Nguyễn Diệu Tú - HS150490 - Individual assignment

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COURSE: International business
strategy (IBS301m)
individual assignment

Table of

- Definition

- 6 factors in environmental analysis

- Technological factors of UK


- Introduce Canon

- Five forces for Canon

III. Reference

In this individual assignment, we will be learned about the definition of "Environmental
analysis", and the six essential factors of "environmental analysis". Besides, research and analyze
the technological factor of a country. And finally. Canon inc. will be discussed Michael Potter's
five forces.

1.Definition of "Environmental analysis"

An environmental analysis, also known as environmental scanning, is a strategic technique that

may be used to identify all internal and external factors that could affect a company's performance.

Internal components represent the company's strengths and weaknesses, whereas external

components represent opportunities and threats that exist outside the company. [1] (

So, "Environmental analysis" is a process that helps companies and businesses identify and

learn information about competitors, customer trends, or market conditions...From there, hedging

possible risks or taking opportunities to develop in a competitive environment

2. Six factors in enviromental analysis

Demographic Socio-cultural Technological

trends Influences developments

Macroeconomic Political-Legal Global Trade

Impacts Pressures Issues

a, Demographic trends

Demographic trends are concerned with changes in demographics, such as population aging or
rejuvenation, and how these changes affect the industry segment. Furthermore, the distribution of
the consumer population or the age of each buyer group, as well as how the groupings are
distributed, are all factors to consider...[2] (strategyforexecs. com)

According to strategyforexecs. com, data specific to these factors may include:
Population growth and death rate
Trends in age distribution
Migration and immigration patterns
Population segment groups

An example of a demographic trend is Coca-Cola. The brand is aimed at both men and women,
but the preferences of the two genders are different. Coca-light is quite popular among women,
while Coca-zero has a stronger flavor preferred by men. Even the packaging of coca-zero mainly
focuses on two main colors, black and red, more masculine than coca-light. [3] (

Businesses might use demographic trends to evaluate the products or strategy they are pursuing.
Following that, important alterations are made to account for the needs of various audiences in the
market and industrial segments of the organization.

b, Socio-cultural influences
Factors influencing consumer decisions at the social level are evolving. Typically personal
values, beliefs, habits, and sexuality all influence how customers want to be seen and how they
don't want to be seen.[4] (strategyforexecs. com)

Data to include in the analysis:

Trends in lifestyle
Fashion trends
The development of leading social issues
Evolution in ethnic and racial differences
Media perspectives and influence

In general, sociocultural influences the perception, thinking and behavior of each person.
Businesses need to understand this issue to come up with strategies and approaches to customers.
Each person's lifestyle is different from the socio-cultural environment in which they were born or
the trends people receive through social networking sites, the media also affects their thoughts and
beliefs. and each person's decision.

c, Technological developments
What are the technological trends that may influence how buyers choose and purchase products?
What technological convergence is causing unprecedented changes in customer behavior? [5]
(strategyforexecs. com)
Specific data to include in the analysis:
State and maturity of existing technologies
The development of promising emerging technologies
Grants public and private research
Intellectual property status (license and patent transactions)
The view of the regulatory agency on technology

According to a study by the Center for Economic and Business Research, UK consumers spend
more than £22.8 billion a year shopping online while using public transport. [6]
According to a Google report, 90% of people use multiple devices to complete their online
purchase process. First, they receive product information from TV ads, then research prices or
other users' reviews of the product. Finally, confirm the order via laptop. [7] (
Technology develops along with human needs. Artificial intelligence AI brings people interesting
experiences in the technology world. As we can see, when you are interested in service on
Facebook, it immediately appears continuously in your news feed. Businesses should take
advantage of technology develops of this to advertise any product to potential customers, they will
be interested and consider choosing that product.

d, Macroeconomic impacts
Taxes, currency exchange rates, inflation, unemployment, and supply and demand in trade are all
macroeconomic factors that influence firm profit margins. [8] (strategyforexecs. com)
Data to include in the analysis:
Economic situation at home and overseas
Status of trade agreements and negotiations with potential markets internationally
Status of taxation issues
Demand seasonality
Markets volatility due to international or internal conflicts
Macroeconomic effects on the industry and particular markets
Macroeconomic factors emphasize the market's impact on the financial health of firms and the
economy as a whole. We are known that factors such as inflation, exchange rates, trade barriers,
fiscal policy and so on affect a country's economic outlook. Macroeconomic factors can have both
positive and bad consequences, consequently, firms and countries must plan ahead of time to avoid
future dangers. Economic researchers, financial specialists,... examine and report on these
elements in order to give accuracy and support economic planners, advisers working with the
government, or corporations.

e, Political legal pressures
What is the regulatory environment like, and what do legal authorities and politicians think about
how the industry should evolve and be regulated? [9] (strategyforexecs. com)
Specific data about this factors may include:
Current and pending relevant legislation
Political and social pressures
Status of public funding for projects and technology
Current influence of lobbyists and advocacy groups

Each country has legislative regulations that govern the operation, protection, and management of
all fields and industries. The government will enact economic policies and regulations such as
taxes, trade barriers, legal documents or permissions, and so on. But, in a world that is continually
working, can the law always be effective? Many industries and enterprises are under great pressure
from rules. If politics examines the country's present political situation, the legal factor considers
changes in law that effect a business's environment. In general, political legislation grants
corporations rights and safeguards in commercial transactions. However, it also imposes financial
or policy constraints.

f. Global Trade issues

The impact of globalization and worldwide trends on local competition and profitability.[10]
(strategyforexecs. com)
Specific data to include in the analysis:
Trends in interest and exchange rates
Status of international trade and monetary policies
International advocacy and pressure groups
Globalization trends
Status of international regulation
The OECD Economic Outlook Report June 10 announced an unprecedented collapse in the first
half of 2020, global GDP shrinking by nearly 13%. The economic crisis occurred due to the
complicated developments of the Covid-19 pandemic, causing the exchange of goods between
countries to be halted. Many countries need help with necessities, medical masks, etc. Because of
the prolonged continuation of the pandemic, countries need to have global trade exchanges under
transparency. , keep supply chains continuous and reduce barriers to trade. [11] (

International trade allows domestic enterprises to expand their markets, and at the same time,
brings the company's name to the world. Besides, domestic consumers have the opportunity to
access foreign products. International trade creates commercial relationships between countries,
increasing the net profit in import and export. Businesses not only tend to be local, they will have
more growth opportunities in foreign markets.

3. Technological factor of UK

Great Britain, also known as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”
includes the four countries of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
First, we will be learned about the investments and achievements of UK technology. The United
Kingdom is Europe's technological capital, ranking fourth in the Global Innovation Index, with 30
key technology clusters spread around the country. In the midst of adversity, £15 billion was
invested in UK IT startups in 2020, ranking third only to the United States and China. The United
Kingdom is third in the world in terms of investment in critical emerging technologies such as
artificial intelligence, robots, cybersecurity, blockchain, the internet of things, virtual reality, and
augmented reality, accounting for 15% of total technological investment. [12]
Second, what does technology bring to the UK's economic development and social? According to
Tech Nation 2018, the UK's digital technology sector is growing faster than the rest of the
economy. Revenue at digital technology companies increased by 4.5 percent throughout the time.
2016-17 timeframe compared to UK GDP, a growth of 1.7 percent during the same period [13]
During the years 2020-2021, the UK is affected by Brexit and the Covid-19 pandemic,
technology has provided opportunities for economic growth and recovery. According to, over the course of 2020, the number of unique tech jobs advertised in the UK
outweighs that of key European countries by 259% on average. Or while the pandemic is
complicated, social distancing makes it difficult for everyone to communicate. According to the
report, 66% of adults said they have changed how they use technology, with the highest increases
in communication to combat loneliness, socializing, working from home or remote learning, and
entertainment. [14] (

Finally, we will be discovered technological factors for business and people in the UK. London is
one of the capitals that thrive in finance and technology. This is a strength that businesses take
advantage of to bring products to customers. Besides, the high level of Internet connectivity in the
UK allows people to use online services for personal, social, and business purposes. [15]
Through the above analysis, we learn about technological developments in the UK. They invest a
lot in technology and this has helped them overcome crises like Brexit or the Covid-19 pandemic.
The technology factor is something that many countries need to pay attention to, it opens up a lot
of opportunities in all fields of industry, especially the national economy.

In the second part of this individual article, we will learn and analyze the history and Porter' five
forces of Canon Inc.

1.Introduce about Canon Inc.

Canon Inc. known as one of the leading corporations and the best market leader in cameras,
camcorders, printers and optical products.
In 1933, the starting point of Canon inc. Extremely humble, they work in a small laboratory in a
budget apartment in the Roppongi area of ​Tokyo. The company was originally called Seikikogaku
Kenkyasho, which means precision optics industry. [16] ( With the passion and
enthusiasm of youth, the members of Canon at that time made efforts and perseverance, they
successfully launched the first prototype and named it Kwanon is named after the compassionate
female bodhisattva in Buddhism. [17] (
From that success and effort, in 1935, Japan's first 35mm
focal-plane shutter camera, the Hanza Canon, was born,
giving birth to the Canon brand. By 1936, they officially
announced this product to the market. [18] (

In 1941, the company demonstrated its self-diversification with the

introduction of Japan's first indirect X-ray machine.[19] (
In 1950, Mr. Takeshi Mitarai, the first president of Canon, went to
the US to attend an international trade fair and directly visit modern
factories. From there, he built a reinforced concrete refractory
factory in Tokyo's Shimomaruko district, which furthered the quality
of Canon's inventing cameras. [20] (

Mr. Takeshi Mitarai

In 1955, the Cine 8T camcorder began to develop on the market. At the same time, an important
milestone occurred when the US office opened in New York. Following that milestone, in 1957,
Canon launched its sole distributor in Europe, Canon Europa, in Geneva, Switzerland. [21]
With unremitting efforts, Canon inc. entered the office
equipment market, with the introduction of the world's first
10-key electronic calculator in 1964. In addition to the
replacement of the FL line for R lenses, it has "FX" system-
like shape. The next major milestone in the history of the
Canon corporation was the change of its name from Canon
Camera Company (Canon Camera Co., Inc.) to Canon Union
(Canon Inc.) [21] (
From 1971 to 1980, Canon Company began to open four organizations marketing the canon brand
and their production equipment in New York, Philadelphia, Chicago and Los Angeles. [22]
Việt Nam

Canon Vietnam Co., Ltd., a member of the Canon Group, is a 100% Japanese-owned export
processing company. Canon Vietnam Company was incorporated in 2001. [23] ( In
fact, Canon was present in Vietnam through authorized distributors as early as 1980. Canon has
established 04 production factories in Thang Long - Hanoi industrial zone, Que Vo and Tien Son -
Bac Ninh, Pho Noi - Hung Yen, and Canon Marketing Vietnam enterprise in the last ten years.

Khu công nghiệp Thăng Long 2, Đông Anh, Hà Nội (

Canon Marketing Vietnam Company is directed and supported by Canon Marketing Asia Group
and Canon Singapore Company, Canon's South and Southeast Asian headquarters. Canon
presently has over 300 dealers in Vietnam, in addition to distributor Le Bao Minh. [24] (
Canon Vietnam Co., Ltd. is ranked among the 500 largest firms in Vietnam according to the
Fortune 500 model.

VNR 500 ranking history- Canon Vietnam Co., Ltd (

2. Porter's Five Forces for Canon Inc.

a, Threat of new entrants

New entrants pose a possible danger to incumbents. The strength of the existing firm will be
modified by the force of its new market entrants. An industry with high entry barriers is ideal for
existing enterprises in that industry since the company can charge higher rates and negotiate better
conditions.[25] (
In general, the threat of new entrants arises from the ability of an existing business to retaliate, to
compete in strategy, and to have a reputation for customers in the market compared to new
entrants. Existing businesses need to come up with effective options in their strategy to deal with
this potential threat.
Canon is known as one of the market leaders when it comes to producing high-quality cameras,
camcorders, printers and optical products. But they also cannot avoid the risks brought by new
entrants. So what did Canon inc do to deal with that?

We will first look at the global market of Canon Inc. Canon Inc. through a strategy of lower
pricing, reducing costs, and delivering new value propositions to customers. Besides, with long-
term experience in the camera industry, Canon has built up its capacity and spent considerable
money on research and development of its products. [26] (
It is from such investment in machinery and production lines that they create high-quality, low-
cost products. This is exactly what new entrants are less likely to enter and compete with than
Canon Inc.
With Canon Inc.'s substantial financial resources, they have exhibited assembly automation
through the use of cutting-edge technologies like robotics, machine vision, AI, and IoT to produce
high-quality products at a cheap cost. Canon has cut waste and increased production efficiency by
merging manufacturing technology, product development, and manufacturing parts. Furthermore,
because Canon Inc. designs all of its products with automation in mind, the company can now
automate more complicated assembly processes. Canon's high-quality, low-cost production
combined with high prices results in large profit margins. [27] (
From the above, we can see that the first of Porter's five forces is the threat of new entrants,
which is assessed as LOW. This proves Canon's position in the industry and the level of risk from
new entrants is low.

b, Threats of Substitute Products or Services

Substitute goods or services can be used as a substitute for the company's products or services
that pose a threat. If the company's products or services do not have similar products to replace on
the market, the ability to sell and increase profits is high. For products with substitutes, customers
will have more choices and greatly influence the company's sales. [28] (

In my opinion, in today's developed world, the number of smartphone users has increased, and
smartphones appear to have a great influence on many product lines, especially cameras, and
camcorders, .. Besides, the image quality of a smartphone has a high resolution and is as sharp as
that of a specialized camera. Especially its convenience and speed. Because of this, we see the
threat of Canon's substitute products and services in the market today. Below is a chart showing
the number of Smartphones sold in the world from 2007 to 2021

Number of smartphones sold to end users worldwide from 2007 to 2021 (in million units)

According to Flickr's 2017 summary, the number of

photos posted on Flickr by smartphones is more than
50%, surpassing that of cameras. Apple is the most
popular brand on Flickr, the number of photos taken with
the iPhone this year accounts for more than 50% of the
54% based on the ranking of the 100 most popular
devices on this website, followed by Canon and camera
brands. Nikon, with only 5%. [29] (

Mr. Nick Yoshida, President and General Director of Canon Marketing

Vietnam Co., Ltd. stated: "I do not think that the development of
smartphones will become a rival to the professional DSLR line". He
further shared that, although the phone is convenient and fast, it is not the
factor that professional photographers aim for. Because with Canon's
professional DSLR line, it will help photographers radiate creativity and
passion into photos. Besides, there are many people who love taking DSLR Canon
photos with smartphones, towards buying professional models to use. [30]

From there, we are recognized that Threats of Substitute Products or Services for Canon Inc.
rated HIGH. As the development of technology continues, people have always preferred
convenience, compactness, and speed, and a smartphone meets those requirements compared to a
specialized camera like a DSLR. So what should Canon do to address the threat posed by
alternative products or services?
1. Canon Inc. clearly emphasizes how the company's offered product/service is better than its
2. Must have marketing strategies to attract customers by better experience and higher value for
money they spend
3. Create loyal customer relationships and improve quality to retain customers. [31] (case 48. com)

c, Degree of rivalry
The degree of rivalry shows the number of competitors and the fierce competitive strength of
brands and businesses. Competition occurs when a company is of similar size and strength. There
are actually many different types of competition in the market such as advertising, marketing, etc.
Besides, there are cases of low competition in the same industry, and of course that gives them
many opportunities to develop. Develop. [32] (
Canon's major competitor is Nikon. Nikon was born in 1917 and is known for manufacturing
industrial glasses, microscopes, and research instruments. Due to a history of producing equipment
for the military, Nikon is a company that specializes in producing professional cameras with high
quality and high prices. Then the competition between Nikon and Canon Inc. started when Nikon
entered the entry-level camera line and Canon also made professional cameras in the late 70s.
There was a time behind Nikon, but by the 90s Canon had caught up with speed. Canon's focus is
faster. Now, thanks to the development of production and strategy, Nikon and Canon stand side by
side and become two giants in the camera industry. [33] (

Thị phần máy ảnh toàn cầu năm 2013 (

According to Japanese financial publication Nikkei has published (soft-paywalled behind a free
account) the results of its 2020 'Major Product and Service Share Survey', the overall digital
camera market has decreased by about 40% in 2020 due to photo partially affected by the Covid-
19 pandemic.[34] (

According to the datasheet, Canon holds 47.9% of the digital camera market share, with Sony
and Nikon in 2nd and 3rd place with 22.1% and 13.7% respectively. Canon still maintains its
position in the market and ranks first. As for Nikon, 2018 was ranked second after Canon but was
later surpassed by Sony. [35] (
It can be said that, despite appearing many years after Nikon, with the investment in advanced
equipment, grasping the market and customer needs. Canon has surpassed its industry peers and
topped most of the charts.
In my opinion, the industry in Canon Inc. is pursuing will continue to grow for many years to
come. Positive growth means that competitors in the same industry are less likely to add or
improve since almost all have the opportunity to grow, they are not competing for market share.
Canon Inc. declares "the Camera Market is Reaching the Point of Saturation", the group forecasts
that for the rest of 2021, camera sales will increase by 34% compared to the sales cycle due to the
pandemic, and 2021 sales will slightly increase as revenue was significantly higher than the
previous year. The company also said that sales of both cameras and lenses have exceeded plans.
Canon hopes that other manufacturers in the same industry should build closer relationships with
customers who own existing cameras and upgrade cameras. Saturation is reflected in the fact that
everyone wants to own a professional camera, and opportunities for brands are available. [36]
With this 3rd factor, we can rate the level of competition as LOW. Because Canon has always
strived and maintained its position over the years in the camera industry market, leading the trend
and high quality.

d, Bargaining Power of Buyers

The bargaining Power of Buyers is one of Porter's five elements. Buyer bargaining power shows
the pressure that customers place on business organisations to get high-quality products at
affordable prices and perfect customer service. If the customer base is small and stronger, that
means each customer has more power and puts pressure on the profitability of that business.
Conversely, when the buyer power is weak, it will reduce competition and contribute to increasing
revenue. [37] (
Canon Inc. is a market leader in the production of cameras, camcorders, and other electronic
devices. Canon Inc.'s position as the world's leader is aided by huge financial investments in
technology. Construction of wafers and very expensive equipment investments are typical
examples of this. Capital requirements for merely 30,000 systems every month might range from
$500 million to $2.5 billion, depending on the size of the system. Furthermore, the production
must adhere to the most recent technology in order to assure the product's tight manufacturing
procedure. [38] (
The company has used its technological capabilities and know-how in fine optics, precision
mechanics, microelectronics, and fine chemicals to create innovative and modern goods that
outperform competitors in terms of quality. [39] (
It is from the above that there is no threat of buyers in backward integration. Because a Canon
appearing on the market always requires the highest quality and is manufactured according to
standards. This partly proves the bargaining power of buyers LOW.
However, there are potential risks from this factor, so what should Canon Inc do to minimize the
bargaining power of buyers?
The company should build a large customer base, which helps to reduce buyer bargaining
power and increase product sales.
Always create a difference compared to competitors, innovations for products
Build relationships with loyal brand customers, and maintain with people who love Canon Inc.

e, Bargaining Power of Suppliers

This element analyzes how many suppliers a company can reach and how readily suppliers can
raise or lower the quality of their products. The more options a company has, the easier it is to
switch to a supplier who charges less or delivers a higher-quality product. [40] (
With the rapid development of society, social issues, environmental protection, human rights, and
labor are always paid attention to. Therefore, responsibility in the supply chain, and production is
always Canon Inc. seriously. According to Global. Canon, many manufacturers tend to outsource
assembly operations or other manufacturing processes to outside contractors, but Canon does not.
They always ensure the strictest standards in product assembly, Canon can also manufacture
components, parts, and materials themselves. From here, they set up branches and subsidiaries in
countries such as Malaysia, China, Taiwan, Vietnam, and Thailand,... Besides, Canon's production
sites have partnerships with thousands of suppliers to buy bulk components like electronic parts,
mechanical parts, units and materials. [41] (

Supply chain of Canon


However, there are cases in some countries where there is a shortage of suppliers. Mr. Kinya
Okada, Director of the laser printer industry coordination department of Canon Vietnam Company
shared that, if you look at the list of electronic components manufacturing, such as capacitors,
resistors or transformers,... Vietnam is completely absent. He also added: "We want to buy parts
made in Vietnam to produce the final product...the opportunity to join the list of suppliers for
Canon of Vietnamese enterprises seems to be expanding, but it is very difficult". [42]
Based on the data presented above, the bargaining power of suppliers is assessed as MEDIUM.
Because Canon Inc. always ensures high-quality products and have a production supply chain.
However, the number of suppliers varies depending on the country in which Canon Inc. is present.
If the number of suppliers in the enterprise is more, this indicates that suppliers have less control
over high prices. On the contrary, if the number of suppliers is small like in the Vietnam market,
Canon Vietnam may be forced to negotiate on price.

Given the threat to a supplier's bargaining power, Canon Inc. should design strategies to mitigate
this competitive factor.
Canon Inc. should cultivate partnerships with numerous suppliers.
Create specialized suppliers whose livelihood is dependent on the enterprise. This is analogous
to the strategy of Wal-Mart and Nike, which build third-party manufacturers whose business is
totally dependent on them, resulting in a situation in which these third-party manufacturers
have substantially less bargaining leverage than Wal-Mart and Nike. [43]

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