Wind Loading
Wind Loading
Wind Loading
Wind Loads
Provided there are enough bracing walls in each direction,
the building will resist wind from any direction.
♦ Braced Frames,
♦ Unbraced Frames,
♦ Shear Cores/Walls,
♦ Cross-wall Construction,
♦ Cellular Construction,
♦ Diaphragm Action.
Braced Frames
In most cases the vertical loads are generally transferred to the
foundations by a conventional skeleton of beams and columns
whilst the wind loads are divided between several shear-
core/wall elements according to their relative stiffness.
If this is not possible and the
building is much stiffer at one
end than the other, as in Figure
4.29, then torsion may be induced
in the structure and must be
It is better at the planning stage
to avoid this situation arising by
selecting a judicious floor plan
Cross-Wall Construction
• M1>> Analyse the relationship between building form and wind loading.
End of Lecture