Sts Module1

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Introduction to Science Technology and Society 3

Intellectual Revolutions and Society 16

Science and Technology and Nation Building 20

Technology as a Way of Revealing 29

Human Flourishing 33

The Good Life 39

Biodiversity and a Healthy Society 65

Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) and Gene Therapy 71

Nanotechnology 82

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This module introduces students to the study of Science, Technology, and Society (STS)
beginning with the general concepts and its historical development. It also covers the impact of
science and technology and their interactions within various social contexts, with emphasis on
the role of science and technology in Philippine nation building.


At the end of the module, you shall have:

1. determined the impacts of science and technology, specifically Philippine society;
2. explained how science and technology affect society, environment and its role in
3. imbibed the importance of science and technology in the preservation of the
environment and the development of the Filipino nation;
4. fostered the value of a healthy lifestyle toward the holistic and sustainable
development of society and the environment;
5. presented creatively the importance and contributions of science and technology to
6. illustrated how the social media and information age impact their lives and their
understanding to climate change.

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Lesson 1: Introduction to Science, Technology and Society

At the end of this lesson, you shall have:

1. pointed out the different issues and problems that deal with science and technology.
2. explained how scientific and technological inventions shaped and were shaped by
various social contexts.
3. designed your own innovation that will be used to help the future generation.
3. explained how intellectual revolutions transformed the views of society about
dominant scientific thought
4. researched on other intellectual revolutions that advance modern science and scientific
5. identified the contributions of Filipino scientists in science and technology.

“What defines a technological tool – one historical definition – is something that takes a
human’s sense or ability and augments it and makes it more powerful. So , for example, I wear
contact lenses or glasses; that is a technology that enhances my human ability of vision and
makes it better.”
- Mark Zuckerberg on his definition of a technological tool (2004)

 Comes from the Latin word scientia, meaning “knowledge”.

 It refers to a systematic and methodical activity of building and
organizing knowledge about how the universe behaves through
observation, experimentation, or both.


 Comes from the Greek word techne , meaning “art, skill, or

cunning of hand”.

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 The application of scientific knowledge, laws, and principles to produce services,
materials, tools, and machines aimed at solving real-world problems.

According to the famous science historian, John Heilborn (2003,

p. vii) “Modern science is a discovery as well as an invention.”
Heilborn considered science as a discovery of regularity in nature,
enough for natural phenomena to be described by principles and
laws. He also explained that science required invention to devise
techniques, abstractions, and apparatuses, and organizations to
describe these natural regularities and their law-like description.

Nowadays, advancements in science and technology have become pervasive. They are
manifested in the activities that humans pursue and the tools they use every day. The beauty of
this is that advancement builds upon itself. As such, humans today live more productive and
more exciting lives than their predecessors. With the way things go, it could be expected that this
generation’s children and the children of their children have the chance to lead even better lives
than this generation already does.

However, the dynamism and immensity of scientific and

technological progress also pose challenges and drawbacks to the way
humans live. The introduction of machines tremendously cut the need
for human workforce and gave rise to questions about whether
machines will eventually replace humans. The invention of drugs that
previously cured incurable diseases introduced new strains of bacteria
and viruses that are resistant to the very same drugs that fought them.
The rise of social media drastically changed the way humans
communicate, interact, and share information; however, this tends to
put people’s privacy at risk. Indeed, science and technology have
served a predominantly double-edged function.

Science, Technology, and Society (STS) is a

relatively young field that combines previously independent
and older disciplines, such as history of science, philosophy
of science, and sociology of science. As an academic field,
according to Harvard University’s Kennedy School
(2018), traces its roots from the interwar period and the
start of the Cold War. It was during this period when
historians and scientists found interest in the interconnections
of scientific knowledge, technological systems, and society.
The rise of STS as an academic field resulted from the
recognition that many schools today do not really prepare students to respond critically,
reflectively, and proactively to the challenges posed by science and technology in the
contemporary world.

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The John J. Reilly Center for Science, technology, and
Values of the University Of Notre Dame is responsible for
listing the ten emerging ethical dilemmas and policy issues in
science and technology every year. Below is the list for 2018:

Helix – a digital app store designed to read genomes.

Bless U-2 and Pepper – first robot priest and monk.
Emotion-Sensing Facial Recognition – is software
being developed to assess your reactions to anything such as shopping and playing games.
Ransom ware – is a way of holding data hostage through hacking and requiring a ransom
to be paid.
Textalyzer – is a device that analyzes whether a driver was using his or her phone during
an accident.
Social Credit System – a system of scoring citizens through their actions by placing them
under constant surveillance (which China plans to adopt)
Google Clips – a hands-free camera that lets the user capture every moment effortlessly.
Sentencing Software – a mysterious algorithm designed to aid courts in sentencing
Friendbot – is an app that stores the deceased’s digital footprint so one can still “chat”
with them.
Citizen App – an app that notifies users of ongoing crimes or major events in a specific

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Activity #1

A. Reflection task

Instructions: On the space below, paste a magazine or newspaper cutout of any

photograph that depicts an issue or problem in science and technology. Then, answer the
questions that follow.
1. What is
the issue or
depicted in

2. How does this particular issue or problem impact the well-being of humans today?

3. Why is it important for people to study and learn about STS as an academic field, especially in
addressing the issue or problem depicted in the photograph?


Activity #2

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B. Issues in Science and Technology

Instructions: Review the ten emerging ethical and policy issue dilemmas compiled by the John
J. Reilly Center for Science, Technology, and Values of the University Of Notre Dame for 2018.
Choose one ethical dilemma and research about the chosen dilemma. Below are the guide
1. What is the emerging ethical dilemma all about?

2. What factors or events led to this dilemma?


3. What are the societal implications of this dilemma?


4. Why is it important to question the moral and ethical issues surrounding innovations in science
and technology?

5. In the face of this dilemma, why is it important to study STS?



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An antecedent is defined as a precursor to the unfolding or existence of something. Thus,
historical antecedents in science and technology are factors that paved the way for the presence
of advanced and sophisticated scientific and technological innovations today.

Ancient Period

The rise of ancient civilizations paved the way for the advances in science and
technology. These advances during the Ancient period allowed civilizations to flourish by
finding better ways of communication, transportation, self-organization, and of living in general.

1. Ancient Wheel

 No one knows exactly who invented the wheel

and when.
 The ancient wheel grew out of a mechanical
device called the potter’s wheel – a heavy flat
disk made of hardened clay which was spun
horizontally on the axis.
 Sumerians invented the potter’s wheel shortly
after 3500 BC.
 The invention of the ancient wheel was
credited to the Sumerians since no other
civilization used a similar device at the time. It
could be that a potter thought of shifting the
potter’s wheel to a 90-degree angle for the
purpose of transportation or the wheel was reinvented for this purpose.

2. Paper

 300 BC – Ancient Egyptians started writing

on papyrus, a material similar to thick paper.
 Papyrus is made from the pith of the papyrus
plant called cyperus papyrus. It is
lightweight, strong, durable, and most
importantly, portable.
 Before the Egyptians invented the papyrus,
writing was done on stone; writing was
reserved only for very important occasions.
 Through the use of papyrus, information
dissemination became exponentially faster
and records were kept and stood the test of

3. Shadoof

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 An early tool invented by ancient Egyptians to irrigate land.
 The shadoof, also spelled as shaduf, is a hand-operated device used for lifting water.
Because of this invention, irrigation and farming became much more efficient.
 The shadoof is also believed to be an ancient precursor of more sophisticated irrigation

4. Antikythera mechanism

 One of the oldest known antecedents of

 Invented by Greek scientists between 150-100
 Discovered in 1902 and retrieved from the
waters of Antikythera, Greece, the Antikythera
mechanism is similar to a mantel clock.
 It is akin to a clock in the way that the case has a
circular face and rotating hands. A knob on the
side makes it possible for it to be wound forward
or backward. As this knob moves forward or
backward, its mechanism allows it to display
celestial time.
 Widely believed to be used to predict astronomical positions and eclipses for calendar
and astrological purposes.

5. Aeolipile

 Also known as the Hero’s Engine.

 Believed to be the ancient precursor of the steam
 Hero of Alexandria is credited for the
demonstration of the use of aeolipile during the 1st
century AD.
 The aeolipile is a steam-powered turbine which
spun when the water container at its center was
heated, thus making it practically the first
rudimentary steam engine.
 Vitruvius, a Roman author, architect, and civil
engineer, described the aeolipile as a scientific invention through which “the mighty and
wonderful laws of the heavens and the nature of winds” may be understood and judged.

Middle Ages

During the Middle Ages (late 15th century AD), major advances in scientific and
technological development took place. Many medieval universities at the time stirred

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scientific thinking and built infrastructures for scientific communities to flourish. As such,
some of humanity’s most important present-day technologies could be traced back to their
historical antecedents in the Middle Ages.

1. Heavy Plough

 One of the most important technological

innovations during the middle ages.
 Through the invention of the heavy plough, it
became possible to harness clay soil.
 Europe, particularly its northern territories, saw
rapid economic prosperity.
 The heavy plough stirred an agricultural revolution
in Northern Europe marked by higher and
healthier agricultural yields and more efficient
agricultural practices.

2. Gunpowder

 Accidentally invented by Chinese Alchemists

around 850 AD.
 Multiple accounts suggest that gunpowder might
have been an unintended byproduct of attempts
made by the Chinese to invent the elixir of life,
which is why the Chinese called it huoyao,
roughly translated to “fire potion”.
 Swords and spears were used in battles prior to
its invention.
 Towards the end of the 13th century, the explosive
invention crept into most parts of Europe and
 It ushered in an unprecedented advancement in warfare and combat throughout the
Middle Ages.

3. Paper Money

 The first known versions of paper money

could be tracked back to the Chinese in
17th century AD as an offshoot of block
printing, which is similar to stamping.
 Before the introduction of paper money,
precious metals such as gold and silver
were used as currency.
 When Mongols attempted to introduce
paper money into the Middle East market in the 13th century, it did not gain immediate

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 Traders and merchants eventually realized the huge advantage of using paper money
because it was easier to transport around compared to the previous forms of currencies.

4. Mechanical Clock

 The development of mechanical clocks paved the

way for accurately keeping track of time.
 The sophistication of clockwork technology of
the mechanical clock drastically changed the way
days were spent and work patterns were
established, particularly in the more advanced
Middle Age cities.

5. Spinning Wheel

 The spinning wheel is a machine used for

transforming fiber into thread or yarn and
eventually woven into cloth on a loom.
 It is theorized that Indians invented the spinning
wheel between 6th and 11th century AD.
 Prior to the invention of the spinning wheel,
weaving was done predominantly through the
more time-consuming and tedious process of hand
 According to White (1974), the invention of the
spinning wheel sped up the rate by which fiber could be spun by a factor of 10 to 100
times. Thus, White argued that this invention ushered in a breakthrough in linen
production when it was introduced in Europe in the 13th century AD.

Modern Ages

Today, industrialization took place with greater risks in human health, food safety, and
environment which had to be addressed as scientific and technological progress at an
unimaginable speed.

1. Compound Microscope

 Invented by Zacharias Janssen, a Dutch spectacle maker in 1950.

 He and his father, Hans, discovered that when several lenses are put together and
placed near the end of the tube, can magnify way better than a simple magnifying
 Janssen’s invention was
capable of magnifying
objects three times their
size when fully closed
and up to ten times when
extended to the
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 Today, the compound microscope is an important instrument in many scientific
studies, such as in the areas of medicine, forensic studies tissue analysis, atomic
studies, and genetics.

2. Telescope

 Invented by Galileo Galilei.

 This invention could magnify objects
20 times larger than the Dutch
perspective glasses.
 It was Galileo who first used the
telescope skyward and made important
astronomical discoveries, and identified
the presence of craters and mountains
on the moon.
 Galileo’s invention drastically changed
the study of astronomy.

3. Jacquard Loom

 Built by French weaver, Joseph Marie Jacquard.

 Simplifies textile manufacturing.
 The Jacquard Loom has a series of cards with
punched holes that automatically created complex
textile designs and made mass production easier.
 It is also an important antecedent of modern
computer technology as it demonstrated the use of
punched cards to instruct a machine to carry out
complex tasks, i.e., making different textile

4. Engine-Powered Airplane

 Orville Wright and Wilbur Wright are credited for designing and successfully
operating the first engine-powered
 Orville and Wilbur proved that aircrafts
could fly without airfoil-shaped wings.
They demonstrated this in their original
Flying Machine patent (US patent
#821393), showing that slightly-tilted
wings, which they referred to as aero
planes, were the key features of a
powered aircraft. Their pioneering success marked an age of powered flights.
 The Wright brothers paved the way for modern aircraft technology.

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5. Television

 John Logie Baird, a Scottish engineer is

largely credited for the invention of the
modern television.
 In 1924, Baird successfully televised
objects in outline, recognizable human
faces in 1925, and moving objects in
1926, and projected colored images in
 The British Broadcasting Corporation
used Baird’s invention for its earliest
television programming in 1929.

Inventions by Filipino Scientists

1. Electronic Jeepney (e-jeepney)

 Jeepneys were designed and improvised from scratch out of military jeeps that the
Americans left after World War II.
 E-jeepneys were first introduced in
Metro Manila and Bacolod City.
 The e-jeepney is the intensive response
to criticisms to the traditional jeepney
that belched smoke, directly causing air
pollution which made it unsustainable
and uneconomical.
 E-jeepneys are designed to be
environment-friendly, eliminating
noise and air pollution as they run on electricity.

2. Erythromycin

 An antibiotic invented by an Ilonggo scientist,

Abelardo Aguilar.
 It came from a strain of a bacterium called
Streptomyces erythreus
 Aguilar was not credited for this discovery by
Eli Lilli Co., Aguilar’s US employer, to whom
he sent the strain for separation. The US
Company eventually owned the merits for this

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3. Medical Incubator

 World-renowned Filipino pediatrician and national scientist, Fe del Mundo, is

credited for the invention of the incubator and jaundice relieving device.
 Del Mundo was the first
woman pediatrician to be
admitted to the prestigious
Harvard University’s School of
Medicine. She is also the
founder of the first pediatric
hospital in the country. Her
pioneering work in pediatrics
that spanned a total of eight
decades won her the 1977
Ramon Magsaysay Award,
Asia’s premier prize granted to outstanding individuals whose selfless service
remarkably contributed to the betterment of the society.
 Her original improvised incubator consisted of two native laundry baskets of
different sizes that are placed inside the other. Warmth is generated by bottles
with hot water placed around the baskets. A makeshift hood over the basket
allows oxygen to circulate inside the incubator.

4. Mole Remover

 In 2000, Rolando dela Cruz invented a

local mole remover that is made from
extract of cashew nuts (Annacardium
 The ingenious formula easily caught on
for its accessibility, affordability, and
painless and scarless procedure.
 Dela Cruz won a gold medal for this
invention in the International Invention, Innovation, Industrial Design, and
Technology Exhibition in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 2000.

5. Banana Ketchup

 Filipino food technologist, Maria Orosa,

is credited for the invention of banana
ketchup, a variety of ketchup different
from the commonly known tomato
 Historical accounts posit that Orosa
invented the banana ketchup at the
backdrop of World War II when there
was a huge shortage of tomatoes. As a result, Orosa developed a variety of
ketchup that made use of mashed banana, sugar, vinegar, and spices.

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Activity #3

Instructions: In this section, you learned that necessity is the mother of

inventions and innovations. Inventions are not simply made, but are motivated
by various social, political, cultural, and economic contexts. In this task, you will
address this question: “If you were an inventor, what would you invent?” In
thinking about an invention, make sure that you come up with one that has not
been invented yet but is possible to be invented in the near future. Use A4 bond paper to sketch a
draft of your invention then answer the questions that follow.

1. What is your invention? What does it do?


2. How is your invention similar to or different from existing tools or technologies in terms of


3. Why is there a need for this invention? How will this invention make the world a better place
to live in?


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Lesson 2: Intellectual Revolutions and Society
Intellectual Revolutions

 Refer to the series of events that led to the emergence of modern science and the progress
of scientific thinking across critical periods in history.
 Another important area of interest in the history of science and technology. In this area,
interest lies in how intellectual revolutions emerged as a result of the interaction of
science and technology and of society. It covers how intellectual revolutions altered the
way modern science was understood and approached.
 Challenged long-held views about the nature of the universe. Thus, these revolutions
were often met with huge resistance and controversy.

Copernican Revolution

 Refers to the 16th century paradigm shift named after Polish mathematician and
astronomer, Nicolaus Copernicus.
 Copernicus formulated the heliocentric model of the
 Geocentric model of Ptolemy- the Earth was the center of the
 Heliocentric model was introduced in a 40 page outline
entitled Commentariolus.
 De RevolutionibusOrbiumCoelestium(The Revolution of
Celestial Spheres) – the heliocentric model was formalized
 Heliocentric model – the sun is at the center of the universe;
the Earth rotates on its own axis; other heavenly bodies
rotating around the sun.
 The heliocentric model was met with huge resistance, primarily from the Church,
accusing Copernicus of heresy. Copernicus faced persecution from the Church because of

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Darwinian Revolution

Charles Darwin
 English naturalist, geologist, and biologist
 Famous for his theory of evolution
 Intellectually gifted and wealthy family
 Developed his interest in natural history during his
time as a student at Shrewsbury School
 Mediocre student
 Struggled in his study in medicine and ministry

On The Origin of Species

 1859
 Considered to be one of the most important works
in scientific literature
 Presented evidence on how species evolved over
time and presented traits and adaptation that
differentiate species.

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HMS Beagle
 Island of Galapagos
 Five-year voyage

The Descent of Man

 Impressive yet controversial
 Introduced the idea of all organic life, including human
beings, under the realm of evolutionary thinking
 Replaced the dominant views of a religious or biblical
design that places human beings in a privileged position of
having been created by God.

Freudian Revolution
Sigmund Freud
 A famous figure in the field of psychology
 Austrian neurologist
 Credited for stirring a 20th century intellectual
revolution Freudian Revolution

 A scientific method of understanding inner
and unconscious conflicts embedded within
one’s personality, springing from free
associations, dreams, and fantasies of an
 Controversial due to the existence of the
unconscious outside one’s conscious mind.
 Freud suggested that humans are inherently
pleasure-seeking individuals.
 Psychoanalysis included Oedipus and
Electra complex which was criticized for lack of vitality and bordering on being
unscientific as a theory.

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Instructions: Aside from the three intellectual revolutions discussed in this

section, other intellectual revolutions also took place across history in many parts
of the world, such as in North America, Asia, Middle East, and Africa.

Research on a particular intellectual revolution that took place in any of the four geographical
locations mentioned. Use A4 bond paper to present or illustrate your chosen intellectual
revolution. Use the following guide questions for your presentation.

1. What is the intellectual revolution all about?


2. Who are the key figures in the revolution?


3. How did the revolution advance modern science and scientific thinking at the time?


4. What controversies met the revolution?


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Lesson 3: Science and Technology and Nation Building

Science and Technology in the Philippines

 Began during the pre-colonial times
 Herbal medicine to treat illnesses
 Facilitate trading (writing, numerical,
measurement, and calendar systems)
 Livelihood skills (farming, fishing, mining, and
 Techniques Filipinos developed for livelihood
purposes resulted in majestic architectural designs
that managed to attract worldwide attention like
the Banaue Rice Terraces of Ifugao.

Spanish Colonial Period

 Establishment of formal
education institutions and
launching of scientific
 Schools were mandated to
teach religion, mathematics,
reading, and writing, music
and arts, and health and
sanitation. Medicine and
biology were taught in
different educational and
training institutions. Since
agriculture was the major
livelihood of Filipinos, the natives were trained to use innovative approaches in farming.
 Engineering- to construct buildings, churches, bridges, roads and forts
 Trade was prioritized
 Agriculture and industrial developments were prioritized during the latter part of the
Spanish era.

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American Colonial Period
 Institutions for science and technology were reorganized
 Laboratorio Municipal – Bureau of Government Laboratories (United States Department
of Interior) Established for the purpose of studying tropical diseases and pursuing other
related research projects.
 Bureau of Science (1905) – Institute of Science (1946) Main research center of the
 National Research Council of the Philippines (1933)
 Developments in science and technology during the American regime were focused on
agriculture, medicine and pharmacy, food processing, and forestry.

Filipino Presidents and their contributions to Science and Technology

President Ferdinand Marcos

 The role of science and technology was emphasized.

 Department of Education and Culture (Department of
Education) - To promote science courses in public high
 Additional budget for research projects in applied
science and science education
 The 35-hectare lot in Bicutan, Taguig was proclaimed
in 1968 as the Philippine Science Community, the site
of Department of Science and Technology (DOST)
 Seminars, workshops, training programs, and
scholarships on fisheries and oceanography
 Philippine Coconut Research Institute (PHILCORIN) -
Promote the modernization of the coconut industry

Organizations established
 Philippine Textile Research Institute
 Philippine Atomic Energy Commission (Philippine Nuclear Institute)
 National Grains Authority (National Food Authority)
 Philippine Council for Agricultural Research (Philippine Council for Agriculture,
Aquatic, and Natural Resources Research and Development)
 Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical, and Astronomical Services Administration
 Philippine National Oil Company
 Plant Breeding Institute
 International Rice Research Institute (IRRI)
 Bureau of Plant industry
 Bureau of Forest Products
 National Committee on Geological Sciences
 National Science Development Board (NSDB) – National Science and Technology
Authority (NSTA) (1981)

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 National Academy of Science and Technology (1976) - Reservoir of science and
technological expertise in the country
 Salary increases for teachers and administrators at the Philippine Science High School
 Mindanao and Visayas campuses for the Philippine Science High School

President Corazon Aquino

 National Science and Technology Authority – Department

of Science and Technology (1986)
This was done in order for the science and
technology to be represented in the cabinet
Science and Technology Master Plan (by DOST)
 Aimed to update the production sector, improve research
activities, and develop infrastructures for the science and
technology sector

President Fidel Ramos

 1987 – 3,000 competent scientists and engineers

 Doctors to the Barrio - Healthcare accessible to far-flung
areas in the country
 National Program for Gifted Filipino Children in Science
and Technology
Created for high school students who wanted to
major in science and engineering in college
 RA 8439 : Magna Carta for Science, Engineers, Researchers,
and other Science and Technology Personnel in Government
 RA 7687: Science and Technology Scholarship Act of 1994
 RA 7459: Inventors and Inventions Incentives Act
 RA 8293: The Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines

President Joseph Estrada

 RA 8749: The Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999

 RA 8792: Electronic Commerce Act of 2000
 Implementing cost-effective irrigation technologies and providing
basic health care services for those who could not afford them

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President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo

 Science and Technology sector were developed to

strengthen the education system and to address poverty
 Filipinnovation - Philippines as an innovation hub in Asia
 RA 9367: Biofuels Act
Utilize indigenous materials as sources of energy
The act was not able to produce positive outcomes
because of the lack of technology to source raw materials
 Farmers were encouraged to use rice that can withstand
environmental hazards
 RA 10601: Agriculuture and Fisheries Mechanization
(AFMech) Law
 Modernize agricultural and fisheries machinery and equipment

President Benigno Aquino III

 Named new National scientists

1. Gavino C. Trono, Marine Biology
2. Angel C. Alcala, Biological Science
3. Ramon G. Barba, Horticulture
4. Edgardo D. Gomez, Marine Biology

President Rodrigo Duterte

 Science and Technology is seen to be a priority based on

the budget for research and development (R&D) that grew
by nearly six times over the same period
 The focus of DOST is to put the results of R&D into
commercialization in order to gain new intellectual
 Philippine Space Technology Program
 Launched Diwata-2 in 2018 after the launch of Diwata-1 in
2016 that displayed the Philippine flag in space
 Agriculture and disaster preparedness

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Instructions: Choose one among the following Filipino scientists and inventors:

1. Paulo Campos 8. AmeGarong

2. Angel Alcala 9. Raymundo Punongbayan
3. Ricardo Sigua 10. GavinoTronio
4. Maria Ligaya Braganza 11. Proceso Alcala
5. Baldomero Olivera 12. Alfredo Galang
6. Dioscoro Umali 13. Benito Lumen
7. Diosdado Banatao

Create a flash card showing the profession of the scientist/ inventor, his or her specialization, and
his or her most significant contribution.

ACTIVITY #1 & #4

EXEMPLARY (10 GOOD (8 pts.) FAIR (6 pts.) POOR (4 pts.) TOTAL

Pictures/Drawings/ Provides Provides Provides Provides
examples appropriate and appropriate appropriate inappropriate
sufficient example to and example.
example to partially sufficient
support the support the example to
claim, which claim, which support the
includes specific includes claim, but it
data from the specific data does not
activity. from the include
activity. specific data
from the
Content/Reasoning Complete Information Information Central
presentation of provides supports a purpose is
relevant and reasonable central not clearly
correct support for a purpose of identified.
information that central the topic at Insufficient
clearly supports a purpose of times. supporting
central purpose the topic. Reader details and
or argument and Reader gains gains few caused
in-depth analysis some insights. confusion to
of a chosen insights. the readers.

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particular topic.
Reader gains
Overall appearance The output is The output is The output The output is
very organized, organized, is unclear and
neat and easily neat, and moderately not easily
understood. understood. organized understood.

CRITERIA EXEMPLARY (5 pts.) GOOD (4 pts.) FAIR (3 pts.) POOR (2 pts.) TOTAL

Purpose/Introduction The writer’s purpose The writing has The central The purpose
or argument is a clear purpose purpose or or argument
readily apparent to or argument, argument is is generally
the reader. but may not unclear.
sometimes stray consistently
off from the clear
subject. throughout
the paper.
Content Complete Information Information Central
presentation of provides supports a purpose is
relevant and correct reasonable central not clearly
information that support for a purpose of identified.
clearly supports a central purpose the topic at Insufficient
central purpose or of the topic. times. supporting
argument and in- Reader gains Reader gains details and
depth analysis of a some insights. few insights. caused
chosen particular confusion to
topic. Reader gains the readers.
important insights.
Organization, The ideas are The ideas are The writing The writing
sentence structure/ arranged logically to arranged to is arranged is not
word choice support the purpose. support the logically, logically
The flow of ideas is purpose. It is although organized.
smoothly linked usually clearly occasionally Frequently,
each other. Sentence linked to each ideas fail to ideas fail to
formations are other. There is make sense make sense
correctly structured. some variety in together. The together,

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The reader can sentence reader is There are
follow the line of structure. fairly clear errors in the
reasoning. what the sentence
write structure and
intends. distract the
Mood/impact to the The writer is The writing is The writing The writing
readers compelling and generally is dull and has little
hooks the interest of engaging, but unengaging/ personality.
the readers and has some Some parts It quickly
sustains it all dry/dull are loses interest
throughout. moments. Still interesting, among the
keeps the but not readers.
reader’s maintained

EXEMPLARY GOOD (8 pts.) FAIR (6 pts.) POOR (4 pts.) TOTA
(10 pts.) L
Composition/Design/ The artwork is The artwork The artwork
Planning The artwork is planned shows little shows no
planned carefully; evidence of understanding
carefully; understanding understanding of the
understanding of most the concepts concepts and
of all concepts concepts and and instructions.
and instructions is instructions.
instructions is demonstrated.
Craftsmanship The artwork The artwork The artwork
shows shows good shows limited The artwork
outstanding craftsmanship, craftsmanship shows
craftsmanship, with some and little minimal or no
with clear attention to attention to craftsmanship
attention to control, control, and attention
control, adaptation, adaptation, to control, and
adaptation, selection and and understanding
and understanding understanding of the
understanding of the of the medium/medi
of the medium/medi medium/medi a.
medium/medi a. a.

Page | 26
Creativity The artwork The artwork The artwork The artwork
demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates
a challenging a satisfactory a basic level very little
level of level of of attention to attention to
production production production, production,
and creativity and creativity creativity creativity

EXEMPLARY (10 GOOD (8 pts.) FAIR (6 pts.) POOR (4 pts.) TOTAL
Creativity Exemplary Most of the Very few Lack of
creative details show details show creativity
creativity creativity
Neatness Outstanding, all Almost all Very few Lack of
flashcards are flashcards details are neatness
neat. are neat and neat.

Followed instructions Flashcards show Most of the Few details Didn’t

that the students details are are follow
followed according to according to instructions
teacher’s the teacher’s the at all.
instructions. instructions. teacher’s


Mansarete, E.J and Nieva, A.D (2019) Science, technology, and society. Quezon City,
Philippines: C & E Publishing

McNamara, D. J. et. al.(2018) Science, technology, and society. Quezon City,

Philippines: C & E Publishing Inc.

Serafica, J.P, Pawilen, G.T, Caslib, B.N Jr., and Alata, E.J (2018)Science, technology,
and society. Sampaloc, Manila, Philippines: Rex Bookstore

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