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RA 9745 or the “Anti

Torture Act of 2009

Course: Anti Torture Act of 2009

Learning Objectives

 To be able to define “torture”

 To be able to enumerate acts of
 To be able to identify persons
criminally liable under the law
 To be able to enumerate the
rights of the victim under the law

Course: Anti Torture Act of 2009


1. Statement of Policy
2. Terms
3. Acts of Torture
4. Person Liable
5. Penalties
6. Preventive Measures
7. Rights of the Victim

Course: Anti Torture Act of 2009

Statement of Policy

 To value dignity of every person

 Ensure respect human rights of all
persons to include suspects,
detainees and prisoners
 Prohibit secret detention places
and similar forms of detention
 Adherence to international and
constitutional principles and

Course: Anti Torture Act of 2009


Torture is the intentional infliction of severe pain

and suffering, whether physical or mental,
indirectly or directly by a person in authority or
his agents, for the purpose of:

 Obtaining confession or information

 Punishment
 Intimidation or Coercion
 Or for any reason based on discrimination of any

Course: Anti Torture Act of 2009


Other Cruel, inhuman and degrading

treatment or punishment
Acts not defined as torture, inflicted by a
person in authority or his agents against a
person in custody which attains the level of
severity causing suffering, gross humiliation or
debasement to the latter.

Course: Anti Torture Act of 2009


Order of Battle
any document or determination made by AFP
or LEAs;
 listing the enemies of the State,
 legitimate target as combatants it could
 through the use of means allowed by law

Course: Anti Torture Act of 2009

Acts of Torture

A. Physical torture treatment or punishment that

causes severe pain, exhaustion disability or
dysfunction of one or more part of the body;
• Systematic beating, headbanging
• Food deprivation or forcible feeding with
spoiled food
• Electric Shock

Course: Anti Torture Act of 2009

Acts of Torture

 Cigarette burning; burning by electrically
heated rods
 Submersion of the head in the water, urine…
 Tied or forced to assume fixed and stressfully
bodily position
 Rape and sexual abuse

Course: Anti Torture Act of 2009

Acts of Torture

 Mutilation and amputation
 Dental torture or forced extraction of the
 Pulling out of fingernails
 Harmful exposure to elements
 Use of plastic bag and other material to
cover the head to the point of asphyxiation

Course: Anti Torture Act of 2009

Acts of Torture

 Use of psychoactive drugs to change
 Administration of drugs to induce confession
or extreme pain
 Other analogous acts of physical torture

Course: Anti Torture Act of 2009

Acts of Torture

Mental Torture are acts calculated to confuse

the mind and/or undermine a person’s dignity
and morale such as:
 Blindfolding
 Threat of bodily harm, execution or other
wrongful acts to his person or to his relatives
 Confinement in solitary cells

Course: Anti Torture Act of 2009

Acts of Torture

Prolonged interrogation
Public display or humiliation of a detainee
Creating fear of summary execution
Maltreatment of a person’s family
Causing the torture sessions witnessed by others
Denial of sleep/rest

Course: Anti Torture Act of 2009

Acts of Torture

Shame infliction
Prohibitingto communicate with any
member of the family
Other analogous acts of
mental/psychological torture

Course: Anti Torture Act of 2009

Persons liable

 Direct participation
 Superior officer who issued an order
 Immediate commanding officer, with
 by omission or negligence
deliberate failure to prevent or
make corrective action

Course: Anti Torture Act of 2009

Persons liable

Public officer or employee, not principal or
accomplice, knowledge of the torture, takes
part subsequent to its commission by;
 profiting or assisting the offender to profit
 concealing the act of torture
 harboring or assisting the escape of the

Course: Anti Torture Act of 2009


Reclusion Perpetua (12+1 to 20 yrs)

 Death
 Mutilation
 Rape
 Victim become insane, impotent,
blind, imbecile or maimed for life
 Committed against Children

Course: Anti Torture Act of 2009


Reclusion Temporal (12+1 to 20 yrs)

Insanity, complete or partial amnesia, fear

of becoming insane or suicidal tendencies
of the victim due to guilt, worthlessness or

Course: Anti Torture Act of 2009


Prision mayor (6+1 to 12 yrs)

 (med-max) lost of speech, hearing, smell, an
eye, limb or lost use of such member or
permanently incapacitated for labor
 (min-med) become deformed or lost part of
his body or use thereof other the above or
become ill or incapacitated for more that 90

Course: Anti Torture Act of 2009


Prision correctional (6 mos+1 to 6 yrs)

 Torture results to psychological, mental and

emotional harm other than those in par (b)
 Maintenance or operation of prohibited detention
 (max) ill or incapacitated for labor for more than 90
 (min to med) ill or incapacitated for labor for more
than 30 days or less

Course: Anti Torture Act of 2009


Arresto mayor ( 1mo +1 to 6 mos)

 For all acts constituting cruel, inhuman or

degrading treatment or punishment (sec 5);

 AFP and LEAs failure to maintain, submit or

make available an updated list of detention
facilities and prisoners or detainees

Course: Anti Torture Act of 2009

Preventive Measures

Exclusionary Rule

admissions, confessions as a result of torture

is inadmissible. Except if same is used
against the person of the accused.

Course: Anti Torture Act of 2009

Preventive Measures

Prohibited Detention
Secret detention places, solitary
confinement, incommunicado or other similar
Periodical updates on detention facilities
and detainees by AFP, PNP and other LEAs to

Course: Anti Torture Act of 2009

Rights of the victim

Freedom from torture, an absolute right

A state of war, a threat of war, internal

political instability, or any public emergency,
or a document or any determination
comprising “order of battle”; not a

Course: Anti Torture Act of 2009

Rights of the victim

Right to Physical, Medical and psychological

Examination, before and after interrogation;
 To demand physical examination by doctor of his
 The State shall provide a competent and independent
 immediate access to proper and adequate medical
 Provided with psychological examination if available
under the circumstances
 The right to be informed

Course: Anti Torture Act of 2009

Rights of the victim

Legal Assistance

in the investigation and monitoring and/or filing

of complaint from:
Barangay Human Rights Action Center

Course: Anti Torture Act of 2009

Rights of the victim

Institutional Protection

Prompt and impartial investigation

Sufficientgovernment protection against all
forms of harassment
Sufficient protection in order to avoid further

Course: Anti Torture Act of 2009

Compensation to victims

The right to claim compensation provided

under RA 7309
In no case compensation shall be lower
that 10K
Not barred from other financial relief
programs available

Course: Anti Torture Act of 2009

LandLine: 470-1297
Email: [email protected]
Tweeter: @pnplegal
Globe: 09178562801
Smart: 09199907385
Sun: 09253015426

Course: Anti Torture Act of 2009


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