Portable Suitcase Car

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Volume 7, Issue 6, June – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Portable Suitcase Car

Pranav Nikam1, Megharaj Lalasangi2, Shreyas Kalsekar3, Nikhil Gudadari4, Vishwanath Khadakbhavi5, Dr. Rajendra Galgali6
Student, 5Professor, 6HOD
Department of Mechanical Engineering, SGBIT, Belgaum, Karnataka, India

Abstract:- The thing is to set up a compact vehicle, which Transmission Testing and Research Group worked on this
is efficient to carry some load and easily get transported design. They bought the largest Samsonite wallet they could
or transport it. People are more reliable on motorcycles find and pocket motorbike. The33.6 cc,1.7 hp two- stroke
in India, if the distance is less than a kilometre it is not machine, bars and 4- 6 inch- periphery tires from the Pocket
affordable to everyone thus, The design evolved into a Bike were also fitted into the wallet. The hinder bus was
bitsy foldable wallet auto, which can carry peoples and it's placed outside of the case while the frontal wheel was popped
powered with the help of electric motor with power source out from removable door in the front. The wallet auto took
as battery and the battery can be charged with the help of twinkles to assemble and had a maximum speed of 30km/ h.
bowl the auto is compact in size and can be carried The original prototype was accidentally destroyed after many
veritably fluently and is as like a wallet. The slide link of months of the Fantasyard event, one wallet auto still exists,
the steering chopstick ensures the foldable medium and and it works as good as it worked 24 times gone. [1]
allows humans to tote it, which ensure the purpose of
lower distance, foldable and compact vehicle.

Keywords:- Foldable Suitcase; Electric Vehicle; Battery;

Easy to carry; Compact.


Electric vehicles also called as BEVs and more

frequently called as EVs. The electric vehicle industries are
continuously evolving day to day. One type of electric vehicle
is electric bike [e-bike]. E-bikes are run by taking battery as
source. The batteries can easily charge to ordinary domestic
sockets or shops at cheaper costs. Here we are developing e- Fig. 1. Mazda’s Super Suitcase Car
bike into 3 wheels vehicle because 1 member can sit easily and
can go and mainly it can take where ever we want and can Vivek Garg and Rajesh Kumar Professors of MED,
easily assemble and disassemble with in time. The vehicle run SoET, Bhaddal, India corresponding author:
by electric motor which receives power from battery. Here we [email protected], in their research paper have
are using Bldc motor [Brushless Direct Current motor]. The discussed about Design and Fabrication of Suitecase Car.
vehicle speed can be controlled driver by using throttle which Experimenters at MIT from General Motors Corp, are
is connected to handle bar. Here the controller is placed erecting a featherlight electric vehicle which can be mass
between the motor and battery the power is divided and sends produced cheaply, can be rented by shared use business,
to motor depends on how much the throttle was turned. Based folded and arranged like grocery wagons at galleries or other
on that the vehicle will move. The project presents a way of spots. The flying and folding auto from cartoon ‘The Jetsons’.
how electric vehicle designed and implemented. From, gests, The upcoming Hiriko fold doesn’t fly, but folds. The Hiriko
we know that indeed at current high oil painting prices, Driving Mobility Group, from Basque region in Spain, visited
reactionary fuelled vehicles are more favoured over bikes. We MIT in 2009, and accompanied Spanish government funding
should search for other druthers that are electric bikes ore- to develop the Hiriko Fold. The Fold is into production in
bikes. The premise of this design is to overcome numerous this Europe coming year, priced around $16,400. [2]
hedge by technology means at minimal cost to produce a
usable transport for public use.


Mazda developed the suitcase car concept, and

introduced by Mazda company by their employee into an
inter departmental event ‘Fantasyard’ in 1991. The contest
was held up to see which department will come with an
innovative idea for creating moving machine.

1990 was successful era for Mazda so to launch the

wallet auto. A group of 7 masterminds from Manual
Fig. 2.1. Chassis of Suitcase Car

IJISRT22JUN642 www.ijisrt.com 317

Volume 7, Issue 6, June – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
steering of the vehicle is done by front wheel. DC brush motor
is used to generate power. If vehicle is not used then it can be
disassembled and parts can be kept inside the suitcase. This
vehicle can carry weight up to 90kg and its Maximum speed
is 20 km/hr. [4]


Design a Suitcase Car that can be folded to form a

suitcase and can open to form a car to carry single person and
used for transportation.

Fig. 2.2. Car turning into a Suit Case

Mr. Akash Chaudhary Raghuvanshi and his platoon had

made a way in developing foldable kart lattice. They
understood the drive moving towards the conciseness, and its
time is to suppose about machine which can be folded fluently
and can be carried far and wide as a luggage. By this creative
idea, he made structural analysis on the frame of their kart
vehicle and developed a GO KART named as “ASHVA”
which was suitable to fold at middle with the help of joint that
made connection between its two-lattice front and reverse. Fig. 3.1. Total Deformation, Front Impact
Because substantially Karts are used to take the experience of
a racing auto, knowing this they manufactured an machine
that can be commodity unique. The speed of kart varies on
power of machine and how important energy does it need
considering the fact lattice and joint of kart were made from
mild sword, this joint gave further power and stability to the
vehicle. They used mechanical chain to transmit power from
the machine to the axle of kart, for a better and smooth
experience, rack and pinion system was used. Material
selection plays an important part on strength and safety of the
product that’s the reason they chose AS- 202 pristine sword
round tubes as lattice material. Also, they chose the material
Fig. 3.2. Total Deformation, Rear Impact
for shaft so that it can repel all the stresses. They made an
effort discussing about the material selection procedure and
the joints which can be used in foldable vehicle chassis. [3]

Jayesh S. Renge1, Ronak P. Rathore2, Shubham V.

Bakade3, Suprit P. Bardekar4 from Department of
Automobile Engineering, DPCOE, Maharashtra, India in
their research paper, Design and Fabrication of Foldable
Electric Motor Powered Three Wheel Vehicle have
discussed, as population is increasing there is more demand
in automobiles people will need space for parking. As there
is limited space available and due to increase in automobiles
on roads, they are causing traffic and they need space for Fig. 3.3. Total Deformation, Left Impact
parking and pollution is also addition to it due to increase in
pollution, idea of creating portable vehicle comes into
picture. So, Suitcase Car was made which can be folded in a
suitcase and does not require any parking. Size of the suitcase
car is 46”x 22” and it is 5 times smaller than normal car. Due
to compact nature it can be used in various malls, industries,
college campuses etc. It can also be used to cover short
distances on roads as transport.

To overcome the disadvantages in present, the engine

can be replaced with motor and battery. Due to battery it will
add more weight to the design. In this vehicle we used 3
wheels, but power is only given to rear wheels with shaft, and Fig. 3.4. Total Deformation, Right Impact

IJISRT22JUN642 www.ijisrt.com 318

Volume 7, Issue 6, June – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Auto should be electric powered and driven with dc REFERENCES
geared motors. Torque handling capacity can be increased
using a chain drive medium with a coupled shaft for the two [1]. https://www.mazda.com/en/innovation/mazdastories/e
dc geared motors. Battery will be handed and turning with ngineers/suitcase/
steering medium. The advantage of this auto is that it’s Eco- [2]. Vivek Garg, Rajesh Kumar, Design and Fabrication of
friendly, no parking demand, flexible, and low cost. It's a Suitcase Car, Conference Paper March 2014
moving medium with no emigration of any poisonous gas. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/305494373
[3]. Akash Chaudhary Raghuvanshi, Tushar Srivastav and
IV. WORKING Raghvendra Kumar Mishra, Design and Development
of Foldable Kart Chassis, International Conference on
Suitcase car concept comes with the best ideas with little Materials Processing and Characterization, Dec 2015,
expense. This can be used as private transportation to travel Vol. 2
and is portable. So, one can carry it on the bike or in the car, [4]. Jayesh S. Renge, Ronak P. Rathore, Shubham V.
size of the model is 4ft x 3ft and width 1ft having 3 wheels. Bakade, Suprit P. Bardekar, Design and Fabrication of
When the suitcase is opened it opens 8ft long having 2 driving Foldable Electric Motor Powered Three Wheel Vehicle,
wheels on the rear and 1 guiding wheel at the front. The IJARIIE Vol-3 Issue-3 2017
handle is fitted to guide wheel which allows the operator to [5]. Design and Fabrication of Power Scooter; By Shailesh
move in any direction, the car has electric motor which is S. Pachbhai
powered by battery which is chargeable; all components used [6]. Lingzhi jin, Peter Slowik "literature review of electric
are standardized and are conveniently available in market. vehicle consumer awareness and outreach activates"
published by ICCT on march 21,2017.
A. Advantages
 Easy in operation
 Performance
 Adaptable
 Simple construction
 Low cost
 Easy to setup
 Easy conservation
 No skill driver needed
 Power saving

B. Disadvantages
 Posi Limited Speed
 Low Ground Clearance
 Cannot overload the vehicle
 Not Rugged due to compact size


We have developed a compact vehicle which is cheaper

and can be used in traffic areas and for short distance run. It’s
an ideal tech performing device to carry along your coming
diurnal commute whether by train, megacity machine, shelter,
or your particular auto. The compact size allows it to be
stowed under machine/ train seat or inside auto’s box. You do
n’t need to perform complicated procedure to change this unit
from briefcase mode to ride mode, you can snappily ride it
after getting off machine/ train to move without hassle to your
destination. Business jam or parking space will no longer be
an issue then. In present day we're studying the chases and
cargo analysis that's use in it.

IJISRT22JUN642 www.ijisrt.com 319

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