Developing Metro Systems in The People's Republic of China
Developing Metro Systems in The People's Republic of China
Developing Metro Systems in The People's Republic of China
DOI: 10.1007/s11116-005-3046-2
Key words: affordability gap, financing gap, localization, non-fare revenue, technology gap,
technology transfer
Abstract. Rapid urbanization has taken place in China since the Open Policy in 1978. In
face of the growing demand for mobility in large cities, new metro systems were developed
in large cities like Guangzhou and Shanghai. At present, there are seven cities with 10
metro lines under construction. What are the policy issues and major challenges of
developing metro systems in China? This paper systematically reviews the current situation
and highlights three major gaps that Chinese cities have to overcome in planning metro
systems. They are the technology gap, the financing gap and the affordability gap. A
discussion of these gaps in the Chinese context leads us to the conclusion that early
planning and careful studies are important in the development of metro systems in China.
Moreover, the existing official criteria (population and economic power) for approving the
building of metro systems are insufficient and should be supplemented by more vigorous
evaluation criteria.
The People’s Republic of China is the third largest country in the world,
covering an area of 9.6 million square kilometers. In 2001, China had a pop-
ulation of 1.3 billion (CSSB 2003). Administratively, the country is divided
into 23 provinces, five autonomous regions, four centrally administered
municipalities and two special administration regions. Due to the different
policy and institutional settings in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, the dis-
cussion only focuses on mainland China.
Ever since the Open Policy in 1978, Chinese cities have experienced rapid
growth, both in terms of number and size. Urbanization transforms the spa-
tial distribution of people into a more compact and orderly space, thus
enabling a more effective organization of economic activities and a more
efficient provision of services to city dwellers. In 2001, cities occupied 5.10%
of the land mass in China, but it housed nearly one-quarter (23.82%) of
the population (USST 2003). In 1995, there were 75 cities with a population
of over half a million (USST 1997). Among them, 43 had 0.5–1 million
population, 22 had 1–2 million population and 10 had over 2 million popu-
lation. By 2001, the number of these large cities of different sizes rose to 61,
28 and 13, respectively (USST 2003). Spatially, there are great variations in
the distribution of large cities. In 2001, the eastern region had 53 cities with
over half a million population, the central region had 39 and the western
region had only 10 (USST 2003). In other words, most of the large cities
were concentrated in the more developed eastern region.
This trend of rapid urbanization has been closely associated with the high
economic growth of mainland China after the Open Policy. The Chinese
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has increased more than 20 times since 1978
and in 2002 stood at a per capita GDP of US$989 (CSSB 2003). As an
economy grows, the demand for personal mobility also increases (Owen
1964). The need is especially evident in cities where there are high concentra-
tions of population and economic activities. Rapid urbanization, in turn,
exerts pressure on municipal governments to provide the infrastructure
required to support both private and public transport. To satisfy the
demand for higher mobility, there are two major approaches.
The first approach is based on Western experience, which consists of high
reliance on motorization and its collateral heavy investment on the construc-
tion of road network. In the many Western societies, the rapid urban sprawl
and suburbanization have primarily been supported by the expanding
expressways (Taaffe et al. 1996; Noland & Lem 2002). This approach is also
associated with low road toll elasticities and high rates of car ownership and
usage (Loo 2003). In New York, for instance, the transit share of commuter
trips was only about 10.8% in 2001 (American Dream Coalition 2004). The
second approach is based on the experience in cities, like Hong Kong and
Singapore, which focus on the development of urban mass transit systems
and adopt a policy of suppressing the growth of private modes. Hong Kong
is a case in point where about 90% of the trips of the society were made by
public transport (HKSAR Government 2003). Similarly, the public transport
system in Singapore carried as many as 51% of all motorized trips in 2001
(Singapore Land Transport Authority 2003).
Increasingly, the second approach has become more attractive to large
cities for various reasons. Firstly, it is difficult and costly to find land in cit-
ies for the continual expansion of roads and car parks. The problem is par-
ticularly acute in cities with long development histories. Secondly, the
growth rate of roads can seldom catch up with the increase in car ownership
and car usage. There is increasing evidence to show that the building of new
expressways and roads will not only trigger off more induced traffic but also
Modified initial system 15.6 1979/1980 12.8 km underground, 2.8 km overhead, $740 million $47.4 million
15 stations, 1 depot, 1 OCC
Tsuen Wan line 10.5 1982 7.4 km underground, 1.9 km overhead, $679 million $64.7 million
1.2 km at grade, 10 stations, 1 depot
Island line 12.5 1985/86 10.5 km underground, 2 km overhead, 14 stations $1.525 billion $0.1 billion
(inclusive of 2 interchange stations), 1 depot
East Harbour crossing 4.6 1989 3.7 km underground, 0.9 km overhead, 2 stations $333 million $72.4 million
Lantau and Airport Railway 35 1998 7.5 km underground, 9.5 km overhead, $4.5 billion $0.1 billion
18 km at grade, 1 depot, 1 new OCC
to accommodate all lines
Tseung Kwan O Extension 6+1.9 2001/2002 1.9 km underground for QBR, 6 km $2.7 billion $0.3 billion
(TKE) with Quarry Bay Relief underground for TKE, 1+5 stations, 1 depot
(QBR) project
Top 12 cities in terms of population size Top 12 cities with the largest amount of
(2001 data) actually used foreign direct investment (FDI)
(2001 Data)
Note: Cities with operational metro systems are marked with asterisks.
Source: USST (2003), pp. 37–44 and pp. 197–204.
The 23.6 km urban railway line with 17 stations was built under the overrid-
ing consideration of Cold War politics – ‘‘focus on military considerations,
taking traffic relief as the secondary objective’’ (Loo & Leung 1997). With
the support of Soviet technology, this railway was built without Western
technological input. The line was a historical breakthrough. Yet, despite the
development of the Beijing Circle Line (16.4 km) and the Tianjin Metro
(7.4 km), there was no major progress in other cities.
Stage two commenced with the economic reforms in the 1980s. There was
an influx of foreign information on the potential benefits of metro systems.
The construction principle shifted to ‘‘focus on traffic, taking defense into
consideration.’’ Strong municipal governments, such as Guangzhou and
Shanghai, played an increasingly active role in promoting and materializing
the construction of urban transit systems in their territories. Metro systems
were perceived as part of urban modernization. At this stage, the construc-
tion work of Shanghai and Guangzhou metro systems began. Many other
Chinese cities followed suit in initiating technical feasibility studies. There
was euphoria about building metro systems in many Chinese cities. How-
ever, the lack of capital and the risks associated with property development
as a funding source soon led the State Council to put brakes on new metro
projects. In 1995, the State Council promulgated the ‘‘Notice of the State
Council about the Suspension of Approving Underground Rapid Transit in
Cities’’ (Decree No. 60 [1995]). This Decree halted numerous ambitious
plans of developing urban mass transit in China after the mid-1990s.
Stage three commenced in 1997, after a decision of the central govern-
ment to go for ‘‘self-reliance’’ or localization in metro development. Apart
from the huge capital investment required, the central government was keen
to keep foreign exchange control under the current monetary system. Ren-
minbi (RMB) is not yet a fully convertible and freely traded currency. This
has led the central government to play an active role in asking municipal
governments to re-consider proposals for building metro systems. Subse-
quently, it was decreed that no more than 30% of the project cost could be
imported using foreign exchange. Localization, which was estimated to
reduce up to 15–20% of the capital cost in building metro systems, was con-
sidered important in getting central approval (Ye 1999).
In contrast to the cautious attitude of the central government, many muni-
cipal governments in China are enthusiastic in developing urban railway pro-
jects because the local economies are poised to reap the benefits of solving
urban transport problems, improving urban environment, directing urban
development, spurring urban economic development, improving urban effi-
ciency and providing convenience to urban dwellers. Under the Open Policy,
the role of local governments has evolved from providers to regulators and
Establish a steering committee Establish the project financing mechanism Establish key policies and legal procedures so as
and the input of seed money to facilitate associated activities such as land acquisition
Review and approve system Provide collaterals and guarantees Integrate railway network planning with urban
network planning reports to local financiers planning and create railway reserve areas
Determine the guiding thoughts, holistic Consider the ability to seek foreign loans Re-assess the land use pattern associated with the
principles and construction standards (as urban mass transit systems do not generate development of the urban railway network
foreign exchange from its operation)
Determine the organization Provide non-monetary incentives such as Implement the resettlement plan for city
for construction management land use, tax exemption, property dwellers affected by the project
development and revenue guarantees
Approve owner organization, and Divert public utilities, as necessary
establish the rights and responsibilities Provide tax incentives, as necessary
of the owner(s)
Determine the management methods Develop a monitoring mechanism for the use of railway
and fare policy development funds, if they were to be set up
different parts of the world, Allport (1990) found that the average construc-
tion time per line was over 7 years. Moreover, about half of the systems had
made important changes to the original plan after construction began and
three-quarters of the projects were late in completion (Allport 1990). With-
out exception, railway projects are capital intensive by nature. Metro pro-
jects call for multi-disciplinary inputs and a highly organized management to
undertake. The railway infrastructure alone typically accounts for 30–70%
of the overall costs of metro systems (Schuchmann 2002). One of the great-
est savings of the building of metro systems is a reduction in commuting
time for the society as a whole. The time saved could be used for training
and development, thus greatly enhancing the quality of the labor force and
resulting in an accumulation of human capital (Jiang & Zhang 2002).
Municipal governments have to be far-sighted and committed in the
development of metro systems. As an economy grows, the increasing afflu-
ence and the proliferation of economic activities tend to encourage private
car ownership and usage. Since the Open Policy, China has experienced
rapid economic growth. From an urban development perspective, this has
resulted in a growing number of cities, an increase in city population (mainly
due to migration) and a rise of personal income for city dwellers. At present,
it is still too expensive for most city dwellers in mainland China to own a
car. In 2002, the per capita GDP of China was about US$989 (CSSB 2003).
In the same year, the price of an average Chinese-manufactured private car
ranged from about US$10,874 to US$27,789 (State Information Center
2003). Yet private car ownership and usage will become increasingly com-
mon as general affluence reaches a higher level.
China is thus in a dilemma. On the one hand, an early decision and
advanced planning are required to ensure that the backbone of an efficient
public transport network is in place before city dwellers find public transport
inconvenient and uncomfortable and a private car more affordable. On the
other hand, the funding source must be secured at least 6–7 years before any
fare revenue can be collected. It is only when societal benefit is put in perspec-
tive that the right decisions will be made. In this paper, the focus is put on the
three major gaps that China has to face in its development of metro systems.
dards, China’s civil engineering and basic electrical and mechanical engineer-
ing expertise is adequate. Yet, in terms of control engineering and ‘‘soft
skills,’’ mainland China still lags behind most developed countries. In fact,
China’s experience in modern control engineering and ‘‘soft skills’’ have only
built up recently with the development of the metro systems in Shanghai and
Guangzhou. This necessitates the import of such technology (at least in the
short to medium term), resulting in a drain on foreign exchange. Under the
current foreign exchange control, the technology gap cannot be bridged by
the high income and internal demand within Chinese cities alone. Unless
RMB becomes a fully convertible currency, foreign-exchange borrowing still
needs to be planned or approved by the central government. In fact, the
drain on foreign exchange was a major reason for the promulgation of
Decree No. 60 [1995] suspending the approval of metro systems in the mid-
In mainland China, there were 33 cities having 2 million inhabitants or
above in 2002. Ten of these cities were located in Central and West China,
where foreign investment and export growth were lagging behind (Loo 2004).
Thus, it is not possible for all large cities in China to overcome the technol-
ogy gap by importing foreign technology. There is a need for Chinese cities to
develop different strategies in bridging the technology gap. Moreover, it is
important for cities at different levels to go for the appropriate standards and
technology in the choice of mass urban transit systems. For instance, smaller
cities may aim at the development of lower speed and capacity urban mass
transit systems by mainly relying on local technology. Bus lanes and other
bus priority schemes should be implemented before an attempt is made to
build a metro system. Larger cities, such as major population, economic and
political centers, may have to rely more heavily on metro systems with foreign
technology. Furthermore, it is important to recognize that alternative technol-
ogies, such as light rail transit for less heavily loaded urban lines, are avail-
able to fill the gap between the metro and the bus.
In a study by Allport (1990), it was suggested that metro systems were
only likely to be economically viable in cities of 5 million inhabitants or
more unless the city was highly linear. Moreover, Babalik-Sutcliffe (2002)
also found urban form to be an important factor in determining whether
urban rail systems are successful or not. If the population yardstick is adop-
ted as the sole criterion, there are six Chinese cities where a metro system
can be economically viable. They are Beijing, Chongqing, Guangzhou,
Shanghai, Tianjin, and Wuhan (Table 2). Only Beijing, Guangzhou, Shang-
hai and Tianjin are served by existing metro systems. Given the technology
gap, it is not surprising to find that these cities are among the top 12 cities
with the highest FDI in mainland China (Table 2). By contrast, Chongqing
and Wuhan, having much lower FDI, are not currently served by metro sys-
tems. Nonetheless, some recent breakthroughs have been achieved. In Chon-
gqing, a monorail system was opened in 2004. In Wuhan, the building of the
metro system is also on the agenda of the government.
As China further opens up, a more liberal approach to the use of foreign
aid and resources to fund metro construction and operation should be con-
sidered. At present, the emphasis should perhaps still be put on localization
and standardization to ensure economies of scale in the construction of
metro systems in China. In the longer run, both local and foreign technology
(in terms of hardware as well as software) should be taped to ensure that the
metro systems are not only cost effective but also reliable, safe, and efficient.
Generally, there needs to be a stronger emphasis on the adoption of modern
‘‘soft skills’’ to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of the sophisticated
railway technology.
The financing gap goes beyond the ability to raise the initial capital cost of
developing the metro system. More importantly, it refers to the ability of the
metro system to generate sufficient revenue to make the system sustainable,
that is, to recover the capital investment in the medium run and to pay for
the cost of asset improvement and replacement in the long run. In China,
the Build, Operate and Own (BOO) and Build, Operate and Transfer (BOT)
models have been widely adopted in the construction of transport infrastruc-
ture, such as container ports and expressways (Loo 1999). Moreover, the
issuing of bonds and shares has also been actively considered by municipal
governments to pay for the building of metro systems (Jin & Wang 2002). In
the longer run, the development of a sinking fund for railway asset renewal
may also be necessary to meet the future cost of asset improvement and
replacement. Given the high financial cost, most metro systems worldwide
are operating at a loss and are supported by government subsidies (Allport
1990; Schuchmann 2002; Fouracre et al. 2003). Nonetheless, the transit sub-
sidy policy would induce local governments ‘‘to select capital-intensive
investment options that may not be efficient or effective’’ (Li & Wachs 2004,
p. 43).
What are the possible ways out? Without government intervention,
urban mass transit investment was found to bring about an increase in the
land value along the transit line, especially around the key metro stations
(Boyce et al. 1976). Income generated from the railway-related property
development and its associated activities can supplement fare revenue in
making metro systems financially more viable. The MTR Corporation
Limited in Hong Kong is a good case in point. In 2002, the profit on prop-
erty developments alone reached $3755 million. In addition, the rental and
management income arising from its property development contributed
another $987 million. Such income greatly supplemented the company’s fare
revenue ($5720 million) in making the MTR one of the most financially
sound metro systems in the world (MTR Corporation Limited 2003).
An issue closely related to the financing gap is the need for institutional
support and integrated land-use and transport planning. A transport policy
in favor of metro ridership and an integrated planning between land-use and
railway are crucial to the economic viability of the system because the den-
sity of development and the level of inter-modal competition along the rail-
way line will directly affect the potential passenger volume and financial
revenue of the system. In other words, ‘‘mere population figures are not
enough: settlement density patterns are relevant since the high investment
costs are only justified in heavily travelled corridors’’ (Meyer & Dauby 2002,
p. 6). In fact, the high-rise, high-density and linear form of urban develop-
ment in Hong Kong played a key role in contributing to the high patronage
of the metro system in Hong Kong (Tong & Wong 1997). Moreover, the
Hong Kong government adopts a rail-based transport policy and a multi-
faceted pricing strategy to discourage private car ownership and usage (Loo
2003). Integrated planning is particularly important in China because many
Chinese cities have a rather dispersed development pattern with low-rise
buildings in most parts of the city.
Table 4 shows a comparison of the population densities in different major
Chinese cities. The case of Hong Kong is also shown to allow a comparison.
In terms of city population density, Hong Kong is way above the top 12 cit-
ies in mainland China. In 2001, the average population density was 6125 per-
sons per square kilometer in Hong Kong. While in mainland China, the
highest densities were only 2409 and 2382 persons in Chengdu and Shanghai,
respectively. Yet, the population density can be much higher if the size of the
developed areas within a city is small. In Chinese terminology, developed
land areas refer to the areas with connection to the urban core and with the
provision of public utilities. In other words, developed land areas are already
built-up areas in urban or suburban areas, with more urban land uses, infra-
structure and public utilities (Yao & Shuai 1995). Most mainland Chinese cit-
ies have relatively low percentages of developed areas, ranging from 2% in
Chongqing and Wuhan to 16% in Chengdu. The percentage in Hong Kong
was about 17%. By considering the size of the developed areas, the prospect
of developing metro systems in mainland China seems brighter. While the
population density in Hong Kong was still the highest (36,675 persons per
square kilometer), the population densities of Wuhan (35,766 persons per
Note: Mainland cities are arranged in descending order by population size in 2001 (see Table 2).
Source: Loo (2003); USST (2003), pp. 101–108, pp. 475–478, pp. 571–574; CSD (www page,
accessed 2004).
square kilometer) and Chongqing (33,697 persons per square kilometer) came
very close. In these cities, highly traveled corridors may be identified for the
consideration of the building of metro systems.
Note: Mainland cities are arranged in descending order by population size in 2001 (see Table 2).
1 US Dollar=8.3 Yuan.
Source: USST (2003), pp. 117–124; CSD (www page, accessed 2004).
As incomes grow, the demand for personal mobility will rise. However,
investment decisions have to be made before the general affluence level hits
the threshold of car ownership. Metro systems are expensive to build, oper-
ate and maintain. The current income of most city dwellers in China cannot
suffice to pay a fare that reflects the true cost of capital investment, opera-
tion and maintenance as well as asset replacement. As shown in the case of
Hong Kong, non-fare revenue can be a major supplementary source of
income. However, fare revenue remained the largest and most important
source of income of the metro system (MTR Corporation Limited 2003).
Thus, once a metro fare is set, a mechanism has to be in place to adjust the
fare level to match the general inflation and average wage level of the city.
Figure 1 shows the trends in the MTR fares of Hong Kong in the last two
decades. The year 1980 is chosen as the base year to compare the changes in
the nominal payroll, consumer price index and average MTR fare. It can be
seen that the growth rate of the average MTR fare (6.6% per annum) was
roughly the same as that of the consumer price index (6.8% per annum).
Moreover, the increase was found to be acceptable to the society as the
nominal payroll actually rose more rapidly (11.7% per annum) during the
same period. A comparison of the average adult fares charged by the major
metro systems in the world shows that the average adult fare ranged from a
high of US$1.5 per trip in Munich and London to a low of US$0.2–0.3 per
trip in Athens, Rome and Lisbon (MTR Corporation Limited 1995, unpub-
lished). In Hong Kong, it was about US$0.7 per trip. These figures, together
with the current local public transit fares in mainland China, furnish some
ideas to the municipal governments in their evaluation of whether the citi-
zens can afford the metro system. Nonetheless, the evaluation should take
into account the injection of local government investment and subsidies,
should these be available.
Figure 1. Growth of average MTR fares in perspective, 1980–2000. Source: MTR Corporation
Limited (unpubl.).
4. Conclusions
Generally, the metro systems in developing countries are not financially viable
but they may be economically justifiable. Most of the savings from the build-
ing of a metro system will be in the form of time savings and a relief of dis-
comfort on other public transport modes. These benefits (highly associated
with the opportunity cost of the use of time) were estimated to constitute 76%
of the total economic return of metro systems (Allport 1990). In China, the
technology gap, the financing gap and the affordability gap are three major
issues that local governments have to consider very carefully before a metro
system is planned and built. As shown in the above discussion, the three gaps
are closely interrelated. Moreover, unless RMB becomes a floating currency,
there is a need for some forms of central planning and coordination in the
building of metro systems among Chinese cities. In particular, a coordinated
nation-wide plan would slow down the current ‘‘race’’ among municipal gov-
ernments to conduct feasibility studies and to get central approval for their
metro plans. To the central government, the two criteria of population size
and economic power for developing metro systems should be supplemented by
more vigorous evaluation exercises to ensure that the metro systems having
the highest social benefits can proceed with the necessary central and local
commitments required for raising capital and subsequent operations. In sum-
mary, the construction of a metro system is likely to be one of the largest
transport infrastructural projects of a city. Hence, much political commitment
is required and careful considerations must be made about the long-term
impact of the metro systems on the local governments and the society at large.
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Dr. Becky P.Y. Loo is an Associate Professor in the Department of Geography at the
University of Hong Kong. She joined the Department as a full-time Lecturer in 1997.
Her major research interests are transport, spatial analysis, economic geography and
China Studies.