Stepwise Ventilator Waveform Assessment To Diagnose Pulmonary Pathophysiology

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Clinical Focus Review Jerrold H. Levy, M.D., F.A.H.A., F.C.C.M.

, Editor

Stepwise Ventilator Waveform Assessment to Diagnose

Pulmonary Pathophysiology
Brigid C. Flynn, M.D., Haley G. Miranda, M.D., Aaron M. Mittel, M.D., Vivek K. Moitra, M.D., M.H.A., F.C.C.M.

E lectronically displayed ventilator waveforms provide a

wealth of insight into the physiology of the respiratory
system. Pressure and flow values can be independent variables
Resistive pressure or load is a function of airway resistance
(R = Δpressure/flow) and airflow ( V  =  Δvolume/Δtime).
Elastic pressure or load is a function of airway and chest wall
that reflect control by the ventilator or dependent variables elastance (E) and volume of air in the respiratory system (V).

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that demonstrate the respiratory system’s response to mechan- Because elastance (Δpressure/Δvolume) is the inverse of com-
ical ventilation. Diagrams of time-based pressure and flow pliance (Δvolume/Δpressure), a patient with poorly compli-
curves may reveal underlying pathophysiology beyond more ant lungs or a stiff chest wall has an increased elastic load.
commonly assessed parameters such as peak airway pressure, The gradient between the left and right sides of the equation
respiratory rate, and tidal volume. In this narrative review, we of motion determines the direction of airflow. Clinically, this
introduce a stepwise approach clinicians can take to diagnose is shown as changes in airway pressure and flow waveforms
pulmonary pathophysiology by using ventilator waveforms over time as a volume of air cycles in or out of the airways.
in patients receiving pressure control ventilation or volume For example, a patient with high respiratory elastance (poor
control ventilation. Understanding a patient’s pathophysi- compliance) will have a large elastic load and thus will need
ology (i.e., increased airway resistance) does not distinguish comparable increases in Pmus or Pvent to drive air into the lungs.
pathology (i.e., kinked endotracheal tube or bronchospasm). In a paralyzed patient, the ventilator generates the entire
A pathology such as pulmonary edema may have more than positive pressure received by the patient’s lungs (i.e., Pmus is
one pathophysiologic process (i.e., increased airway resistance 0). As patient effort increases (reflected as a negative pres-
and low respiratory compliance).To interpret ventilator wave- sure), airway pressure decreases, and the ventilator generates
forms, we assume a one-compartment lung model with a lin- less pressure, which is also known as “work shifting.” If the
ear response to a range of tidal volumes.1 We do not discuss ventilator delivers more pressure than the patient demands,
identification of ventilation mode or adaptive ventilation.2 then airway pressure is above baseline, and the patient is
“assisted.” From a waveform perspective, there would be no
observed increase in pressure on the pressure waveform if
The Equation of Motion the ventilator delivered a pressure that exactly matched (did
The equation of motion is an equation of pressures. In this not assist) the patient’s demand over time.
equation, the pressure applied to the patient’s respiratory We can implement the equation of motion at the bed-
system is the sum of ventilator pressure (Pvent), a positive side by assessing the flow and pressure waveforms over time
pressure, and the patient’s respiratory muscle pressure (Pmus), in the context of patient and ventilatory activity. The fol-
a negative pressure. The combination of Pvent and Pmus must lowing presents a stepwise approach to diagnosing respi-
overcome the patient’s intrinsic resistance to flow, elastic ratory pathophysiology using ventilator waveforms. In the
response to volume, and retained positive end-expiratory first step, we generate a pathophysiologic hypothesis based
pressure (PEEP) to deliver a ventilated breath.3 on the shape and duration of the expiratory flow waveform.

PMUS + PVENT = resistive pressure + elastic pressure + PEEP (1)

Expiration: Below the Baseline
or In pressure control ventilation and volume control ven-
tilation, the cessation of ventilator-applied flow initiates
PMUS + PVENT = R * (V ) + E * ( V ) + PEEP (2) expiration. Expiration is dependent on patient effort and

This article has been selected for the Anesthesiology CME Program. Learning objectives and disclosure and ordering information can be found in the CME section at the front of
this issue. This article is featured in “This Month in Anesthesiology,” page A1.
Submitted for publication December 17, 2021. Accepted for publication March 25, 2022. Published online first on May 5, 2022.
Brigid C. Flynn, M.D.: Department of Anesthesiology, Division of Critical Care, University of Kansas Health Systems, Kansas City, Kansas.
Haley G. Miranda, M.D.: Department of Anesthesiology, Division of Critical Care, University of Kansas Health Systems, Kansas City, Kansas.
Aaron M. Mittel, M.D.: Department of Anesthesiology, Division of Critical Care, Columbia University Irving Medical Center, New York, New York.
Vivek K. Moitra, M.D., M.H.A., F.C.C.M.: Department of Anesthesiology, Division of Critical Care, Columbia University Irving Medical Center, New York, New York.
Copyright © 2022, the American Society of Anesthesiologists. All Rights Reserved. Anesthesiology 2022; 137:85–92. DOI: 10.1097/ALN.0000000000004220

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<zdoi;. DOI: 10.1097/ALN.0000000000004220>

underlying lung physiology. In the absence of patient effort, Prolonged expiratory time constants (more than 0.7 s
expiration is a passive process that reflects the resistive and with an expiratory flow time of more than 2.5 s) should
elastic loads of the respiratory system. Passive expiratory prompt bedside clinicians to hypothesize that lung com-
flow waveforms demonstrate exponential decay to base- pliance is high (e.g., in chronic obstructive pulmonary dis-
line as thoracic elastic recoil forces air out of the lung until ease [COPD]) or airway resistance is elevated (e.g., mucous
PEEP is reached (fig. 1A).4 This period is especially useful plugging, kinked endotracheal tube, bronchial resistance).
for the bedside clinician who is attempting to generate a In these instances, the expiratory time constant will be pro-
hypothesis of intrinsic pulmonary pathophysiology, as this longed and expiratory peak flow will be reduced during
passive period reflects the influence of variables on the right passive exhalation (fig. 1B).5,6 In patients who have a high
side of the equation of motion only. resistive load (e.g., bronchospasm), use of bronchodilators
may increase the peak expiratory flow rate and shorten the
Step 1: Assess Expiratory Flow Waveform to Generate a time for flow to return to baseline.

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Pathophysiologic Hypothesis Short expiratory time constants (less than 0.5 s with an
Passive Exhalation during Ventilation.  The gradient between expiratory flow time of less than 1 s) along with an increase
alveolar pressure (plateau pressure) and PEEP drives expi- in peak expiratory flows are observed in patients with
ratory flow and is maximal at the beginning of expiration decreased compliance (e.g., acute respiratory distress syn-
when alveolar pressure is highest. To assess the expiratory drome [ARDS], cardiogenic pulmonary edema, restrictive
flow waveform, examine the patient’s peak expiratory flow lung disease, chest wall stiffness, intra-abdominal hyperten-
in relation to the expiratory time constant. The expiratory sion, kyphoscoliosis; fig.  1C).7 In these pathophysiologic
time constant is a product of the relationship between resis- states, the diseased alveoli empty rapidly.
tance and compliance and represents the time for the flow Active Exhalation (Patient Effort) during Ventilation. It is
waveform to return to baseline or the patient’s functional important to identify patient effort during expiratory
residual capacity (fig. 1, B to H). Bedside interpretation of waveform analysis because the presence of patient effort
waveforms assumes a linear one-compartment model. In can confound the diagnosis of pathophysiologic conditions
this context, the time constant is defined as the time to that impact the right side of the equation of motion. Patient
exhale 63% of lung volume.1 effort should also be analyzed in the context of bedside

Fig. 1.  Expiratory flow waveforms (bold lines) in volume control ventilation. Note that the expiratory portion of the waveforms would be
similar in pressure control ventilation. PEEP, positive end-expiratory pressure.

86 Anesthesiology 2022; 137:85–92 Flynn et al.

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Stepwise Ventilator Waveform Assessment

evaluation of the patient’s respiratory effort and receipt of central airways. This rapid expulsion leads to a reduction in
sedatives or paralytics.8 Inspiratory patient effort during expiratory flow from the other airways and regional vol-
expiration is identified on the expiratory waveform by the utrauma. In contrast to auto-PEEP from a short expira-
movement of flow upwards, toward baseline (fig.  1F). An tory time, expiratory flow limitation does not respond to
upward deflection without a subsequent inspiratory breath prolonging expiratory time or reducing respiratory rate.10
may also represent a failed trigger, an autotrigger (see the If PEEP is reduced to 0, flow increases in normal lung
sections “Failure to Trigger” and “False Triggering”), or zones but decreases in zones with expiratory flow limita-
relaxation of expiratory effort. An upward deflection that tion. Increasing external PEEP can alleviate intrinsic PEEP
occurs immediately after an inspiratory cycle suggests a during expiratory flow limitation.
premature cycle (patient inspiratory effort beyond the set Secretions.  Hypothesize the presence of airway secretions
inspiratory time) to expiration (fig.  1F). Expiratory effort or condensate in the ventilator circuit when faced with a
during expiration is characterized by the movement of flow sawtooth expiratory flow (fig. 1H).

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downwards “obliterating” exponential decay; this may be
confused with auto-PEEP (fig. 1, D and E). Inspiration: Above the Baseline
Auto-PEEP.  Auto-PEEP occurs when incomplete exha-
lation leads to retained air in the alveoli. It is important The inspiratory period reflects the interaction between
to assess for the presence of auto-PEEP during expiratory the ventilator (i.e., Pvent) and the patient’s lungs. Inspiratory
waveform analysis, as its presence influences the rate of flow waveforms reflect dynamic flow and appear as square,
expiratory airflow. It is often present in patients with high descending, or decelerating (fig.  2, A to C). In volume
compliance (e.g., COPD), increased resistance (e.g., bron- control ventilation, flow is controlled, and pressure wave-
chospasm), rapid respiratory rate, large tidal volumes, or a forms represent the respiratory system’s response to inspira-
combination of these entities. Auto-PEEP is measured in tion. In pressure control ventilation, pressure is controlled,
the absence of spontaneous respiratory activity by perform- and inspiratory flow waveforms represent the respiratory
ing a static expiratory hold maneuver.9 The detected airway response to inspiration.
pressure represents total PEEP, from which applied PEEP
is subtracted to identify the auto-PEEP contained in the Step 2: Assess Inspiratory Flow Waveform to Corroborate
system. Pathophysiologic Diagnosis
Auto − PEEP = total PEEP – applied PEEP
 (3) Volume Control: Square and Descending Flow
Waveforms.  Assessment of the inspiratory flow waveform
The expiratory flow waveform of patients with substantial in volume control ventilation is limited because flow is
auto-PEEP does not return to baseline but may have a typ- controlled; the shape of the inspiratory waveforms changes
ical decay appearance (fig. 1D). Decreasing the respiratory little with patient effort. With a square waveform, flow
rate can reduce auto-PEEP. quickly rises and remains constant until the target tidal
Expiratory Flow Limitation. Expiratory flow limitation volume has been delivered before cycling into exhalation
occurs from dynamic small and distal airway collapse when (fig.  2A). A descending waveform decreases linearly after
expiratory flow cannot rise with a high expiratory driving maximum flow (fig. 2B). Although analysis of the inspira-
pressure. This leads to a bicompartmental expiration phase, tory flow waveform during volume control ventilation is
in which expiratory volume return from heterogeneous limited, it is necessary to understand the geometric shape
lung areas is both rapid and slow. This can cause pendulluft- of the inspiratory flow waveform to interpret concurrent
ing, in which air flows between lung compartments rather pressure waveforms (see Step 3).
than directly returning to the ventilator in one linear, con- Pressure Control and Pressure Support: Decelerating
tinuous motion. Expiratory flow limitation causes auto- Waveforms.  Pressure control ventilation is a pressure-
PEEP and is observed in patients with COPD, congestive targeted, inspiratory time-cycled mode with variable flow
heart failure, obesity, and ARDS, especially with low PEEP. and volume. Pressure control ventilation characteristically
Because flow may be close to 0, an expiratory pause can utilizes a decelerating inspiratory flow waveform with
detect the presence of auto-PEEP. This phenomenon is exponential decay (fig.  2C).6 Inspiratory flow changes
also observed in patients with single-lung transplant who dynamically owing to patient effort, airway resistance, and
have two different compartments for exhalation where the gradient between proximal airways and alveoli (math-
the transplanted lung empties faster than the native, overly ematically represented by the equation of motion), which
compliant COPD lung. can vary from breath to breath (fig. 2D).
Hypothesize the presence of expiratory flow limita- If the presence of increased compliance or increased
tion when an inflection point is observed instead of a sin- airway resistance has been hypothesized in Step 1, next
gle exponential decay in the expiratory flow waveform confirm the presence of decreased peak inspiratory flow.
(fig. 1G).10 In these circumstances, an initial flow spike rep- Compared with peak inspiratory flows in patients with
resents dynamic compression and exhalation of gas in the normal lung physiology (fig.  2E), those in patients with

Flynn et al. 2022; 137:85–92 87
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Fig. 2.  Inspiratory flow waveforms (bold lines) in volume control ventilation (A, B) and pressure control ventilation (C to H).

increased compliance (COPD) and increased airway resis- the independent variable, and the flow waveform is the
tance are lower, and time constants are prolonged. Flow may dependent variable.
not reach baseline because the lung inflates slowly (fig. 2F). Calculate the Plateau Pressure and the Driving Pressure.  Plateau
In lung units with prolonged inspiratory time constants pressure (Pplat) reflects lung compliance and can be calcu-
(i.e., bronchospasm), alveolar inflation time is prolonged, lated in both volume control ventilation and pressure con-
and tidal volumes may be reduced if inspiratory time is trol ventilation. Calculating plateau pressure during pressure
not increased. Conversely, the hypothetical presence of low control ventilation is important when resistive load is high
compliance states can be corroborated by the observation or inspiratory time is short. Plateau pressure is assessed at
of short inspiratory time constants and decreased insuffla- end inspiration with the inspiratory hold maneuver, when
tion times (fig. 2G). alveolar and circuit pressure have reached equilibration
If the decelerating flow waveform has a linear or upward (fig.  3A). The difference between peak inspiratory flow
concavity shape (vs. an exponential decay), inspiratory (PIP) and Pplat reflects airway resistance. Escalating [PIP
patient effort is likely, and inspiratory pressures or flow may – Pplat] values suggest resistive pathologies such as mucus
be inadequate (fig.  2H). Shortening the rise time or the plugging, bronchospasm, or circuit obstruction (fig.  3B).
time to achieve a target pressure can manage inadequate Increased Pplat, indicative of poor compliance, suggests
flow. A leak or an increase in flow from lung recruitment ARDS, pulmonary edema, pneumonia, or pneumothorax
also shifts the waveform upwards. (fig.  3C). Additionally, auto-PEEP in the setting of bron-
chospasm is associated with elevated plateau pressures and
Step 3: Assess Inspiratory Pressure Curves to Confirm an increased [PIP – Pplat] (fig. 3D). Perform a static expira-
Pathophysiologic Diagnosis tory hold maneuver to measure the presence of auto-PEEP,
which may influence compliance measurements.
Flow is the independent variable controlled by the ven- Volume Control: Pressure Waveform with Square Flow.  Flow
tilator in volume control ventilation, and assessing the is controlled by the ventilator after the clinician selects the
dependent pressure waveform can confirm the pathophys- desired volume in volume control ventilation. Assessing the
iologic hypothesis generated by analysis of the expiratory resulting pressure waveform can confirm the pathophysiol-
flow waveform. In contrast to volume control ventilation, ogy hypothesis. The initial rise in pressure reflects the resis-
the pressure waveform of pressure control ventilation is tive load in a passive patient. The end inspiratory pressure is

88 Anesthesiology 2022; 137:85–92 Flynn et al.

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Stepwise Ventilator Waveform Assessment

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Fig. 3.  Pressure waveforms in volume control ventilation with a square waveform flow pattern. PEEP, positive end-expiratory pressure.

a function of the elastic load in the airways. In contrast to initial portion of the pressure curve is flat and then appears
volume control ventilation, inspiratory pressure waveforms scooped as the breath is delivered, compliance decreases and
add little information to inspiratory flow waveform analysis overdistention is likely (upward concavity; stress index or
during pressure control ventilation. With constant flow in b > 1.05; fig. 3G). The pressure waveforms of a patient with
a passive patient, the slope of the pressure curve (after the overdistended alveoli or a patient with an active inspiratory
initial rise in pressure) reflects lung compliance. effort in the setting of inadequate flow are similar with an
The stress index is derived from the airway pressure– upward concavity (fig. 3H). Distinguish overdistension from
time curve (Paw – t) and has been validated to assess com- active effort by observing the patient at the bedside and not-
pliance by quantifying recruitment and overdistention ing the presence or absence of a patient-triggered breath.14
during square waveform flow.11,12 The shape of the airway Volume Control: Pressure Waveform with Decelerating
pressure–time curve with constant inspiratory flow is related Flow.  Switching the ventilator from a square to a descending
to compliance and is represented by the equation: flow waveform in volume control ventilation may reduce
the effect of increased airway resistance and peak inspiratory
P = a * tb + c  (4)
aw pressure. Additionally, decelerating flow waveforms decrease
where a is the slope of curve of steady flow between time0 peak inspiratory pressures, dead space ventilation, the A-a gra-
and time1, c is the Paw at time0, and b (stress index) is a dient, and potentially patient respiratory effort by increasing
dimensionless number that describes the shape of the curve. mean airway pressures and improving patient-to-ventilator
Experimental models and clinical trials have suggested synchrony.15 Switching from a square waveform to a decel-
that a stress index of 0.95 to 1.05 is ideal. This calculated erating flow waveform may increase inspiratory time unless
value is not commonly available on most anesthesia ven- the flow rate is increased, predisposing patients to reduced
tilators but can be reliably assessed with visual analysis of expiratory times and potential auto-PEEP.When inspiratory
the ventilator Paw – t.13 If the slope is linear (stress index flow is delivered in a descending pattern, the initial pres-
or b =1) throughout inspiration, compliance is linear and sure rise is from the resistive load in a passive patient and is
reflects noninjurious alveolar distention (fig. 3E). If compli- also reflected at end inspiration by the difference between
ance is worse at the beginning of the breath and improves the peak and plateau pressures (fig. 4A). This initial rise is
as the lung recruits, the inspiratory pressure curve bows out higher with increased resistive load. A high initial rise with
(downward concavity: stress index or b < 0.95; fig. 3F). If the a significant drop in the pressure waveform to a lower end

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inspiratory pressure once the flow reaches 0 can confirm of typically 1 to 2 cm H2O of patient effort (represented
the presence of a resistive lung load (bronchospasm; fig. 4B). by a negative deflection in the pressure waveform; fig. 4A)
As flow descends to 0, the pressure waveform reflects the or a change in the continuous flow of the circuit (often
plateau pressure, such that the end of inspiratory pressure represented by a change in color of the initial portion of
with descending flow reflects elastance. Patients with a high inspiratory flow; fig.  2, B and D). Identifying a patient-
elastic load (low compliance) will see an elevated pressure at triggered breath and a passive or machine-triggered breath
the end of inspiration as the flow reaches 0 (fig. 4C). Poor can unmask pathology in the presence of patient effort. If
lung compliance should be distinguished from exhalation both breaths are identical, there is no Pmus. A deep and wide
during a mechanical inspiratory breath, which also increases negative deflection of pressure during the trigger phase
pressure at the end of inspiration (fig. 4D). suggests a strong respiratory drive. Triggering asynchronies
Volume Control: Inspiratory Patient Effort.  Pressure waveforms reflect either an absence of ventilator response, known as
can provide evidence of patient effort. If the patient is actively “failure to trigger,” or an absence of patient effort, known

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inhaling during inspiration, the inspiratory pressure curve as “false trigger.”16
moves down toward baseline (fig. 4E). Paradoxical motion Failure to Trigger. Mechanical ventilators recognize
of the patient’s thorax and abdomen may be observed. The patient inspiratory effort as negative deflections in either
phenomenon of flow starvation occurs if the inspiratory circuit pressure or airflow. An upward deflection during
pressure drops below baseline to generate negative inspi- the expiratory phase (below the baseline) suggests inspi-
ratory pressure. Manage inadequate flow by increasing the ratory effort. If this effort is insufficient to decrease
ventilator flow rate, which will decrease the inspiratory time. alveolar pressure, the corresponding decrease in circuit
pressure or flow will not occur (fig.  1F). Respiratory
Asynchronies: Absence of Patient Effort or effort may be inadequate to trigger a breath if alveo-
Ventilator Response lar pressure is elevated (i.e., auto-PEEP). Setting a flow
trigger compared to a pressure trigger may reduce the
Step 4: Identify the Triggering Source work of breathing by decreasing the sensitivity to trig-
Triggering.  Patient effort or time triggers inspiration. ger a breath.6,17 Flow triggers, however, do not com-
Patient effort can trigger a breath by a change in pressure pletely avoid the challenges associated with high alveolar

Fig. 4.  Pressure waveforms in volume control ventilation with a descending waveform flow pattern (A to E, H); cardiac oscillations during
expiratory flow waveform (F); and double triggering with inspiratory flow waveform (G). PEEP, positive end-expiratory pressure.

90 Anesthesiology 2022; 137:85–92 Flynn et al.

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Stepwise Ventilator Waveform Assessment

pressure because alveolar pressure must still be overcome in airway pressure late in the machine-delivered inspiratory
to negative to initiate flow into the lungs (as described in cycle suggest this dyssynchrony (fig. 4G). As for premature
the equation of motion).18 cycling, correct delayed cycling by modifying inspiratory
False Triggering (Autotriggering). False triggering or auto- time to match the patient’s desired inspiratory length more
triggering occurs when the ventilator provides a breath in precisely, in this case, by shortening the machine’s inspira-
response to a stimulus unrelated to patient effort. Entities tory epoch.21
such as cardiac oscillations, condensation in ventilator tub- Early Trigger or Reverse Trigger. With an early or
ing, continuous negative flow from the ventilator circuit or reverse trigger, a reflexive inspiratory effort follows a
chest tube leaks, highly sensitive (easy) triggering thresh- machine-triggered breath (fig. 4H). When coupled with
olds, or external vibrations (i.e., renal replacement therapy, inspiratory cycles over time, this phenomenon is referred
chest tube, gastric suction tubing) can cause deflections in to as “entrainment.” It typically occurs near the transi-
pressure and flow that are interpreted by the ventilator as tion from the inspiratory to the expiratory phase. Reverse

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patient effort to trigger a breath. Cardiac oscillations man- triggering is speculated to occur most frequently during
ifest as rapid distortions at the frequency of the patient’s transitional states between intense sedation and sponta-
heart rate in the expiratory flow and pressure waveforms neous patient-driven triggering events that occur with
and should be distinguished from ineffective triggering19 milder sedation, leading to increased respiratory drive.
(fig. 4F). Autotriggering can be diagnosed by fixing circuit Strategies to prevent or correct reverse triggering are
leaks, removing sources of external vibrations, or switch- uncertain, although increasing the respiratory rate or
ing the mechanical ventilator to a pressure trigger mode. reducing sedation may reduce the propensity for entrain-
Autotriggering has been observed after brain death and ment to occur.22
may confound the clinician’s ability to verify that death has
occurred.20 Conclusions
Clinicians can use mechanical waveform analysis as a diag-
Dyssychronies: Mismatch between Patient nostic tool to identify pulmonary pathophysiology. Flow
Demand and Ventilator Response and pressure waveforms can be interpreted to confirm diag-
nosis and to optimize ventilator management. This review
Step 5: Identify the Time between Inspiration and
offers tools for clinicians to use when developing a mental
model hypothesis of a patient’s lung pathophysiology and
Cycling describes the transition from inspiration to expira- offers a stepwise approach to either accepting or rejecting
tion. Flow, time, or pressure determine cycling, and cycling the hypothesis.
dyssynchronies occur when there is mismatch between the
length of time allowed by the ventilator for inspiration and Acknowledgments
expiration and the patient’s actual inspiratory and expira-
The authors thank Jennifer Holmes, E.L.S. (St. Augustine,
tory cycles.
Florida), for her invaluable editorial assistance.
Premature Cycling (Double or Multiple Triggering). If an
inspiratory effort continues beyond the ventilator’s set
inspiratory time, a second breath, without expiration Research Support
from the first breath, can be triggered.21 Patients desiring Support was provided solely from institutional and/or
a longer breath or who have a fast pressure rise time or departmental sources.
inadequate pressure support may experience premature
cycling (fig. 4G). The delivery of a second breath during Competing Interests
the expiratory phase of the machine-initiated breath may
Dr. Moitra is the American Society of Anesthesiologists’
sequentially “stack” breaths, generating large tidal volumes
(Schaumburg, Illinois) liaison to the American Heart
and increased inspiratory pressures. Extending machine
Association (Dallas, Texas). He provides expert testimony.
inspiratory time can correct premature cycling and omit
Dr. Moitra is also a Director of the American Board of
breath stacking.
Anesthesiology (Raleigh, North Carolina). The other
Delayed Cycling.  Delayed cycling occurs when the set inspi-
authors declare no competing interests.
ratory time exceeds a patient’s desired intrinsic inspiratory
time. This results in patient exhalation while a machine-
delivered breath is still occurring. This may be caused by
unnecessarily long inspiratory time or very slow expi- Address correspondence to Dr. Moitra: Columbia
ratory flow deceleration, as occurs with obstructive pul- University Irving Medical Center, New York, New York
monary disease (fig.  2C). Spontaneous exhalation during 10032. [email protected]. This article may be
machine insufflation may generate very high airway pres- accessed for personal use at no charge through the Journal
sures and increases the risk of barotrauma. Abrupt increases Web site,

Flynn et al. 2022; 137:85–92 91
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92 Anesthesiology 2022; 137:85–92 Flynn et al.

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