Final Declaration - Conference For Democratic Renewal and Change
Final Declaration - Conference For Democratic Renewal and Change
Final Declaration - Conference For Democratic Renewal and Change
1. We, the representatives of diverse civil society groups, organised labour and
business, faith based and community organisations, academia, and the
media, and all who live in South Africa who pledge allegiance to the
Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 (the Constitution), declare
for our country and the world to know that:
1.1. The Constitution which guarantees South Africans wide-ranging political and
socio-economic rights and liberties in a participatory democracy - drafted to
be a binding source of national unity - is under direct threat due to the
insurrectionary and other nefarious activities of corrupt forces in our society
that are opposed to democratic rule, the rule of law and constitutionalism.
1.2. The Constitution provides a framework for a ‘political freedom and bread’
developmental agenda, to redress historical inequalities and uplift the
material conditions of South Africans through the various generations of
rights it enshrines. However, poor service delivery, organised criminal
syndicates, large-scale corruption, and the systemic capture of the state by
an organised network of compromised politicians, public servants and
private business interests has over the past decade weakened our
democracy and placed at risk the ability of the state to ensure that all our
people live in dignity. This has been tellingly confirmed by the Zondo
Commission of Inquiry into State Capture.
accountability to citizens. This in turn has eroded the trust and the legitimacy
of parliament, the provincial legislatures, municipal authorities, and the
wider government in the eyes of people in South Africa.
5. We pledge our commitment to a constitutional democracy, the supremacy
of the Constitution and the rule of law.
We believe that when the state and its public representatives fail to fulfil their
constitutional obligations and governmental responsibilities, we - individually and
collectively - have a right and duty to hold them accountable in lawful and
peaceful ways.
Act we will. We, over three hundred individuals and representatives belonging to
over a hundred organised formations of civil society present at this Conference,
will focus our collective energies on the following aspects, among other matters,
to strengthen our democracy and to meet the aspirations of all South Africans.
7.2. Reclaiming and Renewing our Democracy
The measure of a democracy is the quality of life and dignity of the people who
live in that democracy. That means, among other things, sufficient food, jobs,
good health services, better education, affordable public transport, clean water,
personal safety, and cheaper and sustainable sources of energy for the populace.
Presently, there is deep disaffection and alienation among South Africans,
particularly young people, with the current political establishment because of the
dire conditions in which the majority live. We will campaign for government,
particularly at local level, to redirect its energies to meet people’s basic needs.
Such mobilisation will be at the level of communities aimed at building people’s
power. We need to reinvent democracy and take back statutory organs aimed at
enhancing participatory democracy in our communities.
Cadre deployment has led to the politicisation of the public service and the
intelligence and security services, and the appointment of inept officials in the
public service and state-owned entities (SOEs). It must be done away with. We
will campaign for the application of the merit principle, consequence
management, greater transparency, and lifestyle audits for senior appointments
in the public service and in SOEs. The aim is to promote a culture of
professionalism and accountability and enhance performance of public servants
in all three spheres of government, including of the Boards and Senior
Management of SOEs.
Widespread corruption and the capture of the state by shadow private, political
and criminal networks have led to the weakening of democratic institutions and
diminished the capability of the state to meet the needs of citizens. We welcome
the Report of the Zondo Commission of Inquiry into State Capture, which has
marshalled the evidence proving the stark reality of prevalent corruption and
state capture in our country; and urge our citizens to engage with the Reports.
We will continue with mass-based campaigns against corruption and state
capture; demand that government implements the recommendations of the
Zondo Commission; monitor progress in this regard; pressure the National
Prosecuting Authority to charge and prosecute perpetrators and facilitators of
corruption and state capture identified by the Zondo Commission; support
on-going media investigations into corruption and challenge the dissemination of
fake news and disinformation by captured journalists and on social media
platforms; and support whistle-blowers exposing corruption in government and
the private sector. We will encourage research into both crafting a model law on
whistleblowing and the establishment of an independent Anti-Corruption Agency
in South Africa. We will strive to develop corruption fighters or accountability
monitors at grassroots level within communities. We will mobilise the private
sector to join the fight against corruption and state capture, conduct their
business on ethical principles, deploy their resources in a manner that will grow
the economy and create jobs and share their skills, resources and capabilities to
improve service delivery, especially within municipalities.
We invite organs of civil society and all constitutional democrats to unite under
our banner and join hands in strengthening our democracy and meaningfully
improving the lives of all South Africans. We do so in the hope that we can
develop a national programme to build civil society capacity to do consistent
oversight and accountability work. The programme of action will be continuously
enhanced by the inputs of affiliated organisations and individuals.
List of Registered Participating Organisations at Conference:
70s Group
777 Action Group
Abahlali baseMjondolo
Accountability Lab
Accountability Now
Action4Accountability Project
Activate Change Drivers
Active Citizens Movement
African Presbyterian Bafolisi Church
Afro-Middle East Centre
Ahmed Kathrada Foundation
Amnesty International South Africa
Anglican Church of Southern Africa
Auwal Socio Economic Research Institute (ASRI)
Baptist Convention SA
Beit Emanuel Progressive Synagogue
Business Ecology
Business Leadership South Africa
Business Unity South Africa
Camissa Movement for Equality
Campaign for Free Expression (CFE)
Castro & Monica Mayathula Foundation
Centre for Advancement of Non-racialism and Democracy
Centre for Good Governance and Social Justice NPC
Centre for Sustainability Transitions, Stellenbosch University
Change EQ
Citizens of Conscience Foundation
Civic Movement for Change
Co-operative and Policy Alternative Centre
Community Legal Assistance Safety Network Outreach Project
Congress of Business and Economics
Constitution Hill Trust
Corruption Watch
Council for the Advancement of the South African Constitution
Council of African Independent Churches
COSATU Parliamentary Office
COVID Comms/ Mobilize
Defend our Democracy Campaign
Democratic Governance and Rights Unit, UCT
Direct Democracy South Africa
Dutch Reformed Church
Edtech Bridges
Environmental – Women’s Action Developmental Initiative
Equal Education
Equal Education Law Centre
Extinction Rebellion South Africa
Father A Nation SA NPC
Finetown Ward Committee
Fridays for the Future
Get Informed Youth Development Centre
Government and Public Policy
Gugulethu CAN
Health Workers Care Network
Heinrich Boell Foundation
Helen Suzman Foundation
Ikhaya Development
Institute for Security Studies
International Disarmament Initiative, South Africa
ISIZIBA Community Based Organizations of South Africa
June and Andrew Mlangeni Foundation
Leaders for Integrity
Legal Resources Centre
Letsema Centre for Development and Democracy
Lord Lead Organization
Make it Happen Foundation (Mihafo)
Mamagadimela Research and Projects
Mapungubwe Institute of Strategic Reflection (MISTRA)
Mining Affected Communities United in Action
Moutse Community Development
Muslim Judicial Council
Muslim Youth Movement of South Africa
My Vote Counts
National Association of School Governing Bodies
Nelson Mandela Children's Fund
Ntwane Community Development Forum
One SA
Organisation Undoing Tax-abuse
Palestine Solidarity Alliance
Pan African Institute for Evidence
Parent Power Movement
Parktown Capital
People’s Choice
Platform to Protect Whistleblowers in Africa
Politically Aweh
Progressive Health Forum
Progressive Tamil Movement
Project Obduratus (Project O)
Public Affairs Research Institute
Right2Know Campaign
Rivonia Circle
Small Business Institute
South African Communist Party
South African Council of Churches
South African Jews for a Free Palestine
South African National Zakah Fund
South African Women in Dialogue – Southern Forum
Southern African Alcohol Policy Alliance in SA (SAAPA SA)
Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Conference
Stalwarts & Veterans Forum
Strategic Dialogue Group
The Evangelical Alliance of SA
The Mbegu Platform
The Methodist Church of Southern Africa
The Whistleblower House
The Zenex Foundation
Thuso Community Development
Treatment Action Campaign
Trinity Arts Alive Projects
Tshisimani Centre for Activist Education
Tujaliane Community Organization
Universities South Africa
Vereeniging Business Co-operation
Voice of the People Movement
Wattville Community Action Network
Whistleblowers4Positive Social Change
Women of Waqf
Zenzele Community Project