BPLS Compliance Monitoring Report

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BPLS M&E Form 1


(per DILG-DTI-DICT JMC No. 01, Series of 2016)
As of _____________
LGU : ______________________________ Province: ___________________________

I. Compliance to Revised BPLS Standards

Parameter New Business Business Permit Remarks, if any
Permit Renewal
1. Use of unified form ( Y or N)
2. Number of steps
(involving business applicants)
3. Number of signatories
4. Processing time (number of days)
II. Implementation of LGU Complementary Reforms
1. Documentary Requirements attached to the Unified Form:
a. Proof of Business Registration Y N
b. Basis for computing taxes, fees and charges Y N
c. Occupancy permit (If local laws require post-audit, occupancy permit shall not be required Y N
prior to registration)
d. Lease of Contract (if business is leasing space) Y N
e. Other documents required, please specify Y N

2. Setting-up/Establishment of Business-One-Stop-Shop (BOSS)

BOSS for frontline services dealing with clients Y N
Backroom operations hidden from public Y N
3. Conduct of Joint Inspection Team (JIT) Y N
If Yes, what are the local departments and NGAs involved in the joint inspection?
4. Automation/Computerization of business permitting and licensing system Y N
If Yes, please indicate extent of automation/computerization
Online application Y N
Electronic means (e-mail, etc.) of providing business with Tax of Payment (TOP) Y N
Online payments/online means of accepting payments Y N
Online means or via courier service transmitting business permit and other clearances Y N
5. Barangay Clearance Integrated in the Business Permit Process Y N
III. LGU support of BPLS Streamlining
1. Issuance of legal framework in support of BPLS streamlining Y N
2. Creation of TWG on BPLS streamlining Y N
3. Budget allocation of BPLS streamlining and automation Y N
4. Other reforms, if any _______________________________________________________________ Y N
IV. Data on business population and revenue from business
1. Total number of business establishment registered
No. of business establishment registered: Micro:_______ Small:_______ Medium:_______ Large:_______
2. Total amount of collections from business taxes, fees and charges P ______________________________
V. Structure of BPLO
1. Employment Status: Permanent Non-permanent
2. Structure Level: Department Head below Department Head
VI. Attested by:
Prepared/Submitted by: Noted by:
_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________
BPLO Name and Signature Mayor
BPCO M&E Form 1
(per DILG-DPWH-DICT-DTI JMC No. 01, Series of 2018)
As of
LGU : Province :

I. Compliance to the BPCO Standards

Building Permit Certificate of
Parameter Remarks, if any
1. Use of unified form (Y or N)
2. Number of steps
3. Number of signatories
4. Processing Time (number of days)
II. Implementation of LGU Complementary Reforms (Check if applicable)
Building Permit Certificate of Occupancy
1. Complete Checklist of Procedures and Requirements 2. Complete Checklist of Procedures and Requirements
 Available in conspicuous places  Available in conspicuous places
 Downloaded from the LGU website  Downloaded from the LGU website
2. Setting-up/Establishment of One-Stop Shop for 2. Setting-up/Establishment of One-Stop Shop for
Construction Permits (OSCP) Construction Permits (OSCP)
 OSCP for frontline services dealing with clients  OSCP for frontline services dealing with clients
 Backroom operations hidden from public  Backroom operations hidden from public
 Barangay Clearance (for Locational Clearance) is  Barangay Clearance (for Locational Clearance) is
integrated in the city/municipality integrated in the city/municipality
3. Conduct of Joint Inspection
3. Undertake Preliminary Site Verification thru Joint
Inspection  Yes, agencies involved:
 Yes
 No
 No
4. Automation/Computerization of Building Permits and 4. Automation/Computerization of Building Permits and
Certificates of Occupancy Certificates of Occupancy
 Online Application and/or submission of  Online Application and/or submission of
documentary requirements documentary requirements
 Online Evaluation of Plans  Online Evaluation of Plans
 Online means of providing Order of Payment  Online means of providing Order of Payment
 Online payments/online means of accepting  Online payments/online means of accepting
payments payments
 Online means or via courier service transmitting  Online means or via courier service transmitting
building permit and other clearances Certificate of Occupancy and other clearances
III. LGU support of BPCO Streamlining
 Issuance of legal framework in support of BPCO streamlining (e.g. EO)
 Creation of TWG on BPCO Streamlining
 Budget allocation of BPCO streamlining
 Other reforms if any,
IV. Structure of BPCO

1. Separate Office from the City/Municipal Engineer’s Office Yes No

2. Nature of Appointment of Building Official Permanent Designated

V. Attested by:
Prepared/Submitted by: Noted by:

Building Official Name and Signature Mayor

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