principal or
accomplice, knowledge of the torture, takes
part subsequent to its commission by;
profiting or assisting the offender to profit
concealing the act of torture
harboring or assisting the escape of the
Exclusionary Rule
Prohibited Detention
Secret detention places, solitary
confinement, incommunicado or other similar
Periodical updates on detention facilities
and detainees by AFP, PNP and other LEAs to
Legal Assistance
Institutional Protection