(WWW - Asianovel.com) - SSS-Class Suicide Hunter Chapter 6 - Chapter 30

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SSS-Class Suicide Hunter

SSS급 자살헌터

I want an S-Rank skill too! I want it so badly, I could die for it!

[You have awakened an S-Rank skill.] [But, you die if you use this
…But it’s not like I will really die because it says that, right? RIGHT?

Author(s): Shin Noah | 신노아

Artist(s): Mintaka Kim | 망령풍뎅이
Year: 2018
Country: Korea
Genres: Action, Adult, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Martial Arts,
Mature, Psychological, Romance, Seinen, Supernatural
Tags: Adventure, Character Growth, Cheats, Class System, Clever
Protagonist, Determined Protagonist, Hardworking Protagonist, Lucky
Protagonist, Modern Day, Monsters, Parallel Worlds, Revival, Sword
And Magic, Time Travel, Tower Climbing, Weak to Strong
Source: woopread translations (2)


UUID: b69f5600-e1ec-11ea-9020-bbcc0332ca84
USER: YantoSking
DATE CREATED: 2020-08-19

More info and chapters:



2 Report

Chapter 6
Source: woopread translations (2)

(T/N: Hi guys, I’m just making this little note to say a few things
before we start. This novel is really interesting and the previous
translation group did a really good job with it. Especially with their
skill cards and forum comments and stuff. But I won’t do that(read
can’t) and so I will just put it the way I know-how(i.e. using just
punctuation marks). Maybe if I encounter someone who is able
to/willing to do it I will try, but no promises. So please excuse the
differences. Alright that’s enough of me, hope you enjoy this novel.)


People always believed that there was a higher chance of

awakening while in a life and death situation. In fact such a myth had
been passed down in the hunter industry since its inception.

But maybe it wasn’t a myth, maybe it was real. Even I had

awakened a skill simply for having an excessive amount of jealousy.

Therefore I remained vigilant and shook my knife.


I wouldn’t give this psychopath a chance.


He would die.


But what angered me the most, rather than the fact that this
psychopath burned me to death so casually, it was something which

3 Report
caused anger to burn in me more intensely than even the pain and
the desperation.

‘He told me his name.’

Before returning me to the past, before holding onto my head and

lighting it on fire. The Flame Emperor told me something with a

‘But you know who I am, and you saw me kill the Saintess
so you have to die. My name is Yoo Soo-ha. Goodbye.’

The thing that crazy guy had said last. One weird part that I just
couldn’t stand. It was extremely disgusting.

‘He told me his name.’

Why did he tell me his name before he killed me. Did he think that
I didn’t know what the name of the Flame Emperor was?

‘He must’ve thought it was cool.’

The Flame Emperor.

That bastard probably thought that the scene looked cool. As if in a

sacred duel where the warriors learned their opponents name. This is
what the Flame Emperor must have thought as he killed me.

‘Whoever I kill, I do it in fairness. So at least I’m not being

too imposing.’

How dare-.

“Like that-.”

How dare a psychopath like you.

“Think something like that.”

4 Report
A man who killed a witness just because he stumbled across the
scene. A person who pretended to be blameless as he came back to
inspect the fire he created. A person like that could no longer be
called human. He was a beast. A devil, even worse than a beast. Who
acted cool as if it made him more noble.

“Don’t mess with me!”


My knife stabbed into Yoo Soo-ha’s neck again.


There was no sound. No scream, no moan. The hunting ground was

hidden, far away from where anyone would be active.

I looked up to the sky, but my eyes weren’t in focus and my body

was swaying like a weed in the breeze.

He was dead.


Maybe it wasn’t appropriate to say ‘dead’. Yoo Soo-ha was more

than just an ordinary hunter, and it wasn’t simply that he was dead.

The man who would’ve become the Flame Emperor someday. A

legend who had reached the top of the world’s rankings. The one
who managed to single-handedly defeat 10 floors in the tower that
no one had been able to reach even after trying for years. He was
killed by me


I sighed.

“Now I can be a little sane again.”

5 Report
As I turned to head back, I heard something arrive, probably drawn
by the smell of blood.

A pack of wolves were crouched among the trees.


These weren’t ordinary wolves. They were engraved by what

appeared to be tattoos which could be seen even through their thick
hair. These were Meadow Wolves and the more complex the patterns
on their bodies, the stronger they were.

Though these Meadow Wolves only had the simplest patterns on

their bodies, an F-class hunter like me couldn’t possibly fight them.


First I carefully retrieved the wallet that was stolen by Yoo Soo-ha
and stepped back.

“You guys want to eat this guy right?”

I pointed at the body.

“I don’t need it. You can have it.”

I took another step back.

‘Come on.’

The wolves cautiously approached the body.


One of the wolves took a bite, and that seemed to be a signal for
the rest of them.

Crack! Crack!

6 Report
Soon the body couldn’t be seen as it was completely covered by

“Eat well.”

I hurried away.

‘Is it over now?’

I buried the clothes that had been splattered with Yoo Soo-ha’s
blood in a deep pit I’d prepared before the fight. As I washed my
whole body with water from a plastic bottle and changed into a new
set of clothes from my backpack, it still hadn’t sunk in yet.

‘Is it really over?’

If my clothes were too clean, people might be suspicious of me. So

I deliberately rolled on the ground for a bit before heading back to
Babylon, the city on the first floor of the tower.

As I walked up to the gates, a guard watched me closely for a

moment before yawning and turning away.


No one had realised.

‘It’s over.’

Even when I went to a bar and ordered a beer. Even when I

emptied the beer and ordered another one, no one cared about me.
No one knew what I’d done.

Old news played on the tavern’s television.

-Today, the strategy which was guaranteed to clear the 10th floor

-Hunters ranked 2nd and 7th in the world intend to challenge and

7 Report
defeat the 10th floor together…

-Voices of protest against the world’s number one hunter

continually grow stronger. This is due to the fact that the Sword Saint
still refuses to work with anyone else.

No matter how long I waited, there was no breaking news like, ‘A

hunter has disappeared on the second Floor of the tower.’ But I
should’ve expected that.

Novice hunters lost their lives every day. No one really cared about
the disappearance of a lone novice, no one cared about me.

In other words.

‘It’s over!’


I lifted my empty glass high.

“Pour another draft for me!”

“You sure are drinking a lot. Was your hunt good today?”

“Yeah it was good. Very good!”

Even as I said this, my heart wasn’t settled.

I took two or three hours calming my heart with beer.

It wasn’t until sunset that I gradually began to accept the reality.

‘What should I do now?’

There was a lot to do.

‘I could win the lottery. I would get the money and no one
would suspect a thing. Hey, my life is about to get better!’

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I opened my status window which could only be viewed by myself.

[Name: Kim Gongja} Rank: F-Class Skills (2/4) : I want to Become

Just Like You (S+) : Passive Returner’s Clockwork Watch (EX) :
Passive None None

“Kya. Now I’m not even hungry anymore.”

My status window was like the most delicious meal in the world.
One S+ class skill and an EX class skill that I’d never even heard
about. When it came to meals, this was like having caviar on top of
my steak.

‘If there is someone with better skills than this then they
are truly broken.’

But I couldn’t stop the warm smile from spreading across my face.

‘…But i have no combat skill.’


Why was the human mind like this? The thing I didn’t have was the
thing that I noticed the most.

“No matter how easy it is to make money, a hunter must be

a hunter… even with all the money in the world, without
power then it would eventually be robbed .”

The society in the tower was much more bloody than the outside
world. To put it nicely, the strong ate well, and the weak were the
meat. It didn’t matter even if you wanted to escape the tower and
live lavishly in the outside world.

‘Those who stepped foot in the tower could never leave.’

Those were the rules. Not even a hunter with an S class

teleportation ability could go out of the tower. It was simply

9 Report

Only one being in all of Babylon could interact with the outside
world. The Guildmaster of the Shanglian Guild. The only hunter with
the title ‘Count.’

‘Even then, they could only send and receive things from
the outside world, they couldn’t directly leave.’

Anyone could enter, but no one could exit.

This meant that those who had entered had abandoned their
wealth, their relationships, their nationality, their identity.
Maybe…even their humanity.


Of course, I was one of those people.

“Eat or be eaten, that was the law in the tower.”

The alcohol made me a little drunk and I couldn’t help but mutter. I
wanted to succeed so badly it drove me crazy. There was a reason
why I idolized the Flame Emperor so much. Was it because of his
personality? Did that guy even have something that could be called a

No, the reason was much simpler. I was envious of his success. His
achievements had been dazzling, awe-inspiring.

“Let’s succeed Kim Gong-ja. Okay? What can’t a man who

died 4090 times do? It’s time to be successful…”



The bell on the tavern’s front door rang.

10 Report
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11 Report

Chapter 6 Part 2
Source: woopread translations (2)

I didn’t care who came in at first. After all, how amazing could a
hunter who came to such a place to have a drink be.

But the people in the tavern began to chatter.

“Hey, that guy over there…”

“What? Really?”

“Why was he in a place like this?”

The bar became strangely quiet as if everyone was afraid to


At this point it would be odd if I didn’t get curious. So, I turned my

head to look. Standing there was an old man dressed in an expensive
looking black suit.


The man was dressed as if he had just come back from work. He
wore a white shirt and a patternless red tie. If one saw this man, one
couldn’t help but think,

‘When did I return to the outside world.’

The man looked like any common office worker, but there was one
thing that stood out. On his feet were bright red sneakers.

Not shoes. Sneakers.

‘Wow, what kind of fashion sense is that?’

12 Report
The difference was striking. But it wasn’t just his clothes that were



“Please add vodka and sugar to a glass of warm milk.

Actually, it would be better if you used honey instead of

The owner of the tavern was embarrassed by the strange orders.

“Uh…customer. I’m not a bartender…”

“I will pay the necessary amount. Don’t worry.”

The owner of the bar nodded hesitantly. The other customers were
mumbling quietly, all of them still looking at the old man.

It seemed that this man was quite famous.

‘Who is this?’

My eyes narrowed slightly.

‘Strange, I can’t seem to remember someone like this.’

While I wasn’t proud of it, there was probably no other human who
envied the top ranking hunters as much as I do. So naturally, I was
able to say every name from the 100th to the 2nd in the rankings. All
because of my jealousy.

Even then, this old man in this suit, was someone unfamiliar to

‘I think I saw him somewhere before. Where did I see him?


13 Report
It came to me after thinking for a long time.


I remembered in my room. Among the fragments that were

attached to the wall. There was a picture of this very old man.

[22 days since the Sword Saint’s disappearance. Will the

Hunter Association face its worst crisis?]

‘It’s the Sword Saint!’

I remembered. This was the most famous person before Yoo Soo-
ha became known as the Flame Emperor.

I’d forgotten because he was a hunter who’d disappeared long ago.

It was hard to remember those hunters who’d been active more than
10 years ago.

I didn’t know what to think, looking at someone who I knew would


‘Ah right…now it’s years in the past.’

I finally, truly felt that I’d returned to the past.

‘This man would soon become the strongest in the

world…even the Flame Emperor had to look up to him.’

It was an amazing feeling. Even though I knew it was just an

excuse, I kept staring at the Sword Saint. What should I do? It was
strange to see such a great man in front of me, even if he’d died long
ago. Either way, it was pretty strange.

‘Hey. Doesn’t this senior have S ranked skills?’

A thought ran through my head as I drank my beer.

‘Not strange skills like mine either, but actual combat

14 Report

It was at that moment.


My hand had moved without me realising it. Suddenly, my S rank

skill appeared in front of me.

[I Want to Become Just Like You.]

→Activates automatically upon death.

→After being killed by an enemy, copy one of their skills and

make it your own.

→Skills cannot be copied from targets who have killed you


→The copied skill is randomly selected.

→However, you die!

‘Wait a minute.’

The feeling was like being struck by a lightning bolt. The same
sensation I felt when I finally figured out a way to kill the Flame
Emperor filled my body.

[I Want to Become Just Like You.]

This skill was amazing. With it, you could copy any skill from any
hunter. The only drawback however, was that you had to die first.


‘I don’t stay dead.’

Because I had another skill.

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[Returner’s Clockwork Watch.]

→ Activates automatically upon death.

→ Return 24 hours prior to death.

→ Memories and abilities are preserved even after returning.

→ However the higher the rank of the hunter, the larger the

→ Skill copied from Hunter Yoo Soo-ha.


A chill went down my spine.

‘Can I just copy anything? A hunter who picks up things by


The pressure of having to kill Yoo Soo-ha had caused this fact to
evade me all this while but I’d finally realized. (TL: It took him long
enough, I was wondering when he was gonna run into the old man’s

‘The Sword Saint , the world’s strongest in the present



I swallowed the mouthful of beer I’d forgotten in my mouth.

The Flame Emperor who had also been considered the strongest in
his era, had such a game-breaking regression skill. So this Sword
Saint, who towered over the world in the time before his
disappearance. What kind of skill would this great person have?

Wouldn’t it be just as good as Yoo Soo-ha’s skill?

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‘If I could copy it…’

I stared intently at the old man’s back.



My hunt had not ended yet.

Release rate: 1 chapter a week + bonus chaps depending on

Paypal donations(15$). when Paypal donations exceed 15$ in
collective total. Also, chapters after this will not be split into parts

For any errors and issues contact us through discord:-


17 Report

Chapter 7
Source: woopread translations (2)

I searched for information about the Sword Saint on my phone.

-Originally, it was said that he was an elder from a wealthy old

Northern European Conglomerate

-His real name is Marcus Calenberry. It was rather regretful, but it

was said that he gave up his family, connections and fortune and
entered the tower all by himself.

-No one knows exactly what skills he has.

-It is rumoured that he has a habit of muttering to himself.

I clicked my tongue.

“There’s no helpful information.”

I even looked for any interview videos but couldn’t find a single
one. Apparently, this elder was the complete opposite of the Flame
Emperor. Although he was reputed for his bad personality,
information of him could be found all over the internet.

On the other hand, the Sword Saint was a mystery.

The information on the internet about the Sword Saint was very
vague. He was apparently from a large wealthy family, supposedly
entered the tower on his own and it was rumoured that he mumbled
to himself. All the information was speculative.


I turned my head to a table in the corner. There, the Sword Saint

sat alone, drinking his milk vodka.

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‘At least the information that he talks to himself is correct.’

The old man with an odd sense of fashion. Sat at the table with his
odd drink and seemed to be mumbling to himself between sips.

“Shut up. Don’t be so noisy. In the first place, you are…”


I couldn’t hear exactly what the old man was saying, but he
seemed to spit with every word he said. It was a horrible scene and I
couldn’t help but be a bit frightened.

‘Does he suffer from psychosis?’

The number one hunter was psychotic. That was scary in itself. It
was like having a nuclear bomb and not knowing when it might

‘…No, if you think about it, Yoo Soo-ha had also been a

Perhaps one of the conditions to become number one was to be

mentally ill.

‘Almost all the top rankers are psycho.’

I shook my head and kept browsing the internet for information.

However, most of them were purely speculative. But as I kept
looking, a post in a forum caught my eye.

-[Caution!] NG1 Words you should never say in front of the Sword


It was an interesting title. The thread was posted in the Hunter

Specialty Community website. A place to play, chat and share
information that could only be accessed by those who had a Bureau

19 Report
issued Hunter Certificate. The post was done anonymously.

-I saw it for myself. There are NG words that you should never say
in front of the Sword Saint unless you want to die!

└ What are they?

└ Anything about his family. A few days ago, a few top-ranking

hunters were fighting with the Sword Saint, and one of them said

‘Looking at the way you are now, your grandchildren

outside must have suffered.’

‘I bet you like to be alone because they don’t dare keep

you around.’

‘How embarrassed would they be if they saw you behaving

like this.’

-Then he died!

└ What? Died?!

└ Yes. He was killed. In fact, he only managed to say, ‘How

embarrassed would your grandchildren be…’ before his throat was
cut. His head had been separated from his body in an instant.

The comments after that ran wild.

-Don’t be insane.

-This is probably a rumour created by those large guilds!

-He’s doing well so people are trying to trample him back down.

Most of the people who responded didn’t believe nevertheless the

anonymous writer was persistent.

-Believe it or not, I don’t care! I just felt like telling you, so I told

20 Report

-Of course, I’m not saying the Sword Saint was wrong. It was that
guy’s fault for mentioning his family. However, it’s certain that those
few top powers are ganging up on him because of this incident. You
can see it with the constant abuse directed at him in the media these

-Anyway, if you ever meet the Sword Saint. You should try it.

“…-re too loud. I’ll take care of it myself, so leave me


The old man had been muttering to himself since he sat at the
table. It really seemed like he had a mental illness. However, even if
he suffered from psychosis, he still stood at the top of the world. The
fact that this crazy old man had great skills beyond imagination
remained unchanged.


And that was good enough for me.

‘It was worth giving a shot.

“Good drink.”

“Ah, have a safe trip!”

The Sword Saint emptied his goblet.

As soon as he left the tavern, all the customers collectively let out
the breaths they had been holding.

“He’s finally gone.”

“He must have dementia. Why did he keep muttering like


21 Report
“I know right. Anyway, the alcohol doesn’t taste good

All the customers were probably waiting for the Sword Saint to
leave, as they all rose to their feet to leave at the same time as I did.

However, our intentions were probably the opposite.

“This is my payment for the beer.”

I got up quickly and settled my bill with the owner. I had no time to

“Ah, yes. Thank you. Come again!”

“The beer was delicious. I will.”


The bell on the door rang as I opened it and stepped out.

It was late at night and darkness covered the street.

‘Where did you go…?’

I looked around, there were many crowds of people coming out of

the numerous pubs on the street. Dozens of people laughing and
staggering as they enjoyed the effects of the alcohol under the night

“Where are you, Mr First place?”

Fortunately, after looking around for a while, I found the back I


‘Found you!’

It was all thanks to his unusual outfit. He was probably the only
man in all of Babylon who wore a suit and carried a sword. I quickly

22 Report
gathered myself and started following the old man.

‘What skills do you have?’

My heart was pounding.

‘The Flame Emperor had a ridiculous regression skill which was an

Ex-rank skill. So what skills would the Sword Saint who was the
previous generation’s strongest have? Wouldn’t he have skills that
were even more broken?’

That skill would soon become mine. If I was lucky. (TL: Our MC is a
pretty greedy guy lol, got on EX skill and now he wants more)

How long had I been chasing this old man’s back?

We’d long since left the heart of the city and had started walking
through the backstreets. As I kept following him, we left the alleys
and backstreets and entered the outskirts of the town. Here, there
was a field that had no buildings or any signs of construction.

The Sword Saint walked through this empty field.


I walked a bit more before I stopped behind a tree.

“This place should be appropriate enough.”

The Sword Saint turned around, with starlight bathing his old body.

“Why don’t you come out here young man.”


“No one would know what happened in this place.”

23 Report
He was staring right at the tree that I hid behind. And I sighed in
my heart.

‘He caught me.’

I should’ve expected it. From the very beginning, it was

unreasonable to think that the strongest hunter wouldn’t know that
he was being followed by a low-class hunter like me.

I could only blame my own incompetence as I walked out from

behind the tree.

“Ah. Excuse me. There is something I wanted to ask you

Sword Saint-nim.” (TL: Leaving in ‘nim’ just to further emphasize
just how polite KGJ is being)

I tried to speak as politely as I could. But for some reason, the

Sword Saint laughed.

“Huh. Weren’t you following me this whole time already? I

don’t know why you’re getting so scared to ask this old man
a question.”



“For some reason. It seemed like the Sword Saint believed I was
intentionally pretending to be afraid. In addition, since he’d turned
around, the Sword Saint had not let go of the hilt of his sword, even
though I hadn’t done anything. It seemed that he was ready to attack
at any moment.

‘Uh. Why?’

Of course, this was the best outcome for me, since my purpose
was to have him kill me anyway.

24 Report
‘But I haven’t done anything other than followed him…’

Whether he knew my intentions or not, the Sword Saint seemed as

though he was ready to end my life. As if in his eyes, I was already
dead and he was just humouring me.

“…Your acting is amazing. Indeed, you must be an amazing



“You don’t need to pretend you know. Other hunters might fall for
it, but you cannot fool my eyes. I know you are an assassin sent by
the Black Dragon Guild


Old man, you’re really misunderstanding something.

‘Should I like this or not?’

Anyway, this way worked too. I didn’t have to talk about his
grandchildren for him to kill me. Though I didn’t understand how he
mistook an F-class hunter like me for an assassin. Honestly, I couldn’t

“Uh-huh! You’re really abominable. Come here and act to

my face!”

The Sword Saint looked at me with his mouth twisted as if staring

at a monster he had to get rid of. It was a very odd expression that I
couldn’t understand.

“Didn’t I tell you before? You can’t deceive my eyes.”

“This…Sir. There is something I truly want to ask you…”

Eventually, I just asked what I wanted to know.

25 Report
“What makes you so convinced that I’m an assassin? I don’t
do anything that would make you think that.”

“Shut up.”


The Sword Saint drew the sword at his side.

“I have many skills. Among them is a skill that tells me how

many people a person has killed. Thanks to this, I’ve been
able to avoid many crises.”


What? I still didn’t understand.


Then, a few seconds after, I realized.

‘I killed Yoo Soo-ha.’

That’s right.

I murdered Yoo Soo-ha today because I knew he was going to

become a monster, but the people in this era didn’t know that. So
now I am a murderer.

Unlike the outside world, murders happened pretty frequently

inside the tower.

‘But murder was still murder.’

In other words, in the eyes of the Sword Saint, there was probably
a number [1] hanging above my head. The number [1] would be a
prominent indicator of murder, so it was natural that the Sword Saint
was on guard against me.

26 Report
“Yes, I understand Mr Sword Saint.”


“Even if you’re on guard against me and I have nothing to

say to that. You can take it as an excuse but listen. I followed
you because of an important reason, I can’t tell you what it is
exactly but it is an extremely important reason. I can swear
to the heavens.”

It was a heartfelt statement. But the situation became strange

instead of getting better. As he listened to my small speech, the
Sword Saint’s expression got worse and worse.



“A devil who has murdered as many people as you have

dares to act in such a way. I haven’t lived a clean life, but…I
never committed a reckless massacre as you have!”

His words made me confused and embarrassed at the same time.

“No. Wait a second. Massacre? I’ve only killed one person

in my entire life.”

“You really are shameless to say such a blatant lie!”


The Sword Saint pointed the tip of his sword toward me and said,

“I can see the number [4091] hanging above your head.”

I was dumbfounded.

“What…the fuc…”

27 Report
I tried to ask “What the fuck?” but my words got cut short as I
came to the realization of where the number 4091 came from.


It was from my one time killing Yoo Soo-ha


‘It’s the number of times I committed suicide.’

4090 times.

The exact amount of times I killed myself.

“Be prepared Devil!”

If so.

“I don’t know if it was that Black Dragon Witch who sent

you or someone else, but I will do my best to kill you!”

It meant that in the eyes of that old man, I was nothing but a
murderer who slaughtered 4091 human beings. A cold shiver went
down my spine.


This was a serious problem.

‘It was no longer just a matter of copying the Sword Saints skills or

That’s right.

‘Anytime in the future…if the Sword Saint sees me, he will

try to kill me.’

Because in his eyes, I was an abominable murderer who, like a

28 Report
deadly virus, should not be allowed to survive in this world.

“Wa-, wait!”

I reached out my hand.

“Please wait a minu…”

At that moment.

The Sword Saint’s sword flew toward me at an unstoppable speed.


1: NG(written in English characters) meaning ‘not good’ or ‘no

good’ is a type of forum shorthand(abbreviation).

2: It can be found sometimes in Asian speech, that they will

sometimes use words in place of others. In this case, the mc used
‘yes?’ in the place of ‘what?’ or ‘huh?’

Release rate: 1 chapter a week + bonus chaps depending on

Paypal donations(15$). when Paypal donations exceed 15$ in
collective total.

For any errors and issues contact us through discord:-


29 Report

Chapter 8
Source: woopread translations (2)


It was pure luck that helped me evade the old man’s attack.


The Sword Saint’s eyes widened slightly. Perhaps, in his eyes, I was
a tremendous master. So after I dodged his attack he immediately
jumped away expecting a counterattack. What he probably didn’t
expect was that I would be fiercely rolling on the ground.

“Swo-, Sword Saint-nim. Wait. Please listen to me for a


It didn’t matter if I died. I wanted to die after all. No, what

mattered was if I could fix the misconception that the Sword Saint
had, then die. That way, I could avoid useless confrontations in the

“I’m an F-class hunter…”

“You dodged my sword. You must be a high-end assassin


“Ah! Is this old geezer dead?!”

This was horrible. Instead of clearing up the misunderstanding, it

was just getting worse.

Again, avoiding the sword had been pure luck. I couldn’t even
follow the blade with my eyes. The old man’s skills far exceeded my
cognitive abilities.

30 Report
‘If he attacks again, I wouldn’t be able to avoid it.’

After all this, it seemed like I could only give up on convincing him.
I watched the death approach in the form of a sword.


He stopped.

The Sword Saint suddenly stopped, just a step away and at first, I
thought this was my chance.

‘Oh? Are you ready to listen to me now?’

But the Sword Saint didn’t look at me. Instead, the old man
frowned at the air. Curious, I also turned my head to look but found
nothing there.

“…didn’t I tell you I’d take care of it?”

The old man spoke to the open air.

“…so noisy. Catch and interrogate. So I should keep this

demon alive?”

He was talking to himself.

‘What the?”

The Sword Saint, who had just been about to cut me down,
stopped. Instead, he began to mutter to himself. The immediate
crisis was delayed a bit.

I furrowed my brow.

‘Is he…is that a self-talk skill?’

Maybe. Maybe it was.

31 Report
At the bar, I’d thought, ‘This old man is mentally ill.’ But now that I
was witnessing it up close it seemed a bit different. Shall I say a bit
more elaborate and sophisticated? The man truly seemed to be
talking to someone.

‘Is it telepathy?’

Suddenly a thought came to me. Telepathy or Sound

Transmission(傳音). The ability to freely communicate from a
distance. Such a skill did exist.

‘Then…was he talking about me to someone else?’

A shiver went down my spine again.

‘He intends to capture the man who slaughtered 4091


Wanted Criminal.

The Hunter Bureau rarely released bounties. And when they did,
the targets didn’t last very long. The Wanted person would be hunted
by top players and would need to hide for life. If they were caught,
they would be executed publicly in Babylon Square in the middle of
the city.

‘This is not good.’

I clenched my teeth.

‘I have to die right now.’

So that everything I could go back 24 hours and let everything be

reset, I had to die immediately. I stared at the Sword Saint.

“…it’s too late. I’ve already made up my mind. Even if

you’re the master…”

The old man was still muttering to himself. I wasn’t 100% sure if he

32 Report
suffered from psychosis or was really talking to someone, but even if
I wasn’t sure I still opened my mouth.

“How are your grandchildren doing?”

The old man stopped talking to himself. Then he slowly turned and
looked at me.

“I heard that the outside world is really ugly these days. If

they’re the grandchildren of the great Sword Saint then they
must be quite pretty. You must be very worried.”


Dark blue eyes, and pupils that were as still as the ocean’s depths
stared into my eyes.

“It is said that you’re originally from Northern Europe. I

heard that terrorists there are really rampant. I don’t know,
maybe without your knowledge, your grandchildren have
already suffered many injustices.”



The sound of an apple being cut in half rang out in the clearing.


At first, I couldn’t tell what had happened. I’d been watching the
old man this entire time and I hadn’t seen him move. Not even his
lips moved.

So where did that sound come from?

The strangeness didn’t end there though. Originally, the Sword

Saint was standing on the ground right in front of me. But does it feel
as though the ground was slowly turning over.

33 Report
The horizon tilted and the moon in the sky flipped over. High in the
night sky, the first quarter moon(Sanghyun) tilted and became the
last quarter moon(Hahyun). The only thing on the horizon was an
upside-down old man.


The old man’s blue eyes just stared at me and I couldn’t help but
think that they truly resembled the starry sky. I could see why he was
called the sword saint.

Then I realized.


The ground was not upside down.

My head had been cut off and it was slowly falling.

One Hit KO(一擊)


My eyes couldn’t follow the attack of the old man, but after seeing
the world after my head was cut off, I couldn’t help but think it was

After a while, my head hit something. My mind was blank and I

couldn’t hear anything, but I finally realized that my head had landed
on the ground.

By the time I realized that there was no longer any life in my eyes.

[You have died.]

What kind of skills did he have? How long did he have to practice
before he could get skills at that level?

[The skill condition has been achieved due to death.]

34 Report
I was filled with emotions that were much different from when I
had been killed by the Flame Emperor. I felt betrayed by the Flame
Emperor and I’d wanted revenge for my wrongful death.

However, it wasn’t the same with the Sword Saint.

‘I want to be like that.’

‘I want to have a one-hit attack too.’

This was similar to the feeling I had toward Yoo Soo-ha before I
learned what he truly was like.

Jealousy. Covetousness. Adoration.

Flames of desire burned within my heart.

And there was something that responded to those flames.

[A skill of Hunter Marcus Calenbury will be randomly


Cards began to appear in the darkness around me.

[Creating Skill Cards.]


The cards had their backs toward me so I couldn’t see their


‘Still, the colors were more pronounced than when I was

killed by Yoo Soo-ha.’

Perhaps it was because I’ve already adapted to death.

4090 times. As the Sword saint had confirmed with his [Kill
Counter] skill, I’d already experienced death thousands of times. No
hunter was more familiar with death than me.

35 Report
‘It’s not something to be proud of.’

I couldn’t help but make a bitter smile.

‘Please select a skill card.’

The cards floating before me all started to fly around quickly.


At first, I was surprised. But it didn’t take long for me to regain my

focus and begin to concentrate on the cards.

‘I mustn’t get anything else. Golden yellow! I can only get a

golden yellow card!’

But they were fast. It seemed impossible to chase after them.

‘Oh my God.’

Did I grab a golden card from these fast-moving cards when I was
killed by the Flame Emperor? Me? How did I do that? I was new, but I
was really lucky at that time.

‘There is nothing to say, I can’t get lucky again this time!

Golden Yellow, where are you golden yellow?’

But I realized something strange.


No matter how hard I looked, I couldn’t find one.

‘I don’t think there are any golden cards.’

Among the cards flying around in front of me, there were blue
cards and silver cards. However, none of them were golden.
Believing I was wrong, I focused and searched even harder to look for
anyone that I missed, but found nothing.

36 Report
This meant there was only one possibility.

‘Re-, really?’

I was shocked.

‘Is there really no..?’

From the start…the Sword Saint did not have any S-rank skills.

‘This doesn’t make sense!’

I wanted to scream.

‘He is the number one hunter! The most legendary

character before the Flame Emperor arrived and he didn’t
have any S-rank skills?!’

It was very hard to believe, but it was true. My skill proved it.

Marcus Calenbury, the great Sword Saint, reigned above the world
without a single S-rank skill.

I was shocked and a bit fearful.

‘No, no! This cannot be!’

My reaction of shock and fear were completely genuine.

‘I’m sure that there are at least a few strong skills among
the silver cards.’

I didn’t know where to curse my situation or laugh at the odds.

Nevertheless, I was eager to try my luck.

With a very earnest heart, I stared at the cards.

‘Three blue cards and four silver cards.’

Seven cards in totally flew around dizzyingly.

37 Report
‘I can completely ignore the shit cards.’

It was a reasonable choice of course.

Now the question was which silver card to choose.

The [Kill Counter] skill was probably included in the silver cards.
And he probably had an unidentified cheat skill as well.

Of course, the technique I wanted should not be as subtle as the

kill counter skill and it would be better if it was a cheat skill like the
resurrection skill.

‘The probability is 1 out of 4.’

In other words, I could only rely on pure luck.

‘Please be something good.’

I reached out my hand.

‘Please, please be the one I want. The Sword Saint’s cheat


Then I caught one of the silver cards.

[Selection Complete. A skill has been copied.]

[Returning to 24 hours ago.]


I woke up, swallowing a groan.

Side room.

A 2 pyung1 large lodge welcomed me, the familiar sight enriching

my heart a bit. The futon gave off a bad smell as it hadn’t been

38 Report
washed in a long time.

Unfortunately, this single bedroom apartment was all I could afford

at the time.

“Wha-, what did I get?!”

I immediately opened my stat window, wondering if I’d succeeded

or failed in my 25% gamble.

[Kim Gong-ja]

→I Want to Be Like You2(S+): Passive

→Returners Clockwork Watch(EX): Passive

→Sword Constellation(A+): Passive


(TL: Of all passives…rip…)


I sighed, feeling both happy and sad.

“I’m glad I got an A+-rank skill…”

First I felt glad. Even though it wasn’t an S-rank skill, I still believed
this was the best one he had. I was also lucky to not get a skill like
Kill Counter.

“…it’s another passive skill.”

Then there was my sadness. What I’d initially aimed for was a
combat skill. Some kind of rare martial art. Like fencing. Or maybe a
skill that awakens an aura. Most of those were active abilities.

In other words, I failed to get the best combat skill.

39 Report

I sighed again.

“No, if I think about it, it’s not so bad..”

In fact, if other hunters were to hear my lamentation now, they’d

go crazy.

Where could you find A+-rank skills without having to work hard
for it.

I decided to look at the bright side instead.

First, I had to focus on checking the skill out first.


Of course, the skill cards were only visible to the hunter themself.

→I Want to Be Like You(S+): Passive

→Returners Clockwork Watch(EX): Passive

→Sword Constellation(A+): Passive

Sword Constellation.

Just by looking at the name, it was really hard to determine what

the skill did.

“But even ‘I Want to Be Like You’ had a strange name.”

It was difficult to judge whether a skill was a scam or a prize from

the name alone.

Maybe it would turn out to be an amazing skill. It was a little

comfort I gave myself since I was the one who grabbed the silver

40 Report
-Ah. What’s so noisy?

A voice sounded out from somewhere.

-Grandfather. This Master told you. If you want to have practice in

the middle of the night, at least be quiet.


-When you move, there’s no need to disturb me. I don’t have to

wake up. Let’s treat each with manners yeah?


I slowly turned to look in the direction of the voice.

On a futon in a single room. I was crammed into space where I

could barely lie down alone. Yet I could see something behind,
though blurry. Someone was laying there, with his back to me.

“Excuse me.”

I felt goosebumps.

“Who are you?”


And then my eyes met with someone I didn’t know.

Spirit. Ghost.

Something that was clearly not a living human.


The ghost was large. If it wasn’t for his clothes, he might’ve been
mistaken for a gorilla. His physique was rather wide, even down to
his eyebrows. And he stared at me with a shocked expression.

41 Report
-Hey. Who are you?

“…I want to ask the same thing. Who are you?”

-Can you see me?

I nodded evenly.


-Can you hear my voice?

“Um. If we’re communicating right now…maybe that is


What the hell. Am I really talking to a ghost right now?

You would think that an ordinary ghost would be like a monster,

picking on everyone because of its grudges in life.

But this guy was different. He spoke and acted like a human, only
with a blurry body.

-Huh, isn’t that weird? I don’t know what to do.

The ghost shook his head. It seemed that I wasn’t the only one who
couldn’t understand the current situation.

-Where are we? It’s as small as a doghouse. Where has that old
man Marcus gone and why is there a boy like you in front of me?

Only then did I finally understand something that the ghost had

“Uh. By Marcus…do you mean Marcus Calenbury? The

Sword Saint?”

-Tch-tch. Even a beginner like him can be called a Sword Saint? It’s

42 Report
The ghost clicked his tongue as if he heard something

-Anyway, the name you called was right. Where is he? He should
be around here.

I was dumbfounded.

‘The Sword Saint is a beginner?’

The hunter who was currently ranked number one in the world.
And since I intended to murder Yoo Soo-ha, maybe he would continue
to reign at the very top in the far future.

What exactly was this ghost in front of me that called such a big
shot, a beginner? And why was I able to suddenly see ghosts?


To answer my questions, I brought up the skill card and read the


[Sword Constellation]

→Rank: S


→A ghost from another world. He cleared the 99th floor but

failed the 100th floor and died. The resentment remained, causing
him to become a ghost. He cannot interfere with the physical world,
but it is possible to tamper with the owner’s mind. Seek advice from
his rich experience and amazing skills!

→However, no one can see the ghost except for the owner.

→This skill was copied from Hunter Marcus Calenbury.

I was lost for words.

43 Report
-Hey. I said where’s the old man. Are you ignoring me? Tsk. Hey.
Hey! I’ve been doing well this past year. It’s rare to find warriors like
him, even if he’s only so-so

Oh my God.

It seems I copied the Sword Saint’s ghost.


1. 1 Pyung= 3.30579 m2= 35.5832 ft2

2. I’d originally kept the original team’s translation of the skill as ‘I

want to become just like you’ but it is unnecessarily long. So I’ll put it
the way I wanted from the start which is ‘I want to be like you’ which
is simpler but carries the same meaning.

3.From 15 June Onwards Release rate will increase to 6 chapters a

week )

For any errors and issues contact me through discord:-


44 Report

Chapter 9
Source: woopread translations (2)

-Can’t you return me to the old man now?

Bae Hu-ryeong was raging. In the cramped room, it was inhumane

for more than a single person to be in it, though, he was a ghost so
he was a blind spot in human rights. Could you take it if you had a 3
meter mosquito buzzing?

“Ah, really! Even if I wanted to do it, I can’t!”

-You copied me with your skill. Then you should be able to cancel
it. Don’t you know how to give a refund? Refund! What kind of world
is it these days with no refund!

“I can’t cancel it!”

I’d explained how the skill was copied. But even after hearing the
explanation, the ghost still bothered me in vain. Wanting me to send
it back to the Sword Saint.

-Ugh. Old man Marcus! Disciple! Master Lee has been kidnapped!
Your one and only teacher has been kidnapped by a child!

Even then, this ghost turned in the air and began to shout.

-Geez, you ugly student. This all happened because you ignored
your precious Master! I was afraid of this happening, that’s why I told
you to treat your teacher like the heavens.

“Excuse me…”

He was giving me a hard time. I’d lost the fear of seeing a ghost in
real life for the first time. Fear? That was something. No matter how

45 Report
scary it was, it would give anyone a headache if this was how it

“Let’s just live quietly, please. Okay?”

-What do you mean live? I’m already dead.

“Ah, then please die quietly.”

-No. Do I look like a fucking dog? You’re scolding a ghost that’s

already dead and afraid to die another time. Everyone in the
neighborhood, look at this bastard! From the beginning, there’s
nothing I couldn’t say!


I opened my mouth in shock. What the?

This was my first time seeing a ghost in real life but it talked too
much…no it’s the first time seeing someone talk too fucking much.

And then I realized. I could understand why the Sword Saint was
talking to himself at the bar. That…Come to think of it, the Sword
Saint kept mumbling, but the content that he talked about was pretty

‘Shut up.’

‘Don’t be so noisy.’

‘You’re too loud. I’ll take care of it so leave it alone.’

99% of what he said was about noise.

He’d been babbling at the side like he had a mental illness.

“That constant muttering. If it was a ghost-like this…”

-Huh? What the. Did you just talk to me? At your age. You dare to

46 Report
speak up to me?

“Damn it.”

My shoulders sagged subconsciously. My future looked bleak.

“I’ll have to avoid the Sword Saint for the rest of my life.
No matter what skill I got, I didn’t expect a ghost to come

-Huh? I have to live away from that old man. What kind of bullshit
is that?

Bae Hu-ryeong shook his head.

-Where’s a hunter as good as old man Marcus? He’s my disciple,

but he’s still a good old man. Oh, but never talk about his grandkids.
He’s usually pretty nice, but when it comes to his grandkids, he gets

“I already know that.”

I sighed.

“There is a skill that the Sword Saint has. What is it called?

The one that tells the number of people a person has killed.”

Ah. Detective’s Insight? It’s a fucking crap skill.

Bae Hu-ryeong responded quite quickly indeed. So that was the

name of the kill counting skill? [Detective’s Insight]? The ghost
seemed to know all of the Sword Saint’s skills.

-What about it? It’s only useful to find out if someone is an assassin
or not. Besides, there’s no guarantee that someone is an assassin
simply because they killed a lot of people.

“The number is 4091.”

47 Report

“The kill count floating above my head. The number is


Bae Hu-ryeong looked dumbfounded. He frowned. Somehow, the

facial expressions of this ghost was better than many living people.

-What. This guy. Are you crazy?

“I think I will really be crazy if I have to spend one more

day with you. You’re so noisy.”

-No…you’re a complete beginner.

Bae Hu-ryeong’s facial expression became serious.

-A beginner among beginners. Looking at you, I don’t get it. How

does a guy like you kill 4091 people? I couldn’t have done that even
while reaching the 99th floor in my lifetime.

“That’s because I didn’t kill 4091 people.”


I shrugged and began to explain.

“This is what happened. The only person I really murdered

was a really bad guy who would later be known as the Flame

That I was murdered by the Flame Emperor. That luck allowed me

to copy his regression skill. That if I stayed there, there would be no
hope for revenge. That I made a decision to go back over 4000 days.


Bae Hu-ryeong who was listening, had his mouth wide open.

48 Report
-You committed suicide more than 4000 times? Just to get revenge
on the Flame Emperor?



Bae Hu-ryeong became silent. He had looked dumbfounded at first,

but now his expression changed. He looked straight at my face with
eyes that seemed to be struggling with something. He was so serious
that I wondered if he was the same ghost that was just making a fuss
in my 2 pyung room.


After a long period of silence, Bae Hu-ryeong opened his mouth.

“What is it?”

-What is your name?

“I’m Kim Gong-ja”

Bae Hu-ryeong let out a groan.

-Why did you choose the old man?


-After you got revenge on that Flame Emperor guy, why did you
decide to copy a skill from the old man?

“Isn’t it obvious?”

I felt uneasy. I couldn’t understand why he’d asked that question.

“He is the hunter ranked 1st in this era. He’s the strongest
so he must have strong skills.”

49 Report
-That way, you’ll get stronger faster?


-…you can honestly answer my questions as there is no fear of the

information leaking anyway. It says on the skill card that no one else
but you can see me. It’s totally safe is it not?

“What? Absolutely.”

Silence fell in the room once again.


Floating, Bae Hu-ryeong wandered through the air around me. He

came to the left and stared at my face, then to my right and
measured my height. All of it with a serious expression.

I frowned, it felt like he wanted to do something weird.

-Let’s see. Um. The physique wouldn’t be too bad once it’s refined.
The willpower is amazing. Sense of improvement is moderate. Knows
how to keep his sanity but still unpredictable…Ahem, indeed. Um. If
it’s this much…

Bae Hu-ryeong kept muttering to himself.

‘What is he talking about now?’

From what I’d heard, this ghost seemed to be the Sword Saint’s
master. And now this master was talking to himself while moving
side to side.

-Hey, Kim Gong-ja.

Suddenly Bae Hu-ryeong flew to my face and called my name.


50 Report
-Show me how you hunt monsters.

So I hunted a few mobs.

“Are you satisfied?”

I didn’t have anything to do in my room anyway. As soon as dawn

came, I headed to the hunting ground. Actually, since I’d died to the
Sword Saint and returned to the day before, it meant I had to kill Yoo
Soo-ha one more time. So it was necessary to go out anyway.

-As expected…

Bae Hu-ryeong nodded.

-My expectations were indeed correct.

“What did you expect?”

-Well. In my past life, I was called Sword Emperor(劍帝).

As dawn broke, Bae Hu-ryeong’s voice seemed to echo across the

hunting ground.

-My hometown is not here. You can think of it as a different world.

Anyway, just like it did here, the tower appeared in my hometown,
and I conquered faster than any other hunter there.

“I was wondering what you were doing, turns out you were
bragging about yourself.”


Bae Hu-ryeong snickered.

-So what. Eventually, our world failed to clear the 100th floor. This
was written on your skill card right?

[Sword Constellation]

51 Report
-Rank: A+


A ghost from another world. Cleared the 99th floor but failed the
100th floor and died.The resentment remained, causing him to
become a ghost. He cannot interfere with the physical world, but it is
possible to tamper with the owner’s mind. Seek advice from his rich
experience and amazing skills!

However no one can see the ghost except for the owner.

This skill was copied from Hunter Marcus Calenbury.

Come to think of it, it was pretty amazing.

Before I’d returned, the Flame Emperor had only broken through
the 40th floor and was considered a legend. What about the 99th
floor? The ghost before me was truly incredible.

-I can tell if you’re good or not. How talented a hunter is. I can tell
immediately. That’s why I asked you, Kim Gong-ja to show me how
you hunt monsters.


I laughed bitterly.

“Are you trying to see if I have talent for swordsmanship?”

Why. There are many stories like this. A story where the main
character lives without realizing their talent then they suddenly fall
down a cliff or meet a great master and awaken their true power. A
meeting of fate(奇緣).

“Tut. You worked in vain.” (TL: Tut is like the sound made by
clicking your tongue.)

Unfortunately, such luck didn’t come to me.

52 Report
“I don’t have any talent for combat. It’s all luck of the
draw. But now when I die, I can at least copy the skills of
other hunters. If I had talent I would’ve been out of the F
class long ago. Why would I want to live like that?”

Bae Hu-ryeong frowned.

-What are you talking about? You’re talented.


-Tremendously so.

Huh. That wasn’t the response I’d expected.

“Hey, jokes too. Are you making fun of me?”

-I’m not joking.

Bae Hu-ryeong quietly shook his head.

-Of course, you have no martial arts talent. Your coordination is

poor. Your physique is lackluster and it would take a long time to
learn to use aura. But regardless of that, you have a very rare talent.
(TL: This was so harsh, I cringed, poor Gong-ja)

Bae Hu-ryeong’s eyes became serious.

-You’re not afraid of death.


-You just don’t have it. Surprisingly, nothing at all.

Bae Hu-ryeong stroked his chin.

-Probably, after dying over 4000 times, the fear of death

disappeared without you knowing. This is also what I expected. You
don’t realise it, but you’re completely reckless when you face

53 Report
monsters. People usually hesitate a little because they’re afraid of
dying or getting hurt, but you don’t have that.

“Uh. Is that a talent?”

-Of course.

I got an immediate answer.

-Innate talents are not the only type of talent. People can awaken
talents one by one in their lives. The most difficult of these, is the
talent to overcome the fear of death. But you have already learned
the most difficult thing.


-It’s awesome.

I was a bit embarrassed.

So far, no one had ever talked to me like this. (TL: Awwww Gong-ja
is getting shy) I had never thought of myself in this way either. It was
just because I’d been treated like a worm by the Flame Emperor
so…I was so angry that I surpassed 4000 deaths. (TL: I think he
should get to 5000 deaths, it’s a whole number after all, who


That was my talent.

-I just have one question.

“What is it?”

-When old man Marcus killed you. What were you thinking then?

I recalled what had happened in my last death. Only a few hours

had passed, so I was able to vividly recall the memories and my

54 Report

emotions. (TL:I can’t even remember how I felt 10 minutes ago…ㅠ


The night sky, the moon and the wind that was blowing so quietly
that no sound could be heard.

“…I thought it was beautiful.”

It was then.


Bae Hu-ryeong raised his head and laughed heartily. The sound of
the laughter was magnificent and it spread through the empty

-That was funny.

Bae Hu-ryeong’s eyes twinkled as he looked toward me.

-You don’t rob skills, you just copy them. In other words [Another
Me] is still attached to old man Marcus. The Old man and you. I
wonder which of you will be the greater hunter? I’m a bit curious.


-I’ll help you.

Sword Constellation. The ghost that once conquered 99 floors in

the tower and was known by the name Sword Emperor, looked
directly at me.

-To the extent that you can get rid of old man Marcus. No, to be
much stronger than that old man!

Then he reached out his hand.

-Let’s conquer the tower.

55 Report
It was the moment my partner was born.

(TL: Not gonna lie, this last part gave me goosebumps, I can’t

For any errors and issues contact me through discord:-


56 Report

Chapter 10
Source: woopread translations (2)

What is the most annoying situation when you wake up in the


Is it the smartphone alarm you set last night ringing? Is it the

stickiness of the greasy oil that stayed in your hair all night? Is it just
the fact that you have to go to work again today?

-Wake up! Wake up quickly!

“Ah, for christ’s sake, a little mo…”

-If you don’t wake up right now, I’ll start singing a song I love from
my hometown. Did you know that I learned music all my life? When I
sang a song, over thirty people broke down in tears!

Not at all. The worst situation was when there was a ghost
fluttering around your home.

-Look at the time and you’re still in bed!

“What time is it?”

I cracked my eyes open and looked at my smartphone.

On the lock screen, 4:01am was written in a nice font.

“It’s only 4 o’clock in the morning you crazy bastard!”

-Uh huh. Four o’clock in the morning is when the worms wake up
and begin to move. You’re weaker than a worm so you should wake
up earlier.

“I guess you were just bored because you can’t sleep.”

57 Report
-I don’t know what you mean.

Bae Hu-ryeong looked away as if he’d been caught.

“Wow. I always wondered why the Sword Saint woke up at

4am to practice. It wasn’t because he was hardworking, it
was because you were too noisy!”

-Fine. I was bored alone and woke you up. Better? Thanks to that, if
you get up and practice now, it’s for your benefit. Come on, bow
down and thank me.

“Ki-, I want to kill…”

-Huhu. I’m already dead so you can’t kill me. If you want to try
then you’ll have to die first! Ah, but you can’t even die. You zombie
bastard. Your name should be Kim Zom-bie not Kim Gong-ja.

“Damn it.”

I came out of the apartment dressed in sportswear. In the 2 pyung

room, the ghost chattered without rest and I really couldn’t take it
anymore. For the sake of my mental health, I left my home and
started jogging under the dark morning sky.

“Huk, huk…”

-Zombie Kim. I’ll repeat, you really don’t have any talent outside of
your willpower.

Bae Hu-ryeong floated and caught up to me.

-I usually prefer to teach from the bottom up. But you don’t even
have a bottom. Should I say you’re the bottom of the bottom?

It has been three days since I copied the skill [Sword

Constellation] from the Sword Saint. In that time I killed Yoo Soo-ha
once more, and avoided meeting the Sword Saint. Now, I was training

58 Report
according to a schedule that Bae Hu-ryeong had made himself.

-In terms of talent, you have what we should call the abyss talent.
Kuh. So cool! I’m jealous!

“Huk…when people are running, you shouldn’t interrupt

them…hoo. Let’s go..!” (TL: the ‘huk’s and ‘hoo’s are basically him

-What? The bottom line is, you need special tutoring. And in order
to receive special tutoring, you have to pay an expensive tuition.

Bae Hu-ryeong laughed.

-You’re going to get a lottery ticket, Zombie.

There is a guild called Sangryun.

The common name for it was the Merchant’s Union. The leader was
the third ranked hunter who was commonly known as ‘Count’.

As mentioned before, Count is the only player who could send and
receive things from the outside world. He was like a one-man
company. Thanks to this ability, the Sangryun Guild basically
controlled the economy in the tower.

What that meant was.

“Excuse me.”

“Yes, guest. How may I help you?”

“I’m here to receive my winnings for the lottery.”

On the first floor, the Sangryun Guild in the city of Babylon was the
only one who issued lottery tickets.

59 Report
“Ah. Your lottery ticket won?!”

“Yes that’s right.”


The clerk who was wearing cat ears bowed toward him, a sunny
smile across their face being a bonus.

-Hey, whenever I see this clerk I get curious about why they’re
wearing cat ears.

‘The head of Sangryun likes cats.’

-No matter how good a cat is, do you need to make a normal
person wear cat ears? He’s just a perverted bastard. I can guarantee

‘Is that even important right now?’

Of course the clerk didn’t wear the cat ears because they wanted
to. They simply didn’t have a choice. Be it cat ears or a cockroach’s
antennae, if the guildmaster told them to wear it, they had to do so.

Oh, for reference, this clerk was a man. The uniform was just

“Excuse me guest but have you confirmed the date? I’m

sorry but you can’t win the prize if the ticket was purchased
long before.”

“That’s fine. It’s a ticket from last week.”

“That’s great!”

It was a lottery ticket that I’d bought right after my discussion with
Bae Hu-ryeong. It was because I intended to win the lottery once
anyway, and Bae Hu-ryeong had passionately shouted, ‘You need the

60 Report
“Then we will begin the identification and verification
process. Ah, if I may ask, what place did you win?”

“First place.”


The clerk asked reflexively.

“I got first place.”


“Here, please check the number.”

Above the head of the clerk hung a billboard. On the billboard the
words [The 1st Prize for the Sangryun Happiness Lottery.] was
written, followed by the amount of money that was displayed on slots
like a slot machine in a casino.

53,000 gold. If I was to use the currency from my hometown, it

would be 5.5 billion won.

-Hey, it’s so easy to make money isn’t it?

The humming voice of Bae Hu-ryeong filled the suddenly quiet hall

Wearing an embarrassed look, the clerk suddenly said.

“…I’ve checked the number. No-, now please wait a minute

customer while I call for my manager to take over.”

“Yeah, take your time.”

The clerk hurried away into the main area of the building. I could
feel people peeking at me and gossiping. Talking about my win of the
first prize and expressing their envy.

61 Report
-Will you be okay Zombie? Won’t you get stabbed in a dark alley?

“I have an idea.”

I shrugged my shoulders.

“Hiding it doesn’t mean that it’ll be hidden.”

All the hunters who won the lottery were recorded. The same was
true even for the Flame Emperor. So everyone could see that he won
the first place twice in a row.

‘If it’s going to be known anyway, it was better to do it


When I won the lottery I was immediately assassinated. If such a

rumor was to spread the one who would be affected more would be
the ones who organized the lottery in the first place. (TL: I think the
person who got assassinated would be the most affected…but those
are just my thoughts)

After a while.

“You’ve been waiting for a long time Mr. Kim Gong-ja. My

name is Arthur Taylor.”

A man who was dressed more professionally than the previous

receptionist appeared and bowed slightly to me. His greeting was
very polite. However something that didn’t change was the fact that
he also wore cat ears on his head.

“Call me ‘Vault Keeper’ and I would appreciate it if you

spoke to me comfortably.” (TL: In Korean there are different
levels of politeness depending on your standing and familiarity with
the person you’re speaking to, he’s basically saying ‘you don’t need
to be too polite’)

“I’m Kim Gong-ja and that’s a pretty interesting name.”

62 Report
“Haha! I often hear those words. Then let’s go upstairs.”

The Vault Keeper smiled brightly.

No matter how you looked at him, this man was a hunter who was
at least in the top 300. But although I was only an F class hunter who
could only look up to him, the Vault Keeper remained very polite to

-That’s how 50,000 gold customers are treated of course.

The ghost made himself known once again.

-Hey Zombie, do you know what I’ve been thinking about? I think
you’re too easily flattered because you’ve never been treated well
before. A few days ago when I complimented your talent for dying,
you looked so moved. I feel so sorry for you. (TL: Oof so savage…)

‘Ah. Shut up, please, just a bit.’

-Men shouldn’t be that easy, man. Be like me. You gotta believe
that everything in the world is simply for your benefit.

No matter how I thought about it, Yoo Soo-ha and Bae Hu-ryeong
were very similar. They even had similar nicknames. One was the
Flame Emperor and the other was the Sword Emperor. Perhaps all
the people who were called ‘Emperor’ were psychopaths.

“Ah, Mr. Kim Gong-ja. I’m sorry, is there something


The Vault Keeper asked while guiding me up the stairs. He seemed

to be afraid that he’d done something wrong.

I hurriedly replied so that I didn’t look crazy.

“Ah, no. I was thinking about something.”

“Ah, I’m glad.”

63 Report
The Vault Keeper sighed in relief.

“Your expression wasn’t too good so I thought I’d been

rude without my knowledge. Haha. When you said no, I felt
so relieved…”

What the. This person…is he an angel?

-Tch. So easy, it’s so easy.

I ignored the nagging psychotic ghost behind me. We entered a VIP

reception room.

The gold coins were already piled upon the table of the reception
room and it seemed that a clerk had come and prepared it in

The Vault Keeper smiled again.

“This is all the coins that customer Kim Gong-ja has won.”

“…It’s amazing.”

Over 50,000 coins!

The room was bright and it illuminated all the coins at once. Just
looking at them made my heart swell. A feeling was overflowing
within me, though I couldn’t really describe what it was. (TL: is…is
this love?)

“You can take all of these gold coins, or you can purchase a
personal vault from us for safekeeping. What would you like
to do?”


I tried to gather my thoughts.

‘As expected, the magical power of money was great.’

64 Report
Frankly speaking, my mouth was watering. But my goal was to
stand on top. To be a handsome hunter who was the envy of
everyone. Money was just a means to reach that goal. (TL: that’s
right gong-ja! ganbatte!)

‘To be a man who controlled money, not a man controlled by

money Kim Gong-ja.’

Regaining my calm, I nodded slowly.

“I’ll keep it in a deposit box.”

“Ah. That’s a very wise choice customer!”

The Vault Keeper was delighted.

“I always personally suggest this for the winners. I

understand wanting to hold all your wealth in your hands,
but I always strongly recommend getting a safety deposit
box. After all there are many people who have bad


I opened my mouth again.

“I would like to purchase the status of an honorary member

of the Sangryun Guild.”


“The cost of purchasing an honorary membership is 10,000

gold coins, isn’t it?”

I approached the table and rested my hand on the stacks of gold


Gold. The color that dazzled the eyes of man. But I already knew a
gold that would be even more enchanting, my future. For that future,

65 Report
I’d have to invest these gold coins without restraint.

“I’ll buy it in a one time payment.”


The Vault Keeper studied my face for a moment.

“Customer Kim Gong-ja…you haven’t joined any other guild




A hunter guild wasn’t simply for socializing. The greatest

significance was instead the [Protection] given by the guild.

Even if it was the Hunter Bureau or a vigilante…

‘I might get attacked before I could even say anything.’

I could tell from the way the Flame Emperor and the Sword Saint
had killed me.

Lawlessness. Compared to the world outside, this place was much

more brutal.

‘I shouldn’t foolishly follow the footsteps of the Flame


The Flame Emperor had preferred to move alone. After winning the
lottery twice, he wouldn’t have had any protection. It must’ve been a
hard and exciting life because many people were after that money.

‘That’s why he was poisoned and assassinated later on.’

It was very pathetic. Why was there a need to compete with the
big guilds?

66 Report

The Vault Keeper took out a notebook and began to scribble


“Anyone can become an honorary member of our guild for a

fixed price. I’ll have an employee immediately come and
issue you a second-class honorary membership card.”

“Ah. Oh yeah, and.”

I added a bit more.

“I live in a small, cheap apartment right now. I would be

really grateful if Sangryun could recommend a place for me
to stay. Of course, I’m willing to pay the necessary price.”


“In addition, you’ll probably announce the first place

winner in the newspaper. At that time, even if you reveal my
name, please ensure that they also report my status as an
honorary member of the Sangryun Guild.”

The Vault Keeper wrote all the things I requested in his notebook
with a blank expression on his face.(TL: I bet he’s regretting being so
polite now hehe)

“You are quite thorough, customer.”

“Ugh. With the world as it is nowadays? I need to be

prepared for anything.”

“…you’re absolutely right.”

Behind the Vault Keeper, Bae Hu-ryeong was holding his stomach
and laughing boisterously.

-Hey. This expression of his as he’s being treated like this by a

67 Report
pushover. It’s so sweet. This is why I love making fun of the elite.

‘No. You were the one who said I was easy. What’s the big

-I did? I’m not sure. I don’t quite remember so maybe it didn’t


Oh my God. Even if he had to be disgusting, he didn’t need to be

this disgusting.

-Anyway, you’re doing a good job on your own.

Bae Hu-ryeong kept laughing.

-I was worried that I’d have to clean your diaper and wipe your ass
like a baby. But from seeing this, I think you’ll be fine.

‘If you don’t talk, no one would hate you.’

-Boy, you seem to be in a good mood.

That was right. My mouth was grumbling but my heart was happy.

‘Absolutely. It starts from now on.’

4000 deaths to return 4000 days. This was an ability of the

regression skill that the Flame Emperor didn’t take advantage of.

Now, it was my time to enjoy it.


Hey, there guys, from now on I won’t be the one working on this
novel, but its translations will be continued by HH(second life ranker
TL). I had fun with you all till now. See you ^-^)

For any errors and issues contact me through discord:-


68 Report

Chapter 11
Source: woopread translations (2)

-Hey, Zombie. Do you know what’s most important when being

tutored? “I’d like you to first stop calling me Zombie.” -It’s the
tutoring fee.

We finished our business in the Sangryun headquarters and left. It

was right in the middle of the day, and the streets were bustling.
Retired hunters were busily serving customers in restaurants and

There were a lot of completely empty stores among them as well.

The owners of the stores were sitting blankly with their mouths
gaped open. People who succeeded would succeed, and those who
didn’t would not. It was cruel, but it was the unchangeable fact of
both Babylon and the outside world.

-And you just got the tutoring fee. Let’s see, so what’s next? “Mm.
A good tutor?” -Nope. There’s already one in front of you.

Bae Hu-ryeong spoke shamelessly. Without even the slightest

change in his expression.

-A good reference book! You need a textbook that’ll help you grow
faster. “A textbook…” -Yeah. Like a skill tome or an elixir. But
there’s no way you’ll understand a skill tome even if you get one, k?
So the only answer is to get those fucking expensive elixirs.

This guy said the right things in such a rude way.

-Also, I don’t deal with cheapo elixirs. Why, was it the Alchemy
Castle? There was a guild that doctors and pharmacists were
registered in. Get the elixirs made only by their skilled masters.
“Ek.” -I know where the store is, so don’t worry. There’s something

69 Report
that grandpops Marcus used to go. If we get all the elixirs there…
“W, Wait a minute.” -Hm? Why?

I lowered my voice because some people were walking by me.

“…Aren’t those elixirs ridiculously expensive? -Of course they’re

ridiculously expensive. If you hear the price, your jaw will drop.

Bae Hu-ryeong snickered.

-Should I tell you how much it is? “Let’s hear it.”

He whispered in my ear. My eyes widened after hearing the price.

It was an astronomical amount. “Even if I pour everything I have,
I only get 4?!” -Heehee. If we buy it in bulk we can get a discount
and get 5. They know how to run a business. This is why doctors who
know the taste of money are the scariest. “I, It’s too expensive…”

Goodness. I would become poor again. I thought I would be able to

live comfortably since I got the 1st place lottery ticket.

-Well. What can you do about it? It’s because you lack skills. Just
think of it all as your fate…humph!

Bae Hu-ryeong’s face hardened.

-Gong-ja. Hide. “What?” -Quickly.

His voice turned serious. I found myself behind a trash can at his
words. It was a trash can that a restaurant used to throw away food
waste. I crinkled my nose.

“Why are you telling me to hide suddenly?” -Be careful. It’s

grandpops Marcus. “…”

I held my breath. Carefully, I peeked above the trashcan to see the

street. An old man with tied back white hair, the current world Rank 1
with the Detective’s Insight, Sword Saint, was walking far away.

70 Report
‘If I get caught it’ll suck.’

My heart pounded. Was it because my nervousness was delivered.

Too much talker Bae Hu-ryeong shut his mouth for a while. Both of us
hid behind the trash can holding our breaths, looking at Sword Saint.

“…Again…shut up…”

Thankfully, he didn’t seem to have noticed us. He muttered to

himself like always and headed somewhere.


Bae Hu-ryeong grimaced seeing Sword Saint enter some building.

-Tsk! That’s the best shop. “The best shop?” -Elixirs, I’m talking
about elixirs. The best creator set up their shop there. Ugh, seriously!
Everyone else is just a drug dealer. We have to buy it there…!

Bae Hu-ryeong tapped his feet. This was the first time I saw this
ghost actually mad. I was lost in thought next to him.

‘Using the same store as Sword Saint is too dangerous.

But, a good store for elixirs…’

I searched for the top rankers on my phone. There was a list

starting from first place.

+ Rank 1. Sword Saint / Affiliation: None Rank 2. Black Dragon

Witch / Affiliation: Black Dragon (Guild Master) Rank 3. Count /
Affiliation: Merchant’s Union (Guild Master) Rank 4. Heretic
Questioner / Affiliation: Ten Thousand Temple (Guild Master) Rank 5.
Venomous Snake / Affiliation: Chen Mu-mun (Guild Master) Rank 6.
Babel’s Linguist / Affiliation: Manhak (Vice Guild Master) Rank 7.
Kwangyeok Messenger / Affiliation: Golden Newspaper (Vice Guild
Master) Rank 8. Crusader / Affiliation: Civil Militia (Vice Guild Master) .

71 Report
“It’s not here.”

I muttered to myself. Bae Hu-reyong reacted to my words.

-Hm? What’s not here? Your luck? “No. The opposite, actually.”

I was overflowing with luck.

“It might not cost as much as I thought.” -What? “We’ll only

have to spend a penny to get the best elixir.”

I grinned.

“Cause I know a really good pharmacist.”

We entered a dark alley.

It was a poor neighborhood. People here had to live here because

they couldn’t earn money. It was a harlem neighborhood. The
hunters looking our way had abnormal gazes in their eyes.

-…There’s a skilled pharmacist here?

Bae Hu-ryeong complained, like he didn’t believe it.

“It’s not a skilled pharmacist, but the best pharmacist in

history.” -Take it easy with your lies. Why would someone like that
stay here? “Ah, don’t believe me if you don’t want to.”

I heard someone clicking their tongue from some corner. It seemed

like the hunters looking our way had turned away. They probably
thought I was a psycho seeing me talk to myself. Even though people
in this harlem were the worst, they didn’t touch mental patients. I
smirked to myself.

‘What’s gonna happen if they know my wallet’s filled with

gold coins?’

It was obvious. They would run at me like wolves.

72 Report
Of course, I didn’t plan on telling my wallet’s business to others.
Smelling the scent of rotting corpses, I entered deeper into the alley.
It was then that I heard the sound of something ripping.

“P, Please, just don’t touch my experiment materials!”

A young voice.

After that, someone spoke in a rough tone.

“You’ve done this more than once now? What kind of

bullshit are you spitting out!” “It’s already half a year since
the due date. You have to pay the price now.”

I headed towards where I heard the voices. In the middle of the

twisted streets, there was a empty store set up. It was where the
people were fighting.

“Ut. I, If you take all the tools…I really can’t make a

living…” “Let’s go, there’s nothing to see anymore. Take

Gangsters with good bodies got machines onto their rearcars. A

young woman looking to be in her mid 20s grabbed onto them to

“One week! Please just give me one more week. No, 5 more
days…” “That one week became one month and that month
became half a year now!”

As the gangsters drove away, the store owner collapsed to the

floor without being able to protest. She held her hand out to the
rearcars even when her knees were being scratched.

“There’s…there’s still incomplete liquid medicine…!” “Ugh.

Why did we get caught by this crazy pharmacist. Lady! I’m
advising you, but don’t ever make medicines again!”

73 Report
The rearacars creaked and disappeared into the streets. Only the
despairing woman on her knees was left.

Including me, all the other neighborhood people had come out to
watch. They whispered amongst themselves.

“Tsk tsk. I thought that store would fail.” “The medicine is

too expensive. Why is a single health potion 40 Gold?” “She
thought business was easy because she’s young…”

Perhaps she had heard the whispers of the onlookers. The

despairing store owner whipped her head towards them.

“E, Expensive? I only sell it at the original price!”

She looked quite pitiful. Her hair was stuck to her head like she
hadn’t washed it in days. The glasses on her face looked like
antiques. Even her voice was cracky.

“Only our store sells these kinds of medicines at this price

in Babylon! Y, You should actually be grateful that I set up
my store here! Yeah!” “Aw, she’s still not living in reality.”
“Sheesh. Does she think she’s better to say that…”

The onlookers shook their heads and the crowd dispersed.

The store owner who looked like no one would like her was still

“Oh…W, Wait. Since you’re all here, how about a bottle of

health potion…With my special potion, even an almost dead
hunter can flop back to life.” “I. I won’t buy it, I won’t.!”

She tried to grab onto the onlookers, but it was too late. The water
was already spilled. They cursed and disappeared.

“It has really good effects…it’s not a lie…”

74 Report
She plopped on the ground.


Bae Hu-ryeong muttered after seeing that unpleasant scene.

-Is the ‘historical pharmacist’ you talked about…that loser? “What

are you going to do if it is? -I’m going to sincerely worry about your
welfare. Thinking, ah, this kid’s brain must’ve gone weird after dying
4000 times. And then I’ll introduce you to the best therapist in

I snorted.

“You should’ve worried about my welfare when I started to

see ghosts. That owner is definitely the historical pharmacist,
so don’t worry.” -That’s not a historial pharmacist, that’s a
historical loser! You crazy bastard!

Bae Hu-ryeong spoke loudly but I ignored him. I walked towards

the owner who was sitting on the floor.

“Excuse me.” “Uuh..?”

She looked up at me. She looked even more pathetic up close. Her
clothes were all too long for her. But since she was wearing a white
coat, you could tell she was a pharmacist and not a beggar.

“Store owner-nim. You’re still selling, right?” [TN:Store

owner-nim is a way to address store owners respectfully in

Of course, this person wasn’t a beggar. She wasn’t an ordinary

pharmacist either.

“If you’re still selling, there’s something I want to order.”

Lord of Alchemy Castle. She was a pharmacist who would rise to

75 Report
Rank 5 status in the future. Right now, she was outside of the
rankings, but she would definitely succeed.

“It’s alright if it’s a bit expensive.” “Ah, yes. Yes! Of

course! I can make you anything!”

The color came back to her face. Her store had been on the brink
of going bankrupt, but there was a customer saying they would buy
expensive medicine.

“Uh, but how expensive are you talking about…?” “Hm.”

In the future, she was a pharmacist that I couldn’t even think about
buying from, but this time was different.

“I want to buy about 20,000 Gold worth.” “…”

She dropped her mouth open. So what if she looked pathetic. To

me, she looked like a goose that laid golden eggs. And 100% percent
pure gold ones at that! I smiled.

“What are you doing? You need to take the order, Store

I would be your sickening regular now.

TN: Hello, I will be taking over the translations for SSS Class
Suicide Hunter! The format may be a bit different, and I apologize in
advance for any mistakes I may make. Please feel free to leave them
in the mistakes report channel in the discord -
https://discord.gg/Q3dStgu )

76 Report

Chapter 12
Source: woopread translations (2)

“I, It’s a bit shabby but…please come in.”

The pharmacist shuffled her feet. The store was messy like a
tornado had passed through it.

“It’s really shabby but…”

She wasn’t over exaggerating.

There were broken glass bottles all over the floor. Shelves were on
their backs, and the books had all fallen out. The dust floating around
was a bonus.

It was a wreck.


Bae Hu-ryeong exclaimed.

–When I was alive, I used to hear that I was untidy, but this is way
above my level. Their cleanliness sure is trustworthy. Hey, do you
really want to eat the elixirs this lady makes?

“Um. Are you really going to order 20,000 Gold worth items
from me…?”

Bae Hu-ryeong and the pharmacist asked me at the same time,

like they had planned it.

I smiled bitterly.

“If you don’t believe me, should I pay in advance?”

77 Report
“Y, You don’t need to go that f…”

She waved her hand around and paused.

“…No. Actually, if it’s possible, advance payment it is.”

Her face was completely red. She was embarrassed at herself for
saying this. But this was how bad her situation was.

“Take as much as you need from my safe. I’ll tell Sangryun

in advance.”

“As much as I need…”

She blankly mumbled.

“Yes. But my wealth isn’t limitless. I’ll be grateful if you

keep it under 20,000 Gold.”

“W, What kind of medicine are you…?”

Was she scared because of the amount of money? She was happy,
but also seemed anxious at the same time.

“Pardon me, but I can’t make drugs. Because of my beliefs,

making drugs is really…If you came to order drugs, I, I’ll


I thought to myself.

‘She’s someone who fits the title of Alchemy Master well.’

There weren’t a lot of people who could refuse thousands of Gold

that was right in front of them. Especially if they were about to go
bankrupt. But she firmly said she wouldn’t make drugs.

This pharmacist looked weak outside but was actually quite strong

78 Report

“Haa. They’re definitely not drugs, so don’t worry.”

“Ah…t, then that’s a relief. Specifically, which medicines

are you looking for?”


I looked at Bae Hu-ryeong. His mouth had been shut since we

entered the shop like he didn’t like something. He sighed after
looking at me.

–Haa. Well, fine. She doesn’t look like a skilled child, but I’ll tell you
the recipe.

He should’ve said it earlier if he was going to come out like this.

–Listen. Bunny pig’s liver and a balloon cat’s eyes, and the
shedding of a desert worm…”

“I’ll let you know from now. Bunny pig’s liver, balloon cat’s
eyes, and…”

I delivered Bae Hu-ryeong’s recipe to her.

“Ah. Please wait a moment! I, I’ll write it down!”

She frantically wrote it down. There were about 23 different

materials. As the recipe got longer, her face turned more serious.

–Well. This is enough for the recipe. How it’s made depends on the
skills of the pharmacist.

“This is enough for the recipe.”


She quietly looked at her notebook, biting the back of her hand.

79 Report
“If these are combined…it’s something that intensifies
reflexes. Not something that relaxes, but stimulates. No, I
guess it’s more of an awakening.”


Bae Hu-ryeong looked at the pharmacist.

The pharmacist continued to speak.

“It’s an extremely complex combination. Ah, it might just

be my mistake…but you would like these to be made not with
dried or frozen materials, but with the most fresh materials,

–Yes, that’s true but…

I nodded my head.

“That’s correct.”

“I knew it! Usually, there’s a minute amount of poison in the desert

worm’s shedding. One of the ways to lessen this effect is to use the
bunny pig’s liver, but this has to be…!

She excitedly spoke. The stuttering lady in front of me

disappeared, and was replaced with a chatterbox. Yeah. There were
people like this in the world.

‘Her method is wrong, but she’s a skilled person.’

Someone who ran into the subject that they liked at full speed and
achieved great results. I didn’t dislike experts like this.

“In how many days can you have it ready?”


The conversation that seemed like it had no end got cut off. She

80 Report
blinked like she came to attention. It was like she had fallen into her
own little world when she was speaking.

“S, Sorry! I saw a pretty combination like this for the first
time in a while and…!”

“It’s alright. So how long will it take?”

“If the money is enough…I, I can have it ready in 4 days. I

would usually be able to get it to you faster, but I have to get
new tools…”

4 days.

“I can wait that long.”

Before I regressed, it took about 1 year to be able to get medicine

from this person. 4 days was nothing compared to that.

–Hey. I still can’t approve.

Bae Hu-ryeong continued to complain when we left the store.

-There’s a lot of people who only know how to speak like experts.
Those kinds of people end up being drug dealers. Ugh. We’re gonna
waste money!

“So where did you learn that recipe?”

-It’s a combination I made myself. The best elixir that I made after
drinking countless poisons myself. It’s a precious elixir that you can’t
drink in your world even if you want to!

I grinned.

“The pharmacist said it was an extremely high-level



81 Report
“She’s able to tell the true worth just with a glance, so just
trust her. Even if she looks like that right now, she is going to
be in the highest position of Alchemy Castle 10 years later.”

Bae Hu-ryeong shut his mouth.

-You just cursed me in your mind, huh?

“This ghost is trying to hurt an innocent person now.”

I pretended not to know what he was talking about. He was

uselessly too quick for his own good.

4 days quickly passed.

During that time, the pharmacist continued to take away money

from my safe. Someone came from Sangryung to ask if it was really
alright, but I told them to let her be. Even if it cost a lot of money, if it
was for medicine made by the Lord of Alchemy Castle, it was

–Zombie. Wanna bet?

“Geez, what this time.”

-That lady’s gonna run away with the money. I guarantee it. I don’t
know about anything else, but my eyes can tell what kind of person
someone is. That lady looks like a thief from birth. Quickly, commit
suicide. Zombie! Kill yourself 4 times and return to 4 days ago!

Clearly, the ghost couldn’t read people.

On lunchtime of the 4th day.

The pharmacist came to my room carrying the elixirs herself.

“S, Sorry. I wanted to give it to you faster, but it took

longer than I thought…”

82 Report
“It’s fine. You said you would make it in 4 days anyway.
That’s good.”

The pharmacist bought 3 boxes of elixirs.

If I drank it 3 times per day, it would last for 30 days.

If we went to the store Bae Hu-ryeong wanted to go to, we would

only get 2 days worth. This was an increase by 15 times.

‘And the effects are probably better.’

This was how you should spend money.

I subconsciously smiled.



“I, I know it’s weird asking this now. But why did you leave
such an expensive order to me?”

She twisted her fingers.

“O, Of course, I’m confident in myself. Looking at the

recipe, I think there’s only about 2 people in Babylon who can
make this…But, people only treat me like a freak.”


The reason why I left it to this person.

It was because this person was the genius of the century. The guild
master of the Alchemy Castle. I had calculated to have some
connection to the person who would grow to be the master of a large
clan someday.


83 Report
‘That’s not all.’

Before I regressed to 4000 days before.

When the Flame Emperor had set fire to the slums. At the time,
someone had arrived before anyone else to control the fire even
though she was one of the highest rankers. Helping the people, Lord
of Alchemy Castle had muttered.

-That Flame Emperor, I don’t like him.

-He gives me bad vibes or something…talking about someone’s

back here isn’t nice,but I still think Saintess could meet someone

Someone who had seen Flame Emperor’s real self.

‘She probably just guessed it with her senses without any


Even if that was the case, she had the outstanding ability of
reading people.

She was skilled, nice enough to run immediately to help people in

danger, and could read psychopaths. Wouldn’t it be a waste not to be
close with this kind of person?

I opened my mouth.

“Because you seem nice.”


“I helped you because you seemed nice. Well, you probably

would’ve made it big even if I didn’t help you. But shouldn’t
kind hunters like us help each other to grow?”


84 Report
“We can’t let psychopaths be the only ones to succeed.
That’s unfair. Store owner-nim and I should work harder.”

I said exactly what I felt without telling any lies. I couldn’t be more
honest than this. Now, it depended on how the other person
accepted my words. She stared at my face and spoke.

“…I see. Yes. Since we have to succeed first to change the


It was a determined tone.

“Thank you, customer-nim! As you said, I’ll work harder


Her fist was clenched.

“If you have anything more to order, contact me! I’ll always
prioritize your orders!”

“I’ll be grateful for that.”

We both smiled at each other and turned away.

Unfortunately, my smile didn’t last for long.

-Hoho. I haven’t seen a hunter who called himself nice in a while.

And I’ve never seen someone accept it like that. Hey, are you guys
crazy? Tsk tsk tsk. You’re not in your right mind.

“…I know I said something embarrassing so let’s just start


The next day.

We headed towards the hunting ground. I took a sleeping bag and

plenty of elixirs in my backpack.

If there was something different than normal, it was that I was on

85 Report
the 3rd floor hunting ground and not the 2nd floor.

There were lots of monsters that were still too much for me to deal
with. Orcs and goblin hordes hovered around. I looked at them from
far away.

“What do I do from now?”

-Drink your elixir first.

I nodded my head.

I gulped down the elixir that was the tumbler I brought without any


The taste itself was normal.

It tasted good, like honey and lemon were added to it.

The moment I thought it was a relief that it tasted good.



My heart beat faster than normal.

At first, I thought I was hallucinating, but I wasn’t. Sweat dripped

down my back. The most interesting fact was that…I could feel each
and every drop of sweat on my back clearly.

‘What is this?’


It wasn’t just the sweat. The touch of the air on my fingers and the
feeling of the ground I was stepping on. When I blinked it felt like 30

86 Report


-Effects of the elixir.

Only Bae Hu-ryeong’s voice felt the same amongst everything that
felt different.

-It slows down what you feel. It’s easy if you think that it extends
your time. I don’t want to admit it, but that lady is pretty good at
making elixirs.

It was horrible.

I could feel each strand of hair moving on my body. I could even

feel the veins in my ears twitching. If I didn’t know, I would think that
I drank poison, and not an elixir.

-Can’t you feel it?


-The thing moving in your heart.


There was something there. No, something was flowing. And it

wasn’t blood.

It was softer and more frail than blood. But it definitely flowed in
my entire body. It was slowly spreading from my heart. Something
that I had never felt before.

-That’s Auror.

Bae Hu-ryeong spoke.

-All hunters in the Tower have Auror in their bodies. They just live

87 Report
not knowing it. How much you’re able to feel this Auror and control it
is what determines victory.

Bae Hu-ryeong laughed.

The laughter lasted for 20 seconds. It was probably only a short

second, but somehow, it felt like 20 seconds to me.

I felt tired, like I would fall over if I just let go.

-Usually, you get used to this feeling by quietly training by


Inside of it. Something big approached.

-But that’ll take too long.



Even the footsteps seemed long to me. When I lifted my head to

see, a big orc was heading towards me.

-A talentless body like you has to suffer a bit.

This damned.

-Alright! If you don’t want to be hurt, use your Auror, Kim Zombie!
You have to train with real things! You’re not gonna kick the bucket
anyway, so what if you get a little hurt.


-Hm? I can’t hear what you’re saying because you’re a loser who
can’t even use Auror.

He burst into laughter again.

88 Report
–Are you in anguish? Kill yourself if you don’t like it. Oh, then your
kill count increases from 4000. Then grandpops Marcus will hunt you
over and over again, huh?


My partner was really a bad bastard.

Hello Ninja here in some time I’ll be releasing advance chapters of

SSS-Class Suicide Hunter which can be opened by swoop dollar which
can be purchased through this link – https://woopread.com/buy

Advanced chapters are only for you guys to show your support and
the public release will be as per schedule (6 chapters a week)

if you have any issues or queries contact me on discord from given

link below


For any errors and issues contact me through discord:-


89 Report

Chapter 13
Source: woopread translations (2)


The orc bellowed.

It could’ve been a short growl and not a bellow. But to me, it

sounded like a long echo. 50 seconds! In that time of about 1 minute,
the sound of the orc rang in my ear.

“Ke, uk…!”

It was a head-splitting pain.

-Hey. Focus.

Bae Hu-ryeong was ever the same in that slowed down time.

-Don’t get scared by a guy like an orc! Orcs are just stupid strong,
they’re attack patterns are simple. If you can tell where they’ll
attack, you can easily avoid them and fight back. It’s a fucking piece
of cake.

“That’s easier…said…than done!”

-He’s coming.

The orc swung his club around. No, he was swinging it. It slowly but
surely approached my head. If I stayed still, my head would explode.

“Sh, it!”

I jumped to the side with all my strength. But my body didn’t follow
my command.

90 Report
‘I’m slower!’

Just one step. I could avoid the attack with just one step, but that
one step was too slow. I felt frustrated. I was so frustrated I felt like
crying. I could avoid it! I even knew where it would attack!

-You can avoid it. Don’t give up.

Bae Hu-ryeong spoke in a low voice.

-Focus your Auror on your feet. Amplify your senses! Like the flow
in your heart is being sent to you right foot, quick!


‘He’s a ghost but his mouth is blabbering like it’s alive!’

For the first time in my life, I felt what Auror was. How would I
focus this on my leg? It was really easier said than done. But…there
was no other way. I had to do something. Even if I wasn’t scared of
dying, I didn’t want my head to fall off because of the orc’s club!


The flow in my heart. It felt cool and clean, like a flowing stream. I
focused on that cool feeling and tried to send it down to my right


The Auror in my heart twitched with my efforts but-

-It’s harder than you think, huh?

It was hard.

-It’s because there’s no pathway for Auror in your body yet. The
path hasn’t been made! Your body can be compared to a mountain
road. You need to clear it like a highway to be able to use it.

91 Report

I continued to focus on my right leg while Bae Hu-ryeong babbled

on. If my heart was a blocked sink, my right leg was like a cup under
it. Drip. Drip. Auror slowly dripped off of the broken sink.

-You’re able to feel it because you ate the elixir. Under normal
circumstances, it’s impossible. Tsk. That lady’s cleanliness is
disgusting but her skills are definite.

The club whooshed close by me. I could feel the wind when it went
by. The wind collided with my skin and dispersed. 1 second. No, if I
was late by 0.5 seconds, my body would’ve been destroyed by that

“W, What…”

Relief only lasted for a moment.


The orc grunted. He probably didn’t like this. The fact that a weak
looking prey like me had dared to escape his attack. He immediately
raised his club again.

This time, it was a horizontal attack to break my back.

There wasn’t any time to rest.

I focused my Auror on my upper body.

-Hm? What happens what?

“If…make…a mountain path…into a highway…!”

It was hard. The sink in my heart was still clogged up. I didn’t see
water flowing from it anytime too. I was thirsty, but it was only
releasing one drop at a time.

92 Report
‘I don’t want to admit it but Bae Hu-ryeong is right.’

A mountain path without anything around it.

It was a perfect metaphor that described me.

So I was curious.

If I could leave this level.

If I could escape.



He smirked.

-You. When grandpops Marcus killed you, your neck was cut
without even a chance to fight back, right?


I remembered the view of the night sky and the crescent moon.

Bae Hu-ryeong’s words dug into my brain.

-You can think of that as a clean street.


A clean street.

That beautiful attack was just. Was just a clean street.

-Even grandpops Marcus has a long way to go. And you, let’s not
even talk about you. Zombie. I’m not nagging you because my
personality is like trash, it’s because you’re worth being nagged.

93 Report
I clenched my teeth.


Obstinance grew inside me.


I bent over. Whoosh! The orc’s club swung into the air above my
back. It was close. I barely avoided the second attack after the first
one. And I didn’t plan on letting it get in another attack.


I gathered strength in my knees.

-Look at you.

I focused my Auror on my feet. Not just focus it, but bend it. 5
seconds. 3 seconds. 1 second. It was messy, but when Auror
gathered at my feet, I jumped up with all my strength.

I lifted my sword.

The target was the orc’s Adam’s apple!


He looked down at me confusedly. I saw my reflection in his eyes,

and the sword that was in my hands. My sword became bigger in his
eyes. In an instant, my sword cut his throat and the orc’s face
crumpled in pain.


Until the evening sky. In the large hunting ground, a scream rang

When I thought it was finished.

94 Report
-Don’t let your defenses down until the end!

Bae Hu-ryeong shouted.

-The skin of an orc’s skin is tough! Fix your Auror on your blade!
No, that’s probably too hard. Just hit it like your smashing it!

And so I did.

The orc’s scream became more violent. I squeezed out every drop
of Auror in my heart that I could and used it to smash my sword
down. Every time I brought it down, the monster’s scream became
more pained.

-Kwo, ga…krrrr…!

Blood splattered everywhere. The blood of the orc covered my face

in slow motion. I didn’t avoid it. I didn’t even blink. It was to save
every last bit of Auror for the sword.

“Di, e…!”

In a short moment.

I felt the sword pierce the orc’s skin all the way to the opposite


He stumbled.

Even the time that he stumbled was long. He slowly fell backwards.
I didn’t let go of my sword, so when the monster fell, I fell with him.

“Hu…k, uk…! Hup…!”

I panted looking at the orc’s corpse.

It wasn’t just the tired breathing.

95 Report
A moment later, my entire body became pained. The world spun. It
really felt my entire body was going to rip apart.


-Does it hurt? It hurts, right? Yup. It’ll fucking hurt.

Bae Hu-ryeong smirked at me while flying around me.

-Since you used your Auror when your pathway wasn’t cleared yet.
There’s no way your weak body could take it! Sucks to be you.

“Y, You….”

-Ah. But it was nice seeing you bending your Auror at the end.
Good job. I’ll compliment you. You have to be creative when you use
Auror. A lot of people are misled, but the smarter you are the better
you fight.

I wasn’t curious about those things right now.

“Hee, huk…keuk…!”

This pain!

A pain like my bones were being crushed and my veins were

exploding. My only interest was how to quiet this feeling. Usually, it
would pass with time, but because my time was extended, that
wasn’t an option. It just hurt. It still hurt.

I felt like I was going to die.

-Does it hurt like you’re going to die?

“Can’t you…see…”

-Then you’ll feel better if you really die.


96 Report
-People who force their Auror usually become half disabled. This
can’t be fixed with potions. So right now, you just made yourself
disabled to catch an orc.

“W, What…”

-I told you, Zombie. If you didn’t have the regressing skill I

shouldn’t have suggested this kind of training. Grandpops Marcus
eats elixirs too but he trains by himself. He doesn’t stupidly attack
monsters like you.

This ghost bastard?

-But you return even if you die. It’s the freaking best! Even with
extreme training, your body is fine. Wow, I’m jealous. How nice would
it have been if I had a regressing skill like you!


How could he be so spiteful?

Did this guy have a passive skill like [Son of a Bitch] or

[Impudent Manner]? That would explain his trashy personality.

-Zombie. But if you kill yourself, your kill count increases again.


-There’s no need to raise your kill count from here. And it’s
dangerous if you get caught by grandpops Marcus.

A worrisome sound came from behind. It was something I heard

before not too long ago. I looked back, and my bad feeling was right.
A monster that looked like the orc that just fell was drooling behind


The monster was the same but my condition wasn’t the same. As

97 Report
Bae Hu-ryeong said, my body was half disabled now. Even lifting a
finger was painful.

-It’s ok! There’s a lot of players who can’t understand Auror their
entire lives, and you somewhat got it just by taking the elixir. If this
keeps up, 100 deaths should be more than enough. Step by step.

Bae Hu-ryeong sniggered.

-Let’s go Zombie! 1 death coming up!

At the same time, the orc’s club started to come down. Slowly.
Targeting my head. Looking at the club right in front of my nose, I
opened my mouth.


Have you ever felt your nose break, and then feel your brain
explode into two right after that?

You probably haven’t. That’s a relief. Because it’s really not a good

If there was a silver lining, it was probably that I heard the voice
right after my brain exploded.

[You have died.]

My world returned to normal.

To be precise, my sense of time returned.


A pitch black area.

The space where I stayed until my next regression.

In the place that I was somewhat used to…someone that I didn’t

98 Report
like was floating around.


Bae Hu-ryeong.

-Dang. What’s this?

‘…Somewhere I stay after dying. I picked my skill cards

here when I was killed my Flame Emperor and Sword Saint.
Well, I’m calling it Nether World for now.’

-Fucking cool.

Bae Hu-ryeong spun around the dark space.

-But Zombie. Why am I here?

‘Why would I know? It’s probably because you’re on me now.”

I sighed.

‘If we wait like this, I’ll regress with a voice that tells me I’ll
return to 24 hours before. Oh right. I’m curious if you also…’

It was the moment I was going to say I was curious if he would

regress with me.

[The skill condition has been achieved due to death.]

[The monster orc’s skill is being randomly copied.]



Bae Hu-ryeong and I stopped at the same time. We both turned to

look at each other. Bae Hu-ryeong looked baffled, and my face
probably had a similar expression.

99 Report
[Skill cards are being created.]

Two bronze colored skills popped out from the darkness.

I stupidly mumbled to myself looking at them.

‘…Monsters had skills too?’

And Bae Hu-ryeong shouted.

-What is this? It’s a fucking cheat skill!

For any errors and issues contact me through discord:-


100 Report

Chapter 14
Source: woopread translations (2)

The voice continued to speak regardless of the blabbering ghost.

[Please select a skill card.]

This was real!

Two orange bronze cards started to fly. They began to speed

around me enough to make me dizzy, but my mind was one
something else.

-Shit. What kind of cheat is this! Getting to copy all the monsters’
skills as well is unfair. Hey. Who’s the person that manages this
Tower! Why didn’t you give this skill to me and to this lame-ass kid!’

‘Ah. Let’s be quiet now.’

-Come out! This doesn’t count. Ahh, my anger!

Bae Hu-ryeong whipped his arms and legs around in fury. It

was…just hideous. He was no different from a child that was angry
because their candy was stolen. He was so hideous that it was a
wonder he could be that hideous.

‘Sheesh. I should just focus on my cards.’

I observed the two cards flying in the air.

‘Both of them are poop-colored cards so it’s not gonna be a

good skill, but…’

But my heart pumped. Goodness. The skill of a monster. I could

share the same skill as a monster! I felt like I had done something
covert, like I played a prank on someone.

101 Report
‘I’m curious.’

I stretched my hand out.

‘Let’s just pick one of them!’

And it was then, when I was just trying to grab any one of them.

-Huh? You’re getting that?

The ghost bastard couldn’t stay out of it and interfered again. My

excitement faded away. Geez. His ability to bring someone down was
really amazing.

‘Yes. It doesn’t matter which one I pick anyway.’

-Why doesn’t it matter?

Bae Hu-ryeong looked at me past the cards.

-Since you’re getting a free ride anyway, you should get a good
skill while you’re at it.

‘I can’t tell which is the better skill. They’re both poop-

colored. This is just a game of luck.’

-What? How come you can’t tell which is the better skill?’

‘Geez. You’re especially bad at understanding today.’

I shouted in frustration.

‘The colors of the cards are the same! I can only see their
backs! There’s no way to tell between them, so how should I
know which one’s the better one.’

Then Bae Hu-ryeong tilted his head.

-But I can see it?

102 Report

-I can see the front of the cards.

Bae Hu-ryeong spoke in a shameless voice. I was stunned into


‘What kind of bullshit…’

Is that, is what I was going to say, but I realized in the middle of

my sentence.


From my location, I could only see the back of the card. Even when
I tried to look around, the cards looked the same. Like how you
couldn’t tell which was the back of the moon on Earth, I could never
see what was on the back of the card.

But that was just me.

Bae Hu-ryeong moved as he wished in this dark space.


He could move to where he saw the cards!


I muttered.

‘Can you really see it there? Can you see the card

Bae Hu-ryeong furrowed his eyebrows.

-Of course I can see it. What are you saying, looking at my eyes. I
was famous for having good eyesight since I was young. There was a
guy called Dog Poop in my village, right? So he shot a firecracker at

103 Report
me, but my sight was already good enough to avoid it. Eventually, I
raised it up to Heaven Eyes. Haa, that was how perfect I…


-Fuck! Did this kid go crazy! Why are you screaming?

Bae Hu-ryeong was surprised but I didn’t care.

‘Eureka! Eureka! Eurekaaaaaaa!’

I was just happy at the luck that came my way.

Bae Hu-ryeong looked at me strangely and clicked his tongue.

-This kid’s brain really rotted like a zombie after calling him
Zombie. Tsk tsk tsk…


What Bae Hu-ryeong told me was this.

[Blessing of Reproduction]

Rank: E

Effect: Ah, nature has given us shelter, but also trials! This cruel
world. Orc reproduction has amplified to defeat nature. An orc was
killed? Don’t worry. There’s still 9 more where you can’t see ‘em!

※However, you are frequently aroused.

[Chiik, Chik]

Rank: F

Effect: ‘We added a chik to the end of our sentences chik. We don’t
know why we do this either chik! But you should get some of this

104 Report
chiik too chik.’ The orc lifts his thumb. ‘Then you won’t be able to
escape from the chik chik fun chiiik!’

※However, chiik chik.


Poop-colored cards.

They were all lunatic poop skills. I couldn’t stop being amazed.

-How’s that? If I didn’t stop you, you would’ve chosen the [Chiik,
Chik]. Gong-ja, you were born as a man. You should experience the
power of an orc at least once. Say ‘thank you’ to me. Go ahead!

I was even amazed at what the ghost said. That meant I was out of
it enough to be amazed.


I ignored Bae Hu-ryeong, deep in thought.

‘If I have to pick, I think [Chiik, Chik] is better.’

-Huh? Are you crazy?

‘No. I’m right.’

I nodded my head. I was completely sure.

“No matter how much I think about it, I think [Chiik, Chik] is more
useful than [Blessing of Reproduction].’

-Hey, hey! Wait! Think about it a bit more. You have to be cool-


105 Report
I laughed at the fumbling Bae Hu-ryeong.

‘I think you’re thinking the same thing as me.’

Before Bae Hu-ryeong could try to convince me anymore, I

grabbed the poop colored card. The cards quickly flew around, but it
didn’t matter. Since there were only 2, anyway.

[Selection complete. The skill is being copied.]

[You are regressing to 24 hours ago.]

-N, No!


Bae Hu-ryeong and I shouted in harmony.

[Your current hunter rank is F class.]

[You will not receive a penalty based on your skill.]

At the same time, the dark world became brighter.

My eyes burst open.


106 Report
I felt refreshed.

“Ah, this is nice. People need to sleep well to relax.”

This was no longer the 2 pyeong room that I used to stay in. It was
the room that I requested of Sangryun. It wasn’t spacious, but it was
a big enough hotel room. After being chosen for the 1st place lottery
ticket, I decided to stay here for the time being.


-Damn! I thought you would fall for it, but you’re uselessly smart!


Bae Hu-ryeong kicked the air around me. I guess he was angry that
he wasn’t able to prank me. Mm. Just by looking at him, my mind
became relaxed like I was looking at a painting.

“Let’s see, let’s get the elixirs…status window.”

I know longer had any reason to waste my time. I checked my

status window on the way to the hunting ground.

Name: Kim Gong-ja

Rank: F Class

Skill (4/4)

“Good. There’s no problem.”

My skill slots were full. But it was okay. I could just replace it with
[Chiik, Chik].

107 Report
I’ll use you as much as I want to until I get my next skill.

-Gong-ja. So I was thinking…I think it’ll be okay to train just sitting

criss-crossed. There’s no need to train until you die, right? Criss-
crossed. Mental training. How cool is that?


We arrived at the 3rd floor hunting ground. I could see orcs

roaming around from far away.


I observed their locations and pulled out the elixir. I drank it all in
one gulp from the warm thermos.

-Hey. Gong-ja? Can you hear me? We should just quietly train.
Even if we train in a criss-crossed position, I’ll help you understand
Aura in half a year. Hm? Just trust me.

“Kya! Tastes good.”

It was only the 2nd time drinking it, but I already got used to it. It
seemed like the pharmacist had specially taken care of the flavor
when she made the elixir as well.

I waited for the effects of the elixirs to take over me.

“Sword Emperor. Did you know?”

-Huh? What? You’re gonna sit criss-crossed?

“You call me Zombie when it suits you, but you call me

Gong-ja when you have the shorter end. And from earlier,
you were calling me Gong-ja, and not Zombie.”


“I’m kindly telling you that so you fix that habit of yours.”

108 Report
As soon as I stopped speaking, the world flowed slowly.

My heart thumped. I could feel a faint flow in my heart along with



The effects of the training definitely showed. Unlike last time, I

immediately clearly grasped Aura right away.

“Hoo, oo…hoooo…”

I controlled my breathing and approached them. Flinch. The orc’s

ears twitched after feeling someone’s presence. The large green
monster slowly turned around.


The orc’s eyes were bigger. He seemed confused. From his

perspective, prey was walking on its own feet towards him.


The orc lifted his club like he decided to gladly accept this luck.

That was when I smiled to myself.

[Your skill is being activated.]

I opened my mouth.

“Ch…ik! Chik!”

Pause. The orc’s eyes were bigger than before. His club stopped

-Chirk…chiik? Chi..ik?

The orc tilted his head. He seemed to be wondering how to accept

109 Report
the fact that his prey was speaking his language.

Of course, it was impossible to understand with the IQ of an orc,

and my IQ wasn’t lacking enough to throw this chance away.


The language of orcs perfectly poured out of my mouth.

It was a skill that made native-speakers defenseless!

-Krr? Ch…irk?

The monster in front of me was even more surprised. It was clear

he was so confused that he didn’t know what to do. When I ran at
him, he couldn’t properly react.

My sword smoothly cut the orc’s throat. I added a single drop of

Aura on the sword blade that wasn’t too much or too little. A fountain
of blood exploded and the orc fell over.

-Ch…irk…? Gr…chik…

Like it felt wronged.

If it was translated to human language, it would’ve been equivalent

to ‘Even you, Brutus!’


I had a victor’s smile. Forcing Aura out of my body still hurt…but

the condition of my body was incomparable to last time. I was okay.
If I used just this much Aura, I was fine.

-You cheating bastard! I knew you would do this!

Bae Hu-ryeong trembled.

-Do you lie tricking the nice orcs like this! Huh?! You don’t even

110 Report
think about how the orcs feel! The innocent orcs are hurt because of
dirty humans like you!

I didn’t repeat what he said about it being fine to train using any

Instead, I just said a single word with a smirk.


-Argh! This is! So annoying! Why did you give such a cheat skill to
this weak ass guy, o Tower?!

When one week had passed.

I passed the hunting ground on the 5th hunting flood.

[TN: In regards to the Auror confusion, in the raw, they

have the Korean word and then the word ‘Auror’ in
parentheses. But after reading the comments, I decided to
flip a coin to decide whether to use Aura or Auror, and Aura
won, so Aura will be used from now on chik chik.]

For any errors and issues contact me through discord:-


111 Report

Chapter 15
Source: woopread translations (2)

A week passed.


The monster stumbled making the sound of a pot boiling. A king

goblin. The senior member of the 5th floor had fallen.

I looked down at the king goblin’s face with determined expression.


This monster was the strongest of the ones that I saw this week.
Ah, how many times had I died to get this monster? I sent away the
king goblin with the mind of sending away a brave enemy warrior…

-Stop bullshitting yourself. You psychotic zombie.

“Ah. Geez. I barely managed to hunt this after 6 Coins.

Can’t you just let me look in peace?”

6 Coins meant that I had put 6 lives on the stake. Right now, I was
on the 6th coin, so I had died 5 times to get this king goblin.

Bae Hu-ryeong snorted.

-You’re a psycho if you get lost in thought like that after catching a
monster. I only speak facts.

“Wow, I see. Our Sword Emperor’s personality is so nice.”

You might be able to tell from our conversation, but I was used to
Aura now. Time was still flowing slowly because of the effects of the

112 Report
It was just that I was speaking a lot faster than normal by focusing
my Aura on my tongue.


Although it wasn’t a steadfast victory and one that I use dirty tricks
to win.

I pulled out a poop-colored card and checked it.

[Goblin High Society]

Rank: F

Effects: The king goblin was lost it thought. ‘The level of culture for
us goblins is too low. All languages end in kerrk, kerk. I cannot show
my dignity with this!’ Then. The king goblin’s genius mind flashed.
‘That’s right! From now on, I will speak gork and not kerk. Gork! It’s a
pronunciation that perfectly fits the precious king.’

※However, the fights within the tribe become worse.

※This is a skill copied from the Great King Goblin monster.

I clicked my tongue.

“Goblins worry about the most unnecessary things. Kerk

and gork as basically the same thing.”

-That’s why they’re goblins. Humans aren’t that different either.


-I was talking to myself.

113 Report
When I was about to ask him what he meant, a voice rang in my

[Your existence is becoming clearer.]

It was a voice that I had never heard before.

However, I knew what it meant. Countless players had testified to

it, and even showed their own videos about it.

“F, Finally!”

It was leveling up!

[Hunter Kim Gong-ja’s level is developing.]


It was moving. I had lived my entire life as a F Class hunter. I was

anxious that I might continue to live like this. But I had the copying
skill and the regressing skill, and after hurdles of pain…the moment
of leveling up finally arrived for me.

[Your skill slots are increasing!]

[Your hunter rank is now E Class!]

Although I was only an E Class.

[May luck be with you.]


Red Aura flamed up from my feet. The thing that was similar to red
liquid covered my body. Then, it slid back down and disappeared.

-…Was that a firework?

Bae Hu-ryeong scrunched his eyebrows.

114 Report
-Or blood? Hm. That’s confusing. I think it’s either a firework or

“That was just a level up artifact, right?”

-It’s not an artifact that just looks cool.

Bae Hu-ryeong scratched the back of his head.

-It’s a kind of hint.


-Mm. The type of artifact that reveals itself decides the [Shape of
Aura]. Even the Flame Emperor that you killed. That guy’s shape
was probably [Fire].

“Fireworks, you say”

I tried to remember. The scene of the Flame Emperor killing the

Saintess with fire in the slums. It wasn’t a good memory to rehash
but…it definitely seemed like Yoo Soo-ha dealt with a shape of Aura
that was relating to fire.

-A hunter’s trauma is usually based on the shape of their Aura.


-Important events. Scenes. Memories. The ones that benchmark

your life appear as the shape of your Aura. Like the shape of one’s
unconsciousness? Well, it doesn’t have to be a negative trauma. But
they generally are.

“I wonder.”

-From what I can tell, yours is either fire or blood.

Listening to him speak , I became curious.

115 Report
“Now that you say that…what’s the shape of Sword Saint’s


Bae Hu-ryeong casually tossed it out.

-Grandpops Marcus said he lost his way in the mountains when he

was young. He didn’t want to die, so he climbed all the way to the
top, and as he reached the peak, the leaves covering the night sky
started to show the sky. When he got to the top, he saw the entire
black night sky.


-He said he thought of something then. The moon didn’t shine by

itself, but with the light of the sun. Even the life of someone who just
accepts could be more than beautiful. Ah. I also want to shine by
receiving that light.


-He said it was memorable enough for him to keep it in his heart
his entire life.

I was unsettled listening to his story.

“But he said it was when he was young.”

-Yup. When he was 12.

“What kind of 12 year old would have those deep


Bae Hu-ryeong nodded.

-That’s why grandpops Marcus was a born boomer. Tsk tsk. When I
was 12, I only thought about how to efficiently crush the bully in front
of me.

116 Report
“No, I don’t think that’s…normal either…”

If Sword Saint was a born boomer, then what was Bae Hu-ryeong?
A born bully?

-Anyways, you’re used to the 5th floor. Let’s go up to the 6th.

“Ah, about that.”

I spoke.

“Can’t we just go straight to the 10th floor boss?”


“I know that I can copy a monster’s skill. I’m somewhat

used to the Aura now. I think that I can get the 10th floor
boss now.”

Bae Hu-ryeong closed his mouth for a moment.

He looked fiercely at me.

-Kim Gong-ja. Is a newbie already being too arrogant?

“Definitely not.”

I firmly replied.

In our world, no one had succeeded in passing the 10th floor for
several years. Since I dared to say I would clear that high difficulty
area, Bae Hu-ryeong’s worry about me was expected.

“I’m really confident.”

But I really believed I could do it.

No, I was sure.

“If I can’t do it with 2 Coins, I’ll call you Seseung-nim.”

117 Report
-Oh? 2 Coins?

Bae Hu-ryeong looked tempted.

-A guy that took 6 Coins to catch the goblin boss is gonna defeat
the 10th floor boss with just 2 Coins? Really? You must not know, but
I don’t let people out of bets that easily.

“But! I have a condition.”


I lifted my forefinger.

“You have to tell me what kind of skill the 10th floor boss
has without hiding anything. You can’t lie about this. Tricking
me with cards is also not allowed.”

-Hm. Sounds easy enough.


I grinned.

And if I win, call me Gong-ja-nim. As politely as possible. With



“Why? Scared? Ha. If you’re scared, you should quit.”


The expression that a bully hated the most was probably ‘scared?’
And Bae Hu-ryeong wasn’t a normal bully. He was the greatest bully
that had climbed the 99th floor.

His facial muscles twitched.

118 Report
-Spit! This newbie is mocking the great Sword Emperor just
because he had some cheat skill? Hoohoohoo, fine. Let’s bet on it!


-Bet! Kim Zombie, you won’t be able to subjugate the 10th floor
boss and have to call me Seseung-nim until you die. Ah! But since
you can’t die, you’ll just have to say Seseung-nim forever.

“Do you have a hallucinating skill as well? Get ready to

serve Gong-ja-nim.”



We both glared at each other and laughed evilly.

Hunters who had been hunting goblins from far away whispered
amongst themselves.

“Hey. That person keeps on talking to himself from


“And now he’s even laughing to himself. Does he have a

mental problem?”

“Sh! He might look this way. Pretend you didn’t see,



…I would probably have to cut back on talking to myself now.

I calmly shut my mouth and headed for the 10th floor.


Unlike other hunting grounds, there was a doorkeeper in front of

119 Report
the 10th floor boss room.

The person sent from the Hunter’s Association furrowed his

eyebrows listening to what I said.

“You want to attempt the boss room yourself?”


It only took two seconds for his face to switch into an expression
like he was asking ‘Who is this crazy guy?’

“Um. I don’t know if you saw the news last time…30 honor
members from Black Dragon guild. Along with the 4 highest
rankers, they failed. Hunting by yourself is committing

“So what?”

I was confident.

“Sending a hunter to an attack they want to is the

Association’s rule.”

“That’s true but…”

He had a troubled expression.

“Pardon me, but I write down all the hunters who enter
here. My boss will probably look through this…and I’ll end up
being a bad guy who let a hunter die. Please consider my
situation as well.”


What should I do? I calmly stroked my chin.

-What? Hunter’s Association? We never had those guys in my


120 Report
I meant to say that I was the only calm one.

-These stupid fools! I didn’t like how they did fucking politics
making guilds and associations. That’s why they are still begging on
the bloody 10th floor! Hey, Kim Zombie! Just beat this guy up and go
into the boss room.

‘What Why would I beat up an innocent person?’

-He dares to block your way.

He wasn’t only a psychopath but also a mosquito.


I clicked my tongue inwardly and got out a pocket.

“I can see you working hard. You’re right. Me attempting it

by myself is just a suicidal plan. But…I really want to kill

“Excuse me?”

“I’m just so tired these days…”

I bitterly smiled.

“My girlfriend died 1 year ago. Some time ago, the Alchemy
Castle said I have a terminal illness. Even if I live, it’ll only be
half a year, and I don’t have the confidence to endure that
half year without my girlfriend.”



Bae Hu-ryeong grimaced.

-What kind of shit is this zombie guy saying?

121 Report
I ignored him. And I continued whispering to the doorkeeper.

“But even if I’m a lowly ranker, I’m still a hunter. I don’t

want to enter the Alchemy Castle’s hospital wondering when
I’ll die. Even if I die…I want to challenge a monster until the
very end.”

“You had that kind of…”

He had a pitiful face looking at me. You know. The face people
make when they listen to others misfortunes.

“This is money I collected to fight.”

I handed the pocket to the doorkeeper. There was 100 Gold inside.

“I don’t have anywhere to use it anyway…you can have it.”

“I, I can’t accept this money!”

“I want to lightly leave the world, door keeper-nim. And

please don’t write down that I entered here. It’s the last
request of my hunter life…”

His face turned heavy, like he was going to cry. And a bit of that
heaviness was probably from that moneybag.

“…Alright. Enter. I didn’t see anything…”

-Ha, look at this.

He was baffled.

-Hey. Are the two of you filming a movie? This isn’t a prank, right?

Whatever the case, the doorkeeper let me in.

I left him and moved inside. It was a cobblestone path. The place
the 10th floor boss stayed was like an extravagant residence of an

122 Report
old noble family. I walked the cobblestone path.

‘The 10th floor Flame Emperor Yoo Soo-ha cleared.’

I stood in front of the large door.

I slowly pushed the door open.

‘This time is different. Instead of Flame Emperor…no.’


The door opened with a loud sound.

‘I’ll write a fancier legend than Flame Emperor.

I took a step forward.

And it began.


I heard laughter from around me. At the same time, the door that I
used to come in closed. Boom! In an instant, it became dark around
me, and the shiver-inducing laughter became louder.

Candles flickered on one by one.

-Are you gonna play with me?

Here and there. Candles flickered on although no one had touched

them. Where candles were lit, there were dolls. Small dolls that
children players with.

-Are you going to play with us?

The dolls spoke.

-Freeze tag? The flower had bloomed? Hide and seek?

123 Report
-The ice is melted. The flowers are ripped. Let’s go with hide and

-Let’s! Play with us! Play hide and seek with us!


I got ready.

“Alright. I’ll play with you.”

The Aura that I trained in my body soared up.

Like it had been waiting for me, a voice rang in my head.

[You have entered the boss stage.]

[The challenger/s is hunter Kim Gong-ja. 1 person.]

[May luck be with you.]

The stage that humanity hadn’t cleared yet.

The ‘Hide and Seek of Hellfire Residence’ began.

For any errors and issues contact me through discord:-


124 Report

Chapter 16
Source: woopread translations (2)

Black Dragon.

The guild that had ruled at the top since the Tower opened.

[We didn’t fail the 10th floor because we lack the abilities

The Rank 2 hunter who controlled Black Dragon. She challenged

the 10th floor tens of times. Everytime she challenged it, she failed.
The Rank 2 hunter lost, but she saved all the hunters who
participated in it. In an interview, she said this.

[We were just unlucky.]

When Flame Emperor had passed the 10th floor himself, he

announced to everyone.

[Luck is also a skill, losers.]

It was the interview called Loser Announcement.

After that, Black Dragon started to be wary of Flame Emperor after

being turned into a loser group…well, it wasn’t important anymore.
Yoo Soo-ha had already died in my hand. The possibility of that kind
of interview was gone now. But the problem was this.

‘Why was the Flame Emperor able to clear the 10th floor?’

‘Because he was just stronger?’


‘Because there was another reason?’

125 Report
The answer was revealing itself in front of me right now.


[The boss stage is commencing.]

At the same time the voice rang out, the residence started to

Everywhere, candles started to tilt over. Fire started where they

tilted over. It was like they had poured oil on it beforehand. Fire
instantly swallowed the western-style residence.


Only the dolls were fine in the fire.

-You’re it! We’ll run away!

-Let’s run away, run away! Let’s run away from here!

Hundreds. No, thousands of little dolls. Dolls filled the first floor
lobby. There were probably ten thousands of dolls all over the entire

‘One of these.’

Gulp. I swallowed my spit.

‘The [Real Doll] is hidden somewhere.’

A probability of 1/10,000!

This was the reason why people had failed so far.

‘Burning all the dolls while I find the real one. If I escape
before I die, I only have about 10 minutes to look.’

The fire burning the residence wasn’t normal fire. It was a shape of

126 Report
Aura, called hellfire.

That meant.

‘This entire residence is burning up with Aura.’

A boss monster who knew how to use Aura!

So far, people who challenged it died from hellfire, escaped, or met

one of these two fates. Hunters risked their lives on the probability of
1/10,000 but it was a waste. They only burned to death with
horrifying screams.

And here…was the secret why only the Flame Emperor was able to

“That guy sucking all the luck.”

I muttered to myself.

Yes. The Aura of the boss monster was the same Flame Emperor’s.

To other players, this was hellfire. However, Flame Emperor felt

comfortable like it was his own bedroom. Since the 10th floor’s boss
monster’s hellfire was the same property as Yoo Soo-ha.


‘He probably looked around until he found the real doll.’

And he bragged about it saying luck was also a skill.

He definitely wasn’t someone I liked.

-The hunter that lives off of luck is you.

“What do you mean, I live off of luck?”

I crinkled my eyebrows at his mocking.

127 Report
“I’m barely hanging on with my Aura right now.”

Sweat dripped down between my eyebrows. The burning heat! My

body was covered in what was incomparable to the heat of a hot
spring. If I didn’t use my Aura, I would’ve burned to death already.

-Yeah. But 1 minute is probably gonna be your limit.

Annoyingly, Bae Hu-ryeong knew my exact condition.

-Also, grandpops Marcus would be able to last 30 minutes. Do you

know why he hasn’t challenged here yet? It’s to extend that 30
minutes to 1 hour.

“…ah, yes yes. Thank you for confirming the gap in our


Bae Hu-ryeong freely flew around the lobby that was burning in
fire. Dolls were laughing below and ghosts were snickering above.
There wasn’t a better ghost house than this.

-So? You only have 2 Coins but what are you gonna do now?

“What else would I do. I have to die.”

-Look at you. Do you think your Aura will suddenly increase if you
die here?

Bae Hu-ryeong sniggered at me.

-There’s only 2 ways to clear this room! Find the real doll with luck,
or be able to use Aura real well until you find the real doll. But you
only bet 2 Coins on yourself, stupidly. It’s not gonna work probably.


Even while sweating, I kept my smile.

128 Report
“This guy knows one but not two. No. Is it that he knows
two but not three?”


“Let’s see who’ll win after dying once.”

Now I had 20 seconds until my Aura ran out.

I approached a doll that was closest to me. The reason was…well, I

didn’t really have one. I just thought it was boring to stand there
waiting to die. I just might’ve been real lucky for the doll in front of
me to be [Real].

-Are you gonna play with us?


The doll’s neck twisted. Only her neck twisted. It wouldn’t be

strange if she was casted in a horror movie right this second. She
was wearing a frilled dress, but her dress didn’t burn at all. Like it
was immune to the fire.

“Got you.”

I put the doll’s head on my hand and spoke.

Giggle giggle.

The doll let out chuckles with her indifferent face.

-Beep! Not me!

That wasn’t the only thing she released.let out Lips. Skin, Eyes. Her
body slid down like paper. The fire instantly swallowed the doll, and
she continued to speak like a broken record.

129 Report
-Not me! Not me! Not me!

-Not! Not, me. Me…me…not…me…


It completely melted down.


I was speechless. My body felt hot but I was shivering. It was more
horrendous than I imagined.

“I got goosebumps. Why would they make the boss

monster like that?”

-Who would know the great meaning of the Tower. Zombie. A weak
ass like you getting a fucking cheat skill is also a meaning of the
Tower. If the Tower had a personality, it would probably be a pervert

“You really…”

I couldn’t complain any longer.


My Aura had run out.

The flames ran at me like they had been waiting for this moment.
The soles of my shoes melted first. Then my clothes. And the fire
moved onto my hair.


From my head to my feet.

“Ack! Aaaaaack!!!”

130 Report
My entire body was burning. Although my skin was sliding down,
the fire didn’t stop. Rather, it clung on me tighter like it found a
delicious snack. Nerves. Bones. Throat. Liver.

“Ow, sh…! Uk, keackkk!”

-And you’re a pervert that surpasses the Tower. Ke. Even if you
want to be the greatest hunter in the tower, you accept burning to
death like it’s nothing. I admit it, Kim Zombie! You’re a real pervert!

I wanted to die.

Quick, I wanted to die even a second faster!


I couldn’t speak. The sound was muffled. My eyes and ears had
been burned.

The moment I felt like my head would explode from overheating,

the voice came from my subconscious like it had been waiting.

[You have died.]


They should’ve killed me a bit faster.

131 Report

I breathed like someone who had just surfaced after a long dive.
Although I hadn’t really let out a breath, and it was just a feeling.

This was the Nether World. It was the black place my bare body
roamed like a ghost.

[Your death has satisfied the skill condition.]

[The Monster Hellfire Maiden’s skills are being randomly


And it was a place of opportunity for me as well.

[Skills cards are being created.]

Cards floated up in the black nothingness. Was it something

unexpected? Although it was a boss monster, there was only 1
golden card. All the other cards were silver or poop-colored.

‘Let’s see. You haven’t forgotten your promise, right?’

-I know. Sheesh. Do you see me as someone who would break their

promise? Don’t worry.

Bae Hu-ryeong smirked.

-Let’s see. What kind of skill does this lady have?

Bae Hu-ryeong floated up and headed towards the opposite side of

the cards. He was letting me know the information on the cards in
advance to me.

-Oho! Hey, this one’s lit!

Bae Hu-ryeong read the golden card.

132 Report
[Hellfire Trap]

Rank: S-

Effects: Regrets. Resentment. Complaints. What you couldn’t do,

the voice that you couldn’t say, the wishes that you weren’t able to
achieve. Burn them all. ‘It’s hot.’ Is it hot? Make the world a clump of
fire. ‘I feel like I’ll die.’ Die. If you want you, the Aura’s hellfire will
descend anywhere within 2 km of you.

No one can leave the hell without your permission.

No one.

※However, you have to be within the radius.

It was a scary skill.

-This one’s definitely it. Zombie, shut up and get this skill.


-Hm? Hey, Kim Zombie. Why is there no reply?

‘No. Nothing.’

I knit my eyebrows.

‘I don’t know why, but there’s something off about it.’

What was it?

It was an amazing skill. But there was something off. I felt

uncomfortable, like I had choked on something and couldn’t get it
out. The feeling of the water pipe being broken but not knowing
where it was.

‘…Anyways, read the next skills.’

133 Report
-Hm? I don’t think there’ll be a better skill than this. Can’t you just
pick this?’

‘There’s a skill I’m looking for. C’mon, quickly!’


He pouted, but he read the rest of the cards.

-Alright, listen well. [Labyrinth Plan] A- Class, [Doll Controller]

B Class, [Target Attack] B- Class, [Trap Installation] C Class…



He was smoothly reading the cards and cut himself off. The last
skill. Bae Hu-ryeong’s eyes shook at the shining silver card.


I smirked.

‘That’s right.’

-N, No, it’s not…wait…

‘It’s fine. I got it. You don’t have to read it.’

I was sure.

That was the card I wanted.

[Please select a skill card.]

The cards started to fly around. They were fast. But I had focused
on one card from the beginning, and it didn’t confuse me.

-Hey! Gong-ja! Hey! Let’s not be like this.

134 Report
Bae Hu-ryeong continued to shout, like he knew.

-Look at this. Wow, a golden card! Wow, S Class skill! Dope! If you
have this you can make hellfire when you want. How cool is that.

‘I don’t know.’

-Why don’t you know! I’ll fall in love! If I was a girl, I would fall in
love at Kim Gong-ja, your charm! Let’s get it! Let’s go, Kim Gong-ja’s
celebrity life!

I grinned.

‘You should’ve realized something was strange.’

There were clues.

‘Out of the ten thousands of dolls, there’s only one real

one. The real one is the user of the skill, so of course, they
won’t be damaged.’

I held out my hand.

‘But why are the fake dolls fine as well?’

And I grabbed the silver card.

-Aaaack! No! No! Shit, no!

‘There’s only one answer. Sword Emperor.’

I flipped over the silver card.

[Night and Day Fire Caution]

Rank: A

Effects: Ow, that’s hot! If we leave this alone, our house will

135 Report
completely burn up, right? But now, you don’t have to worry. The
living and non living things you choose will be immune to the fire and
not burn.

※However, damage from water and ice increases by 300%


The 10th stage. Hide and seek of the hellfire residence.

The boss didn’t have just the ability to burn things up.

‘Let’s go!’

They also had the opposing skill, not making things burn.

I clenched my fist and let myself be drowned with victory.

‘I came! I saw! I conquered!’

-No…no, sob. This isn’t right…this really isn’t right…

Bae Hu-ryeong’s mentality collapsed.

‘What do you mean it’s not right? With this skill, it’s over if
I make myself immune. I can slowly look for the real doll now.
Game over. From today, you’ll have to call me Gong-ja-nim!’

-Damn…shit…fuck…this is a scam. It was set to be like this…

‘Uwahwahwah! Call me Gong-ja-nim now!

My voice rang in the dark space.

A voice that wasn’t mine rang out as well.

[Selection complete. The skill is being copied.]

136 Report
[You are being regressed to 24 hours ago.]

It was the celebratory message that signaled my win in the best.

Now, I could return to a day and challenge the 10th floor again.

Clearing it was right in front of me now.

[Your current hunter rank is E class.]

However, that wasn’t the end today.

[You will receive a penalty due to your skill.]


‘Oh. Right.’

It was the alarm I didn’t see when I was Rank F.

But this time, for the first time, I received my first penalty.

I wondered which penalty would be given.

[The trauma of your enemy is being reenacted.]

[The extremity is Weak. Hell Road.]

‘Hm? Trauma?’

I tilted my head at the unexpected word.

‘What does it mean to reenact the trauma of my enemy…’

Before I could finish speaking, the world in front of me turned


For any errors and issues contact me through discord:-


137 Report

Chapter 17
Source: woopread translations (2)

[Penalty commencing.]

[The trauma of the Monster Hellfire Maiden is being


A fancy western style residence.

I was here.

No, the word ‘here’ probably didn’t fit. I wasn’t here. It was just my
consciousness floating around like a ghost, looking down at things
from a third person perspective.

‘What is this?’

I was taken aback.

‘What’s happenin…?’

-S, Save me.

Then, I heard a voice.

A young child was sitting in the corner of the 2st floor lobby. At
first, I thought she was talking to me, but she pleaded to someone

-Please save me…I’m hungry…something to eat…something to

eat, please…


A person dressed like a noble.

138 Report
-Orphans like you are the plague of this kingdom.

-Something to eat…

-Left alone, you eat society. You don’t even work. You wander
around from one village to the next, spreading your disease. I’m a
prison ward that isolates those like you from the kingdom.

In an instant, information entered my brain.

A time when there were many wanderers because there wasn’t

enough food. The noble gathered orphans into his residence. He
funded an orphanage as a cover. He was known as a kind wealthy
man, a great businessman, and a conscientious man with

-Others treat you as rotten. I’m different.

But in this large mansion.

-I’m going to educate you.

The noble was just a tyrant.

-Those who look for food just because they’re hungry are beasts.
Of course, you were born in the field like beasts, but you shouldn’t
live like one.

-I’m hungry…hungry…

-Endure it. Even if you’re hungry, endure it. Endure it, and become
a human.

The noble smiled. It was a generous smile. He was someone who

was able to smile at a skinny child who’s rib cage could be seen.


The crazy bastard called other crazy bastards.

139 Report

-Oh, children of witches! The plague of our kingdom! Don’t worry.

God never turns his back on you. Like him, I won’t turn my back on
you sheep!

-It hurts…it…hurts…

Some god’s priest raised his hammer.


A time when lunacy was wrapped up as kindness.

The screams didn’t end inside the mansion.

-I’m hungry…


-I don’t like it…please forgive me…why…forgive me…


-Ah. Thank you…kind sir. Kind man…reward for enduring pain.

Promise. Thank you. Thank you, kind man…


These orphans were brought in like corpses and left as corpses. It

was only the death of someone who was about to die, but the
children couldn’t imagine the pain between the two.

Tens, hundreds, thousands were in the mansion.

And tens, hundreds, thousands of deaths.


I stared blankly at the sight in front of me.

140 Report
‘Just what…’

-Wow. Eff. What’s this?

I was able to come to attention thanks to someone.

‘You were looking too? I thought you weren’t here.’

-I was looking from the beginning. I didn’t know you were here. I
couldn’t see you.

‘Mm. Seems like both of our consciousnesses are floating


-That’s not my problem.

Bae Hu-ryeong spoke.

-What kind of crazy psychos are these? Ha. They’re educating

them into humans? How would these nonhuman bastards educate
others into humans?

‘…This is probably the origin of the 10th floor boss stage.’

Before my consciousness flew over here, a voice told. [The death

of the enemy who killed you is being reenacted.]

If it was the enemy who killed me…it was the real doll hiding
somewhere in the hellfire residence. That meant this was the trauma
the doll remembered.

‘I had no idea.’

I whispered.

‘The monster was a human when it was alive…’

-Not all monsters are like that. Only the bosses are like that.
Usually boss monsters are made from humans from other worlds.

141 Report
I heard him click his tongue.

-Carnivorous plants, or heroes of other worlds. Things like those. As

you cross the 11th floor, it becomes more intense.

‘What? Why didn’t you tell me that?’

-You didn’t ask.


He was so shameless that I was speechless.

-But I’ve never seen something like this. Tsk.


-The origin you talked about. The scenes we see now. I knew boss
monsters were from other worlds, but how would I know what
happened to them. It’s not like I’m psychic…

Bae Hu-ryeong muttered to himself.

-I feel like shit.



Things worse than this were probably happening all over the world
right now, but imagining it and seeing for myself was different.

I didn’t know if it was a good or bad thing.

-F, Fire!

But the [Trauma] ended soon.

Some servant accidentally tipped over a candle. The servant

passed by without noticing it. It was nighttime. When people were

142 Report
sleeping, fire slowly and quietly spread. It was too late when
someone realized the flames.

-Cough, gasp. Cough!

-We have to get awa…

The flames soared up.

The ropes in the basement burned up. The chains burned up. The
cuffs around the orphans burned up as well, and brainwashed kids,
tortured kids, and starved kids burned. It was like the fire burned all
brainwashing, injuries, and starvation.


The children opened their mouths. The burning chains were

tightened around the childrens’ ankles and wrists. They couldn’t
move, like they were dolls. They just screamed.

However, I could hear it.

-I don’t want to die.


-I’m hungry.

-I want to live…

-Kind sir.

The grudges and resentment entering my consciousness.

-I didn’t do anything wrong. I didn’t have a family. But it was still

ok. I wanted to play a bit more. But…

-It’s not our fault. I feel wronged. I didn’t do it.

143 Report
-I’m hungry.

The mansion burned up.

The chandelier in the 1st floor lobby burned up. The bedroom of
the residence’s owner burned up. The fancy curtains. And the stone
stairs that led down to the basement.

-I don’t want to die.



Sparks flew everywhere.

Now what I could see was a mansion burning up from far away.

[Trauma reenactment finished.]

[The penalty is ending.]

And I returned to a day before.

When I opened my eyes.

Bae Hu-ryeong and I didn’t say anything. We both silently sat on

the bed.

144 Report
Rather than being shocked…it was because we didn’t know how to


After a while, Bae Hu-ryeong scratched the back of his head.

-It was really sad and pitiful. I saw it well. But isn’t there nothing
we can do?

“Wow. That’s the first thing you say? You really…”

-Yup. Right. My personality is trash.

He frowned. Have you ever seen a gorilla get mad? It was totally
similar to this.

-But the truth is always like shit! The 10th floor boss is just a
monster, and the children have already died in another world. It’s
something that happened a long long time ago. Zombie. What can
you do!


-And if it was something that happened in this Tower, you could die
4000 or 5000 times to return to the past. But that happened in
another world in a different time. Even if I was alive, I couldn’t fix
that! Even if I was Sword God and not Sword Emperor, I couldn’t do

He was right.

-Find the real king and hunt it. Kill it.

Bae Hu-ryeong spoke.

-And go the the 11th floor. That’s the only way you’re gonna clear
the 20th, 30th, 40th, and 50th floor. If you decided to become the
hunter at the top, deal with these things yourself!

145 Report
He was right again.


“Flame Emperor also thought that way.”


“Flame Emperor. Shit Emperor. Yoo Soo-ha. The first

human I hunted.”

I got up from my bed.

I tied my sleeping back to my backpack. I carried my backpack. I

inserted my sword into my waist. In other words, I was ready to climb
the tower. Even though it wasn’t the best, I was still getting ready a a

“Did you know? Yoo Soo-ha would’ve 100% found the real doll and
exploded its head. Whether he saw the trauma or not. Without any

-So what?

“I don’t want to be like that Flame Emperor bastard.”

I climbed the tower.

Like the last time, I tricked the doorkeeper.

And I stepped in front of the mansion again.

The same noble mansion that I saw in the trauma.

-Hey! You’re not a baby. You’re not gonna get the boss just
because you don’t want to be like that guy? What are you gonna do.
You have to get rid of the boss to clear the stage, you zombie fool!

“Who said so?”

146 Report

I put my hands on the door and murmured to myself.

“Damn. I was stupid.”

-What are you talking about?

“I was stupid! And you were equally stupid. Shit. We’re saying we
can’t remember.

Bae Hu-ryeong wrinkled his forehead.

-Did this kid lose his mind? You being stupid is a fact all over the
world, but why am I stupid too? I grew up hearing that I was a genius.

“Skill card.”

I mumbled in annoyance.

“The S Class skill card we didn’t pick. Do you remember it?

The Hellfire Limit. You went crazy saying I had to pick this

-Hm? Of course I remember.

-Huh, this Zombie. Fine…listen.

Bae Hu-ryeong rattled on with a frown. I guess the fact that he was
called a genius when he was younger wasn’t a lie. He said everything
on the card without a single mistake.

[Hellfire Trap]

Rank: S-

Effects: Regrets. Resentment. Complaints. What you couldn’t do,

147 Report
the voice that you couldn’t say, the wishes that you weren’t able to
achieve. Burn them all. ‘It’s hot.’ Is it hot? Make the world a clump of
fire. ‘I feel like I’ll die.’ Die. If you want you, the Aura’s hellfire will
descend anywhere within 2 km of you.

No one can leave the hell without your permission.

No one.

※However, you have to be within the radius.

I quietly listened to the skill summary and asked him.

“Sword Emperor. Don’t you think something’s wrong?”

-Sheesh, this is so frustrating. What’s wrong!

“The last section.”

[No one can leave the hell without your permission.]

[No one.]

I spoke.

“It says no can can escape from the hellfire trap without the boss
monster’s permission. No one. Then just how were the players who
challenged the 10th floor able to escape from it.


Bae Hu-ryeong blinked.

-…Huh? Fuck, yeah, why?

There was a guild called Black Dragon.

The person who controlled them was the Rank 2 hunter. The Black
Witch challenged the 10th floor countless times. Everytime she did,

148 Report
she failed. The Rank 2 failed, but all the hunters came back alive.

They all came back alive.

“It doesn’t make sense.”

I put some strength onto my arms.

It slowly opened.

“It says escaping itself is impossible if the boss doesn’t let

you go. That’s the skill…and they escaped perfectly fine even
without killing the boss. Everyone. So it doesn’t make

-Then…what happened?

“Shit. There’s only one answer!”


The door opened like it was welcoming me with its arms wide

“The boss let them! Escape!”

The 10th floor boss.

The stage that humanity hadn’t been able to subjugate.

The mansion of hellfire prison came to view.

[You have entered the boss stage.]

[The challenger is hunter Kim Gong-ja. 1 person.]

[May luck be with you.]

“Can’t you tell seeing how she let them escape? The boss,
these, they never considered the hunters enemies.”

149 Report

[The boss stage is commencing.]

“They just wanted to play with the people who came.”


All over the mansion, candles tilted over. Fire spread from where
they fell over.

-Giggle giggle!

Dolls came from flames. They couldn’t move, like they were tied
down by something. They just turned their heads to look at me.

-Are you gonna play with me?

The dolls opened their mouths.

-Are you gonna play with us?

-Freeze tag? The flower has bloomed? Hide and seek?

-The ice melted. The flowers all ripped. Let’s go with hide and

-Let’s! Play with us! Play hide and seek with us!


The flames soared up.

The chandelier in the 1st floor lobby burned up. The bedroom of
the residence’s owner burned up. The fancy curtains. And the stone
stairs that led down to the basement.

In the midst of everything, the children, who were now dolls, didn’t
burn up.

150 Report

I clenched my teeth.

“Alright. I’ll play with you.”

[Your skill is activating.]

The skill I received from my last lie. I used the fire immunity skill on
myself. The moment the skill was activated, the heat washed away
from my body. I could breathe easily. My vision was a bit clearer from
the smoke too.

I could see the faces of the dolls.


-He’s not burning.

The dolls’ faces were all different. They didn’t have any
expressions, but I knew.

-Isn’t it hot?

-Weird guy.

-Can you play?

-Are you gonna play with us?

I nodded my head again.

“Yup. Hide and seek. Be careful. I never lost hide and seek
when I was young.”

-Giggle giggle! It’s a weird guy!

-Hide! Everyone hide!

The dolls all laughed. I told them to hide, but no one moved. Tens.

151 Report
Hundreds. Thousands of children laughed.

-Ready or not, here I come. Ready or not…

Hide and seek began.

“…got you.”

I roamed the mansion. I grabbed dolls while I walked around. When

I patted their heads, the dolls’ heads creaked up. Then, they opened
their mouths to speak.

-Beep! Not me!

The dolls disappeared while laughing.

-Not me!

-Not me!

Everywhere I turned, there were dolls. There were so many. I got

each and every one of them.



-Hey, this is…

Another one.

-This is…a memorial service.

Bae Hu-ryeong muttered.

Memorial service.

Comforting the soul of a dead person.

I quietly walked around the mansion. I saw the chains that

152 Report
wrapped the orphans, and I saw their cuffs. Where the chains and
cuffs were, there were always dolls there.

The fire burned up.

-It’s not me! Not me! Not me!

-No! Not, me. Me…me…not…me…


Time flew by.

Eventually, I was in the basement. I had just stepped down the

long stone stairs. There were dolls on the stairs as well. They were all
toppled over. Like they had stopped while trying to escape from the


I got all the children who had fallen on the stairs, and stood in front
of the last doll.

-Are you gonna play with us?

The doll was leaning against the wall.

Around the doll, there were hammers, scythes, and nails.


I slowly walked towards it.

And I patted the hairless doll’s head.

“Got you.”

The head of the child who made this hellfire was small. Enough to
be wrapped around one hand.

153 Report
“…You’re it now. Kiddo.”

There was silence.

The doll raised its head. Like the other dolls, the doll was
expressionless. The doll spoke with the face that lost its expression.

-Kind man.

Its voice wasn’t the only thing it let out. Lips. Skin, Eyes. Her body
slid down like paper. The fire instantly swallowed the doll, and it
continued to speak like a broken record.

-Thank you.

And it melted.

-Thank you.

The doll burned up. The chains melted down. Cuffs, hammer,
scythe, pick, nails, they all burned up. Even the trace of starvation.
The fire that had lived its life completely disappeared.

Death disappeared without a trace.

I stood alone in the middle of the abandoned mansion.


For years.


For years, humanity hadn’t been able to clear this place.

[Normal stage clear.]

[Hidden stage clear.]

[You have cleared the bonus stage.]

154 Report
That day. The tower’s 10th floor was cleared.

[TN: This chapter was such an emotional rollercoaster. I got

a bit teary-eyed while translating it T-T Wherever you guys
read this from, I hope these things don’t happen. This is the
USA hotline for reporting child abuse (1-800) 422 4453 T~T.]

For any errors and issues contact me through discord:-


155 Report

Chapter 18
Source: woopread translations (2)

[The challenger is hunter Kim Gong-ja. 1 person.]

[Calculating rewards…calculation finished.]

[The reward will be given 24 hours later, once you enter

the 11th floor.]

Bonus stage clear.

Something that no one else had done yet. I did that. Me, who
wasn’t even in the ranking.

If this was known, the world would flip around.


But I didn’t feel comfortable. Like I was happy and sad at the same

I stood in the ash covered building.

-Hey. Why do you look like you ate shit? You even cleared the
hidden stage. I can count the number of times I cleared a hidden
stage on one hand. The reward will probably be pretty good.

“A psychopath like you wouldn’t know why I’m gloomy

right now. Since you don’t have any humanity.”

-Mm. Now that I see, you didn’t eat shit but you’re shitting me right


156 Report
It was surprising. My gloominess disappeared with a word from Bae
Hu-ryeong. Yeah. Living with this crazy geezer, I wouldn’t be able to
feel sensitive to things.

“…I was just thinking the world is fucked up.”


“You saw in the boss stage just now. Whether it’s our world
or another world, fucked up things happen.”

-I guess.

Bae Hu-ryeong nodded.

-Places where people live are probably all like that.

We stood quietly like that for some time. We both looked at the
remains of the mansion and shuddered.

-Alright. Enough. Whew. Things like this don’t fit me! Aside from
that, Kim Gong-ja, you were amazing earlier!


-Using a method of your own to subjugate the boss. It was

incredible. I’ll compliment you!

I furrowed my eyebrows. He was probably being genuine, but I got


“…What’s with the sudden compliments?”

-Kid. I give compliments when there’s something to compliment.

This was something you overcame with not your luck, but your skill.
You and I are partners, so we should be happy together. Right?

I furrowed my eyebrows even more.

157 Report

-Nah. What do you mean weird. Good job, Kim Gong-ja! You’re so
cool, Kim Gong-ja! Let’s continue going for the Rank 1 when the 11th
floor opens! So what if they all curse you saying it’s a scam. They
should get a cheat skill if they feel so wronged!

He laughed cheerfully. Hm? Why was he suddenly being like this?

Unless the sun rose from the west, or the tower collapsed tomorrow,
there was no way Bae Hu-ryeong would be like this.

It was then.

[Announcing to everyone.]

[Today, the 10th floor’s stage has been cleared.]

A voice.

[Announcing to everyone again.]

It wasn’t a voice that only I heard. A voice filled the sky.


[The 10th floor stage has been cleared.]

A congratulatory message that signaled a new era.

[After 24 hours, the 11th floor stage is being opened.]


Something exploded in the sky. It was fireworks. First, a purple

firework exploded, then red, blue, yellow, and all kinds of various
colors decorated the sky.


158 Report
I blankly looked at the sky. The fireworks didn’t disappear even
though they exploded. They twisted and squirmed, and slowly
formed a shape.


It was the shape of a clock.


And the clock of the sky started to move.


Bae Hu-ryeong and I looked at the atmosphere.

Then, he muttered to himself.

-It’s finally the start of the real show.

I nodded my head.


-I saw a fireworks show like this when I was alive.

“It’s something I’m also seeing for the second time. But.”

I clenched my fist.

“But the past me was in a first floor bar. It was just a

spectacle to watch. I didn’t even know what had happened. I
lost the chance and ended up staying a F Class hunter my
entire life…damn. The more I think about it, the more stupid I


Bae Hu-ryeong laughed.

159 Report
-So. How does it feel being promoted from an extra to a main

I didn’t answer right away. Instead, I pulled out my phone.

It was to see how the online community was reacting to this.

-what’s this what’s the fireworks

-There’s fireworks on the first floor. Is it just this floor?

-im on the 3rd floor but theres also fireworks here

As expected.

The fireworks in the middle of the day were burning up the online

-anyone hear the voice just now

-i heard the 10th floor was cleared but is that true

-did the black dragon guild clear it?

-There wasn’t any announcement. What’s going on?

Online posts.

-The next assault that the Hunter’s Association announced is 2

weeks later.

-its def not the black dragon! They’re all in front of the cafe in front
of babylon bank on the 1st floor. picture attached as proof

-who cleared it?

More posts.

-[Breaking News] 10th floor cleared!

160 Report
-Guild that cleared it hasn’t been revealed yet.

-[Breaking News] Black Dragon, no announcement of clearing.

With every second, new posts were uploaded on the community. It

was just one of them. All hunter communities were like this, and this
fire soon spread to other communities.

News agencies in Babylon frantically released one-sentence

articles, and gossip sparked the fire again.

-who is it if not black dragon?

-im praying at the ten thousand temple rn. its crazy here. seems
like the its not the ten thousand temple either.

-yeah! it’s the sword saint!

-the sword saint cleared it by himself. 100%

-ah, sword saint can do that

At first, the fire burned individually. Some pushed for the Ten
Thousand Temple. Other places pointed at the Sword Saint. Count,
Venomous Snake, Crusader, etc. All the greatest hunters were
mentioned at least once.


-what r u talking about. sword saint is drinking milk in a bar?

-its not sword saint. picture attached as proof

-venomous snake was teaching training guild members

-what are you talking about?

-crusader working in babylon square

161 Report
-i asked myself. sword saint said it’s not him

-wait. It doesn’t make sense

-this is sanghyun’s executive. I can’t reveal my real name but its

not sangryun.

-why isn’t there a single guild saying they cleared it

-what the f***

The burning communities gathered as one. With one huge


-then who is it

-does no one know who cleared it?

-who’s the hunter that subjugated the 10th floor?

-just who…

I turned off my phone’s home screen.

And I decided to answer what Bae Hu-ryeong asked me earlier.

“My feelings right now.”

From sometime.

I was smiling.

“It honestly feels great.”

162 Report
It was something I had never felt in my entire life. But I knew what
feeling this was without anyone telling me. I instinctively knew.

It was the feeling of being at the top.

“I feel like I’m on top of the world.”


Bae Hu-ryeong smirked.

-That’s nothing more than an illusion. You’re not on top, and you
only subjugated the 10th floor. But it’s not 100% an illusion. Kim
Gong-ja. You’re closer to the top than anyone else in your world.

“I know.”

I turned my gaze.

“Now all that’s left is to really be at the top.”

The stone stairs who had to pass if you wanted to challenge the
hellfire residence. There was one person running up the stairs.

It was the doorkeeper that I had tricked saying I had a terminal


“Pant, cough…! Gasp. Hunter-nim…!”

The doorkeeper was soaked in sweat. It seemed like he had run

immediately over. And he stopped in front of me gasping for breath.

“That…that just now. W, Was it you?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“T, The 10th floor clear!”

The doorkeeper shouted.

163 Report
“I’m in charge today…and you were the only hunter to
challenge the 10th floor today, so….it’s a mess right now.
The Hunter’s Association keeps on calling me to ask what


I looked at the doorkeeper. Buzz. Buzzz. When he was talking to

me, his pocket kept on vibrating. It was probably the calls. Like he
said, he seemed like the entire Tower was panicked.

I smiled.

“What are you going to do about it if I really cleared it?”

“Excuse me?”

“I asked what you’re going to do if I’m really the hunter

who cleared the 10th floor.”

“T, That’s…”

The doorkeeper had a flustered face.

“I wasn’t able to check your ID so…I would do it now.”

“Naah. Doorkeeper-nim. That’s strange. It wasn’t that you

couldn’t check my ID. You even took 100 Gold from me.”

“T, That’s.”

“You go through a lot working.”

I softly pat his shoulder. He looked at me with a disoriented face.

And I passed him to head down the stone stairs.

I heard a desperate shout from behind me.

“P, Please wait a moment! Hunter-nim! Even your nickname

164 Report
is alright! Please at least tell me your nickname before you
leave! Or else I’ll be beat up by my Association seniors!”

I answered without looking back.

“I don’t have a nickname.”


“Work hard. Ah, and don’t follow me. Or I’ll really run

Thankfully, the doorkeeper didn’t follow after me. Even if he did, it

didn’t matter. I could easily lose him since he was tired from the

-Hey. His face is a sight to see. It’s like he saw a ghost.

Bae Hu-ryeong snickered looking behind him.

-Anyways, good job. That’s how you raise the value of your name.
Yup. You have to make people find you. Even without you telling…

“Sword Emperor.”

-Huh? What?

I stood in front of the transmission stone that was in front of the

10th floor entrance.

“I, realized.”

-Realized what?

“Why you suddenly complimented me.”

I reserved the one heading down to the 1st floor and spoke.

“The bet.”

165 Report
Bae Hu-ryeong paused.

“I remembered. You promised to call me Gong-ja-nim if I

cleared the boss in 2 Coins, right? Wow, what are you gonna
do now. I really did it in 2 Coins. Our Sword Emperor-nim is in
big trouble.”

-Hey. Gong-ja…but we’re partners…isn’t that a bit wrong?

Bae Hu-ryeong pleaded with a face that was about to cry.

-Think about it. Partners have equal standing. You and me. Equal
standing. Someone who dominated up to the 99th floor and someone
who’ll challenge the 100th floor. Hey, partner! Friend! How beautiful
is that!

I brightly smiled.

“Alright. Now call me Gong-ja-nim when you talk to me.”



It was then, when Bae Hu-ryeong’s face fell in despair.

For any errors and issues contact me through discord:-


166 Report

Chapter 19
Source: woopread translations (2)

Mumble mumble.

“So who subjugated the 10th floor for real?”

“I’ve been watching the news but there’s nothing. Only


“Isn’t the Black Dragon hiding it on purpose? And they’ll do

a big reveal…”

“Ah. I said it’s the Sword Saint for sure!”

In the city of the tower’s first floor people were hectic.

People were happy that the difficult 10th floor was finally cleared.
But they were all gathered in cafes to discuss who the secret
challenger was.

How would they react?


If they knew that person himself was sitting right next to them.

“It’s sweet.”

I sipped my caramel macchiato. This cafe across Sangryun was the

only Starbucks in Babylon.

I admired that fact that even though you couldn’t leave the tower
once you entered it, there were still franchises. And there was even
the franchise with the red nosed chubby old man as the mascot.

167 Report
Ah. The desire of humans!

“What do you think, Sword Emperor? Isn’t victory sweet?

Actually, I feel like even an espresso will taste sweet right
now. Hm?”


“Hm. Is this earphone broken? That’s weird. There’s no


I tapped the earphone in my ear. Of course, there wasn’t any

sound coming from it.

It was a simple trick of the eye.

I would seem like a crazy person if I just spoke to myself, so I

pretended like I was calling someone. It actually worked quite well.
No one in the cafe looked at me like I was weird.

“Flame Emperor-nim? Flame Emperor? Excuse me,

Mr.Psychopath. Excuse me, Mr. Crazy Guy?”


“Ah. Now I can hear you. I thought you were deaf now. Tsk
tsk, you made the superior Gong-ja-nim worry. Humans
shouldn’t do that.”


“Ah, right. You’re a ghost, not a human. I’m stupid, so I

forgot. Oh right! Flame Emperor. Can I speak informally to
you now? It’s weird if I speak formally to you when you call
me Gong-ja-nim. Right?”


Floating opposite of me, Bae Hu-ryeong’s shoulders shook.

168 Report
-I’ve never experienced this humiliation in my entire
life…emperor…how could someone who was called an emperor
become like this…

“Nah. It was just a joke. Even if I’m called Gong-ja-nim, I

couldn’t speak informally to such a senior. Although I could. I
can. I’ll just call you Sword Emperor-nim from now on. How’s
that? Satisfied?”

-Just kill me instead!

Bae Hu-ryeong cried out.

-Get a new skill and replace the Sword Constellation slot! You can
do that, you son of a bitch! Just kill me!

“Oh no. This person’s saying things he shouldn’t. Aren’t we

partners, partner? Forever friends. Best friends! Who in the
world would kill their best friend? From now on, we’ll be
together forever.”

-Sob sob sob. Whatever…I’m just not gonna say anything.

Grandpops Marcus. I wanna go back to grandpops…

Ah, it was sweet.

I looked up at the sky sipping my coffee.


The clock in the sky showed that an hour had passed anymore.

Just when I was thinking it was time for it to show up.



A brown cat crawled up to me. It was too clean to be a stray. If

169 Report
there was something special about it, it was that there were two gold
pieces on its neck instead of a bell.



I wondered how I should deal with this situation.

‘Gold Piece Cat.’


‘Gold Piece Cat. It’s a really famous…ah. People wouldn’t

know about it now.’

This cat wanted a normal pet.

It would be a well-known mascot of the Tower about 5 years later.

‘…I didn’t know such a bigwig would come to me.’

I supposed I should pretend like I didn’t know anything.

I calmly looked down at the cat. Controlling my face.

“Are you lost?’


The brown cat rubbed its head on my legs. I was a bit

dumbfounded. If I didn’t know its real identity, I would just think it
was a friendly cat.

“Do you wanna stay with me until your owner comes?”


I lifted the cat onto my laps. The cat calmly licked its paws in my
lap like that’s what it wanted the entire time. It even yawned with a

170 Report

‘I can’t believe it’s a person crazy for cats. The acting is


I rubbed the cat’s head.


As I was listening to the cat purr, a group of hunters came towards

me. One of them spoke to me.

“Excuse me. Is your name Kim Gong-ja?”


Just by a glance I could tell their equipment was expensive. They

weren’t just a ragtag bunch. If not guild masters, at least executives.
A group of those kinds of people were gathered around the cafe.

I showed my ID to them.

“I wondered how long it would take. It took exactly 1 hour

and 30 minutes I see.”


The hunters’ eyes shook upon seeing my ID. They frantically pulled
their phones out and started to contact others.

“Yes. I found him!”

“In the cafe right across the bank…”

“No. Other guilds are also here…yes. Yes, sir! Understood,


“Don’t worry. I won’t have him taken by other guilds!”

171 Report
It was the eve of a storm.

I contentedly watched what was happening in front of me.

‘I feel like I’m a VIP.’

-Well. Most guilds will try to scout you. You cleared the 10th floor
by yourself. That’s a real VIP.

‘Mm. I guess. Even a person who cleared the 99th floor

calls me Gong-ja-nim, so it would be weird if I wasn’t a VIP.’

-Fuck! Fuck! Fuuuck!

The hunters ended their calls one by one.

And they all looked at me with nervous faces.

As I waited for the first guild to speak up, a large blonde hunter
took a step forward.

“I am the HR team leader of the Civil Militia Guild. Kim

Gong-ja hunter-nim. As you may already know, the Civil
Militia is the most honorable guild in Babylon. If you enter
our guild…!”

“Just a moment.”

I lifted my hand. The HR team leader of Civil Militia paused.

“Sorry for cutting you off. But let’s speak after two things
are clearly established.”


“First. Let’s not leak anything to the media.”

I slowly looked at the hunters. I could guarantee that none of these

hunters would be a lower rank than me. Before I regressed, I

172 Report
wouldn’t even have dared to look at them. But now, I didn’t fall short
to any of them.

My performance.

I had the achievement of being the first person to subjugate the

10th floor.

This was like a landmark that no hunter could destroy regardless of

their level.

Competent hunters considered performance important. If they

were competent, they wouldn’t be able to treat me like I was

“I won’t sign a contract with any guild that leaks my name

to the public. I won’t even associate with them. Please be

“Uh…u, until when?”

Another hunt raised their hand to ask.

“The Golden Newspaper reporters are sticking their noses

into all the guilds…Kim Gong-ja-nim. I don’t know how long
we’ll be able to hide this.”

“Well, I’m not saying to hide this forever.”

I pointed at the sky.

The hunters all looked up at the sky too.


“Just until today. Until the clock reaches 00:00:00, please

keep the ban.”

“Ah! Alright. Somehow until then…understood.”

173 Report
The hunters all sighed in relief.

I smiled.

‘I can’t be held up by reporters. Not when I have to run as

fast I can to the 11th floor when it opens.’

I opened my mouth again.

“That’s the first condition. And for the second-”


The hunters all looked at me with stiff expressions. They were

probably nervous about what difficult condition I would request.

I grinned and looked around me.

“-this is a public area so let’s respect the other



“Can’t you see the customers looking this way? They’re

surprised because you all suddenly gathered here.”

I was right.

All the other customers were looking this way. Most of the
customers whispered to each other with suspicious eyes. There was
even a customer who looked like they were filming this.

“It’s a nuisance.”

“I know you were all rushed looking for me, but let’s take it
slow. It’s not like I’ll run away.”

174 Report
“S, Sorry.”

The hunters realized the environment and dispersed.

“I’m sorry. I can’t tell you the reason but if you could

“Sir. How much would it cost to rent this cafe for 1 hour?”

“Everyone, thank you for your understanding! If you come

to Chen Mu-mun sometime, we’ll…”

The scale of the large clans’ executives was definitely different.

It took 5 minutes for them to make everyone leave and rent to the
cafe from the owner. The cafe was empty after only 5 minutes.


We entered a corner of the cafe and started to speak.

“Then let’s start the negotiations. State your conditions.”

Funnily, they all had a cup of coffee in their hands. It was because I
said they were being a nuisance. How cute.

“…Our Civil Militia offers 10,000 Gold for the contract fee.”

That was the starting point.

“10,000 Gold? Dang. You’re showing you’re poor in a place

like this. Kim Gong-ja hunter-nim! Please sign up with the
Adventure League. We promise 20,000 Gold, and an
executive position.”

“Come to Chen Mu-mun, hunter-nim. Our guild grows

combat specific hunters and we’ll take you in as a trainer
with 25,000 Gold.”

175 Report
“The position of a trainer is just annoying. Please think
well. Kim Gong-ja hunternim! If you come into our Ten
Thousand Temple, we guarantee an honorary position. To be
honest, we hope you promote our clan. With 30,000 Gold and
a separate pay for other jobs…”

“Association! Please work as an ambassador for the


It was a mess.

The HR team leaders all pleaded with me. I understood how they
felt. All the high guilds probably felt pressured by Sword Saint.

The lone hunter who didn’t register in any of the guilds who was
Rank 1!

Because of that, people probably wondered. If there was really a

need to register in a guild. If solo play was the best option…

‘Although it’s because Sword Saint is special.’

It still hurt the reputation of the guilds.

‘And if a new hero that was as famous as the Sword Saint

was born?’

I smiled.

‘They would do anything to scout him.’

At the very least, block other guilds from taking him!

Was probably the orders that these team leaders got. It was

“C, Civil Militia can give 36,000 Gold as the contract fee…”

“Sheesh. The poor guilds should step back. Hm?”

176 Report
“Are you trying to fight us with thousands? Don’t you
understand the situation?”

“Us Alchemy Castle can…!”

It was then.


A heavy voice came from somewhere.

“50,000 Gold.”


The hunters all turned their heads. Their gazes landed on my lap.
To be exact, it was the cat on my lap.

The cat meowed and jumped up. It’s feet were soft paws when it
jumped off my lap, but when it landed, that wasn’t the case. They
lightly landed with shoes.

“50,000 Gold. I can give it to you here if you prefer.”

The person looked back. Clang. The 2 gold pieces on their necklace
made a clear sound as they shook.

“And the spot of Sangryun’s vice leader position.”

Hunter Rank 3.

The guild master of the Merchant’s Association. Count.

“50,000 Gold and vice guild leader. How’s that.”

A woman with the skill of [Metamorphosis] brightly smiled and

spoke. Although she was probably over 40, she looked to be in her
20s. She was probably drinking elixirs everyday.

177 Report
She was the wealthiest person in the tower.


A bigwig that I wouldn’t have met in the past.

I forced myself to calm down and smiled.

“Now we’re talking.”

The first step of negotiating for my body ended.

For any errors and issues contact me through discord:-


178 Report

Chapter 20
Source: woopread translations (2)

“Hmm. You got guts.”

Count slightly lifted a corner of her mouth.

“And you don’t seem to be that surprised that a cat turned

into a human…you’re not like young folks these days. Ah,
this is a compliment.”

“Thank you. I do have guts. I even see ghosts and stuff.”

“Ahahaha. You’re even relaxed enough to joke. Amazing.”

Count started to wave her fan and laughed. Even though he didn’t
say that as a joke.



The hunters all peeked at each other. Only the Count laughed. The
team leaders who had been loudly shouting prices became quiet as
mice with the arrival of the Count.

“Uh, maam. Pardon me, but…”

The large blond hunter carefully spoke up.

“Pardon yourself.”

“Isn’t 50,000 Gold and the vice guild master…too much? O,

Of course, subjugating the 10th floor is amazing. But…the
skills of Kim Gong-ja…are…not known…”

179 Report
As he went on, he stuttered more. It was because he suddenly
forgot out to speak. The Count was covering her mouth with her fan
and looking at him. She smiled with her eyes past the fan.


“Are you done pardoning?”


“Then before you pardon yourself more, bring your bosses.

Sorry, you guys won’t understand me. Ah, it doesn’t matter if
you can bet higher than 50,000 Gold. Just sit here

She was politely telling them to ‘piss off.’

And since they were being told to piss off, there was nothing else
they could do. They left one by one.

And after 10 minutes, like they handed the baton over to someone
else, new hunters entered the cafe.

“Fucking Sangryun!”

Rank 5. Venomous Snake, Guild Master of Chen Mu-mun.

“Mm. I’m a step behind. I admit it’s our mistake.”

Rank 4. Guild Master of Ten Thousand Temple, heretic questioner.

“Mistake isn’t the right word. Our job isn’t to welcome a

new hero, but to stop the existing hunters from being
confused. You were too excessive.”

Rank 8. Vice Guild Master of Civil Militia, Crusader.


180 Report
Rank 2. And even the Guild Master of Black Dragon, Black Witch.


I exclaimed to myself.

‘They’re all assembled.”

I was proud of myself. They were the highest rankers that I only
saw in interview videos and such. They all sat down in front of me. I
was able to realize how much more expensive my body was now.


Count cupped her chin and laughed.

“I don’t know how long it’s been since we gathered like

this. It feels like yesterday when we subjugated the 2nd floor
together. Now we’re all old.”

“Ssangryun. [TN: An extra S on Sangryun sounds like bitch

in Korean.] Before I boil you in soup, shut up.”

Venomous Snake growled.

Chen Mu-mun’s Guild Master, the one-eyed hunter. The person

known to be the one to successfully clear the 2nd floor had an eye
patch on his eye.

They said it was a scar after challenging Sword Saint.

“I heard on the way here. What, 50,000 Gold? Vice Guild

Master? You always cosplay a beast and even your IQ’s been
reduced to a beast’s? The 50,000 Gold I could understand
since that’s Ssangryun’s specialty, throwing money around,
but Vice Guild Master my as…”

“Alright! Let’s order coffee!”

181 Report
Heretic Questioner spoke brightly.

“It’s rude to enter a cafe and not even order. Should the
people who lead the greatest clans in the tower be like this?
I’ll order a cafe mocha. Everyone?”

“Ah, I’d like a warm americano.”

“A cool cafe latte sounds nice.”

“…hazelnut latte. Hot. Additional shots. Grande.”

The Guild Masters spoke one by one like they had been waiting.
The only person to be surprised was Venomous Snake.

“What? Coffee? Hey. The world’s been turned upside down

because the 10th floor was cleared, and coffee goes down
your throats? Are these bastards suckers for caffeine or…”

“Chen Mu-mun would like a dark espresso, I see.


“This fucking religious guy…?”

“Store owner-nim! Please take our orders!”

Heretic Questioner ignored the Venomous Snake and shouted.

Flinch. The barista at the counter trembled. She became pale at the
fact that she would be making coffee for the highest rankers.

“W, Would…you like to….order…?”


Heretic Questioner beamed.

The Guild Master of Ten Thousand Temple. The blonde hunter. The
young man who was in charge of making sure religious fights didn’t
occur in this place where people from all over the tower were

182 Report
gathered was famous for speaking formally to everyone.

I heard he even spoke politely to terrorists he questioned.

“One tall iced cafe mocha. One tall warm americano. One
tall iced caffe latte. One grande warm hazelnut latte, with a
shot. And one espresso! That’s my order1”

“Yes! Uh, yes…!”

“Ah, right-”

Heretic Questioner turned his gaze.

“-what would hunter Kim Gong-ja-nim like?”

All kinds of gazes landed on me. The table instantly became quiet.
An amused gaze. A bright gaze. A violent gaze. A cold gaze. An
indifferent gaze. Five faces and 10 eyeballs silently looked at me.

Like they were testing my reaction.

-Don’t be scared.

Then, Bae Hu-ryeong, who had been quiet all this time, spoke up.

-They’re not much. Just think that they’re not that much! You were
even killed by grandpops Marcus. None of them are better than

‘I know.’

I knew well.

‘It’s just a mind game.’

And it was a twisted, tricky mind game.

I shrugged my shoulders.

183 Report
“Store owner-nim. Do you have a menu?”


“Maybe because I have a macchiato earlier, I don’t really

feel coffee right now. I want to decide after seeing a
menu…mm. Never mind. Please give me a hot chocolate if
you have one.”

“A, Alright.”


I had to show a composed attitude right now.

‘These people didn’t randomly come here at once.’

Earlier, when the team leaders came, and now, the hunters all
arrived at the same time.

Was this a coincidence?


A strategy hidden behind coincidence.

They were acting.

‘This is a strategy to make me lose my composure.’

It was a high-class strategy, kind of like how gangsters ganged up

on one person to threaten them.

‘Well. Even if they’re a bit more scarier than hunters…’

It was a frozen and tense atmosphere.

‘It’s nothing compared to being burned alive.’

In other words, it was just a little ice.

184 Report
Before I was killed by the Flame Emperor, I would’ve trembled in
fear seeing these people…but not anymore. I wasn’t scared at all.

The reason was ridiculously simple.

‘Try to kill me if you want.’

Even if they killed me, I would be fine!

Bae Hu-ryeong nodded his head.

-Yeah. Like I said. That talent is your strength! Glare at them like
they can try to kill you if they want. Put power behind your eyes! Like
these losers who can’t even kill you are acting tough!

‘Uh, thanks for the support. But I’m not going to let you off the

-This damned…!

Bae Hu-ryeong grabbed his head in despair.


On the other hand, the Heretic Questioner’s expression changed.

“Interesting. It seems like you didn’t do much before

subjugating the 10th floor. A sudden change…I guess you
can’t tell what’s gonna happen to anyone!”

“He did do something.”

The Count covered her mouth with her fan and smiled with her

“That youngster was chosen as my guild’s lottery winner.

He’s got luck. And guts. And I don’t know how, but seeing as
he cleared the 10th floor, he’s got skills. Luck. Guts. Skills. If
a youngster has those 3, they’ll succeed.”

185 Report
“Haa…so that’s why I said earlier!”

Venomous Snake sighed from across the table.

“Don’t do this and that and just scout him! Would the
person who cracked the 10th floor be a newbie who doesn’t
know anything? Tsk. We put on an act even though it didn’t

“That’s not important.”

The Guild Master of Black Dragon, who had been sitting quietly
stood up.

“Just because some of our reputations were hurt doesn’t

mean all of ours were. We’re all busy. Let’s push back
blaming others.”


“Hunter Kim Gong-ja.”

The Witch looked at me.

“I’ll ask directly. Which guild are you planning on signing

up for?”

A steady gaze.

“If you’re planning on not registering in any guild like the

Sword Saint, let us know in advance. We have to discuss how
to handle the media if that happens.”

“And if I’m planning on applying?”

“An intense auction will start.”

The Witch calmly spoke.

186 Report
“We’ve stayed too long on the 9th floor. It was just tough.
But since you cleared the 10th floor, the chance to advertise
the value of the Tower to the outside world has come again.”

“A chance, you say.”

“Yes. Chance. A chance to bring people from the outside

who aren’t just war refugees.”

The barista brought a tray over and served coffee. No one spoke.
The Witch just took a sip of her hazelnut latte.

“And most of all. The hunters who were living comfortably on the
1st floor will have a renewed sense of adventure with the 10th floor
open. What kind of world will be waiting there? Even the realists will

“The shortage of food will be solved.”


The Witch looked at me like she didn’t expect what I said.

“…you’re quick to understand. That’s right. It’s hard to

manage the supply of food with just 9 floors.”

“I’ve been opening a pathway from the outside world to

here 24/7.”

The Count smiled.

“I’m not as strong as I used to be. It’s a bit tiring with my


“We need a new product.”

The Witch continued to speak.

“We need to bring adventurers to the land beyond the 10th

187 Report
floor. And we need to find things that can only be found past
the 10th floor.”

“Then we need a way to positively appeal to the outside

world. Something like [Start of a New Era!]. And you’re
saying that’s me, right?”

“…Right. Exactly on point.”

They were all things that would happen in the future.

That was also the reason why the Guild Masters couldn’t touch the
Flame Emperor. To be a hero. Being the new icon of the new era. It
was because for the tower to keep growing, there needed to be new

‘But the Black Dragon still tried to assassinate the Flame


I thought of the conversation I overheard in the slums.

-Who ordered you to kill me? Just answer that.

-Was it the Witch of Black Dragon?

The Saintess had nodded her head back then.

If she was telling the truth, then the Witch in front of me had tried
to poison the Flame Emperor. I couldn’t know the reason why now

‘We’ll get along.’


‘Someone who hated the Flame Emperor can’t be a bad


Like the enemy of my enemy was my friend. I felt a camaraderie

188 Report
with her.

“I understand what you’re saying. You’re saying the guild

that successfully catches me can be the new symbol of the
tower’s growth. And other guilds will probably have to act as


“I’ll feel bad if that happens…so let’s do this.”

The hunters focused on my words.

I pulled out the trump card I had.

“…a trump card?”

The Witch tilted her head.

“Are you saying we should choose by playing a game? The

guild you’ll be in?”



“I’ll join the guild of the winner. I don’t even need a

position or contract fee. However!”

I grinned.

“If I win, I’ll apply simultaneously to all your guilds.”


“Ah. I’ll only be a guild member on the outside. In reality,

you have to treat me like I’m on the same level as you all.
And you can sell my image, so it’s good for you. I’ll be on the
same level as the leaders of all the greatest guilds. How’s

189 Report
that sound?”

At that moment, the eyes of the Guild Masters changed.


Count burst out in laughter.

“A youngster who just subjugated a single floor wants to

be treated like us?”

“Yes. If I win.”

“Amusing. I’m fine with that.”

The Count put her coffee down and looked around.

“What about you guys?”

“As long as there’s no tricks, I’m fine as well!”

The Heretic Questioner agreed first.

“…let’s not use our skills. Then you all have the advantage.
If you get caught using your skill, that person’s automatically

was the Venomous Snake.

“Our guild is poor anyway so if we bid on you we’ll lose.

Even if I lose the game, I won’t lose anything else, and if I
win, I’ll gain a lot. Sounds good.”

And the Crusader agreed.


Lastly, the Witch nodded her head.

“Fine. I’ll accept your suggestion.”

190 Report
The gamble was on.

We decided the rules of poker. The rules itself were simple. The
highest rankers neatly checked whether there were any tricks on the

‘Sword Emperor.’

And when the cards were distributed.


‘You don’t really want to call me Gong-ja-nim, right?’

I called out to Bae Hu-ryeong, who was still in despair.

‘Let’s do this.’

-Do what…?

‘Just call me that until the end of this game.’

Bae Hu-ryeong’s eyes widened.

-Huh? Can I really do that?!

‘Yes. Of course.’

I grinned.

‘Instead, you have to tell me what cards each of these

players are holding.’

-Yes! Yes! Alright!

Bae Hu-ryeong jumped up and down.

-That’s fucking easy! As expected of Gong-ja-nim! Look at this

generous guy! I don’t know how someone can be this nice! You want
to know what cards these bastards have? Yup, don’t worry. I’ll even

191 Report
tell you if they’re cheating or not! Sir!


Time to begin.

For any errors and issues contact me through discord:-


192 Report

Chapter 21
Source: woopread translations (2)

-Gong-ja-nim! This is a straight. Kill him.


-Ah. Gong-ja-nim. He’s bluffing. Ah, you poor thing. Call him out
and kill him.


-Dang. He has the same cards as Gong-ja-nim. But what can we

do? Gong-ja-nim’s two pairs are the highest? Heehee. This is fun.
Let’s keep on going until we die, Gong-ja-nim!


-Wow. He’s trying to get a full house? Gong-ja-nim. Don’t worry. I

just looked under the table to see the cards. He won’t get a full
house. Trust me, and go!

“All in.”

About 30 rounds of poker continued.


The guy opposite of me trembled. Venomous Snake. The one-eyed

hunter was burning up.

“Shit! This is a scam!”

The Venomous Snake burst up. Boom! The table shook. Other
hunters raised their cups like they expected this. Fortunately, we
were able to avoid spilt coffee. Mm. Good timing.

193 Report
“It doesn’t make sense! It’s already been 30 rounds but
this guy hasn’t lost once. Even bluffing doesn’t work. This is
a scam! I don’t know if it’s passive, but he’s using a fucking
skill! It’s a scam! A scam!”

“Do you have proof?”

I sipped my hot chocolate. It was cold now, and became a weak

chocolate latte. This was tasty in itself as well.

“I might be an expert at poker. I’ll feel wronged if you accuse me

like this without any proof. Look upon me nicely, sunbae-nim. [TN:
Sunbae-Term for addressing someone with more experience
than you in a particular subject]

“Hey, is this really a F Class hunter?!”

The Venomous Hunter shouted while looking around him.

“How is this a F Class hunter! I’ll believe it if you say the

Association lied about it after taking some side money. He’s
at least a B Class!”

“Wow. How’d you know? That I’m not a F Class?”

“Right? I knew i….”

“Actually, I became an E Class Hunter yesterday. But I was

busy clearing the 10th floor yesterday and I wasn’t able to let
the Association know.”


I smiled.

“Thank you for judging me so highly. And Mr.Master.

You’re out of chips.”


194 Report
The Venomous Snake turned away and plodded away. To the out
zone. It was where the people without any more chips sat.

“Welcome! Chen-mu Master!”

Heretic Questioner, who had been out first, brightly smiled.

“I thought it was about time for you to be out. So I ordered

another expresso! You don’t need to refuse. Drink as much
as you want.”

“I don’t like espresso…”

“Yes! I know. Being picky is bad!”

“Fucking zealot…”

The Venomous Snake sat down in the out zone looking like he was
gonna cry.

Now, there were 3 hunters left in the game. Me. The Witch of Black
Dragon. And unexpectedly, Crusader.


Crusader looked down at her cards and wrinkled her forehead. She
was the vice leader of the Civil Militia. A hunter famed for her
righteousness. The Civil Militia was a guild established to protect the
capital of the first floor. They were like the police. And I heard she
donated all his wealth to an orphanage or something. [TN: I
thought Crusader was a guy but we learn she’s a girl in this
chapter! Korean…tsk tsk tsk.]

“I lose.”

Crusader placed her cards down with a sigh.

“I thought I had a pretty good poker face. Kim Gong-ja. Do

you have a clairvoyant skill?”

195 Report
“Maybe. It could be clairvoyance or telepathy. Try

“Newbies these days.”

The Crusader smiled bitterly. She bowed and moved to the out

“Hey! How could you give up so easily!”

The Venomous Snake shouted in anger at her. The surroundings of

his mouth were messy, like he spilled his espresso.

“You should stick next to him like a hunting dog even if you
think it’s not gonna work! Are you gonna leave that con-
artist be!”

“Con-artist. That’s too much to the new hero.”

“He’s obviously using a skill!”

Crusader shrugged her shoulders.

“I knew from the beginning.”

“Huh? What?”

“It would’ve been weird if I didn’t know. Would a newbie

really suggest a game of luck without any preparation? The
fact that he challenged us to this game means that he was
letting us know he could use a skill and get away with it
without being caught. And we accepted that challenge.”

The Venomous Snake gaped with his mouth open.

“T, That’s how it was?”

“Chen-mu Master…it’s good that you work hard for martial

arts, but use your head.”

196 Report
Crusader looked at the Venomous Snake pitifully.

“From the beginning, we had nothing to lose. If we win, it

would be awesome. But even if we lose…like the newbie said.
He’s going to apply to all the guilds here. And that’s a pretty
good result in itself.”

“B, But. We have our pride! How are we gonna be treated

the same as…”

“Does pride feed you?”

The Venomous Snake was left speechless.

“Espresso feeds you! Here, Chen-mu Master. Drink up!”


In the end, the Rank 2 player was left, the Black Witch.

And me.

It was us two.


The Witch focused on her cards and spoke.

“It’s a relief.”


“Since you can get us.”

The Witch bet her chips. Raise. She raised the bar. Was she trying
to provoke me?

“I’m from Ukraine. To be exact, I’m from where Ukraine

used to be. With the war, after I lost my family, I suffered a

197 Report
lot. As you know. A woman living alone outside or in this
tower is tough.”

“I suppose so.”

I gladly accepted her provocation. Re-raise. I raised the stakes.


She hesitated for a moment and tapped the table twice. It was that
she was accepting victory. The Count spread the cards out as the

“So what are you trying to say?”

I rubbed my chin, pretending to contemplate.

“Everyone in the tower. And especially the first generation.

It’s hard to find someone who doesn’t have a heart-breaking
story. I’m an ordinary orphan as well.”

My cards was one pair.

“…this top is like my hometown.”

Her’s were a flush.

“In the tower, people don’t ask where you’re from. No, we
made it so it was like this. The fact that I’m from Ukraine.
That Chen-mu Master’s from China. That you’re from
Korea…that isn’t important in our tower.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes. Thanks to the blessing of the tower, we can

understand each other. Here, we’re all equal. At least…more
than the outside world.”

198 Report
If this went on, I would lose.

But I raised the stakes higher composedly.

“People outside consider here a trash can.”

“Even roses bloom in trash cans.”

The Witch signaled a call.

“Kim Gong-ja. The moment the clock in the sky shows

[00:00:00], the media will pour out articles about you. You’ll
start a life different from before. I hope you deal with it

“Sounds good.”

Another card was flipped over on the table.

“I’m not bragging, but I like attention. I like it when people

compliment me and are jealous of me. It’s the truth. That’s
all there is to it.”

Now my cards were two pair.

“…You’re honest. I guess you’re the exact opposite of

Sword Saint.”

Her cards were still a flush. I had the shorter hand, but.

“All in.”


“I’m confident.”

I lifted my eyes from the card to look at her.

“I’ll tell you all now while we’re on the subject. I don’t want

199 Report
to be treated like you because I just cleared the 10th floor.
The 20th floor. 30th. 40th. 50th. And the 100th. I’ll subjugate
them all. No matter how long it takes.”


“I know you consider the tower special. I respect that. I

don’t plan on uselessly fighting with all of you. But I think of
you as my opponents.”

Who would be the first to climb the Tower?

Who would be called a hero?

To be remembered by people, to be complement, to receive

jealousy. To build the gold tower that everyone saw.

“I want to see the world beyond the tower rather than

within the tower.”

So I was going to climb the tower.

“Refugees. Famine. I don’t have time to worry about that.

Honestly. If you need my name, just use it. However many
times you want. Just support me in climbing the tower.”

The feeling of subjugating the tower. I wanted to feel it again. I had

only tasted in once…but I felt like I was addicted to it.

Because that’s how amazing it was.


The Witch sighed after a silence.

“I thought wrong. You’re not the opposite of the Sword

Saint, but exactly the same.”

The Witch pushed all the chips in. Clatter. They all gathered in the

200 Report
center of the table like a small mountain.

All in.

“Is that a compliment?”

“No, it’s a curse. Greedy people.”

The last card was flipped. The opponent cards were a flush. Mine
were…Full House.

“It’s a compliment.”

I smiled.

“Thank you.”

It was my victory.

“Then as promised, I hope I’m treated the same as the rest

of you.”

“Can I expect that the more authority you have, the more
jobs you’ll have?”

“Hm? Isn’t the job of a hunter to climb the Tower? Don’t

worry. I’ll continue doing the job of a hunter.”

“A lazy newbie…”

The Witch bitterly smiled.

-Mm. Kim Zombie is a bit lazy. If there was a skill for laziness, he
would’ve reached S Class.

‘…Are you really going back to Kim Zombie as soon as the

game ended?’

-Of course, you mutant zombie! Gong-ja-nim my ass!’

201 Report
Bae Hu-ryeong flew around in excitement.

-Zombie! Zombie! Zombie bastard! Wow, I didn’t know I would

miss this so much! I’m never gonna bet with you lazy ass again!


How was the person that was called the Emperor of the Sword this

I inwardly clicked my tongue and stood up.

“You’re leaving already?”

“Yes. The 11th floor is opening soon. I have to get ready

now if I don’t want to be behind others.”

“How are you gonna prepare if you don’t know what’s on



‘It wouldn’t be bad to give them a hint here.’

Since I was going to be treated like them, it wouldn’t be bad if they

were in my debt a bit. I organized my thoughts and spoke up.

“It’s a [Play].”


“The theme of the 11th to the 20th floor is [Play].”

Everyone looked at me with flashing eyes. It was obvious why.

With even the smallest hint, you could move faster than others. The
information I was giving them right now was priceless.

“They gave me a hint as a reward for clearing the 10th


202 Report
It was a lie.

I still hadn’t gotten my reward for the 10th floor yet. I guessed I
would get it when the clock hit 00:00:00. But I still knew what would
happen now.

Knowledge of the future. There was no reason not to use it.

“I don’t know any more than that.”

“…Thanks for sharing.”

The Witch nodded her head.

“I’ll definitely return this favor.”

I was looking forward to it.

For any errors and issues contact me through discord:-


203 Report

Chapter 22
Source: woopread translations (2)


The clock in the sky pointed at 0.


The players were all overjoyed. There were people who even threw
their hats in the air. Thousands of hats soared up. They looked like
flowers in spring.

And before all the hats fell down to the floor-

[Letting everyone know.]

A voice rang out in the sky.

It was announcing something to everyone.

[From today, the tutorial is being ended.]

That the prologue was now finished.

[Letting everyone know again.]

[From today, the tutorial is being ended.]

That it was now the start of the real thing!

“Woo hooo!”

People shouted in excitement. Passion. Heat. Enthusiasm. When

was the last time hunters were this heated up? Even the old man
who set up a store and the middle-aged man who gave up on the 2nd

204 Report
floor were shouted in happiness in the square.

Everyone was a hunter at this moment.

“11th floor! 11th floor! 11th floor!”

“Open the 11th floor!”

“Hey, news just came up but…this…”

And as if responding to their heat.

The clock in the sky exploded with light. It was a light as powerful
as the sun. The hunters shut their eyes and looked at the sky through
their fingers. I wasn’t an exception.

[Warriors. Climbers of the tower.]

[Congratulations on the crossing over the regrets of the

hellfire residence.]

There was a large human in the air. So, an angel or goddess would
be more appropriate. The was emitting a holy light, white clothes
fluttering in the air.

It was like something that should be engraved on a temple.



Everyone in the square let out exclamations. Most hunters were

staring blankly up. That was how beautiful the image of the goddess

-Zombie. Wake up. That’s not a real goddess.

But Bae Hu-ryeong was cold.

205 Report
Sword Emperor. The one who had cleared up to the 99th floor was
seduced by what was in front of him.

-It’s just a system that explains quests to you.

“…Is it like an NPC?”

-Right. Even if there are goddesses, that’s nothing more than a

recorded video. It’s something that automatically plays when the
10th floor is cleared. Tsk Tsk. How pathetic.

I became curious.

“How do you know that?”

-Huh? Because…

It was when Bae Hu-ryeong was about to reply.

[Warriors! There is a world that needs your help. In this

world, there is a scary Devil King. From now, you will be
summoned as warriors to this place, and you will receive a
mission to protect mankind. If you want to accept this
mission, say ‘Transmit’…]

Because she finished, someone jumped into the air.


The hunter lightly stepped on the roof of the building. The 3rd
floor. 5th floor. 7th floor. In an instant, the hunter arrived at the bell
tower of the square. And the hunter flew high midair.

Sword Saint.

Marcus Calenberry.


206 Report
The current Rank 1’s sword technique split the sky. The trajectory
of his sword cut past the goddess. The image of the goddess was
split into two.

It was a beautiful and quick attack.

Everyone who had seen the blink-of-an-eye attack dropped their


“Huh, huh…?!”

And that only lasted a moment.

The split goddess quickly returned. Like how cutting through the
ocean was futile, the goddess spoke in the same beautiful voice

[…If you want to accept this mission, say ‘Transmit’.

Warriors. Then, you’ll take your steps on the 11th floor.]

The goddess was still shining.

She had light, but it wasn’t holy anymore.

Since a god ripped once wasn’t a god anymore.


Sword Saint lightly landed on a roof. He was wearing the same

black suit that I saw in the bar. He looked at the sky like he didn’t like
something, and slowly looked down at the square.


The square was silent.


Bae Hu-ryeong spoke.

207 Report
-I did that in the past too. See. NPC, right?

I was flabbergasted.

‘…Do you have to check to be satisfied?’

-Yeah. I don’t get people who don’t check. Don’t you want to cut it
with your sword when something big appears? Aren’t all people like


He was a psycho.

I strengthened my vision with Aura and looked at the Sword Saint.

Careful not to meet his eyes.


The Sword Saint quietly mumbled. The same like from the goddess
wrapped around the old Sword Saint. A moment later, he was gone
without a trace. Only White bird poop was left on the roof.


Laughter exploded from the silent tower. The hunters turned their

It was from the Guild Master of Ten Thousand Temple, Heretic


“I lost again! Ah! It’s a beautiful day today!”

The Heretic Questioner took off his cap. He politely bowed to the

people looking at him.

“Then I’ll see everyone on the 11th floor! Transmit!”

A white light covered the Heretic Questioner. The next moment,

208 Report
the Heretic Questioner was gone. Looking at his disappearance
blankly, the hunters realized belatedly.


That the Sword Saint and Heretic Questioner had taken a step
ahead of them to the 11th floor.

And that was the starting point.

“T, Transmit!”



Countless hunters shouted out ‘transmit’ frantically. The square

was filled with light. Everytime someone shouted, light poured to
where they were. These lights increased in the thousands and lit up
the sky.

[Warriors. Climbers of the tower.]

In the midst of that, the goddess’s welcoming was still going on.

[From the 11th floor to the 20th floor, you will be met with
a test. A test of faith.]

The goddess gathered her hands on her chest.

Like she was praying.

[…You will find your answer. Someone will light the way. So
you will be able to know yourself…]

But there weren’t many listening to her. Everyone was in a hurry

not to be behind.

The small amount of people that were left were filming it with their

209 Report

“What a shame.”

Someone walked up next to me and muttered.

The Vice Guild Leader of the Civil Militia. It was the Crusader.

“A shame?”

“Think about it. Whoever made the tower put effort into
making it. That’s also a message for us. But no one cares.”

The Crusader had a sad expression.

“People should’ve looked at this emotionally. The fact that

there’s a tower and we can use skills is an amazing
miracle…but we’ve become used to everything on the 10th

“You’re a touchy feely person.”

“Mm. I majored in music on the outside.”

She lifted a corner of her mouth.

“Do I seem more charming after hearing I’m a woman who

did music?”

“Ah…I think it’ll be hard to earn money.”

“Oof. You hurt with facts.”

We both laughed.

Bae Hu-ryeong crept between us.

-Zombie, be careful. This human is suspicious. Hm?

‘Ugh, what again.’

210 Report
-There’s no way someone would approach someone like you. Do
you have a handsome face or personality? Everything’s disgusting.
Kya, I see! This is a con-artist! 100%

This guy…never mind. Let’s just not.

“Excuse me!”

Then, a crowd of people came at us.

They weren’t reporters, but seemed to be people doing their own

broadcasting online.

“T, The hunter there is Kim Gong-ha hunter-nim…right?”

For any errors and issues contact me through discord:-


211 Report

Chapter 23
Source: woopread translations (2)


The Crusader grimaced in annoyance.

“I guess the attention’s on us cause of me. Sorry, Kim

Gong-ja. I’ll be off for the 11th floor.”

“…Wait. Did you approach me to do this?”

I became reasonably suspicious.

And the Crusader looked a bit guilty.

“Haha. It’s because I have the ability to read people.”

The ability to read people?

Did she mean she was confident in guessing what someone was

She mischievously scratched the back of her head.

“I spoke with you because I wanted to know what kind of

person you were. Think of it as a show of my interest.”

“So what kind of person do you think I am?”

“Mm. Well, I’ll say the answers in your heart. Transmit!”


She’s obviously running away.

Eventually Crusader left, leaving me to the crowd.

212 Report
-Whew. See, I’m right, huh? My greatness is never wrong!

‘Shit. It’s noisy.’

People crowded more around me when the Crusader left. I was

surrounded by individual broadcasters and reporters.

“Kim Gong-ja hunter-nim! Please say something!”

“Is it true that you cleared the 10th floor boss yourself!
People are saying this is a scenario you planned to apply at
the same time to all the large guilds!”

“There was an official announcement that you were E

Class! Many people are very curious if this is true. Can you
just confirm…”

“What kind of relationship are you in with the Crusader of

the Civil Militia! You looked really close, are you deeply
involved personally?”

“Kim Gong-ja hunter-nim!”


‘Is this the [Unending Request for Shaking Hands] that only
the successful hunters get…’

Being on the receiving end, I realized why Flame Emperor had

been so annoyed with the reporters.

I wondered how I should react and decided to say just one word.

“I’ll clear the 20th floor as well.”

“Excuse me?”

“Then, work hard everyone. Transmit.”

213 Report

White light came from under me.

“Ah, w, wait! King Gong-ja hunter-nim.”

“No! Get him!”

“Just a few more-”


I think the mysterious concept is the best.

[Climbers of the tower.]

And before the light completely covered me.

The goddess’s voice spoke for the last time to the square.

[May luck be with you.]

The light around me faded away. I could start seeing in front of


What came into my sight first was…a large battlefield.


-Chiik! chik!

Monster. Fearsome monsters were running towards me from the

horizon. Goblin. Orcs. Ogres. The different species that I saw from the
10th floor in the tutorial were running at me as one.

They looked like a horde of ants.

“Stop them!”

“I, It’s impossible! There’s too many!”

214 Report
“Don’t step back! If we’re pushed back, our empire is

There was only…1 line to block the horde.

Was this from the Middle Ages? The soldiers wearing armor were
trying to somehow close the port. The human soldiers tried to put the
deep lake behind them.

“What is this?”

“What in the world is happening…?”

“Whoa! E, Everyone, be careful of the arrows! They’re

flying around everywhere!”

Hunters summoned to the battlefield were looking around in


It wasn’t weird for them to be so dumbfounded. Since they had

only experienced safely prepared hunting grounds so far.

But this was common from the 10th floor.

‘Like they said, the tutorial’s over.’

A battlefield where you didn’t know when you would die.

A fighting ring where you had to risk your life with every floor.


Someone approached the flustered hunters. He was wearing quite

fancy armor, like he wasn’t just a soldier. The general shouted out to

“Thank you! You’ve come to help our empire, warriors!”

The hunters murmured.

215 Report
“Warriors? What does he mean.”

“Stupid. Didn’t you hear what the angel said in the square?
They’re receiving the attack of the Devil King. We’re the

“We can’t hear in the back!”

“Whoa, is this real?”

“Are those soldiers real humans or NPC…”

“Can you be quiet over there!”

People kept on arriving even while the hunters were speaking to

each other. People came on top of each other and pushed others. It
was pandemonium.

“Warriors! Please help our empire!”

Fortunately, a few skilled people including me knew how to use

their Aura to strengthen their sight and hearing. While a few non-
skilled people were just staring blankly ahead, a few hunters listened
to what the general NPC was saying.

“This port is the last defense of our empire. For the

empire’s capital to continue being supported, we need to
defend this place. Warriors from another world! Please
protect Aegim Empire with us!”

Then, a voice rang in my head.

[The quest of the 11th floor is being given.]

Messages popped up in front of my eyes.

[Supply Route Defense]

216 Report
Difficulty: F~A

Mission task: Calamity has struck the Aegim Empire. The Devil
King. A being only seen in legends has forced an army. The Devil
King is cunning, evil, and strong. He wishes to block the Aegim
Empire’s supply route.

Defend the port!

This fight will become the first step in saving the empire.

※However, loss in the battle will result in the 12th floor being


“See. The Devil King did appear.”

“Where even is the Aegim Empire.”

The confused hunters began to realize the situation. Some hunters

wordlessly pulled out their weapons, and others formed teams.

And some hunters aimed at the goblins.

“I wonder.”

Sword Saint at the front muttered to himself.

Blood was creating a lake where he was. About 6 monsters fell to

the ground headless.

“-I don’t know the exact situation. But you’re saying we

should knock them down first.”

And he jumped into battle.

217 Report
Hunters behind him who were frozen all shouted after seeing him.


“Nice! Let’s follow the Sword Saint!”

“Fucking goblin bastards! For the past 6 years, I cut off

thousands of your necks!”

Thousands of hunters jumped into battle with their weapons, and

thousands of hunters followed them. The defending forces suddenly
grew in number.

And when the battle was turning into a mess.


I was smiling in the back.

Because I heard a voice that others couldn’t.

[Welcome, hunter Kim Gong-ja.]

[The reward for clearing the 10th floor is being given.]

A voice that announced my bonus.

[Normal stage reward.]

[Blessing of the War God is being awarded!]

[You can view the map of the tower from the 11th floor to
the 20th floor.]

A translucent map popped up in front of me. It was a mini map.

Red and blue spots dizzily twisted around each other and
dominated the map. Looking closely, the red spots seemed like
monsters, and the blue monsters seemed like the human forces.

218 Report
-Tsk tsk…yup. I knew a cheat bonus would come out!

Bae Hu-ryeong complained with a frown.

-While others crawl around on the floor you’ll be looking down from
the sky, is that it? Sigh. Yeah. Don’t think about building up your
skills and use your head. This tower is really unfair when you think
about it. The fed people continue eating and the ones well off keep…

But Bae Hu-ryeong’s boomer speech couldn’t go on.

[Hidden Stage Reward.]

[Blessing of the Human God is being awarded!]

[You can view all NPC’s names and locations from the 11th
to the 20th floor.]


Because that wasn’t the end of the bonus notifications.

[Hidden stage reward.]

[Blessing of the Merchant is being awarded!]

[You will receive a chosen item from the 11th floor to the
20th floor.]

to the mini map, lists popped up. One was a directory of all the
NPC’s names and locations. The other was a directory with items and
their effects.



We were speechless.

219 Report
“Kill them! Push them away!”

“Accck! The g, goblins are throwing spears!”

The hunters on the front line diligently fought. Orcs cried out and
human soldiers spilled blood. In the middle of the noisy battlefield,
Bae Hu-ryeong and I were silent.

The silence was soon broken.

“Ah. It’s a game to get skills…”

-What kinda crazy game of luck is this!

With opposing exclamations.


The tower had different themes on floors.

Maybe ‘genre’ will help you understand better.

The 1st floor to the 10th floor was [Tutorial].

There was a hunting ground, and a city where you could rest
however long you wanted. It was a step for beginners to get used to
the tower.

And from the 11th floor to the 12th floor was a…

‘Devil King attack genre.’

Or a Devil King soldier genre.

Since it was protecting the human empire, even a defense genre

could be applied as well.

‘It’s defeating the Devil King’s forces coming in hordes.’

Anyhow, from now, the level of fighting was different.

220 Report
Monsters didn’t roam around by themselves like in the beginning
hunting grounds. They formed groups. Legions. They made an army.

There were only 2 ways to attack a monster army.

‘Be a powerful one army strong enough to defeat the army

by yourself or-’

I looked at the front lines.

Sword Saint was massacring the monsters with a blue Aura.

‘-fight with your own army.’

I smirked.

‘The path I pick this time will be the latter.’

SInce I got the bonus.

Wouldn’t it be a waste if I left this alone?

Of course, I didn’t have any talent leading an army. Since I never

did it before. But all you had to do was build those talents up.

I was confident in making a new talent.

“Status window.”

It was to check my current status before I actually jumped into


Name: Kim Gong-ja

Rank: E Class

Skill (5/5)

221 Report
1. I Want to be Like You (S+)

2. Returner’s Clockwork Watch (EX)

3. Sword Constellation(A+)

4. Goblin High Society(F)

5. Night and Day Fire Caution(A)


A smile spread across my face.

“Excuse me, Sword Emperor. Did you just curse and say it
was a game of luck?”

-Yeah, I cursed! You poop-like Zombie!

“I’ll show why it’s a game of skill.”

I opened the NPC directory first.

With the Blessing of the Human God, countless NPCs popped up.

[Enju] Position: Scouter / Location: 11th floor port city Kunkur

[Karia] Position: Ordinary Soldier / Location: 11th floor port city


[Sorrt] Position: Farmer / Location: 13th floor baron’s field

[Lapa Casabella] Position: Government Official / Location: 14th

floor building

222 Report

It was a list of ten thousands, no, of hundred thousands.

It was a bundle of confusion.


“Marking only NPCs on the 11th floor.”

Like it had understood me, the list moved by itself.

Other names disappeared and only names that were related to

what I requested popped up.

[Enju] Position: Conscripted Soldier / Location: 11th floor port city


[Karia] Position: Ordinary Soldier / Location: 11th floor port city


[Cort] Position: Petty Officer / Location: 11th floor port city Kunkur

I spoke without rest.

“Order in the ones with the highest skills. Only the top

223 Report


Sound escaped from Bae Hu-ryeong’s mouth. He must’ve realized

what I was trying to do already. If he had only been complaining
earlier, he was really frantic now.

He quickly tried to convince me.

-Wait! Zombie! I don’t think this is it. Let’s slowly get stronger.
Hm? Slowly train, build up skills, and learn sword techniques. How
nice is that?

“It doesn’t matter if I do that later.”

-Eek! Even if you’re a weak ass guy, this is really not right! Aren’t
you even embarrassed, doing that with the name of Gong-ja

“Mm. Yes. I’m not embarrassed.”

Regardless of what he said, the list moved according to my words.

Letters scattered midair and gathered again.

A new list appeared.

[Rohan Pansaba] Position: Pansaba Knightage Leader

[Sarbast Aegim] Position: Kunkur Offense Leader

[Jeshua Kamancha] Position: High Knight of Imperial Knightage

[Tomunde] Position: Highest Soldier of Defense

224 Report

Alright. It was almost done.

I ignored Bae Hu-ryeong and shouted.

“Mark where the NPCs with the legion leading skills are!
Only the top 3!”

-Aack! Aaaaack!”


I didn’t have the talent to lead a legion.

But what was the problem with that?

I could take it from an NPC with the skill!

[Sarbast Aegim] Position: Kunkur Offense Leader

[Rohan Pansaba] Position: Pansaba Knightage Leader

[Sane Carmen] Position: Defense Legion Colonel

The directory of ten thousands decreased to 3.

I gave my final orders.

“Locate them on the map.”

-You scammer bastard!

225 Report
With the [Blessing of the Human God] the names spread out.
They changed into a green light, and entered the map with the
[Blessing of the War God]. It was perfect. The NPCs with the skills
to lead were on the map.

“Okay. Marking my current location!”

And finally, my location.

“Definitely a game of skill. Look. If people have the basics

to apply things, you can make a good bonus into an
extraordinary bonus. This is all because I use my head.”

-Funny. Use your head? You’re just using tricks!

“Hehe. Using tricks is also a talent.”

It was done. I didn’t have any reason to hesitate.

I quickly ran to find the NPC closest to me. Thankfully, they were
nearby. The general who had greeted the hunters with ‘Warriors!’ It
was that NPC who had the best leading skill.

“General Sarbast Aegim.”

“Mm? Ohoh. Warrior from another world. What’s the


The general looked at me from giving orders to his deputies. His

mustache was cool. His skill would be cool too.

-Run away!

Bae Hu-ryeong cried out.

-Run away, you stupid NPC guy! This isn’t a warrior but a piece of
scum! You’re gonna be leached off of everything!

Scum, he said.

226 Report
He was completely proficient in speaking the language of our world

“Since you trust me as a warrior, I have something to

request of you.”

“Go ahead! Thanks to you all, there seems to be hope. If

it’s something I can do, I’ll gladly do it.”

“Please kill me.”

For any errors and issues contact me through discord:-


227 Report

Chapter 24
Source: woopread translations (2)

The general’s eyes widened.

“What do you mean?”

“…Actually, I have a secret weapon. Like a self-destruct

button. If I die, the blessing of a god will descend upon the
battlefield. If the blessing is activated, the empire can win.”

I put on a serious expression. My acting was unexpectedly pretty

good. Thinking of the moment Flame Emperor burned me up, my
face instantly hardened and my voice became determined.

-Ack! It’s a lie! He doesn’t have a self destruct button!


The loser ghost who died right before the 100th floor should be

“T, That kind of blessing…no. But kill you? I can’t!”

“General Sarbast Aegim. Please think about what’s

important. Whether you use your sword or not, I’ll kill myself.
Since it’s a sure way to guarantee victory for the empire.”

I spoke with a serious expression.

“I’m asking this favor of you.”


“You’re the leader of this port. You want victory for the
empire more than anyone. Rather than dying by my own

228 Report
hand or by a monster, I want to leave my life in your hands.”


“There’s no time. Hurry!”

The general had a pitiful face.

“The survival of our empire is at stake, but to take the life

of a warrior from another world…”

-Hey. Hey! You believe this? Shit! You’re gonna believe Kim
Zombie, this guy? Seriously?

“Our world is definitely cursed. The attack of the Devil King

from legend, and how the magical animals continue to strike.
And to take your life, it must all be a curse…”

-Your brain is a curse!

“Ah, please don’t forgive our sins, god…”

The general spoke in a regretful voice like he was the main

character of a tragedy. A sharp and elegant blade came out.

“…I’ll send you off without any pain.”

“Thank you.”

I really was thankful.

Dying didn’t matter, but I didn’t like pain.

“Please tell me your name.”

“Kim Gong-ja.”

“Kim Gong-ja…I thank you on behalf of the empire. You are

a true warrior!”

229 Report

Like what he promised, it was a clean cut. The blade of Aura

instantly cut my neck.

[You have died.]

[NPC Sarbast’s skills are being randomly copied.]

As I expected, copying an NPC’s skills was possible.

And when everything became dark, I heard Bae Hu-ryeong shout


-Stop dying you bastard! Do you like cheating like this!

I answered him in my mind.

Sit Gong-ja says. It’s lit.

The exciting day began again.

They said this.

Above a running person, there was a flying person.

And also this.

to a sword-wielding hunter, there’s a dead hunter.

Gong-ja-nim said that.

“Hey, what’s that!”

“Huh? He seems like a hunter judging by his clothes…?”

The battlefield. Hunters turned back from diligently swinging their

swords. It was a dangerous thing to do while battling monsters. But
they had a bit slack to do that.

230 Report
I made that slack for them.


The general shouted back at me.

“Are you sure this is the right way!”

His body shook. My body also shook. That’s because we were

riding the same horse.

He was holding the saddle while I was behind him.

My butt felt horrible but I felt amazing.

“Crystal. If you head this way and turn to the right, that’s
where the demon army’s commander is. There’s a bit of
monsters nearby. Oh well. It’s ok. We can get rid of them.”

“Oh! Okay!”

Because behind us, there were a thousand warriors behind us.

“Army, follow me!”

He lifted his baton.

“The warrior of the goddess will protect us!”


The soldiers shouted and followed the general. The soldiers, who
had always been on defense, took the offense. Goblins and orcs got
in the way, but they fell to the side.


It was the effect of the minimap.

I advised the general to attack where the forces of the demons

231 Report
were less.

“Ah. Turn to the right here.”

“Understood! Warrior of the goddess!”

Of course, I hadn’t gotten the general’s trust with just the

minimap. Should I say it’s because of the day’s repeat?

I needed a lot of preparation.

I experienced the general’s trauma when I got my skills…but I’ll

talk about that later.

‘Status window.’

Because it was time to focus on what was on hand right now.

First, skills. The techniques I had were like so.

Name: Kim Gong-ja

Rank: E Class

Skill (5/5)

1.I Want to be Like You (S+)

2.Returner’s Clockwork Watch (EX)

3.Sword Constellation(A+)

4.Goblin High Society(F) 5.Discernment of the Battlefield (B)

‘The new skill I got is related to war.’

232 Report
Like what it was called, it was a skill that identified the battlefield.
If our forces had the upper hand or not. How to attack the enemies. I
could instinctively feel it.

It made me into somewhat of an expert.

‘Although that’s not all of the skills.’

I grinned and lifted my sword.

It wasn’t an ordinary sword. It wasn’t what I used to skill myself

either. The shining Sword Body. There was an image of a lion’s open
mouth on it. As the silver light spread everywhere, the warriors

“It’s the light sent from the goddess!”

The Holy Sword from the beginning….ah, the empire hasn’t been

“Hurrah for Aegim Empire!”


This sword was the last puzzle piece for me to lead the army.

It was what I picked with the Blessing of the Merchant God.

[Lefanta Aegim’s Holy Protection Sword]

Rarity: Legend

Summary: ‘One who holds the Holy Sword will hold the empire.’
The Holy Sword from ancestors. There is a legend that the ancestor
who founded the Aegim Empire received it from the goddess. ‘One
who holds the Holy Sword will be held by fate.’

233 Report
The ancestor chose his successor and left. Did he kill himself? Was
he killed by the rebelling forces? When legends and history weren’t
different, his whereabouts were unknown, and so was the Holy
Sword’s. Only leaving a line in history.

‘The day fate arrives, so will the one with the Holy Sword.’

The one who had the Holy Protection Sword will be absolutely
trusted and supported by the people of the Aegim Empire.

The effects of the legendary item were outstanding.

“Hurrah for the empire! Hurrah for the warrior!”

“Goddess, protect us!”

“Attack! Kill those dirty creatures!”

The soldiers ran forward


From what the soldiers saw, I was a legendary warrior. The real
person leading them was the NPC general but…it felt like I was
leading them.

I felt like I was flying.

‘Good. Ah, good. I feel like I cleared the hidden stage just
with this?’

-It’s a fucking useless item!

Bae Hu-ryeong flew up when I was about to fly up.

-’It’s just a shiny sword that’s slightly strong!

234 Report
‘Tsk tsk. You’re sentimentality must be weak since you’re a ghost.
This is a shiny sword that all the NPCs from the 11th floor to the 20th
will go ballistic for. Got it? NPCs aren’t just tools to get quests.

It was a theory of coincidence.

‘Their beings to help break through them!’

And the development actually worked.

While the hunter players were sweating like dogs, I was breezing
through the battlefield with the general.

“W, What’s that…?”

Everytime I passed a hunter, they were surprised. There were even

some who were stunned.

“Why’s he going around with the general?”

“Isn’t he an NPC?”

“Wow. Wait. It looks like he’s giving orders to the


“No, look at his clothes. He’s a hunter!”

“Who is that person…?”

Surprised voices. Suspicious voices. Jealous voices.

They were reactions for when people looked up at someone who

was above them.


I was drunk.

‘This is it. This. Dang, it’s to die for.’

235 Report
-…this psycho isn’t training his Aura like I taught him to but using
it to eavesdrop on gossip. Zombie. You’re amazing. You’re really like
a Zombie…

‘What can I do!’

The attack was working. The monsters continued to fall.

They were even trying to block us frantically but…


Skilled hunters like Sword Saint massacred the orcs at the front,

“Hahaht! Ah, what a touching day! A new battle! A new

era! How-.”

“Shut up! If you have time to blabber on, get another


Members from large guilds like Heretic Questioner and Venomous

Snake were at the sides.

The wings of the enemies were falling off. There weren’t any extra
forces to stop up. Clip! Clop! The heads of goblins were crushed
under the horses of the soldiers, and spears pierced the orcs.

“We can win!”

“Follow the general! Follow the warrior!”

Attack. And attack some more!

From some point, there was a hole in the enemy forces. We were
almost to the commander. The minimap marked him as a red spot.

-Go, Gorrr.

236 Report
Past the general’s shoulder, I could see a high king goblin.


I scoffed.

‘I was wondering what the leader of the enemy forces was

but it was a high king goblin?’

Of course, it was probably stronger than the high king goblin from
the 5th floor that I cleared. Since he was leading forces of thousands.
But it was only a goblin. If his subordinates were swept aside, I
wouldn’t be hurt.

More than anything.

[Your skill is activating.]

I had a skill specialized for goblins.

-Gorrk! Gor!

As the goblin lifted his cane, the monsters around him came at us.
If it was human language, he was probably saying something like
‘Stop those humans, fools!’

And to that high king goblin, I shouted.


In fluent goblin language!

-Go, Gork?



He was clearly flustered. As the leader was flustered, so were his

237 Report
underlings. And during that time, our forces were fighting. The last
hope for the enemies flew away.


The high king goblin fumbled. Then, he realized that he was


But it was too late.

I put Aura into the Holy Protection Sword and powerfully swung it.

“It was a nice gorrk!”

I cut the goblin like tofu. His head flew off without even a scream.


The general shouted, slowing down the horse.

“The warrior has gotten rid of the demon creature!”

He wasn’t saying it to me. It was to let his soldiers know. The

general put Aura in his voice so his voice could be heard in the noisy

The people around him understood what he was saying.

“The demon creature has been cleared!”

“The warrior of the goddess had gotten rid of the enemy


From the general to his deputies. From the deputies to the

commanders. From the commanders to the soldiers. Voice rang out
again and again like an echo.


238 Report
Flags were waved in the air. Cheers. It was the cheers of the


I got off the horse and looked around.

I met the eyes of a flag bearer. He had lost his left arm in the
battle. He was waving the flag with his right arm. When our gazes
met, he smiled happily. And waved the flag even more.

Sunlight poured onto the flag.

“Hurrah for the Aegim Empire!”

We had won.

“Get rid of the enemies!”

“Attack! Attack! Don’t let even one escape!”

The tables were completely turned.

-Kerk, kerrr…


The beastly monsters started to run away.


“Look at them.”

The gazes of the hunters changed. A fight between armies wasn’t

familiar, but chasing after individual monsters was a hunter’s
specialty. The hunters smiled, baring their teeth, and ran at the
goblins and orcs.

“Kill them all!”

239 Report
It was time to hunt.

The massacre didn’t last long.

Some time later, a clear voice rang out over the battlefield.

[Stage clear!]

[Today, the 11th floor stage has been cleared.]

It was the voice of victory.

[Letting everyone know again.]

[Today, the 11th floor stage has been cleared.]

Cheers exploded.

“Woohoo! Is this real?”

“Aren’t we too strong?”

“Hurray for Black Dragon Guild!”

Hunters exploded in cheers this time. Some threw their caps like in
the square, and others hugged each other.

The clearing of the 11th floor in less than a day!

It was an amazing attack.

[Calculating subjugators…calculation complete.]

[It has exceeded the limit.]

[The top 10 clearers are being announced.]

The hunters looked up.

Something was being engraved into the sky with light.

240 Report

[Level of Contribution Rank]

Rank 1. Kim Gong-ja

Rank 2. Sword Saint(劍星)

Rank 3. Heretic Questioner異端審問官)

Rank 4. Venomous Snake(毒蛇)

Rank 5. Crusader(聖騎士)

Rank 6. Witch(魔女)

Rank 7. Count(伯爵)

Familiar names popped up.

But as the list became complete, the hunters started murmuring to


“Huh? Rank 1 doesn’t have a nickname?”

“Sword Saint is Rank 2?”

“Kim Gong-ja…”

It hadn’t been long since my name was released in the media.

People looked confused. But someone shouted.

241 Report
“Ah, the 10th floor clearer!”

“Oh right! They said his name was Gong-ja!”

“Someone who hasn’t received a nickname from the hunter

is Rank 1 again?”

“Are they like a secluded master or something?”

Bae Hu-ryeong looked sour.

-Ha. Secluded master, my ass. Just a weak ass who plays tricks…”

‘Do you acknowledge it’s a game of skills now?’

-No! Never!

He whipped around. He seemed to be made because I didn’t train

with my sword. This ghost…prioritized basic skills over everything

I bitterly smiled.

‘I’ll train my sword technique before the 20th floor is over,

so don’t be mad.’


His ears twitched.

‘Yes. Of course. I can’t not do anything when I hang out

with the Sword Emperor, right? You’re someone who passed
the 99th floor. I should beg to be taught.’


He spun around the air like he was never in a bad mood.

-Kya. Zombie finally sees my worth. Even though the tower is a bit

242 Report
different, I really climbed the tower in my world like there was not
yesterday. The 11th floor was a piece of cake…!

Ah. It’s easy.

So easy to ease this ghost.

How could it be this easy?

“Warrior of the goddess.”

While Bae Hu-reyong was flying above, the general approached

me. His body was dirty with the blood of the monster. Only his face
was clean, like he wiped it just now.

“We were able to be victorious thanks to you. Really, thank


“It’s nothing. We all won together.”


He scratched his palm like he was embarrassed.

“I worried for nothing.”


“A long time ago, we received a prophecy. That when the Devil

King came, warriors from another world would come, so we didn’t
have to worry…but I didn’t believe it. Why would warriors fight for
their lives in a world that wasn’t even theirs?

He smiled.

“But it was just useless concern. Thank you again.”

243 Report
He held out his hand.

Even though it was a different world, it meant the same thing. Was
it because people had hands in both worlds?

“I look forward to your accomplishments in the future.”

“I’ll work hard.”

We shook hands.

[Calculating rewards…calculation complete.]

[Rewards are being given to the highest ranks.]

Then, a light surrounded me from the sky, along with a voice.

It wasn’t just me. Light came from the sky onto the battlefield here
and there. One, two, three, four. A total of 10 rays of light poured
from the sky.

[The highest ranking challengers enter the 12th floor first.]

[Until the highest ranking challengers receive their

rewards, the remaining challengers cannot enter the 12th

[Letting everyone know again. The highest…]

The people who contributed the most would get the rewards first. I
felt sorry for the 11th or 12th hunters, but this was a reasonable

Before the light completely covered me, the general spoke.

“Please, take care of our empire.”

And we were summoned to the 12th floor.

244 Report
For any errors and issues contact me through discord:-

245 Report

Chapter 25
Source: woopread translations (2)

Bae Hu-ryeong frantically spoke when the light poured down.

-Hey, wait. If only the 10 ten are summoned, wouldn’t grandpops

Marcus be there? What are you going to do when he sees you and
tries to get you?’

‘Nah, you worry too much. It’s ok. The worst I can do is die,

-Kim Zombie you…

Bae Hu-ryeong’s lips twitched like he was about to nag about me.
Sheesh. I quickly added on.

‘It’s ok because I have plans. Don’t you know? I’m Kim

Gong-ja. The weak ass that the Sword Emperor
acknowledged! Trust me.’

-You have plans?

‘Of course! I have definite plans. I’ll show you them soon.’


He crossed his arms with a doubtful look.

But it was already too late. The summoning had been started, and
the white night completely covered us.

The only thing we could do was meet Sword Saint.

I closed my eyes and,

246 Report
[The transmission is complete.]

When I opened my eyes, I was already on the 12th floor.

It was completely different from the 11th floor. Like the exact
opposite. If the 11th floor was a dirty and intense battlefield, the 12th
floor was an extravagant palace. It was the Imperial Palace of the
Aegim Empire.


I looked around.

‘Since the politics in the palace are as dirty and intense.’

In the reception room, other high challengers were summoned.

There were people I saw for the first time, but most of them were
hunters I met already, like Witch and Count. Of course. They weren’t
the leaders of the large Guildss for nothing.

I met the eyes of the other hunters.



All of their reactions were different. There were some hunters who
were smiling brightly at me like they knew I would be here, and there
were some with grimaces like they never would’ve expected me

“Hunter Kim Gong-ja! You were amazing!”

The Heretic Questioner was the former.

“I saw what you did on the 11th floor! To use the NPCs that
way. I was touched!”

He ran over to me. Because he was so short, he seemed like a tiny

247 Report

“Is the sword on your waist a special item? The NPCs seemed to
follow you right away after seeing you had this sword. Did you get
this as a reward for clearing the 10th floor?

“Well. I guess…”

“As expected!”

He was all smiles looking up at me.

“You used the 10th floor reward to clear the 11th floor.
Your application skills are amazing!”

“No, well. Not that…”

“From now, a lot of hunters will be jealous of you. They

might even treat you as a lucky parvenu. Ignore them! It’s all
thanks to your skills!”


What was this person?

An angel?

Bae Hu-ryeong shouted.

It was different from his usual teasing tone. He was frantic.

-Be careful! Behind you…!

Then. Before Bae Hu-ryeong could finish, everything ended.


The first person to react was the Heretic Questioner in front of me.

His jolly eyes were gone, and they were replaced with narrowed

248 Report
ones. He pulled my wrist back. I toppled over, not being able to catch
my balance. One step. The Heretic Questioner pulled me back and
stepped up instead.

“-Holy Technique, Inner God(肉神).”

He quietly muttered to himself. Then the sound of iron crashing

against something else rang out. It was simple iron.

It was an attack with clear murderous intent.


The Heretic Questioner laughed.

His eyes weren’t laughing.

“That’s surprising, Sword Saint. When did you become an



An old man dressed in a suit. Sword Saint spoke coldy.

His sword was raised at us.


Never mind.

“I’m going to kill that guy.”

It wasn’t raised at us, but at me.

Silence descended on the reception room.

Like there was electricity in the air, my body felt sparked.


249 Report
Only Heretic Questioner spoke in an attitude that wasn’t much
different than before.

“Excuse me. But by ‘that guy’ are you talking about Kim
Gong-ja hunter?”

“Of course.”

Sword Saint replied.

“If you don’t move from there, one of your arms will be cut
off as well.”

The Heretic Questioner had a beaming smile.

“That’s a bit difficult! I can’t move for you. Hunter Kim

Gong-ja has received the acknowledgement of the Five Large
Guilds, including the Ten Thousand Temple. If I let him die,
the reputation of the Five Large Guilds will be hurt!”

“You want to lose an arm I see. Youngster.”

“Ah, that’s a bit difficult as well! My arms are still useful to me.’

The Heretic Questioner tilted his head, still smiling.

“Can you tell me why you’re targeting hunter Kim Gong-


“I don’t have to tell you.”

“Are you saying you won’t give him up?”

“Move and stop the nonsense.”

Sword Saint firmly refused.

Yeah. In his eyes, I was a slaughterer who killed over 4000 people.
Since he didn’t know my skill, he would react like that.

250 Report
“I’ll say it again, but I’m going to kill that guy.”

“Mm! Then you’ve left me with no choice.”

The Heretic Questioner gathered his hands.

“I’ll control you here. Holy Technique, Transmission God.”

Suddenly, light exploded behind Sword Saint. Two hunters

appeared from the tight. Chen-mu Master Venomous Snake. Civil
Milita’s Vice Guild Leader Crusader. The two hunters shouted. Both of
their weapons were pointed at the Sword Saint.


Sword Saint furrowed his eyebrows.

“These pricks…”

He clicked his tongue. During the span of one click, he swung his
sword once. His blue Aura split the air and spilt blood. Two slashes.
With just two attacks, the Crusader’s cheek was hurt. The Venomous
Snake’s arm was bleeding.

“This, monstrous geezer!”

It happened in an instant.

“What does that oldie eat to be that energetic! Please,

age! Retire! Because of you, young people can’t move up.”

Venomous Snake gritted his teeth and shouted.

Sword Saint lightly snorted.

“Aren’t you over 40 now? Looking at the real young ones,

you’re also old.”

“Funny! 40s are still young! That’s when your real life

251 Report

“Chen-mu Master! You are old! You are almost blind!”

“That damned zealot is on my side, right?”


Crusader sighed.

“Focus on the opponent at hand. We’re at a disadvantage.”

Even while sighing, Crusader didn’t let down her guard. No, she
seemed even more nervous. The Heretic Questioner, Venomous
Snake, and Crusader. The highest 3 hunters were fighting together,
but the Sword Saint was still gging. [TN: gg as in go go.]

“Mm. We’re definitely at a disadvantage like this.”

Did the Heretic Questioner feel it too?

He smiled brightly and requested for help.



“Please give me some money!”

“How much?”

“Thankfully the Sword Saint hasn’t lost his mind yet. It’ll
be enough to control him for some time. 10,000 Gold please!”

“15% interest.”

Count unfolded her fan while quietly watching the fight.

“3 months time. Is this good?”

252 Report
“Haha! You’ve misunderstood me! I didn’t ask to borrow
money. I said to give me money.”

“Huh. Are you asking a merchant to donate?”

“Yes! That’s it! Isn’t it money you got from dirty deeds
anyway? I’ll use it a good place, so repent at the temple and
go to heaven!”

“You’re a worse thief than me…”

Count shook her head and pulled something out.

It was a pouch with a snail pattern on it.

Count untied the gold string at its entrance.

“Withdraw, 10,000 Gold.”

The pouch opened its mouth. A bunch of coins fell out. The pouch
itself was probably a rare item. As gold coins formed a small
mountain, Count took her pouch back.

“There. Take it, priest. It’s exactly 10,000 Gold.”

“I’ll take it well!”

The Heretic Questioner smiled exuberantly and gathered his two


“Holy Technique, Devotion!”

The gold on the floor emitted a light. A golden light filled the
reception room. IN the middle of it, Heretic Quesioner muttered,
moving his hands rapidly.

“Holy transfer, physique strengthening. Receiver, Crusader

and Venomous Snake. Time, 300 times. Gold will grab our
hands. Technique complete!”

253 Report


And something strange happened. All the gold on the floor

disappeared like it had never been there.

Instead, the light from the coins landed on the Crusader and the
Venomous Snake. It was like Aura. The Heretic Questioner spread his
arms apart, saying, “Here we go.”

“For 300 seconds, Crusader and Chen-mu Master will

become noticeably different. Sword saint! Even if you’re
strong, you can’t bear the attack of the four of us! Me, Count,
Crusader, and Chen-mu Master!”


“And the Count’s treasury isn’t empty. Haha. I don’t know

if it ever will! If you want to test whether the Count will
become bankrupt first, or if your neck will be cut off first, go

Count pouted from far away.

“Why are you pulling my treasury into this test! I just

donated because that zealot told me to. Whew. Being a
merchant is hard both inside and outside the tower.”

“…and if I added something to that.”

A cold voice spoke. It was the Witch. The Rank 2 hunter broke her

She looked at Sword Saint with an expressionless face.

“It won’t end with the four. I’ll show my intent to participate in the
fight right now. Because hunter Kim Gong-ja has made a deal with

254 Report
the Five Large Guilds.

Sword Saint frowned.

“A deal?”

“Yeah. A deal.”

The Witch nodded.

“Hunter Kim Gong-ja isn’t bound to a single place but

applied to all Five Large Guilds. In return, we promised to
treat him as an equal. Sword saint. If you pull your sword
towards Kim Gong-Ja, that means you’re attacking all of us.”


“Of course, by ‘us,’ I’m talking about the Five Large


She pulled out some mirrors.

“Black Dragon. Sangryun. Ten Thousand Temple. Chen-mu

Mun. Civil Militia.”

The mirrors floated up by themselves. And they started to spin

around. One. Two. Three. In total, the six mirrors spun around the
Witch like they were hunting dogs protecting her.

“Can you really deal with all of us, Sword Saint?”


The five hunters all pulled out their weapons towards Sword Saint.


The old sword wielder was quiet.

255 Report

‘Even if the Sword Saint is freakishly strong.’

In this moment-

‘He’s not strong enough to have all of the Five Large Clans
as his enemies.’

This was why I made a deal with the Guild Masters.

A day when I was stronger than Sword Saint coule come. No, it
would. But it wasn’t today or tomorrow. So until that day came, I had
to have a safety net.

I inwardly smiled.

‘Do you remember what I said on the 11th floor?’


‘That there are two ways to deal with a powerful


Be a one man army strong enough to chew your enemy up.

Or, make my own army and fight back.

‘The Sword Saint is nothing more than a solo player.’

But I was different.

‘I already have allies.’

So if Sword Saint and I fought, it would be my victory.

‘See? This is my plan. Go ahead, be awed.’

-Tsk tsk. What a weak ass…

256 Report
Bae Hu-ryeong sighed.

But his face didn’t look too bad. He seemed pretty satisfied that I
came up to the 12th floor with a strategy. That ghost, although he
didn’t show it, worried about a lot of things.

I took a step forward.

“Sword Saint-nim.”

The hunters all looked at me. And Sword Saint was amongst them.
I smiled on purpose to seem relaxed.

And I looked Sword Saint in the eye.

“Can we talk?”

Listen well. Because sir Gong-ja is speaking.

For any errors and issues contact me through discord:-


257 Report

Chapter 26
Source: woopread translations (2)


“Yes. To be honest, I’m a bit taken aback right now.”

On the stage of the 12th floor, the palace, we were in the reception
room. My voice rang out in the middle of it.

“I don’t know why you’re attacking me. You may be seeing

me for the first time, but I used to admire your sword
technique. Since you’re raising your sword to me like that,
it’s really awkward for me.”

Sword Saint’s face stiffened.

Even though I was telling the truth.

‘I guess he would be like that.’

There was a reason his face hardened like that.

The first day he met me, the day that he didn’t remember, Sword
Saint had said this.

-Did you think I wouldn’t know you were an assassin sent from
Black Dragon?

-I don’t know if the Witch sent you, but I’ll do my best to kill you!

He thought I was an assassin.

‘And an assassin from the Black Dragon at that.’

He was probably thinking the same thing right now. That I was an

258 Report
assassin employed by Black Dragon who killed many innocent lives.
No, he might be even more sure of himself now.

‘Or a special assassin from the Five Large Guilds.’

-Mm. Right.

Bae Hu-ryeong nodded his head.

-From another’s respective, you’re really weird.


The appearance of a new hero when no one was expecting it!

An E Class hunter had cleared the unclearable stage. And as soon

as he did, he made a deal with the Five Large Guilds and was
promised to be treated the same way as the Guild Masters…

‘It’s too strange.’

-Right. From what grandpops Marcus sees, you’re not a hunter who
worked hard to get there. You’re a fake hero that the large guilds set
up. Tsk tsk.

Bae Hu-ryeong tsked his tongue.

-Zombie. How many was your kill count at? 4090?

‘It’s probably at 4093 now.’

-Right. The 4093 grandpops Marcus sees is just the number of

people you’ve killed. Because you’re not a hunter that moves alone,
but a hunter that was created by the large guilds.

That was the only result that the Sword Saint could come to.


259 Report

The same bunch.

‘He probably thinks of it as a number that I killed on orders

from the large guilds.’

The large guilds that ruled the tower.

That they had killed 4093 humans.

It was a misunderstanding…but to him, it was probably a dirty



If he was less of a just geezer, he would’ve stepped back here.

“Babylon is no different from the outer world.”

But the Sword Saint didn’t know how to step back.

Even if he did, he denied it.

“After I entered the tower, you begged of me every day. To

apply in a guild. But I refused. Do you know that?”

Sword Saint gripped his sword even more. His hands were old. Skin
sagged. But the veins that popped out weren’t old at all.

A lion’s teeth weren’t less sharp because of age.

“I wanted to show that in this tower. That in this new

world, you could rule at the top alone.”

The Sword Saint looked around him with violent eyes.

“Family, country, where you’re from. Unlike the outer

world, you can survive by yourself with a sword in this

260 Report
palace. If you work hard, you can succeed.”


“To show that hope to people, I didn’t join a guild until

now. But what have you guys done?”

He lifted his blade.

“You’re no different from the rotten water riddled with


The Guild Masters squirmed.

Rage. Humiliation. Hate.

Emotions swirled in their eyes. What the Sword saint just said was
an announcement for war.

There were some who just smiled like it was nothing, like the
Heretic Questioner, but most of the guild masters’ faces didn’t look
too good.

“Sword Saint. I don’t know about others but you…”

“Ha! You forgot about how you just skipped out when we
were subjugating the 5th floor? Seems like you forgot
because of Alzheimer’s!”

“Yeah, Mr.Calenberry. If you used your connections from

the outer world, we would have more food, and Sangryun…”

They all shouted.

All the hunters here had known each other from the beginning of
the tower. Was it because they had a lot of held back emotions
towards each other? As emotion clashed against emotion, the
atmosphere in the reception room soon became dark.

261 Report
“If you’re a Rank 1, you should’ve shown the attitude
appropriate of it. But you were all good yourself. You lived by
yourself. Do you know how many hunters we could’ve saved
if you didn’t act so arrogant?”

The Witch of Black Dragon spoke like she was cursing him.

“It’s not just the 5th floor. If you helped us on the 7th and
9th floor, we would’ve suffered half the damage!”

The Venomous Snake of Chen-mu Mun showed murderous intent.

“Someone who was from a rich family in the outside world.

If you helped a bit, the tower would’ve been more settled.
We’re rotten water? Fine. Then you’re a kid that doesn’t have
any responsibility.”

Count glared at him.

It was a mess.

Even with the curses and murderous gazes of the Guild Masters,
Sword Saint just grimaced. Everytime he spoke, he made it worse.

‘Be quiet.”


“What are you adults blabbering on about…do you think

I’m your grandfather? Put it away. If you’re gonna attack,
attack with the sword.”

The reception room became uncontrollably violent.

-Dang! As expected of grandpops. Definitely my one and only


Bae Hu-ryeong could’t read the mood and just exclaimed in


262 Report
-There’s nothing more disgusting than players talking about
connections or politics. If you have time to worry about that, you
should fight with your sword instead!

What he said made sense.


I had a regretful heart.

“Even in a place with just 10 people, you fight.”

The hunters all looked at me.

I sighed.

“Even the NPCs of the 11th floor fought to protect their

empire. But look. Hunters like us are just pointing fingers at
each other saying whose fault it is. Isn’t it embarrassing to
be worse than NPCSs?”

“…Hunter Kim Gong-ja.”

The Witch spoke.

“It doesn’t have anything to do with you. It’s worse than

what you…”

“I know. I get it but…there something that we should do if

we’re hunters.”

I looked around the reception room.

“Let’s focus on clearing the 12th floor first.”


“It’s good to give hope to people, and respectable to

decrease damage, it’s all good. But please work at clearing

263 Report
the stage that’s in front of you.”

I especially looked at Sword Saint.

“They’re just NPCs…but their empire is in danger. They

want help. If we were summoned as warriors and just fight
with words amongst ourselves, how pathetic is that.”


I was being genuine.

Sword Saint couldn’t threaten my life here anyway. Since the gap
in power was too clear. Then my only focus was clearing the 12th

I wasn’t interested in their politics or their emotional qualms.

“What’s a warrior? Helping others solve what they can’t.

Since we cleared the 11th floor, let’s solve the other stages
as well.”

“Kim Gong-ja is right.”

Thankfully, there was a hunter who agreed.


The Civil Milita’s Vice Guild Leader stepped up.

“I don’t understand why Sword Saint attacked Kim Gong-ja.

But this isn’t the time for use to fight. That one thing is clear.
You’re all too tense right now.”



Crusader stepped to the center. But no one let their guards down.

264 Report
Sword Saint, Venomous Snake, Count, and Heretic Questioner were
still ready to attack if needed.

They were too distrustful of each other to convince each other with

Because of the emotions that were held back for a long amount of


Realizing that, Crusader sighed.

“Fine. I’ll sacrifice a little.”

At the word sacrifice, the hunters looked back.

Crusader murmured to herself at the center of attention.

“Skill card open.”


Light soared up from Crusader’s hand. A moment later, a silver

card appeared. It was a card that no one else could see unless the
hunter allowed them to. It was the skill card of Crusader.

“…Vice Guild Leader.”

The Witch seemed worried about the Crusader. The high rankers
didn’t reveal their skill cards towards others. It was the secret
weapon of a hunter. Showing it to others was like revealing your

“It’s fine. It doesn’t matter.”

Then Crusader flipped the card over.

“Look closely.”

265 Report

[Lie Detection]

Rank: A-

Effects: You can tell whether someone is lying or not. It applies to

not only people, but NPCs and monsters! But what they think of as
‘truth’ may actually be ‘false.’ Trust. Doubt. It all lies in your hands.

※However, you cannot guarantee that others will believe what you
say as the truth.

My eyes widened.

‘Lie Detection!’

It was the skill that the Flame Emperor lied about having. So.
Crusader had it, and not Flame Emperor.

‘It fits the VIce Guild Master of the Civil Master perfectly!’

The Civil Militia was a guild that maintained order. Crimes were
rampant in the tower. Like this. The Flame Emperor or Sword Saint
killed people where others couldn’t see.

It was this kind of world. [Lie Detection] could be used in telling

criminals apart.

“As you can see.’

The Crusader spoke with the card in hand.

“I have the ability to tell whether someone is lying. It

wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say this is the skill that got
me to where I am. Sword Saint.”


266 Report
“If you trust me, ask anything you want to Kim Gong-ja. I’ll
tell you whether he’s telling the truth or not.”

The Crusader looked at me and Sword Saint with apathetic eyes.

“Kim Gong-ja. Same goes for me. If you believe me, I can
guarantee whether what you’re saying is the truth.”


“Doubt is poison that swallows humans up, and truth is the

most powerful antidote. You can’t regain the lost trust, but
with this, we’ll be able to work together on the 12th floor.”


The Sword Saint was deep in thought, rubbing his beard.


And I thought to myself.

‘It’s lit.”

This was the best opportunity. It was luck that I didn’t expect to
come my way. But…this was right. The reason why the Sword Saint
was suspicious of me was because of his skill. Since a skill had made
him suspicious, a skill could be used to resolve it!

“I’m fine with that.”

I answered immediately.

It would be advantageous to the person who accepted it first.

“…Crusader. You’re the only person who hasn’t hurt

anyone here. Fine. I’ll believe you as well.”

267 Report
The Sword Saint spoke mysterious words and accepted it.

Crusader nodded.

“Then I’ll take it that both of you agree. Sword Saint. Ask
what you want to Kim Gong-ja. I’ll put my honor on the line
and fairly judge your answers.”


Sword Saint glared at me.

His face was ready, like he had been waiting for this moment. Was
it because he wanted to prove how bad I was? His eyes were full of


Bae Hu-ryeong spoke up next to me.

-Noo, grandpops Marcus. You boomer. This is why I said not to rely
too much on your skill. One who lives by skills dies by it! Nooo, no.

‘Please be quiet.’

Unfortunately, grandpops Marcus couldn’t hear Bae Hu-ryeong’s

voice. This ghost bastard was my ghost bastard.

“Hunter Kim Gong-ja.”


“You killed over 4000 people. Isn’t that true.”

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268 Report

Chapter 27
Source: woopread translations (2)


He pointed at me with his free hand. What was I supposed to say?

He sounded like he was saying ‘How do you like it now! Your bad
deeds have been revealed to the world!’

I smiled.


“Haha, see! You bastards. I’ll report to the world what kind
of things you did using this assassin…”


The Crusader spoke.


“Not true.”

The Crusader spoke indifferently again.

“Didn’t he say ‘yes’ to your question. That answer was

false. So to organize things, Kim Gong-ja didn’t kill over 4000


“Do you have any more questions?”


269 Report
While the Sword Saint shut his mouth, Crusader tilted her head.

“But 4000. Is it possible for one person to kill that many

people? I think that’s almost impossible.”

“T, That…you used this youngest as a special assassin…”

I brightly smiled.

“You’re right. I’m a special assassin.”

“Not true.”


Sword Saint dropped his mouth open.

“C, Crusader. I saw you wrong! I thought you wouldn’t lie!”

“If you’ll believe me or not, is up to you.”

Crusader replied calmly.

“That’s why I asked if you would believe me at the beginning.’


“If you change what you’re saying now it’s a bit…pathetic.

No, it’s really pathetic. Sword Saint. It’s unlike how I thought
of you.”

“W, wait!”

The Sword Saint frantically looked at me.

“But there’s no way you didn’t kill anyone!”

“Ah. Yes. That’s right. I did get rid of someone once.”

Crusader nodded.

270 Report
“It’s the truth.”


“But it’s just one person.”


Crusader nodded again.

“It’s true.”


“Of course, just because I killed one person doesn’t change

the fact that I’m a murderer. But Sword Saint-nim. Even
though I can’t be clean, I can tell you this. That bastard really
deserved to die. Because he tried to kill me first.”

“It’s the truth.”

“No, he would’ve been a gentleman if he just tried to kill

me. He massacres people. Massacres. I saw him kill someone,
but dang, he didn’t even blink an eye as he burned someone
to death! That fucking bastard!”

“It’s the truth.”

“Although I don’t know for sure, he probably killed tens, no

hundreds of people. Yes. He’s definitely someone to do that.
I killed someone like that. Curse me as a murderer if you
want to. But did you know? Even if I go back to the past, I’ll
get rid of him. Dang. Shit. I don’t know how someone can be
as evil as him.”

Crusader nodded her head.

“It’s all true.

271 Report

Sword Saint was silent.

He slowly looked around him. He didn’t understand the situation,

but now, he probably did after looking around.

Because the Guild Masters were all looking at him like ‘…what are
you doing?’

“Hahahah! Hahaha!”

Heretic Questioner burst out laughing.

“Kim Gong-ja, the special assassin of the Five Large Guilds!

How funny! It would be nice if that was true, but Sword
Saint! We met Kim Gong-ja for the first time yesterday!”

“That’s also true, by the way.”


The Sword Saint’s silence was deeper.

-Tsk tsk tsk tsk. One who lives by skills, dies by them.

Bae Hu-ryeong continued to click his tongue next to me.

“Mm. Well, I’ve answered everything.”

I smiled.

What sir Gong-ja said really was all correct.

“It seems like there was a misunderstanding. It’s a good

thing that was it. But Sword Saint. If I was really “…”

“I think a word of apology is appropriate here. What do you


272 Report
Crusader nodded her head.

“It’s the perfect truth. With any lie.”


“Quickly apologize to Kim Gong-ja. Sword Saint.”

The geezer paled.

“I, I…”

Sword Saint spoke after a considerable amount of time had


The hunters were looking at Sword Saint. His lips were dry.

“I, to Kim Gong-ja…”

Sword Saint could say a lot of things here.

He could just not believe Crusader. He didn’t have any reason to.
Even though Crusader was famed for being just and righteous, she
was in the Five Large Guilds. Why did he have to trust her?

‘You’re all trying to trick me!’

Could be what Sword Saint said.

Or…he could reveal his own skill card. The power that showed an
opponent’s kill count. But it wasn’t wise to show others your skill.
However, it was still enough.

‘I didn’t suspect Kim Gong-ja because I’m a boomer. It’s all

because of my skill! What can I do when this is what my skill
says? Isn’t it obvious that someone should trust their skill
before they trust a person first?’

It was natural for people to excuse themselves.

273 Report
‘Or there are psychopaths that just kill others like the
Flame Emperor.’

Distrust. Excuses. Shutting their mouths.

The Flame Emperor proved that he was a psychopath by choosing

the method of shutting someone’s mouth…and Sword Saint would
show what kind of person he was from this.


Sword Saint wet his lips.

And he decided.

“…Did you say your name was Kim Gong-ja.”


“If you didn’t kill innocent people like I thought…no. That’s

not it.”

Sword Saint shook his head while he was speaking. Kashing. As he

pulled his sword back in, sighs of relief could be heard in the
reception room. The hunters around Sword Saint looked less nervous.
Among them, Sword Saint tightened his necktie.

“I’ll speak again.”

He bowed his head.

“I’m sincerely sorry.”

The old man was apologizing.

“I was wrong. I misunderstood…so I almost killed someone.

I always thought that I should kill anyone I judged deserving
to be killed. I killed by my beliefs.”

274 Report
He bent his head even more.

“But from now, that won’t happen again.”

His low voice rumbled in the reception room.

“Just apologizing with words is useless. If you want

anything, I’ll try to uphold it…It would be nice if I could say
that but…”

Self-deprecation was mixed in his voice.

“Please don’t ask for my life. I ask you. I still want to live. I
want to see the top of this tower. …I made a big mistake, and
almost killed you. But please forgive this old man and let him

The palace’s reception room became quiet.

The old man could’ve made a different choice. He could’ve not

turested the Crusader, or excused himself with his skill. But he didn’t.
Instead, he acknowledged that he might be wrong.


The Crusader glanced at me. Our eyes met. She nodded her head
silently. We didn’t speak, but I knew what the Crusader was saying.

‘It’s the truth.’

Everything he said was true.

His apology, and his promise not to kill people based on his skill.
Not only that, but the fact that he didn’t want to die.

That he wanted to live more.

To forgive him.

275 Report
-That boomer.

For any errors and issues contact me through discord:-


276 Report

Chapter 28
Source: woopread translations (2)

Bae Hu-ryeong muttered. But he didn’t say anything more. He just

looked at the old man who was once his disciple with eyes mixed
with regret.

Was he trying to say he could leave it up to me whether or not I

should forget Sword Saint/


After hearing his silence, I decided.

“Sword Saint-nim.”

“Go ahead.”

“Teach me the sword.”


Sword Saint lifted his bent head to look at me.

“Teach…please accept my sparring request if I ever ask. I did get a

teacher, but I don’t have a sparring partner. If you do it, that would
be nice.’

And I had promised Bae Hu-ryeong on the 11th floor as well.

That before I cleared the 20th floor, I would officially start to train.

It would be appropriate if I had Sword Saint as my sparring partner.

I would gain growth and benefits for myself…

277 Report


That wasn’t it.

That wasn’t how I wanted that to come out.

I shook my head.

“Sorry. Allow me to rephrase.”


“To be honest, I can just forgive you. But.”

I opened my mouth.

“It’s a bit embarrassing. I seem like a nicer person than

you. I’m not that amazing a person. I’m just happy that I
won’t be an enemy to a strong hunter like you.”


“But it seems a bit embarrassing to forgive you like

nothing happened when we all lifted our blades. And it’s
embarrassing to pretend to be nice as well. I just don’t like it.
So teach me something that’s most useful out of what you
have. A sword technique.”

For some reason, I was embarrassed.

No, my cheek was twitching.

“Then I won’t be embarrassed…and your reputation won’t

be hurt.”


278 Report


To think that it was this embarrassing to speak your mind!

Gosh. Sword Saint had asked to forgive him since his life was
special to him, right? He looked pretty prideful. He was amazing.
Dope. Could you really ask something sincerely to forgive you? Beg? I
could never. Ever. I’d rather die.


Crusader muttered.

“Surprisingly…it’s all true.”

Silence descended on the reception room again.

It was heavy.

It was the same silence as before, but it felt completely different.


The Venomous Snake spoke first.

“Really? You can ask anything of Sword Saint but it’s

embarrassing to act arrogant…? So you want him to be just
your sparring partner?”

“It’s hard to believe but it’s true according to my skill at


“What the heck. Is that newbie some kind of gift set?”

Shut up before I cook you into snake soup.

“…how fresh.”

279 Report
The Witch spoke incredulously.

“How should I say this. After seeing children who do anything to

get more…it’s been a while since I saw a hunter like Kim Gong-ja. I
guess they were still living.

They were dead. Very.

Specifically, over 4000 times. Good?


For some reason, Heretic Questioner was tearing up.

“Someone who sincerely forgives and someone who is

sincerely apologizing! How beautiful. Indeed. Humans
endlessly fight. However, that is the reason why they can
endlessly forgive! What a holy miracle this is! Ah, everyone.

“Shut the fuck up.”

“Yes, sir.”

At a word from the Venemous Snake, the Heretic Questioner really

shut up.

It was a surprising miracle.

“Excuse me. It’s nice to see that it ended nicely. Does this
mean that my 10,000 Gold was wasted?”

No one listened to her.

I sighed. I was craving some soju right now.

“Anyways. Sword Saint-nim. I don’t need to train sword

techniques now. You can help me when I ask. Please be my
sparring partner.”

280 Report

Sword Saint was quiet for a moment. He just stared at my face.

Then, he slowly opened his mouth.


His mustache and his lips were shaking.

“I can’t believe I misunderstood such a kind youngster!”


“Oh! You wanted me to teach you the sword. You said you
wanted me to be your sparring partner? Of course, of course!
I’ll be your sparring partner!”

He grasped my hand.

“Uh, excuse me. Sword Saint-nim?”

“Call me grandpa Marcus!”


“How old is our Gong-ja? Hm. I think you’re not over 30 yet.
In the outside world, I left a very kind granddaughter
outside. She’s extremely kind. If she enters the Tower as
well, I’ll appeal for your charm!”

“No. It’s really okay…”

I wasn’t interested in dating. My hand hurt more than anything. My


His power was extremely powerful, as fitting of Rank 1.

“What? You’re not interested in my granddaughter?”

281 Report
“Uh. Yes. Sorry, it’s not just your granddaughter but I don’t
have interest in dating itse…”

“Oho! That’s not good!”

His grip on my hand leveled up.

“Youngsters should feel the love. You don’t have to marry.

But dating is necessary! If you start dating, you see things
that you didn’t before, and you learn new things! Yup. And
you learn how pathetic you can become!”

“Oh. I see…”

“How important is it to know how pathetic you can

become? I’ll tell you my case. When I was 16, I used to laugh
at the world. But I met her, who was the same age as me…”


This old man suddenly became extremely annoying.

His face was too close as well. I could see the pores on his nose,
and even the blackheads.

It was honestly burdensome.

I hoped he would get off of me quickly.

-I said he was a boomer.

Bae Hu-ryeong clicked his tongue.

-Whether you say it nicely or rudely, he’s a boomer. Do you know

what a boomer is? Someone who doesn’t listen to others. Grandpops
Marcus doesn’t listen to others. Nicely said, it means he’s got a
backbone. Or it means that he’s backbone is so stuck up that he’s
got a stick up his you know what.

282 Report
I didn’t know.

I didn’t even want to know.

“Anyways, don’t worry. Youngster Gong-ja! From now on,

I’ll take care of you well. Ah, do you want an allowance? I
stacked up so much money in Sangryun’s safe that I don’t
even know where to use it.”

“Uh. I can earn my own money. And an allowance? I’m an

adult now too…”

“Looking at your clothes, it’s too casual! Ahem. A person’s

outfit should be neat for their mind to be clear. I know a good
tailor. How about a suit!”


I should’ve been happy to be liked by the Rank 1. But I wasn’t.

Rather, I was extremely embarrassed. It felt like I was listening to my
actual grandfather brag about me.

Why was I feeling embarrassed?

‘What should I do? Should I just kill myself and start the
day over?’

-Crazy bastard…

It was then.

[Welcome, hunter Kim Gong-ja.]

[You have cleared the 11th floor as the Rank 1.]

A voice rang in my head.

Like it had been waiting for the fight to end.

283 Report


I automatically looked around me.

Most people were sighting in relief. They looked relieved that the
Sword Saint had stopped fighting. It seemed like no one had heard
the voice.

‘I’m first!’

I smiled.

‘I don’t know why but the information about the

subjugation on the 12th floor to the 20th floor was extremely

Was it because the media was blocked? There wasn’t any

information about the specifics. Before I regressed 4000 times, unlike
the other floors, information of the 12th to the 20th floor wasn’t that

Like the large guilds had tried to hide the information on purpose.

[The 11th floor clear reward is being given.]

I was able to see the reason why soon enough.

[The Goddess of Protection is suggesting a reward to you.]

[The Devil King of Fall Rain is suggesting a reward to you.]

[Choose between the two rewards.]


I blinked my eyes.

284 Report
‘Pick a reward?’

I heard a voice that I hadn’t heard on the stage before.

As if responding to my surprised reaction, a selection window

popped up in front of me.

[Goddess of Protection]

Summary: The goddess who protects the Aegim Empire is touched

at your dedication! The goddess has decided to appoint you to an
important position.

You can be the chancellor, supreme general, or the grand master.

If you choose a position, you will also receive the powers that come
along with it.

Warrior of the goddess! Work with your fellow warriors!

And destroy the core of the Devil King on the 20th floor!

※ However, if you choose the Devil King’s reward, you cannot

choose the goddess’s reward.

I slowly read the reward, nodding my head.

‘It’s the same as I know already.’

Role playing!

Hunters would become members of the Aegim empire. Some could

be the chancellor, and others could be the grand masters.

It wasn’t just a position. You would receive the authority and

285 Report
abilities that came with it.

[The special classes you can choose on the 12th floor are being

And rewards were given to the hunters that were ranked higher.

The authority to choose before others first!

[Chancellor of Aegim Empire]

[Supreme General of Aegim Empire]

[Director of Financial Affairs of Aegim Empire]

[Director of Foregin Affairs of Aegim Empire]

[Grand Master of Aegim Empire]

[Head Bodyguard of Aegim Empire]

Fancy positions were lined up.


I exclaimed to myself.

‘I was only able to choose a role like bodyguard A before…’

Even before I regressed, I climbed to the 12th floor. But in

286 Report
completely different circumstances. The higher rankers had taken all
the good positions for themselves.

But how was the situation now?

‘The stage rewards are really good I guess.’

I was able to pick from the chancellor and the supreme general.

‘…but what’s the reward of the Devil King?’

I lifted my head.

Information that I was seeing for the first time was on there.

[Devil King of Fall Rain]

Summary: The Devil King is impressed by you. The Devil King

suggests a secret alliance. The same things that the goddess offered,
along with another present.

Kill the other top ten rankers!

If you do, you will be able to use the authority of the Devil King and
go straight to the 99th floor.

※However, only 1 from the top 10 can receive this reward.

※. If the majority do not choose this reward, it is chosen


※ If no one chooses, the offer disappears.


I was left speechless.

287 Report
When I reacted a moment later, two voices overlapped in my head.



It was Bae Hu-ryeong and me.

We blinked and read the reward of the devil king again.

But it was still the same.

[Kill the other top ten rankers!]

[If you do, you will be able to use the authority of the Devil
King and go straight to the 99th floor.]

It definitely said that.

I looked around. Sword Saint. Witch. Heretic Questioner. Count.

Venomous Snake. And Crusader. They were all accomplished rankers.

‘If I…”

Kill all these people.

‘I can go straight to the 99th floor?’

I swallowed.

For the last time, a voice rang in my head.

[Hunter Kim Gong-ja.]

[Choose from the two rewards.]

For any errors and issues contact me through discord:-


288 Report

Chapter 28 Part 2
Source: woopread translations (2)

We were silent.

It was a silence between just Bae Hu-ryeong and me. The reward of
the Devil King. The 99th floor. I read the rewards of the Devil King
again and again. The words that I could be sent straight to the 99th
floor spun around my head.

-It’s a trap.

Bae Hu-ryeong cut my thoughts off like he read my thoughts.

-It’s definitely a trap. Zombie. Don’t fall for it.

‘I…know. Of course it’s a trap. Of co…’

I murmured inside my head.

It was obvious the reward was a trap.


‘There’s no way the Flame Plague wouldn’t have chosen the Devil
King’s reward otherwise.

Since he was the psychopath of the century.

‘He would’ve definitely chosen the Devil King’s reward.

Since he doesn’t care about whether another player dies or
not. But…he was on the 40th floor and not the 99th floor. So
that means…’

I tried to calmly think things through.

289 Report
‘The reward of the Devil King is a trap. The Flame Plague probably
chose the Devil King’s reward and regressed after figuring out it was
a trap. I don’t know exactly what trap it is but…;


‘…To be honest, I want it.’

My heart pumped.

‘This is a chance to get a skill of the 99th floor boss


I was different from Yoo Soo-ha. I didn’t have to defeat the boss

I would benefit if I was just killed by it.

‘He’ll be the strongest boss monster other than the 100th


It would be a lie if I wasn’t tempted.

‘The 99th floor.;

How long would it take for me to get to the 99th floor using normal

1 year? 5? 10?

It might even take longer. Since even the psychopath Flame

Emperor was only on the 40th floor after 10 years.

But all of that. At once.


Bae Hu-ryeong stared at me.

290 Report

It was a voice I had never heard before.

He was seriously looking at my face.

-Look at me. I’m the Sword Emperor. I went to the 99th floor by
myself and failed. I’m telling you, this is a trap. A horrible trap.


-It’s too hard for you to kill the Top 10 Rank players with your skills.
Even if you kill them all, you can’t climb over the wall of the 99th
floor. Give up.

I was silent.

Was it because he was the only person to reach the 99th floor in
this tower? He seemed credible.

‘Is the 99th floor boss monster that strong?’

Bae Hu-ryeong frowned.

-There’s none.


-There’s no boss monster on the 99th floor. There’s something

that’s worse…bleh. I suddenly thought of the past. Anyways, this is a

He sat with his back to me. He was like a little kid didn’t get his
candy. I was a bit flustered.

‘Wait, just what’s on the 99th floor? You’re scaring me. I’ve
never seen you like this before. Is it something like a Devil
God if it’s not a monster?’

291 Report
-Humph. I’m not telling you!

I said that wrong.

He wasn’t like a kid, he was a kid.

-I don’t want to acknowledge it, but you’re doing pretty well, Kim
Zombie. Just keep on doing as you are. Then you can clear the 99th


I was deep in thought. I rubbed my sword that was in its sheath. It

was the sword that killed me over 4000 times. It was the sword that I
used to kill Yoo Soo-ha. It was nothing more that a cheap sword, but
touching it comforted me.


I came to my decision.

‘I’ll throw away this regression.’

His ears twitched.

-Throw it away?

‘Yes. I’m going to pick the most safe route for me. Ignoring
all things like rewards and benefits. I’m going to see how
everything turns out first.’

-Ignoring rewards and benefits…huh. Are you going to reject the

[Reward of the Goddess] too? Why? You don’t have to go that far.

‘It’s okay. I’m taking a step back so I can run forward.’

You had to take the longer route the most rushed you were.

I slowly opened my mouth.

292 Report

All the hunters in the reception room looked at me.

“The rewards of the 11th floor just popped up for me.”

“Really? That’s nice.”

The Witch reacted first. Was it because she hadn’t seen the reward
of the goddess and the reward of the Devil King yet? Her face was as
indifferent as ever.

“I was starting to get bored wondering how long we would have to

wait for the quest. If you pick the reward first, we can pick according
to our ranks after. Choose slowly.

“Yes, ma’am. I’ve already decided.”

I announced in front of all the high rankings rankers.

“I didn’t choose any reward.”

The reception room was silent. Heretic Questioner and Venomous

Snake, who were playing cards off to the side, turned to look at me
as well. 3seconds. 2 seconds. 1 second. After a silence, the Witch
wrinkled her forehead.


But it was too late.

[You have not chosen a stage reward.]

[You cannot choose the special class.]

[If you give up the reward, you can only choose the roles
after the 13th floor.]

[Are you really choosing this?]

293 Report
I answered firmly.

“Yes, I, Kim Gong-ja, will not choose any reward.”

The selection window in front of me crumbled to pieces. It wasn’t

just that. A holy voice and a dark voice rang in my head.

[The Godesss of Protection is questioning your decision.]

[The Devil King of Fall Rain laughs darkly.]

The hunters all looked disbelieving.

“Kim Gong-ja? What did you just…?”


Then, Sword Saint wrinkled his forehead. His old eyes scanned
midair. After me, Rank 1, Sword Saint was Rank 2. He was looking at
the rewards now.

“…Hm. I understand. You chose the safest option.”

Sword Saint looked at me.

“But isn’t there no need to give up the reward? Youngster.

This may be an old man’s foolish concern, but I don’t think
you need to give up like that for your safety.”

“Thank you for your concern. However, I don’t regret it.”

“Mmmm. It’s a relief if you don’t regret it but…”

He trailed off. The other hunters looked at us confusedly. They

looked like they didn’t understand what we were talking about.


He shook his head.

294 Report
“Just giving up the reward is too mild. Sorry, youngster. I’ll
choose the goddess’s reward. And choose the [Grand Master
of Aegim Empire].”


It was the moment Sword Saint made his decision. The reception
room door opened. A bunch of knights walked out. They were
wearing fancy shining armor, and they kneeled in front of the old

“Pledging allegiance to the highest sword of the empire!”


Sword Saint looked amusedly down at the knights.

“So this is how the roles are decided.”

“Mm? Aha? So?”

was Heretic Questioner. Rank 3 of the stage. He tilted his head,

and exclaimed with an “Aha!

He seemed to have understood the situation now.

“I see. I understand now! Haha. It’s similar to the mafia


Other than us, the other hunters still looked confused. The Witch
narrowed her yes.

“…I have no idea what you people are saying.”

“Don’t worry! I’ll tell you right away!”

The Heretic Questioner raised his hands. Words started to be

written on the ground. He had used Aura to carve letters in the

295 Report
“Look, everyone!”

Hunters crowded around to look at the ground.

[Goddess of Protection]

Summary: The goddess who protects the Aegim Empire is touched

at your dedication! The goddess has decided to appoint you to an
important position.

The hunters started to murmur amongst themselves.


“The 99th floor? Legit…?”

They didn’t have much of a reaction when they read the goddess’s
reward. But their eyes changed remarkably at the Devil King’s

The Witch’s gaze especially turned darker.


“Yup! It’s similar to the mafia game! For convenience’s

sake, I’ll call those who chose the goddess’s reward
[Warrior]s and those who choose the other option

296 Report
He smiled warmly.

“But there’s a big difference. The [Betrayer] is at more of a

disadvantage than a mafia! Because there are 9 warriors, but
only 1 betrayer. And we have the Vice Guild Master of the
Civil Militia!”

The Heretic Questioner pointed at the Crusader.

The Crusader was looking at the marble floor with an apathetic


“Think of it! The Vice Guild Master has a Lie Detection skill.
Haha. Compared to the mafia game, she’s like the police. So
even if someone chooses the Devil King’s Reward, it’s okay!
Because the [Betrayer] will be reported right away!”

“Mm…you’re right.”

Crusader slowly lifted her head.

“If you believe me.”

“Anyways, this game is advantageous to the warriors!

Hunter Kim Gong-ja. Giving up the reward was an extreme

Heretic Questioner fixed his hat.

“You didn’t accept any reward even though you defeated

the 11th floor as Rank 1. Mm! It’s a very hard thing for me to
imagine. With respect towards your decision, I’ll choose the
[Supreme General of Aegim Empire]!”


The reception door opened again. General NPCs entered with their
flowing red capes. The generals stood in front of the Heretic

297 Report
Questioner and saluted.

“Allegiance towards the highest flag of the empire!”

“Ah, amazing. I leave it in your hands as well!”

The general NPCs lined up behind the Heretic Questioner.

This was the deciding factor.

“Tsk. I hate using my head. So you’re saying it’s better to

choose a reward, right? Then I’ll choose the [Head Bodyguard
of Aegim Empire].”

Venomous Snake.

“Then me, the [Director of Foregin Affairs of Aegim

Empire]. It looks the most normal.”


“…I’ll choose the [Chancellor]. Please, don’t choose the

reward of the Devil King. It’ll disappear if no one chooses it.
That’s the most wise decision. Everyone be careful.”

The Witch.

“Don’t worry. Hm. Well, of course it’s [Director of Financial


The Count.

The rest of the hunters had chosen their rewards.

The reception room was filled with NPCs. The amount of knightages
behind Sword Saint increased, and behind the Witch, there were
countless emissaries.


298 Report
Only one place in the reception place was empty. Behind me.

-You were really the only person not to get a reward. Are you going
to be okay, Zombie? I know you’re throwing this regression away, but
isn’t this too bad?

‘It’s fine.’

I was sure.

It might’ve been my instinct as a hunter.

‘This is the answer.’

When you had to attack the target. When you had to step back.


[The calculation of the rewards is finished.]

Felt that this was the time to step back.

[The highest rankers have completed their choices.]

[Kim Gong-ja, Sword Saint, Heretic Questioner, Venomous

Snake, Crusader, Witch, Count…]

A voice rang in the reception room.

The hunters quietly exchanged glances when their names were


[Disclaimer of the Reward, 1 person.]

Everyone turned to look at me. Of them, I was the only person to

announce that I gave up the reward.

The hunters made expressions like they couldn’t believe I did that.

[Receivers of the goddess’s reward, 8 people.]

299 Report
And soon, their faces hardened.

[Receiver of the Devil King’s reward, 1 person.]

The hunters all looked at each other.

[Total 10 people.]

[All the highest rankers have finished making their


[Letting everyone know again.]

There was silence.

[Disclaimer of the Reward, 1 person.]

[Receivers of the goddess’s reward, 8 people.]

[Receiver of the Devil King’s reward, 1 person.]

[All the highest rankers have finished making their


It was a long silence.

[May luck be with everyone.]

only this chapter is split into two cause it is very large as compared
to other chapters

For any errors and issues contact me through discord:-


300 Report

Chapter 29
Source: woopread translations (2)


The first sound to break the silence was someone clacking their
teeth together.

“You foolish…!”

The Guild Master of the Black Dragon, and Rank 2. It was the

“I said not to pick the Devil King’s reward! But you


A murderous aura swirled around the Witch. Her face wasn’t

emotionless like it always was. Hate. Fury. She looked around, face
crumpled in anger.

“Well. I guess words wouldn’t work on a stupid fool. Fine!

I’ll make a proclamation as the master of Black Dragon here.
I don’t know who dared to betray us, but I’ll present to them
the most painful death.”

“Hm. Surprising.”

Heretic Questioner stroked his chin.

“This is a game that’s way disadvantageous to the

betrayer. But you still chose it…as the Black Dragon Master
said, it’s a foolish choice! Haha. Well, it’s definitely human-
like to make such a foolish decision”


301 Report
The Venomous Snake scratched the back of his head.

“Ah, I know. I know. This atmosphere. It’s like when we

first challenged the tower…my back and my neck feel fucking
cold. Some people are gonna die today.”

“I know, right? It’s like when the Five Large Clans were the
Ten Large Clans.”

The Count opened her fan. She had a lazy tone. But her eyes
behind her fan were as sharp as a beast’s.

“A lot of people died then. And killed a lot too. Isn’t that

“Shut up! Everyone be quiet. It’s not the time to think

about the old times right now.”

The Witch’s face was twisted.



“Question everyone here with Lie Detection. Don’t leave

anyone out! If someone doesn’t answer you or lies, I’ll kill
them right on the spot!”

Everyone knew she wasn’t just saying that. She emanated a

murderous aura, and it rode her on coattails like Aura. It was a black
color. It was the color that cursed everything in the world.

“I was planning on doing that even if you didn’t say it.”

Crusader quietly nodded her chin.

“First, I’ll reveal that I’m not the betrayer before I question

302 Report
And she turned her feet.

The first person she stood in front of was…none other than me.

“Hunter Kim Gong-ja.”


“You’re not on the suspects because you gave up the

reward. You probably don’t even need to be tested. But I’ll
still ask. Did you choose the reward of the Devil King?”


The reception room was dead silent.

Every hunter was watching us.

After a few seconds of silence, the Crusader nodded her head.

“It’s the truth.”

Sighs of relief could be heard from everywhere.

The Crusader didn’t stop and headed straight for the next person.

Click clack.

Because the ground of the reception room was made of marble,

every footstep rang out.

We followed her feet with our eyes.

“Sword Saint.”


“Did you choose the reward of the Devil King.”

Sword Saint crossed his arms.

303 Report
“I swear on my honor. It’s definitely not me.”

“It’s the truth.”

Click clack.

“Heretic Questioner.”

“Yes! Please ask whatever you need to!”

“Are you the person who chose the Devil King’s reward?”


In the midst of all the silence, Heretic Questioner laughed. The

sound of laughter echoed on the marble and slid over the armor of
the knights and the generals.

“But it’s not me! I don’t want to die by the Black Dragon
Master yet!”

“It’s the truth.”

Click clack.

“Venomous Snake. Did you choose the reward of the Devil


“Fuck. It’s not me!”

“…it’s the truth.”

Click clack.

“Count. Did you choose the Devil King’s reward?”

“…it’s not me either.”

“It’s the truth.”

304 Report
Click clack.

The atmosphere of the room turned downhill. When I was revealed

not to be the betrayer, there were sighs of relief. But one by one, as
everyone’s truth was declared, the reception room was filled with
silence and not relief.

Like how sleep crept up.

The silence crept up to our chins.



The Crusader and the Witch looked at each other.

Every other hunter except for the Witch had been questioned. This
was the last. In front of the leader of the most powerful guild in the
tower, and the hunter second only to Sword Saint, the Crusader took
a deep breath.

“Black Dragon.”


“Did you choose the reward of the Devil King.”

There was silence.

“No…it’s not me.”

The silence was continued.

The Crusader slowly opened her mouth.

“…it’s the truth.”

And for the last time, silence descended on us.

305 Report

We descended on the silence.


The Venomous Snake looked around.

“Who is it then?”

Sword Saint looked at the Witch. The Witch looked at the Heretic
Questioner. The Heretic Questioner looked at the Count, and the
Count looked at Venomous Snake. The Venomous Snake looked at
the Crusader like he was hanging onto her, and the Crusader silently
looked at me.

Everyone looked at each other.

“Why is everyone saying they’re not it…?”

But no one answered.

“Fuck! Who betrayed us?”

No one.

No one answered.

Amidst the silence, a voice that wasn’t ours rang out.

[The Goddess of Protection sighs at the foolishness of the


[The Devil King of Fall Rain laughs amusedly.]

It probably wasn’t a voice that only I heard. Everyone’s face


And the Crusader spoke with much difficulty in that silence.

306 Report
“…Calm down.”

No one opened their mouths even though she said to calm down.
How were they supposed to speak? They looked like they were all
seriously in thought.

“Don’t be taken aback. Yes. Maybe the betrayer has the

skill to hide their lies. And there might be someone with a
split personality. Everyone has their secret weapon, right? So
it’s not impossible…”


Sword Saint spoke up.

He was looking at the Crusader coldly.

“Or, you might be the dirty betrayer.”


The reception room became silent.

Gazes sharper than knives were exchanged. Just now, the Sword
Saint and Guild Masters had been about to fight. The heat and sweat
of that hadn’t cooled down, but it was beginning to waver again.

The Witch narrowed her eyes.

“Are you doubting us right now?”


Sword Saint admitted it directly.

“Even if Ms.Crusader isn’t the betrayer, she could’ve lied to

us. You all. You were all close as the controllers of the Five
Large Guilds since a long time ago. A crow hides with other
crows. Aren’t you protecting each other?”

307 Report
“Sigh, you’re really…”

“Of course!’

The Crusader shouted out frantically. Sword Saint and the Witch
stopped arguing to look at her. She tried to speak calmly.

“Of course, logically speaking, it could be me. Yes. I could

be the betrayer.”


“But we all have to keep our cool. It’s alright. We’ve faced
many dangers before. Isn’t that right! So if we just trust
ourselves we can…”


Someone laughed.

“You’re quite innocent. No, naive.”

It was the Heretic Questioner.

“Trust. Mm. Trust. It’s beautiful! But we need time to trust

each other. Us Five Large Guilds have spent 10 years working
together. But that also means…”

Heretic Questioner took adjusted his cap.

And he shook off his clothes.

“It’s hard to trust those other than us Five Guilds.”


“And it would be inefficient to take 10 years to stack up

trust with everyone. Yes, it’s a waste of time!”

308 Report

The Crusader’s face was frantic as well. I couldn’t feel her

relaxedness back when she asked me if a girl who graduated with a
music degree was charming.

“This isn’t the time to talk about efficiency. Heretic

Questioner. Please…”

“Holy Technique.”

The Heretic Questioner gathered his hands.

“Divine Body.”

White light surrounded his hands.

“Venomous Snake. You take care of the 10th.”

The light spread around.

“I’ll kill the 8th and 9th.”

“Heretic Questioner! You can’t!”

“Holy Technique, Divine Transmission.”

The Heretic Questioner and Venomous Snake disappeared. In the

blink of an eye, the Heretic Questioner was holding someone’s back.
It was the hunter who finished as 8th. The hunter instinctively looked


It was an extra who had quietly been standing to the back,

surrounded by the Guild Masters. No, saying he was an extra seemed
too mean. Since he was standing here with his contribution in the last
stage. He was a much more powerful hunter than the old me.

309 Report
But his future didn’t last for too long.


Heretic Questioner smiled brightly. In his weaponless bare hand,

there was pure white Aura.


“Huh, ah…?”

Blood soared up.

The hunter’s body tilted.

The hunter that wasn’t bound to any guild, had the immense power
of Sword Saint, or had an alliance with the guilds like me, the hunter
that had climbed to where he was with his own power, died just like


[A warrior has died.]

[He is not the servant of the Devil King.]

Voices rang in my head again.

[The Goddess of Protection thinks it’s a shame.]

[The Devil King of Fall Rain laughs snidely.]

It was a murder that had happened in the blink of an eye.

“E, eek!?”

A hunter that had finished 10th screamed. But the hunter’s scream
didn’t last for too long.


310 Report
The hunter’s body fell to the ground, halved, by the Venomous
Snake who was transmitted by the Heretic Questioner.

[A warrior has died.]

[He is not the servant of the Devil King.]

Blood flowed on the marble floor.

[The Goddess of Protection shuts her mouth.]

[The Devil King of Fall Rain explodes in laughter.]


From somewhere, the sound of a sword being unsheathed rang

out. It was the Sword Saint.

“You bastards are finally showing your real selves!”

The old man’s face was crumpled in anger.

“Disgusting! You’re not the slightest bit different as

before! Stop this instant. If you don’t stop, I’ll-”

“Holy Technique, Divine Transmission.”

With a flashing light, the Heretic Questioner disappeared.

The hunter who was 9th ran away as soon as they saw the 8th and
10th hunter die. But the moment he tried to leave, the Heretic
Questioner appeared right in front of his nose.


The hunter stretched his hand out.

“W, wait-”


311 Report
The Heretic Questioner smiled from ear to ear.


The hunter’s head exploded. The hunter fell over with one arm
extended. Plop. The headless body lightly fell over. Blood and flesh
that burst with the explosion was spread out everywhere.

[A warrior has died.]

[They are not the servant of the Devil King.]

[The Goddess of Protection is silent.]

[The Devil King of Fall Rain is clapping his hands.]


The Heretic Questioner pulled out his handkerchief.

His face was red with the blood of the hunters who died. He lazily
wiped his face. With just three wipes, the handkerchief was soaked in

“So it wasn’t the three!”

It was silent.

“This is tricky. I thought the betrayer would be along the 3!

Haha. Then that means that betrayer is among us. Seems like
the trust of 10 years will disappear in a moment!”

He threw the red handkerchief to the ground.

It fell in a puddle of blood and floated like a paper sailboat.

“I said wait…”

The Crusader’s shoulders were shaking.

312 Report
“I said to wait. I definitely said so…didn’t I ask you to wait! I asked
you to be calm, Heretic Questioner, and like the past…!

“You’re being strange. Vice Guild Master! I’m calm right


The Heretic Questioner smiled.

Like it wasn’t enough, he pulled out a handkerchief with his right


“I calmly came to the decision that the three were most

likely to be the criminal. Although it was wrong! Let’s be on
the positive side and think that we got rid of the three most
suspicious people. Ah. If the media saw, it would’ve been
bad, but no one was filming so-”

It was that moment.

The handkerchief flew in the air.

The clean white handkerchief that hadn’t wiped blood yet floated
up. Before it fell, something that was heavier fell first.

It was the right arm of the Heretic Questioner.


It might’ve been a relief it was just that.

If the Venomous Snake didn’t stop the attack of the Sword Saint, it
might’ve been his head.


The Venomous Snake cursed and stood in front of the Sword Saint.

“Hey, zealot! Let us know if you’re going to kill someone


313 Report

The Heretic Questioner looked down. The handkerchief landed a

moment later. It quickly turned red.

“This is difficult now, not just tricky. I can’t help without

both hands. Sorry, everyone! I can’t be of help anymore!”

“Is…that…the…problem now…!”

The Venomous Snake looked like he was struggling against the

Sword Saint’s attacks.

“Someone…fucking….help me! I’m gonna die! Seriously!”

“Kim Gong-ja!”

The Crusader shouted.

“I’m leaving everything to you! You can even take my life!”

It was more of a scream.

“Only you didn’t receive the reward! Others might be the

betrayer, but only you’re not! You 100% not the “······.”

“So please, I’m asking this of you! Stop the Sword Saint!”

The sounds of swords clashing against each other filled the room.
The Witch and the Count were helping Venomous Snake. Only the
Crusader was looking at me.

I momentarily looked at the fight in front of me.

‘Sword Emperor.’

-Hm? What?

‘…Am I destined to be loved by psychopaths or something?’

314 Report
I had expected something like this would happen.

I thought they would raise their swords at each other if a betrayer

came up. So I had given up the reward.


‘I didn’t think it would become like this…’

I sighed.

“Ah, that’s good! It’s not a bad idea!”

Heretic Questioner popped up between me and Crusader. He was

holding his arm to stop the bleeding. Surprisingly, his face didn’t
seem pained.

“In these cases, a lot of people only get in the way. So it’s
better to focus on the person who’s not the betrayer.”

“So you’re saying…”


The Heretic Questioner smiled brightly.

“I’ll give all judgement to you!”


“Mm, I thought the criminal would be from the 3, but

nothing can be done about it anymore! I don’t trust myself.
Hunter Kim Gong-ja. I’ll do what you say!”

Bae Hu-ryeong muttered.

-Yes. Yeah. I think you’re destined to be loved by psychos. Guys

like this aren’t common. There was only about 1 of them in my tower.

315 Report
I really didn’t like this fate.

‘I even got all authority from the Vice Guild Master and the
Guild Master…’

-You’ve been promoted. Wasn’t this why you gave up the reward? I
was impressed by you right now.

‘I knew it would become a mess but not like this. What

should we do about those poor people? I guess I’ll have to

I glanced at the Crusader behind me.

She was gripping her head.

“Uh. I have a question.”


Did she already know what I was going to ask.

“He was already like that.”

‘He’ was the Heretic Questioner.

“When we first entered the tower, it was pandemonium.

Everyone believed in different religions, and they split and
made up again. Then, the Heretic Questioner appeared


“…Killed them all.”

She sighed again.

“He completely killed everyone who fought because of

religion. That’s the only way he knows…”

316 Report

I thought he had peacefully settled things with everyone, because

that’s what the media said. But to think such a massacre was behind
all of it…


The Venomous Snake screamed a bit over where I was.

It felt like the octave increased with every minute.

“Dying! Fu…ck! I’m really dying! The Chen-mu Master is

going to die, you bastards!”


The Heretic Questioner fixed his cap with his left hand.

“I’m sorry for making this mess. Kim Gong-ja hunter! Can’t
you please stop the Sword Saint with the condition of my

“Sigh. You…never mind.”

I shook my head.

“Let’s talk about you later. Very deeply. But I’ll take care of
this right now because I think Venomous Snake will really die
right now.”

“Yes! Thank you!”

‘Well. It’s nice to be able to control Ten Thousand Temple

and the Civil Militia if only for a bit…’

I convinced myself.

There was an intense fight going on. To join it would be suicide.

317 Report
But I knew the magic word to stop the Sword Saint.

“Sword Saint-nim!”

There was no reply.

“Sword Saint-nim! Since you already bowed your head to

me once again, please listen to me! Let’s stop fighting and

There was still no reaction.

Ah. There was no other choice.

I took a deep breath, and shouted.

“I’ll ask your granddaughter out!”


“If your granddaughter enters the tower. Yes, I’ll meet her
once. I don’t know if we’ll go out, but since I might be your
grandson in law, please listen to me!”

He quietly looked at me.

“…I’m not forgiving them.”


“I’m not stopping because of what you said. I just thought

that it might be better to find the betrayer and kill them
after. Right?”

Why are you asking me-

Was what I stopped myself from asking, and I nodded my head


318 Report
“Ah, yes you’re right. You can kill them after.”


The Sword Saint pulled his sword back.

Opposite of his, the Venomous Snake was panting hard.

“Everyone. Please calm down.”

I spoke looking at the hunters.

“I don’t know who’s the betrayer. We might not find out.

But, that’s another problem. We can defeat the problem even
without finding them.”


The Crusader asked.

“The fact that they accepted the reward means they can
stab us in the back any moment.”

“Look at this.”

I pointed at the marble ground. What the Heretic Questioner had

engraved was still on there.

“It says the Devil King’s Core is on the 20th floor.”

I looked at each of them one by one.

“Don’t focus on finding the betrayer, it’s a trap. Don’t fall

for it. The betrayer might be sacred out of their wits right
now, and they might have been forcefully picked by the
system. Who knows?”


319 Report
“Let’s get rid of the Devil King first.”

It became silent.

“If we get rid of the Devil King, his reward will disappear as well.
It’s simple. No matter what kind of ridiculous tst the tower offers, the
solution is simple.

Voices rang in my head.

[The Goddess’s eyes are shining.]

[The Devil King clicks his tongue.]

I put emphasis on my words.

“Let’s climb the tower.”

This was my answer.

“And let’s destroy the Devil King’s Core on the 20th floor.”

This wasn’t my answer only towards the hunters, but to the tower.

And there was a reply to my answer.

[The quest of the 12th floor is being given.]

For any errors and issues contact me through discord:-


320 Report

Chapter 30
Source: woopread translations (2)

[The 12th floor is being given.]

As soon as the voice could be heard, something poured on the


Drip. Drip.

It was rain.

Rain slid down the fancy window in the reception room. For a
moment, we turned out gazes to look outside. It wasn’t because we
were surprised by the sound. There was something else that made us

“Uh, uhhhhh…”

“Nightmare! The rain of nightmare is pouring down again!”

The color of the rain.

It was as red as blood. No, it might’ve been actual blood. The NPCs
who were with us started to hold their heads and groan.

“Goddess, please don’t abandon us!”

“W, What/. Why are they suddenly being like this…?”

The exhausted Venomous Snake looked around him.

“It’s the Devil King…”

The NPCs wearing armor muttered. They were crouched down on

the ground with trembling shoulders. Like the trembling was

321 Report
infectious, groans started to come from everywhere.

“It’s the end of the empire now…”

“The Devil King is coming…’

“Your Majesty….where is our emperor…?”

All of their faces were dark. Despair. Acceptance. Exhaustion. Their

faces were no different than actual humans.

The Venomous Snake gulped.

“T, They’re funny. Hey. This is all acting, right? What

happened now?”

“The quest has begun.”

I spoke quietly.

“We won’t fight if we stay still. If there’s arguments

between us, they’ll have no choice but to attack us.”

“Attack? Who?”

“Who do you think?”

I looked outside the window.”

“The being that caused these arguments between.”

Laughter flowed in my head.

]The Devil King of Fall Rain is agreeing with you.]

The rain poured down harder. The sound that was like someone
knocking instantly became even more quiet. Tens of red drops
covered the window.


322 Report
I approached the window. I could’t see outside from here. Because
the rain was too bad, the entire window was red. I broke the window
with my sheath.

Red rain poured into the reception room. I saw clearly down what
was happening outside. The palace. The city beyond the palace. The
great wall beyond the city.

[The Devil King of Fall Rain is manifesting.]

It was beyond the city walls.

-Pitiful things.

It whispered quietly.

Yes. It was a whisper.

Just a whisper climbed over the walls, the city, and flowed into the
reception room through the broken window.

-Did you think humans summoned from another world would be

your shield? Did you think they would be your heroes?

The rain endlessly poured.

-Come at me. Come at me as much as you want. Summon as many

as you want. Call for thousands of warriors and knights. It’s pitiful you
can’t realize that they’re only humans like you.

The voice rang through the pouring rain. It rang in the walls. It rang
in the palace’s walls. It rang in the reception room’s wall. It laughed.
It was a loud laughter. The laughter echoed and echoed, ringing our


The NPCs bent down further. They gripped their heads like they
were in pain.

323 Report
We were better off than them. It was our first time hearing the
laughter. It was bearable. If we had to listen to that voice for over a
year, the story would change.

-Things who don’t see humans as humans.

It was then.

On the map that only I could see, red spots suddenly started to
appear on the map. One. Two. Three. The red dots that were slowly
appearing, grew exponentially.



Ten thousands.

Soon, the entire horizon turned into red.

-Be swallowed by your evil.

It hailed.

The sky and the earth suddenly became pale, and the things
between it showed themselves.

It was the monsters that were the red dots.



The hunters shut their mouths. It was a monster army

incomparable to the one on the 11th stage. A colossal army was
heading towards us.


324 Report
-Kiek, kek!

The monsters cried out. They bared their teeth. They twisted their
necks. Rain poured down the goblins’ twisted faces. The blood rain
was probably holy water for them. They looked at the sky like they
were looking towards a god, and they saluted the red rain.

“…I said so.”

I gripped my sword.

“It’s not the time for us to fight.”

And letters appeared in front of me.

[Defense of the Empire’s City]

Difficulty: A~SSS

Mission goal: Warriors! You have decided to fight bravely against

the Devil King. The Devil King has joined the war himself after
sensing danger. He can summon monster armies wherever. He is
aiming for the heart of the Aegim Empire, the Imperial city,

Fortunately, the Devil King is weakened from manifesting here.

Stop the Devil King!

※However, loss in the battle means the 13th floor will not be

It was silent for a moment.

“…became weak?”

325 Report
The Venomous Snake murmured.


What he said reflected what everyone was thinking.

“This…is unfair. How are we supposed to clear it? This isn’t

a quest that we can solve. Even if up to the 10th floor was
only a tutorial…this is too different. Things like this.”

“That’s enough. Let’s be calm.”

I turned to look at the reception room.

There were the hunters. Behind them, the NPCs were in despair.

“We can do it. The tower doesn’t give quests that can’t be

“But, how do we defeat those many monsters…?”

“So that’s why I’m telling you to be calm.”

I pointed at the NPCs.

“We’re not just hunters here. Did you forget? Venomous

Snake. You’re the Head Bodyguard. You have to lead them.”


“We can’t break through this stage with just hunters.”


“Convince the NPCs. Raise them up to fight. Lead them.

Lead them into war like they’re real people.”

That was how the 11th floor was subjugated as well.

“We can’t fight each other here. Sword Saint-nim. You’re

326 Report
the Grand Master of knights. A Head Bodyguard and Grand
Master fight? How can we defend against outer forces?”


“Did you think it was beneficial to get the reward? It is. But
you have responsibility as well. We received the roles, and
it’s time to role play.”

I turned my head towards the Crusader.

She was looking at me with a serious face.

“Director of Foreign Affairs.”


“This is the reception room but the Emperor isn’t in sight.

He’s probably somewhere in the palace. Please search for the
Emperor with the NPCs. If the leader isn’t here, the NPCs
won’t follow us.”

The Crusader nodded.


“Supreme General.”

I looked at the Heretic Questioner. Even though he lost an arm, he

was still smiling brightly. Rather, he was looking at me like he was

“Yes! That’s me!”

“I hate hunters like you. Really. I felt that I needed to see

the end of things with you after seeing what you did. But,
you can’t forget that you’re the Supreme General now.”

“Haha. I’m starting to like you more and more!”

327 Report
“Since you gave me authority, please shut up and listen to

I looked at the map and spoke.

There wasn’t a lot of time. The red wave was getting closer.

“There’s probably a lot of soldiers at the city walls.

Monsters are getting closer to them like hail, but there’s no
way they’re feeling normal. Please go to the city walls
yourself and assure the soldiers.”

“Mm! It’s noblesse oblige!”

“Please defend the city walls no matter what. If they fall, this stage
is over.’

“Don’t worry.”

Heretic Questioner smiled.

“I’ve never broken a promise since I was born. I’ll guard it

with my life!”


I looked around me.

“Then I’ll be off first.”

It was time for war.

For any errors and issues contact me through discord:-


328 Report

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