Infinite Insight: ABB Ability E-Mesh
Infinite Insight: ABB Ability E-Mesh
Infinite Insight: ABB Ability E-Mesh
Infinite insight
ABB Ability e-mesh
™ ™
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Digital solutions ABB Ability™ e-mesh™
for distributed energy resources Gain infinite insights to optimize performance
Maximizing energy efficiency and minimizing CO2 emissions Cloud-enabled digital solutions to monitor, analyze and optimize the
for your enterprise or utility. performance of your distributed energy assets from anywhere, anytime.
The global power industry is facing regulatory enable our customers to accelerate performance — ABB’s e-mesh™ digital solutions offer a niche • Data collection, aggregation and storage
01 e-mesh™
and market pressures to move to low-carbon and stay ahead of the curve. Ably supported by Product portfolio cloud-based ecosystem with e-mesh™ Monitor in a secured cloud environment using an
generation. And with the rise of distributed ABB’s vast experience in installing more than and e-mesh™ Applications, sophisticated IoT edge device
energy resources, the power generation 200 microgrids, battery energy storage and SaaS suites, to remotely connect, monitor • e-mesh™ Applications forecasting,
companies now need to monitor, analyze and renewable solutions on all seven continents. and optimize the performance of assets. optimization, descriptive, diagnostics,
control a sophisticated set of generating predictive, and prescriptive analytics
assets while minimizing operational costs, • Easy to interface with energy portfolio planning
increasing operational availability and
ABB has helped to install more and enterprise asset management solutions
maximizing revenue opportunities. than 200 microgrids, battery
challenge remaining for all stakeholders is how ABB’s proven MicroSCADA and RTU platforms,
to adapt to this new decentralized model. helps to monitor and control distributed
energy resources. The digital offering e-mesh™ IoT edge device
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ABB Ability™ e-mesh™ ABB Ability™ e-mesh™
Monitor Applications
Monitor, control and analyze the performance Leveraging cloud, analytics and artificial intelligence
of your distributed energy assets. to accelerate business performance.
— ABB Ability™ e-mesh™ Monitor Key Features: e-mesh™ Applications are a set of SaaS-based learning based applications are available
02 e-mesh™
Helping stakeholders e-mesh™ Monitor is a cloud-based digital • Real-time monitoring of distributed applications, built on the concept of IoT, to as different suites. This enables the
in the energy business platform, exclusively designed to aggregate energy assets from anywhere, anytime effectively manage distributed energy assets, flexibility to choose applications relevant
value chain
data from distributed energy assets and turn • Alarms, historical analysis and forecast energy trends, manage loads, optimize to today’s need with an option to scale-up
it into actionable business insights. Data performance analytics reporting asset performance and increase revenue streams. at any time as the business grows.
from the field is collected using an IoT edge • High-end intuitive web interface to The easy-to-deploy, scalable and machine
device and transferred securely to a cloud visualize data from the field
based environment for analysis. The monitor • Act as a hosting environment for
platform can manage diverse energy resources a set of Software as a Service
and integrate various types of loads. (SaaS) e-mesh™ Applications
e-mesh™ e-mesh™
Analytics Suite Optimizer Suite
A suite of applications to instantaneously A suite of applications designed to solve
diagnose and understand the real-time complex optimization problems, as well as
performance of your distributed energy optimally control distributed energy resources.
assets including solar PV, wind, hydro,
microgrids and energy storage systems. The optimization software allows to:
• Improve productivity and economical gains
Head of The suite enables the following: • Maximize power generation
business • Perform quick health check • Reduce operational costs
• Detect micro faults anywhere in the site • Minimize CO2 emissions
• Analyze deeper root cause
• Predict failures in advance
e-mesh™ e-mesh™
Service Suite Premium Suite
The service suite is developed to improve field The premium suite comes with power packed
related service activities. The application allows features that gives the unique advantage
to visualize key site level information in no time. to monitor and manage multiple sites at
Maintenance once. The suite is designed to address
Engineer Following are the main benefits: the needs of large utilities and IPPs.
• Mobile access to site details
• Increase longevity of assets The key benefits include the following:
• Faster response time to faults • Forecast production and optimal planning
• Business intelligence reporting
• Geographical information system
• Fleet management
6 I N F I N I T E I N S I G H T. A B B A B I L I T Y ™ E - M E S H ™ S C A D A , C O N T R O L A N D P O W E R S TO R E 7
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ABB Ability™ e-mesh™ By aggregating data, integrating real-time
SCADA and Control monitoring, analysis and applying machine
learning for predictive and prescriptive analytics,
Simplify plant operations, improve productivity
and maximize return on investments. e-mesh™ facilitates maximum benefits from
microgrids, battery energy storage solutions
e-mesh™ SCADA and e-mesh™ Control, built • Seamless integration into existing
and renewable automation investments.
using ABB’s proven and globally deployed substations because of RTU technology
MicroSCADA and RTU technology platforms, • Complies to all international
help to monitor, control and improve the communication protocols
operations of distributed energy resources. • Grid code compliance for
renewable power generation
• Data acquisition from renewable power plants, Benefits:
microgrids, energy storage and substations • Integration of all plant assets into
• Easy to engineer because of "productized" a single management system
libraries for microgrids and battery • After-sales support services
energy storage systems across all global locations
• Consultancy support throughout
the project life-cycle
ABB Ability™ e-mesh™
Plug-and-play microgrid and battery energy storage solution.
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03 04
ABB Switzerland Ltd.
Power Grids
Grid Automation
Bruggerstrasse 72
CH-5400 Baden