Ische43-IsCHE 43 Programme 10.5.22

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In association with:

Sponsored by:

Dipartimento di Pedagogia

All ISCHE 43 events will take place at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Largo Gemelli, 1.

TUESDAY 30 August
10.00‐17.30 Pre‐conference workshops

12.30‐14.00 Parallel sessions 1
14.00‐14.30 Coffee break
14.30‐16.00 Parallel session 2/COVID‐19 and Public History
16.00‐16.30 Coffee break
16.30‐17.15 Conference opening ceremony
17.15‐18.15 Keynote address 1 (streamed)
18.30‐19.30 Welcome reception/ Tour of Leonardo’s Last Supper

THURSDAY 1 September
09.00‐10.30 Parallel sessions 3
10.30‐11.00 Coffee break/Tour of the University/Ice‐house visit
11.00‐12.30 Parallel sessions 4
12.30‐13.30 Lunch
13.30‐15.00 Parallel sessions 5
15.00‐15.30 Coffee break/Tour of the University/Ice‐house visit
15.30‐17.00 Parallel sessions 6
16.30‐17.30 Tour of St. Maurizio church
18.30‐19.30 ECR welcome reception

FRIDAY 2 September
08.30‐09.00 Tour of the reading room of the library
09.00‐10.30 Parallel sessions 7
10.30‐11.00 Coffee break/ Tour of the reading room of the library
11.00‐12.30 General Assembly (streamed)
12.30‐13.30 Lunch
13.30‐15.00 Parallel sessions 8
15.00‐15.30 Coffee break/ Tour of the reading room of the library
15.30‐16.30 Keynote address 2 (streamed)
16.30‐18.00 Parallel sessions 9
19.30 Social dinner

SATURDAY 3 September
09.00‐10.30 Parallel sessions 10
10.30‐11.00 Coffee break
11.00‐12.30 Parallel sessions 11
12.30‐13.00 Closing ceremony
13.00‐14.00 Lunch
14.30‐15.30 Tour of the Leonardo da Vinci galleries in the Museo Nazionale Scienza e Tecnologia
14.45‐16.30 Guided tour of Sforza Castle and Michelangelo’s Rondanini Pietà
15.45‐17.30 Guided tour of Sforza Castle and Michelangelo’s Rondanini Pietà





Dear conference participants,

On behalf of the Local Organising Committee, I warmly welcome you to Milan for the 43rd ISCHE Conference “Histories
of Educational Technologies. Cultural and Social Dimensions of Pedagogical Objects”. The Conference is in association
with both Italian societies for the history of education (CIRSE Centro Italiano per la Ricerca storico educativa and SIPSE
Società Italiana del patrimonio storico‐educativo) and is sponsored by the Region of Lombardy and the Department of
Education at the Catholic University.
The conference topic was chosen by the LOC years before the pandemic, to encourage scholars to reflect on the devel‐
opment and use of educational technologies, concentrating not only on the educational theories involved, but on the
pedagogical means employed in all their aspects: symbolic, economic, political, and religious. Teaching practice is complex
and involves objects and artifacts that can be examined from different point of views in terms of their conceptualization,
design, industrial production, and actual use in the classroom. ISCHE 43 aims to encourage reflection on schools’ material
culture in all its dimensions: the pedagogical use of images and media; the tools and devices used in special education;
the design, use and function of school furniture; the transnational circulation of pedagogical means and models; and the
impact of the industrial production of school tools. The papers that were accepted by the Scientific Committee (only a
tenth of the proposed abstracts were rejected) present a rich and wide range of topics that revolve around these ques‐
tions. The LOC is confident that ISCHE 43 will produce important and relevant scientific results.
With nearly 300 participants expected to attend in person and more than 100 following the conference online, from 48
countries all over the world, with some 330 papers, 23 pre‐convened panels, 7 symposia, 3 research workshops, nearly
120 sessions, and 2 plenary addresses, the 43rd ISCHE Conference will serve as a powerful means of stimulating scientific
debate and cultural exchange, continuing a long and fruitful tradition. After the halt imposed by the pandemic in 2020
and the 42nd ISCHE conference organised by Orebro University being held online in 2021, the LOC accepted the challenging
task of organising a conference in person, in order to encourage a return to the productive scientific discussion that can
be realised more fully through direct contact, thus promoting greater acquaintance between colleagues from different
countries. Professional social contact is one of the positive effects of international conferences and is particularly useful
for young researchers. Nonetheless, in recognition of the medical and economic difficulties and the uncertainty of these
times, the LOC also agreed to organise a two‐day online conference and to stream the keynotes and the General Assembly.
It is the first time an ISCHE conference has been held both in person and online and we hope our efforts will meet the
various needs of those participating. We warmly welcome you all and in particular our colleagues from Ukraine. We hope
that those of you who come to Milan will appreciate the beauty of the old cloisters of the Catholic University as well as
the cultural programme. We hope you enjoy your time in Milan, a city not only of industry, fashion, and design but also
of history and culture.

On behalf of the Local Organising Committee,

Simonetta Polenghi
ISCHE 43 Convenor


Simonetta POLENGHI (LOC Coordinator), Catholic University of the Sacred Heart

Anna DEBÈ (LOC Assistant), Catholic University of the Sacred Heart
Veronica FONTE (ECR coordinator), Catholic University of the Sacred Heart
Paolo ALFIERI, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart
Dario DE SALVO, University of Messina
Luca ODINI, University of Urbino “Carlo Bo”
Evelina SCAGLIA, University of Bergamo


Felicitas ACOSTA, National University of General Sarmiento, Argentina

Adelina ARREDONDO, Autonomous University of the State of Morelos, Mexico
Anna ASCENZI, University of Macerata, Italy
Marcelo CARUSO, Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany
Rita CASALE, University of Wuppertal, Germany
Francisca COMAS RUBÍ, University of the Balearic Islands, Spain
Jean‐Françoise CONDETTE, Artois University, France
Fulvio DE GIORGI, University of Modena & Reggio Emilia, Italy
Rosa Fátima DE SOUZA CHALOBA, São Paulo State University, Brazil
Gizele DE SOUZA, Federal University of Paraná, Brazil
María del Mar DEL POZO ANDRÉS, University of Alcalá, Spain
Marc DEPAEPE, Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium
Ana DIAMANT, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Heather ELLIS, University of Sheffield, UK
Marguerite FIGEAC‐MONTHUS, University of Bordeaux, France
Tanya FITZGERALD, University of Western Australia, Australia
Mark FREEMAN, University College, London, UK
Vera Lúcia GASPAR DA SILVA, Santa Catarina State University, Brazil
Michael GEISS, College of Education, Zurich, Switzerland
Luís GROSSO CORREIA, University of Porto, Portugal
Ian GROSVENOR, University of Birmingham, UK
Frederik HERMAN, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Antonios HOURDAKIS, University of Crete, Greece
Tomáš KASPER, Technical University of Liberec, Czech Republic
Panagiotis KIMOURTZIS, University of the Aegean, Greece
Carlos MARTÍNEZ VALLE, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain
Juri MEDA, University of Macerata, Italy
Pierre MŒGLIN, Sorbonne Paris North University, France
Maria João MOGARRO, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Luis María NAYA GARMENDIA, University of the Basque Country, Spain
András NÉMETH, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary
Attilia NOBIK, University of Szeged, Hungary
Joaquim PINTASSILGO, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Helen PROCTOR, University of Sydney, Australia
Fabio PRUNERI, University of Sassari, Italy
Rebecca ROGERS, University Paris Descartes, France
Eugenia ROLDÁN VERA, DIE‐Cinvestav, Mexico
Lisa ROSÉN RASMUSSEN, Aarhus University, Denmark
Kate ROUSMANIERE, Miami University, USA
Roberto SANI, University of Macerata, Italy
Branko ŠUŠTAR, Slovenian School Museum in Ljubljana, Slovenia
Pablo TORO BLANCO, Alberto Hurtado University, Chile
Daniel TRÖHLER, University of Vienna, Austria
Antonio VIÑAO FRAGO, University of Murcia, Spain
Michaela VOGT, University of Bielefeld, Germany
Tom WOODIN, University College, London, UK


The keynote addresses will take place in the Aula Magna and will be livestreamed.

Wednesday 31 August, 17.15‐18.15

Media History and the Rise of What We Call Writing
Lisa Gitelman (New York University)
Lisa Gitelman is a professor of English and of Media, Culture, and Communication at New York University (NYU). Her
work focuses on media history, the histories of knowledge, and the work of inscription. She started her career as part of
a team of editors helping to publish the papers of the American inventor and autodidact, Thomas Edison. Before coming
to NYC she held teaching positions at the Catholic University of America and at Harvard University. Her recent publications
include Paper Knowledge: Toward a Media History of Documents and Emoji Dick and the Eponymous Whale: An Essay in
Four Parts. She has edited a scholarly collection entitled “Raw Data” Is an Oxymoron and is interested in so‐called Big
Data, Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence.

This talk will address ways in which writing and modern media technologies have mutually defined each other. Beginning
in the nineteenth century when so many new “‐graphies” (like telegraphs and phonographs) were introduced as or in re‐
lation to writing, it will then jump forward toward the present to offer some media historical contexts for what Deborah
Brandt has recently and persuasively termed “the rise of writing.”

Friday 2 September, 15.30‐16.30

The Rise, Fall, and Resurrection of Educational Technologies: The Curious Case of Decroly in Spain
Maria del Mar Del Pozo Andrés (University of Alcalá)
Mª del Mar del Pozo Andrés is a professor of Theory and History of Education at the University of Alcalá and Director of
the Antonio Molero Museum of Education. She is President of the Spanish Society for the History of Education (SEDHE).
She has been a member of the Executive Committee of ISCHE (2006‐2012), and in 2000 was Executive Secretary of ISCHE
22 at Alcalá de Henares. She is one of the editors‐in‐chief of Paedagogica Historica. In 2019 she was the curator of the
exhibition Madrid, ciudad educadora. 1898/1938. Memoria de la escuela pública, organised by Madrid City Council at
the Madrid History Museum. Her lines of research are history of urban education, the reception and transfer of inter‐
national educational currents (especially the New Education movement), the role of education in the construction of na‐
tional identities, visual studies in education, history of women’s education, and history of school culture.

In my lecture I will explore a so‐called traditional pedagogical method, associated with the Belgian innovator Ovide De‐
croly, which was probably the most influential educational technique in Spain during the XXth century. The two main
concepts of this pedagogical scheme – “centres of interest” and “globalisation” ‒ will be studied from the triple standpoint
of the subjects, the objects, and their mutual interactions. I will present several historical/pedagogical models of subjec‐
tification of the objects and objectification of the subjects. The methodological approach will be that of the “lived ex‐
perience”. In this way, I will show how the transnational study of educational technologies can be changed into a
perspective from within, in which lived experiences and personal emotions are central.


B.1 Observatory for the History of Education

Convenors: Thérèse Hamel (Canada), Lajos Somogyvári (Hungary), Marisa Bittar (Brazil)

B.2 Material Hermeneutics and Remediation as Challenges in Visual Studies in Histories of Education
Convenors: Tim Allender (Australia), Inés Dussel (Mexico), Ian Grosvenor (United Kingdom), Karin Priem (Luxembourg)

B.3 Gendering Local, National, Regional, Transnational and Supra‐National Histories of Education
Convenors: Nelleke Bakker (Netherlands), Deirdre Raftery (Ireland), Stephanie Spencer (United Kingdom), Tali Tadmor‐
Shimony (Israel), Kay Whitehead (Australia)

B.4 The History of Educational Funding: Models, Debates and Policies in an International Perspective (1800‐2000)
Convenors: Clémence Cardon‐Quint (France), Damiano Matasci (Switzerland), Johannes Westberg (Netherlands)

B.5 Growing up in out‐of‐home care: Histories of children and youths in foster families and residential homes
Convenors: Joëlle Droux (Switzerland), Jeroen J.H. Dekker (Netherlands), Els Dumortier (Belgium), Aurore François (Bel‐
gium), David Niget (France)


ISCHE AND ISCHE 43 LOC are committed to offering an environment that is accessible to all. All ISCHE 43 events are held
in wheelchair‐accessible areas. The first floor of the cloister (building A) is accessible via a public lift (to the left of the
main entrance, in the first cloister), or via other lifts that require an ID badge (please ask the LOC, the registration desk
or any university staff). Disabled toilets facilities are located on the ground floor and first floor, with the other toilet fa‐
cilities. There are no disabled toilets facilities at the Aula Magna. There is a stair to access the Aula Cripta: please ask the
LOC, the registration desk or any university staff if you need the lift.
In building B there is a lift that requires no badge and there are disabled toilets facilities.
The canteen is accessible via the lift.

Guidelines for presentations

As you prepare your ISCHE presentation, we ask you to bear in mind the diversity of our membership and your audience.
ISCHE spans many disciplines, nationalities, languages, cultural communities, and learning styles. Think about issues of
privilege and injustice and reflect on the inclusions and exclusions of your presentation. ISCHE strongly encourages par‐
ticipants to abide by the principles of accessibility in academic presentations which often produce unforeseen benefits
for everyone. All rooms in the conference venue are equipped with a desk computer or laptop, projector, and internet
connections. As a precaution, we kindly recommend that you bring any materials you will need on a USB flash drive.

Family room
Upon request, the ISCHE 43 organisation will provide a private family room for nursing mothers and a playroom in the
conference venue. If you require use of this room, please notify the Local Organising Committee at [email protected].


In the event of an emergency, you can contact the police by dialling 113 or medical assistance by dialling 112. For the in‐
ternal university emergency service, dial 027234 2232.


Conference registration opens at 10.00 on Tuesday 30th August for the pre‐conference workshop. General registration
opens at 11.30 on Wednesday 31st August. The registration desk is located in A‐G.016 Maria Immacolata, ground floor,
by the Aula Magna (main entrance, first cloister).

Venue and transport
The ISCHE 43 Conference events will take place at the main campus, Largo Gemelli 1. The Catholic University is located
in the very centre of Milan, and is very close to the underground stations Cadorna (MM1 red line, MM2 green line) and
S.Ambrogio (MM2 green line), to bus stops 94, 50, and 58, and to tram stops 12, 20, and 24. From Malpensa airport,
take the Malpensa Express to Cadorna station. From Linate airport, take bus 73 to Duomo Square and then the under‐
ground MM1 red line to Cadorna.

The ISCHE 43 activities will take place in buildings A and G (Largo Gemelli, 1):

Building A. Ground floor:

Building A. First floor:

Building G. First, second and third floor:

Coffee breaks
Coffee will be served in the garden by the Aula Magna (Giardino Santa Caterina d'Alessandria).

Welcome Reception
The Welcome Reception will be offered on Wednesday 31 August (18.30‐19.30) in the courtyard at the entrance of the
University (Cortile d'onore).

Lunch will be provided in the university canteen, in Via Necchi, 2 minutes’ walk from the main building (see map below).
Please note, the canteen does not accept cash payment and the only means of payment is by handing in the badges you
will receive in your welcome pack. Please ensure you have these badges with you. Any unused badges should be returned
to the registration desk. The canteen is accessible via the lift. The badge allows you to choose different combinations of
meals to accommodate any special dietary requirements (e.g. vegetarian or coeliac). The menu is displayed at the canteen
entrance. Please ask for further details relating to allergies if you require. The combinations available are: first course (a
choice of pasta/rice/soup), second course (meat/fish/cheese) and a vegetable side dish; or a large mixed salad; yogurt
or fruit or fruit juice; bread. You can replace the first course/second course with veg/cheese/ham. Water and drinks are
included (from the free dispenser). Coffee/espresso is not included.

Instructions for accessing the WiFi will be provided in the welcome pack.

The University photocopy office (Ufficio fotoriproduzioni) is located on the ground floor. To access this, go through the
second cloister, pass the door to the library (Passaggio biblioteca), turn left and then right.

Gala dinner
The gala dinner will take place on the evening of Friday 2nd September. Further details, including cost and location, will


Wednesday 31 August, 16.30‐17.15, Aula Magna

A concert will be given by Leonardo Acone, pianist and professor of History of Education and Children’s Literature at the
University of Salerno.


Saturday 3rd September, 12.30‐13.00, Aula Magna



ISCHE 43 will feature several events of direct interest to students, postgraduates and other early career researchers. Ma‐
thilda Keynes ([email protected]) is serving as the Student/Early Career Researchers’ representative on the
ISCHE Executive Committee, and Veronica Fonte ([email protected]) is the LOC Early Career Researchers’ repre‐
sentative. They are coordinating special events at the ISCHE 43 conference.

ECR welcome reception

This will take place on Thursday 1st September at 18.30‐19.30 in the courtyard of building G at the Catholic University.
The event is free of charge.

Saturday 3 September, 9.00‐10.30, Location A‐G.113 Meda

This meeting will offer young researchers guidance and advice on journal publishing.

In addition to the official programme for students, postgraduates and early career researchers, there will be several social
and cultural events in Milan dedicated to ECR.

Please notice that these tours are included in the Conference fee, but the available places are very few, because of Covid
rules. Participants will be therefore asked to book in advance. For a complete description, see‐cultural‐and‐social‐activities

Wednesday, 31 August 18.30‐19.30

Meeting point: Piazza di Santa Maria delle Grazie, 2, entrance of Cenacolo
Guided visits (in English) of the Last supper by Leonardo da Vinci.

Thursday, 1 September 10.30‐11.00 15.00‐15.30

Meeting point: hall in front of the Aula Magna
2 Guided visits (in English) of the Catholic University: Aula Magna (the 16th century Monks’ Refectory), the Aula Cripta
(the Monks’ Crypt situated below the Refectory), the Bramante’s cloisters and the University gardens.

Thursday, 1 September 10.30‐11.00 15.00‐15.30

Meeting point: hall in front of the Aula Magna
2 Guided visits (in English) of the Aula Bontadini, which contains the Ice‐House of the old Cistercian monastery.

Thursday, 1 September 16.30‐17.30

Meeting point: in front of the Church, Corso Magenta, 15
2 Guided visits (in Spanish or in English) of St. Maurizio al Monastero Maggiore church, the Roman tower and walls.

Friday, 2 September 8.30‐9.00 10.30‐11.00 15.00‐15.30

Meeting point: hall in front of the Aula Magna
3 Guided tours (in English) of the Reading room of the University Library.

Saturday, 3 September 14.30‐15.30

Meeting point: entrance of the Museum, Via San Vittore, 21
Guided tours (in English) of the Leonardo da Vinci Galleries in the Museo Nazionale Scienza e Tecnologia Leonardo da

Saturday, 3 September 14.45‐16.30/ 15.45‐17.30

Meeting point: info point, Filarete tower ‐ mail entrance
2 Guided tours (in English) of the Sforza’s Castle and Michelangelo’s Rondanini Pietà.

Tuesday 30th August, 10.00‐17.30


Challenging Stagnant Hope: Educational Ecology, Public History and University Community Engagement in the History of
This workshop focuses on the history of the steel town Gary, Indiana. Once a symbol of educational progressivism and
urban‐industrial America, Gary is today the most segregated city in the United States and plagued by population decline,
physical decay, joblessness, poverty, and crime. Gary’s debris made the city into a Mecca for urban explorers whose
photos dominate the city’s imagery on the internet. Inspired by this imagery, in his documentary Stagnant Hope: Gary,
Indiana (2014), filmmaker Alex J. Semchuck goes into the stagnant hope of Gary’s citizens to explore the city’s potential
for revitalization. The workshop starts with a viewing of the documentary and employs three perspectives that serve as
tools for analysis: urban exploring, public history, and university‐community engagement. The combined perspectives
aim at entering a discussion opening up possibilities for the study of educational ecologies in connection with a partici‐
patory turn in the history of education.

Angelo Van Gorp, University of Koblenz‐Landau, Germany; Eulàlia Collelldemont and Núria Padrós, University of Vic,
Spain; Inês Félix and Björn Norlin, Umeå University, Sweden; Ian Grosvenor, University of Birmingham, UK; Frederik Her‐
man, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland; Ana Paz, University of Lisbon, Portugal


From Sources to New Issues in the History of Education in Africa/ Sources et enjeux de l’histoire de l’éducation en Afrique
This workshop intends to encourage dialogue between historians engaged in researching education in Africa. In order to
do so, we suggest a reflection on the sources of the history of education in Africa and on the perspectives they provide
for research and teaching. In particular, we would like to attend to the specificity of these sources and to ask how they
can help us to shed new light on certain major issues within the history of education.
Cet atelier cherche à mettre en dialogue l’ensemble des historiens et historiennes de l’éducation s’intéressant au continent
africain. Pour cela, il propose une réflexion sur les sources de l’histoire de l’éducation en Afrique, et sur les perspectives
qu’elles ouvrent pour la recherche et pour l’enseignement. Il s’agit en particulier de questionner la spécificité – réelle ou
supposée – de ces sources, et d’interroger la manière dont elles peuvent permettre d’appréhender sous un nouveau jour
certains grands enjeux de l’histoire de l’éducation.

Pierre Guidi, Institut de recherche pour le développement de Paris, Jean‐Luc Martineau, Université de Paris; Ellen Vea
Rosnes, VID Specialized University, Norway; Pieter Verstraete, Leuven University, Belgium; Florence Wenzek, Université
Paris Descartes


Transnational Media Archaeology of Education: IT Technologies, Teaching and Learning
In this workshop, we would like to start with a core ontological question: What do we mean by ‘computer’ and ‘computer
education’? When pursuing these basic questions two key issues come into focus: (1) how and when has an object of
technological innovation become an “educational technology”; (2) how can we describe this transformation process, es‐
pecially in terms of adaptation and transfers – which pioneers, followers, and late‐followers can we identify. We will work
in groups, targeting the following aspects of computers, education and computer education: new materialities, discourses,
networks and institutional background.

Lajos Somogyvári, University of Pannonia, Hungary; Krishna Kanta Roy, Symbiosis International (Deemed University),
Pune, India; Barbara Hof, University of Zurich, Switzerland


Wednesday 31st August, 14.30‐16.00 Location A‐G.005 Aula CRIPTA

COVID‐19 and Public History: A Critical Take on the Silences of Web Archives
Convenors: Karin Priem (University of Luxembourg); Ami Kobayashi (University Koblenz‐Landau); Lilli Riettiens (University
of Cologne); Rafaela Rabello (Ibarapuera University)
Web Archives provide digitized historical sources and are therefore often dependent on community responses. However,
their structure is based on various decisions made by designers and those who initiated an archive. While archives have
been critically discussed as gatekeepers for quite some time (not only) in the history of education, in the digital present
web archives and their structure make reflections on producing silences all the more necessary.
This panel invites for critical debate on digital COVID‐19 archives by addressing a variety of silences that may impact on
our future work as historians of education. In a first step the designers of the ISCHE Education & Pandemics Archive
(CALIBRO, Milan) will present issues of web design. In doing so, they address questions about which decisions are at
stake when creating the different layers of a web archive. This includes questions on design, themes and keywords and
how these different elements interact with each other and determine the content provided to users.
In a second step Mark Tebeau, Professor of Public History at Arizona State University, presents a paper on the silences of
one of the most successful COVID‐19 web archives that was initiated at the very start of the crisis under his lead. In his
paper “A Silent Pandemic: Confronting Archival Silences in Covid‐19 Archives” he explores how silence is being created
in COVID‐19 archives — especially in the digital archive A Journal of a Plague Year: An Archive of Covid‐19. Thereby, he
will consider several ways how silences have developed: silences produced by inequalities — both those related to social
power (race and class), but also access to technology; silences produced by the curatorial process (how does the metadata
itself encourage silence); silences produced by the normalization of the pandemic (and through Covid‐19 becoming en‐
demic); and finally, silences produced by our unwillingness to confront and/or reveal personal pain and trauma.
The panel will end with a discussion on digital source criticism related to COVID‐19 web archives.

A1 SES 01.1
Time: Wednesday, 31/Aug/2022: 12:30pm ‐ 2:00pm • Location: G‐G.052
The Image Of The Others. ‘Otherness’ And ‘Normality’ In School Textbooks ‐ «Part 1»
Chair(s): Paula Alejandra Serrao • University of Turin
Discussant(s): Gabriela Ossenbach Sauter • Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
Preformed Panel
The Representation Of Non‐European Populations In Italian Textbooks
Paolo Bianchini • University of Turin
The Constitution Of The “Other” In The Didactic Historiography Of Paraná
Paulo Eduardo Dias de Mello • Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa/PR
The Homogenization Of Citizens Through Grammar and Arithmetic Textbooks and School Manuscripts
Mikel Bermejo Malumbres • independent researcher

A1 SES 01.2: School Objects as Educational Devices

Time: Wednesday, 31/Aug/2022: 12:30pm ‐ 2:00pm • Location: G‐G.053
Session Chair: Beatrix Vincze • Eötvös University Budapest
Lesson Books as Pedagogical, Political and Social Objects in Elementary Schools in 19th Century Ireland
Thomas Kevin Walsh • Maynooth University, Ireland
Archival Sources and Educational Objects Held at the “Pasquali Agazzi Museum” (Mu.P.A.) in Mompiano (Brescia, Italy)
Renata Bressanelli • Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan
Politics and Beliefs of Two Didactic References: Montessori’s and Fröbel’s Material in Kindergarten Pedagogy in German‐
speaking Switzerland 1870‐1940
Christiana Rothen • Pädagogische Hochschule Bern, Switzerland
What Is In The Black Box Of Early Childhood Care And Education? The Material Culture Of Postwar Preschools in Sweden
Linnéa Louise Waldekranz • Örebro University, Sweden

A2 SES 01.1: Teaching and Society

Time: Wednesday, 31/Aug/2022: 12:30pm ‐ 2:00pm • Location: A‐G.005 Cripta
Session Chair: Pablo Toro‐Blanco • Universidad Alberto Hurtado
Representations of Society in the Manuals of History and Geography of Portugal (from the 60’s to the 70’s)
Joaquim António de Sousa Pintassilgo • University of Lisbon
Means and Materials of Health Education
Francisca Comas‐Rubí, Avelina Miquel‐Lara • University of the Balearic Islands, Spain
Healthy Eating Education: the role of School Lunch in Italy in the late 1950s
Anna Debè • Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan
Teaching and Learning Strategies and Educational Media in Ellen Key’s Pedagogical Proposals
Procesos de Enseñanza‐Aprendizaje y Medios Educativos en la Propuesta Pedagógica de Ellen Key
Carmen Sanchidrián‐Blanco • University of Malaga, Spain
Juan Luis Rubio‐Mayoral, Guadalupe Trigueros‐Gordillo • Universidad de Sevilla, Spain

A3 SES 01.1: Learning Technologies

Time: Wednesday, 31/Aug/2022: 12:30pm ‐ 2:00pm • Location: A‐G.019 Vismara
Session Chair: Tim Allender • University of Sydney
From Dialogues to Object Lessons: Textbooks About Nature in the Spanish‐speaking World Throughout the Long Nineteenth
Eugenia Roldan Vera • Cinvestav, Mexico
Rosalía Meníndez • Universidad Pedagógica Nacional ‐ Ajusco, Mexico
Research issues in Historical Mapping of Montessori Schools and Sections in Italy
Tiziana Pironi • Alma Mater Studiorum ‐ Università di Bologna
Paola Trabalzini • LUMSA University
Andrea Bobbio • Università della Valle d’Aosta
Andrea Mangiatordi • Università degli Studi di Milano‐Bicocca
Montessori Atlas: Digital Humanities for Historical‐Pedagogical Research
Paola Trabalzini, Vincenzo Schirripa, Giuseppe Tognon, Emma Perrone • LUMSA University, Italy
Curriculum, School Didactics and Teaching Objects in the Context of the Schools of Rum Millett under the Ottoman Rule
Sofia Iliadou, Eirini Kouremenou • University of Western Macedonia, Greece
Panagiotis Kimourtzis • University of the Aegean, Greece

A4 SES 01.1
Time: Wednesday, 31/Aug/2022: 12:30pm ‐ 2:00pm • Location: A‐G.020 Ubaldi
What is an Applied History of Education? Reflecting on the Social and Cultural History of Educational Technologies
Chair(s): Johannes Westberg • University of Groningen
Discussant(s): Jeroen Dekker • University of Groningen
Presentations of the Panel
Making the Familiar Strange and the Strange Familiar: Ideals of Citizenship in British Schools 1890s‐1940s
Susannah Wright • Oxford Brookes University
Listening to the Archive: Podcasts, Reaching Out and Teaching the History of Education
Pieter Verstraete, Sarah Van Ruyskensvelde • KU Leuven
The Political Field as Object for and Requester of Education Historical Research
Mette Buchardt • Center for Education Policy Research
Christian Ydesen • Aalborg University
The Role of Public Scholarship in History of Education
AJ Angulo • University of Massachusetts Lowell
Jack Schneider • UMass Lowell

A6 SES 01.1: Production and Circulation of Educational Objects

Time: Wednesday, 31/Aug/2022: 12:30pm ‐ 2:00pm • Location: G‐G.253
Session Chair: Aberto Barausse • Università degli Studi del Molise
The composition of São Paulo Teacher‐Training School’s Library: transnational appropriations
A composição do acervo da biblioteca da Escola Normal de São Paulo: apropriações transnacionais
Carolina Mostaro Silva • Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil
Artisan Gesture In Industrial Production: Historicizing The School Material Culture Of Paraná In The First Decade Of The
20th Century
O Gesto Artesão Na Produção Industrial: Historicizando A Cultura Material Escolar Paranaense Na Primeira Década Do Século XX
Gecia Aline Garcia • Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brazil
Contributions of Germany Ettlingen Teacher School’s to the Production, Reproduction and Circulation of Educational Tech‐
nologies in the Republican Era.
Seyma Aksoy • Yıldız Technical University, Turkey; 2Bochum University, Germany
The Imaginary Child. Children’s Mediafiction Adaptations on Screen
Maria Teresa Trisciuzzi • Free University of Bozen, Italy

A6 SES 01.2: Travelling of Educational Objects

Time: Wednesday, 31/Aug/2022: 12:30pm ‐ 2:00pm • Location: G‐G.153
Session Chair: Luís Grosso Correia • University of Porto
Pedagogy At Normal School: Circulation Of Foreign Books In The Constitution Of Pedagogical Culture (1896‐1953)
A Pedagogia Na Escola Normal: Circulação De Livros Estrangeiros Na Constituição Da Cultura Pedagógica (1896‐1953)
Ana Clara Bortoleto Nery • São Paulo State University, Brazil
A Traveling Object: Production and Circulation of Books Intended for Children’s Health Education
Um Objeto em Viagem: Produção e Circulação de Livros Destinados à Educação Sanitária Das Crianças
Heloísa Helena Pimenta Rocha • Universidade Estadual de Campinas, CNPq, Brazil
Froebelian Technologies Under Political Stress: The Case of Meiji Japan
Roberta Wollons • University of Massachusetts Boston, United States of America
Exploring The History Of Montessori Materials: A Century Of Production In Gonzaga, From The Handcrafted Carpentry To
The Global Manufacturing
Letterio Todaro • Università di Catania, Italy

A1 SES 02.1
Time: Wednesday, 31/Aug/2022: 2:30pm ‐ 4:00pm • Location: G‐G.052
The Image Of The Others. ‘Otherness’ And ‘Normality’ In School Textbooks ‐ «Part 2»
Chair(s): Francesco Pongiluppi • University of Turin
Discussant(s): Paolo Bianchini • University of Turin
Presentations of the Panel
Changes and continuities in textbooks of Italian schools in Buenos Aires (1867‐1940)
Paula Alejandra Serrao • University of Turin
The Discourse of Nation‐State And The Representation Of National Minorities Within Textbooks For Italian Schools Abroad
Francesco Pongiluppi • University of Turin
Representations Of Women And Gender In History Textbooks In Brazil In The Late 19th And Early 20th Centuries
Angela Ribeiro Ferreira • State University of Ponta Grossa, Paraná, Brazil

Discourses And Representations About Civilization‐Barbarism: The Image Of The other And Otherness In Colombian School
Luis Alfonso Alarcón Meneses • Universidad del Atlántico (Barranquilla‐Colombia)

A1 SES 02.2: Material Histories of School Objects

Time: Wednesday, 31/Aug/2022: 2:30pm ‐ 4:00pm • Location: G‐G.252
Session Chair: Michèle Florence Hofmann • University of Zurich
Subiects of science:Scientific Materials and Tools for Teaching of Costa School in Lecce at the End of XIX Century
Choses de Sciences: Matériel Scientifique et Instruments Pour la Didactique de l’ ITC de Lecce à la Fin du XIX Siècle
Anna Maria Colaci • Università del Salento, Italy
Borderland Symbolism
Brit Marie Hovland • VID Specialized University, Norway
The Loom At School: A Material History Of Handicraft Education In Colonial Algeria (1870s‐1950s)
Sur Les Bancs Du Métier À Tisser : Une Histoire Matérielle De L’Enseignement Artisanal En Algérie Coloniale (Années 1870‐1950)
Mélina Joyeux • Aix‐Marseille Univ., CNRS, TELEMMe, Aix‐en‐Provence, France
Collections in Hungarian Jesuit Secondary Grammar Schools in the 19th and 20th Century
Magdolna Rébay • University of Debrecen, Hungary

A2 SES 02.1
Time: Wednesday, 31/Aug/2022: 2:30pm ‐ 4:00pm • Location: A‐G.019 Vismara
Educating to criticize society and capitalism? Pedagogical settings, technologies and knowledge practices in Switzerland and
German Democratic Republic (GDR) 1960‐1980
Chair(s): Sabine Reh • Humboldt University Berlin
Discussant(s): Tomas Kasper • Technical University of Liberec
Presentations of the Panel
The Group as a Means to Restore Community in Zurich Teacher Education? Therapeutizing and Psychologizing Technologies
in the 1970s
Andrea De Vincenti, Norbert Grube, Andreas Hoffmann‐Ocon • Zurich University of Teacher Education
No Rebellion, Nowhere – New Musical Record Formats and Devices as an Intergenerational Exchange in Swiss Elementary
Schools 1960s‐1970s
Tomas Bascio • Zurich University of Teacher Education
Technological Efficiency and «Creative Activity» – Modernization Through Video‐based Teacher Education in the GDR of the
Sabine Reh • Humboldt University Berlin
Cäcilia von Malotki • Research Library for the History of Education (BBF) at DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research and Information
in Education

A2 SES 02.2: Textbooks and Teachers

Time: Wednesday, 31/Aug/2022: 2:30pm ‐ 4:00pm • Location: A‐G.020 Ubaldi
Session Chair: Rebecca Elizabeth Rogers • Université de Paris
The Object Lesson: Notes on a European History
La Leçon de Choses : Notes pour une histoire européenne
Matteo Morandi • University of Pavia, Italy
Jewish Textbooks in Europe (18th‐19th Century): Knowledge, Pedagogy and Socialization
Le Manuel Scolaire Dans L’éducation Juive en Europe (XVIII‐XIXème Siècle) : Savoirs, Pédagogie et Socialisation
Yehuda Bitty • Herzog Academic College, Israel
The Materialization of a New School Knowledge: Esperanto Textbooks During the Interwar Period
Viviane Rouiller • University of Geneva, Switzerland
Five Languages, Displacement, Immigration, and Transnational Professional Identity: The Travels of the Twin‐Sister Teachers
Tali Tadmor Shimony, Renna Kristal • Ben Gurion University, Israel

A3 SES 02.1: Educational Media

Time: Wednesday, 31/Aug/2022: 2:30pm ‐ 4:00pm • Location: A‐G.113 Meda
Session Chair: Christian Lundahl • Örebro University
Childhood and Media: From «Living Room Culture» to Media Appropriation within Media Literacy Education
Alessandra Carenzio • Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy
Cinema’s Meta‐Narratives within Jornal Português’ (1938‐1951) Newsreals: Glancing at the Film Director as an Educator
Ana Luísa Paz • UIDEF, Instituto de Educação, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal

Competition as a Motivational Technology in Education
Hanne Knudsen, Søren Christensen • Aarhus University, Denmark
Before the ‘Net’. The Tale of Childhood between Lights, Shadows and Paper Theaters
Alessia Sorgente, Amalia Marciano • University of Salerno, Italy

A4 SES 02.1
Time: Wednesday, 31/Aug/2022: 2:30pm ‐ 4:00pm • Location: G‐G.152
«Take A Stand! Between Techno Euphoria And Emotional Depth»
Chair(s): Kerrin von Engelhardt • Humboldt‐Universität zu Berlin
Presentations of the Panel
«Attention, Emotions! Film Education In The 1970s»
Rebekka Horlacher • PH Zürich
«The Euphoria Of Engineering: Teaching Machines And The Rebuilding Of The Soviet Union (1960‐1970s)»
Viktoria Boretska • University of Luxembourg
«What To Do With A Computer? The First Computerisation Experience In Latvian Classrooms (1985 – 1991)»
Iveta Kestere, Katrina Elizabete Purina‐Bieza • University of Latvia
«East‐German Schoolroom Technologization And Its Emotional Impact»
Kerrin von Engelhardt • Humboldt‐Universität zu Berlin
Josefine Wähler • HU Berlin, BBF/DIPF Berlin

A6 SES 02.1
Time: Wednesday, 31/Aug/2022: 2:30pm ‐ 4:00pm • Location: G‐G.053
A Material And Cultural History Of Children’s Literature
Chair(s): Giorga Masoni • HEP Vaud, Switzerland
Discussant(s): Alice Spreafico • HEP Vaud, Switzerland
Presentations of the Panel
School And Nation: Children’s Literature As A Mass Educational Technology In 19th‐century Italy
Anna Ascenzi, Elena Girotti • Università di Macerata
Children’s Literature: Source Of Inspiration For School Reading Books (The Swiss Case Between 1830‐1910)
La Littérature Pour La Jeunesse : Source D’inspiration Pour Les Livres De Lecture A L’école (Le Cas Suisse Entre 1830‐1910)
Sylviane Tinembart • HEP Vaud
Putting The Nation Into Books: The Swiss Youth Literature Collection
La Mise En Livre De La Nation : L’œuvre Suisse Des Lectures Pour La Jeunesse
Bernard Schneuwly • Université de Genève
Giorgia Masoni • HEP Vaud

A7 SES 02.1: Archives and Sources

Time: Wednesday, 31/Aug/2022: 2:30pm ‐ 4:00pm • Location: A‐G.114 Bisleti
Session Chair: Elena Zanfroni • Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan
Deaf in the Lens: the Photographic Archive of the Pious Institute of the Deaf in Milan.
Luca Des Dorides • Fondazione Pio Istituto di Sordi di Milano, Italy
The Influence of the West on the Development of Education in Serbia Seen Through the Use of Teaching Aids
Maja Nikolova • UNIHUB, Serbia
From The Institutionalization Of The Child With Disability To The Active Advocacy Of Parents: Historical Evolution And Cul‐
tural Challenges.
Elena Zanfroni • Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan
Silvia Maggiolini • Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan
Examination of Health Textbooks in Terms of the Content of Personal Hygiene Knowledge
Henriette Pusztafalvi • University of Pécs, Hungary

A1 SES 03.1
Time: Thursday, 01/Sept/2022: 9:00am ‐ 10:30am • Location: A‐G.005 Cripta
The Relational Histories of Objects and Technologies: Exploring Network Assemblages and Constellations. Part 1. Re‐Defining
Relations: Spaces and Orderings
Chair(s): Marcelo Caruso and *Inés Dussel • Humboldt‐Universität zu Berlin; *DIE‐CINVESTAV, Mexico
Discussant(s): Jose Miguel Vargas Pellicer • KU‐Leuven

Presentations of the Panel
‘The Saving of a Precious Time Hitherto Wasted in Manual Work’. Normal Methods, Schooling, and Teaching Aids in 19th‐
century Italy
Juri Meda• University of Macerata
The School Grade Re‐Assembled – Actor‐Network‐Theory and the Institutionalization of Age‐Grading in U.S. Compulsory
Fanny Isensee • Humboldt‐Universität zu Berlin
‘The Old Gurus Have Nearly Died Out’. Colonial Objects and the Repositioning of Teaching Roles in the Early British Raj
Marcelo Caruso • Humboldt‐Universität zu Berlin
Spaces and Materialities for New Paradigms in Biology: the Development of the Laboratory Classroom in Early 20th century
José Pedro Marín Murcia • Universidad Complutense de Madrid
María José Martínez Ruiz‐Funes • Universidad de Murcia

A2 SES 03.1: Teaching and Society (2)

Time: Thursday, 01/Sept/2022: 9:00am ‐ 10:30am • Location: A‐G.113 Meda
Session Chair: Attila Nóbik • University of Szeged
Schoolhouses as Pedagogical Tools . Infant Schools in Pisa and Leghorn in Xixth Century.
Angelo Gaudio • Università di Udine, Italy
Pictures Books and Primers for very young children to Play and Learn in the USSR After WWII
Dorena Caroli • University of Bologna, Italy
Cartilha Maternal: a Tool to Reduce Illiteracy
Elsa Rodrigues • Museu João de Deus, Portugal
The Romanian Socialist Educational Policy and Its Effect on Today’s Preschool Education
Erzsébet Habinyák • University of Pécs, Romania

A2 SES 03.2: Curriculum and Teachers

Time: Thursday, 01/Sept/2022: 9:00am ‐ 10:30am • Location: A‐G.112 Necchi
Session Chair: Jeroen Dekker • University of Groningen
Vocational Teachers’ Perspectives on The Democratisation Efforts of Swedish Post‐war Curriculum Policy for Upper Secondary
Vocational Education
Carin Fröjd • Örebro University, Sweden
The Importance of Supervisory Tools in Teaching in Greek Education (19th and Early 20th Century). Decisions‐applications‐
Efstratios Vacharoglou • Aristotelian Univercity of Thessaloniki, Greece, Greece
Coloniality, Curriculum, and Models for Educating Indigenous Peoples: Transnational Encounters and Events, ‘Education in
the Pacific’, 1936
Julie Elizabeth McLeod • University of Melbourne, Australia
University Didactics Between France and Brazil: the Marks of the French Mission in the Teaching Practices of FFCL/USP
A Didática Universitária Entre a França e o Brasil: as Marcas da Missão Francesa Nas Práticas Docentes da FFCL/USP (1934‐
Katiene Nogueira da Silva • Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil

A3 SES 03.1: Educational Media (2)

Time: Thursday, 01/Sept/2022: 9:00am ‐ 10:30am • Location: G‐G.253
Session Chair: Antonella Cagnolati, University of Foggia
Technologies Applied to the Education of People with Visual Impairment in the 19th and 20th Centuries in Spain
Tecnologías Aplicadas a la Educación de las Personas con Discapacidad Visual en los Siglos XIX y XX en España
Ainhoa Resa Ocio • Complutense University of Madrid, España
Radio For Italian Children And Schools During the Era of Fascism
Radio Pour Les Enfants Et Radio à L’école Au Temps Du Fascisme
Carla Ghizzoni • Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan
Effects of Audiovisual Resources on Child Development: an Analysis of Child Care, Psychology and Education Discourses
Ana Laura Lima • Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil
Alberto Manzi teacher through Italian television (1960‐1968)
Alberto Manzi Maître à Travers la Télévision Italienne (1960‐1968)
Michele Aglieri • Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan

A6 SES 03.1
Time: Thursday, 01/Sept/2022: 9:00am ‐ 10:30am • Location: A‐G.020 Ubaldi
The Global and Local Political Project of Secularization and Modernization Through Education Reform and Its Technologies,
Objects and Forms
Chair(s): Mette Buchardt • Center for Education Policy Research
Discussant(s): Daniel Tröhler • Dept. of Education, University of Vienna
Presentations of the Panel
Replacing Priests with Doctors? The Medicalization of Education in France in light of Secularization Theses
Sophie Pia Stieger • Dept. of Education, University of Vienna
Taming Religion by Nation: Educational Nation‐Building and the Shifting Role of Islam in Relation to Ottoman and Turkish
Language Policies
Kevser Muratovic • Dept. of Education, University of Vienna
Reconfiguring Religion and State Through Education? A Mid‐20th Century Comparison of Education Reform in Social Dem‐
ocratic‐Liberal Denmark and Falangist Spain
Simon Holleufer, Mette Buchardt • Centre for Education Policy Research, Aalborg University

A6 SES 03.2: Travelling of Educational Objects (2)

Time: Thursday, 01/Sept/2022: 9:00am ‐ 10:30am • Location: A‐G.019 Vismara
Session Chair: Elsie Rockwell • Cinvestav‐Mexico
The international circulation of school artefacts: the Bibliotheca do Povo e das Escolas by David Corazzi (Portugal, Italy,
Brazil, 1881‐1896)
Diana Vidal • University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Transnational Perspectives on Joseph Jacotot’s Pedagogical Technology of Emancipation in the XIXth Century
Rebecca Elizabeth Rogers • Université de Paris, France
A library to teachers: textbooks from the United States at Normal School of São Paulo State/Brazil (1890‐1910).
Vera Teresa Valdemarin • UNESP, Brazil
Textbooks As Travelling Objects: The Formation And Dissemination Of Social Class In Textbooks and Essays 1860 To 1930 In
Johan Wickström, Linn Areskoug, Anne Berg, Esbjörn Larsson • Uppsala University, Sweden

A7 SES 03.1
Time: Thursday, 01/Sept/2022: 9:00am ‐ 10:30am • Location: G‐G.052
From Biography to Big Data: Methods and Sources in History of Education
Chair(s): AJ Angulo • University of Massachusetts Lowell
Discussant(s): Kate Rousmaniere • Miami University, Ohio
Presentations of the Panel
A Soft Technology for Biographical Methods
Kate Rousmaniere • Miami University, Ohio, USA
Restless, Poor and Unintelligent?: History of Education and the Medical Technology of Diagnoses
Madeleine Michaëlsson • Dalarna University, Sweden
Unpacking Big Data: New Developments in Technology and Historical Methods
AJ Angulo • University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA
Emma Peterson, Megan Hadley • UMass Lowell, USA

A8 SES 03.1: Educational Spaces and Symbolic Meanings

Time: Thursday, 01/Sept/2022: 9:00am ‐ 10:30am • Location: G‐G.053
Session Chair: Ian Grosvenor, University of Birmingham
Furniture Designed to Promote the Circulation of Knowledge in Educational and Pacifist Contexts
Des Meubles Pensés pour Favoriser la Circulation de Connaissances dans des Contextes Pédagogiques et Pacifistes
Cécile Boss, Rita Hofstetter • Université de Genève
Once There Was a ‘Primer’. Books, Letters, Diaries and ‘Giornalini’ in Italian Classics for Children
Il était Une Fois un Abécédaire. Livres, Lettres, Journaux Intimes et ‘giornalini’ Dans Les Classiques Italiens Pour L’enfance
Leonardo Acone • University of Salerno, Italy
Historical Schools in a Changing City. Rosario, Argentina, 1887‐1935
María Silvia Serra, Maria Claudina Blanc • Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentine Republic
Pedagogical hardware in the Irish Teacher’s Journal, 1874‐1900
John Carroll • Maynooth University, Ireland

B1 SES 03.1: Reception and Internationalization in the History of Education
Time: Thursday, 01/Sept/2022: 9:00am ‐ 10:30am • Location: A‐G.115 Ruffilli
Session Chair: Lajos Somogyvári • University of Pannonia
Identifying the Historians of Education in Hungary between 2011 and 2021
Imre Garai, Bence Ruzsa, András Németh • Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of Education and Psychology, Hungary
Identifying the Thematic Scope of History of Education‐related Researches in Hungary Between 2011 and 2021
Zoltán András Szabó, Márta Dallos, András Németh • Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary
The spread and practice of Montessori pedagogy in Hungary
Henriette Pusztafalvi • University of Pécs, Hungary

A1 SES 04.1: Artifacts, Health, Disability

Time: Thursday, 01/Sept/2022: 11:00am ‐ 12:30pm • Location: A‐G.114 Bisleti
Session Chair: Carlos Martínez Valle • Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Materials And Didactics In The Teaching Of Reading And Writing For The Blind In The Municipal Institute Of Malaga
Materiales Y Didáctica En La Enseñanza De la Lectura Y La Escritura Para Ciegos En El Instituto Municipal De Málaga
Pedro José Jiménez Calvo • Universidad de Málaga, Spain
Pandemics And Childhood: Analysis Of How To Face Health Crisis In 1918 And 2020 From The Perspective Of Material Cul‐
Pandemias E Infância: Análise Do Enfrentamento Das Crises Sanitárias De 1918 E 2020 Na Perspectiva Da Cultura Material Na
Carla de Oliveira, Tania Maria Serafim, Rayane Jéssica Aranha da Silva • UNICAMP, Brazil
To The Roots Of Special Education Studies. An Analysis of Séguin’s Learning Materials Exploring Primary Sources and Icono‐
graphic Documents
Mabel Giraldo, Serenella Besio, Nicole Bianquin, Fabio Sacchi, Federico Chiappetta • University of Bergamo, Italy
Alluring Artefacts ‐ The Hidden Message about Psychology
Ebba Christina Blåvarg • Stockholm University, Sweden; University of Gothenburg, Sweden

A2 SES 04.1
Time: Thursday, 01/Sept/2022: 11:00am ‐ 12:30pm • Location: A‐G.005 Cripta
Safety First! Transitions From Technological To Pedagogical Objects – International Perspectives On Traffic Education, 1930s‐
1980s (Sweden, GDR, Balearic Islands, USA)
Chair(s): Marcelo Caruso • Humboldt‐Universität zu Berlin
Discussant(s): Lisa Rosén Rasmussen • Aarhus University
Presentations of the Panel
Teaching Non‐Drivers About Cars: The Emergence Of Traffic Education In Swedish Elementary Schools
Joakim Landahl • Stockholm University
Stop, Look, And Listen Before You Cross The Street! On‐Site Training In GDR Traffic Gardens (1950‐1990)
Josefine Wähler • BBF | DIPF Berlin, Humboldt‐Universität zu Berlin
Road Safety Education In The Balearic Islands During The Franco Regime: The First Children’s Traffic Parks (1962‐1975)
Gabriel Barcelò‐Bauzà, Francisca Comas‐Rubí • University of the Balearic Islands
From Danger Zone To Road Safety – The Yellow School Bus As An Educational Space In The USA, ca. 1950‐1980
Fanny Isensee • Humboldt‐Universität zu Berlin

A2 SES 04.2: Teaching Tools and Gender

Time: Thursday, 01/Sept/2022: 11:00am ‐ 12:30pm • Location: G‐G.052
Session Chair: Myriam Southwell • CONICET ‐ Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Educational Technology is Gendered. Uses and Projections of Pedagogical Tools in Urban Spain Under Franco’s Regime.
La Tecnología Educativa Tiene Género. Usos y Proyecciones de Las Herramientas Pedagógicas en la España Urbana Del Fran‐
Carlos Sanz Simón, Teresa Rabazas Romero, Miriam Revuelta Vidal • Complutense University of Madrid, Spain
Models for Women´s Professional Identity in Textbooks in Secondary Education during Spanish Transition to Democracy
Referentes Para la Identidad Profesional de Las Mujeres Españolas en Los Manuales de Educación Secundaria de la Transición
María José Rebollo‐Espinosa • Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
Women’s Education, Feminism, and the Renovation of Teaching in Argentina (1900‐1920)
Sabrina Gonzalez • University of Maryland ‐ College Park, United States of America
Gendered Rooms and Adjusted Schedules – Domestic Subjects in Early 20th Century Swedish Working Class Girls’ Educa‐
Agnes Hamberger • Uppsala University, Sweden

A3 SES 04.1: Educational Media (3)
Time: Thursday, 01/Sept/2022: 11:00am ‐ 12:30pm • Location: G‐G.053
Session Chair: Helen Proctor • The University of Sydney
Ulisse Adorni Between Literature, Theater and Film Making. The Media Education Experience of an Elementary School
Teacher in Italy’s 1970s
Simona Finetti • Università degli Studi di Parma, Italy
The Elementary School Cinematography Section in the 1940s and 1950s
La Sección Cinematografía Escolar de Primaria en las décadas del 40 y 50
Lucía Jimena Secco Lores • Universidad de la República, Uruguay
Comics as Educational Media: The Case of German Language Courses for Migrant Workers in West Germany, 1970s‐1980s
Sylvia Kesper‐Biermann • Universität Hamburg, Germany
Adolescence and Young Adult Literature: Reflections on Literary Education and Books for Young Readers
Elena Guerzoni • University of Bologna, Italy

A4 SES 04.1: Educational Media and Society

Time: Thursday, 01/Sept/2022: 11:00am ‐ 12:30pm • Location: A‐G.113 Meda
Session Chair: Guadalupe Trigueros • Universidad de Sevilla
The Educational Film as a Means of International Understanding in the Interwar Period
Anne Bruch • University of Hamburg, Germany
Space Planning and Development Policies. School Architecture in Uruguay in the 1960s
Planificación del Espacio y Políticas de Desarrollo. Arquitectura Escolar en Uruguay en la Década de 1960
Lucas D’Avenia • Universidad de la República, Uruguay (Archivo General de la Universidad y Departamento de Historia y Filo‐
sofía de la Educación)
The Schools of the Home of the Valdenses colonies in the River Plate. Educational technologies favorable to the Oriental
Las Escuelas Del Hogar de Las Colonias Valdenses Del Río de la Plata. Tecnologías Educativas Favorecedoras de Nacionalidad.
Carolina Clavero White • Flacso Uruguay, Uruguay; Consejo de Formación en Educación (CFE)
Educational Technologies In The Making Of European Citizens. The Politics Of The European Union’s Educational Television
In The 1960s
Steffen Sammler • Leibniz Institute for Educational Media /Georg Eckert Institute, Germany

A6 SES 04.1
Time: Thursday, 01/Sept/2022: 11:00am ‐ 12:30pm • Location: G‐G.152
The Rise of Educational Testing Technologies as a Trans‐National Phenomenon: Towards a Multifaceted History Part 1
Chair(s): Lourens van Haaften and *Annette Mülberger • Education in Culture, University of Groningen, The Netherlands;
*Theory & History of Psychology, University of Groningen, The Netherlands and Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain
Discussant(s): Christian Ydesen • Centre for Education Policy Research, Aalborg University
Presentations of the Panel
Mental Testing for Teachers: Early Typology and Psychotechnics in the Netherlands and Beyond
Rinske Vermeij • Theory & History of Psychology, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
De Sanctis’s Tests: The Graduation of Mental Deficits in Italy in the Early Twentieth Century
Anna Debè • Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan
Excited Teachers in Spain: The French Intelligence Test as Pedagogical Tool
Annette Mülberger • Theory & History of Psychology, University of Groningen, The Netherlands

A8 SES 04.1: Educational Spaces and Symbolic Meanings (2)

Time: Thursday, 01/Sept/2022: 11:00am ‐ 12:30pm • Location: G‐G.252
Session Chair: Gabriela Ossenbach • Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
The Film «Scuola Elementare» (1954): an Ambivalent Representation of Educational Culture on the Brink of the Italian Eco‐
nomic Boom
Paolo Alfieri • Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan
The Cane as an Educational Tool in Hungary in the Last Third of the 19th Century. Pros and Contras
Gabriella Baska • Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary
Judit Hegedűs • University of Public Service, Hungary
The Educational Imaginary and the Reconstruction of the Taskscape in Abandoned Spaces
El Imaginario Educativo y la Reconstrucción del Taskscape en los Espacios Abandonados
Eugenio Otero Urtaza • University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
The School Space in a Bilingual Context. The Elementary School of Barcola, 1888‐1915.
Andrea Dessardo • Università Europea di Roma, Italy

A8 SES 04.2: Symbolic Power and Education
Time: Thursday, 01/Sept/2022: 11:00am ‐ 12:30pm • Location: A‐G.020 Ubaldi
Session Chair: Daniel Tröhler • University of Vienna
Educating to and/or Through Images Between Inclusive and Exclusive Pedagogy
Monica Ferrari • University of Pavia, Italy
Children in Uniform in Interwar Norway
Tuva Skjelbred Nodeland • Uppsala University, Sweden
New ABC Books In The Homeland And Emigration – Primers In South Slavic Languages Around 1914 In Austria‐Hungary,
Chile And USA
Branko Šuštar • Slovenian School Museum / Slovenski šolski muzej, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Words Have Power. The Language Of Inclusion Between Historical Dimensions And Cultural Transformations
Silvia Maggiolini • Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan
Elena Zanfroni • Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan

B2 SES 04.1
Time: Thursday, 01/Sept/2022: 11:00am ‐ 12:30pm • Location: A‐G.019 Vismara
Experimenting with the Imperial Gaze in Visuals. A pedagogical Experience.
Eulàlia Collelldemont, Núria Padrós, Anna Gómez • UVIC‐UCC
Raquel Cercós, Karine Rivas • UB
Reflecting The Female Imperial Gaze: Words And Images In The Travel Diaries Of Helen Caddick, 1889‐1914
Sian Roberts • University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
‘A Most Valuable Aid To Education,’ Photography And The Imperial Imaginary: A Workshop
Ian Grosvenor • University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
Tim Allender • University of Sydney, Australia
Inés Dussel • DIE‐CINVESTAV, Mexico
Karin Priem • University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Educating the gaze, forming sensibilities: Argentine educational images in Spain (1942‐1946)
Eduardo Galak • CONICET/UNLP, Argentine Republic

A1 SES 05.1
Time: Thursday, 01/Sept/2022: 1:30pm ‐ 3:00pm • Location: A‐G.005 Cripta
The Relational Histories of Objects and Technologies: Exploring Network Assemblages and Constellations. Part 2: New re‐
lations from the margins?
Chair(s): Marcelo Caruso and *Inés Dussel • Humboldt‐Universität zu Berlin; *DIE‐CINVESTAV, Mexico
Discussant(s): Noah Sobe • Loyola University
Presentations of the Panel
Reading Boxes – Renaissance and Redesign of a Well‐known Teaching Tool at the Beginning of the 20th Century
Eva Schrepf • BBF | Research Library for the History of Education at DIPF
Sabine Reh • Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, BBF | Research Library for the History of Education at DIPF
Rocking, Rhythm, and Relational Objects Viewed through the Perspective of ‘Poor Pedagogy’
Catherine Burke • University of Cambridge
A Wooden Puzzle as “Bundle of Interwoven Lines”: The Entwining of Educational Reform, Curative Education and Artistic
Angelo Van Gorp • University of Koblenz‐Landau, Germany
Frederik Herman • University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, Switzerland
Primary School Toilets as Hybrids: Materials, Objects and Practices
Lucila da Silva • IPEHCS/CONICET, Argentina

A1 SES 05.2: Pedagogical Objects as Educational Devices

Time: Thursday, 01/Sept/2022: 1:30pm ‐ 3:00pm • Location: A‐G.113 Meda
Session Chair: Tomáš Kasper • Technická univerzita v Liberci
Discourses on Classrooms in Hungary in the Early 20th Century
Attila Nóbik • University of Szeged, Hungary
Paola Carrara Lombroso And Picture Postcards As Educational Products: A Way To Educate Young Readers And Citizens Of
Sabrina Fava • Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan
Cultural and Political Dimensions of Pedagogical Objects in Russian Language Teaching between 1949 and 1989 in Hungary
Beatrix Vincze • Eötvös University Budapest
What you see is what you get ‐ Representation, Knowledge, and Strategies of showing in Images
Kerstin te Heesen • University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg

A2 SES 05.1
Time: Thursday, 01/Sept/2022: 1:30pm ‐ 3:00pm • Location: G‐G.152
Textbooks, Materiality, and the Making of Future Citizens in 19th‐ and 20th‐Century Europe
Chair(s): Johannes Westberg • University of Groningen
Discussant(s): Rebekka Horlacher • University of Zurich
Presentations of the Panel
“Feeble‐Minded” Children as Future Citizens? A Swiss Reading Book for Students with Special Needs
Michèle Hofmann • University of Zurich
School Singing as Curricular Nation‐Building Strategy in the case of Norway
Lina Jacqueline Colli • University of Vienna
Imagining the National and Local in Danish History Textbook Images
Nicole Gotling • University of Vienna
From the “Future Citizen” to a “Metric We”
Lukas Boser • University of Basel

A2 SES 05.2: Teaching and Society (3)

Time: Thursday, 01/Sept/2022: 1:30pm ‐ 3:00pm • Location: A‐G.114 Bisleti
Session Chair: Julie Elizabeth McLeod • University of Melbourne
Mental Testing in the Belgian History of Education for Children with Mental Disabilities from a Sound Studies Perspective
Nele Reyniers • KULeuven, Belgium
Good Practices of Inclusion: The Long Experience of “Scuola Audiofonetica” in Italy
Ilaria Folci • Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan
Intra‐school Differentiation in Primary Education of Ukraine: Achievements and Disappointments
Tetiana Havrylenko • T. H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium», Ukraine
Producing Films with Children at School. The Case of Monte Olimpino, Italy (1966‐70)
Damiano Felini • University of Parma, Italy

A4 SES 05.1: Educational Media and Society (2)

Time: Thursday, 01/Sept/2022: 1:30pm ‐ 3:00pm • Location: G‐G.252
Session Chair: Kate Rousmaniere • Miami University, Ohio
Turning On and Tuning In: Television Literacy in U.S. K‐12 Schools, 1970s‐1990s
Victoria Cain • Northeastern University, United States of America
Images of a Romantic Teacher on Television. The Case of Jacinta Pichimahuida (1960‐1980)
Ana Laura Abramowski • Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento, Argentine Republic
María Silvia Serra • Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentine Republic
The Revolution on Television? The Medial Construction of Memory Discourses through Documentaries about the East Ger‐
man Transformation since 1989/90
May Jehle • Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany
Reading Laboratory Kit’s “SRA Cards” in the Political and Social Context of the United States during the Cold War
Christine A. Ogren • University of Iowa, United States of America

A5 SES 05.1: Technologies and the Body

Time: Thursday, 01/Sept/2022: 1:30pm ‐ 3:00pm • Location: G‐G.052
Session Chair: Luis M. Naya • University of the Basque Country
Building Adapted PE Assessment for Physically Disabled Pupils In France 1970s: A New Technology For Equality?
Construire Des Epreuves d’EPS Adaptée Pour Les élèves Handicapés Physiques En France (Années 1970) : Une Nouvelle Techno‐
logie Pour L’Egalité ?
Yacine Tajri • Université Gustave Eiffel, France
The Education Of The Body In The «Year Of Orientality» (Uruguay, 1975) Through The Magazine El Soldado
La educación del cuerpo en el “Año de la Orientalidad” (Uruguay, 1975) a través de la Revista El Soldado
Raumar Rodríguez Giménez • Universidad de la República, Uruguay
Bodily Showcases of Progress. The Third Pan American Congress of Physical Education, Uruguay 1950
Vitrinas Corporales del Progreso. El Tercer Congreso Panamericano de Educación Física, Uruguay 1950
Paola Dogliotti • Universidad de la República: Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación e Instituto Superior de
Educación Física, Uruguay
Pablo Scharagrodsky • Universidad Nacional de Quilmes y Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina
Childhood Protocols: Education and Body Care of Small Children in Health Crisis from 1920 to 2020
Protocolos De Infância: A Educação E O Cuidado Do Corpo De Crianças Pequenas Nas Crises Sanitárias De 1920 E 2020
Tania Maria Serafim, Rayane Jéssica Aranha Silva • UNICAMP, Brazil

A6 SES 05.1
Time: Thursday, 01/Sept/2022: 1:30pm ‐ 3:00pm • Location: A‐G.019 Vismara
Looking for the First “Educational Technologies”: Commercial Catalogues as Sources for the Study of the Birth of School Ma‐
Chair(s): Maria Cristina Morandini and Ilaria Mattioni • University of Turin, Italy
Discussant(s): Francesca Davida Pizzigoni • INDIRE
Presentations of the Panel
The Rise Of The Italian Educational Industry Between 19th And 20th Century
Juri Meda • Università di Macerata
A Catalog of The End of 19th Century: The Example of The Maison Deyrolle House in Paris
Un Catalogue de la Fin du XIXe Siècle: l’Exemple de la Maison Deyrolle à Paris
Marguerite Figeac‐Monthus • Université Bordeaux‐Montaigne
Assortment Of Books And Teaching Materials In Catalogues: Sources For The History Of Education And School Material
Sortimento de Livros e Materiais Didáticos em Catálogos: Fontes para a História da Educação e para a Cultura Material
Gizele De Souza • Universidade Federal do Paraná
Genesis And Development Of School Material Catalogs In Spain In The Period Between Centuries (XIX‐XX)
Génesis Y Desarrollo De Los Catálogos De Material Escolar En España En El Periodo Entre Siglos (XIX‐XX)
Mª José Martínez Ruiz‐Funes • Universidad de Murcia
José Pedro Marín Murcia • Universidad Complutense de Madrid

A7 SES 05.1: Archives and Sources (2)

Time: Thursday, 01/Sept/2022: 1:30pm ‐ 3:00pm • Location: A‐G.020 Ubaldi
Session Chair: Francisca Comas‐Rubí • University of the Balearic Islands
Radio Reports about Schools for Refugee Children in Germany around 1950
Susanne Spieker • University Koblenz‐Landau, Germany
Technologies Of Government: Minutes Of Public Examinations As Regulation Of Education In Early 19th Century Buenos
Tecnologías De Gobierno: Actas De Exámenes Públicos Como Regulación De La Educación En La Buenos Aires Del Temprano
Siglo XIX
Myriam Southwell • CONICET ‐ Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentine Republic
The Exploitation of the Southern Italian Pedagogical Objects Heritage (1861‐1914). First Results of a National Research Project
Fabio Pruneri • University of Sassari, Italy
«No More Textbooks»: A Publishing Mishap In The Cultural Revolution Of The Sixties
Lucia Vigutto • University of Bologna, Italy

A1 SES 06.1
Time: Thursday, 01/Sept/2022: 3:30pm ‐ 5:00pm • Location: A‐G.005 Cripta
The Relational Histories of Objects and Technologies: Exploring Network Assemblages and Constellations. Part 3: Relating
Objects and Practices
Chair(s): Marcelo Caruso and *Inés Dussel • Humboldt‐Universität zu Berlin; *DIE‐CINVESTAV, Mexico
Discussant(s): Julie McLeod • University of Melbourne
Presentations of the Panel
Making School Space through Design and Advertisement in U.S. Architectural Journals (1920‐1970)
Melting Chocolate, Schoolbooks, and Factory Floors. Unravelling the Intertwining of Public Schools and Private Companies,
Denmark 1945‐2022
Lisa Rosén Rasmussen • Aarhus University, Denmark
“Postage Will Prove a Big Expense”: Hand‐made Newsletters and Education Reform Campaigners in 1970s‐1980s Australia
Helen Proctor, Susan Goodwin • University of Sydney, Australia
Jessica Gerrard • University of Melbourne, Australia
Computers and International Testing. Digital Materialities, Transnational Networks and the Logistics of Large‐Scale Data
Joakim Landahl • Stockholm University
Children’s Fiction and Cross‐media Storytelling: Past and Present Trends in Adaptations for Childhood and Adolescence
Dalila Forni • Università di Firenze, Italy
The Use of Outdoor Pedagogical Technologies in a Regional Trail as an Ideological Education Platform
Anat Kidron • Tel Hai Academic College, Israel

A1 SES 06.2: Material Histories of School Objects (2)
Time: Thursday, 01/Sept/2022: 3:30pm ‐ 5:00pm • Location: A‐G.019 Vismara
Session Chair: Felicitas Acosta • Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento
Out of the (Black)Box: Conventions, Transgressions, and Educational Objects in the Classroom (17th‐19th Century)
Sjaak Braster • Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Maria del Mar Del Pozo Andres • University of Alcala, Spain
The signal, an object of the disciplined school of De La Salle
La Señal, un Objeto de la Escuela Disciplinada de De la Salle
Pauli Dávila, Luis M. Naya • University of the Basque Country, Spain
Education, Regulation or Starvation: the Materiality of Schooling and the Irish Famine, c. 1845‐1855.
Deirdre Raftery, Christine O’Connor Lennon • University College Dublin, Ireland
(Re)imagining & Remaking the School: Heritage Comes Out of the Box and Engages the Community in Times of Change
Maria João Mogarro • Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Catarina Leal, Anabela Teixeira • Escola Secundária de Camões‐MUESC, Portugal

A2 SES 06.1
Time: Thursday, 01/Sept/2022: 3:30pm ‐ 5:00pm • Location: A‐G.020 Ubaldi
Materialization Of The Nation, International Circulation And Epistemological Nationalism: National Thought Styles In Edu‐
Chair(s): Daniel Tröhler • University of Vienna
Discussant(s): Marc Depaepe • KU Leuven
Presentations of the Panel
Epistemic Racialization – Racialized Scholars’ Possibilities Of Being Included In ‘National Epistemologies’ In Danish Academia
Since WWII
Jin Hui Li • Aalborg University
The Materialization Of Discourses On Women And Economic Development In Education: The Role Of Textbooks In Shaping
Women’s National Identity
Ana Maria De La Torre Sierra, Virginia Guichot Reina • University of Seville
Between Domestic Disputes And Foreign Ideas: French Spiritualism And The Subject Of Education
Sophie Stieger • University of Vienna
Imperial Travels Of National Thought Styles: Traces Of German Idealism In Austria From The 19th Century Onwards.
Stephanie Fox • University of Vienna

A2 SES 06.2: Teaching and Society (4)

Time: Thursday, 01/Sept/2022: 3:30pm ‐ 5:00pm • Location: A‐G.113 Meda
Session Chair: Karin Priem • University of Luxembourg
Aurelia Josz’s Educational And Didactic Experimentation In Milan At The Beginning Of The 20th century
L’Experimentation Educative Et Didactique De Aurelia Josz A Milan Au Début Du Vingtième Siècle
Gabriella Seveso • Università di Milano Bicocca, Italy
Using Maria Montessori’s Didactic Equipment: Innovation, Investment and Improvisation in Britain, Ireland and Nigeria,
Maria Patricia Williams • Independent, United Kingdom
Teaching Religious Education in Italy: History, Challenges and Perspectives with Regard to Pedagogical Objects and Practi‐
L’enseignement du Fait Religieux en Italie : Histoire, Défis et Perspectives à L’égard Des Objets Pédagogiques et Des Pratiques
Maria Lucenti • University of Hamburg
Pedagogical Policy and Didactic Means for Assimilating Jewish Identity
Orit Oved • Tel Aviv University, Israel

A4 SES 06.1
Time: Thursday, 01/Sept/2022: 3:30pm ‐ 5:00pm • Location: G‐G.252
The Teaching‐technological Innovations of Socialist Educational Science in the Context of the «scientific‐technological Re‐
Chair(s): Zoltán András Szabó and *András Németh • Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Faculty of Education and Psychology,
Budapest, *Selye János University, Komárno, Slovakia
Discussant(s): Simonetta Polenghi • Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan
Presentations of the Panel
“Scientific‐Technological Revolution” as a Discourse: Interactions between Education and Technologies
Lajos Somogyvári • University of Pannonia, Veszprém, Hungary
Zsuzsanna Polyák • Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Budapest, Hungary

Polytechnical Education in Czechoslovakia – Goals, Concepts, Examples
Polytechnische Erziehung in der Tschechoslowakei – Ziele Konzepte, Beispiele
Tomáš Kasper, Dana Kasperova • Technical University of Liberec
Markéta Pánková • Comenius Museum Prague
Blanka Kudláčová • University of Trnava, Slovakia
The Emergence of Research on Educational Technology, and the Approach of the «Scientific‐technical Revolution» in the
Hungarian CSc Dissertations
Attila Horváth H., Zsófia Albrecht, Andrea Daru, Dorina Szente • Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Education and Psychology,
Budapest, Hungary
Institutionalisation of new education technological approach in Hungary. The foundation of National Education Technology
Centre (NETC) in 1973
Beatrix Vincze • Eötvös University Budapest
Ádám Horváth, Imre Garai • Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Budapest, Hungary

A5 SES 06.1: Technologies and the Body (2)

Time: Thursday, 01/Sept/2022: 3:30pm ‐ 5:00pm • Location: G‐G.052
Session Chair: Maria Adelina Arredondo Lopez • Universidad Autonoma Del Estado De Morelos
Taking Care Of One’s Own Body: Strategies Of Physical Education In The Return To Democracy In Uruguay
El Cuidado Del Propio Cuerpo: Estrategias De La Educación Física En El Retorno A La Democracia En Uruguay
Cecilia Seré • Universidad de la República, Uruguay
School Report Books as Educational Objects
Attila Nóbik • University of Szeged, Hungary
The Body as a Pedagogical Object and the Education of a Renaissance Lady: Piccolomini’s On the Manners of Women (1539).
Laura Madella • University of Parma, Italy
Education and fun. Reflections from W. Benjamin and Th. W. Adorno
Educación y diversión. Reflexiones a partir de W. Benjamin y Th. W. Adorno
Inés Scarlato • Universidad de la República, Uruguay

A6 SES 06.1
Time: Thursday, 01/Sept/2022: 3:30pm ‐ 5:00pm • Location: G‐G.152
The Rise of Educational Testing Technologies as a Trans‐National Phenomenon: Towards a Multifaceted History Part 2
Chair(s): Annette Mülberger and *Lourens van Haaften • Theory & History of Psychology, University of Groningen, The
Netherlands and Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain *Education in Culture, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Discussant(s): Noah Sobe • Loyola University Chicago, School of Education, the United States
Presentations of the Panel
Standardised Testing in Sweden 1940s‐2020s – An Instrument with Shifting Purposes, Proponents and Consequences
Christian Lundahl • Örebro University
Test as “Archive”: Examining the Historical Aesthetics and Materiality of Two Classical Intelligence Tests
Sasha Bergstrom‐Katz • Birkbeck University of London
Selecting a New Elite: Aptitude Testing in India’s Management Education, 1960 ‐1970
Lourens Wouter van Haaften • University of Groningen

A8 SES 06.1: Symbolic Power and Education (2)

Time: Thursday, 01/Sept/2022: 3:30pm ‐ 5:00pm • Location: A‐G.114 Bisleti
Session Chair: Kate Rousmaniere • Miami University, Ohio
Translating Educational Objects in English and Italian: Framing the Stories of Fatima/Iqbal, Parvana, and Malala for a Young
Claudia Alborghetti • Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan
From Students to Educators: The qualifying examination of the First Female Kindergarten Teachers in Northwest Mexico
De Estudiantes a Educadoras: el Examen Recepcional de las Primeras Maestras de Preescolar en el Noroeste Mexicano (1957‐
Susana Portillo Gutiérrez, Luis Raúl Dante Wancho Ojeda • Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Mexico
Minerva on Pedal The Printing Press and its Uses in an Uruguayan Rural School, 1929‐1942
Minerva a Pedal La Imprenta y sus Usos en una Escuela Rural Uruguaya, 1929‐1942
Gerardo Garay Montaner • UDELAR Uruguay, Uruguay
Reading Images: a Place for Relationship and Reflection. The Exemplary Case of Shaun Tan’s Rules of Summer
Martino Negri • Università degli studi di Milano‐Bicocca, Italy

B4 SES 06.1: School Finance between State and Local School Districts
Time: Thursday, 01/Sept/2022: 3:30pm ‐ 5:00pm • Location: G‐G.053
Session Chair: Clémence Cardon‐Quint • Bordeaux University
Power and Payments: Financial Regulation and Support in Switzerland’s Evolving School System
Gabi Wuethrich • University of Zurich, Switzerland
School Administration and City Identity: funding Oristano’s Schools and School buildings (1860‐1915)
Federico Piseri • Università degli Studi di Sassari, Italy
National and Local Funding of National Reforms: a case Study of the Financing of Swedish Compulsory Schools 1960–1970
Johan Samuelsson • Karlstad univercity, Sweden

A1 SES 07.1
Time: Friday, 02/Sept/2022: 9:00am ‐ 10:30am • Location: G‐G.052
Re‐inventing Children’s Literature through New Pedagogical Objects: A Dozen Years of Revolution (1968–1980)
Chair(s): Marnie Campagnaro • University of Padova
Discussant(s): Sabrina Fava • Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan
Presentations of the Panel
The Magnificent Dozen: Twelve Unique Picturebooks from the Picturebook’s Lexicon
Małgorzata Cackowska • University of Gdańsk
From Die‐Cut Books to Visual Cards: Innovative Projects for Prereaders in the Seventies
Marnie Campagnaro • University of Padova
The ‘Interactive’ Book: Writing and Reading from the Analogue to the Digital
Anna Antoniazzi • University of Genoa
Insieme: the Children’s Book as Collective Writing
Ilaria Filograsso • G. D’Annunzio” University of Chieti ‐ Pescara

A1 SES 07.2: Material Histories of Educational Objects

Time: Friday, 02/Sept/2022: 9:00am ‐ 10:30am • Location: A‐G.115 Ruffilli
Session Chair: Lisa Rosén Rasmussen • Aarhus University
Comic Advertisements for Children in Post‐war Italy. The Case of Durban’s Toothpaste on the Pages of “Il Corriere Dei
Veronica Annamaria Fonte • Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan
«Stories of Children Performances Told Through Posters: the Latvian Case»
Reinis Vējiņš • University of Latvia, Latvia
Creativity, Autonomy and Agency? Children Making Their Own Toys, 1800‐2000
Mary Clare Martin • University of Greenwich, United Kingdom
Games and Objects of Juvenile Delinquency in the Studies of Italian Followers of Lombroso (1895‐1909)
Jeux et Objets de la Délinquance Juvenile dans les Recherches des Disciples Italiens de Lombroso (1895‐1909)
Filippo Sani • Università degli studi di Sassari, Italy

A2 SES 07.1
Time: Friday, 02/Sept/2022: 9:00am ‐ 10:30am • Location: G‐G.152
The Expansion of Secondary Education during the 1960s in Developing Countries and the International Development
Organizations. Part 1
Chair(s): Antonella Cagnolati • University of Foggia
Discussant(s): Gary McCulloch • University College London
Presentations of the Panel
Ireland and reform of Second‐Level Education in the 1960s
Teresa O’Doherty • Marino Institute of Education
Dismantling the Educational Autarky: the Post‐primary Schooling Reforms in Portugal in the 1960s.
Luís Grosso Correia • University of Porto
The Copernican Turn of Franco’s Secondary Education Policy during the Sixties
Antonio Fco. Canales • Universidad Complutense de Madrid

A2 SES 07.2: Teaching and Society (5)

Time: Friday, 02/Sept/2022: 9:00am ‐ 10:30am • Location: A‐G.113 Meda
Session Chair: Christine Ann Woyshner • Temple University
“Speak Loud to the Eye!” The Blackboard and ‘Eye‐teaching’ in 19th‐century American Sunday Schools
Luana Salvarani • Università di Parma, Italy

Measuring Binging: Social Science Technologies and the Crisis of College Student Drinking in the United States, 1950‐2000
Michael Stephen Hevel • University of Arkansas, United States of America
Encyclopaedia Britannica’s Great Books of the Western World. Materials for a liberal education program for adults
La colección Great Books of the Western World de Encyclopaedia Britannica. Materiales para un programa de educación liberal
para adultos
Àngel Pascual i Martín, Eric Ortega González • Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
Creating Curriculum Facilitators. American Experts and Students from Developing Countries at a Six‐Week Seminar on
Curriculum Development in Sweden 1971
Christian Lundahl • Orebro University, Sweden
Joakim Landahl • Stockholm University, Sweden
Martin Lawn • University of Edinburgh, UK

A2 SES 07.3
Time: Friday, 02/Sept/2022: 9:00am ‐ 10:30am • Location: A‐G.019 Vismara
Individuals, Childhood and Gender in Nature and Society. Their Complex Relations and Representations in Spanish and
Portuguese Textbooks (1970‐1990)
Chair(s): Gabriela Ossenbach • Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
Discussant(s): Joaquim Pintassilgo • University of Lisbon
Presentations of the Panel
Childhood, Nature and Society in Spanish Textbooks from Late Francoism and Transition to Democracy (1960‐1982)
Kira Mahamud‐Angulo, Yovana Hernández‐Laina • Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
Social Studies – the Relationship with the Natural Environment in School Textbooks for Portuguese Preparatory Education
Estudos Sociais – a Relação com o Meio Natural em Manuais para o Ensino Preparatório Português (1975‐1986)
Raquel Pereira Henriques • Universidade Nova de Lisboa
The Relationship between Gender and Nature in Social and Natural Sciences Secondary School Textbooks, Spain 1970‐1990
Las Relaciones entre Género y Naturaleza en los Textos Escolares de Ciencias Sociales y Naturales de Educación Secundaria,
España 1970‐1990
Ana María Badanelli‐Rubio • Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
Natural Sciences Curriculum and Spanish Upper Secondary School Textbooks (1970‐1990)
Curriculum de Ciencias Naturales y Libros de Texto de Bachillerato en España (1970‐1990)
José Pedro Marín‐Murcia • Universidad Complutense de Madrid
María José Martínez Ruiz‐Funes • Universidad de Murcia

A4 SES 07.1
Time: Friday, 02/Sept/2022: 9:00am ‐ 10:30am • Location: A‐G.020 Ubaldi
Access and Equality Through Science And Numbers? Rationalized Strategies For Expanding Female Secondary and
Post‐Secondary Education.
Chair(s): Stephanie Fox • University of Vienna
Discussant(s): Lukas Boser Hofmann • University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Northwestern Switzerland
Presentations of the Panel
Rationalizing Subversiveness: Statistical Visualization In The Legitimization Of Demands To Expand German And Swedish
Girls’ Secondary Education
Sophie Winkler • Örebro University
Norms And Transgressions: Women And Scientific Knowledge In Stockholm Secondary Girls’ Schools, 1900–1960.
Rebecka Göransdotter • Uppsala University
Women’s Technical Abilities In The Trading Zone
Sebastian Piepenburg • Örebro University
Rationalizing Education For Women In The 1950s: News Values And Mediation Of Women’s Educational Needs In The New
York Times
Chelsea Rodriguez • University of Groningen

A6 SES 07.1
Time: Friday, 02/Sept/2022: 9:00am ‐ 10:30am • Location: A‐G.005 Cripta
Concepts, Problems and Joints around Secular and Laic Education in the History of Schooling. Part 1
Chair(s): Felicitas Acosta • Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento
Discussant(s): Adelina Arredondo • Universidad Autónoma de Morelos
Presentations of the Panel
Defining a New Semantic Field of Secularism? Integrating the Word “Laïcité”, “Laic” and “Laic Education” in French Diction‐
aries (19th‐20th Centuries)
Bruno Poucet • Université de Picardie
Ismail Ferhat • Université de Nanterre

The Trick of the Concept of “Adjustist” Secularism
Federico Alvez Cavanna • Universidade Estadual do Paraná
Why is it Important to Build a Transnational History of Laic Education?
Por Qué es Importante Construir una Historia Transnacional de la Educación?
Adelina Arredondo • Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos

A6 SES 07.2
Time: Friday, 02/Sept/2022: 9:00am ‐ 10:30am • Location: G‐G.252
A Critical History of Testing, Assessment, and Evaluation
Chair(s): Till Neuhaus and MichaelaVogt • Bielefeld University
Discussant(s): Aaron Benavot • SUNY Albany
Presentations of the Panel
150 Years of Testing ‐ A Critical Investigation of Morphing Epistemes in Assessment Technologies
Christian Ydesen • Aalborg University
The Role of Culture in Children and Young People’s Intelligence Scales. WAIS and WISCH Tests and their Italian Revisions
Simonetta Polenghi • Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan
Assessing Educational Choices at the Intersections of Race and Disability
Federico Waitoller • University of Illinois, Chicago
80 Years of Special Needs Assessment ‐ (Dis‐)Continuities in German Assessment Procedures
Michaela Vogt, Till Neuhaus • Bielefeld University

B4 SES 07.1: The Politics of School Finance

Time: Friday, 02/Sept/2022: 9:00am ‐ 10:30am • Location: G‐G.053
Session Chair: Johannes Westberg • University of Groningen
Contributions Of The Mining Companies Montevecchio And Monteponi To Public Education In The Mining Towns Of Sardinia
After Unification
Manuela Garau • Università degli Studi di Sassari, Italy
School Tax Policy and the Reconfiguration of Politics in the “Progressive” U.S. West, circa 1920
Nancy Beadie • University of Washington, United States of America
Joan Malczewski • University of California, Irvine, United States of America
The Promises of Provins: Education Spending, School Reform and Electoral Calculations in 1970s France
Clémence Cardon‐Quint • Bordeaux University, France
The Co‐option of Paulo Freire’s Literacy Technologies by Bangladeshi NGO BRAC in Its Social Development Initiatives from
1974 to 1985
Mohammad Abul Fateh • Queen’s University, Canada

A1 SES 08.1: Educational Spaces and Materiality

Time: Friday, 02/Sept/2022: 1:30pm ‐ 3:00pm • Location: A‐G.113 Meda
Session Chair: Stephen George Parker • University of Worcester
From Fascism to Progressive Education: Relationship Between Architecture and Pedagogy in Two Italian Holiday Colonies
After Second World War.
Luca Andrea Alessandro Comerio • Università degli Studi di Milano ‐ Bicocca, Italy
The Park In The City, Materiality And Education Of The Senses
El Parque En La Ciudad, Materialidad y Educación De Los Sentidos
Karen Kühlsen Beca • Universidad de la República, Uruguay
How To Plant And Cultivate A Classroom? An Open‐air School – An Example From Serbia
Aleksandra Ilić Rajković, Nataša Nikolić • Faculty of Philosophy – University of Belgrade, Serbia
School Desk Between Tradition And Modernity: The Technological Renewal In Open‐Air Schools
Mirella D’Ascenzo • University of Bologna, Italy

A1 SES 08.2: School and Culture

Time: Friday, 02/Sept/2022: 1:30pm ‐ 3:00pm • Location: G‐G.053
Session Chair: Carlos Martínez Valle • Universidad Complutense de Madrid
The “New Method” Concept and its Applications in the Turkish Education System in the Period of Modernization
Betul Batir • Istanbul University‐Cerrahpasa HAY Education Faculty, Turkey
Teaching Tools in Active School. The Practical Teaching of Arithmetic in the Pages of «La Voce Della Scuola» (1929‐1931)
Rossana Lacarbonara, Anna Maria Colaci • Università del Salento, Italy

A Centennial School and its Pedagogic assets
Uma Escola Centenária e o seu Espólio
Aires Diniz • Not affiliated, Portugal
Schooling and Culture in the Portuguese Republic: lay teaching against the educational principles of the Catholic Church
Escolarização e Cultura na República Portuguesa: o ensino laico frente aos princípios educacionais da Igreja Católica (1910‐
Carlos Henrique Carvalho • Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Brazil
Wenceslau Gonçalves Neto • Universidade Federal de Uberlândia. Brazil

A2 SES 08.1
Time: Friday, 02/Sept/2022: 1:30pm ‐ 3:00pm • Location: G‐G.152
The Expansion of Secondary Education during the 1960s in Developing Countries and the International Development Orga‐
nizations. Part 2
Chair(s): Anna Debè • Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan
Discussant(s): Gabriela Ossenbach • Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
Presentations of the Panel
The Expansion of Lower Secondary School in Italy in the 1960s. Modernisation and Drawbacks
Simonetta Polenghi • Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan
The Difficult Path to Reforming Italian Lower Secondary School
Stefano Oliviero • University of Florence
The Expansion of Secondary Education in the 1960s in Greece
Georgios Stamelos • University of Patras
Expansion of Secondary Education in Turkey in the 1960s and International Organizations
Filiz Meşeci Giorgetti • Istanbul University‐Cerrahpaşa

A3 SES 08.1
Time: Friday, 02/Sept/2022: 1:30pm ‐ 3:00pm • Location: A‐G.019 Vismara
The Ontology of Educational Technologies in the Electronic Age: Six Perspectives on Media Use and Discourse (Part 1)
Chair(s): Barbara E. Hof • University of Zurich, Switzerland
Discussant(s): Inés Dussel • DIE‐CINVESTAV
Presentations of the Panel
Filming in the Operating Theatre: Teaching Surgical Skills
Daniel Normark • Uppsala University
Learning by Radio: UNESCO at the Intersection of Education and Communication
Karin Priem • University of Luxembourg
Eng Sengsavang • UNESCO Archives
Making the Computer Fit for School: Efforts to Develop a State‐Mandated Educational Computer in Sweden and East Ger‐
many (1980s‐1990s)
Carmen Flury, Rosalía Guerrero • Zurich University of Teacher Education

A4 SES 08.1: Politics of Educational Technologies

Time: Friday, 02/Sept/2022: 1:30pm ‐ 3:00pm • Location: A‐G.114 Bisleti
Session Chair: Eugenio Otero Urtaza • University of Santiago de Compostela
‘Filling The Notebook’. Spread Of Teachers’ Notebooks In Secondary Education In Uruguay During The 1930s
“Llenar La Libreta”. Difusión De Las Libretas De Profesores En La Enseñanza Secundaria En Uruguay Durante La Década De
Pía Batista • Universidad de la República, Uruguay
I Have The Mind… (Educational) Techniques Towards Ever Greater Efficiency
Bernhard Hemetsberger • University of the Federal Armed Forces Munich, Germany
Jil Winandy • Ministry of Education Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Imagining the Future of the University. The Language of Globalism and the Persistence of Local Grammars.
Hans Schildermans • University of Vienna, Austria
Generational Trends in the Use of Children’s Literature by Primary School Teachers in Mexico, 1958‐2018
Francisco Javier Rosales Morales • Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados, Mexico
Jella Lepman’s traveling book exhibitions in after World War II Germany (1946‐1949)
Cristina Gumirato • Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan

A6 SES 08.1
Time: Friday, 02/Sept/2022: 1:30pm ‐ 3:00pm • Location: A‐G.005 Cripta
Concepts, Problems and Joints around Secular and Laic Education in the History of Schooling. Part 2
Chair(s): Bruno Poucet • Université de Picardie
Discussant(s): Adelina Arredondo •Universidad Autónoma de Morelos
Presentations of the Panel
Religious Instruction at the Origins of Secondary Schools in Argentina: Between State Intervention and Self‐dissolution (End
of the 19th Century)
Felicitas Acosta • Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento
Transitions from Liberal Education to Secular Education in Argentina, Brazil and Mexico
Alejandro Ortiz • Universidad Pedagógica Nacional
Between Laic and the Clerical: Narratives and Representations about Public Schools in Colombia (First Half of the 20th
Entre lo Laico y lo Clerical. Narrativas y Representaciones sobre las Escuelas Públicas en Colombia (Primera Parte del Siglo XX)
Luis Alfonso Alarcón Meneses • Universidad del Atlántico

A6 SES 08.2
Time: Friday, 02/Sept/2022: 1:30pm ‐ 3:00pm • Location: G‐G.052
Educational Technologies, National Identity and Transnational Circulation. Practices and Teaching Materials in Italian Ethnic
Schools in Brazil (1875‐1930).
Chair(s): Juri Meda • Università degli Studi di Macerata
Discussant(s): Juri Meda • Università degli Studi di Macerata
Presentations of the Panel
Objects travelling for Italianness. Educational material and circulation in Italian ethnic schools in Brazil between the 19th
and 20th Centuries
Objects travelling for Italianness. Educational material and circulation in Italian ethnic schools in Brazil between the 19th and
20th Centuries
Alberto Barausse • Università degli Studi del Molise
Educational Tools and Material History of Teaching in Italian Schools Abroad in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth
Educational Tools and Material History of Teaching in Italian Schools Abroad in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth
Michelina D’Alessio • Università degli Studi della Basilicata
School Material Culture and Teaching Practice in the Mutual Aid Society School Regina Margherita (Bento Gonçalves/Rs,
1882 ‐ 1907)
Cultura Material Escolar e Prática Docente na Escola da Sociedade de Mútuo Socorro Regina Margherita (Bento Gonçalves/Rs,
1882 – 1907)
Terciane Ângela Luchese • Universidade de Caxias do Sul
School Books for the Italian Elementary School on Two Sides of the Atlantic between the 19th and 20th Centuries
Os Livros Escolares para a Escola Elementar Italiana nos Dois Lados do Atlântico entre Secúlos XIX e XX
Claudia Panizzolo • Universidade Federal de São Paulo

B3 SES 08.1: Transnational Influences on Female Education in Germany, Greece and Turkey
Time: Friday, 02/Sept/2022: 1:30pm ‐ 3:00pm • Location: A‐G.020 Ubaldi
Session Chair: Kay Whitehead • University of South Australia
Vocational Education for Young Women: a Transnational Problem in the Second Half of the 19th Century
Christine Mayer • University of Hamburg, Germany
Handicrafts’ Education As A Pedagogical Object In Greek Girls’ Schools: National And Transnational Dimensions, 1800‐1900
Polly Thanailaki • International Hellenic University, Greece
Re‐shaping Ottoman Women: The Construction of Female Subjectivities Through Educational Discourse in the Women’s
Magazines (1869‐1908)
Badegül Eren‐Aydinlik • Umeå University, Sweden

B5 SES 08.1: Knowledge and Power in Changing Expertise Practices

Time: Friday, 02/Sept/2022: 1:30pm ‐ 3:00pm • Location: G‐G.252
Session Chair: David Niget • Université d’Angers
Expertise Practices and Gendered Management of Juvenile Deviance: the Psychiatric Institution at the Service of Child
Pratiques D’expertise et Gestion de la Déviance Juvénile Genrées : L’institution Psychiatrique au Service de la Protection de
L’enfance ?
Olivia Vernay, Joëlle Droux • University of Geneva, Switzerland

When Theoretical Knowledge Meets Field Practice: Social Work Students’ First Experiences with Child Placement (Belgium,
Aurore François, Margaux Roberti‐Lintermans • UCLouvain, Belgium
Mother and Father Followed Their Call and Left me in an Orphanage
Ulrika Norburg • Stockholms Universitet, Sweden
The Struggle For Recognition In Shelters For Ex‐ward Youth In The Province Of Barcelona, Spain. Methods, Technologies And
Moral Disrespect
Amanda Aliende da Matta • University of Barcelona, Spain

A1 SES 09.1: School Objects as Educational Devices (2)

Time: Friday, 02/Sept/2022: 4:30pm ‐ 6:00pm • Location: A‐G.113 Meda
Session Chair: Imre Garai • Eötvös Loránd University
Images in Schoolbooks From ‘Orbis Pictus’ by Comenius to ‘Elementarwerk’ by Basedow
Georgios Tzartzas, Evangelia Kalerante • University of Western Macedonia, Greece
Anthropological Analysis Of Classrooms In Hungary A Based On Photographs From The Pedagogical Press Between 1960‐
Panna Berta‐Szénási • University of Pécs, Hungary
Experimental apparatus of Physics and Chemistry in Portuguese Secondary Education ‐ from individual educational works
from 1914 to the present
Aparatos Experimentais De Física e Química No Ensino Secundário Português ‐ Dos Trabalhos Individuais Educativos De 1914
Ao Tempo Presente
Rodrigo Martins Pinto de Azevedo • Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, Portugal
Paula Cristina Esteves Domingues Rodrigues da Silva • Escola Secundária Sá de Miranda
From Barefoot one can Learn a Trade: The School of Apprentices Artifices of Parana
De Pés Descalços se Aprende um Ofício: A Escola de Aprendizes Artífices do Paraná
Vânia Mara Pereira Machado, Fátima Branco Godinho Castro • Universidade Federal Do Paraná, Brazil

A1 SES 09.2: Material Histories of School Objects (3)

Time: Friday, 02/Sept/2022: 4:30pm ‐ 6:00pm • Location: A‐G.114 Bisleti
Session Chair: Eugenia Roldan Vera • Cinvestav
Materials and Objects That Tell the Story of Schools: “Backpackable” Desks and Artwork at the Museum of Education in
Carla Callegari, Giulia Fasan • Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy
From Sitting in a Gallery to Sitting at a Table. School Furniture in Early Childhood Education (Spain, 19th Century)
Carmen Sanchidrián‐Blanco • University of Malaga, Spain
María Dolores Molina Poveda • Universidad Isabel I; University of Malaga, Spain
The Wall Charts as a Technological Object in the School During the First Third of the 20th Century in Spain
Las Láminas Murales Como Objeto Tecnológico en la Escuela Del Primer Tercio Del Siglo XX en España
Jaime del Rey Tapia, Andra Santiesteban, Sara Ramos Zamora • Complutense University of Madrid, Spain
Angelo Poliziano and His Didactic Instruments in the Florentine Studium (end of the XV Century)
Antonella Cagnolati • Università di Foggia, Italy

A2 SES 09.1
Time: Friday, 02/Sept/2022: 4:30pm ‐ 6:00pm • Location: G‐G.152
The Expansion of Secondary Education during the 1960s in Developing Countries and the International Development
Organizations. Part 3
Chair(s): Sebastian Neut • Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Discussant(s): Marc Depaepe • Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Presentations of the Panel
The Reforms in Argentine Secondary Education during the 1960s: an Analysis between Transnational, Regional and Local
Felicitas Acosta • Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento
The Brazilian Foreign Policy in the Programs and Textbooks of History of America in High School (1951‐1961)
Halferd Carlos Ribeiro Junior • Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul
Expanding and Developing the Country, the Education and the Youth Personality: Confluences of Educational Languages in
a Reformist Experience (Chile)
Pablo Toro‐Blanco • Universidad Alberto Hurtado
The reform of Secondary Education in Uruguay. Analysis from the implementation of the 1963 Pilot Plan
Antonio Romano • Universidad de la República

A2 SES 09.2: Curriculum and Teachers (2)
Time: Friday, 02/Sept/2022: 4:30pm ‐ 6:00pm • Location: G‐G.252
Session Chair: Andreas Hoffmann‐Ocon • Zurich University of Teacher Education
Changing Times Changing Curricula – The School Subject Psychology in Social and Cultural Context, 1965‐2011
Ebba Christina Blåvarg • Stockholm University, Sweden; University of Gothenburg
Historical Reconstruction of Curricular Tradition in the Czech Lands and its Impact on the Current Curriculum Revision
Eva Dvořáková Kaněčková, Jitka Plischke, Jitka Nábělková • Palacky University Olomouc, Faculty of Education, Czech Republic
The First Hungarian Reform School’s Curriculums, Teaching Methods And Tools From The Interwar Period
Der Lehrplan, die Schuldidaktik und die Unterrichtsobjekte der ersten Reformschulen in Ungarn in dem Zeitraum zwischen den
beiden Weltkriegen
Natasa Fizel • University of Szeged, Hungary
Historical Injustice and Curricular Reform: A Comparative, Historical View from Australia
Matilda Keynes • The University of Western Australia
Beth Marsden • La Trobe University

A3 SES 09.1
Time: Friday, 02/Sept/2022: 4:30pm ‐ 6:00pm • Location: A‐G.019 Vismara
The Ontology of Educational Technologies in the Electronic Age: Six Perspectives on Media Use and Discourse (Part 2)
Chair(s): Barbara E. Hof • University of Zurich
Discussant(s): Inés Dussel • IE‐CINVESTAV
Presentations of the Panel
Taming “Wild Growth”: The Introduction of Digital Education Technologies in Western Switzerland, c. 1975‐1995
Fabian Grütter • Zurich University of Teacher Education
Computers and Educational Hierarchies: The Introduction of Computer Education in Indian Schools in the 1980s
Krishna Kanta Roy • Symbiosis International (Deemed University), India
Revisiting “Social” versus “Technical” Aspects in Teacher Debates, 1970s‐2020s
Lina Rahm • KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Annika Bergviken‐Rensfeldt • University of Gothenburg

A4 SES 09.1: Educational Media and Society (3)

Time: Friday, 02/Sept/2022: 4:30pm ‐ 6:00pm • Location: A‐G.115 Ruffilli
Session Chair: Patrick Buehler • University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland
Pedagogical Localization and Cultural Imperialism: American Missionary Myrtle Hinkhouse’s Experience as Educator and
Medical Doctor in China, 1916‐1948
Limin Su • Hainan Normal University, China, People’s Republic of
Distance Learining in Switzerland During Difficult Periods: understandig the historical evolution
L’Enseignement à Distance Pendant Différents Moments de Crise en Suisse (XX et XXI siècle)
Wolfgang Sahlfeld • Scuola universitaria della Svizzera italiana, Switzerland
The School Behind The Desk. Literary Images Of Furnishings, Settings And Contexts
Nunzia D’Antuono • University of Salerno, Italy
Figuring Politics – Diagrams of the Political System as a Technology for Citizenship Education
Janne Holmén • Uppsala University, Sweden

A6 SES 09.1
Time: Friday, 02/Sept/2022: 4:30pm ‐ 6:00pm • Location: A‐G.005 Cripta
Concepts, Problems and Joints around Secular and Laic Education in the History of Schooling. Part 3
Chair(s): Adelina Arredondo • Universidad Autónoma de Morelos
Discussant(s): Bruno Poucet • Université de Picardie
Presentations of the Panel
Laic Education and Resistance to Change in a Conservative Society in Mexico, 1917‐1940
Salvador Camacho Sandoval • Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes
Defining or Interpreting Laicity? Trade Union Practices in France (1948‐2004)
Julien Cahon • Université de Picardie
Laic Education in Private Education. A Comparative Study Between Mexico and France
Samantha Morales Nava, Adelina Arredondo • Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos

B3 SES 09.1: Entangling Race and Gender in Colonial Education
Time: Friday, 02/Sept/2022: 4:30pm ‐ 6:00pm • Location: A‐G.020 Ubaldi
Session Chair: Deirdre Raftery • University College Dublin
A Shelter of Germanness in „Deutsch‐Südwest“ – The “Jugendheim” as a Model of Social Pedagogy between Colony and
Dayana Lau • Alice‐Salomon‐Hochschule Berlin, Germany
Girls’ School’s Material Culture in British colonial Tanganyika (1920s‐1961): Gendered and Racial Issues of a Pedagogical Tool
Florence Wenzek • Université de Paris, France
Travelling Texts: ‘The sun never sets on The Happy Venture Readers’
Kay Whitehead • University of South Australia, Australia

A0 SES 10.1: Following the stars. Interviews with the History of Education
Time: Saturday, 03/Sept/2022: 9:00am ‐ 10:30am • Location: G‐G.152
Following the stars. Interviews with the History of Education
Antonella Cagnolati • University of Foggia, Italy
José Luis Hernandez Huerta • University of Valladolid, Spain
Carmen Sanchidrian • University of Malaga, Spain
Joaquim Pintassilgo • University of Lisbon, Portugal
Tatiane De Freitas Ermel • Complutense University of Madrid, Spain
Andrés Payà Rico • University of Valencia, Spain

A1 SES 10.1: Educational Spaces and Materiality (2)

Time: Saturday, 03/Sept/2022: 9:00am ‐ 10:30am • Location: G‐G.052
Session Chair: Carlos Martínez Valle • Universidad Complutense de Madrid
A New School Culture: the implementation of spaces and furniture in the School Group of Lavras – MG
Uma Nova Cultura Escolar: a implementação de espaços e de mobiliários no Grupo Escolar de Lavras – MG
Jardel Costa Pereira • Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais, Brazil
Architectural Plan Of Grupo Escolar Rolândia (1939): Possibility Of Studying A Material School Culture in Paraná’s Education.
Planta Arquitetônica Do Grupo Escolar Rolândia (1939): Possibilidade De Estudo De Uma Cultura Escolar Material Na Educação
Do Paraná
Maicol Renato Barbizan Da Silva • UFPR, Brazil
Freinet’ school press
Attila Horváth H. • Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary
Cheap Print: Towards a History of Informal Teaching Aids Before (and After) Mass Schooling, 1700‐1900
Elisa Marazzi • Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy

A1 SES 10.2: School Objects as Educational Devices (3)

Time: Saturday, 03/Sept/2022: 9:00am ‐ 10:30am • Location: G‐G.252
Session Chair: Antonio Fco. Canales • Universidad Complutense de Madrid
The New Spanish School Architecture Through The Press.
La Nueva Arquitectura Escolar Española A Través De La Prensa
Cristina Redondo Castro, Isabel Grana Gil • Universidad De Málaga, Spain
The Symbolic Value of the Image as an Educational Tool in the Middle Ages
Luca Odini • University of Urbino «Carlo Bo», Italy
A «spring flower» for Southern Italy. The reconstruction of schools in the Straits area after the 1908 disaster
Dario De Salvo, Caterina Sindoni • University of Messina, Italy
Notebooks And Tablets: Uses And Disuses Of Writing Supports In The School Space
Cadernos E Tablets: Usos E Desusos Dos Suportes De Escrita No Espaço Escolar
Lívia Alonso Tagliari, Rita de Cassia Gallego • Faculdade de Educação da Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil

A2 SES 10.1: Textbooks and Teaching

Time: Saturday, 03/Sept/2022: 9:00am ‐ 10:30am • Location: G‐G.053
Session Chair: Tom Woodin • University College, London
Another Approach to the Teaching of Geography in Gloria Giner: Maps, Images and Stories of Women Travellers
Victoria Robles‐Sanjuán • University of Granada, Spain
The Role Of Musical Instruments In Elementary Classrooms – A Historical Overview Of Hungarian Curricula Between 1869‐2020
Zsuzsanna Polyák • Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary

Textbooks And Experimental Archaeology: The Transformation Of Specialist Knowledge About Prehistory to Educational
Knowledge For Primary School Children
Lena Almqvist Nielsen • University West, Sweden
The Emergence of German History Textbooks for Girls’ Schools in the 19th Century
Timm Gerd Hellmanzik • University of Hamburg & Helmut Schmidt University, Germany

A2 SES 10.2: Curriculum and Teaching

Time: Saturday, 03/Sept/2022: 9:00am ‐ 10:30am • Location: A‐G.114 Bisleti
Session Chair: Diana Vidal • University of Sao Paulo
Telling Children about Cinema. The Cases of Three Illustrated Books from Great Britain, France, and Italy (1950‐1972)
Damiano Felini • University of Parma, Italy
Literary Readers in Israel – A Toolbox for Young Generations
Ayelet Gil‐Ronen • The Ben‐Gurion Research Institute for the Study of Israel and Zionism, Ben‐Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
Promoting Citizens for Joy and Work in the Happy Island
Ellen Rosnes, Brit Marie Hovland • VID Specialized University, Norway
Emotions and Feelings In Reading Books: Study on Hygiene Teaching In Felisberto de Carvalho’s Graded Grade
Emoções e Sentimentos Nos Livros de Leitura: Estudo Sobre o Ensino Da Higiene na Série Graduada de Felisberto de Carvalho
Flavia Rezende • Universidade Estadual de Campinas, bolsista CAPES

A6 SES 10.1
Time: Saturday, 03/Sept/2022: 9:00am ‐ 10:30am • Location: A‐G.005 Cripta
Autism, ADHD – History of Psychiatric “Objects” and “Techniques” in Education
Chair(s): Sylvia Kesper‐Biermann • University of Hamburg
Discussant(s): Jona Tomke Garz • University of Zurich
Presentations of the Panel
Excess and Deficit. Diagnosing and Treating Autism as a Behavioural Syndrome
Rüdiger Graf • ZFF – Leibniz Centre for Contemporary History, Potsdam
“Therapy and Entitlement”: A Comparative Perspective on Techniques of Education and Schooling for pupils with Autism
Spectrum Disorder, 1960–2000.
Kathrin Berdelmann • DIPF – Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education, Berlin
The “early history” of ADHD: The “Psychoorganic Syndrome” (POS)
Patrick Bühler • University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, School of Education
Diagnosis Seldom Comes Alone – The Psychiatric Diagnosis POS in Special Education in Switzerland, 1970‐1990
Daniel Deplazes • University of Zurich

A6 SES 10.2: Travelling of Educational Objects (3)

Time: Saturday, 03/Sept/2022: 9:00am ‐ 10:30am • Location: A‐G.019 Vismara
Session Chair: Christine Mayer • University of Hamburg
Teaching Imperialism With Colonial Objects: Empire Exhibitions In English Girls’ Schools, 1880‐1914
Helen Lydia Sunderland • University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Women’s Education and Educational Practices of Teachers (Rio Grande do Norte‐brazil in the Twentieth Century)
Educação da mulher e práticas educativas de professoras (Rio Grande Do Norte, século XX)
Francinaide de Lima Silva Nascimento • IFRN, Brazil
Reproduction and Circulation of Educational Objects from Europe to Ottoman Palestine
Tali Tadmor Shimony • Ben Gurion University, Israel
Nirit Raichel • Kinneret Academic College
A Pedagogical Revolution From Below: The Spread of the Monitorial System in Sweden
Esbjörn Larsson • Uppsala University, Sweden

A8 SES 10.1: Educational Spaces and Symbolic Meanings (3)

Time: Saturday, 03/Sept/2022: 9:00am ‐ 10:30am • Location: A‐G.020 Ubaldi
Session Chair: Angelo Van Gorp • University of Koblenz‐Landau (Campus Landau)
Childhood On The Teacher’s Desk. School Between Narration And Educational Objects
Giovanni Savarese • Università degli Studi di Salerno, Italy
History and Politics of Computer Education in Schools in India: The Case of West Bengal
Krishna Kanta Roy, V Kalyan Shankar • Symbiosis International (Deemed University), India
Telling Time. A History of Children’s Watches
Diana Volonakis • Northumbria University
The Construction of the Image of a Bookstore in 19th Century Rio de Janeiro: Circulation of Didactic Books
A Construção da Imagem de Uma Livraria no Rio de Janeiro Oitocentista: Circulação de Livros Didáticos
Bruna Polachini • School of Education ‐ University of São Paulo, Brazil

A1 SES 11.1: Educational Spaces and Materiality (3)
Time: Saturday, 03/Sept/2022: 11:00am ‐ 12:30pm • Location: G‐G.152
Session Chair: José Luis Hernández Huerta • University of Valladolid
Blackboard or Paper? The Silent Change in the School: Mexico City, 1882‐1925
«¿Pizarra o Papel?: El Cambio Silencioso en la Escuela, Ciudad de México, Siglos XIX y XX»
MaríaEugenia Chaoul • Instituto de Investigaciones Dr. José María Luis Mora, Mexico
Educational Settings in the Municipality of Uberaba, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
Configurações Educacionais no âmbito do Município de Uberaba, Minas Gerais, Brasil
Carlos Henrique Carvalho • Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Brazil
Technologies As Historical Innovations In The Field Of Education
As Tecnologias Como Inovações Históricas No Campo Da Educação
Conceição Solange Perin • Universidade Estadual do Paraná ‐UNESPAR, Brazil; Universidade Estaadual de Maringá ‐ UEM, Brazil
Terezinha Oliveira • Universidade Estaadual de Maringá ‐ UEM, Brazil

A1 SES 11.2: Material Histories of School Objects (4)

Time: Saturday, 03/Sept/2022: 11:00am ‐ 12:30pm • Location: G‐G.252
Session Chair: Marcelo Caruso • Humboldt‐Universität zu Berlin
The National Association for the Interests of Southern Italy at the Florence Educational Exhibition in 1925
L’Association Nationale pour les Intérêts du Sud de l’Italie à l’exposition pédagogique de Florence en 1925
Brunella Serpe, Fabio Stizzo • Università della Calabria, Italy
The 1924 Pedagogical Exhibition in Madrid
La Exposición pedagógica de 1924 en Madrid
Consuelo Flecha García • Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
The exhibition of school objects from the Companhia Melhoramentos at the Exposição do Centenário da Independência do
A exposição de objetos escolares da Companhia Melhoramentos no Centenário da Independência do Brasil
Rochele Allgayer • UFPR, Brazil
The use of forms to personify teaching at Colégio Santa Cruz (1959‐1962)
O uso de fichas na personalização do ensino no Colégio Santa Cruz (1959‐1962)
Norberto Dallabrida • Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina ‐ UDESC, Brazil

A2 SES 11.1: Teaching and Society (6)

Time: Saturday, 03/Sept/2022: 11:00am ‐ 12:30pm • Location: G‐G.052
Session Chair: Luana Salvarani • Università di Parma
One Kingdom – Two Nations. Opposite Pardigms of History and Citizenship?
Brit Marie Hovland • VID Specialized University, Norway
Niklas Ammert • Linnæus University, Sweden
Innovative Strategies on Curriculum Development in Literacy Education in Nigeria 1992‐2022
Hannah Adebola Aderonke Okediji • Ministry Of Education Science And Technology, Oyo State Nigeria, Nigeria
Innovative Learning and Teaching Tools of the Value Transmitting and Ability Development Pedagogy
Judit Bognárné Kocsis • Veszprém Archbishop’s College, Hungary

A2 SES 11.2
Time: Saturday, 03/Sept/2022: 11:00am ‐ 12:30pm • Location: A‐G.005 Cripta
Technologies of the Word, 16 Years After Umeå: Comparative Studies of Writing Ideologies and Objects.
Chair(s): Elsie Rockwell • Cinvestav‐Mexico, Mexico
Discussant(s): Diana Gonçalves Vidal • University of Sao Paulo
Presentations of the Panel
Representations of Writing and its Absence in 19th century Brazil: An Analysis Based on Dictionary Entries
Ana Maria de Oliveira Galvão • Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil
How Pen Technologies Changed Teaching. Evidence From France
Comment Les technologies de la Plume ont Changé l’Enseignement. Évidence de la France.
Anne‐Marie Chartier • Laboratoire de recherche historique Rhône‐Alpes
Writing for Oneself, Writing for All: School Technologies of Writing Among Wayãpi Amerindians (Brazil/French Guiana)
Écrire pour Soi, Écrire pour Tous : Technologies Scolaires de l’Écrit Entre les Amérindiens wayãpi (Brésil/Guyane Française)
Silvia Lopes da Silva Macedo • Université de Paris‐Est Créteil
Writing in the School’s Public Sphere in Mexico and France
Elsie Rockwell • Cinvestav‐Mexico, Mexico

A2 SES 11.3
Time: Saturday, 03/Sept/2022: 11:00am ‐ 12:30pm • Location: A‐G.019 Vismara
Pedagogical Objects from the Arts and Crafts Schools and the Art Education Movement (1870‐1914)
Chair(s): Kathrin Berdelmann •DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education
Discussant(s): Joachim Scholz •Ruhr‐Universität Bochum
Presentations of the Panel
German Schools of Arts and Crafts: Objects of Educational Collections (1870 – 1914)
Alexandra Panzert • Hochschule Hannover
Anna‐Sophie Laug • Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden
The Arts Education Movement, The Arts and Crafts Revolution, and the German Primary Schoolroom, 1890‐1910.
Carolyn Kay • Trent University, Canada
Fantastical Ornament and the Free School: Emanuel Pelant’s Artistic Experimentation and Avant‐garde Teaching Methods
Lada Hubatová‐Vacková • Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design Prague
Teaching Aids for Free Drawing
Bettina Irina Reimers • DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education

A2 SES 11.4: Textbooks and Teaching (2)

Time: Saturday, 03/Sept/2022: 11:00am ‐ 12:30pm • Location: A‐G.020 Ubaldi
Session Chair: Marc André Depaepe • KU Leuven & University of Latvia
A Transnational History of the Curriculum for Primary School: Between Civilizational Process and Social Classification (Brazil
And France, 19th Century)
Alexandre Silva • University of São Paulo, Brazil / São Paulo Research Foundation (grant # 2020/11928‐8)
Readers for Elementary Schools as an Instrument for Implementing Values Education
Orit Oved • Tel Aviv University, Israel
New pedagogical objects for a new elementary school. The Italian experiences of Mario Mazza and Marco Agosti during
Evelina Scaglia • University of Bergamo, Italy
Between educational policies and practices. Everyday Schooling Life in Chilean Secondary Schools Under the Hegemony of
the «Technological Curriculum» (1964‐1970)
Sebastián Neut Aguayo • Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

A4 SES 11.1: Politics of Educational Technologies (2)

Time: Saturday, 03/Sept/2022: 11:00am ‐ 12:30pm • Location: A‐G.114 Bisleti
Session Chair: Stephen George Parker • University of Worcester
Communism as an «Educating Dictatorship»: Newsreels and Politics Between 1945 and 1954 in Hungary
Lajos Somogyvári • University of Pannonia, Hungary
The Role of the Special Educational Experts and the Emergence of the Paradigm of Integration in Sweden 1960s‐1990s
Anne Berg • University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Johanna Ringarp • Uppsala university, Sweden
Representations Of The Learner In British Post War Colonial Documentary Film
Tom Woodin • University College, London, United Kingdom
The Role of Funding in the Introduction of Audiovisual Media in Zurich, 1950‐2000
Anne Bosche, Michael Geiss • Zurich University of Teacher Education, Switzerland

A6 SES 11.1: Production and Circulation of Educational Objects (2)

Time: Saturday, 03/Sept/2022: 11:00am ‐ 12:30pm • Location: A‐G.113 Meda
Session Chair: Christine Ann Woyshner • Temple University
The History of Education and Research on Digital Environment
Vinicius Monção • Fluminense Federal University, Brazil
American Studies: Swedish‐American Academic Networks and the Production of Knowledge for Swedish Classrooms
Christin Mays • Uppsala University, Sweden
The Reproduction and Circulation of the «Social Efficiency School» of American Progressive Education in China
Wei‐chih LIOU • National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
“Essential Objects”: School Materiality In The Reports from Primary Teachers In The Mid‐nineteenth Century.
“Objetos Essenciais”: A Materialidade Escolar Nos Relatórios De Professores Primários (Segunda Metade Do Século XIX).
Franciele Ferreira França • Faculdade de Educação da Universidade de São Paulo (FEUSP); Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do
Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)

ISCHE 43 SCHEDULE OVERVIEW (online on Whova App; please note, all timings are for Rome time zone)

MONDAY 5 September
09.00‐10.30 Parallel sessions 1
10.30‐11.00 Coffee break
11.00‐12.30 Parallel sessions 2
12.30‐13.30 Lunch time
13.30‐15.00 Parallel sessions 3
15.00‐15.30 Coffee break
15.30‐17.00 Parallel sessions 4

TUESDAY 6 September
09.00‐10.30 Parallel sessions 5
10.30‐11.00 Coffee break
11.00‐12.30 Parallel sessions 6
12.30‐13.30 Lunch time
13.30‐15.00 Parallel sessions 7
15.00‐15.30 Coffee break
15.30‐17.00 Parallel sessions 8
Monday 5 September, 15.30‐17.00
The EC members will meet the ECR

Tuesday 6 September, 13.30‐15.00

This meeting will offer young researchers guidance and advice on journal publishing.

Monday 5 September, 13.30‐15.00
Since 2017 the Executive Committee of ISCHE organizes the Tertulia, a round table debate that focuses on current is‐
sues in the history of education.

Tuesday 6 September, 11.00‐12.30
Introduction: Karin Priem, University of Luxembourg

Chair: Kenichiro Miyamoto, Kwansei Gakuin University

Speakers: Atsushi Adachi, Center for Teaching Profession, Asahi University, Japan; Ami Kobayashi, University of Landau,
Germany; Kenichiro Miyamoto, Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan; Atsuko Shimbo, Waseda University, Japan; Atsushi
Suzuki, Kyushu University, Japan.
The ISCHE Executive Committee decided in 2019 to organize country panels to reach out to communities less visible at
ISCHE. This year we will discuss recent trends related to scholarship in history of education in Japan, West and East Asia
since the 1870s. Overarching themes discussed will be: (1) educational thoughts, ideologies, and disciplines from a his‐
torical perspective; (2) comparative and social history of schools, children, families, and communities, including gender;
(3) history of educational methods, curricula, and teachers; and (4) routines and objects of schooling in the historical
A1 ONLINE 01.1: Artifacts, Health, Disability
Time: Monday, 05/Sept/2022: 9:00am ‐ 10:30am
Session Chair: Andreas Westerberg • Umeå Universitet/Idé‐ och samhällsstudier
The Role of School Furniture in the Greek Educational System. Pedagogical Requirements and Medical Demands (1910‐
Le Rôle du Mobilier Scolaire Dans le Système éducatif Grec. Exigences Pédagogiques et Demandes Médicales (1910‐1932)
Despina KARAKATSANI, Pavlina Nikolopoulou • University of the Peloponnese
History of Material for Disabled and Teacher Training on the use of Technologies in a Periodical for Teachers (1985)
Stefania Carioli • Università di Bologna, Italy
Material Ambitions As Teaching Ideals: On The Swedish History Of School Desks 1865 ‐ 1955
Andreas Westerberg • Umeå Universitet/Idé‐ och samhällsstudier, Sweden
Educational Environment and Facilities in Kindergarten Integrated to the Public School System in Hawaii
Akiko Shioji • Naruto University of Education, Japan

A3 ONLINE 01.1: Educational Media

Time: Monday, 05/Sept/2022: 9:00am ‐ 10:30am
Session Chair: Oleksandr Mikhno • Pedagogical Museum of Ukraine
New (and Old) Educational Technologies of Teaching, Assessment for Learning and Summative Evaluation in the Changing
Kibbutz Education (1970s Onwards)
Yuval Dror • Tel Aviv University, Israel
The Phenomenon of the Pedagogical Profile of a Student: from Ushinsky to Sukhomlinsky
Oleksandr Mikhno • Pedagogical Museum of Ukraine, Ukraine
The “Oasis” Of Video Game: Through The Screen Into The Wonderland Of The Interactive Metaphors
Gabriele Brancaleoni, Alessandro Soriani • University of Bologna, Italy
Women’s Magazines as a Medium for the Political Education of Proletarian Women
Christina Engelmann • University of Gießen (JLU) | Institute for Social Research (IfS) Frankfurt, Germany

A6 ONLINE 01.1: Travelling of Educational Objects

Time: Monday, 05/Sept/2022: 9:00am ‐ 10:30am
Session Chair: Frances Jennifer Kelly • University of Auckland
School Records in the Service of Research on Textbook Usage
Zsófia Molnár‐Kovács • University of Pécs, Hungary
‘Itinerant Museums’: New Zealand Museums’ Travelling School Loan Cases
Frances Jennifer Kelly • University of Auckland, New Zealand
Attitudes Toward Modern Languages in Spain in the Mid‐16th to Early 17th Century and Their Influence on English Language
Teresa Victoria Gerdes, Ana María Martínez Martínez, Christian Werner Roith • Universidad de Almería, Spain

A1 ONLINE 02.1: School Objects as Educational Devices

Time: Monday, 05/Sept/2022: 11:00am ‐ 12:30pm
Session Chair: Wiebke Hiemesch • University Hildesheim
Written Traces of Educational Practices. Cultural and Educational Historical Perspectives on School Notes From the Women’s
Concentration Camp Ravensbrück
Prozessspuren von Bildungspraktiken. Kultur‐ und bildungshistorische Annäherungen an Schülerinnennotizen aus dem Frauen‐
Konzentrationslager Ravensbrück
Wiebke Hiemesch • University Hildesheim, Germany
The Freinet Movement In Spain (1970‐1990): Tools For Cooperation
El Movimiento Freinet En España (1970‐1990): Herramientas Para La Cooperación
Alba María Gómez Sánchez • Independent researcher
The Class Newspapers of the Nino Costa Full‐Time Primary School in Turin (1965‐1975)
Davide Allegra • University of Bari «Aldo Moro», Italy
Philanthropic Elements in Hungarian Education in the 19th Century
Philanthropische Elemente im ungarischen Bildungswesen des 19. Jahrhunderts
Irén Virág • Eszterhazy Karoly Catholic University, Hungary

A2 ONLINE 02.1: Teaching Tools and Gender
Time: Monday, 05/Sept/2022: 11:00am ‐ 12:30pm
Session Chair: xiuxia liu • Sichuan Normal University
Role of the Order of Notre Dame in the Development of Southern‐Hungarian Girls’ Education
Die Rolle der Augustiner‐Chorfrauen in der Mädchenerziehung von Süd‐Ungarn
Zsuzsanna Mária Takács • University of Pécs, Hungary
History Textbook of the Dominican Sisters of Saint‐Pré : Study of a Différent Kind of Contemporary Textbook
Précis D’histoire Des Soeurs Dominicaines de Saint‐Pré. Etude de Cas D’un Autre Type de Manuel Contemporain
Fabien Aignan • Aix‐Marseille Université, France
A Study on Visualizing Female Education and Its Changes from Song to Ming Dynasty — Taking the Lienv Zhuan as example
Xiuxia Liu • Sichuan advanced Institute of Culture and Education, Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu, 610068, China
Xiaotian Hu • Department of continuing education, Shanghai Customs College, Shanghai, 201204, China
The Bildungsroman in the Fascist Period and The Emblematic Case of «Bagliori»
Jessica Pasca • Università degli studi di Palermo, Italy

A6 ONLINE 02.1
Time: Monday, 05/Sept/2022: 11:00am ‐ 12:30pm
Educational Writings as Travelling Objects between the West and the East
Chair(s): Joyce Goodman • University of Winchester
Presentations of the Panel
Writings by Utako Shimoda, as Travelling Objects of Women’s Education between Japan, Britain, and China
Setsuko Kagawa • Tsuda University
Sumi Ōe’s transnational experience in UK and Europe: Seeing educational writings as travelling objects 1902‐1906
Sayaka Nakagomi • Rikkyo University
Reproduction and Circulation of Concepts and Practices between the UK and Japan
Yoko Yamasaki • Mukogawa Women’s University
Dewey’s Unknown Essays Written During his Stay in Japan and China: Focusing on the Possibility of Mutual National Under‐
Takayuki Sato • Waseda University

A1 ONLINE 03.1
Time: Monday, 05/Sept/2022: 1:30pm ‐ 3:00pm
Material Culture and the Disciplinary Technologies of the History of (Science) Education ‐ Part 1
Chair(s): Josep Simon • Universitat de València
Discussant(s): Eduardo Lautaro Galak • CONICET/UNLP
Presentations of the Panel
The School and Science as a Market: Production, Trade and Transnational Circulation of Scientific‐Pedagogical Objects (1880‐
A Escola e a Ciência como Mercado: Produção, Comércio e Circulação Transnacional de Objetos Científico‐Pedagógicos (1880‐1921)
Wiara Rosa Alcântara • Universidade Federal de São Paulo
“Technological Museums”: Market, Sciences, and Teaching (1890‐1940)
“Museus Tecnológicos”: Mercado, Ciências e Ensino (1890‐1940)
Katya Braghini• Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo
PSSC Technology: Engineering the “Global Revolution” in the Teaching of the Sciences in the 1960s
Josep Simon • Universitat de València

A2 ONLINE 03.1: Curriculum and Teaching

Time: Monday, 05/Sept/2022: 1:30pm ‐ 3:00pm
Session Chair: Tibor Darvai • Eötvös Loránd University Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Needs Education
Curricula in Hungary in the early 1960s
Tibor Darvai • Eötvös Loránd University Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Needs Education, Hungary
Between professionalization and control of subjectivities: primary education in the International Conferences on Public
Education IBE/UNESCO (1946‐1969)
Entre a Profissionalização e o Controle Das Subjetividades: o Magistério Primário Nas Conferências Internacionais de Instrução
Pública do BIE/UNESCO (1946‐1969)
Marina Mendes da Costa, Rita de Cassia Gallego • University of São Paulo, Brazil

Attire, Equipment, And Singing: Traces Of The Organization Of A Physical Education Class/Session
Trajes, Equipamentos E Cantos: Vestígios Da Organização De Uma Aula/Sessão De Educação Física
Iara Marina dos Anjos Bonifácio, Andrea Moreno, • Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil
Anderson da Cunha Baia • Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Brazil
Political Ideology and Textbook Recontextualization: The Chinese Language Textbook of Hong Kong in the 1950s
Zeyi Wang • The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong S.A.R. (China)

A2 ONLINE 03.2: Teaching and Society

Time: Monday, 05/Sept/2022: 1:30pm ‐ 3:00pm
Session Chair: Lina Spjut • Umeå University
Changes in Teaching‐content and Didactics when Transitioning from Private Schools to Public Schools with the First Elemen‐
tary School Act, 1842
Lina Spjut • Umeå University, Sweden
Fredrik Olsson Spjut • Umeå University, Sweden
Technology and cultural production at the School Park of Brasilia, Brazil (1960‐1975)
Tecnologia e produção cultural na Escola‐Parque de Brasília, Brasil (1960‐1975)
Ingrid Dittrich Wiggers, Lucimara Gomes Oliveira de Morais • University of Brasilia
“Ammazza l’Uccellino”: the Debate and Criticism around Textbooks in 1970s Italy
Monica Dati • Università di Firenze, Italy
Representations of Reading and Formative Projects (1970‐1990): The School Print as a Technology of School Socialization
Représentations De La Lecture et Des Projets Formatifs (1970‐1990): Documents Imprimés Comme Technologie de Socialisation
Patrícia Aparecida do Amparo • University of São Paulo, Brazil

A3 ONLINE 03.1: Educational Media (2)

Time: Monday, 05/Sept/2022: 1:30pm ‐ 3:00pm
Session Chair: Rafaela Silva Rabelo • Universidade Ibirapuera
Televisión Escolar: A Television Program through Revista de Educación and NO‐DO (Spain, 1968‐1970)
Televisión Escolar: Un Programa de Televisión a través de Revista de Educación y NO‐DO (España, 1968‐1970)
María Dolores Molina Poveda • Universidad Isabel I, Spain; University of Malaga, Spain
Carmen Sanchidrián Blanco • University of Malaga, Spain
Representations Of Latin American Education In The Office Of Inter‐American Affairs’ Films
Rafaela Silva Rabelo • Universidade Ibirapuera, Brazil
New Approach to Arts Education by Adapting Aprendemos en Casa
Nuevo Planteamiento en la Educación Artística Adaptando Los Vídeos de Aprendemos en Casa
Álvaro Nieto Ratero • GRUPOEDE/Centro de Estudos Interdisciplinares do Século XX (CEIS20), Universidad de Coímbra, Portugal
Helena Lamas Moreno de Vega • Universidad de Salamanca, España
Imagine The Future, Educational Perspectives In Cross‐media Narratives
Michela Baldini • University of Florence, Italy

A5 ONLINE 03.1: Educational Technologies

Time: Monday, 05/Sept/2022: 1:30pm ‐ 3:00pm
Session Chair: Georgios Tzartzas • University of Western Macedonia
Educational Technology For Political Education In Peronist Argentina. The Case Of The Secondary Students Union (1953‐
La Tecnología Educativa Para La Formación Política En La Argentina Peronista. El Caso De La Unión de Estudiantes Secundarios
Cecilia Almada • Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentine Republic
The Psycho‐culture of School Mental Health Services in 1950s Sweden
Anna Larsson • Umeå University, Sweden
Thom Axelsson • Malmö University, Sweden
The development of Technical and Vocational Education in Greece over the past 50 years: considerations and suggestions.
Calliope Tsantali, Evaggelia Kalerante, Georgios Tzartzas • University of Western Macedonia, Greece

A8 ONLINE 03.1: Symbolic Power and Education
Time: Monday, 05/Sept/2022: 1:30pm ‐ 3:00pm
Session Chair: Michaela Vogt • Bielefeld University
The material culture of a Calvinist School in the Works of Magda Szabó
Marianna Ács • University of Pécs of Hungary, Hungary
The Values Transmission and Skills Development Pedagogy Assessment Model
Das Bewertungsmodell der Wertevermittelnden und Fähigkeitsfördernden Pädagogik
Judit Langer‐Buchwald • Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary
Interconnections of Laws and the Discourse Around Inclusion/exclusion. A Comparative Study of SouthTyrol (I) and the Can‐
ton of Zurich (CH))
Verflechtungen von Gesetzen und dem Diskurs um schulische Inklusion/Exklusion: eine Vergleichsstudie in Südtirol (Italien) und
dem Kanton Zürich (Schweiz)
Annemarie Augschöll Blasbichler • Free University of Bolzano/Bozen, Italy
David Labhart • PH Unterstrass Zürich, Switzerland
Teaching objects in Special Education in Canada and Germany: A historical comparative analysis of learning spaces’ role in
assessment, 1950‐1980
John Allison • Nipissing University, Canada
Michaela Vogt • Bielefeld University, Germany

Time: Monday, 05/Sept/2022: 3:30pm ‐ 5:00pm
Academic Productions for the Teaching of Authoritarianism. Naming and Semanticizing
Pablo Pineau • Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentine Republic
Antonio Romano • Universidad de la Republica Uruguay
Ana Diamant • Universidad de Buenos Aires
Aymara Flores Solano • UNAM
Antonio Canales Solano • Universidad de la Laguna
Maria do Carmens Martins • Universidad de Campinhas

A1 ONLINE 04.1
Time: Monday, 05/Sept/2022: 3:30pm ‐ 5:00pm
Material Culture and the Disciplinary Technologies of the History of (Science) Education ‐ Part 2
Chair(s): Josep Simon • Universitat de València
Discussant(s): Eduardo Lautaro Galak • CONICET/UNLP
Presentations of the Panel
Reflections on Technique and School Education
Reflexões sobre a Técnica e a Educação Escolar
Kazumi Munakata • Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo
Experiments, Education and Objects: A Comparative Study of Scientific Teaching Tools at the University of Santiago de
Compostela (19th‐20th centuries)
Anxo Vidal Nogueira • Universitat de València‐Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
ENOSA: Techno‐Nationalism, Science Pedagogy and Educational Industry during the Spanish Dictatorship (1949‐1975)
Pedro Llovera Segovia • Universitat Politècnica de València

A2 ONLINE 04.1: Teaching and Society (2)

Time: Monday, 05/Sept/2022: 3:30pm ‐ 5:00pm
Session Chair: María Elisa Welti • Universidad Nacional de Rosario
Teaching and Learning in the Disputed Questions on the Soul by Thomas Aquinas
O Ensino e a Aprendizagem Nas Questões Disputadas Sobre a Alma de Tomás de Aquino
Terezinha Oliveira • Universidade Estadual de Maringá (UEM), Brasil
Rafael Henrique Santin • Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Paraná (IFPR), Brasil
Visual Anthropology and the Teaching of History in School: Building Memory and Identity in the Armed Conflict in
Antropología Visual Y Enseñanza De La Historia En La Escuela: Construyendo Memoria E Identidad En El Conflicto Armado
En Colombia
Rafael Hernandez Castellanos • Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
Communist Ideology in English Language Textbooks
Dimka Ivanova • The Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria

Teaching Objects and Images in the Artistic Education in Argentina (1900‐1930)
Objetos de Uso Didáctico e Imágenes en la Educación Artística en la Argentina (1900‐1930)
María Elisa Welti • Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentine Republic

A6 ONLINE 04.1: Teaching and Society (3)

Time: Monday, 05/Sept/2022: 3:30pm ‐ 5:00pm
Session Chair: Tatiana de Andrade Fulas • Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo
Making an Educational Crisis: Quantification and its Consequences in the History of the International Civic and Citizenship
Education Study
Pieter Dirk van Rees • University of Groningen, Netherlands, The
Cinquante Jours au Brésil: Trip Reports of Édouard Claparède (1930)
Cinquante Jours au Brésil: Relatos da Viagem de Édouard Claparède (1930)
Laís Paula de Medeiros Campos Azevedo, Olívia Morais de Medeiros Neta • Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande Do Norte,
Brazil; Instituto Federal De Educação, Ciência E Tecnologia Do Rio Grande Do Norte, Brazil
Inkless Pages: The Technology of Book Publishing Industry and the Literacy of the Blind
Tatiana de Andrade Fulas • Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, Brazil
Singularities and Generalities of the Founding and Financing Process of the First Primary Schools in New Granada and
Sweden: 1830‐1853
John Cardenas‐Herrera • Universidad de San Buenaventura, Bogota, Colombia

A1 ONLINE 05.1: Material Histories of School Objects

Time: Tuesday, 06/Sept/2022: 9:00am ‐ 10:30am
Session Chair: Elisabetta Patrizi • University of Macerata
The school library as an educational device. The case of the Giacomo Leopardi National Boarding School Library in Macerata
Anna Ascenzi, Elisabetta Patrizi • University of Macerata
The Weapons as Pedagogical Tools in Hungary in the 1940s
Szilárd Mohr • University of Pécs, Hungary
Carlo Collodi And The Renewal Of Scholastic Publishing In The Second Half Of The XIX Century
Teresa Gargano • Università Roma Tre, Italy
On the Pedagogical Uses of Children’s Literature at the Escuela Del Mar in Barcelona (1922‐1938)
Sobre Los Usos Pedagógicos de la Literatura Infantil en la Escuela Del Mar de Barcelona (1922‐1938)
Jordi Garcia Farrero, Àngel Pascual Martín, Ferran Sanchez Margalef • University of Barcelona, Spain

A4 ONLINE 05.1: Politics of Educational Technologies

Time: Tuesday, 06/Sept/2022: 9:00am ‐ 10:30am
Session Chair: Yana A. Volkova • RUDN University
Big Bird teaches English: The Globalization of Sesame Street in East Asian Countries
Woo Yeong Kim • Arizona State University, United States of America
Implementation of Digital Technologies in the Everyday Life of Primary Schools in (Post)Socialist Czechoslovakia
Jiří Zounek, Oto Polouček • Masaryk University Faculty of Arts, Czech Republic
Television and the Education‐Culture Divide in the United States
Sherman Dorn • Arizona State University, United States of America
The Role Of Ideology In The Development Of FLT Technologies In The Soviet Union
Yana A. Volkova • RUDN University, Russian Federation

A7 ONLINE 05.1
Time: Tuesday, 06/Sept/2022: 9:00am ‐ 10:30am
Networks and Spaces of Communication: Scientific Collaboration in the History of Education in Mediterranean Europe and
Latin America (1995‐2020)
Chair(s): Rita Hoffstetter • University of Geneva, Switzerland
Discussant(s): Julie McLeod • University of Melbourne, Australia
Presentations of the Panel
The Configuration of History of Education Networks in Mediterranean Europe and Latin America
Carmen Sanchidrián Blanco • University of Malaga
Pablo Toro Blanco • Alberto Hurtado University, Chile
Bernard Schneuwly • University of Geneva, Switzerland

Scientific Production and Communication Networks of History of Education in Spain
José Luis Hernández Huerta • University of Valladolid, Spain
Roser Grau • University of Valencia, Spain
Katerina Dalakoura • University of Crete, Greece
Scientific Production and Communication Networks of History of Education in Brazil
Producción Científica y Redes de Comunicación de Historia de la Educación en Brasil
Tatiane De Freitas Ermel • Complutense University of Madrid, Spain
Décio Gatti Junior • Federal University of Uberlândia, Brazil
Andrés Payà Rico • University of Valencia, Spain

A8 ONLINE 05.1: Symbolic Power and Education (2)

Time: Tuesday, 06/Sept/2022: 9:00am ‐ 10:30am
Session Chair: Le Zhang, Humboldt University Berlin
Image and Representation of Labor Professions in School Manuals During the Spanish Transition: Pedagogical Tool, Gender
Imagen Y Representación De Las Profesiones Laborales En Los Manuales Escolares Durante La Transición Española: Herramienta
Pedagógica, Identidad De Género
Patricia Delgado • University of Sevilla, Spain
Bárbara de las Heras Monastero • University of Jaén, Spain
“Please Your Parent’s Signature”: A Discourse Analysis Of Parental Signatures As Educational Technology In China
Le Zhang • Humboldt University Berlin, Germany
Il Cono Pedagogico dell’Asilo d’Infanzia di Rovereto: Purposes, Means and Rules of a Project
Paolo Bonafede • University of Trento, Italy

A4 ONLINE 06.1
Time: Tuesday, 06/Sept/2022: 11:00am ‐ 12:30pm
Educational Technologies and Transformations in 20th Century Africa: New Historical Approaches
Chair(s): Elisa Prosperetti • National Institute of Education, Singapore
Discussant(s): Claire Nicolas • School of Oriental and African Studies, London
Presentations of the Panel
The Experimentations of the SORAFOM in the Colonies of Sub‐Saharan Africa (1949‐1960)
Thomas Leyris • University of Lille
Between Theory and Practice: Educational Cinema in French Colonial and Post‐Colonial Africa (first half of the 20th
Gabrielle Chomentowski • Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne
Pedagogy of the Image : Education as Technocracy in 1970s Côte d’Ivoire
Elisa Prosperetti • National Institute of Education, Singapore
Development as an Experiment: A Fundamental Education Project in Late Colonial Senegal
Damiano Matasci • University of Geneva

A5 ONLINE 06.1: Technologies and Education

Time: Tuesday, 06/Sept/2022: 11:00am ‐ 12:30pm
Session Chair: Daniel Töpper • Humboldt‐Universität zu Berlin
“Don´t kiss me!”: Body Education and Child Oral Health Assistance In The Salud Y Sanidad Magazine (Colombia, 1930’s)
“No me Beses!”: Educação Corporal e Assistência à Saúde Bucal Infantil na Revista Salud y Sanidad (Colômbia, década de 1930)
Iranilson Buriti de Oliveira • Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Brazil
Technology deficit and Technologies of Schooling – Using Technology As Theoretical Frame In The History Of Schooling
Daniel Töpper • Humboldt‐Universität zu Berlin, Germany
Between Conservatism and Modernization in Teacher Training for Children’s Physical Education (1976‐1983)
Entre el Conservadurismo y la Modernización en la Formación Docente de Educación Física Infantil (1976‐1983)
Daniela Mansi • Universidad de Flores/Universidad Nacional de Luján
The Forgotten Partner: How Early 20th Century Classroom Design Contributed to Progressive Pedagogy
Dale Allen Gyure • Lawrence Technological University, United States of America

A8 ONLINE 06.1
Time: Tuesday, 06/Sept/2022: 11:00am ‐ 12:30pm
Atlantic Crossing. Educational Ideas and material culture in the 19th and early 20th Century in the United States and Spain.
Chair(s): Jon Igelmo Zaldívar • Complutense University of Madrid
Discussant(s): Tatiane de Freitas Ermel • Complutense University of Madrid
Presentations of the Panel
The Pedagogical Creeds of the End of the Nineteenth Century: Transitioning to New Directions
Rosa Bruno‐Jofré • Queen’s University
Gonzalo Jover Olmeda • Complutense University of Madrid
Exploring the Material Culture of the Playground Movement in the Late Nineteenth Century: Jane Addams and the
Hull‐House Playground
Laura Camas Garrido • Complutense University of Madrid
Re‐contextualizing the early reception of María Montessori in Spain (1906‐1936)
Patricia Quiroga Uceda • Complutense University of Madrid
Manuel B. Cossío at the Bilbao National School Exhibition of 1905 and the early configuration of pedagogical critique in Spain
Jon Igelmo Zaldívar • Complutense University of Madrid

A1 ONLINE 07.1: Educational Spaces and Materiality

Time: Tuesday, 06/Sept/2022: 1:30pm ‐ 3:00pm
Session Chair: Luna Abrano Bocchi • Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais
The Intermedial History of Computer Code Broadcasts and Its Educational Uses
Jörgen Rahm‐Skågeby • Stockholm university, Sweden
Lina Rahm • Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Image As Technology: Art Illustrated For Children From Pinin Carpi To Alessandro Sanna
Simone di Biasio • Università di Roma Tre, Italy
Open‐air School Desks and the Search for Orthopedic, Retractable, and Portable Furniture
As Carteiras das Escolas ao ar Livre e a Busca por Mobiliário Ortopédico, Retrátil e Portátil
André Dalben • Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Brazil
Botany and Education: The Herbarium Between The Scientific and The Educational Worlds
Luna Abrano Bocchi • Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais, Brazil

A2 ONLINE 07.1: School and Culture

Time: Tuesday, 06/Sept/2022: 1:30pm ‐ 3:00pm
Session Chair: Grace Oluremilekun Akanbi • Emmanuel Alayande College of Education, Oyo
Civic Parades And Marching Bands As Educational Objects In The Brazilian Republic Schools From The 1930s To 1950s
Os Desfiles Cívicos E A Fanfarra Como Objetos De Ensino Da Escola Republicana Brasileira Nas Décadas De 1930 A 1950
Giseli Cristina do Vale Gatti • University of Uberaba, Brazil
Décio Gatti Jr • Federal University of Uberlândia, Brazil
“VOICES” OF MATERIALITIES: curriculum representations for Early Childhood Education and School Material Culture
(Florianópolis/SC ‐ Brazil)
“VOZES” DAS MATERIALIDADES: representações de currículo para a Educação Infantil e Cultura Material Escolar
(Florianópolis/SC ‐ Brasil)
Bárbara Luiza Ludvig Rodrigues, Solange Aparecida de Oliveira Hoeller • Instituto Federal Catarinense – Campus Camboriú, Brazil
Rethinking “Blackboard”: Teaching Medium, Space and Method from a Cultural‐historical Perspective
Lin Li • East China Normal University, People’s Republic of China
Making the ‘3‐3’ Policy Operational to Achieve the National Philosophy of Education in Nigeria, 1977‐2021 ‐ A Study of Oyo State
Grace Oluremilekun Akanbi, Olumayowa Oyebayo Olaniyan • Emmanuel Alayande College of Education, Oyo, Nigeria

A6 ONLINE 07.1: Production and Circulation of Educational Objects

Time: Tuesday, 06/Sept/2022: 1:30pm ‐ 3:00pm
Session Chair: Domenico Francesco Antonio Elia • Università degli Studi di Bari “Aldo Moro”
Solfeggio methods in music education in primary schools in the State of São Paulo (1890‐1920)
Os métodos de Solfejo na educação musical das escolas primárias do estado de São Paulo (1890‐1920)
Elias Moraes dos Santos Junior • Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Brazil
The Transformation of Street Kamishibai (Paper Theatre) to Educational Tool in 1930s Japan: The Practice of Miss Yone Imai
Keiko Sasaki • The University of Electro‐Communications, National University, Japan
The production and circulation of toys in Italy after World War II: the sources of the Central State Archives
Domenico Francesco Antonio Elia • Università degli Studi di Bari “Aldo Moro”, Italy

A7 ONLINE 07.1: Technologies and Education (2)
Time: Tuesday, 06/Sept/2022: 1:30pm ‐ 3:00pm
Session Chair: Eduardo Galak • CONICET/UNLP
The use of technology at the First Argentine Congress of Physical Education (1943)
Los usos de las tecnologías en el Primer Congreso Argentino de Educación Física de 1943
Antonella Bertolotto, Eduardo Lautaro Galak • CONICET/UNLP, Argentine Republic
Educational Technologies And Educational Objects: Advertisements Analysis In The Argentinean Journal La Obra
Tecnologías Educativas y Objetos Didácticos: Análisis De Publicidades En La Revista Argentina La Obra
Ignacio Frechtel • UBA, Argentine Republic
Source Dimensions in Hungarian Textbook Research (1867‐1918)
Zsófia Molnár‐Kovács • University of Pécs, Hungary
Gender, Race And Socioeconomic Profile In Brazilian Primary Education: A Regionalized Approach Of Minas Gerais In The 1830s
Gênero, Raça E Perfil Socioeconômico Na Instrução Primária Brasileira: Uma Abordagem Regionalizada De Minas Gerais Na
Década De 1830
Vanessa Souza Batista • Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil

B1 ONLINE 07.1: History of Education in the Making

Time: Tuesday, 06/Sept/2022: 1:30pm ‐ 3:00pm
Session Chair: Therese Hamel • Université Laval
Session Chair: Brit Marie Hovland • VID Specialized University
Tendencies In The Development Of The History Of Education In Ukraine: International Discourses
Larysa Berezivska • National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
Circulation of knowledge and internationalization of the History of Education: the work of Mario Alighiero Manacorda in Brazil
Marisa Bittar • Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Brazil
Thérèse Hamel • Universitè Laval. Quebec. Canada
Analysis of the Scientific Production in Journals on the History of Education in Iberoamerica
Análise da Produção Científica em Periódicos de História da Educação da Iberoamérica
Olivia Morais Medeiros Neta • Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
Marisa Bittar, Amarílio Ferreira Júnior • Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Brazil
Jordi Garcia Farrero • Universitat de Barcelona, Catalunya, ES
Professional Identity Formation and Professionalisation in Teacher Education Between the Two World Wars in Hungary
Nelli Pelesz • University of Szeged, Hungary

A1 ONLINE 08.1
Time: Tuesday, 06/Sept/2022: 3:30pm ‐ 5:00pm
Material Culture and the Disciplinary Technologies of the History of (Science) Education ‐ Part 3
Chair(s): Josep Simon • Universitat de València
Discussant(s): Eduardo Lautaro Galak • CONICET/UNLP
Presentations of the Panel
Skills‐Oriented Teaching: Objects and Instruments to Observe and Manipulate Nature in Argentinian Classrooms in the Early
20th Century
Maria Gabriela Mayoni • Universidad de Buenos Aires‐CONICET
Question and Answer: Pedagogical Technique and the Learning of Science through “Cuestiones de Física” (1959‐1980)
Agustín Ceba Herrero • Universitat de les Illes Balears
Debates around the Use of Radio as a Technology for Education (1930‐1960)
Debates em torno do Uso do Rádio como Tecnologia para a Educação (1930‐1960)
Kelly Ludkiewicz A • Universidade Federal da Bahia

A1 ONLINE 08.2: School Objects as Educational Devices (2)

Time: Tuesday, 06/Sept/2022: 3:30pm ‐ 5:00pm Session Chair: Décio Gatti Jr., Federal University of Uberlândia
Music, Literature and Games for the First Mexican Kindergärten: Towards the Creation of a New School Culture, 1903‐1940
Música, Literatura y Juegos Para Los Primeros Kindergärten Mexicanos: Hacia la Creación de Una Nueva Cultura Escolar, 1903‐1940
Adriana Alejandra García Serrano • Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados, Mexico
Between Notebooks, Boklets And Photographs: The Training Of Early Childhood Education Teachers And A Childcare Center
Entre Cadernos, Cartilhas E Fotografias: A Formação Da Professora De Educação Infantil E Um Centro de Puericultura (1933‐
Viviane Santos Oliveira • Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil

The Use of the Historical Scientific Instruments of the Andalusian Museum of Education for Research and Teaching
El Uso de los Instrumentos Científicos Históricos del Museo Andaluz de la Educación para Investigación y Docencia
Jose Antonio Mañas Valle, Manuel López Mestanza • 1Universidad De Málaga, Spain; 2Museo Andaluz de La Educación, Spain
History Of Education Manuals As Educational Objects In The Dispute Between Liberals And Catholics In Brazil In The 1930s
Manuais De História Da Educação Como Objetos Educacionais Em Disputa Entre Liberais e Católicos No Brasil Na Década De
Décio Gatti Jr. • Federal University of Uberlândia, Brazil
Giseli Cristina do Vale Gatti • University of Uberaba, Brazil

A2 ONLINE 08.1: School and Culture (2)

Time: Tuesday, 06/Sept/2022: 3:30pm ‐ 5:00pm
Session Chair: Leziany Silveira Daniel • UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO PARANÁ
The Magazine «La Educación» and the Latin American primary school (1950s‐1960s)
A Revista “La Educación” e a escola primária latinoamericana (décadas de 1950‐1960)
Leziany Silveira Daniel • Universidade Federal Do Paraná, Brazil
The Rituals And Festivals Of The Model School Of Japanese Language The ‘Colônia Pinhal’ And It’s Legitimation Of
Os Rituais E Festas da Escola Modelo De Língua Japonesa da Colônia Pinhal e a Legitimação dos Conhecimentos
Adriana Aparecida Alves da Silva Pereira, Ricardo Coser Mergulhão, Graciele Aparecida da Silva • Universidade Federal de
São Carlos, Brazil
The Tool of Community Committees in 1940s School Planning in New York City. The Method of Leonard Covello
Carmen Petruzzi • University of Foggia (Italy), Italy

A4 ONLINE 08.1: Teaching and Society (4)

Time: Tuesday, 06/Sept/2022: 3:30pm ‐ 5:00pm
Session Chair: María Belén Trejo • Universidad de Buenos Aires
“No Christian, No Specialist?” – Kurt Löwenstein’s Contested Appointment To The City School Board And The Disciplinarity
Of School Administration
Marcelo Caruso, Daniel Töpper • Humboldt‐Universität zu Berlin, Germany
UNESCO’s Fundamental Education: Methods and Media for the Transmission of a Concept in the Post‐war Period
Alina Horta • Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico
Anthologies and school work of the Sciences and Humanities College
Antologías y trabajo escolar en el Colegio de Ciencias y Humanidades
Blanca Trujillo • Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, Mexico
Female technical education in Argentinian first half of XXth century. Cecilia Grierson’s contribution
María Belén Trejo • Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentine Republic

A6 ONLINE 08.1: Production and Circulation of Educational Objects (2)

Time: Tuesday, 06/Sept/2022: 3:30pm ‐ 5:00pm
Session Chair: Andressa Caroline Francisco Leme • Universidade de São Paulo
New Technologies of Observation and the ‘Researched’ Child: 1900s ‐1960s
Larry Prochner • University of Alberta, Canada
Kristen Nawrotski • Pädagogische Hochschule Heidelberg
Helen May • Otago University
Yordanka Valkanova • Canterbury Christchurch University
Alessandra Arce Hai • Universidade Federal de São Carlos
The Developing Child: An Object Of Pedagogical Discourses Destined To Literacy Teachers Education
A Criança Em Desenvolvimento: Um Objeto Dos Discursos Pedagógicos Destinados à Formação de Professores Alfabetizadores
Andressa Caroline Francisco Leme • Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil
Teachers And Cultural Objects Traveling By Train Through Uruguay (1946‐1957). The Rolling School Exhibition And Its Material
Conditions Of Circulation
Maestras Y Objetos Culturales Viajando En Tren Por Uruguay (1946‐1957). La Exposición Escolar Rodante Y Sus Condiciones
Materiales De Circulación
Trinidad Iralde • Universidad de la República, Uruguay
Abílio Cézar Borges and the Production of Pedagogical Materials for Brazilian Education In The XIX Century
Abílio Cézar Borges e a Produção De Materiais Pedagógicos para a Educação Brasileira no Século XIX
Laís Paula de Medeiros Campos Azevedo, Olívia Morais de Medeiros Neta • Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande Do Norte,
Brazil; Instituto Federal De Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Do Rio Grande Do Norte, Brazil

A7 ONLINE 08.1: School and Culture (3)
Time: Tuesday, 06/Sept/2022: 3:30pm ‐ 5:00pm
Session Chair: Maria José Lobato Rodrigues • Universidade Estadual do Maranhão
School Archives and Their Importance for the History of Education
Os Arquivos Escolares e Sua Importância Para a História da Educação
Maria José Lobato Rodrigues • Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar‐Brasil)
Drawing during Estado Novo: perspectives from the weekly newspaper Escola Portuguesa
O Desenho durante o Estado Novo: perspectivas do jornal semanal Escola Portuguesa
Simone Martins dos Prazeres • Instituto Politécnico da Guarda, Portugal
Teachers in the discourse of The New School in Brazil
Os professores no discurso da Escola Nova brasileira
Lara Chaud Palacios Marin • Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil

You are warmly invited to ISCHE 44 Budapest

Reform and Education: Tensions, Transitions and Traditions
18‐22 July 2023
Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Education and Psychology, 1075‐Budapest, Kazinczy utca 23‐27.


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